#Honestly I love their new album but I think precipitation will always be my favorite song like
not to be sappy on main but like
I wanna sit with you and have healthy conversations/ our wants, our wills, our trials and tribulations/ sort through faults and fears, the happier years/ let the smiles be the tears replacement
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pocminiseries · 5 years
Girl With The Tattoos|2
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The nightlife of Seoul was always so vibrant and beautiful.
Na'imah was fortunate enough to have an apartment that allowed her such views as she laid in bed just like tonight.
It was only 10:30 P.M. but she knew that sleep wasn't coming any time soon. It was one of the reasons why she chose to work nights instead of the morning shifts.
Sometimes she'd purposely avoid sleeping because of the dreams they brought. They were almost rarely pleasant.
Plus if she was being honest, she was tired of going to bed alone anyway. For so long she has been purposely dismissing the idea of a relationship. A few times she has come close to being in one but of course, she would always distance herself when she thought someone was getting too close. It was unfortunate because she has come across a few good men that she knew had the potential of making her happy.
Sometimes she hated the way her mind worked.
And the one time she finds herself genuinely interested in someone, he comes in the form of an idol who she knew that realistically she couldn't have. Fuck her luck.
She had been talking to JB for about a month now and so far she enjoyed their conversations so much.
He was easy to talk to and a good listener. Although she hasn't revealed much of her past for a reason, she has started to let down her walls brick by brick. For the first time, she was beginning to let someone in.
She loved how he sensed certain things. Like a few nights ago the topic of family was brought up again and when he asked about certain family members, she would become distant which he caught immediately and changed the topic to something else. He never pressured her about anything.
And she never let the fact that he was famous get to her head. However, sometimes she would have to remind herself of who he was because the more they interacted, the more she was beginning to feel something towards him.
She had a vibe with him that she never had with anyone else.
"Fuck." She mumbled, turning her face into her pillow. Why was she thinking about him so much?
Maybe this was just a simple crush? Something that would past with time? But would it be so wrong to allow herself a bit of happiness for once? Even if it was only temporary? She didn't know herself honestly. This whole situation was a tricky one and had multiple outcomes both good and bad.
The sound of her phone vibrating beside her pulled her from her thoughts and back to reality. Glancing down at the lit up screen, JB's name showed across the screen as the incoming caller.
"Hey." She whispered into the receiver once she answered, turning to her side to face the windows.
"I didn't wake you did I?" His voice was so melodic and sweet like honey. She could listen to him speak about something as bland as precipitation and still be intrigued as he talked.
"No. You know I don't really sleep much at night."
"Mm, we'll have to change that." He replied, thinking of numerous ways he could put her to sleep, both sexual and non-sexual. He wanted to feel bad for thinking about her in such a manner but he was a man and he would be lying to himself if he said he hadn't thought about it more than once. He was attracted to her both physically and mentally, so it was only natural.
Na'imah smirked at his words, feeling a double meaning to them but decided not to speak on it. "What are you up to this late?"
"That's why I was calling. I wanted to know if you would mind coming to see me? I know it's last minute but I could really use your company." The rest of the members had headed home but JB still had a few more tracks to lay before he would decide to call it a night. His music wheels have been turning all day and now that he was alone, the only person he could think about was her.
"Where are you?" She asked, hearing soft music playing in the background of where he was.
"The studio."
Of course, she thought to herself. She was almost convinced he lived there when he wasn't busy.
Sitting up, she removed the covers and prepared to get dressed. "And where would this studio be located?" She hadn't seen him in four days because of his scheduling, so there was no way she was passing up seeing him, especially if it was longer than a few minutes like it usually was.
"The new JYP building in Cheongdam. I'll text you the address." He tried to hide the excitement in his voice but failed miserably. This was his chance to talk to her like he wanted and touch her in ways he's never been able to.
"Are you sure that's ok? I mean, I know that they just don't let anyone inside of those buildings." The last thing she wanted to be is thrown out for "trespassing". Plus she knew that her black ass would for sure stick out like a sore thumb.
JB laughed a bit, finding her concern to be cute. "Yes. I'm personally inviting you." He said, leaning back against his chair. "Just call me when you arrive, so I can let you in." The building was almost deserted around this time with a few employees and a security guard keeping watch.
Though she was still nervous, she decided to still go anyway. It was better than laying in her bed until she felt sleepy. "Alright. Let me get dressed and I'll head that way."
Saying their goodbyes, Na'imah quickly pulled on some clothes, not thinking much of her outfit. As long as she was decent, that's all that mattered. However, she did at least pull her hair into a sleek ponytail. She debated whether to apply makeup but thought against it at the last minute, sticking to simple lip gloss instead. Once she was pleased with her final look, she grabbed her crossbody bag and headed out, locking up behind her.
The JYP building was only about 30 minutes away, so she chose to take the subway since the station was closer to her apartment complex. The whole ride made her nervous the closer she got to her destination. Here she was making a late night trip to see an idol, something she didn't even think could ever occur. Only weeks ago her life had been pretty routine, with not much excitement and in little time, she found herself in this very predicament.
As soon as the building came into view, she almost convinced herself to turn back around and go home. What the hell was she thinking?
"Relax, you can do this." She pep talked to herself after taking a deep breath.
Retrieving her phone, she dialed JB's number and waited patiently until he answered as she eyed the building in front of her. She recalled walking past it a few times, just never paying attention to the name of it. Although the kpop scene was obviously huge there, she rarely ever dove that deeply into it. Knowing a few groups, here and there. She had almost hyped herself up to go to at least one of the shows to experience the hype but never got around to doing so.
"I see you. Come here." He told her as soon as he answered. Na'imah looked confused for a second until her eyes landed on him. A smile broke out into her face when she approached him while he held one of the glass doors open for her to come in.
She barely got a good look at the place when he decided to pull her towards him, hugging her tightly. After her shock had worn off, she wrapped her arms around him, doing the same in return.
The way she molded into him was almost insane. Her sweet scent filled his nose when he nuzzled his head into her neck, pulling her closer. He had been wanting to this since the moment he had laid eyes on her. It was something so simple but meant so much more to him.
"Jae..." She groaned softly when his lips unintentionally brushed against her skin. Immediately she pulled back allowing her eyes to fully take him in up so close and personal.
"I'm sorry." He apologized, licking his lips before he allowed some space between them.
She shook her head, waving him off. "It's fine." And it was but she couldn't say the same for her body though.
"Follow me." He said, nodding his head towards the hall behind him. She silently walked behind as he walked up a flight of stairs, soon stopping in front of some double doors. Her eyes danced around the impressively sized studio, admiring all of the professional equipment in front of her. She could only imagine the type of music great music that was being recorded here.
"I work in this one until my studio gets finished." He revealed, pulling her to one of the chairs in front of the mixing console. She wondered how they even knew which ones to touch with there being so many to choose from. She was hesitant to touch anything, afraid that she might mess up something.
"Your second home huh?" She half-joked after spotting the pillow and blanket on one of the couches behind them, where she imagined he's probably slept on a few times.
JB smiled a little, not denying her words because he knew they were true. They had released their album weeks ago, yet here he was already working on new music. When he gets inspired, sometimes he can't help but express himself through songwriting. He wasn't even going to reveal that one of the songs that he's been working on was about her. Some things are better kept to himself...for now.
"I've listened to the songs you have on your SoundCloud a few days ago, it definitely seems very Im Jaebum like." She smiled, pulling out a blowpop from her candy stash inside of her bag and quickly placed it into her mouth, paying no attention to JB who was watching her every move.
"Really? Is there a song you favorite the most?" He asked, clearing his suddenly dry throat. Why out of all the candy she could have pulled out, she chose that one? His gaze was set on the way her lips wrapped around the blowpop, lightly sucking it with no care in the world. Shaking his head a bit, he realized how silly his mindset was being, letting his hormones get in the way. It was only candy.
"Holic." She answered once she pulled the candy from her mouth. "We have very similar taste in music." She added, remembering back when he told her about his love for soul music which ironically enough was her favorite genre.
JB found it very interesting that she said that song in particular because as crazy as it may seem, it held so much truth to how he was feeling right now. However, he also found it strange how songs he had written over a year ago explained so much now that he has met Na'imah.
But even he knew that no matter how much he liked her, he would have to be careful for both of their sakes.
"May I?" She asked after a while, pointing at the Mac computer in front of them.
"Go ahead."
Placing the sucker back into her mouth, she rolled her chair closer to his and pulled up SoundCloud, logging into her account. "I think it's only fair that I bless you with some good music." She smirked, glancing at him before focusing back on the screen. Plus she needed a distraction. The way he's been looking at her since they sat down was making her feel a certain way.
This has been the longest that she's ever been in his presence and she wasn't sure how to act around him just yet. What she really wanted though, was to hug him just to feel him close again. To take in his manly scent and his warmness on this cool night. She knew that he had no clue how good he truly felt. It's been so long since she had someone, especially a man who embraced her the way that he did.
Finding her playlist, she hit shuffle and let the music play, allowing it to ease her nerves.
"I don't make you nervous do I?" JB suddenly asked, seeing her truly relax for the first time. He found himself observing like he always does. It was his way of trying to figure her out whenever she didn't speak. He wanted to know what she was thinking and how she felt by simply looking at her or hearing a change in her voice.
She was still keeping him at a comfortable distance which he understood completely and he was more than willing to be patient until she was ready to let him in. Still, he was curious about her story. He wanted to know why she didn't want to go into detail about her childhood and upbring. It was clear someone had hurt her enough to where she was protecting herself like she was.
And he wanted to change that.
"Honestly? A little bit. It's just...it's been awhile since I've been alone with someone like this." The last time she was alone with a man she ended up in his bed in what was the most mediocre sex she had ever experienced in her life.
Now here she was with a man she not only found so physically attractive but one who had made her lower region throb from his lips brushing against her neck. It was ridiculous.
She almost jumped out of her skin when she felt his hand touch hers as he intertwined their fingers. "Don't be. What happens between us will always be up to you." Being a man of his word, he meant exactly what he said.
Na'imah could feel her cheeks begin to warm up as her gaze shifted from their hands to his eyes. Why must he look at her like that so much? As if she was the most precious gem he had ever seen. Whenever he does it, he makes it so hard for her to keep up her barriers.
"Can I at least have a taste?"
Blinking her eyes a few times, she gave him a surprised look. "W-what?"
Chuckling, JB started to pull at the blowpop, indicating what he meant. "You've been sucking on it like it's the best candy in the world and I want to see for myself if it is."
Pulling it out of her mouth, she scrunched up her face in fake disgust. "I don't know where your mouth has been."
Hitting her with the "Oh Really" look, JB snatched the candy from her hand and quickly put it in his mouth. His taste buds were hit immediately with the flavor of strawberry. All Na'imah could do was pout, that was her last blowpop too.
"You're lucky I like you or otherwise we would've been fighting." She joked right as he bit into the hard coating. "JB!" She squealed not thinking that he was going to eat the whole thing. She only thought he wanted a simple taste, not for his greedy ass to devour it for himself.
JB watched her unfazed and continued to chew the overly sweet bubblegum that was hidden in the middle, tossing the white stick into the trashcan behind him.
She couldn't stop the mean mug from appearing on her face which he found to be pretty cute. "Here." He offered, wrapping the gum around his finger and pointed it at her lips.
"Just eat the damn gum." She snapped, softly pushing his hand away from her.
Shrugging, he did what she said until the flavor started to disappear. "I'll make it up to you." He told her as he stood up, throwing the gum into the garbage before taking his seat again.
"Oh, you most def-" Barely able to finish her sentence, JB grabbed the arms of her chair, sliding it to face him. With her legs between his, she watched him lean closer, invading her personal space as her heart thumped rapidly inside of her chest.
A small smile pulled at his lips, seeing her go stiff while his gaze slowly moved from her eyes to her lips that she subconsciously bit into. "I always keep my word." He assured her, placing his hands on her thighs.
Na'imah didn't know what to do. She didn't want to give him this vibe like she didn't like what he was doing but she also couldn't force her body to respond like she was screaming for it too. Even when he had the nerve to purposely slide a hand to softly grip at the back of her neck pulling her closer, she still didn't dare move.
"Let me-"
"Yes." She said a little too quickly but she didn't care, she was more than ready for this.
Needing nothing else, JB connected his lips to hers, taking the lead of a kiss that was filled with so much unexpected passion and need the more their mouths moved in complete sync. He teased at her bottom lip, biting and sucking the plump flesh until she opened wide enough for him to slip his tongue inside without missing a beat.
Na'imah could still taste strawberries as he flicked his tongue against hers, tasting her in ways she never allowed anyone else.
It wasn't supposed to feel like this so soon. He wasn't supposed to be able to ignite this fire inside of her just yet. And he wasn't supposed to taste this damn good either.
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must-read-fanfics · 7 years
11 Questions~
Thank you for tagging me @dirtydirtychimchim. You literally have been a big inspiration to me with your writings and I never stopped reading since. I apologize for being so inactive nowadays on this blog (mainly because stress and school) but I will try to post more little by little once I start feeling better. It’s definitely not because there are no good fanfics out there; There’s too many! I have a long list of saved fics to read later but haven’t been able to get to it in a long time. Hope you guys can understand.
Rules: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you and then make 11 more for the next people that you tag
1) What is your happiest memory? 
Honestly, it was when I was a child when my mom would go to drive out to the city for some business and she would bring me along. When it was snowing or raining in the city, it always holds some sort of nostalgic feel that makes me really happy when I look back on those memories and imagining the city lights in the dark precipitation (okay I’m getting out of hand here).
2) If you could have any super power which one would you have?
I guess an ability like Weapons in Soul Eater (if anybody has ever watched that) but they can transform into weapons as a whole or part and I think it would be pretty cool to have my right arm transform into a cannon and my left as a machine gun or something...
3) Anything you want to tell me?
Thank you for just existing you beautiful child~ Your writing is life! I love how well detailed your headcanons are to help coordinate with their personality and how well you communicate with your readers is the most adorable sight. And honestly, when I first saw you appear on the tags, the first thing I think of is how creative your username, incorporating BTS and Seventeen into a name and it just seems so iconic to me now.
4) Top 3 songs that mean the most to you?
-King by Lauren Aquilina 
-Here comes a thought from Steven Universe
-Breathe by Lee Hi
They all have the same theme but listening to them on repeat is what I found to be relaxing for me.
5) You can take your bias on a trip anywhere, where would you take them and what would you do?
Nooooooo don’t make me choose.... If I choose one, the other members or groups won’t be well-appreciated either and I can’t let that happen...
But if that wasn’t the case and all the idols got their own vacation, I would choose Woojin because literally the entire group is only focused on releasing new content and they all need a break, but can’t since their contract ends December 2018 and want to release as much as possible (fight me YMC). I think I would take Woojin to the city and enjoy the sights since he’s been so cooped up and go see some street performers since he’s a choreographer and I want him to enjoy his passion, but not to his limit.
6) What’s your favorite movie?
Big Hero 6 because not only is the entire story, but the background and cultural fusion of architecture and life with a heartwarming story about moving on from loss that warms my heart every time.
7) What’s something about you that you like/ love about yourself?
I like how aware I am of my feelings because I know if I’m just being stupid or not thinking about something.
8) How do you greet people? 
I awkwardly wave at them like a coward but at my friends I start throwing my hands up in the air to wave hi and jump to glomp on them...
9) Whose your favorite person in the entire world?
My mom~
10) Sunrise or Sunset? 
Sunrises because they show a beginning of a new day with a new array of colors and give off a comforting warmth that continues to grow.
11) Do you believe in aliens?
Yes, because we literally cannot be the only life form out there when the universe is so big!
My 11 Questions:
Do you play any video games and if so which ones?
Do you have a favorite aesthetic (e.g. fairy lights on the tree and sitting by the fire)
Favorite album song?
First kpop song you listened to? 
A food you want to try?
What character or person do you think reflects your personality the best (weird question I know)?
How do you overcome your obstacles in life?
Favorite pallete of colors?
If you could have a theme song everytime you entered the room, what would it be?
In a kpop group, what position would you like to take?
Are you feeling alright today?
Thank you for the questions~ They were really fun to answer! I’m tagging @banhchan  @deepdickdaniel @jihoonslattee  @lovely-bangtan7 @isitkpop but really don’t want to pressure you into answering questions you don’t want to answer?
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cebeavers · 15 years
New York City & Coney Island 2009
June 20, 2009 New York Photos | Coney Island Photos
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Though I had wanted to wake up earlier and get into the city earlier, Saturday wasn’t quite as early as I’d planned for. But Matt and I did wake up and head out around 9:00 am to be greeted by gloom, clouds, and precipitation. The drive from Pottstown to Trenton was just over an hour. I was trying to pay attention as I would be driving most of the same roads to Jackson, NJ for Six Flags a few days later, but the roads were very confusing. And expensive with all of the tolls.
We finally arrived at the train stop in Trenton and met up with Bubba and Steff. Once we got our tickets, we headed out to the already waiting train, which left at 11:40 am. I had this totally stereotypical vision of what riding on a train into the city would be like. For some reason, maybe because my last real exposure to NYC was in the early 80’s, I always imagine transportation and such into the city as being straight out of the 80’s. Surprisingly, I what I had envisioned in my mind was SO close to what it was actually like. It was scary how close it matched what I imagined.
But the train ride in was a lot of fun. I hadn’t been on a real train in a long time, and don’t remember the conductor actually coming and collecting tickets the last time I was on Amtrak. After a little more than an hour, we arrived at Penn Station. Our first stop was the closest restroom. It was old and run down, and very typical of what I imagined NYC’s public restrooms to be like. I also had my first weird New York moment. I was waiting for a stall to open, and eventually a door opened to a stall beside me and a short middle aged woman came running out and hurried out of the restrooms. There was a line for the Women’s room, but I’m not sure I’d have done that…
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Anyways, we headed up topside, and as we did, Bubba mentioned we were right under Madison Square Garden. I walked just inside the Garden’s arena just to say I’d been there, and then we headed out side so I could take some pictures. MSG is very close to the Empire State Building, and that was our first destination of the day. Sure, it was gloomy and foggy, but I really wanted to head to the top.
Once we arrived we headed into the lobby and were told it was a 40 minute wait. Well, the wait times were incorrect because we just bypassed all of the queues since no one was in line. In about 20 minutes (counting the time I spent in the gift shop), we were heading up to the 86th floor’s outdoor observation deck.
The views were…Cloudy. I’m sure on a nice day they’re really spectacular, and you could see a decent distance. I did manage to see the Statue of Liberty from a distance, as well as Manhattan in the distance. I took a lot of pictures, but mostly of closer buildings since the fog covered a lot of the other buildings. I had an umbrella (ella ella) and was really thankful I did as it rained off and on for our duration at the top. I would have loved to have stayed up longer, but the weather wasn’t cooperating and there were lots of other things I wanted to do, so after about 30 minutes, we headed back down, stopping at another gift shop so I could buy some stuff.
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Lunch was had next at a small Italian eatery right across the street from the ESB. It was actually really good, too, and so typically New York. Bubba wanted to go to CRUMBS bakery, and I wanted to see Times Square, so we walked, first up a block the wrong way, then over and down towards CRUMBS Bakery, which was thankfully on the way to Times Square. We headed by Grant Park, stopping off for a cupcake at the bakery that was delicious.
Apparently it was Gay Pride Week or something, and they had a stage set up in Bryant Park with live music. Because of the rain, it wasn’t very crowded. Even though the music was terrible, we all walked over to get a glimpse of the performer and his horribly repetitious song. Dude put Daft Punk to shame in the repetition department. And the lyrics and dancing were awful. Grant Park was nice, though, and a few minutes later we were arriving at Times Square.
I’d stayed here with family back when I was 3 or 4 years old. It’s much different now, basically a huge tourist attraction with lights and LED screens and shops. We walked around as I took pictures and eventually headed to Toys Я Us. The goal was to ride the Ferris Wheel, but the line was really long. We did do some window shopping and I found some things that I’d eventually like to pick up elsewhere. After a bathroom break and looking around, we decided to head over to Coney Island, the 2nd main destination of the day.
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It took a second to find the Subway station, but once we did we purchased our Metro card and hopped the train to Coney. This was my 2nd Subway credit. The ride to Coney Island was almost an hour, but it was neat. I like the trains on the NYC Metro better than D.C.’s but D.C.’s stations are nicer, and the lines are much easier to get around on. Granted, NYC is huge, so that was part of my ‘issue’ with it. Eventually, though we did arrive safe and sound at Coney Island, only to be greeted by a burst of pouring rain. Thankfully, it didn’t last long, and as we walked down the Ave., we realized we’d just missed The Mermaid Parade (thankfully). Our first stop on Coney Island was the Infamous Coney Island Cyclone (How Sweet it Is). Would I like it?
Coney Island Cyclone (#183)-No. Not even a little. I haven’t wanted to get off of a coaster as much as I did Cyclone in a long time. I had fully expected to continue to think of Psyclone (R.I.P.) as my least favorite of the Cyclone clones, but as it turns out, the Original is now at the bottom of my rankings. I had hoped that the rain would give me a crazy ride. I was leery of all the padding when getting into the back seat of the train. Going up the lift hill was exciting beyond belief, but then the first drop happened. Honestly, I don’t remember much about the layout or anything because I was trying to brace myself for all of the pain that was coming my way. My back and shoulders hurt, badly, after riding. Matt said it was running slow and poorly. He was spot on. He asked about a $5 re-ride, but I had had more than enough. Sad, a coaster I’d looked forward to for so long was so bad. I knew it was a possibility, though, so no anticipointment came from the Cyclone on this trip.
So after the Cyclone we walked thru the old Astroland area, now labeled ‘Dreamland’ with temporary signage and some temporary rides that looked rather fun. Had it been a nicer day and were I to be staying in NYC longer, I’d have gotten a wristband for Deno’s and Dreamland so that we could have ridden longer.
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We circled around and went into Deno’s, heading straight to the Wonder Wheel. This was something else I was looking forward to riding. I’d done the version at Disneyland, which I enjoyed, even if the swinging cars were slightly unnerving. What would I think of the original?
Deno’s Wonder Wheel-Oh. My. Goodness. This is officially now one of my top 5 scariest rides ever. I was expecting something like the Sun Wheel at Disney. This was far scarier. First off, it’s so old. It isn’t even driven by tires, but gears, which was neat. I expected the ride to circle quote a few times once all of the cars were full, much like other Ferris Wheels do, but the Wonder Wheel only circles twice, and for that I’m thankful. Once the car started rolling forward I was a bit nervous, but when it started swinging out of control, I was scared to death and started screaming. And it just kept swinging. I was holding on tight. It was freaky as it swung up 90° as you’re in a cage sitting on a wooden bench. Every time it swung it scared me. Even as much as it frightened me, I’d pay $6 to ride it again, just not on this trip.
I asked if Spook-o-Rama was any good and was told no, so we walked to the front of Deno’s and out onto Surf Ave. I needed batteries for the Camera, so I stopped in a shop to get a few, then we walked down to Nathan’s so Bubba could get a hot dog and I could use the restroom. I don’t like hot dogs, but toyed with getting one from Nathan’s Famous for obvious reasons. Then I saw the price and the hot dogs and decided that I’d stick to not eating hot dogs.
We sat at some outdoor seating for a while so that Bubba could eat, then we walked back over to the boardwalk so that I could go out on the beach. Everyone else stayed on the boardwalk, but I walked out onto the sand and even put my feet (with shoes on) in the water. That’s 2 trips to the beach this year! As I was on the coastline, I could see a large tanker looking ship on the horizon. Then as I looked south, I could see a large cruise ship coming up the coaster that was pretty massive.
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After staring out at the ocean for a few minutes (something I could do for a few hours), I walked back to the boardwalk. We walked down the boardwalk and ran into more of the freaks from the Mermaid Parade. There were all kinds of freaks, clowns, mermaids, and what not everywhere, as well as press covering them and taking pictures. Matt wanted a quick bite to eat, and I toyed with getting my drink on, but alcohol was far too expensive.
Once we finished up at the food stand, we headed back up the boardwalk and out by the Cyclone, then over to the Metro Station to wait on the train. It was about a 45 minute ride back to where we were headed, but the question was, where were we headed? Bubba and Steff were heading back to Trenton because Bubba parked in a lot that closed at 11pm, but Matt and I were staying in the city a little longer. Eventually Bubba and Steff got off at Penn Station as we waited and got off later, heading topside on 5th Ave. where I needed a restroom. Matt suggested going into the Plaza, but as we approached, not sure if they still allowed the public to use their restrooms, I asked the doorman where the closest public restroom is, and he suggested the Apple Store across the street.
Now, this isn’t just any Apple Store, this is the glass box Apple Store that’s underground. We had decided to hit it up since we were there and see how busy it was since the iPhone 3G S had just been released. So we headed across the street and down the spiraling stairs to the Apple Store. After a quick bathroom break, we went over to play with the new iPhone. Yeah, the video and digital compasses are nice, but I’m not ready to go out and get a new one just yet, because mine still works just fine.
This was definitely larger than the other Apple Store I’d been in in D.C. And it was packed. I toyed with getting a new iPhone case, but decided against it (I got what I wanted later when I got home).
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After spending time browsing, we headed topside. It was still slightly light out, so we walked over to Central Park. Yes, the park is huge, so we only really got one minute corner of it to look at. Matt wanted to see what the kiddy park looked like, so we walked over to the gates. It was nice, and I’d like to go back and spend some time there. The whole area we were in was very nice, even if it was getting dark. Such lush greenery and trees surrounded by huge skyscrapers made for an odd contrast.
We walked back out of Central Park and around a block or two until we ran into FAO Schwarz Toy Store. Sadly, it was closed, but at least I was able to see it. Then I suggested eating at a place called Pop Burger for dinner. I had a ‘Ghost Burger’ (It was vegetarian) and Matt had some real burgers. The food was good, the place was pretty nice and trendy, and the music was pretty hot. As we left, about 20 hot girls in 2 groups came walking by, heading out for the nite. Every one was at least a 9. You don’t see that everywhere.
Then we started to walk back to Times Square from the opposite end that we came from before. We saw an older gentleman and his ‘escort’ for the evening, which I pointed out to Matt. He didn’t think that was what was going on, but I could tell by the way she was dressed and the fact that she was at least 40 years younger than him that they weren’t together unless she was getting something out of the deal.
Finally we came to Times Square at nite. It was packed and the lights were really dazzling. I had to call the Piano Bar that we were heading to, Sweet Caroline’s, in order to get directions, but we finally made it. The show was supposed to start at 10:30 promptly, but it was starting just as we arrived at 10. It was nice, but nothing special as far as the looks of the place went. Crocodile Rocks in SC is way nicer inside. The players were really good, though, and lots of fun. I ended up getting a free drink AND they played both songs I requested.
It was different than its southern counterpart in that there was a lot more Hip Hop/Rap and Metal requested, along with the old piano standards present at both. In the south there was way more country being played. Around 12:30 we decided to leave since we still had to take the Metro to Penn Station and the train to Trenton was leaving at 1:40am. Once we got to the station, we made our way to the area we needed to be, but it was confusing and I was glad Matt was with me. There were lots of homeless people sleeping on the ground, that’s something I’m not used to.
As we sat on the steps to wait for our train to get its gate assignment, a group of young people behind us asked us to take their picture, so I did. They were really nice and we chatted a bit before the train finally got a gate. And at 1:40, just as promised, we were pulling out. I slept most of the way back to Trenton. Then there was another hour drive home that thankfully I didn’t have to drive.
All in all, I had a fun day. I do want to get back to NYC because there is a lot I still want to do, plus stuff I’d like to do again in nicer weather. However, the city came across as really dirty and skanky. I will say, though, that I was surprised at the attitudes of everyone I came across. Not one rude person all day. People said thank you and held doors open and were very nice, and these were the locals. Fun enough city, but I don’t think I’d ever want to live there.
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