#Hoony Fanfic
intromortal · 6 months
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sacrifice (eat me up)
vampire prince!p.sh x f!reader wc: 946
cw: smut, blood, sacrifices, main character death, some gore, hoonie is vampire royalty and huh... cannibalism?
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"My love", Sunghoon whispers against your temple as he keeps thrusting inside you with your knees spread open on his and his chest to your back, seated right on the altar you're supposed to get bitten and feasted on the following day. That same altar used to worship your malevolent deities was being repurposed as it now was you Sunghoon was worshipping. "Do not worry that pretty little head of yours, I will take care of this".
His brothers had warned him that falling in love so deeply with a mortal was a grave mistake. But he couldn't help how his heart swelled and his head felt lighter every time he saw you outside his royal palace, on his strolls down to the town. He knew in the end nothing good could come out of this, but he also didn't expect you to be chosen among the humans the princes had to sacrifice every year to the gods of the undead, to keep them from unleashing their wrath on the already weak and thinning population they were tasked to protect all those centuries ago.
It's not like he could do anything to change your fate, the gods chose the subjects themselves and any harm brought to them would cause a catastrophe of unseen magnitude.
Once selected the thirteen unlucky humans would be taken to the palace, held away from everyone else, with enough commodities to pretend they were somewhat free but also with no freedom at all, until the day of the ritual where the princes had to inject them with their powerful venom and leave them on the altar they had built as an offering for the deities to descend and feast on. Other than the intoxicating feeling of savouring flesh infused with powerful vampire royalty blood probably induced, Sunghoon truly could not understand what this ritual accomplished anyway.
He kept thinking about how the deities were toying with them all, princes and population alike, as he let his hand travel down your body to your cunt, starting to toy with your bundle of nerves, eliciting sweet sounds of pleasure and desperation from you.
He thought about how you must be so scared, even with the brave face you put up in front of everyone, even when you sweetly asked him to make you his one more time before the ritual after he snuck you out of the chambers you were being kept in. You were probably thinking about all the rumours that spread like wildfire among the peasants: how there had to be reasons to leaving such a bloody mess after every session the gods required, entire chunks of flesh still hanging from the corpses, sometimes leaving one martyr miraculously but barely alive, entire limbs and organs missing, indicating that they were alive while being eaten.
He thought they probably drew more pleasure from inflicting this psychological pain on the princes and the landsmen than anything. Not that Sunghoon was particularly affected by this: his brothers cared a lot more, sweet Jay and Sunoo in particular, the most devoted to their mission among all of them.
He keeps thinking and thinking and thinking as he fucks you towards your orgasm, small tears trailing down his cheeks at the devastating feeling of having to give you up.
"Hoonie", you sob out as you come around him, leaning your head against his shoulder as tears and other broken sobs start to spill out of you. Sunghoon suspects he might be crazy as he feels his heart hurt, even though he knows it stopped beating aeons ago. It's then that he makes up his mind.
He lowers his head, starting to trail kisses down your neck as you sigh fondly, head still cloudy from your high. "My dearest, I will love you until the end of times with my entire being, but think it's time to go", he whispers against your skin before revealing his sharp canines and biting down without waiting for your response, your sweet taste invading his senses. You uselessly struggle against him, so he sneaks his arms around your body, securing them against your middle and pinning you closer to his chest as he keeps feeding off of you. His mouth is so full of your blood, and he doesn't think he could stop even if he wanted to, so he keeps gurgling down whatever your body manages to give him.
You're barely conscious as he starts ripping away the flesh from the junction of your neck and shoulders, savouring and relishing in your flavour as he questions how he could have ever lived without this bliss all his life. He spins you around as he keeps gnawing at any inch of skin he can manage before your body goes cold. His mind is far gone at that point, intoxicated by you at the point of no return, and even if he knows he just sentenced an entire population to eradication he can't bring himself to care. Why would he want anyone to live after losing you? He thinks if you don't get to live then no one else should. His lovely angel. So he laughs. He laughs so hard and so loud and maniacally as he holds whatever's left of you close, bloody chunks of flesh all over his clothes and his eyes blown out with lust still as his brothers barge in the room, horrified looks dawning on their faces when they take in the gruesome scene in front of their eyes.
Sunghoon feels his throat flood with bile as his crazed laughs turn into painful sobs, his whole being shaking as he slowly sobers up. "Don't worry my love, I will be seeing you soon", he whispers against your mutilated corpse. "We all will".
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a/n: idk y'all i was feeling a little quirky
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eoh00n · 2 months
₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ friends in public, lovers in private texts with Sunghoon
―୨୧ pairing: p.sunghoon x reader
―୨୧⋆ ˚warning: suggestive, too sweet&adorable (in my opinion), Sunghoon & oc are lowkey (highkey) down bad and just insane
part I | part II
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peanut-tyrug · 7 months
Pink City AU: Hunt for the Boxman
Chapter 3 - Fixing what’s been Broken
Hoonis and Dento team up amongst the discord and havoc of the Pink City to fix what they themselves and others have torn apart.
NOTICE: This AU is partially based on my ideas/interpretation. If anything appears to be inaccurate, I apologize. I tried to work with what little I had to make smth. I also took a few artistic liberties.
Another thing: THE PINK CITY AND IT’S CHARACTERS DO NOT BELONG TO ME!! IT BELONGS TO GOOSEWORX!! Some canon lore for The Pink City has also been implemented in this story. This is just an AU/story I made based on it. If you’d like to check out The Pink City series itself, check it out here!
TRIGGER WARNING: This fic contains nightmares, threats, arguing, caps, swearing, an apocalypse, screaming, crying, death, stabbing, self hatred, and daddy issues. If you aren’t comfortable with these things, please don’t read this.
It hasn’t been long since the disaster that occurred live on television. Right on Bep’s show…
All she wanted to do was get her head back in the game. Get back into making her show. Forget all that had happened, forget that emotional breakdown with that… nosy little shit show host.
The stress hammers at Bep’s head like a mallet. She can’t help but stress over her show. How people will perceive her… all the disgust, confusion, rage…
It’s an absolute nightmare…
…A literal one.
Bep wakes up with a sudden gasp. She rises up and glances around, and hears her phone going off. She scrambles to her phone and picks it up. She holds the phone in her hand.
Her eyes squint angrily.
Someone’s calling her.
Hoonis is calling her.
…That blasted, dense man… the man the couldn’t help but press on about her deadbeat father. The man that couldn’t shut his trap about the person she hated with every fiber of her being.
The phone eventually stops ringing, going to the lock screen. Bep then goes into her messages and types out a message to Hoonis.
'Leave me alone'
Bep chucks her phone to the edge of her bed and lays back down…
…The nightmares continue to rage on in her head.
It’s the next day.
Everyone’s preparing for Bep’s next show. Setting up lights, doing sound checks. Everything must be perfect.
Perfect for her.
Bep storms around the small studio room, checking in on her employees. Although, she’s more uptight than usual.
“Hey!” Bep exclaims, pointing at a camera man. “Do NOT keep that lens cap on! I swear to God, you aren’t going to see the end of my wrath if you do!”
“Yes, ma'am!” The camera man says worriedly, fearing for his life.
Bep then turns to a sound guy, fiddling with the sound board. She storms to him, to which the employee responds by shivering in terror.
Bro slams her hands onto the sound board. “You better not fucking miss your cues, you hear me?” She says in a harsh whisper.
“Yes, Ms. Nemeni, ma'am.” Says the sound guy, his fear overtaking his voice.
Bep then turns to her small tech crew. Only few have actually stayed, including the team’s lead, since they need the money.
Bep struts over to the tech lead, Bendle. He quickly notices her approach.
“Bendle!” Bep begins. “Keep an eye on the tech team, please. We don’t need a light flickering or falling!”
“…Ms. Nemeni?” A tech guy questions. “Why are you always so hard on us?”
Bep averts her gaze to the questioning man. She forgot he was new here.
“…Well, that’s because I NEED TO BE!” Bep exclaims. “If I don’t keep you all in check, WE ALL PLUMMET TO THE GROUND!! We lose our AUDIENCE!! We lose our SOURCE OF PROFIT!! We mess up, we have NOTHING!”
“But why do you yell so much?” The tech guy asks. “I don’t think that’s a good work environment—!”
Bep proceeds to the yank the tech guy to her face. She stares him down, and he stares back, complete horror in his eyes.
“Sometimes I NEED TO BE LOUD!!” Bep exclaims. “I have to be the army general because people like YOU can’t get your work done! I need ALL OF YOU to get to work, RIGHT NOW, or so help me, I WILL TEAR YOU APART LIMB FROM LIMB!!”
Most of the tech team scatters to their positions.
All but one.
One of Bep’s most loyal employees. Practically her right hand man.
He stays in place, not even daring to move. Bep looks to the young man with fury. Bendle firmly glares to his boss.
“…Bendle?” Bep asks. “Didn’t you hear me?”
“I did hear you, ma'am.” Says Bendle.
“…Then why aren’t you moving?” Bep asks, voice seething with fury.
“Because I’m tired of the stress you put us through.” Bendle responds.
Bep quickly becomes infuriated and lost for words. As she stammers, trying to make a coherent sentence, Bendle speaks up again.
“You’ve done nothing but stress us out for ages.” Says Bendle. “You never seem to care about our emotional well being.”
Bep tries to retort, stammering, trying to make a good enough argument.
…But as she tries, a thought pops in her head.
“You’re a terrible boss, that’s what you are.” Says Bendle. “And I am so, so, so, tired of putting up with your shit. We all are. We could all leave, but we don’t. We need the money. If you want us to stay as bad as you do, why don’t you try to improve as a person?”
Everyone in the crew stares back at the brave man and his powerless boss. All Bep does is stand there, completely motionless, as a memory of old reappears in her head…
…A terrible memory. One that would make her seethe every time it popped up in her mind…
'Why not?'
'I don’t want to work on your stupid show!'
'But why? It’s done so well! You could get a lot of money!'
'It’s not what I want to do with my life!'
'But what about what I want for you?'
'What about what I want!? What I want to do with my own life!?'
'I am your father! You do as I ask!'
'But this is my life!'
'What about what I want for you?'
'…You don’t love me.'
'You don’t love me. You don’t care about me… you just wanted me for your stupid show!'
'No! I do love you!'
'Then why are you pressuring me to do something I don’t want to do!?'
'It would be good for you!'
'But what if I don’t want to do it!?'
'Then suck it up!'
'That’s what I mean! YOU DO NOT LOVE ME!!'
…That same argument… that same talk…
That same talk Bep had with her father…
The memory rings in her head. Reflects back to her...
Suddenly, a loud and thundering rumbling is heard from outside.
The ground begins to shake, causing equipment to topple and fall. The crew catches their equipment just before it hits the ground.
“The hell is that!?” A sound guy exclaims.
As the rumbling continues, loud bangs are heard…
Then, a sound that resembles the aftermath of a bomb slamming into the ground.
The ground vibrates even more, causing the crew to fall forward on their faces.
“EVERYONE!! GO!!!” Bendle exclaims.
As everyone scurries to the exit, banging is heard against the studio’s roof…
Suddenly, dark and inky tendrils protrude through the roof of the studio, quickly cornering the crew.
Bep watches as her crew is swiftly lifted into the air. Thrown against the wall. Chucked around the room.
…And slowly becoming disgustingly distorted.
Losing their logic and reason. Losing their ability to think. Losing their ability to keep a proper form.
“Come on!” Bendle exclaims, running to Bep. “We gotta go!”
As Bep turns to face Bendle, she watches as Bendle is lifted into the air through the hole in the roof. Bep watched as the young man is carried into the sky.
And Bendle watches as Bep becomes further and further away from his view.
The tendril carrying the young man comes to a halt. Bendle quickly turns his head around.
And comes face to face with something that would forever lurk in his nightmares.
A thin, magenta-suited man with a box for a head, said box being covered in a black ooze with spider-like legs protruding from the sides of the head. Front and center, looking directly into Bendle’s soul, colorful yet petrifying eyes. The types of eyes that haunt you while you sleep.
…Bendle feels as if he could pass out.
Suddenly, the tendril holding the young man up slams him back down into the building.
Bep watches as the man falls back to the floor of her studio, complete horror in her eyes. A crater is created in the floor of the room she stands in. Bendle lays practically unconscious, his body glitched and distorted.
The young man slowly brings an arm up. He then begins to rise to his feet, much to Bep’s horror.
Bendle isn’t who he was anymore. None of her crew were.
They were all like mindless, bugged out zombies. Completely void of whatever proper mental state they had left.
Bendle stares at Bep, his eyes a bright blue aura. His body glitching and distorting beyond what Bep can comprehend.
Bep swiftly turns to the exit and scurries out of the studio. She runs almost aimlessly through the halls and eventually skids to a stop by a closet. She shoves herself into the closet and shuts the door. She sits back against the door and curls up into a ball.
…She begins to sob.
…All of what she had caused her employees… the anger, the fear, the stress…
…She had become the very person she hated…
…Her father… the one who caused her all the stress, the pressure she endured…
She had done the same…
…What had she wrought…?
It hasn’t been long since the carnage had started to rain down upon the Pink City.
Hoonis huddles away in his home, within a closet, protecting himself from the danger outside…
He can hear all of it.
All of the screaming, crying, bugged out terror. People getting slammed against buildings. He can feel the quaking hits against the walls outside.
…It’s terrible.
At least he knows Dento’s safe in his home, with his family… very likely mourning Elain.
…Poor Elain…
She had been taken by Darly. Lord knows if she’s still okay, wherever she in sky she was. Wherever in that void she was… maybe she was okay…
…Although, it may not be likely.
Darles— or Darly, is not the man he once was. He’s been bent to Darly’s will. Insane, sick in the head… Hoonis can only imagine what he’s done with her…
…He needs to get her back. Get Darles back… that was what he settled out to do anyway, find Darles and just speak to him. Just that time… but Elain, she and Dento had helped him. He was grateful for them. They were his friends.
…He can’t sit in his closet like this. He had to do something to help his idol and friend, along with the dying city outside.
…He needs to find Dento…
Wherever he lived…
Hoonis goes through his pocket and grabs his phone. He texts Dento.
'Hey. What’s your address?'
…For a bit, nothing.
'What do you need it for?'
'I want to talk to you. I’ll explain when I get there'
Hoonis scrambles through the streets of the Pink City, trying to evade whatever could suddenly decide to chase after him and get to Dento’s home.
Nothing really seems to be on his tail… at least, for a time.
The glitched citizens roaming amongst the carnage quickly take notice of the one unlike them. The small group eventually forming into a mob of people.
Hoonis doesn’t dare look back. He continues to run, not even paying attention to where he’s going.
He needs to hide.
As he turns into another street, he swiftly slides to his right and enters a random building. He shuts the door behind him and rushes deeper into the building.
As he runs, the place quickly becomes familiar…
…Bep’s studio…
…Surely if she doesn’t notice he’s here, he’ll be fine… right?
He rushes down a hall and enters the closest room to his left. He slams the door shut and slams his back to it.
“…The fuck are you doing here?” A voice asks from Hoonis’ left.
Hoonis glances to the voice’s origin. His eyes go wide.
Bep is looking directly up to Hoonis, her eyes watery with tears… what happened to her?
“…H-hey, Bep.” Hoonis says worriedly. “…Sorry. I didn’t know I had—“
“No, no.” Says Bep, softly. “You’re fine… they likely won’t find us here anyway. They don’t have any of their sanity left, it seems.”
“…Are you alright?” Hoonis asks as he sits himself next to Bep, since he knows he’s now allowed in the room.
“…I’m sorry.” Says Bep. “For… breaking out at you the yesterday.”
Hoonis suddenly appears surprised. He never expected to hear her apologize. Before he can speak, Bep continues.
“…It was wrong.” Says Bep. “I only inflected hell upon you… just as I did to everyone else… just like my father…”
“…What do you mean?” Hoonis asks. “I-if you don’t mind my asking, heh.”
Bep quickly appears hesitant…
She can’t keep it away forever. She’s done that long enough.
“…My father, you know him, along with what he did, if you rememeber. He— he didn’t want me to do what I wanted.” Says Bep. “What I wanted to do with my life. He wanted me to continue his show, and I didn’t… I’ve felt for years that he never truly loved me because of that. Despite my efforts to separate myself from him, I think I only became him.”
“…How?” Hoonis asks.
“I-I stress my employees out constantly. I never give them time to relax, take a mental break.” Says Bep. “I’m pushing them beyond their limits, and I was completely blind to it… my father did the same to me, stressed me out to my breaking point… I did the same to my own employees… I’m just as bad as my father…”
Hoonis almost couldn’t fathom what he heard.
…He knew Darles loved his daughter, he said so himself… he never intended this.
“…He never intended you to be upset.” Says Hoonis.
“What?” Bep asks, almost fiercely.
“I-I-I’ve seen him.” Says Hoonis. “He said he loved you with his life— he feels genuine guilt for what he caused you.”
“How do you know that?” Says Bep. “You’re making that up, aren’t you?”
“…He’s up there.” Says Hoonis, pointing upwards.
“I-I don���t understand.” Says Bep.
“In the sky.” Says Hoonis. “He’s stuck up there.”
“What?” Bep asks.
Suddenly, banging is heard. The corrupted have found them.
“SHIT!” Hoonis harshly whispers. “Take my hand!” He whispers as he turns to Bep.
Before Bep can even retort, Hoonis rushes out of the room. He barely escapes the corrupted hoard, just before he can even get hit. He and Bep eventually scurry out of the studio and into the outside world.
“Look up!” Hoonis exclaims, looking back to Bep. “Do you see what I mean now?”
Bep’s eyes go wide as she looks upon the carnage. Buildings are cracked or partially crumbled. Citizens limp around the streets, completely void of an actual mental state. As she gazes upon the city, she spots something in the sky.
The figure is faint, yet close enough to be visible. A man with an eye-covered box on his head, coated in a thick black ooze with spider-like legs sticking from it’s sides. The physique of the man is thin. Familiar…
Bep can only pray that he won’t see her.
Suddenly, Hoonis and Bep find themselves in darkness again. Hoonis found an unlocked door to a nearby building. They’re safe now.
The duo quickly sits themselves down, breathing heavily.
“…I-I saw him.” Says Bep. “…What the fuck happened to him…? You know, don’t you?” She asks, turned to Hoonis.
Hoonis hesitates before finally finding what he wants to say. “…He’s a god now.” Says Hoonis.
“…WHAT!?” Bep shouts.
“Shh!” Hoonis hushes. Bep silences, letting Hoonis speak again.
“…He made a deal with these gods to make his show succeed.” Says Hoonis. “They took him, as part of their deal… and now he’s a god.”
Bep quickly appears suddenly confused. How did he even come across them in the first place? What are these gods?
“…He only gets worse…” Says Bep. “…He can’t improve… and if he can’t, then I can’t either…”
Hoonis processes her words… if she feels she’s like him, and he can’t change…
…She won’t change either…
“…Don’t think that way.” Says Hoonis.
“Why?” Bep asks, voice strained. “I’m just like him. I-I’m part of him— his genes are in me… I can’t change, just as he can’t…”
“Both of you can change, I know that.” Says Hoonis. “…Even if I have a terrible father who never loved me, who is a lost cause… whose to say your father can’t change? Why not give him a chance? Give yourself a chance?”
Bep processes Hoonis’ words…
“Why not try to actually change instead of wallowing in your guilt?” Hoonis asks.
…Why not change when you still have the time to do so in your life? Why not work to be better? Why not learn to grow as a person?
Suddenly, Hoonis places a hand on Bep’s shoulder. Bep swiftly turns her head to face the show host, her eyes wide with shock.
“You can do it.” Says Hoonis. “Just try.”
Bep hesitates before placing her hand onto Hoonis’. She doesn’t say anything, she only nods… she will try. She wants to try. She can only become a better person if she’s willing to try.
…Not only can she change… Darles can change…
The only way to know was to see him again… if she got to truly see his guilt… she wouldn’t believe it unless she actually saw it before her. To start her change, she can actually be less judgmental. Unlike Hoonis’ father… maybe her’s can change.
…Although, she appears hesitant to believe it. All that had happened in the past stays with her. All that she had done stays with her. Hoonis notices her hesitancy as she looks down to the ground.
“…I know that your hesitant...” Says Hoonis. “But I know you’ll see change in him, you’ll see change in yourself too. I promise.”
Bep doesn’t respond, appearing uncertain. Hoonis quietly accepts it and pats her shoulder… he knows she’ll see it. He knows so… he then gets to his feet and rushes out of the building and back into the city.
…Bep is conflicted… Can she change? Can Darles change…?
…All she can do is wait… All she can do is try. Instead of wallowing in your sorrows… she can’t sit here in guilt forever, right? …Just be less stubborn for a second. You can start your change there.
…Yes, she can change. She wants to change.
She just has to wait and see if he wants that change too.
As Bep sits, she hears a sudden banging on the door leading inside the building… along with the sound of bugging static…
Dento sits in his home, on the couch, moping quietly. Danina sits next to him, giving him comfort. Despite the assistance from his sister, Dento can’t help but feel like garbage.
If only he had known Elain would do that to herself, act ignorant toward her pain… he should’ve known… if she had known… this wouldn’t have happened.
If both of them knew…
“Oh, dear!” Says Dento’s mother, who is pacing around the living room. “Oh, where is your father!? I called him, he hasn’t come home—!”
“Mom!” Danina exclaims, cutting her mother off. “He’ll be home, I’m sure of it.”
“Who knows what danger’s out there, Danina?” Says the mother. “He could’ve gotten shot, or beat up, or—!”
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.
“See?” Says Danina. “He’s home. You can shut up now.”
The mother seems to ignore Danina’s remark as she hurries to the front door and unlocks it. Suddenly, someone no one, except Dento, expected to see.
Hoonis slams the door open, causing the mother to get smacked onto the wall. “Where’s Dento!?” Hoonis exclaims.
“Where’d you come from!?” Danina questions as Dento swiftly moves his head to face the show host.
Hoonis closes the door behind him and notices Dento’s mother behind it. He gasps a bit as the mother recovers, completely fine yet dazed. “Sorry, ma'am!” He says.
“…Y-you’re alright, sir.” Says the mother with a slight chuckle.
Hoonis’ eyes quickly notice Dento sitting on the couch next to his sister. He rushes over to the Bounty Hunter, who jumps back in fright.
“Dento!” Hoonis says in a hurry. “We gotta talk, come on!”
“Hold it!” Says Danina, putting a hand in front of Dento as if to protect him. “What do you need him for?”
“You suddenly barged into our home without a purpose to be here.” Says the mother.
Hoonis turns to the mother. “I need to speak with Dento, miss.” He says. “It’s an emergency!”
“A-about what?” The mother asks.
“…I-it’s a lot, I’m sorry—!” Hoonis begins, before being swiftly cut off.
“You’re sending him back out there, aren’t you!?” Danina exclaims. “You’re crazy if you think he’s going out there, it’s a war zone outside!”
“I know, but I need him for this!” Says Hoonis. “It’s for a friend of his!”
“Wha— oh, her?” Danina asks, knowing who Hoonis’ referring to. Dento quickly notices who he’s talking about as well.
“Yes!” Says Hoonis. “I need his help to get Elain back!”
“He’s mourning right now.” Says Danina. “I don’t think he’d—!”
Suddenly, Dento hops off the couch and walks up to Hoonis. He looks up to the show host with a stern expression. He wants to help, even if he’s in mourning.
Elain is his friend. Even if she hurt him, he knows she didn’t mean it… they can speak about it later. Learn to improve…
“Are you sure?” Danina asks.
Dento locks eyes with Danina and nods.
“It’s dangerous out there, hun.” Says the mother to Dento. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Dento looks to his mother and shakes his head. He lowers his hands from the top of his body to the bottom, displaying what he was wearing: Bounty Hunting gear. He’s a Bounty Hunter. He’s seen a lot of terrible things in his life. If he can handle taking down a bounty, then he can handle this.
“…You have faced a lot in your life.” Says the mother. “M-maybe I should let you go.”
If Dento had a mouth, he’d have the biggest smile on his face. He slowly nods to his mother. He rushes to his mother and hugs her.
“…Oh, my little boy.” Says the mother. “Your father would be applauding you right now.” She picks Dento up into her arms and hugs him back.
Danina then gets up from the couch and head to her family. She faces Dento. “You better come back alive, you hear?” She asks.
Dento looks to Danina and nods. He wraps an arm around her, giving her a side hug.
Hoonis looks at the scene tenderly… he can only wish he and Bep’s families had that bond… even if his father can’t change, Darles can. He can see it in him.
They just need to find a way to get him back.
Dento separates from his family and the mother sets him down. He rushes over to Hoonis with a confident look.
“Are you ready, friend?” Hoonis asks Dento.
Dento nods confidently. He’s ready.
Hoonis nods back, then looks to Dento’s family. “I’ll be sure to bring him back. He’ll make sure of that too.” He says. Dento nods in response to Hoonis.
“Just be careful.” Says the mother. “Please.”
“We will.” Says Hoonis. He then turns to the door and points at it triumphantly. “To the city!”
Hoonis and Dento rush to the door and swiftly exit the house and rush into the city. Danina and Dento’s mother wave them goodbye as the rush out of the door.
“We love you, hun!” Say the mother.
“Don’t get yourself killed!” Says Danina.
Hoonis and Dento scurry behind buildings and through alleys, trying as best as they to avoid any of the mindless civilians roaming the streets. None of them seem to notice they’re there, walking in straight lines like NPCs, completely lifeless and without their free will.
As Hoonis and Dento run though, they slow down and come to a stop, right behind a vacant building, as if realizing something.
Hoonis turns to Dento. He leans down to the Bounty Hunter’s level and whispers. “…What are we gonna do?”
…Dento eventually shrugs, unfortunately uncertain… neither of them thought far ahead. Just how were they going to take down Darly and end this carnage?
Suddenly, two floating hands appear behind the show host and Bounty Hunter. The hands swiftly grab their backs and lift to the air. The duo then gets pulled away from their spot at a tremendous speed, they can barely process what’s happening to them as they suddenly enter a forest.
The hands quickly come to a halt, causing the duo to jerk forward slightly. The hands slowly lower the two to the ground, back on their legs, only for them to immediately fall to their bottoms. As they recover, the hands retract, and a slight rustle is heard from the bushes in front of them.
From the bushes, an old companion appears.
Hoonis and Dento see Vondu exiting the small pile of shrubs, another familiar person in a third hand’s grip.
The librarian.
“You! It’s you!” Hoonis exclaims, pointing to the Bounty Hunter and cult leader. Dento only stares, not looking shocked, although he is.
Vondu plops the librarian down to ground, although not as gently as Hoonis and Dento were placed. The librarian thuds to ground with a grunt. His gaze shifts to the show host and Bounty Hunter.
Suddenly, breaking the slightly uneasy air, Dento’s phone vibrates. He takes out his phone and spots a text from Vondu.
'He can tell you everything you need' One text reads.
Another text suddenly comes in. 'I heard you from here. I know you want this carnage gone'
Vondu then gazes to the librarian, his look demanding. He needs the cult leader to speak.
The librarian appears hesitant, not wanting to speak of the secrets of the Elders. He turns to Vondu, wanting to retort against him, before Vondu swiftly pulls back his coat, revealing his mighty gun artillery underneath.
The librarian shrieks. “Fine, pest!” He says. “…I shall speak of true word.”
The librarian turns to Hoonis and Dento, who await an answer. He steps to the duo, pulling out a ritual knife from inside his robe.
The librarian holds the knife before Hoonis and Dento. “Pierce the leech that sits on the showman’s head, and the world will be cleansed of this carnage.” He says.
Dento gradually takes the blade in his hands. He stuffs it deep into the pockets of his Bounty Hunting gear.
Hoonis turns to the librarian, appearing grateful. “Thank you.”
The librarian doesn’t seem to respond. He’s not happy that he had to share any of that. He’d rather live to preach of his gods than be dead.
Vondu then swiftly swipes the librarian in a jar… he’s a bounty. He averts his ominous gaze from the jar to Dento and Hoonis, who stare back.
“…T-thank you, sir.” Says Hoonis. Dento nods, also saying thank you.
Vondu continues to stare before ominously creeping back into the shrubs. Hoonis and Dento slowly back away before Hoonis suddenly dips the scene, sprinting away. Dento quickly follows.
As they run, they spot the faint figure of Darly hovering over the Pink City’s center, the world appearing slightly distorted and apocalyptic, the large gaping hole in the sky aiding the terrified feeling within them.
Dento and Hoonis stay hidden behind a building, away from the pedestrians. They peer over to the street, not seeing anyone, but the carnage being most apparent.
“…We still don’t have a plan.” Says Hoonis.
How were they going to get to Darly? It wouldn’t be easy to get to him, since he’s so high up… what would they do?
Suddenly, Dento looks to Hoonis with a stern gaze. He places the knife in front of the show host and swiftly bolts away.
Directly into the street.
Hoonis peers over the building with a gasp. “No! wait!” He exclaims to Dento. His plea falls on deaf nonexistent ears as he watches Dento bolt into the street.
As Hoonis desperately watches Dento bolt away, he feels something tap his shoulder. He turns and yelps at the sight of Vondu suddenly appearing behind him.
“You!” Says Hoonis. “What are you doing here, friend?”
Vondu points forward, and then glances to Hoonis, asking what he was looking out to the street for.
“…Dento left.” Says Hoonis. “He’s entrusted me with the dagger… I don’t know if I can—!”
Vondu places a hand on Hoonis’ shoulder, as if to console him.
Hoonis sighs. “…You’re right.” He says. “I need to do this. That isn’t Darles… I will do it! I have to!” He says as he turns to Vondu with confidence in his eyes.
Vondu nods. He then averts his gaze to the street ahead. He steps to the alley’s edge and peers over the building to the street. Hoonis huddles just behind him as watched Vondu and waits for him to act.
Vondu then points upward toward the city’s center, having spotted Darly a decent distance ahead.
“…What about Darles?” Hoonis asks.
Vondu looks back to Hoonis and points at the dagger, then points back to Darly.
“How am I going to get there?” Hoonis asks.
Suddenly and swiftly, Vondu picks Hoonis up and holds him in the air, as if preparing to chuck him to Darly.
Dento’s been running for awhile. His legs hurt, but he’s willing to do this… if Darly has Elain, then wouldn’t that make Darly want Dento too? If he wanted her so bad, and since he seemed to know a lot about her, he’d know Dento is Elain’s crime fighting buddy.
Dento runs through the street a bit, before stopping and coming to a halt. He turns a heel and stares upward, directly up to Darly.
…He’s offering himself up as a sacrifice.
Darly is so high up, Dento can barely see him… yet he can feel those petrifying eyes staring down at him…
Then, something pushes Dento down to the floor. He can barely process what’s happening as he slams onto the road… Dento’s eyes then come upon a horrifying sight.
Elain remains on top of her former partner in justice, keeping him pinned to the ground. She then picks Dento up by the arms, letting him hang in the air. Dento only stares in shock and disbelief, looking deep into Elain’s dead blue eyes.
…What had happened to her?
“Well, well, well!” Says a voice from above. An awfully familiar one.
Dento looks over Elain’s shoulder to see Darly looking down to the ground, looking upon his partner and her former friend. “Look at who we have here!” He says. “The puppet’s little partner? Coming to be almighty and safe his friend? Delightful!”
There is then a suspenseful, long pause…
“DESTROY THE PEST!!” Darly suddenly shouts. “BEAT HIM UP!!”
Suddenly and swiftly, Elain begins punching her former partner across the face. Dento can barely avoid Elain’s attacks as she swiftly chucks him into the air and kicks away with a leap.
Dento skids to the ground, his back grinding against the road. He slowly picks himself up to see Elain quickly approaching him. He swiftly pulls a gun out from his side… but hesitates.
He’s never had to shoot someone such as Elain. He didn’t like the thought of it.
She may have hurt him, and was still hurting him now, but he knows she doesn’t want any of this… she never did…
Before Dento can even move again, Elain throws him into the air once more. While Dento falls through the air at the absurd high altitude he had been thrown to, Elain mercilessly begins to smack and slap him around like some kind of toy. As the two approach the ground, Elain holds onto to the barely conscious Dento, allowing him to fall back to the ground first.
Elain holds Dento down to the ground. They lock eyes again as Dento hears an evil maniacal laugh approaching them. Dento turns his head slightly to spot Darles slowly descending to them.
“Pathetic!” Says Darly. “You couldn’t even lay a scratch on her! And I thought you were good at beating people up! Ha!”
Darly then goes into another round of awful laughter. As Darly laughs, it descends into an odd shriek.
As Dento stares upon Darly, he waits for Hoonis to strike…
…Until he suddenly sees the show host slam onto Darly’s back, the dagger in his hand.
“What in the FUCK!?” Darly shouts. “GET OFF OF ME!!” He exclaims as he struggles to get Hoonis off of his back.
“I’m doing this for you, Darles!” Hoonis says in an overly dramatic tone. He holds the dagger just above Darly’s head, but he appears to be shrouded in anxiety…
He just can’t do it. Not to Darles.
A tendril then yanks Hoonis of Darly’s back, causing the dagger to almost fall out of his hand. Just as he clings onto it’s handle, another tendril yanks the dagger from Hoonis’ hand and brings it to Darly to inspect.
Darly inspects the dagger in a cartoonish manner, rubbing his chin with his hand. He then turns to Hoonis. “Ah!” He says. “Publicly executing me, I see? How futile!”
“Why can’t you just stop this?” Hoonis asks, a terrible tinge of desperation in his voice.
“Unlike you, I’m not letting my feelings get in the way of what I need to do!” Says Darly. “That ungrateful man must see what his gift can bring onto himself! You are only a hindrance in what he needs to understand what a TRUE celebrity is!”
Darly then turns to the tendril wielding the dagger— he notices it has suddenly disappeared. His eyes glance around, wondering who could’ve taken it.
Suddenly, a large entourage of bullets soar through the area, causing Darly and Elain to retreat, Elain taking Dento with her as she hovers into the air and stops beside Darly. As Hoonis is brought into the air, the tendril he’s in gets shot at and eventually disappears, causing Hoonis to fall to the ground. Hoonis lifts his head, spotting a quickly approaching figure.
Hoonis sees Vondu rushing toward him, his artillery of fire arms revealed. The guns continue to shoot, as if they have unlimited ammunition. In one of his floating hands is the dagger. He had taken it when no one was looking. He stuffs the hand holding the dagger in his coat.
Vondu stops in front of Hoonis and glares at him, angry that Hoonis didn’t do his job. His eyes are like daggers staring directly into Hoonis’ soul, piercing his very spirit like a red hot spear.
Hoonis flinches. “I just couldn’t!” Hoonis says desperately. “I’m sorry!”
Suddenly, pedestrians begin flooding the streets, racing for the sane people standing in the road. Vondu begins to fire his artillery aimlessly at the hoard. All of them trip and fall as the bullets pierce their skin, only making holes with no blood seeping from them.
Hoonis stays huddled behind Vondu, not certain of where to go. Out of nowhere, a tendril grabs Hoonis by the waist and pulls him up to Darly.
“Three little lackeys in one day?” Darly asks himself. “What a show!”
On the ground, Vondu continues to shoot at the pedestrians. Most of them have been taken down and lay on the ground unconscious. With a few more shots, the city goes dead quiet. The zombies remain on the ground while everyone else stays entirely silent…
…Until the sound of another hoard is heard.
Vondu swiftly turns his head around. He spots a few bugged out office workers chasing after an unarmed woman. As he watches, and before he can swiftly react, he suddenly gets pulled into the air by a tendril. As he gets pulled away, the dagger falls out of his coat.
“You’re too slow there, pal!” Says Darly. “There’s nothing you can do! This world is MINE!! And MINE to own! …Now, where is that dagger?”
Tendrils then begin to shake Vondu, causing various random items to fall out of his coat.
…All but the dagger.
Down at the ground, Bep continues to run from the workers. She had been running from them for who knows how long, but she still tried to run away from them.
As she runs, she spots a dagger sitting in the road. She bolts to it and swiftly grabs it, holding the weapon triumphantly in her hand. She rushes to the zombies and begins to ruthlessly stab them until they fall unconscious.
“Where is that dagger!?” Darly shouts into the air.
Bep turns. Her eyes quickly face the demented man hovering above her.
Darly’s eyes swiftly glance down to the woman on the ground. He spots the dagger sitting in the woman’s hand.
Darly wants to attack… and yet, he doesn’t… he only stares at the woman. Not with any anger, no… he stares on with regret.
…He could never hurt her… not again. He had yet to attack her all this time, and he wasn’t doing so now.
His feelings are getting the better of him.
“No!” Darly suddenly shouts. “Let all your MORTAL compassion die down! You do not need it! WE NEED THAT DAGGER!!”
Suddenly, tendrils shoot from the sky hole and launch forward to Bep. She barely avoids them and begins to run… until the tendrils halt.
Bep continues to run, not trusting the tendrils sudden stop she sees as she turns back. She faces forward, running forward.
As the sane trio in Darly’s grasp watch Bep scurry, floating hands from within Vondu’s coat hurry toward the woman and pick her up. The hands carry Bep away for moment, out of sight from Darly as he struggles with his head.
Bro is swiftly hovered over the Pink City and swooped over to a safe distance behind Darly, before halting. A hand taps the dazed Bep’s shoulder. Bep turns to Vondu, the source of the hand. Vondu points to the dagger, then to Darly’s head.
Go for the head.
Bep, appearing slightly confused but determined, nods. Bep is slowly lowered to Darly. Once she’s there, the hands let go of the woman, allowing her to plop onto the demented man’s back.
Darly suddenly shrieks and hovers away from his captors, trying to get Bep off of him. Bep can barely hold onto Darly, but she tries to keep herself clung to him.
“GET OFF OF ME!!” Darly shouts. “HE DOES NOT NEED YOU!!”
As Darly says that, Bep becomes uncertain again.
She could totally jump off and end this fight now…
“…Tell me you love me, damn you.” Bep says desperately. “Show me that you can change… please.”
…Darly then goes quiet… before suddenly speaking again.
“…I loved you with my life, Bep.” Says Darly. “I didn’t want this, I did it to myself… and I fucking hate myself for it… please, understand me, when I say that I love you with all my heart… you are my daughter, and I love you.”
…Bep only stares upon the back of Darly’s head. She notices that Darly is beginning to slow and hover back down to the ground.
“I wouldn’t be letting you shank me in the head right now if I wasn’t willing to change for the better.” Says Darly. “We can end this hell, and start over. Right here, right now.”
Bep continues to stare…
If she wants to change, she has to prove it. Take his word… she knows he wouldn’t be saying any of this if he didn’t truly care.
her expression goes stern. She slowly lifts the dagger…
…Then she strikes.
A hard blow directly to the back of the parasite’s head. Darly shrieks with gut wrenching agony… the city then begins to distort and bug out. Colors and unknown sounds fill the Pink City grounds as the world practically falls apart…
…Nothing but darkness.
Horrendously quiet, deafening silence…
…And then… light.
Everything in the Pink City is quiet, practically dead, but it isn’t. Everyone that was once a dead brained zombie lay in the city’s center, so do the saviors of the city and the mad man. Everything is quiet…
Until everyone slowly begins waking up…
Everyone glances around. It’s like the entire universe suddenly reset… whatever god or legion may have allowed this change, they are eternally grateful for it.
As everyone wakes up, Darles slowly rises to his feet, the parasite no longer clinging to his head… his deal was broken, and the damage it caused was undone… he could actually change, even when he never thought he could… he can now.
Everyone in the city, including the idol hunters and Vondu, look upon the scene.
As Dento stares, he has a swift realization… he turns his head…
Elain stands directly next to him… Elain slowly processes the eyes looking to her, but she slowly sets her eyes back down, appearing ashamed.
…This shame stays, until Elain feels something cling to her side. She looks down to see Dento tightly hugging her leg, being too short to reach any higher. Elain only stares at the sight, appearing to be caught off guard by the sudden act… she wasn’t expecting this at all.
She expected he’d be upset with her, not even daring to look her in the eye, but he isn’t.
All Dento could focus on in that moment was his closest friend being alright. He could care less about what had happened, what they both caused.
That was in the past now. And they were going to use the future to improve. Change for the better.
Darles, in the crowd of citizens just coming to, stands in almost complete disbelief… it was done… he could actually try and live his life. A second chance…
“Darles!?” A voice shouts from the crowd. “Oh, golly, where’d you go!?”
Darles quickly recognizes the high pitched sound. His eyes dart around, trying to spot the voice’s source.
“…T-Thlouretta?” Darles exclaims softly into the crowd.
Suddenly, Thlouretta pops out from the crowd, appearing panicked. Her eyes glance around, until they halt onto the tall suited man in the middle of the crowd… a smile creeps up on Thlouretta’s face.
“…Darles?” Thlouretta asks in disbelief. “Is that you?”
“…I-I’m all that’s here now.” Says Darles.
Thlouretta, still smiling, slowly walks over to her old friend. As she stops, Darles gets down on one knee to be close to her height.
“…I missed you so much.” Thlouretta says softly.
“I did too.” Says Darles. “…I’m so sorry I left… but now that’s behind us. I can actually live again—!”
“Dad!?” Another voice shouts. Darles and Thlouretta look back to the crowd as Bep races through the citizens, marching directly towards her father. Bep gives Darles a stern look as she approaches him. Thlouretta steps to the side to give them so room.
Bep’s expression the softens. She’s almost in disbelief at what she’s seeing… her own father, actually willing to change. Bep and Darles exchange the same soft but awkward look.
“…I’m sorry, my daughter.” Says Darles. “I did you wrong, and I didn’t know… what I did was stupid… I can’t change what I did, but… I can at least change now, right?”
“…Yeah.” Says Bep, voice cracking slightly. “You can… so can I.”
The crowd softly gazes upon the the three in the center as Bep and Darles tenderly look to one another before Bep slowly brings out her arms, appearing hesitant. Darles never liked physical contact, and she knew that.
To Bep’s surprise, Darles tightly clings to his daughter in a hug. Bep gradually wraps her arms around Darles. Everyone begins to gush at the sight, including the idol hunters. Vondu though still appears stern, as usual.
Hoonis would love to ask to speak with Darles, but he believes he should give him time… he may not even want to be in showbiz anymore.
That doesn’t mean he still can’t speak with the showman… maybe, with time, he could befriend him.
It’s been a few days since the apocalypse had happened.
The Pink City has gone back to its regular cycle, for the most part. Some still appear traumatized by the attack, but with time, they will improve. A bunch of news reports had come out on the situation and it’s causes. Some didn’t pay attention to them, not wanting to think about the treacherous day.
Elain and Dento sit in their apartment’s kitchen, quietly eating the breakfast Dento prepared. Dento turns to Elain, who appears to look ashamed.
Suddenly, Elain’s phone goes off. A message from Dento.
'You ok?'
'Whats wrong? You can tell me'
'I feel horrible'
'All that crap I did to you. I hurt you'
‘Why do you still keep me around after all I’ve done to to you?'
'Bc you are my friend Elain. I care abt you'
‘Why? I hurt you?'
'Bc you’re my friend'
'Friends care for each other. I know you care abt me. You didn’t mean to hurt me'
'You were just being stupid. I was too, but ppl do stupid shit all the time'
'We just have to learn how to improve'
'You get me?'
Elain appears hesitant to respond. Dento gives Elain and stern look and rises from his seat. He walks to Elain and jumps into her lap. He rightly hugs her. Elain is swiftly taken aback.
Dento picks up his phone again.
'You weren’t telling me things you should’ve'
'And I wasn’t paying enough attention to you'
'We both did smth dumb, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change'
'We just gotta learn from what we did. I know we can do that. Work together to change, just as we always have'
Elain looks to the messages from Dento on her screen as Dento remains in her lap. Dento turns to face Elain, giving her a look that says 'You get me?'.
Elain turns to Dento, still appearing hesitant, before Dento gently hugs her… a realization then comes to her. It all finally hits her.
She can change. She will change.
Change for the better.
…Elain gently returns the hug, promising to Dento that she will change for the better. And she imagines Dento promised the exact same thing.
They make a great team.
After preparing for the day, Hoonis exits his apartment, heading to Bep’s studio. She was quickly beginning to get her show back together after the tender meeting with her father, and she was having her first new airing that morning.
As Hoonis steps away from his small apartment complex, he pulls out his phone and goes into his contacts. As he finds Bep’s contact, he gazes upon the contact for his father.
…Unfortunately, not everyone can change. Not everyone wants to.
Hoonis swiftly deletes the contact from his phone. He doesn’t need that sour, unchangeable man in his phone anymore.
Hoonis presses on Bep’s contact, and his phone begins to ring. It takes a moment, but Bep eventually picks up.
“Hello, Bep!” Says Hoonis. “Are you ready?”
“Almost.” Says Bep from the other line. “Give me a moment.”
“Alright, see you in a bit!” Says Hoonis.
“You too.” Says Bep.
Hoonis hangs up and proudly struts down the street to Bep’s studio.
Bep sits in a small dressing room, prettying herself up for her first airing in days. All while she prepares herself, Bendle stands outside, directing the crew.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the dressing room door.
“Who’s there?” Bep asks her from seat.
The door slowly opens, allowing Bendle to peek through the door. “Someone wants to see you, Ms. Nemeni.” He says. Bendle steps aside and lets the guest in.
Darles steps from beside Bendle and slowly enters the dressing room. As he approaches Bep, Bep turns to Bendle.
“Thank you, Bendle.” Says Bep.
“No problem, Ms. Nemeni.” Says Bendle. He shuts the door, giving Bep and Darles privacy.
Darles turns to face Bep. If he had a mouth, he’d have a wide smile on his face. “You look wonderful, Bep.” Says Darles.
“Thank you.” Says Bep. “I appreciate it. You look great too with that new look.”
Darles looks down at himself. He had bought a new suit and tie, the suit being an emerald green and the tie being an vibrant yellow, colors contrasting and pairing with his body tones of teal and magenta.
“Thank you!” Says Darles with a slight chuckle. “I thought it would be a nice change. I’m not wearing that old shit suit anymore.”
“Hey.” Says Bendle, peeking through the door again. Darles and Bep turn as he begins to speak again. “You’re almost on. And Mr. Boogie’s here.”
“Thank you, Bendle.” Says Bep. “We’ll be out shortly.”
“No problem.” Says Bendle as he exits.
Bep notices Bendle didn’t call her 'Ms. Nemeni' like he should’ve…
She doesn’t mind though. She knows it was an accident.
She had changed. She no longer snapped at people.
She changed for the better. Something she never thought she could do.
Another knock on the door is heard. “Come in.” Says Bep.
Hoonis peels in through the door. “It’s about to be showtime!” He says. “Come on!”
Bep and Darles look up to each other with confidence. They both them head to the dressing room’s exit, now being backstage. They stand next to Hoonis, who stands next to Bendle.
“I’ll let you know when you’ll be on.” Says Bendle.
The trio nods. Bep then looks to the crowd, gazing upon them with wide eyes.
“You ready?” Hoonis asks Bep and Darles.
Bep and Darles nod confidently.
Suddenly, intro music is heard.
“You’re on!” Bendle whispers.
The trio then slowly walks out onto the stage and take a seat as the intro music ends. They all look out to the audience.
“Hello, again!” Bep announces to the audience. “It’s been awhile! Welcome back! Today’s very special, as I have not one, but two guests here today! Do you two want to introduce yourselves?” She asks as she turns to face Hoonis and Darles.
“Hello, everybody!” Hoonis dramatically exclaims to audience. “I am full-time show host Hoonis Boogie! A pleasure to see you all again.”
Darles appears slightly hesitant to speak. “…Hello.” He says. “I am Darles Nemeni, former showman and Ms. Nemeni’s father. It’s nice to be here.”
“Today, we’ll be interviewing these two beacons of entertainment, discussing their lives since the recent apocalypse and where they’re going from there. Do either of you have anywhere you’d like to start?”
“Oh, well…” Hoonis begins. “I’ve been fine, mostly… nightmares are a pain, but that’s life! Am I right?” The audience chuckles.
Darles chuckles softly. “I’ve been okay.” He says. His eyes trail off a bit. “I’ve been at home, getting used to… living again… it’s refreshing.”
“Since recent news broadcastings after the initial attack, most people know about the involvement you two had in it.” Says Bep. “How do you feel about that?”
“…Weird.” Says Hoonis, chuckling slightly. “I never thought I’d be a city-wide hero. Now my dad can shut up about me being a failure!” The audience laughs, with some cheers sprinkled throughout.
Darles’ gaze averts again. He appears ashamed. “…I was almost surprised no one looked at me funny.” He says. “I caused that mess and yet… I’m not being attacked.”
“I think that’s because they saw that you wanted to change, dad.” Says Bep.
Darles chuckles. “…Maybe.” He says.
Bep then turns her head to face the audience. “To my audience, I want you all to know this.” She begins. “Anyone can change, if they’re willing to. To truly change means to show that you want to change, you want to be better. And that’s what my father and I have set out to do.”
“Not everyone can change, and that’s okay!” Hoonis butts in. “Focus on the ones who actually want that change. Like Darles and Bep here!”
“Exactly, Hoonis!” Says Bep. “You took the words right out my mouth.”
“…I may have another chance, but not everyone gets that.” Darles butts in. “Use whatever chances you have to improve. It’s good for you, for others.”
Bep nods. “You have the opportunity to change for the better.” She says. “Use it.”
The sound of the outro music then cuts through the motivational air. The interviewer and showmen look to the audience.
“Oh, it’s time for a commercial break!” Says Bep. “We’ll see you all real soon!”
As the outro music comes to a close, everyone who had been watching is left in a quiet awe.
Anyone can change. Everyone has the ability to be better, but not everyone can be better.
Such is the way of life.
Imperfection is very prevalent in our world, but that shouldn’t stop you or others from seeking great things.
- END -
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boyscore · 1 year
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↬ ‘📁:. Sunghoon (120x120) icons.
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goldeunoias · 7 months
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When I say hoonie Stans are the best with talking to me about the fics I mean it 😔🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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karinasbaby · 1 year
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pairing: sunghoon x fem!reader (+17)
warnings: kissing, marking, pet names (doll/baby/love/darling/good girl), reader calls him hoon/hoonie so, handjob, unprotected sex (don’t do that), creampie, overstimulation, praising,hoon is tired & in love
wc: 3.5k
a/n: hyung line hard thoughts is finally completed i can start off with posting individual fanfics/one shots :] + thank u sm for 200 followers !! <3
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thinking about sunghoon who comes back from practice absolutely exhausted and hammered, his clothes slightly sticking to his body courtesy of his sweat, small hair strands decorating his temples and his face all blushy and red, he’s so tired and so turned on he can’t wait to get back home where he knows everything will get solved for him, breathing out a sigh of relief the moment he steps foot into your shared home when see you wearing nothing but his shirt with your back facing him, you were busy cooking something at the stove the sizzle from the oil was ringing in your ears preventing you from hearing the sound of your home’s door opening,
sunghoon walked with heavy steps towards your smaller figure, the creak of the wooden floor beneath him made you aware of his presence and as you were about to turn around the feeling of his strong arms wrapping around your waist discouraged you from doing so,
“i missed you so much, darling” he breathed out next to your ear, slightly smelling your hair and allowing your scent to invade his senses making his breaths turn heavy, “i missed you too, baby” you spoke back, attention still glued on the pan which sunghoon did not like one bit,
sunghoon’s hands dropped from your waist to land on your hips, his nails digging into your soft skin making you hiss, “i need you so bad” sunghoon grumbled out as his lips were beginning to caress your neck softly, resulting in your own breath becoming heavier,
“sunghoon, i’m almost done.” you whined out as you felt him press his rock hard bulge against you, sunghoon sighing in relief at the smallest friction that almost sent his mind into a frenzy, his hands by now were relentlessly rubbing and caressing your hips and waist, travelling upwards to grope at your breasts stilling when he felt no restriction,
“you want me just as bad as i want you, hm?” he whispered out, placing his lips right next to your ear leaving soft kisses along the shell of your ear while his hips began to grind against yours, inevitably pushing you against the stove and trapping you along the way, with your shaky hand you quickly turned it off before turning around to greet sunghoon’s face
and god did he look so fucked out,
his eyes were already glossy as they stared at your own with so much need and lust, eyebrows furrowed while wet strands were cascading down to his lashes, his cheeks still tinted a pretty crimson shade, his plump lips were open breathing heavily, his face was so close to yours making you shiver when you felt his warm breath fan your skin,
without exchanging any word with sunghoon, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to finally connect your lips, yours being instantly covered with his tongue as he ran his muscle along your bottom lip before reaching deeper into your mouth, you moaned and he swallowed all your pretty noises while his fingers pinched at your hardened nipples, his hips never faltering with rubbing his bulge against your dripping core, even through the layers of clothing the friction provided from his rutting hips were enough to have your knees shaking,
sunghoon’s mouth moved sloppily against yours, the noises of you wet kisses reverberated throughout the kitchen, the dim lights intensifying the sex filled atmosphere, in turn heightening both of your senses as by now your body felt like it was on fire,
“look at what you do to me, doll.” sunghoon spoke against your lips, with his eyes closed he brought your shaky hand towards his throbbing bulge, gasping when he felt your fingers wrapping around his length and softly squeezing, his lips returned to kissing yours as he felt your hand moving to satisfy him in a slow pace,
his hands were placed on your waist, his grip tightening as he explored your mouth, moaning whenever you squeezed his length every few seconds,
“take my pants off, my love” he whispered, eyes hazy as he stared into your own misty ones, filled with love and tenderness only for him making his heart swell, he felt himself melting in between your arms when you quickly pulled off his sweatpants along with his boxers, revealing his pulsing hard length, it’s tip a pretty scarlet colour as it pumped out precum “see what you do to me, doll? see what you do to my body?” he spoke out against your neck as he began to rut his length into your hand,
soft gasps leaving his throat while he attempted to pepper kisses along your neck making you suck in deep breathes to anchor yourself, your hand was busy running along his twitching length while the other gripped onto the counter to stabilise yourself as sunghoon was unknowingly leaning into you more with each second,
“baby, please touch me” he breathed out against your collarbone, his hips still stuttering with every delicate touch of yours, sunghoon by now had turned into putty in between your hands, you tried your hardest to pump his leaking cock to distract your mind from the puddle that was soiling your underwear between your thighs, the feeling of sunghoon’s hot breath on your neck followed by his grunts and whimpers when you flicked your wrist upwards and began to press your thumb on his slit was a dizzying sensation,
your own breaths were becoming shallow and heavy, as you pushed sunghoon slowly to the edge, his own eyes closing at his impending release, grip on your waist tightening till he could feel his fingers pressing on your ribs, his hips were uncontrollably stuttering in your touch as your hand moved towards his base before shifting upwards quickly to squeeze at his tip, sunghoon by now had his head thrown back, as he let low moans escape his trembling body, twitching at your mercy, you stared with your eyes filled with love and wonder at the otherworldly sight ahead of you,
sunghoon’s pale skin had small drops of sweat running down towards his chest that was slightly peeking from under his hoodie, his dark locks sticking to his temples and forehead as he gulped, his eyes tightened shut as he heaved in breathes to delay his release as much as possible yet he couldn’t find it in himself to push your hand off,
your hand began to move quickly, you stabilised yourself on both your feet to bring your other hand forward to caress his balls, sunghoon’s jaw instantly dropped open to emit his blissful loud moans, each one falling into your ear as pieces of music while you quickened the pace of the movements of your hands, sunghoon by now was heaving deep breathes in, you moved your head forward to spread open mouthed kisses along his exposed skin causing sunghoon’s breath to hitch in his throat.
“baby..” he breathed out, voice heavy as he felt his composure slipping by the second, his walls crumbling down when the coil in his stomach only continued to tighten, with the last remaining bit of self control sunghoon’s hands that were gripping on your waist leading to his knuckles turning white manoeuvred to grip on your wrists, abruptly stopping all your motions,
sunghoon pressed his forehead against yours with his eyes closed as he was attempting to catch his breath, his heavy exhales landing on your face making you close your eyes, “yes?” you questioned out, your hands already set free from his grip as you busied yourself with gently caressing the back of his rough hands with your thumbs, “i want to cum inside of you” he breathed out, your heart was thumping against your chest as u felt yourself getting impossibly wetter at his words, his lips brushing yours with every word before connecting them, softly caressing your tongue with his for a few seconds before pulling away having you chase his lips while his hands shifted upwards to land on your face, holding onto you delicately as he looked into your own glossy eyes, his vision taking notice of your own dusted cheeks and heaving breathes “you need me just as much as i need you, doll.” he spoke against your cheek, your only confirmation to his words being a soft nod of your head,
“turn around, baby” he ordered and you obeyed, quickly turning around and gasping quietly when you felt his hands sneak from under his t-shirt that you were wearing, moving upwards to grope and massage your breasts while his length rested between your ass cheeks, sunghoon began grinding against you as he placed his chin on your shoulder to litter your neck with open mouthed kisses,
your hand landing on the marble counter to anchor yourself, the feeling of his dripping wet length moving along your warm, burning skin accompanied by his cold slender fingers gripping your soft skin while he was licking from your neck to your ear left you completely lightheaded, completely dazed as your mind tried to process all the sensations being thrown at your body mercilessly by him,
“sunghoon.. please..” you whined out when you felt sunghoon moving his cock now to caress along your clothed pussy, groaning quietly when he felt the leaking wetness from the thin fabric coating his length, you were desperately pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts at this point, “please what, darling?” he spoke out through gritted teeth, his hands moved from your breasts one landing on your waist while the other stroked your lower back, “please, just fuck me.” you whimpered out when you felt sunghoon pressing his tip harshly, directly against your throbbing clit and he remained unmoving, “how bad do you want it, baby?” he replied next to your ear
you sighed out in frustration as you realised that sunghoon thought that this was the perfect time to tease you, tears instantly developing around your waterline at the feeling of your lower stomach tightening, the sensation of your climax being so close yet so far away was a bit irritating to you.
“so fucking bad, hoon” you started out, using the nickname you knew he loved as you played along with his teasing, “i want you to fuck me so bad, baby. fill me up completely till the sunrise. please hoonie, i need you so bad.” and your whining seemed to do the trick when you heard the ripping of your thin soaked panties, sunghoon’s hands rested on your lower back as he was breathing heavily, applying slight pressure “bend over, doll.” he stated, his own voice shaky as his body was twitching from his approaching high, his eyes rolling to the back of his head the moment he saw your leaking cunt, swollen and needy, leaking out and prepared just for him,
sunghoon’s hands gripped around your hips while you rested your upper body against the cold marble of the counter, goosebumps arose in your skin at the piercing cold feeling travelling across your body due to your shirt being lifted to your neck, sunghoon began to teasingly stroke his length between your folds, you hummed in content at the sensation of his throbbing warm length collecting your unending wetness on his cock, sunghoon slowly began to push his tip into your seeping entrance, the view of you tightening around nothing drove him over the edge as he began to push his length in,
both of you moaning in content and satisfaction at the shared sensation, sunghoon’s heart swelling as he felt the familiar tightening around his length, your walls welcome him with open arms while your body shivered at the feeling of the stretch, splitting your warm walls making you moan out lowly against the counter, your warm cheek pressed against the icy marble resulting in you to hiss but all your focus shifted back to sunghoon when you felt his hips moving backwards,
sunghoon couldn’t take his eyes off of his length disappearing inside of you only to come back out glistening, coated with a shiny layer of your wetness, he breathed out low moans as his hand went to press on your lower back, arching you further for him making him sink deeper into you,
moans were escaping your mouth freely as you felt sunghoon’s hands moving your body to his liking, the sensation of him so deep inside of you felt so intimate it made you so weak beneath his hold, sunghoon’s hips began to thrust with a different pace,
quickening the thrust of his hips against yours, choked moans left both of your mouth as your walls were sucking him in deeper while you felt his tip kissing all your sweet spots, your hand travelling backwards to hold onto sunghoon’s wrist, closing your eyes as you felt your climax approaching the more he thrusted back with more force,
sunghoon held onto your hand, as he was dazed with watching your skin ripple with every smack of his hips, you pushing your own back to meet his deep and rough thrusts while you held onto his wrist, “you’re taking me so well, doll. pussy’s taking me in so well.” he breathed out, his head by now was thrown back as his body had a mind of its own, his hips never faltering against yours as sweat ran down his neck, soft groans and whimpers of his could be heard beneath your louder and desperate moans when you felt your orgasm approaching,
“sucking me in so well, you were made for me, doll” he grunted out, eyebrows furrowing when he felt the snap of the coil in his lower stomach impossibly closer, “just for you, hoonie.” you whined out, tears collecting in your eyes as you felt the way sunghoon’s cock was practically molding your walls to only recognise and accept his length, the thought of him claiming you again tonight making your eyes roll to the back of your head as you sobbed his name, sunghoon taking notice of your shaking body he instantly leaned down to calm you with his weight on top of yours, his forearms landing on either side of your head while his face was placed in the crook of your neck, his hips slowed down a bit as he pressed his chest into your back instantly dragging out more sobs from you,
the feeling and comfort of his body on top of yours brought you so much closer to your nearing orgasm, his thrusts were slower but deeper, you felt every vein tracing his length and the way he was twitching uncontrollably inside of your gummy walls, sunghoon quickly pushed away the hair from your shoulder before littering kisses all along the skin he could reach, “i’m so close, doll” he whispered, you could barely hear his voice as it was muffled by your skin, he continued leaving sloppy kisses all over your neck, admiring the glistening reddish skin slightly before moving to a different area, “am c-close too.” you whimpered out in his hold,
your head was thrown back when you felt his pace suddenly quickening, sunghoon’s thrusts became faster as he was pulling out halfway before slamming his length back to kiss the opening of your cervix, no moans left your throat as you were left gasping for air, sunghoon by now was leaving bites along your shoulders while you continued sobbing his name, his hand sneakily travelled downwards landing on your pulsing clit,
your hand instinctively went to wrap around his wrist in hopes of stopping his overstimulation “h-hoon please i’m c-cumming!” you sobbed out, his finger was rubbing circles along your swollen bud restlessly, his hips smacking against yours in a fast and harsh pace while his lips never left your neck or your shoulders, “cum for me, darling. cum all over my cock, i need to feel it.” and with his unfaltering pace you came all over his cock, the tears that gathered along your waterline cascaded down your cheeks as your body trembled entirely in his hold, sunghoon’s thrusts never slowed, his hand was still rubbing against your pulsating clit as he rode out your orgasm,
“i’m close too, darling. just a bit more,” he growled out, his eyes closed while his eye brows furrowed, his bites on your skin gentler this time as he began to suck on your neck, when your trembling lessened and your sobs decreased to whimpers his hand returned to anchor himself on the counter, his chest still pushed against your back trapping your twitching body beneath him as he continued drilling his throbbing cock into you,
your thighs were covered by a thin layer of your arousal as sunghoon kept thrusting into your walls deeply, with each thrust dragging out more wetness before fucking some back into you, the wet squelching noises of your cunt echoed throughout the entire kitchen, you were sure by now a small puddle was also formed on the floor from how much you were dripping,
sunghoon’s whines increased in pitch indicating he was closer to his climax while your thighs began shaking from the overstimulation, the feeling of sunghoon’s cock restlessly and continuously fucking you open triggered another approaching orgasm resulting in you tightening around his length making him gasp loudly
with his hips stuttering he moaned out “fuck yes, baby just like that,” his moans were so needy and hot right next to your ear while you whimpered beneath his muscular and larger frame, “h-hoon i’m gonna c-cum again,” you whispered out, voice breaking into whines as sunghoon attempted his best to understand you, his mind was foggy with the way your wet and gummy walls were sucking him in so deep, milking his cock entirely as you kept tightening around him, he felt the way his tip was pushing against your cervix with each thrust dizzying him as a result,
“then cum with me, darling” he growled out, sunghoon suddenly lifted his body off of yours making you gasp at the sudden cold air spreading against your warm back, his hands gripped onto your hips as he slammed you back to meet his thrusts, making you cry out as your eyes rolled to the back of your head,
his thrusts transformed into an animalistic pace, with every rough thrust there was a harsh slap of his balls against your throbbing clit resulting in your legs to completely shake in his hold as you whimpered his name with fresh tears running down your neck,
“take all of it, baby. take all of it like the good girl you are for me.” he grunted out, his hips never pausing as his pace never wavered, your orgasm was right around the corner as you felt his nails digging into your hips to leave the imprint of crescent moons on your skin, “you’re gonna let me cum inside, right? gonna claim you mine- fuck- this pussy’s mine, isn’t it, doll?” his continuous babbling resumed as he felt the tightening in his stomach become unbearable before he finally felt the familiar sensation of delight and euphoria wash over him, pressing his tip right against the opening of your cervix as he shot his load deep inside of you,
the sensation of sunghoon painting your insides white, feeling unending ropes inside of you is what drove you to your own climax, the feeling of ecstasy taking over your trembling body as you squeezed his length with your walls resulting in sunghoon moaning in shock as he rutted his hips against yours, your sobs increased in volume as your climax felt harsher than before, sunghoon’s hands landing on your lower back to anchor his trembling body as he rode out his orgasm, his deep and low grunts going straight to your cunt as you couldn’t help but tighten around him even more,
“fuck- you’re cumming so hard, doll” he choked out, the feeling of your walls holding a vice grip on his length was almost painful yet he patiently waited till the spasming and convulsing of you decreased, “t-too good, you felt too good, hoon” you stuttered out as you finally collected your breath, sunghoon’s own breath regulating as he stared at you lovingly bathing in the afterglow of his intense lovemaking, your slightly twitching body beneath his hold while he was buried balls deep inside of you, your back still slightly arched under his palm as your hair was messily falling on the counter, his gaze landed on your side profile with your cheek pressed against the cold marble resulting in your lips pouting, a sight which made sunghoon’s heart soar, he took in the view of your droopy and teary eyes as you fought off the impending sleep from your heavy eyelids,
sunghoon’s arms lovingly wrapped around your waist as he slowly brought you up from the counter, he fixed your shirt while he was still buried deep within you before kissing the top of your head lovingly, “i’ll run us a bath then we’ll go sleep, yeah?” he whispered as he closed his eyes, arms caressing your body beneath his fingertips gently while he placed his head on top of yours, slowly swaying your body against his, “but what about dinner?” you questioned with your voice hoarse and tired making sunghoon chuckle, “we’re both too tired to eat, doll” he replied before placing another kiss on your head, “love you,” you whispered out as you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of sunghoon being so close and gentle with you, “i love you too, doll.” he whispered back.
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a/n pt2: i might post another jay hard thought cuz i feel like idk his isn’t like the others it’s too short i might extend it and write it out more before starting off with new one shots/fics, kingpin will be on hold for the time being while i work on one shots so i’ll be taking down the teaser for now ! sending love & hugs <3
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rubyreduji · 1 year
reading and doing — ljh
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summary: jihoon catches you reading fanfic about him
tags: smut (minors dni!), gn!reader, idol!jihoon, pre-established relationship, lowkey crack warnings: badly written dirty talk, small dick jihoon <3, explicit unprotected sex, dom(ish) jihoon, choking, restraint for a sec, spit used as lube, fingering, rough sex, fingers in mouth, creampie wc: 2.3k an: a meta ass fanfic. i tried to keep it gn so pls don’t mention the use of certain words okay bye
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Woozi thrusts his thick, large juicy cock into your soaking wet pussy and you squeal in delight.
A giggle escapes from your throat as you read the sentence. You will never not be amused by how people like to describe Jihoon’s dick in their writing.
“What’s so funny over there?” Jihoon asks as he turns his desk chair to look at you where you sit on his studio couch. 
“Oh nothing,” you tell him, a small grin still plastered on your face. 
Jihoon knows better than that and stands up and walks over to you. Before you can react Jihoon plucks your phone out of your hand and looks at what you were reading. A look of confusion mixed with disgust appears on his face.
“What is this?”
You snatch your phone back from him. “Fanfiction. About you specifically.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means Carats write stories about you, usually about you and them being a couple. The stuff I read is mostly sex stories, but some of the slice of life stuff is cute too,” you explain with a shrug.
“Sex stories?!” Jihoon now looks more worried than anything else.
“Yeah, they’re kinda funny. Everyone thinks you have a big dick.” You know your boyfriend isn’t insecure about his size, whether it’s his height or…other parts of him, but you still like to playfully tease him every once in a while.
“I don’t know why the Carats would want to write something like that.”
“It lets them be delusional about being with you, let them have it Jihoonie.”
“It sounds like something Mingyu would like. You know how he is about fan interactions.”
“Oh there’s a lot for Mingyu!” You tell Jihoon. “I don’t read them though of course, I only read yours.”
“That I also don’t get. Why even read them when you have the real thing.”
“Because it’s fun! I like to see how people characterize you. The one I’m reading is just for shits and giggles, but some of them are actually good. Here.” You scroll on your phone until you find your folder of saved fics and pull up one of your favorites.
Jihoon takes your phone from you and reads a couple of lines before scrunching up his face and shaking his head. “I still don’t get it. You can’t actually find stuff like this hot.”
“I don’t know, it kind of is. I know you better than anyone else so I can just put you in those situations. It’s fun. I read them when you’re away on tour.”
This gets another dramatic look out of Jihoon. “You do not.”
“I miss you okay! And you’re always busy so I just go to the next best thing. If it makes you feel better sometimes I’ll also put on Ruby when I’m masturbating and just listen to that to get off.”
“Okay and now this conversation has taken a whole new turn.”
You giggle. “C’mon Hoonie, just read this with me. It’ll be fun! Maybe you’ll even find you like them.”
“I’m not sure how I’ll find enjoyment in reading what someone else has written about me.”
“You need to take a break anyways, please!” You give him your best puppy dog eyes and Jihoon glares at you but sits down on the couch.
“I don’t even know why I’m doing this,” he grumbles.
“Because you love me. And you’re secretly curious.”
Jihoon moves so your body is between his legs, your back leaning against his front. His head rests on your shoulder as you hold the phone up to read the fic. 
“This is technically a few chapters into a series but I really enjoy the smut so if the plot doesn’t make sense, don’t mind it.”
“Y/N this ridiculous-”
“Shhh, just read.” 
Jihoon listens to you and you can tell he is actually reading the fic from the small grunts he lets out in reaction to the story. There’s a bit of plot at the start before it gets into the smut and Jihoon stops you at a moment when you can scroll to it.
“Do people really like this? They want to see me in these situations?”
“Oh come on Jihoon you know what the fans think of you. You can’t be totally oblivious. You read your comments and I know you have a burner Twitter.”
Jihoon doesn’t have a rebuttal for that and you smile knowing you’re right. 
“Y/N I really do have work I need to-”
“Wait no, this is the good part.” You lean all of your body weight on Jihoon so he can’t get up, even though you know realistically he’s strong enough to displace you if he really wanted to. Jihoon just huffs and allows you to keep him hostage.
You try not to giggle as you read the smut, especially because you can tell Jihoon is invested. The smut in the fanfic that you picked isn’t anywhere near how Jihoon actually acts in bed and you wish you could see his face to see if he’s either intrigued or disgusted.
“Do people actually think I’m this mean?” Jihoon finally says and you laugh.
“Some people. You can be kinda mean sometimes. I think on camera you come off as standoffish,” you say. “But a lot of people think you’re sweet too. Also people are just kinky like that and enjoy this stuff.”
“Do you? You know I’m nothing like this.”
“I think you’re perfect the way you are. Don’t think me reading this stuff is me actually wanting you to be like this, I just think it’s fun to picture you in different scenarios. I mean, if people wrote smut about me would you want to read it?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it, because that’s weird to think about,” Jihoon grunts.
“Getting defensive there Hoonie?”
“Just shut up and go back to reading,” Jihoon grumbles.
“Oh you want to go back to reading? So you like it?”
“I just want you to shut up.” 
You do shut up, but only because you want Jihoon to continue reading.
The fic is getting to your favorite part when things start to get really intense. You have to give props to the writer for really going in. You know that you would never be able to find such…colorful language to use to describe the things you and Jihoon get up to.
You can feel Jihoon shift behind you. A small smirk spreads on your face when you feel the smallest bit of bulge press into your lower back. Jihoon likes this. 
“You okay back there Jihoonie?” You wiggle your hips a bit and Jihoon lets out a huff that you’re pretty sure is hiding a moan. “Enjoying this?”
“No.” His voice sounds tense and he answered a little too quickly to not be suspicious.
“It’s okay if you do Ji. It’s a bit of an ego boost isn’t it? Knowing all these people find you’re hot. I know this fic is particularly well liked, it has nearly three thousand interactions on it, and then all of the people who have read it without interacting. Do you like that? Three thousand people want to fuck you Hoonie.”
“I-I don’t-”
“Even if you don’t find that hot, isn’t the actual story kind of sexy? Just imagine it’s you and me in this scenario. Don’t you wanna be tangled up together as you fuck my brains out?”
“Y/N,” Jihoon whines. “Stop.”
“Stop? Stop what? Teasing you? No, I think you like it, just like how you liked the fanfic. Doesn’t it sound fun? Don’t you wanna do mean things to me while telling me how pretty I am?”
“Admit it baby, you like thinking about putting your big, fat cock into me.” You know you’re taking a gamble with your choice of words but it seems to work because Jihoon finally breaks.
You feel Jihoon’s hand come up around your neck and slam your body back into his. “Maybe I do.” His mouth is right next to your ear and you have to admit you do let out a shudder. “You want me to do mean things to you?”
“I think you want to do mean things to me.”
“Maybe I do, what then?”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
That’s all Jihoon needs to flip you both over, position himself over you. You definitely were not expecting to awaken a new kink in Jihoon when you told him to read the fic with you, but you’re definitely not complaining.
Jihoon keeps his loose grip around the base of your neck as he leans down to lock his lips with yours. The kiss is harsh and hurried and it doesn’t take long for Jihoon to stick his tongue in your mouth. He licks at your mouth and you arch your body into his.
His body rests between your legs and you can feel him grind down against you, his dick already fully hard. Jihoon’s mouth pops off of yours with a loud smacking sound. His hand moves off of your neck and trails down your body before it makes it to the hem of your shirt. He pushes his hand up under it, his fingertips making contact with the warm skin of your stomach.
He rubs his palm over your waist before moving higher to grope at your chest. His finger flicks over your nipple and you moan. Jihoon chuckles at this.
“Clothes off,” he growls as he pulls away from you. You quickly comply, stripping down to nothing as Jihoon does this same.
His cock is already slick with pre-cum at the tip and you have the urge to get on your knees and suck him off. Jihoon doesn’t allow this though, as he pushes you back onto the couch. You’re definitely worked up yourself by now and Jihoon can tell.
“Needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“You’re one to talk,” you bit back. 
“Ah, but I’m the one in control here.” Jihoon grabs your wrists and pins them above your head. “Aren’t I?”
“Hoon-ah, please,” you beg.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me.”
Jihoon grins. “Glady.”
Jihoon lets go of your hands and brings his fingers up to his lips. You watch as he spits on the digits before moving them down to play with your entrance. You buck your hips into his hand and Jihoon uses his other hand to push them back down.
After what feels like an eternity of teasing Jihoon finally pushes one finger into you and you let out a mewl. Jihoon pumps it in and out of you until you start to loosen up and then he shoves another one into you. He continues to do this over again until you’re finally adequately opened up.
“Ready for me?”
You nod and Jihoon lines his cock up to you and pushes in. It’s a comfortable, familiar feeling as Jihoon starts to rock his hips into you. Jihoon is buried balls deep into you when he grabs your leg and hikes up over his shoulder.
Whereas Jihoon is usually soft and slow with you, he’s now fast and hard as he slams his cock into you deeper and deeper. Jihoon has always been an adequate lover, but now you get what people mean by it’s not the size but how it’s used.
Jihoon locks one of his hands around your thigh, digging his fingertips into the fat there. You’re sure you’re going to bruise later, but you don’t care right now. His other hand reaches down and cups your jaw. His thumb swipe over your lower lip before pressing down.
“You right, you do look pretty like this,” Jihoon smirks down at you. This thumb presses harder into your bottom lip until Jihoon finally pushes it all the way into your mouth, pushing down on your tongue. “Next time I’m going to tie you up and make you choke on my cock.”
You whine around Jihoon’s thumb at the image. It’s a good thing Jihoon is blocking you from saying anything because you’re sure if you tried it would just be utter nonsense.
With the way Jihoon is cramming up your g-spot you know you’re not going to last much longer. Luckily it seems like Jihoon is close as well from the concentration displayed on his face.
“Fuck, gonna cum inside, yeah?” You just nod the best you can.
You’re expecting Jihoon to cum first, but your climax creeps up on you and suddenly your legs are shaking as your back arches up off the couch. Your eyes roll back into your head as you let out a wanton moan.
Seeing you fucked out thorougly makes Jihoon spill over the edge finally, his warm cum spilling into you. He stays in you for a moment to catch his breath. He leans down to press kisses to your bare shoulder, nipping at the skin as he does.
Once you two finally have recovered, Jihoon slowly pulls out of his. You can feel his cum slide out of you as he does and it makes you whimper a bit.
“You were so good for me,” Jihoon coos.
“So you liked it?” You grin at him.
He defeatedly nods. “Yeah, yeah I did.”
“Yay! See Hoonie, look at all the doors this has opened. Maybe we should read more fanfiction together.”
“No, nope. We discovered this one thing, no more.” With that Jihoon gets up to go get you some water and a rag to clean up with.
Despite his final protests, you still feel victorious as you grab your phone and scroll down to the comments of the fic you two were reading.
You’re not going to understand this, but thank you SO MUCH for writing this fic, you’re the best &lt;3
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @chaimi-yuta @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @synthetickitsune @chwecardcaptor @candidupped @dreamhannies @d0nghyck @niyizh @baldi-2 @enhacolor @noniestars @heavenly-mobo @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @blxckswxnxge @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @x-veex @namjoonbaby @ovai @belladaises @todorokiskitten @jihoonliker @valentxi @1694 @niktwazny303 @brxzilianbaby @moshiyuron @im-gemmy @honeylovemoon @wonchansbrooklynn @opwolfe @luvthatleader-nim @cbgisland @lorde-oftherings @hoeforcheol @hotricewoozi @prpldahy @nox-writes @wujihoons @0717luv @yeosayang @marzmeltdown @calvinkleinhoon
join my taglist: here!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 9 months
lovingly stolen from the feed...
star sign: aquarius. which i apparently share with megan thee stallion. can't be mad at that. (also apparently - pierre, checo, george, nyck and liam?!?)
favorite holiday: mid-autumn festival. lanterns! gazing whimsical at the moon! inhaling my weight in weird-flavoured mooncakes!
last meal: some salmon sandwich thing at my local overpriced, but beloved, neighbourhood cafe. and calbee spicy chips.
current favorite musician: f1 writing has got me back into my White Indie Bands Era from like fifteen years ago. so a lot of arctic monkeys and yeah yeah yeahs i guess?
last song listened to: what's the time where you are? by troye sivan. a big landoscar mood.
last movie watched: beyonce's renaissance concert film
last tv show watched: *long sigh* DTS again
last book finished: erm. good question. this one is gonna probably be a fanfic. oh yeah, sawtooth!! for an actual book, i'm working my way through red white + royal blue. (i'm in my yaoi era ok leave me alone.)
last book abandoned: a very forgettable Romance novel. for the record i *love* romance novels, this one was just so badly written and assumed i had so much knowledge about the characters 'cus it was book 2 in a series. it was a sad DNF for me especially 'cus both protags were asian :(
currently reading: that one from work can come over on monday night by @freeuselandonorris. it is a very good and breezy landsocar story! so tender and hot and funny! i recommend it!
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: "what is a backmarker" probably. i'm a f1 noob i only got here two months ago!!
favorite online fandom memory: too many. recent ones include all the ppl who are in my DMs or asks to talk about random f1 stuff and rpf blorbo nonsense. u r very dear + cherished to me!!
favorite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: extremely niche but, the five people who were around for edith/sherlock from enola holmes, the tv show
favorite thing you enjoy that never had an active or big fandom, but you wish it did: the silent sea (2021)
tempting project you don't have time for: a f1 word prompt account
tagging whoever wants to do it! (no pressure.) my usual salad tags of @dirchristophernolan @linewire @supercollide @callsign-shortstack @lecrep @fueledbyremembering + lovely new ppl i met here recently @lovelylotus-writing @souvenir116 @ssamja-hoonie @verstaaphpan @vastappenen
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squoxle · 1 year
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😵‍💫I was NOT expecting so many people to vote…that’s why it was open for a WHOLE WEEKKKKK!!!😬😬
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🌷But I didn’t expect him to win🎊🎉. This definitely helps me write the next part of this fanfic📝.
Thank you all SOOOOOO much and I’ll start working on it ASAP! 🥰✨🌸
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thes1nsyst3m · 1 year
We are the sin system. Bodily we are 16 and transmasc genderfluid.
My name is Hayden and I am our host. My pronouns are he/him and I am a gay trans man. I am a fictive of Lee Hooni from Suicide Boy. I am 17 years old.
This is our account for posting updates for fanfics we are writing as well as information about fanfic commissions. Our AO3 account is scarab00bs.
Fandoms we do/will write from!!
Genshin Impact
Death Note
Banana Fish
My Hero Academia
(we will take commissions for practically any fandom, more info coming in a separate post)
basics (racist, homophobic, etc.)
treat fictives as their source
hardcore dmsp antis (we have fictives from it but are not fans)
"endo"/non traumagenic systems
proshippers (yuck)
anti neopronoun/xenogenders
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ghibliyoongi · 5 years
call me, maybe?
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pairing : (idol!)hoony x reader
word count : 1.6k+
genre : fluff
warnings :  mentions of drinking & smoking
summary : after saving for years you and your best friend finally had enough money to go on your dream trip to thailand! one night, at the usually almost empty hotel bar, you encounter some cute looking guys
auther’s note : this is.. literally based on a dream i had a whiiiile ago lmao, hope yall like it ♡ (also im not good at all at using just one tense lol sorry)
▪︎ so you and your best friend finally made it to thailand! you saved enough money to stay for a whole month!!
▪︎ you two went sightseeing A LOT, getting food at all different kinds of places and meeting the friendliest people you ever came across
▪︎ after another small scenery change, you couldn’t stay at just 1 hotel for a whole month so you changed your hotels pretty much weekly while exploring different places, you finally ended up in the middle of bangkok
▪︎ the city you were most exited about!! you’ve dreamed all your life of visiting bangkok once and now the time had come
▪︎ to let the evening die away you and your best friend decide to get some drinks in the bar right next to the small hotel you’re staying at since the hotel doesnt own a private one
▪︎ joyfully you two entered he bar but your jaws drop when you realise how full the spacious room already was. after you decided it’s probably best to look for seats and then order drinks, instead of going to the bar straight away, you let your eyes scan the flooded bar
▪︎ after you a few seconds you spot two free seats in the very back of the bar and start heading towards them
▪︎ while coming across a little dance floor you get closer to the table in the back when you determine two guys are already occupiying the table
▪︎ after checking with your friend yall decide to just ask the two handsome boys, one having dark green hair – the other one blonde, if you could join them. it was already late and you werent really in the mood to go look for another location to have a few drinks
▪︎ „hey, is it cool with you if we just sit here?“ your best friend asked. „sure!“ the one with the green hair replied, both of the boys giving yall a sweet smile.
▪︎ you took off your coats, happy you changed into your new black velvet top that you got right before leaving for thailand
▪︎ „they’re quiet cute huh“ your best friend said to you (of course in your mothertongue so the guys wouldn’t catch up right away), yourself already giving her a knowing look  👀
▪︎ you chatted for a bit until calling over a waitress to finally order your goods for the night
▪︎ „a strawberry mojito for me, thanks!“ you said tot he girl, ordering after your friend. from the corner of your eye you saw the blonde boy next to you quickly emptying the rest of his beer
▪︎ „i’ll take the same as her“, he said, making the waitress eye him his friend. „anything else?“ she asked with a smile. „another beer for me please“ the guy with green hair and small tattoos around his neck, that you only noticed by now, said
▪︎ flashing a glance at your best friend to make sure she also saw what you saw,  you could see in her eyes that she already had spotted them. and she loved them
▪︎ „i’m hoony by the way“ the blonde guy said. you only also discovered now that the boy had a nose piercing, which made him 10x more attractive by the minute!!
▪︎ the tattooed guy introduced himself as mino
▪︎ somehow you all started talking about nothing and everything, ordering one drink after another. your hometowns, your favorite songs and drinks, thailands nightlife and what you all were up to being in thailand were discussed
▪︎ before you knew it, after explaining to the two cute guys next to you that you two were basically on vacation, the conversation had split up
▪︎ your bestie and mino were already talking about a whole `nother topic but you couldnt complain (now you had hoony all to yourself hehe)
▪︎ the alcohol that slowly found it’s way into your bloodstream made you feel warm deep down in your stomache and your confidence grew
▪︎ „i probably should’nt tell you this, but i will when you promise to keep it a secret“ hoony slurred his words at you
▪︎ you had no idea what he was talking about but you still linked your pinky with the one he was extending towards you. „okay i won’t tell any one‘ you reassured him
▪︎ he leaned closer to you, so close you could smell a light hint of his cologne and feel the heat his body was ratiating
▪︎ without letting go your pinky he (kind of, not really - he was a little tipsy) whispered in your ear „you know, mino and i, we’re rappers. have you heard of winner?‘
▪︎ thinking for a second you remembered hearing the groups name around thailand a few times
▪︎ before you could answer hoony kept talking. proudly he told you all about his other bandmates jinu and yoon, their music and their lifes as idols
▪︎ you nearly wanted to remind him to catch a breath once in a while but you could’nt since he was just so into it you would’nt want to make it seem like your were disinterested
▪︎ quiet the reverse! you loved listening to him since he seemed exited like a little puppy. he was’nt bragging about his fame though. you felt like he genuinely really loved what he was doing in life
▪︎ „ya hoony!!“ mino interrupted his friend. „we’re going outside real quick, going for a smoke and catching some fresh air. we’ll be right back!“
▪︎ mino was already guiding your best friend to the door that lead to the front of the bar. you noticed how he had took her hand and while your friend looked at you with an apologetic gaze, you answered her with an understanding wink
▪︎ it was then that you noticed , hoony had’nt let go of your hand all this time either, your hands were just resting on top of your knee. you smiled to yourself and gave all your attention back to the pretty boy next to you
▪︎ you had lost track of time by now but while seeing mino any your friend leave out of the front door you noticed the bar had cleared quiet a bit. the small dance floor wasnt as filled with sweaty bodys anymore as it was before and there also were  a couple of empty seats
▪︎ the song changed to a slower, more softer, song. hoonys hand suddenly disconnected from yours just to appear right in front of your face once again
▪︎ „dance with me“ he said. it wasn‘t a demand, nor was it a question. the way he looked at you though, the carefullness in his voice, let you know you could have said no
▪︎ but you didn’t
▪︎   normally you would have thankfully declined, dancing in a bar with a guy you practically just had met? maybe, you tried to blame it on that, it was the alcohol streaming through your body, maybe it was the blonde sweetheart that truly had the potential to steal your heart
▪︎ either way, you grabbed his hand and followed him to the now nearly empty dancefloor
▪︎ hoony gently placed his hands on your hips while you interlaced your hands behind his neck
▪︎ he pulled you closer shooting you the sweetest smile you had seen in a while
▪︎ „is this alright?“ he asked so only you could hear him. you replied with a simple nod sending a smile right back at him
▪︎ you two stayed in comfortable silence just swaying along to the song
▪︎ when the song came to an end you suddenly heard the familiar voices of your friends
▪︎ „i guess we have to leave soon, they’re already starting to close down the bar and we also have a concert tomorrow“
▪︎ you shyly smiled at hoony once more and started heading back to your table, not letting go of his hand
▪︎ mino and your best friend were already waiting at the table for the both of you
▪︎ „guess we should head back to our hotel now too“ your friend said to no one in particular. „lets go pay our drinks!“
▪︎ „oh, hoony and i took care of that already“ mino said sending a wink hoonys way
▪︎ „no no no, you really don’t have to“ you two started protesting, but there was no way you two would win this fight
▪︎ making sure you gathered all your things the now four of you left the bar
▪︎ since your hotel was just next door it was now time to say goodbye, you were kind of sad but also, not gonna lie, your were also starting to feel really tired
▪︎ you hugged mino goodbye and turned to hoony. „give me your phone real quick, okay?“
▪︎ you did as hoony asked and passed him your phone. seconds later he handed it back to you
▪︎ looking down at your screen you saw that hoony had entered his phonenumber into your phone
▪︎ „hey, if you want, you could come by out concert tomorrow! we can organize your some tickets!“ you heard mino say
▪︎ „just… call me, maybe?“ hoony softly said to you. looking up at him you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning
▪︎ he pulled you into a tight hug that lasted just a little longer than a normal hug would (u kno what im sayin)
▪︎ placing a small kiss on the top of your cheekbone he slowly let go of you
▪︎ seperating in the same pairs as you started your evening you went in the opposite direction the boys were taking
▪︎ „did hoony gave you his number just like mino gave his to me?“ your best friend asked while linking arms with you
▪︎ you looked at her with a cheeky grin. „and should we give them a call in the morning?“ she asked with a sly smile
▪︎ oh and how you were gonna give them a call tomorrow!! there was nothing you were more sure of
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heartfulofsighs · 5 years
Baggage Claim Part 8
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Description: Seunghoon back from a business trip only has a mind for growing his company. You are in the middle of running from the by the book life that was drowning you. When a minor inconvenience sets you in his path will you be the reason he eases up? And could he be what you need to get serious again
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 
Thanks to everyone who has given me such kind compliments about this story. It really means a lot. This part is more domestic then anything and I really enjoy it. Here’s hoping our two love birds stay this rosy lol. @negrowhat​ Always the most thanks to you for being my forever sounding board. 
He looked down at the picture on his phone for the millionth time. His day had started out with a lot of promise. Seungyoon had sent a long email chocked full of actually very good ideas for his new factory opening. His other smaller accounts were going well also. But he still felt...lost, scared, and a little bit annoyed. You hadn’t called him back. He stared down harder at his phone. Was it something he had said? Was he too clingy? What could he have possibly done to put you off? He thought back to holding you. You had tucked your head under his chin while you watched tv and talked. It had all felt so ideal. He scratched his chin as he put his phone down, he must have been wrong, he must have missed something. “Hey grumpy.” 
He looked up to see Mino standing in his doorway, sucking on a lollipop. Instead of being more annoyed he shrugged and leaned back in his office chair. “You know, you aren’t exactly a ray of sunshine on most days but today you’re especially stormy.” He pulled the candy from his mouth his face full of concern, “is everything ok?” He asked. Hoon toyed with the idea of brushing him off, minimizing his feelings because logically he was being irrational. He leaned forward towards his desk and muttered, “she hasn’t called me, texted me, anything since we went to the club.” He said clearly. Mino came into the room, each stepped measured until he sat across from Seunghoon in the other chair. “Maybe she’s just been busy?” He suggested. “I mean she’s from another country, maybe something’s come up for her back home?” He tried. “That’s true.” Hoon granted softly. He swallowed suddenly feeling so selfish for not thinking of that possibility. “I just wish,” he started before he stopped to rub his head, “I wish that I didn’t care.” He finished his voice much lower than before. It would truly be a fling if he didn’t care. If he could brush off your silence then it would all be so much easier. Mino grinned, his face morphing back to it’s usual one of mischief. He had no idea how deep Hoon’s crisis was. He leaned forward. “I think it’s cute that you care. I’ve never seen you so broken up over a girl…” “I’m not broken up.” He snapped. “Overly touchy?” Mino tried. He rolled his eyes and decided not to answer.    “Do you wanna eat?” He asked. A change of subject and scenery would probably be good for him. He needed to refocus on what he had to do for work. He didn’t have time to worry over… His phone buzzed to life. He looked down at the screen, a message from a number he didn’t know across the screen. He read it out loud relief coloring his voice with every word.    “Sorry, I smashed my phone after you dropped me off. Yeah lunch sounds good but can we make it tomorrow?” The message read. He let out a long sigh and Mino laughed at him.    “All that fuss…” He started in between giggles, “and it was because she’s a little clumsy.” He laughed harder. Seunghoon found himself smiling with him. The joy that the explanation was so simple filled his chest. You hadn’t gotten tired of him in the span of a night. You had just smashed your phone. He waited for Mino to calm down before asking again, “do you wanna eat?” “Yeah, the new mall they built down the way has an amazing food court.” He suggested. He started on his lollipop again with a more thoughtful face, “I wanna try the gourmet noodle place they have there.” He said. “Fine,” Hoon stood up and started to brush off his pants, “then back to work.” He said. “Awww there’s my taskmaster.” Mino copied his motion, standing tall and stretching.
   “Tell me everything you want to tell me.” Cherry had been so calm when you finally got home from Seunghoon’s house. She was calm but you felt like a bottled storm. Talking about him didn’t help. It felt like lightening strikes in your heart describing how the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. There was no way you could pull off the “long tease,” like she advised. It happened fast and it was wonderful. You told her all of it but held the part back that made you feel so...odd. When you were done Cherry must have felt something was shifting for you, changing. She spared making you explain.    “Well this is a lot to digest,” she had said.    “I know, I’m still…” you swallowed and the storm felt like it was churning in your stomach. Making your hands shake and your throat dry. Cherry had said something, maybe she wanted to get started on dinner or she had somewhere to be and then you were alone. You laid on your bed and sighed. You wanted someone to tell you what was a good idea and what was a bad one. Apparently you weren’t doing too well. You hadn’t left home to fall in love. You put your hands over your face and tried to block the word out. Not love, not with a guy who you just met, who you just slept with, who you had gone on two dates with. You couldn’t be in love with him and that’s why it felt like there were thunderstorms raging in you.    “Should have just given him the bag and forgotten about him.” You whispered softly to yourself. But that would have been too simple and if you were being honest too boring. You took your hands off of your face and stared at the ceiling. Your heart was hammering but not in the bad way it did when you were home. In fact the storm raging was scary but it wasn’t the feeling that you ran away from. You decided to wait and see because what else could you do?
The next day you smashed your phone. It seemed to happen in slow-mo. Pulling it from your pocket, the smooth black device slipping free from your hand and sailing between the stairs to its doom. The sound it made on the concrete made you wince. You stood on the landing in disbelief and of course the first thing you thought of was, “how am I gonna text Hoon?” He had sent you a text yesterday that you hadn’t replied to yet. He was going to think you were ignoring him or playing some stupid hard to get type game. It was only after you freaked out about that did you even consider how your mother was going to call you, or any of your friends. You didn’t move from your spot on the landing not until Cherry came out.    “What happened? I thought you said you were going to mail your mom that letter?” She asked.    “I dropped my phone,” you responded in a complete monotone. “What the hell am I gonna do?” You whispered.    “We could go to the mall? And get a new cheap one?” She suggested.    “I won’t have anyone’s number,” you scratched at your arm, “god I’m so stupid…” She took your hand and started to lead you down the stairs, her face all patience.    “Just take a breath. We’ll get it all fixed.” She said.    “This is gonna blow my budget,” you complained.    “Maybe we’ll find an older model that isn’t too bad,” she tried, “and you’ll just have to put up a post on your social media asking people for their numbers.” It all sounded so simple once she laid the steps out.    “And I’m sure Seunghoon has an office number posted on google or something, we can call there and get his cell,” she turned just as the two of you finished the last step. There was a pretty sizable smile on her face, “cause I know that’s who you’re really worried about contacting.” You couldn’t even argue with her.    The train ride down to the mall was quick. You had been in the city long enough to recognize you were near Hoon’s building. Your heart picked up a little.    “This place is brand new.” Cherry told you while she looked through her purse, “we’ll go to the phone store then grab lunch?” She pulled out a chapstick and looked at you for confirmation.    “Yeah that sounds fine.” You said, “and can we get something sweet?” You added.    “Like frozen yogurt?” She applied the chapstick liberally before leaning back in her seat, “oh I wanna look in the new home goods store they have too.” She said, “I want some potted plants.” She made a thoughtful face, “for the kitchen, or maybe the living room.” She added. She pulled out her phone and showed you how she might want to set the kitchen up. Talking about something mundane kept you from worrying about your phone and how much a new one could cost. It was a nice little break.
He ate his noodles and watched all the movement in the food court. People flowed back then forth through the new building, shopping bags in hand, faces beaming. It was gorgeous inside, all gleaming floors and modern shops. Everything felt upscale, even the food court. He wondered who had done the advertising for the opening?   “The noodles are good?” Mino asked as he slurped. Hoon nodded, he was nearly finished with his bowl. His mind now fully focused on work. You had texted him, he would see you, that was all he had cared about. “So, where are you planning on taking her for lunch tomorrow?” Mino asked. He drank the broth from his bowl then set it down, “you have to take her somewhere nice,” “I’m going to.” Hoon insisted. He leaned his head on his hand and sighed, “or maybe I’ll just cook for her.” “You can’t cook.” Mino pointed out on a snort. “I can try.” He argued. “You just want her at your apartment,” he leaned forward, “you just want a little afternoon...treat.” “Shut-up.” He snapped. But that wasn’t such a bad thought either. Suddenly he was picturing it. Making you something nice, smiling at you from the other side of his table, then delicately getting up and closing the distance. Hand on your cheek, leaning down to kiss you. “Well back to work I guess.” He blinked, the sound of Mino’s voice butting right into his daydream. He stared at him barely able to contain his annoyance.    “Yeah, I guess,” he granted. He had work and recipes to look up. Mino stood and adjusted his jacket. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and managed to produce another lollipop. “When did you start eating candy so much?” Hoon pushed his chair in genuinely curious. They walked out of the fancy noodle place into the crowd of new shoppers. “Haven’t you ever heard of an oral fixation?” Mino laughed, dodging around a small group of older ladies. “Since when have you had that?” He stopped walking suddenly struck by two people coming out of a jewelry store. He cocked his head, it definitely was you. You and another girl arm in arm, bright smiles on your faces. He started out towards you two without a word to Mino. The other girl saw him first. She stopped abruptly and pulled you up short with her, “sorry, sir we’re having sort of a girl’s day, we aren’t interested.” She said quickly. You laughed a little at her and shook your head.            “Cherry,” your voice wasn’t quite a whisper, “this is Seunghoon.” Her eyes widened. She put her hand over her mouth and made what he thought sounded like a squealing sound.       “Nice to meet you.” He said to her before he turned his attention to you completely.        “So this is where you came for your new phone?” He watched you nod. Mino has reached the group, lollipop in his mouth         “What a coincidence,” he commented around his candy.         “Did you guys do a little shopping?” He peered down at Cherry, “I’m Mino, you must be the friend?” He beamed, “there’s always a really nice friend…”           “Cherry, it’s nice to meet you.” She extended her hand. They shook but these were small details to Hoon.           “What kind of phone did you get?” He asked. You pulled a small black phone from your pocket and showed it off, “I had to get a little cheap one so I wouldn’t blow my budget.” He looked it over more critically then he meant to. He wasn’t trying to judge, he was just concerned about being able to be in touch with you.    “It’s nice.” He finally got out.    “Well,” Mino began, “we left a lot of work at the office…” His hand patted Hoon on the back. He realized that he had just been standing watching you. He cleared his throat, “yeah, I guess I have to get going.”    “But I’ll see you tomorrow right?” You asked him. The smile on your face sent his heart going a million miles an hour. He nodded, “yes, for lunch.” His answer satisfied you. Cherry waved as the two of you started to walk away “nice meeting you!” She called.    “Wow, it really is like fate with you two,” Mino draped his arms over his shoulders and began to walk him towards their exit, “everywhere you go there she is.”    “I’ve never been so lucky.” Hoon agreed.
   “So what are you going to wear to lunch?” The two of you were walking your way back from the train station. Still arm in arm. She seemed almost giddy about your date with Seunghon. Seeing him at the mall had fueled her talk about fate and people being destined. You didn’t have the heart to stop her but you tried not to let the talk get to you head. A fling a fling a fling. Cherry stopped herself short of saying love most of the way but when she got close you felt the storm cloud in your stomach again.    “Just jeans Cherry, he said it wasn’t going to be anywhere fancy.” You didn’t mean to sound whiny but there it was.    “We can look at options when we get home.” She satisfied herself with her answer and went silent for the rest of your walk. It wasn’t until you got back into your apartment that she spoke up, “I have a really cute crop top that would look good with jeans.”    “Can we try on stuff later?” You tried. You didn’t have the energy to try on one piece of clothing then another.    “I should probably call my mom.” You untangled your am from hers, “just to let her know that I’ve handled the phone thing.”    “Oh yeah, no problem.” Cherry rubbed her arm and sighed, “I should probably check and see if I have any job emails. I’ve been neglecting that inbox.” She said on a laugh. The silence in your room was jarring. Once again here were your thoughts whispering to you how much of a bad idea seeing Hoon continuously was. In the mall you thought your heart was going to beat its way out of your chest. You had barely registered Mino was with him. That was bad right? To be so focused on one person when you had no business forming ties? You sat on your bed and tried once again not to think about it. You dialed your mother’s number and listened to the ringing noise with all your concentration.    “Hello?”    “Mom it’s me!” You waited for her to process.    “Baby? What number is this?” She asked. You could imagine the look of confusion on her face.    “ I smashed my phone and had to get another one.” You explained, “save this number ok?”    “Smashed your phone? Oh my god, you said you were being careful out there…” An eyeroll, you were sure her eyes were rolling.    “It was an accident.” You said. You swallowed the storm clouds making their way up your throat.    “Besides your phone how’s it going out there?” She asked. You flopped down onto your bed.    “Fine.” You kicked your legs in frustration, “everything’s fine.”    “You sure baby?” She didn’t sound convinced. You closed your eyes, “positive, I’m having fun. This time off was just what I needed.” She paused and you thought you were caught. Well you hoped you had been caught, if she pried it would be like opening a floodgate. The storm would erupt from you and maybe then she could tell you if what you were doing was the stupidest-    “I’m so glad you’re feeling better baby.” She said.You clamped your mouth shut and nodded as if she was there to see it. “Because that’s all I wanted...I really wanted you to feel better.”
Technically you didn’t feel worse then when you had first left home. You did feel very different, the crushing feeling was gone. That was old news. You felt alive and more vibrant than you ever had back home. Cherry couldn’t help you get dressed like she wanted. There were actually a few jobs waiting in her inbox that you convinced her to take. They sounded right up her alley and they paid well.    “It couldn’t hurt to go.” You had said.    “I guess you’re right. I haven’t done too much since I’ve been sick...and I want some new booties.” She had fluffed her hair and put on lipstick in the mirror while she talked.    “You’ll be ok catching the train down there?” She asked.    “I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry.”  You assured her, “two trains then two blocks and I’m there.” You reiterated.    “Good, have fun, tell me everything when you get home.”            “Will do.” You handed her keys over.            “You have some condoms in your purse right?”  She stopped just short of the door to ask you.    “Cherry...really?” You shook your head surprised but not really surprised. “Lunch at his house...don’t act like you didn’t think about a little afternoon delight.” She wriggled her eyebrows at you before turning to go, “better safe than sorry.” She said as she opened the door to leave. You watched her go without another word. Two trains then two blocks and you were walking up to his building. You thought you looked nice, a pink crop top, your more shapely jeans nothing too daring. He had obviously told the doorman that you were coming. The small man stood up quickly and walked towards the bank of elevators. “Good Afternoon, floor 15 for you ma’am?” He asked. You nodded and he  pressed the button for you, “have a good day.” He said before he pulled his arm back quick enough to let the doors close. You stared at yourself in the elevator door’s reflection and sighed. Did it look like you had tried too hard? You turned one way then the other, maybe the crop top was a bad idea? You put your hand over the sliver of your tummy that was exposed, maybe too much skin? The elevator dinged and you realized you didn’t have time to worry. When the door opened Hoon was there leaning against the far wall. He was looking down at his phone, chewing his lip as he scrolled. “Hey.” You stepped off the elevator. He looked at you and smiled brightly. There went your heart. It thudded hard in your chest as he got closer. He shoved his phone into his back pocket to free up his hands. It felt like you were watching him move in slow motion. He raised his arms and very gently took your face in his hands. His thumb stroked your cheek and it felt like he was studying you, taking you all in. Your heart somehow got louder as he leaned down. “You look really cute.” He said softly before he pecked you on the lips and let you go. He took your hand instead and started to lead you down the hall like it was the most normal thing. “I hope you like pasta,” he walked at an even pace down the carpeted hallway, “well pasta with shrimp.” He added, “because making meatballs didn’t work out for me.” “I like both,” you granted. He stopped at one of the last doors and entered the code. It beeped and he pulled you inside. This time you actually got to look around. He had good taste, simple but with hints of color throughout. It was bright in the living room and you could see the kitchen with all it’s perfect stainless steel appliances. You had been here before. Been ushered through this room before and down the hallway to the right. While he was trying his best to unzip your dress and you were whining at him because you wanted to keep kissing him. He stood patiently until you were done with your shoes, “sit at the table, the noodles are almost done boiling. Then I just have to combine everything.”     “How long did it take you?” You followed him to the kitchen, “all morning?”    “Well I may or may not have tried making the sauce for the first time last night.” He stood in front of the stove, “but some things...didn’t exactly go my way…” He admitted. “But you were determined,” you stood next to him and peered around his shoulder. It all smelled good. You were actually pretty proud of him, it looked like he had gone through a lot of effort.   “Yeah, once I started I couldn’t give up.” He picked up a big wooden spoon. “Plus I knew I was on the right track because this sauce smelled much better.” He stated proudly. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. “You taste tested it too right?” You asked. He dipped the spoon into the sauce and started to float it towards your face, his hand tucked under it just incase it dripped. You blew a little on it before you tasted it. It was good, thankfully you didn’t have to fake the “yum” that came out of your mouth. “It’s good?” He asked. “Really good.” You said.  
He had in his mind how he wanted everything to go. He would wow you with his cooking skills, then wow you again with his conversation skills, then, when you were all happy and full he even had a present for you. His plan purposely did not include touching you, because he realized the danger of it. But the not touching you part had gone out the window as soon as he saw you step off the elevator. He had to at least peck you, there wasn’t any danger in that really. Mostly. He combined the shrimp and the sauce just like he had seen in the video he watched. You were close to his side, watching. “Do you wanna get out the garlic butter and the french bread?” He asked. “It’s in the fridge.” He said. You moved immediately without a word. Sauce, shrimp, then drain the pasta- “Seunghoon.” He turned to the sound of your voice. “It’s on the second shelf,” You were staring at the photo of yourself that had fallen out of your suitcase when Mino opened it. “How did you get this?” You asked. You pulled it from magnet confused, “this is from my birthday two years ago?” You said. He swallowed, his heart in his throat as he tried to come up with what to say. “Man, this was such a good day, look how happy I am.” You didn’t sound upset. It was more like you couldn’t believe it was you. “Mino opened your suite case to see if there was anyway to tell where you were staying,” he started. “And the picture fell out?” You finished. “I found it under my couch, after we had given each other’s bags back,” He turned the burner down on the stove before he faced you completely, “I was under the impression that I would never see you again and I didn’t want to throw it away. So I kept it there...I’m sorry.” He was praying that you weren’t upset. You sighed as you looked at yourself before you put the photo back in place right next to the photo strip from the boardwalk. “You don’t have to be sorry.” You said, then you were opening the fridge as if nothing was wrong. He watched you get the bread and the butter out to set on the counter. You cut the loaf in half effortlessly then started to spread the butter. “I guess when you saw me at the beer booth it was a bit of a shock.” You said. He turned back to the stove, relieved that you were talking again. “I thought I was seeing things.” He said, “but then there you were saying that ugly tagline, under that god awful picture of the genie.” He laughed and you laughed with him. “Imagine having to say that the whole night.” You said, “but I guess it worked out to be a good thing.” “Because here we are.” He said as he stirred. He walked over to your side of the kitchen and pulled out the strainer, “the video mentioned something about al dente...which I think means harder noodles?” “I’ll eat them either way.” You said as an answer, “I’m not picky.”   He didn’[t need to direct you when it came to the bread. You got the over started and put the loaf in by yourself. That freed you up to watch him carefully strain the noodles. “Make sure you shock it with cold water.” You said. “Ok,” He turned the faucet on cold, “go sit, I’ll serve you.” He said. You stayed by his side ignoring the instruction and he didn’t want to fight you. He got two servings together while you pulled the french bread out. He even had enough spring mix for salad. When the two of you did finally sit down it was together. “I don’t have wine,” He realized flatly. “Pour me some juice then, it’s no big deal.” You said. He did with a small smile because this was the only thing you allowed him to serve you. When he sat down again and looked across at you he felt that same warm feeling he felt when he woke up and you were in his arms. You were eating, laughing, smiling. He couldn’t help but notice it was almost as big as the picture on the fridge. He felt more proud of that then the food turning out well. He had done that hadn’t he? He could claim that smile as an accomplishment. The more he looked at you eating across from him, the more he was certain that this wasn’t casual at all. This had to be love.
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kpopscenarihos · 6 years
20. “You’re jealous of who?”
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It was quiet nights like these that were your favorites. Curled up in a blanket in a house that was slightly too cold without one, laying on the couch in the presence of your boyfriend…you might even say it was perfect. Or, at least, it would have been, if your boyfriend was paying you any attention. While you were on one side of the couch, snuggled in and ready for cuddles, Seunghoon was on the other side, his dog in his lap, completely enraptured by Haute.
You knew what you had signed up for before the two of you had even started dating. It was more than obvious that Seunghoon loved his dog more than basically anything in the world. But, you had imagined that he would at least give you some of his attention, too. However, while you were pouting, Hoony was cooing over his dog, making faces that parents make at their newborn children.
You sighed deeply in an attempt to gain his attention, but to no avail. He had been away for weeks, and of course you expected him to have missed his dog, but you also expected him to have missed you. “Damn, I sure am jealous,” you breathed out, crossing your arms.
Finally, this grabbed his attention, and his gaze shifted to you. A look of confusion spread across his face, as if he had no idea what was going on just moments prior. “Wait, wait, wait…you’re jealous of who?”
You couldn’t believe your boyfriend was so oblivious, and all you could do was laugh. “Who do you think, Hoony? You haven’t stopped playing with Haute since you got home and I’ve just been sitting here, waiting for my turn.”
A smirk spread across his face, and you knew that it was because he was proud of getting such a reaction out of you. He loved to know how much you loved him. He needed constant reminders about it, and when he received them it filled him with such joy, though sometimes he would tease you about it. “Hm…” he said, tapping his chin in false wonder. “But you don’t love me as much as Haute,” he teased. “Isn’t that right, Haute?” he said in a high-tone voice, as if he was speaking to a child.
Sure, he was extremely needy for attention, but so were you, which resulted in the two of you playing games like this. You were growing tired of his teasing; you didn’t want to play tonight. Instead, you lunged at him in an attack hug and begged, “Loooovveeee meeeee, Hoony!” until he was reduced to nothing but giggles, Haute jumping out of his lap in an attempt to avoid being squished. He pulled you in closer and ruffled your hair, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
The two of you sat like that for a moment, taking in the sensation of your bodies pressed so closely for the first time in a while. With his face buried into your hair as your hand toyed with the hair on the back of his neck, he said, “You’re ridiculous. I never stopped loving you.”
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-admin tae 💕
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peanut-tyrug · 10 months
Pink City AU: Hunt for the Boxman
Prologue: Part 1 - Admirer to Hunter
TV show host Hoonis Boogie sets out to find his long missing idol, Darles Nemeni. The man who created the one-hit wonder “The Darly Boxman Show”.
NOTICE: This AU is partially based on my ideas/interpretation. If anything appears to be inaccurate, I apologize. I tried to work with what little I had to make smth. I also took a few artistic liberties.
Another thing: THE PINK CITY AND IT’S CHARACTERS DO NOT BELONG TO ME!! IT BELONGS TO GOOSEWORX!! Some canon lore for The Pink City has also been implemented in this story. This is just an AU/story I made based on it. If you’d like to check out The Pink City series itself, check it out here!
TRIGGER WARNING: This fic contains the hearing of voices, emotional outbursts, caps, swearing, and family issues. If you aren’t comfortable with these things, please don’t read this.
Something a creative can desire is being acknowledged for their work. Remembered for what they gave the world. Acknowledged by those seeking fame.
Whether intentional or not, it can still happen to those who come across the work of someone now long gone.
Two young siblings in a family of six, Remney and Hoonis Boogie, sit in their homes dusty attic. Remney, the second oldest daughter amongst the quartet of siblings, is scouring through boxes. The youngest and only boy of the four, Hoonis, watches his sister scour.
“…Oh, where are they?” Remney asks herself.
“Where’s what?” Hoonis asks.
“You’ll see, Hoonis.” Says Remney.
Remney continues to look through the boxes. As she opens up her next box, she’s finally found what she was looking for. “Oh! Here it is!” She says excitedly, yet softly.
Remney takes out a few old VHS tapes and sets them on the ground for Hoonis to see. Hoonis glances over what’s been put in front of him. “…What’re these?”
“These are old tapes of a show the others and I used to watch, 'The Darly Boxman Show'.” Says Remney. “I haven’t watched it in ages… it’s been one of the few things to bring me joy. The others though… they don’t like as much, unfortunately…”
“What’s it about?” Hoonis asks.
“You’ll see.” Says Remney. “Help me get these downstairs, please.”
Remney opens the attic door and heads down the ladder. As she approaches the floor, Hoonis slowly hands her the tapes, which she sets on the ground as she receives them. Once the tapes have been set aside, Remney helps Hoonis down and shuts the attic door. She picks up the tapes and the two head over to their small living room. Remney puts a tape in the old TV and sits next to her brother already seated on the floor. It takes a bit, but the program eventually boots up.
The screen is taken up by a bright yellow background. A large, colorful logo then slides into view, 'The Darly Boxman Show'. Hoonis is quickly pulled in at the sight of the character portraits sliding into view.
Darly Boxman, who is literally what you’d think it is, a man with a box for a head with a pair eyes popping out of it. Mimlimim, a woman with offset white eyes and vibrant blue head. And Milkpooch, basically a white dog.
Once the vibrant yellow screen fades, a wide shot of the three characters comes into a view. As the title music comes to a close, Darly Boxman looks to the viewers with bright blue bloodshot eyes.
“Hey, kids! Welcome back to show!” Darly says in a high and peppy tone of voice. “I’d do the normal thing and catch you up on what we’ve been doing out here, but there’s simply NO TIME!” Darly puts his hands up to his box head. He then looks over to Milkpooch. “Isn’t that right, Milkpooch?”
Milkpooch responds to the question in beeps. It moves it’s head around as it speaks.
“Oh!” Darly says as his eyes widen. He glances away from Milkpooch worriedly.
Milkpooch speaks some more in response to Darly’s surprise. Darly looks back at the animal.
Darly glances away from Milkpooch again, and then looks back at it. “…We don’t have to do this right now if you’re really not feeling up for it.”
Milkpooch speaks again.
“Why are you so mad at me?” Darly asks sternly, his voice deeper and less energetic than what it had been before. It appears he’s broken character.
Milkpooch pauses before beeping a single time in response to Darly.
“Okay, THAT��S IT YOU LITTLE SON OF A B**CH!” Darly exclaims, the swear barely being censored. Darly picks Milkpooch up and throws it into the air. As Milkpooch soars, it appears to have hit something. The unknown object then reveals itself to be a white pyramid with eyes on each surface. Darly looks back in confusion.0
Mimlimim then looks forward in surprise at the pyramid. “Wowie! Darly, look!” She says through a text box. “We found Zendamina! Which means we’re near one of the seven concraduous temples!”
“That must be why Milkpooch was so rude to me!” Says Darly.
As the episode continues to progress, another one of Hoonis and Remney’s family members appears.
“Are you showing him that show we used to watch?” Asks Denise, the oldest of the four siblings, looking over to Remney. “How’d you even find those tapes?”
Remney looks back to Denise. “I found them in the attic.” She says.
“Will he like it?” Asks the second to youngest sibling, Puudle, who has also shown up beside Denise. “I never really liked it.”
“Who cares if you didn’t like it?” Asks Hoonis, looking back to Puudle. “I like it.” He looks back to the small TV.
“You do you.” Says Denise. “Have fun.” She walks off. Puudle follows.
Remney then turns over to Hoonis. “Hey, I’m gonna go paint… do you know how to handle the tapes?”
“I do.” Says Hoonis.
“Okay… don’t get tangled in the film reels.” Says Remney. She walks off and heads to her room, leaving Hoonis alone.
Hoonis stares intently at the screen, completely immersed in the world of Darly Boxman.
“…Maybe one day I’ll be able to meet you, Darly Boxman.” Hoonis says to himself. “Be just as good a host as you…”
Eventually, once the episode ends and the credits begin to roll, the show host’s name appears.
Darles Nemeni.
A name Hoonis would remember for all time. A name permanently glued to his brain.
Whether you like it or not, when you make something that someone admires and adores, that someone will always want to meet you and learn from you. Discover how to be a grand creative the people will remember for generations.
Regardless of if you’re even around anymore.
It’s early in the morning. Hoonis sits quietly in front of the TV, intently staring at the screen, before a sudden news broadcast pops up. Hoonis is snapped out of his trance, but continues to look at the screen.
“We interrupt this program to announce that Darles Nemeni, the well known creator of the children’s program: 'The Darly Boxman Show', has suddenly gone missing.” Says the news reporter.
Hoonis’ eyes go wide with shock. “…Huh?” He moves closer to the screen.
“Authorities and friends of the celebrity have looked through his home, but he was nowhere to be found. Not even his daughter was certain of his whereabouts.” Says the news reporter.
The shot then cuts to the actress of Mimlimim, Thlouretta Gudds, sitting in a chair. She’s being interviewed. “I tried giving Darles a call, but he didn’t answer… we had an episode to shoot today.” She says. “…Gee, I hope he’s okay… he didn’t seem too well when he was leaving the studio yesterday…”
The shot cuts back to the reporter. “The whereabouts and fate of the celebrity are currently unknown, and until further notice, Darles Nemeni is presumed missing.” Says the reporter. “Thank you all for your time.”
The TV then cuts back to what Hoonis had previously been watching. His eyes are wide with shock. He sits back. “…WHAT!?” He shouts.
“Hoonis!?” Hoonis’ mother exclaims as she rushes into the living room, the father following behind her. “Are you alright?”
“It’s Darles Nemeni!” Hoonis shouts. “He’s missing!”
“…Who?” The mother asks, before realization hits her. “…Oh, the man that made Darly Boxman?”
“Yes!” Hoonis exclaims. “He’s missing! What if he’s dead!?”
“Oh, honey,” Says the mother as she approaches her son. “I’m certain he’s okay.”
“Heh, I doubt it.” The father chuckles. “That man’s a looney from what I heard.”
“Don’t say that!” Says the mother sternly, now looking back to her husband. She turns back to Hoonis. “Don’t listen to him, Hoonis. I bet Mr. Nemeni is just fine.”
“…I hope so.” Says Hoonis. “Maybe I’ll find him… someday…”
Maybe the desire to meet an idol can turn into that of a scavenger hunt for a long lost man.
It’s been years. 20 years, to be exact, since Darles Nemeni had went missing. He’s yet to be found. There hasn’t been a single word of him since his disappearance.
Well, barely…
Hoonis Boogie, now a fairly well know and infamous TV show host in the Pink City, has occasionally went around asking citizens if they’d ever heard of the man.
After asking many civilians and getting nowhere, he resorted to finding those who had known Darly.
“Have you ever heard of a man named Darles Nemeni?” Hoonis asks struggling freelance photographer Puggs Nisterly, who was the director of photography for Darles’ show.
“…I worked with him. We go way back.” Says Puggs. “But, I haven’t seen him. Sorry, man.”
“The weather today is clear now, but some hard rain may be coming in later, so keep those umbrellas high.” Says Marmalo Luzz Jr., a radio host, and the son of Marmalo Luzz, who was an actor on Darles’ show.
“Excuse me,” Says Hoonis, suddenly barging into Marmalo’s recording room. “Have you heard of a man named Darles Nemeni?”
“Huh? What?” Says Marmalo, turning back. “No, man! Get out!” Marmalo gets up from his seat and drags Hoonis out the booth. Hoonis attempts to let himself back in, but to no avail.
Something that can be hard to stomach is hopelessness. Losing all the confidence you had, and watching it be slammed in a blender.
Hoonis had tried all he could. Digging through old episodes to find others who had worked with Darles, but not being able to find many. Most cast and crew members either no longer lived in the city or had passed on. He’s tried to look into the man’s life too, but there wasn’t much of anything that could’ve explained what had caused him to go missing.
…Other than possibly how insane Darles was. Or acted.
The man had gotten noticeably mentally unstable as his show progressed. Maybe the show had gone on for so long that he was just tired of working on it? If so, why did he not stop? Because he wanted money? Is his insanity rooted from something else? Had he always been like that?
As Hoonis walks down the street, feeling helpless, a poster on a wall catches his eye. He looks up at it.
The poster shows a woman dressed in a gray suit. A happy look lays on her face. Hoonis looks up to see a show title. 'The Bep Nemeni Show', it says. To side of the poster reads a slogan of some kind: 'Live. Laugh. Loathe.' it reads.
Hoonis ponders over the name. Bep Nemeni…
“DARLES’ DAUGHTER!?” Hoonis shouts. “She has her own show?”
Hoonis quickly becomes invigorated with hope. She can help him get more insight on the man.
He needs to get on her show…
But how? Hoonis isn’t certain.
Amongst his thoughts, Hoonis’ phone begins to ring. He scrambles through his suit’s pocket and picks the device out. Denise, now his manager, is giving him a call.
“Hello?” Hoonis asks.
“Hoonis,” Denise says from the other line. “Get to theatre quick. You need to be ready for Ghost of the Year by the time the sun sets. Can you do that for me?”
“OH SHIT— RIGHT!” Says Hoonis. He had forgotten. He’d be hosting the 57th annual Ghost of the Year that night. “I’ll be there! Thanks for reminding me!”
“You’re welcome.” Says Denise, she hangs up.
Hoonis begins rushing to theatre. Amongst his crazed thoughts on his show that night, he keeps Bep’s show in his mind.
He’ll get on her show… somehow.
The show appears to be going smoothly. Everyone is happy and Hoonis is doing well.
“Judges! Have you made up your minds?” Hoonis asks.
One of the judges, a glitched and shadowy being with a singular eye, nods.
“Okay! I guess it’s that time of night where we find out which one of these horrifying ghosts will be our GHOST OF THE YEAR!” Hoonis declares, the crowd cheers.
From the distorted being, an envelope flies out of their head and hovers directly into Hoonis’ face.
“Ow! The f**k was that?” Hoonis asks.
The being moves it’s arm and beeps in response.
“Alright!” Hoonis begins. “The Ghost of the year is…!” He pauses, as a big star in above the stage hovers over the various chosen ghosts picked for that year, fixing to chose the winner.
Although, it seems to be taking awhile. A little too long.
The distorted judge seems to be irritated by how long the judging is taking. They expand into a large mass, causing the stage to glitch out. Including everyone there and the show’s host.
Hoonis let’s out a distorted shrill before everything suddenly goes dark and quiet.
Hoonis suddenly wakes up. He gasps and looks around.
He’s no longer in the theatre.
Instead, he’s in a hospital room. The only sounds coming from a heart monitor and a small fan in the corner of the room. His head feels like it’s stinging a bit. Hoonis feels his head to realize bandages have been wrapped over it.
Hoonis sighs and lays himself on the bed. Who knew that bringing suspense could wreak absolute havoc on a theatre full of civilians?
…Lord knows how long he’ll be stuck in bed.
…How was he going to get on Bep’s show now…?
Suddenly, a knock is heard. Hoonis looks over to the door.
“Mr. Boogie?” A voice calls.
“…Yes…?” Hoonis asks.
The door slowly opens, revealing the source of the voice. Hoonis’ eyes go wide.
Bep Nemeni herself steps into the room.
Hoonis quickly rises. “…Bep Nemeni!?” He asks. “Is that you?”
“Yes, Mr. Boogie.” Bep replies.
“Oh, call me Hoonis.” Says Hoonis. “What are you doing here?” He asks jovially.
“I saw your live show tonight.” Says Bep. “I really liked it. I wanted to ask if you’d like to—“
“YES!” Hoonis exclaims.
“LET ME TALK!” Bep yells back.
Hoonis is taken aback by the sudden anger.
…Maybe she got that from her father?
“…I wanted to ask if you’d like to be on my show sometime. When you get better.” Bep says.
“Of course!” Says Hoonis. “I’d be honored to be on your show.”
Hoonis then suddenly gets an idea.
“…I have a question for you, if you don’t mind answering.” Says Hoonis.
Before Bep can ask about Hoonis’ question, her watch suddenly beeps. She looks down at it. Her face engulfs in worry. “Oh, I’m sorry. I have a meeting to get to.” She says. “We can talk about your question after my show with you, okay?”
Hoonis quickly becomes washed in disappointment. “…Sure.” He says.
“Good.” Says Bep. “And take this, it has my studio’s address and number on it. Call me when you’re ready.” She pulls out a small card from her suit pocket.
“Thank you.” Says Hoonis, trying to hide his disappointment. He takes the card.
“You’re welcome. Get well soon.” Bep exits the room, shutting the door behind her.
Hoonis sighs.
He’ll just have to wait a bit longer.
It’s been a few days since the accident on stage. Hoonis has mostly recovered. He still has bandages wrapped on his head.
It’s fairly late in the afternoon. Hoonis sits on his head, phone in hand. He types Bep’s number into the phone. It rings, before Bep picks up.
“Hello?” Bep asks.
“Hi, Ms. Nemeni. It’s Hoonis.” Says Hoonis. “I’m out of the hospital. I think I’m ready to join your show.”
“Great.” Says Bep. “Come by the studio at 4:30 pm tomorrow, got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Says Hoonis.
“Good.” Says Bep. “See you tomorrow.”
“You too.” Says Hoonis. He hangs up.
If he had a mouth, a large smile would be plaster on his face. He bubbles with excitement.
The time had finally come.
It’s the next day. And despite him still experiencing headaches, and the odd visions of his now deceased mother, he feels he’s recovered enough to finally see Bep and join her on her show. As he finishes getting ready, he picks up his phone and rings up his father. He’d call Remney, but she’s busy.
“Dad!” Hoonis exclaims. “I think I’m getting close to finding Darles!”
“Whose that?” The father asks in an old and bitter tone.
“…Darles Nemeni? The one who made Darly Boxman? The man I’ve been searching for since I left home?” Hoonis tries to remind his dad.
“…Oh, that one.” Says the father. “You’re still after him? What’s up with you?”
“I have a dream you don’t get.” Says Hoonis. “I want to be just like him. Learn what he learned… only mother would appreciate my aspirations…” He reminisces.
“Who cares? She’s dead.” Says the father. “But, I know I can’t stop you. Go after that lunatic all you want. Don’t come crying to me or your sisters when he turns you down.”
“I hope I don’t have to!” Says Hoonis. “And stop doubting me!” Hoonis hangs up the phone and shoves it into his pocket. He heads out of his rickety old apartment and heads to Bep’s studio to prepare for the show. He proudly walks down the street.
Hoonis continues to walk down the street, Bep’s card in hand, until he stops at a fairly large yet still small building. It’s address matching the one on the card. Hoonis slowly walks up to the door and slowly knocks.
It takes a bit, but someone eventually opens the door. The man looks down at Hoonis.
“…Hey.” Says the man. “…Mr. Boogie? Hoonis?”
“Yes…” Hoonis looks at the man’s name tag. “Bendle. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, sir.” Says Bendle. “Ms. Nemeni’s waiting for you. I can take you to her.”
“Thank you.” Says Hoonis.
“No problem, sir.” Says Bendle.
Bendle takes Hoonis down a few small hallways before slowing into the backstage room. It’s dark. Scattered around are a few cameramen and other crew members holding flashlights. Among them is Bep, who is speaking to a cameraman. She doesn’t sound very happy.
“…Is she alright?” Hoonis asks.
“She does that a lot.” Bendle responds.
“…Do you…” Hoonis begins. “…ever get tired of it?”
Bendle doesn’t respond. He only glares down.
As Bep is sternly and harshly whispering to the cameraman, she turns her head. Her expression quickly changes. She then approaches the men.
“Hoonis!” Says Bep. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better.”
“I-I am too.” Says Hoonis.
“Is there anything I need to do, ma’am?” Bendle asks Bep.
“Yes,” Bep begins. “Go over to the cameraman and teach how to do his job. He can’t do it right.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Says Bendle. He heads off to man Bep had been talking to.
“Are you ready?” Bep asks.
“Ready as I’ll ever be! Heh.” Says Hoonis in an excited tone.
“Just as peppy as you were when I first saw you!” Says Bep. “Get yourself situated. We’re almost ready to go on air.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Says Hoonis as he nods. Bep leaves him to go check on her crew again. He looks around.
Everyone is preparing for the show to start. Everyone must be nervous.
Hoonis is especially nervous.
He’s been waiting forever to talk to someone that knew Darles. Someone that would hopefully have insight on Darles that had never been publicized.
As he wanders through his mind, Bep suddenly appears by him. “Are you ready?” She asks.
“Yes.” Hoonis responds, his voice tinged with nervous excitement.
Suddenly, music blares from beyond the back of the set. Bep takes Hoonis’ arm and drags him out. They enter the set, and in front of them, a large audience sits. Each seat looks to be taken up. Everyone’s claps and cheers echo through the set.
They’re on air.
Hoonis hasn’t been this excited or nervous about a show in years.
As the two hosts go up on stage, Bep releases Hoonis, allowing him to take his seat.
After the music stops, Bep begins her opening. “Hey, everybody!” She says excitedly as she sets herself in a seat. “How are you all doing?” She shouts to the crowd. Everyone claps and cheers.
“On tonight’s show, we have someone very special! You might’ve seen him before!” Bep begins. “Please welcome, Hoonis Boogie!”
The audience cheers again. Hoonis quickly rises from his seat and lifts his arms into the air. “HELLOOOO, EVERYBODY!!” He shouts, letting his inner TV star shine. The crowd cheers even louder. Hoonis sets himself back down. The crowd simmers.
“How are you tonight, Hoonis?” Bep asks.
“My emotions are very conflicted right now!” Says Hoonis. The crowd laughs.
“Okay!” Says Bep. “For those unfamiliar, Hoonis here has been a show host for— how many years?” She asks.
“Around ten years, since I got out of college.” Says Hoonis. “Heh, it was a hellhole, let me tell you!” The crowd laughs.
“I’d imagine it was!” Says Bep, chuckling. “Just like my father!” The crowd laughs again.
Hoonis ponders over the statement… Bep doesn’t like her father? Was it a joke?
“Anyway,” Bep continues. “Some of you may know Hoonis as the current host Ghost of the Year! Matter of fact, he recently hosted one of those shows, but it didn’t go very well.”
“It, in fact, did not.” Says Hoonis.
“How are you feeling, Hoonis?” Bep asks. “After that incident? You didn’t get your funny bone tickled too much now, did you?” The crowd laughs.
“Now, I won’t bore you with the details of my oddly swift recovery, but the visions of my dead mother are finally starting to fade! And thank God for that, am I right?” Says Hoonis. The crowd laughs as Bep nods in agreement.
Amongst the crowd’s cheers and laughter, a faint voice can be heard. “Yeah! I hate my mom!” Says the voice.
“That’s wonderful to hear, Hoonis! I’m glad you’re feeling better!” Says Bep.
“Heh, I am too.” Says Hoonis. “I don’t have to hear my mother’s distorted whispers in the night anymore!” The crowd laughs again.
“Yes, yes, exactly!” Says Bep. “Moving on from that, I have a question for you, Hoonis. What inspired you to become a TV star?”
“Oh! It started when I was young.” Hoonis begins. “A dear sister of mine showed me these old tapes she and my other siblings watched when they were young, 'The Darly Boxman Show'. I’d imagine you’re familiar with it?”
Bep then appears to be a bit strained. “O-oh! Yes!” She says, sounding slightly irritated. “I’m familiar!”
“…Are you alright?” Hoonis asks.
“I’m alright!” Says Bep. “No need to get your gears all stuck in a jam!” The crowd chuckles.
“…As long as you’re okay with it.” Says Hoonis. “Anyway, the creator of the show, your father, he went missing. And I’ve been trying to find him for years. I’ve been wanting to meet him ever since I had been exposed to him…”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.” Says Bep under her breath.
“…What?” Hoonis asks.
“Maybe you shouldn’t go after him.” Says Bep again, slightly louder.
“Why?” Hoonis asks.
Suddenly, Bep aggressively stands from her seat. “BECAUSE HE’S A TERRIBLE MAN!!” She shouts. “All he wanted me for was to continue his legacy, continue his show! HE NEVER CARED ABOUT WHAT I WANTED!! WHAT I WANTED TO DO WITH MY OWN LIFE!! Why go after a man who cared more about his legacy than his own family!?”
Hoonis is taken aback. “…I-I’m certain he loved you very much.” He says.
“HE NEVER LOVED ME!!” Bep responds.
“Are you sure of that?” Hoonis asks. “Did he ever show he loved you?”
“If he ever did, I doubt he meant it.” Bep responds.
As Bep stares Hoonis down, the crowd begins to talk amongst each other. Bep snaps out of her anger and looks to audience. “Haha! We’ll be right back after our commercial break!” She then picks Hoonis up by his shoulder and drags him off stage. Outro music plays as the the crowd slowly claps.
Bep drags Hoonis out of the set and into a hallway. She grabs him by the shoulders. “WHAT DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND!?” She yells. “HE NEVER LOVED OR CARED FOR ME!! He just wanted me for his STUPID SHOW!!” She pushes Hoonis away.
Hoonis stumbles back, but regains his balance. He stares Bep in the eyes. “…But don’t you miss him? At least a bit?”
Bep doesn’t answer. She looks down.
“…That’s none of your business.” She says. “Just go.”
Hoonis hesitates, wanting to speak again.
“Please.” Bep says quickly, cutting Hoonis off.
Hoonis steps away from Bep, leaving her alone. As he walks off, he can hear faint sobbing from the nearby hall.
She’s likely not happy that the crowd had to see her in such a state. Another thought sticks to his head.
…She does miss him. Although, not outwardly.
Hoonis doesn’t want to think Darles was a man that didn’t care for his family. He was a celebrity, but hopefully one that actually cared about others. About his daughter.
After all, why would you want to idolize someone who reminded you of your own unloving father?
…Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding on Bep’s part?
The only way to know is to meet the man himself.
…Hoonis is desperate. Desperate to find anything on where Darles may have gone. Who the man was… and why he acted the way he did…
…What if there’s something here that had gone unnoticed?
As Hoonis walks, Bendle appears to his side.
“Hey—“ Bendle begins.
“AH!” Hoonis yelps, startled. “Bendle! Hello! Do you need something?”
“I can wash your vest if you’d like.” Bendle suggests. “We have a washer here. I thought it’d be good to wash it for you. As an apology for what happened tonight.”
“Oh!” Says Hoonis. “Thank you! I appreciate it.” Hoonis removes sparkling violet vest and hands it to Bendle.
“You’re welcome, sir.” Says Bendle, taking the vest. “You can stay here 'til you get your vest back.”
The two men separate. As Hoonis walks, he tries to find a spot where he can start looking for evidence.
Hoonis is suddenly filled with determination as he turns to see a small storage room. He quietly opens the door and enters. Around the dark room are various boxes stacked on top of each other, which are likely full of props and equipment. Hoonis begins scrambling through one of the boxes… only to find old VCR tapes.
Hoonis reaches for one of the tapes and stares at it. No title indicating what could be hiding within those reels of film. He looks around some more to spot an old TV sitting in a small hidden part of the room, hidden behind a box.
Hoonis steps to TV and spots cords within the box. He turns to see an outlet near the TV.
Only one thing to do with all this.
Hoonis plugs the TV up and sticks a tape into the tape player. Static appears on the screen… before a very familiar bright yellow background appears…
Realization and nostalgia hit Hoonis like a truck.
These are Darly Boxman tapes…
It’s been a few hours. The sun has likely set by now. What started as a search for clues has turned into a show binge as Hoonis intently watches the episode’s ending play out. His bow tie has also been untied, unbeknownst to Hoonis.
As the episode’s credits roll, Hoonis places a hand to the screen and rubs it down the buzzing glass.
“Oh, Darly Boxman…” Says Hoonis. “Will I ever be as good a host as you?”
As Hoonis admires his idol, the door to the storage room opens. Hoonis turns his eyes to spot Bendle staring him down.
Hoonis turns his head around to stare at the man in silence, before speaking up again. “I wouldn’t remember this if I were you!” He says.
Bendle then shuts the door and stands in the hallway, confused by what he saw. “…All I wanted to do was tell him his vest was done drying…”
“Bendle?” Bep asks Bendle as she approaches. “Where is Hoonis? I don’t think he’s left the studio…” Irritation bubbles in her voice.
“…I-in there…” Says Bendle, pointing to the door.
“What?” Bep asks, heavily irritated.
Bep slams open the door to see Hoonis placing another tape in the TV. Hoonis looks back as tape slowly enters the slot. Bep stares in utter anger and dismay at the sight of her father’s show intro begins to play.
“…WHAT IN GOD’S NAME ARE YOU DOING!?” Bep asks furiously.
“H-hello, Bep!” Says Hoonis. “I just found these old tapes and—“
Before Hoonis can continue, Bep goes up to the screen and punches it, breaking the screen. Glass gets thrown around everywhere, but no one is terribly hurt.
“…Got carried away.” Hoonis finishes his sentence.
“Bendle!” Says Bep, turning to face Bendle. “Find who smuggled in these tapes!”
“Y-yes, ma’am.” Bendle hurries off.
Bep then slowly turns to Hoonis and looks him dead in the eyes. “…What about 'I hate my father' do you not understand?” She asks, voice shaking with anger.
“I-I…” Hoonis stammers. “I was only trying to see if there’s anything I could find on Darles…”
“What the hell could I possibly be hiding from you!?” Bep asks.
Hoonis thinks about Bep’s statement… “…Nothing about his personal life, I’d imagine. I’d be left to believe he was always a busy man…” Says Hoonis. “But, still, did he ever truly show he never loved you?”
Bep looks taken aback. She then gets up and drags Hoonis out of the room and to the washers. She takes his vest out of a drying machine and hands it to him.
“Get out.” Says Bep. “I’m done with you.”
Hoonis hesitates. He stands silently.
“Get. Out.” Says Bep, even more sternly than before. “GET OUT!!”
Hoonis hurries out of the washers and heads for the exit. Bep storms off.
Hoonis almost trips as he exits Bep’s studio. The sun has set. The sky is dark and the buildings are a deep purple. Hoonis walks down the sidewalk as puts his vest back on and fixes his tie.
His arms sag, he walks slow. The day that he had been waiting for has become one of the most disappointing days Hoonis has ever lived.
Hoonis has been trying for days. Going after any morsel of info he could find, but there wasn’t anything. No new point to go off from.
He’s watched tapes, interviews, everything he could find and purchase from sellers. He’s even rewatched them, thinking there could’ve been something he missed.
And yet, nothing.
He stands in his room in front of a bulletin board he made, pacing. Trying to connect the dots.
No new information on Darles. Nothing.
“Oh, dear God!” Hoonis shouts into the air. “Give me a sign! A new lead! Anything!!”
Hoonis plops onto the floor, onto his back, desperate for answers. Desperate for anything that could help him.
Amongst his silent pleas, that he thought would fall on deaf ears…
“…HELP…” Calls an unknown voice.
Hoonis quickly rises and glances around.
No one is there.
The word repeats in high yet desperate tone.
An idea crosses Hoonis’ mind.
He needed help…
…What if he had some extra help in finding Darles?
What if he had been trying to look for him all wrong? What if he needed extra hands?
He wants to call Remney, but she’s busy. Busy with art things. Hoonis then gets another idea.
Go around the city. Ask who could be of help. Who wouldn’t want to help a celebrity?
It’s early in the night. The Pink City has been coated in a soothing purple hue.
All appears calm and well.
…But it’s not.
“Excuse me! Hello!” Hoonis calls out into the street. “Would anyone be so kind as to help a celebrity find his idol?”
Hoonis goes up to multiple citizens as he calls out. Each one moves out his way, creeped out by the stranger asking for such a thing no one wanted any part in.
As Hoonis scouts the area for people to ask, he spots two strangers sitting in front of a gonstri shop. Both strangers appear to be wearing causal clothes. One is wearing a fedora on her head while the other has a cigarette in his mouth.
Hoonis rushes over to the table the strangers are sitting at and body slams on top of it. Both strangers appear to be stunned, the fedora wearing one more so than the other.
“WOULD YOU BE SO KIND AS TO HELP A CELEBRITY LOOK FOR HIS IDOL!?” Hoonis shouts into the fedora wearing woman’s face.
The woman, looking panicked, darts her eyes around before pushing Hoonis off of her shoulders. The man gets up from his seat and stares Hoonis down, almost as if he’s defending his friend.
Fear begins to bubble within Hoonis. He gets off the table and stands before the duo.
“Have you ever heard of a man named Darles Nemeni?” Asks Hoonis. “Darly Boxman?”
The man shakes his head, a no. The other, however, looks as if she’s thinking. Trying to recall something…
Hoonis looks with desperation as he waits for an answer.
The woman then looks to the man and outlines a box over her head.
Hoonis’ eyes light up. “Yes!” He says. “You know who he is?”
The woman then begins to think. She eventually looks back up at Hoonis and shrugs.
“You don’t know?” Hoonis asks.
The woman shakes her head. Her friend then looks to her, then to his phone. He’s texting her. The woman does the same.
…Hoonis wonders why they’re texting.
“What are you texting for?” Hoonis asks.
The duo looks up at Hoonis. The man then shows him his phone. It appears to be how they communicate.
Hoonis takes notice of the contact name at the top of the screen.
“…Elain?” Hoonis asks.
He looks to the duo. The woman, Elain, nods. She shows Hoonis her phone to show him her friend’s name.
“…Dento.” Says Hoonis. The man, Dento, nods once Hoonis turns to face him. Hoonis then decides it’s best he introduces himself. “Well, allow me to introduce myself! I am TV star Hoonis Boogie! But, just call me Hoonis. Good names, by the way.” He puts out his hand.
The duo nods as Dento steps foward to Hoonis. He hesitates, but eventually shakes his hand.
“Now that that’s done, would you mind helping look for Darly Boxman?” Hoonis asks. “He’s my idol, and I’ve been trying to find him for years, but to no avail. I’ve considered asking around the city for help, and so far, you two are the only ones who haven’t run away from me! Would you mind lending a hand?”
Dento looks to Elain. Elain looks to Dento.
They appear to be questioning Hoonis.
Hoonis questions as to why as Elain looks up at him. Desperation coats his eyes.
Elain looks back to her phone. She begins typing. So does Dento.
Hoonis waits for a response, his heart pounding from the anticipation.
Elain and Dento pack their phones in their pockets and face Hoonis. Elain puts her hand out for Hoonis to shake.
Hoonis’ eyes light up with happiness and excitement. He takes Elain’s hand and firmly shakes it. “Thank you, thank you!” He says. “I’m so glad you have the same desires I do!”
Elain nods in agreement as Hoonis continues to shake her hand. Elain appears to be slightly uncomfortable, but Hoonis doesn’t notice.
“Now, follow me!” Hoonis declares as he begins to drag Elain along by the arm. Hoonis doesn’t really notice Dento quickly running after them.
A grand adventure beyond what is known awaits them.
- END -
Next Chapter:
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i-uranus · 2 years
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⠀         ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⌗ icons - hoonie from enhypen﹗
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goldeunoias · 9 months
i see that us Sunghoon girlies really do have a lot to say when it comes to ur Sunghoon fanfics but we’re probably all too shy to send anything even on anon😭(i’m a shy Sunghoon girly myself, but i have learned my lesson from that long pause of not writing for us🫡🫡 just like how the most of us probably learned it as well😭❤️)
i love my kinky hard dom!Hoonie🙈 but it was really nice reading something soft and lovey for once <3
love youꨄꨄ
(finally feeling a bit better to answer<3)
and i'm glad people like the switch/change of pace from my usual hard dom things, especially since I do love a good kinky hard dom as much as i love hard things <33
but yes! even my shy girlies please please please please give your writers comments and anons! If there's a shortage on members in the tags chances are it's because writers don't feel supported when they write for that member 🥹
Thank you for overcoming your shyness to talk to me however <3
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