#Hopefully it is still easily digestible!
dbphantom · 2 years
10, 36 and 44 from the fanfic writer game . Hope you enjoy your day!
Thank you so much!! Right back at you!
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
Oooh, loaded question! For Alkali, I chose to follow the episode Noctis ending bc I always wanted them to have a happy ending and, honestly, I just thought the book/planned ending was really good. I changed a few things to fit the focus of the story better, but overall it's the episode Noctis ending. As for the changes, you know that one scene in the last episode of H2O Season 1 where Rikki steps into the ocean? Yeah. It's a little like that.
For alt. endings, I'm not the biggest fan of the verse 2 ending from episode Ignis, but [BUT] with a couple big changes I thought it made for a fun detour with the same episode Noctis ending. It actually ended up becoming the 'main' timeline for this fic because I was having so much fun with it. I fit in the events of Episode Prompto, plus Ravus and Aranea team up with the chocobros to navigate through Zegnaurbfjflhs Keep and shut down the wall breaker wave machine. So, Ignis still puts on the ring and loses his sight and Prompto still takes down worm Verstael, it all just happens a little out of order and in new fun and exciting locations. [Verstael, to Ardyn: would you still love me if I was a worm?]
So the other timeline I had was Leviathan taking her payment early during the events of Episode Ignis, leaving Iggy with no memories of Noct to keep him from acting irrationally next time. It ends poorly. It's me, boy, I'm the sea godess, speaking to you from inside your brain. Listen to me, boy, lead the prince, to the crystal. Then come with me and guard this space. We'll have mermaid times. On Eos! Do do da do, yeah. You need me, boy. Your free will is an illusion.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Yesssss, I would love to!!! I'm having such a hard time deciding which fic to choose because I love everything, but you know what? Surprise attack!!! Here's an excerpt from chapter 10 of Masked, my genrex secret identity fic.
"... I wasn't with Noah for half of the classes I went to, but I aced a pop quiz the trigonometry teacher gave us!"
Holiday's heart ached. This was the sort of stuff he should be talking about on a daily basis, not EVOs or training or which painkillers worked best before his nanites neutralized them. He reminded her so much of Beverly in that moment, excitedly going on about her day at school and the things she'd learned to her big sister in college. She wanted to do nothing more than hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay, that the adults were going to handle it all from now on and he didn't need to worry.
But Providence wasn't so kind.
Thankfully, Holiday was, and she was fiercely stubborn to boot. The one thing she wanted to do in that exact moment was protect that innocent smile on Rex's face, and she was going to do her damndest to try.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
Prompto's fumbling the reload, electric panic surging through his veins.
Uh oh... This is from the area right before Keycatrich. Cor's around, so they'll be okay XD
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kryptonbabe · 1 month
Superman (headcanon) lesser known biological facts
Ok, I just submitted my final research paper and I'll, hopefully, have my academic degree in Biological Sciences soon so I wrote these for your consideration, my fellow fandom scientists
Kryptonians have a slightly higher body temperature than humans, the heat is naturally generated by their cells, that are highly efficient in storing energy in easily degraded chemical bonds, but will still disperse some of that energy as heat, a natural byproduct of any organic metabolism, so releasing optical rays (heat vision) is a great way of thermal regulating
Contrary to what some people believe, under a yellow sun, when Kryptonians have sex their ejaculation is not impossibly strong, that is due to their evolution, the capability of crossed species fecundation is an evolutionary advantage that would be greatly decreased in efficiency if the ejaculation would hurt or even kill their partner with its release, limiting the genetic spread of this trait, Lois is safe
Kryptonians bodies are too resistant to most kind of poisons, mild ones like alcohol are inconsequential to them, the substances capable of getting them drunk are rare and so chemically unstable that it is damaging for humans and other fragile species to be around it
Due to the harsh biochemistry of Kryptonians digestive system, capable of digesting most (but not all) substances in the universe, it is very hard for bacteria to live in their gut environment, so their poops don't even smell bad (under a yellow sun), when they get to a red sun system they must ingest probiotics for a better digestion (fun fact: Batman carries a little vial of Krytonian probiotics in his utility belt just in case)
Despite their radically different biology Kryptonians are psychologically very similar to humans due to convergent evolution that made our neural networks to function in an analogous way, despite their different biological origins, Kryptonians can process information faster (metabolic efficiency under yellow sun etc), under a red sun their neural capabilities are indistinguishable from those of a human being, but they're always dependent on electrical signals between neural cells to function, that means Superman is capable of empathy just like us, only he's doing it faster
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teal-fiend · 6 months
someone who thinks they are a prey. they don't want to be eaten, but they've also never felt the need to eat anyone either. and that's the way you usually find out if you're a pred; you are overcome by the desire to consume prey. a prey has never felt that need before.
the prey gets into a conversation with someone who's very into this pred/prey thing. the conversation goes in the direction that ends up with this person's hands in the prey's mouth - it was their way of demonstrating the second way you can tell if someone is pred or prey; if their jaw can stretch further than a normal human's usually would.
this person presses down hard into the prey's throat, knowing it would do nothing except sprain their muscle.
except the jaw gives way, easily and naturally, and the person slips chin deep into the prey's throat.
the alleged prey doesn't remember anything after that. not easily. the next moment cuts to them waking up from an unplanned nap. feeling like they got hit by a truck. they blink groggily. they're still in the same room. confused, they attempt standing, and fail. they're heavy, there's something on top of them.
they look down and see their own belly which is monstrously full. they feel a spike of panic. they still can't get up, it feels like a sack of sand has been laid on top of them. they're trapped underneath it.
they investigate this new object further. the belly isn't moving, it only grumbles softly every few seconds. the prey is sickened to think that the person they were talking to is now this unmoving, figureless lump in their stomach.
but despite the sick feeling, they have no nausea. their body is in some way at least, comfortable with what's happened.
although similarly, they don't feel very satisfied, not in the way this kind of thing is usually described. they do feel full, of course. too full, really, they can't move. they feel heavy more than anything. burdened and weighed down.
vulnerable too; imagining someone walking in on them at this time gave them more anxiety. they would have no way to explain this.
luckily, in some ways, the (so-called) prey was in this person's house. the person who was now digesting inside them. anyway, they plan to lock the doors when they found the strength, and then they would stay here to recover. hopefully no one would visit in the time it took.
as soon as the prey was comfortable walking, they would hurry back to their own home to finish up, and they wouldn't come out until there was no trace of what happened.
it took several days for the plan to run it's course. several days until the unwanted feast was fully processed by their body. the whole time they worried that someone would catch them. but no one did. and after it was all over, the prey was in deep denial that it had ever happened.
they were a prey, they had always been a prey. the incident was irrelevant to that truth. they had a few moments when they saw someone who looked like their accidental victim. and seeing those people made their belly rumble. but the prey would discount that as coincidence, and go have a normal lunch instead. easily ignoring and burying the hunger.
things didn't have to change, and they wouldn't. they were a prey. they were a prey
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katyspersonal · 24 hours
God, not to be one of those "hateful anons" but you really need to drop the "holier than thou" type thing on all of your lore posts. As much as I'd love to debunk why half your arguements are overused and don't work, I'll save that because that's not my point.
On almost all of your lore posts you mention at least once how "people aren't ready for stories of this level" or some shit along those lines, and let me ask you this: Why do you think people like you can digest these stories better? You would probably answer something like "Because I can understand these stories unlike these stupid from haters" or something.
You aren't digesting these stories better then anyone else just because you spend 1000 hours looking into what Morgott's moldy toe item description mentions. Like seriously, all this complaining about why the fandom sucks yet youre just like all those "holier than thou" people in the fandom who keep mentioning how THEIR perspective is better then someone else's.
You also keep acting like personal interpretation doesn't exist on some note. Saying how [X] is actually what happened and that people are denying [X].
I looked into your blog because I thought some of your posts were interesting, but it turns out youre literally just like all the other fromsoftware fans you complain so much about. Hopefully this gives you some perspective, I guess.
Nah, it "didn't give me the perspective", because you are the one seriously misunderstanding here. I say that we as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories SPECIFICALLY to criticize fandom behavior.
We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because there are people who claim that "Miquella's character was assassinated by bad writing because in the base game he was hyped up to be kind and compassionate", when his arc was a fall from grace. How falling from grace equals writing him to never have had that grace to begin with? We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because whenever Fromsoft does not directly state something, fandom splits into two hostile groups each accusing another of media illiteracy or even various -isms and -phobias. (I advice you to ask Gehrman fans from Bloodborne fandom for extra insight on this one) We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because when they DO state something directly, the "cool kids" of the fandom decide it was either a bad writing or that they know better, and start to side-eye everyone who prefers canon over their """improved""" fanon. We as a fandom are not ready for Fromsoft stories because Miyazaki's brand of moral ambiguity, admission that there is no clear solution to world's problems and questioning the nature of humanity itself OFTEN falls on the deaf ears.
Like... you do realize that I still consider myself part of the fandom, despite not engaging beyond what is on my feed? That I do not claim that /I/ am ready for Miyazaki's writer genius? Just like everyone else, I can only do my best to TRY to understand him! Nonetheless, I am trying my best to be mature, and encourage maturity in others. It is hard to remain always calm and nice in a fandom that feels like a battlefield, everyone will get a bit rude! The point is to TRY to be better, which most people don't see the need for! I am calling out fandoms bad behavior and refusal to look deeper into story and characters than their habits and preferences, especially because these preferences often lead to conflicts and toxicity, not claiming moral superiority over my headcanons!
Personal interpretations are fair. What is NOT fair is when someone harps on a very well-researched post with easily debunked arguements, basically doing the "your post is nonsense because in my fanfic things are different" on them, and then another person that did not even read the post nor actually researched the lore beyond their preferences passionately agrees.
I'll have you know that I never spent "1000 hours on analyzing". I am autistic, you goddamn coward. I understand some obscure detail in a flash by just looking, or suddenly come up with an insight while busy at work. Sometimes I literally dream a theory or observation! I do not understand where the misconception that everyone needs to spend a lot of time to be hyper-observant about their special interest comes from. However, you believing that about me makes your claim even worse. You seriously just said that analysis of someone who.... well, analysed the lore, is not as valid as analysis of someone who just took scraps of lore they personally enjoyed to create their own thing. How does this make sense, exactly? Again: you'd have SOME point if you spoke against a stuck-up Reddittuber who makes it their daily mission to ruin someone's joy if their headcanon is not 100% accurate to the source, however, so far the inverse has been happening. People who decided something about lore just because it appealed to THEM will go and be rude to people who are trying to be objective. Not only this; I've had my headcanons (!) "corrected" multiple times because they were different from popular fanon!
.........speaking of certain people who think it is okay to harp on someone's lore post to downplay it when they are not even lorediggers themselves.... -_-
The way you glazed through my blog and jumped into an extremely inaccurate conclusion about my personality and attitude reminded me of the same impulsivity when someone took "stop treating Marika as noble hero against Hornsent evil, here are bad things that happened during her reign" as as "just another poorly researched Marika hate 🥺". 🙃 Your obvious vitriol for thorough lore research, your poorly disguised manipulation (you clearly did not think my posts were "interesting" with how much disdain you just expressed FOR them, but you wanted to wound me by faking "disappointment"), and above all, timing. My tone in yesterday's Marika and the fandom rant was in no, NO way different from how I usually speak in my blog! My mutuals (all 8 of them lol) can confirm! Yet I've never received (inaccurate) anon hate for this.. until now. Until recent very unfortunate encounter with extremely shallow individuals that started a debate yet refused to finish it when hypocrisy of the both was pointed out. 🌛
I think I know who you are. :/ 🤔 I'll keep that in mind, and being "prepared" will definitely lessen the effect if you try anything of the sort again, be sure of this.
(At the same time, IF I am wrong and you are just a fan that found me through that interaction, I'll have you know that your lowly cowardice by using anon instead of showing your face has put someone else under suspicion, and it will remain so unless you show yourself. In which case, hope you are proud of yourself. 🤦‍♂️)
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chiropter36 · 1 month
Uuuurgh okay so I’m working on a follow-up to “three or more foxes form a skulk” and it’s slow-going but it IS going… and then a few nights ago as I’m laying in bed, an entire freakin’ scene forms in my head, and it’s NOT a part of what I’m working on and CAN’T be because it involves both Nine and Knucks being at a point character-development-wise that they won’t be at until AFTER that… but the scene won’t get out of my head so I’ve decided to write down a bare-bones version and hopefully this’ll satisfy my brain and I can get back to the fic I’ve actually committed to finishing.
So yada yada sometime after “three or more foxes”, something something the chaos council returns/some other threat happens, something something Nine and Knucks get split off from the others and have to take shelter somewhere, they’re out of immediate danger but are going to have to stay put for a while, whatever structure they’re hiding in gives a view of the night sky, blah blah they’ve settled in and taken care of all the practical stuff and are now sitting in half-awkward half-comfortable silence, ’cause like they’re basically friends by this point but obviously haven’t done anything silly like say that to the other’s face, then…
Knucks, staring at the night sky: “Y’know, there was a time I doubted I’d ever get to see the stars again.”
Nine is surprised and not sure how/if to respond to that, so just quietly listens as Knucks continues talking, in a tone like he’s only half-aware he’s speaking out loud, reminiscing about how his mother used to tell him old echidna stories about warriors and adventurers and beasts that were immortalized in the stars; and how even after she died when he was still young, he kept the habit most nights of picking out all the constellations she had shown him and reciting her stories in his head.
He’s quiet for a bit after this, and the Nine of only a few months previous would have easily just left it at that, but now surprises himself when he suddenly finds himself whispering:
Nine: “’Least you knew yours.”
Knucks starts, as though just remembering Nine was there, and frowns. Even though Nine has become MUCH more open with him and Rebel and the others in the months since their return to the city, it’s still very unlike him to volunteer information about his past unprompted, and this is uncharted territory for both of them.
Nine doesn’t elaborate, so after a moment Knucks tentatively decides to test the waters.
Knucks: “You ever… have anyone else? A dad, or grandparent or somethin’?”
Silence, then a single quick headshake, the minimal amount of movement to convey the answer. No elaboration seems forthcoming, and Knucks assumes the conversation is over, but then a quiet sigh reaches his ears, and:
Nine: “All I know is at least one of them was around long enough to give me a name – which I don’t use anymore, so don’t ask – then at some point left me at a group home and never came back.”
Slight pause, then he continues:
Nine: “I assume it was ‘cause of... well, the obvious…” – he parts his mechanical tails and gives the two furry ones a little wave – “But I don’t actually know for sure. The caretakers always got annoyed at me when I asked about them. Well, when I asked questions in general, but they seemed to get especially snippy on that subject. Probably mad that my parents saddled them with me, whatever their reasons. Anyway, I learned pretty quick to stop caring.”
He shrugs, trying to affect an unconcerned vibe.
Another stretch of silence as Knucks digests this information. Before he can figure out a response, Nine speaks up again:
Nine: “So… did you have a dad around? You mentioned your mom, but…”
So Knucks thinks, well, apparently we’re doing this now, and tells him that yeah, he has some memories of his father, playing with him as a puggle or smiling down at him in his mother’s pouch… but the pleasant memories are few and too soon he reaches the point where he either stops talking or delves into why all this is in past tense.
For some reason, he feels like he has to push forward in this right now.
Knucks: “I was about four or so… some bandit crew attacked the village we were stayin’ at. Pop went out to fight ’em, but they were apparently pretty tough an’ outnumbered him, so Ma left me with some friends and went to help. In the end, they fought ’em off an’ saved the village, but… Ma was the only one who came back.
“An’ she didn’t get out unscathed. One of the bandits was a platypus, see, an’ during the fight he got her with his spurs. Didn’t kill her – there were some other platypuses in the village who had some antivenom on hand – but… it did some lasting damage. So a year or so later, when she got sick...”
A brief glance at Nine tells him he doesn’t have to finish.
Another stretch of silence. Then, Nine’s voice, barely a whisper:
Nine: “Sorry.”
Knucks stares for a moment at the fox kid he once saw as nothing more than a villain to be taken down. He looks back up at the stars, his reply gruff but just as quiet.
Knucks: “Is what it is.”
Knucks: “But for the record… same.”
Nine stares for a moment at the echidna he once saw as nothing but an aggravating foe trying to stop him from making his perfect world.
He mulls things over for another stretch of silence.
Nine: “So, I only really know about constellations in concept… What are some of them? The ones your mom told you.”
Knucks: *quiet, sad sigh* “That’s the thing… I don’t remember ’em anymore.”
He goes on to explain that when he and Rebel were trying to get the rebellion off the ground, he’d used to look up at the ceiling of whatever place they were hiding out in that night, and imagine the night sky and try to keep doing what he’d always done, pick out the constellations and tell himself his mother’s stories… but the day to day grind of life under the Chaos Council’s regime got harder, and he had more important responsibilities than making sure he kept up a childhood habit…
Knucks: “Didn’t even realize I’d fallen outta the habit, until the skies finally cleared up – thanks to your tech an’ all – and I looked up, and… I still couldn’t see any of ’em.”
And he’s sad, but also apparently just resigned to the notion that the last of his people’s stories have been lost forever because he couldn’t keep them in his head. The conversation appears to end on that depressing note…
Nine: “I think I… kinda see some kind of warrior-type figure there?” He points at a group of stars. “See, those four stars in a line, could kind of be a sword, then… I mean, if we’re being extremely generous, that cluster there could be a person wielding it or something…”
And Nine’s fumbling but genuine attempts to invent new constellations brings a small smile to Knucks’s face, and he starts joining in, and lightheartedly ribbing Nine’s ideas which gets him snarking back, and shooting ideas back and forth for stories behind the new constellations, and the scene ends with Nine sleeping comfortably with a slight smile on his face, as Knucks keeps watch, looking up at the stars with a less somber feeling in his heart than had been there since the sky had cleared.
Okay that’s all I got. Go, plot bunny, be free! I love you but I just need you to leave me alone for a bit.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
A silly idea for MerMay:
You get gifted a bottle of perfume that contains ambergris (a substance that comes from sperm whales) and decide to try it. How would it affect merfolk?
It would be funny if different species had different reactions from smelling it. For one species, they might think this means you’ve been marked/scented by another merfolk already, but another smell it and think it’s like a distress signal.
And (of course) one species immediately assumes it’s a pheromone signaling fertility, because of course it does.
cw: sexual mentions in Grimsley's section, pokehybrid au, mermen,
characters: Emmet, Volo, Grimsley, Ingo
▽Eelektross Emmet△
○ As Eelektross would likely have to produce a similar substance due to how they can eat many indigestible things, his first thought is that a pokemon has eaten you and, hopefully, vomited you back up. There's likely been horror stories about Wailords accidentally doing so.
○ Expect him to awkwardly sniff you over before pulling you tightly into a hug and looking around as if something were coming to attack you. After he manages to calm down from his momentary panic slightly, Emmet asks if you experienced something life changing with a cetacean recently, obvious distressed still. You turn to him with a confused expression and reply you have not.
○ “Darling, you smell like a digestive fluid,” he whispers like whatever supposedly ate you and somehow erased your memory lingered nearby. You pull away from him with bold laughter, staring at the worried Eelektross hybrid with a hysterical expression. His yellow patches of flesh glowed with light electricity, obviously ready to protect you.
○ “I think that's the best yet worst way someone has ever said my perfume stinks,” you told him. Emmet gasped. He was now pondering why humans would spray digestive fluid on themselves. A defence mechanism? He could not be sure. “... Ah, it's the ambergris in it, isn't it? That's why you think I got swallowed by a Wailord,” you realised.
○ Emmet really wasn't a fan of the perfume, alas. He is still not completely certain it was not some human defence mechanism against marine life.
💫Milotic Volo📜
⭐️ Milotic hybrids also recognise it as a digestive fluid scent, not as they contain it themselves, but as when Wailord drops happen in the deeper parts of the ocean, the scent mixes in with the stench of death. That is why he hops onto a similar concern that you were eaten by a Wailord (or, much to an improbable horror, an Eelektross). Well, until he recalls how the scent would cling to Mistress Cogita, too.
⭐️ He likely tugs you into the water and pulls you under with him, whether you are in swimming attire or not, to wash off the heavy scent from you. The ambergris overpowered whatever scent the perfume was actually meant to be in his senses. You likely are confused by the sudden embrace and dip into the ocean, but let it happen, as Volo wasn't exactly know to be easily evaded.
⭐️ He places you back on the shore and gives you an icy glare, a reminder that he preferred to take the siren route rather than be a beautiful, helpful water visage. “That perfume you wore,” he explained, “Smelled like someone vomited on you.” You gasped. His harsh words stung, and he obviously took note as he reached out to grab you. “It was the ambergris in it, not whatever sugar sweet delicacy or floral and herby notes it claimed it had,” he corrected himself, feeling admittedly a bit guilty about upsetting you.
⭐️ “... You still manage to be the evil fish I first met,” you sighed and leaned against him. Water dripped from you. You pressed your face into his nape as he took to floating in the water with you on top of him, golden hair floating behind him beautifully. “You don't like that scent?” you asked him, unsure as to why he had strong opinions. His face scrunched up as he had to explain his preferred krill had been coated in it for a while due to a picky Eelektross. You laughed.
⭐️ You have to take a bath in the ocean if you wear it around him. He claims it gives him a headache and bad memories associated with a certain bite mark on the upper part of his tail.
♠️Sharpedo Grimsley❤️
♤ Sharpedo hybrids, unfortunately, are the ones who take it as a horny thing. Grimsley approaches the shore where you sat to greet him with an odd smile on his lips. You thought little of it until he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the water, swimming away from the shore as fast as he could. It was mostly deserted, but there were one or two people who took notice of the “Shark Attack” and freaked out over you being whisked away, assumably to be eaten.
♡ This was not so uncommon for Grimsley, as there were times he grew tired of humans asking him endless questions about his species. That and he enjoyed a good thrill, and there was nothing like having someone try to “rescue” you from a terrifying man-eating hybrid. When you end up far away from the shore, he slows down and leans over you.
◇ “Oh, man, I didn't think normal humans had a mating season,” his voice was teasing, “You must have wanted to gamble whether I would take you on the beach or not.” You gazed at him with a confused expression, causing him to also grow a bit confused. You obviously had come to him reeking of pheromones to mate, right? He didn't understand why you looked so confused. “You are emitting pheromones,” Grimsley told you boldly.
♧ “... My perfume makes Sharpedos horny, got it,” you said to yourself and him, causing him to nearly lose his grasp on you. His mouth fell open, exposing his sharpened teeth for a moment before it closed. You sighed, “Uh, I think unless flowers have this effect on you, it was probably the ambergris, right?” Grimsley felt even more horrified at your words. Had he been aroused by the scent of Wailord digestive fluids? It… It was honestly not the worst thing that had got him hard.
♤ Grimsley demands you wear it whenever you meet for a night together. In fact, he requests the bottle itself for unknown reasons.
bonus joke:
▲Incomplete Eelektross Ingo▼
● You had entered his office to bring the humanoid fish man a surprise lunch. It was admittedly all run-of-the-mill for you two. A kiss and light conversation were expected, but not him suddenly pulling you into his chest while breathing heavily. You could feel even his gills pulsing on his chest. What had brought out this sudden behavioural shift in him?
● You tried to pull away, but he only held you tighter. The scent that came from you was familiar to Ingo. Something that he knew from his time in the water. His brain rushed with terrifying scenarios of a visit to a beach turning into you getting claimed by some horrifying fish hybrid. What if you loved them more than him, as they were proper hybrids unlike him?
● “D-dearest,” he stuttered out, gazing deeply into your eyes, “Did another hybrid claim you?” Your heart had clenched at his pathetic tone before bleeding into complete confusion. Claimed? By another hybrid? You certainly did not recall anything like that, and you told him just that. “You smell of another hybrid!” he cried, burying his face into your shirt. You realised then.
● “Ingo, that's my perfume,” you corrected him, “I think it had ambergris in it.” He turned his head up to you before going back to take another sniff of your shirt. His face was stiffer than it even usually was as the gears turned in his head. Soon, he politely released you and walked back to his desk, where he hung his head in shame. As much as you wanted to giggle at his overreaction, you felt a bit bad seeing him in such a state.
● Ingo politely requests you not wear it around him, too embarrassed about the reaction he had to it. He will never forgive himself for mistaking a digestive fluid for a mating smell.
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Call of Duty Werewolves🐺 - Part 2!
{Author's Note} Since y'all loved the first part so much, here's a second for you to enjoy! I've included more lore and some cute werewolf snippets for each of the characters I mentioned in the first post so hopefully I managed to write them all accurately. I'll probably do a fic for one of them at some point so let me know who you'd like to see! Thank you for all the love and please feel free to write/ask for more headcanons for this AU! I'm having so much fun with it❤️ Happy Halloween! 🎃🧟‍♂️👻 >Call of Duty Werewolf AU -> Part 1 >Shadow Company Snippet by @http-paprika -> SC Werewolf AU (she's also writing her own werewolf AU fic so go give it some love👀)
~ ~ ~
>Werewolves have fangs in both forms. The human canines are replaced by longer, sharper teeth when natural werewolves lose their baby teeth. In bitten werewolves, the human canines are pushed out within their first month of being turned. While in human form, only the sharper tips are visible, resulting in fanged smiles (just imagine your favorite boy flashing you a fanged grin👀). When transforming, the teeth extend from the gums as the muzzle forms.
>Werewolf hair and nails grow faster and are usually thicker, requiring more frequent trimming, especially after a transformation.
>Werewolves heal faster than their human counterparts. Cuts heal in a few minutes, broken bones take days rather than weeks. Most tissues can be fully regenerated, except for entire limbs. The canine teeth will always be replaced if lost.
>Bones and muscles are thicker and heavier than those of humans, resulting in increased strength and stamina.
>Werewolves digest meat more easily than humans and prefer carnivorous diets. It's healthier for them to consume more meat on a regular basis.
>Werewolf senses are far more acute than humans'. They have great night vision and colors are more vivid to them, as if the saturation has been increased. Their enhanced hearing, however, can be problematic and a werewolf will often have to learn how to tune out certain sounds so they're not completely overwhelmed. Scent is also important to them as it denotes health, emotional state, and belonging. Familiar smells offer comfort, whether they belong to people, places, or things.
>While transformed, werewolves can't really speak. The fangs and muzzle tend to prevent intelligible human speech. On the other hand, their unique vocal cords allow for animalistic grunts and growls, even in human form.
>Transformations will always be painful for both werewolf types. With practice, the process can become smoother and faster but it will always have a pinch, especially as the face changes. Heightened emotions can trigger the beginnings of the change, though it takes a conscious effort to completely transform, unless a werewolf is suffering from moon blindness. Bitten werewolves tend to be more reactive but transform more slowly as it takes longer for their bodies to get used to the shift in comparison to natural werewolves, who are specially built for it from birth.
>A werewolf's transformed state is so dependent on their human traits that they don't always look very wolfish. Some can look like coyotes, foxes, or even bears because of differing body types, features, and hair colors.
>Poisonous to humans, wolfsbane also has an adverse effect on werewolves. It clouds their senses and prevents them from transforming but it won't kill them. It's often used to control a werewolf and keep them in line. However, it can also be mixed into a poultice to treat wounds caused by silver.
>Silver causes mild allergic reactions in werewolves. It only becomes fatal when enough of it pierces the skin and enters the bloodstream, which is why hunters lace their weapons and bullets with silver. Despite this, many werewolves still revere the metal for its association with the Moon.
🌙 🐺 🌙
💲Price is the fluffiest. His iconic beard remains when he's transformed, making him easily recognizable, though he has been mistaken for a bear in the past. If you laugh at that fact, he'll simply huff in feigned annoyance and lay on top of you to prevent you from escaping. Being a natural werewolf, not only does he have more hair but Price's transformations are about as easy as they can be so he'll often use his time with you to relax and catch up on sleep. He sleeps the most soundly when you're cuddled into his chest or back, your face pressed to his fluffy mane. He loves hearing about how much you love his fluff and secretly takes pride in it.
💀Ghost is the biggest. As a 6'4 mountain of a man, he's even larger when transformed. It'll take some getting used to, especially when he transforms in your living space. If you try to make the area more comfortable for him, he'll be especially grateful for your effort. More than anything, he'll just want to be close and feel your touch. His body aches after he transforms and he's more easily overwhelmed so the gentleness of your hands helps him settle into this second shape. No matter how many times you've seen him transformed, he'll always feel some degree of shame around you so make sure he knows just how adored he is.
🧼Soap is the most playful. His transformations tend to energize him rather than exhaust him so expect him to be bouncing off the walls for a bit. If you match his energy level, he'll never let you go. He'll want to chase you and wrestle around but he's hyper-aware of his own strength so any change in your attitude will make him settle down. Once he's burned through that extra energy, he'll just want to listen to you ramble about anything that comes to mind, even if he can't really respond.
🧢Gaz is the sweetest. In the field, he’s known for his level-headedness and clever quips. When he gets home, he’s nothing but a big softie with you. His favorite place to be is in your lap, his wolfish head snuggled against your stomach as you card your fingers through his hair. To know that you accept and love this side of him warms his heart and he'll let you know just how happy it makes him with plenty of cuddles and kisses. He absolutely loves hearing you giggle and does just about anything he can to get that reaction from you.
🦿Alex is the most sensitive. All werewolves tend to be very in-tune with their surroundings, especially in the military, but Alex is even more so. His job as a secret agent of sorts has honed his ability to pick up on the tiniest changes in his environment and, when it comes to you, he's even more aware of your reactions. A slight change in your scent or heartbeat will immediately have him hurrying to your side to check in. More often than not, he can tell if he's actually needed but you're always grateful for his attentiveness and respond with a reassuring hand to his head or chest so he knows you're alright. When you're not, prepare for some inescapable werewolf cuddles.
🪦Graves is the most stubborn. As the Commander of Shadow Company, one of the most notorious groups of werewolves around, he's used to getting his way. When it comes to you, however, he tends to give in far more easily, especially so when he's transformed. A simple scratch around his ears or under his chin will make him melt in seconds and he'll never be able to resist when you run your fingers through the sandy blond hair covering his neck. The usually snarling and snapping werewolf commander will want nothing more than to hold you close, peppering your skin with gentle kisses and warm huffs of breath. Just don't let his Shadows know or he’ll withhold his cuddles.
🐺 🌙 🐺
*BONUS: Werewolf features! Thought it'd be fun to do short descriptions of how I imagine the boys! This includes height, eye color, and hair color for each of them. Pretty straightforward lol
💲Price - 6'2" -> 7'2" ; blue eyes ; brown hair w/ strands of gray
💀Ghost - 6'4" -> 7'4" ; brown -> yellow-amber eyes ; dirty blond/brown hair
🧼Soap - 5'10" -> 6'10" ; blue eyes ; dark brown hair
🧢Gaz - 5'11" -> 6'11" ; dark brown -> orange eyes ; black hair
🦿Alex - 6' -> 7' ; blue -> silvery-gray eyes ; light brown hair
🪦Graves - 6' -> 7' ; blue eyes ; sandy blond hair
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1000sunnygo · 7 months
Hey there, I love your translations and all the work you do. Did you learn Japanese or are you a native speaker? I would love some tips on how to get started for a complete beginner like me. I hope one day I can be fluent enough to read manga lol.
Ahh thank you!!
I'm not a native speaker, I just learned as much needed to read manga lol. There are some vague grammatical similarity between Japanese and my native language which might've helped a bit, but I still extensively google every time I encounter new words so it often takes really long for me to read something;;
I can provide some suggestion for beginners though, mostly my personal methods.
1. Enrich vocabulary
To improve listening skills: anime. Shonen anime has simple sentences so try paying attention to sentence structures, verbs and tense along with vocabulary. The manga you want to read will likely have similar words (better if the same series).
2. Learn Kana
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There's one video I randomly found on my feed that made me learn kana (katakana and hiragana) alphabets. I don't think I would've learned to read if not for this video because it makes the letters easily digestible:
Learning kana alphabets is unskippable. These two steps alone would help you to read shonen manga by yourself.
I'm specifying shonen because it's aimed at younger people so each kanji has reading aid texts called "furigana". Basically, each kanji's pronunciation is written in hiragana letters beside it. They bother when you try to scan the image but helps in manual reading.
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For example, you may not recognize (green text) 農場. But it has furigana (blue text) "のうえん" (no-u-e-n) written beside it, you'll recognize the word "nouen" from your vocabulary which means farm in Japanese. (page from The Promised Neverland manga, nouen is a frequently used word in the series)
3. Getting used to reading
After learning kana alphabets, as a beginner I used to work on pen and paper. I would write an entire sentence in English pronunciation first and then read the meaning. It helped me to separate each word (because JP doesn't have space between them.)
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Sometimes I'd loudly read the English pronunciation for Google translate's speech recognition so it can translate the sentence for me.
Speaking of Google translate,
3. Applying Tools
Download Google translate app's old version (2020-2021 versions should be good enough) where you can scan a page, then switch off the app's auto update. It's an essential tool that (fortunately) works best for Kanji translation. If you're relying on auto translation, ignore furigana (the small texts) entirely, let it read Kanji.
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Sometimes the scanning function can't distinguish vertical and horizontal texts. That's why learning to read by yourself is essential.
Now you're set, the rest is up to practice! When you start learning you'll want to read more to test yourself. And when you read, you get better. Hopefully you'll be able to read hand-written texts and recognize frequently used Kanji after practicing.
The complex/formal sentneces can easily translated via Google translator/DeepL/ChatGPT. But they need some human assistance. Without context they can't correctly interpret pronouns and sometimes you have to cut a bulk of texts to smaller parts.
A manga translation doesn't need to be 1:1. Recently I'm more flexible to suit a sentence closer to natural English than sticking to literal meaning. My English isn't the best either so I have to compromise 🤧
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pentrologram · 12 days
What Normal People Do - 4
Dinner at Simon and Johnny's!
totally didn't mean to forget about this for two weeks.... hopefully this is enough sustenance! i recently started school again, so updates will likely slow.
also i'm a firm adhd (and dyslexic) johnny/autism simon truther so if something doesn't make sense, it's probably because i'm thinking of them as neurodivergent. ao3! ghost/soap/gn!reader (established ghoap)
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I Promise, I'll Be Worth The Wait
Simon and Johnny have been learning your schedule.
For a few mornings in a row, while Johnny is still asleep, he can hear you in your room, just a wall over, shuffling out of bed and putting your kettle on before he hears the hum of your TV going, presumably keeping you company as you get ready for the day.
You get back home every day around 1650. Johnny pokes his head over to say hi quickly before leaving you to decompress. You’re always asleep by 2300. Then you wake up at 0600 the next morning, and you’re out of the flat by 0730.
They know your whole schedule by the second week. By then, they have become fixtures in your life, as reliable as the old Honda Civic you’ve been driving for five years. You can easily knock on their flat with the knowledge that they’d be happy to help, whether it be a cup of sugar, advice on how to fix your blender that somehow got broken in the move, or just a little company.
It was no surprise when they invited you over to their apartment for dinner, making sure to plan it perfectly so you aren’t fatigued or grumpy from work.
Johnny is keyed up during the two days following the dinner, constantly asking Simon questions at the worst times possible. Such as how the other night while Simon was awake and Johnny, for once, couldn’t sleep:
“Si.” Johnny shook Simon’s shoulder, earning a grunt from Simon. “Do ye think bonnie likes pasta?”
“Fuck if I know.” He grumbles. “Go to sleep.” Johnny mutters something about being discriminated against but he does, eventually, go to sleep.
Or when they were going grocery shopping:
“Oh, oh! Bonnie’ll love these!” He said, holding up a pack of digestive biscuits, making Simon sigh.
“Yeah, Johnny. I’m sure they will.” He says flatly before looking back at the bread. Five minutes later, Johnny shoves a roll of Smarties into his face.
“Nobody don’t like Smarties.” He says, almost proudly.
“Justify it however you need.”
Johnny is still not satisfied when they’re making dinner (together, as Johnny had insisted), rattling off about every piece of information he’s gleaned from you so far- where you’re from, your favourite colour and food and your birthday, too. No doubt, Johnny is smitten with you.
If he’s being honest, he doesn’t know how to feel about his boyfriend getting a crush on someone new- he was falling hard and fast while Simon would only really call his attraction to you surface level. Sure, you seem like a rather intelligent person and potentially someone he could dare to trust, but he isn’t as outgoing as Johnny is. He can’t know someone for a month and then want to know everything about them- it just isn’t how his brain works.
And if he’s being really, really honest, he’s scared. Johnny’s never been so enamoured before. It’s always been a fleeting attraction, long enough to last a week or two. He feels a little sidelined, jealous, even. Enough so that while following this line of thought his hand slips as he’s cutting carrots for the shepherd’s pie and accidentally nicks his thumb, snapping both Johnny and himself from their thoughts.
“Aw, Si!” Johnny exclaims, immediately putting his potato masher down and reaching for the first aid kit they keep stored underneath the kitchen sink. He coos all about his poor Simon while running Simon’s thumb under cold water and then delicately putting a bandaid over the wound, his warm hands over Simon’s cool ones. It’s then Simon acknowledges that maybe he simply missed Johnny, as all of his time recently has been spent obsessing over you. He can’t help it, Simon knows, but still.
“Gotta be more careful,” Johnny says when he’s satisfied with the condition of Simon’s thumb. He grunts and that is that.
Johnny is like a dog that night, chasing his tail while he waits for Simon to join him in bed, mad with excitement. He needs a steady hand when he’s like this, Simon finds- something mindless and easy enough to tire him out.
Tonight that means that Johnny is cradled to his chest, two burly arms keeping him in place. Pressure on the body helped regulate, as he had learned in a seminar he had dragged Johnny to once.
That pressure now works wonders, because Johnny is out like a light despite all of his fidgeting. In some ways, it feels like he has a magic off-switch for Johnny, which really shouldn’t be as cute as it is.
He hums under his breath while Riley noses open the door, jumping onto the bed and curling right in between their legs. Maybe she could smell something coming off of Simon and came in as a precaution. The thought makes Simon look up at the ceiling.
“Yeah, alright. I didn’t need to sleep anyways.” He whispers.
The next morning Simon makes the finishing touches on the menu for the night. Johnny’s been texting you since he woke up, probably distracting you from your job. Even still, he doesn’t have the heart to make him stop. At some point you stop texting Johnny because he gets up just to start bothering Simon- “What’s that, Si?” or “Gimmie a kiss, ye’ve been ignoring me,” or “Did ye take the dog fir her walk?”.
When Simon is content with the state of their house at 1300, Johnny jumps his bones and drags him to the bedroom out of sheer boredom. Simon keeps his entire 95 kilos on Johnny for the better half of some three hours, out of spite, mainly, boring Johnny to the point where he fishes out his phone and does… whatever it is Johnny does on his phone. Simon never really took to newer phones, nor what the younger people did on those phones.
(Because he could never enjoy the mindlessness of a screen. He’s weary and old, he feels it in his bones, his bad back, his knobbly knees, and he knows that emptiness of those ‘TickTacks’ that Johnny’s endlessly showing him will only serve to agitate him. He knows logically he only has a year or two on Johnny, really, but they were such opposites he rarely ever felt it. Johnny has reassured him multiple times about it, but it never stopped Simon from thinking (knowing) that Johnny deserves better than an old sod like him. They might be feral dogs together but Johnny has more humanity than he, easier to nurture and to be put back into society than him.)
Maybe it’s a force of habit but he uses a flip phone that can only call and text (if barely). It suits him just fine, though, making it hard for any distractions.
So maybe he feels a little smug when Johnny goes:
“Shite, they said they gonn’ be here in twenty.” A pause. “Fifteen fecking minutes ago!” And then Johnny is off like a rocket, rolling Simon off of him and then wiggling away and rushing to put on the clothes he set aside for the occasion, cursing rapidly while trying to fix his hair while putting on his slacks. Simon watches lazily before deciding to follow suit and put on his clothes, too.
“Mask or no mask?” He asks absentmindedly. Johnny doesn’t respond, too preoccupied with fixing his bedhead. He decides on no mask.
By the time Johnny deems himself decent, the doorbell rings and he curses before scrambles to open the door for you. Simon takes longer than Johnny to leave the bedroom, taking care to not rush, so when he inevitably enters the living room, you’re chatting with Johnny while pulling off your shoes. It looks like you’ve come straight from work, if the sterile hair and scrubs are anything to go off of. You wave hi to him, a tiny smile on your face.
He and Johnny pull the food from the oven where they’d been keeping warm while you sit, so politely, on the couch. Hands in your lap and feet tucked to the side, you’re a vision, Simon thinks as he puts a plate full of cobbler on their dinky little dining table.
You sit in a circle, the three of you. Simon serves you and Johnny your plates, letting you talk in peace while he listens, maybe chiming in gruffly when he knows what the conversation has shifted to. The conversation flows and ebbs in a way that Johnny alone couldn’t manage- it’s refreshing, having someone new, someone normal at that. Someone who understands the mundane process of civilian life, who, better yet, has only ever known civilian life. There’s a spark of amusement in Johnny’s eyes as he listens to you talk about work and your college and friends and the gruelling weight that is existence. You are heart-breakingly normal and they simply can’t get enough.
When Johnny leaves the table to use the restroom, though, you go quiet. It makes sense, as he has barely said a word to you for the hour and a half you’ve been here. He decides to change this by:
“How do you stop a baby from choking?”
This startles you.
“Uh, CPR?”
“You let go of its neck.”
It shocks a laugh from you, your eyes widening, caught off guard. Simon’s face stays stony but it softens by a fraction just from the sound of your laugh.
“That’s terrible.” You say when you’ve regained your senses, still giggling a little. He shrugs.
“It’s funny.” He counters.
You promptly shovel a bite of pie into your mouth, but it can’t hide the small smile on your face.
Two hours in, Johnny breaks out the wine. It’s not good, per se, but it goes nicely with the food Simon’s made. The wine loosens you up and makes your laughs come easier. You’re so beautiful when you smile; neither of them can help but try to coax more from you. When you’re more properly eased, maybe another hour or two in, you’re laughing at everything.
(“I went to the zoo last week, but there was only one dog in it.”
You’re already giggling in anticipation. 
“It was a shih tzu.”)
By then, dinner is over, and you can’t be trusted to handle with washing up the dishes. Instead, the alcohol made you curious; you had wandered over to their record player and plopped yourself right before the crate full of records they kept. You could hardly recognise any of them, admittedly. You end up being drawn to an album that’s just sickeningly 80s- there’s a wispy, almost hypnotic landscape of a beach with a random red electric guitar to the right while a guy wearing a pinstripe suit with very strong shoulder pads stares off to the distance with a very motivational look on his face. It’s so silly that it makes you laugh quietly before putting it on the turntable.
It’s jazz, you find. It’s comforting and smooth and, wow, you’re feeling quite tired. Maybe they won’t notice if you just close your eyes for a minute.
(They do.)
Johnny coos at you and takes a few pictures of you curled up against the table the record player’s on, nodded off. Then Simon picks you up, Johnny fishing through your pockets for your keys. They carefully deposit you on your bed, tucking you in, before Johnny pens a little letter for you when you wake up.
Hi bon, you fell asleep when me and Simon were doing dishes. i think you were listning to one of our records. it was lovely, though, thank you for coming!!!!! :D xxxxxxxx Simon and Johnny
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Ko-Fi prompt from @dirigibird:
I've been looking at investment options but I don't want to be messing around too much with the stock market, and a co-worker suggested exchange traded funds. Would love to know your opinions!
LEGALLY NECESSARY DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed financial advisor, and it is illegal for me to advise anyone on investment in securities like stocks. My commentary here is merely opinion, not financial advice, and I urge you to not make any decisions with regards to securities investments based on my opinions, or without consulting a licensed advisor. I am also going to be talking this all over from an American POV, which means some of these things may not apply elsewhere.
So instead of letting you know what to pick or how to organize your securities, I'm going to go through the definitions of what various investment funds are, how they compare functionally, and maybe rant about how I disagree with the stock market on a fundamental ethical level if I have word count left over.
If you want more information, and are okay with jargon, I'd suggest hitting up investopedia. That is where I will be double-checking most of my information for this one.
I also encourage folks who know more about the stock market specifically to jump in! I like to think I'm good at research and explaining things, but I'm still liable to make mistakes.
Mutual Funds: A mutual fund is a pool of money and resources from multiple individuals (often vast numbers of people, actually) being put together and managed as a group by investment specialists. The primary appeal of these is that the money is professionally managed, but not personally so; it gives smaller investors access to professional money managers that they would not have access to on their own, at cheaper rates than if they tried to hire one for just their own assets. The secondary appeal is that, due to the sheer number of people, and thus capital, that is being invested at once, the money can be invested in a wide variety of industries, and is generally more stable than investing in just one company or industry. Low risk, low reward, but overall at least mostly reliable. Retirement plans are often invested in mutual funds by employer choice, through companies like Fidelity or John Hancock.
Hedge Funds: A hedge fund is a high risk, high reward mutual fund. Investors are generally wealthy, and have the room and safety to lose large amounts of money on an investment that has no promise of success, especially since money cannot be withdrawn at will, but must remain in the fund for a period of time following investment. It gets its name from "hedging your bets," as part of the strategy is to invest in the opposition of the fund's focus in order to ensure that there is a backup plan to salvage at least some money if the main plan backfires. Other strategies are also on the riskier side, often planning to take advantage of ongoing events like buyouts, mergers, incumbent bankruptcy, and shorting stocks (that's the one that caused the gamestop incident).
Private Equity: Private equity is... a nightmare that got its own incredibly good Hasan Minhaj episode of Patriot Act, so if you've got 20 minutes, an interest in comedically-delivered, easily-digestible, Real Information, and an internet connection, take a watch of that one. (If it's not available on YouTube in your country, it's originally from Netflix, or you can probably access it by VPN.) Private equity companies are effectively hedge funds that purchase entire companies, rebuild them in one way or another, and then sell them at (hopefully) a profit. Very often, the companies purchased by private equity are very negatively impacted, especially if the private equity group is a Vulture Fund. Sometimes, it's by taking it apart to sell off; sometimes it's by just bleeding it for cash until there's nothing left. Sometimes, it's taking over a hospital and overcharging the patients while also abusing the staff! (Glaucomflecken has a lot of videos on the topic of private equity in the medical industry, check him out.)
Venture Capital: In contrast to private equity, which purchases more mature companies, venture capital is focused on startups, or small businesses that have growth potential. These are the kinds of hedge funds that are like a whole group that you'd see some random tv character calling an Angel Investor (they're not actually the same thing, but they overlap by a lot). I'd hesitantly call these less ethically dubious than private equity, but I'm still suspicious.
And finally, to answer your question on what ETFs are and how they fit into the above.
Exchange Traded Funds: ETFs are... sort of like a mutual fund. Sort of. You are, to some extent, pooling your money... ish.
An ETF is like a stock that is made out of partial stocks. So instead of paying $100 for stock A, and not getting stocks B/C/D that all cost the same, you buy $100 of the ETF, which is $25 each of stocks A/B/C/D. You are getting a quarter of a unit of stock, which isn't normally an option, but because you are purchasing through an ETF that officially already bought those Whole stocks, you can now purchase the partial stocks through them.
They buy the whole stocks, then they resell you mixes of those stocks. They still officially own the whole stocks themselves, but you now own parts of the stocks. Basically, you own "stock" in a company that owns stock in other companies, and in that process you own partial stocks in those other companies.
I'm going to re-explain this using fruit.
Imagine you can buy apples, oranges, melons, grapes, etc. You can also buy fruit cups. You can only buy the individual fruits in big batches or you can pool your money with a few other people, hand it to a chef. The chef will decide which fruits look like they'll taste the best by lunch time, buy a bunch of those fruit pallets with your combined money, and plan out the best possible fruit salad for you to share with a bunch of people once lunch rolls around.
You could also buy a fruit cup. You don't have a lot of control over what's already in the fruit cup, but there are a few different mixes available--that one has strawberries, but that one over there uses kiwi, and the other one that way has pineapple--and you can pick which mix you want. It's a pretty small fruit cup, and it's predesigned, but you can choose the one you want without having to pool money with everyone else. You just first have to let someone else design the fruit cups you choose from, and you don't know which ones are probably going to survive the best to lunch time unless you ask a chef (which defeats the purpose of buying a fruit cup instead of pooling your money, and asking the chef costs money).
That's the ETF. The ETF is the fruit cup.
The upside is that you can now just track the prices of your fruit cup, instead of tracking the prices of four different fruits, and so if the price of one fruit drops, you can just... let the other three buoy it.
Of course, in the real world, there are more than just four stocks involved in an ETF. This part of the Investopedia article lists a few examples, and they're usually themed and involve anywhere from 30 (DOW Jones) to thousands (Russell) of shares by stock type, or by commodity/industry. So with the ETF, you can invest in an entire industry, like technology, and just keep track of that single "stock" in the industry game.
They do cost less in brokerage/management fees than regular mutual funds, and they have a slightly lower liquidity (slower to cash out). There also exist actively managed ETFs, which are basically mutual funds for ETFs. You are paying the chef to buy you premade fruit cups.
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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vorish-wonderland · 1 year
If you still do requests, can you do fearplay/safe Vore with Floyd? And threats of digestion (Same size too, please?)
Basically Floyd and the prefect playing hide and seek, Floyd being the seeker and prefect hiding. It’s after school, late at night and Floyd was wandering around the school cause he was hungry and wanted to find something to eat. Just so happens, prefects in there too. And he asks if they want to play a game. If they lose, he eats them. If they win, he lets them go and finds someone/something else. And they lose. But, they don’t know he doesn’t plan on digesting them, just pretending that he will. He plans to let them out soon enough.
Includes: see the ask above :)
★✦Laws Of The Land (But Not This One!)✦★
You were at school, late at night. Apparently, Grim forgot something in the cafeteria and refused to tell you until now. So now it's almost midnight and you're in the school building.
"Ugh.. what did he even forget??" You sigh to yourself.
Do you know what you absolutely do NOT want to hear at nearly midnight while in a practically abandoned school cafeteria?
"Ahhh~! Heeeeeeeya, Shrimpy~! What are you doing here so late at night~?"
Oh no.
You stayed very still. Maybe if you stay still and don't acknowledge him, he'll just go away.
"Hahhh? Why're ya standing so still?? Don'tcha know a predator might ecide you look like a tasty little snack if you stand too still~?" Floyd placed his hands on your shoulders. "Aaaaaaanyways, why are you here at this hour? You searchin' for a midnight snack too?"
"No, um... a-apparently Grim left something here earlier." You said.
"Nnn... it'd be more fun if I were huntin' for a snack like back home..." Floyd whispered to himself, before turning you around to face him. "Hey hey Shrimpy~!! I have a fun idea!"
You were already getting a bad feeling about this.
"...yeah...?" You cautiously asked.
"What if... we played a fun little game!!"
"...a game?"
"Uh huh!! A game of hide and seek!! You hide, and I try to find you! If I win, then..." He flashed a toothy grin as he stared down at you. "I get to eat you."
"W-what the-?!"
"But, if you win, then I'll let you go and I'll find something else to eat! ...or maybe someone else, ehe~"
"WHA- ARE YOU INSANE?! I-I'M NOT LETTING YOU EAT ME!!" You yell out in shock and disgust.
"Nah, I'm just... opportunistic! Ya kinda gotta be to survive in this world!" Floyd says with a big smile. "Now go on, go on! Run away and hide!"
Ok, you have to find a REALLY good hiding spot then!
You find a spot that Floyd hopefully won't find you in... emphasis on hopefully...
"...ready or not, here I come~!"
At least he won't be able to see you...! That's gotta be good enough, right??
You can see him walking.
He suddenly stops.
And then he starts walking towards you.
Floyd approaches your hiding spot, and opens the small doors.
"Foooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuund yooooooooouuuu~~!" Floyd excitedly said. "Ehe, you're wonderin' how I found you soooooo easily, right, Shrimpy~?" He points to his nose. "Us morays have a really good sense of smell~! It was a bit harder than usual, since you hid yourself in the spice cabinet... but that just means you're gonna taste even better now!"
"I... I-I'm not letting you eat me, Floyd-!"
"Yes you are!"
Floyd pulled you out of the cabinet and shoved your head into his mouth. He swallowed your head, completely terrifying you. No, no this is just a nightmare, it has to be, right-?!
Floyd placed a hand on his stomach while he swallowed you. He was absolutely making a show out of how much he enjoyed it... he was making these weird little happy inhuman noises.
It's so hot, and tight, and scary, and there's not much air, you feel like you're about to pass out...
And that's exactly what you did.
You woke up to someone tapping you over and over and over.
"Shriiiiiimpyyyyyyyy!! Wakey wakey, I wanna play with you while I still caaaaaaaaaan!!"
You slowly wake up and remember where you are.
Floyd smiles softly to himself as you start to panic.
He's obviously going to make absolutely sure you're safe, but he's definitely going to have fun scaring you in the meantime...
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
Ello! Cat advice anon here, just checking in and hoping that i can help a bit more! Holy Moly, from 0 to 4 kit-kats is a LOT. I commend you for taking in so many, personally I've never had more than 2 at a time sharing the same house, so i can only imagine the chaos! An Experience indeed!
For the overly-cuddly Hwanggeum, I'd say it's either bc you're the "head of the house", so to say, or bc you're her favourite and have been till now showering her with most of the attention she's been wanting. Or it could be both. Blue, my oldest, has always presented to my father, but otherwise she always comes to me bc I'm her main source of affection.
I dunno what might stop Hwanggeum from rubbing on everything, since I haven't had this problem with mine (they're actually not very territorial with space as much as with us humans haha!), but maybe having a smell she doesn't like near the places you want to keep her from might help? Smt like sanitary alcohol or another pungent smell, maybe, which might also help with keeping the others from spraying everywhere.
The smell might fade with time, but the stains sure don't as easily 😣 Found that out the hard way when we discovered a hidden spot in the closet where one of them had peed in a while back, but the smell had faded after some time without us managing to find the source of the smell. Then we found some clothes stained and still emitting a slight odor and knew immediately there'd be no saving them 😓
Hopefully the cat you've managed to find a free spot for doesn't go in heat right before it bc otherwise you (or the shelter) might have to wait till after it ends. You might have gotten used to recognising signs of an incoming heat by now, but just in case, watch out for a sudden increase in demands for affection and loud vocalisations. Mine get real cuddly and all meowy about a week before the real thing hits, but it's obvious bc they're usually not super affectionate with us unless it's our nightly or morning cuddle session 😊 Then again, no two cats are the same, one of them is super clingy and the other super bitey 😂
We plan on spaying them soon, but haven't since my mom is (understandably but also frustratingly) overly cautious about the surgery and the aftermath and keeps thinking of worst case scenarios, but my sibling and I finally convinced her.
Anyway, one last piece of advice i have is playing. There's nothing like that hunting instinct activating and putting the hindbrain on the back burner, which is exactly what happens when you play with them with a string or a powered mouse or mini car (the younger one, Odette, loves a tiny truck i got from a kinder egg or something. its back wheels can be dragged back and released and it spins and twists as it goes) for them to chase.
I think that's all I have to offer, sadly, but, once again, hopefully smt does help outta all that rambling of mine. Wishing lots of love to all 4 of the babies and lots of patience to you and your qpp, you guys are doing your best ❤️❤️❤️❤️
From two snakes zero cats to four cats two snakes AND one umbrella cockatoo!! Would it surprise you if I told you that the cockatoo is the easiest of the new animals to deal with?? It's been a learning curve for sure-apart from the heat cycles, the two cats we're keeping both have vomiting issues (one from eating too much too fast, one from being unable to digest the dry food), so it's been a learning curve for sure. And ofc now that Hwanggeum is out of heat, Mochi is going into it, so it's been a domino effect of horny single ladies near me. Someone pissed on my bed just today, which means that I'm gonna have to go back to keeping my room closed off to the cats until it passes, and I feel bad about that bc miss old lady Fiona has taken a soft spot to sleeping on Toast's enclosure + my bed
Hwanggeum- who I've taken to calling Revelry bc she reminds me so much of my friend's DND character + she's silvered out of her golden kitten phase- def. has imprinted onto me, I think. She follows me around everywhere, wails when she can't see me, and tries to make my life as difficult as possible when I need to leave for work via climbing up my leg when she sees me getting ready. So I'm pretty sure that's why she was so clingy when in heat. Thankfully that's ended for now but *man* did it make working on anything difficult bc she turned into a velcro kitty for about a week- I've got minor scratches all up my legs and shoulders from her jumping on my back or climbing me
The problem I've personally found with her rubbing, though, is that these cats rub really aggressively on *everything*, to the point where I'm not sure how get the scent trick working. It's like, they'll rub on any surface they see, but then you make eye contact with them and they start to rub even more aggressively, knocking everything and themselves over in the process. It's fine with minor unbreakeable shit but very difficult when you're in the middle of painting something and they jump up onto your desk and start rubbing their cheeks against your lamp, paint jar, etc. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle that, since Mochi is twice the size of the others and has some real bulldozing power to her. I think we're fine with not missing the shelter spots bc we likely can't get a spot for the spays until mid August anyways, but yeah...I'm eager to get them spayed lol. If cost wasn't so prohibitive then it would have been done right away, but, well...the cheapest we found is 50 per spay, and that's via a mobile vet mobile that is currently unavailiable. And none of us have 150 dollars to get all 3 cats done, so waiting for the two getting adopted out to get their freebies + the clinic to come back for Rev is our only option. Toys ARE a great suggestion, though- I just need to find the ones that they have. They had a whole bunch of them they used to play kitty soccer with that seem to have mysteriously dissapeared, and we haven't the faintest idea where they've gone. I'm already planning on making a stick-and-mouse toy with some cleaned dropped branches and old scraps I've got lying around for sewing practice
Appreciate all your help and well wishes! Both of us are a little overwhelmed, but we're trying our best and making sure we communicate solutions to the problems. I'm going to try my best to get the piss outta my sheets but I appreciate the heads up about the staining lol
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Simeon with a Harpy!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 643 Words
if somebody never saw an Angel before Simeon believe somebody could easily think his partner could be one but maybe he´s just thinking that because they are as nice as one would imagine one could be and the fact they are a Dove and have the wings of one, but unlike Angels their wings replace their arms and the have some form of hands/claws at the end of it
that´s usually is a thing that freaks strangers out or the fact the can easily crush a Human/Demon/Angel skull that sounds like it would be a big surprise but they can be really adorable so most creatures will in fact just forgive them and they won´t get into trouble for manslaughter
“what are you thinking about?” sharp as always, it takes them no time at all to notice when someone isn´t there entirely “your crimes, thinking about it you would have been the last person I wanted to be together with” this caught their attention they grinned at him and puffed up their feathers “but I changed your mind without even trying to so that must count for something” they looked ridiculous but he could never bring himself to tell them that but they have a point
“well you were a lot kinder than I would have expected when I first heard about you”
they pouted at his words, no doubt annoyed “of course I would be a lot kinder, everybody just wants to talk badly about me” he… doubts their words, he knows them long enough to know that some things weren´t exactly true but nothing they said couldn´t apply to them if anything sometimes the rumors are a lot more true than they would ever want to admit to themself
“what about the time you tried to pick a Demons eye out”
“they tried to kill me first!”
“you tried to pick them up and throw on the ground just for fun”
“they might have survived” he could just shake his head at their remark “this would be more than justified for most people to want to kill you and what did you think a Wrath Demon would do?” they looked down “well maybe they should have learned how to take a joke”
“murder is not a joke”
“boo boring Simeon” they jumped of the bed and stretched their wings, hopefully they aren´t insulted and are trying to run away again “and where do you think you are going?”
“I´m hungry” okay that´s actually a good thing this means they don´t want to run “then you can answer some more of my questions” he gave them a smile that told them to dare and run away, it made them nervous and he can´t say he doesn´t enjoy it a little bit
“fine then ask your questions”
“who or what else did you kill?” they looked at him like he just said the worst joke they ever heard “I have to kill to stay alive”
“I meant for fun” they stretched again and shook themself “all I´ll say is do you remember all the times I´ll said I´ll handle it? everybody dead and long since digested” all he could do is sigh “you seriously ate all of them?”
“eww no, I feed them to other Demons or animals as if I had such low standards that I would eat random Demons of off the street”
“I changed my mind fly out and get your food I don´t want to continue this talk”
“to much at once” they moved towards him “no but you still manage to surprise me to this day” they gave him a peck on the cheek “but you still like me so it evens it out” they spread their wings before jumping out and flying away, they might be more trouble than they are worth but Simeon still loves them
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heyftinally · 5 months
Tbh I don’t think her lyrics were ever good. I think they were heavily edited from the trash were seeing now into the easily digestible radio edits that were released. I think it’s more noticeable now because it’s a dog pile of 15 years still writing the same songs and now, shes deadest on doing every thing herself. She openly stopped taking edits and criticism. The people who made her marketable are gone and all she has left is people who worship the money and clout; they wouldn’t dare question the spoiled brat who could sic her cult on them for just breathing wrong next to her. This album is the best representation of who she is IMO: a talentless, bigoted, sadist who never grew up.
Back when she actually was a teenager, her music was okay imo. I even liked it when I was 14/15. Because at that age, it was relatable and fun and fit with where I was in life. The difference is that I grew up, and she didn't.
And part of that, I genuinely believe, was the original Kanye incident. Because when he jumped on stage to take the mic from her, everyone collectively went "poor Taylor!". Which, at the time, was warranted - she was only like 19 when that happened. A young adult who was relatively new to her fame getting overtaken by an okder adult man to yell about how she didn't deserve her award. That was inappropriate, and I can see how it would be deeply disturbing for her at the time. But the problem is, she never moved on from being the victim. After that incident she was publicly known as "poor Taylor who got mistreated by Kanye", and she decided she liked being "poor Taylor". So now she's the victim in every situation, and nobody is willing to tell her otherwise. She'll fire any of her crew who crosses her, and her fans are largely yes men. So she has no incentive to grow as a person or an artist.
So when she decided to dip her toes into social justice a few years ago, she was still more or less that wildly out of touch 19yo that she was when she first became a victim. So all of her attempts at everything are through the juvenile filter she's still stuck in.
Her music was okay when she was a teenager, because it was age appropriate, even if it was a little cringy. Every teenager is cringey - it's part of growing up, and there's a certain nostalgia in our cringe years. We sucked, but we were trying our best, and we learned a lot and hopefully had some good times among the bad before we learned how to be adults.
But at some point we have to grow up. And the further Taylor Swift gets away from being 17, the more awful and unbearable her 17yo-esque lyrics get. Because she's not relatably cringey anymore, she's just embarrassing and immature. It's the difference between taking your 13yo sibling to the mall with you and your friends knowing they're going to be very *13* about everything, vs inviting your 33yo sibling who ACTS 13. One is cringe but age appropriate. The other is embarrassing, tacky, and classless, and shows a complete lack of self or social awareness.
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sleepy-aletheas · 2 months
Well, it's 3am. I have a lot of thoughts as I'm just running around in Divergent Universe, so I might as well just free-style my gripes with the game's plot-related messiness that hopefully one day they can fix.
(It's a bit of a long tangent with no real point??? Just something to toss into the ether to stop fixating on it so I can go to bed later with a lighter head)
The thing about Star Rail's story writing is that they got good ideas, some golden thought-nuggets one can ruminated over even long after the story beat, and enough materials (direct and indirect) that one can just construct theories from different angles for many moments. Star Rail being set as a space odyssey, really, leaves so much room for creativity and plot potential, it easily becomes detrimental if they don't convey it carefully enough.
My major gripe with the writing is not really in the plot holes, or unresolved stuff (not necessarily at least, unless I think too deeply about it and crave answers), especially since these can be filled out and explained later down the line by returning to places or new areas that expand on it; but it's in the setup and no pay off. It's not even necessarily about the later either, if they made the pay off in a patch way down the line, it would be okay, but they set everything up too much like "this is urgent now" and then left it hanging, or resolve stuff behind the scenes without many threads that we can follow to double check the logic.
Their biggest weakness is the rush of story telling. The plot moves too fast to really indulge in the ideas and the emotions, the characters do behave more naturally, but the plot is moving on before they even get a whole sentence out (hyperbolic as what I'm saying is, they speed through too many things at a breakneck speed to really digest and feel something about it). The only time we get a breather is when the plot of the patch is over.
Right now it's very noticeable in Penacony, because we just played it through, but looking back, Belobog and the Luofu had their pacing issues in certain areas too. Hell, them releasing Herta's Space Station, Belobog, and the Luofu at the same time probably was one of the messier decisions in the story telling department they made.
Belobog came out of this actually pretty well. We jumped a bit too fast into the whole "oh no, we're wanted now????" plot, but the story became more reasonable in the Underworld and then the various character quests and events made it also more lived-in and gave enough threads to emotionally attach to the place. It was like they wanted to get to the good stuff, so they sped through the first 20 minutes to give a conflict and plop us down to Boulder Town with Bronya, so she can have her character development as soon as possible. The various events and casual interactions with easter eggs made it more fun and filled in the spaces with life and meaning, but still, the main plot was a bit too fast at the start to really ease us into the story.
The Luofu was...a mess. The main plot jumped from one point to another, never really lingering on anything or anyone, and Tingyun's betrayal (can we even call it that?) came a bit too strong too fast with minimal foreshadowing (I mean, her probing through the text messages about TB's opinions about immortality and stuff was kinda giving it away, since she would dance around the talks of taboos too freely, but it was pretty uneventful and then it felt weird when the reveal snapped around). Yukong's character quest was one of the better ones, cause we actually got to know something about her directly (even if indirectly from her), and we got a chance to know more about her life as a pilot, a friend, and a mother. But the others like Yanqing or Bailu were pretty much side tracked and just thrown together as some fighting events with minimal plot or emotions. I learned more about Bailu in Aarum Alley's event than her outing with Dan Heng and TB. Truly, the most interesting story lines on the Luofu are about the NPCs, which is fascinating to see (I'm like one of 5 people that loves NPCs in games and gets probably too unreasonably attached to them, often more than the PCs). They can probably fill out the gaps and dissatisfaction with events and more characters and their stories, but the first playthrough of the main quest leaves a lot to desire, and that's a shame.
And then we got Penacony, which has a lot of ups and so much buildup, and then they didn't go anywhere. Not really. They set up stuff about the physical real planet where Penacony sits, and they hinted and put allegories about the past. They introduced a lot of characters, and conflicts, and motives, and relationships, and possible future events and alliances and plans. But a lot of these don't have a resolution. Which again, wouldn't be bad, if they didn't make it out to be as an urgent matter that needs to solve during this present plot, only for it to never be addressed again. Can that change any patch they want? Yes, of course. But in the current time it's unsatisfactory and could have been presented better to not leave everything up to guess work and anticipation of anything coming out of it right now.
I didn't really go into the story of Herta's Space Station, because it was more of a tutorial space that doesn't have any pressing matters (well, except the Antimatter Legion, but shhh) that need to be watched out for. It's really a good space to just introduce characters, events, possible plot for other places. It's a neutral space that can do a good amount of heavy lifting for the story, even if it would be used as a setup.
Even through all of this, I still enjoy the game, the story, the characters, the gameplay. I have my hangups, my huffs and puffs over stuff that could have been fixed or worked on more before release, but that can be said about any media depending on what a person seeks out of it. The game gives enough to go ham on theories, leaves enough breadcrumbs to go on wild goose chases between patches, and it walks the line between comedic adventure and serious talk enough to not discourage enjoyment.
The game is just over a year old, there is a lot of room for improvement, for change, and for fun. I just would rather they take their stories and work them through slowly, and give it to us later with all parts making sense and explained enough to not confuse than rush through good ideas and suffer the consequences of poor presentation where story beats and lore get muddled in vague foreshadowing that can be too easily misread.
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makeste · 2 years
BnHA Chapter 340: Now Where Were We
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Iida were all “hey Mei, I know you don’t have a lot of spare time in between constantly launching yourself at people boob-first, and singlehandedly MacGuyvering U.A. into the fucking Death Star, but we were wondering if you could lend us a hand in fixing our costumes.” Mei was all, “sure thing, here’s an upgraded pair of Movie 1 Gloves for you, anyways off you go and have fun saving the world!” Mt. Lady was all, “can you kids keep a secret?? so uh, just between you and me, I’m not a real teacher, and I’m not actually sure what I’m doing here hanging out with you guys right now.” Class 1-A was all, “don’t worry, your secret is safe with us Mt. Lady, well anyways time to assemble our CLASS 1-A SEARCH SQUAD!” The chapter ended with A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE getting ready to DO and/or TALK about A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT THINGS. Classic cliffhanger ending. lol this chapter really did not hold up on a re-read. I’m so sorry BnHA 339. You meandered so that future chapters could hopefully get to the damn point already.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “time to reveal our shocking and completely unpredictable battle plan of splitting up all the villains for more easily digestible mini-boss battles, using our newly acquired trump card, the handy dandy U.A. traitor!” Aizawa is all, “[cracks knuckles] time to drop some motherfucking love and compassion onto my traumatized student in order to talk him into doing this INSANELY DANGEROUS TASK for us, except that somehow I manage to do it in a way that’s genuinely moving and heartfelt and somehow not manipulative at all lol.” Shinsou is all, “hello, it’s me, making my miraculous return after three whole years of plot inactivity, so anyway what have I missed.” Well shit. Glad I’m not the only one, Shinsou.
(just a handful of quick notes here since it’s been a while! (1) as always, these are my completely blind first-time-reading reactions to the chapter. (2) as of today, I am very much NOT caught up with the manga, but will keep you posted on my progress. currently I have read up to chapter 340, a.k.a. this chapter right here lol. and (3), I have been spoiled about one major thing (explained more in depth here) which will happen later in the series, and while there are no detailed references to said spoiler in this post, there ARE a couple of vague throwaway lines because I have absolutely no self-control. so just giving you guys a heads up for that! if you absolutely don’t want to risk getting spoiled, I would highly recommend catching up with the manga first before reading any further.
anyways, onward!)
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lol they literally just thumbtacked a handwritten “LOV/PLF COUNTER-FORCE HQ” sign on a wrinkled piece of paper next to the door. how far we have fallen from the days where the heroes were holding their war councils in huge NASA ground control rooms filled with hundreds of TV screens
okay good, at least they went out and recruited Hawks to be one of the people presumably planning this whole thing
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one of only two people (the other being Momo) whom I actually trust to be able to come up with a reliably smart plan. fingers crossed this turns out better than his last big Ultimate Hero Final Battle Plan, though!
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interesting! I assume they do still know about the whole Aoyama situation though, seeing as they even told Mt. flippin’ Lady lol
OH MY GOSH, RAGDOLL? heck yeah. great to see her finally back in the thick of things again. even if she can’t participate in the actual battle, she’s still a fucking hero goddammit
wow this entire next page sure is something
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“every pre-cat-ion” breaking news, we’ve just been informed that there is a warrant out for Caleb Cook’s arrest
I know that last part is just her randomly tacking her cute dattebayoisms onto the end of this entirely unrelated sentence, but unfortunately the damage has already been done. now all I can think about is the League of Villains out there rampaging in the streets and meowing menacingly at people
anyway, so on to the planning and stuff
lmao wait, what
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DID YOU PAINT THESE BY HAND, ALL MIGHT?? DID YOU BUY THEM LAST MINUTE ON ETSY AND PAY A FORTUNE IN EXPEDITED SHIPPING. surely it must be the latter. but can you just imagine All Might sitting at his kitchen table at 3am, hand-painting a refrigerator magnet to look like an adorable chibified version of HIS MOST HATED ENEMY
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I’m actually on the fence about this lol. I mean, it makes sense on paper. lord knows they had enough trouble taking on just one massively overpowered final villain, so who even knows what would happen if they added a second one to the mix
but the problem with the “just take them down separately” plan is that it means they’ll also have to split up their OWN forces, which are already heavily depleted. not to mention that the BnHA heroes are always at their best when they’re all fighting together. so anyways, yeah, I’m not too sure about this
so blah blah blah, Tomura is now stronger than crusty!potato!AFO, big surprise. and they’ve also figured out that the two AFOs can communicate with each other via radio waves or whatever. okay yeah, but doesn’t that mean that even if you do split them up, they’ll still have a big advantage? unless you figured out some way of jamming their telepathy somehow
“should they attack together, we have no hope of victory” lol if you say so. I’m pretty sure all of the U.A. kids combined with all of the remaining A-list heroes could hold their ground fairly well, but clearly I’m not supposed to be questioning the authority of this statement so ALL RIGHT THEN
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“if they’re so powerful together then why didn’t they team up against S&S?” “because they definitely would have definitely lost.” ????????
anyway so now All Might is saying that they need to separate TomurAFO and Potato AFO (PotAFO, if you will) by at least 10km. so is that the max range of their telepathy or something then? that’s so oddly specific though
“oh and we also need to split up Dabi from them as well” ah okay lol, I see where this is going. it’s finally time for the final battle, meaning we need to assign each of the main characters to their personal final villain, yeah? great. awesome. except that they only JUST got reunited all together as a class again sob. you’re really going to do this to me again now?? just like that?? goddammit
LMAO I completely forgot that Nao’s right hand man is an actual literal fucking cat
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oh my god. what I wouldn’t give to have seen his reaction to all of those puns and MEOW shenanigans from a few minutes earlier. just standing there in the corner with a disapproving frown. “I’ll have you know I find this all very demeaning and culturally insensitive” sorry about that Sansa
oh shit lol
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somehow I momentarily forgot all about Aoyama. possibly because I haven’t seen him in eleven months!! so this is where we’re finally going to get into the nitty gritty of that “let’s use Aoyama to set a trap” plan that Aizawa shamelessly stole from Kaminari all those moons ago
All Might is all “it’s actually pretty messed up of us to be using this poor boy when he’s already basically spent his entire life being exploited and manipulated by people” and he’s not wrong though, damn
but Nao is all “very true, but to be fair this is the literal apocalypse, and he did technically make his own bed, and also our backs are REALLY against the goddamn wall here,” which is also true. still leaning more toward All Might’s side in spite of that, though. poor Yuuga
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do they really have to keep him tied up like that?? he’s just a kid for fuck’s sake. and it’s not like they aren’t capable of handling things if he does try to escape, I mean this is Aoyama we’re talking about here, he’s not exactly an all-powerful criminal mastermind
man they both look so fucking sad. Yuuga looks so ashamed. this is every 1-A child’s worst fear. they can go toe to toe with the scariest villains out there and not be fazed. but a disappointed dad??? have mercy, sweet jesus
“so after going back and forth on it a bunch, we finally decided that he’s probably not going to blow up.” thanks for the update, doc. meanwhile I just had a completely unrelated thought about certain spoiler related things, oh fuck. but now is not the time to start speculating about that! not when we have the world’s saddest detention session unfolding right before our eyes
Aizawa Shouta is sitting here wearing an eyepatch and a hospital gown and probably hasn’t showered in like three days, and despite all this he is STILL somehow the hottest character in BnHA and it’s not even close
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okay but there are like a thousand reasons why the threat of imminent murder would be infinitely more useful than an actual murder, though. like this doesn’t really make any sense. “why would AFO bother to threaten Aoyama if he could simply blow him up if and when he betrayed him?” uh, gee, maybe because he would much prefer if Aoyama didn’t actually betray him in the first place?? what, do you think U.A. traitors are so fucking easy to come by? in this economy??
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I mean, of course he is? :( man, and now I’m wondering if there’s been a single day since his enrollment at U.A. that Aoyama has not spent being constantly terrified about a whole damn slew of things. this poor fucking kid. Horikoshi please be kind to him oh my god
oh my god, yes, exactly
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he’s afraid that deep down he’s a bad person. he’s afraid that AFO will kill him. but interestingly, what he’s most afraid of, is BEING afraid. he’s afraid that if the others put their trust in him again, that when push comes to shove he’ll still be too cowardly to do what’s right
talk about ironic though. because to me, that’s a sentiment that basically confirms that he does have the heart of a hero deep down. I’m telling you guys, every single time you show me a character who is flawed and afraid, but is trying so hard to overcome their fears, and trying with all their might to become better, you will reel me in hook, line, and sinker every. single. time. seriously, how could you possibly not root for this kid now
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holy shit. hey Horikoshi, this is me, a certified angst-lover, asking you to tone it down just a little here, goddamn. yes we get it, he is tormented by years’ worth of accumulated fears and regrets and feelings of worthlessness and he doesn’t see any way that things can possibly get better, holy shit, we get it okay??? THIS IS MY FIRST CHAPTER IN ELEVEN MONTHS! THIS SHOULD BE AN OCCASION OF TRIUMPH, SO WHY THE HELL ARE YOU OUT HERE MAKING ME CRY
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somehow I forgot just how utterly ruthless this man is capable of being for the sake of his students. this is a dude who literally expels kids on a regular basis just to put the fear of god into them. also he is seriously so goddamn hot. it’s straight up ridiculous
oh wow this whole page just came straight for my heart
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Yuuga’s fear as he tries to talk himself into what he fully believes is a suicide mission. Aizawa’s blunt assessment of the heroes being no less ruthless than the villains when their backs are to the wall. but then the way he just HITS him with that “you’re still my student and I’m still your teacher” line, and how he says it with such finality. and then the face Aoyama makes in response!!
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lol I truly believe that if Horikoshi ever did truly try to kill off one of the 1-A kids, Aizawa would literally come to life and emerge from the pages and straight up murder him
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welp. there you have it. absolutely no room for argument there. SENSEI SAID YOU’RE GONNA LIVE, YUUGA, SO I GUESS YOU’LL JUST HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!
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yep. that’s right. deal with it. dlfkj don’t mind me I’m just gonna sit here dissolving into sobs again
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wait what
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uh. the path of “none of you problem children are allowed to die on my watch, are we fucking clear on that”? that path?? or the path of marching headfirst into very real danger because they have no other choice, because they’re one of the lynchpins in the heroes’ desperate plan? because that latter path is one that I’d prefer to have as few children walk as possible, ngl
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well damn. that hype and anticipation is definitely starting to build now. I am so damn fearful for all of these fictional kids’ safety, especially now that I’m watching the War arc play out again in the anime and remembering just how brutal it was. but at the same time I can’t deny that I’m super excited to see the culmination of everything. like, this is IT, though. this is THE moment, THE battle. no more safety arcs. no more training. we are done holding back, and that is as terrifying as it is exhilarating. I am so not ready for any of this, but IT IS HAPPENING WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT, so I guess I’ll just do my best to enjoy the ride
-- oh and lastly, I almost forgot. before we wrap up, there’s just one last thing I wanted to add here...
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so it begins.
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