#How To Increase Height Of 4 Ye
fantastic-mr-corvid · 7 months
on the pwotr pals discord, This prompt was brought up, about drawing your oc staring into a mirror before and after the trauma a la undertale 'its you!/despite everything its still you.'
i dont have the time to draw it, as much as i thought about it for the whole day, but i managed to write out what the visuals in my head, and it ended up fairly prose-y so here! young Celia vs almost thirty Celia<3 most of the latter is under the cut<3
It's you!
A young girl, barely 10, stands in front of a bathroom mirror, her shoulders barely making into the reflection, her body taking up so little of the mirror. On the top of mirror, foam letters spell out 'Mama + Celia + Cecio' in an arch.
The girls shoulder length golden hair is loose and the front tucked behind her ears. Her face is thinner than that of most her age, the first indications that she will inherent her mothers strong jawline already visible, but she still has some baby fat clinging to her face. Her eyes are wide, showing large golden Irises, unnatural white pupils large as she takes in her reflection.
Her face is devoid of scars, and so are the arms she has folded leaning on the sink as she stares at herself, smile on her face.
She's wearing a striped cotton dress, collar and sleeves edged with cheap machine lace, and a strip of fabric inserted in the original shoulder seams to cover her bony shoulders.
On her shoulder rests a large hand, the same skin tone as the girls, covered in scars and callouses, short nails coated in bright nail polishes. The hand is gentle on the girls shoulder, a golden curl falling into frame far above it.
Despite everything, it's still you.
The same mirror that the little girl once was so dwarfed by is now filled with a giant person, head tilted down to enter the frame, and while their broad shoulders are slumped they are still cut off by the edge of the mirror.
Golden curls cascade down the person's back, and over their shoulders, all different lengths. No baby fat remains, leaving behind a strong jaw and cheekbones, face littered with large and small scars, all glittering gold under the warm bathroom lights.
Large eyebrows are furrowed over tired eyes, large golden irises partially hidden under droopy eyelids, with pupils reduced to pinpricks of white. Lips painted gold, shimmering too under the light, left resting neutrally, but the downwards tilt of their cupids bow leaves them looking sorrowful all the same.
The figure is clothed in a wrap top, bandage sized red material tight around the muscular body, and the lower parts disappearing under their red trousers. Their bare arms and other exposed patches of skin are also covered in scars, glittering across their large frame, speaking of a lifetime of injuries gained in less than two decades.
Where the foam letters had spelled out the members of their family, none remain, only outlines that have persevered over time, the faint marks that make up the 'Mama + Celia' obscured by the figures head.
there is an empty space that lingers around the edges of the mirror, something absent, even as so much space is taken up.
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red-dead-sakharine · 9 months
Tickles - Part 7
Raphael x Tav, RaphaelPOV, soft!raphael, gn!tav, fluff, hurt/comfort, body worship, conflicted!cambion
Part 1 | P 2 | P 3 & 4 | P 5 | P 6 | P 7 | | P 8
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Raphael sat at his desk in the boudoir. He had sent Korrilla to to keep an eye on the adventurers again. While he had an avid interest in keeping them alive before, his investment has now skyrocketed to new heights. The mere thought of losing his little mouse has become unbearable to him.
He wrinkled his nose. The fact that he had become so... attached to this mortal bothered him somewhat. It was a weakness. It was un-devil-like. It was pathetic. That was his fiend blood talking, and he knew it. His mortal side longed for Tav's affection. Their touch. Their understanding. He's had a long and difficult life. But never in all his years, has he felt as whole as he did last night, when his little mouse held him tight and told him he was perfect. He had craved this. And he feared it. And he hated it. The thought of killing the mouse crossed his mind. It would prevent him from more mistakes. From indulging in this weakness. But he could not bear the thought.
He sighed. No matter how much his father's blood rebelled against it, he would keep his mouse safe. And once the brain was defeated and he had the crown, he would keep them close and never let go again.
He threw a glance at the clock, almost midnight. His fingers drummed impatiently on the desk - just once. But that already was something that irked him. It was unlike him to be restless. When you live for thousands of years, you perceive time differently. But today he was eager to act, but he had to wait for the right moment and it made him antsy. A feeling he rarely experienced.
Finally, a knock on the door frame announced Korrilla. Raphael's insides were doing handsprings, but he kept his composure and projected a picture of calm superiority on the outside. Though as the dwarf approached, his nose wrinkled again, "What is that smell?"
"Your favorite misadventurers have been trudging threw the sewers all day." Korrilla grumbled slightly.
"Ah." That explained things. "I take it, they are back at the tavern now?"
The dwarf nodded, "Yes. When I left them, they were fighting over the rights to the bathtub."
The devil's nose flared in disgruntlement. This would mean he'd have to wait even longer for them to all get to sleep. He tried not to let his frustration show, "Did anything of note happen today?" "They seem to have found the entrance to the temple of Bhaal but couldn't get through the door." Korrilla reported. Raphael hummed in acknowledgement, "They'll figure it out, I'm sure. Good work." he waved the warlock off, and she nodded and left. No doubt to go burn her clothes. That sewer stench would never get out.
The devil's fingers drummed on the desk once more. How could a day feel so impossibly long?
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He waited several more hours - the finger drumming on the desk slowly increased in frequency as the night dragged out. In the early morning hours, Raphael finally stood up. Surely, the tadpoled mortals have had enough time now to get clean and fall asleep.
Still, to not end up in another embarrassing disaster, he decided to appear outside their room. And so he did. With a flash of fire and ash, he appeared right in front of the door to their room in the elfsong tavern. The place was quiet for the most part. He could hear some drunkards from below, but at this time of night most of the merry folks had already passed out. He cautiously put his ear to the door. Nothing. Good. Slowly, he pushed the door open and stepped inside. He scanned the room for the vampire spawn, but he wasn't there. Probably out feeding. Next he looked for the animals. He didn't see them at first, but a few steps further into the room, he spotted them: Curled up at the foot of the tiefling's bed. A quiet spell later he could be sure they wouldn't wake, and disrupt him.
Now for the reason he was here...
[mood music]
He turned to where he had been during his first visit, and there they were. His little mouse. He quietly moved over to them - and frowned. There was a bruise on Tav's face, that hadn't been there last time he saw them. Who dared to hurt you, mouse!? He was angry at whoever caused the damage, but he was also quite confident that the culprit was already dead. His favorite mortal probably cut their way through several Bhaal cultists today. The thought made him smile. He made a mental note to try and watch from the shadows sometime. He found the image of his mouse covered in the blood of their enemies incredibly arousing.
He took a deep breath and shook the thought off, though. This was not why he was here. He knelt down in front of Tav's bed and looked them over. They were lying belly-down, the uninjured side of their face squished against the pillow. It looked a bit funny, but also incredibly endearing to the fiend. He smiled at the picture and just drank it in for a while.
When he had memorized every detail of the sight, he began to act. He gently pulled the blanket down to their waist and snaked his fingers below the nightshirt. He leaned in, hoping the mortal would smell his perfume, and he whispered every so quietly into their ear, "O apple of my eye..." He meant to wake them as gently as he could, to avoid repeating that calamity from last time. His fingers gently stroked Tav's back. He enjoyed the feeling of their skin. Soft. Vulnerable. A few battle scars here and there, that told tales of victory and prowess. "Little mouse... I'm in your house." he whispered and smirked at his own rhyme. His fingers ran across their shoulders, one by one, tracing the shoulder blades. "You're so fast asleep, little mouse, you don't even wake at this..." He whispered against their ear, and his fingers traced back down their spine. Perhaps they are too exhausted. It didn't matter. He kept caressing their back, their sides. And he looked at their face. That beautiful - squished - face, looking so peaceful and without worry. Looking so kissable. He leaned in, "Little mouse, you're such a sight." His words were barely audible, and he followed them with a gentle kiss to Tav's cheek.
That finally caused them to stir. They inhaled deeply, and without even opening their eyes, a smile formed on their lips, "Raphael?" they mumbled into their pillow. He smirked to himself. They knew his smell. "Yes, little mouse. I was in the area and thought, I'll stop by..." he lied in a whisper, and stroked their back gently. Their smile widened, "Glad you did." they mumbled sleepily. He brought his face close to theirs and placed another kiss on their temple, "Just relax, sweetling." And they sighed happily. His hand moved up to run through Tav's hair. Another sigh. He could not help himself but to place another kiss on their cheekbone, and their smile grew even wider. They liked what he did. He felt proud and happy. He caused them to feel good, and it was his accomplishment.
His hand trailed down their back. Now that Tav was at least somewhat awake, he became more daring. He placed his hand at their waistband and waited - an unspoken request, like the ones before. He looked back into Tav's face, and their eyes were open now. Looking at him in the darkness, still smiling. He had his answer. His hand slid down into their pants, gently stroking over their butt cheeks, one by one. The mortal's eyes closed again. Enjoying the attention.
His heart swelled with pride. Never would he have thought that he'd feel so good, just from causing some mortal pleasant feelings. But he did. He felt elated to be the cause of their happiness. And after all, this wasn't just some mortal. This was his little mouse.
For a short moment, the feral fiend inside him wanted to tear off their clothes and ravage them on the spot. But he calmed the monster and pushed it away. This was not why he was here. His fingertips ghosted over the mouse's rear, and he heard them sigh. It made him feel so good. This was better than a short moment of sexual relief. This was... soft.
He began to like soft.
He looked back into Tav's face and they were still smiling. Likely drifting somewhere between waking and sleeping. He would be gone by the time they woke up in the morning. Perhaps they will think this was all a dream. He wasn't sure if he liked that idea, or if he wanted them to remember his visit. He pondered over it, while he continued to caress their butt cheeks, then their back again. Trailing down their right arm - the only one he could reach. His kissed their hand. Another sigh. He trailed kisses up their arm. That happy smile never left their face. Their beautiful face. He leaned in again to place a kiss on their bruised jaw. They hummed. Another on their cheek. The smile grew larger again. Another on their temple. On their nose. And after a moment's hesitation, on their lips. They kissed back lightly. Obviously more asleep than awake, but still reacting to his touch. He was filled with love. He kept going, gently stroking and kissing them, until the sun poked their first rays of light into the room.
He finally stood up to leave. But he hesitated. He wanted them to know, he decided. He wanted them to know, it wasn't just a dream. He used his powers to nick a single rose from a bouquet he had in the devil's den. It appeared between his fingers, and he left it on Tav's bedside table.
Then he bent down to place a parting kiss on Tav's cheek, and pulled their covers back up to their shoulders. He drank in the picture for a few more moments before he vanished. Leaving behind the smell of his perfume, ash and sulfur.
His heart sang with delight,
he had enjoyed this night.
👉 Part 8
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physics-of-one-piece · 3 months
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Welcome to Doffy's Physics Lab.
In this post, we'll calculate how big Doflamingo's hands are and how long his fingers are.
Let's dive right in!
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Okay, so the thing Oda did very very well is capture how long Doflamingo’s limbs are. He has a very strong chest, and his arms are as previously calculated 1.5m. What I say Oda captured well is actually (after some checking) that the proportions of Doflamingo’s body are not THAT bad compared to irl logic.
The man who has the largest hands in the world is Sultan Kosen (Turkey). His hands are 29 centimeters, but his height is 250 centimeters. Mr Kosen has gigantism and acromegaly, this is why he’s so tall and this is why his hands are bigger. Hands are usually 10% of the body height, so his hands should actually be 25 cm, but biology comes into play here, and after seeing some pictures, his hands look very normal for his size. They fit him. When I say how large the hand is, it means the length of the hand from the wrist to the middle finger.
So, this means, taller people’s hands most likely are not 10% of their height, but 11%. You may be wondering why I only heightened it for 1% percent. 1% proportion increase is about 4 cm increase on the real hand already. This fits for how big Mr Kosen’s hands are and follows bone structure that he has, which we can use to then calculate Doflamingo’s.
Also, body mass and body build goes into account. Even tall people have bigger hands than they should sometimes. Skinny people who are tall may have hands that aren’t 10% their body height, so the mass influences the proportion. The reason behind this is genetics and the aforementioned body structure. So, yes, it can depend! Not everyone has 10%! It doesn’t mean you are not healthy, it varies from person to person!
So, for tall people with a larger body mass, let’s put 10% for now; he is weighty but he is also lean in the arms and legs.
This is how we calculate:
10% proportion
Hand = height • proportion
hand = 305 • 0.10
hand = 30.5 cm
This is already huge. Absolutely huge. His hand is bigger than an average human’s head. His hands are 1.5 cm longer than an A4 paper. Yeah. Awesome! That’s awesome.
Sorry, geeking out and fangirling, please stand by.
Okay, we’re gonna do it with Oda’s proportions now. We’re gonna make it 11%.
The anime makes his hands so big. He a big boy.
This with 11% is the most accurate I like to believe.
0.11 • 305 = 33.55cm
We’ll call this next one the extreme but still possibly accurate version
With 12% body proportion (this is extreme of extremes I think this is too much, but fuck it, One Piece doesn’t follow rules so neither will I)
Hand= 305 • 0.12
Hand = 36.6 cm
These are all big.
Okay, now for the fingers. The anime keeps them good on proportions! Oda, as well! They look outta proportion to us midgets but they’re normal size for Doflamingo.
(rubs hands giddily) Hehe, I wanted to know this for AGES.
For this, we use the length of the hand and then anatomical proportions.
Middle finger is 35-40% of the total hand length
Index finger: 30-35%
Ring finger: 30-35%
Little finger: 30-35%
Thumb: 22-27%
Yeah, for normal people.
Not for One Piece, me thinks. I always imagine Doflamingo’s middle finger is half the length of his entire hand. Big boy has long fingers.
But fine, we’ll go with this first. And THEN we’ll have fun in the One Piece proportions.
Okay, so this is where we need to know the finger-length type classification of the hand. There are 4 types.
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Most artists, Oda included, draw the hands with the mountain type ie middle finger is the longest. If there are any artists who can confirm/deny so I can later fix it, that’d be great.
Based on this study with men, their index finger is longer than their ring finger, and only by a few mm. We’re gonna put everything in the middle. We’ll make his index finger 1 cm shorter from his middle finger. Ring and index finger are gonna be the same length to get that “mountain” curve.
Now we will go with his hand being 30.5 cm ie with 10% proportion.
Warning, I am breaking dreams with this one, and once again, I like to think his middle finger is 15 cm long! Is it too long? Maybe. Do I care? No. The fun thing about knowing rules is knowing how to break them.
percentage • hand length = finger length
30.5cm hand
Middle finger = 0.40 • 30.5 = 12.2 cm
Index finger = 0.35 • 30.5 = 10.67 cm
Ring finger = 0.35 • 30.5= 10.67 cm
Little finger = 0.325 • 30.5 = 9.91 cm
Thumb = 0.27• 30.5 = 8.23 cm
To put his thumb into visual, 8 cm is the average length 180 cm tall men have of their middle finger.
Okay, now onto the official One Piece proportions the 11%. We just need to have his big hand size, he has HUGE hands. Okay.
33.55 cm hand (most likely to be Doflamingo’s hand size)
Middle finger = 0.40 • 33.55 = 13.42 cm
Index = 0.35 x 33.55 = 11.74 cm
Ring = 0.35 x 33.55 = 11.74 cm
Little = 0.325 x 33.55 = 10.90 cm
Thumb = 0.27 x 33.55 = 9.05 cm
Last Possible Version (Extreme Version)
36.6 cm hand
Middle finger= 0.40 • 36.6 = 14.65 cm
(chokes) Holy Mariejois and celestials. Okay. Okay.
Index finger = 0.35 • 36.6 = 12.81 cm
Ring finger = 0.35 • 36.6 = 12.81 cm
Little finger = 0.325 • 36.6 = 11.89 cm
Thumb = 0.27 • 36.6 = 9.88 cm
Woah, his thumb is huge 🤣🤣🤣 (I have a 30cm ruler sitting on the paper rn so yeah these are crazy numbers)
And there you go.
Okay, now width of fingers, we have no way of calculating it except to use known information.
For example, palm width of a hand of 19.3cm long is 8.9cm. let’s cut our losses and divide that to see how much smaller is the palm (this is cheating btw but it gets the job done). Usually your fingers are half the length of your palm. Sth like that. The palm is drawn mostly as a square or a curved parallelogram depending on the angle in which it’s drawn in. I am going with the easier option where all sides are equal.
We got 2.16
So we can say…
Average Palm width without adjusting for OP proportions
for 30.5 cm hand = 30.5/2.16 = 14.12 cm
Doflamingo’s Palm Width (adjusted for OP Proportions)
33.55 cm hand = 33.55/2.16= 15.50 cm
(I just realised I can just go minus his middle finger because that is how we got the length of his hand omg I am an idiot, no need for complex stuff)
33.55 cm - 13.42 cm = 15.13
(Okay, this is the better and easier way and makes good sense!)
(Whispers) Jesus fucking Christ
Extreme Palm Width
for 36.6 cm hand = 36.6/2.16 = 16.96 cm
Dear fucking GOD.
I really like the 30.5 cm from an accuracy standpoint but also, usually, hands are bigger than the average, and the taller you are, basing on your body type & genetics, that proportion can shift slightly.
So 33 cm isn’t a far reach at all for Doflamingo. He absolutely can wrap his single hand around a woman’s throat depending on the circumference of the woman’s throat. He cannot wrap them around a man’s neck fully to enclose it. He can, single-handedly with a 33 cm hand, absolutely completely envelop a woman’s neck.
There’s that. His finger thickness is probably 2-3cm.
And that's it!
Taglist: @fanaticsnail
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ASSMU Behind the Stage Ver.B [Natsuki, Syo, Ai, Nagi, Yamato] - Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
Ai: It is interesting that towards the end of the song, when the 18 of us sing together, the position of the five of us splits into two, with me in the center.
Ai: On the right are Natsuki and Yamato, who are large and adult-like, and on the left are Syo and Nagi, who are small and cute.
Nagi: Nagi may be small and cute, but my feelings are the greatest, so I’ll make the audience more excited than anyone else.
Natsuki: Wah! You’re so lovely, Nagi-kun! Not only are you cute but you’re also cool! Gyuu!
Syo: W-Wait a minute!!
Nagi: Woah!
Syo: Wait, Natsuki! Don’t go hugging Nagi! If you’re gonna do that, it should be with the super cool me.
Natsuki: I understand. Of course, Syo-chan is always cute and cool too. Gyuu!
Syo: Argh! I got it, but-! You’re squeezing too hard!!
Nagi: Jeez, what are you two doing? It can’t be helped. Nagi will teach you how to hug more cutely. Come here for a second, Natsuki.
Natsuki: Okay. Is it okay if I just wait here like this?
Nagi: Yes. Lean down a bit more. Like that. Here we go. Gyuu~ Then let’s both look at Syo and wink! How was that?
Natsuki: It makes it look like we get along well, which is very good.
Syo: Wow, that was damn clean.
Yamato: Hey, Natsuki. If you have any energy left over, be my opponent.
Natsuki: Really? That sounds fun too.
Ai: That kind of thing should be done after practice, not now. Incidentally, I'm pretty confident in my own skills though.
Syo: I mean, I'm not losing either. I'm not talking about height or arm wrestling! What's needed for a live performance is spirit! I'm going to put my heart and soul into singing and dancing for my fans.
Yamato: Yeah, exactly. I can’t waste time. I need more stamina to put on the best live performance I can. Should I increase my training? First, 500 push-ups!
Syo: No, that's ridiculous. We finished practicing the basics and now it's time for the dance lesson.
Yamato: Don't be so rigid about something being a little out of order. Let's do it together! 1, 2, 3…
Syo: I haven't said I'm going to do it yet! Ah, damn it!
Yamato: 4, 5, 6…
Syo: 7, 8, 9, 10
Ai: Okay. I'll leave the push-ups to you two. Shall the rest of us go over the moves again?
Natsuki: Yes! That’s right, Nagi-kun. How about we try to incorporate a moment of interaction with the fans like we did just now in the song?
Nagi: That might be good. Let’s see…
Syo: (out of breath) Hey, don't just leave me like this, do something about it!!
Ai: (sigh) It can’t be helped… Yamato! Let's stop that for now. Since we're all here, let's all review the choreography together so that we're all in sync.
Yamato: Now that you mention it, you’re right. Got it.
Syo: Thank god! I'm so glad Ai’s here.
Natsuki: Ai-chan is our center not only in that part of the choreography but also figuratively.
Nagi: I guess I can kinda see it.
Yamato: Natsuki, that was a good line!
Syo: I feel like having Ai in the group gives it a nice balance. Let the five of us create a new harmony.
Ai: I think I understand what everyone is trying to say. Well, thank you. Now then, I think we should get back to the lesson. After this, Syo and Yamato will do push-ups. Let's start again from the beginning.
Yamato: Sounds good. It’s the perfect schedule.
Syo: Let’s do that. I’ll do my best!
Natsuki: Then I'd like to join in on the push-ups too.
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kvothe-kingkiller · 2 months
okay I want to preface this with: I am Against gender testing in sports, I believe this whole trans panic thing is transphobic/intersexist/racist/etc, and I support trans women and trans people in general being able to do sports.
With that out of the way, I feel like people just....get the facts straight up Wrong on so many levels with all of this. Ledecky would not beat (olympic level) men in any of the competitions she does. Here are the men's vs women's world records on some of the swimming events
100m Free: Mens 46.8 (Zhanle), Womens 51.71 (Sjöström)
1500m Free: Mens 14:30.67 (Finke), Womens 15:20.48 (Ledecky)
100m Butterfly: Mens 49.45 (Dressel), Womens 55.18 (Walsh)
100m Breaststroke: Mens 56.88 (Peaty), Womens 1:04.13 (King)
400m Medley: Mens 4:02.50 (Marchand), 4:24.38 (McIntosh)
The story is the same if you look up running times, walking times, jump heights, jump lengths, throws, skiing times, skating times, etc etc.
here's the gender gap in swimming race speeds and then track and field events over the last century (courtesy of buzzfeed)
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As you can see, they get better over time, then plateau. While it's certainly possible they might come down to 0, I doubt it will be any time soon (Nature actually estimated in 2004 that they could become more equal by 2156 but that was assuming an increase over time that has since leveled off). Those slight humps are from before steroids and other drugs became more rigorously tested.
These of course include the intersex and high T perisex women who have competed and will continue to compete so it's not just to do with testosterone, there are obviously multiple factors.
Ledecky beating men was during practice, idk who she was practicing against (it was a comment made by a teammate and didnt say who the men were) but it wasn't phelps or any of the other top male swimmers. Then when you have things like shooting etc, the main reason that's segregated by gender is simply because more men are in the sport. If you have (numbers arbitrary) 1000 men wanting to compete and 100 women and you take the best of all of them, chances are you'll end up with 9 men and 1 woman. Segregating it by gender ensures 10 men 10 women.
Tennis and other things like that are harder to score up against each other since men tend to compete against men and women against women, except for the occasional m/f double match. But I think it's safe to say that with the evidence from power and speed differences from the above stats, men would likely beat women if you're comparing the top vs the top. Yes, even Serena Williams.
Once again, I am against gender testing. I am against the racist and transphobic shit you see in sports nowadays.
But it is simply untrue to say that Cis men and Cis women are on the same level when it comes to top sporting events. I am not saying women are weak or women are shitty and bad at sports I am literally just showing people the Correct numbers.
I do not know the answer to this. I do not know how trans people should be included without excluding others. I am neither an athlete nor a gender scientist.
However, I do know the rhetoric around this on this site is unhelpful given it's entirely based around incorrect facts (that in straight athletic competitions, cis men and cis women are at equal levels) and everyone that tries to say otherwise is either actually transphobic or gets dogpiled as Being transphobic even if they aren't.
(Also, this is just at the top of the top. When we're talking about highschool and Especially elementary school sports, trans kids should absolutely be allowed to play whatever team they want.)
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aromanticyaoi · 3 months
Artfight tips I don't see anyone mention
This will be more of an accessibility tutorial for dummies, because the tips are more about making your page look good across different themes and devices, not about how to survive the actual fight.
1. Make sure your text is readable on both Dark and Light mode
I know a lot of people just looooove to clown on Light mode and how ugly it is, but some users use it for different reasons. I myself have bad eyesight and it is sometimes hard for me to read light text on dark backgrounds. Keep this in mind when using certain text colors.
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You can also make the text easier to read by making it bold, increasing font size, etc.
2. Don't make tables with long rows. They will be hard to read on mobile.
Once again, people often forget that some artists might look at their page from a narrow-screen device, such as a phone or a tablet. There are artists that don't even have a computer, and draw either traidionally or on their phone. Please keep that in mind when you add tables to your profile.
This is what a table with a row of 4 cells looks like on desktop:
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This is what it looks like on mobile.
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You have to scroll to see the whole thing, not to mention how narrow each cell is. Yes, you can switch to landscape orientation, but I personally wish to be able to read everything without tilting my phone.
3. Big images with manually set width & height can also look bad on mobile.
This is what an image set to 400px height looks like on desktop. It looks okay, doesn't it?
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...But on mobile, it stretches in a weird way.
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If you are uploading a big image on your profile (like the one shown above), I recommend resizing it beforehand instead of manually adjusting its width and height.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Hello, hope you have so much fun at the beach! In the spirit of sea-side writing, 4 for Maglor & Maedhros if you're up to it? <33
Thank u so much!! From this prompt list :)
Maitimo is still unsteady on his feet. As always, Makalaurë feels a pang of miserable guilt at how pale he is, how shaky, how quiet. If it were up to him, he would simply wrap Maitimo up in thick warm blankets and take him away, far away, where no one could hurt him with a rough touch or a loud voice or a careless remark ever again.
But it is not up to him - he had given that right up a long time ago - and the healers say that Maitimo must exercise daily, to build his strength back up.
So here they are, walking around the lake.
Maitimo does not bear the gazes of their people well. He does not say anything; but it is readily apparent to Makalaurë in his brother’s increased pallor, his little flinches, the tension in his form. So they mostly walk in the early morning, when not many are about, and Maitimo can lean on Makalaurë without hesitation.
At this hour, the lake is covered in mist, rising up from the surface of the water as Uinen had, in happier times. It clings to Maitimo, making his pale face even paler and obscuring his freckles. Glimpsed from the side, Makalaurë’s brother looks as though he has been fashioned out of the fog, and might blow apart into a thousand wisping fragments at any moment.
Makalaurë shudders at his own mind and turns to face his brother fully: drinking in, as always, the sight of him, his grey eyes, his height, his freckles, his red hair.
These things are unchanged, even if all else is.
"How are you this morning, háno?" he asks.
That is another thing that has changed. Maitimo quietly flinches from his own name - or rather, names. Maitimo makes him look ill; Nelyafinwë makes him flinch back as though struck; Russandol made him weep, the one time Makalaurë tried it. So he is háno or onóro or toron, even, and Makalaurë fights back the surge of vicious biting anger that swells up within him every time he remembers that his brother has no longer any proper name. It is another thing the Moringotto has stripped him of, along with his beautiful straight nose and his proud bearing and his clear laugh and his health and -
"I am doing better," Maitimo replies, as usual. It is difficult to draw from him any admission of pain: to anyone, but especially to Makalaurë, for he seeks still to protect his brother from worry or harm, despite how little Makalaurë deserves such gestures and how much there is to worry over. Then he hesitates. "That is - I am a little cold. The mist is heavy this morning."
"Is it?" Makalaurë asks in surprise, looking about him. He had not noticed, lost in his own thoughts as he was, but the fog had indeed drawn thick around them. Then he remembers himself. "I am sorry! Here, take my cloak."
He unclasps his own cloak with the hand not tucked under Maedhros’ elbow and carefully settles it upon his brother’s shoulders.
"There," he says, fussing with the clasp until he is certain it will not irritate Maitimo’s sensitive skin. "Now perhaps we had better go back."
Maitimo laughs, a little. It is a strange sound, hoarse and a little bitter, but not - not bad.
"How caring you are, Kanafinya," he says. "I remember doing the same for you, when you were only a little child. I suppose it is time you returned the favor."
"Yes," Makalaurë says softly. "There is much I owe you."
"No - do not," Maitimo says, drawing himself up a little. "You did all you could, and I am grateful for it. I am grateful you kept our little brothers safe."
He sounds remote somehow. Distant. Makalaurë grasps his elbow a little tighter, reminding himself that his brother is here, and back. Despite all else, he is here.
The Sun is breaking through the mist a little, now. Makalaurë’s feet find the now-familiar path back to the healing tent, and Maitimo’s footsteps follow him.
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coochiequeens · 5 months
A 6'1 dude is competing against women and injuring them in the process. Yes contact sports always have the risk of injury, however the women are being injured more frequently when competing against him. And he's taking time away from his female teammates who should be the ones playing. But he doesn't care.
By Anna Slatz April 17, 2024
Reduxx has learned that a feminine male has been participating in elite women’s collegiate sports in California after his biological sex was reportedly withheld from his teammates and his opponents. Blaire Fleming, born Brayden, is currently playing women’s Division I volleyball for San Jose State University in the reputable Mountain West Conference.
Speaking to Reduxx, the mother of an opposing player revealed that her suspicions were first raised during the 2022-2023 season.
“I first watched my daughter play Blaire via live stream and then in person for a second match,” the mother, who wished to remain anonymous, said. “My daughter mentioned to me before the second match that there were rumors about Blaire being a male.”
Upon attending the match, she immediately noticed that Fleming appeared to be male, both in the way he looked and his mannerisms on the court.
“He jumped higher and hit harder than any woman on the court. There was no other female athlete on the court that day that could compare with Blaire’s athleticism. He also had very narrow hips. I took notice of how he was dressed with a longer shirt in the front as well.”
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During the match, the anonymous parent noted that her daughter was suffering far more physical injuries and strains than she ever had before in her volleyball career, and was constantly icing and rubbing her arms after blocking shots from Fleming. She says her daughter’s teammates were also struggling, with the defenders being unable to react quickly to his high-intensity strikes.
“He was basically unstoppable at times. He was jumping so high that I was concerned our blockers could not defend against such a fast moving hit,” she says.
On average, the difference between upper body strength in the sexes is 52%, with men having 10% larger hands on average and being 7% taller. These factors have contributed to a volleyball net height difference of over 7 inches between male and female games. According to his San Jose Spartans profile, Fleming stands at 6’1.
“Coincidentally, those two games, my daughter’s stats were not as good as most other games. Her stats were dramatically different because she was trying to compete against a male who my daughter said would stare her down after plays and was extremely arrogant.”
The mother also revealed that despite widespread speculations that Fleming was male, officials from San Jose State let it slip to her daughter’s team that even they were unaware of his biological sex. She adds that the policies must change to ensure fairness for female athletes.
“I watched those San Jose State female athletes sit on the sidelines while a male took away their chance to play. These women only have 4 years to compete and they are losing those years to a male. Not only that, but the chance of injury is greatly increased for women when they play against a male with very clear physical strength advantages. It’s just dangerous above all else.”
Prior to transferring to San Jose, Fleming was participating in women’s volleyball in South Carolina for Coastal Carolina University. He appears to have fled to California just before the Save Women’s Sports Bill became law in the state, which would have prohibited him from continuing to play on female teams.
Fleming had also played on the girls varsity volleyball team at John Champe High School in Virginia, where he was raised. During this time, Fleming set the school record for most kills in a match, and single season record of 266 kills.
While the exact age Fleming was transitioned is unknown, early photos posted to his aunt’s Facebook show he was raised as a boy, and only began presenting in feminine clothing in 2016 when he would have been approximately 14 years old. His family members have been careful not to publicly identify him as transgender, but his grandmother referred to him as her “grandson” in an early photo.
Fleming is currently participating in Division I volleyball, which is the highest level of intercollegiate athletics sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Division I (DI) volleyball teams can offer a maximum of 12 full-ride scholarships, meaning athletes will have all expenses related to their college experience paid for.
While it is currently unknown if Fleming has received a women’s DI scholarship, the NCAA has recently become the subject of a lawsuit by over one dozen female athletes for allowing males to compete against them in women’s categories.
The lawsuit, the first federal action of its kind, seeks to force the NCAA to change its policies to clearly define, rendering any biological males ineligible to compete against female athletes. It demands the NCAA revoke all awards given to trans athletes in women’s competitions and “reassign” them to their female contenders. It also asks for “damages for pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expense costs and other damages due to defendants’ wrongful conduct.” 
Exclusive funding support for the lawsuit is being provided by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS), which has been calling attention to the presence and impact of male athletes in women’s categories.
Speaking to Reduxx on Blaire Fleming, ICONS’s Marshi Smith condemned the NCAA for failing to guarantee transparency or protection to female athletes who are forced to compete against men.
“The NCAA is defrauding female athletes by withholding information about a teammate or opponent’s true sex,” Smith says. “Women are not given the chance to decide whether they want to face heightened safety risks on the court or share women’s locker rooms with men. The NCAA’s reward system encourages deceit, leading to financial and academic advantages for males at the expense of girls and young women in sports. This harmful practice must be stopped immediately.”
Fleming is not the first trans-identified male athlete to conceal his biological sex for the purposes of participating in women’s collegiate sports.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a volleyball player from California was briefly set to become the first known male recipient of a women’s NCAA Division I athletic scholarship after successfully hiding his biological sex from his teammates.
Tate Drageset, 17, verbally committed to the University of Washington, but following the expose revealing his was a biological male, it was learned that the University rescinded the offer.
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byunpum · 2 years
The new member | Part 4
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Pair: Miles Quaritch (baby blue boii) x Human reader
tw: Smut, Teasing, jealousy, mmmm I don't know...maybe a little bit of miles being soft.
POV: Y/N is sent from Earth to Pandora to be part of a particular group of people…
p.s. This story is created after the ship altercation. Neteyam never dies, the sullys are able to run away, but spider decides to go with his "father" to the base. All recoms are still alive.
Note: This is half of what I had written. If I put it all here. Literally the reading would end in another part and that's it. So I decided to make the parts a little longer, and split them up.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You knew that inviting him into your room was the wrong thing to do, you had only been on base for two weeks and you had hooked up with your team leader, but no one, absolutely no one could judge the two of you, there was chemistry between you guys, the attraction was there and you could feel it. So when you invited him into your room, Quaritch didn't refuse. First of all you attracted enough interest to him and secondly why not?
So here you were, fucking him like a bitch in heat. His cock barely fit in your pussy, but it was just enough to give you both pleasure. Your pussy moved up and down his length, while Quaritch's hands squeezed the sides of your hips. Causing bruises, the man was trying not to be too hard on you. You were so small compared to him, and you still wanted to take him completely. Your breasts were bouncing, your mouth was open and your eyes were half closed, it was all a show he wanted to treasure. "Does it feel good honey?" asks Quaritch lifting his hips to keep up with your hips.
Every time he lifted his hips your whole body followed him up and down, and you swear he was getting deeper and deeper inside you. "Y-yes" you cry out softly, trying to stifle your screams. " Ohh baby, don't hold back…I want everyone to hear how good my cock is filling you" Quaritch moves his hand to the bulge that was forming in your lower abdomen. "Look at that…watch it come out" Quaritch pulls his cock out of your pussy, and slowly pushes it back in. Causing you to lean forward, and placing your hands on his stomach. "And how then… it goes in" hearing his comment, you bite your lower lip. " You fill me up so good" you cry out, increasing the speed of your thrusts. The sensation you felt was one of burning and pleasure, his cock was already touching you in the necessary places.
Quaritch's head falls back, enjoying the staxis that the sensation of his cock in your hot walls was giving him. You felt so good. He could feel you were reaching your limit, He could feel the contractions your pussy was making around his cock, and how your movements were getting out of control. "I'm… ahhh" you cry out, as you try to find a coherent rhythm. Quaritch can notice your movements, and lifts up a little on his shoulders taking your hips. Mutilating your movements, as he began to thrust into you at full speed. "There….right there" you drool, as you look him in the eyes, reaching your height. Quaritch is staring at you, with a cheeky grin as you watch your orgasm make you shudder and scream. "Like this sweetheart… take it fully. You look so beautiful."
He doesn't stop the thrusts until he sees you collapse on his chest. "mmm it feels so good" you cry out a little, as you feel Quaritch's cock continue to enter you gently. " I know honey…I know" you can see him take a little air from his oxygen mask. He looked so good, he was naked right below you, and only had his mask on so he could breathe every now and then. " If you want…" you settle a little on his cock, it's still hard inside you. " You can finish inside me" you whimper a little, moving a little. Quaritch bites his lower lip, you could notice a little blush on his cheeks. " Honey… I want to come in your pretty mouth" Quaritch says, lifting you up with ease. Causing a scream from you, as you felt the empty sensation inside you. sliding you down, Quaritch took his cock in his hands and started pumping it. Your mouth was open waiting for his discharge, your hands were placed on both thighs. As you caressed his skin with your hands. Quaritch doesn't take long to feel the nub in his stomach, he was very stimulated. "Open your mouth" Quaritch moans as his movements become sloppy. You place one of your hands on his cock, helping him pump it, giving several licks to the swollen tip. " You are so cute" you say, as you look up at him between your eyelashes. "Y-you think so?" says Quaritch in a breathy voice. You look up at him, as you go up a little and give him a wet kiss on his lower stomach, then go down and continue working with your hands. The man was all flushed, as his chest heaved up and down.
After some pumps, Quaritch's discharge falls on your face, with your mouth open you receive it all. "You're such a good girl" Quaritch laughs, as he watches you swallow what could enter your mouth, and how you clean with your fingers what fell in other parts. "come here…" Quaritch grabs your arm, and pulls you to his chest. You settle there, staying quietly for a while. Quaritch gives you a few kisses on the crown of your head, enjoying the smell of your hair. "Mmm, I love your smell" he says, as he traces circles on your back. "I like yours too" you kiss him, on his chest.
"Do you want to take a shower?" asks Quaritch. "Aren't they closed at this hour?" you look up. Quaritch gives you a look, getting up and dragging you with him. Taking you bridal style. "What are you doing?" you laugh. "Let's get cleaned up" Quaritch kisses you on the lips, you place your hands around his neck to pull him closer to you. Pulling away from him, you take the mask and place it on his nose. "We have to get the clothes on and then we're going over there" you say, as you watch Miles take a breath of air. "You win… but you have to let me clean you completely."
After taking a shower together, you both say your goodbyes and return to your rooms. Quaritch gives you several kisses on your fingers, as you giggle. "Are you sure you're okay… you're not in pain" he is giving you soft kisses. "I'm fine, a little sore…but it's worth it" you copy his movements, and kiss his hands as well. This gesture was so new to him, that he stood still watching your lips kissing the knuckles of his hand. "Perfect… because tomorrow I'll stop by your room" you laugh at his comment, as you let go of his hand and walk into your room. "Get some rest" Quaritch says, as he watches you close the door. He stands there thinking for a bit, analyzing what just happened. Shit… you had caught him. He doesn't remember the old Quaritch, ever feeling this way in his life. He couldn't recognize any feelings in his memory.
The next morning…
Early in the morning you had woken up, it was around 5:00 am, although you could hear the voices of some of your co-workers. You had woken up to make your report. It was actually the first one you had ever done and you had a lot to say.
"Dr. Williams… what I am going to tell you is something that I know you are not going to like. At the base they are hiding things. I know they are working behind our backs, their workers don't know how to hide it well. We have visited several tunnels, and laboratories. But this place is huge. They are doing things that are illegal and that are very risky for the planet. I will try to give you more information, but it will take time. This is Y/N."
You finish the recording and close the computer. You were going to leave to go to breakfast, you weren't going to lie. You felt a little pain in your legs, but you could handle it. When you come out of your room, you meet the entire squadron. All the members look at you with a suspicious smile, you knew you hadn't controlled your screaming the night before. "Wow… I guess you're hungry" says lyle, laughing a little at you. " Yes, I am very very hungry" you say somewhat annoyed, and walk out of the room into the hallways. Everyone was silent as they watched you walk away. Quaritch came out of his room, his plan was to go get you up and then go with his squad. But noticing that his whole squad was there, he changed his plan and headed in their direction. "Is something wrong?" he was curious, because they were all looking at the exit.
"No, nothing…just that your girlfriend is upset" says z-dog with a bit of sarcasm. "Upset? What did you guys do to her now?" Quaritch looks at his team. Mansk raises his arm and points at lyle. "He was the one who talked" mansk says blaming his friend. "Hey!!!!!" lyle looks at him and punches him. " Lyle leave her alone" Quaritch says as he starts walking to the dining area. The team headed to the dining area, trying to catch up to the colonel. When they arrived, everyone grabbed their breakfasts and sat down. You had gone ahead, and you were already eating. It wasn't the best breakfast, but it worked.
Everyone sat down and started eating. Even though they wanted to tease you, they kept talking about their stuff. Miles sees how you only have a few things on your plate. "That's what you're going to eat?" asks Quaritch, he was sitting next to you. "mmm yeah, I'm not really hungry" you give him a small smile. Quaritch takes an apple and puts it on your plant. "Eat this… even if it's just a bite" he says, as he fixes a piece of your hair. His ears were down, and his tail was wagging softly. He looked very calm. His behavior was very different than usual. This made everyone look at each other strangely. "You can't even feed yourself well" z-dog says laughing sarcastically, you look at her and squeeze Quaritch's arm a little. "Thank you" you say, looking at him and resting your face on his shoulder. Before anyone said anything, you feel someone sit down next to you.
"Hi!!!" says spider, holding an apple in his hand. "Hi!!!" you greet the boy, giving him a hug. Spider hugged you back. Quaritch pats spider's hair, making the boy groan. "I want to show you something" says spider, moving closer to you " But it's something secret" says spider in a low voice, close to your ear. "ok" you copy his movement. You are look at each other for a moment and laugh again. After breakfast, everyone goes to their different assigned areas. Quaritch didn't have anything assigned to him that day so he decided to accompany you and spider. This made sure you wouldn't get hurt again, he knew spider liked to do risky things. You two were in front walking and he was in the back chasing you. Every once in a while you would glance back to make sure he was following you. "And where are we going spider?" asks Quaritch. "It's something Y/N will be interested in, for his investigations" says spider, he was holding your hand guiding you. Quaritch got a little nervous, he knew that General Ardmore had hidden several things so that the PPA would not close the base. Although he didn't know much, he knew it was something they shouldn't investigate. The closer they got, the more nervous he became.
He thought that maybe spider was going to take you to the ikran area, he knew he liked to take care of them, and maybe he wanted you to meet them. But he became more concerned when instead of taking the right path, he turned left. He swallowed hard and saw how they were approaching a bodega. In the distance he could hear animal noises, like moaning. "Spider…what's that?" you ask, the anguish in your voice worried Quaritch. Spider stopped, and looked at Y/N. He just took her hand and led her towards the noise. When they arrived, they could see how many animals were imprisoned. The cages were small, it was hot, and they could tell they were not being fed well.
"This is what I wanted to show you" spider looked at you, he had a sad look on his face. You were in a state of shook. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. These animals were in inhumane conditions, in fact these animals were not supposed to be locked up. The RDA did not have the permission to keep the animals on the base. The image was so disgusting that even Quaritch himself was shocked. He had no idea of all this. He could see how all this was affecting you, and he reached behind your back and put a hand out to hold you down. "Let go of me!!!" you yell at him. This surprised Quaritch, he didn't know why you were rationing like this. "You knew about all this…and you didn't tell me anything!!!?" you are confronting him. "Wait…. I don't know what's going on here" Quaritch tries to defend himself. "Y/n" spider calls out to you, trying to get your attention. You both know you're upset.
"He…doesn't know anything. Nobody knows anything" spider speaks. You are still upset, you didn't believe much of what spider was telling you, so you decide to walk away and grab your communicator to call your PPA team. "Team 975…. I found something" you speak into the communicator. "Yes, Y/N I hear you" speaks a man over the comm. "I found something that will interest you, I'm sending you the location" you look at the communicator and work quickly to send all the information. Quaritch is watching you, he can see how tense, how sad this is making you. He was getting closer to you, until he saw how you looked up and looked at him with teary eyes.
"Who's coming here?" asks spider. You knew the boy wasn't to blame, you were grateful to him. "The investigation team is on their way. They will take care of everything" you approached spider and gave him a hug. You knew the boy was affected by this as much as you were. After all, he grew up on this planet, and seeing what was happening affected him. After a while, the entire investigation team was in the area. Including Quaritch's squadron and General Ardmore. The PPA team was interviewing General Ardmore, she looked uncomfortable and you knew that damn woman was lying. They were dealing with the animals and taking evidence. While you were right next to Quaritch, you hadn't talked to him the whole time they were there, but you knew he was there.
His tail was giving you gentle strokes on your back. And you knew he was giving glances at your figure from time to time. "This is so over the top, they're animals…please" says z-dog. You try not to lose your patience you knew she was saying these comments to irritate you. You take a deep breath and continue to watch the PPA team at work. "What are they going to be? Are they going to close RDA?" the woman says, looking at you. "Do you have a problem? Because since you've been here all you've done is annoy the hell out of me," you shout. Z-dog walks closer to you. "Yes…I do" the woman is getting closer to you. The team members become alert, Quaritch steps in front of you. "Okay, ladies…that's enough. That's an order," Quaritch says. "Tell that to her…she looks like your damn jealous wife" you spit. Z-dog tries to lunge at you, but lyle stops her. "hey calm down" the man holds her friend. While Quaritch grabs you by the shoulders and drags you with him into the halls.
When you were far enough away, the man kneels down to make you look at him. "What's wrong with you? You're not like that" says Quaritch, he holds your face with his big hands. "She's got me tired… and I'm not here to put up with her comments" he sees how you're turning red. He's studying you, hell…even annoying you looked pretty. "Z-dog has always been like that" Quaritch says, letting go of your face to caress your shoulders, then reaching for your hands. "He likes you!!!" you speak. Quaritch's ears perk up and he looks at Y/N curiously. " Yeah, don't look at me like you don't know. They all know…and she's like this, because she heard how your nice big cock was filling me up last night" you spit. Ok, it's settled…you were stressed and very very upset.
Miles laughs, it was weird to see you that upset, it was the first time I had ever seen you like that. "Well…that's something new" he says, with a smile on his lips. "What?" you ask. "That you're talking dirty like that…I like it" Quaritch grabs your waist and pulls you closer. " I promise you I had nothing to do with all this… And yes, I know z-dog likes me but that's her problem" Quaritch takes your jaw in his hands to make you look him in the eyes. "I know…" you speak, leaning in to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "It's not just that that worries me" You say, lowering your gaze. "Hey… tell me what's going on?" Quaritch asks. "You guys are part of the experiments the RDA is doing" you comment, causing Quaritch to tense up.
The "I know I can change him" squad: @mechformers @cullenswife @littlethief78 @nieshiren @parasiiite @bxnnywriting @shelbythequeen @sassvy-blog-blog @shaylang21 @perfectgradient99 @jinx14 @elvyshiarieko @littlethingsinlife @ilovedoms @the-hufflebird-girl @ronia-entries @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @mechformers @perfectgradient99 @mad-simp420 @quaritchlvr @kittycow8875 @mjnij @ladylovegood-69 @dilfs-bitch @witchywannabe3263 @fanboyluvr @stickyfictioninwriting
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odusseus-xvi · 6 months
So, I said on a post, and I'm quoting, "I doubt Laios would have much of a chance against a Deviljho, [...]" ( This post )
And now people are arguing in my tags saying that Laios would definitely beat a Deviljho.
SO that made me reconsider a thing or two, HOWEVER I think a lot of people are forgetting what a Deviljho is. So let's look further into that : (REMINDER this is not serious I'm just having fun)
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what- what are you talking about. No. No hunters are not grounded. They wield weapons heavier than they are while wearing batshit crazy armor. They can jump from icredible heights and suffer no damage *canonically*. Hunters are inhumanly strong canonically, and that is the only reason they do not die instantly to monster attacks.
That AND the hunter/huntress you play in the games is an exception even among hunters. Especially in the old games we had a lot of tales and quest descriptions that implied most hunters would die against such monsters. The one who faces Deviljhos and Elder Dragons are exceptions that are considered legends. (Like The Sapphire Star of the Fifth Fleet in MH World, the hunter you play.)
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OK so multiple things to say, both in favor and against Laios in this situation.
1 : Now that yes, a lot of tags talked about Laios being effective against Monster Hunter monsters because he would LOVE studying their weaknesses and that is the trademark of a good monster, and I agree with that, a really good thing for Laios. He would probably figure out how to use it's appetite against Deviljho, using poisoned meat and other things to make the fight easier (let's remember nonetheless that Deviljho's metabolism is very resistant and wouldn't die from poison, the reason it can eat most of everything) 1.5 : HOWEVER the second option is terrible. Do not starve a Deviljjho. Not only would no one be able to do that consistantly, a Deviljho WILL find a way to eat, but the more starved is a Deviljho the more violent and strong it becomes : Starving Deviljho and Savage Deviljho (two different Variants) comes from a Deviljho so hungry it becomes near unstoppable.
2 : Ok but Marcille is cheating (I'm joking I'm joking but yeah, with Marcille on his side it would increase his chances greatly.)
3 : "It has a much thinner hide than a Red Dragon." That is true HOWEVER, let's remember : The Red Dragon as a spot that kills it instantly if hit, that is not the case of a Deviljho. It's Hide is still *very* strong, AND it has spikes making it harder to hit it without weapons boucing right off.
4 : Ok but who decides that, what if Laios gets Isekaid to MH universe. (that is not a serious point but like, who knows what we consider for what happens in this situation.)
5 : Last one : That wouldn't work, Deviljho has a thick hide, most normal weapons wouldn't do much against it AND one of the things Deviljho does is open up HIS OWN muscles and by how scarred it is. It would survive some Laios swordplay.
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Yes As much as I think Laios would probably die against a Deviljho, he would have a FUCKIN BLAST in the Mh universe : A whole GUILD dedicated to understand and study monster, and some monsters considered good meals. yeah yeah he would love it.
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THAT would be his way to both eat some Deviljho and survive the encounter : Chop off the tail, and flee the furious beast. A carefully crafted plan would make it possible.
NOW some things about Deviljho some of you might have forgotten that might tip the fight in it's favor :
The size :
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Deviljhos are MASSIVE, but they are also FAST, they run fast, they can jump extremely far, they are muscly, they can carry monsters such as ODOGARONS in their jaw without much of an injury. They are also powerful enough to fight back when caught in a trap.
And my last two points :
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1 : Deviljho has a corrosive saliva that corrodes and melts ARMOR off, that's why in the game you get Defense Down when you get pinned in it's jaw. One mistep from Laios, and it's over. Reminder that the guy wears basic iron armor. Laios does havd some healing magic, but that would only buy him a little bit of time.
2 : Now that one is more complicated : Dragonblight is mysterious in canon, no one really knows what the Dragon Element really is, but we do know that it is really powerful, that it hurts real bad, and that it increases your weakness . (and that it's linked to the madness of it's user but that doesn't matter here.) That is really powerful, hard to dodge, and would be really hard for Laios or anyone to truly understand.
A few weaknesses a Deviljho DOES have and that Laios could use :
It's weak to Thunder. I don't know what Laios would do, but who knows he'd probably have an idea.
It's weak to Dragon Element. Well. That one's probably not being used.
It's belly hide DOES become softer when enraged, but it's till very thick, and it's tall enough that it's hard to reach.
It's perpetually hungry, and the use of drugged meats is a known method, Laios would probably figure that one out.
It has little self preservation and is reckless. The thing is, Laios too. But there is things to do here.
Ok I think that's my most autism post I ever did. welp. A reminder, I did this just because I was having fun doing it, this is not serious. A fight between Laios and a Deviljho would have a lot of variables. (I still do think a Deviljho has more chances of winning but who knows) (also hot take Laios is not the best fighter)
that's it that's the post. There you go.
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atragicallycrispydude · 4 months
After having a few days to play around with Slayer, I want to share my opinion on him and his strength as a character.
In short, while I think he's absolutely a premium character near the top of the roster, I don't think I would really call him an all-around strongest due to how matchup dependent he feels.
In long: his damage is fucking ridiculous. Genuinely fucking ridiculous. You can get 300+ damage meterlessly at ROUND START with a Pilebunker loop. It does require a bit of luck (you need a counterhit H normal) but the fact that he can even do that AND ALSO GET POSITIVE BONUS is insane. His absolute biggest problem though is his movement, to an annoying degree, and it's where a lot of the matchup stuff comes in. I played against an Axl who beat the absolute shit out of me, and the whole time he seemed to have a very easy time just moving backwards and poking me out. Axl is definitely very good at that, but JESUS.
Slayer's movement is just so, so fucking bad. All of his options to get in are incredibly committal, and are all flawed in some way:
-Mashing Dash: Slow. You can't block during the dash. You can't special cancel the dash (as far as I know).
-Walking: go make a coffee while you wander over to your enemy lmao
-IAD/Jumping and Airdashing: Prepare to taste a delicious 6P
-Mappa Hunch: Pretty long startup and whiff recovery, and if your opponent blocks it you're probably giving up your turn. Vulnerable to being stuffed by disjoints, or even just trading disadvantageously.
-Dandy Step: Same problems as Mappa but with the added bonus of not going as far!
-RC Super Mappa Hunch: Costs 100 tension.
-RC 6K > j.s: Might actually be pretty useful? I haven't tried it before but you go flying full screen so...
These movement issues are the crux of what I feel makes him not an overall strong character, just because he gets zoned so so hard. Don't get me wrong, he is very good, but he has a lot of glaring weaknesses that are very prevalent in certain matchups. Hand of Doom is also garbaaaaage even just backdashing on wakeup in this game feels bad but the followup is iekrnfkdowbekfnf.
All of this, though, means they did a pretty excellent job of translating him from XRD, where I'd say a lot of the same things about him! His strengths are very matchup dependent! I also want to be clear that him having these weaknesses is important. If he could just run you down and melt 3/4 of your healthbar away, he would absolutely be the most overtuned character in the game. Insert Sol Badguy joke here.
There are some things I'd nerf, though:
-Lower the height of It's Late. Fucking look at this shit man his fist isn't even ever up there
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-Make the Dandy follow-ups and Mappas an extra frame minus. (Dandies -3, Mappas -2 and -3 respectively.) They're supposed to make Slayer give up his turn on block, but often you can sneak in a 2K or 2P to keep the pressure going. I don't think that should be gone, but I think it should be higher risk. This might be very harsh but idfk man
-Master's Hammer not +26 on block. That's fucking ridiculous for a point blank move come on
-Make his damage modifier x1. This is probably too harsh, but I don't really feel that he should take less damage as a brawler type character. Yes I get he has poor defensive options but still
All of these might be nerfing him too hard, but at the very least I want It's Late shortened pls it's fucking dumb.
As for buffs, I don't think he needs very many, but:
-Increase the distance of his normal dash, or make it faster. This might make him too fast but fuck me his dash feels awful at longer than roundstart ranges.
-Keep the opponent closer on a K Mappa knockdown. This would have the added benefit of making the 5K link not feel so weird and strange.
As for SILLY FUN STUPID buffs I think he should have:
-Super Mappa Hunch is now 15+0 instead of 14+1, so at close range you can't block after the super freeze. I don't know if it hits full screen in 1 frame, but I want my XRD Dead On Time shenanigans back dammit.
-Last horizon now deals 300 damage. This is a cleaner number than 290.
-Last Horizon will now go full screen. It doesn't go any faster he just goes all the way full screen.
-Hand of Doom is actually invincible and gives you c.s links on counter-hit (make it like -8 instead of -7 to compensate)
-Pilebunker disregards the normal chip damage rules and can kill at any amount of health
-Counterhit Pilebunker gives the silly tumble for a full combo that it used to
All in all, I think Slayer is comfortably lower/middle-top tier. Am I downplaying because I love him and also am not good? Maybe. I've always hung out around floor 10 pretty comfortably before he came out, but I reached the Celestial Challenge for the first time EVER using him, so make of that what you will. I'd be interested to hear how you all feel about him.
The most important thing, though? He's really fun. I do just really like Strive and how it feels, but I find him very fun to play and play against. (The play against might change, I wanna learn Testament so we'll see how I feel later lmao)
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Edit: After trying to learn Testament and going to open park and playing about 25 matches against a Slayer, some of my opinions have shifted:
-Obliterate Master's Hammer. Destroy it. Explode. +26 is stupid. At the VERY LEAST make it lower to the ground to you can actually c.s it or something
-Mappa is a ridiculously good way to get in lmaoooooooooo im just fucking dumbbbbbbb make that shit -2 and -3 NOW
-He doesn't need any buffs
I need someone better than me to weigh in on the matchup thing, cause it felt kinda even? I just don't know how to play Testament.
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
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Meant to Be - Pt. III
Dark!Manorian x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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Your shoulders tensed under Manon’s gentle grip, entire body frozen as you floundered, at a loss for words. “Reading about flowers?” she prodded, looking at the picture of foxglove on the page. 
Swallowing hard, you managed to nod your head, humming your confirmation. “I... I’ve been looking at the gardens through my window, admiring the flowers. Dorian brought me here, and I wanted to learn what they’re called. They’re just so pretty.” Daring to turn your head to look at the witch to your side, you found a pleasant smile on her face, golden eyes sparkling as she studied the open book. “Would you like to go?”
You forgot how to breathe for a moment, jaw going slack as you tried to decipher what cruel joke she must be playing on you. “Like... to the garden? You would let me go?” A soft hand moved to cup your cheek, a long iron nail gently scratching the line of your jaw until it stopped to rest under your chin. Manon smiled down at you - no sign of the predator within her as she leaned down to press a kiss to your hair. 
With a deep inhale, you nodded. “I would like that.” The grin Manon flashed you was absolutely vulpine, sending a chill through you as she held out a hand. “Let’s go, then.” Eyes wide, you stumbled over your words. “N-now?!” With a soft laugh, Manon nodded. “Why not? Come on, sweet girl.” 
Scrambling to grab your books - and a sandwich for good measure - you followed Manon out the door, not failing to notice the four guards following after you both. You scoffed internally. As if guards were necessary, as if you could fight off the witch queen if you tried. 
You followed Manon down a series of halls and stairwells, mentally cataloguing each door and window you passed. Noticing that the number of guards increased as you descended towards the ground floor, you found yourself subconsciously drifting closer to Manon until you bumped into her shoulder. “S-sorry,” you muttered, moving away from her warm touch. Manon didn’t say anything, just gently wrapped an arm around your waist as she led you outside. 
Resisting your body’s urge to lean into her, you followed her lead down the stone path to the gardens. They were even more grand than what you could see from your window - hedges twice your height trimmed in whimsical shapes formed a sort of dreamy maze that led you to the main area. It was filled with different kinds of flowers - more than you had realized before - all intricately planted in enchanting patterns, accentuated by floating lights and pergolas with wisteria draped over the sides. 
It was the most relaxed you had felt in months, since before the planning of the wedding and the chaos that ensued. You shuddered, pushing those thoughts aside to focus on enjoying this moment. Another arm wrapped around you - Manon’s presence at your back surprisingly comforting as you allowed yourself to lean into her touch. The witch leaned down, pressing a kiss to your neck, and you convinced yourself that the small moan that left your lips was part of your efforts to gain her trust before you betrayed both her and Dorian. 
You were shaken from your thoughts as a guard stumbled into the garden grove, his eyes scanning before they settled on Manon. Her grip had tightened around you, iron nails holding you close. But you didn’t feel threatened, instead oddly protected by her hands on you. “My Queen, you asked me to notify you as soon as the prisoner wakened.” 
Manon went rigid behind you, plastering on a fake smile that promised pain towards the guard as she slowly released you. “Yes, I did ask that, didn’t I?” Your eyes darted back and forth between her and the guard. “What prisoner?” you dared to ask in a meek tone. Manon’s head whipped to face you, the predator that lurked beneath her skin threatening to break through her calm facade. “No one, sweet girl. Just a low-life that unfortunately must be dealt with.” With a kiss to your forehead, Manon promised she would return soon, leaving you alone with your guards in the palace gardens.
You wandered over to the flowers, noticing the foxglove from your book. You had almost forgotten your entire reason for being here. Glancing around, the guards were all posted out of your line of sight. This would be your only chance to take the flower. You could learn how to create the poison once you were able to return to the library. 
As you knelt down, picking the foxglove in a hurry to stuff it in your dress pockets, your ears picked up the faintest whisper from one of the guards. “No, she doesn’t know.” Who doesn’t know what? You wondered, inching closer to where they stood on the other side of the hedge. “The King is with the girl’s fiancé now - the Queen too. I don’t know anything else, just shut up about it. I’m not losing my head because she knows something she’s not supposed to.”
Your fiancé is here. He is alive. Your world tilted on its axis, breath escaping you as the world faded to white, your body hitting the ground with a thud as you fainted.
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millalya · 8 months
Ok I’m back once again with a questionable Furby accessory crochet pattern. This time it’s the carrier.
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It took way longer than I expected because I got bored doing the repetitive strap and became addicted to some roguelike dungeon crawler.
The project started from replicating this:
But I soon realized that I’m a very tight crocheter and if I simply follow this pattern the final product will be too small. Also, I don’t really like the weird protrusion as shown in the original creator’s final product…
So a tweaked version below the cut… A quick disclaimer I’m not sure how well will this replicate, I’m someone who tries to create a blanket out of granny squares and end up with 9 that each has a different measure.
I guess just don’t be afraid to redo rows or modify things, and politely ask your beloved Furb to try it on every now and then.
Tools of the trade:
A 7.0 mm hook (There are places where I personally used a 4.0 mm hook, which will be specified. In a hindsight, it’s probably better to use the 7mm hook throughout this project)
Good old 3mm yarn that’s 35g/59m (1.23oz/64.52yd) (Yeah blame me for relying on Daiso as my sole source of crochet gears, I dare you) Roughly as dense as worsted/4 yarn
ch - chain stitch dc - double crochet hdc - half double crochet ss - slip stitch
What I did (with a lot of unnecessary ranting):
R1: Start with slip knot, ch 2, dc 6 in second stitch from hook (used 4mm hook, because I kinda suck at starting a circle)
And from here on I switched to the 7mm hook as
Otherwise I have trouble keeping the circle flat
A bigger hook makes each stitch and the final product larger
R2: dc 2 in each of the previous stitches (12 stitches)
R3: [dc 1 in the first stitch, dc 2 in the second stitch]*6 (18 stitches)
R4: [dc 1 in the first stitch and second stitch each, dc 2 in the third stitch]*6 (24 stitches)
R5: [dc 3, 2 dc’s in the fourth stitch]*6 (30 stitches)
R6: [dc 4, 2 dc’s in the fifth stitch]*6 (36 stitches)
Experienced reader will realize that it’s just inc 6 for each round, until you have 36 stitches in one round.
One thing to notice is that after you finish R5, the circle should be roughly same size as your furb’s bottom.
R7: dc 3, ch 3, dc into 4th stitch from hook, dc 2, ch 3, dc into 4th stitch from hook, dc 12, ch 6, dc into 7th stitch from hook, dc 5 (used 4mm hook, 36 stitches)
This gives you the two peet holes and one tail hole. Yes a quick calculation should show that this is not symmetric but somehow it fits, so remember to use your own Furb as measure and adjust if necessary.
From here on I switched to hdc to control for the height increase and *ahem* save yarn.
I tried to continue with 4mm hook but the opening contracts significantly, so just stick to the 7mm hook throughout.
This is also where the pattern starts. If you want a single colored one, just replace all the following rows with hdc 36:
R8: [hdc 5 using the color you started the project with (color A hereafter), hdc 1 using a different color (color B hereafter)]*6 (36 stitches)
R9: [hdc 4 using color A, hdc 2 using color B]*6 (36 stitches)
R10: [hdc 3 using color A, hdc 3 using color B]*6 (36 stitches)
R11: [hdc 2 using color A, hdc 4 using color B]*6 (36 stitches)
R12: [hdc 1 using color A, hdc 5 using color B]*6 (36 stitches)
For alternating between two colors I yarn over with color A, and pull through color B. For other stitches I brings along the inactive color by tucking it in between the three loops and the active yarn when you are supposed to pull through (see below for two poor quality photo as reference):
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R13: Edging for the body. hdc 5, ss 11, hdc 5, ss 15 and then sc 1 in the same stitch as last ss using color B (37 stitches)
The two hdc 5 clusters will serve as base for the strap.
Then you just baby blanket it, I dc'ed all the way until the end of the first cluster and ch 2 for turning, repeat until desired length. Also did two dc's in the first and last stitch of the 5 hdc base to add extra width to the strap (So each row has 7 dc).
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I also reverted back to 4mm hook (finally) for a neater look.
For this part simply do however many rows as you will find fitting. I did 90 rows of 7 dc.
When the strap is finished, connect it together with a technique similar to this on the inside. I used slip stitch instead of single crochet to give the seam a more even look.
Honorable mentions: This and that for reference on specific technical details and pattern writing, and Lime helping me with the fit.
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
Deviant With a Big Defect Pt.2
The Bad Batch x Sister!Reader and Obi-Wan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings: Mentions of bigotry.
Chapter 1 Part 3
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Scientific Minds
You and Tech are sat around your scattered pieces of armor when you felt another pain shoot up your side. You whine and lay your head on the table.
"I do not believe you are okay (Y/n). It would make me feel much better if you go see Mistress Nala Se." Tech says with finality and you sigh as there's nothing you can do to fight him on this.
"Alright. I'll be back in a while." You say as you exit the room. You follow the familiar corridors of Tipoca City to the lab you spent most of your life in. On the way you bump into a clone by accident.
"Oh hey (Y/n)." He says and you take a closer look and realize you know him.
"Commander Garrett!" You say happily and give him a hug which he reciprocates. "How are the boys?" You ask him.
"They're doing alright. We're just ready to finally be out there in the action you know?" He asks and you nod slightly. You wince when another pain shoots up both of your sides this time. "Are you alright?" He asks worriedly.
"Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just some pain in my sides. Don't worry about it I'm going to see Mistress Nala Se about it." You tell him and he nods.
"Alright. You come tell me if it's anything serious. Say hello to Unit 99 for me." Garrett says and you nod.
"Only if you give my regards to the 75th for me." You tell him and he nods. "Bye Garrett!"
"Bye (Y/n)!" He calls back and as you walk away from him you shiver and look back at him. You brush off that feeling again and continue to the lab. It had been months since you felt that air of change. You shake yourself out of your thoughts when you see Nala Se. You catch up to her and stop when you reach her.
"Mistress Nala Se." You get her attention and she looks at you.
"Is something wrong (Y/n)?" She asks.
"Yes I've been dealing with pains running up and down my sides." You tell her and she hauls you into the lift to take you to her lab. The moment you sit on the table she's next to you with her scanner and datapad.
"Have you been experiencing an increase in appetite?" She asks.
"Yes." You say.
"Have you been experiencing these pains for an extended amount of time?" She asks.
"Yes. It started about a year ago, but it's been getting worse as time goes on." You tell her. She scans over you a second time and she chuckles.
"It is nothing to be afraid of. You are going through another growth spurt." She says and you look at her bewildered.
"But I thought standard clone height was 5 foot 11 inches. That's where I am now." You tell her and she shakes her head.
"You are a twin. Your brother is 6 foot 4 inches in height. Does it really seem so odd that you might be the same height, or atleast close to his height?" She asks and you shake your head.
"I guess not. Is that all it is?" You ask her and she nods.
"While you're here I would like to run a cranial scan to make sure this growth spurt is not effecting your brain wave activity." She says and you nod then lay back on the bed. You close your eyes and the flashing white light isn't as bad as it used to be. Time passes quicker than it used to and the bed is pulled out of the scanner. You sit up on the bed and she comes back in. "Your brain wave activity is at optimal levels, and you are free to go." Nala Se says and gestures to the door. You bow you head as you walk past her.
"Thank you Mistress Nala Se. I'll see you around." You say happily as you leave the room, and take the lift back to the main buildings. When you get back you head straight for the barracks. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn to see who it is. Your posture straightens almost immediately when you see Cody. "Commander Cody." You salute him and he chuckles.
"At ease soldier." He says and you allow yourself to relax just a little bit. "I'll wall you back to your barracks?" He asks and you nod in appreciation.
"Thank you Commander." You say and he nudges your arm.
"You can just call me Cody. How are you feeling? I know those pains have been getting to you." He says as he looks over at you.
"I went to see Nala Se about them, and she says I'm about to go through another growth spurt." You tell him and he seems shocked.
"But standard clone height is... Well, it's where both of us and Hunter are now." He says to you.
"She said that it's not odd for twins to be close in height." You tell him. "So I'll be somewhere near 6 foot 4 inches tall when I stop growing."
"Damn. I've already got to look up at Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech. Now I've got to do the same for you?" Cody jokes and you chuckle.
"Sorry Commander. It's genetic... Manufacturing?" You say and he gives a full blown laugh.
"That it is I guess." He says and you stop outside your door.
"Thank you for walking me back to my barracks." You say and he nods.
"It's no problem. I try to be as nice to you guys as I can, because I know the regular clones don't really like you." He says and you shake your head.
"Eh who needs them? I've already got alot of accepting friends. I'll see you around... Commander." You tease him again and he rolls his eyes.
"I'll see you around (Y/n)." Cody says then leaves. You walk into the room and Tech turns to you.
"So? What's the verdict?" Tech asks.
"Well I'm not dying if that's what you're implying." You joke, but those blasted pains shoot up your sides again. "I'm about to go through another growth spurt." You tell him.
"Looks like there's one more that's gonna be taller than Hunter." Crosshair jokes and Hunter pouts.
"I'm not that short! I'm standard clone height!" Hunter says angrily and you chuckle.
"I'm sure I won't be much taller than you Hunter." You say with a smile and he puffs out a breath upset. You take a seat where you were before you left, and pick up your gear. "I'm going to have to wait to finish this until after I finish growing." You say and Hunter snickers.
"That's what you get for being tall." Hunter says and you shoot him a glare.
"Don't worry. It's an easy fix." You tell him and he rolls his eyes. You put your gear into your trunk and lock it.
~6 Months Later~
Nala Se measured you for probably the millionth time that month.
"I believe you are done growing. You have not been experiencing those pains for a few weeks, and your height remains the same." Nala Se says.
"So it's settled... I'm 6 foot 4 inches tall?" You ask her and she nods.
"The Prime Minister wishes to speak with you. Please make your way to his office." She says and you nod.
"Yes Mistress." You say and leave her lab. You follow the sterile corridors to Lama Su's office. You wait for the door to open for you and when it does you step inside.
"(Y/n)." He greets you.
"Hello (Y/n)." Taun We greets and you bow your head to them both.
"Please take a seat." Lama Su says as he gestures to a seat. You sit down and he continues to stare at you. "It has come to our attention that you got into a physical altercation with one of our science staff. May I know the reason?"
"She was trying to steal all my designs. She said that clones don't deserve the right to claim discoveries, or advancements in arms. It was heat of the moment and it won't happen again." You say and look down at your hands.
"And why is that?" He asks.
"Because I've resigned from the science division, and all of my designs will be reserved for my squad." You tell him and he nods.
"I understand you-" He cuts himself off as an alert for an approaching ship sounds. "Taun We please go greet our guest." She stands and bows to him then leaves. "I understand you were upset, but you must understand. You are far stronger than a regular human being, and trained to kill. Our scientists are not practice droids." He says and nod.
"I understand Prime Minister." You say.
"Nala Se has informed me that you have finished growing." He says and you nod once more. "Very good. Please finish designing your armor once our guest leaves."
"You- You want me to stay with you as your guest gets a tour?" You ask him.
"Yes. You are a prime specimen from our ranks, and I hope that you are able to impress him." Lama Su says and you bow your head.
"Yes Prime Minister. I will be on my best behavior." You say and the door opens after a few minutes of silence. The man raises a brow in question at you, but you stand when Lama Su does.
"May I present Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino." Taun We introduces him then gestures to the man. "And this is Master Jedi..."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi." He introduces himself and the two bow to eachother.
"I trust you'll enjoy your stay." The seat Taun We had evacuated came back down for Obi-Wan to sit in. They both take a seat and you follow after them. "And now to business. You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. 200,000 units are ready with a million more well on the way." Lama Su says, and you sit a bit straighter when you realize this man is a commanding officer. You could feel the confusion from Obi-Wan as he looks between the 3 of you.
"That's good news." Obi-Wan says.
"Please tell your Master, Sifo Diyas, that his order will be met on time." Lama Su says and Obi-Wan looks slightly taken aback.
"I'm sorry. Jedi Master-" Obi-Wan says.
"Hmm. Jedi Master Sifo Diyas is still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?" Lama Su asks and you narrow your eyes at the 'Jedi'.
"Master Sifo Diyas was killed, almost 10 years ago." Obi-Wan says.
"Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he would've been proud of the army we've built for him." Lama Su says and gestures to you. You stand for the Jedi to see you well. He looks you up and down then looks back to Lama Su.
"The army?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Yes. A clone army, and I must say one of the finest we've ever created." Lama Su said.
"Tell me, Prime Minister, when my Master first contacted you about the army. Did he say who it was for?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Of course he did." Lama Su said then wiped some lint off of his skirts. "This army is for the Republic, but you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself." Lama Su says.
"That's why I'm here." Obi-Wan says. Lama Su gets up, and you follow behind him and Obi-Wan with Taun We walking with you. You round a corner and look out over the growth pods. Your future little brothers all in the making, and were all special in their own way. Obi-Wan looked at you over his shoulder then turned to Lama Su.
"They're very impressive." He says and Lama Su nods.
"I'd hoped you would be pleased." Lama Su straightened back up after saying that. "Clones can think creatively you will find that they are immensely superior to droids. We take great pride in our combat education and training programs. This group was created about 5 years ago." Lama Su said as he looked out at a slightly younger group of clones. Obi-Wan turned to look at you.
"You mentioned growth acceleration." Obi-Wan said while continuing to hold eye contact with you.
"Oh yes. It's essential otherwise a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now we can do it in half the time." Lama Su said as he turned back to you. "This is one of our more advanced clones. She is only a standard 8 years old, but looks and acts nearly 20 standard years."
"I see." Obi-Wan said and you all continued on the tour.
"They are totally obedient taking any order without question. We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host." Lama Su informs the Jedi who continues to observe the clones.
"And who was the original host?" Obi-Wan asks.
"A bounty hunter called Jango Fett." Lama Su says.
"And where is this bounty hunter now?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Oh we keep him here. Apart from his pay, which is considerable, Fett demanded only one thing. An unaltered clone for himself. Curious isn't it?" Lama Su says astonished.
"Unaltered?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile and no growth acceleration." Lama Su says and Obi-Wan once again turns his gaze back to you.
"I shall very much like to meet this Jango Fett." Obi-Wan says.
"I will be very happy to arrange it for you." Taun We says.
"What is her story? I believe if they're clones she would not be here." Obi-Wan says and Lama Su pats your shoulder.
"She was a happy accident. She is a very rare multiple defect clone." Lama Su says and you look away slightly ashamed.
"Multiple defect?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Yes. She is a twin. Not from multiples made like her, but she sprouted from another clone when he was placed in production. She holds immense levels of intelligence and has one of the best scientific and developmental minds. Any information you feed to her, her mind holds that information and files it away for later use." Lama Su said and Obi-Wan took a step closer to you. He had to look slightly up to be able to still be looking at your face though.
"And she came out a girl?" Obi-Wan asked.
"We did not know she was a girl until we separated them a year after they started to grow. However, it has not hindered her abilities. She is one of our top specimens, and thought it would be wise for you to beable to meet one of the best." Lama Su said.
"If I may, Prime Minister?" You said and he nodded for you to continue. "Why didn't you have him meet Commander Cody? He's the best non-defective clone you have." You ask him.
"I believe it to be prudent to show that even our defective clones are just as good, if not better, than our regular clones." Lama Su says.
"Does she have a name?" Obi-Wan asks.
"We typically assign numbers to our clones, and she is CT-9902-B. However, her unit has taken to calling her (Y/n)." Lama Su answers. "You may return to your normal duties (Y/n)." You bow your head to the Prime Minister and then to Obi-Wan.
"It was nice to meet you (Y/n)." Obi-Wan calls after you.
~Obi-Wan's POV~
I watch her walk away for a moment before the feeling that she gave off left with her. Odd, very odd. Something about her future that I could sense that would be horrific and traumatic.
"If it would be okay with you Prime Minister I would also like to talk to (Y/n) again. The Force was trying to tell me something while she was around." I tell Lama Su.
"I will gladly set that up for you in the future." Taun We said and we headed off to find this 'Jango Fett'.
~Regular POV~
The feeling that was in the air dispersed the further I got from the Jedi. I sat down at the table in our barracks and pulled my armor from my trunk to finish it.
2,760 Words
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davidboles · 7 months
Bells Build Massive Biceps
Hello again, my Kettlebell friend! We always want to look and feel our best — that’s why we do what we do everyday with slinging our rounded iron! Yes, creating massive biceps is a common goal for many fitness enthusiasts — not that there’s anything wrong with that! While traditional dumbbell exercises are widely recognized for bicep development, kettlebells offer unique benefits and challenges that can lead to impressive muscle growth and strength. This article will guide you through an effective kettlebell workout specifically designed to target and build massive biceps.
Why Kettlebells for Biceps?
Kettlebells, with their off-center mass, engage muscles differently than dumbbells. This means your muscles have to work harder to stabilize the weight, leading to increased muscle activation and growth. Additionally, the thick handles of kettlebells improve grip strength, which is crucial for pulling exercises that target the biceps.
The Workout
This kettlebell workout for biceps focuses on high-intensity exercises that stimulate muscle growth. It's important to start with a warm-up to prevent injuries. A good warm-up could include arm circles, wrist rolls, and some light kettlebell swings to get the blood flowing.
1. Kettlebell Bicep Curls
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in each hand. Keep your elbows close to your torso, curl the weights while keeping your palms facing up. Lower them back down after a short pause. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
2. Kettlebell Hammer Curls
How to: Similar to the bicep curls but hold the kettlebells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). This targets the brachialis, a muscle that can push your bicep up, making it look bigger. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
3. Kettlebell Clean
How to: Start with the kettlebell between your feet. Bend your knees slightly, then explosively pull the kettlebell up, flipping your wrist so it rests against your forearm at shoulder height. This not only works your biceps but also engages your core and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 6-8 reps per arm.
4. Kettlebell Concentration Curl
How to: Sit on the edge of a bench or chair, spreading your legs wide. Lean forward slightly, holding a kettlebell with one hand. Rest your elbow against your inner thigh for support, and curl the kettlebell towards your chest. Focus on isolating the bicep. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps per arm.
Tips for Maximizing Bicep Growth
Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight of the kettlebell as you get stronger to continue challenging your muscles.
Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on the contraction of the bicep muscle during each exercise to maximize engagement.
Recovery: Biceps need time to repair and grow. Ensure you're not overtraining and that you're getting enough rest between workouts.
Nutrition: Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Make sure your diet supports your fitness goals.
Hey, Incorporating kettlebells into your workout routine can significantly enhance your bicep development. The unique properties of kettlebells, combined with the exercises listed above, can help you achieve massive biceps. Remember, consistency, proper form, and a balanced diet are key to seeing the best results. Start integrating these kettlebell exercises into your routine and watch your biceps grow! Be careful out there! Get bigger out there!
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homeremediestube · 11 months
Exploring the Surprising Effects of Sex on Brain Boost
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When it comes to boosting your brain function, you might be surprised to learn that a little romance can go a long way. Yes, we're talking about the intimate and pleasurable act of sex. Not only does it bring joy and connection, but engaging in sexual activity can also have some surprising benefits for your brain. So, let's delve into the fascinating connection between sex and brain boost and discover how this pleasurable experience can elevate your cognitive abilities.
1. Natural Stress Buster: Clearing the Mental Fog:
When it comes to reducing stress, sex can be a powerful ally. Engaging in sexual activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that flood your brain with a sense of calm and happiness. By decreasing stress levels, sex helps clear the mental fog and allows your brain to function more effectively. So, embrace the intimacy and let your worries melt away for a clearer and sharper mind.
2. Boosting Cognitive Function: Sharpness Between the Sheets:
Believe it or not, sex can actually enhance your cognitive function. During sexual activity, increased blood flow to the brain stimulates the production of new neurons, improving overall brain health. Additionally, the release of hormones like oxytocin and dopamine during sex can enhance memory, focus, and creativity. So, next time you're looking for a mental boost, consider engaging in some intimate time with your partner.
3. Mood Elevation: The Power of Pleasure:
A positive mood is key to optimal brain function, and what better way to elevate your mood than through the pleasure of sex? Sexual activity triggers the release of various hormones and neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood. The afterglow of a satisfying sexual encounter can leave you feeling happier, more content, and ready to take on mental challenges with a positive mindset.
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4. Improved Sleep: Pillow Talk for Better Brain Health:
Quality sleep is essential for cognitive function, and sex can play a role in improving your slumber. Engaging in sexual activity before bedtime helps release tension and promotes relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and achieve a more restful night's rest. By prioritizing intimacy in your evening routine, you're setting the stage for improved brain health and sharper mental performance.
5. Intimacy and Emotional Connection: Nurturing the Brain and Heart:
Last but certainly not least, the emotional connection fostered through sex and intimate relationships has profound effects on brain health. Feeling loved, secure, and emotionally connected releases hormones that reduce stress and anxiety, improving overall brain function. The bond created through intimacy provides a foundation for mental well-being and supports cognitive abilities.
Conclusion: When it comes to boosting your brain function, don't overlook the remarkable benefits of sex and intimacy. From reducing stress and improving cognitive function to elevating mood and promoting better sleep, engaging in sexual activity can give your brain a much-needed boost. So, prioritize intimate connections, embrace pleasure, and let your brain reap the rewards of this pleasurable and beneficial experience. Remember, communication and consent are essential ingredients for a fulfilling and healthy sex life. So, let the intimate connection between sex and brain boost be a reminder to nurture both your physical and mental well-being. Enjoy the journey and let your brain soar to new heights of clarity and happiness!
Beyond the Bedroom: Exploring Activities That Boost Brain Function
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While sex is often celebrated as a pleasurable activity that can enhance brain function, there are plenty of other engaging pursuits that offer similar benefits. In fact, a wide range of activities can help boost your brain power and stimulate cognitive function. So, let's dive into a world of diverse and enjoyable pastimes that have the potential to elevate your mental abilities.
1. Exercise: A Workout for the Mind:
Physical exercise isn't just beneficial for your body; it also has a profound impact on your brain. Engaging in regular aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, or dancing, increases blood flow to the brain, promotes the growth of new neurons, and enhances cognitive function. Whether it's a brisk walk in nature or a sweat-inducing gym session, make exercise a part of your routine to give your brain a workout it deserves.
2. Mindful Meditation: Finding Clarity Within:
Meditation is like a mental gym for your brain. By practicing mindfulness meditation, you can train your brain to focus, reduce stress levels, and improve overall cognitive function. Regular meditation has been shown to increase gray matter density in brain regions associated with attention, memory, and emotional regulation. Dedicate a few minutes each day to sit in stillness, focus on your breath, and watch your brain thrive.
3. Learning a New Skill: Expanding Your Cognitive Horizons:
When you step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to learn a new skill, your brain lights up with excitement. Learning stimulates the growth of new connections between brain cells, improving cognitive flexibility and memory. Whether it's playing a musical instrument, mastering a foreign language, or trying your hand at painting, the process of acquiring new knowledge strengthens your brain and enhances its ability to adapt and learn.
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4. Puzzles and Brain Games: Teasing Your Neural Networks:
Give your brain a delightful workout by engaging in puzzles, brain teasers, and strategy games. Activities like crosswords, Sudoku, chess, and jigsaw puzzles challenge your cognitive skills, improve memory, and enhance problem-solving abilities. These mentally stimulating games engage various parts of your brain, creating new connections and keeping your mind sharp.
5. Social Connections: Brain Boost Through Human Interaction:
Never underestimate the power of social connections in boosting brain function. Engaging in meaningful conversations, spending time with loved ones, and participating in group activities not only provide emotional support but also stimulate cognitive processes. Social interaction activates different areas of the brain, improves memory retention, and enhances overall brain health. So, prioritize social connections and let your brain thrive in the company of others.
Conclusion: While sex is indeed a pleasurable activity that can stimulate brain function, it's essential to recognize that there are numerous other ways to give your brain a boost. From physical exercise and mindful meditation to learning new skills, puzzles, and social connections, these activities engage the brain, improve cognition, and enhance overall mental well-being. So, explore the diverse array of brain-boosting activities available, find what ignites your passion, and embark on a journey of continuous cognitive growth. Your brain will thank you as it flourishes in the realm of new experiences and mental stimulation. Enjoy the process and let your brain reach new heights of brilliance!
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