#Henrik Von Schneeplestien x reader
unlikely-cypher · 4 years
Thought of this prompt at random, just a typical day at the mall with Schneep where he encounters someone he would rather forget. AKA: comfort your comfort characters. 👏💚
Schneeplestein x reader.
(Because I'm always on my bullshit)
-It had been a hectic week so you and Henrik decide to head to the mall for some much needed retail therapy.
-He's not one for shopping but joined you anyway because he wasn't going to turn down spending more time with you.
-(Not that he would outwardly say that, he simply needed more turtlenecks.)
-You end up finding everything you wanted and then some, Henrik offering to carry your bags like the class A boyfriend he is. 
-You eat some food and grab your favorite flavor of boba tea at the food court, then afterwards you ask him to watch your stuff so you can run to the bathroom. 
-He messes around on his phone while he waits for you to come back before hearing an all too familiar voice that makes his blood run cold. 
-"Hey there Henny! How have you been?" Its his ex wife. Panic sets in as she approaches. 
-"What do you want." He tries to make it sound like her presence isn't affecting him but it's been so long since he's seen her. 
-She broke his heart, left him for her tennis instructor, wouldn't let him see the kids, and the pain still lingered despite how happy he was with you. He feared you'd leave him just like she did despite your constant reassurance. 
-"Just wondering how you suddenly have all this time to take your new significant other out for a night on the town but didn't have any time to help me raise our children." She glared down at him, now standing in front of the table he was seated at. 
-"You know how hard I worked to support our family." Henrik defended himself but his heart still sunk. He had overworked himself constantly, missing out on so many important milestones in his children's lives. 
-"Can I help you, bitch?" Your voice reached Henrik's ears and it was like the sound of the angels themselves. 
-"Who the hell are you calling bitch? Do you know who I am?" She snapped back at you. 
-"I dont know and I dont care but you're making my boyfriend uncomfortable so you should probably crawl back to whatever bog you came from." You rolled your eyes at the woman before grabbing a bag and Henrik’s hand. "Thanks for watching my stuff, babe." You gave him a wide smile and a kiss on the forehead before he stood up to join you. 
-"Just you wait until he puts his job before you." His ex wife called out to you as the two of you walked away. 
-"Are you okay?" You asked him as his hand shook slightly in yours. 
-"That was my ex wife. I'm sorry you had to see that." He sighed. 
-"I know who she was, she had no business making you feel like that and doesn't deserve the time of day from you." You stopped walking and turned towards him. "Look at me and breathe. Everything is gonna be okay."
-He stops for a moment and breathes deeply. Once he stops shaking he leans down and kisses you, his lips gentle but firm. 
-"Are you okay?" You ask against his lips, your eyes searching his ocean ones for any sign of left over anxiety. 
-"I am now." Henrik gave you a small but genuine smile. 
-"Good, we've got alot more shopping to do." You chuckled before pulling him along behind you.
I hope you enjoyed!! Requests are always open! :)
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Could you make an angst Henrik? Like, someone comments about something Henrik's insecure about
I’M DOING MY BEST! (Henrik Von Schneeplestien X Reader) Requested
Thank you dooperboopers for requesting and I hope you enjoy.~
Note 1: Can be read as platonic or romantic. ;)
Note 2: Spoilers for the Ego Lore.
Henrik had been busy for 2 weeks so the other egos decided to literally drag him out of his office to have him join board game night.
“I do not see zhe point in dragging me out here for some stupid board game,” Henrik muttered bitterly. 
“Hey, Candy land isn’t stoopid, it’s a classic that deserves our time!” Chase argued as he moved his character across the board.
“I agree, plus it’s nice to play something with you guys,” You add, Henrik sighs and moves his character. Shawn rolled his eyes at how grumpy the doctor was.
“If ya want to play something else, we can,” Shawn commented a tad annoyed. 
“Like?” He inquired.
“Operation,” Henrik tenses slightly. 
“No, let’s just continue,” He muttered.
“Whaaaat? Ze Great Henrik Von Schneeplestien refusing to show off his skills?!” Anti mocked, Henrik glared.
“Guys don’t-” You’re cut off by Marvin.
“Surprisingly, Anti has a point. Where’d the good and confident doctor go?” He asked, a bit concerned.
“Let’s just drop the subject and keep playing,” Henrik growled lowly.
“Nah, I say we switch to Operation! That sounds a hell of a lot better than Candy Land, no offense Chase,” Jackie pipes up.
“None taken! While CandyLand is a classic, Operation is the UBER classic! And it'd be great to see Henrik’s rad surgical skills!” All the egos started agreeing and talking about Henrik. He silently got up and left, returning to his office.
You happened to notice the good doctor slip away amongst the chaos and decided to follow him, asking Chase to play for you. You knock on his office door.
“Henrik? Are you okay?” There’s a few moments of silence before Henrik responds.
“E-Everyzing is fine, I just remembered I needed to do something important. You don’t have to vorry, go join the fun,” He says awfully cheery, almost to the point it sounded fake. You frown and cross your arms.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Is this about what the others said? I swear I’ll-”
“I-I’m fine Y/N,” His voice cracked and it sounded a lot sadder than last time, scolding the other egos would have to wait. You reach your hand for the door handle and turn it, only for it to stop not even half way. Locked, fantastic.
“Henrik, are you really okay?” You ask gently, there’s silence.
“I’m here for you if you need to talk, I’m not leaving you alone with whatever’s troubling you,” You announce as you sit down next to the door. You could hear Henrik approach the door and stand there, almost as if he was hesitating.
“I… Vould you be villing to listen?” 
“Of course,” Silence once more before you hear shuffling behind the door, Henrik seems to have sat down by the door.
“I… Scheiße… Vhere do I even start…?” 
“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere,” Henrik takes a slow, shaky deep breath.
“. . . I’m not as confident as I used to be, before Jack’s operation I had all the confidence in the vorld… but now I wear a confident mask, before I begin to operate on a patient I’m panicking, vhat if I lose them because I’m an incompetent doctor? Vhat vould I tell their family…? Sometimes it goes away because I’m too focused on the patient, but other times… I need to ask someone else to take my place… I’m not as great as everyone says I am… I’m just a doctor with basic motor skills and hand-eye coordination…”
“. . . How long have you been feeling like this?” 
“A few months I zhink…” You shift yourself to be a bit more comfortable.
“Henrik, you’ve saved countless lives. Whether you believe it or not, you’re one of the best damn doctors out there. You’re compassionate and empathetic towards your patients and always ask if they want to try something out. I know what happened with Jack still hurts you and I don’t blame you, not one bit. You did your best and saved Jack despite the odds. You are in no way, shape, or form an incompitent doctor,” There’s a few moments of silence. A click enters your ears as you see the door open.
Standing on the other side is a disheveled Henrik on the verge of crying, you smile gently and extend your arms out for a hug. He collapses into you and buries his face into your shoulder, shaking, crying and whispering German under his breath. You wrapped your arms around the doctor and comforted him.
You’d ask him if he’d like therapy later, you’d worry about the other egos later. Right now you’d be here for Henrik and make sure he’s okay. You’ll always be his shoulder to cry on, you’ll always be there for him, and you’ll always love him no matter what.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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What I won’t write + Characters
I should have probably put this before the Frank x Reader, but since I forgot, I am going to keep this pinned. I have been trying to think of rules for this, and honestly I have no idea. There are only a few things that I feel uncomfortable writing which are these things 
~Needles ((As much as I love the docs, anything with needles makes my fight or flight mode happen so it’s just a big no))
 ~Eating disorders ((I haven’t done enough research on these, so this is a no for now. ))
~ F/o being the one who is abusing the reader/Abuse in general ((I can possibly do mentions of abuse, but this is still just not something I am comfortable writing.)) 
 This might be updated in the future, but this is all I can think of right now. If there are any triggers that you want me to add at any moment, please send me an ask and I will start tagging those.
Next is the characters. This will also probably be updated in the future, but for now, this is who I will write for:
Markiplier egos:
~Bim Trimmer
~Captain Magnum
~Eric Derekson
~Mark Iplier ((Actor))
~ Micah ((E-boy))
~Niko ((Cool Patrol))
~Wilford Warfstache
Jacksepticeye egos:
~Chase Brody
~Henrik von Schneeplestien
~Marvin the Magnificent
Crankgameplay egos:
Subway Surfers series:
Thank you for reading!
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Birthday Surprise
Requested: Nope! This is a birthday present to the wonderful Henrik von Schneeplestien!
Pairing: Henrik x Reader
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 907
Warnings: Language...
A/N: I got the idea fro this story from a post @beerecordings made! It’s not the greatest, and I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it!
Henrik didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. He specifically told everyone that there were to be no birthday celebrations.
“No celebrations?” They thought. “What about pranks?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to drive him too far up a wall. After a 16 hour shift at work, you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the after-prank annoyance. 
But, they didn’t listen to the voice of reason. Then again, do they ever? You stuck to buying him a simple gift. A coffee mug that said “Best Doctor” and some of his favorite coffee to go with it.
They settled on calling the hospital on setting up a plan. A plan that the hospital and all his coworkers couldn’t pass up. After all, they needed to have some fun too. At what better way than helping make Henrik’s birthday one to remember?
They all went to bed early the night before. Henrik was suspicious, but he didn’t think they’d plan something away fro home. So,he woke up early, kissed your forehead, and snuck around the house to get ready for work. He made sure to walk to work, taking back-alleys and the most unpredictable route he could.
He makes it to the front door and looks around. He was in the clear. He grinned to himself, and walked to his office to look over his patients for the day. Billy Harris. Potential fractured wrist. 
He smiled to himself as he walked to the hospital room. This one should be easy for a doctor such as himself. He walked into the hospital room expecting to see someone in pain.
“Heya doc!” Chase said grin slowly turning to an evil smile. He was decked out in a hospital gown, tubes in his nose, and a fake IV in his arm. In his hands was a birthday cake.
Henrik shakes his head eyes rolling as he calls for security, only jokingly. Jackie comes waltzing in, wearing his finest dark sunglasses. Upon his appearance, Henrik groans, which only causes Jackie and Chase to laugh harder.
Henrik walks out of the room, leaving the two laughing their asses off. He walks off to his next patient and sighs happily, seeing that this is a normal patient, not a brother in disguise.
“I see the nurse hasn’t hooked up the IV. Let me go get that started.” Henrik calls for a nurse, only to be confronted by Jameson, dressed up as a nurse, mustache hidden under a surgical mask. And not just any mask, one decorated for his own birthday. 
Upon closer inspection, the “patient” sitting on the hospital bed was the new nurse he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet. He ran his hands down his face. “I swear on my grave, if this doesn’t fucking stop...” He let his sentence trailed off. 
He walked back to his office, only to see a passed out Marvin sitting on his chair, asleep. Marvin even had the audacity to drink his coffee! He got Marvin out of his chair and sat down to just work on some paperwork. 
While they were all nagging Henrik, you were at home trying to be normal and not get on your boyfriend’s bad side. You needed to rearrange the bedroom, so naturally you were doing anything but that.
You decided to go for a walk around town. You went to walk into the store when you got hit by a car. Not hard. Not really even enough to do any damage. Just enough to knock you down and make you hit your head. 
You sat up and looked up at the person, frantically apologizing and calling an ambulance. You weren’t exactly there enough to tell him you were alright, so you sat there and waited for an ambulance to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Guess you were going to bug him after all.
“Dr. Schneeplestein, we need you down in the E.R. We have a patient coming in via ambulance.” 
He looked over at the snickering Marvin. “If this is another part of your elaborate plan, I will fucking kill you.” 
He headed down to the ER, the others following him. You were already sat in a room, IV getting put into your arm.
You smiled slightly upon seeing Henrik. “Hey Henrik. How’s your birthday going?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Really? You too? Of all the people I thought would do this, you had to join the madness too?”
The others gasped quietly upon seeing you. “No... Not unless they did this without letting us know.”
The EMT walked in and looked at Henrik. “Patient got hit by a car. Nothing too serious as far as we could tell. Moderate concussion and a bit scraped up, but that’s it.”
“This wasn’t part of their plan?”
“Nope! However, I do know the entirety of the plan, so unless you do a good job, doc, I’ll help them evolve this idea.”
He shook his head. “I thought I said no birthday surprises!” 
You shrugged. “Oops? And, you said no birthday celebrations. Unless we’re celebrating my ability to attract danger, this is completely within the limits of what you said.” 
He laughed. “I guess this is true.”
You grinned. “Plus, I couldn’t just not see how this insanity was going. You must’ve wanted to kill them after the breakroom.”
“The breakroom?”
“Y/N! No! He hasn’t been there yet!”
“What did you do to the breakroom?!”
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unlikely-cypher · 4 years
~Snowy Days~
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x female!Reader
Tags: So fluffy 😭
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Henrik’s fingers turned the pages of the medical book softly. The fireplace crackled next to him, filling the room with its warmth. The girl sleeping in his embrace curled up closer into him, her hands gently gripping the soft fabric of his sweater. He paused his reading to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She sighed happily in return. His reading was starting to bore him but he didn’t dare move, this moment was too perfect. 
The cabin they were staying in reminded him of a place that was definitely home although he didn’t remember ever being there. The snow fell silently outside and he almost prayed they would get snowed in here so he wouldn’t have to leave. This weekend had been his getaway with her, away from the prying eyes of the other egos.
“I don’t tell you very often but I love you so much.” Henrik said in such a soft whisper he almost hoped she didn’t hear him as he brushed a stray hair out of her face. He hated being open with his feelings, it would ethier get him mocked by Marvin or remind him of the pain he had suffered at the hands of his ex wife.
“I love you too Henrik.” Her hands moved to play with the short hairs on the back of his neck causing his cheeks to flush. She kept her eyes closed and snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent to commit it to her memory forever. His usual scent of the hospital had been replaced with the musk of his cologne although the undertone of coffee was still there.
“Let’s stay here forever.” Henrik sighed, tossing his book gently to the coffee table but missing by mere inches. It hit the floor with a soft thud.
“They will die without us.” She chuckled softly. She thought of the last time she had left the Septic egos to fend for themselves, having returned to hear that Chase had only cooked dinosaur chicken nuggets and Paw Patrol™️ mac and cheese the entire week.
“They’ll manage. We can run away, stay in cabins all across Ireland and maybe we can go to Germany. We could chase after winter all across the world, maybe get married..." He trailed off, looking down at her.
“Henrik, there is no way in the unholy christ my ass is becoming Mrs. Schneeplestein. I love you but if I'm honest I don't even think I could begin to spell it!" Her eyes gently opened and met his ocean blue ones. His cheeks were dusted pink, and she questioned if it was from how warm it had gotten in the room or the thought of her with his last name. The soft glow of the fireplace and the dim lighting made the greys in his hair stand out a bit more. He adjusted his glasses with the tips of his fingers and smiled. 
“Well if that's the only thing stopping you…” He trailed off with a wink as a blush over took her face. She buried her face in his neck, trying to hide her blush and gather her thoughts. 
“I’m sure the six other people that live with us would also stop us.” She sighed. 
“Fuck them, I don’t want to talk about them right now.” Henrik huffled, gently pulling her from his neck.
“What do you want to talk about then?” She raised an eyebrow, the doctor closed the short gap between them, capturing her lips in the gentlest of kisses. 
“Ich spreche kein englisch.” He smirked, leaning down for another soft peck. 
Thanks for reading!!! This is my first real like fic thing ive posted on here and im so nervous! 😭
This story follows a whole bunch of headcannons that I have of the Septic egos living together. One day I'll go off about it more 👀
Plz let me know what you guys think and what egos you wanna see next! 💚
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unlikely-cypher · 4 years
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"I'm kissaphobic, Don't wanna get too close to you."
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x Reader Valentine’s Day Story.
⚠️Warnings: Slight cursing.
You walked down the hall of the hospital after delivering your mom’s laptop to her, ready to escape the halls of the hospital and go on with your day. You went to wave goodbye to the receptionist before noticing the big sign for the Valentine’s day flowers. Walking over and looking at them before gathering your courage and turning to her. 
“Hello honey! Did you wanna get a flower for your mom?” She looked up from her paperwork with a big smile. Everyone in the hospital knew your mother, she was one of the most well respected radiologists there. You would often come visit her for lunch and spend quite a bit of time with some of the other staff as well. 
“Actually I was wondering if I could get a flower for one of the doctors? Do I have to give it to them or do you guys do it anonymously?” You asked, ignoring the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Whichever you want! Were you looking to give one to Doctor Iplier and you’re too nervous? Trust me we get that alot this time of year!” She stood up and leaned against the counter with a heartfelt chuckle. 
“Actually uh, Doctor Schneeplestein…” You ruffled the back of your hair nervously, trying not to make eye contact with her.
“Oh honey are you sure? He’s quite against valentine’s day, wouldn’t even let us decorate his office.” She gave you a slightly concerned look.
“He just seems so grumpy everytime I see him and everytime my mom talks about him, maybe it’ll give him a reason to smile.” You finally met her eyes and her smile widened. 
“Bless your heart, that’s so sweet! How many did you wanna give him? It’s a dollar per rose.” She explained, spinning the pot so I could get a better look at the flowers.
“I’ll take a bouquet please! And could you tie the pink ribbon around it and can I maybe attach a note with my number? Sorry.” You chuckled nervously, her eyes lit up like Christmas as she put it all together. 
“No problem at all honey! I just hope it works out! It would be nice to not have to deal with his grumpy ass, maybe you’re the little spark of fire he needs. He used to be as good and charismatic as Doctor Iplier but ever since the divorce two years ago, he's been the worst!” She arranged the roses and handed you a tiny pink card and a pen. 
“There we go! I’ll deliver it to his office. Fingers crossed.” The nurse crossed her fingers at you after you paid her and went to leave. 
“Thank you.” Your face felt like it was on fire as you walked out and the cold February air hit your face.
~~~ ღ ~~~
A knock sounded on the door of Henrik's office and he didn't even bother to look up before telling them to enter. A nurse walked in with a dozen roses in a vase, a single pink ribbon tied in the center, when she didn’t say anything he looked up.
"Dr.Iplier's office is next door." He rolled his eyes before returning to his writing. 
"No, these are for you." The nurse smiled at him and placed them down gently on the corner of his desk. The red of the roses stood out like a sore thumb in his almost all white office. The only decorations, if you could call them that, was a picture of him and Doctor Iplier back in their college days and a finger painting Robbie had made for him that Anti had forced him to put up. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer." She teased. 
"Did they leave a name?" The doctor's cheeks flushed as he stood up and gently touched one of the pedals. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. Roses are a waste of money, they’re just dead flowers in a pot waiting to wilt forever.” he withdrew his hand with a gentle sigh. 
"Guess you’ll have to look at the note." The nurse turned around and went to leave before she added. "Y/M/N in radiology’s kid. The one with the H/C hair."
She paused as she watched Henrik’s face turn redder by the second. He had seen you around the hospital occasionally, you were always kind and funny when you spoke to him. Why would someone like you send someone like him flowers? You must be out of her goddamn mind, much like your mother, he thought.
"I know you don't like to talk about your personal life but if I may be frank with you doctor…” She stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “I think you two would be such a cute match. How long has it been since you've gotten out? I know you're still upset about the divorce but don't you think it's time you've gotten out and dated again?" 
He sat in shocked silence for a moment, when was the last time he had gotten out? Marvin was always bugging him to go out and try to find someone as well but no one really caught his eye when Marvin did manage to get him out. But now that someone had gone out of their way to give him flowers, and their number… the boldness of it had sparked something in him. You truly were on his mind more than he’d like to admit, he would often find himself wondering when you would return to the hospital. He had never pursued you because he was sure you already had a lover, and you were just being kind to him like you were to everyone else. Maybe one text wouldn’t hurt, he decided.
"I suppose so." He hummed, returning to his seat, cheeks still flushed. "Could you ask Dr. Iplier to handle my next appointment please, I'm gonna go out for lunch today. It's a bit stuffy in here." Henrik glanced out the window noticing the sunshine, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he held the tiny pink paper.
“Absolutely.” The nurse shot him a wide grin before leaving. As soon as the door closed behind her Henrik whipped out his phone, fingers gliding over the screen as he added your number to his contacts, checking it a couple times to make sure he got it correct. His nerves set in as he tried to think of anything to send before looking back up at the flowers. He settled on a picture of the flowers as well as a ‘thank you’ with a green heart, then he erased the green heart, put it back, erased it, put it back and sent it before he could overthink it. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited for your reply. 
‘No problem! Wanna grab coffee sometime? :)’ Your response came five painful minutes later and he sighed in content. It had been so long since anyone had made him feel like this and he would do whatever it took to make it continue. 
‘Name the time and place.’ He responded and placed his phone on the table and leaned back in his seat with a grin.
~~~  ღ ~~~
Three years later his office door slammed open, almost taking half of the picture frames off of the wall. The once barren walls were now almost entirely covered with pictures of you and him as well as some of his family, in each one Henrik was smiling. 
“Happy Valentine’s day Schnepper Pepper!” You placed a vase full of twelve scarlet roses and a coffee on the edge of his desk before moving around to his side to hug him.
“Remind me again why I ever texted you that day.” Henrik’s face heated up almost as badly as the first time he had gotten the roses as he placed his head against your shoulder. 
“Because you were a grumpy asshole and now you’re still a grumpy asshole but you’re my grumpy asshole.” You explained as he lifted his head again to look at you. 
“Mmmh.” He rolled his eyes then pushed you off him slightly to reach under his desk to pull out an almost matching bouquet of pink roses. “And I unfortunately always will be.” 
“Good.” You gently placed the roses on the desk then grabbed his cheeks giving him kisses all over as he tried to fend you off with giggles. The nurse walked by the office quickly but peaked in for a moment with a smile, glad everything had worked out in the end. 
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Savior (Henrik Schneeplestien X Reader) Minecraft AU
This one-shot was inspired by clan warrior-tumbly. I’m not tagging them cause I don’t wanna annoy em and they don’t write for egos anymore (As far as I’m aware)
The grass was flattened every time you took a step. You had been walking for a few hours hoping to find the infamous Dr. Henrik Von Schneeplestien, an alchemist who used his knowledge to help those who were sick or in need of help.
But that’s not why he was infamous, he was infamous for being half endermen which made collecting stuff for his potions a heck of a lot easier. You weren’t looking for the doctor for any human patient, it was your dog that was in need of his knowledge. 
They hadn’t been eating and they were barely moving, this thought prompted you to go faster. Fortunately, you spotted a village in the distance and sighed in relief… Only to mentally slap yourself for realizing you had taken the unnecessarily long way to the village. You could’ve cut your walking time by taking the route you were going previously.
You shake your head and sigh, no use whining about it now. At least you had a quick way back. You approach a villager and tap their shoulder.
“Excuse me, do you know where I can find Dr. Henrik?” The villager nods and points to a shack far away from the village.
“Thank you!” You exclaim before speed walking towards the shack, knocking on the door frantically when you arrive. A few moments passed before the Enderman-Human Hybrid opened the door.
“Vhat is ze matter? Vhy are you knocking so frantically?” The doctor asks, you stare at him in awe before clearing your throat and explain what happened. The doctor tensed after you were done.
“I don’t know… I’m not sure how my potions vould affect animals…” He muttered with uncertainty.
“Can you at least try?” The doctor stared down at you for a long time before sighing and teleporting away from the door. Blinking in surprise, you enter the shack to see the doctor teleporting around, grabbing ingredients and putting them in the brewing stand while you watch in awe.
Once the potion was brewed, he handed it to you slightly embarrassed, not used to having people watch him work. 
“Here, zis should hypothetically help your pupper,” You smile and gently take the potion.
“Thank you so much!” You say before running off, Henrik sighs and nods to himself before closing the door.
A week passed and Henrik hasn’t seen or heard about you. A knock resounded through his home and he opened it, surprised to see you there holding a basket of bread, cakes, cookies, and some bottles of milk.
“Vhat is all zis?” He asked, confused, you just smile brightly.
“You potion worked wonders! So, as thanks I decided to bring some stuff for you!” You explain, handing him the basket.
“Oh, and my pupper wanted to say thanks too!” Before Henrik could question it, a dog sprinted from behind you and was on Henrik, yipping and licking his hand. Henrik chuckled and pet your doggo’s head.
“Thank you again, I’ll be going now since you’re probably super busy. See ya later!” You turn and begin to walk away with your doggo following closely behind. Henrik looks at the treats in thought before sighing.
“Vait,” You stop and turn to face him.
“I uh… Vould you like to come in? I mean, it’s been a vhile since anyone really… treated me like an equal,” He explained, you frowned for a split second before smiling.
“Of course!” You extend a hand.
“My name is Y/N, what’s yours?” Henrik blinks and takes your hand, shaking it.
“Henrik Von Schneeplstein, but you probably already know that,” You grin.
“Still doesn’t hurt to properly introduce yourself. Now come on, those treats aren’t going to eat themselves!” Henrik smiles as you walk in with no hesitation, he grabs the basket and leads you to his table where you two begin to eat and have a chat while your doggo sat nearby yipping on occasion. 
Looks like you both made a friend!
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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