#Hola Prominence
belit0 · 1 year
Hello !! What if Uchiha's S/O wants to reduce her breasts, how would they react?
I LOVE your writing and I feel so harassed for liking your post so much, forgive me for seeming strange <3 good day/sorry for my bad writing I speak Spanish
Hola!!!!!! Soy de Argentina! Me podes hablar en español jajajaja. Tengo un # especifico para todos mis compis hispanohablantes, lugarcito seguro para nosotros
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- Does he care? No. While Indra values beauty and even prioritizes it, everything happens from the shoulders up. He needs to be convinced of his s/o's face, that kind of beauty, he doesn't care in the least what happens to her body. Big breasts or not, it doesn't matter to him.
- Does he care? No. Nothing moves him less than what his s/o does with her body. Madara falls in love with her, with her personality, he cares little or nothing about the decisions she makes regarding personal matters.
- Does he care? A little. Izuna does enjoy the prominent size of nice breasts, but that won't stop him from prioritizing her s/o's well-being. If that's the decision she wants to make, he respects it (he'll pretend to cry a little bit).
- As we say in Argentina, "que haga de su culo un florero." Does he care? Not at all. Obito is the one who values personality the most out of all the Uchiha, he didn't even notice his s/o's body until considering having sex.
- Does he care? Yes. Shisui likes boobs, he doesn't understand the motive behind his s/o's need at first, but after a good talk and mutual understanding, he feels like an idiot for being against it in the beginning.
- Does he care? No. Literally, nothing matters less to him in the world. Another Uchiha who falls in love because of his s/o's inner self, personality, virtues, it doesn't make any difference to him the size of her breasts.
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themoonitselff · 1 year
miguel o'hara x latino male reader where miguel teaches him Spanish and sort of degrades him a little because he's not fluent >:3
por fin, he encontrado a otro latino que puede escribir esto por mí 😭 estoy de EEUU y me encantan este chichón. te agradezco mucho si lo haces!! <3
OKOKOK THIS IS SO CUTE, I'LL DO MY BEST YKYKYK I MADE BOTH HCS AND FANFICS BC I WASN'T SURE IF YOU WANTED ONE OF THOSE OR BOTH ENJOY IT. Estoy agradecido de que hayas encontrado esta página, muchas gracias. 👹
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Miguel O'hara × Latino Male! Reader
Warnings: suggestive things at the end. Just platonic relationship between miguel and reader. Miguel is a hothead. SHITTY ENGLISH PLEASE DON'T HATE ME
He would be surprised because not everyday you found someone who's interested in learning his native language.
However, he would teach you the basics like “Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” and other sentences, and he would laugh at you because you can't say it without his english accent.
Miguel is very strict so with the pass of time he would get mad or angry if reader don't learn quick.
He's the type that teases reader with the Ñ and everytime they start arguing he remember you're learning spanish and says something like “Now say Ñandú.. What's the matter? Can't you say Ñ? Of course you can't.” He would degrade him.
Miguel is not always a grumpy old man so when he's not in the Spider Society or working, he would be soo gentle. Teaching you without a killer face, his big hands pointing at the words in the big orange hologram, caressing your hair and making it a mess when you're doing great, he's a busy man, but he was also a dad.
Plus, he doesn't have too much patience. Don't idealize him.
You were walking into Miguel's Office, you were trying to read a book in Spanish but it was so difficult to you, of course you had to search help, and who could teach you better than him? Your nerves send shivers down your spine as you walk in and you find him busy in his desk with some orange pannels in front of him, then, he notices you, and side-eyes you like you were dressing like a clown.
“What do you want?” He says and he keeps doing his job.
“Hi! I know you're working but I need help with... Spanish.”
You swallow as he stops for a second, your heart skips a beat as his eyes widen, he turns at you and you stay on your Space, like a rock, scared of what he could say.
“So, you came here because...?”
“Jessica told me you're mexican.”
He rolled his eyes and walks towards you, you stay freezed, now he's in front of you, looking down at your face, his muscles flexing with every move, his prominent body towards you, his predator eyes, he was smashable.
“I thought you were latino.. If I was your dad, I would be embarrased of yo.” You said nothing, but did a poker face in response, it was just.. Unnecesary, why would he say that? “And what's exactly what you want to learn..?”
“Everything I can.”
He looks at you, then at his workplace, then looks at you again, and sighs. “Let's see what we can do.”
“So, how do you say Hi to people?”
“Huola.” You say, proud of your knowledge, it would be perfect if you didn't have an accent.
He raised his hand to his forehead, trying not to cringe about it, “Ay, señor... It's Hola. But you're progressing.” His words were sharp and cold lice an ice knife, but you were still proud of what you habe learned with him, it took him a good while to get you in the line but at least you can understand what he says.
“That's something.” You smile.
Miguel looks at the hour and gasps, remembering he had a meeting 5 minutes ago and he was late, then, he looks at you and talks nervously “I have to go back to work, I'll be tomorrow soon at 08:00 AM if you need something else. Is that okay?”
“Yeah sure, Adiós Miggy!” You went out of the door as he still looks at you, surprised of your last words in spanish that sounded really good, drifting away from the office..
“Adiós, niño.”
He sits in his chair and giggles a bit, remembering how you said ‘Me han follado tantas veces' instead of ‘Me han fallado tantas veces'.. And he mutters to himself, his gutural voice sounding like a vibration “That's my boy.”
Ay señor — Oh god..
Hola — Hello.
Adiós, Miggy! — Bye, Miggy!
Adiós, niño. — Goodbye, kid.
Me han follado tantas veces — I've been fucked so many times.. (the seggsy way)
Me han fallado tantas veces— I've been betrayed so many times..
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theroseceleste · 3 months
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Pilot Miguel - Part 2 - Trouble in Paradise
Hola! You've landed in Acapulco, Mexico. Now begins your two days of fun in the sun before flying back to Nueva York.
Word count - 3022
Not much in the way of any triggering content, apart from alcohol consumption.
This fic will have smut, but not in this chapter. Minors DNI
Enjoy! xx
Part 1
If you enjoy this fic, please consider liking, commenting or re-blogging. Many thanks xx
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You have never been to Acapulco before, but you definitely want to come back again if you get to stay in this hotel next time. The next two days are going to be perfect, full of sun, sand and sea.
The first thing you do when you get into your room is chuck your uniform off, remove that thick purple jacket and change into something much lighter and free.
Your room is brightly decorated with pale green walls. Light wooden headboards crown not one but two double beds. You even get a balcony with a sea view. Paradise…
Stepping out onto the balcony, your soft, bare feet pad onto the smooth beige tiles, heated by the afternoon sun. The coastal breeze whips your long beach dress around your legs. With your hair still up, the warm, rushing wind caresses the skin on your neck like a lover’s tender kiss. You could get used to this.
To catch up on a much needed intake of vitamin D, you sit on the balcony and soak up the sun for a short while as you connect your phone to the hotel’s WiFi.
Taking a few snaps, you post them up on Instagram for your jealous friends at home to drool over. You smirk as you hit the post button, knowing full well, your phone will buzz constantly with notifications in a few moments time.
The prominent sound of the waves crashing along the sandy beach fills you with joy. It’s a constant noise that relaxes you. With each wave coming in and ebbing away again, it’s as though the sea is breathing, deep, long breaths, in and out.
You close your eyes as you enjoy your moment of peace…
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(Thirty minutes prior)
Captain O’Hara grimaces as he steps out of the bus as he and the crew arrive at the hotel. While the rest of his colleagues gawp and stare at what they consider an impressive hotel, he regards it more of the opposite. A large rectangle-like building with a slope down one side, gives him the impression that it’s a modern take on an ancient Mayan pyramid, how… original... But, it’s a place to stay at least. He can shut himself in his room and not talk to anyone for two days.
A chorus of rollalong bags fills the air as the entire crew make their way inside the hotel. Some girls talk excitedly while he notices others catching a glimpse at him. He keeps his head down, looking at the polished grey tiled flooring as they approach the reception.
While you check in, the Captain approaches another available hotel receptionist after they call him forward. A few moments later he’s presented with a room key and a door number.
“Gracias,” he mumbles to the person behind the front desk and moves off, to go looking for the elevator.
He sees you disappear behind a set of closing lift doors as you get your room key before him. It isn’t long before another lift arrives.
Stepping out of the elevator, he turns the corner and sees you enter your room. Your door clicks shut as he looks down at his room number, 928.
925, 926, 927… 928… Huh…
His room is right next to yours.
He inserts his key into the slot and a green light flashes. Then, he pulls it out and turns the door handle to enter.
The door slams behind him as he lets go of his case. His long fingers negotiate his golden buttons on his jacket, pulling it away once it’s undone. Then he tugs at his tie, loosening it so he can yank it over his head.
After being out in the stifling Mexican sun, his crisp, white shirt clings to his skin uncomfortably. One by one, each button is undone, revealing his perfectly toned chest. The cool, conditioned air kisses his skin, soothing that gross sticky feeling.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, another email no doubt. Unlocking his phone with one hand, his other unfastens his belt buckle.
An email from his lawyer is the latest notification on his screen. His considerably sized thumb presses on it to read the message.
“Dear Mr. O’Hara.
We’re writing to inform you that as of this morning, the court has approved yours and Mrs. O’Hara’s divorce agreement.
We thank you for choosing us to represent you…”
The email continues but he stops taking it in. His hand lowers, the phone slips from his long fingers and falls onto the bed.
That’s it. It’s official. Divorced and not even forty - that’s still a few years away. He feels a total failure. He knew this email would arrive today, but it still doesn’t soften the blow.
Being a pilot means spending a lot of time away from home. When he was dating his now ex-wife, she was aware of his career and even embraced it. However, it seems a few years down the line, she wasn’t quite as prepared for it as she thought.
Despite her changing her mind on what she wanted in their marriage, he still feels he was a disappointment. It’s not that he didn’t try in his relationship with her; on days that he was home, he took his wife out on dates, or even went away for a couple of days. But she wanted more than what he could provide, despite making it plain to her from the get go.
He thought that a change in airline would do him some good, new company, new people… So far, not the best start. Unlucky for him that the court’s verdict on his divorce settlement coincides with his first day at his new job.
Kicking his smart, black shoes off, across the floor, he strips off completely and ambles into the hotel room’s ensuite. His defined muscles flex with every lazy footfall. Shortly after, the pattering sound of water hitting the shower tray echoes out from the bathroom as he has a much needed soak and freshening up session.
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Peter waves at you as you enter the bar. Earlier, you arranged to sit, eat and drink with him instead of being a major party animal like the rest of the crew. It’s not your style and it isn’t Peter’s either, not any more anyway. He’s married and has a little girl at home, and feels that getting hideously drunk and dancing into the early hours of the morning is no longer appropriate. His head thanks him for that the morning after while the rest of the crew hide away in dark rooms feeling ill.
He taps his room keycard on the waxed table as you approach and sit.
“Hotel’s great isn’t it?” he asks as he watches you take in the surroundings.
The bar and restaurant is on the third floor. Windows on the inside, show the tops of the palm trees growing on the first floor in the lobby. Wooden support beams are dotted between tables.
“I love it. Definitely want to come back here again,” you reply as you tuck your chair in further under the table.
“Certainly makes it worth putting up with a hellishly boring flight with the new Captain.”
You frown sympathetically.
“That bad huh?”
Peter gives a laboured sigh.
“The dude hates speaking sentences longer than one word. And when he has no choice in having a conversation, he’s an ass about it.”
You chuckle. It’s funny when Peter gets animated and grouchy; the latter being a rare occurrence.
“Maybe he just needs a good fuck,” Peter says flippantly, picking up his drink and raises it to his mouth.
“Who needs a good fuck?”
Peter nearly spits his drink out in shock and you turn your head towards whoever just spoke.
At the side of your table, the giant Captain approaches, dressed in a white button up t-shirt and cream coloured shorts, complimenting his gorgeous skin tone. He knows that Peter was talking about him, but wants to see the First Officer squirm - or choke, he’s not fussed either way…
The sound of a chair dragging along the floor fills the room as Captain O’Hara takes a seat, joining the two of you. His expression, full of mock expectancy for Peter to answer his question.
“Uhh, just someone that both (Y/N) and I know,” he responds finally after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
The Captain sits to your right while Peter is opposite you on the square table.
“Uh huh. Right,” he pauses as he places his large hands together and rests his elbows against the table.
“And is this something to do with the guy who ‘hates speaking sentences longer than one word’?”
As your eyes flit between the two pilots, you notice a lighter band of skin around his ring finger, as if he used to wear a ring but doesn’t anymore.
“Oh, fine - I was referring to you,” Peter concedes.
“I still stand by it though…”
You think Peter is being rather feisty, maybe he has gained some courage from drinking. He does seem more relaxed than usual.
Captain O’Hara squints at the First Officer’s comment, but before he can retort, you speak up.
“How long have you been flying, Captain?”
He looks at you in a stunned silence. Your question and tone of interest totally disarms him. Those dark brown eyes scan your face momentarily while Peter watches him and then you.
“Uhm…” The Captain has to think for a second, counting the number of years he has been flying for.
“Coming up to nine years. Why do you ask?”
His arms fold on top of the table.
You give a slight shrug, you were just simply interested in knowing, but you offer up a reason anyway.
“Today’s landing was probably the smoothest I’ve ever had.”
The Captain’s face turns slightly pink as his gaze drops away from yours. You notice a slight vibration under the table, as his knee bounces up and down rapidly.
“Oh… Um… Good flying conditions help - uhm… don’t they Parker?”
Peter is almost grinning watching this display of awkwardness from Captain O’Hara, but that cheeky expression drops when the pilot turns to face him.
“Oh, yeah, cross-winds are a nightmare. We had good and calm weather on our side today.”
As the conversation continues, the Captain finds himself surprised that he hasn’t felt tempted to leave. He originally wanted to order room service, but it turns out the hotel only does buffets so he was forced to leave his room. As you and Peter go in search of food, he watches over the table and your small bag containing your phone. While he waits, he orders a beer which will be his third this evening as he had already raided the minibar before leaving his room.
At the expansive buffet table, you decide to give fajitas a try. You place a couple of tortilla wraps on your plate and place some grilled food in the middle of them both. A small bowl of spicy Mexican rice gets your attention, so you pick that up too. The food smells amazing, and you’re surprised you’ve never given much Mexican food a chance before.
Peter looks like he’s in heaven, such a wide variety and one plate to fit it all on. You can tell he’s going to be there for a while.
Sitting back down at the table you tentatively try to negotiate the wrap. You fold one side over and then the other, but realise that will end up in a great, big mess. Captain O’Hara is taking a mouthful of Corona when he spots you having trouble with your food. He quickly gulps it and puts the glass down.
“Oh, no. Here’s how you do it,” he reaches towards your plate but pauses and looks at you.
“May I? I washed my hands before I came down.”
You give a nod in response to let him touch your food.
“Okay,” he begins, “you fold this bit here upwards, then fold the side over and do the same on the other side, like so...”
As he speaks, he demonstrates the folding technique.
“Nothing falls out the other side when you bite into it then.”
The Captain nudges your plate back towards you with a weak smile.
“Oh, right! That makes sense. Thank you.”
Picking up what now resembles a parcel of food, you bite into it. The flavours of the marinade and spices burst in your mouth and you give a contented hum of approval.
“Mmmm! That’s so good.”
You cover your mouth as you chew and swallow.
“Do you eat much Mexican food?” you ask with interest to maintain a polite conversation, before glancing over at Peter with a plate piled high with food; you suppress a laugh.
“Well, I’m - half Mexican so, I kinda grew up with it.”
“Oh - of course. How silly of me,” you reply before taking another bite.
He gives a slight shrug before he gawks at Peter’s mountain of food.
As you eat, you think about the Captain’s last name. O’Hara…
“So, you’re half Irish too?” you ask.
His gaze drops slightly again.
“Yes, that’s right. But, I don’t really recognise my Irish heritage. My father was a good for nothing piece of shit.”
As he answers, you can detect a hint of venom in his voice. Perhaps a story for another time - or never; you won’t push him.
Peter finally sits at the table, carefully setting his plate down after treating the journey like an intense balancing act.
“Are you going to eat all of that, Parker?”
Too late, the man has already started eating. There won’t be much sense coming from him now.
“Oh, he’ll eat most of it at least,” you answer for him and receive a look from Captain O’Hara as if non verbally asking you if you are serious.
“Well, I’m going to go and see if there’s anything left.”
He stands, suddenly reminding you how tall he is while you crane your head up to look at him as he heads towards the buffet.
A little later on, you’re all fed, watered - kind of, and feeling a little weary after a long day. Peter nurses a huge food baby and looks to be settled in his chair for a little while. You stifle a yawn just as the Captain finishes his fourth beer of the evening.
“Well boys,” you begin as you stand, “I’m going to get some shut-eye. Got to prepare myself for a day of doing absolutely nothing tomorrow.”
You sling your little bag over your shoulder.
“I’ll come with you - we’re neighbours,” the Captain stands up too and begins to follow you while Peter waves lazily.
The both of you begin your leisurely walk back to your rooms, chatting along the way. You can tell that the beer has loosened him up quite considerably and seems more willing to talk. It’s been fun learning a bit about him. Then you realise, you don’t know his name.
“What’s your name, Captain? Seems a bit odd calling you that all the time.”
He gives a very small chuckle as he realises he’s neglected to tell you the most basic bit of information about him.
“Oh, my name’s Miguel,” he reaches out for something that you think is your hand which you offer him to shake.
Miguel slaps it lightly out of the way.
“No, your phone, gi’me your phone.”
Unclasping your little bag, you bring out your cell phone and unlock it. Then you open your contacts and hand the device to him.
The keyboard clicks as he enters in his details, although he has to use the backspace several times until he types it correctly.
“There,” he hands it back to you. “Text me, and I’ll have your number too.”
Taking the phone, you press the message button and you begin to type.
“Hello Miguel. :) xx”
Then you hit send, hearing a deep buzz from his pocket just a moment later.
He knows it’s from you, but he looks anyway; the ‘xx’ catches his eye.
“Do you send kisses to all your Captains?” he asks as a pink hue glows on his cheeks, feeling the heat rising in his face; unable to tell if he is blushing from the chemistry or the beer.
“I don’t text any of my other Captains,” you reply, sounding more flirty than you originally intended.
You reach the door to your room but before you pull your keycard out of your bag, Miguel takes your hand and pulls it towards his lips. Your eyes widen at the surprise, but they soften when he plants a tender kiss against your knuckles.
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Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash
“Well, I’m honoured to be the only Captain you have stored in your phone.”
Now it’s your turn for your face to go bright pink. It’s impossible to tell who’s blushing more.
Eventually he releases your hand, letting it fall back to your side.
“Goodnight,” you say softly, your voice almost non-existent.
He bids you goodnight in return and watches you enter your room before he unlocks his door.
Flipping his lightswitch, his room is fully lit once again. He flops down on his bed after kicking his flip-flops off and grabbing another beer from the minibar.
As he lays there, he thinks about his divorce and how much of a fuck up his marriage was. Then his mind visits the memory of you bumping into him that morning, and the smell of your
perfume. After that, he thinks about Peter saying that Miguel needs a good fuck; to not be so grumpy, he presumes. Perhaps he’s right. It has been a while… Speaking of… He feels a twitch under his cream coloured shorts and groans.
“Not now…” he grumbles to himself.
He’s too tired, too depressed and too drunk to pleasure himself right now, but it persists. Picking up his phone from his pocket, he tries to distract himself but sees your message when he unlocks it.
Another groan spills from his lips before he sets his beer down on his bedside table and unzips his shorts…
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I hope you enjoyed Part 2.
Next Chapter >
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jadeazora · 2 years
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Alright, I just had the worst fucking experience trying to log in because my phone decided to take a goddamn shit. Please, for Christ sake pist this time:
Iono is the Gym Leader of Levincia, one of the Paldea region's prominent cities, specializing in Electric-type Pokémon. She's also known as the Supercharged Streamer, having gained popularity as the host of the Iono Zone—she even streams her work as a Gym Leader and seems to place great emphasis on viewer engagement on her channel and the number of views she gets. Her catchphrases include: Your eyeballs are MINE—caught in my Electroweb! and 'Ello, 'ello, hola! Ciao and Bonjour!
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Bellibolt's abilities are Electromorphosis and Static. Electromorphosis is a new ability. "Bellibolt becomes charged when hit by an attack, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move it uses." (Edit: misread.)
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Bellibolt expands and contracts its body to generate electricity in an organ that looks like a belly button. Electricity is then discharged from the two bumps on either side of its head that resemble eyeballs.
After the sun sets, you can hear strange noises coming from Bellibolt’s habitat. This noise is not Bellibolt’s cries, but a sound emitting from their stomachs–it is known that this sound signals that they are hungry
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Here's their gameplay:
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taryndedoo · 11 months
Taryndedoo Art Blog
Hello there, o Hola! I am Taryndedoo!
Welcome to my art blog! I will be posting all my art here, be it old or new, gifts for friends, and even commisions!
I draw all kinds of art, monsters, animals, and people! I am self taught and have been drawing for over 20 years. Right now i use clip studio paint! I also have photoshop and have used other programs as well.
My interests include Giant/tiny, Size Shifters, Monsters, Animals, Furries, Pokemon, Anime, and making ocs for just about everything!
I am mostly in the G/t community, i was a prominant member back in my deviantart days. I like to role play, but it has to keep my interest with a strong plot. (ADHD hits hard)
Info on commisions can be found bellow. Reserve your spot!
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I have an inactive Deviantart if anyone wishes to look at even older art from me. https://www.deviantart.com/taryndedoo
My discord is ANonAmissCreeper/Taryndedoo, feel free to come and chat i will eventually answer.
Commissons are open! Click here for details!
I have two other blogs. @thatonegiantess for gt content and @thatonecrazytaryndedoo for fun more personal content. My art related to those blogs will also be reblogged there.
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
It’s Disabled Billy and Steve Week
Day 2- Family
My prompt: A family reunion with Billy
Quick content warning, there is discussion of child abuse against a baby and abusive head trauma.
“Watch out, big bump in the sand.” Argyle warns, in his signature slow drawl.
He’s pushing Billy in his wheelchair, across a beach, heading towards a reunion for Argyle's family, the first since the couple had moved back to California.
The Gaspar family isn’t the biggest, just Argyle's mom, her two sisters, and their kids, the oldest of which have a few babies of their own. It’s still a lot bigger than any family affair of Billy’s, but those became obsolete when Billy was still just a couple of months on this earth.
Everything fell apart around then, the family split into bitter chaos and hatred. See, back then Neil had done something that couldn’t be hidden or ignored. He shook Billy.
All it took was a few seconds, but to this day he’s never regained function of the right half of his body. It’s cerebral palsy, hemiplegic. Along with the paralysis he’s got to worry about seizures and a whole list of cognitive problems, memory loss the most prominent.
Billy’s mom is his full time carer. Now that Max and Will are all grown and leading educations of their own, Ima Joyce can stay home with Billy and help him do all the things he either can’t do anymore, or never learned how to.
Argyle is a big help too, always bringing over giant casserole dishes of food for Billy and his adoptive family, or lifting Billy into the bath. It’s sweet, and fills a void that his childhood had left.
Billy wants to repay some of that with the simple things, tasks he can manage- giving cuddles, trying his specialty pizzas, visiting his family. Still makes him nervous, to be faced with his boyfriend's entire family.
Argyle tells him that’s normal, that he’d been terrified the first time he sat around a table with Max, Jane, and his secondary caregiver, Murray, at the same time, but it seems different. Billy’s terrified of not just making a bad impression, he’s worried about something like having a seizure on the beach in front of Argyle's baby cousins.
And, at the moment, he’s scared of being dumped on his face into the sand because of these bumps Argyle is pushing him over.
“Told you the power chair would’ve been better.”
“I tried my best, dude. It died before I even got it to your room. Like, tires locked, beeping sounds kinda dead, man.” Argyle doesn’t even sound defensive, he just laughs about the absolute train wreck that was their morning.
“Just tell me this thing is close..” Billy keeps complaining, only to be reassured right away by Argyle.
“Right around the corner, blue sky. Just follow the smell of tia Evelyn’s carnitas.”
Another thing that Billy really enjoys doing with his boyfriend is exploring his culture. Argyle hadn’t really been too open about his Mexican roots, since when they met Billy was in the midst of a custody battle between Hargroves and Byers. He said it felt wrong to talk about family when Billy hadn’t really found his own yet.
Now that it’s been a few years, and things are a lot better, Argyle likes to share certain dishes and songs passed down by his family that Billy just loves. It’s his favorite part about living in California instead of Hawkins.
In the same way that Mrs Byers taught her boys to speak the language of their Tanakh, and Billy loves to listen, he loves to hear Argyle and his family speaking Spanish, although he can usually only mentally translate a few words or less.
Argyle's mom is the first to spot them now, calling as they make their slow approach to the perfect spot between the trees, where they’re all set up on a few picnic tables pushed close together, “¡Hola cariños! ¡Finalmente lo lograste y mira, trajiste a tu novio!”
Billy catches that she’s relieved they both made it, but that mostly comes from Argyle's next words, where he restates what she says. That’s they’re tactic, to make sure Billy is never left out.
“Yeah, we’re here mami. Me and my boyfriend. And not just that, but we brought my super delicious world famous brownies!” Argyle sounds excited.
His mom, however, does not. She puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrow, “¿Las normales, cariño?”
“Uh, Billy these are plain brownies.. right?” Argyle leans forward, looking at the tray of brownies Billy’s been steadying for him in his lap, a look of sudden worry on his face.
Now Billy’s just confused, but he goes along with it, answering, “Yeah? What else would they be?”
“Well…” Argyle looks sheepish, and Billy realizes just what other kinds of brownies Argyle would be making.
Howling with laughter, he exclaims, “Argyle, you did not!”
Bring pot brownies to a family gathering that is. But by the looks of it…
“It was a mistake, my guy! And uh, I ate the whole tray myself ‘fore anybody else could get messed up.” Argyle defends, face flushed a subtle but deep red, but somehow that just makes it worse.
Accidentally mixing up the trays is one thing, but eating all the evidence? Billy is stumped. Shocked. Almost in awe.
Starting to regain a little humor about it, Argyle asks, “How what, sunshine?”
“How are you alive?” Billy clarifies, genuinely curious.
And then there’s another blow to every assumption Billy had made about life ever, in the form of Argyle proudly declaring, “Back in the day, I could eat two trays.”
All Billy can do is stare and look horrified, somewhat unsure if Argyle was joking or not. He’s too bad at social cues to distinguish.
But Argyle moves on, turning back to his mom to explain to her and promise that no, this is not a repeat of last time.
“Si, mami. Sin marihuana esta vez. Prometo.”
“Esto es un alivio. Quiero que te comportes lo mejor posible para tu novio hoy.” She seems to be satisfied with that answer, kissing Argyle's cheek and stepping aside so they can enter the imaginary boundary line of the party space.
Billy’s Spanish skills aren’t good enough to pick anything out this time, leaving him to wonder, “What did she say?”
Argyle shrugs, “Just something about making good impressions.”
That’s confusing. Billy’s actually a little worried he’d imagined last year's picnic while in a hospital fever dream or something. He doesn’t sound very confident as he says, “I’ve met your family though.”
Argyle tells the whole truth now, probably sensing Billy is getting stressed, “Right. She meant me though. That whole tray of hashies fucked me up pretty bad. Mama doesn't want me ruining the party in front of you.”
Billy is understanding, but also, he’s kind of surprised. He didn’t expect her to think Argyle was the problem.
After all, he’s not the one in a wheelchair, who can’t even hold a plate of food for himself, or sit through the whole family party without falling asleep. Maybe it’s leftover fear from being shoved around the house in an uncomfortable hospital lent wheelchair and never let out of the house by his biological family, but Billy is sort of used to being the one people don’t like.
For some reason, maybe because he hasn’t felt this way in a long time, Billy doesn’t hold back in expressing that.
“She’s scared about you ruining it. I’m scared about myself ruining it.”
Argyle shifts the dynamic from standing next to Billy, to crouching in front of him, a gesture that Billy only feels comfortable with when it’s someone he’s really close to. It brings them to an intimate space to talk about this problem neither of them really realized was a thing until now,
“Wait, what? You don’t got nothing to worry about, babes.”
Invited to talk about it, Billy spirals, “What if I get sick or somethin in the middle of everything and we have to go home, and everyone’s upset at me, and-“
“Baby. Mi angel. That’s not gonna happen.” Argyle declares passionately and confidently, holding the hand Billy has feeling in, “They love you. They’ll understand.”
Billy wants so badly to believe it, in spite of whatever irrational part of his brain flared up today, “Promise?”
“From the bottom of my heart, dude.” Argyle promises, impossibly romantic and heartfelt.
Feeling better, and ready to socialize in the way Argyle's family does best- food -Billy smiles, “Could you wheel me to the food table?”
“‘Atta boy!” Argyle kisses his hand, and stands back up to push Billy over. On his way, he calls, “Mami! Pass me a plate?”
“¿Qué dices, mijo?” His mother playfully purses her lips and waits for his answer to her demands about his manners.
“Por favor?” Argyle corrects himself.
The smile she wears is unmistakably full of love and joy for her boy, getting him a paper plate and waving him over, “Of course. Come, come.”
By the end of the day, Billy doesn’t even remember why he was worried. He leaves the beach full of love and good food, and with an invitation to the next one. The little cousins all loved him, one even crawling into his lap to play shark watcher with him.
They accepted him. All of him, abled or not. And one day, when he and Argyle decide they’re ready to take things to the next stage, these folks will be his family too, as William Reuben Ocean Byers-Gaspar.
Thanks for reading! It’s time for todays charity highlight!
This time I’ve chosen The Arc.
The Arc is a US based organization specifically designed to advocate for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Their board protects the civil rights of those with IDD and is working to break down the societal barriers that intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals face.
These include areas like criminal justice, healthcare, employment and education, and travel. The Arc works to provide resources directly to disabled folks so they may advocate for themselves, self-identify issues with language easy for them, access care, and feel safe and protected.
Most importantly, they work directly with disabled individuals to set their standards and align their goals with what disabled people actually want and need. This allows disabled members of their board and staff to be heard, not talked over or told what to do or say.
Fighting against inaccessibility and advocating for the legal and social rights of disabled people is something I’m really passionate about. The Arc is one of my favorite organizations and I’d appreciate if anyone would like to check them out.
So, if you’re interested in supporting The Arc, there are several ways. You can donate money, sign up for their news updates, share your story about programs in your life as a person with IDD, or access and utilize the resources on their site!
For more information or a place to donate (not required of course, I just want to give the option), click here for a link to the site.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
El santuario de los padres
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Today was a tough day/week, for all of them really. The kids just were a bit much all over…and they needed a break. So, why not have a get together among cross dimensional friends and kids? Parent by parent, kid by kid, they walked through portals and stood in front of the six story Casita. 
There they all stood. Mamabuela, mamaisa, papa Bruno, mamalores, mamabel, papantonio (all by @gamerbearmira), pamamilo (by me), and Mamaluisa (by @yellowcry). Each of them had their own kid/kids with them and the parents looked…tired. But very happy they got this break.
(PS. Papa Bruno is Bruno who adopted Mirabel and Antonio because they were being neglected.)
“Hey luisa!” Mamabel waved at mamaluisa with her 12 year old daughter next to her. Mamaluisa waved back and so did ML! Mirabel (MLU = Mama luisa). Mamabel had 2 year old Antonio in her arms and the rest of her children in tow. 
“Hey tio!” Mamaisa waved at papa Bruno who had his 14 year old Mirabel and four year old Antonio with him. He waved back and so did his nino’s. Mamaisa was busy holding 3 year old Antonio and had 13 year old Camilo and Mirabel with her, as well as 17 year old Luisa. 
“Hola Lolo” Mamabuela waved at mamalores who had 11 year old Mirabel with her and 1 year old Antonio in her arms. Mamabuela had 12 year old Isabela, 10 year old Luisa, and six year old Mirabel with her. 
“Hey tonito!” pamamilo waved at papantonio who had 4 year old Mirabel with him. Pamamilo had 4 year old Antonio, 6 year old Isaac, 8 year old sophia, 9 year old macario, and 10 year old celeste. 
The very ground they stood on was a wide and long land full of luscious jungle. Beyond that was just a beautiful orange sunset. You could see that the jungle did end somewhere but too far for anyone to actually walk to. 
The trees and bushes gave sweet fruit and berries for the kids or adults to eat. The overall vibe was very joyful and warm. A large playground sat to the right of the house and that’s instantly where the kids above the age of 3 went. The older kids could easily watch the four year olds so it was no biggie leaving them alone. 
The tweens/teens such as PB! Mirabel, MLU! Mirabel, ML! Mirabel, MA! Isabela, and M! Mirabel, MI! Camilo, and MI! Luisa ran into the house and into a large decorated room for them to talk.  (PB = Papa Bruno, ML = Mamalores, MA = Mamabuela, MI = Mamaisa). 
As for the babies such as PB! Antonio, MI! Antonio, ML! Antonio, and MB! Antonio among other toddlers were put into a small play area next to the couch inside the living room. The “adults” all sat on their designated cushions and all let out a relaxed sigh. (And yes, I know, lot’s of baby Antonio’s)
“Tough day?” Mamabuela asked?
All she heard was tired sounds that clearly meant “yes”. Don’t get me wrong, they love their little munchkins to death, but please believe that taking care of them isn’t so easy. Especially when you're too young to even raise them…
“Antonio wouldn’t eat his vegetables for two hours” Papabruno pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Mirabel thought it was a good idea to make a toasted pb&j sandwich…almost burnt the kitchen down” Papatonio groaned. 
“Alejandra decided she wanted to see what leaves tasted like” Mamabel’s eye twitched
Parent by parent, they all listed what they went through from the following week and day. It was apparent that all of them were tired. 
“I need tea” Mamalores sighed when she put her hands on her head. A headache prominent in her head for three hours before she got here. 
“I need wine” Pamamilo chuckled
“Tea it is” Mamaisa got up and attempted to go toward the kitchen but someone stopped her. 
“I got it isa, you can relax” Papatonio put his hand on her shoulder and patted it. 
“I’m more closer to the kitchen” Mamalulu stood up, “I can go make it-”
Here we go
“Oh no, you guys can sit down, I can do it” Mamabel raised her hand in an up and down motion. Gesturing for them to sit. 
“I can do it, it’s no issue. Just tell me what tea you guys like” Pamamilo chimed in
“I can go, I don’t mind” Papabruno stood up
“I mentioned tea, so I should do it” Mamalores got off the couch, “you can sit d-”
CRASH….a window has been broken. And what went through the window? A baseball. Yards, miles, acres worth of land and yet the children decided to play baseball…directly near the house. 
And what made the situation funny, is that the outside was very quiet. Eerily quiet. Usually, the outside always sounded like kids at recess. Now?...ghost town. The kids all knew there was trouble ahead and this could be heard from outside-
“Why would you do that?” MB! Luisa shouted at ML! Mirabel. MB! Luisa sounded scared and panicked. 
“I don’t know! It was an accident!” ML! Mirabel sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“You're gonna die” MB! Mirabel said with blatant honesty.
Inside the house all of the “adults” looked very displeased and stared directly at the baseball. 
“How about we make our own tea and deal with that later” 
Here’s how sanctuary casita works:
Sanctuary Casita has about 50+ rooms inside of it. All of them are big or small depending on the kid or parent. 
Casita is six stories tall and wide as hell seeing as it needs to fit 50+ people. Sometimes the parents and kids stay long enough to sleep there but not all the time. 
It has a pool, LARGE kitchen, dance studio, library, and anything else you could think of. 
Yep, that’s about it. If you have any ideas for what else to add let me know. 
How the au works and Q&A
When the parents get stressed out they usually go to sanctuary casita for a break. 
How did they meet? Still trying to figure that out but it has to do with just a portal opening up in their room. 
All of the parents have a special pendant necklace (that was gifted to them by sanctuary Casita) they can call each other through. All they have to do is touch the pendant with a certain person in mind and they just call them. The kids above four have them too.
Do the other relatives of the parents know the sanctuary world exists? Depends on who you're asking. Papa bruno, Mamaluisa, and Mamalores, Mamabel: No/not yet. Papantonio, Mamabuela, and Pamamalio: yes. 
Do I plan on expanding this au?...sort of? I guess, mostly with incorrect quotes. 
How many times do they meet up? Every week or every other month.
Will there be angst in this au? only by request. Other than that, it's just wholesome family vibes.
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Hola Steph! How have you been?
I was wondering if you have any Johnlock fic recs that are... maybe academic rivals or work rivals to lovers AU? A healthy dose of sexual tension and slow burn or whatever. Could be any word count. These days I've kinda been craving for that type of stuff, so please drop if you know any of those.
Take care dearie<33
Hey Nonny!
AHHHHH Not... precisely? Like I have Alternate Professions fics, but these three fics just came to mind that have something similar:
Love or What You Will by miss_frankenstein (T, 31,987 w., 11 Ch. || College/Uni AU || Professor John, Ph.D Student Sherlock, Pining John, Poetry, Falling in Love / Slow Burn, Light Angst, Happy Ending) – John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE|| Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
I know there are a tonne more, please feel free to remind me of them :)
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queer-red-panda · 7 months
Rant 1 of ??
Every country has it's own greeting, right? Spain has 'hola', Italy has 'caio', france has 'bonjour', and HISTORICALLY.
India. has. NAMASTE.
'Namaste' or 'Namaskar' is a Sanskrit word which means 'may our minds meet'. This word is spoken while joining the palms in front of your chest, symbolising the union or two minds and/or people. Keep that in mind.
As you know.
The Ram Mandir built on the rubble of Babri Masjid which has stood there for 500 years in Ayodhya, which is known to be the fabled city of the Maryada Purushottam Ram, who is an avtar of Vishnu, the (technical) god of gods, has been a source of joy (and a political distraction) throughout India since its inauguration on January 22nd, 2024.
The people who are pretty much Ramji's fans (or devotees for the less psycho ones) have been known to chant 'Jai Shree Ram' whilst carrying out acts of violence, such as demolishing the Babri Masjid, which stood where the mandir stands today. They are also commonly known as bhakts.
(i personally think when you use it in that context, it sounds the same way 'allahu akbar' sounds when the Taliban says it.)
So there we have the first part of context.
Now, namaste.
Like look, yes aunty, I appreciate your devotion. But do I really need a lecture about it when I said 'namaste' aunty rather than 'jai shree ram', aunty?!
why are we using sacred words to greet people.
for all you know i could be christian! or hell, even muslim!
namaste is considered a universal greeting in Indian mythology because not only does it mean 'may our minds meet', but it also doesn't center around something like RELIGION.
Religion is the opium of the masses.
That is a fact.
India is a socialist, SECULAR, and democratic REPUBLIC. I do not see India having HINUDTVA (not even Hinduism) as its official religion at all in any context. I can understand such a religious greeting in places like the Jewish state of Israel (example purposes only, we do not consider the Zionists nor do I support the actions of Israel), or the Muslim state of Pakistan.
like excuse me, hinduism is just a slight majority amongst the several others among us. Like in one society building you can straight up have 3 different religions' families!
my question is this: why do we bringin the ever-subtle but ever-prominent aspect of religion even in daily conversation!?
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kimetsu-chan · 9 months
is me again >:)
I’m kinda too drained to do Lineart+Colour of the two of them…
I’m sorry 😭
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That’s the messy sketch-
(Sorry… im not that good at clean sketches)
Here’s some info abt my oc???
Name: Asai
Age: 21 
Breathing Style: Ash breathing (closest to Flame breathing)
Height: 5’8
Weight: 156 ibs
Most prominent features:
Scars, blind in one eye, naturally ashy grey hair.
Rank: Hashira (she took over Kyojuro’s spot after he got turned into a doughnut)
Closest with: Yuna, Giyuu, Mitsuri, (previously) Kyojuro.
Crush: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Tsugoko: Cassie (another one of my OC’s. She’s quite the unpleasant person)
She’s quite blunt, and is very strict, merciless (towards demons), Aloof (at times), airhead, mildly aggressive, stoic, but also (for the ones she cares about deeply) Protective, empathetic and calm.
Kasugai Crow:
Name: Genki
Gender: Male
Maturity: Hes a baby
She probably helps Yuna get closer to Giyuu.
That drawing is adorable!! Thank you so much this makes me so happyyyue 😭
Also Yuna looks so pretty?! Thank you so much for drawing her!
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
Jimtober 2022 3. Crispy
(Inspired by the Fraggles.)
Jim was having nightmares. Not scary, just weird dreams. He was travelling in his breakfast mug, falling down and down in a cave. When he finally reached the floor, he wasn’t alone.
“Oh, no.” he groaned.
“Oh, yes!” exclaimed what looked like a carbon copy of himself but wearing a red jacket. The last time he had seen him had been at what he liked to call ‘The Clone War’. “What happened? You promised to make me a part of your life! And you left me here. That’s totally un-crispy for you.”
Jim scratched his head.
“No… I’m 100% sure I didn’t say that.”
Of all his clones, the one he despised the most was that one: Crispy Jim. Not only he reminded him of that time with the Grit-shaka and being a jerk and almost ruining his life, but also how cringy it was to see him again in the Clone War.
“You said you were going to balance us more evenly.” Crispy Jim added. “That we were all part of you.”
The second part was almost right. Jim noticed Crispy Jim was sad.
“Sorry, but I can’t let you out. You can be…  a little too much.” He was going to say ‘unsufferable’ but changed it at the last second.
“I’m just so bored here. You’ve pushed me to the bottom of you.”
Jim was feeling bad for him. But what else could he do? Yes, Crispy Jim was part of him, but he wasn’t the most prominent one.
“I’ll see what I can do, okay?” he said, after a deep sigh.
“Now that’s crispy!” exclaimed Crispy Jim, pointing gun fingers at him.
“Yep, yep, no need to thank me…”
However, as he tried to find a way to climb up the cave, Crispy Jim grabbed his arm.
“Before you go, there’s another Jim that wants to talk to you.”
Jim looked and, to his dismay, saw another clone, this time in an orange jacket.
“¡Hola!” said the newcomer. “Quiero hablar con el encargado.”
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bunnyberryships · 1 year
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Hello, hoi, hola! ♡ I'm Emmy, or Bunny, or sometimes Minty, and this is my selfship blog~ 30, any/all !
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♡ My main f/os:
♡ Hitoya Amaguni from Hypnosis Mic ♡ Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives ♡ Genesis, an OC from my wife's beautiful brain
I have a myriad of other f/os, romantic and otherwise, a few possibly prominent ones being:
♡ Adaman from Pokemon Legends Arceus ♡ Thancred Waters from Final Fantasy XIV ♡ Naoakira Saimon from Paradox Live ♡ Kaoru Rindo from Cafe Enchante
if a man has a goatee I might literally go insane (positively)
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I intend to keep my tag system pretty simple, as in "[character name] tag" for ease of access! (I love the way other people do it and maybe I will have fancy names some day)
♡ Art: #bunny doodles
Ty for reading!
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
if you think about it no other f1 drivers family is as prominently shown in media and social media as Max's family // not true. The closest example is another nepo driver: Sainz. In Spain they have several documentaries about the family and Isa is constantly in Hola magazine. It's more local.
I'm convinced if Michael were well the Schumachers would have topped them all combined.
In a good way though
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holaindiatour02 · 2 months
Best 5 Luxury Golden Triangle Tour Travel Agency
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Are you ready for an unforgettable journey through India’s cultural heartland? Welcome to the Luxury Golden Triangle Tour Travel Agency by Hola India Tour, where an extraordinary experience awaits you. The Golden Triangle Tour is a spellbinding journey that connects three of India’s most iconic cities: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Each destination offers a distinct blend of history, culture, and vibrant experiences that cater to travelers of all tastes. With Hola India Tour, this journey is transformed into a luxurious adventure, promising not just a trip, but a memory of a lifetime.
What is the Golden Triangle in India?
The Golden Triangle is a tourist circuit that covers the three prominent cities of North India: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. This triangular route is popular among tourists for its rich tapestry of history, architectural wonders, and cultural diversity.
Delhi: The capital city, steeped in history yet bustling with modernity.
Agra: Home to the timeless beauty of the Taj Mahal.
Jaipur: Known as the Pink City, offering royal palaces and vibrant markets.
The Golden Triangle is a testament to India's magnificent past and vibrant present. It’s like taking a walk through the pages of history while experiencing the pulse of contemporary India.
Why the Golden Triangle is a Must-Visit
The Golden Triangle is a quintessential travel experience that captures the essence of India. Here are a few reasons why it should be on your travel bucket list:
Historical Landmarks: From the grand Red Fort in Delhi to the majestic Amer Fort in Jaipur, each city boasts landmarks that narrate India's rich history.
Architectural Marvels: The iconic Taj Mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Cultural Diversity: Experience India's diverse culture, languages, and traditions across the three cities.
Rich Culinary Experience: Enjoy a variety of traditional dishes, from Delhi's street food to Jaipur's royal cuisine.
Vibrant Markets: Explore bustling markets offering everything from handmade crafts to exquisite jewelry.
The Journey Begins: Delhi
Exploring Delhi
Delhi, the capital city of India, is a fusion of the ancient and the modern. It's a city that proudly displays its rich past alongside its vibrant present. As the starting point of the Golden Triangle Tour, Delhi offers an array of experiences:
Historical Landmarks: Visit the iconic Red Fort, Qutub Minar, and Humayun's Tomb. These structures are not just architectural marvels but are stories carved in stone.
Modern Attractions: Experience the contemporary vibe of Delhi with its bustling Connaught Place, the Lotus Temple, and the Akshardham Temple, showcasing modern architectural brilliance.
Old Delhi vs. New Delhi
Delhi is essentially two cities in one, and exploring both offers a rich tapestry of experiences.
Old Delhi: Known for its bustling streets and crowded bazaars, Old Delhi is a sensory overload. The narrow lanes of Chandni Chowk, the grand Jama Masjid, and the historic Red Fort are the highlights.
New Delhi: In stark contrast, New Delhi is more planned, with wide roads and contemporary buildings. It hosts significant landmarks like India Gate, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and the Parliament House.
Both areas provide a fascinating contrast between the old and the new, making Delhi a city where the past and present coexist beautifully.
Delhi's Culinary Delights
Delhi's food scene is a paradise for food lovers. It's a city that serves up a delicious array of flavors:
Street Food: Indulge in street food delights like Chaat, Chole Bhature, and Parathas at iconic spots like Chandni Chowk and Karol Bagh.
Fine Dining: Experience gourmet dining at top-notch restaurants offering a variety of cuisines, from traditional Mughlai to modern Indian fusion.
Traditional Dishes to Try: Don’t miss out on classics like Butter Chicken, Biryani, and Rogan Josh. Each dish tells its own story through spices and flavors.
Next Stop: Agra
A Glimpse of Agra
The next stop on the Golden Triangle Tour is Agra, a city synonymous with the ethereal beauty of the Taj Mahal. However, Agra is much more than just this iconic monument:
Overview of the City: Situated on the banks of the Yamuna River, Agra is a city that boasts a rich Mughal heritage and vibrant culture.
Cultural Heritage: Agra's architecture is a testament to its Mughal past, with monuments and buildings that reflect the grandeur of the era.
The Majestic Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal needs no introduction. It's a masterpiece of Mughal architecture and a symbol of love that has captivated millions of hearts:
History and Significance: Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal stands as an eternal monument of love.
Best Times to Visit: Visit at sunrise or sunset for breathtaking views. The play of light creates a magical ambiance, turning the marble into a palette of beautiful colors.
Beyond the Taj Mahal: Other Attractions
Agra is not just about the Taj Mahal; it has several other attractions that are equally captivating:
Agra Fort: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this fort is a majestic red sandstone structure that offers a glimpse into Mughal royalty.
Mehtab Bagh: An excellent spot to view the Taj Mahal, especially at sunset, offering picturesque views across the Yamuna River.
Itimad-ud-Daulah: Often referred to as the "Baby Taj," this exquisite tomb is a beautiful precursor to the Taj Mahal.
Final Destination: Jaipur
The Pink City of Jaipur
The last stop on the Golden Triangle Tour is Jaipur, known as the Pink City due to its distinctive pink-colored buildings:
Introduction to Jaipur: Founded by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, Jaipur is a city that beautifully blends royal heritage with vibrant culture.
Why it's Called the Pink City: The city was painted pink in 1876 to welcome the Prince of Wales and has retained this charming color ever since.
Jaipur's Royal Palaces and Forts
Jaipur is a city of royal grandeur, with palaces and forts that speak of its majestic past:
Amber Fort: A stunning blend of Hindu and Mughal architecture, this fort is perched on a hill and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
City Palace: Still home to the royal family, this palace complex houses museums and courtyards that display the opulence of Rajasthan's royalty.
Hawa Mahal: Known as the "Palace of Winds," this unique five-story structure is famed for its intricate latticework and stunning facade.
Jal Mahal: Situated in the middle of Man Sagar Lake, this picturesque palace offers a serene experience with its captivating beauty.
Shopping in Jaipur
Jaipur is a shopper's paradise, offering a vibrant shopping experience:
Famous Markets: Explore bustling markets like Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar for traditional Rajasthani attire, jewelry, and handicrafts.
What to Buy in Jaipur: Don't miss out on purchasing Mojris (traditional footwear), Leheriya sarees, Kundan jewelry, and blue pottery.
Why Choose Hola India Tour?
When it comes to exploring the Golden Triangle, Hola India Tour offers an unparalleled experience with a touch of luxury and personalized service:
Personalized Itineraries
Customizable Tour Options: Hola India Tour understands that every traveler is unique. They offer customizable itineraries that cater to your preferences and interests.
Tailored Experiences: Whether you're a history enthusiast, a food lover, or an adventure seeker, Hola India Tour tailors experiences to match your desires.
Expert Guides and Local Insights
Hola India Tour provides knowledgeable guides who offer more than just facts; they share stories that bring each destination to life:
Knowledgeable Guides: Experienced guides with deep knowledge of each destination.
Insider Tips and Secrets: Gain access to local insights, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path experiences.
Luxury Accommodations
Stay in style and comfort with Hola India Tour's handpicked luxury accommodations:
Partner Hotels: From heritage hotels to luxury resorts, experience top-notch hospitality at every stop.
Comfortable Stays: Enjoy the perfect blend of comfort and luxury, ensuring a relaxing stay throughout your journey.
Transportation and Logistics
Hola India Tour ensures that your travel is as seamless as possible:
Convenient Travel Arrangements: Private transportation with experienced drivers ensures a comfortable and hassle-free journey.
Seamless Journey: Sit back and relax as all logistics are expertly handled, allowing you to focus on enjoying the experience.
Unique Experiences Offered by Hola India Tour
Beyond the usual sightseeing, Hola India Tour offers unique experiences that add a special touch to your journey:
Cultural Immersion Activities
Engage with India's rich culture through immersive activities:
Cooking Classes: Learn to cook traditional Indian dishes and savor the flavors of your creations.
Traditional Art and Crafts Workshops: Participate in workshops that offer hands-on experiences in local art forms.
Adventure and Leisure Options
Hola India Tour offers a blend of adventure and relaxation for a well-rounded experience:
Hot Air Balloon Rides: Soar over the landscapes of Jaipur for breathtaking aerial views of the city's architectural wonders.
Spa and Wellness Experiences: Unwind with rejuvenating spa treatments and wellness sessions that offer relaxation and renewal.
Exclusive Events and Festivals
Experience India's vibrant culture and traditions through exclusive access to local events:
Local Festivals: Participate in festivals like Diwali, Holi, and Jaipur's Teej, experiencing the cultural richness firsthand.
Special Access to Events: Enjoy privileged access to cultural events and performances, offering an insider's view of Indian traditions.
Sustainability and Responsible Tourism
Hola India Tour is committed to sustainable and responsible tourism, ensuring that your journey positively impacts the communities you visit:
Commitment to Sustainability
Eco-friendly Practices: Implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce environmental impact.
Supporting Local Communities: Partnering with local artisans and businesses to promote sustainable livelihoods.
How Hola India Tour Gives Back
Hola India Tour is dedicated to giving back to the communities and environments it operates in:
Community Projects: Engaging in projects that support education, health, and community development.
Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: Promoting responsible tourism practices that preserve India's natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
Booking Your Luxury Golden Triangle Tour
How to Book
Booking your Luxury Golden Triangle Tour with Hola India Tour is simple and hassle-free:
Easy Booking Process: Visit the Hola India Tour website or contact their customer service for assistance in planning your trip.
Contact Information: Reach out via email or phone for personalized guidance and support.
Tour Packages and Pricing
Hola India Tour offers a variety of tour packages to suit every budget and preference:
Various Options Available: From short excursions to extended tours, choose a package that fits your schedule.
Value for Money: Competitive pricing with exceptional service, ensuring you get the best value for your travel investment.
Tips for a Memorable Experience
Make the most of your Golden Triangle Tour with these travel tips:
Best Travel Tips: Plan your trip during the cooler months from October to March for a comfortable experience.
What to Pack: Pack comfortable clothing, sunscreen, and a good camera to capture the memories.
In conclusion, the Luxury Golden Triangle Tour Travel Agency by Hola India Tour offers an unparalleled journey through India's cultural heartland. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the ethereal beauty of the Taj Mahal and the royal allure of Jaipur, the Golden Triangle is a journey that promises unforgettable experiences. Hola India Tour elevates this experience with its personalized service, expert guides, luxury accommodations, and commitment to responsible tourism. Embark on this incredible adventure and discover the magic of India like never before.
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What do your oc’s look like?
Do they look similar to their parents?
Why do they have powers? And if they have powers that feed of things, then why feed of things to gain more power?
Can any of them drive?
How do the separate parts of the family interact? Or don’t they?
An reoccurring nightmare
Who wronged Tara in the first place?
Who’s the family gossip and what would they tell me?
Whose power is so powerful they could destroy themselves?
Howdy pardner! :D
That's probably a long one, but here goes- Daniel and Mary both have very dark skin and dark brown hair. Daniel's is short and well-kempt, Marys locks are long and open most of the time. She has grey eyes and his are a darkish brown. Both are pretty tall, but Mary also has a lot of muscle and Daniel... not so much. He has a wooden arm tough, which is made of dark wood to match. Avery has yellow eyes that glow in the dark, olive skin and long black hair. Her teeth are very sharp and she's pretty strong, mostly in the legs. She has claws, too. Ozan has almond skin and black hair as well, tough his is dyed. He's in a self-propelled wheelchair and his legs are missing just after they start. He's strong and has a lot of piercings and tatoos. Jamies skin is very light and her brown hair is short and messy. (She can, of course, change her appearance completely in the dark and come out looking like anything, but this is the form she chooses to represent her as a human.) She is also pretty small, but another form Jamie likes is a big wolf or fox. Jane has light skin as well, but her face and part of the upper body are made of intricately carved birchwood. Her hair is long enough so she can tie it up in a bun or ponytail sometimes. Camillas hair is long too. It's very straight and red and has moss growing on it, which also grown on other parts of her light skin every here and there. She wears round glasses and a giant jacket with a lot of pockets, all of which are filled with dirt and plants. There's also always at least like a hundred bugs on her, if not more. She has four arms and is pretty much a walking garden. Leon is a kind of see-through black and white ghost child. His hair is short and black and curly and there's always a black stream of tears coming from his eyes. Jackson has shoulder-length blone locks and freckles. He wears hawaiian shirts sometimes. Tara has tan skin, long blonde locks and blue eyes. They're very pretty and have a quite androgynous face. Mikaela has a very smiliar skin tone, tough perhaps slightly lighter, and spikey punk hair that goes from red to yellow towards the top. They wear sunglasses and below them, their eyes burn like fire. Esther is an old lady with dark skin. Her wheelchair also functions as a loom and she wears a purple hijab. Toby has brown locks and honey skin, he's pretty tall. Arthur has dark skin with freckles like the night sky and it can seem like the stars shine in his eyes as well. His hair is dark too. George is a baby with lots of strange limbs and tentacles. Granny is an old asian woman with sharp teeth, yellow robes and light blonde hair. How many limbs does she have? Uncountable, literally. OKAY, PHEW!! That was... a lot.
Mary and Daniel do, yes, and their mother did look similar to hers. Tara has some likelyness with Granny and Esther too, but Toby doesn't. Leon, Camilla and George are adopted, so no and I... don't know the rest of their parents, tough I imagine Avery looks a lot like hers save for the more monstery features.
They have powers because their paths in life led them to be noticed by one power or the other... Esther probably made sure the people she had acess to got a patreon as well. They feed their patreon through fear (This is where you can see most prominently where they were originally 'supposed to be' lmao). Most feed their patreon to keep it sated and become more powerful in the process, tough some (Toby, Arthur, Leon) are just doing their thing and it works out somehow.
Toby, Mary, Daniel, Ozan,, Jackson Avery, Jane and Esther know how to drive. Leon is a child that passes through objects, Camilla hates cars, Tara doesn't care much for them but can steer a ship, Arthur and Jamie can transport themselves through supernatural means and Granny... should not be put in a driver's seat for any reason ever. She might spontaniously manifest the knowledge to drive if it was very important, tough. And forget it just as fast once the crisis is over.
A few of them have positive bonds, but mostly they stay away from each other as much as they can. If they do meet, the interactions are very hostile and fights break out even with Jackson around. So far no one has killed each other, but that's not for lack of trying.
Daniel has a lot of them, most are of his abduction or parents and sometimes both mush in that weird dream kinda way. Toby sometimes dreams of everyone he accidentally stole happiness from shouting and screaming at him, distraught, which makes him stay inside even more for a few days afterwards. Camilla has dreams of fire and the absolute death of nature, a barren wasteland where the only spot of colour is a pink car.
I... I have no concrete person in mind yet, actually. But someone sure fucked them up royally. They were probably pretty rich and influential, tough, one of those people that you can't touch, in a way.
I have kinda misread that as "what is the family gossip" hings you might be told in dark alleways or when someone has had a bit too much to drink: Avery has daddy issues (It's true that he wasn't very kind) - Avery has mommy issues (Very complicated relationship) - Daniel once tried to lift a branch and fell over (That's true) - Jamie has eaten one of his students (He has not. Not yet.) - Ozan doesn't actually have a doctorate (Yeah he just walked in and took the place) - Jane eats things made of wood (I... don't think so, at least) - Mikaela used to be in a band so bad that people once payed them to leave (Not true) - Esther had something to do with Granny's state of mind (I don't think so, at least) - Toby has spent days editing and perfecting wikipedia articles (He does that, yeah) - Camilla serves rotten food at her restaurant (She does) - Mary regularily gets into fights (Oh, absolutely) - Jane has accidentally killed someone (Throwing knifes is harder than it looks, okay?) TO GET TO THE ACTUAL QUESTION: Jamie, and she'd tell you most of the things above, save for the one about her, Ozan and Avery. Daniels is too funny to leave out.
Mary could probably get got by her storm, Jane has to be careful that there will be something left of her when she's done with her project, Camilla and Mikaela might also accidentally destroy themselves when their power and obsession continue to grow.
That was incredibly long, thank you for asking! I'll be back on your yard tomorrow since the owl that sleeps in your tree is awake by now and has shooed me away (Aka I'm too tired to think of good questions).
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learnespanol · 7 months
About Spanish language
Where in the world do people speak Spanish? If you sat down to make a list, you’d notice right away that the number of countries you can add to it is pretty substantial. Spanish is one of the most prevalent languages in the world, as it’s spoken not only in Spain and Mexico but also throughout North, Central, and South America and the African continent.
So, exactly how many Spanish-speaking countries are there? And where is Spanish the official language? Come along as we break down those facts and more about one of the world’s most popular languages.
Where did Spanish originate? Spanish originated on the Iberian Peninsula, the section of land at the southwest corner of Europe that’s home to Spain and Portugal. The specific dialect of Spanish that first developed in Spain is also called Castilian, and it evolved as a continuation of Vulgar Latin mixed with Arabic from the Moors who once conquered parts of the region.
Spanish is one of the Romance languages, a group of languages that all developed around the same historical time period and as offshoots of Vulgar Latin. The family of romance languages also includes French, Italian, Romanian, and Portuguese.
As Spanish has spread throughout the world, several different dialects have developed. For example, Caribbean Spanish is characterized by omitted final consonants and an aspirated -r sound. Meanwhile, Argentinian Spanish is spoken with an intonation that’s similar to Italian. Spanish is as diverse as the millions of people who speak it.
What is an official language? Spanish is spoken by nearly 500 million people worldwide, but just because a lot of people in a given country speak a particular language doesn’t mean it’s that country’s official language.
Official means “authorized or issued authoritatively.” So, an official language is usually one that has legal status in a particular state or country, like a legislative declaration recognizing it as the national language. This is the case for Spanish in countries like Argentina or Honduras.
But there are plenty of countries where a large number of people speak Spanish, yet it’s not the official language. The United States is a good example. The US is home to more than 41 million Spanish speakers, according to the US Census Bureau, but the country doesn’t have a designated official language. Instead, Spanish is one of several predominant languages spoken in the US, meaning it’s prominent and used by a large number of people.
So, where is Spanish an official language? There are 20 countries where Spanish is the official language. They include:
Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Spain Equatorial Guinea You might notice that some countries you assumed are Spanish-speaking are missing from this list. Why is that? Allow us to explain.
The confusion over official Spanish-speaking countries If you’ve ever tried to pin down the exact number of Spanish-speaking countries in the world, you might notice the lists vary depending on which source you choose. Some lists say 23, while others might say 19, 20, or 21. There are a few reasons why this question can be complicated to answer.
First, it’s really easy to confuse official and predominant languages. Sometimes people assume Spanish is the official language in a particular place, when it actually isn’t. In Belize, about 56.6% of the population speaks Spanish, according to the 2010 census. Given that it’s located in Central America and has a large Spanish-speaking population, it’s easy to assume Spanish is the official language—but it isn’t. English is actually the official language of Belize.
In addition to the US and Belize, other places where Spanish is predominant but not official include Andorra, Curacao, The Virgin Islands, Aruba, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Second, some countries have more than one official language. Spanish is often cited as the official language of Mexico. But, while it’s true that more than 90% of Mexican residents can speak Spanish, Mexico actually has 69 recognized official languages, including Nahuatl, Maya, and other Indigenous languages. Some official language lists may include Mexico since Spanish is one of the official languages, but others may leave it off since Spanish is not the only official language.
Lastly, some Spanish speaking nations are also territories. Spanish is the official language of Puerto Rico and a predominant language throughout Gibraltar and Western Sahara; however, these places are recognized as unincorporated territories of the US and the UK, so they frequently are not listed as independent Spanish-speaking nations.
Spanish is a complex and diverse language that gains more speakers every day. You can easily find people who speak Spanish in several parts of the world, and the language continues to evolve. In the future, it’s not hard to imagine that the official list of Spanish-speaking countries will get longer and longer.
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