#How long do Jack Russells live
qdrntln4 · 25 days
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pairing: lando x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of a deaf daughter, y/n and lando's son being a menace to their dog 😭
wc: 560
notes: im the younger sister of a girl who was born blind and mentally impaired, so i know the struggles of managing a family when people from the outside pity you for something that you can't control. i hope that anyone who's in a similar situation finds comfort in this fic.
The fans were in despair. Their favourite couple, their favourite mum and dad had just found out that their daughter — their first baby — was deaf.
Lando and Y/n weren’t worried though.
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .
Lando walked into his daughter’s room, leaning against the door frame. She was playing the piano like she always does. How amazed of his daughter he was; she couldn’t hear yet she still practiced like no tomorrow.
Lando turned the lights on and off a couple of times before Lilly turned around. she smiled at her father,
“Does this sound right?” Lilly spoke. She was always a good speaker. Even after she became deaf, she relied on her vocal chords to do the work for her. Lando always knew that she would be amazing.
Lando pulled his hands out of his pockets, signing to her,
‘It sounds amazing, beautiful. I think you need to go up one note at the end, though.’
Lilly nodded, turned around and played the same tune again, adding in her father’s advice. Once she had finished, she turned around seeking her dad’s approval. Lando gave her a thumbs up before closing her door to where it previously was.
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .
Out in the living room, Ash was crawling around on his play mat. He was picking up his toys, throwing them around and giggling to himself.
Y/n sat on the couch with the television on. She had a magazine in her hand and rollers in her hair. She had another month off of work so she had every right to spoil herself while she could.
Daizee — their dachshund cross jack russell (…george? 😟-) — was also watching the television. She diverted her attention to Ash every once in a while, being the big sister of the house. Their golden retriever, Charlie, was lying down with Ash and letting the baby play with his ears.
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .
Lando sat down next to his wife, giving her a kiss on the cheek before pulling her into his side.
“How’s Lils?” Y/n looked up from her magazine to look at her husband before placing the book down.
Lando nodded, tracing small patterns on her biceps, “She’s doing good, playing the piano last time I checked.” At that, Y/n nodded before turning her attention to the television.
Speak of the devil, Lilly emerged from her room with a skip. That’s what Y/n and Lando loved to see. Even after given the news by the doctor when she turned three, she never let her condition bring her down.
She stopped in front of her mum and dad before doing a little dance and running off to grab a snack from the kitchen. Typical Lilly.
When she returned and sat down on the long end of the couch, she looked over to her parents to see if they needed her attention. As if she knew, Y/n signed to her daughter,
‘How are you feeling today my sweet?’
Lilly nodded, smiling her famous bright smile that even the sea of papaya loved.
“Good!” She answered before turning to watch the show playing on the big screen.
Lando and Y/n shared a look. A look of knowing, of pride. That was their daughter. The fighter that they created.
…And on the floor was Ash, climbing all over Charlie. That poor dog.
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .
a/n: thank you all so much for the love and support ive been recieving recently! i cant thank you all enough. here's the fic of the idea from my previous post, i hope it's up to your standards! this is also for @ladyladybuggg who wanted to read this, so i hope you enjoy my love!
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poge-life · 2 years
𝕍𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣 ~ 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕨 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕪
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“ I’m (y/n) (l/n) and we’re the cast of Outer Banks and today, we’re going to test how well we know each other.” You smiled looking between the camera and the group to your left. Carlacia raised her hand as she motioned between you and Drew, “Drew shouldn’t be allowed to answer any of these because none of us will even have a chance.”
Everyone let out sounds of agreement as you shook your head, reading the first question, “I don’t know. These are questions that made me think about my answer.”
“Okay, oo. This is a good one. What movie animal is my dog named after?”
“I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned this.” Drew told you but you shook your head in disagreement, “I’ve mentioned it before but I think it was when you guys first met him.”
“The adventures of Milo and Otis?” Chase asked and Madison agreed but you shook your head. Both Austin and Drew leaned forward to try and read the car but you quickly pulled away, tucking the card against your chest, “Cheaters!”
“What movie has a dog named Milo in it?”
“Oh! The mask! His dogs name is Milo!” Rudy answered and you flipped your card, showing ‘The Mask’, “I’m a huge Jim Carrey fan and since Milo is also a jack russell, it was fate.”
“Oo, you guys are never going to get this one,” you laughed, reading the card, “it literally took me so long to even think about this one. When I was 5, I jumped off the banister and had to get stitches. Where were the stitches?”
Everyone looked over at Drew, who would be the only one to remotely know the answer but he just tilted his head at you in thought.
“Your head?” Madelyn asked but you shook your head, “Nope. My sister did though. Cracked her head open.”
“How are you and your sister still alive?” Austin asked, looking at you in surprise as you shrugged before writing your answer on the card.
“Your legs?” JD asked, snapping his fingers at you
“Nope. Not even close.”
Drew clapped his hands once as he looked over at you, “Your tongue. You bit through your tongue and had to get 6 stitches.”
“Your tongue?!?” Madison asked, looking over at you in shock as you flipped your card, showing the answer, “Yes. I smacked my chin on the arm of the couch and bit right through my tongue. My tongue was stuck and I had to get stitches.”
“You just need to live in a bubble at this point, girl.” Carlacia laughed as everyone agreed with her.
“What do I think is the grossest thing a person can do?”
“THROWING UP!” Drew and JD shouted at the same time as they high fived. You cringed as you showed your card that read ‘throwing up’ as the answer.
“I hate throwing up. I hate the way I feel before, during, and after. It’s just so gross and gives me the ick.” You shuddered as Austin patted your leg, “The first time she threw up in front of us, she cried because of how grossed out she was.”
“That was traumatizing for all of us,” Rudy explained, “we were out on a boat and she just went very pale and threw up. Everywhere. We had no idea what had happened and then she just started bawling her eyes out. We all started panicking, thinking something was wrong but then she said how she hated throwing up and it just…it killed the whole vibe.”
You chucked the marker cap at Rudy, who ducked but went to retrieve it, “Sorry that being seasick killed the vibe, dillhole.”
Letting out a laugh at the nest question, you looked over at Drew and shook your head, “you’re not allowed to answer this one. You’ll get the answer right away.”
“I’ve known all of these, baby,” he winked and your face went red as you hid it behind the card, “just trying to give them a chance.”
“You guys gross me out.” Madelyn teased, looking between you two
“What is my favorite show to binge?” You asked, but you wrote down two possible answers.
“That 70s show is one.” Chase answered, “I always hear the theme song in your trailer and you quote it constantly.”
“You also watch the walking dead a lot too.” JD added, pointing to Chase, “you yell at your laptop a lot.”
“Dude, you have no idea how long it took me to get used to her yelling at the tv.” Drew told him, “the first time she did it, I thought she was pissed at me for no reason but she was just watching the walking dead.”
Everyone started talking about how into your shows you get, causing you to hold up your hands in protest, “Okay, okay! There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about movie and tv shows. But yes, that 70s show and the walking dead are my go to.”
“Two complete opposite shows, by the way.” Madison pointed out
“Oo, how many tattoos do I have?”
Everyone went quiet as they stared at you, no doubt picturing the tattoos that laid under your clothes. You had been purposely asked to wear a long sleeve top and pants to not let them get the answer so easily.
“I wanna say…12?” Carlacia asked, tilting her head at you, “Most of them are on your right arm but I know you have a few on your left. You have the fairy wings on your back…”
“I know you have a dinosaur on your leg because I drew a hat on it last week.” Austin answered, causing you to look up from writing your answer, furrowing your eyebrows at him, “you drew a hat on Terrance?”
“You named the dinosaur Terrance?” JD laughed as you nodded, “Terrance the triceratops.”
“Terry, for short.” Drew added, pointing at you as you nodded
“I wanna say 10 or 15.” Madison said, leaning forward, “I know you got P4L after season 2 came out.”
“You only had like 2 when the show started.”
“There’s a few you guys don’t know about cause they’re always covered.” You told them, going over your answer. Drew didn’t even miss a beat with his response, “Well, they don’t. But I do.”
“Okay! Who’s next?!”
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esotheria-sims · 2 months
Long Overdue Life Update
Whew, the title sounds kinda ominous, doesn't it?
Lemme say right off the bat that this isn't some Big PSA post or anything to that effect. I'm only checking in because I've been quiet for a while and figured an update is the least I can do. 🙂
Nothing major or life-changing is happening on my end; I've just been shitty at finding the time for sim-blogging these past months due to work and other day-to-day rl stuff, though I have been simming a bit in the background. Mostly going on download sprees and sorting cc, but I'm also about two-thirds through my next BaCC rotation and have a few new hair and handswap wips that are share-ready save for previews.
Oh and also: I got a new puppy! She's a 3-and-a-half-months-old Jack Russel mix and the main culprit for the abovementioned lack-of-time for simming. The cute lil' attention hog wants ALL the cuddles! "PC time? What PC time? Pet me instead, hooman!"
Everyone, this is Lucy!
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Other things of note in my life, in no particular order:
We've had relatives from Croatia visiting last week with their kids. The kids are super smart and super cute but with the energy levels of a medium-sized nuclear reactor. It's been fun.
I finally went to see a Rammstein concert!!! 🤯 The experience of a lifetime, holy shit. I literally have no words to describe how mesmerizing that stage was. Like, I shit you not, I have 3 GBs worth of concert footage.
Speaking of metal: Gojira KILLED IT at the Olympics Opening! Also: Turkish Shooter Guy and Norwegian Muffin Man are living rent-free in my head. I'm the worst, I only follow professional sports for the memes.😆
I've been moved to a new division at work and am currently sitting in a small office with the two biggest goobers in the entire institution. Between that and me finally having accumulated enough knowledge + experience to have a clue what I'm doing, work's been pretty stress-free for once.
Conversely, my colleagues from the old division are struggling due to lack of staff, too much work, mismanagement, internal strife, and pressure from both within and outside the institution. I feel so bad for them, but at the same time, a selfish part of me is grateful that I'm not there to suffer the shitshow on my own hide.
I have unanswered asks from (probably) months ago and am Very Ashamed of the fact. I'll get back to you guys, I promise! 😰
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kittyowner · 1 year
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[Image ID: Article from a newspaper reading: "how many dogs does it take to change a lightbulb?" In the middle, there's a black and white picture of a longhaired dog.
The article reads:
Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're worried about a stupid burned out bulb?
Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.
Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!
Rottweiler: Make me.
Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.
Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeze let me change the bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeze, please, please, please!
German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.
Jack Russel Terrier: I'll just pop it back in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.
Old English Sheepdog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a lightbulb.
Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.
Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, right there...
Greyhound: It isn't moving, who cares?
Australian Shepherd: First I'll put all the lightbulbs into a little circle...
Poodle: I'll just blow into the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.
The Cat's Answer: Dogs do not change lightbulbs. People change lightbulbs. So the real question is: How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a message?
The bottom of the page reads "28 July 9, 2011"/End ID]
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redpanther23 · 7 months
In my travels I've come to find that I have an extremely strange family background. I'm going to be talking about it in some essays, which may contain descriptions of abuse and neglect. Here's the first one (it's long as fuck.)
On my mom's side, my great great grandmother was Creek. She was alive when I was born, and we briefly met. She was over 125 years old (nobody knows how old exactly.) The men on that side, who were all Scottish, died in their early 40s, except for my grandfather, who left when my mom was a kid. (I met him once, but my mom didn't want me to be around anyone Christian as a kid, so I never met anyone else on that side of the family.) I barely know anything about my Scottish ancestry, although growing up we called the native grapes "bullises," which is a Gaelic word for plums (they're also called muscadines, but I don't know what the truth is anymore.)
My family were subsistance farmers since before colonization, until my grandma became a schoolteacher. Our family moved to what would later be the Free State of Jones from what would later be Alabama, though I'm not sure why. During the Civil War, people in Jones county refused to fight, since nobody owned slaves in the area, and it was declared a Free State. My grandma lives in the Free State, in abject poverty with my uncle and his wife, who just scream at each other and beat their kids and neglect their 15 hoarded dogs all day. And if they have a problem with me saying so, they can eat shit and die.
My mom went to school for anthropology, and taught geology at the University of Southern Mississippi. She was extremely ashamed of how poor our background is, and I wasn't allowed to visit family much, although I wanted to very badly. I got to live with my grandma and my two adopted uncles who are around my age for a little while when we were kids, and they're some of the only positive childhood memories I have. I was extremely isolated and abused, especially by my step dad, who is currently (to my knowledge) employed as a programmer at a major video game company, as well as being a child molester starting when I was 2 or 3 years old (some of my earliest memories.) His name is Rigel Cameron Freeman. I ran away when I was 16 to live with my dad. When I told my mom what he did, she called me a liar and quit speaking to me, and that was the last I heard from her directly. So far as I know, she's been in mental hospitals pretty much since I left.
My dad's mom, whose first name was Ellen, was Ashkenazi Jewish, descended from a family who left Germany before the holocaust. She was a beatnik who was friends with Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsburg, and she had personal beef with Grace Slick over a boyfriend. My dad's first guitar was a gift from Cat Stevens, although this was something he was a little embarrassed about and only mentioned to me once. She was especially close friends with Tiny Tim. She was in California trying to break into acting, and almost got a part in the Godfather allegedly (actually all of this is alleged by my dad, I only met her once. He really didn't like her, so I don't think he would make it up.)
Then she met my grandfather, Bob Marshall, who was probably in California to do drugs (sacred family tradition.) I have reason to believe he was mostly Choctaw and possibly Irish, although on that side of the family it's traditional to claim to be "French or Italian" unless you're very drunk, and then it's okay to be Indian. They moved up to Alaska and lived on the Athabaskan reservation, where my father, Rogan Russell Marshall, was born on April 19. Later, my grandfather became a civil rights lawyer, and he defended the right for prisoners with AIDS to be desegregated (basically anyone with AIDS would die in solitary before that.)
My dad got into Emerson, dropped out because no one could afford textbooks, moved to Mississippi and started this crazy punk band, and then went ahead and wrote some movies anyway. My favorite is called the Attic Expeditions, it features Seth Green, Jeffery Combs, and Alice Cooper, and it's very trippy and fun. Unfortunately, he became disabled from the same autoimmune condition I have, ankylosing spondylitis, which, if you're born male, has much more severe symptoms (which is why I chose not to start testosterone.) AS used to be thought of as genetic, but has recently been linked to environmental pollutants, and I was likely exposed to something released by one of our many chemical factories (my uncle who abuses his kids and dogs is adopted, I mentioned earlier, grew up in my grandma's house when we were kids together, and has the same symptoms, and multiple people who lived on the same Hattiesburg street as my dad in the 90s were diagnosed.) He was living in Massachussetts in his mom's basement when he married my step mom, a public defense attourney, to get health insurance, and they lived in Miami for eight years together until she left him, shortly after I moved in.
After that, I had to drop out of high school, and I lived in hell for about seven years while I worked full time, usually multiple jobs, to take care of us, and all the cats he would bring home (as many as 13, but I ran my house like a cat ranch and it was kind of beautiful.) His physical and mental health was dogshit, he wouldn't stop doing hard drugs, and our relationship was so hopelessly abusive that I had to quit speaking to him as well. My feelings are complicated because, while I love and admire his work, and he taught me a lot of extremely valuable and positive things, the things he did to me would put him in prison if I believed in the law. I owe him everything, and at the same time, I almost wish we'd never met (I'll have to talk about that in another post as well, because it's a lot, and exremely heavy.)
My third parent, Scott Panther, I honestly don't know very well. According to local legend, and there are many about him, he's Scottish and Cherokee. He was close friends with my parents before I was born, helped start Rong (and probably came up with the best ideas for it.) He was my mom's boyfriend for a long time before I was born.
My mom met Scott and Rogan at a Rong show, I was conceived after a Rong show (Scott drove Rogan to her house), and the night I was born there was a Rong show. Scott was overdosing when my mom went into labor, and I was born at 4 AM while multiple tornadoes passed through town. Later that night, he was ready to play the show (hats off). No one told Rogan I was born, though in the full video of the show he mentions the other people in town who were born on April 18. Unfortunately, the video is probably lost - he gave all the Rong tapes to someone I don't know, and he didn't say who (he may have even been lying and threw them away.)
I inherited a lot of personality traits from Scott, as many people who know us have noticed, although I gained them not through direct teaching, or through any modern understanding of genetics. I've read that before colonization these kind of things were more common and better understood.
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onbearfeet · 6 months
WIP Wedneday? WIP Wednesday.
Road trip with the cast of Monster Mash. Imagine these dinguses playing yellow car.
Jack Russell had never been a fan of long car rides.
He didn’t mind driving, particularly. Being a werewolf often meant living somewhere new every month, and until the advent of cheap intercontinental air travel, that had mostly meant picking a continent and moving around on it as best he could. And for the last century or so, moving around in North America had meant automobiles. He’d driven everything from Model Ts to Rolls Royces, and none of it had been particularly difficult or uncomfortable.
No, it was being a passenger that he couldn’t stand.
Perhaps it was something about werewolf reflexes; he reacted to things slightly faster than ordinary humans, even in his own human form, so if he wasn’t careful, riding shotgun in a car meant he was constantly tapping an imaginary brake or gas pedal half a second before the driver did. Or perhaps it was lingering trauma from all the times he’d been shot or netted, trussed up, and thrown into the back of something with a snarling engine. Whatever it was, he didn’t enjoy being in a moving vehicle that he didn’t control. He sometimes wondered how Ted felt about it; after all, there probably weren’t any vehicles built for someone his size.
But Elsa Bloodstone owned the van, and Elsa did not give up her keys without a good reason, so Jack had gotten used to swallowing his pride and climbing into the passenger seat—or worse, the back after Bucky Barnes won the coin toss.
There was one positive to Elsa’s driving, though. Somehow, through whatever perverse alchemy made her the most remarkable woman in the world (at least in Jack’s thoroughly biased and entirely correct opinion), he could sleep while she was at the wheel. Something about the cedar-and-sage scent of her at close quarters put his hackles down, smoothed his bristling paranoia, and let him drift off to the thrum of the engine and the whisper of her breath.
And so he was mostly asleep, slipping in and out of a pleasant dream about running through high mountain forests with nothing chasing him for once, when he heard Elsa’s voice.
“Your majesty,” Bucky drawled from behind Jack, where he was presumably still strapped into a jump seat in the cargo area.
Jack felt the smile tugging at his lips. He hoped Elsa couldn’t see it.
Elsa huffed, and Jack could hear the eyeroll in her voice. “In my infinite mercy, I’ve decided to do you a favor.”
“Golly, gee, thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she said flatly. “I’m saving you considerable embarrassment. Not counting your years with Hydra, how long would you say you’ve been, er—?”
“Myself? Conscious? Human?”
Jack couldn’t suppress the small flinch.
“Yes. That.”
“A few years, now. I guess you can count it from 2014, if you’re going from when I got out. But it took me a couple years to, y’know, have a personality again. Why?”
“Did you spend much time catching up on history?”
“I puked for two days straight after I googled JFK, so no.”
“Right, then. There are facts you’ll need to know if you don’t want to make a complete arse of yourself.”
“If this is about Marvin Gaye, I swear to Christ—”
“Your Wikipedia page,” Elsa interrupted, “says you were raised Irish American Catholic. Is that true?”
“Near ’nough.” A faint Irish lilt drifted through Bucky’s voice. “My dad was, anyway.”
“Then you probably heard a few sermons in your day about the evils of homosexuality.”
Bucky burst out laughing.
It was loud enough that Jack gave up even pretending to sleep, opened his eyes, and sat up from where he’d been slumped against the passenger window. He stretched as somewhere behind him, Ted rumbled a question that sounded like What the hell?
“Sorry, fellas,” Bucky chuckled. “Old man laughs at history lesson, you know how it is.” He snorted.
Jack stretched and used the motion as an excuse to look back at the cargo bay. Bucky was, indeed, still in his jump seat, wiping tears from his eyes and grinning.
“Priceless,” he muttered. “Just priceless. Elsa, is this gonna be one of those ‘some people are queer now and you gotta be okay with it’ talks?”
“If by ‘okay’ you mean ‘on your best manners or I’ll stab you’, then yes, that’s what this is.” Elsa took her eyes off the road just long enough to glare daggers at Bucky.
“Ha.” Bucky scrubbed at his face with his flesh hand. “Okay, let’s save you some time. Quick show of hands—who in this van has, at some point in their life, done queer shit?”
He pulled his hand away from his face and raised it above his head.
Jack grinned and put his own hand up.
Ted urfed and raised his.
Bucky looked at Elsa and raised his eyebrows.
Grudgingly, Elsa raised her hand.
“That’s what I thought,” Bucky said. His voice gentled. “Doll, I’m from Brooklyn. Down by the Navy yard, no less. There’s not much I ain’t seen. If I use the wrong words or something, please do correct me before the ghost of my mother rises from her grave and hauls me off by my ear, but you don’t have to worry I’ll see two fellas kissing and get the vapors.”
“Good,” Elsa replied, turning her attention back to the road. “Because our client is an old friend of mine, and I’ve got barbed bolts in my crossbow.”
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avatarofseshat · 2 years
To Take Care of You
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Pairing: Jack Russell x fem!reader (mentions of Ted)
Words: 753
Summary: How you and Jack spend the morning after a transformation. Lots of fluff.
A/N (10/23): Made an edit with the readers relationship to Jack. They’re now married, it made more sense as I’m writing part two.
With a sigh you leaned against the closed door of your vehicle as your gaze shifted to the full moon that begun to disappear in the distance and the long night gave way to a new day. You knew that no matter how long your night shift seemed to feel it was not nearly as long as Jack’s night was. You hated the very thought of what he had to undergo during each full moon. Some one has kind hearted and good as he was didn’t deserve such a thing.
As soon as you had slung your bag down in its customary spot by the door, you begun your own full moon ritual. You gathered up some fresh clean clothes for Jack before starting up a fire and firing up the coffee maker. It wasn’t long after that you spotted a unclothed Jack and you could instantly tell by his dropping posture that it takes a lot out of him to transform. You gathered a throw blanket from the sofa before you rushed out the back door to meet him.
“Gracias, what would I do without you?” He mumbled in appreciation as you draped the blanket over his bare shoulders. He sighed and leaned into you as you placed a tender kiss to his temple as you wrapped your arm around him.
“Driving Ted crazy,” you playfully bantered back as Jack just shook his head in mock disapproval “I’m joking, I love you. You know that.”
“Mmmm…yo tambien te amo querida,” he tiredly mumbles back returning the kiss.
Once he was settled on the sofa by the fire you had him a steaming hot cup as you settle in beside him. He shifts his cup to the other hand as he gets the blanket resituated around his waist so he can hold you close.
“Want some breakfast?” You ask as you mumble into his shoulder as your own fatigued threatens to overtake you.
“Later. You need to rest first. Yes? You’ve been working,” Jack was always the sweetheart and always made sure you were taken care of. “We can have sushi with Ted. Yes?”
“Hmmm…sure,” you mumble as you drift off. Luckily Jack’s reflexes were vastly quicker than your own as he placed his own cup down to quickly grab yours before it spilt everywhere.
When you woke Jack wasn’t with you but you didn’t have to wonder where he had gone for long as a warm kiss was placed to your neck as he inhaled your scent and another to your lips as you rolled onto your back.
“So handsome,” you mumble into his kiss as you opened your eyes not wanting to part just yet as you breathed in the scent of his aftershave and body wash.
“You’re just with me for my looks.” He deadpanned in response to your compliment.
There was no denying how handsome Jack was but that was not the sole reason you were with him. He has the biggest heart of anyone you has ever known and it often gotten him into trouble, especially when it came to helping Ted, “and your heart,” you suddenly notice the heavenly scent of food that wafted into the living room “what is that? It smells delicious.”
“Breakfast…molletes and scrambled eggs,” he explained before retreating back to the kitchen not wanting to burn the eggs. You adored Jack’s cooking as it didn’t get more authentic than home cooking.
“I’m supposed to cook you breakfast,” you banter as you find a seat at the kitchen table.
“You worked all night,” he responded placing a fresh cuppa in front of you as he placed his lips at your hairline and you could hear the sound of his inhale “you smell so good…like home.”
You smiled contently into your cup as you closed your eyes enjoying the taste of the brew and the tender sensation of his lips on your skin. Suddenly a burning smell reached both of you causing Jack to retreat with a curse. You simply took in the sight of your husband finishing breakfast as you continue to sip on your coffee.
Your eyes widened when you were presented with a plate full of molletes and the most delicious scrambled eggs you have ever seen “I don’t need that much!”
“You’re going to need your strength,” he gave you a knowing grin before fetching his own plate. You knew how he usually was the morning after a transformation and the thought caused heat to spread.
Part Two
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redheadspark · 12 days
Could you do Jack Russell from Werewolf By Night with number 6, please? Thank you! 🥰✨
A/N - Hello! Thanks for requesting this, I hope you like it :)
Summary - Jack never thought he would meet his soulmate in the way he did.
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Warnings - Just fluff and Angst
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Jack was used to grey, from the moment he was born he thought all the world was meant to be grey.
His mother warned him about seeing the world all grey, after testing his vision and noticing how he didn’t know his colors.  Everyone saw grey as little babies and children, but once you hit puberty and go into young adulthood, you could meet your soulmate at any time.  It was all about timing, which Jack thought he never had in his corner as he got older and his vision was still in different shades of grey.  
Seeing others happy with getting their mates and enjoying the joys of seeing colors around them, Jack couldn’t help but be jealous.  He had other demons to deal with, including becoming a werewolf as a young teenager and dealing with that nightmare in itself.  Yet still, even through the torment and pain of transformations once a month and hunting monsters, Jack longed to have someone in his life.  Yet his Lycanthropy came at a major price: the lives of others always would be in jeopardy.  No matter the plenty of scenarios he played in his head, each one would always end in tragedy.  
Hope for love would slip through his fingers, so he placed it on the back burner in his life.
He still worked as a monster hunter, going around the world and taking out so many monsters from the small to the massive.  He also got a better handle on changing into a werewolf, which helped him plan out any weekend plans he would have to do for his transformation.  Jack only occupied his mind with things that he could control, which helped his mental health when it felt low.  Nothing else was harboring his thoughts, and as of late the last thing he was thinking about was finding his soulmate.  
Up until one afternoon during a camping trip.
This month’s full moon was on a Saturday night, which was the perfect time for him to camp out at a campsite in the middle of the woods starting on a Friday and leaving by Monday morning.  He loved camping, it was more of a therapy for him since it would calm his mind before booming a werewolf.  Jack would meditate under the stars and beneath the threes, breathing in the cooler air into his lungs and touching the rich soil under his fingers.  Of course, it made his transformations more bearable, finding campsites that were mostly out of the way and not near any kind of town or city.  
This particular Monday he was on his way home, freshly showered thanks to the showers at the campsite and insanely hungry.  The general store a few miles away from the campsite had a Convenience Store.  Jack walked in and over to the breakfast section, seeing the remade breakfast sandwiches that were already wrapped in sheep material with grease stains and a few yogurt parfaits that were in the cooler.  He grabbed one of each and a bottle of orange juice too, not registering the front door opening and bells being heard.
“Hey, you!” Said the store manager at the register, “Weren’t you supposed to be here yesterday?”
“Sorry,” A warm voice floated in the air as Jack was humbling with the food in his hands to get them held tight, “I was held up at the store since my dad is sick.  He gives his condolences, I’m actually going to get him some medicine. Do we have any?”
“Sure thing, honey.  The medicine is in the back of the door,” The manager answered her, Jack still not paying attention as he was trying to get a good grip on his breakfast.  But of course, he was more of a klutz than anything, turning just in time to run into the very woman who was speaking moments earlier. The food fell all over the floor, nothing major spilling but Jack’s cheeks were already red in embarrassment.  
“I am so sorry!” He said in a flustered manner, kneeling down to get his food off the floor.
“That was my fault, honestly! I wasn’t looking where I was going—“ the woman reasoned with Jack as she knelt to help him pick up the food too.  Jack was about to argue that he could do it himself when something started to happen.  It made him freeze up, almost blinking to make sure he wasn’t being tricked in the mind.  
The breakfast sandwich was no longer grey, but yellow.
Then it was the wooden floor below them, a deep brown that was stained and reflecting off the lights above him.  The blue mixture whirling in the slushie machine, the red apples next to the oranges, it was all popping out to Jack and eliminating the grey.  Jack was shocked, which seemed like a minimal word for him as the last thing he noticed, was the woman in front of him.
Her long and slender fingers were around his orange juice bottle, bracelets that were of colorful beads hanging off her wrist, and a few freckles that were dancing on the top of her hand.
“Holy shit,” She gasped, Jack shooting his head up and finally seeing her face.  A heart-shaped face, bright hazel eyes that reminded him of nature in the purest form, and her dark thick hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.  His heart stopped, almost making him think he died and passed on into some kind of afterlife.  But she was there, filled with color and making Jack feel that pain he had in the past disappear.  
No longer as he worry about the setbacks of being a werewolf.  No longer he was worried about being alone forever and not having another person to feel connected to.  Now it was there, right in front of him in one of the last places he never thought he would meet his soulmate.  
“Hello,” Jack said in a shaky tone, not knowing what else there was to say in such a moment in meeting his soulmate.  
She smiled, and Jack knew he was done for.
The End.
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acuar-io · 18 days
haii interview incoming about your ocs
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If they were an animal what animals would they be?
Do they have any siblings? hows their relationship with family?
Where are they fromm? do they speak another language?
What's their biggest (stupidest) fear?
Favorite music genre/artist?
and last because im yapping away...are there any fun facts or deets about them youd like to share?
YAY OC ASK TIME!! I actually answered this on the app and tumblr poofed it. So im going to reanswer the questions again lol. Its going to be a long one so BUCKLE UP CUS HERE WE GO!
If they were an animal what animals would they be?
Sephtis would be a black cat 🐈‍⬛, Izara a bunny 🐇, Benny an otter 🦦 and I have really introduced him to the blog yet and gotten into his character, but Dante would be a dog 🐶 specifically a Jack Russell
2. Do they have any siblings? hows their relationship with family?
I love this question and I will get more into detail with all of my ocs in another post or in their character page (when i create one :3)
Sephtis has an older sister (three years older). They both have a good relationship with their mother, but a terrible one with their father. Their dad actually cut ties with them because they are both (according to him) "a disgrace to the company and family name" he ended up giving the company to their cousin because neither of them wanted to inherit their fathers company, nor cared about his business lol. Their father was never really there for them, their mother practically had a facade the entire marriage & fought so much for Seph and his sister to live "normal lives" as nepo babies (lol) they were pretty popular in school because of their bg which they hated. Their parents divorced Sephs senior year of hs and at that time is when his dad cut ties w him as well.
Izara is an only child. She has a good relationship with her parents. They're more on the traditional side & older people, so sometimes they dont see eye to eye, especially when she was in Junior High & High school. Izara's interests concerned them (literally just regular interests teenagers have that freak out ethnic parents bc they need theyre becoming demons or some shit lol) also didnt like that she loved art and wanted to be an artists/art curator. Eventually though, they understood that they cant control what their daughter does with her future and that is all up to her ( I think they left her alone more so because they realized she is successful in her art and modeling career).
Benny is the youngest of 4. He has 3 sisters. His relationship with his parents was really shitty growing up, sadly. He is gay & hes known that for his whole life. Having 3 sisters and being the only boy, he loved to play with dolls. His parents being very religious, seeing him play with dolls, was not something they liked. Even if he was just playing with his sisters. In school, he was bullied. There was name calling and rumors that spread around about him. His parents hated the rumors and name calling not because it hurt Benny, but because it makes them look like bad Catholics. Benny truly only had his sisters and other female friends by his side throughout school. It wasnt until high school where things seemed to change for the better. This especially were better because he had Sephtis. His parents have come around, but they def took their time to finally accept their son.
3.Where are they from? do they speak another language?
Sephtis is from Osaka, Japan (Mt. Komorebi) then moved to Los Angeles at age 4 (Del Sol Valley). He speaks English and Japanese!
Izara is from New York (San Myshuno), shes Ethiopian-American. She speaks English and Amharic.
Benny is from Quebec (have no idea what sim world would be considered Canada lol) He speaks French & English
What's their biggest (stupidest) fear?
Okay so Sephtis & Izara are afraid of movie characters LMAO Sephtis will forever be afraid of Kayako (The Grudge) movie he watched as a kid with his sister that scarred him as a child ksfkksfks. Izara specifically does not like the older Godzilla (model?? costume??) she thinks its ugly and creepy as fuck like literally nightmare looking ass creature. IS THIS NOT JUST CREEEPY TO U???
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Ok I wouldnt say Benny's is stupid....hes afraid of bugs specifically roaches. I mean logically, hes bigger than them so he can step on them and kill them, but he just finds them super fucking gross that he cant bring himself to do that lol.
Favorite music genre/artist?
Sephtis' fave band is BUCK-TICK, Fave genre is Rock (I'll keep it broad because he loves a toe=ne of sub rock genres).
Izara's fave artist is PinkPantheress! For groups, she likes New Jeans, Aespa & Perfume (yes she listens to kpop/jpop). Fave genre is pop for sure!!
Benny's fave band are the cranberries!! fave genre is also rock, but he prefers alternative rock!!
and last because im yapping away...are there any fun facts or deets about them youd like to share?
Okay well, I want to share a little about Seph and Benny's relationship rq!! So they went to the same high school. Sephtis is a year older than Benny. Their paths didnt officially cross until Sephtis' senior year and Benny's junior year of high school. They met one day after school when it was raining, Benny didnt have an umbrella but sephtis did :) thats all ill say for now :3
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lilpunkrock · 2 years
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Pairing: Jack Russell x Fem!Reader
AN: @diamond-punk2003 thought we needed a reverse of "Primal," and I wholeheartedly agreed. So, I hope you all enjoy yet another post-Halloween, Halloween-themed drabble!
Read "Primal" here.
. . .
“Jack, these are the same costumes as last year.”
Your puzzled gaze shifts from the Little Red Riding Hood costume lying on the couch to the wide, self-satisfied grin on your boyfriend’s face. Olive eyes dancing with delight, he scoops up the hooded cape and sets to work tying it around your shoulders. “Ay, that’s where you’re wrong, mi amor. Because this year, we are switching. This year, I am the Wolf.” 
You cock your eyebrow at him in a challenge. “What, you weren’t pleased with my performance last year?” you inquire with a narrowly-suppressed grin. 
Jack smiles widely as he finishes tying his knot and slips the hood over your hair. He leans in to place a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, a gesture that sends your stomach scattering with butterflies. “Of course you did, mi amor. You were perfect. But passing up the chance to show you my Wolf would be a shame.” 
Laughter draws your lips into a grin as you watch him walk toward the lightswitch on the living room wall. “Where’s your costume, then?” you ask. 
Jack poises one finger on the lightswitch, ready to flick. When he turns to gaze at you from across the living room, the smug curve of his pink lips and the spark of mischief in his eyes are downright devilish. Static skitters down your spine as the breath slips from your lungs. He holds your gaze until the lightswitch gives a soft click. “This is a little different from the story you’ve heard before.”
Immediately, you turn in a circle, disoriented. With the lights off and the curtains closed, you’ve been plunged into pure, unabashed darkness. When Jack’s honey-sweet voice whispers to you from within the inky black, it sounds as if it’s coming from everywhere, all at once. “When I was growing up, mi familia would tell me a tale that had been passed down for generations. It was the story of a young, beautiful woman who went to visit her abuela in the woods. She was as sweet as could be, bringing her abuela wine and cake. However, when the woman lingered too long, she found herself walking home through the woods in complete darkness. It was then that she encountered el hombre lobo.”
When you feel something warm and solid press against your back, you nearly jump out of your skin. Only the familiar rumble of laughter in Jack’s chest keeps your heart from flying out of your throat. “Shit! You scared me.” You turn around, reaching for him blindly in the darkness. When your fingers find the familiar sturdiness of his shoulders and the curved grin of his lips, your heartbeat slows. “So, this wolfman…was he handsome?”
In spite of the darkness, you can picture the amusement dancing in his eyes, the adorable crinkle that surfaces between his dark brows as he whispers, “Oh, yes, mi cariño. Devilishly so. Muy guapo.”
You chuckle, rapping your knuckles against his chest affectionately. “Well, maybe Little Red was lucky, then. How does the rest of the story go?”
Jack’s breath is warm against your face. “How do you think it went?” he murmurs softly. 
Your lips part in surprise at his words. Though you give no immediate reply, Jack remains silent. Expectation and anticipation hang heavy in the air. Slowly, a small smile works onto your lips. So, he wanted to play coy? You could give him coy. 
Slowly, you trace a feather-light touch up Jack’s arm, across his shoulder, to the nape of his neck. When you curl your fingers in his salt-and-pepper hair and give a gentle tug, a delicious rumble purrs in his throat. Electricity crackles through you at the sound, scattering logical thought from your brain as something primal in your soul responds in kind. “Sir, what thick hair you have,” you murmur, relishing in the feel of the soft strands between your fingers.
That soft hair brushes your cheek as Jack dips his head into the hollow of your throat. When he places a soft, warm kiss to your collarbone, you swear the darkness glimmers with stars. “The better to keep you warm with, mi cariño,” he breathes into your skin. 
Narrowly suppressing a shudder, you cup his face in your hands. Though you can’t see his features, your thumbs trace the familiar pads under his eyes, the strong curve of his brow. “But sir, what beautiful eyes you have.” 
Jack presses his forehead to yours, placing a gentle kiss to your nose, below your eyes, along your cheekbones, the corners of your lips. You couldn’t suppress the hum of approval that escapes you if you tried. “The better to drink you in with, mi cariño.”
Your heart flutters at the warmth in his tone, a heat that seeps through your skin and settles in your gut. You draw in a deep, slow breath, seeking to calm your hammering heart. Even in the darkness, you feel his lips pull into a grin at the sound of it, each beat a vow, a prayer, a devotion. “What a strong nose you have, sir,” you whisper, tracing the outline of his prominent nose with the tip of your thumb. 
The speed with which Jack spins you around is admittedly inhuman. In the space between heartbeats, you find your back pressed flush against his torso, his sturdy arms wrapped around you with a gentleness that makes your heart ache. Jack nestles his nose past the hooded cape you wear, burrowing into the hollow of your throat. The way his chest swells against your back as he draws your scent in deeper, deeper, deeper, feels sinful. The way he holds the air in his lungs like a treasure he never wants to part with feels like worship. Your eyelashes flutter shut as you lean into him, submitting to the storm of sensation raging in you. “The better to savor you with, mi cariño,” he growls against your skin. 
A gentle pressure surfaces at the back of your neck as Jack presses his thumbs along either side of your spine. He kneads purposefully with a rhythm that seems agonizingly slow compared to the dizzying rush of thoughts and sensations within you. Displeased with the barrier of the cape between you, you tilt your head back, allowing it to slip from your crown so that his touch can press against your skin, instead.
Jack’s lips smile against the shell of your ear as he places a kiss to the soft flesh there. “Eager, are we?” he murmurs, his tone lilting slightly with amusement. 
You give only a quiet hum of resignation in response. Sure, you were always up for a challenge. But maybe, just this once, you could wave your white flag early, accept your defeat with grace and gratitude. If it made you feel like this, it was a victory worth losing. “What big bands you have,” you breathe as he kneads down your neck and along your shoulders, your defiance slipping away with every stroke of his touch.
“The better to hold you with,” Jack murmurs as his hands venture down, down, down. His fingers caress each curve and dip and swell as if it’s for the first time, as if he’s making a map of you by touch alone. His fingers trace constellations over you in the darkness, the soft whisper of sweet endearments in every language he knows a beloved lullaby in your ear. 
You’re not sure how you muster the strength to speak, but when you do, the sentence slips over your lips like a prayer. “What a wickedly beautiful mouth you have.” 
Jack’s exploratory touch slows. A whine nearly tears from your throat as he draws his mouth from your ear. However, you can’t suppress the primal sound that escapes you when he sweeps your hair aside and presses his lips to that sacred spot on the back of your neck, just below your hairline. 
It’s the killing blow, the spot that only he knows. Your soul sings at the glide of his lips against your skin. Warm, adoring, reverent. Your mind short-circuits as he trails kisses from your hairline to the tip of your spine. When his fingertips dig into the flesh of your hips, wanting and insistent, every nerve ending under your skin fires instantaneously. So much love, so much need, so much feeling, and nowhere for it to go. 
You’re going to spontaneously combust. You’re sure of it. It’s the only option. The air is so thick with intimacy that you can scarcely breathe. 
Some distant part of your mind where your last semblance of coherent thought lies reminds you of last Halloween. Of the scarlet flush of Jack’s cheeks when he’d seen his costume, the honey-sweet song of his laughter as you’d played the part of the Wolf, the overwhelming feeling of adoration and rightness that had filled your soul to the brim as his lips melted against yours. Once, you had thought the only thing in this world that might truly satisfy you would be to open up your soul and swallow him whole. Now, you realize the only destiny that could rival such a fate is to be swallowed whole.  To bear every fragment of your being to him and have him love you anyway. To crawl inside his heart and make your home there, to spend the rest of your days basking in the brilliant, all-consuming radiance that was him. 
“The better to eat you with,” he whispers against your skin.
For a long moment, all is silent. It takes you several breaths and a desperate attempt to wrangle your thoughts to realize that he’s waiting for you. Waiting to hear what you’ll say next. “I—I don’t know what comes next,” you stammer. 
The finger that Jack presses to the underside of your chin is gentle, his touch affectionate. Slowly, he turns you to face him. Though you can’t see his expression in the opaque darkness, when you shift one hand to rest over his heart, you feel the eager thrum of his heartbeat jump into your palm. Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum. 
That familiar song doesn’t lie. It tells you exactly what’s coming next.  
As Jack lowers his lips to your ear, a grin of anticipation pulls at your own. “This is the part where I devour you.”
. . .
"Mi amor" — "My love"
"Mi familia" — "My family"
"Abuela" — "Grandmother"
"El hombre lobo" — "The Wolf Man"
"Mi cariño" — "Sweetheart," "my darling"
"Muy guapo" — "Very handsome"
. . .
Taglist: @h0wv3ry @the-ginger-draws @howlingco @ratisshortforratalia @safeikik @russell-ed @emilynightshade89 @mobiusismyfav @thepjofanqueen @couldnt-come-up-with-a-username @girlymusiclover09 @vigilantefucks @starfirette @scarletghost22 @biggetywitch
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rueroyale · 1 year
From The Nine Tailors, this stream of consciousness passage, annotated:
"And people may say what they like," thought Wimsey again, "about the services of the Church of England, but there was genius in the choosing of these psalms. 'That I may be certified how long I have to live'--what a terrifying prayer! Lord, let me never be certified of anything of the kind. 'A stranger with Thee and a sojourner'--that's a fact, God knows.... 'Thou hast set our misdeeds before Thee' ... very likely, and why should I, Peter Wimsey, busy myself with digging them up? I haven't got so very much to boast about myself, if it comes to that.... Oh, well!... 'world without end, Amen.' Now the lesson. I suppose we sit down for this--I'm not very well up in the book of the words.... Yes.... This is the place where the friends and relations usually begin to cry--but there's nobody here to do it--not a friend, nor a----How do I know that? I don't know it. Where's the man or woman who would have recognised that face, if the murderer hadn't taken all those pains to disfigure it?... That red-haired kid must be Hilary Thorpe ... decent of her to come ... interesting type ... I can see her making a bit of a splash in five years' time.... 'I have fought with beasts at Ephesus' ... what on earth has that got to do with it?... 'raised a spiritual body'--what does old Donne say? 'God knows in what part of the world every grain of every man's dust lies.... He whispers, he hisses, he beckons for the bodies of his saints' ... do all these people believe that? Do I? Does anybody? We all take it pretty placidly, don't we? 'In a flash, at a trumpet crash, this Jack, joke, poor potsherd, patch, matchwood, immortal diamond is--immortal diamond.' Did the old boys who made that amazing roof believe? Or did they just make those wide wings and adoring hands for fun, because they liked the pattern? At any rate, they made them look as though they believed something, and that's where they have us beat. What next? Oh, yes, out again to the grave, of course. Hymn 373 ... there must be some touch of imagination in the good Mr. Russell to have suggested this, though he looks as if he thought of nothing but having tinned salmon to his tea.... 'Man that is born of a woman ...' not very much further to go now; we're coming into the straight.... 'Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts....' I knew it, I knew it! Will Thoday's going to faint.... No, he's got hold of himself again. I shall have to have a word with that gentleman before long ... 'for any pains of death, to fall from Thee.' Damn it! that goes home. Why? Mere splendour of rhythm, I expect--there are plenty of worse pains.... 'Our dear brother here departed' ... brother ... we're all dear when we're dead, even if beforehand somebody hated us enough to tie us up and ... Great Scott, yes! What about that rope?"
Psalms 39.
5 Lord, let me know mine end, and the number of my days; that I may be certified how long I have to live.
14 For I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
15 O spare me a little, that I may recover my strength, before I go hence, and be no more seen.
Psalm 90:8 KJV
Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, Our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
1 Corinthians 15:32 KJV
If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.
1 Corinthians 15:44 KJV
It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.
Donne’s Sermon LXXXI
One humour of our dead body produces worms, and those worms suck and exhaust all other humour, and then all dies, and all dries, and moulders into dust, and that dust is blown into the river, and that puddled water tumbled into the sea, and that ebbs and flows in infinite revolutions, and still, still God knows in what cabinet every seed-pearl lies, in what part of the world every grain of every man's dust lies; and sibilat populum suum, (as his prophet speaks in another case) he whispers, he hisses, he beckons for the bodies of his saints, and in the twinkling of an eye, that body that was scattered over all the elements, is sat down at[ the right hand of God, in a glorious resurrection.
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the comfort of the Resurrection, by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Flesh fade, and mortal trash
Fall to the residuary worm; | world's wildfire, leave but ash:
In a flash, at a trumpet crash,
I am all at once what Christ is, | since he was what I am, and
This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, | patch, matchwood, immortal diamond,
Is immortal diamond.
1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.
2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.
Book of Common Prayer
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts;
Shut not thy merciful ears unto our pray'rs;
But spare us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty.
O holy and most merciful Saviour,
Thou most worthy Judge eternal,
Suffer us not at our last hour,
For any pains of death to fall away from Thee.
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casasupernovas · 7 months
I wish RTD had leaned further in to 10/Rose being insufferably toxic. It was clearly his intention going by Tooth and Claw and Love and Monsters and Doomsday. He just couldn’t quite commit to villainising 10 and then it was a real shame that he went back on their original cathartic ending in S4. But then I guess if he hadn’t reversed course into painting them as True Love’s Dream rather than a codependent mess that ruins everyone’s lives, Moffat wouldn’t have taken the original concept and run with it to create the explicitly nightmarish 12/Clara. And 12/Clara is so fun for being so terrible.
I do like the 12/Clara but I'm sure he could have come up with that on his own.
It's also weird because Russell only truly villainses 10 for all of....10 seconds at the end of The Waters of Mars but even that isn't as deep because I don't think 10's reasoning is properly defined. He's not a villain for wanting to save people from grisly deaths but he IS for doing is solely because thinks he's allowed to control people's lives. He calls them little people at the end. It's not because he cares anymore. There's the villainy. But by the next episode it's over and any more moral ambigouity doesn't stay too long.
I personally think Russell didn't know how to make 10 address these things and still be likeable. Better to have him act out but remind the audience it's valid because of Tulip. It would have even been more interesting if he confessed to Jack in Utopia that he let Jack down. If he was gonna go abandon him at least have something to show for it. But they both became arrogant berks - I mean hello they Rose stopped the Time War because she loved the Doctor. That would boost anyone's ego about 1 million. It gave his new face arrogance and a smugness and it cost him his entire found family. He waltzed off with Rose and bloody lost her! And it was their fault! How tf wasn't he ashamed?! He should have felt nothing but shame seeing Jack, fixed point be damned.
Because the Doomsday is way more positive for Rose even if it didn't seem like it to her on the day of it all. We could have had a Doctor with his tail between his legs, Martha would have been a brilliant segway into that...which you can argue was the original intention considering Martha was supposed to be Adeola. Have Adeola be like hey, my memory of you was you being the 'enemy' but actually ending up as the only one who made sense and tried to save people. Be that hero I remember.
But star crossed lovers who never did anything wrong actually and continue to bulldoze through other people to get half a happy ending...sure.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Tuesdays with you
paring: Jack Russell x fem! reader
genre: fluff
reader is a mutant, her powers are telekinesis and energy manipulation ; reader is protective of Jack and she is morally grey.
warnings: swearing, canon violence, tiny bit of gore at the end
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A group of hunters stalked Jack after a full moon, unknown to you.
When you returned to your home, Jack was missing. You assumed he must have passed out before he reached your house.
It was your 'other home' when Jack visited you. You told him to stay there and use it as he wishes as it was located very close to the woods, with the backyard actually extending into the intimidating, thick forest. Sometimes you had little backyard parties with Jack and Ted.
"It's an option, but i wouldn't do that if I were you" Jack's voice was calm as the hunters pointed their guns at him. There were three of them.
"Get the fuck away from him" your voice made the forest suddenly still. Your eyes glowed eery purple.
"God, I love when you do that. You are so sexy when you get angry. Scary, but hot, definitely hot."
You turned your head slightly towards Jack and smiled at his words—the familiar soft gaze flicked in your eyes, just for a second, but long enough for Jack to notice it. The smug, calm smile still lightened up his face. Of course Jack wouldn't miss an opportunity to add flirty comments at you at a time like this. You loved that about him. He kept you grounded and made your heart feel safe, and you did the same with him. He was your everything.
And these people threatened your everything. When you shifted your attention back to those three hunters, a smile was the last thing on your face. The previous happy glint in your eyes disappeared without a trace, your eyes darkened with something dark, and chilling.
These people would never learn.
The hunters did not lower their guns away from Jack.
Now, you were no saint, but you were not the devil either. You helped others—humans, 'monsters', any living beings in general. But you also didn't hesitate to destroy anything that threatened the ones you cared about. You would do anything to protect the ones you loved. How dare they mess with Jack? Your protective instincts kicked in, paired with rage.
"I said," you ripped the guns and swords off their hands with your mind, "Get the fuck away from him" you stressed each word, bending the guns and swords with your powers.
Jack was absolutely calm, as if he was getting a foot massage. He gave them a 'I warned you' expression.
"She is a monster."
"I've heard rumors about a witch…"
You watch as the expression on their eyes shift from shock to pure disgust. This wasn't something new to you. Those words and the reaction was something you were familiar with.
"You say it like it's a bad thing" you grinned. Honestly, you didn't give a fuck of what they thought about you.
Too close, they are way too close to your home. You can't just let them go.
Sharp sounds of sticks breaking on ground and branches moving reached your ears. A deep growl made birds fly off their nests for the time being.
"Hey, Ted."
"Good to see you, man." Jack greeted his friend.
Ted growled again in response. You didn't understand Ted fully yet, but you could tell what he was thinking without Jack translating for you.
"Agreed. Let's have some fun, my friend" you said with a calm smile on your face.
Blood splattered, screams ripped from the hunters' throats as you and Ted 'had fun'.
"You okay, bebé?" Jack touched your arm. You would sense concern in his voice. Your sweet darling, always making sure you are alright.
"Never felt better."
There it was, a sweet smile and eyes full of love for him. Jack didn't mind the blood splattered on your face one bit. "Mamacita", he kissed your lips, pulled back after a few seconds. You linked your arm with his, walking towards your home with Ted trailing behind you. You never dreamed of falling in love. That was until you met Jack.You felt incredibly lucky to have him. He felt the same.
You two didn't have to say it out loud now, that was the beautiful thing, you both knew it without uttering a single word. The silence was comfortable.
"I'm thinking of fried chicken" Jack interlaced his fingers with yours and caressed your knuckle softly with his thumb.
A groan from Ted.
"You always want sushi!"
"Why don't we get both?" you suggested.
"Yeah, yeah, let's do that."
Ted made a noise of content.
"You spoil him too much, Y/n/n"
"I'm not!" you defended yourself, chuckling.
Smiling, Jack leaned in to steal a kiss between your laughs. Just a regular Tuesday morning for you and Jack.
Translation (not 100% literal & accurate):
bebé - baby
mamacita - referring a gorgeous/sexy woman/ little momma
wwbn taglist:
@toracainz @i-still-dont-like-your-face
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Idea by @theoddballinyourcloset (ngl this was kinda eh but I hope this is what you wanted.)
It was dusk when you set out of your small cottage home and into the imposing forest for some food to prep for your dinner later and perhaps, if you had time to spare that is, pluck some wild fruits and nuts that were safe enough to eat for a snack later on. The forest itself was nothing short of a home away from home for witches like you, all in due to the tall tales humans of the village would spout about the forest that would be later remembered as the Obsidian Forest. The contents in which is included in these tales were of no real importance and in thanks to the tales humans rarely venture as far as the entrance before tucking tail and running away. Yet there were those foolish enough to think they could brave the venture alone; needless to say they were never saw exiting the forest the same as they did when they entered.
This foreboding forest is also where you came across the half covered and heavily injured form of Jack Russell; Slash marks covered the broadside of his back whilst the rest of him was littered with the unmistakable burns of that of a cattle prod and hand shaped bruising. The poor man looked worse for wear but something within you spoke of an uncomfortable truth that he may have been subjected to much worse. Without much hesitation on your part, you rushed to his side and began to make him comfortable for when he did awaken by using his overtly large coat as a makeshift pillow. Your brows furrowed in concentration as you put all your effort into channeling your magic within the palm of your hands where they glowed within the dim forest; almost as though fireflies were just beneath your skin in a soft shade of f/c. You then proceeded to hover a hand over his wounds, murmuring the required spell until you were satisfied that the once torn skin were nothing but faded scarring before repeating the action for another awhile longer.
By the time you had finished patching every possible wound on Jack’s body and searching for even the most missable ones, you had severely tried yourself out to the point where you couldn’t lift so much as a finger nor a thumb without your muscles groaning for rest. ‘You too kind hearted for this life y/n.’ Was a common sentence you’ve heard growing up. Your parents said it the most, whether it was as a compliment or a demand that you should change your ways to better suit the times you were living in; you soon grew to become prideful with the fact that you held more humanity within your pinky finger then most, whilst making sure to never let your kindness mistake others into thinking they could take advantage of you. Once you discovered that not only could you heal but also inflict harm on others by means of transferring the pain.
Their screams of horror when they saw their own limbs dropping off in rotting clumps of flesh until there was nothing remaining of them would forever etched within your mind. You swore from then on that you would only cause harm when the situation asked for you to do so not because you wanted or desired to. It would only be giving into the false pretences that humans stigmatised you with, therefore giving them more justifiable reasonings as to hunt you and other monsters into extinction. You glanced over at Jack and vowed that while he healed you would protect him by any means should your hand be forced. Which was unlikely because as aforementioned, the forest was barely inhabited by anything of flesh and bone, supernatural or otherwise. So for the time being you were safe to rest your weary eyes that struggled to remain open for longer then a fraction of a second.
Jack opened his eyes not long after you closed yours. He sat up and to his surprise his body was rid of all wounds from the night before, he couldn’t remember how he managed to get as far as he did but what amount he did remember before passing out was a blurred silhouette. A witch who smelt of vanilla or was it camomile, Rosemary, poppy milk, spiced apple and Passion flowers; Smells that were sweet and soothing that it lulled him into a dreamless slumber free of any pain. Sure he could heal relatively quickly, however his wounds would’ve taken a lot longer to repair the damage dealt his body; Even then he would still have some scars as remnants of their existence but as he searched his body. Yet it seemed as though he was never hurt in the first place, the only evidence he had from last nights events being real and not some dream was the throbbing ache in his muscles from all the running he did to put distance between him and the hunters that were after him.
They were persistent he has to give them that but as soon as he entered the very forest he found himself staring up the canopies, they stumbled over one another in their efforts to halt their momentum, cursing aloud the obsidian forest for protecting another freak of nature before begrudgingly retreating back the way they came. Jack had heard about this very forest but has passed through it several times without harm, the tales that spoke of the forest being a sentient safe haven for monsters and outcasts alike were false. The forest was just that, a regular old forest with a bad reputation stretched to it. Though he had to agree that it was incredibly dense and desolate of any and all light for a forest. So much so that it was hard to be for certain that what you were stepping on was a root and not the decaying body of someone who had gotten lost trying to get back home.
“What the?” “I see you’re finally awake. Thank goodness the severity of your wounds were well…quite severe.” You said, rubbing your eyes free of crusted sleep to look at the male who only stared back at you in confusion, his head tilted like a puppy dog. “Who-who are you?” Jack asked as his sense of smell picked up on the same scents he smelt before passing out. The smells of Poppy milk, rosemary, spice apple, Passion flower and a combination of camomile and vanilla. You smiled, waving a hand in the air to produce a deep purple passionflower before handing it to over to Jack who held it like he was bound to break it. “I’m y/n, I’m the witch who found you pass out just beneath this here tree and healed you of your ailments.” Jack toyed with the passionflower between his fingers out of nervousness of being healed by a witch as beautifully stunning as yourself and a little self conscious of the scars you must’ve seen litter his body. “Ah I see, thank you for that by the way,” he uttered sheepishly before remembering his manners, “I’m Jack.”
You watched in amusement when Jack quickly realised the hand that he had offered to you was still holding onto the passionflower you had gifted him. In which to an outside perspective it looked like he was gifting you the flower back out of curtsy in an cute yet awkward kind of way. “I’m sorry.” He started as he placed the flower down by his coat, making sure it wasn’t anywhere it could potentially get crushed. “I wasn’t-“ you cut his words short by placing your hand over his in reassurance. “it’s fine Jack. There’s no need to apologise to me but,” you paused briefly as Jack perked up at your hesitance, “may I ask how it is you got hurt that badly?” Jack subconsciously squeezed your hand whilst shrugging his shoulders as he replied nonchalantly. “Hunters found out I’m not exactly human in the way that a human is a human.” The male scratched the back of his ear absentmindedly, a possible byproduct of his canine instincts.
Jack looked at you, “how bad did they look?” You took a deep breath as you recounted the seemingly endless array of wounds he has accumulated. “Cattle prod burns along your arms, slash marks the width of my forearm across your upper and lower back that were on the verge of becoming infected, mass bruising and puncture wounds from arrows, and if not arrows, crossbows. So yeah you took quite the bit of energy out of me.” You finished, looking at Jack, who’s eyes held no visible change upon first glance but were in fact filled with disbelief in how he was somehow managed to survive for as long as he did with those wounds. It was truly a miracle indeed but when you offhandedly mentioned about being absolutely drained after healing him, he felt as though he was partially to blame for not being more considerate with himself.
Why didn’t you just pass him by? You could’ve save yourself the energy by doing so. What if the hunters decided to gather reinforcements and charge into the forest just as you were halfway through healing him, leaving yourself defenceless to their violence. These were just a small percentage of the thoughts that ran through Jack’s head, even though he had just met you he already felt quite deeply about you that the thought of you being hurt in a cowardly move made him feel even worse. You were too kind for your one good that was for certain. Jack moved so he was informed of you, clasping both hands over your own as he gently rested his forehead against your own, making sure you were looking into each other’s eyes. “Please don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position ever again; Not for my sake or anyone else’s. I can heal quite fast, you needn’t worry about me or overexert your powers on me.” He pleads with you. “I know we just met but…I don’t want you getting hurt because I wasn’t being more cautious.”
You held his hands close to your chest, “I’ll take your words into account as long as you also take your own words into account. You were just as much at risk of dying that night as I was,” you said, worry lacing your words, “if anything it seems as though we need each other to survive. I’m not that physically but you on the other hand are and while you can heal fast, I can heal you faster.” You explained, interlocking your fingers with his so that you palms were pressed firmly against his calloused ones before lifting them up for Jack see. “Look, we fit perfectly together.” He smiled down at your hands before looking back up into your eyes. “That was never in doubt.” He replied.
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tacoma-narrows · 6 months
Tac's OC Ref Masterpost!
Heya everybody! I'm not sure where the thought for this came from but I wanted to make a post that just has all of my OCs' refs in it in case anyone ever needs to find them and doesn't wanna ask me for them (which ur always welcome to do btw!) or doesn't wanna go digging through their Toyhouse galleries. This will be linked in my pinned post as well, so if you ever need to find it again, it'll be there! Every character will have their Toyhouse page linked below their ref, so you'll have easy access to more in-depth info and more gallery images if needed!
All the refs are below the read more since this is going to be a really long post, so be prepared for that if you take a look lol. It's organized the same way as my Toyhouse, with sonas first, then primary, secondary and tertiary OCs (basically categorized by how much I use them and how much development they have). I'll put a little bit of information about each character and whenever I make a new ref for a character, I'll swap out the old version with the new one here!
Also feel free to ask me anything abt any of my characters ever!! I adore talking abt them <333
(These guys are ordered by how much I use them/how representative of me they are)
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Shep (Toyhouse Link)
My main sona and most complete representation of myself out of all my characters!
22 y/o asexual biromantic German Shepherd
Boyfriends with PBnJ
Lead vocalist/guitarist for Let's Get Back!
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PBnJ (Toyhouse Link)
Secondary sona
Usually goes by just PB
Also Ace/Biro, Golden Retriever
Boyfriends with Shep
Bassist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Starburst (Toyhouse Link)
Main comfort sona, personal favorite OC <33
Kinsona based on Jenny from Wayside, who's my biggest comfort character!
Do not draw her without her outfit!! Also please only draw her anthro!
Second tallest of my anthro characters, slighter taller than Shep, not as tall as Wilkołak
Very friendly, adventurous and always looking to live life to the fullest!
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Spatter (Toyhouse Link)
Move set: Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Rain Dance and Protect. Feel free to draw him using any of these!
Has roughly equal number of purple and green splatter markings
Very squishy, loves giving/receiving hugs
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Vostok (Toyhouse Link)
Main Dragon/WoF-sona
My oldest OC, I've had him since February of 2017
May look intimidating but rlly just a big soft guy
Blue and purple scales make chevron shapes (not zigzags, not checkerboards, not stripes, etc.)
(Characters from here going forward are listed alphabetically per section)
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Agouti (Toyhouse Link)
Relatively quiet and shy until you get to know her
Lesbian, girlfriends with Rhazz
Can feel the emotions of others very strongly (for better or worse)
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Doppler (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/RainWing hybrid (75% Sea/25% Rain)
Weather forecaster with his wings and scales that show weather radar
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Sundial and ThunderSnow
Boyfriend of Sundial
Radar can show any kind of weather (rain/thunderstorms, hurricanes, snow storms, tornadoes, etc.)
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Eejanaika (Toyhouse Link)
SkyWing/RainWing hybrid
Name pronounced Edge-a-NYE-ka
Goes by Eej as a nickname
Has issues with anxiety and self-confidence
Demisexual, girlfriend of ThunderSnow
Has a short right horn, RainWing frill spines with no membrane, a double-pointed nose spike and is missing every other spine along her back as a result of being a hybrid
Name and design based on the old color scheme for the Eejanaika roller coaster at Fuji-Q Highland in Japan
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Firecracker (Toyhouse Link)
Jack Russell Terrier
Small but full of energy!
Loves 4th of July themed snacks and baked goods (his personal fav are Star Spangled Ding Dongs haha)
Friends with Starburst over their shared energetic lifestyle and red white and blue color solidarity :]
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Isaac (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Australian Shepherd
Nonbinary Asexual
Quiet and reserved, generally prefers to do their own thing
Very smart, loves trivia facts
Sibling to Moxie and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Kwaro (Toyhouse Link)
Gay, boyfriends with Rutabaga (owned by @/macaronichewtoyz)
Likes to sing, but is self-conscious about singing in front of others
Generally softspoken
Kinda velvety soft rather than full scales
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Luau (Toyhouse Link)
Major comfort OC
Very chill, laid back attitude
Good friends with PB and Shep
Occasionally guest vocalist for Let's Get Back! and often runs the lights/effects for their shows
Always has a flower in her hair, but can be any flower!
Girlfriends with Seabreeze
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Moxie (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Siberian Husky
Another major comfort OC
Loves to have fun, can play a little rough sometimes but always means well
A bit bigger and more stocky than Isaac
Sister to Isaac and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Pebble (Toyhouse Link)
Small and fluffy with long, silky fur
Husky/Samoyed mix
Hates getting his fur dirty
Smallest of my feral dog OCs
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Pumpernickel (Toyhouse Link)
Twin brother to Rye
Drummer and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
Easygoing and relaxed
Enjoys being outside at night
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Rhazz (Toyhouse Link)
Huge comfort OC
Design and personality based around the Roaring Twenties
Super energetic and affectionate
Lesbian, girlfriends with Agouti
Stage performance partners with Foxtrot
Has a necklace, two hoop earrings on her left ear, a ring on her left horn and a feathered headdress (all are not optional when drawing her!)
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Rye (Toyhouse Link)
Twin to Pumpernickel
A bit more rambunctious than his twin
Likes to strut around thinking he's cool stuff when he's really just kind of a dork
Keyboardist, backup guitarist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Seabreeze (Toyhouse Link)
Lively surfer girl
Girlfriends with Luau
Good friends with Starburst as well, as both are pretty adventurous
Always has her lucky seashell necklace
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Wilkołak (Toyhouse Link)
Big scary (or at least he tries to be scary) transgender wolf guy
Name can be pronounced either Veel-koak or Will-ko-Lack (His name means Werewolf in Polish)
Tallest of my anthro OCs
Has hydrokinetic powers and his blue markings glow when he uses them
Used to be a WoF Fantribe OC named Galeforce before I redesigned him lol
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Arroyo (Toyhouse Link)
Sometimes acts as an older brother figure to Rhazz
Higher-up at a gold mine in the desert
Ruff is stylized to look like messy hair
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Foxtrot (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SilkWing hybrid
Stage performer, performance partners with Rhazz
Loves showtunes music
Feel free to simplify his design if needed lmao
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Magma (Toyhouse Link)
Biggest of any of my dragon characters
Veteran of some war (he never specifically says which)
Has a scar on his tail
Adoptive older brother to Sunrise
Fits the "cool uncle who brings the kids awesome gifts at their birthdays and holidays" role
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Sundial (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/RainWing hybrid
Girlfriend of Doppler
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Doppler and ThunderSnow
Wings show what the sky outside looks like at any given time (day/night, clear/rain/snow, etc. - think like a Minecraft clock lol)
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ThunderSnow (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/SkyWing hybrid
Wavy spines are a hybrid side effect
Wings are meant to look like a blizzard, icicles and lightning, all meant to tie back to his name
Storm chaser, works with Doppler and Sundial
Boyfriend of Eejanaika
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Wanderlust (Toyhouse Link)
Owns a safari tour business in Pantala
Sometimes wears a pith helmet at an angle as part of her tours :]
Probably has an Australian accent lol
Her catchphrase/business tagline is "Everybody needs a little more wonder in their lives!"
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Cenote (Toyhouse Link)
PackWing (WoF Fantribe)
Name is pronounced Seh-noh-Tay)
Lives in the forest and has a lot of knowledge about herbs and plants and stuff
Spends so much time in the woods that the smell tends to follow him wherever he goes
Markings and stuff can be simplified if needed lol
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Chernobyl (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SandWing hybrid
Used to be the king of a fantribe I had made called FissionWings, which is why he has his floaty crown
Orange stripe along his flank is highly radioactive
The spots on his wings flicker with little sparks of radiation
Generally cold and stoic, usually keeps to himself
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South (Toyhouse Link)
Melanistic IceWing
Named to contrast all of the IceWing OCs named North lmao
Youngest/smallest of all my dragon OCs
Very innocent and happy since he's still pretty young
Love to play with his friends
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StrangeEvidence (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing with weak future seeing powers
Based on the terrible Science Channel show of the same name [I have no shame]
Tries to interpret his visions but goes like, way overboard and sounds ridiculous in the process
When they turn out to be something totally mundane, he's just like  "alright, so that's what that's about. Hm, neat" and walks away
These last two are doubled up due to Tumblr's 30 image per post limit </3
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Sunrise (Toyhouse Link)
Also fairly young, but older than South (like what would be tween age in humans)
Kind of a ditz and lacks any kind of inhibition, which sometimes gets her into trouble
Adoptive younger sister to Magma, who often helps her out of the trouble she gets herself into
Tōhoku (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/SandWing hybrid
Lives by the beach
Loves to cook and owns a snack shack by the ocean
Very chill, would probably host a surfing contest
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izunias-meme-hole · 8 months
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"Want to know how I keep smiling?"
Despite being a VERY well known gangster before his transformation, "Jack Napier" was a very secretive man, keeping his own history under wraps, and has no actual documentation of a true name, or birth date. However what was known about Napier was that he was the right hand man of Carmine Falcone's rival, Rupert Thorne, and he was often called to either "clean up a mess", or eliminate anyone who went against Thorne. However all of that changed after he got set up at Ace Chemicals, and met The Batman. Napier walked out of that encounter with raw blood red lips, chalk white skin, green hair, and a damaged face, and when he went to get surgery for his face as quick as possible, Napier ended up with a permanent grin. Finding all of recent circumstances absurd, Jack goes completely mad, convinced that life was just some big joke, and if that were the case he'd be the one sharing the punchline. So after killing Thorne and taking over his enterprise, The Joker was not only born, but fully prepared to cause chaos, ruin lives, and share his twisted works of art with Gotham City for his own amusement.
My Joker here is pretty much just a marriage between B:TAS, Batman 89, The Dark Knight, and The Arkham Games. A psychotic gangster who fell into a vat of chemicals, got some facial disfigurement, and began to see life as one bad joke, becoming a literal mad clown as a result.
After meeting Batman again, bro just got worse. Granted he was never truly fine to begin with, but not only did he become more unhinged and destructive after getting his chemical bath, but he became obsessed with The Bat after his second encounter with him. Now what sparked this obsession? Batman deciding not to kill him. Joker was confused at first, but he slowly began to piece it all together, and now had a long "game"... one that he planned on winning.
Harley Quinn is still brought to his side, and he's still a genuine piece of garbage to her, but he ditches her and almost kills her for real the MOMENT she successfully captures Batman all by herself, right under his nose. And they were around each other for 19 years.
This man is responsible for almost poisoning Gotham via a parade, turning Christmas Eve into Batman's most stressful night, a riot at Blackgate, the creation for Two-Face, the creation of Harley Quinn, the near-death of Barbra Gordon (who doesn't get crippled here and isn't Batgirl at that point yet), the traumatization of James Gordon, the death of Jason Todd, the endorsement of Project TITAN, a takeover of Arkham Asylum, the mutation of Killer Croc via TITAN, the traumatization of billions, the deaths of billions, and his final atrocity; turning Tim Drake into a mini-him through torment. This isn't his entire rap-sheet, but it's literally just half of the horrendous shit across the entire franchise along with some new shit that seems like it came from the old school comics. Like this man is likely to fill Gotham PD with actual pigs in cop costumes once as a more harmless prank just a day before doing something actually horrid.
The only limit to his cruelty is that whatever he does has to be peak comedy in his eyes, and if it doesn't reach that he'll actually be annoyed. Like bro didn't even plan on killing Jason Todd, he just wanted to send him back to Batman all broken down and beaten, but he was enjoying it too much and ruined his own work.
He still has some of his connections with the mob, and uses them for some of his schemes, however he's also willing to manipulate some mentally ill fellows from Arkham into helping him.
Enjoys a lil' internet trolling and memeing.
If he had a voice actor (That isn't Mark Hamill because he has retired from voicing the man due to the passing of the GOAT Conroy), it would be either Troy Baker, Michael McKean, Chris Hackney, Joe Zeija, Daemon Clarke, Mick Wingert, Keith Silverstien, Andrew Russel, or Haley Joel Osment.
So yeah. This is My Joker.
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