#Horoscope daily
skyreadersworld · 2 years
February 2nd Predictions
Key Transit: Moon Squares Jupiter in Aries, Mars sextiles Jupiter, Mars in Gemini squares Pisces Venus.
Key Message: Emotions that deal with lack of proactivity are going to emerge. Today is where we recognize the moments we act on our intelligence and ability to tolerate challenges. There is contemplation of what we know what to do and would even slightly bring comfort after a moment of difference
Herbs to utilize W/ @summersoulstice1s
Angelica this is my feminine warrior plant she support the reproductive system and increases circulation and blood flow to the Sacral. I like to see her as a plant kindred with the daughters of Lilith. She has a mothering protective energy.
Damiana harness your fire from Jupiter in Aries and feminine waters from Venus in Pisces with Damiana. This herb supports reproductive health sex drive. Also supports feelings of fatigue and stress.
Red raspberry leaf supports uterine wall the barrier to the womb. Use this if you feel your feminine has been wounded during these transits.
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starzspeak02 · 2 years
Astrology | Daily Horoscopes | Free Kundali | Online Puja Booking | Hindu Calender | Love Meter | Starzspeak
StarzSpeak initiated in the year 2016 with a vision, The vision and aim of the company, is fixed since the inception – We want to streamline direction-less astrology information which is scattered, We now own an impressive portfolio of products, services and brands and there are many in the pipeline. We are an authentic astrology destination for not only those who are seeking astrological assistance, We help people with their simple questions to specialised queries. Our aim is to help those who are facing problems using the divine science of astrology. We provide users with information like Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes. Numerology, Online Pooja, Birthstone, Face reading, Free Kundali, love meter Etc
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Welcome to your sign of the zodiac Horoscope and astrology forecast where you've got the chance to realize an insight into what's happening to you and support your astrological sign of the zodiac. during this segment of the location, you've got a choice of YEARLY, MONTHLY and DAILY HOROSCOPES. We also provide you with a daily meditation with which you'll refine your mindfulness tools day by day. confine mind that within the absence of an accurate date, time, or place of birth, sun sign predictions can only approximate what's happening for giant numbers of individuals. Still, having an insight into the overall trends of every horoscope and astrology forecast for the 12-STAR SIGN is beneficial as a broad-based picture of emerging trends. Good luck and that we hope to ascertain you here more often.
Our Life 
What is life? A never-ending journey of self-discovery, growth, and learning. It’s full of challenges and opportunities, but most importantly it’s about connecting with others and creating meaningful relationships.Life can be ever-changing and unpredictable, but one thing is for sure - we all have the power to make a difference. ⁣⁣Life is a journey of discovery and growth. It's a beautiful thing to be able to explore new ideas, take risks, and find out what truly matters to us.
Religion is a set of beliefs, practices, and values concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, often involving devotional and ritual observances and a moral code for the conduct of human affairs. Different religions have different beliefs and practices, and there is often a wide range of beliefs and practices within a single religion. Some of the most widely practised religions in the world include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.
Love Meter
A love meter is a device or tool, typically found in popular media such as movies or video games, that purports to measure the strength of romantic feelings between two people. Some love meters are based on real psychological principles, such as measuring levels of attraction or compatibility, while others are purely fictional and have no scientific basis. Love meters are not considered to be accurate or reliable indicators of romantic attraction.
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astrovaidyablog · 1 year
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The horoscope today section contains all 12 zodiac signs: Aries Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Daily Horoscope, March 9, 2023: Read horoscope predictions for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and others - Times of India
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the universe and discover what the day ahead has in store for you? Look no further than today’s horoscope! With expert analysis of the astrological influences at play, you’ll be able to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace.Aries Today you may feel your life becoming challenging, you may take some advises from your elders to sustain in the…
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations: Part 3🎀🩷
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to “humble” these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house it’s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you don’t play by made up rules and standards, when you’re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of “I never got to do that/have that, why should you”. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and they’re not, painting you as a villain because you’re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since it’s just an observation and not a fact, but those I’ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those I’ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums I’ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; it’s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, I’ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. I’ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when they’re at their lowest/undeveloped, they’re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone who’s possibly better than they are around them, since they don’t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moon’s are the people that start the drama and then say “I don’t like drama” lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as they’re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, I’ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesn’t have their shit together in every category. They’re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other hand…
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however they’re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7H’s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but they’re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and won’t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and it’s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. 👏🏻
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astroa3h · 7 months
midheaven through the signs 💖
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The Midheaven is your career compass, pointing you towards your professional path, shaping your social standing, and painting the picture of your public persona. It's like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, this is where you're meant to shine!" Now, let's break it down by zodiac sign, shall we?
Aries Midheaven: If you've got this fiery placement, you're a force to be reckoned with in the professional arena. You charge into things headfirst, fearless and ready to conquer. Your public persona? Bold, energetic, and unapologetically authentic. People can't help but be drawn to your magnetic charisma, and your social standing? Well, let's just say you're not one to fade into the background. You make sure you stand out anyway you can.
Taurus Midheaven: Slow and steady wins the race, right? That's your motto if your Midheaven falls in Taurus. You're all about building a solid foundation in your career, taking your time to create something enduring and of quality. Your public persona exudes reliability and dependability, like the rock everyone can lean on. And as for your social standing? You're the epitome of stability and success, you have the midas touch even if it doesn't always feel like it.
Gemini Midheaven: Ah, the social butterfly of the zodiac! With Gemini Midheaven, you're a master communicator and jack of all trades. Your professional path might involve fields like writing, teaching, or anything that allows you to flex your mental muscles. Your public persona is witty, charming, and endlessly curious, keeping everyone on their toes. And in terms of social standing? You're the one everyone wants at their party, the ultimate mingler and networker extraordinaire.
Cancer Midheaven: Cue the emotional depth and nurturing vibes! If your Midheaven falls in Cancer, your professional path likely revolves around caring for others in some way. You're the empathetic soul who thrives in fields like counseling, caregiving, or anything that lets you tap into your nurturing side. Your public persona is compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to your emotions. And in terms of social standing? You're the heart of the community, the one everyone turns to in times of need.
Leo Midheaven: Get ready for your close-up because with Leo Midheaven, you were born to shine in the spotlight! Your professional path is all about creativity, performance, and leadership. You're the natural-born leader, commanding attention wherever you go. Your public persona is bold, confident, and larger than life, like a true Hollywood star. And in terms of social standing? You're the king or queen of the jungle, the one everyone looks up to with awe and admiration.
Virgo Midheaven: Precision, perfection, and pragmatism—that's your game with Virgo Midheaven. Your professional path likely involves fields that require attention to detail, organization, and problem-solving. You're the analytical mind who excels in areas like accounting, healthcare, or research. Your public persona is humble, reliable, and quietly competent, earning you respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the trusted expert, the one everyone relies on for practical advice and solutions.
Libra Midheaven: Balance and harmony are your bread and butter with Libra Midheaven. Your professional path is all about relationships, diplomacy, and aesthetics. You're the peacemaker who thrives in fields like law, counseling, or anything that requires finesse and negotiation skills. Your public persona is charming, diplomatic, and effortlessly stylish, drawing people in with your magnetic charm. And in terms of social standing? You're the social butterfly, the one everyone wants to befriend and collaborate with.
Scorpio Midheaven: Hold onto your hats because things are about to get intense with Scorpio Midheaven. Your professional path is all about transformation, depth, and uncovering hidden truths. You're the detective of the zodiac, excelling in fields like psychology, investigation, or anything that requires digging beneath the surface. Your public persona is mysterious, intense, and magnetic, drawing people in with your enigmatic allure. And in terms of social standing? You're the power player, the one everyone respects and fears in equal measure.
Sagittarius Midheaven: Adventure awaits with Sagittarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about expansion, exploration, and pushing boundaries. You're the eternal optimist who thrives in fields like travel, education, or anything that allows you to spread your wings and explore new horizons. Your public persona is adventurous, enthusiastic, and endlessly curious, inspiring others to follow their dreams. And in terms of social standing? You're the free spirit, the one everyone admires for your fearlessness and joie de vivre.
Capricorn Midheaven: Time to climb that cosmic ladder with Capricorn Midheaven! Your professional path is all about ambition, discipline, and climbing to the top of the mountain. You're the ultimate goal-setter who excels in fields like business, finance, or anything that requires strategic thinking and long-term planning. Your public persona is authoritative, determined, and fiercely independent, commanding respect wherever you go. And in terms of social standing? You're the pillar of the community, the one everyone looks up to for guidance and leadership.
Aquarius Midheaven: Buckle up because you're about to shake things up with Aquarius Midheaven! Your professional path is all about innovation, progress, and challenging the status quo. You're the visionary thinker who excels in fields like technology, activism, or anything that pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Your public persona is unconventional, eccentric, and ahead of your time, inspiring others to think outside the box. And in terms of social standing? You're the trailblazer, the one everyone looks to for fresh ideas and bold solutions.
Pisces Midheaven: Dive into the depths of your imagination with Pisces Midheaven! Your professional path is all about creativity, intuition, and tapping into the collective unconscious. You're the dreamer who excels in fields like art, spirituality, or anything that allows you to express your deepest emotions. Your public persona is empathetic, mystical, and deeply connected to the spiritual realm, touching the hearts of everyone you meet. And in terms of social standing? You're the healer, the one everyone turns to for comfort and inspiration in times of need.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own Natal Chart Reading @ astroash.net
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What’s coming towards you? PAC
Choose a picture intuitively or the one that you like the most for a tarot message of what might be heading your way soon!
What I’ll cover in these readings:
• What people and/or situations might be heading your way
• Advice/suggestions on how to deal with it
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Pile 1: ace of pentacles, six of wands, and judgement
Major revelations, self-evaluation, and awakenings are heading straight your way. You will be showered with energies that will allow you to have a re-birth, as if your mood has been restored, and the weather is no longer dark clouds all around you. You will be receiving opportunities that will allow your finances or savings to start improving. It might come in the form of a new job, business or investment. At first you might start small or slowly, but surely once your confident and positiveness picks up, you will start getting the taste of victory and success. As small as the opportunity might seem at first, it will allow you to pick up pace and enter a period of complete transformation. You will have meaningful changes that will have you looking back within 6 months and thinking "How did this even happen?". Well, truth is that your own efforts will take you there.
If you've been feeling in a rut financially, just know that those money manifestations or rituals you might have been doing are definitely working. Do not overlook the protentional of this upcoming opportunity, as it might not initially seem like a big deal, but you will definitely reap rewards, recognition, and confidence in yourself. It doesn't matter if it doesn't allow you to achieve long time financial security, the importance lies in how your energy will be transformed afterwards. There's times where all we need is a little push to remind ourselves how deserving of good things and capable of positive transformations we are. Trust yourself and know that the changes that will occuring around you are only pushing you towards the right path. Just remember to stay grounded and not get too cocky or arrogant, as this could cause you more trouble than anything.
Pile 2: the star, ace of cups, and the hierophant
Get ready to receive waves of creativity and inspiration your way. There will be an energy of hope, healing, and serenity in your life coming soon. You will find yourself opening up to the possibilities of new romance, celebrations, and socializing. There will be a contagious feeling of joy and happiness that you will find hard avoiding and/or sharing with others. All of this will lead you towards experiencing relationships that could be set in a strong foundation, or if you're in a relationship there's a good possibility for further commitment to occur. You might also feel interested towards traditional healing methods, and if you do pursue it, there will be an increase in your spirituality and creativity as well. Allow yourself to have genuine faith in the universe and your own abilities to connect with your own intuition. You have plenty of emotional intelligence too, so trust in that no matter the situation, you will be able to handle it in the best way possible. An Aquarius or Taurus with some water in the mix (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) might be wanting to make a serious romantic proposal, so keep an eye on that as well.
The Fool jumped out as well, so I allowed it as an extra card for your reading. This card makes an even bigger emphasis on how you'll be giddy and ready to take that leap of faith that will open doors to obtaining more freedom, adventure, and traveling. The only caution is to make sure you look down before taking that leap, as the fool within its innocence might not consider or plan well enough before making a decision. Stay grounded to avoid idealizing any situation and acting in a somewhat careless manner, specially with all the abundance of joy you'll be feeling. Lay your plans out or share your ideas with someone who is perhaps older and you can trust. If not, then an individual with some good amount of spiritual knowledge to guide you a bit or give the green light. All and all, you will be experiencing good times!
Pile 3: the empress, queen of wands, and page of wands
This reading is giving "I know I'm that b*tch and so does everyone else too!". You will be receiving a really strong and abundant feminine energy your way. Megan Thee Stallion is calling, she wants you to give her the "summer queen" crown back! As soon as I saw this layout I could just tell that soon you'll be feeling unstoppable and fierce. As if there's nothing that you can't manifest and everything just seems to go your way. There will be an increase in your beauty, creativity, and sensuality. Anyone and anything that crosses your path will feel a strong, passionate, sexy, confident, and a bit of a chaotic energy coming from you. All of this could easily lead you to engaging into certain smexy activities, so be extra careful in the upcoming weeks/months if you're not looking forward to a surprise 9 months later. If you are, then fertility will be high and your desires to experience motherhood will be very likely. You will be attracting potential suitors, and all of that could get your mind clouded as to who/where you should be pouring all that energy into. Good news will surely come your way, and you will take on them with a lot of optimism as well. Avoid rushing into anything without getting a good word of advice from someone who's very grounded, because like I said before, you will not only want to burst through doors, but take down the whole wall as well.
You could also meet someone with a lot fire sign energy (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) that is definitely younger than you, be it romantic partner or friend. They might be the one carrying all the characteristics mentioned above as well, and end up encouraging you to take on it as well. Expect to have a lot of wild fun with them that will surely leave positive memories, again, just be careful not to do TOO much. Anything and everything in excess is not good, yes, even baddies need to have limits. This will be a very good time to direct all this vibrant feminine energy (regardless of gender) towards creative pursuits because it will make you stand out, attract even more abundance, and good news. If these past months were bleak, then the upcoming weeks/months will make you forget all together of any negative experiences previously encountered.
Pile 4: five of cups, the lovers, and five of pentacles
There's definitely a situation that will be causing you to experience some heavy feelings in the upcoming weeks/months. This could be something you expect or perhaps not at all. A breakup or disconnection from a romantic relationship (official or not) will definitely occur, and I know, this is not what you or anyone would like to read or hear, but if you've been looking for any sort of confirmation then this is the one. It could also be a breakup with a very close friend as well, since the lovers is not just romance, but close partnerships in general. They might have Gemini, Scorpio, or Taurus placements. When situations like these occur, it is normal to experience a big emotional unload. Feelings of sadness, grief, loss, guilt, anger, remorse, and being left out are 100% normal. This is part of the normal human experience, as not everything can be rainbows and sunshine. You need to allow yourself to process all of these emotions with no shame or blame, even if all you might want to do is avoiding them. Ensure that you stick close to your support system and don't feel embarrassed to pour your heart out with them, just trust that this will make the load feel a bit less heavy. Avoid complete isolation, even if this is the only thing you'll want to do. Some battles you must face alone at times, and some others with the help of others. The turmoil will be emotional and financial, hence why you have to ensure that those close to you can step in to aid you.
From experience, I can tell you it is never easy to let go of someone who you bonded really closely to, but clutching tightly into broken pieces will only create more cuts and add further to the pain. You are not your emotions, but the individual who experiences them. Respect the timing that it will take you to overcome this situation, so don't try to speed up or slow down the process. Trust that everything the universe takes from you in the present moment is truly for the best, even if it doesn't make sense to you right now. Both the five of cups and five of pentacles depict a light at the end of the tunnel that we might not be focusing on. Emotionally you'll be feeling low, and this will make you unaware of the doors that are opening right in front of you or all the other good things that are still occuring around you. Financially, you'll be experiencing difficulties but it will only be temporary for help might be right around the corner. You are worthy of joy and good things, even when you're on your lowest. Do not engage into negative self talk or destructive habits (excessive drinking, etc) as this will only harm you further. Feel your feelings and then objectively think of the role you had during the relationship as well. Its not about looking where to put all the blame, but knowing exactly what burdens you should definitely not carry with you.
If for whatever reason this is not about your close relationships, then it might just be a big decision that occurs and leaves you feeling the way I mentioned above. Remember, these cards (five of cups and pentacles) are minor cards, which means that the pain and hardship are temporary. Like Kelly Clarkson said, what doesn't kill makes you stronger! You got this.
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The Editors of Everywoman's Daily Horoscope - Astrology and the Single Girl - Popular Library - 1970
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brokendeathangel · 8 months
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I still stand by my ground that Mitsuri and Zenitsu should've been BFFs 😤💪🏼 Also they have handphones because… something something modern au i guess? Lol!
Man, haven't drawn for so long. Sorry all! I'm busy with my other hobbies right now🤪
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skyreadersworld · 2 years
February 14th, 2023 Horoscope
Key Transit: 
Moon is in 11 Degrees Sagittarius opposing Mars in Gemini
Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Jupiter
Mercury is officially in Aquarius at 4 Degrees sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius
Key Message:
As mercury is setting in Aquarius in the 7th house there is this immediacy in the the community for clarity. truthful dialogue- we must consider patience for results.
@summersoulstice1s Herb Blurb:
Balance and open the mind to facilitate a meditative and receptive mind-frame for foundational growth. 
Ashwagandha, Lemon balm, Sandalwood 
Essential oils: 
Lavender and Frankincense.
1 Burn them in a fire safe bowl or cauldron. 
2 Drink a tea 
3. Intake through capsule forms 
These herbs in combination clarify the mind to bring ease of flow with the changes.
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subir-astrologer · 3 months
Jupiter is one of the most important planets in Vedic astrology, as it signifies wisdom, fortune, spirituality, and expansion. The effects of Jupiter in different astrological houses depend on the sign, aspects, and conjunctions of Jupiter, as well as the overall strength of the chart. However, some general effects can be summarized as follows:
Jupiter in the 1st house gives a noble, optimistic, and generous personality. The native is blessed with good health, wealth, and happiness. He or she is respected by others and has a strong faith in God.
Jupiter in the 2nd house gives a wealthy, learned, and eloquent native. The native has a beautiful face and a sweet voice. He or she is fond of good food, music, and art. The native is also charitable and religious.
Jupiter in the 3rd house gives a clever, courageous, and adventurous native. The native is skilled in communication, writing, and teaching. He or she has good relations with siblings and friends, but may also be arrogant, restless, and extravagant.
Jupiter in the 4th house gives a happy, peaceful, and comfortable native. The native enjoys a good family life, with a loving mother, spouse, and children. He or she has a spacious and beautiful home, with plenty of grains and vehicles. The native is also devoted to his or her culture and traditions.
Jupiter in the 5th house gives a creative, intelligent, and virtuous native. The native is blessed with good education, fame, and authority. He or she has a strong interest in spirituality, philosophy, and astrology. The native may also have many children, but may face some difficulties or delays in getting them.
Jupiter in the 6th house gives a hard-working, humble, and helpful native. The native is good at solving problems, managing conflicts, and healing others. He or she has a strong sense of duty and service, but may also face enemies, debts, and diseases.
Jupiter in the 7th house gives a charming, attractive, and loyal native. The native has a happy and harmonious marriage, with a decent and faithful spouse. He or she also has good partnerships, business, and social status. The native is generous, polite, and respectful to others.
Jupiter in the 8th house gives a mysterious, secretive, and mystical native. The native has a deep interest in the occult, metaphysics, and psychology. He or she may also have hidden talents, wealth, and inheritance. The native is long-lived, but may face some troubles or losses in life.
Jupiter in the 9th house gives a wise, fortunate, and noble native. The native is a seeker of truth, knowledge, and justice. He or she has a strong faith in God and a high moral code. The native may also travel to foreign lands, become a teacher or a preacher, or attain a high position in life.
Jupiter in the 10th house gives a successful, respected, and influential native. The native has a good career, reputation, and leadership skills. He or she is admired by the masses and favored by the authorities. The native is also generous, ethical, and benevolent.
Jupiter in the 11th house gives a prosperous, popular, and optimistic native. The native has a large network of friends, well-wishers, and supporters. He or she also has a good income, gains, and fulfillment of desires. The native is also humanitarian, visionary, and progressive.
Jupiter in the 12th house gives a spiritual, compassionate, and selfless native. The native has a strong connection with the divine, the subconscious, and the universal. He or she may also have a hidden or secluded life, with a tendency to sacrifice, serve, or renounce worldly pleasures.
The readers should note that this is in general and it will vary as per the horoscope as the placements of the planets from person to person.
In each bhava / house the Jupiter will signify different significances as per KP Vedic astrology will give the results of those significances during their activation during its mahadasha and its antardasha and its sub and sub sub periods.
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bijoutarot · 11 months
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What do they love the most about you?
Pick An Image
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Image 1
People love how selfless and loyal you are. You are the type of friend that would give your last and the type of lover that will do anything to put a smile on your person’s face. You have a lowkey personality. You do not seek to be the center of attention. In the workplace you let your work speak for itself. People look up to you at work because you do things on time without much management. You take initiative. People naturally follow your lead without you even trying.
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Image 2
People love that you have good intentions. People recognize that you have a big heart. You are very selective of who you let come within your circle. People in your environment appreciate you because they know not too many people have the privilege of getting close. You can be hard on yourself so it holds you back from going after what you aspire to do. People find you relatable and down to earth. Some off you have a love for nature and plants.
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Image 3
People admire you because of everything you have accomplished lately. You might have started from the bottom and now you have leveled up to a height of abundance that is inspiring people in your environment. You have it all, looks, great career/business, lovers that want to get serious with you. People see all of the hard work and sacrifices you have made to reach this point. You have made a lot of changes from your circle, to your mindset. Your passion and faith in yourself will continue to bring abundance to your life.
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People love how carefree you are. No matter what obstacle comes your way you tackle it with grace. You rarely work hard instead you figure out what you need to do. You work so well under pressure and you never let people see you in distress or panic. You have a sound mind and thought process. People often wonder how you stay so calm. You always have a chill vibe about you. People come to you for emotional support because you are so easy to talk to.
Which reading resonates with you?
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Virgo Horoscope, 8 March, 2023: You might get the chance to go on an outdoor trip. - Times of India
Today students must give it all to achieve their goals. You might get the chance to go on an outdoor trip and take in the splendor of the natural world. Try to rekindle a lost love while being careful and trying to understand your partner’s perspective.Positive: Ganesha says you’ll probably try your hardest to make things better. You could choose to go it alone and create your plans. You might…
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archersarrow-tarot · 7 months
| the D O M I N A N T S |
🏠 dominant astrology house
🪐 dominant planet
💫 dominant astrology sign
🌎 dominant element
The Four Dominants
Done for @glittergonedull
DOB: 10/20/1995 @ 1642 in (private location)
Dominant HOUSE
The Seventh House. The 7th house rules marriage, partnerships and other significant relationships. This house reflects what we seek in our potential life partners. Mercury in this house brings the qualities of intellectual openness; the Moon brings the feeling of home and nurturing. Chiron brings the strength of vulnerability. Partnerships are a very significant part of your life in many areas.
Dominant PLANET
Saturn is the most dominant. Neptune is second most dominant & Pluto is third.
Dominant SIGN
Pisces Signature. Pisces signatures have a intuition that is very powerful. Tens to extremely sensitive and overwhelm easily. Pisces are often escapists.
Dominant ELEMENT
WATER element. Water signs are sensitive, emotional, often creative-whether with art, music, etc. Sensitive, feeling everything deeply.
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astroa3h · 7 months
asteroid fama [408] ✨
When you look at where Fama sits in your birth chart—the sign and the house—it gives clues about the kind of recognition you might attract and in what areas of life you're most likely to shine or be acknowledged by others.
For example, if Fama is in a creative sign like Pisces, it might mean you could gain recognition for artistic talents. If it's hanging out in the 10th house, which is all about career and public image, fame might come through your professional life.
What does your Fame placement say about your journey to fame?
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✨ Through The Signs ✨
Aries: You're gonna be famous for being a trailblazer. Think pioneering a movement, inventing something out of this world, or being the first to do something daring. Your fame comes from your courage and audacity to jump headfirst into challenges. You're the trendsetter, the one who plays by their own rules.
Taurus: Your fame will be built on your sensual pleasures and a keen eye for beauty. Perhaps launching a revolutionary beauty brand, becoming a culinary genius, or even leading a movement towards sustainability. Your consistency, reliability, and connection to the material world make your contributions lasting and impactful.
Gemini: You'll be famous for your words. This could mean becoming a viral social media influencer, an author of groundbreaking books, or a journalist who changes the public discourse. Your quick wit, curiosity, and ability to communicate complex ideas in simple ways will be your ticket to fame.
Cancer: Your path to fame is through emotional connection. Whether it’s as a caregiver making a significant impact, a family vlogger who captures the hearts of millions, or a creator of a home-based empire, your innate ability to nurture and care for others will make you a beloved figure.
Leo: You're destined to be famous for your dramatic flair and heart of gold. Think of becoming a celebrated actor, a philanthropist who’s always in the spotlight, or a creator whose work is bold and makes a statement. Your warmth, generosity, and desire to be seen will bring you adoration and acclaim.
Virgo: Fame comes to you through your service and meticulous attention to detail. You could become famous for innovating health and wellness, starting a movement towards efficiency, or being an activist for the betterment of society. Your practicality and ability to solve problems will earn you respect and recognition.
Libra: You'll be famous for bringing beauty and harmony to the world. This could be as a fashion icon, a diplomat who brings peace to troubled regions, or an artist whose work speaks to the balance of life. Your charm, sense of justice, and ability to connect people will be at the heart of your fame.
Scorpio: Your fame will stem from transformation and depth. Whether it’s as a powerful influencer who speaks about taboo topics, a researcher who discovers something revolutionary, or an artist who isn’t afraid to explore the dark sides of life. Your intensity, passion, and resilience will draw people to you.
Sagittarius: You’re going to be famous for your adventures and philosophical insights. Think of being a travel vlogger who goes to the edges of the earth, a motivational speaker who inspires with tales of adventure, or an educator who brings new ways of thinking to the masses. Your optimism, love for freedom, and quest for truth will capture the world’s imagination.
Capricorn: Your route to fame is through your ambition and incredible work ethic. You might become a renowned entrepreneur, a political leader who enacts significant reforms, or an authority in your field of expertise. Your dedication, discipline, and leadership skills will make you a figure of respect and admiration.
Aquarius: You'll be famous for your innovation and humanitarian efforts. This could be as a tech mogul who invents something life-changing, an activist who rallies for social justice, or a visionary artist whose work predicts the future. Your originality, independence, and commitment to making the world a better place will be your legacy.
Pisces: Your fame will come from your creativity and empathy. Whether it’s as a musician who touches the soul, a filmmaker who crafts otherworldly narratives, or a healer who brings comfort to many, your ability to connect with the emotional and spiritual realms will make you beloved and celebrated.
✨ Through The Houses ✨
1st House (The Self, Identity): Fama here makes you famous for simply being you. Your personality, appearance, or a specific trait about how you present yourself to the world is what will catch the public's eye. Think of becoming an influencer or public figure known for your distinct style or personal brand. You're the face in the crowd that everyone remembers – for your charisma, your look, or that indefinable something that makes you, well, you.
2nd House (Values, Possessions): With Fama in the 2nd house, your fame could come from your wealth, assets, or a revolutionary approach to personal finance. Imagine becoming a celebrated entrepreneur with a Midas touch or an influencer who changes the game in sustainable living and values. Your possessions or your unique take on valuing them could become your claim to fame.
3rd House (Communication, Community): Here, Fama could make you famous for your words – be it through writing, speaking, or social media. You could become known in your local community or on a broader scale for your ideas, your way with words, or your connections. This is the blogger who starts conversations, the speaker who inspires, or the social butterfly whose network seems to know no bounds.
4th House (Home, Family): Fama in the 4th house could bring fame through your family, your heritage, or your home itself. This could be as a family vlogger, an advocate for home-based businesses, or someone who becomes a public figure through real estate or interior design. Your foundation, your roots, or the way you nurture and care could be what puts you in the public eye.
5th House (Creativity, Love, Children): With Fama here, your fame might stem from your creative endeavors, your children, or your romantic escapades. You could be celebrated as an artist, a performer, or a creator whose work captures the heart. Alternatively, your role as a parent or your approach to love and dating could thrust you into the limelight.
6th House (Work, Health, Service): Fama in the 6th house suggests you could become famous for your work ethic, your service to others, or your approach to health and wellness. Think of becoming known for your groundbreaking health regime, your dedication to public service, or being the hardest worker in the room whose efforts finally get recognized on a grand scale.
7th House (Partnerships, Public Enemies): Here, Fama could make you famous (or infamous) through your partnerships or your rivalries. This could be a high-profile business partnership, a marriage, or even public feuds that catch the world’s attention. Your ability to collaborate or your encounters with adversaries could be your path to fame.
8th House (Transformation, Shared Resources): With Fama in the 8th house, fame could come through transformation, crisis, or managing shared resources. This might mean becoming known for overcoming significant personal obstacles, working in fields related to finance, inheritance, or psychology, or becoming a symbol of rebirth and change.
9th House (Philosophy, Foreign Travel): Fama here could bring fame through your adventures, your beliefs, or your academic pursuits. Imagine being recognized for your travel vlogs, your philosophical or spiritual teachings, or your contributions to higher education. Your quest for knowledge or your journey to far-off lands could be what makes you known.
10th House (Career, Reputation): In the 10th house, Fama suggests your fame will be tied closely to your career and your public standing. This is the CEO, the politician, the celebrity whose work in their field earns them widespread recognition. Your achievements, your status, or your authority in your profession could be the source of your fame.
11th House (Friendships, Goals, Social Groups): With Fama in the 11th house, you might become famous for your social activism, your innovative ideas, or your role within a group. This could be as the leader of a movement, an inventor whose creations change society, or someone whose circle of friends includes the who’s who of the public eye. Your dreams and the people you surround yourself with are your keys to fame.
12th House (Secrets, the Subconscious): Fama in the 12th house could mean your fame comes from what’s hidden, your inner world, or your ability to heal and help from behind the scenes. You could become known for your spiritual insights, your charitable work, or your artistic endeavors that touch on the universal human experience. Your connection to the collective, your compassion.
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sensualnoiree · 26 days
astro notes: daily transits 9/1
Today marks a significant shift in the astrological landscape as two powerful planets—Uranus and Pluto—initiate transformative journeys. Uranus, the planet of innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, stations retrograde at 27°15' Taurus, signaling a period of introspection and reassessment in areas where we may have felt stuck or resistant to change. Simultaneously, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and rebirth, re-enters Capricorn, a sign associated with authority, structure, and long-term goals. This combination sets the stage for deep, systemic changes that will unfold over the coming months.
Key Influences
Uranus Stations Retrograde at 27°15' Taurus:Revolutionary Introspection: Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus brings a powerful call to reassess and reevaluate areas of life that may have become stagnant or too routine. Taurus, a sign deeply connected to stability, values, and material security, can sometimes resist change, preferring the comfort of the familiar. However, Uranus’s energy is anything but routine—its retrograde motion invites us to look inward and question where we have become too set in our ways. This is a time to explore new possibilities, break free from outdated patterns, and innovate in areas related to our resources, self-worth, and how we create stability in our lives. The retrograde period is ideal for revisiting past ideas or projects that may now be ready for a fresh, innovative approach.
Focus on Security and Values: Taurus’s influence on Uranus retrograde highlights the need to reassess our approach to security, both financial and emotional. This transit may bring up sudden changes or disruptions in these areas, forcing us to adapt and rethink our strategies for maintaining stability. The key here is flexibility—Uranus encourages us to be open to new ways of securing our future, even if they seem unconventional or challenging at first. Embrace the opportunity to innovate and redefine what security means to you, allowing for a more dynamic and resilient approach.
Pluto Re-enters Capricorn:Deep Systemic Transformation: Pluto’s re-entry into Capricorn marks the continuation of a long-term cycle of transformation that has been reshaping structures of power, authority, and societal norms since 2008. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is the sign of discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning. As Pluto moves back into Capricorn from September 1 to November 19, we are called to revisit and complete the deep transformational work that began during its initial transit through this sign. This period may bring up unresolved issues related to power dynamics, governance, and the structures that underpin our personal and collective lives.
Rebuilding Foundations: Pluto in Capricorn asks us to confront where the foundations of our lives, careers, and societal structures may have become weak or corrupt. This is a time for deep introspection and a willingness to dismantle what no longer serves us, even if it involves confronting uncomfortable truths. The work of Pluto in Capricorn is about building something more enduring and sustainable—whether in our careers, personal lives, or the broader societal framework. This transit supports long-term planning and the disciplined effort required to bring about lasting change.
Integrating the Influences
Embrace Innovation and Flexibility:Navigating Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Uranus retrograde is an invitation to innovate in areas of life where we may have become too rigid or resistant to change. This is a time to experiment with new ideas, especially those that challenge our usual approach to security and stability. Be open to revisiting past projects or ideas that may now find fertile ground for growth. Uranus encourages us to think outside the box and embrace change, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Flexibility and adaptability will be key to navigating this retrograde period successfully.
Focus on Long-Term Transformation:Pluto’s Return to Capricorn: With Pluto re-entering Capricorn, we are reminded that true transformation is a long-term process. This period is about completing the deep work of restructuring the foundations of our lives and society. Whether it’s in your career, personal life, or broader societal roles, this is a time to focus on the big picture and the long-term goals that require patience, discipline, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. Use this time to build something that will endure, even if it means letting go of what is no longer viable.
Prepare for Deep, Systemic Change:Anticipating the Shifts: Both Uranus and Pluto are outer planets associated with deep, systemic change. As they begin their retrograde and re-entry phases, we are called to prepare for significant shifts in our lives. This may involve reassessing our values, security, and long-term goals, as well as confronting and transforming the structures that govern our lives. Embrace the opportunity to innovate and rebuild, knowing that the changes you make now will have a lasting impact on your future.
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