#Hogwarts is a bad school
fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
I wish Hagrid would burn in fictional hell
‘Because she’ll never be as good as Hagrid,’ said Harry firmly, fully aware that he had just experienced an exemplary Care of Magical Creatures lesson and was thoroughly annoyed about it.
‘We’ve got to go and see him,’ said Harry. ‘This evening, after Divination. Tell him we want him back … You do want him back?’ he shot at Hermione. ‘I – well, I’m not going to pretend it didn’t make a nice change, having a proper Care of Magical Creatures lesson for once – but I do want Hagrid back, of course I do!’ Hermione added hastily, quailing under Harry’s furious stare.
To the class’s horror, Hagrid proceeded to explain that the reason the Skrewts had been killing each other was an excess of pent-up energy, and that the solution would be for each of the class to fix a leash on a Skrewt and take it for a short walk.
Their thick grey armour, their powerful, scuttling legs, their fire-blasting ends, their stings and their suckers, combined to make the Skrewts the most repulsive things Harry had ever seen. Most of the class – Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle in the lead – had fled into Hagrid’s cabin through the back door and barricaded themselves in; Harry, Ron and Hermione, however, were among those who remained outside trying to help Hagrid.
‘Hagrid’s been in loads of trouble before, and Dumbledore’s never sacked him,’ said Ron consolingly. ‘Worst that can happen is Hagrid’ll have to get rid of the Skrewts. Sorry … did I say worst? I meant best.’
‘What are these fascinating creatures called?’ she asked, beaming still more widely. ‘Blast-Ended Skrewts,’ grunted Hagrid. ‘Really?’ said Rita, apparently full of lively interest. ‘I’ve never heard of them before … where do they come from?’ Harry noticed a dull red flush rising up out of Hagrid’s wild black beard, and his heart sank. Where had Hagrid got the Skrewts from? ‘Lovely,’ said Rita. ‘Really lovely. Been teaching long?’ she added to Hagrid. Harry noticed her eyes travel over Dean (who had a nasty cut across one cheek), Lavender (whose robes were badly singed), Seamus (who was nursing several burnt fingers), and then to the cabin windows, where most of the class stood, their noses pressed against the glass, waiting to see if the coast was clear.
I will always hate Hagrid. This blog is a Hagrid hate blog whenever that piece of trash is mentioned. And Harry is scum by association. There are WAY more book snippets that demonstrate why these two HP characters deserve to burn in hell together.
Whenever people bitch about Draco bullying Hagrid by trying to get him fired, remember these simple facts:
Hagrid is not a qualified teacher.
He has not completed formal education.
Everyone knows Hagrid is a bad teacher, including the trio.
Harry tries to gaslight/intimate others into believing Hagrid is a good teacher including his friends, especially Hermione.
Everyone, except nitwit horrid Harry, is happy to have a competent teacher.
Even though Harry knows Hagrid is a bad teacher, he works desperately to get the man his job back.
Others are sad when Hagrid returns.
Hagrid puts students in physical danger in his classes.
The people who call out Hagrid publicly for being a bad teacher are labelled as antagonists: Draco + other Slytherins, Rita, and Dolores.
Hagrid pawns off his illegal and/or dangerous dealings into the hands of children (re Grawp and Norbert)
And Harry is a self-centred, selfish, stupid, inconsiderate, lowlife piece of vermin for helping to RUIN HIS CLASSMATES' EDUCATION!
I wish Harry and Hagrid freaking died in HP! And Albus Severus should have been Albus Rubeus for real. Severus is too good a name for a low-IQ Potter offspring.
Ok, hate rant over. Draco deserves justice for speaking the truth about Hagrid. For being punished for saying what everyone else was thinking. Screw Harry and Hagrid!
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sammyunhinged · 1 year
I fixed Hermione's 3rd year schedule
To preface this, I am a scheduling nerd. Making and figuring out how to make people's schedules work is one of my favorite pastimes.
So I bet myself that I could fix the Hogwarts schedule work to completely get rid of Hermione's need for a time turner and I did. The schedule would be very busy but definitely not impossible like it is during the Prisoner of Azkaban.
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I think the abbreviations are fairly self explanatory but here's the key:
H- Herbology
HM- History of Magic
P- Potions
DA- Defense Against the Dark Arts
AR- Ancient Runes
T- Transfiguration
C- Charms
MC- Care of Magical Creatures
AM- Arithmacy
MS- Muggle Studies
AS- Astronomy
My thought process if you're curious:
Hogwarts students have seven required courses from their first through fifth year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
During third year they can add any of the following electives:
Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
I put the following requirements on myself:
elective courses included all 4 houses due to the naturally smaller classes sizes
core classes for 1st through 5th years must only have 2 houses like in the books, keeping classes sizes reasonable
no classes could happen at the same time (aka 3rd year Arithmacy cannot happen at the same time as 3rd year Divination)
a single professor must be able to teach every one of their classes (aka 1st year DADA cannot overlap with 6th year DADA)
There must be time between classes so students can get from classroom to classroom
Classes must start at the same time every morning (9:00am), afternoon (1:00pm), and evening (6:30pm)
There must be a break after morning and afternoon classes so students have a time for lunch or dinner if they have a busy schedule.
I made the schedule using a timetable used by many universities. Classes occur on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday for a total of 150 mins per week, so 50 min classes on M/W/F and 75 mins classes on T/R. The only exception is a 75 min class on Monday/Wednesday from 4:00-5:15 which ensures all classes are done by 3:50pm on Friday.
Quidditch practice could easily take place on weekday mornings before 9:00am, weekday evenings between 5:30-9:00 when Astronomy classes begin, Friday afternoons, or weekends.
If anybody wants to see the complete schedule for all seven years or particular professors, I have those as well.
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@croptopjames <3 NSFW but not explicit
It's sinful, fucking sinful.
When Regulus agreed to be dragged along to this guys birthday party as part of him and his brother reconciling, this isn't how he thought it would go.
He thought it would maybe go something along the lines of he got a drink or two or three, say hi to the birthday boy, meet his brothers boyfriend and other two "best friends in the whole- the whoolle wide world reggie" he had slurred just slightly (just preparty drinks things), and then maybe, maybe if he got drunk enough, dance a bit. You know.
Most of those things did happen, to be fair. But the one thing he didn't see coming was James Fleamont Potter.
James potter, with his fucking dancing and his fucking hips and that fucking crop top. He had a waist that regulus just wanted to sink his teeth into, one that would look much better with handprint bruises, and his tattoo, that fucking tattoo, the stag antlers just barely peeking over his jeans.
Just barely, that is, until James hooks a finger in his waistband and starts swaying his hips to the beat of the music, other arm holding his bottle above his head, the head that's thrown back exposing a neck Regulus just wants to wrap his hands around and squeeze.
The worst decision he could make is walk over to him.
So he walks over to him, drink in hand (there's no way he's leaving it unattended) and smiles his most innocent smile. He looks up at James though his eyelashes, a perk of being the smallest black brother.
"And who might you be?" James grins. "No no, noono let me guess. Baby Black."
"Oh fuck that Nickname sucks, Potter" Regulus all but shudders
"Potter? Not James?" He pouts. Regulus wants to bite that lip, bite down on it and pull antil it bleeds. He wants to watch the blood run down James's chin and then lick it off.
He's so fucked. He stands up on tiptoe, so he can be right next to James's ear. He'll blame it on the music.
"James" he murmurs, low and dark and sweet all at the same time. He could have sworn James shuddered at the name.
"Regulus." James copies his tone, in his own ear, and if he sounded anything like that whilst saying James's name then he's surprised James is still upright. It makes his knees buckle for a second.
Strong arms wrap around his waist, and a slower song comes on.
"Dance with me?"
Regulus nods. Its polite, isn't it? It's rude to say no to the birthday boy. Even if, technically, it stopped being his birthday about an hour ago. The pair dance, and get far too close, and Regulus has his hands on that fucking crop top and on James's stupid little waist. It's fucking- it's not tiny, but it's not big. It's muscled. Seriously, the man is sculpted from clay or some shit.
Regulus tugs at the crop top. It reaches to a little above his belly button, and Regulus really really wants to rip it off.
"Now now honey, what are you doing that for?" Regulus blushes at the pet name, and it's almost impossible to hide because of how pale he is. James smirks, fucking smirks. Its usually something regulus Hayes, but on James it makes him want to kiss, and scratch and bite and make James his.
"Do you maybe want to go upstairs?" James asks, almost hesitantly, despite how confidently he's now murmuring in Regulus's ear and- and oh fuck, and kissing his neck.
He nods, frantically, resisting the urge to bite his lip.
"Not good enough, baby, I want to hear you say it" James says, standing up straight again, cocky smile back in place.
Regulus can play that game too. He stands on his tiptoes, wrapping his arms around James's neck and breathing in his ear.
"Please, sir? Can we go upstairs, to your room?" He says, tongue dripping with honey, as he gently tugs at James's earlobe with his teeth
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unfriendlymollusk · 8 months
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Chapter 63 "Elusive Creatures"
I just started this as a warm up for my head drawing homework but I ended up spending way more time on it than I should have
Ignore the poor cropping <3
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sp7-mr · 2 months
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shiftingwlily · 1 year
❀ shifting templates !
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btw all of my templates are on notion. requests are open!
empty basic
alice in wonderland
bullet train
fast and furious
hunger games
it 2017
maze runner
metal lords
mean girls
pitch perfect
star wars (ep 1-3 theme + ep 7-9 theme)
guardians of the galaxy
the suicide squad
breaking bad
our flag means death
ms marvel
derry girls
everything sucks!
floribama shore
ginny and georgia
i am not okay with this
it’s always sunny in philidelphia
jersey shore
outer banks
on my block
peaky blinders
sex education
stranger things
the boys
the umbrella academy
the walking dead
the 100
2 broke girls
brooklyn 99
american horror story (murder house, asylum, coven, freak show, hotel, roanoke, cult, apocalypse, 1984)
american housewife
heartbreak high
school spirits
doctor who
avengers assemble
big mouth
clone high
justice league
gravity falls
monster high
rick and morty
south park
the regular show
strawberry shortcake
the last of us
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blue-razzslushie · 3 months
What y'all think they are pondering abt. . .?
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Rory just finds a spelling error and points it out or sum 😭
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reynolds26raven · 26 days
Hogwarts all the WAAAAYY
Alohomora may the doors to Hogwarts opened. Happy 1st September. Happy back to Hogwarts day.
You’ll be force to hang out with little ferret boy or else you’ll be expelled from Hogwarts.
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(My wifi sucks so bad I need to wait 5 minutes to download pictures from Pinterest. So I screenshoot it. Bare with me here)
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annarielmidori · 7 months
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Adult Seb visiting Gaunt manor.
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boxdstars · 8 months
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The ever conniving future Auror Commissioner, and the ever incompetent future Minister of Magic
i can’t believe i didn’t realize that Hector Fawley (the fantastic beasts era minister of magic) was in this game??? iconic
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kay9leo · 25 days
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Because at 14, everything feels so long and permanent. Especially when the future is uncertain.
Honestly this was inspired by this post asking about your MC's boggart. I always figure that my MC's would fall into a more similar vein like Hermione where her boggart represents more of a symbol/idea.
When read up on reddit on Hermione's boggart was Professor McGonagall, someone pointed out saying that it's more of a symbolic thing when you look into it under a deeper light. With Professor McGonagall saying she failed all her classes, Hermione could get expelled from Hogwarts and get her wand snap. Essentially denying her from the wizarding world.
Since Hermione -a muggleborn witch- wants to belong in the wizarding world (when the muggle world rejected her), she is trying to prove that she deserve to belong in the wizarding world through her grades and by being at the top of her class. Hermione failing her classes could risk her getting kicked out and getting her wand snap. The McGonagall boggart failing her is symbolic of her true fear - belonging no where.
While Hermione a girl trying to belong somewhere and doesn't want to be kicked out, Iñaki is a girl who's afraid that she'll never go back home.
What's a more permanent way of saying you aren't returning to your home country by getting a passport (symbolizing that you got naturalized) of your adopted country? More about Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
The Reality of Hogwarts
Growing up is realizing that Hogwarts is not a wonderful escape, but a hell-hole full of death traps, has a headmaster grooming child soldiers and is a breeding ground for terrorist cults. Not to mention having open borders for villains in every book.
If you still think Hogwarts is a great school, maybe you have not grown up yet.
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savingsallow · 19 days
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— a date with herself ft. the unexpected rain
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icejello · 1 year
Okay svsss fandom give me your thoughts
So i was thinking about that scene where sqq jokingly asks the system if it ever worked with the harry potter franchise before and got inspired to write a harry potter au for svsss. The characters that would be involved are bingqiu and moshang but i can't figure out what Hogwarts house they would be in so do tell me your ideas.
How the story would go?
Basically the system malfunctions and suddenly transmigrated the 4 of them into the Harry Potter world. They can only escape if they help protect Harry and figure out who's the evil person trying to kill him (it's going to be centered in book 1). The problem? None of them knows about Harry Potter and so they're in a panic trying to solve who the evil person is without realizing Harry practically could not be killed because of the prophecy.
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unicornwithtits · 4 months
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I really suck at drawing but I think I really caught the crazyness I saw in my MCs eyes when I put that psycho mask in her lol
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Just found some old pictures of the wands my mum and I made for a Fantastic Beasts event at the college LRC (library) where I used to work.
We made them out of newspaper, toilet roll, PVA glue, acrylic paint, beads and plastic gems, and a glue gun.
These were hidden around the LRC and students would hunt for them every day for about two weeks until they found them all. Those that found them got to take them home and we also had some other activities to promote some of our Harry Potter audiobooks, ebooks and physical books and movies.
Bonus points to whoever spots the atrocious spelling mistake I made on the promotional material. Had to remember where we hid them all so I could break out the tipex
Edit: I Would like to mention as an afterthought, I am in no way in support of She Who Must Not Be Named (aka JK Rowling's) personal opinions regarding trans people. In my opinion she has turned into a vial and loathsome individual who has thoroughly tarnished my love of the fictional world she created. Her actions are pointlessly decisive, and harmful to cis and trans women alike.
Though the fanfic + fanart and the diverse community which created it and enriched that world is still incredibly dear to me. Even though I was never an active member (beyond, reading, giving kudos where it was due and occasionally commenting) I still felt like I was part of a friendly welcoming community full of talented (& not so talented), inspiring individuals.
If you are trans then please know that I support you. What is going down at the moment is utter bull. It might not feel like it sometimes, but people are on your side.
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