#Hire Musical Instruments Near Me
mephinomaly · 10 months
[TL] Backdoor - an Original Scenario written by Akira
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Backdoor is a short original story written by Akira-sensei to accompany the release of the Crossroad animated series. I recommend watching it before reading this, especially if you haven't read the original Crossroads.
Please enjoy my translation below!
I break in from the backdoor. I feel like a super cool outlaw from one of those movies. Avoid the countless traps, blindly shoot the enemies like bang bang bang! Feast your eyes, idiots of the world!
I am the great Oogami Koga…!
By the back door is a guy with blond hair who’s sorting the trash out, probably works here part time. Since I came in and started acting like a weird middle schooler, he looks at me, surprised.
“Hey, you–” Part-time-kun (tentative name) puts his hand out with a totally bored expression. “One thousand yen. It’s the entrance fee.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
“Next time come in from the proper entrance, ‘kay?” Part-time-kun (tentative name) doesn’t lecture me any further and exchanges my 1000 yen bill for a sleek plastic card.  If I show this at the bar, I can get a drink and stuff. I thank him. “Enjoy your night~♪”
Part-time-kun (tentative name) is side-eyeing me, and at this point in time I’m so embarrassed all I want to do is go home but I pull myself together and head inside. 
I’m in a cheap underground livehouse in the downtown area, near Yumenosaki Private Academy, the school I’m going to attend. 
My sanctuary is here.
My god is here.
The livehouse I've been hanging around in lately is built a little weird. The entrance to the stairs is in a back alley. At the bottom of the stairs, there’s two corridors, one leading left, the other right. There’s a lot of soundproof doors, standing one after another. The majority of these small rooms are booths, meant to be hired out by amateur bands to practise in. If you look through the window of one, it’s normally empty since nobody really uses them.
Well, these days people don’t practise by actually picking up an instrument, playin’ until their fingers hurt.  I’ve been doin’ that too lately, sittin’ at home ‘n staring blankly at my computer screen. I dunno. 
At the end of the empty corridor, there’s the employees only room, the kitchen, and the back entrance which I found by accident when I was trespassing. 
I’ve been short on cash lately because I’ve been buyin’ like, introductory books to playin’ the guitar ‘n stuff so I’ve been sneakin’ in that way ‘cos then I don’t hafta pay the entrance fee. No-one’s ever around anyway. 
“I won’t be able to come in that way next time,” I complain as I walk down the corridor in low spirits, stopping when I find the soundproof room I’m looking for. 
The biggest, most extravagant door is in the middle of the corridor. At the back, at the heart of this place— is the livehouse, or I guess you could call it a music hall. 
I open the weighted door and my entire body is blasted by music. 
This is it. This electrifying feeling.  
At the back of this relatively wide space is a really nice stage, and that’s where bands that have signed up to perform do so. The entrance fee also covers one drink, but you can order more food and drink and enjoy the show at the same time. It’s your average livehouse. I dunno though. I’m underaged, so I stick to a non-alcoholic tomato juice whilst enjoying the show.
Since this place is close to Yumenosaki, a lot of the customers are scruffy-looking students. I never thought young me would come to a place like this. I’m just in ordinary clothes. This place pays attention to its customer base, so there's not a drop of alcohol or a single cloud of cigarette smoke to be seen. Only super cool music is playing. It’s echoing. 
My God is in the middle of the stage, singing enthusiastically. The lyrics are in English, and I understand almost none of them. The lyrics are probably about wishing for world peace, or religious sacrilege; something complicated but meaningful. When I asked what he was singing about later, he said something like “I’m so happy because my cute little brother has recovered from his cold!”
Is he stupid? Or am I the stupid one for being so entranced by him?
But. I didn’t know that sort of thing back then, so I was genuinely moved by him.
Illuminated by the dim stage lighting, his pale corpse-like skin stood out in the shadows— him.
Crimson eyes like hellfire. 
Black hair that melts into the darkness.
From between his seductive lips that are sexier than any girls’, comes a masculine, deep voice. 
He looked simultaneously like an angel that could rescue the world and a devil that could destroy it too. Whether angel or devil, his singing voice was powerful enough to completely change the very fabric of this world.
The name of the person I respect the most in this world is Sakuma Rei. 
My God.
I was born and raised in an unremarkable environment. 
We’re middle class. My dad’s an office worker and he earns a pretty decent wage, and my mum’s a housewife, which is rare nowadays. 
They bought a nice detached house in a nice place. Both of my parents like kids and like taking care of others, so I grew up pretty pampered. I’m aware that since I was spoiled, I grew up to be a selfish, cocky brat. I was given whatever I wanted. I didn’t know what I really wanted though since it would be handed to me before I could even think about it. When I got to an age where I didn’t need to be looked after, my parents got a dog to satisfy their overflowing need to help others (?). His name’s Leon. He’s the best dog ever. 
I fussed over him too, but not in the way my parents did. Everyday, they’d treat him like he was a baby, doting on him, probably the same way they treated me. It made me sulk a bit. 
I could tell that my parents’ interest had shifted from me to Leon. Leon isn’t bad. He was bought to be loved. He’s a pedigree, he was born for this, to be doted on. He’s a really good boy and whenever I felt sad he’d snuggle up close to me and put his face next to mine. So I wouldn’t be lonely. So I knew I wasn’t alone. 
But I felt that the amount of love I had received up until this point was steadily decreasing, and it made me anxious. 
—Alas! Miserable, spoiled Oogami Koga-kun!
But I wasn’t shameless enough of a person to say “pay attention to me instead of the dog!” Leon deserved to be loved as much as I did— I wandered around town, searching for someone other than my parents who could love me.
I was starved, yearning. I looked like a stray dog scavenging around for something to fill me up. My parents aren’t bad. Neither is Leon. I’m probably not bad either. 
I’ve already finished compulsory education. I had reached the age where I could fend for myself. So I should have. I’m sure other people are doing that. We leave the watchful eye of our parents, tackle teenagehood, and find out who we are. Find what we want to do with our lives. After countless trial and error, I found what I was looking for— Sakuma Rei. His music satisfied what my soul had been craving. 
The performance ends, and Sakuma Rei disappears behind the stage. 
I’ve never been on stage before, so I don’t know what it looks like back there. There’s probably a passageway that leads to a green room or something. The livehouse is weirdly dark and it’s hard to see much of anything, so it really looks like Sakuma Rei vanished like a ghost. 
The person who fills the gap in my heart, vanishes. 
So I grow anxious again and begin blindly searching for him everywhere. I make my way through the livehouse, pushing through the swathes of people who came here to see Sakuma Rei.
—Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei.
My soul wants him. 
Of course, I’m not part of his family. We’re not even acquaintances, let alone friends. He’s probably never even heard of me. But I didn’t mind either way. I found him, met him, fell in love with him, and had my yearning quenched. That alone made me thankful. Sakuma Rei, without a doubt, saved me. That’s all I wanted. I was just a sheep, one of hundreds who came here. To me, he was the night sky, something I thought I could never reach. I didn’t mind just watching from afar. That’s how I really feel. If I never got to see him closeup, I’d be fine with that.
And yet. 
“What you’re drinking looks good.”
Suddenly, the tomato juice I’d ordered, which I didn’t end up liking because it was weirdly sweet, is taken from my hand by someone next to me. 
—The hell, bastard? That’s mine. When I go to look up at whoever grabbed my drink with a belligerent expression, I realise it’s Sakuma Rei. 
“If you’re not drinking it, I’ll have it. Singing’s got me workin' up a sweat.”
Naturally, my body stiffens.
That’s Sakuma Rei.
If I reach out my hand, I could touch him.
I’m so surprised by what I originally thought was something that could never happen, I have nothing clever to say and instead, like an idiot, I freeze with my mouth ajar. 
“What’s up? Oh, you’re at that age where you think indirect kisses are embarrassing, right…?” Sakuma Rei says with a somewhat apologetic expression. Then he says something absurd.
“Oopsies, sorry~…Don’t worry, I take full responsibility for stealing your first time. Mhm.”
That was the first conversation we had, and it’s not exactly something I can brag about to anyone. 
Ever since then, ever since that moment, I’ve been at the mercy of this arrogant person.
I step through the backdoor.
The unmotivated-looking blond employee is slacking off on his phone again today– he’s a playboy called Hakaze and is actually the manager of this place. He’s also supposedly one of my senpai from Yumenosaki. He glances up from his phone at me with a gross expression.
“Look look. I just got another girl's number. I’m typing out my first message now.”
“Shut up, I don’t know you. Don’t talk to me, playboy.”
About two years have passed since I had my first conversation with Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Rei-senpai, a conversation I’d rather not remember. 
I’ve got a bit taller and a bit stronger. 
I practised intensely so my guitar and singing skills have somewhat improved. 
Whilst I was growing, Yumenosaki had gone to the dogs.
Yumenosaki Private Academy’s an idol school steeped in a rich history and tradition. But inside, it was rotting. 
I wanted to be like Sakuma-senpai, so I followed him without thinking and took Yumenosaki’s entrance exam like an idiot. I was blinded. I didn’t know anything. Every Yumenosaki student is shit. Naturally, I noticed that since I frequented the livehouse in order to see Sakuma-senpai. 
A rotted miniature garden where those with dead eyes spend their sad youth reeking of corpses. Sakuma-senpai was weirdly energetic despite the backdrop of death, so I got it wrong. No. I think I was just an immature, stupid brat, so I didn’t notice. 
Sakuma-senpai had those same dead eyes. 
In the mountain of dead bodies, he was clinging onto life. He was the only one who didn’t want to die, he was the only one praying for something to happen.
No-one could save him. 
A bespectacled monk boy from a temple came along and evoked anger in him, trying to make him into a human— into something more than human.  The stupid, lost dog just wagged his tail and followed the hand that fed him. 
We didn’t realise that the person that was always grinning like a fool, and living what appeared to be a happy life, was actually suffering more than anyone. He desperately needed help. You can see why we didn’t notice; he looked like he was having fun.
When he stood on stage with me and Shitty Glasses as Deadmanz, he lived each day like it was his last. He looked genuinely happy—he looked like he was alive. But that was only a short-lived dream. Once he steps off stage, the spell breaks, and he turns back into a corpse.
A revolution takes place at the rotted Yumenosaki.
Sakuma-senpai was seen as a cause of evil and exterminated by those who claimed to be on the side of justice. The evil monsters had been defeated, and everyone lived happily ever after. It’s creepy when a corpse moves. Yeah, nothing will change if you don’t exterminate all the gross monsters, right?
—Fuck you, you bastards!
“Wan-chan, will you be singing today too?” The bored-looking playboy asks, on his phone as usual. Guess he doesn’t really want to talk to me. “You should stop because you’re dampening the mood. People think you're one of Sakuma-san’s henchmen, so people think you’re evil too and will persecute you like he was.”
“I don’t care. I… I’m.” I growl, the shallow first person pronoun Sakuma-senpai sometimes used slips from my mouth [1]. I cling onto what I’ve got left of him. “I just wanna sing with all my energy. I don’t care what the rest of you do.”
“But you’re creating problems for the livehouse. A customer pokes fun at you or Sakuma-san, you get angry, and you start a fight—I really don’t want things like that happening.”
“I won't create any problems, I’ll be on my best behaviour.”
“Will you really? But you’re like the rest of the customers— You always look like you’re going to start arguing with other Yumenosaki students. You come in from the back entrance like, everytime, to avoid any trouble, right?”
“I still pay the entrance fee.”
“Why do you go out of your way to perform here even though you’ve got to jump over so many dangerous obstacles to get here? It’s super bothersome.” Playboy's grumbling as usual. He pulls out a key and throws it to me. “Here. I’ll give you a key to a room so you can change clothes and get ready. If you swear to not cause any more trouble, you can become our new breadwinner, Wan-chan. I actually want to cheer you on,” the playboy said and laughed insincerely. 
I hate his demeanour, so I snap back. 
“Don’t call me ‘Wan-chan’.”
“Sakuma-san calls you ‘Wanko’. I call you ‘Wan’ as in, ‘number one’. Honest, honest to god.” [2] Playboy’s face goes serious for a split second and he waved his hands around like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. “You can be my number one breadwinner, like Sakuma-san.”
“Don’t hafta tell me twice.”
Just like Sakuma-senpai, I’ll become the best guy in the world. My voice alone will excite the crowd. A flirtatious glance will have women swooning. With a single look, even the strongest of men will bow down to me. In an instant, their souls are gripped, I captivate everyone. I’ll become like Sakuma Rei too. But the journey is a long one. “Let’s go. I’m singin’ tonight.”
I reach my booth, key in hand, and change into my costume. I take out my guitar, who’s as important to me as my parents and Leon are. Once I’m ready, I head to the stage. To tackle this head on.
“Shake, you fools! Imma show you what real music is!”
I sing. My guitar does too.
Just like Sakuma-senpai did.
Right now I’m blindly copying him, but I pray that one day, I’ll be able to be just like him.
I hope this song reaches him, wherever he is. 
Once, I was starving, yearning. But when I found Sakuma Rei and his music, my soul was satisfied. 
—Now it’s my turn. 
“Rock ‘n’ roll…!”
Come on, idiots of the world. I’ll open your eyes with my music. I’ll become your God. 
Translation notes:
[1]  in the line above this one Koga says ‘俺...俺様は’ or ‘ore…ore sama wa’. Oresama being the first person pronoun rei sometimes used, and its very egotistical.
[2] number one is pronounced as, in this case, ‘nanbaa wan’
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Hi I like your writing so much :)
I was wondering if you could do lesso x reader where reader is the first morally grey teacher after the schools unite.
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: arm pulling, D being oblivious
> a/n: so sorry for the delayyy, i had to fix my requirements for college, but here it is!
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“Why do we need to hire new people again?” Lesso asked whilst playing with a paperweight.
Dovey sighed and rolled her shoulders. She's been trying to get Lesso to lighten up as it's been weeks after Rafal's return. “Yes! We need to hire new people to teach subjects that Evers and Nevers have in common!”
Lesso leaned against her chair. “Subjects like ‘Evoking Magic'?”
Dovey gave Lesso a grin and clapped her hands. “Now you're getting it!” This made Lesso roll her eyes and mumble. “I wish I hadn't.”
Letting the paperweight drop on her desk, Lesso looked at Dovey and asked. “Why do Nevers and Evers need this subject?” She pointed at the third subject suggestion on the paper.
Furrowing her brows, Dovey leaned forward and looked at what Lesso is pointing. “Music Invocation? Why yes! Emma suggested it and I couldn't help it! Music has been part of both the Evil and Good side of the story!”
“The program name is quite... misleading to most students.”
“You mean your students?”
With that, Lesso motioned for Dovey to get out before she could not help herself and fling the paperweight towards her counterpart. 
“And that is the library, and a corridor down is Yuba's office–” You blurred Dovey's voice as you looked around the area. Although you graduated years before Dovey became Dean, you couldn't help but stare at the castle interior in awe.
“-and here we are!” Dovey stopped in front of a huge door, making you bump into her and drop your flute.
“Oh! So sorry about that.”
Dovey gave you a grin and put her hands on your shoulders. “It's quite fine, I know how nerve-wracking this can be!” She said whilst brushing the dust off your dress.
Fumbling down to get your flute, you let out a chuckle and looked at Dovey. “Oh, I'm not nervous. Just dazed, that's all.” With your words, Dovey raised her eyebrow.
“Pray tell why.” Dovey gave you a smile and opened your new classroom full of instruments and music sheets.
“Well I've been here be– Woah!” You started yet stopped as you saw the whole room. Every nook and cranny, you could see music related items. From the thinnest baton to the largest organ you ever saw in your life. Stepping inside the room,you immediately went near the piano on the right side.
As you played a note, Dovey smiled and leaned against the wall, watching you intently. Clearing her throat, Dovey closed the door and sat on a chair next to her. “Y/N... may I ask?”
Stopping your movements, you looked up towards Dovey's figure. “Yes, of course.” you said as you fumbled to get a chair to sit on.
“How does Emma know of you?”
Biting your lips, you gave Dovey a nervous chuckle as you fiddled with your dress. “Oh well– uh–”
Your stuttering was interrupted as someone opened the door and barged in without notice. “You! Have you seen Dovey? And what are you doing out of class?”
A red-headed figure walked towards you and grabbed your arm, pulling you upwards. Wincing at the harshness of her actions, you gave Dovey a scared look. To which the Dean of Good answered with a gasp and a shout. “Lesso! Put her down!”
Freezing at her counterpart's voice, Lesso tightened her grip on your arm. “Now!” With that, Lesso pushed you back on your chair and turned towards Dovey.
“Dovey. I was looking for you.”
“Now you've found me.” Dovey huffed and walked towards Lesso to grab the Dean of Evil by the arm and drag her out of the room. “I'll let Emma know you're here, Y/N.”
With that, Dovey and Lesso left you alone in your room.
“And she pulled you? Upwards? By the arms?”
You huffed as you rolled your eyes at Emma's constant questions about what happened. You explained to her what happened yet she cannot comprehend that Lesso did, in fact, drag up upwards by the arm. “Yes. How many times do I have to tell you!”
Emma chuckled at the tone of your voice and took your arm. “Well then, let's have lunch with your now ‘archenemy’.” She stated while making air quotations.
Rolling your eyes, you tried to shrug off Emma's hands but to no avail, you just let her hang on your arm. “Keep saying that and you'll be my archenemy.”
Nodding to the fairies as they opened the hall door for both of you, Emma laughed. “Ha! As if I haven't been your archenemy your whole life.” This made the students near the hearing range look up from their lunch to both of you.
Shaking off her arm, you shushed her by putting a finger on her lips. “Shush, my dear. Let us go and eat. I am famished.” Then you left her in the middle of the hall and sauntered to the tables.
As you neared the tables, you saw Dovey give you an excited grin. “Oh you're here! I assume Emma has given you the continued tour of the school.” Mention her name and she shall arrive, Emma suddenly appeared beside you making you jump and put a hand over your chest.
“Sweet heavens!” you closed your eyes as soon as you looked beside you and saw Emma's face a few inches away from yours.
Giving you a smirk, Emma poked your cheek and said. “That's the first time you said ‘heavens’ to my face.”
Pushing her away, you shot Emma a glare and walked towards Dovey. “Professor Dovey.” 
Looking up from her lunch, Dovey gave you a smile. “Oh Clarissa is fine, dear.”
Sensing that Emma was beside you, you rolled your eyes and huffed. “Clarissa, where will I sit?”
“Oh!” Dovey stood up from her chair and leaned towards you. “Well, on the Ever side, dear.”
Widening your eyes, you glanced beside you and saw Emma's face contort into a more serious one. “That's the problem, Clarissa.” She answered for you.
Narrowing her eyes at the Head of History, Dovey asked. “How is that a problem? If she's an Ever then–” Dovey gasped and put a hand over her mouth. “Unless, Y/N is a Never?”
“My sister has her faults but she is not a Never.” Now, Emma's voice arose, making the people in short range look towards her.
“Sister?!” Lesso and Dovey said simultaneously.
“Yes, sister.” Emma rolled her eyes. “But that is not the issue, the issue is where does my Ever-Never sister sit?”
With Emma's revelation, you could hear the whole hall burst into whispers. Ever-Nevers were rare. The only known Ever-Never was Robin Hood, and to this day he was widely known as an Ever, not both.
Closing your eyes, you sighed and listened to Emma argue with Dovey as to where you would sit. After a minute of them arguing, a figure cleared their throat behind you. “Do sit with us, we have a vacant chair.”
Looking up, you saw the redhead that grabbed you by the arm earlier next to you. Giving her a grateful smile, you nodded and motioned for her to lead the way. 
Pulling a chair next to her, you sat down and watched as she sat beside you. “I apologize.” 
Raising your eyebrow, you shot her a questioning look. “For earlier. When I pulled you up by the arm.” Biting your lips, you gave her a smile. “It's quite fine...?”
Looking at you with wide eyes, Lesso put her cutlery down. “Oh, Lesso. Dean of the School for Evil.”
“Well then, Oh, Lesso–” you chuckled in her direction. “It's fine.”
You turned to the plate in front of you and started getting dishes you preferred. “And, thank you for apologizing.”
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man--eater · 2 days
Hello! I’m loving Daphne’s Goetia design, her wings are beautiful. I’m curious about her paternal heritage, how did a Goetia fall in love (or at least in lust) with a Hellborn/Demon?
Thank you so much for the ask! It makes my day to know someone is interested in my writing 😭 I’m glad you like her design, it was fun to puzzle out. We meet Daph’s dad in a few chapters!
Daphne’s father is an orchid mantis sinner demon named Orpheus. He is a talented musician, particularly with string instruments (the extra pair of limbs—his raptorial claws—are a big advantage here). He was a wandering starving artist for several years after arriving in Hell, honing his skills and building up some mystique around himself, though he was never near being a household name. Handsome, charming, and utterly unreliable, Orpheus left a trail of no-show gigs and broken hearts in his wake—he could never settle down, and would slip away quietly to the next city, the next gig, the next muse. He was hired to perform at several Goetia events and ceremonies, and even managed to show up to most of them. Orpheus happened to be playing the harp at a lavish royal birthday party that the Goetia princess Alstroemeria (and granddaughter of Paimon) was attending. It was immediately electric between them—he found his Muse, the one whose beauty and grace would inspire his music forever, and she was swept off her feet by the forbidden romance of it all. They courted in secret and fell in love, and when Alstroemeria’s mother found out, she effectively disowned her daughter. But instead of being forced to never see Orpheus again, Alstroemeria’s punishment was to marry him and be cast out of her House, to live in a small, forgotten estate in the Pride ring. They thought they had gotten away relatively unscathed, all things considered, and they had Daphne. But the intense, consuming passion that had driven them began to fade. Alstroemeria began to realize just what she had given up by leaving her family to marry a penniless sinner demon—love could not put clothes on her back, or food in her child’s belly, and Orpheus was too inconstant to hold down a steady job. He grew distant from both Alstroemeria and Daphne, longing for the road and the freedom to follow his passion for music. Resentment festered between Orpheus and Alstroemeria, and they were both too self-absorbed to care that their little daughter was watching them fight. One day Orpheus said he was leaving for work and did not come back. He mailed Daphne postcards at first, but they grew less and less frequent before finally stopping altogether. Alstroemeria was not permitted to petition for divorce, but she took control of her house and her life. She grew more critical of and harsh on Daphne in an attempt to force her to be stoic and strong enough to handle life as a half-breed Goetia exile. On the rare occasions that Orpheus came to visit, he always seemed slightly surprised that were not overjoyed to see him. He does love them both, in his way, and is doting and affectionate with Daphne, but she knows she never was his priority and never will be. It is no surprise, therefore, that Daphne has a dim view of love and romance, and has never sought either.
Well this turned into more of an essay than i meant it to, but it was fun brainstorming his backstory with my friends in discord <3 Thanks again for the ask, this helped me hammer a lot of things out!!
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bookmystudiojayant · 15 days
Breaking through old startup
To ensure a successful and enjoyable photo shoot with BookMyStudio, follow these helpful tips:
Choose Your Outfits: Select outfits that complement your personality and the overall theme of your photo shoot. Consider the location, time of day, and occasion when choosing your attire.
Hair and Makeup: Ensure your hair and makeup are done to your liking. If you’re unsure, consider hiring a professional stylist.
Props and Accessories: Bring any props or accessories that you want to include in your photos. This could include anything from flowers to musical instruments. Top photography services in delhi ncr with price
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Be Prepared to Pose: Practice posing in front of a mirror to feel more comfortable and confident during your photo shoot.
Relax and Enjoy: Remember to have fun and enjoy the experience! A relaxed and positive attitude will show in your photos. Top photography services in delhi ncr near me
By following these tips, you can ensure that your photo shoot with BookMyStudio is a success.
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whitehatlink · 16 days
3 Dating Plans for an Intimate Evening
Planning a romantic evening can be a delightful experience, especially when you want to create a memorable connection with your partner. Whether you're looking to deepen your bond or simply enjoy each other's company, a well-thought-out date can set the stage for an unforgettable night. Here are three dating plans that will help you create an intimate evening, no matter the occasion.
1. A Candlelit Dinner at Home
One of the best ways to set the mood for an intimate evening is by planning a romantic candlelit dinner at home. This gives you control over the atmosphere, allowing you to focus entirely on your partner. Start by selecting a meal that both of you enjoy—whether it’s something fancy like steak or a comforting dish like pasta.
Set the table with candles, soft lighting, and perhaps some flowers to enhance the ambiance. To make the night more exciting, you can hire a Kuala Lumpur escort girl to add a touch of mystery and excitement to the evening if you're traveling or looking to elevate the experience in an adventurous way.
Don't forget to prepare a playlist of soft music to create a warm atmosphere. During dinner, take the time to share meaningful conversations, compliment each other, and enjoy the food. The key is to make your partner feel special, appreciated, and loved.
2. A Movie Night Under the Stars
If you and your partner enjoy watching movies, take this experience outdoors for a more intimate and unique setting. A backyard or rooftop movie night can create a romantic and cozy atmosphere, perfect for spending quality time together.
To plan this evening, you’ll need a projector, a white sheet or screen, and a comfortable setup of blankets and pillows. Choose a movie that both of you love or perhaps one that brings back fond memories. To add a little flair to your night, you can consider bringing in an escort near me, especially if you’re looking to turn your private event into something more personalized and luxurious.
Pop some popcorn, grab your favorite drinks, and settle in for a movie night with the sky as your backdrop. The natural setting will help create a relaxed atmosphere, allowing both of you to get closer and enjoy each other's company without distractions.
3. A Relaxing Spa Night
There’s nothing more intimate than pampering each other with a relaxing spa night. You can transform your home into a personal spa with a little creativity and some basic supplies like candles, essential oils, and soft towels.
Start the evening with a warm bubble bath, perhaps adding rose petals or essential oils like lavender to help both of you unwind. Afterward, you can exchange massages, using soothing oils to relax each other's muscles. Set the mood with low lighting and soft, instrumental music playing in the background.
For those looking to enhance their evening, the addition of a Kuala Lumpur escort girl could elevate the experience into something more exotic, especially if you're on a getaway or visiting from another city. Alternatively, if you're searching for that touch of spontaneity, finding an escort near me could add a dash of excitement and make the evening even more memorable.
Complete the night with a glass of champagne or your favorite wine, while snuggling up under a cozy blanket. The combination of relaxation, physical connection, and peaceful ambiance will surely create an unforgettable night.
An intimate evening doesn’t always require grand gestures or expensive outings. Whether you opt for a quiet dinner at home, a starlit movie night, or a spa evening, the most important thing is that you and your partner feel connected and appreciated. If you're feeling adventurous, you might even consider adding an escort near me or a Kuala Lumpur escort girl to your plans to elevate the evening to new heights. Regardless of the path you choose, with the right mindset and planning, you can create a romantic and intimate experience that will linger in your memories for years to come.
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bbtrumpetusa · 27 days
Trumpet teacher near me
Apart from its place in pomp and circumstance, the trumpet is quite versatile. It covers the highest register of all brass instruments and plays an important role in orchestras and bands around the world. It’s used in a range of musical genres from classical concertos to modern jazz, swing, ska, Latin, and pop. Hire the best online trumpet teacher. However cheerful, the trumpet is also used in somber military ceremonies with the playing of Taps. Best trumpet teacher with notes.
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abigailspinach · 3 months
Emily of New Moon Quotes
“Ilse lost her temper at once and went into a true Burnley tantrum. She was very fluent in her rages and the volley of abusive "dictionary words" which she hurled at Emily would have staggered most of the Blair Water Girls. But Emily was too much at home with words to be floored so easily; she grew angry too, but in a cool, dignified, Murray way which was more exasperating than violence.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon
“It had always seemed to Emily, ever since she could remember, that she was very, very near to a world of wonderful beauty. Between it and her hung only a thin curtain; she could never draw the curtain aside- but sometimes, just for a moment, a wind fluttered it and then it was as if she caught a glimpse of the enchanting realm beyond-only a glimpse and heard a note of unearthly music.” ― Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily of New Moon
“If at thirteen you can write ten good lines, at twenty you'll write ten times ten-if the gods are kind. I think there's something trying to speak through you- but you'll have to make yourself a fit instrument for it.” ― Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily of New Moon: Emily #1
“Aunt Elizabeth was one of those people who never do understand anything unless it is told them in plain language and hammered into their heads. And thy they understand it only with their brains and not with their hearts.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon
He had an explosive temper which generally burst into flame at least once a day, and then he would storm about wildly for a few minutes, tugging at his beard, imploring heaven to grant him patience, abusing everybody in general and the luckless object of his wrath in particular. But these tempers never lasted long. In a few minutes Mr. Carpenter would be smiling as graciously as a sun bursting through a storm-cloud on the very pupil he had been rating. Nobody seemed to cherish any grudge because of his scoldings. He never said any of the biting things Miss Brownell was wont to say, which rankled and festered for weeks; his hail of words fell alike on just and unjust and rolled off harmlessly.
He could take a joke on himself in perfect good nature. “Do you hear me? Do you hear me, sirrah?” he bellowed to Perry Miller one day. “Of course I hear you,” retorted Perry coolly, “they could hear you in Charlottetown.” Mr. Carpenter stared for a moment, then broke into a great, jolly laugh.
He had taken Emily’s advice and told his mother he would not love her if anything happened to Leo, and Leo flourished and waxed fat and doggy.
Perry had no one to say him nay and he went at them with the same dogged determination he showed in all other matters. Perry’s status at New Moon had changed subtly and steadily. Aunt Elizabeth had ceased to refer scornfully to him as “a hired boy.” Even she recognised that though he was still indubitably a hired boy he was not going to remain one, and she no longer objected to Laura’s patching up his ragged bits of clothing, or to Emily’s helping him with his lessons in the kitchen after supper, nor did she growl when Cousin Jimmy began to pay him a certain small wage—though older boys than Perry were still glad to put in the winter months choring for board and lodging in some comfortable home. If a future premier was in the making at New Moon Aunt Elizabeth wanted to have some small share in the making.
Even when she read over Evening Dreams a year later and wondered how she could ever have thought it any good.
This sort of thing was happening frequently now. Every time she read her little hoard of manuscripts over she found some of which the fairy gold had unaccountably turned to withered leaves, fit only for the burning. Emily burned them,—but it hurt her a little. Outgrowing things we love is never a pleasant process.
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wiltshirepiper · 3 months
Bagpipes are an excellent stress remedy for people. Playing the bagpipes is stress relief. Rhythmic breathing while playing an instrument will improve lung health and can provide a calming experience. The sound of the Highland Music expresses a long-lost past of war, conflict, and rebellion against the establishment.
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dweemeister · 5 months
“MGM Jubilee Overture” – performed by the MGM Symphony Orchestra; conducted by Johnny Green
This medley overture was performed in 1954 for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s 30th anniversary. In the days of the old Hollywood Studio System, all of the major studios* – MGM, Warner Bros., Paramount, Columbia, RKO, and Universal – had their own symphony orchestras. These orchestras recorded every film score that each studio churned out (feature films and short films alike). As the studio best known for their musicals, the MGM Symphony Orchestra was arguably the best of them all, boasting world-class instrumentalists that rivaled all but the very finest orchestras in the world.
Needless to say, these studio orchestras took on a lot of work and the studios wanted only the best musicians they could get. The composers, lyricists, orchestrators, and musicians were all under contract to the studio. This set-up no longer exists in Hollywood as studios dealt with tighter profit margins in the 1960s, changing musical tastes during that decade, and the fact that modern Hollywood studios produce far fewer movies every year than they did during Hollywood's Golden Age. These days, studios prefer to hire composers/lyricists/orchestrators and musicians on an individual basis.
Almost all of the original conductors' and instrumental sectional scores to all of this music were destroyed in the early 1970s when then-MGM owner Kirk Kerkorian decided to slowly convert MGM into a real estate company. To save costs, he approved of the near-complete disposal of the studio’s music library – thrown into a landfill now underneath a golf course. Kerkorian, for copyright purposes, allowed MGM musicians to jot down piano reductions of one piece of music for every MGM movie before the original scores were to be disposed.
The songs featured in this overture are listed below along with the films they featured in: 1:20-2:09: “Singin’ in the Rain” from various films; first introduced in The Hollywood Revue of 1929 (1929), best known for its use in Singin’ in the Rain (1952) 2:09-3:19: “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” from Born to Dance (1936) 3:19-3:49: “Broadway Rhythm” from The Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935) 3:49-4:30: “The Last Time I Saw Paris” from Lady Be Good (1941) 4:30-5:11: “Temptation” from Singin’ in the Rain (1952) 5:11-5:47: “Baby It’s Cold Outside” from Neptune’s Daughter (1949) 5:47-6:37: “Be My Love” from The Toast of New Orleans (1950) 6:37-7:03: “The Trolley Song” from Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) 7:04-7:30: “On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe” from The Harvey Girls (1946) 7:30-7:58: “The Donkey Serenade” from The Firefly (1937) 7:58-8:57: “Over the Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz (1939) 8:57-9:24: Conclusion
Composers: Nacio Herb Brown, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Frank Loesser, Nicholas Brodszky, Hugh Martin, Ralph Blane, Harry Warren, Rudolf Friml, Herbert Stothart, and Harold Arlen
* For those wondering where Disney is among the listed major studios, RKO distributed many of Disney’s films until the 1950s and Disney would not be a major studio until the late ‘80s/early ‘90s.
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rdesai19 · 9 months
Bhai's going away party
We are in the midst of the second going away party of my life. Bhai is going to America. He is going to SF, where Kanchan has been for the last 6 months. Bhai had been at college with Kanchan, They were great friends even then. They were very close friends right to the end. The same agent - Mr. Sonawala - had been retained for my brother. And the same process had been applied. My brother's friend - Naval, who had become an engineer and had gone to America - had provided the sponsorship.
It is a big party. Bigger because my father has a big family too. 15 cousins - so we had ~50 cousins joining in the festivities for Bhai's going away. In addition, there were ~50 who were from Virpur but not cousins. All day, for days at an end - people would stream in sit for hours at an end and leave. People would sit on the floor, not eating or drinking - just talking. Partying.
One night, we went for a movie. It was my second movie memory - Prem Pujari. The alone-in-a-pack experience of walking on empty streets to catch the last bus. Sometimes the last bus was quite crowded. But as soon as you get off the bus, it is solitary again.
One day, there was the ochav. The mandir was invited to send their musician volunteers to our home to hold a singlng party. The whole virpur community and a big neighborhood community was invited to the singing. People sat shoulder to shoulder on the floor, men and women segregated for maximum density without it being weird. And, they sang religiously themed rousing songs to gujarati musical instruments.
The day of departure is like the wedding day - very busy. All day long, people are dropping by to pay their last wishes to the young man soon to be flying away to America. He is not expected to live here ever again. He is not expected to return for many years - since it is very expensive and he needs to get a green card before coming back, else he will not be allowed in again. Basically, he is getting married - moving away to the in-laws house and can only come back if the in-laws allow it. It is a bit similar to saying goodbye to a girl on her wedding day. The whole communities show up.
My father had rented a bus so that people could come to the airport in the middle of the night. All day long, people had been dropping by and leaving. Towards the latter half of the day, people started staying for the bus.
There was constant food being served. People would go into the kitchen - eat and come out. In and out. My mom and the other women cooked for everyone. At some point - everyone had eaten and dinner wound down.
My father had hired a photographer - rather like a wedding. After dinner, there is a long, tedious session - and all the combinations are played out. The three siblings, the family, the one one ones, the one on twos, all that stuff. I have some beautiful picture memories of garlanding my brother in a 1-1 picture and a picture of all 5 of us and me being coy and cute. It gave me the only picture with Atul. Lot of good photo memories.
The night starts winding down as the time to leave for the airport draws near. People leave, people board the bus. I have this memory of throwing up as soon as the bus moved and then passing out.
Bhai left India for SF in '69. I was in KG. Maybe I am year off.
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mountliterazeeschool1 · 10 months
How to Choose the Best CBSE Near Me 
These days choosing the right school for your kid is a crucial part but not anymore. If you search best CBSE school near me you will notice Mount Litera Zee School is at the top of the search result and here’s why? 
Why We are the Best School 
Our Commitment 
As the best CBSE school near me, we committed ourselves to providing better academic excellence. Our school teachers follow a curriculum that is a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods to engage kids and encourage them to study hard. We always hire experienced teachers who understand kids better than anyone else. 
Holistic Development 
We create a well-rounded nurturing environment for kids to explore their interests. We have big playgrounds, arts & music classrooms, and other activities to foster their teamwork as well as leadership skills. We also understand the focus on those students who aren’t academically strong. 
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State of the Art Community  
Our school has modern infrastructure and cutting-edge technology to enhance the kid learning experience. We also have well-equipped labs, libraries, sports equipment, and musical instruments. 
Supportive Teachers 
We hired highly qualified teachers who have years of experience and understand kids and their needs. Every week we have parent and teacher meetings where we share their kid’s performance and other details. 
What Differentiate Us 
Our unwavering dedication to nurturing young minds stands at the core. We boast a team of passionate educators, each dedicated to cultivating a love for learning. Our curriculum extends beyond textbooks, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and practical application of knowledge.
How to Choose the Right School 
If you are not sure about this then here are a few tips that help you choose the right school for your child. While looking for a school make sure to check each school's curriculum, curriculum activities, school infrastructure, and how teachers handle kids. 
Either you can check on the internet by searching CBSE school near me or ask your friends or family members for the references they might suggest option. Schedule an appointment and check school environment that will help you make a correct choice. Don’t forget to check child and teacher ratio. 
Here in this blog, we discussed various things regarding why we are the best school. If you find this blog useful then do share with others. 
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chaps-pa1 · 10 months
Elevate Your Event with London Speaker Hire and Audio Equipment Rental
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Planning a successful event involves meticulous attention to detail, and one crucial element that can make or break the experience is the quality of sound. Whether you're hosting a corporate conference, a live performance, or a private celebration, London Speaker Hire offers a convenient solution to ensure your event's audio needs are met with excellence.
London Speaker Hire: Your Local Audio Expert
When searching for "speaker hire near me" in the bustling city of London, look no further than specialized services that cater to your audio equipment needs. London Speaker Hire stands out as a reliable and professional option, providing state-of-the-art sound equipment to elevate the ambiance of any event.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
With the demand for high-quality sound equipment on the rise, the need for convenient solutions has never been more apparent. London Speaker Hire not only offers top-tier audio equipment but also ensures the process is hassle-free. Gone are the days of worrying about transporting bulky speakers and complex sound setups. With London Speaker Hire, you can focus on your event, leaving the technicalities to the experts.
Sound Equipment Hire
The range of audio equipment available for hire is diverse, catering to events of all sizes and types. From compact, portable speakers for intimate gatherings to powerful sound systems for large-scale events, London Speaker Hire has you covered. The flexibility in equipment options allows event planners and organizers to tailor the audio setup to their specific requirements.
Audio Equipment hire
Whether you're organizing a wedding reception, a business seminar, or a live musical performance, the success of your event often hinges on the clarity and quality of the sound. London Speaker Hire provides a comprehensive selection of audio equipment suitable for various occasions. This ensures that regardless of the event's nature, the audience will enjoy an immersive and crystal-clear audio experience.
Live Sound Hire 
For those hosting live performances, the importance of impeccable sound cannot be overstated. London Speaker Hire specializes in live sound hire, offering equipment that delivers the nuances of every instrument and vocal with precision. From microphones to amplifiers and mixing consoles, the live sound hire service ensures that performers can give their best, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
In conclusion, when the success of your event relies on top-notch audio quality, London Speaker Hire emerges as the go-to solution. The convenience of finding "speaker hire near me" in the vibrant city of London, coupled with a diverse range of sound equipment for various occasions, makes this service a standout choice for event organizers. Elevate your next event with London Speaker Hire, where excellence in audio meets the ease of convenience.
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tonalartmusic · 1 year
Why Choosing Guitar Classes is an Excellent Idea?
Hiring a professional tutor for Violin Lessons For Adults Near Me is very advised if you want to become technically excellent in guitar playing.
While most self-taught guitarists will undoubtedly dismiss the concept, practicing with a guitar coach can provide various benefits. You may be unaware, but some of the top guitarists in the field of music have taken professional tuition at some time in their careers.
Of course, some people are uncomfortable with the idea of working with a teacher. Others may be reluctant to enroll in a class because they cannot afford the costs and time needed to finish a course. Despite this, it has been demonstrated that individuals that try to take guitar instruction progress faster than their classmates.
Consider this: even the best athlete in a particular sport or the most intellectual student in the school requires the direction of coaches and teachers. In the same vein, Guitar Classes Near Me can be of great assistance to you as a musician.
Your instructor for Beginner Piano Lessons For Adults could offer comments, pointing out areas of strength that you may be unaware of. They will also discover and educate you how to get around your shortcomings and undesirable behaviors as a player. In addition, you will be given listening tasks and additional duties between courses. If you have any queries about how to choose the correct instruments, your instructor is a great resource. Are you nervous about an impending live performance? Your teacher can also provide you with pointers. Simply said, your guitar skills, knowledge, and confidence will increase faster than you could ever dream on your own.
Selecting a teacher with the appropriate level of expertise and skill is essential if you want to get the most out of your classes. Whenever meeting or approaching potential tutors, ask plenty of questions. Tell them what type of music you would like to learn. Inquire about their previous experience as guitarists. Inquire about their fees and anything else that piques your curiosity.
Guitar mastery is not an unachievable objective if you are ready to pay the price. Private Guitar Lessons For Beginners are an excellent investment, particularly if you are passionate about following your musical goals. Your family, friends, and bandmates will be astounded as never before.
There are many methods to play the guitar. If you intend to engage a tutor, you must be willing to shell out a significant sum of money for the class because it may be costly. Another option for getting Clarinet Lessons Near Me is to utilize online resources. You would be surprised at how many guitar aficionados will share free tips, lessons, and pictorial guidance on how to play the guitar. To take benefit of these activities, you must first purchase a guitar and afterwards search online for guitar lessons with Singing Classes Near Me.
To effectively learn how to play the guitar, it is necessary to be patient as well as grasp the notes. Since music interpretation is a standard, this course will be essential.
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French European Concert Organist? 🦿 👋 🫵 🕰
I declared a major in Piano and Organ [Performance] at Loyola University New Orleans, when the year started, as well as having been accepted to minor in Ballet (but they put me in intermediate) and Vocal and Instrumental Music Education.
They said to chose Piano or Organ and either Performance or Education. I chose Piano and Education.
At the end of the year, I was told to do Organ Performance maybe or leave music, not allowed otherwise, like in any Education for some reason or Singing nor Piano as my major instrument. I know I fell behind in Piano after getting an A 1st semester, in the library for like an hour or longer to complete easy homework with listening for Introduction to Music Literature, maybe 2 days a week. I took 21 credit hours and most were music. 1st semester was 19 credit hours. 21 was their maximum. The piano literature was boring and hard, and my teacher didn't say anything.
I know my organ teacher who went to Oberlin, where I went to an organ camp, near Cleveland, Ohio in the county west of it asked if piano or if organ was my major instrument. He was a "POT" major, piano organ and theory, and he was working on his doctorate in organ. He was always so nice and I got an easy A, and he said I did good. He also was so impressed with my feet and legs since I did ballet, like my tennis teacher, who is from where he was getting his doctorate, in Rochester, Upstate New York state. I met an African American who had lived in New Orleans or the area part of his life before I did, and he was very mad I wasn't told I was to wash dishes before getting hired, in a secret way, living in Cleveland, just this year. He was like 60 years old. I remember Andre Rieu must not be dumb like people act and he knows what's going on still, that adults are treating me, still, and I'm not really just any trash or murder victim. The organ teacher I think his wife from Oberlin was an orchestral violinist with their blonde baby girl. They must have been born in the late 1960s or early 1970s. That whole school is probably still obsessed with me.
So, "long story short," I rotted. I wanted Music Education. I never graduated. I went home and tried to enjoy social media. I never made money in Hollywood to continue in music, private ballet, art...
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musicisinmyveins · 1 year
Listening to someone play an instrument, perhaps even sing, can be such an intimate revelation into someone's soul.
For me, any personal performance can place the musician in such a vulnerable situation. That feeling of defenselessness for the performer is often the cause for many to struggle with stagefright. Many incredible musicians only play for friends and family instead of growing their careers as a result.
Small circuit musicians, bands, and undiscovered talent; these are the things running around my mind today.
If you grew up in or near a small town, I am sure you have attended a local festival where a band was hired for the music entertainment. Many of these bands are made up of the local residents and these bands have a following of fans that would make you believe that these are huge groups.
Perhaps you have been at a local bar where a musician was in the corner providing entertainment for the night. These performers often have incredible talent that are not ever going to be heard on the radio.
These musicians have heart. They practice, they learn more and more every chance they can.
These musicians are the guts of the industry.
Do yourself a favor, go listen to some small venue bands or local talent.
Hear the heartbeat of music.
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wiltshirepiper · 4 months
As an improvement on the conventional bagpipe instrument, this illustrates a modern type of bagpipe. Its roots can be found in the Northumbrian pipes that Colin Ross and numerous others constructed. Scottish Bagpiper for Hire at Wiltshire Pipers is the perfect choice for performing indoors independently or in tandem with other musical instruments.
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