#Holiday Depression
forest-illusions · 10 months
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eddiesketti · 9 months
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🎶 it's the holiday season 🎵
Go easy on yourselves this time of year....it's okay to not be okay we'll get through this
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angelosearch · 10 months
Today, I am thankful for my recent rediscovery of/reobsession with final fantasy 8 as it has significantly improved my mental health and made me more excited to be creative in my spare time.
This is really really not a joke post. Today is hard for me and reading fanfiction and thinking about Squall Leonhart is keeping me afloat.
I can not explain how much ff8 means to me or why, but I am just glad I have it again.
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mathgirl24 · 10 months
Tonight marks the beginning of my holiday socializing events. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US, so that means for me tonight is pie baking with the family.
Wish me luck with all the socializing the next month will bring on.
I'm tired already.
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upgradetiger · 2 years
You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for me to press my thumbs into your eye sockets.
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femboycatofmystery · 9 months
If your family system is horrible and you are, either by economics or just plain old not being able to muster the emotional will to escape, I need you to know, it's not your fault.
The awful things that are happening to you are not fair.
The awful things your relatives are saying are awful, and in a just world you would not have to pretend they weren't.
You do not deserve any of what is happening to you and while escape isn't guaranteed to anyone, I want you to know, it is possible.
And there's a whole world of people who want you to make it.
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writerwithoutapenname · 9 months
This one is for you, you who find only pain in this season of cheer
I can't make your pain better but I can tell you I know you're out there
Silently scrolling past holiday posts
Sitting in your car until it's too cold to bear
Perhaps the only gift you receive is relief in the form of a drunken stupor
All I can say is you deserve better
We deserve better
Maybe it'll be different next year
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nicanorabbott · 10 months
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sugawarassoccerlover · 9 months
if Christmas is hard for you, I see you, I understand you, you’re not alone, you’re not wrong or broken for being down, depressed, triggered, or exhausted during the holidays. drink water and take care of yourself, you deserve it <3
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stuckinmythroat749 · 2 years
I really can't wait until I move out, and I never have to celebrate Christmas again.
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forest-illusions · 8 months
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thateclecticbitch · 2 years
"Dont get me wrong I love *insert winter holiday*, I just can't seem to get into the cheer. I don't know why. Nothing really bad happened in the past or anything, I just get all gloomy and tired for a few months." Bitch you have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Talk to a doctor. Buy a sunlamp. Enjoy life again. Be free.
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acrylicalchemy · 2 years
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Merry Christmas to everyone from Michael, Braska, Peet (Kita Van Gogh), Mee, and Moo. I asked Santa for more cats. They asked Santa for no more cats. We will see momentarily who Santa loves more. 
If you're spending the holidays alone or struggling this year, I'm sending you some extra love. I know how difficult the holidays can be. Take care of those around you and maybe reach out to those that are not. It can make a big difference. The only gift Christmas is really about is the gift of connection.
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Starting to get into my Holiday Season Sads again. Thinking about how no one in my family has any interest in including me when it comes to food except occasionally in the most bare-minimum-empty-gesture-we-didn't-even-ask-what-you-wanted way.
I've completely given up getting any holiday food I can eat from my grandmother besides knedlicky. Both she and my mother have made it very clear that if I want any cookies, I have to make them myself and eat them all by myself. I was reminded of this today when I asked my mom if we could make some me-friendly cookies later this week, since Grandma's never going make anything for me, and she told me I could, and if I had baking questions, I could ask her. I'm used to my mom being uninterested in doing activities with me, so I expected this, but as a result, I had to make myself clearer and say that, no, I physically need help, because I'm too weak these days to do all that alone, especially in anything resembling a timely manner. She was like "okay, I guess I can help".
Fuck man, why do they always have to treat me and my needs like such a bother? Why do they have to make me feel like a huge burden? Is it too much to ask to want to be included, to not have to make my own separate solo celebration if want to participate in a holiday?
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My Commentary on Batman Returns
TRIGGER WARNING! (violence, mental illness, death, suicide, and Christmas)
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Personally Batman Returns has been, and always will be, the darkest and disturbing of all of the Batman series to date with The Dark Knight in second place. Batman Returns really gets in your head with its haunting musical score by Danny Elfman, and its vivid artistic direction, credit to Tim Burton and Stefan Czapsky.
On the outside the Christmas season is in full swing, while amongst the shadows something dark and sinister is brewing.
Elfman's theme for this film is composed in a darker minor key than previously composed in Batman. It also takes place during winter, when all around everything is frigid, which sets the tone for the whole story.
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Batman Returns was only PG-13, but really pushed the envelope. According to IMDB (and my own recollection):
"Because of the criticism from parents regarding the dark, violent, and sexual overtones of the film, there had been speculation that this movie was about to receive an R-rating from the MPAA."
An "R" rating? Understandably so. We witness multiple deaths, murders, attempted murders, child abuse, child abandonment, and a touch of mental illness.
Beginning with the cold-hearted Cobblepots. Their only child is born deformed and a bit aggressive, probably from being hidden away from their social circle. I wouldn't put it past the affluent Cobblepots to not tell their friends about bearing offspring. They have their child locked in a cage with one small opening with bars, which the baby penguin takes advantage of, reaching out and grabs the housecat into the cage with him, and kills it. This could be the writer's (Daniel Waters and Sam Hamm) way of showing visually a juxtaposition how some adults put animals' lives first over human life.
As for the Cobblepots, they were of the same mind when it came to dumping their baby overboard a bridge in Gotham Zoo, where the waters lead the baby carriage into the sewers which could have ultimately resulted in Oswald's death. In real life, it would have. How very sinister!
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Next, there are multiple deaths even Batman himself commits. First off the fire-breathing devil who was asking for it. Did Batman kill him? Well after this scene, we never see the fire-breathing devil ever again.
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Then there's the strongman who evidently could not have been strong enough to have survived an explosive that was strapped to his body and set off. So did Batman kill him? Again, after this scene we never see the strongman ever again.
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There is an attempted murder on Selina Kyle by her misogynistic boss, Max Shreck, the real villain in the story. After Selina accidentally discovers Max's devious and illegal plan, he pushes her through a closed window located on of his skyscraper's top floor.
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Quite surprising for at least me when I first saw this, her fall was a bit jarring for me, seeing how surreal it was depicted.
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Though Selina does not lose her life, she survives, but has clearly lost her mind.
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Regardless, her repulsive boss just tried to murder her! And really, who are we to judge Selina? Deducing from what we had heard earlier on her answering machine, it's evident to us that she had been caught up in a cycle of abuse; her mother, her boyfriend, and God knows how many more. Now Selina is in survival mode fully relying on her animal instincts.
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Nowhere do we see Oswald's parents die, but we learn of this at the same time he does. This scene, whether the character was genuine or not about making amends with his parents, this scene is heart-wrenching.
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There's the graphic, yet somewhat comical, repartee to a rude comment that is made about Oswald's looks.
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After Catwoman leaves the kidnapped Ice Princess on a ledge of a tall building, Penguin--at an attempt to frame Batman--throws an umbrella full of bats at her. With bats flying at her face, the Ice Princess becomes disoriented, loses her balance, and plummets to her demise.
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Shortly thereafter, Oswald literally has his own words backfire, causing his supporters to turn against him. The booing crowd starts throwing "eggs and tomatoes" at him. In retaliation, Oswald decides to open fire with his umbrella machine-gun onto his once loyal supporters.
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Penguin now hatches a plan where he plans to kidnap children and "send them into a deep, watery grave." Wow, that was a lot to throw at the children in the audience. Even one of Penguin's henchmen objects, "Uh, Penguin? I mean, killing sleeping children. Isn't that a little . . . ?" Penguin, in response, shoots him, saying "No. It's a lot." The only one on Penguin's team wanted nothing to do with this scheme, and now he's dead.
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When kidnapping children was foiled, Penguin decides to "punish all God's children."
Armed with missiles, the penguin army is sent to Gotham Square to flatten it. Batman has Alfred send out a signal to Penguin's army having them leave, thereby sparing Gotham Square and return to home base--Gotham Zoo.
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After a scuffle, Batman holds a device in plain sight for Penguin to notice, also noticing that his entire army has returned. Penguin again reacts without thinking. He grabs the device, pauses to see Batman's reaction as if Penguin won a game of keep away.
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Between the time Penguin grabs the device and presses the button, Batman had enough time—granted a few seconds worth—to warn Penguin the consequences of pressing the button. But Batman remains silent.
So Penguin presses the button on the device, setting off the penguin army's missiles that were meant to flatten Gotham Square, now is used to destroy Gotham Zoo. The signal seems to have also released some bats hidden in Batman's vehicle. In a spectacular display of irony, the bats attack Penguin, causing him to lose his footing, crashes through a window at the arctic exhibit, taking a nose-dive into a shallow pool below, seemingly to his death.
Selina is still alive and wants Max dead for his heinous crimes, but most importantly what he had done to her personally. (I also have a commentary in regards to Catwoman in this story alone).
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Max Schreck fires a bullet into Bruce Wayne, as Batman unmasked. That tears it for Selina; Schreck has taken everything from her, and now the one she held dear to her heart. So she goads Max into killing her. Max begins to open fire on Selina, but is very confused why she won't stay dead. Adrenaline, perhaps? Does she really have nine lives? Or perhaps they were blanks. After all, that gun did belong to one of Penguin's clowns that was shot earlier. Maybe he wasn't into killing.
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Selina, through her tears, is now willing to use her "one life left" to annihilate Max for good.
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Penguin makes another appearance, but in critical condition ironically with his nose gushing blood, as well as coughing up blood. He tries to fire his umbrella gun on Batman who is already recovering from a previous gunshot, and looking for Selina. Unfortunately for Penguin, he accidentally chooses "a cute one" that merely squeaks.
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While gagging, Penguin's last words are "The heat is getting me. I'll murder you momentarily. But first I need a cool drink of ice water", which in that moment he falls over dead.
The penguins have their funeral for Oswald, which some might consider silly. I don't find it silly. I find it quite emotional. When I first saw this as a child (which may explain a lot about me), I was confused on how to feel about this situation. Penguin was involved in many crooked, divisive schemes, including murder.
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The score to this scene is not just dark, but sad. Why are we sad to see him die in such a manner? Perhaps, in a literary sense, we are supposed to be feeling what the penguins are feeling? Maybe it's an introspection; were Oswald to have chosen a different path, matters might have turned out better for him. This is alluded to earlier in the movie where Max says to Bruce Wayne "Show us what you know mister! To the men who were born with a silver spoon. Maybe if Oswald's parents hadn't 86ed him, you two might have been bunkies at prep school." which has a ring of truth to it. But would have Oswald still chosen a life of unrelentless crime? Perhaps these words echoed in Bruce's head as he witnessed Penguin die.
But alas, he did not choose a good path, which lead to his death. Not to mention the intense camera shot of Penguin sinking into the sewer water, which will forever be branded in my mind.
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The story is coming to an end. It's quiet in the car, as Alfred drives Bruce home. Suddenly, Bruce notices a moving silhouette that appears to be Catwoman. Bruce asks Alfred to stop the car, and he get out and searches the alleyway only to find a mere, black kitty. Bruce picks it up and brings it from the cold inside his warm car.
Alfred says "Well, come what may. Merry Christmas, Mr. Wayne." The last words in the movie are uttered by Bruce Wayne, wishing Alfred a Merry Christmas, adding "good will toward men, and women". Nothing was "merry" throughout the movie, after all it is Christmas in Gotham City.
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Now I know Batman Returns is a work of fiction. Still, I feel this movie vividly reflects this holiday's true, dark undertone. Similar to real life, Christmas can be a dark time for many people, each with their own, valid reason. How disturbing it is for a holiday—that is supposed to be bright, cheery, and optimistic can spur some to sadly commit suicide.
When you find someone who is depressed, (whether they be a family, friends, or acquaintances), do not be rude or flippant. It takes a lot for a depressed person to muster up enough courage to utter the words, "I'm depressed." Don't follow it up with, "Really? But it's Christmas. You have so much, and so much to live for. Come on, give us a smile." Seriously, that's cold, rude, uncaring and dismissive, leaving the depressed person feeling more invalidated, more alone and more depressed.
I feel when someone says "buck up" to someone going through depression, only says more about the person attempting to help: they personally don't want their fun to be ruined. Now how selfish is that?
On a serious note, if you are feeling overwhelmed or worse than overwhelmed during this time or ANY time, please dial this number below.
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Regardless if nobody seems to be paying attention to you, or some don't seem to care, someone does care. Don't allow the sadness and the darkness consume you. You can be triumphant!
And if this isn't applicable to you, then share the number with a friend or family member who might be in state of silent crises. How can you tell if they are depressed? Invite them to chat. If they don't want to chat, just ask politely if you can sit or stand next to them. Is there an awkward silence between the two of you? It's no big deal, just keep silent and give these ones the support they need.*
Thank you for your time. Check out my commentary based solely on Catwoman in this movie which I'm planning to publish soon.
*It should be obvious that I am not a psychiatrist or therapist. If you're in need of help, the aforementioned number will provide the assistance you deserve.
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arsmoriendiii · 2 years
why does it feel like christmas shouldn’t be for another 5 months yet it’s already Nov ??
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