#How much money has Ronnie Coleman worth?
musclyfit · 2 years
The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!
In this article, I am going to reveal: The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!.
In this article, I am going to reveal: The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!. I have always been interested in fitness and bodybuilding, but I never really knew how to get started. I was always intimidated by the thought of going to the gym and lifting weights. One day, I stumbled across a video of Lazar Angelov online. He is a world-renowned bodybuilder who has a net…
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fitlifeblueprints · 3 years
The 5 pillars of FitLife
Fit life is such a general statement. So much can apply to it. It is such a simple approach and yet so overcomplicated.
When we say that someone look or live fit, what we, exactly refer to. Do we address the health aspect, or we judge by the outside look? When we decide to take that approach, what we are, actually thinking to change.
Today I thought I would share with you, what is, in my opinion the right approach. What I realize with the years of mistake and growth. I am going to list the steps that each person who finally decided to change his/her life should check, in order to achieve optimum health, permanent results, and as a side effect, good looking body.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Prioritize sleep.
It is by far the most important pillar of health. The most underestimated tool for performance. The reason for so many accidents and diseases. The free supplement, people neglect in their arsenal. The ultimate recovery tool.
Our body is constantly exposed to damage. We think, create, move, work, train. We are constantly testing our physical abilities. We are constantly using or body resources and grinding the materials by just simply living. Night is the time to rest and recover. When we sleep, we rebuild the damaged tissue, make it stronger and more resilient.
I will give you an example:
Few months ago, I was learning the handstand. I was strong enough to hold it against the wall, but I was struggling a lot with the balance. I tried so many stuff. Training modalities, consistency, metronome for counting. And the furthest I got, was 10 sec of hold.
At that time, I happened to be reading the book “Why we sleep” by Dr. Matt Walker. One of the most eye opener for me personally. Such an interesting read. Did you know that lack of sleep is the number one cause of car accidents? Mind-blowing, right? Well I decided to test it and priorities my sleep. Yes, that meant no more Netflix and popcorn at night. No artificial or bright light and not eating around 2 hours before bed. I simply developed a routine that allowed me to have quantity (at least 7 to 8 hours) and quality (allowing my body to secrete melatonin) sleep.
As a result. 3 days later I held the handstand for whole 20 sec. That blew my mind.
It is not going to fix all your health problems, but it is worth trying. It is simple to manipulate. Trust me, you will be surprised.
2. Food intake.
As we already know, our body is constantly damaging and repairing itself. During rest we recover and rebuild, but we need the building blocks to do so. Let me ask you something. If you have the best engineers and machines on earth, but no bricks and cement, will you ever be able to build a house? And If you have the wrong size bricks and poor-quality cement, how strong is that house going to be?
See, food is the main source of energy and we must prioritize it too. Nowadays we have access to so much, I can’t even call it food, products which are full of toxins, preservatives, chemicals and what not. And all, to make it more palatable, have longer shelf life and be convenient. No surprise though. The industry must make tons of money after all. But all those bad quality foods-like products are fooling the society and are making that incredible machine called human body to function not as intended. To function with dis-ease.
There are thousands of recipes for a super tasty, delicious meals. And you can be creative too. Add your favorite spices, favorite sources of food, customize your cultural dishes to a healthier option and enjoy it.
And here is a perfect place to add something that I will be diving deeper in another blog, and that is the restriction part. Rather than restricting, learn how to not overindulge. In other words, when a colleague of yours ask you to go to the bakery for some chocolate desert, instead of saying “I cant have it”, learn to say I don’t want it, because… . There is time and place for everything, and everything in excess is bad.
3. Movement
There is no doubt at the phrase: Movement provides energy. When we move, every single cell in our body moves too and create electrical current signals. Have you ever felt sleepy and after a friend forced you to move or to stand up, you instantly get excited and the tiredness went away? Do a little test. Next time you are doing something stationary for longer and you feel tired, just count to 3, stand up and do some movements. Jumping, squatting, push ups, or even a short walk. It is simple. If we don’t move, we do not provide electricity, without electricity we have no energy, without energy, there is no life.
There is the other end of the movement, where people move so much, usually by training, so they overtrain. See, our body recovers at a certain state, with certain speed and has a limit to it. if we exceed the ability of our body to recover, in other words, on a regular basis, we damage more than we recover, we will end up degenerating.
I am going to dive deeper in another blog, but I want to quickly address the activity dislikes.
Activity does not have to be at the gym, lifting for the sake of it or running on the track, because your neighbor does it and he had managed to drop 20 kg for 1 year. Activity must be your preferred way of movement. There are so many sports that you can practice. Swimming, jumping rope, climbing, running, walking, cycling, dancing, moving objects, doing exercises with your body weight. List is so long. Try stuff, find your own thing and be active, because you like it, in order to be healthy. Fall in love with the process. Get better at that craft. Live happily.
4. Be happy.
If you don’t know what makes you happy, how are you going to know when happiness arrives.
Today`s days we are constantly running. Running towards stuff that we are thought to believe will give us happiness. We believe that more money, more possessions, more success will give us what we have ultimately wanted.
The sad truth is that most of the time we are fouled by our ego. See every time we are insulted, being laughed at, criticized, or even simply tease by someone, the ego kicks in.
It is the ultimate motivator. It is the voice in the back of our head saying “I will prove them wrong. It is, when your friend teased you, about how bad bartender you are, so you spent the next 4 years becoming the best bartender in the area, instead following your true desire – psychology. Sound familiar?
And what changed? We are so drowned into what we should, and should not do, where we should stay in the society, so we forget our own needs and believes. We push and push hard to prove someone, or ourselves and when we get to the destination, we suddenly realize that nothing changed. Everything Is the same, people still judge us, but now about something else. The only thing that changed – 4 years gone.
The point I am trying to make is that we should really take a step back, slow down and assess, what we truly want. Dance, sing, climb, study java script…, whatever. Reassessing the core values in our life which have been the bricks for the house we have been building.
We are constantly searching for the happiness, we truly desire, but are we pursuing the right one?
5. Be aware of your body needs.
The last, but not least is to be aware. To be present. To be able to know the reason for the condition we are in. Why am I feeling this way? Why I have this pain, why am I bloated, why I have no energy, why am I so moody today.
Almost all our health problems are result of the way we live. We are so drowned in today`s modern life, that we simply live on autopilot. We do not listen to our body. And the beauty of it is to learn to differ the signals. What does my body want? What does my body need?
If your grandma made your favorite cream dessert, which makes your mouth wet, just by thinking of it. Well maybe you can just taste a small piece and leave another one for tomorrow, instead of eating half of it and feeling heavy, bloated and tired the next day.
If your hips and lower back are fried form the heave deadlifts yesterday, but you just watched the legend Ronnie Coleman squatting for reps with 800 lb (360 kg), you get super motivated and want to go and smash your next PB. Well, may be that is not exactly what your body needs. You can do some hips and lower back mobility instead.
Being aware, simply mean to be accountable. This is where growth happens and therefore permanent life changes.
Instead of blaming the situation, the people around, the government, god, the universe. Have a look at the way you live your life. There might be a room for improvement.
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allblackmusclemen · 4 years
Bodybuilding: is it worth playing candles?
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When in some countries bodybuilding federations do not make any restrictions, there are enough "freak" participants who are not always enthusiastic.
They become a laughing stock for the audience and a target for the judges' frequent taunting remarks to their ears. I often felt sorry for such "young" athletes. And the question always arises: why do they do it? Becoming a laughing stock, many of the grief-builders never go on stage again. Their self-love has already been killed away. Some of them, of course, don't care about it, and they are glad to rush to the podium again and again to amuse their self-esteem. Such athletes are just excessively high opinion about themselves, and no one can convince them that they will never get into the top ten.
When we start to pump our muscles, we usually do it because. That we want to become like our muscular companion, or an athlete in the photo that we come across or like the girl from the next yard. Everyone, of course, has his own idol. First, we start to gain some weight, and then more and more often we stare at our reflection in the mirror in an attempt to see increasing volumes. But there comes a moment when it suddenly seems to us that we have achieved something, and now we have something to show others. At this moment, it is imperative to have a real sober head of a friend or coach next to us, who must cool the passion and make us really look at our results. The best criterion that determines the moment of your readiness for competition should be a compliment from someone you don't know in the gym. If you start to make compliments, it means that you have really acquired some forms that people around you already notice.
But you should also remember that not everyone has the right idea about really well developed, quality muscles. For example, there are guys who sit on a steroid needle all year round, have a fat layer of 50% and weigh far from a cent. They usually wear sweaters and do not bare anything but their hands in summer, because they are really afraid to show off their stomach. You should not listen to such advisers, because they do not understand anything in bodybuilding. For them, the criterion of a person ready for competition is huge bodies and strength in the hall. Such people usually remain terribly dissatisfied with judging, when the first place is taken by an athlete with relief, quality muscles and excellent proportions, and the "flooded" big man with elephant legs is put on the second, or even fifth place.
If, however, you really want to participate in bodybuilding competitions, then you should pay attention to the following.
Genetic data
Bodybuilding is a beautiful, aesthetic sport, it is won by athletes with excellent genetics. Because there are standards, according to which judges determine the winners. And these are not the sportsmen with huge muscles, but suffering from the lack of beautiful proportions. There are a lot of measurements. At one time, there were such mastodons as the American Paul Dillet, and the Germans Gunter Schliercamp and Markus Rohl. When these guys came out on stage one by one to pose, the hall was delighted. Huge forms, incredible relief! All this impressed the audience. But as soon as they stood in one ruler compared to a star like Flex Wheeler, the raptures subsided. They never defeated Flex. So, if you do not have good genetic data, then accept the idea that you always have to be, at best, second. I will tell you right away that being second is also a good thing. But this is, of course, in a professional league, and only the chosen ones rise to this level.
Bodybuilder CharacterIf
You have a weak character, then forget about bodybuilding as a pipe dream. "Iron" sport requires maximum dedication. Solid character and willpower are needed to follow your diet scrupulously every day. In order to overcome your laziness and weakness in the gym. In order to force yourself to increase the load on training. In order to be able to sit on a strict diet of 12 weeks a year, and perhaps even longer. In order to be able to return to the gym when no one believes in you. And finally, you need character to not give up on iron after you've stopped competing. After all, bodybuilding is for life and more. And not because it is necessary for the beauty of the body and self-assertion. It's because if you quit pulling "iron", then you will no longer have the same health. There comes, as doctors say, the "failure syndrome". From the very beginning of your work with heavy weights, your heart gets used to work in a higher mode, and in no case you should not break this mode, or there will probably be chronic failures in its work. No one wants to have a malfunction of the heart.
Life style rocking
You will have to reconsider your lifestyle. Understand me correctly: of course, in the world practice there are athletes in all kinds of sports, who train in the hall during the day and in the evening they drink beer and vodka, smoking all this with a cigarette, and despite all this, they are able to show high results. But don't be seduced - these people can be called extremists and nothing good will happen in the future. As a rule, the career of such people ends very quickly and sadly. If you want to be in the spotlight for many years, you should live bodybuilding. And this means that you will have to get a personal coach in the gym, in order to be constantly near the simulators. You need to eat properly and fully, and for this you should start earning good money. The power mode in the bodybuilder's life is in the first place, and therefore it is necessary to strictly monitor the mode of eating. Every time you miss the next "feed", you will lose muscle mass, which means - move back in development. It cooks for you all day long and takes care of you like a child. But do not forget that for this, again, it is necessary to earn a decent income to support your wife, who will become a housewife because of you. Of course, you will be lucky if you have a sponsor. Then partly the financial problems will be solved, and you can concentrate even more on your career.
The meaning of all training
Many people do not have the slightest idea of how professional bodybuilders live. Once I talked to one acquaintance who asked me about exercises and different training "nonsense". Word for word, the conversation suddenly turned into the fact that he had recently met with a popular Russian bodybuilder. And that he was lucky, too. He is a world-famous bodybuilder. Money sea, fame, etc., etc. I am, of course, dumbfounded, where such false information comes from. I have known this athlete for over twenty years. Together we performed and traveled around the country with guest poseings. We are still in close contact and often meet in business. In a word, the welfare of my old friend is well known to me, and, I will say not melting, he is far from being a millionaire. Now he trains governors and rich people, but to say that he is provided for life, I would be afraid. And I gave this example to the fact that a lot of rainbow lies hover in people's brains. And there is a lot of wrong information about our sport. That's why with the confidence of a connoisseur of this question I would say that 90% of Russian competing bodybuilders barely make ends meet. I will also tell you who of our sport is really rich and, alas, they are not Russian sportsmen. They are Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Lee Labrada, Rich Gaspari and so on. As you can see, there is not a single Russian name. This is all the elite of the world's professional bodybuilding, which earned money from constant victories in competitions and guest poses around the world. Only the elite of professional bodybuilding has solid contracts. The rest survive, who can. The main income of professionals is earnings from advertising sports supplements, seminars and personal training . It is this industry and contains the whole world bodybuilding. If people stopped using supplements, then bodybuilding would die.
Conclusions on everything said
I hope I did not cut off your desire to perform. I would really like to open your eyes to the real facts and put you on the ground for your own good. Bodybuilding is a super sport. Only it can really change the figure of a person, can help improve health, can bring back youth. But do not forget that it is a hard sport, which can be traumatic, both physically and psychologically. Some of you have already heard about steroid addiction. Well, it does exist and bodybuilding is one of those sports where steroid addiction is developed much more than in other kinds of sports. Often, you have to see people who inject you instead of repetition or approaching the muscles.And this is tragic, because not only the meaning of training is lost, but also the idea of a healthy body. If you look at the lineup of athletes in the late eighties and early nineties and compare them with a lineup of today's professionals, built for comparison at Olympia, you will notice an interesting pattern. Yes, undoubtedly, modern athletes have progressed in size, but do they look better? Of course they do not. They have become heavier and more massive, but also uglier. If you look at the stars of the nineties - Barry De May, Gary Stridom, Sean Ray, Lee Labrad, etc., you will see a healthy look, a dig of head hair, clean skin and a narrow waist. Today's pros have sprawling bellies, bald head and pimple skin. This only indicates that previously steroids were used in reasonable quantities, but now - in crazy doses, unprofessional, unjustified. Previously, the bodybuilding philosophy was built primarily on training, and only the second - on steroids. And now the uncontrolled use of steroids is what guides athletes in the first place, and training is relegated to the second place. But, thank God, the International Federation has finally started taking reasonable steps which begin to stop the attempts to distort the essence of "iron" sport. After all, first of all in our sport there should be excitement and craving for "iron" rather than dependence on steroids and the number of cubes in your syringe. Have a healthy workout for everybody!
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