#Hhh this whole thing is just . Hhhhh
shiocreator · 11 months
hey dude, google maps + apple have never labeled palestine on their maps. it wasnt removed. thats just straight misinfo.
oh- i apologize then ;;
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neflil · 2 months
Hearthian oc time!!! Meet Nepheline
Below the cut for more info and doodles of them :3 vv
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So I caved in and made an oc. This is the first time I'm really doing something like this so hhhhh.
Nepheline, or neph, a half self insert - half oc! They're a bit younger than the Hatchling, so still considered a hatchling but almost an adult.
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They like to draw, paint rocks, and explore around timber hearth a lot! They're cool with everyone and friendly, but much prefer to sit in the background and listen instead of actively talking. That is of course until someone gives them enough time and trust that they'll listen to whatever neph has to ramble about.
They're interested in all kinds of things really. The nomai, physics, the weird quantum rocks ect. Even if they're not the brightest when it comes to that, they love learning about anything when given the chance.
As soon as any of the travellers get back from space, neph rushes over to ask them about what they saw or if something cool happened. Gabbro and Riebeck especially, as neph is interested in what they have to say the most.
As much as they value the village and it's people, they also value their alone time. Sometimes disappearing for days into the quantum groove or the old mines just... Vibing really, doing whatever. They also have a small piece of a quantum rock they call a "friend", of course it disappears every time neph let's their eyes off of it, but they compare it to the travellers going away and mainly- feldspar. It's a rock that keeps them company without actually needing to have someone *there*. Along with really liking to sleep in and let their mind wander in worlds far from here, people often joke that they remind them of gabbro (the pains of making a half self insert while relating to a character hhh)
Their interests and way the explain them isn't that common, so people often turn a blind eye to them. They mostly parrot cool facts people have taught them which results in situations like "but did you know that the nomai-" "yes neph, you've told us three times already". They just want to share the stuff they know
Esker is someone who likes to listen to them! But also share their own stories. Ever since neph was young they'd hangout nicely. Now they radio eachother. Neph is old enough to join the space program but seeing and they aren't that great with more technical stuff, they are afraid. They put off actually seeing gossan and talking about this so hey.
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Their scale pattern covers a big majority of their face at the front, it's a mix of lines and ovals. But when I draw them I just... Blehhh color. Also! Nepheline is named that I spired by the Greek word "nephele" which means cloud (and is also my name, hi lol). Since the rock turns cloudy when exposed/put in acid. Therefore, to somehow reference this, nephs face turns a cloud blue color when they're frustrated of angry!
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Once they fell asleep in the old mine (that sounds stupid but I swear I've imagined the whole situation, there's more than that trust, might make it into a comic) and people looked for them, worried as they couldn't find them. Once they got back they got grounded to not not leave for there again- especially alone.
Neph despite everything, went back. They drew a nomai, based off the skeletons there and everything they've seen so far. To prove that they need to get off their grounding since they're doing "work". They don't really have a speciality either so yyyea
They used to be named Nephrite but merry showed me a rock named Nepheline, so I HAD to change it because well- we have the same name lmfao
(if you saw me posting this before, no you didn't)
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
L and Matsuda for 002?
How I feel about L: hhhhh sigh. hhh. sighhhshhshsiigggh. honestly? he's kind of like my favourite jumper. he's my number one comfort character ever and I came very close to crying in bed for days after he died. i am not 'typical about this man.
How I feel about Matsuda: he's such a cutie!! teehee!!! look at this silly fella who probably cuts his own hair!! giggling and kicking my feet cause he's funny and silly and would be a good friend doncha think?
All the people I ship romantically with L: Matsuda, Misa, Rie, other people's OCs (if they're shipped with him by their creator xD). Light deserves a mention because while I don't ship LawLight romantically I do think they're an iteration of the "red thread" trope because no matter what time, no matter what place, they'll write history together with a pen filled with their own blood in place of ink. that said I was genuinely surprised that so many people ship them just because I don't see it at all. I don't hate it, there's just nothing that clicks for me when looking at L and Light.
All the people I ship romantically with Matsuda: mostly just L, I've seen Matsu + Misa stuff but I think they'd be cuter friends.
My non-romantic OTP for L: Light 100%. You can't have one without the other. I can't explain all my thoughts about them without a whole post dedicated to it, but anyway, Light is my answer.
My non-romantic OTP for Matsuda: mentioned it above, Misa! They're two sillies and they're both :3 so they're besties and they've probably got matching friendship bracelets.
My unpopular opinion about L: he does eat normal food on a semi-regular basis. specifically, meat, usually I think steak. I hc him as anemic but also Watari wouldn't let L die or become malnourished and there's important things in food that you can't necessarily get in vitamins or tablets. and actually, as someone with anemia, I think L would actually have really strong cravings for rare or medium rare red meat when his iron is low and thus when he eats it he enjoys it.
My unpopular opinion about Matsuda: He's actually really smart, especially with humanities subjects. Just doesn't have great detective skills. A different career path may have been beneficial but he actually really believes in justice, probably more so than L and Light, and he actually QUESTIONS his own sense of justice which leads to more balance. he's such a great guy.
One thing I wish had happened with L in canon: he survived. and actually, I'd just really like to see him solve lots of cases. idk how many/if any he solved outside the anime but you know. a side series where he solves cases and explores the world and has tea parties with Watari would melt my heart.
One thing I wish had happened with Matsuda in canon: honestly I just wish we got to see more of him in general. I wish we got deeper into his character - into everyone's character, actually, they're all a little 2D and it's not just the animation - but yeah. more Matsu. how he works.
My L OTP: I'm not sure if I can pick one HAHAHHS I love all his relationships (well, my headcanons for them) from platonic to father and son to mentor and mentee to enemies together to lovers. yeah. I just like L LMAO but maybe Matsu. hm idk. I hear some people ship him with BB or Naomi and I wanna look into that.
My Matsuda OTP: lowkey L and Matsuda are one of my favourite ships. in Matsu's case I don't really ship him with anyone else so this is the only answer. some of you might have noticed that in my headcanons Matsuda plays Pokémon Go! and L is a Pokémon fan too... hmm... Also I like them cause they're both childish: like yeah L is always calling Matsuda stupid but does he call any other task force members stupid, even when they deserve it? no. arrogant child and silly child. even in non ship situations I think they're actually on similar wavelengths in a way.
My crossover ship for L: (platonic) Saiki K. you can't tell me they wouldn't be best friends come onnnn smnsndndm hehe
My crossover ship for Matsuda: I dunno actually...
A headcanon for L: if he has to wear shoes, he has to wear blue socks. not dark blue or navy, LIGHT, SATURATED BLUE. it's like neon ahhaha. there's little yellow flowers at the hem bits but his jeans cover them.
A headcanon for Matsuda: he doesn't like chips because they're too crunchy. he likes chips though. curly chips. YES I CALL BOTH TYPES CHIPS AND IT MAKES IT HARD TO DISCERN OVER TEXT SHSGYAYDH SORRY
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
genuinely i genuinely love ur howls moving castle au chuuya like i cannot even pin down why because i just have him like. rotating in the brain. i think it's cause you nailed down the vibes with sophie, how she doesnt have huge goals, she just wants to be rid of her (and later, howls) curse. aside from that, living a peaceful life is alright, but she also this quiet wonder with magic.
AND YOUR CHUUYA IS THE SAME. like yeah they grow to be somewhat heroic with the whole "stop fyodors magic destroying ritual" but the agency is just so.. domestic? i honestly cant come up with anything but peaceful. each of them has this feeling of...being content. belonging. and it feels like, even with the whole heroic adventure going on, chuuya (and dazai) are like. also beginning to feel this belonging with the ADA.
i think im saying this now cause of chapter 17 hhhhh (with the castle being destroyed but the agency going "everyone important is safe after all" and kouyou knowing that chuuya will probably want to travel with them sometimes) i have,, so many feelings.
it just feels fulfilling. peaceful. the action is so so good, and the way you describe whimsical magical things is SO vivid i LOVE IT. but i'm always so touched by the found family that is the ADA. something about home and comfort and protecting their own.
hhhhh now im shyyy. this was a really long ask and i couldve just commented on the fic but i was looking at ur art and i got excited,,, chuuya is so pretty too, i think its his braid. its very pretty, your art style reflects that quiet comfort. domesticity.
i have. so much to say abt chuuya but it would just be incoherent so ill end the ask now,, just know he is like. this is like, genuinely, one of the ebst fics and i will literally never forget this, i think ur writing is so fucking amazing hhh- thank u for all the effort and time u put into this masterpiece
!!! Aaaaa thank you!! I’m really glad—cause yeah!!! All of this!
I love Chuuya’s character, and have spent so much time rotating in my head—just in general, but also specifically because of this AU, because it was a more serious attempt to write from his perspective. For some reason I feel like Dazai’s character clicked easier for me when I first started writing these two, so Chuuya took more actual work —so this makes me so happy! I want it to be a good vibe for his character :0 I wish canon Chuuya could just have an arc of getting to belong somewhere safe and just breathe a bit ;; so yeah!! I wanted the ADA to be a part of him learning to rely on other people and really accept comfort and support
And I love the magic vibes in Howl’s Moving Castle, so hearing that those parts are coming across well is great as well!!
Anyway!! Thank you for this anon, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying it, and I hope you enjoy the rest as well once it’s done! :’D
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konmaao3 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday #2: Silence in the Dark
(pure angst. First chapter of a short story that will eventually have a happy ending)
Breathe. Move. Fight.
He had to fight. Move. Breathe. Desperately so. And he struggled, focused, summoning all his willpower … but could not even twitch a single finger, couldn’t stand up, draw a rune, do anything meaningful. Not that being able to move would have put him in a good position. Callum’s hands were chained to his back, and he was alone, in a dark passage somewhere underground where the sky didn’t reach him, alone … with Claudia and her elf friend who was dragging the prince along.
“Hh,” Callum wheezed. Breathing was hard, painful, as if a giant’s fist was holding him, squeezing the air out of his lungs. His eyes rolled up, looking at Claudia. “Hhh.”
“The venom will wear off,” she explained, holding his gaze only for a moment before staring straight ahead again. “You’re not in danger. Give it an hour or so, and you can move again.”
That was his only reply, the only answer possible. There were many things Callum would have liked to say and ask. What was she doing here? What was she planning? What did she want with him? And, most importantly, did she know anything about Rayla?
Just like his whole body, however, Callum’s tongue wasn’t his own. He couldn’t even feel it, only look at it like at a distant range of mountains. He’d have better chances moving those than his limbs. The earthblood elf dragging him over the stone floor didn’t say a thing, and Claudia fell quiet as well, carrying the torch that illuminated their way through this passage … leading where?
Not to his death apparently, judging from the words of his former friend. Instead, they eventually reached a door Claudia unlocked with a heavy key before opening it and stepping inside. The elf followed, hauling Callum into the cell and propping him up against a wall. Metal clinked softly while he closed a chain around one of the prince’s ankles. There would be no easy escape from here, and Callum’s heart grew heavy at the thought what that might mean.
Would someone ever find him? Would Ezran and the others learn of his fate? Or would he just disappear without a trace, never to be seen or heard of again? He knew how it felt to be left behind like that, and he didn’t wish it on anybody else – yet here he was, captured, helpless, hopeless.
“I … I hope you understand,” Claudia said, fidgeting with the clasp of her bag. “It’s not comfortable here but I need to keep you safe, and … You’ll understand. In time.”
But he wasn’t listening any more, for she had stepped to the side, allowing him to see more of the dark cell that was to be his prison. And a desperate gasp escaped his throat when he realized that they were not alone here, that another captive was lying on the other side of the cell, sleeping … sleeping, surely sleeping!
“Hhhh!” the prince moaned, relief and terror in equal measure rushing through his veins.
Even in the dim, flickering light of the single torch he recognized her.
His Rayla.
His moon and love and hope. There could be no mistake. She was there, she was here, she was alive, alive!
And he could feel tears welling in his eyes. She had changed, and not for the better. Only skin and bones now, with barely a stubble of hair left on her scalp, clad in what could just as well be a turnip sack. On her arm there was a long scar that Callum’s brain wanted to call hideous and, because it belonged to Rayla, beautiful at the same time.
“Hhhh!” He stared at her, the first tear trickling down his cheek, rolled his eyes towards Claudia, looked at Rayla again, at Claudia, at Rayla. Trying to communicate, to say something, anything, “Hhhhh!”
The dark mage looked back and forth between her two prisoners.
“Yes, she came here quite some time ago. You remember her?”
Remember her? No day went by without thinking of her, worrying about her, wishing to be with her, to be back together. For two years he had lived with a heart torn to pieces, hoping against all odds that they would be reunited soon. One day.
And here they were, but it was their darkest hour. More tears came, and if his body had been capable of sobbing and shaking, it would have done so now. Only a soft moan could escape, however … and his tears. Claudia frowned.
“Are you crying? Because of … her?”
“H-hh …”
Please. Please.
He didn’t even know what his mind was begging for, except that it was about Rayla. He had missed her … so much. His body was dead and distant, and yet his heart ached, crying out in anguish when his mouth couldn’t. He wanted his Rayla. Nothing more.
Claudia. Please.
She held his gaze for a long moment, frowning, then shook her head with a sigh. She handed the torch to her elf friend and crouched down to rummage in her bag.
“We’ll talk later. But I … I can’t allow you to speak until then.”
She was unearthing various items that she put to the side: a book, two glass vials – one of them containing an orb of yellow light –, several plants and animal parts Callum couldn’t identify, a bottle, and finally another … ingredient that she had apparently been looking for.
Opening the empty vial, she took it in one hand, the component in another.
“Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”
Claudia …
They had been friends. For such a long time. They had grown up together, dreaming of a bright future … that by now had turned into this. A nightmare in the bowels of the earth where no moon was shining, no gentle breeze blowing. And there was nothing Callum could do to stop her, because there was nothing he could do at all when she crushed the component and performed the spell.
“Eciov eht laets!”
He had even seen it once before. A snake of green smoke came towards him, a tiny claw at its end that dove into his mouth, wriggling, searching, and then … grasping.
For the moment it wouldn’t make a difference because he couldn’t talk anyway. Yet as soon as the venom wore off, he should be able to speak … But now, not any more, for when the smoke receded, it took with it an orb of …
Callum’s eyes darted from one item to the next while Claudia bottled up his voice, a yellow light just like the one she already had in the other vial. Through a veil of tears he stared at Rayla again who was still sleeping, exhausted, on the other side of the cell, and then looked in Claudia’s eyes.
“Sorry, Callum.” But she didn’t sound sorry. “I’ll talk to you later.”
With that, the dark mage turned away and left, followed by the earthblood elf with the torch. The door closed, and when their steps receded, even the last bit of light disappeared, leaving the prisoners in total darkness not even Rayla’s moonshadow elf eyes would be able to penetrate. More tears were running down his cheeks. He had dreamed about seeing her again, holding her again, laughing with her again. Now he was near her, but with the chain on his ankle the dozen feet between them could just as well be an ocean.
She was there, so close, but out of reach, and he knew that she was there, but … but she didn’t know of him. Couldn’t see, wouldn’t be able to hear him because his voice was gone, and so was hers. She would still be alone.
Quietly, Callum cried, for him, and his love, and her pain that he couldn’t relieve. They were there, but might as well not. It was just their bodies and … silence.
Silence in the dark.
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sofhtie · 4 years
hello friends today i am upset about [spins wheel] auberon 😔
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astronomy-is-cute · 4 years
me wanting to post the drawings of fursonas i made for my irl friends vs the fear of them finding my tumblr: fight
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An inside look at closeting & the industry, from a closeted celeb:
I’ll start by saying I did send this to H too (portrait of a larry on fire). I cannot submit a post so all I did was text him and is not sure he’ll see that.
I’m gonna start by saying that I do not claim to know what harry is going through nor am I saying that his situation and reaction to it is the same as mine. I am simply trying to share my own experience so maybe people wold learn to not have a very tight perspective toward thing or Maybe just be Okay with not knowing. Not having a clue is something that need to be normalized in this fandom. I’m a 24yo actress (I’m not based in the us or the uk. I mainly mostly only have a local following), I started when I was 13. I knew I was gay around 16, I didn’t tell anyone, not even my team, beside my family and close ones but I am the embodiment of every gay stereotypes and people really did not pick up on it early. Around 18+ interviewer started bringing up the are you seeing anyone questions and they didn’t stop even though my answers keeps being no, so I just said yes and that I’d rather keep it to myself once on a whim. My team then thought that coming out with the relationship who actually didn’t exist would be good promo et would expand my following and engagement since people love a good story and that he could set me up with someone. I didn’t tell my manager that I was gay but only that I didn’t want to do smtg that didn’t feel authentic, I knew coming out wasn’t an option at that time, and even if it was I didn’t want to have a bunch of stranger talking shit and discussing who I am and whether they’re ok with it or not, thinking abt it now I think not telling him was more that I didn’t want it to feel like closeting. I kept up with my I have a private relationship thingy thinking it’s gonna be enough to shut people up but it only stirred more questioning toward why is that keeping it a secret which led in some way to question mis sexuality. I told my agent who ofc told me that coming out was not an option, I was 20 ish at what you could call the heigh of my career (nothing like the boys ofc but enough in my country), and that it would ruin everything that we worked for and would get a lot of backlash. All of it was true but it still made me furious because it wasn’t fair, it never is for us, so I just refused and told him that would like to come out. I had told him that I was gay in private. And then a few days later I was in a meeting with my team, all of them in on it, I ofc expected it and had a whole plan, I feel very foolish thinking abt it now lol. But I gave them a whole scenario which was me coming out as gay and in a relationship confirming their speculation and that my then best friend which used to be seen with me could act as my gf for a bit, my manager straight up just laughed et they went on into a spiral of reason why me being gay was the problem not me being single and that I had to clear it out and it was just how it is. They didn’t coerce me into it, they didn’t force me but they did bring up every pressing reason why  being me is not only not enough but a “scandal” of sort lol. They got me to actually “go out” with a dude, I talked abt him in interviews hhhhh. When I made a comment abt a female colleague they told me to tone it down hhh, my manger told me maybe letting my Hair grow would be a good idea (I ofc didn’t do that). People bought into the relationship, so the rumours around me kinda went off a bit. But it did shake me, like the people who knew me and who I worked with didn’t take it well, and I didn’t take that well so having even more people talk abt it scared me. I had to stunt, to talk abt my fake boyfriend, invite him to my birthday, make it look like he threw my birthday, talk abt how smitten I am with him, be affectionate with him in public. And believe me it was frustrating when it was happening, but I wouldn’t say I didn’t fell some kind of peace not having people talk abt how I could be gay and how is convenient and not convinent to some. I met someone midway through the stunt, who was understandable of the situation at first being also in the industry and knowing how fucked up it is. She started appearing in my friend circle so that people wouldn’t so much catch up on it if we were to ever be spotted alone, It was ok at first and then having to show off with my fake bf was starting to creat conflict in my actual relationship. I got to stage a “break up” for my then year long relationship, and they said that they needed drama so they made it like my dude cheated on me lol, he didn’t mind. It was ok at first, my team not even ever bringing up the fact that I was gay. It was ok at first, since I didn’t have to fake anything and when I was in a “relationship” they kinda laid off me having to tone it down, I went to an lgbtq parade and I was called an ally, and had a very public date with my bf a few days afterworlds. So ofc because of heteronormativity people didn’t associate my behaviors and how I was after my break up with queerness for a while because that was just who I was. My partner isn’t really out in a way that she never talked abt it publicly but had relationship with women she never denied but only refused to talk abt anything involving her private life. It was ok at first, I enjoyed the secrecy and the freedom and people not gossiping abt my relationship like before even though it was not real lol. Before people started picking up on me and my gf, her being a public persona didn’t help at all because spotting two “celebs” is easier then one. I had to kind of deny it saying that she was a grea friend, she did the same which she didn’t like one bit and kind off  created a bit of tension in my relationship because she didn’t usually lie. They didn’t push me into doing that time at all, I had just enjoyed my privacy, not having people know abt everything in my life made me feel better in a way. It didn’t mean I didn’t spend some sleepless night thinking abt how this could be different, but the alternative felt better. As much as I wanted to be out because I know it would make a bit of a difference, I couldn’t not think abt the consequences of it. I am who I am everyday around the people I love and I am proud of it. People didn’t buy a lot into the great friends story. I didn’t care at first, I still do not give two shit if someone think I am gay because that’s who I am et it’s kind of nice to feel understood. I do not really care if some homophobic peace of shit make a comment abt it. It angers me how fucked up it is but I does not really affect me personally. It didn’t last long, because a producer legit told my agent that they might reconsider someone else for the role if we didn’t put this to rest, and that ofc they had “nothing against who I was but it wouldn’t be a good business decision”. And no I did not decide against the role, because I always wanted to work with some people there. They wanted to go for another stunt and I convinced them to try and just not be spotted with my gf anymore and only have her when my friends are around  Which means we cannot actually risk hanging out publicly. Yes we do have the privilege of attending private parties, booking at table on the back of the restaurant, bringing the cater at home. But I cannot get a Starbucks with her, or go shopping, or just walk around in a crowded place lol. But this doesn’t mean we are miserable. It is not ideal. But for me it is better then the alternative. No we are not living a lie. There are things that we cannot do, but it is ok. I am not coerced into staying in the closet, but I am forced in a way. I have things I want to do in my life and it is not about how much money I want to make, or awards (though I am not necessarily hating on those, I would trade them for being able to be me without it affecting an important part of my life which is my job)  but about being able to do what my job to the fullest without being limited. Can I just say fuck everything and come out. Ofc I can, no one is forcing me not to. Would I care abt what people we’ll say about me?? A bit because I’m only human, but I couldn’t care less abt a homophobic peace of shit. Would it make me loose some opportunities?? Ofc, and I don’t want that. As much as I want to be able to express myself to the fullest because I know being a public persona not matter how small gives you a sort of influence and would be a kinda voice to people in the community. I am not that brave, and I am allowed too. I do not want to be boxed, I want to achieve thing I know I wouldn’t be able to because of who I am. And I am also not ready to be that voice or influence people might see in me. People make it abt money and fame, but it’s not just that. We don’t have to just survive, we’re allowed to live and this is the cost of it now. Yes I do want to come out at some point since I wouldn’t want to keep lying for the rest of my life lol, even if it’s just on omission.  But for me it’s still not the time. And it’s ok. People should learn to be a bit empathetic toward us even if we’re not coerced into it. Louis and Harry’s situation is veryyyyy very far more complicated then mine and there following is veryyyyyyyyy verry wider then mine which makes it even harder then me. And them being gay and proud doesn’t mean they need to announce it to the world right away and screw some if their carreer opportunities, people would argue they don’t care abt that but how do you know??? They try and be themselves as much as they can. My gf keeps arguing maybe H doesn’t think coming out is a good idea because L is still far behind, which is mainly projection because it’s what she actually think for herself. I don’t really care to know why are their not out yet. They’re adults that can make decision for themselves, the industry is ruthless, Homophobia is a thing, coming out can ruin your career. I support them because I feel for them not because I need them to be my gay parade. Normalise not having a clue. This all I have to say. I tried to be as vague as I can abt my situation, if you happen to recognize me which I highly doubt. Thanks for seeing me and keep it our secret. And to anyone reading, your support to any any queer celebs, however it is means a lot.
 I am not saying it was never coercive when they were young, since I know how much control contract have over artists especially young ones who definitely did not have any counsel before signing it, and yes as much as it could be challenged it is not always and mostly not a good idea to do so. So you are in some way forced to live with it. I again do not claim to know their situation but I do not think they are foolish enough to sign another contract that would favor their closeting, but they do still have to deal with a sequel of their 1D years and again the world hasn’t changed, and the industry hasn’t change after 1D broke up. Both their situation are very tricky in a lot of ways and we just don’t know how. And they are now adults who seems to know how do deal with it and navigate it properly. Trust them to make the right decision for themselves. They don’t owe anyone anything.
You can choose whether to post this or not. Thank you.
Hi dear,
First of all, thank you so much for sharing this. I think it’s very important that people see things from the perspective of someone living in a similar situation.
I just wanted to highlight some things you said:
People make it abt money and fame, but it’s not just that. We don’t have to just survive, we’re allowed to live and this is the cost of it now. Yes I do want to come out at some point since I wouldn’t want to keep lying for the rest of my life lol, even if it’s just on omission.  But for me it’s still not the time. And it’s ok. People should learn to be a bit empathetic toward us even if we’re not coerced into it. 
they are now adults who seems to know how do deal with it and navigate it properly. Trust them to make the right decision for themselves. They don’t owe anyone anything.
Again, thank you for sharing this dear. You were vague enough. I see you, I hear you. I’m wishing you all the best and sending you all the love <3. Thanks for trusting me to share a piece of your story.
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do you think there is an issue with the fact that katsuki, who bullied izuku for most of his life and caused a lot of trauma to him, will get to honor the title of hero? (i’m asking this as someone who loves his character— but i just sometimes do wonder how accountable he will be held for his past actions esp as a future public figure, and the extent to which he is redeemable)
hhhhh part of me doesn't want to answer this bc i feel like i've talked about it a lot over the years but i'll summarize
idk if you've kept up with the manga (specifically the last hhh 10 chapters??) or.... literally any of his character development over the course of the story, but he isn't the same kid he was in middle school or even the beginning of when they started at UA. he's a child, a teenager, and has so much growing to do. to be held accountable for the shit we did when we were kids would be asinine. I DID stupid and mean shit to other people when i was 13/14 and even up into young adulthood. we never stop growing and learning from our mistakes, and bakugou is no exception.
that isn't to diminish what he did and the severity of it to izuku. i will say horikoshi is terrible at writing abuse and redemption (look how he's handled enji) BUT bakugou's story is more fleshed out imo.
he's been failing at every turn because of his attitude and actions since the beginning. sludge villain, losing to deku in their 2 v 2, sports festival, forest attack, deku vs kacchan 2, failing the license exam, etc. this kid has dealt with some shit when he was touted as the golden child by his peers; inferiority complex is a bitch.
it's been gradual, but realistic. he's changed a lot. gone in his "i only care about winning" attitude and solo fighting act. he's cooperative with his classmates, less prone to angry outbursts, actively works to save bc saving IS winning.
you cannot hold the stupid actions of a kid over their heads forever, especially when (manga spoilers below the cut)
he stood in the rain, in front of his entire class, and admitted his faults and fuckups in an extreme act of open vulnerability, BOWED TO IZUKU, and apologized for everything he's done up to that point.
for a 16/17 year old? the kid's doing good to basically realize what he had to do with little to no help from the useless adults in his life.
so, yes. i think he deserves to be what he's been working towards his whole life bc he isn't the same teenager we saw in those beginning chapters of mha. he's developing and changing and becoming a better person.
to tack onto this, i'm literally reading a short fic i found about bakugou being an anti-bully advocate as a pro. dunno if it's the most realistic thing to his canon character, but it's a good fucking storyline that FEELS at least a little bit plausible
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niyes-lahiffe · 4 years
i am very much in a Djwifi Mood rn and you seem like the type of person to know djwifi fics so this is random but do you have any recommendations?
ALRIGHT ANON i’m gonna go all out on this one (and sorry for taking forever to respond sdjhskjgdh)
also these are (mostly) fics that i have READ and ive still got some in my to read so i’ll update this as i go :D
to start, most of the things IVE written are djwifi (of course lmao)! just look through the “my fics” tag; i’ve also reblogged a bunch on my main blog @ultranimallover33 through the tag “fics”
tides also made a few recommendations you can find here and here!
Knighted by Thelastpilot (without a doubt my favorite fic tbh, written SO well, hilarious, nino and djwifi centered, princess and knight au, all the good stuff)
The Weight of Jade by Thelastpilot (haven’t read yet (for SHAME) but i already know it’s like the greatest story ever. absolutely iconic. (might wanna read Won’t Tell a Soul first tho))
Empty Chairs by Thelastpilot (good hurt/comfort based on an idea i love sO MUCH)
Butterflies by Risingmoon (definitely in my top 5 fave fics of all time it’s so SO cute)
Liveblog my Heart by sapphireluna (also very high on the fave list! it’s just!! so good!!!)
Starlit Conversations by InkJackets (another fave, i absolutely adore the perspectives and the slight angst it makes me HHHHH)
Cola Date by 3laxx (one of my absolute FAVORITES. i can read it any time and never be tired of it)
The Boy in the Green Jacket by Queen_BeeChloe (SO SO GOOD made me laugh so hard omfg)
You’re Still Here by tonguetiedcat (i adore this one omfg,, hilarious and adorable)
All’s Faire In Love And War by Kermode and RadamaZard (hilarious. excellent writing. renaissance fair!! everything amazing)
But I’m Weak by RadamaZard (my FAVORITE hurt/comfort fic i’ve read it so much and will continue to do so)
Peculiar Interests by myladyladybug (mermaid!alya befriending human nino what’s more to WANT)
kiss kiss (fall in love) by HiddenEye (one of the first ones i ever read. a hilarious classic)
Burst by melanshi (GAH i love the way this one is written. also made me ship rena x bubbler?? more likely than you think)
Kissing Booth by TiredHorse (Alya-centric, excellent djwifi at the end, funny classmate stuff. one of my faves)
How It Goes by Zaphirite (just dorks being absolute dorks)
If Only You Knew by scarslikeconstxllations (GOOD ANGST)
Operation Lovebirds by miraculous_me (yall FAKE DATING. CUTE AF ENDING. NEED I SAY MORE)
Phase Eight by miraculous_me (Operation Lovebirds sequel!! and it’s AAAAA)
Feeling The Sound by celestial_author (hilarious and so good,, made me feel things)
The Way You Smile by celestial author (SO SWEET I ALMOST GOT SICK)
I’ll Never Love Again by chatalyst (ANGSTY AF, I’LL NEVER FORGIVE U FOR THIS ANITA)
Go Back to Bed. You’re Sick. by CoffeeComicsGalore (lmao nino being a good bf and alya being a sassy sick lady it’s good stuff)
Bite Me. by Scarlet_Sea (Vampire!Alya?? HECK YEAH)
Withdrawl by Scarlet_Sea (cute phone conversations that make me squeal)
You’re Ethereal, Alya by an author that can’t be found :( (KISSES!!!)
racing through the dark by GuardianKarenTerrier (cute dorkiness that makes me ;0;;)
so this is love by pastisregret (ADORABLE CINDERELLA STORY OK)
Surprise Party by tbehartoo (hilarious and so sweet)
DjWifi FLUFF by Fandom_Trash (it is as it says, bro,, pure fluff)
i’ll be with you from dusk till dawn. by another unknown author (SO SWEET MADE ME CRY HHH)
Our Get Along Shirt by miraculousstorytelling (one of the funniest things i’ve ever read tbh)
All About Us by isyotm (collage au fluff let’s gooo!)
To Kiss or Not To Kiss? by claws-n-spots (aka nino being a giant dork, extremely good fluffy stuff)
Behind You by tinymacaroni (hhHNGHghngmhnfhghn...)
Hoodie Hoarder by PlaPla (gotta love these dorks)
For Once, Alya Let Him Be Cool by ramenrulz8P (PROPOSALLLLL)
Headphone Sharing, or How to Get a Date in a Foreign City by TakingOverMidnight3482 (gotta LOVE aus like this )
Knight in Shining Apron by 3laxx (hilarious. adorable. what else to expect from Toni’s fabulous writing?)
Late Night Talks and Forgotten Laptops by miraculart (another PROPOSALLLL +nino being an anxious bby)
A Place for Spring by yestomiraculous (written SO well and by golly the banter is amazing)
Candy by LoveGeek15 (more dorks being dorksss)
Blue Turtle by sagansjagger (slightly nsfw but SDJLGHSLDGH so funny like rip nino)
Twenty-Four Things I Love About You by HaydenFullwright (literally nino being a giant sap for 2800 words)
Trying by NotQuiteNerdy (actually havent read but ive only heard good things and i shall read it SOON)
Broken connection by cactus_con and Raging Flames by 3laxx are the ANGSTIEST stories i’ve ever read and both made me bawl uncontrollably
and ofc the christmas ones (there’s surprisingly a lot but theyre all so cute):
31 days of DJWifi by 3laxx (just a whole bunch of wholesome drabbles)
The best Christmas Present by 3laxx (SO FREAKIN CUUUTE HHNG)
Christmas Run by Their_Destinys_Writer (CUTE AF AND WRITTEN SO WELL)
DjWifi December... A Year Late by Capns_scrolls (good djwifi december fluffff)
Jingle All the Way by siderealSandman (an abolute MUST READ it’s so funny and i love the way it’s written)
He Loves Me by Thecrazydragonlady15 (aaa dorks being dorks)
Alya’s insomnia by Merricup (HHHNG CUTE FLUFF)
A Night on The Town by krzed (an incredible story that i love to read)
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miutonium · 3 years
😍 😘 🎤 💕 💫 🌌 ~ rebeccaselfships
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
Answered here!
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
He loves how carefree and easy going Chloe is. He doesn't have to put up a guard and happy to be in his quirky and whimsical self around her in private.
He loves how he gets to relax when he's with her. Other than her presence make him lower his guard, he doesn't have to be the dominant one all the time. Being a single father juggling through work and taking care of his kids tires him a lot. He's very grateful that he has someone that takes care of him and his physical and emotional needs. He always seek out for her to recharge his energy and keep him grounded when there's a lot going on with his life.
He loves her curls. He loves the way it slightly bounces when she walks. Maybe the heart curls grabbed his attention a lot. He plays and twirls his finger around it when they're in bed close with each other.
🌌: What was your first date like?
Wait hhh I have so many hcs of their first date because I have so many prompts in my head but the one that I can confidently say their first date was that Utonium's the one that asked her out but being a flustered mess, he invited her out under the pretense of going out for dinner even though Chloe suggested and say "So...like a date?".
So when d day comes and they meet at the agreed spot at a cafe near the train station (Chloe doesn't want him to drive to her apartment yet), while Utonium came wearing a full set of crisp white suit with a stalk of rose tucked in his breast pocket, Chloe came wearing a baggy knitted sweater with shorts and boots . She commented how handsome he looked and joked "is this how you dress up for dinner everyday?" And Utonium being lowkey embarassed that he dresses up extra af he lied and said he dress up like that every dinner hhhhh. Trying to calm himself down, he complimented how pretty she looked despite wearing something simple. They then walked while talking about their day.
When they stopped at the front of an upscale restaurant, Utonium apologize about not telling her he actually booked for a table and Chloe assures him it's fine, she likes surprises before they walked in. Throughout dinner, despite how awkward and nervous Utonium initially is and her sticking out like a sore thumb in a of sea of people wearing classy suits and dresses, they actually had a good time. Admittedly, they don't really have that much in common, their interest clashes but both of them seem very interested about each other's life. Utonium found out that she's not a native to Towsnville and moved there in early 20s while Chloe finds out the reason he writes notes every morning on his seat is because he's been preparing himself for his class everyday. They talked about everything from families to relationships and such. When they're done with their meal, Utonium wanted to pay the full bill but Chloe insisted on paying half the tab and even slipped some cash to him and he reluctantly agrees to do so hhh.
At the end of the night, she agreed to Utonium driving her home after he said it makes him feel better that he sends her home safely. When he sends her to her door, she says she had a good time and thanked him for it. She wished they could go out again and have an actual date one day and giggled when she noticed Utonium was slightly embarassed by his insistent on saying it's just dinner earlier. Utonium then suggested maybe they could plan one if she's free again. Chloe tell him to call her when he got home safely and gave him a kiss on a cheek before wishing him a soft goodnight and shut her door. He froze in front of her door for a minute, rubbing his stained cheek while trying to process what happened and drove home smiling the whole journey.
They had their 2nd date 2 weeks later lol.
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
Ooohh finally able to talk about his voice! So, one thing I think that's pretty unique about him is his accent. It sounded classy and there's a transatlantic quality to it. And what's interesting about it is that he grew up in the 50s, where transatlantic accents were still used in movies and television. But by the end of the 50s when popularity tanked and higher class people starts to talk normally again, Utonium on the other hand adopted those accent into his speech. I like to think that Utonium is a big fan of classic old time movies (and it's pretty canon because he loves black and white movies and also silent era movies. The thought of him watching "I Love Lucy" when he was younger makes me cry ahhhh) and being easily influenced when younger, I love the idea of him getting his accent from it.
Also very fun fact, Tom Kane (the VA for Utonium) actually inspired his accent from the late radio announcer Gary Owens. I really love listening to him in this one and also this one when he laughs hhgnnn
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
Answered here!
💫: Are either of you ticklish? If so, where?
Utonium is pretty ticklish. His sensitive part is actually his ears. If anyone even blows it slightly he would start giggling.
Chloe is not that ticklish. Her sole is quite thick so she barely feels anything if anyone tries to scratch it. But, if Utonium ever runs his finger on her bare sides, she immediately feels goosebumps.
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eleccy · 3 years
ok i finished hte game hhhhh
well there are gonna be 9000001 gavin bros / van zieks au posts and fics and arts now huh
IRIS BACKSTORY....... oh my fuckin god.
i love that the game acknowledges that ryunosuke is iris “brother” and susato is her “sister” and that hurley is her father!!!!!!! and yujin is her other father!!!!!!!!!!! i love that for them!!!!! sometimse a family is just a great detective and his great partner and two exchange students and a ten year old prodigy!! the found family of it all! and they come right out and say it cause it’s TRUE. they are the greatest family!
i love the parallels with aa4 found family. like what aa4 COULDA been. what aj2 COULDA been if capcom weren’t cowards. like legit, i liked dgs, but i could see why it didn’t review very well because the whole game felt like one big cliffhanger! a good cliffhanger, but all the payoff and all the meat of the story was clearly in dgs2 and now it’s like. if aa4 was part 1 of a trilogy like dgs 1 is to dgs 2, then now i NEED to know what aj2 would have been..... damn..... we could have had it All.
listen klint and kristoph parallels. stronghart and kristoph parallels. stronghart and gant parallels. the way herlock just becomes a vocaloid and trolls viciously like the way he had all those witnesses all lined up so stronghart couldn’t wriggle out of his crimes, and the way hurley showed up just to twerk and troll in the courtroom like “YA BITCHES I LIVESTREAMED THE TRIAL TO THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND WHATCHA GONNA DO”. such beanix vibes. the legend truly came out. and such trucy vibes from iris. that was like one of my fave parts.
now im gonna think about beanix studying this trial in the history books or maybe he heard it as a story from ryunosuke or his grandparents and hhh. using 2-5 as the template for 4-4... wow... he really did that huh
love it. just love it. don’t even get me started on asogi.
im sorry but i burst out laughing when they. crossed swords. just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any more gay in ace attorney they hit you with that visual. god.
i am awaiting the dgs aa4 aus please god. oh my god. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH
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yallemagne · 3 years
Even More Stuff That Happened In Godspell 1973
This covers from Bless The Lord to All Good Gifts.
BLESS THE LORD! Lynne is an amazing singer, this is her FIRST MUSICAL!! CAN YOU BELIEVE??
I love her ahhh, this song is so good, and the choreo is so fun, the contrast between the slow and fast parts, I love
All of them falling like dominos and then Lynne and Jesus helping them up
Judas holding Lynne’s leg up in the end pose, these icons
The Beatitudes! Ya know, all those “blessed are (blank), for they (blank)”
Judas kills the mood by bringing up Jesus’ own persecution 
This scene:
Tumblr media
“It says Keds.”
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hhhhh, then it’s the tap-dancing clown sequence. 
Jesus and Judas kinda debate the importance of heavenly rewards vs earthly rewards. 
Jesus says “c’mon, you guys will get to Heaven no matter how tough your lives are!” 
Meanwhile, Judas retorts with the belief that the sun and the sand, those fragments of Heaven found on Earth, should belong to the righteous. 
Jesus pulls one out of thin air and Judas jumps into frame like SO CAN I!
he,,, can’t
so Jesus magics one into his hand!
hhh and then they just,,, they,,, hhhh
This is such a good song and no I don’t just say that because I ship Jedas,,,
Jesus: “Now, how to to take the spec from your brother’s eye when all the time there’s this great plank in your own?” Judas: “I don’t know, how do you take the spec from your brother’s eye when all the time there’s this great plank in your own?” Jesus: “YOU HYPOCRITE!” Judas: “EWAHEH” Jesus: “First you take the plank from your own eye so you can see clearly to take the spec of sawdust out of your brother’s!” Judas: “WAIT A MINUTE! That’s no answer to the question!” Jesus: “Did I promise you an answer to the question?” Judas: *sheepishly* “hahaha, nope.”
that whole interaction hhh
hhh the “love your enemies” scene, lots of slapstick, poor Judas gets smacked over the head with a balloon. I wouldn't feel so bad for him if he didn’t recoil like it actually hurt, poor baby
Gilmer and Robin, the sweethearts, they watch in confusion until-
oops, they start fighting too
Jesus breaks it all up with “love your enemies” so of course the disciples all start kissing and hugging each other, the darlings hhh
Judas: *to Joanne and Jeffrey, who are dancing together* “may I have this dance” Judas: *dances with Jeffrey* 
We stan a gay icon
Parable of the Sower! Katie tells this one, I just love her voice
Joanne’s giggling as Merrell pecks her leg
Jerry- a vocal magician- dies, can we get an f in the chat
Judas and Jeffrey kill Robin, can we get an F IN THE CHAT
The good soilers are slackers,, maybe that means something
Jesus is so proud whenever they put these things on, this time he asks if they already understand the moral, hhhh
Jesus: “Do you know what the seed is?” Katie: “A baby! :D” Jesus: “Wrong! :)”
Jerry: *dead* “Bye.” Jesus: “Seeya.”
Sorry, I'm just quoting at this point.
Jesus: “-they hear the word but their further growth is impaired by wealth-” Robin: *looks to Judas*  Jesus: “-and cares-” Robin: *looks to Jeffrey* Jesus: “-and the pleasures of the world! They bring nothing to fruit.” Katie: “No fruit, Robin!” Robin: *fake sobs into Judas’ chest*
hhhh the song I simp for,, (gotta be more specific than that) All Good Gifts is so sweet and wholesome, Merrell’s falsetto is soooo pleasing to the ear
He spins into frame and they all ring around him all happy
I just want to hug him tightly
They’re all like, dancing on big rocks in the background while he says some bible stuff about clothing the grass-- then they come over and AHHH
“We thank thee then, O Father, for all things bright and good”
the harmony is enough to make me start crying
“I really wanna thank you, Lord!”- AND THEN THE DRUMS KICK IN AND IT JUST GOES HARD
This song has no right to go this hard
Jeffrey has a lovely recorder solo, recorders can sound good if you play them well
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botheredbuck · 4 years
@ballym requested a little more info on little oliver mitchell (hhhhh thank you so much i really wanted a chance to talk about him hehe 🥺) so heres a couple of things that ive got about him
(also if u r confused oliver is my child oc that i’ve made for ballum - im working on a series on him hehe - that i am currently obsessed with, i wholeheartedly ask for any questions/things you wanna know about him because ive become obsessed and i cannot stop thinking about him, so feel free to leave some in my ask box!!)
ben and callum adopt him when he’s a little under a month old, when they’ve been married about a year (in my head they get married early june, he’s born mid may and they adopt him just after their first anniversary) 
they decide they want to adopt about six months after they’re married (they have a really sweet conversation with lexi about it because ben’s terrified that she’ll think that she’s not enough for them - she doesn’t, she’s just as excited about having a baby sibling as ben and callum are about adopting another kid)
once they get somewhere in the process of adopting they decide to move out into another, bigger house. it’s still on the square because neither of them can really bear to move away. there’s a bedroom/nursery for oliver and lexi gets her own room for when she stays over, and they spend a whole weekend decorating it (it’s painted pale pink and there’s fairy lights all over it, and lexi’s got one of those like, tulle turret things with curtains over the bed and she loves it)
on the subject of decorating they spend weeks agonising over decoration for the nursery. they’re both determined to make it as neutral as possible (that’s a whole emotional conversation, about how they’re going to bring the baby up the right way, given the upbringing that they’ve both had, and the effect that that’s had on them). lexi ends up stepping in and the walls end up cream with that chalkboard paint on one of the walls so that you can like, draw on it. there’s a wooden cot with a space mobile (callum’s secretly a space nerd fight me) over it, and there’s pictures all over the walls. 
lexi also picks out oliver’s first teddy, when they find out they’re adopting him. it’s a lion with a big fluffy mane. she says something about lions being ‘brave like her dads’ and both of them just lose it. 
(also while we’re on the subject lexi is an incredibly overprotective older sister, she absolutely adores being the older sibling)
they’re both absolutely shitting themselves when they find out about oliver (he was orphaned which is why they adopt him at such a young age, and they’re at the top of the waiting list) but honestly neither of them can wait, it just feels so perfect, what with them getting him a year after they got married. 
oliver’s a really cuddly kid. like, really cuddly. not that that’s a problem, of course. especially not for ben, who ends up finding callum asleep with oliver resting against his chest on multiple occasions (they have a rocking chair in oliver’s room and most nights one of them ends up rocking oliver to sleep in it because he loves it so much)
his first word is ‘dada’ and once he learns how to say it he literally doesn’t stop for like a week straight - callum definitely cries, ben pretends he doesn’t but he totally does
okay im going to leave it there for now because i don’t wanna go totally ham but like this was really nice for me to get some stuff out about him (because it’s been rattling around my brain for like a week) so i hope u like it hhh thank u 🥺
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wonderfullyalone · 4 years
okay okay let’s see if i can get all my thoughts out in one post:
1. we got 61 minutes of our lady 🥺 i missed him so much
2. hearing juno narrate was so good hhh i miss hearing his thoughts. he’s grown and changed so much his thought are so much more nuanced? and he gives more consideration to things rather than rushing in to the worst possible conclusion
3. juno being absolutely in love w nureyev gave me the serotonin i so badly needed. they’re so cute i love their flirting hhh
4. also nureyev creating a whole notebook and quest just to get juno out of bed and talking to ppl??? that’s literally the sweetest thing ever??? best boyfriend peter nureyev
5. speaking of labels it was extremely funny how kabert just dodged juno calling himself nureyev’s “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner”
6. also juno talking about diamond 👀👀 that was Interesting
7. back to some sense of chronological order juno and vespa actually getting along!!!! or at least talking without being at each other’s throats!!!! and some genuine heartfelt conversation mixed in there too!!!!!!
8. also what the Fuck is up w this thing in junos blood?? i couldn’t catch it well but he’s got something?? i wonder if it’ll be relevant
9. also !!!!! buddy and vespa and nureyev conversation !!!!!!! but when he thought they said his real name hhhhh
10. what’s the instrument nureyev plays?? is that the instrument he’s picked up when he broke his leg??
11. everything about juno and rita was so good i missed their interactions 🥺 they love each other so much 🥺🥺🥺
12. juno affirming he wouldn’t be going anywhere without rita felt like a personal christmas gift
13. the real character reveal all along was that jet is the funniest person on this ship
14. the way each character provides support and car in their own way?? is so good???
15. the way juno talked about nureyev and not needing to explain himself when he’s w him 🥺🥺🥺
15. buddy’s whole “it’s not about making the shot it’s about challenging yourself to try” HHHHHH
16. also backtrack nureyev not wanting juno in his room hmm it’s not like juno hasn’t seen that mess before so. why.
17. juno’s “i felt like i was releasing a breath i was holding in the past 24 hours.” yeah.
18. while we’re at it juno’s “when i’m with him all my pieces fit just right”
19. juno’s “i want to know everything about him and i want him to know everything about me”
20. juno’s “love is something i’m making”
21. he’s so in love w nureyev hhhhhh
22. back to the plot. jets speech was so beautiful aaaaah
23. buddy and vespa. vespa and buddy. their vows were so sweet they love each other so much
24. i knew the minute agent g said “bring the director in” i knew it was sasha. asshole.
25. my thought process literally was “hey asshole. fuck y- oh wait you’re good? never- OH FUCK YOU”
26. hey sasha what’s it like to turn into the person you never wanted to?? huh????
27. i can’t fucking believe you stunned your childhood best friend what the fuck??? what the fuck?????
28. juno didn’t even get to ask nureyev who his first love was or get his prize damn girl you couldn’t have waited???
29. also nureyev’s first love - plot relevant?
30. what was he gonna say to juno before he walked out the room in the morning. stop doing this kabert.
31. lmao if nureyev has already stolen and given away the radicals they are in deep trouble dhfhfjk
32. theyre after one radical and it’s not the curemother prime so. which. they’ve been after them since shadows on the ship so that’s either the map, the key, or the blade. the key is unlikely since they have no way of knowing that m’tendre gave them that. the map or the blade is possible? maybe the blade? which nureyev conveniently lost last episode? oops
33. i can’t believe she actually stunned her childhood best friend. i am hoping she’s planning something more than she’s letting on bc christ.
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haknew · 4 years
anon asked: I HAVE SONG RECS :DDD I tried not to do songs that you would have obviously heard before but a lot of the songs here are still popular but I couldn’t help but add them 😭
AHHHH thank you so so so so much for all the recommendations anon ! your taste is absolutely impeccable !!! i think i vibed with a lot of these maybe we are a bit similar ^~^ and no worries about your picks ! i totally support you and your incredible music taste no need to defend yourself :p ! popular songs can still be good ones ! thank you again and i tried ... to ... get through them all i’m so sorry JHGFDJHGDK you’ll see i get through like ... half and then ran out of energy T^T i’ll probably get back to this list some other time when i have free time and update with thoughts ! thank you for sending so many in ! i found so many new songs to add to my playlist heh thank you lovely ! 
cherry by rina sawayama - super cute ! i love these kinds of pop songs it’s right up my alley :o ! 
xs by rina sawayama - her voice is so well suited for this style ! i watched the mv and djkfhskgrjf HHH idk she gives me mitski vibes even tho their music is pretty different, you have peaked my interest i’ll definitely look into more of her stuff :o !
comme de garçons by rina sawayama - the bass line T^T !!! the talk-y (?) parts are so good i got chills, it’s like a rave song low key haha :p ! it’s so good ! 
Any song by Rina Sawayama 😭 - yes yes i’ll try to look more into her stuff ! 
123 by nct dream - i’m only an honorary guest of ncity but one of my irls ults them ! and dream’s music has always been a bit more my speed :o ! this has more nostalgic kpop vibes to it ! i said this before but i really am more a pop person at heart and this is so good ^~^ 
Up to you by pretty much and nct dream (HAECHANS PART HHHHH) - oooh are you a haechan stan 0v0 i like jaemin tho i admit my knowledge of dream is limited (my fren ults renjun heh) also yes yes consent is very important kids u.u dskjghkdfj YOU’RE RIGHT THO haechan is a singer he SINGS, i love the vocal harmonies ! 
Oasis by crush ft zico - those electric keyboard synths (?) amazing ! this song bops u.u 
Moon by everglow - !!! i actually have heard this a lot before ^~^ i got so excited when i saw this bc it’s so good ! it’s definitely one of my fav everglow songs too i think i overplayed it a lot when it first came out *v* 
Woowoo by dia - i love the ocean wave sounds ! that’s so cool i love how summery it is ! it kind of reminds me of loona too ! ggs are just >>> i love the fun and brighter pop songs so much 🥺
Secret garden by Oh My Girl - i’ve heard a few songs by omg ! and i really like a handful of them, secret garden kinda gives me early gfriend songs vibes too ! it’s so pretty ! i really love when songs utilize strings in their instrumentals too ! it’s a bit slower paced too which is really nice ^~^ 
Page by got7 - YEEEES okie actually maybe unpopular opinion but spinning top is one of my fav got7 albums ! i used to listen to the whole mini on repeat ! i actually used to ult got7 too for a few months heh ^^ BUT YEEES i love page ! got7 always have bangers love them so much 
Nekkoya by produce 48 - AHHHHH ANOTHER SONG I LOVE !!! i’m actually a wizone haha :p so i’ve seen produce 48 ! tho admittedly it probably contributes to my burning h*tred for mn*t and any survival shows ;;;; but i loved the title song so much ! i used to unironically play it on repeat djghskfj
Puzzle moon by gwsn - AHHHH YOUR TASTE !!! i also followed gwsn from debut and puzzle moon is so so so cute ! it’s such a bop too ! they have such fun and catchy songs ! 
Goblin by sulli - ahhh the xylophone chimes ! they make the song sound a bit haunting before the piano comes in ;;;; it really reflects the mv story so well i think ;;; and sulli’s voice is so beautiful ;;;; it’s got that characteristic background vocal harmonies that sm artists usually do and it’s just really beautiful ! 
What are you up to by kang daniel - today on can you tell jess is unfortunately a bg stan daniel’s songs have been so good :,)) i stopped following all the wanna ones closely after a while but ! he always surprises me ! his songs are such vibes u.u 
Best day ever by yeri and nct dream - the TRUMPETS YEEES it’s so upbeat and fun !!! the cheering is so cute i love it ! 
Hair in the air by yeri and nct dream - JAEMINNNNN !!!! I LOVE YERI SO MUCH PLEASE ! i love the vocal harmonies between her and the boys 🥺 it’s so cute T^T ! renjun’s a singer HE SINGS 
119 by nct dream - ah yes this is ncity brand u.u LOL they always have really filled chorus instrumentals and use a lot of vocals to fill up the space which i think is really cool and something i think immediately screams sm artist :0 ! i think renjun’s voice really sells this for me tho HIS VOICE IS AMAZING him and haechan yeees it’s a banger tho :,) 
Save me save you by wjsn - i love wjsn’s music so much ! it sounds so magic and ethereal and totally bops ! their voices are so beautiful too and work together so well and i think this song’s style really suits all the members’ voices so well too ! 
Loonatic by loona - YEEEEES loona are my ult gg ! and oec is probably my fav unit in terms of music ! i have spent many a day playing their whole discography ! haha :3 
Up by izone - MY GIRLS ! yes yes up is so cute ! i love it so much ! the choreo is so cute too ! i love izone please ;;;; 
N/s by stray kids - oh boy okie ;;;; i’m like not a good judge of a lot of hip hop / more rap heavy songs ;;;; bc i was classically trained as a singer in choir ;-; so i’m sorry i do not have much to say about this one ;;;; it slaps tho ! i probably wouldn’t listen to it normally if you hadn’t recommended it tho so ! good to listen to smth outside of my normal preferences  
Sunshine by straykids - OH very very different from the last skz song KJHGKFJHKD yea this is probably more my speed i’m so sorry LOL T-T it’s so good tho :o ! i don’t listen to a lot of skz bc i figured i wouldn’t be able to vibe with them but this one is so good i really like it ! skz and ateez man i’ve been trying to stan for ages but music is a big part of why i stan /stan/ certain groups more seriously and it’s also why i’m only honorary nctzen lol clearly i have been enlightened (literally *looks at my past ult groups* yeaaaa)
Blueprint by stray kids - YEEES IT’S SO UPBEAT ! i love upbeat and brighter songs (i am consistent like this T-T) it’s got summery tropical vibes to it too ! it’s so cute ! 
Question by stray kids - another banger yeeeees ! i vibe with the lyrics too u.u love that 
Any mixtape by stray kids (but I really love 1 and 4) - oooh i still have a lot to get through so i’ll save these for my own time haha ^^ 
I’m your girl by khan
Revolution by Alexa
Secret by wjsn
I wanna be by key and soyeon
Handle it by twice
Teenager by got7 
Bump bump by woodz
Stylish by loona - this is one of my fav loona b sides yeeees !!!! love them so much ! 
Outta my head by somi
showersnow by orbit
show off by orbit
crazy love by orbit
any orbit song ngl 😭
poison girl by nanaka suwa
lost umbrella (I like the tsukishima kei version cause it sounds like lee know :DDD)
Notice by moe shop
Kawaki wo ameku (domestic girlfriend opening)
The day by porno graffiti (my hero academia opening 1)
Odd future by uverworld (my hero academia opening 4)
Again by yui (full metal alchemist brotherhood opening 1)
More English music
Luxury by azalea banks (Ive heard she’s said some terrible things tho 😭 WHY DOES IT SLAP)
Hurricane by Bridget Mendler (I miss this song and ready or not too 😭)
Little dark age by mgmt
I got a couple one direction recs bear with me here 💀
Happily, Magic, AM, 18, Tell Me a Lie, Through The Dark, Wolves, Night Changes, Better Than Words
Leaked by lil tjay
Pretty little fears by 6lack and j cole
Water by joe gifted
The London by young thug
Bands by shoreline mafia
Swervin by a boogie wit a hoodie
Father stretch my hands pt 1 by Kanye west
More English music (indila is French)
Northern lights by kennie
I am not a robot by marina
Tourner dans le vide by indila
Parle a ta tete by indila
Greek tragedy by the wombats
Viva la vida by Coldplay (SHHHHH DONT ROAST ME)
La da dee by Cody Simpson (SHH IT MAKES ME HAPPY 😭)
Move your body by loving caliber and anders lystell (this ones good to make u feel like an early 2010’s movie protagonist :D)
Mariposa by Peach tree rascals
Sunflower by post Malone and swae lee (like many songs on here it’s popular but I still wanna put it here cause they make me happy 😭)
I got really carried away sorry I hope you haven’t heard too many of these 😭😭 OKAY BYEEE ❤️
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