landscapes · 2 years
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Müswangen, 2022
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danieleneandermancini · 4 months
PARENTELA E ASCENDENZA DELLA CULTURA CELTICA DEL BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG, GERMANIA La cultura celtica dell'Età del Ferro preromana nell'Europa centrale e occidentale ha lasciato fino ai giorni nostri numerose tracce, anche sotto forma degli spettacolari enormi tumuli funerari e manufatti archeologici unici. Nonostante questa ricca eredità, molto di questa civiltà resta ancora celata. In una collaborazione tra l'Ufficio Statale per la Conservazione dei Monumenti storici del Baden-Württemberg e il Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) di Lipsia, sono stati ricostruiti, per la prima volta, i...
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peashooter85 · 2 years
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Daggers uncovered from the Hochdorf Chieften's Gave in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, circa 530 BC
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mutant-distraction · 2 years
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Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) by Hochdorf Schweiz
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beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 months
Still thinking about Him.... (Hochdorf chieftain's grave rat lion my beloved)
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Wie hoch ist die Dunkelziffer in Emmen!!!??? Thomas Lang, du Rassist, Mörder, Betrüger, Lügner, Verbrecher, Gauner, Dieb, Lump und Lumpazi!!! Du schuldest einem Freund viel Geld, das du ihm gestohlen hast, zahl es ihm gefälligst zurück!!! Solche Aasgeier wie dich brauchen wir nicht!!! Du wirst sowieso vor den Kadi treten, durftest du schon längst, die Fedpol sitzt dir im Nacken!!! Den Knast kennst du nun auch zu genüge!!! Nur eine Mörder-Gemeinde wie Emmen, die selber genügend Dreck am Stecken hat, stellt so eine widerliche Kreatur wie dich ein und füttert sie jahrelang durch. Du bist erledigt. Du gehst in den Knast für wahrscheinlich viele Jahre. Verschaff dir noch einen einigermassen würdevollen Abgang und zahl dem Freund das gestohlene Geld zurück. Gleiches gilt für andere widerliche Kreaturen: Davide Waldispühl, Thomas Minder, Marco Bitzi, Cédric Hauri, Fabienne Hauri, Gregor Bättig, Kurt Felder, Judith Isenschmid, Micha Egli, Roland Limacher, Fatime Jonuzi, alle Richter des BZG Hochdorf, ausser diejenigen, die im Zeitraum Ende 2023 ihren Job dort begannen, alle Richter vom KG LU, ausser diejenigen, die ihren Job Ende 2023 dort begannen, genauso alle Richter vom Bundessozialversicherungsgericht mit erwähnten Ausnahmen, dito Bundesverwaltungsgericht, dito Bundesgericht, alle Angehörigen der Kapo LU Emmenbrücke, die Strafverfahren am Hals und sonst Dreck am Stecken haben. Wie ist das Menschen zu diskriminieren, zu bestehlen, zu schikanieren, zu drangsalieren, widerrechtlich zu entführen und wegzusperren???!!! Ihr Bande von Herrenmenschen, Rassisten, Mördern, Gaunern, Lumpen, Verbrechern, Dieben, Lügnern, Lumpazis!!! Ihr werde alle vor Euren Richter treten!!! Und zwar rein legal und dem Gesetz entsprechend!!! Üble Nachrede Art. 173 StGB, Verleumdung Art. 174. StGB, Veruntreuung Art. 138 StGB, Diebstahl Art. 139 StGB, Arglistige Vermögensschädigung Art. 151 StGB, Ungetreue Amtsführung Art. 159 + 314 Abs. 1 StGB, Irreführung der Rechtspflege Art. 304 Ziff. 1 Abs. 2 StGB, Amtsmissbrauch Art. 312 StGB, Rechtsbeugung Art. 339 StGB, Diskriminierung Bundesverfassung Art. 8 Abs. 1 + 2 / Art. 261 StGB, nach Art. 29 Abs. 2 BV / Art. 13 / 14 EMRK, Art. 2 Abs. 1-3 / 14 Abs. 1 UNO Charta MR Pakt II 0.103.2, Art. 2 / 5 / 6 / 8 UNO Charta MR Antirassismuskonvention 0.104, Kompetenzüberschreitung Art. 191 StGB, Nötigung Art. 181 StGB, Erpressung Art. 154 + 253 StGB, Verstosses gegen Art. 17 SchKG Abs. 1, Begünstigung im Amt Art. 257 StGB, Begünstigung Art. 305 StGB, Vorteilsannahme Art. 331/332Sexies StGB, Vorteilsgewährung Art. 322Quinquies, Verstoss gegen Art. 51 Abs. 1 ZPO, Art. 102 StGB→Alles keine geringfügigen Verstösse!!! Stellt euch eurer Verantwortung!!! Aber dazu habt ihr doch gar nicht den Mut, ihr feigen Drecksäcke!!! Glaubt ihr wirklich ihr könnt jahrelang gegen das Gesetz verstossen??? Dummheit ist bei euch angeboren!!! Das ist klar, intelligente Menschen würden sowas nicht tun!!!🫵🧟🦹👮🕵😵😵‍💫🤢🤮💩🥵🥶😶‍🌫️😱😨😰🤔🫣🤭🫢👎🫷🫸👩‍🏫👩‍💼👩‍🎓👩‍✈️👩‍🔬👩‍🚀👩‍⚖️🦹‍♀️🦹‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/2357025277844521/posts/3685536711660031/?comment_id=3709336342613401
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triste-guillotine · 2 years
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ABSU “Mythological Occult Metal : 1991-2001″ Compilation 2005 (’My jewel is the lust from your kiss ; your breasts made me the lover of the three-fold locus, so take thy hand and join me for elixir, and we shall ride the portentous serpent tonight. Moonfire ! Come to me. Allaxitos ! Cum with thee. Never blow out the Eastern candle ! Forever’) Your five fold tongue has defiled me, I'm stranded by the tree of Storax Thus, we banish your unphallic wand, In order to make our nexus ecstasy
Disc 1 : 1. The Gold Torques of Uláid 2. Never Blow Out the Eastern Candle 3. Stone of Destiny 4. Immortal Sorcery 5. Sumerian Sands (The Silence) 6. Disembodied 7. ...and Shineth unto the Cold Cometh... / Prelusion to Cythrául 8. Akhera Goiti - Akhera Beiti (One Black Opalith for Tomorrow) 9. Reliquiae Celticae 10. The Great Battle Moving from Ideal to Actual 11. Old Tombs at Hochdorf Disc 2 : 1. Silvester Anfang / Deathcrush (Mayhem cover) 2. Swing of the Axe (Possessed cover) 3. Transylvania (Iron Maiden cover) 4. Bestial Invasion (Destruction cover) 5. The Winter Zephyr (...Within Kingdoms of Mist) (live) 6. Highland Tyrant Attack (live) 7. The Thrice Is Greatest to Ninnigal (live) 8. The Coming of War (Morbid Scream cover) (live) 9. Book of Splendour 10. Tasseomancy
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leo-fie · 9 months
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I need you guys to know that the celts of the Hallstatt culture (1200 - 450 BCE) wore conical hats made of birch bark. At least this one guy from around 550 BCE did.
These pictures are from two books about the archeological find of a celtic burial mount in Hochdorf/Enz, Southern Germany. It's near where I live. The find is amazing and very well preserved, but the most important thing is clearly that hat.
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whencyclopedes · 2 months
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Muerte, enterramiento y la otra vida en la religión celta de la antigüedad
Los antiguos celtas que ocuparon grandes partes de Europa entre 700 a.C. y 400 d.C. mostraron una clara creencia en la otra vida, tal y como demuestra su tratamiento de los difuntos. En ausencia de una documentación escrita extensa de los propios celtas, tenemos que deducir sus creencias religiosas de segunda mano de los autores clásicos. Por fortuna, varios enterramientos celtas importantes, tales como los de Hochdorf y Vix, se han descubierto intactos y se han podido examinar detalladamente. La abundancia de artefactos en estas y otras tumbas nos han proporcionado una mirada única sobre lo que los celtas consideraban necesario para enviar a sus seres queridos adecuadamente en su viaje al otro mundo.
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suemnick · 5 months
Keltenausgrabung Hochdorf
Irgendwann in den 80er Jahren hat man hier auf einem Acker ein Grab gefunden und ausgegraben. Viele und grosse Fundstücke sind in einem kleinen Museum zu sehen. Viel Geschichte und das nachgebaute Grab sowie ein aufschlussreicher Film ist zu sehen. In der Nähe wurde der Grabhügel wieder aufgeschüttet. Sehr interessant und lehrreich.
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world-of-news · 7 months
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marketblogresearch · 7 months
Organic Milk Powder Market Share, Size, Segmentation And Forecast 2030
The Insight Partners is excited to announce the release of groundbreaking findings in its latest market research report, "Overview of Organic Milk Powder Market Share, Size, and Forecast | 2030". The panoramic research, conducted by our team of seasoned experts, provides valuable insights on the Organic Milk Powder market forecast, key trends, drivers, challenges, and opportunities within the Organic Milk Powder market.
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The report unveils a detailed Organic Milk Powder market analysis of the current Organic Milk Powder market size and projects future growth trends based on historical data and market dynamics. At our research firm, we aim to help investors by providing both qualitative and quantitative data through this study. This global Organic Milk Powder market report, competitive landscape, risks and barriers to entry for market players, sales channels, distributors, and Porter's Five Forces Analysis.
Businesses must have a firm understanding of the market, before making significant investments. It makes financial sense to allocate a modest portion of your company's expenditure to reliable market research. With a team of well-versed experts, we deliver actionable insights and strategic intelligence to help businesses navigate the complexities of the market landscape. Our commitment to excellence and innovation sets us apart as a trusted partner for organizations seeking a competitive edge.
Why Opt for Our Organic Milk Powder Market Research Report?
Our researchers employ a multi-faceted approach to data collection, utilizing primary and secondary sources to ensure the breadth and depth of information.
Our researchers analyze consumer behavior, market trends, and brand positioning methods. Every piece of data undergoes a rigorous validation process to ensure accuracy and reliability.
We prioritize clarity and conciseness in our reporting, presenting findings in a format that is easily digestible for our clients.
We develop customized analytical models tailored to the specific nuances of the Organic Milk Powder market, allowing us to uncover hidden patterns and trends.
The report answers the following questions:
What are the primary factors driving the Organic Milk Powder market growth during the projected period?
What region is likely to witness the most substantial growth?
Which Organic Milk Powder market trend will take center stage in the coming years?
What are the key challenges hindering the Organic Milk Powder market expansion?
Emerging Trends: Our report uncovers emerging trends that are poised to reshape the Organic Milk Powder market equipping businesses with the foresight to stay ahead of the competition.
Competitive Landscape: The Insight Partners explores the competitive landscape, offering insights into key Organic Milk Powder market players, their strategies, and potential areas for differentiation. The key companies in the Organic Milk Powder market are Aurora Foods Dairy Corp. , HiPP GmbH and Co. Vertrieb KG , Hochdorf Swiss Nutrition , Ingredia SA , NowFood , Organic West Milk , Prolactal GmbH (ICL) , Royal Farm , SunOpta Inc , Triballat Ingredients .
Consumer Insights: Understanding consumer behavior is pivotal. The report includes a comprehensive analysis of consumer trends, preferences, and purchasing patterns.
Market Segmentation- The report breaks down the Organic Milk Powder market into key segments, providing a detailed examination of each segment's market size, Organic Milk Powder market growth potential, and strategic considerations.On the Basis of By Type this market is categorized further into-
Whole milk powder
Skimmed milk powder
Buttermilk powder
On the Basis of Application this market is categorized further into-
Foods and Beverages
Dietary supplements
Cosmetics and personal care
On the Basis of Geography this market is categorized further into-
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Key regions Organic Milk Powder Market Research Report:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
Published By :-
Senior Market Research expert at The Insight Partners
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haecki-photography · 1 year
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martin pêcheur
#eisvogel #eisvogelfoto #eisvögel #kingfisher #instabird #ig_birdwatchers #ig_birds #your_best_birds #kingbirds #planetbirds #natgeobirds #natgeoswiss #naturebirds #best_birds_of_world #best_birds_of_ig #birdsonearth #bestbirds #birdsprivate #birdlovers #birdwatching #best_bird_shots #birdscaptures #bns_birds #birdphotography #bird #birdsplace #birds_adored #baldegg #hochdorf #flachsee
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foodandbeverages · 1 year
Goat Milk Products Market: Global Segments, Top Key Players, Size And Recent Trends By Forecast To 2033
The goat milk products market is expected to increase from US$ 13.06 billion in 2023 to US$ 21.07 billion in 2033 with the prediction of 4.9% CAGR growth by the given forecast period.
Government Support for Goat Farming Push the Market
At the national level, goat rearing is essential in most countries’ rural economies. Goats, for example, are farmed by around 70% of landless agricultural laborers, as well as marginal and small farmers, in rural India. Goat farming delivers significant socioeconomic benefits to small-scale producers when compared to other livestock species.
Goats are the most promising meat-producing animal with the least amount of space requirements. They can survive in harsh weather and in regions with scant vegetation. They also provide high-quality milk, manure, and hide in addition to meat.
For insights on global, regional, and country-level parameters with growth opportunities from 2023 to 2033 – Download a Sample Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16881
Cattle farming is regarded as one of the world’s most profitable and long-term industries. Because of the increased demand for goat milk products, governments all over the world are providing financial incentives to many marginal farmers and entrepreneurs who wish to launch a commercial goat farming business. Many profits are determined by the amount of money invested in goat farming. As a result, financial assistance may be able to help the goat farming business soon.
Governments throughout the world have taken the lead in providing financial incentives and subsidies to many marginal farmers and enterprises interested in entering the commercial goat farming sector, which is seen as the primary driver of market expansion. For example, since 2019, the government of India has provided various loans and subsidies ranging from 25% to 35% of the total cost of goats or goat projects in collaboration with the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and other local banks. Such government initiative is expected to help the goat milk market flourish. The expanding vegan population is likely to stifle the growth of the global goat milk products market.
Key Points from the Goat Milk Products Market
The     market is expected to surpass US$ 21.07 billion by 2033.
The     expanding health and wellness trend among consumers, as well as the     increasing lactose intolerant population, are driving the goat milk products     market.
Goat     milk products market is expected to hold a CAGR of 4.9% during the     forecast period 2023 to 2033.
Asia     Pacific dominated the goat milk products market.
Grow your profit margin with FutureMarketInsights – Buy the report! https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/16881
Key Developments in the Goat Milk Products Market
April     2022 – CRM (Canada Royal Milk) established a strategic alliance with the     ODGC (Ontario Goat Dairy Cooperative) and PLCQ (Producers de lait de     chevre du Quebec), totalling around 120 goat dairy farms.
June     2022 – Atalanta, the cheese manufacturer, launched its unique cheddar     cheese, Table One. This product is manufactured from Canadian goat milk.
March     2021 – Hochdorf introduced goat milk-based newborn or infant formula. This     product is mostly sold under the Bimbosan brand. This can be administered     immediately after a kid is born. This formula has either starch or palm     oil.
October     2022 – Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd. Amalthea Group, a manufacturer of     sheep cheese-based goods in the Netherlands, has been acquired. Ausnutria     Dairy Corporation Ltd. hopes to increase its competitive edge and position     itself in the goat milk products business by expanding its complete goat     milk range with this acquisition.
Key Players:
Ausnutria     Dairy Corporation Ltd.
Emmi     Group
Goat     Partners International Inc.
Holle     baby food AG
St     Helen’s Farm
Hewitt’s     Dairy
Woolwich     Dairy Inc.
Xi’an     Baiyue Goat Dairy Group Co.Ltd.
Courtyard     Farms
Key Segmentation:
By Type:
Liquid     Milk
Powdered     Milk
By Distribution Channel:
 Convenience      Stores
 Specialty      Stores
 Online      Retail
By Region:
North     America
Asia     Pacific
Latin     America
The     Middle East & Africa
Table of Content
1. Executive Summary Goat Milk Products Market
    1.1. Global Market Outlook
    1.2. Demand-side Trends
    1.3. Supply-side Trends
    14. Technology Roadmap Analysis
    1.5. Analysis and Recommendations
2. Market Overview
    2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy
    2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations
3. Market Background
    3.1. Market Dynamics
        3.1.1. Drivers
        3.1.2. Restraints
        3.1.3. Opportunity
        3.1.4. Trends
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/goat-milk-products-market
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