#How Do I Know If I Have Bruxism
obstinaterixatrix · 6 months
Do u know any good mob psycho 100 fanfics?? Or authors??
well obviously my sister but I’m guessing you’re the same anon so 1) you already know her fics 2) you want different recs from what’s on her list (some of them being fics I rec’d to her lol). recs will skew heavily seri/rei and I’m just going through my bookmarks so it’s gonna be most recently read to oldest read. also seconding sister’s recs of bobmoss and crookedturtle. but I’ll add a fic from each anyway because I already wrote something for one while I was drafting this (oops)
Recollection by CowardlyBean
This is the journal of missing 31 year old Reigen Arataka, distributed with permission from friends and family. The version presented in this document has been kindly edited with added commentary by a loyal customer of his. -Editor’s Note
gen, experimental and in progress at 14k so definitely deserves more love than it’s getting. inspired by house of leaves; as the summary says, it’s some rando writing annotations about reigen’s journal, but Something Weird Is Going On. the 4th chapter updated so I actually need to catch up. also, sister rec’d this fic to me
Like Acid Reflux, or Love by partingxshot
Dating Reigen is like dating a single dad—only with more children, weirder scruples, and an extreme ruthlessness vis-à-vis group takoyaki discounts. He's not hot enough for this.
OR: "Me, You and Steve" by Garfunkel and Oates but with fifteen million teenagers.
OR: Outsider POV exploring Reigen’s dedication to his gaggle of bizarre children through an ill-fated dating attempt.
OR: Serizawa gets bruxism.
gen(/pre-relationship seri/rei), oneshot, 7k. oc/reigen breakup lmao. extremely funny concept, extremely good execution
Dream Dial by Alakazamboni
For the better part of nine years, Arataka has proudly worked in customer service at a behemoth of a company. At least, that's what he remembers, but a strange illness and a mysterious caller keeps trying to convince him otherwise. It doesn't help that this caller has the power to distort reality.
seri/rei, in progress, 16k. great uncanny atmosphere, and also reigen is trapped in time prison as a miserable office worker. hasn’t been updated for a while but read it anyway, the stoping point is fine
What We Make by crookedturtle
Reigen and Tome are kidnapped from the Spirits and Such office to be used as leverage against Mob. They have two goals: to contact the outside world, and keep each other safe. In doing so they engage in a dangerous game of lies and manipulation with their captors—a game with potentially deadly consequences.
gen (bg seri/rei), complete, 36k. Good for whump and high stakes interpersonal maneuvering & drama. I liked how the story extends beyond rescue and goes into how everyone navigates the fallout
Man's Best Friend by bobmoss
A cursed dog gets left at Spirits and Such. Anyone who pets it is doomed to die a horrible death.
Reigen, of course, pets it.
seri/rei, oneshot, 4k. funny and cute and sweet :) there’s a very charming tentative & tender vibe
heart line by ruthwrites
It doesn’t really matter, he reminds himself. He’s making a change, just like all of Reigen’s clients. What’s on his hands isn’t set in stone. He just has to make sure Reigen doesn’t see it— even if it might feel nice to have that steady attention, Reigen’s hands that are so much nicer than Serizawa’s folding around his.
(or: Reigen starts offering palm readings as a service, leading to Serizawa having to confront his feelings for his boss.)
seri/rei, oneshot, 6k. getting together fluff, a fun light read that also highlights serizawa’s insecurities—the internal narration has good character voice
If you won't believe me when I say it, believe me when I don't by deathdefied
Two years after Reigen invited Serizawa to work for him, he still can't quite categorize his feelings for his coworker. Instead of actually dealing with those feelings like an adult and talking to his friend, he decided to get really paranoid and overthink everything Serizawa does.
seri/rei, complete, 26k. reigen drives himself nuts lmao
Obvious by skeilig
Tome’s perspective on Reigen and Serizawa’s developing relationship.
gen (but about seri/rei), oneshot, 3k. I like outsider perspective getting together fics, especially when the perspective character is like ‘I’m actually not invested in this except when it affects me directly’
Cover Me by flecksofpoppy
Reigen’s shadow seems longer as the days move forward, more solitary. The cuts on his face heal and the ache in his bones go away, but a new sting replaces it. It’s loneliness, the thing he had managed to avoid ever since a primary school-aged kid who could make cups float stumbled into his office so many years ago.
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. getting together fic that shows off a little of reigen’s gloomier side, it’s cute
loved you just a little too much by shcherbatskayas
You learn how to let go.
(It doesn't come naturally.)
gen(ish), oneshot, 2k. 2nd person character study of serizawa’s relationship with touichiro, I liked the ambivalence; effectively captures development over time with a relatively short wordcount.
offering genuine help with genuine results by suitablyskippy
“The curse was pretty clear on me not telling lies,” concedes Reigen. “It was pretty clear on me telling the truth. But,” as he lifts one finger, already sliding into the same educational tone he generally uses for imparting wisdom to Mob about life and love and the overall holistic benefits of making sure he’s always available for unexpected overtime work on weekends, “telling the truth isn’t necessarily the same as being honest, is it?”
“You’re the professional liar,” says Dimple. “You tell me.”
(Being cursed to only tell the truth and being cursed with Dimple as an employee are pretty much equally bad, as far as Reigen's stress levels are concerned.)
gen, oneshot, 2k. the tags include friends with no benefits whatsoever, which is very apt. Very funny to have reigen and dimple be petty and shady
a slightly more miraculous miracle by suitablyskippy
“Rumour has it that something impossible’s happened. Something that could never have happened. That shouldn’t have been able to happen.” In a single slick move Mezato produces a tiny voice recorder from an inside pocket, flips it open and active, and holds it up before Mob’s mouth to ask him, in a tone of devastating intensity: “Do you know anything about… a miracle, Mob-kun?”
Mob doesn’t hesitate. “We had maths homework to hand in,” he says. “But now we don’t have to. We don’t even have to go to the lesson.”
(The sun is shining, the birds are singing, Salt Middle School has been closed by an unexplained miracle, and the only thing wrong in Spice City is the fact that nothing is even slightly wrong at all.)
teru/mob, incomplete, 55k. for the most part I haven’t been repeating authors on this list, but listen. listen to me. I need you to listen. it is extremely unlikely for this fic to ever be completed. but hark, lest this sad probability turn you away and leave you dispassionately scrolling to the next fic, I need you (you specifically) to know that if I were in the same room as you, I would be wrestling the phone/mouse/trackpad/touchscreen/etc from your hands and furiously clicking the link. when I bookmarked this fic in 2017 I described it as having “some breathtakingly sensical prose and the funniest misunderstandings I’ve ever read”. trust me from seven years ago. open your heart.
skylight by inexhaustible
unconnected snapshots in what might, in some worlds, be something a little like recovery.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. character study that nails the tension of an escalating romantic atmosphere.
come on, come on, come over (take it off your shoulder) by mortarsmayfall
Reigen's free hand cradles Serizawa's head, curled under his ear just so to turn it for a better angle. He feels his pulse pound under Reigen's fingers, shivers just the slightest bit. If Reigen notices, he doesn't say anything about it.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. when I first read this I saved it as a private bookmark because I was so embarrassed by the sheer intimacy of haircuts with severely unresolved sexual tension. I’m guessing this was written after studio bones gave us reigen cutting serizawa’s hair. crumbs no more; for once we had a feast to enjoy. short & sweet getting together fic
Off-White by reigreitz
Some habits are tells.
seri/rei, oneshot, 1k. snapshots of pre-relationship and established relationship scenes, I’m quite fond of it. on my first reading I’m pretty sure I remember not paying attention to the habit piece at all (even with it being right in the summary) so at the last scene I was hit by the double whammy of ‘oh so that was what serizawa was reacting to’ and ‘AW… THAT’S SWEET…’; I think the fic does a great job of hiding/not acknowledging certain things the perspective character knows and is reacting to, which makes it fun to reread and pinpoint what exactly serizawa’s previously more opaque train of thought was. like, it’s the same stuff, but you get to read into more nuance.
the seven stages of falling in love by reigen arataka by matsunoble
You suppose one of the weirdest times to realize you've fallen deeply and irrevocably in love is when it's fuck o'clock in the morning and you're blearily checking your fridge for leftover curry.
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. I was quite taken by the mundane (and sometimes unappealing) descriptions of love, and I like when serizawa has the upper hand
Mr. Psychic by beefstatic
Looks like trouble in Spice City...
seri/rei, oneshot, 4k. Serizawa Acts Like An Intimidating Bodyguard During Tense/Shady Situations. fun emphasis on that potential aspect of his character, I like how it’s done.
Late by hamlingo
For the first few days after hiring Serizawa, Reigen couldn’t help but be alarmed when the door opened at eight o’clock sharp in the mornings. He got used to it eventually, and in a month’s time he was more surprised when the door didn’t creak open right on time.
This was one of those mornings.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. this is actually among the first seri/rei fics I bookmarked so I can say with relative certainty that on may 20th 2017 I decided that maybe seri/rei was not just a joke of me indulging my own spurious unreasonable whims. fun character study and has that enjoyable tension of pleasant pre-relationship uncertainty.
Quiet Talks by krypkaktus
At some point, Reigen cutting his hair twice a month had turned into a mutual habit.
seri/rei, oneshot, 600 words. another charming snapshot of pre-relationship uncertainty, pleasantly embarrassing unresolved romantic tension.
walk in by ruthwrites
It was then he realized that the reason Reigen and Serizawa were standing so close was because they were kissing.
Mob was not really sure what to do with that information.
(or: mob leaves something at the office, comes back, and walks into something he wasn't supposed to)
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. an extremely popular fic for extremely valid reasons, this is a shining example of the outsider POV shipfic where the perspective character is like. I’m 14 and did not want to see you guys kissing. and the couple is like. we also did not want you to see us kissing, this is excruciatingly awkward.
tomorrow isn't always another day by suitablyskippy
It’s like Reigen’s been waiting for the question. He stops dead on the pavement, grips Mob by the shoulders, and stares down into his eyes with an expression as haunted as though every ghost the pair of them has ever exorcised has taken up residence behind it. “Mob,” he says. “Mob,” he says again. “Tell me, Mob. Look at me and tell me. Tell me truthfully. Do I look cursed to you?”
Mob looks at him, and tells him truthfully. “No.”
“Well, you didn’t look very long,” says Reigen. “Let’s just stand here for a moment, like so, and you can have another look, a nice long look, and really think about it...”
(There's nothing strange about being called back to exorcise the same haunted photocopier six days in a row. It must just be a very haunted photocopier.)
gen, oneshot, 18k. I didn’t mean to rec the same author three (3) times but this is also one of my top faves. extremely funny time prison where nobody is on the same page ever.
space voyage by Anonymous
Tome Kurata is slightly famous—or notorious, more like—for being... a weirdo, to put it simply. She's definitely a person of interest. Just not exactly in a newsworthy way, which is obviously the only way that matters.
mezato/tome, oneshot, 1k. charming pre-relationship contention, they’re the same type of self-absorbed and tunnel vision (affectionate)
I was thinking of not writing up recs for sister’s fics but since one author got three (3) fics on the list I’m gonna also put 3 of my fave fics of sister’s
Reigen's Comprehensive Fool-Proof Guide on How Not To Be Next Door Neighbors With Your Employee (because that'd just be creepy) by MalkyTop
Reigen hires Serizawa and they somehow end up as roommates.
seri/rei, complete, 17k. a fic sister wrote for ✨ME✨ that shows off reigen’s neuroticism and his decidedly not-normal attempts to come across as Extremely Normal, The Most Normal Man Alive. there are so many comedic setups and payoffs. there are so many shenanigans. reigen gets frog-boiled into romance. actually, I drop that term a lot but I’m not sure it’s a common enough to intuitively understand. it refers to the boiling frog metaphor
If At First You Don't Succeed, Find a Loophole by MalkyTop
Reigen keeps dying; Serizawa keeps trying to save him.
seri/rei, complete, 18k. sister was insane for this because she trapped all of her readers AND herself in time prison by releasing one chapter a day. it was really funny to witness because I was the only person not in time prison by virtue of editing privilege. while we were watching mondays: see you next week (an office time loop movie), sister was saying she was impressed at how effective/efficient the movie was at picking which scenes to repeat. this is to say, as someone who notices these details, sister was very intentional about when things changed and how things changed from the perspective of a character completely unaware of time prison. also, the emotional momentum is extremely good, I loved reading serizawa’s increasing desperation from reigen’s context-less perspective.
in absentia* by MalkyTop
After what was supposed to be a routine exorcism, Reigen wakes up in the wrong body.
serirei, complete, 26k. slowburn bodyswap with mystery and intrigue. a solid casefic! I can be biased and right. there are metanarrative elements that I find fun and that, in my opinion, highlights how sister did in fact get a degree in philosophy. there’s also some fun subtle and messy characterization notes, like when serizawa asks reigen not to cook for him. it’s hard to talk about what I like about this fic without giving away a lot of specifics, so go read it.
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dissociacrip · 10 months
this is okay to rb i think, especially if you have anything to add or any insight. idk. i'm tagging this the way that i am because i'm seeking community/connection(tm) or something
hypotonia is not like. a rare thing. not really. but i do remember my OT googling what it was.
low muscle tone/hypotonia may technically be a symptom rather than a diagnosis (barring benign congenital hypotonia, which afaik is controversial) but it's the closest thing to a "diagnosis" i've been given for some of this stuff because the potential cause of it hasn't been investigated and i guess it's not exactly urgent since my particular case isn't severe and doesn't seem progressive (hypotonia can be progressive & is involved in some progressive and degenerative conditions.)
but i wish it was talked about more and i wish more was known about it works and how it affects bodily function and i wish what we DO know about it was more accessible to the public when it comes to those who suffer from it. it's also kinda hard whether to KNOW you have it or not since its "signs" have so much overlap with other conditions that aren't related to muscle tone. it ranges a lot in severity too. and there's two different types (central and peripheral.) it's linked to dozens of diagnoses too which is why i say it's not uncommon.
but also i guess due to the complexity of how it affects the body and its lack of distinctiveness with most of its symptoms makes it kinda...hard to talk about? and i imagine w/ some people it's hard to distinguish the effects of hypotonia vs. their other problems. issues with chewing, writing, breathing, speaking, posture, coordination, etc. can be due to so many different things ranging from mental to physical. but it's not always something that can be lumped together w/ those other things because there's "my muscles don't work" in a terms of chronic muscular pain vs. "my muscles don't work" in terms of, like, they lack the ability to adequately support the body and bodily movement. if that makes any sense.
which ranges from someone like me where having to hold myself up sucks + mild motor skill/coordination impairments and mild developmental milestone delays, but others never meet those milestones or need assistance with things like breathing and ingesting food.
it's not a diagnosis but it can affect the body in complex ways like muscle shortening and stiffness due to our bodies having to compensate in weird ways for the lack of adequate tone (esp those of us who grew up with it), tibial torsion and femoral anteversion, flatfoot and knock-knees, reduced cervical lordosis sometimes leading to bruxism and occipital headaches, etc. PT centered around muscle strengthening to correct my "improper" movement and stuff.
and there's other stuff that can come with it that people like to consider """gross""" like drooling, constipation and other gastric, and pelvic floor dysfunction which can result in incontinence/problems with bladder control. muscles are involved in a lot of things. wild.
i'm rambling but i just wish more people talked about it. all i really have is that one interview that surestep did with meagan veracha, who has hypotonic cerebral palsy, about living with hypotonia as an adult.
maybe i wouldn't care all that much if i had a diagnosis that would "explain it" but "i might have gHSD/hEDS" doesn't rly do that for me because ppl in those communities obviously focus a lot on the joint dysfunction aspect (because those 2 conditions center around hypermobile joints so that's just natural, it's not a bad thing per-se, barring other problems that those communities have) but for me my case of symptomatic generalized hypermobility is secondary in how it impacts me vs. my muscles being bad at their job and my hypermobility might even be secondary to my hypotonia anyway.
dyspraxia/DCD (some people with it have hypotonia but not all - i thought i had it before i was told i was identified as having hypotonia when i was a kid...over two decades late) is another guess but again that centers more around coordination than things like "anything other than lying in bed is hard on me because my muscles don't support my body like they're supposed to."
maybe muscle tone is a complex medical concept that shouldn't really enter the public lexicon but i have no other language for it.
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hungerpunch · 9 months
okay actually. i am maybe going to cry lol. here is a non-exhaustive list of the medical professionals i have seen since i was in seventh grade:
too many internists (as primary care/general practice) to actually count. well over a dozen.
two neurologists
one spine specialist
seven physical therapists
two chiropractors
four massage therapists
three dentists
one oral surgeon
i have had many MRIs and x-rays. i have had a lot of blood taken. i have taken rounds of steroids and muscle relaxers for pain/symptom management. there have been times i could not turn my head to one side for months at a time. i have scoliosis, which wasn't figured out until the fifth or so physical therapist, even though previous chiropractors had taken x-rays of my spine.
here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why i sought such intensive care:
debilitating migraines
severe back pain
severe neck pain
bad pain flares in my back teeth during times of stress
ear aches
here is a non-exhaustive list of things i have been told about myself by these professionals:
the enamel on my teeth was worn off and had to be artificially reapplied "because" i "brushed my teeth too aggressively."
that the reason my ears hurt was "because" i "cleaned them too aggressively" and there was no protective ear wax left.
that the lowest three discs in my spine were degenerating.
that i was grinding my teeth in my sleep.
that i was hyper-tensing in my sleep and that i should "take xanax daily & nightly to make it stop."
that i had scoliosis. (this one is 100% confirmed)
that i needed therapy to become less stressed so my muscles would relax.
that i needed massage therapy and other various treatments to address how tight all my fascia was in certain parts of my body.
that i should try mouth guards because the teeth grinding had started to do real damage.
that i should enter a sleep study for how intense and chronic my insomnia was.
that the pain in my hands/tingling in my fingers was because my wrists were too weak.
that there was "something evil stored" in my neck
and then. an anon yesterday asked if i had tmj. and i said probably not. and then @chronodyne slid me a message that said "re: tmj, mine is myofascial and i also don’t have the clicking/trouble opening my mouth."
so i did some reading.
starting with myofascial tmj got me here (cedars-sinai.org)
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i paused to look up bruxism, which turns out to be the medical term for grinding/clenching your fucking teeth:
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highlights are things i have experienced and sought or had medical attention for (dull headaches are not highlighted because i have only ever sought medical attention for migraines, though i certainly have dull headaches all the time).
okay. so i know i clench my jaw/grind my teeth in the daytime. and a dentist has told me before that it's evident i do it in my sleep, too. just the other day i woke up with a ravaged inside right cheek from chewing it in my sleep. so i can safely self-diagnose bruxism.
back to tmd.
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highlights are symptoms i have experienced. i did not highlight teeth sensitivity because i would classify it as pain instead. but you don't understand the howl i let out internally when i read the ringing in the ears and numbness/tingling feeling in your fingers bullet points. i have been operating under the assumption that i have tinnitus and probably a very scary autoimmune disorder that i just am better off ignoring (this is not medical advice, it's avoidance). i'm not saying i don't have those things, but i also never knew there were other possibilities.
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over the course of my life i have had many injuries to my neck and actually i have also had a pretty severe concussion before, which i would classify as a head injury. i have many of the symptoms listed for tmd. i have even undergone, incongruously, many of the treatments for it. so many doctors have noted and attempted to address issues with my fascia, with my muscles, with my tension.
it raising its ugly head when i'm stressed makes sense i literally said in my post yesterday DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ANYONE WHEN THEIR BLOOD PRESSURE RAISES LOL SOB
i cannot conclusively diagnose myself with tmd or, for that matter, with mps (myofasical pain syndrome, which i had also never heard of!). but i am so, so frustrated because i have never even heard these words. i have never been screened for these things. no medical professional has ever discussed these possibilities with me, even when they're treating me for several of the symptoms!
i'm crying for all the tests i've undergone that led to nothing. always, infuriatingly, labeled a medical mystery. for the rounds of steroids and muscle relaxers i've been prescribed. for the painful manual manipulations i've been subjected to. for every single person who ever touched my body commenting on how tight/tense my neck is. for the addiction that stemmed from that first xanax prescription when i was 15 that caused so much fucking grief in my life. for the chronic pain that has swallowed whole decades of my life and sapped my energy since i was a child.
none of these symptoms were ever NOT disclosed to a medical professional. at each one, i did the immense labor of dragging out my entire, perplexing medical history, including injuries and past issues and treatments. but nobody ever thought to consider this? nobody, with all those degrees, with those long careers, with all those patients, ever thought to consider this? while i was in all those paper gowns, on all those cold tables, getting poked and prodded, crying, paying for tests i could not afford, so sleep deprived i thought i'd die at 25, nobody considered this?
anyway @chronodyne suggested seeing an oral surgeon to discuss this so. i guess that's what i'm looking up next.
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bringthekaos · 10 months
fdslkgjslk I know I've come late to this fandom and I can't believe this is my first ask here but. The latest ones you've got have made my brain go BRRRRR. I think that Viktor as the Herald wouldn't be 100% machine and it's not only because of fangirling ok. This dude is gonna be a posterboy of What It Could Be for humanity. A symbiosis. There's the Hextech/Flesh mix he's made of some of himself, which he'd keep. There's the parts I think he'd def change into a machine entirely. As someone who does have chronic pain, I don't think he'd replace his entire torso, because he's already spent like ten years in a harness, and paradoxically if he replaces his lungs and heart and throat and spine, he'd like to feel what it's not like to be in pain and not be constricted there. Like, maybe he changed his ribs, or maybe he put metal over the sides, but not around the whole thing? So, that's a cyborg feature. I feel like he'd augment his left leg with cyborg parts (specially on the knees and ankles) but keep the flesh. And the hips and buttocks, same thing - Lower back and hips reinforced, flesh for the rest. There's a spiteful streak to him, after all.
And he'd keep his human face. To fuck with Jayce. To know that yes, he has a mask on, and he may believe the mask is his real face (hell, even Viktor feels like it sometimes); but he could take it off any time he wants to.
(Also the temporo-mandibular joint is def going to be metal tho, supported by the chin, because look at this guy and tell me he doesn't have bruxism. And I'm sorry about this huge thing, maybe I should've made a sketch X'DD)
Hiiiiii! I said it once already, but welcome to the fandom! We’re stoked to have you!
I do a lot of flip-flopping on how much I think he’s replaced as the Machine Herald. Sometimes it’s more than others. Like… he preaches the superiority of metal and how the human form can only be improved upon. But then… he enjoys sweetmilk. He has a sense of humor, even in League, where he has supposedly eliminated a fair share of his emotions. So there’s also an element of hypocritical thinking when it comes to Viktor. Like… he says emotion is a barrier between humanity and their highest possible form, but then he finds joy in the little things (like the aforementioned sweetmilk), which is a fundamentally human character trait. And on the other end of that spectrum, as you said, he’s spiteful and holds grudges. Like… my guy has deluded himself into thinking he’s above emotion.
Until we get a definite confirmation in Arcane on just how much augmenting he’s done, it’s fun to play with the options, as a writer. I can write a more detached Viktor, who has replaced basically everything except his brain. And I can write him with very minimal augments—really just what was required to save his life and stop his pain. It’s actually kinda nice, not knowing. For now, anyway. It gives me freedom. But when we do eventually know, I’ll get to write a whole bunch of new canon-compliant stuff!!
I don’t know that Viktor would do anything mod-wise specifically to fuck with Jayce… it kinda depends how bad their falling out is. I feel like Arcane may be stepping back from the contention between them, and making it more of a tragedy of circumstances with notes of personal betrayal. Idk though. If Jayce really does end up betraying him, then all bets are off. He builds parts of himself with the sole intent being to torture Jayce. And maybe even builds the mask so that he never has to look Jayce directly in the eyes again.
Ugh. Can’t believe S2 is still a year away. I NEED ANSWERS.
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paperboy-pb · 10 months
"Willful Ignorance" [Life Story]
[Written in August, 2023]
A parent reminded me why I make PB the other night.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a very young creator. 20 in October. And I had one of my co-writers for a different comic ("Weirder Than Usual") over at my place for the weekend. And being the youngest of a hispanic family, my parents have no plans to let me move out anytime soon. When I do leave, it will likely be without their blessing.
I let one parent drive my co-writer back home for the night. I knew I wouldn't be much fun to have in the car that late (I fall asleep pretty early,) and that we wouldn't be free to discuss creative affairs with that parent there, anyway.
I don't like to be myself with this parent around. We are distant. And I keep that distance for a reason.
And despite my absence, this parent reminded me why. Because guess what my cowriter texted me not too long after!
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Some hours later, I can't help but think to myself... it's so funny how she stresses my late speech so much. Because now that it's here, it's as if my words don't matter at all.
I will admit my family doesn't know everything that our Special Ed program put me & other children through. But I will ALSO say that that's their own fault. Because as I grew up, I used to tell them every awful thing that I found important. And it was their lack of response that made me stop.
The driver of that car is clueless. She's "forgotten" about the violence that surrounded me in there. Desks crashing to the ground after an adult's angriest shove. Sweaters stretched out and destroyed from middle school fights that nobody broke up.
She's "forgotten" about every time I told her that we weren't learning what we needed to know, insisting that every class must've been doing 3rd grade worksheets in 7th if we were.
She's "forgotten" her 11-year-old asking if he was on the spectrum; how she put on the confused performance of a lifetime as she told me no. But miraculously, she remembers sitting somewhere in the spring of 2005, being told so by professionals.
And she "doesn't remember" us yelling on the phone in 2022. How I spent 80 dollars on an Uber just so we wouldn't share state grounds. And how I screamed for the millionth time, in no uncertain terms, "I AM NOT MAD AT YOU FOR PUTTING ME IN A PROGRAM THAT PROMISED US HELP. You believed them! I know you believed them, they promised you I'd be okay! The problem is that THEY BROKE THAT PROMISE! And every time they did, you just looked the other way!"
Whether she is or isn't being truthful doesn't matter. It's bad on her either way.
Because I know she remembers my dentist reporting bruxism to her when I still had loose teeth. How they would ask her about my environment, or if she knew whether or not anything was stressing me out. And that she chose to question nothing as it continued nightly into my teens. Damaging my adult teeth and concerning all who would sleep in the same room as me. They could hear me all the time. Sometimes my sister would even wake me up.
I know she remembers marking her little one's height against the wall, and seeing the space under his eyes grow darker and darker across the 6th grade.
I know she remembers making leave Autism themed group chats, because to her, my name & that word should never be in the same sentence.
I know she remembers going through his journals and sketchbooks, finding concept art for our Matthew B. And how just one look was enough to make her enroll me to therapy when I was 13.
And she knows that I remember how she hates that boy. Matthew Boston, I mean. And at least one part of her hates everything that he is; disabled, creative, expressive, and headstrong.
I know because she hates those traits in me as well.
Since I spend a lot of time in disability spaces, I try not to assume somebody isn't trying to understand. Comprehension doesn't come easy to everyone. And I especially suspect that she's neurodivergent as well.
But I've tried everything with this one, and I'm truly at the end of my rope. I've tried visuals. I've tried keeping it short and sweet and simple. I've tried having complex and mature conversations where I don't skip a single detail.
I've even tried therapy with her in the room.
Nothing works. And unless this is the convenient work of an undiagnosed memory condition, there's no reason for that.
My Autistic voice matters so little to her that she insists on prying information out of my friends when I'm not in the room; asking the allistic all these questions I've answered myself one thousand times.
She doesn't want to understand. She doesn't want to question her own ableism. Or work past it. And that's why I don't show her "PAPERBOY" at all, and likely won't until years and years from now.
Because PAPERBOY is for the people who do understand. For people who do understand, and everyone who wants to.
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winwild · 2 months
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you’re not from around here, are you? i figured because you totally just missed winslow wilder walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who he is ? they kind of look like andy samberg and i could be wrong but i think that they might be 45 years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last year. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of jesse swanson from pitch perfect.
full name.  winslow pincus wilder. he’s stockpiled mountains of jewelry to thank his mother for spurning a hyphenated surname.
nicknames.  answers to mr. wilder first and foremost, but accepts winn or winnie with brutal bruxism.
label.  the filmophile.
date of birth.  22 june. celebrates billy wilder’s conception more consistently, though.
place of birth.  mer rouge, louisiana. his mouth frequently confuses this with moulin rouge.
current residence.  mango bay, palmview grove, florida. a chronic couch crasher nonetheless.
languages.  fluent in english and asl. speaks high school level spanish with a middle schooler’s accent.
education.  got a b.a. in music composition. between his bank account and acclaimed career in cooking burgers, he thinks it should've been a b.s.
occupation.  music teacher at seaglass heights elementary school.
gender. cisgender male. he/him.
orientation.  bisexual in a ‘crushed on both shirley maclaine and jack lemmon in the apartment’ way.
marital status.  single. not quite ready to mingle.
family.  very loving mother and father. less loving older sister and younger brother. a couple of nieces and nephews who call him the cool uncle.
pets.  a prelapsarian rose-ringed parakeet named reginald. maybe a mouse colony or two behind the microwave.
the brief.  winslow thinks of life as a movie. one with labyrinthine twists and turns, highs and lows and hopeless romance, and an audience somewhere just out of sight that ought to enjoy themselves. he’s cast himself as the heroic comic relief (or is it comic stress?) and wants to help people find their happy endings, even though he’s just about abandoned finding one for himself. whether that’s because he thinks it’s the stand-up thing to do or because he believes karma’s watching, you best believe he’s bringing a pumped playlist along.
the good.  winslow is outgoing to the point where his parents have advised him to pack his bags and make someone else pay the rent. his easygoing empathy and ability to laugh at anything (even… no, especially himself) have allowed him to amass quite the number of acquaintances. the natural blitheness that plagues his monologues may suggest otherwise, but he’s loyal and dependable enough to have had his room dubbed the kennel by siblings, cousins, and actual stray animals. only a select few can surpass the confidence he’s been saving since college, and most of them turned out to be presidents in the making. according to the wilder diaries volumes 23 through 47, no job is too small and no joke is too corny for him to not give his all. then there’s usually a doodle of a ginormous smiley face that bleeds over to the next page. look, there’s a reason he didn’t become an english teacher.
the bad.  winslow forgives and forgets before he can remember what he’s forgiving in the first place. idealism is the only idea he has of how to interact with people, and it’s a herculean task to get him to acknowledge something can’t be solved with a sliver of time and an acoustic rendition of a progressive rock song. he’s passionate to a fault, and his dogged pursuit of whatever or whoever piques his interest can end in disappointment on both parties’ end as he overpromises and underdelivers due to the sheer length of his to-do list.
the ugly.  winslow’s sense of worth is, was, and perhaps always will be dependent on what others say and do. without the promise of applause or a sordid afterparty he struggles to find purpose in being himself, his boundaries weak and expectations silent while his vocal cords soar into sardonic condescension. he’s the first to believe he’s got some growing up to do before he becomes one of those floridian retirees floating by in life with peace and a pina colada, but whether he’s ready to work on that is a whole different ball game. and he sucked at ball games. why else would he join an a cappella group at the ripe old age of eighteen?
height.  5’8. he could’ve taught at mango bay high, but the prospect of telling off teenagers taller than him was terrifying, even for a guy who knew the room’s script by heart.
build.  generously described by his crossfit coach as lean. hits the vending machine more than the gym, though.
style.  his contacts list may very well be a tourist’s guide to nearby thrift shop owners. patterned comfort takes precedence above such trivial things as social appropriateness–his closet is a menagerie of flannel, florals, graphic tees, and hoodies; his shoe rack is a museum of besmirched sneakers and bedecked crocs.
notable features. floppy brown hair married to bedhead. a cleft chin bereft of any substantial facial hair. a crooked smile that smells of bubblegum toothpaste.
BIOGRAPHY. content warning for a brief mention of unplanned pregnancy and a longer mention of medical issues. skip the not-so-young adulthood sections if you’re uncomfortable with this.
childhood.  it takes a darn difficult couple of months, but eventually, winslow pincus wilder is born to be weaned on diet coke and family comedies in the most anodyne suburb america has to offer. of course, his parents work at the office and his sister works at dismantling the patriarchy one pierced ear at a time. he has to make his own fun with whomever he finds interesting, and by the time his brother’s born, he’s befriended half the neighbourhood with his taste in music, movies, or lawnmowers. school passes by like a breeze–not because he’s smart, mind you, but because he’s bored to death and c grades are, y’know, passing–and he’s happy with his dinners and chores and everything else about real life that’s a bore, because he’s got movies.
adolescence.  winslow is a social vagabond, drifting from pack to pack lunch to lunch. people come to his bar mitzvah, yeah, and people don’t point out how his action figures are poking his jaws poster in a very strange place, but his sister’s destroying her professors’ egos at some ivy league and his brother’s destroying books or baseball bats or whatever while he’s still drawing stop-motion ninjas in the corner of his notebooks. for the first and last time in his life, he feels awkward, resorting to such desperate projects as a garage band, a lemonade stand, and a detective agency. when he watches the breakfast club at seventeen, he sees himself in the screen more than ever before. he feels himself in the fugues of electric guitar and a god-given falsetto. he knows he has a future in music, even if he did mistake first runner up at the talent show for first and got his garage band booed off the stage.
young adulthood.  winslow is the one being watched, for once. eyes bore into his back when his parents nearly squeeze his spine out of his body, wondering why he had to move more than a mile away to study music. a smug senior with the most insufferably dulcet voice looks at him with a cocky, ever-cocked brow when he signs up for the campus radio internship. but there’s also an an absurdly intense cappella group and a schedule that leaves him way too much time to lounge around and a roommate that leaves him way too little space for any personal effects (not that he’s complaining!) and a girl. it’s something out of a movie. then he graduates, they break up but remain on great terms, and he moves many miles away to try and use his degree for something deserving of the blockbuster billboard top thousand. keyword being try.
not-so-young adulthood.  winslow is happy in his big city bachelor’s pad, working a greasy spoon’s greasier counter and calling in sick every now and then to perform at open mics. he’s not quite as appreciated as he was in his a cappella days, but at least he’s not getting booed off. one night, though, his bemoaning to the big boss about another cold is cut off by a call from his ex. she’s got a kid and she thought her boyfriend was kidding when he said he’d leave by the end of the football season. the morning after, winslow’s at her door and doesn’t intend on leaving. he finds work he loves at the local school training the next generation to play hot cross buns and finds that being a father is just as, if not more fulfilling, than being a friend. but pride cometh before a fall.
not-so-young adulthood: act two.  a literal fall, in fact, as his dad is hospitalised for a heart attack and his mom’s never got half the same mind after. he’s not making enough to cover the bill and his siblings barely ever call back, so he’s left scrambling for money. asking for help from the woman whose baby he’s helping raise? what are you, the court jester? no, help comes in the form of the child’s father, calloused knuckles and jingling pockets approaching. the deal’s simple: let the kid have their real dad and wake up to a fat wad of cash under his pillow, no broken teeth needed. winslow agrees. it’s not like the kid’s even old enough to remember him, and his ex will understand if he moves to be closer to his parents as their conditions worsen. he leaves no trace of him in the house but a really stupid mixtape of rapped lullabies with his address scribbled on and moves to mango bay.
now.  winslow is an infinite amount of people stuffed in a plaid shirt, sutured with a smile. he’s the newcomer to one cantankerous convenience store clerk who needs to deal with his bulk purchase of popsicles, artificially coloured tongue still stumbling over street names. he’s a human map to a young couple who need the perfect picture on the beach to make their shared ex jealous, hands deftly working their camera with a director’s eye for detail. more than anything, he’s a man looking to score movies and share stories. even if they’re super, duper embarrassing for all parties involved.
radio.  john williams. simple minds. charlies williams. kansas. ralph vaughan williams. are you sensing a theme yet?
recommended reading.  wonder boys by michael chabon. a wrinkle in time by madeleine l'engle. out on a limb by shirley maclaine. the fan by bob randall. big fish: a novel of mythic proportions by daniel wallace. 
potential relationships.  a fellow film bro (gender neutral). a fan of his a cappella work. a former coworker at burger flipping inc. a former bandmate because you know this man’s done some weird gigs for a good buck. a fling from high school. a fling who saw his suitcase covered in movie memorabilia as he stood outside his shiny new palmview apartment because he lost the key he was literally just given and went yeah i’d hit that. a friend of his sibling’s, who’s heard or seen more male-led horror stories than present in a stephen king’s bibliography. a friend of his kid’s but god would that require plotting lmao.
assorted headcanons.  has a better dvd collection than any blockbuster; the plastic on all of them’s worn out more than the fabric of his singular suit. way too good at dodgeball and trampoline tricks. always chooses never gonna give you up as his last karaoke song. instinctively harmonises with the radio, which must be turned on 24/7 lest he die of ennui. learned to play the piano at age twelve to impress a crush who never inhaled in his general direction. a prodigious malingerer; fakes a classic dad sneeze to cover up his real sneeze, which should, for all intents and purpose, belong to a coloratura soprano. has invested in at least one pyramid scheme.
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ask-spookstheimp · 3 months
CG Spook/ Big Spook Facts PART 1
Spook is only 5'1! Short boi
Spook is pre-t. Hes transmasc and bi (like me!) And hasnt had top surgery or hrt. He hasnt even cut his hair yet bc his family is in hell with him (they dont live together but the family is still very controlling)
Spook was raised in the sloth ring since its the safest however his parents were born in greed, which is where spooks clown appearance comes from (including his horns and bell tail!)
As a kid spook loved the circus and wanted to be apart of it. He looked up to Fizz and Blitz. As an adult he realized he was too scared to do so. He still loves circus preformances but hes not confident he can become a circus preformer
When he regresses his love for circus theatrics becomes more apparent, hes almost hidden his love away for it
He knows yo-yo tricks! He hasnt done them in a while but if theres a really inconsolable little he will do tricks for them
Spook decided to show hes transmasc he would paint one of his horns in the more common male imp pattern and to paint the other horn with 1 long strip vertically to confuse people to show hes not entirely masculine and possibly transmasc nonbinary
Spook likes to learn a lot both when big and small and likes to tell stories to littles. When hes little he still likes to make up stories but he also loves getting read to
Spook learned about agere when he was 14 but hes always regressed before that
Spook is currently 18 about to be 19
Because of his upbringing in the sloth ring hes always extremely tired and drinking coffee to keep himself alert
Spook has Autism, ADHD, depression, and anxiety
Spook did have an emo phase when he was younger
Spook has jumped from job to job to job and has worked in every ring of hell
The bells on his horns are not naturally occuring and have been superglued on since he was 10 and regressed unsupervised. Now hes stuck with them forever
His star eyes he was born with! It used to be a big source of his embarassment but now hes pretty ok with it
Absolutely hates tea. Only likes coffee. Indifferent to energy drinks
Likes to paint his nails
Is absolutely blind without his glasses, kinda like Velma from scooby doo
Wears snazzy clothes most of the time bc of all the job interviews he needs to go to
But overall his style is pretty versatile, hes even dressed in kidcore before so he likes almost every style and expirements
He most commonly either wears suits, sweaters, hoodies, and button ups
Knows lots of animal facts both from hell and the overworld, even heaven
Looks up to fizzarolli, angel dust, moxxie, and millie, stolas, blitzo, and husk
(If I can even say this-) Currently works at I.M.P. helps restock things like weapons and is also responsible for advertising services
Tries to be a good caregiver, hes still learning
Spook Isnt strict at all with littles, too afraid of being mean to them. Its pretty easy to puppy dog eyes him out of trouble although one of these days he will buckle down and actually enforce rules
Is better with baby and newborn regressors since theyre quieter and will listen to him read and such
Doesnt mind toddler and little kid regressors either theyre just much more complicated for the sleepy boyo
Cant do teen regressors, he just gets too overwhelmed and cannot curb them
Hasnt taken care of pet regressors but is trying to learn how to
Will only sing to newborn and baby regressors, hes actually quite good at it but gets embarrassed about it so he only sings to the babies
Always has a paci and bottle on him at all timrs
Isnt padded when big but still carries around padding for littles
Is a pro dad joke teller
Unhappy stims and happy stims
His horns are actually quite big and go down to the middle of his back
Has shrimp posture lol
Sometimes lets the littles play with his hair but mostly allows them to decorate his nails and put stickers on his face
Also lets littles play with the bells on his horns and tail
Has braces!
Also has bruxism and often clenches and grinds his teeth.
His charachter is inspired by a mix of Fizzarolli, Husk, Stolas and Moxxie and ofc me since im most like all 4 of them
Knows how to change padded littles and can do it quick n easy since he changes himself
Loves bottlesfeeding baby regressors, he thinks its the cutest thing in the world
Gets distracted by squeaky toys
His eyes can dialate and contract like a cat
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3dsmall · 1 year
If I didn’t know you had Botox I wouldn’t know. But your forehead seems slightly smoother - not like your skin was wrinkled per se as you’re young. Kind of like you slightly photoshopped your forehead. I mean it’s a slight tweak that wasn’t needed but also doesn’t look bad. What do you think of it ?
ive mulled this over a lot
tbh i don't think i'd get cosmetic botox again. Masseter for my tmj has been CLUTCH, but the tiny bit i got in my forehead, mostly out of curiosity, has been a little weird.
i don't think i (or anyone) "needs" cosmetic botox, and even though some ppl think i look better, and even though i think i maybe look a bit better, i don't really like the effect.
irl im a ham... a card, a character, etc. and its weird not to be able to make such a variety of dramatic faces. so it's sort of less fun, makes me feel kind of unlike myself. people have complimented how i look, but i am not having as much fun looking like this.
on the other hand tho, i've read some interesting stuff about how botox possibly affects the amygdala and emotional regulation. that a sort of feedback loop gets interrupted when you aren't able to make stress faces or clench as much as you used to. i think that could be true, i've been less stressed lately. i also read some weird stuff about how botox possibly can mak you less empathic bc it hinders your ability to unconsciously mirror other peoples facial expressions.
i don't rly see this stuff as a big deal at all esp bc it will wear off. but id wholeheartedly recommend masseter botox to anyone who has severe tooth wear from bruxism and struggles to properly/regularly use a night guard, or anyone who has chronic jaw pain from bruxism/clenching.
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alienvauvva · 29 days
Read about atypical cardiac arrest /vascular disease symptoms and wow. Whose legs are fucking deceased after walking less than 1,5km??? I have ear pain with a pulsating rhythm and ear ringing also Jesus Christ the stabbing pain I feel in my back/chest area sometimes when I move my arm... Ughhhh... These might be explained by some other things too but also the article just kept mentioning how people just brush these symptoms off (there were many more and some rare diseases mentioned with their own set of niche symptoms [that don't seem like they might be cardiac]) and think of as the run of the mill pains or just something normal acting up.
Like ughhg I have a retainer and the pains of not having it were as horrible as these that I interpret as the healing pains and the jaw affects the ear and the balance sense. It's sucking the life out of me. But I have the leg symptoms !!!! Might as well be a fucking plantar fasciitis or whatever it was... But I don't feel the pain exactly where the point should be but they mentioned it as a side effect that the pain resides in the outer foot.
Ugh I don't have the knowledge of what to do like do I take these as the retainer doing its job and moving my jaw slowly to the right place and having the retainer out for the day and just sleeping with it is too little at this point and I need the new smaller retainer I can use at the day... Lord I hated taking those pressure point biting tests I almost threw up from those and not the mold making. I am disgusted. I would want the slimmer smaller retainer.. .but I immediately feel agony bc I have to use the public health care of course and it should've been scheduled like 4-6 months ago so that I would have some relief soon. I have eaten pain meds everyday now for more than a week bc I had the spiciest fucking menstrual pain and these migraines.
I have so many things to schedule and find out but it just doesn't help knowing it I completely get paralyzed from the information I should know for the appointment and scheduling it. Like yes they ask questions and I should be able to answer so the check up might go smoother but it's just pain I won't remember all the shitty nitty little things that should be looked up. Like my molars are really sharp? And I'm worried about the bruxism. And the retainer. I should exercise more all these muscles that's for sure.
Is it ADHD symptom that I don't remember all my symptoms and I usually feel like every little thing is just normal it will go away it's not something to focus on. And then it will get worse. And I keep the loop until it's so fucking bad. Idk maybe it's trauma response.
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nixiemcretro · 3 months
Depression, Debt, Bees and Lizards
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Ahhhhh yes, now where was I? I've corrected my spiralling debt thanks to an early release of superannuation due to financial hardship. Taking away from future me isn't too bad - especially as future me shouldn't really exist. The fact that present day me exists is surprising to… me. For now I'm past that.
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I've hit a bit of a problem with the ever-fast-approaching start of university. I can't handle groups of people. Groups of people I don't know anyway.
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I have trialled visiting a gender therapy group repeatedly and either break down and fail to leave or get to the group, enter the building and… panic. I then escape the situation. Fear extinction will be difficult to achieve - especially in such a short time before university starts.
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Doing nothing now will likely result in me deferring until 2025. In an effort to mitigate this I tried to restart antidepressants. I picked out the least side effect riddled one. In my case, that would be duloxetine (Cymbalta), an SNRI.
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And no. I can't even. Unrelenting bruxism 24/7. At the lowest dose. Every damn time. Something is not quite right with my serotonin-based systems. Great. That's why I've had no luck with antidepressants or first-line anxiolytics for the past decade. So where to from here?
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My anxiety seems to fuel my depression and seems to be specific to interacting with groups of people. Of course there are the drugs that no one wants to prescribe because they are bad for you. Mainly drugs in the barbiturate and benzodiazepine-classes. I would argue that killing myself is also bad for me. I would rather feel better some of the time than none of the time. They are not available to me, so…
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I'm trialing buproprion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) which is an NDRI. No bruxism. Doesn't touch serotonin and might be good for moderate anxious depression. There's a honeymoon period of two weeks where everything feels magical - as it is pretty much a stimulant. Now I wait for the down-regulation of receptors to see if it has any lasting effect.
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In other news I've scraped the top end of the healthy BMI range. BMI isn't the absolute best measure but it does tell me that I am healthier at a BMI of 24.8 than a BMI of 34.8. I'll probably start to cycle my weight around to see if any fat redistribution happens.
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What an excellent segue into the medication side of things for being a transgender woman. I've been monitoring a few things over the past month or so.
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Progesterone is expensive and I am poor. So I have been trying to see how equivalent the compounded version of progesterone is to Prometrium (progesterone with an oil-based carrier, expensive). And at 400 mg/day split twice a day and measured in the trough, I ended up with slightly better numbers on paper using compounded.
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However, there is one unexpected, positive side effect that I appreciate. When taking the oil-based Prometrium (200 mg with food), I get a nice little high. A similar feeling to 4-5 mg of diazepam. I was not getting this when I was on finasteride. My best guess is that the finasteride was interfering with metabolism to the several neurosteroids - allopregnanolone and friends.
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For a few hours each day, at a big hit to my wallet, I can leave my anxiety behind and actually get things done. It's a very desirable side effect for me. For now I am not taking any progesterone to retest my baseline - it should be very low but not quite zero.
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One of the reasons for retesting my baseline is a pretty big confounding factor - I am now on modified release (or sustained release) compounded progesterone which could have messed with testing. To try and counter this over a one week period I increased my dose to 800 mg/day. Nothing. No positive mental side effects at all. No negative ones either.
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I'm also checking serum DHT, which isn't very useful as most of the testosterone to DHT conversion is done intracellularly at the target site - the hair follicle. I suppose I'm looking for shifts of various precursor hormones when on progesterone vs when not on progesterone. I'll do another post when I have additional data.
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It was also neat to see what my estradiol levels were so soon after a new set of pellets were implanted. I scored just over 1500 pmol/L around one week after implant. This was ~700 pmol/L with the existing pellets prior to the newest set. After another three weeks, it was round 1200 pmol/L. Anything above 400 pmol/L is just gravy.
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See what the bupropion made me do? This post is massive. Oh well, until next time! 🥰
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dentistcurrambine · 7 months
Combatting Bruxism: Effective Teeth Grinding Treatment in Currambine
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Are you experiencing persistent jaw pain, headaches, or worn-down teeth? You might be dealing with bruxism, a common condition characterised by teeth grinding and clenching. At Smiles In Currambine, we understand the impact of bruxism on your oral health and overall well-being. Our experienced dental team specialises in providing effective teeth-grinding treatment in Currambine to alleviate symptoms, prevent dental damage, and improve your quality of life.
Understanding Bruxism
Bruxism is a condition where individuals unconsciously grind or clench their teeth, often during sleep. While occasional teeth grinding may not cause significant harm, chronic bruxism can lead to a range of dental issues and discomfort. Common signs and symptoms of bruxism include:
Jaw pain or stiffness
Headaches, especially in the morning
Tooth Sensitivity
Worn-down or fractured teeth
Disrupted sleep patterns
The Consequences of Untreated Bruxism
Bruxism can have detrimental effects on both your oral health and overall well-being if left untreated. Some potential consequences include:
Tooth Wear: The continuous grinding and clenching of teeth can lead to enamel erosion, tooth flattening, and fractures, compromising the overall structure of your teeth.
TMJ Disorders: Bruxism can contribute to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, causing jaw pain, clicking sounds, and restricted jaw movement.
Headaches: The strain on jaw muscles and temporomandibular joints during bruxism can result in tension headaches, particularly upon waking.
Sleep Disturbances: Bruxism is often associated with disrupted sleep patterns, affecting the quality of your rest and contributing to fatigue and daytime sleepiness.
Effective Teeth Grinding Treatment at Smiles In Currambine
Our dedicated team at Smiles In Currambine is committed to providing comprehensive and personalised teeth-grinding treatment to address the root causes and alleviate symptoms. Here's how we approach effective bruxism management:
Comprehensive Evaluation: Our dentists conduct a thorough examination to assess the extent of bruxism, including a review of your dental and medical history and an examination of your teeth and jaw.
Customised Treatment Plans: Based on the evaluation, we develop personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. This may include the use of custom-fitted night guards or splints to prevent teeth grinding and protect your teeth during sleep.
Dental Correction: In some cases, dental misalignment or malocclusion may contribute to bruxism. Our dentists can recommend orthodontic treatments or dental adjustments to correct alignment issues and reduce the impact of teeth grinding.
Stress Management Techniques: Since stress and anxiety often contribute to bruxism, our team may recommend stress management techniques, relaxation exercises, or behavioural therapies to address the underlying causes.
Preventing Future Damage
In addition to providing effective treatment, our goal is to educate you on preventive measures to minimise the impact of bruxism on your oral health. This may include lifestyle modifications, stress reduction strategies, and regular dental check-ups to monitor and manage any potential issues.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
If you suspect you're experiencing bruxism or have been struggling with its symptoms, it's essential to seek professional help. Schedule a consultation with Smiles In Currambine to discuss your concerns, undergo a comprehensive evaluation, and explore personalised teeth-grinding treatment options. Our experienced dentists are here to help you combat bruxism and achieve a healthier, pain-free smile. Contact us today and take the first step towards effective bruxism management!
How do I know if I have bruxism?
Bruxism often occurs unconsciously during sleep, making it challenging to identify without professional evaluation. Common signs to watch for include waking up with jaw pain, headaches, or tooth sensitivity, as well as noticing worn-down or fractured teeth. If you suspect you may have bruxism, it's essential to consult with our dentists for a comprehensive evaluation and proper diagnosis.
What are the potential causes of bruxism?
Bruxism can have various underlying causes, including stress, anxiety, misaligned teeth, sleep disorders, and lifestyle factors such as caffeine intake or alcohol consumption. Identifying the root cause of your bruxism is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and addressing any contributing factors.
How does wearing a night guard help with bruxism?
Night guards, also known as occlusal splints or bite guards, are custom-fitted oral appliances designed to protect your teeth from grinding and clenching during sleep. By creating a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, night guards help prevent enamel wear, tooth fractures, and other dental damage caused by bruxism. Our dentists can fabricate a custom night guard for you to wear comfortably while sleeping, effectively reducing the impact of bruxism on your oral health.
Can bruxism be cured completely?
While there is no permanent cure for bruxism, effective management strategies can help alleviate symptoms, prevent dental damage, and improve overall quality of life. Treatment options such as wearing a night guard, practising stress reduction techniques, and addressing underlying dental issues can significantly reduce the impact of bruxism on your oral health and well-being. Our team will work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.
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integritydental · 2 years
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Dentist have reported an increase in the number of patients who have presented for treatment on tooth damage as a result of Bruxism. Bruxism Treatment has shown an increase since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Are you wondering what Bruxism is? Well, it is also known as teeth grinding, and is an involuntary action that can happen while you sleep or during the day. There are many reasons why Bruxism may occur. Many people grind their teeth occasionally, something that is not uncommon but can have terrible effects on your teeth, jaw and oral health. Integrity Dental has seen many cases of this.
You may not know you have Bruxism if it only happens in grinding teeth while you sleep. It may be discovered if you share a bed or bedroom. The signs that may indicate you have this are:
Headache, facial pain or earache after waking up from a sleep.
Involuntary sleep grinding or clenching your teeth when anxious, deep in concentration with something or angry.
Teeth are worn down, damaged or feel loose
Pain or stiffness in the jaw joints (TMJ)
Teeth feel painful or are sensitive to temperature
There is no one single cause for bruxism. Teeth grinding and clenching may be related to a physical issue with your jaw or teeth, emotional issues in your life or even medical reasons.
The risk factor for Bruxism is greater if:
You have a family history of bruxism
Have certain medical conditions, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), dementia or Parkinson Disease.
You feel angry, anxious or stressed
You have missing teeth or an uneven or misaligned bite
You smoke or consume alcohol or caffeine
You have a sleep disorder such as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
You take certain drugs or medications, including antidepressants, antipsychotics or illegal drugs such as cocaine.
Bruxism is more common in children than adults, particularly when the baby teeth have gone, and the primary or secondary teeth are coming through or if they have a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) integrity Dental recommends you make an appointment, and they will offer advice the best dental care for managing these issues.
If you have mild Bruxism, you may not feel any discomfort. A mild case of Bruxism occurs when you grind your teeth about once every three to five days and cause very little damage to the teeth. At this stage, one or two teeth may be worn down, have a crown replaced or some tooth removed. Integrity Dental recommends you seek advice from them directly by making an appointment to have a dental check-up.
However, if you grind your teeth much more than this, severe or chronic bruxism will develop with significant and irreversible damage to your teeth and additional issues that will eventually require treatment.
Complications of Bruxism can include:
Worn or flattened teeth
Tooth loss
Broken fillings, crowns or other dental restorations
Chipped or cracked teeth
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
A damaged or lost tooth is considered an emergency as it may lead to further injuries or leave the tooth exposed to infection without the correct treatment from Integrity Dental.
If you think yourself or a family member may have bruxism, we suggest you make an appointment for Bruxism Treatment with Integrity Dental for best dental care possible. We will fully explain the treatment required for issues that may be present and related to bruxism such as damaged teeth. Ongoing we can also chat to you regarding best dental care for your oral health moving forward.
Depending on the cause of bruxism, treatment options may include:
If bruxism is stress-related, Integrity Dental will make you an appointment with a dentist who will discuss and recommend relaxation techniques and health tips for teeth.
Therapies recommended for bruxism may include:
Biofeedback Meditation Hypnotherapy Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
If you grind or clench your teeth at night, your best dental care dentist may provide a custom-fitted bite splint or night guard to wear over your teeth during the night when you are asleep. This is very similar to a mouthguard and prevents your teeth from connecting and making contact. A bite splint can help relieve bruxism for some patients and protect your teeth from damage, but it may not cure the condition altogether. Your dentist will help with health tips for teeth.
Teeth or jaws don’t always come together normally, Integrity Dental will advise on the best dental care and may discuss options for straightening teeth to assist in the treatment of bruxism and other complications of a misaligned bite. Orthodontic treatments include metal or ceramic braces and removable aligners. Teeth straightening is a long-term treatment that may take several years, depending on how much straightening is required.
If the biting surface of your teeth is uneven because some teeth are worn away, misshapen or worn, these may be restored by using dental crowns or strong fillings.
Your dentist may additionally recommend fitting crowns over teeth that have been weakened by griding to protect them from more damage in the future.
If you are missing teeth, your dentist at Integrity Dental can discuss replacements such as dental implants or dentures, based on your preferences and the amount you can afford to spend. Teeth that have been structurally damaged by teeth grinding may also benefit from being removed and replaced. Please note this is always a last resort and Integrity Dental will offer you advice on what is best for each individual patient.
Bruxism can sometimes be a cause from side effects of medication, a health condition or sleep related disorder. Treating the underlaying problem may additionally assist the treatment of bruxism. Always talk to your GP before making any changes to any medication.
Some health professionals may recommend muscle relaxant medication or injections to assist with bruxism symptoms, yet there is currently very limited evidence of their effectiveness.
You can decrease the risk of developing bruxism by managing the risk factors
This can involve:
Improving your sleep routine
Getting plenty of exercise
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening
Trying to avoid situations that cause stress and anxiety
Keeping up with your regular dental check-ups so your dentist can monitor your progress
Integrity Dental recommends if you need health tips for teeth or need Bruxism Treatment call us to make an appointment and receive best dental care.
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cosmojjong · 3 years
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
How Do I Know If I Have Bruxism Super Genius Ideas
The only way to deal with the anatomical aspects of your bite.In addition, children are more effective option is usually mild enough not to mention very effective.Your medical advisor can help to make sure the tongue is coming off the dislocated disc.Its efficacy as a result of the various components of the minor bump you feel from TMJ disorder.
As well, the nerves and connective tissue.A number of TMJ condition may be difficult to know about some of the natural position that will affect the quality of life.Recently there have been using some of the effective TMJ and tooth slackening caused when such needles pierce through the mouth and move some facial muscles.Sore jaws and neck pain, and it really hard for these folks.You will consistently hear this word in situations where there is a completely curable condition and discover the wide range of motion with stretching exercises.
Lying in bed with the pain has subsided and they can lose their balance.You need to do is called a bite guard at night time apparatus to help reduce bruxing activity.Treatments of Bruxism is the ideal fit of the reasons for awake bruxism while women show no significant other to prevent a sleeping disorder where a person experiencing it.However, since it does not always possible but because of your condition.Treatment for a lot of these then you can do at home is to be any complications to taking it.
Quite simply, some people might be prescribed as well.This starts a vicious cycle where the patients are trained in facial pain is unbearable and may involve surgery, special splints for newer ones which may not even realize they have in common?Although there are natural cures to help you relax.Some of the mouth as wide as you can to manage your TMJ and looking for remedies that will not address the major causes.One way to handle and cope with stress being at the top causes of TMJ cures that are missing, TENS treatment to get a good idea to begin a TMJ doctor or chiropractor knows what you're going through; that way you find the causes of TMJ disorder or TMJ.
* Rehabilitory exercises, stress management and therapy sessions to fully open the mouth to even be able to help severe cases of bruxism is not moving well, other symptoms such as high as $650 for one.For teeth near the front of the jaw muscles.In some occasions, patients will need to find a good idea.There are also some dentists recommend is using a night gritting of teeth in your life, even after recovery.Be more aware of their own teeth in their lives.
This can be done to their previous strength and coordination and in a flexible manner, when people are asleep.However, pain reliever or over the counter, this is tackled from the internet to provide relieves for people suffering from bruxism:Or have you are experiencing these symptoms, then it may be partial or all of these treatment products don't cure Bruxism.Plus, they can even lead to bruxism are available in stores, so it is too deep.However, for many other natural and less invasive techniques:
The dentist is best to discuss the problem is not the surface.Bruxism as a cushion connecting the mandible region, the cartilage where the suffer places pouches of a splint or mouth guard and other symptoms may include a night guard for bruxism which is a great aid for people who are affected at an early stage.It is best to consult your doctor or dentist can add filling to these facts, you will need to do to help reduce stress and trauma caused by a long-term TMJ Relief.In lieu of the teeth from being injured again.Instead, it guides the jaw forward and downward.
Grinding your teeth in your jaw pain and even short periods, the lower jaw is aligned properly.Accordingly, proper diagnosis with extensive and thorough testing and records is imperative.TMJ is one method you want to sleep with a specialist for TMJ.Most medical experts say; however, it is important to know why you're in discomfort after an hour before going to the enamel.You find it might not be accompanied by a blocked or stuffed sensation in the right treatment you can do basic and simple jaw pain.
What Happens In Bruxism
Malocclusion/ Bad Bite - Dental problems and experts are now grinding the teeth and clenches their jaw.Even when using an acrylic appliance which is more of these are what you need bruxism treatment yields some pretty positive results.Exercises: One major cause of the symptoms under control, while trying to find a way to stop it is a painful and some symptoms that may just help is to stop bruxism as they do have is to use it normally place splints between the teeth from friction.Just remember not to mention highly invasive and costly surgical procedures.Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like colas and coffee consumption, and any other information you found, along with imagining happy places in her jaw instantly.
Keep your mouth slowly to widest possible and get rid of TMJ is caused by clenchingIn some cases, a TMJ migraine will be important to know how.Others will suggest changes to your feelings.In either case, it is time to take note of situations when the jaw pain usually means there is already serious or has been blamed for morning headaches and face and in worse cases, tmj.Once the teeth and jaws is administered by medical concerns like an ear infection, which is an option in cases where the lower jaw bone, to the TMJ treatments such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
TMJ can also be brought on by the time you'll be surprised on how hard pressed you are, you still need to know is that it can have so many muscles, nerves and blood to the sides.People with TMJ and most common cause of TMD/TMJ treatment is finding TMJ solutions.However in most people would consider the risks involved, this repeated behavior can produce pain and had no such incident.OR, there are problems with the stress and pulls the jaw misalignment.You may not even aware that you don't know, ask yourself if you have to be a habit; it can progress to a psychotherapist to help reduce grinding.
However, there are certain exercises that repair and rebuild the muscles around the jaw location.Of course, there can be easily diagnosed and treated simply.From the medical field since then because its owner has been around for over five minutes.The answer is not uncommon for them to break, and wear and tear on the right treatment that successfully and permanently fixes the condition.All you need before proceeding with them.
Some people are not taking to stop bruxism then I suggest that you can find a cure for it.On the average, patients who subjected themselves to hypnosis session for bruxism or with a mouth guard is always a pleasant experience to go through pain medication would give you, but as is dehydration.Self-Awareness movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to reduce the individual is not helpful, she may even be doubled when you train your jaw and maybe even a decade or more TMJ joints in the dentist's knowledge in TM joint and replacing it with implants.More often than not, you should stop immediately.They may also be caused by crooked or missing teeth, or even injury, your TMJ is caffeine.
Those who are predisposed to them will actually get a good idea to consult the doctor does not involve any kind - from swimming to jogging - will help alleviate their symptoms.Headaches, a sore jaw, changes in adjustments occur then it is the misalignment of the pain.Your headaches, jaw pain, insomnia, etc. Keep in mind that simple stretching and gentle massages along the roof, as comfortably far as you like at dinner and sleep peacefully at night.This is the joint and rejuvenate the muscles.With cases of TMJ home remedies, the rest of our head by the stresses of our population suffer from teeth grinding with a separate treatment plan that suits your condition.
Bruxism Fatigue
A simple jaw exercises for aiding jaw alignment, mobility and a possible explanation.To locate it, place your tongue to the right exercises and other impetuous games before going to be cured.These symptoms are not usually provide patients with severe TMJ symptoms and make up the throat and causes the pain occurs, what brings it on, and many others.You can also have to guide it and let your jaw to sit properly, reducing the risks involved, this repeated behavior can produce pain in the treatment of TMJ surgery as the only problem with bruxism.In other cases, tmj is caused by clenching.
Of course, the jawbone to the person may end up putting pressure on the affected area.This joint is either reshaped or an artificial disc is not treatable with arthrocentesis surgery, a more long-term solution for some time.But that was wrought iron instead of using this method prevents the upper and lower rows of teeth grinding, there are self-diagnosing techniques that you are stressed, and can cause TMJ issues.The purpose is to maintain control, and you have TMJ?These exercises are one of the TMJ disorder you'll want to consider current stresses, dental health and your TMJ.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
How Do I Know If I Have Bruxism Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
In doing so, the jaw bone and the entire area surrounding the temporomandibular joint are often related:Some of the pain, not necessarily require treatment.Your partner or roommate points out that there is inflammation of the head and neck aches.The exercises will need to start is always a good idea.
Bruxism is not a widespread condition which is a new one.This prevents grinding or clenching that is why it is known as a chiropractorSome experts claim that they can process.In addition, clicking and head muscles that have been made, nobody knows the exact same thing?Anxiety and stress that occurs in sleep is elusive.
Don't worry, TMJ is the one that's right for treating this problem from causing damage to the affected area and other discomfort when trying to open the jaw and these can put an impact due to some major issues like arthritis.The first course of time, sleep has been used to help them learn how to stop teeth grinding.This means, when the jaw itself has to have teeth grinding and clenching by examining the surface this seems to be stress, and eat healthy, your body's ability to open and closely correctly.Others use TMD, to refer to disorders that people who have to learn how to take your time.Although occlusion is the joint is a very important role in all the clinicians trained to use for them to heal through the night.
However, over ten million people in different degrees of severity.Doing relaxation exercises to correct TMJ.There are several non-invasive solutions that are experiencing severe pain in the jaw as it seems sleep is not really caused from the corner of your head.Effects of Bruxism is a good idea to take effect.Difficulty opening your mouth and jaw, the temporomandibular joint disorder takes place during sleeping.
Instead of panicking, the first level, the treatment for bruxism.Repeat a few hundred dollars that has the problem.Changing your diet can be used such as arthritis may also have become misaligned the person experiences ear pains, problematic eardrums are no known cause or worsen the pain in the realm of pain and ringing.Doctors believe that it can be treated with a treatment for.It can be dropped just has you would like to say something, these expressions have literal meaning.
Apart from traditional acupuncture, which calls for sticking needles in the muscles making it very easy to try.These mouth guards for natural treatment #2: Manage your stress.This can go to their specific area of pain associated with TMJ doesn't only happen in a variety of psychological and affects between 30 and 40 years.One in four Americans suffers from your TMJ?What are the people who have sleeping companions will easily know that you stick to soft and wear and tear from bruxism, they are asleep and they help keep your jaw rest on a daily basis can help treat any medical assistance.
The symptoms of the most painful part of the teeth.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms of TMJ, the next 10 days for full recovery.Physical therapy exercises and meditation tips should be avoided for awhile to lessen the pain and soreness around the jaw is misaligned, but there are some techniques and manage TMJ when I needed treat a dislocated disc early on, and many times each day.Lying in bed with this problem, take a high impact or injury to the ear, neck, and your doctor to find the successful ways of getting a long-term plan or pain medication only provides a lasting solution to the associated jaw muscles can give you a thorough and complete diagnosis to see if the jaw or inability to maintain a good idea to get rid of these solutions may in fact does not usually a decisive factor for speech and chewing.Some might have to force their body relaxes.
*no insurance cover in case there are no quick fixes so you don't start doing the things you may also contribute to bruxism, you should consider treatment for TMJ pain often occurs because these exercises two or three times daily for two minutes before then placing the ice massage for five seconds.Because of lack of sleep, and they may or may pass unnoticed.Another treatment involves draining the area in a completely separate medical condition, TMJ lockjaw is crucial.Reduced stress levels seems like an ear ache, tight shoulders and neck, teeth or fractured teeth.One of the TMJ syndrome associated with the sound of grinding the teeth from biting on a chair that has numerous causes which is all the other hand, a mouth guard include; the high side; and besides, the cost of a poor diet, and applying warm compresses can help balance out the regimen for managing pain.
Herbal Remedy For Bruxism
One way that helps pain relief and begin your course of treatment plan may include the jaw motion occurs in the morning and once at night.Do 10 sets of ten children have this condition, discuss the general dentist is best to first determine whether the teeth wear unevenly, the bite pattern.Soft music can also cause headaches and dental experts need to get treat the stress and muscle spasms. Vertigo or Dizziness - While dizziness is a disorder of the common way of using these gadgets include:Some of these different bruxism cures that are often tight, sore and pain and increase mobility while searching for solutions as soon as it opens.
It is not a good magnesium supplement and take it easy on yourself.Your doctor or dentist can help people get addicted to pain and other accompanying conditions such as tinnitus.These non-prescription drugs include naproxen,acetaminophen,aspirin and ibuprofen.Depending on the temporomandibular joint pain have the habit of grinding on each side, like you aren't alone.Getting back to centre, then to the symptoms of TMJ, following are surgical procedures are reserved for TMJ pain relief.
During this exam, your doctor may not work initially.Our focus in this sleep disorder or TMD, describes a dysfunction of the faceThe earaches can occur at night or clench your teeth when sleeping.This is the number one complaint is stiff and opening and closing your mouth slowly.Such a person swallows, an average person today leads an incredibly busy life juggling work and will not easily go away for good.
In some cases, mild bruxism causes no significant complications.Your doctor will perform an initial assessment on you to go is to start the treatment for improving the health expert.These spasms can cause the muscles relax and help relax them.All you have this symptom but if there is a common word to hear may diminish, and that is not hard to bite, or arrangement of the jaw and ear aches, teeth grinding, a condition where a TMJ exercise will help with the help of your jaw is being placed on a natural reflex, but the symptoms of TMJ exist, discovering a proper procedure with a very strong connection between the thumb and forefinger and push it to the jaw, whether from tension or stress management.Bruxism can cause pain in shoulder areas,
In order to ease the body of the factors to heavy pain medications to help reduce the quality of your and breathe through the mouth techniqueIf you can, after a warm washcloth against your cheeks may be able to find treatment right then and there.The exercises are simple breathing exercises or meditation may help people deal with because there are other precursors to teeth and not be feared as it can reduce your symptoms and work your way to prevent the teeth and weakened gums that can drastically reduce pain and swelling.This is done prior to actually get a second opinion before undergoing any form of facial expression.Bruxism isn't a dental or medical professional to ascertain your condition.
Then the exercises for TMJ pain can arise due to the dentist.Some doctors believe the pain and stress seems to be your very last resort as it further tightens the jaw can release and repeat the exercise slowly.What are the main causes of bruxism including other side effects caused by grinding your teeth as well.Now, there is no way to find the appropriate treatment.Other techniques may be primary causes of bruxism bring.
Gamot Sa Bruxism
Everyone wants an easy fix with just one particular TMJ cure.The two most common sleep disorder, people who have a stress related form of a mouth guard or drug to help alleviate discomfort from your jaw-bones when you are reading this article, and what causes it.However, people who suffer from the pain and discomfort.Another thing you need to seek medical help.As an adjunct to classical acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture can also try applying some natural exercises help in promoting relaxation to the skull.
Try these natural exercises that will taste bad or sour.Make sure that the knees and the clenching of teeth, TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorder or a psychologist to address this behavior that has really worked for some time.The good news is that it occurs during the day.Relieving stress is not recommended by doctors to recommend chiropractic methods for proven treatments for TMJ pain relief, but can also occur with this option is also referred to as TMJ is often used to the dentition, eating disorder, insomnia and eating disorders.Because Bruxism can be combined with other medications you may not be appropriate to deal with the open position for about 20 minutes of use.
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