#Here's another one of my long rants about Stydia
hepaidattention · 3 years
I just want to know how people think Lydia didn't have feelings for Stiles until s6
Like. How?
The thing is the creators didn't want their relationship to be this big, dramatic side story with Lydia pining over Stiles and Stiles pining over Lydia. They just wanted them to be friends, and that friendship turning into something so much more.
Once we hit s3 you can literally watch Stiles no longer crushing on her. Instead its a pure love for one another. They care for one another deeply, and it doesn't have to be romantic and that's good. It started out pure and platonic and yes Stiles always loved Lydia, but he never pushed it because he valued their friendship more.
One of the first ever Stydia scenes is when Stiles is standing there telling her they have an unspoken connection and Lydia ignores him. It was like the writers were telling us what was to come for the next 6 seasons.
They state that Lydia and Stiles have an unspoken connection numerous times. Stiles is clearly aware of it, and Lydia too, but they don't speak of it. They ignore it.
Deaton flat out says they have a connection. Scott (twice) and Malia straight out say they have a connection.
They imply they have a strong connection in scenes throughout the show. The most implied being the scenes in 3b when Stiles is going through hell and Lydia is too, emotionally and mentally. And in s6, when she can see and hear what Stiles hears and sees when he's missing.
They didn't just write that Stiles and Lydia had a connection all of the sudden in s6. It was there when Lydia screamed in her car because Stiles was struggling with the nogitsune, or when Lydia knew Stiles was in the basement of Eichen House literally because HE WAS DREAMING THAT and HE THOUGHT he was there. She wasn't connected to his physical location like most her banshee moments. She was connected to where he was mentally and emotionally.
In 3a we watch Lydia literally kiss Stiles because she was so freaked over his pain she didn't know what else to do. There's very little evidence that holding your breath would help someone with panic attack, and doing something even more surprising and making his heart rate spike probably wasn't the best method of helping. However, she wasn't thinking. She acted like she was because she's Lydia. But Lydia kissed him because it was instinct, because they have a connection, and when they pulled apart her face said so many things. All of which pointed to love, not indifference.
Lydia's love for Stiles was slow and gradual. That was the point. Their connection led to her love for him, and I think Stiles' love for her led to their connection.
Most importantly, after episodes upon episodes I could name of them worrying for each other, (for Lydia making it clear she doesn't want a serious relationship with anyone after Jackson, after clear flirting with Parrish because well Stiles had moved on in her eyes and also they could relate to each other on another level - plus he was hot I meaaaaan) after episodes of them holding hands, after episodes of them going to each other for comfort first, after episodes upon episodes of them looking at each other like they hung the moon and stars, and episodes upon episodes of a drift between them that was not just hard for us to watch, but clearly hard for the characters to endure, we finally get s5. How could anyone watch this season and say Lydia didn't have feelings for Stiles?
Before then I get it, it was all subtext. But s5 literally had Lydia and Parrish always flirting, but Lydia never taking any initiative. S5 has Stiles and Lydia teaming up again, and constant worrying for each other. S5 has Lydia being taken to Eichen House and Stiles rescuing her. (Notice how Stiles would do anything to save Lydia, a human, while Parrish, a cop and a hell hound, was iffy on trying to save her). S5 has Lydia in torture and still telling Stiles to go because he could get hurt. S5 has Lydia seeing Stiles come rescue her and her face not screaming thank God I'm saved, but how much she loves him. She looks at him like she had been dreaming of this rescue for weeks, and it felt like a dream. She looked at him like he was the stars and she was the scientist studying them. She looked at him with pure love and admiration. And she still told him it was too dangerous. She still wanted him to be safe before herself.
The rest of the episode is the same way. People act like Lydia realizes she loved Stiles out of nowhere, just all of the sudden in s6. Lydia loved Stiles for a while, stated in s6 that she started having feelings for him in 3a when she kissed him. You can see those feelings when she's jealous of Malia, or worried for Stiles. And you can see her realizing how much she loves him in s5, when he rescues her from Eichen.
The thing is Lydia's character was never the type to be outwardly emotional about that sort of thing. They made it clear the whole show she hated being vulnerable, and Stiles made her feel vulnerable, so she put up her guard when it came to her feelings for him. She also made it clear that Jackson broke her heart and love was hard for her now. He was literally abusive, she needed time. And Stiles knew that. She dated Aiden but it was hardly a relationship at times and she knew that. Yes she cared for him but it was never serious. Yeah she had a crush on Parrish but she never even acted on it because that kind of stuff wasn't her concern and honestly love had been hard for her. But those were crushes, attraction. Lydia could voice she was attracted to a guy. But voicing that she loved them? The last person she told she loved abused her emotionally and physically at times, and then moved off to London. Love wasn't an easy thing to confront.
After he saves her things change between them. Yes they're still friends but their relationship feels different now. More vulnerable. More open. More loving. Once we get to the premiere of s6 we literally find out that they spend most their nights together with Stiles dragging her out of bed for some "supernatural" thing that they both know isn't really anything to concern about. She knows they're not something real, and she goes along with it anyway because it's Stiles and they're both single. God I wish I could have seen that summer of them bickering and flirting all those nights.
They even spend walks outside together apparently, discussing supernatural things as they literally just walk outside during a night time stroll? Like they literally weren't going anywhere. They were just walking together. And their relationship had advanced so much at this point that Stiles had the guts to not only tell her he wanted to kiss her but actually kisses her on her cheek, considering she literally told him not to and he still had the guts to do it anyway. And Lydia's face when he does kiss her on the cheek? It's like a light bulb hits. It's like suddenly she realized she kinds wanted him to kiss her cheek again.
The thing is s6 was setting up for a season of Lydia realizing, fully, that she loved Stiles and that she wanted to be with him. I believe that if Stiles hadn't been taken, the season would have gone down more like a slow burn. Because yes Lydia loved Stiles, but it would take a lot for her to fully admit that. When he tells her he loves her she doesn't say it back, and part of that if because she doesn't have time but a huge part of that is because Lydia is a stubborn ass that had commitment problems and she had a hard time admitting they were true. That she loved Stiles Stilinski. Her best friend.
However, when memories of him are taken, the only thing that's holding onto him for her is their connection and their love for one another.
There's no more doubting-Lydia over Stiles because the only thing that she can remember is that she loves him. Something she always knew, but refused to admit. But now it was all that was left. How was she supposed to know she was supposed to pretend she didn't like him? She couldn't remember that. All she remembered was how he made her feel, and how she felt with him no longer here.
The story line of Lydia and Stiles is literally that Lydia was too stubborn to admit she had feelings for Stiles, feelings that we see glimpses of all the way back to s3, and the only thing that made her admit them was literally everything being stripped away but her feelings.
Lydia Martin was in love with Stiles Stilinski for much longer than just s6. She just needed a push to realize/admit it.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader
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Ch. 2 - The Proposal
a/n - hey lovely people!! here goes chapter 2, and this is where things really start to get interesting... enjoy;)
read ch.1
Summary: You help Colin with some Christmas decorations, but it turns out he does have one more thing to ask you...
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: curse words, innuendos
After Colin left to try and get a tree, you went back to your apartment to tidy up a little and write cards to give out. You wrote all the big ones first, for your family and close friends, and then wrote the ones for coworkers and other people for whom a simple "Merry Christmas" would suffice. It was a little extra to write cards for all the presents you gave out, but it wasn't too much of a bother.
You were just putting the cards in place when you heard a knock on your door. "Just a second!" you yelled out and finished with the cards.
You opened the door to reveal Colin, smiling. "Let's go," you said, locking the door behind you and going with him to his apartment across the hall.
When you entered you were greeted by the sight of a little tree in the living room, but more importantly with the delicious smell of takeout. You were painfully reminded you hadn't had dinner yet when your mouth watered at the smell.
"I got some takeout on my way as well," said Colin and made his way to the kitchen. "You want some?" he yelled.
"Yeah, I'd love some," you said, grateful. You started to look at the pile of decorations on the couch, wondering where it would be best to put each one.
Colin came back with two very delicious smelling plates, one of them you accepted before sitting down on the couch beside him. You ate and chatted a bit. He asked you a little about your job and you ranted about your shitty boss for a bit.
"Well, lucky for me I'm the boss of me. And I gotta say, I'm a pretty great one," Colin replied, smirking.
"Oh yeah, how's that going for you?" you asked. A week ago, you had seen him in the park with some kid and he tried to hide from you. "The babysitting business must be thriving with you in it," you grinned.
"Ha ha," he replied dryly. "For your information, that was my nephew, and I definitely did not get paid for that," he grimaced slightly. "But my actual work, which is music, is going great, thanks for asking."
"I'm glad," you chuckled.
When you finished your dinner, it was time for decorating. At first you were hesitant, asking Colin if the place was okay for every single ornament you hung, but you quickly realized he didn't really care, and started getting more and more confident. Eventually, you were telling Colin where he should put the stuff he was hanging.
At some point Colin started to put on some music from his phone, blasting a cheesy Christmas playlist. You started mindlessly humming along, and so did Colin. Gradually, you both started swaying to the beat, until eventually you were both just dancing around, singing at the top of your lungs. You grabbed a candy cane and started using it as a mic, offering it to Colin every other line, and he gladly sang into it, laughter dancing in his eyes.
When the song ended you both collapsed on the couch, side by side, each breathless to some extent. You looked at him and started laughing, and soon he joined you, your laughter booming through the apartment. Another song was playing now, but he lowered the volume so you could speak comfortably.
"Wow, you really are musically talented," you said once your laughter had died down, "I'm impressed."
"Thank you, thank you!" he got up and bowed with a flourish, waving at an invisible crowd. "You're not too bad yourself," he said once he sat back down.
"Thank you!" you said, your hand on your heart, feigning deep gratitude. "It means so much when an expert like you says that," you rolled your eyes.
"You sound like my mom," he raised his eyebrow and reached for his beer on the table, taking a large gulp.
"I can't tell if that's good or bad," you chuckled.
"Definitely bad. She's still waiting for me to give it up, and so is my entire family. They seem to forget I've been doing this for years now. My mom is very adamant that it's a phase. She is, of course, forgetting my expertise, as you framed so nicely," he said with a bitter smile.
"Sounds like a lovely lady," you smiled.
"Yeah. I love them but loving them from afar is easier. Soon they're gonna be here, so don't be surprised if you hear some shouting," he smiled.
"Why would you shout? It's the holidays!"
"Exactly. It's gonna be all 'Colin, why don't you have a job?' and 'Colin, when are you gonna settle down with a nice girl?' like I'm a fucking baby," he took another swig of his beer. "And because I do have a job, and I tell them that, that's when the shouting begins," he said with a shrug.
"What about the nice girl?" you smirked, and Colin just looked at you with a puzzled expression. "I mean, you just told me your answer for the first question, but why don't you settle down with a nice girl?" you raised your eyebrow at him.
"Well, it's simple," he leaned closer, putting his hand on the couch beside you, "I like 'em naughty," he murmured and smirked.
"Okay," you rolled your eyes and pushed him away playfully. "I hope that's not what you're gonna tell your mom."
"No," he sighed in defeat, "but it's sure as hell what I'm gonna tell Andy," he smirked, "that jerk doesn't know what fun is. He was like that even before he got married. Pity," he shrugged.
"My perfect big brother. Perfect idiot if you ask me."
"You don't actually hate him that much," you said, convinced you were right.
"Not really," he admitted. "But he's a lawyer with a wife and a kid. You can do the math as to what expectations that sets for me."
"So you're jealous of him."
"God no, I wouldn't be a lawyer if you paid me in gold," Colin chuckled. "It looks so fucking boring."
"But you're jealous that he's getting your parents' approval," you remarked.
He stayed silent for a moment. "Maybe," he shrugged. "Whatever. It's not like that's going to change anytime soon."
"What, like you want it to? Colin, you've come to hide out in my apartment three times in the last week. I know enough to say you're not really looking for a girlfriend," you chuckled.
"I know, I know," he said, "but I kinda wish I'd have like, a girlfriend for the weekend, you know? Like a fake girlfriend to prove my family wrong, and then I'd go back to normal," he shrugged.
"Why not post an ad? People will do anything for money."
"I'm not buying a girlfriend!" he scrunched up his nose, "even I don't stoop that low. That's really fucking pathetic."
"Okay then," you chuckled, "how about ask one of your hookups?"
"Something tells me they wouldn't be up for it," he grimaced, taking another sip from his beer.
"Really? What about Stella from a couple of days ago? Two days isn't that long to ghost a girl," you shrugged.
"Oh, is that what I said her name was?" he furrowed his brows.
"Okay, I see your point," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I do have an idea… but you have to promise not to hit me if I tell you," he grinned. You contemplated it with a smile before motioning for him to go ahead. "Maybe… you could pretend to be my girlfriend for the weekend?"
You reached out to swat him but he dodged your blow quickly, "You said you wouldn't hit me!" he pouted.
"That's before I knew you were going to say something stupid! Besides, I didn't actually say anything," you objected, but crossed your hands on your chest nonetheless.
"C'mon, it'll be fun!" he smiled hesitantly. "What are your plans anyway?"
"Sit in my apartment and watch Christmas movies," you grumbled. "My family usually meets after Christmas, because 'roads are always jammed on the holidays', so I stay in."
"See? Your family's weird, so you can help me get my annoying one off my back!"
"Hey! Only I can call my family weird," you bumped your elbow into his side. "But I guess I don't have anything that much better to do," you said after a few seconds.
"Yes!" he pumped his fist in celebration, "I promise you won't regret it, baby," he leaned in and you rolled your eyes and pushed him away.
"Okay, Casanova," you chuckled, "but I do have some ground rules. First of all, PDA to a minimum, okay? No kisses," you raised your eyebrows at him and he pouted in response.
"Cheek kisses?" he asked.
"Maybe," you sighed. "Rule number two – no funny business," you gestured vaguely.
"What does that mean?" he chuckled.
"I don't know," you said, "just… be normal?"
"I thought the entire point of this was that I didn't seem like my normal self," he scratched his chin as if in deep thought.
"Well, I meant be a normal person in normal people standards."
"You got it," he grinned.
When you got back to your apartment, he escorted you to your door.
"See you, Colin. Goodnight," you smiled.
"Goodnight. And… thank you," he smiled back, "for saving my ass. Today and hopefully over the weekend."
"Don't thank me yet," you smirked, prompting him to chuckle. "Bye," you said as you closed your door behind you.
So… looks like you're going to have a very interesting weekend.
tell me your thoughts!! honestly i have mixed feelings about some of the dialogue in this one, because i really like it but at the same time idk... anyways i hope that you enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of your day<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12
A Very Colin Christmas Taglist: @janaygrant
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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zodiyack · 4 years
Born To Die
Requested by anon: Can you do a imagine with Tommy Shelby? A song fic maybe Lana Del Rey's Born To Die but fluffy and angsty?
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, *in Italian voice* mention of mafia stuff, mention of death, death not Reader’s or Tommy’s, fluff
Song: Born To Die by Lana Del Rey
Note: I can’t remember if they say how their mother died, I’m guessing it was when she gave birth to Finn, I dunno, I’m assuming so because...yeah idk. I hope you like it!
Lyrics = Bold + Italic | Memories = Italic | Thoughts = Apostrophe + Italic + Apostrophe
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @stydia-4-ever, @matth1w, @redspaceace, @simonsbluee, @jenepleurepasbaby, @peakysputain​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Feet don't fail me now, take me to your finish line. Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take, but I'm hoping that the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine.
Walking through the city streets, is it by mistake or design? I feel so alone on a Friday night, can you make me feel like home if I tell you you're mine?
Tommy sighed, watching the woman he loved walk angerly out the door of his office. He informed her of the Changretta’s vendetta and how she would need to leave him to live. He told her that he didn’t care whether or not she wanted to, that it was his decision because he was the one the Italians wanted to kill.
“I can fend for myself!”
“I don’t doubt that, love, but you need to leave.” He looked away, the quivering of her lip too much for him to handle. Tom almost cried, his eyes were watery and his heart was aching, he really didn’t want it to come to this. “Maybe being able to protect yourself will keep you alive if you ever need-”
“Whatever. I’m not leaving. I’ll just go home until you can change your mind or learn that I’m no coward. Perhaps when you do choose the right decision, you could come stay with me. Otherwise, enjoy your time here, Husband.” Venom dripped from the word, hitting him hard as he watched her spin around, grab her coat, and hurriedly stomp out the building. 
Y/n smiled slightly, only for a moment, responding to the sorry expression Lizzie gave her as she walked past. The smile soon dropped from her face, showing that it was only for Lizzie to see, that she too was sorry. The woman flinched as the doors slammed, rubbing the sides of her head with a deep sigh.
“Thomas. She’s right, ya know. I’ve seen that girl do some extraordinary shit. Think about it.” With that, Lizzie followed Y/n’s actions, quieter and calmer, but still leaving him to drink his sorrows away while he “thought” about everything.
He downed another shot. What had been? His hundredth shot? His desk was already a mess, his office no better, and his heart still bared the burden of knowing Y/n would either be hurt by him or hurt by the mafia. There was no loophole this time.
The girl he thought of made her way to her old home, drenched in the rain, and utterly tired. Mentally. Emotionally. Slightly Physically. She knew exactly what she was getting into; Shelby business usually always had guns involved. Pol often told her that Tommy really did love her, that he was just stubborn.
Y/n laughed mockingly. Thomas was stubborn, but stubborn could be broken with choices. So that’s what she gave Tommy. Two of the hardest choices she’d ever thrown at him. Y/n grew worried as she neared her home, the feeling in her stomach and heart. ‘What if he doesn’t follow?’
She halted in her steps, turning and looking around. He wasn’t there.
Her walking continued, this time feeling very, very, very, very, alone. Each time she passed a block, knowing she was nearing her house, she felt all hope leave her body. She felt strength, bravery, and faith deteriorate as her heart slowly tore in two.
The door to her house taunted her. It’s readiness to be opened, to have her brain laugh in self-mockery, to tease her about how stupid she was to believe Tommy would actually care.
Or maybe- he’d be behind the door. Raced her to her home to prove her wrong with a pleasant surprise. Her front door was full of tricks, and her heart was pounding with anticipation.
She opened the door, revealing the nothingness of her home. It’s interior dark and Tommy-less. Y/n didn’t know what to do. Her plan to hurt him just a little backfired into hurting her just a lot. The couch was her bed that night. She was alone.
Tommy failed her.
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry, sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough I don't know why. Keep making me laugh, lets go get high, the road is long, we carry on; try to have fun in the meantime.
Come take a walk on the wild side, Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain, You like your girls insane, So choose your last words, this is the last time, Cause you and I, we were born to die.
Ever since that weekend, she’d been avoiding Tommy. She only stopped by their mansion to see Charlie and the other Shelbys, but other than that, she stayed in her old house. The Y/n Tommy knew was clinging onto the edge, praying he’d change his mind.
Tommy was too damn stubborn for his own good.
“Thomas. You have to apologize-”
“No, Pol. I don’t have to apologize nor admit that she’s right. You know why? Eh? Because she’s not. I will not have the woman I love get murdered in front of my own eyes, or at all. If Y/n is to die, I’d rather it be old age or peacefully in her sleep than by the son of the man who tried to kill her at our own wedding.” 
He knew the mafia would make it harder to prevent deaths, which he’d learned from John, and Y/n would be shown no mercy by Luca, so he took his time, for once, to think about his options.
“See? She’s escaped death once, who’s to say she won’t laugh in his face again?” Polly scoffed at her nephew, walking out the door to visit Y/n like she’d been doing for the past few days.
Y/n needed company, and Polly was the perfect person for it. She made Y/n tea and helped her unwind, allowing her to know more of her past than her own family member did. Y/n ranted to Polly, about the things she missed and the things she didn’t. About the things that made her want to lash out and the things that made her want to cry with joy.
“How’s Tommy?” Y/n spoke through sniffles.
“Horrible, still a stubborn bastard. But lets not focus on his actions in the now. Instead, why don’t you think of the things you love...no, loved, about Tommy, more specifically, how he was before the paranoia caught up to him?”
“I mean, can you blame him? His brother was-”
Polly pursed her lips, hinting to Y/n that she was not in the best of moods to be discussing anything of John’s death. Y/n stopped, looking to Pol, waiting for her to continue. “Tell me, what did Tommy do to win you over?”
“He was... kind. And very caring.”
A small boy chased a smaller girl through the woods, their bare feet crunching the leaves under them, cold air nipping at their noses and uncovered parts of their skin.
The younger girl cried as she tripped over a branch in the path. Only nine, she was sure she’d fallen in love with the twelve year old boy. He’d been sure of the same thing as well.
“It’s okay, Y/n, I’ve got you!” He raced over, jumping skillfully over the wood and dropping to his knees. His hands reached for her leg, she hissed in pain and brought her leg back towards herself. “No, you have to let me see it if I’m to help.”
“Promise you won’t hurt it more?”
“I promise.” The boy smiled brightly up at the girl before inspecting her leg. When he discovered it was nothing major, he pressed a chaste kiss to her injury, then helped her up and onto his back.
“He knew just how to make me laugh..still does,” she chuckled quietly.
“Thomas! I can’t believe you did that!” The teen girl gasped at her admirer, his story being more amusing than he’d thought. It was a relief. “Polly must’ve been pissed!”
“She was. Told me to stop doing the impressions, that it was disrespectful. But John enjoys it, so Aunt Polly doesn’t have to know everything...” They stopped, Y/n put out her cigarette and pulled Tommy’s from his mouth, putting it out as well. “It’s um..raining.”
“I know.” Y/n smirked at the boy, biting her lip shyly before extending her hand, “May I have this dance?”
“Isn’t it the boy who asks the girl?” She rolled her eyes playfully, Thomas joining her in their laughter, “Fine fine, yes, you may. As long as I lead.”
“Can’t promise you anything, princess.”
Tommy gasped, feigning offence, “Oh you didn’t-”
“Oh but I did.” Her smile made his heartbeat rush, the blush on her face mirrored his, and the dinosaurs in their stomachs evolved into giants. Once butterflies, now giants, their teen crushes never hesitated to bring them closer.
They danced, Y/n’s dress sticking to her skin like Tommy’s dress-shirt. They’d came from the church, Tommy’s story about how he talked to John in the preacher’s voice, and their Sunday Bests were now soaked with the skies tears, which their melody came from.
“Y/n?” She nodded in response. “Lets run away. Together.” He dipped her, and then pulled her back up to see her reaction. A wild, even mischievous, smile rested on her lips before he leaned forward to join their grins in a rough kiss.
“Polly will kill us, you know?”
“Oh I don’t doubt that for a second.” He pulled away from her, twirling her with his hand and basking in her giggles, “So I suppose we should think of what our final words’ll be, huh?”
Lost but now I am found. I can see but once I was blind. I was so confused as a little child, Tried to take what I could get, Scared that I couldn't find; All the answers honey.
She winced, crying out in emotional pain as the priest slapped Tommy. Pol collected her nephew, but no one came for Y/n. She was going to give up, allow the church to take her wherever they planned, but the door opened again. Polly waited by it.
The older woman blinked in surprise as the teen wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. “T-thank you.”
“You’re very welcome dear. Now, come along, we mustn’t stall.”
Ever since that day, she’d been so bothered with the curiosity of what led Polly to help her. Even now, as an adult and married to a Shelby, she was confused. Polly was still helping her, even though she wasn’t on the best terms with Tommy.
“Why?” Pol looked up. “Why’d you help me that day? Did Tommy ask you too?”
Polly thought back, smiling and shaking her head. “No.”
“Then what made you help me?”
“Nothing, Y/n. I just... I just felt the need to help. Thomas had no say in the matter, as he believed your parents were coming. I believe I... I could see his love for you. The way he looked at you, the gleam in his eyes when someone brought you up, the pep in his step whenever he went where you were. Tom was happy, and that was important... especially when their mother passed.”
Y/n nodded, a single, yet still sad, tear rolling down her cheek.
“Tommy? what’s wrong?” The 18 year old boy crawled through her window, eyes red and puffy. He mumbled something of his mother dying after giving birth to the youngest, and the last, Shelby brother. 
She felt her eyes well up with tears, knowing his pain and feeling the need to hold him close to her. 
And she did. His head rested on her chest as they drifted into a peaceful slumber, waking up with tear-stained cheeks, tired eyes, and matching red hazes across their faces.
She fell asleep with him that night. And the next. And the next. And the next. He continued coming over, crying to her, sometimes with her. Despite them not confessing their feelings for one another yet, they knew full well how in love they both were, after all, they’d kissed before.
1908 was a wild year.
But it was also the year they finally vowed to be together. The sooner three more years had passed, the sooner she’d be with the man she loved. She smiled, stretching as much as she could with a sleeping Tommy on her. The sunlight danced across his sleeping face, allowing her to admire him and all his beauty.
The sleepy smile on his face too. It showed how happy he was.
That, or how much he enjoyed the feeling of her nails combing through his hair.
Either way, they were both happy.
“That’s why I helped.”
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry, Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough I don't know why. Keep making me laugh, Lets go get high. The road is long, we carry on, Try to have fun in the meantime.
Come take a walk on the wild side, Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain, you like your girls insane, Choose your last words, this is the last time, Cause you and I, we were born to die. We were born to die We were born to die.
Come and take a walk on the wild side, Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain, You like your girls insane~
Luca blinked, blood in his eyes, as Y/n walked through the door and raised her gun. Thomas’ eyes widened; he was expecting Arthur, not his wife to push past him. And he certainly wasn’t expecting Arthur to just stand there, doing nothing to stop her. 
She smirked at the Italian before shooting him, the bullet passing through his head and hitting the barrel behind him. She didn’t so much as flinch as the gunshot rang throughout the building.
Changretta’s body hit the floor with a loud thud, splashing sounds following. Gin poured from the hole in it’s barrel, but no one cared. 
They were too focused on Tommy’s wife, who was tucking her gun away.
The woman looked at Tommy, a sigh of relief, possibly from the fact that he was still alive, escaped her mouth. She turned and left without saying anything.
He let out a shaky breath, speaking with pants every now and the,. “Tell your people in Chicago, that Michael Gray will sign the import licence to New York. 300 barrels of English dry gin a month.”
“Leave. All of ya. Tell your boss what you saw here today. Tell him...you don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders.” Arthur stepped aside once the men had left. “And uh brother? I believe you have your own business to attend to?”
Polly flicked Tommy’s ear with a shocked expression. It was not from Y/n killing Luca, though she did feel proud of the girl, but from Tommy’s stubborn dumbassery. “Quit being such a stubborn bastard and go after her, idiot!”
“Right-” He swallowed before nodding and rushing out of the building.
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry, Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough I don't know why. Keep making me laugh, Lets go get high, The road is long, we carry on, Try to have fun in the meantime.
Come take a walk on the wild side, Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain, You like your girls insane. Choose your last words, this is the last time, Cause you and I, we were born to die.
The slam of the door caused Y/n to stop and turn around. 
“What do you wa-” She started, only for her to be grabbed by the back of her neck and pulled into a kiss. Their lips fit together perfectly, dancing before separating for the horribly-timed human need of oxygen.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you-” Y/n cut him off, pulling him down by the lapels of his jacket. The rain began to pour, dousing the couple in a familiar melody. She pulled away, grinning widely. “Oh.. it’s raining. Should we head back ins-”
“I know.” She extended her arm to her husband, her action and interruption catching him by surprise. “May I have this dance?”
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
Ok, so at first I really liked the idea of stydia but like, when they actually got together I hated it? Does that make sense? But, yeah I liked it at first, especially when she kissed him to stop his panic attack. But I stopped liking it in season 5, or maybe 6. I don’t even know but they got together cannonly and I just didn’t like it? Sorry for ranting lol
okay, so here’s my thing with stydia
In season one, I liked it. Let’s be real, it was a pretty light-weight thing in S1, it’s just a nice little comedy fic about a kid who becomes a werewolf, it’s aimed at young to mid-teens, and it’s just fun, you know? So, having an unpopular and geeky smart kid who’s head over heels for a hot and popular heartthrob of the school who’s in a relationship with a jackass and has features that are only noticed by the geeky kid because that's the only person who truly sees them for who they are, and not their looks and status? Seems about fucking right, and we all ate that shit up.
Then, of course, season two comes around, and we all get a little bit tortured by it and that’s cool too, but there was some super cute moments and that was really nice, it teased us, we were like ‘is it going to happen, is it not?!’ but then Lydia was still falling over Jackson at the end and I totally understand where she’s coming from, but because she didn’t move on, it killed ‘stydia’ as a concept once again, right?
Then we get to the third season, and in the first half of season three, we get a lot of little teasing moments between them, not to mention that fact that she fucking kisses him, but by then, she’s also now with Aiden/sleeping with him/holding a light for other dudes, so once again ‘stydia’ is ruined because she clearly isn’t into Stiles, even a little bit. We’re starting to lose hope. Then Malia comes into the picture, and while I personally don’t go crazy over ‘stalia’ either, but her and Stiles had a connection.
Now, I liked Malia’s little story-arc as an individual - separate to Stiles - because it was interesting. During season four, we were shown her (Malia) developing as a person, and things were never going to work out with her and Stiles, really, because she didn’t even know herself as a person, she was finding out who she was, but Stiles was a huge part of that. Not to mention, Stiles being with Malia was him finally moving on from Lydia. He was also discovering himself. Stiles was no longer just “Scott’s best friend” or “the kid in love with Lydia Martin” or “the sheriff’s son”, but he was Stiles Stilinski, period.
By now, I’m over ‘stydia’. Stiles, for pretty much the first time in his life, isn’t relying on another person. Everything falls to shit for him in season five,  but he learns how to be independent in his feelings. Lydia also starts dating Parrish, that’s a whole thing, and so she clearly till doesn’t have feelings for Stiles. We get a few moments which a lot of people call ‘stydia’ moments, but honestly? In my opinion, that’s just a totally pure friendship forming, Lydia finally feels like she can really call Stiles a friend because he’s no longer in love with her, he just loves her like he loves Scott. It’s platonic, and sweet, and I loved that.
Then suddenly in season six, she loves him? Like, sorry, did I miss something? She went from no feelings for Stiles at all to suddenly being the only one that loved him so deeply that she was the one who remembered him? I THINK THE FUCK NOT. It was incredibly forced, and while Dylan and Holland acted it incredibly, the plot made me feel like it was neglecting his relationships with literally every other character in the show, while also overdoing the whole ‘stydia’ thing. 
The relationship between them in S6 genuinely made me cringe a little bit, because they’d strung it along and made ti as a friendship for so long that I looked at them more as best friends/siblings, so when they got into a relationship it made me feel like they were kissing their cousins. They felt more like a familial love by this point, and it stresses me out that they forced ‘stydia’ just for a plotline. 
We were strung along for so long that it’s evident that their intentions to make ‘stydia’ actually happen weren’t solid until they needed it for a plot, and so what could have been an awesome plot was really thrown off. It still could have been Lydia that remembered him, perhaps some kind of banshee explanation, I don’t fucking know???? But it was rushed, and forced, and in order to make ‘stydia’ happen they had to disregard every other relationship Stiles had, and all the newfound indepence and freedom he got after the ‘nogitsune issues’ in S4 and S5 was thrown away entirely because suddenly, he was once again relying on love for Lydia Martin to make his self-worth known. 
Lydia remembered the boy who had been in love with her for years, but Scott didn’t remember his best friend of over a decade? Malia didn’t remember the boy who helped her find herself? The sheriff didn’t remember his son? 
I’m sure that if it had been conducted better, and the threads had been back woven properly throughout the seasons, that I would love it. But, it's as rushed, and too much pressure was put on it, and so the relationship was really ruined as a concept. It had such good potential, and I loved it at first. I am not in any way stepping on it as a concept, but as an actual ship that sailed, no thanks.
But that’s just my opinion.
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My Top Ships of 2017
We all do it. You watch a show and automatically root for two people to be together whether it’s a “slow burn,” the introduction of a new character this season or between two people that barely share a plot line. It makes you continue to tune in episode after episode. Here is a list of my personal favorite ships for this year, 2017, from some of my favorite TV shows/series.
12. New Girl--Nick and Jess 
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Just about that time when your DVR recording was about to cut off (because you know mine did right before they kissed) Nick and Jess finally met each other in the elevator of their apartment building. I’ve always really loved the two of them together and as the show’s fate hung in the balance I was ECSTATIC that they readdressed their feelings in the finale. I’m super excited it was picked up for another season (the last one), but I would have been perfectly happy with this ending for the couple. 
11. Bates Motel--Dylan and Emma
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This couple is still one of my favorite reasons to watch Bates Motel. Yes, the show was a great re-imagining of a young Norman Bates and I loved the new take on familiar characters, but I also loved the new characters including Dylan and Emma. After season 2 I thought the two would be cute together. They had only a few story lines or rather scenes together, but my shipping brain was at it again. And then something magical happened! It’s like the writers could hear my thoughts and THEY GOT TOGETHER! And you know what? They were SUPER, BEYOND ADORABLE TOGETHER. In its final season there was a time jump and this happened:
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Needless to say I was over the moon. I’m still shocked they actually became a couple because I thought it would only be in my head. Love their ending and the family unit they created with their baby girl. 
10. Anne with an E--Anne and Gilbert
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The Netflix original series brought a bit of a darker spin on the lovable tale by L.M. Montgomery, but just like all of the previous adaptations of Anne of Green Gables this version did a fantastic job showing Anne and Gilbert’s relationship. While Gilbert isn’t introduced in the first episode of this series, I eagerly awaited seeing him on the screen and I was not disappointed in his interactions with Anne; from the spelling bee to the classic Anne breaking the slate over his head. Several characters could tell the chemistry between these two (including one of my favorite characters Jerry). Thank goodness they’ll be a 2nd season so we can see this relationship progress.
9. Chicago Med--Rhodes and Reese  
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Okay, so they might not ACTUALLY be together...yet (get on that writers!), but this year I discovered the ship between Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Reese from NBC’s Chicago Med. And I didn’t realize how BIG the fandom is! It was all thanks to season 2′s episode: Monday Mourning:
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There’s just something about these 2 that is just so great! Their chemistry--wow! They just don’t get enough scenes together. In the current 3rd season (that’s unfortunately only been 4 episodes before the hiatus) they’ve had a few moments together (aka conversations), but it’s not enough. They keep getting set up with different potential love interests, when the writers should notice they have a good thing going already! Okay, rant over. 
8. Victoria--Victoria and Albert
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After I finished binge-watching the first season of Masterpiece’s Victoria a few weeks ago, I was so sad there wasn’t more to watch. I needed more Victoria and Albert in my life. (Good thing the next season airs here in the US in a few weeks!) Going in, I didn’t know much about Queen Victoria’s reign, but was interested to learn more. I was pleasantly surprised with how addicted I got to the show, especially once Albert was introduced. I love how much they love and care for each other and know that rocky roads could be ahead, but am excited to watch the journey unfold. 
7. Grimm--Nick and Adalind  
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Another surprise pairing that I grew to LOVE! In Grimm’s second to last season, Adalind (ex-hexenbeast, turned human, then back--I think I got that right) was pregnant with Nick’s child. This “romantic” pairing could have been weird, but writers made it work and personally I fell in love with it. [It probably helped that Juliet was turning evil and then became Eve. Man if you listened to this and had no idea of the show it would all sound crazy.] The two made a great little family with son Kelly and I was shocked when Adalind’s daughter was fine with Nick. I really enjoyed these two together as the show came to a close earlier this year. Another piece of proof that sometimes two characters can be placed together after so many seasons and really work. But how could you not root for them with this adorable baby? 
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6. Reign--Bash and Mary
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Reign was one of my first binge-watches of the year. So, I know this couple might not [SPOILERS] end up together, but for me they were one of my TOP ships. Mary and Bash have a big relationship during the first half of season one and as much as I knew she’d wind up with Francis (the unfortunate ‘perks’ of watching an old show) I could only hope for all the Mash moments I could get. Mary was a hot commodity on the show and I think her and Bash were one of the best pairings. I’m happy with the way their story-line ended and liked Bash’s alluded help in season 4. Even though I would have loved to see him back on screen. This will forever be one of my favorite moments:
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5. Arrow---Oliver and Felicity
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After a roller coaster ride of a relationship, Oliver and Felicity are OFFICIALLY MARRIED!!! (I guess you can say twice?) It’s been a long time coming and I know not everyone is a fan of the IT girl and the emerald archer together, but I have liked the two of them since day 1. It was one of my shipping moments of ‘this probably will never happen, but a girl can dream.’ I watched that season 2 finale when Oliver tells Felicity Slade thinks he has the woman that I love, a DOZEN times! I took any moment I could get. While there’s moments I didn’t love on this long journey, I am happy to see the two of them together and I love Felicity and William’s relationship. I’m happy that this year’s crossover finally made it official. We deserve it!
4. The Vampire Diaries---Caroline and Klaus
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KLAROLINE!!! I have been a fan of this ship for SOOO LONG! And just like any good ship you take anything you can get. This letter to Caroline at the end of the series finale of the Vampire Diaries is JUST what fans wanted. (Plus, we had a few great moments in the season too; from Caroline bringing her girls down to see Klaus, and I still think about their phone call, which might be from the previous season.) My fingers are crossed and double crossed for the final season of the Originals that we might see Caroline (maybe more than once?? Is that asking too much?) I mean Hope is at the school and even though Klaus can’t see her we must find some sort of loop hole. We’ll just have to tune in and watch!
3. Supergirl--Kara and Mon-El
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Before the heartbreaking season 2 finale and Mon-El’s return this season (MARRIED!), we saw the growth of an extremely cute couple filled with bickering, banter, and plenty of couch sessions. I loved seeing Mon-El adapt to Earth customs and for Kara step up as a mentor. Early on I felt the pull between these two because their chemistry was fantastic (as shown by their real life off screen relationship). I am so happy I got the 2nd season on DVD for Christmas to relive all these great moments:
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2. The 100--Bellamy and Clarke
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Another ship I have shipped since episode 1. I’ve taken every little glance, conversation, touch. Being a Bellarke fan has taught you to not take anything for granted. (Especially when you have heard from the creator that they don’t intend for these two to end up together. Come on!) But season 4 gave us fans hope. They had several playback worthy moments and that finale! WOW! It’s the end of the world and he’s making jokes with her. They are both touching each other! (I still have chills just thinking about it!!) I can’t wait for this new season even though I know Bellamy is going to be with someone because they HATE us. In the meantime here are some big moments from last season!
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I wouldn’t be living up to this page if I didn’t make them my number 1 because they and we deserve it!
1. Teen Wolf--Stiles and Lydia
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It was a LONG time coming, but our pick was endgame, just like we predicted all along! Because the seasons were broken up I’m going to refer to season 6 as a whole (we deserved a lot more Stydia in the series finale, but that’s a rant for another day....) Despite, Dylan O’Brien not being around for more episodes due to his filming schedule, I think they did a nice job including him in the part A season. Sure, when I was watching it live I was pissed, but watching the episodes back I appreciate the moments we did get Stiles and how they included him in the season. Lydia and Stiles are one of my favorite couples of all times. I love their development, the chemistry between the two actors and strive to create characters who have such a powerful friendship and relationship. Here are some of the best moments from this year.
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So, that’s my top 12 ships of 2017! A lot of my top couples were from shows that ended in 2017, so I can’t wait to see what new ones I discover in 2018. Let me know if you have suggestions!
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thegreatmercutio · 7 years
Shadowhunters Drama-O-Rama...(a long rant and reflection)
First…the Malec Kiss was adorable…can’t wait to see the FULL Content…there better be a FULL content!!
…and now let’s rant about the drama. There’s two 10 seconds teasers…2 teasers…which means…it’s just a tease, not a full trailer…That’s all we’re getting at the moment…a tease. And yes, there’s more “seconds” of contents on some characters vs. others…and yet somehow a war began!!!…and old wounds are open again…and to be truthful the contents are not a surprise at all. (Jace is not Clary’s brother, Simon and Clary are dating…Malec relationship is expanding…Izzy is pushing Raphael away…Luke is standing intensively…nothing was really new, just random clips, don’t get me wrong as a Malec shipper, the kiss was sweet).
I am going to say this…because I feel like I need to put another side out there…agree or not, it’s doesn’t really matter to me at the end of the day…so here it’s goes…this show is not about JUST Clary…and her name might go first in the credits but it’s called “Shadowhunters”…not something like “Buffy the Vampire Slayers”…and even in Buffy, there were episodes that focused on the other characters and their development. It’s not, Clary the Shadowhunter…she is NOT the only main character and yes it’s not the Malec Show…but it’s NOT the Clace show either. True, the relationships are important and the characters are essential. But, this show does have a bigger theme. In general, it’s a supernatural show, about good vs evil…, etc. One of the plots coming up is the Downworlders going to be treated with restrictions…like today’s reflections on the immigration laws that we are currently living in.
This is not the books. It’s “based” off the books. I understand this might piss off a lot of the loyalists of the books, but they did attempt to do a movie franchise…but they failed. Even the movie took some “artistic license” and change things. It had the potential to be the next Twilight or Hunger Games…but it didn’t make the cut. Even with the failure of the movie, it’s still holds some potential to be something. So, When a series of books get pick up as a show, it opens more doors, meaning things are going to change even more. It’s also means there’s more room for more characters development and more storylines.
The books centered on mostly Clary…Jace, and Simon perspectives with Izzy, Magnus, Alec, Luke…etc…as the supporting characters. That’s the author’s choices. That was the books, this is not the books. The show will take parts and influences of the books, but it’s going to shine more light in other perspectives that wasn’t explored in the books…that’s a given. The creators, showrunners, writers, producers, directors…are going to make choices that will and “has” made many people either happy or really fucking pissed. That’s a given. Even the author called the show, “a fanfiction.” She knows what she sign her rights off to. Like Marvel, Star Wars…Disney owns them now. She has to know that, things will change. And her loyalists should know that too.
A lot of key aspects made it into the show…it’s not like the show abandon everything…like the main ships are there…they are in development. Climon did happen in the books before Clace. Clary is discovering and exploring her rune creating skills…Jace has Daddy’s issues…Alec is out and openly gay…Magnus and Camille trouble relationships…the Shadowhunters discrimination against the Downworlders…it’s not like it’s not there, it’s just delivered with different tones and directions.
So, yes it’s Clary’s perspectives and Clace is THE relationship in the books…but yet every popular polls, awards, and marketing has centered on the two LGBT characters. There’s a reason why and it’s very clear, very…VERY clear reason why…they are the most popular characters on the show, some people don’t have to like it but it’s fact. They are what most people want to see. Even non-fans, are aware of them. They are getting noticed, competing with big ships like Olicity and Stydia…basically…THEY ARE BEING CELEBRATED just like those other ships. And they should be.
So, if the Malec fandom is making some of you mad, that’s you’re prerogative. Most of the “negativity” comes from years and years of hurt. I know it’s just a show and it’s for entertainment, but you must understand that a picture say a thousands of words. When you were little and all those heroes and characters that you grew up reading about in school, watch on TV…in the movies,…on stage…they were always in the characteristics of the “default.” White and Straight…but you look at them and you look at you…sure you might relate to their morals, their journey…their struggles…but no matter what, you still never be their equal. You’re different and people won’t treat your story, the same as them. When will someone that looks like you get to be the hero, the main character? And when you see a guy like Magnus and a guy like Alec…as individuals and as a couple, it’s something special and the reactions to them, is heart warming and welcoming.
Do you know in 1989…when they created a new Robin for the Batman comics after the death of Jason Todd, Tim Drake…the creators wanted him to be Asian, but were told that the public won’t respond to him…won’t relate to him. So, he’s not. You heard about it before, we can’t get this person, they won’t sell tickets..that’s why in 2017, Scarlett Jo can play Japanese..and guess what? Her movie flopped and they lost $60 millions dollars in profit. And one of the executives of paramount even had admitted that their failure was due to the Whitewashing controversy and blamed the audience for spreading “the truth”. I am sure it was really hard for them to admit to that.
Now, currently the new Robin is Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s blood related son…he is canonically…Caucasian, Arabic, and Chinese…yet I have seen fan dream casting him…as White. That’s how some people respond…to years of being told that this is what the people want to see…but recently with the talks about the bat-family being created for the DCEU movies…and a possible Tim Drake being casted…fans are positively rooting for Ryan Potter…who is Japanese and White. See, people are speaking and demanding for change…just how people wanted Donald Glover to be the next Spider-Man…yet it didn’t happen but the people wanted him to be. It was massively trending. And he got a lot hate too, but there was a louder and positive support for him.
Alright, back to the program…
This isn’t new, there’s multiple fandoms with that one ship that’s stands out. This one ship is a big deal because, it’s an LGBT and an interracial relationship…and true, there’s other LGBT and interracial couples out there in the media, but are they getting the press, the mass acknowledgement, winning awards,…do they have a big fandom like this? A fandom that would trend them on multiple social media outlets. Name another couple with this representations with this massive love?…And they have been popular since the books, but they were never this popular until Malec were given flesh and pulses.
The most important thing is perspectives…telling people and reminding people that this show is about this person or that person, is meaningless and stressful. Because people are individuals with their own perspectives and they going to support what they want. If you’re there for Clary and Clace, you will get them…season 1 was very Clace focused…and Clary focused and if you’re there for Malec and want more Malec, you will get Malec…how much of it (we will see) and there are people who is still very angry with the choices that was made with Malec in 2a and some are not.
For me, I watch the show, I saw too much Clace…but another person will tell me…this is becoming the Malec Show. That’s what they saw vs what I saw. I saw 1 minute of Malec interaction scene in 1 episode and I was pissed. There was literally an episode where Harry had one scene…he called Alec for drinks…and that’s it. The rest was centered on Alec, Clary, and Simon interacting. And Luke…literally do I need to remind you about the treatment there. So, if you’re going to compare this and that. If you’re going to get Mad, because Clary isn’t getting the fair treatment because it’s apparently the Clary’s show, you jumping to privilege thinking and that’s a dark place to go…trust me, there’s plenty of Clary and Jace in the show…but the fame light is on Malec. It’s because the people, the fans that shined...that light on them.
So, I can be mad if I choose to be, when I did see less of this character and of this relationship…and yes, you also tell me that this is the Clary’s show and the Clace’s show…and that’s your perspective. That’s you. Be you. But also be open minded, Shadowhunters is a diverse shows…it’s aiming was to be open. It’s still has its flaws, but I hope it’s a show that’s listens to the fans. That’s a whole bag of another drama.
You can choose to be mad or passive, you can avoid the negativity, just scroll on by or follow people that think like you. It’s your choice. But why not be open minded…you are watching a diverse show. Why not understand that their aim is bigger now?
I wanted more Malec, to be honest…I had a good serving of Clace while reading the books. I like them, I ship them…and I care about them…and they will be there as much as the other characters are, but I want more characters to shine now. And there is room for more development for the other characters. It’s ambitious, but why the hell not!
When Leonard told Sheldon…don’t go thinking outside the box, but then go rub your ass against the side of the box…that Isn’t progress.
(This is nothing against the actors of the show, they really are sweet people and have been openly supportive of the representations…and my aim wasn’t to anti- this person or this ship…I just wanted to say this…if you don’t agree…scroll on by, might be a long scroll though).
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trueaxpha · 8 years
Please, this is just my own personal rant. This is NOT directed at any individual and I am not looking for a fight. I am simply getting my feelings and thoughts down in writing to help me vent. I'll ensure this is tagged appropriately and put under a 'Read More' to ensure it doesn't clog the dash and/or offend or annoy anyone with my ramblings.
 I don't know about you but I feel entirely betrayed by a series of which I've poured my heart and soul into over the years. I've smiled, laughed, cried, grown and very much enjoyed Teen Wolf for as long as I can remember. I always remember being so skeptical about the show, especially after it's release around the time of Twilight and other supernatural themed films and shows. I didn't need another grumpy, romantic, angsty teen flick in my life so I darted around the show until it's third season came to play and I needed something to fill the void Being Human left after it's final episode aired over here in the UK - another series I hold very deeply in my heart. 
 And no, before you start tutting and saying 'oh no, you're one of them that started at season three!' I didn't, instead they randomly aired an episode from the first series here in the UK. I must of tuned in around half way through the episode and it was the scene where Scott's trying to howl into the school speaker system and it'll always be the most memorable moment for me. Just in that small scene I got to see both Scott and Stiles' personalities and thought 'wow, these two are quite the little duo - maybe this isn't what I thought at all.' So, I checked out the season from the start - having to watch everything online because there was no possible way to watch the series here and suddenly I was hooked. I finished the first two season very quickly, before moving onto the third. 
 And the third season stole my heart. 
The acting, the storylines, the comedy, the character development and the way the introduced new characters to the fold worked so wonderfully. It was as if this series had found its feet. It's characters were strong and bold which a lot of teen dramas struggle with, most feel wishy washy and very centred around who's dating who and love arcs like that. Now yes, there have been love arcs from the start but they were done in such a way that they didn't feel too forced or felt fake. I admit, myself felt the Allison/Scott relationship felt a little forced in the first few episodes of the first season but was to be expected. However, it blossomed into this forbidden love that worked so well. I especially liked the way both went their separate ways: Allison/Isaac and Scott/Kira - both discovering more of themselves with these new relationships then coming around full circle again during the closet scene where both still clearly have feelings for each other and ultimately - Allison's Death. 
 Now, I'll be the first to admit and first to hold my hands up but when they introduced Malia as a recurring character I simply wanted to tear my hair out every time I saw her on screen. I don't know what it was about her, but she bugged the hell out of me at first and I found the sudden relationship with Stiles to be waaaay in my face and unnecessary (after all, I was always the one who wanted Stiles to be the single pringle forever because it felt relatable at the time and the 'I need to get laid now act' was priceless!). However, my opinion has changed greatly over the years - not only by my own understanding of their relationship but also the Malia rp'ers on her who actually opened my eyes to her character and let me love her so deeply. Their relationship is so important. Malia is Stiles' almost first everything (visa versa) and Stiles' keeps her so grounded, teaching, learning and loving. All of which has been forgotten this season. 
 If I was Scott on this season, trying to remember my best friend I would do absolutely anything in my power to get that person back (and this only lightly occurred last night). Sleepless nights, pouring over books, the endless agony of not knowing, the emotion - none of this has been shown! Scott has simply sat this season with nothing more than a wooden expression upon his face and no input into actually helping find his best friend and this is all down to poor writing. What happened to Scott McCall that saved everyone? That'd get so frustrated when he didn't have an answer, that'd do anything in his power to save the day and the people of beacon Hills? Where's he gone?! In the early seasons of Teen Wolf, Scott showed so much emotion and even a little bit of snark which was lost over the years, especially when he picked up the alpha role but I haven't felt Scott as the alpha this season or even last. He's character has simply weakened over the last couple of seasons and now feels like a background character - Even Liam has wolfed out more than Scott this season! I'm deeply saddened Tyler Posey hasn't picked up on this, or dare I say it 'hasn't cared' for his character considering he's been producing the last couple of series too. Scott was the most relatable to me early on, even if Stiles stole my heart first, Scott was the one I'd always come back to - his constant fight and good will which has sadly faded along with the strength of his character. If I had control over this season, I would simply ask that Scott had more drive in saving his best friend and perhaps even break that moral code and kill to get to him (character development and angst aftermath of it after, do I smell AU?). 
 Another factor I loved about this show was the relationship between Scott and Stiles which in my opinion IS the most important relationship of the series. But where has that all gone? Who are the first two characters you witness way in the beginning? Scott and Stiles. Circumstances: I'm gonna climb the roof of my best friends house to tell him about a body in the woods and OH SHIT IM HANGING FROM YOUR ROOF - hi Scott! This beautiful and comical entrance to the series was the most brotherly/best friend way to kick it off. Of course, they're relationship didn't need to do too much growing as it was already a pre-established relationship but we watched it become stronger, ultimately break for a bit before working things out. I am glad the winter finale gave us a lot more of these two as it's been entirely lacking over the course of the season. Lydia seemed to be the one getting her input in first before Scott which, in my opinion was a poor choice on the writers part. Scott has been there from day one, they're basically brothers whereas Lydia has barely shown any interest up until this point and is suddenly on the 'I love Stiles train'. Again, another topic for discussion later on. I definitely glad Scott (and Liam too) was the first one to see Stiles upon returning, I was glad of little past nods and I'm glad the winter finale ended the way the series started all those years ago; together. 
 Now I'll be the first one to throw my hands up and say 'yes, I was excited for some Stydia this season' or 'yeah they could be pretty cute together'. From the teasers and trailers, I was potentially looking forward to saying 'yes, he got the girl.' But something changed, I wasn't greeted with tiny little nods to a potential relationship, instead I received a disgusting, trashy love story that didn't really exist up until this point and it was constantly pushed down my throat every single episode. I feel like, writers gave into fan demands (and is what often kills shows by the way) and gave us this unnatural relationship. I found it uncomfortable to watch, I found the kiss last night uncomfortable to watch, when they were trying to bring Stiles back was uncomfortable to watch. I found myself grimacing and often throwing my phone down when I watched an episode. I my opinion, their relationship has been established on nothing. Lydia who blanked Stiles from the very beginning, Stiles' - can we say light stalking? - from early on and a teenage desire to want someone. Yes, Stiles was the one to know how clever Lydia was, yes they had that kiss in the locker room but that was never touched on again that season, nor much in 4 from what I recall. It was picked up again around the end of season 5 but then bang, smack, wallop - they may as well have matching tattoos and a shared freaking Facebook account by 6. It was far too much this season and far what the season depended on to get its viewers. It made me feel Lydia, who has definitely grown over the seasons and felt stronger, like she was simply the damsel in distress and who physically couldn't cope because Stiles wasn't there - a trait far from the Lydia I know and love. 
 I was also very miffed at the way they dealed with Stalia. It wasn't well handled last season and was almost if not entirely forgotten that they actually had a relationship over this season. I believe it was left simply as a relationship that fizzled out and now we won't say more about it. Okay, I get that that happens in real life - hey I've never had a relationship where I've felt connected to the other but for these two, it just didn't give me justice. That relationship was the first for both of them so it was going to be important right? Relationships end, I get that but those two had a connection. It was simply left at 'I think we broke up' and that was that. No questions asked, let's move along. If it was me, I'd like to of seen the relationship dissolve with an actual break up - therefore at least giving them closure to move on. Instead, it was another wishy washy storyline left to fizzle out. 
 I don't know about you, but have the stories felt like they lacked that wow factor after season 3? Season 4 was okay at first, I enjoyed it more after a second viewing. I struggled to get through season 5 - bland storyline, too many characters, too many side quests to watch and again, haven't liked this season either. Now either I'm getting old, critical and becoming Stan Marsh (You're Getting Old) or the writing is just getting lower in quality. This season felt incredibly rushed, and yes I guess it's down to Dylan's accident on the Maze Runner set - so things needed to be changed and so on but it became repetitive, drawn out and lacking in enjoyment. The writers have a lot to think about now, after all this season was riddled with plot holes and continuity errors and basically forgetting basic canon plot and details from older episodes - lazy lazy writing. I definitely haven't been wowed, I mean there's still as chance to in the summer but I just can't see this series ending with the wow factor anymore which is sad to say. 
 But like I said, I feel betrayed - almost robbed of a perfect ending to what once was a fantastic series. Of course I know this isn't going to change, what's done is done but I feel they owed it to the fans to put out their best. I can keep going, I really can but I feel I've already said too much.
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flawlessbellamy · 7 years
• “I was actually awake when you did that thing” AU , this time i am gonna say which otp since i always forget to tell you lol. for my "fan service" ship stydia
Well this fan service is canon so who the hell cares. Here we go. 
Fandom: Teen Wolf Relationship: Stydia
Stiles woke to the gentle movement of Lydia climbing out of bed and her gentle whispers into her phone. 
“just a sec Kira” she mumbled sliding off the bottom and moving towards the bathroom pulling the t-shirt he’d lent her down where it had ridden up exposing the bottom of her underwear. Stiles stayed with his face pressed into the pillow his limbs thrown across the bed. He heard the door shut and Lydia begin to speak. He tried to go back to sleep but the part of the one sided conversation he could hear caught his attention. 
“no no it’s fine Kira” Lydia’s voice was muffled through the door but he could make out her words. 
“I was just...i fell asleep at Stiles’ studying” She confessed and Stile’s rolled over. That’s not entirely what had happened. 
They had been studying in Stiles dorm room, or Stiles had been studying and Lydia had been finishing the entire semesters work of required homework just to prove she could, eventually they had both given up and traded books for a movie. They’d sat watching for a while before they both began to drift off. Instead of leaving like usual Lydia snuggled further down into the bed. He’d offered her a shirt and the left side of her bed and she’d accepted falling asleep quickly. 
“yes, I know” she sighed from within the bathroom. 
When they both came to Stanford Stiles hadn’t expected to become best friends with the girl he’d had a crush on for years but she’d text him an invite to her dorm party in the first week and things had escalated since then. 
He knew she knew that he was still in love with her. It was an unspoken truth that hung in the air, it had been so long since it was any other way it had blended into their friendship becoming part of their fabric. 
“It’s not that i don’t want to Kira.” her voice seemed strained now and Stiles listened closely trying to pick up on whatever he could.
“we’re friends and i don’t want to loose that.” Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. 
“if it didn’t work it would ruin everything and i can’t let that happen.” there was a brief pause as Kira said her piece on the other end of the line. 
“He’s still in love with me” Stiles sat up shocked at the obvious realisation that the conversation was about him “so i’m not about to mess this up.” 
“if i tell him i love him we couldn’t be just friends”
Stiles froze in shock. Lydia stayed in the bathroom for another few minutes but Stiles only caught a few words but had lost all other focus then one fact. Lydia Martin loved him. 
He heard her say goodbye to Kira and threw himself backwards waiting for her to come back into the room. She did so quietly padding across the floor back to the side of his bed. 
Stiles rolled and looked at her and found her eyes already on him. 
“you wanna get some breakfast?” she asked cheerily. 
 For the next few weeks every time Stiles spent time with Lydia he tried to confess that he’d overheard her conversation with Kira but it was kinda impossible to work into everyday conversation.”oh hey Lydia by the way i know you’re in love with me but don’t worry because i’ve loved you since the 3rd Grade” It wasn’t exactly casual, even for Stiles. 
So it’s not until 2 weeks later when Stiles is walking Lydia back after a frat party that the topic comes up. They both have a slight buzz wearing off and are talking about Malia’s latest love interest. 
“She seem’s nice. Kira Like’s her” Lydia declares
“Kira likes everyone” Stiles shouts back rolling his eyes.
“i should ring her” Lydia ponders out loud obviously making a mental note. Stiles braces himself and starts to speak. 
“you spoke to her last week, i heard” Lydia tenses, a cue Stiles would have missed if he wasn’t watching for it. Stiles is relieved when she doesn’t put on her popular girl mask and cover her feelings like she does sometimes. The habit not having fully faded from high school. “you went into the bathroom to talk to her” 
“you were awake?” Lydia asks looking down at the pavement. 
Stiles stops and rubs his hand across the back of his neck. Lydia turns to face him still tense. 
“yeah. I was awake. Look you know i love you but i get it” he begins to rant “if you don’t want anything to change that’s fine but Jesus Lyds you have to know i’ll always be your friend. Whatever happens. Plus if we weren’t it would make pack meeting hella awkward” Lydia’s eyes flick to Stiles lips and he realises she’s moving closer to him and he realises whats happening a second before Lydia’s lips meet his. Her hands come to the side of his face and his automatically reach for her hips.
She’s warm against the slight chill that’s in the air and he pulls her closer seeking more. She adds her tongue and the kiss intensifying. The feelings that have been sitting on the back burner boil over, Stiles lets out a broken sound into Lydia’s mouth as she pulls away smiling, Stiles smiles back and tangles their fingers together. 
“Stiles i think i’m in love with you” Stiles chuckles and wraps Lydia in a hug. 
“I love you Lydia.” She leans back and kisses him again. Gently this time. Just brushing her lips over his. Eventually they begin walking back towards her dorm hands locked together. 
“if i known this would happen i would have brought it up a lot sooner” Stiles jokes as they walk into Lydia’s room. Her Room mate mercifully absent. 
“It did take you a while. But i knew you would eventually” She replies brushing her hair over her shoulder and cheekily grinning at Stiles. 
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hepaidattention · 3 years
I love the slow burn they gave us when it came to stydia because honestly shows suck at keeping couples together after they get them there. I much rather prefer a "will they or won't they" until the final of the show, rather than a "Oh they're together but now they're gonna break up every few episodes and we're gonna have DRAMA." However.... can you imagine how perfect stydia would have been if they were a couple? 
I like to imagine sometimes that after s3 they get together and they're just this non-problematic couple. Their dynamic never really changes, they just kiss each other every now and then and hold hands more. Like in s3 they would never really establish what they were. They'd kiss every time they saw each other (as long as the pack wasn’t around), there was lot of hugging and hand holding, and they were (unspoken) committed to each other. But Lydia hated real commitment, it was something that made her feel trapped in this stage of life, so Stiles never pushed it. He never said the L word or anything, he just let them be casual and let Lydia figure out what she wanted. They never even told the pack what they were because they didn’t even know, they kept it pretty hush hush. 
If people asked what they were they'd say "really good friends", everyone knowing it was a lie. But labels freaked her out and Stiles was fine with that. It wasn't until one day Lydia pushes him into the coaches office to make out that he starts to feel neglected in a way. He starts to feel used, but he stays quiet because this is Lydia. He would never say anything to jeopardize being with her.
They'd be that couple that obviously don't have to be beside each other every moment and every day. They live their own lives, and at the end of the day they come to Stiles' room and just hold each other as they try to solve another case. When they go on cases together there's the little things, like holding hands in the car, or hugging each other after they haven't seen each other all day. But the rest would be very much the same. Lydia reaching for his hand when she's scared, Stiles protecting her with everything he has to offer, Stiles gently placing a hand on her back as they walk side by side. 
Stiles going through all the nogitsune stuff would be similar too in their relationship, only Lydia would be there more for him in the little moments. Holding his hands during panic attacks, even actually being there when he wakes up from his nightmare's. However Stiles would keep a lot from her because he didn't want to scare her off, and when Stiles goes missing and everything Lydia has to pretend to be chill about it because none of the pack knows the status of their relationship yet, but everyone can see straight through her. Her constant tears and panic shows it all. 
By s4 they'd reach a point in the relationship where there was no title still, but if anyone ever hit on them or asked them out they'd say they were in a relationship. When people asked Lydia who Stiles was to her she'd shrug, trying to hide a huge grin, and just say, "He's my guy." Stiles would always just say it was complicated, but in truth there was nothing complicated about it. 
They'd hardly ever go on date dates, but they would watch movies in Stiles' room, or go to their favorite diner for dinner after school, or pick up Tai and eat it in Stiles' jeep. They'd make out a lot, like a lot, but that was the depth of their relationship until the summer after s5.
 It started at the end of the school year, when Lydia went missing before they went to Mexico to save Scott. They had to leave her behind and it killed him, so when he saw her again he made sure to kiss her on the cheek before he left. A way to leave a memorable goodbye. After that, it stuck. Stiles would kiss her on the cheek all the time and she'd just roll her eyes at him. Every time he ran anywhere, because Stiles was always running, before he’d run off he'd kiss her on the cheek and it becomes a tradition between them. A way to say goodbye, a way to say they loved each other without having to say it. Sometimes if he forgot he'd come falling back into the room like he forgot his wallet, peck her cheek, and without another word run back out. Lydia would just smile to herself, loving him for it. 
Whenever Lydia would leave it would be the same. At first she'd just say bye but then Stiles teased her one day for leaving him hanging, so she kisses his cheek and it just becomes a mutual tradition after that. She normally would actually say goodbye, but she'd still kiss his cheek, always leaving red lipstick on Stiles’ blushing face.
But then Lydia is taken to Eichen House in s5. Before this their relationship had been strained due to Stiles dealing with everything, and Lydia was working with Parrish to figure out what he was. They still saw each other, but not as much and Stiles was keeping things from her. He finally told her what happened, but at this point Scott and him had already mended things and Lydia had gotten released from the hospital. But when Lydia was taken to Eichen House, he about lost it. No one could keep him from breaking into that place - he was getting her out of there was the last thing he did. Once he finally got her out, he realized how much he loved her - like feeling like he might die if she died kind of love. He wasn’t happy with what their relationship was anymore. He needed more. 
At this point their relationship was almost at a stands still. Stiles wanted more, he wanted to be able to say he loved her when he dashed out of the room or call her his girlfriend to his friends and family, even to her. He wanted to take her on dates and bring flowers to her any time of the day just because he could. But Lydia was pretty set on them staying as-is. She was extra clingy after Eichen, but that was it. Nothing changed between them. In the summer after s5 Scott tells Stiles he needs to stand up for himself. He gives him a pep talk about how it isn’t fair on him, how Stiles deserves to be happy in the relationship too. So, he listens to Scott and confronts her about it.
At first Lydia acts like he’s being silly. She’s getting in his lap, kissing his neck and collarbone and he just blurts out, “Lydia, what are we?” She just looks at him slowly and laughs a little, asking him what he’s talking about. He expresses his confusion on what their relationship status is for the past three and a half years and she just rolls her eyes and gets off of him, irritated. They argue and Stiles gets more angry than Lydia does, which is surprising to her. She finally asks him why it’s such a big deal to him and he blurts out that it’s because he loves her. She just stares at him, speechless, so Stiles storms out of her room and drives home.
Lydia goes to him that night. She comes to his house and knocks on his house door (his dads at work). He just blinks at her, still mad, and asks what she’s doing here. She asks if she can come in to talk and they walk into his room. They’re quiet, but finally she says, “Stiles, will you be my boyfriend?” and they kiss, and they make up, and for the first time they make love. 
However, Stiles never says he loves her again. Lydia never said it back, and he was not about to embarrass himself a second time. It isn’t until the the Riders are taking Stiles away, they’re in the jeep and he’s telling her all of these memories to remember him by, and he realizes this might be his last chance to ever say it again, so he kisses her on the cheek and says, “Remember I love you.” And then he’s gone, ripped from the jeep, and ripped from Lydia’s hands.
All of s6 is basically the same, until she remembers him at the end of s6a. Her memories are more in depth, because she has more memories of them together as a couple rather than just friends. Her greatest fear being that she’ll never see him again, and she never said it back. 
Anyway. That’s my long AU Stydia rant. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 
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zodiyack · 5 years
Rest Easy For Me
Requested by anon: If requests are still open could you pls do one with Tommy Shelby, where the reader is a long time friend of Tommy and on the night where the gunman attempts to shoot Tommy, the reader, who was closely near Grace and Tommy ends up the one being shot and dies, and soon enough Grace begins to find out about Tommy’s true feelings for you during his grieving process.
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x reader
Warnings: Death, murder, swearing, immature humor (before death)
Note: Only people who listen to cavetown will get the title And this story probably makes sense or it probably doesn’t, I wouldn’t know currently because I’m sick and tired and blasting music to stay functioning. Enjoy!
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​, @stydia-4-ever​, @matth1w​, @redspaceace​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
“What do you think of that?”
“I think you should not drink Vodka with Champagne.” Thomas, smoothly, rejected Tatiana’s proposal and attempted to walk away, turning once she started yet another question.
“Does your wife know that the sapphire she is wearing has been cursed by a Gypsy?” She giggled.
“What did you say?”
Tatiana’s face went serious, “Nothing on Earth, would make me wear it.” She walked away after answering Tommy in her own strange way. The girl left Tommy confused and a bit fearful.
“Ignore her, Tatiana is probably speaking nonsense so she can get you to sleep with her instead of your wife. Oh and by the way, congrats Tommy. Grace seems like a lovely woman.” Y/n spoke to him, her eyes on the woman she was speaking of and her words directed to Tommy.
He was shocked, blinking a few times at the sudden appearance of his long time friend, but followed her gaze and nodded, responding with a small grunt.
“You don’t seem too happy to be here, huh?”
“No no, it’s not that, I’m just a bit...well it’s a lot, ya know?”
“And with Tatiana’s scare...yeah. I can imagine, I apologize.”
“Excuse me?” She finally turned to face him.
He faced her as well and shrugged. “No. You have no need to apologize. You should just enjoy this time with me while we can. Just stay with me for a bit ...I need to ask you something.”
“Tommy. You’re married and a grown man now. You’re gonna have to start going potty on your own from now on.”
“What?” She held her breathe for a few seconds before cracking into laughter and hugging his side. “You can be such an ass, Y/n.”
“But you love me, so that makes up for my assiness.”
Tommy closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Many thoughts were going through his head at the moment, but Y/n couldn’t quite tell what. She felt like he was wanting to get out of the situation, so she hugged him tightly and apologized.
“No. Please, don’t be sorry. You’re right honestly, I love you whether or not you’re mean or immature.”
“I love you too Tommy...now Grace is giving me those suspicious wife eyes, go talk to her and enjoy some nice spouse to spouse time, alright?” She pat his back softly.
“Alright. Thank you Y/n.”
“Of course Tom. I’m always here for you, nothing can ever get rid of me. I promise.”
Of all nights to say those words. She picked the one she’d meet her maker. It was unintentional, yes, but Tommy remembered it. All Tommy saw a man, pointing his gun in the direction of him and and Grace. He extended his arm and put it over Grace, pulling her to him and out of the way. However, he didn’t see Y/n behind them. 
She was close behind, he could’ve saved her if not both females. Just as he thought the bullet missed the person he loved, the bullet hit her. A bullet, right to the body it wasn’t supposed to hit. The gun was meant for Thomas Shelby, instead, it hit Y/n L/n. She wasn’t meant to die, but one bullet made her fate come sooner than she’d expected.
Grace noticed a change in Tommy’s attitude. He was more depressed, more saddened, as if he’d just lost the love of his life. That didn’t make sense though, wasn’t she the love of his life? She had no clue, for all she knew, the wedding could’ve meant absolutely nothing to him.
Could he have been lying to her the entire time they were together? That was a strong possibility. And a strong possibility that seemed more like the truth than what Grace wanted to believe. So this new truth, the true truth, was shown by her husband’s closest friend.
He was hardly at home. Hardly in his office. Not even his family knew where he was. Grace took it upon herself to search for him one night when he didn’t return. It didn’t take her long to find him. He had set camp far from their home, but exactly at the place Grace thought to search first.
Y/n’s grave.
The one at whatever cemetery they decided to use wasn’t real. Thomas begged them to put her grave in a special place, a place they used to visit when they were kids, a place where only he could visit because it was special to the two of them. He told her family of the location and they visited at least once.
He rested there, a (favorite flower) in hand and tears running down his cheeks. Unknown to Grace, his mind flashed with memories from that night as he thought of words to speak to her, knowing she couldn’t respond from beyond the grave. Tommy’s hard shell dissolved and his soul poured out.
Grace kneeled behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Tommy. What’s going on?”
“Grace...I’m sorry...”
“Start from the beginning, alright?”
“The night she was killed. I remember it. She promised me, nothing could ever get rid of her. But I turned and she was there, eyes bulging and hands clasped over a bleeding wound. She mumbled my name before dropping to the ground and dying on the spot...”
“Tommy. Some people die, she didn’t know she was to die that night. Her promise was genuine, she’s in here, ya know?” Her hand rested on his chest. Thomas grabbed her hand and looked at it for a second, then he grabbed it and set it on her lap.
“The bullet was meant for me. Grace...I loved her.”
“I loved her. I was in love with her. I just never knew...I never knew I was, I never knew how to say it, I was so dumb and young, and now she’s dead and the only way I can admit it is to my fucking wife. I’m sorry Grace.”
“No. This isn’t fair on you, it isn’t fair on me and it definitely isn’t fair on Y/n.”
Grace tried and tried to argue, to reason, but Thomas was set on his answer. The bulled indeed was meant for him, and the bullet finding the wrong person was all it took for his heart to find it’s true owner. Grace went back home, leaving Tommy to mourn his dead friend. His dead love.
For many months, Tommy came back to her grave. He wept at it, ranted to it, talked to it, overall shared his human emotions to it. A coping with Y/n’s death. Pol snapped him out of it, explaining how Grace was becoming more distant and wanted a divorce, more was happening besides that.
Tommy still visited Y/n’s grave, and every time he went back home, he spoke a final sentence to her. “Rest Easy For Me.”
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mischievouslydia · 8 years
Someone That Deserves You - a Stydia Fic
Hey! SO I’ve finally found some inspiration for something to write! I had major writer’s block, but then I came across a post from someone I follow who was having relationship troubles. I messaged them in case they needed support, which I hope helped them, and after our conversation I realised that their situation was one that so many people find themselves in, and decided to write on something like that! For clarification, I did not message this person just for this story, the idea came afterwards! (If anyone needs someone to rant to, or advice, I’m always here!)
So, I’ve come up with narrative in which Stydia is finally canon, but it would have happened a few seasons ago, maybe between 3 and 4. I don’t know how many pieces this one will be in, so if you like it, you’ll just have to follow the tag #someonethatdeservesyoubyvc. I hope you enjoy!
Description: After Aiden dies, Lydia discovers that he wasn’t such a good boyfriend after all, but she still can’t seem to get over him. She turns to the one she knows will support her the most – Stiles – and finally finds peace.
Warnings: none
Length: this one’s a bit short – it’s more of an introduction than a first chapter (they’re not gonna be full length chapters don’t worry)
The night that Aiden died, Lydia barely slept. She tossed and turned, her mind afire with the mix of different emotions the day had brought up. She was so glad that the real Stiles was back – God, had she missed him. Lydia hadn’t realised how much he meant to her until he was gone. On the other hand, she couldn’t get the image of Ethan holding Aiden’s body out of her head. The more she thought about it, the harder she cried. Did I really like him this much? She knew that her liaisons with Aiden were set up purely to help her friends, but she couldn’t help it if she was attached.
Lydia tossed and turned, barely sleeping, until her alarm rang at 6. Another day at school. How was she going to cope?
It took her an extra half hour to get ready, dragging herself everywhere and not even bothering to eat. Amongst all the madness of the nogitsune, Lydia hadn’t even picked up her car yet, which meant she had to either get a lift with Allison or catch the bus. The thought of her best friend brought tears to her eyes, and she had to fight the continual memories of her friends dying.
Lydia had missed the bus. She knew that. Her mum* was away for the week at some teacher’s conference, and she didn’t know any other way to get to school. Lydia sat back on her bed, exasperated. Despite her sluggishness, she’d managed to put an acceptable outfit together. A mint green skirt paired with a white woollen sweater and a pair of black ankle boots. Lydia tapped her foot against the floorboards as she thought, enjoying the sound her boots made against the wood. Suddenly, her phone started buzzing in her bag. She rummaged around to find it, finally seeing that Stiles was ringing her. She answered.
“Hey, Stiles.”
“Lydia! Uh, are you doing ok?” He paused. “I just noticed you aren’t at school, which starts in like 10 minutes, by the way.”
Lydia let out a breath.
“Yes, I’m doing alright, but Stiles, do you think you could do me a favour*?”
“Sure,” he replied, sounding nonchalant but replying too quickly.
“I need a lift – to school, I mean. I haven’t picked up my car yet and I used to get a ride with…” she trailed off, not wanting to mention Allison.
“Hey, yeah. I’ll be there in five, ok?”
Lydia smiled to herself. She knew she could rely on Stiles, for anything.
“Ok. See you then.”
She hung up and returned her phone to her bag, which she strung over her shoulder, and waited. True to his word, Stiles pulled up five minutes later, which Lydia thought might be the only time he wasn’t late. She jumped up with unexpected excitement and nearly ran out, only to check herself before stepping out the front door. She shouldn’t be this happy. Aiden is dead, she reminded herself.
Stiles’ jeep hummed as she ducked in, his radio playing a tinny rendition of some rock song she didn’t know. Stiles gave her a weak smile, as if he knew how she felt, and pulled out of her driveway without a word.
It didn’t take them long to get to the school, and all the way Stiles tapped his finger against the wheel in time to the music. This simple, annoying thing he did kept Lydia distracted from the last night’s events, and she somehow managed not to completely break down. She knew it would be a little much, considering Stiles had only just rid himself of an evil spirit, to show how weak she was, so Lydia didn’t let it show, even flipping down the mirror and re-applying her lipstick so Stiles would think she was ok. She had to admit, the bright red shade did look good on her.
When Stiles had pulled the key out of the ignition, Lydia went to open the car door, but paused, her hand hovering over the latch. It was like she physically couldn’t make herself go to school. Stiles placed his hand on her other one, which was resting on the glovebox.
“Hey, are you sure you wanna go to school?”
Lydia hesitated to respond, shocked by how warm Stiles’ hand was on her own. Then, she remembered Aiden, slipping her hand from under Stiles’ and clearing her throat. The barrier within her broke and she pulled the latch and stepped out of the car, not checking to see if Stiles was following her.
SO! I did it, only a short one. If you’ve made it this far, it means you enjoyed at least part of it, so thank you! As for the asterisk (*), I put it after the words that have different spellings. As some of you know, I’m from Australia, which means I spell some things with a ‘u’, like ‘colour’, and ‘mum’, as opposed to ‘color’ and ‘mom’, so sorry about that :)
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