#How to play Texas Holdem pokers
baejax-the-great · 1 year
I think some of the arguments about fan interpretations of characters and OOCness forget a fundamental part of human nature which is this: each of us perceives the world and the people in it in slightly different ways based on our own experiences.
Most people have certain characteristics they consider fundamental to their Blorbo and some characteristics that are less important and could be changed, ignored, or scrapped for AU purposes. Unfortunately, which specific characteristics fall into which category are not going to be the same from person to person. Sometimes the overlap between two people's interpretations will be huge, and those two people will probably enjoy the same fan content. Sometimes not so much.
Personally, I write for a ship that were childhood friends that became lovers. In many AUs, people have them meeting for the first time in adulthood, and for me, that changes the nature of the ship and their characters so much that I can't really get into it. I consider their childhood friendship fundamental to them as people, and those authors don't. Which is fine. Many other people like those AUs. Nobody here is really in the wrong, we just have different opinions on what makes these particular Blorbos them.
In almost all cases, someone out there will find your interpretation of a character OOC. And that's fine. Hopefully they are polite and simply choose not to read your fics/engage with your HCs/whatever. But I think all of us have had the experience of reading a wildly OOC take and seeing other people enthusiastically going along with this "wrong" interpretation of the characters and thinking, "What??!?!"
It's fine. It's normal. It's annoying as hell (people are wrong on the internet), but it's inevitable. And if you find that interpretation particularly heinous to your Blorbo sensibilities, the block button is your friend.
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rachhoyt · 5 months
How to Play Poker Vlogs
To help those studying Texas Hold’em with the My Poker Game Journal and anyone else just beginning to learn poker, I’ve created a series of poker vlogs. Click to watch and learn the basics (including rules you need to know before heading to the casino, the best starting hands, ways poker players cheat, and the role of skill vs luck in the game).
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docwritesshit · 8 months
The Chains that Bind us (HuskerDust)
Summary: Angel Dusts had another tough day at work, so Husk distracts him with a quick lesson on the art of poker
Authors note: Let me just say, I have only played Texas Holdem consistently so that's what you are getting here. Also, the capitalization on certain words is very intentional. You'll see what I mean while you read
Warnings: Abuse mention, alcohol, gambling/poker, sexual mentions but nothing vulgarly described
There were days few and far between Angel wouldn't come home with a new bruise with makeup caked in it, or a new already closed scab of some sort.
Husk knew. He fucking knew and it killed him seeing that spider still going back, under no control of his own and out of fear for his own life, his own soul.
He knew the feeling though. He was on a leash hunself. Alastor made sure Husk was aware of the thin ice he slid on, always quick to brandish more of his sharp teeth when talking with the little cat. The ghost of the shackle he had around his neck squeezed more when Alastor was around, reminding him puppet strings that encircled the bartender, making him dance around like a fucking show pony.
Husk huffed when Angel came back from another day at work, rubbing his eyelids as the spider all but collapsed onto the bar stool, resting his head on the bar top while his hands held the back of his head.
Husk sighed, tapping the bar top right next to the pornstars’ ear. The spider looked up, bags under his eyes heavier than Adam’s head that had to carry all his ego.
”You good, Angel?” The cat asked. The spider sighed low in response, head back down on the counter.
”Val had me do stripper shots right after a few gang bangs, and I'm sore all over.” Angel Dust responded. Husk sighed, pouring the dude his usual, sliding it over to him. Angel looked at the glass, and took a sip, sitting up in his stool a bit more.
“Thanks, kitty.” Angel said. Husk scoffed at the nickname Angel gave him, forcing the small lift of his lips back down.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s my job.” He replied. The actor smirked, leaning his cheek into his palm with his elbow anchored to the counter.
”Y’know… You never told me how things were when you were an overlord.”
Husk bristled at the sudden comment, looking away and reorganizing the shelves for the upteenth time that day.
”Yeah, what about it?” He asked, tone a bit more snappy. Angel chuckled, eyelids drooping a bit.
”Aww~ c’mon, can’t a few friends share some old stories?” The spider smirked more, leaning forward more. “I wanna know what’s under that wall of steel you have over your heart. It’s only fair.”
Husk rolled his eyes, his wings tensing around him as he glared at the sinner on the other side of the bar top.
”Oh yeah, what’s in it for me?”
”Other than the way you usually… provide for other people.”
Angel huffed, tapping his fingertips to the rim of his glass as he thought. Husk folded his arms over his chest, tail beating against the wall behind him in a soft rhythm in tune with Angels incessant fidgeting. The spider finally smiled, snapping his fingers at the cat.
”I’ll take you up on that offer to teach me poker.”
Husk raised an eyebrow. He vaguely remembered shit talking about Angel poker skill when Charlie brought out exercises with board games. Something about humility and sportsmanship, he wasn’t entirely sure. He does recall how even Sir Pentious bested the poor spider, though it may have had something to do with his egg minions sneaking cards into his deck when he thought no one was looking. He did say he would teach the spider the basics of it, but nothing really happened.
”… fine. Let me get tipsy first though, I’m too sober for this.” the cat relented. The spider whooped, taking his drink and going over to the couch in the lobby as Husk made his own drink, rifling through the tables drawers and pulling out a deck of cards.
Husk trudged over to the couch, drinking the whiskey and sighing in content as the sting went down his throat, the familiar burn now settling on his tongue. God, the things that would be so much better in his life if he only ever felt that feeling…
Angel flicked the cat's wing, making Husk hiss and recoil. The spider smiled, sitting on the other side of the table, tossing the deck to Husk. Husk narrowed his eyes.
”We both know I can’t shuffle for shit. Besides, I like seeing your hands at work~” Angel said. Husk clicked his tongue, setting his drink down and shuffling the cards, trying extra hard not to fall on bad habits and count them.
The cards were mixed up as good as they were gonna get, and he started to deal with them.
”In poker, there are a lot of things at play, most only at the mercy of fate itself and probability.” He started to explain, sliding Angel two cards and taking two cards for himself.
”First is Texas Hold’Em. Cause it’s honestly the easiest game for me to explain the hierarchy of the combinations of the ways you could win for me.” Husk said, snapping his fingers and stacks of different colored chips appeared before him and Angel. The spider jumped, and looked at him with raised eyebrows.
”You can summon that on a whim?? How come this only just came up?” He asked, smirking.
Husk shrugged, separating the stacks and sliding Angels over to him. “Did you ever ask before?”
Angel chuckled, running a hand through his hair. He hadn’t… he hadn’t asked a lot about the cat, honestly.
Why hadn’t he?
The spider shook his head of those thoughts, and tilted his head as Husk told him the different chips' value.
“White is one buck, blue is two, red is five, and black is ten. Got it?”
Angel hummed in acknowledgement, listening closely as Husk explained how the rules worked, how he would be the big blind and have to start the ante up with only one or a few more chips, depending on how far into the game you are and how many people are playing.
Husk took a sip of his drink, throwing two white chips in, and knocked on the table
”That means a check. Meaning I ain’t got shit and don’t want to raise the ante. Now, if you have something like a high card or a high pair, you would typically raise but I like to see what the deck has to offer before I do anything.” The bartender took a card off the pile and put it to the side.
”You always burn a card before you pull the three cards,” he explained, taking three more cards one at a time and setting them one by one on the table. Angel nodded, taking a quick glance at his cards and leaning forward to get a better look at the cards on the table.
Angel hesitantly threw in a red chip, and Husk lips tilted up, his eyebrows raised a bit.
”Big spender, huh? That shows confidence. Or arrogance. With you, could be one or the other.” He commented, and matched Angels bet with a red chip of his own. Angel huffed.
Was this how he was back when he gambled a lot?
The slander spider got his answer after six rounds of the game. Husk was one to get under one’s skin, pull at their faults as they played. He taught Angel Dust as they played, and even folded once and let Angel win a round. But he… To put it bluntly, was a bit of an ass.
Angel snapped a bit after losing for the third time in a row, glaring at the cat.
“Aw… is the little actor mad the only thing he’s good at here is bluffing?” He teased, tail swishing behind him. Angel snarled,
”Oh yeah? Big talk for someone who lost their-“ Angel’s lips sealed themselves, and shook his head. Husk stiffened, his tail stopped swishing. Angel grimaced.
”Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed that-“
Husk held up a hand to silence the rambling, and sighed.
”No, no. I was asking for it. Sorry. Old habits die hard, eh?”
Angel sighed, going over to sit next to Husk, leaving space between them.
“Still, that was shitty of me to say.” he said. Husk hummed, rapping his knuckled under his chin.
”Yeah, no. You see why nobody missed me when good ol’ Al put the collar on me and pulled harshly. I was a dick back then.”
Angel scoffed, and rolled his eyes.
”Yeah, we’re in hell. I’ve seen dicks, of both variety’s, more than I see my own room daily. You’re not the only asshole here.” Angel said. Husk grunted, his wings shuffling a bit.
”That’s not the whole thing… I was a nuisance. The only reason I wasn’t dealt with before Al came is because no one wanted to deal with my cocky ass.”
Angel snorted, and Husk shot him a look, before smiling a bit.
“Alright, poor word choice on my part. Point is, no one wanted to waste their energy on me. I wasn’t feared, or respected. My presence was tolerated and annoying to deal with so they just didn’t bother.”
Angel pulled his lips in a tight line, eyes narrowing as Husk described his experience.
”Oh please, most of the overlords are annoying nowadays. Have you seen the Vs lately?”
Husk barked a laugh, looking at the spider next to him.
”I have… and I have a desire to maul one of them,” he said. Angel chuckled, placing a dainty hand on his shoulder.
”If you do get the chance, make sure it sticks.” Angel responded. Husk smiled lazily, placing a claw over Angel's hand.
”Will do, angel.”
Husk ignored the way he saw Angel's makeup smeared, exposing the fresh bruise on his shoulder. He would talk about it when he needed to.
Being under the thumb of an overlord who treats others like a plaything or a pawn would be demoralizing for anyone. Being the plaything is a whole different story. Husk could feel the ebbs of the phantom metal hanging from his neck. He wouldn’t pretend to know the extent of what that sleazy moth makes Angel go through. He won’t push about how he saw the way his shoulders sagged more today, and knowing the weight had more to it than just tiredness.
Angel had his own struggles, his special hell tailored for him by the one who owned his soul. His own chains made be of the same smoke that fucker breaths, but they held more weight than Hush could comprehend.
The least he could do was to distract him from the weight of his own chains, even if it meant that Husk helped him carry the weight of it. He lessened his load, why not return the favor?
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rpbtgirl · 1 year
So this is where things really started to ramp up for me and my exploration because let’s be honest here, how many ladies out there have had a threesome, lots I’m sure. Maybe not so many have had a neighbour stick his cock in their face after a coffee and a chat but hey, life is about new and interesting experiences and let me tell you, that is what I have been having over the last little while. Both neighbour and I were in our respective yards a little later when he started talking over the fence, asked me what I was doing later that evening, told him not much and that it was going to be more or less a quiet night at home. He told me that he was having some friends over for poker that night and if I wanted to come over, told him that I have no idea how to play poker, he said that was fine that they could teach me and that I should just come over for fun and they would all love to meet me. Told him that I would think about it, he told me the time and to bring $20. It was a little after the time he said to come over when I decided what the hell, I’m not doing anything else, grabbed a shower because I had been working in the yard and 20 bucks and headed over. Walked in and there was 7 guys including neighbour and buddy I had already “met”. Intros all around and after the “so you’re the one we’ve heard so much about” comment I was pretty sure they all knew what had gone on with neighbour and possibly with neighbour and buddy. They gave me the basics of what we would be playing, Texas holdem, seemed pretty straight forward and we started. I was actually catching on pretty quickly, wons some hands and the guys were harassing each other about being beaten by a girl and newbie. They kept commenting about being distracted, I was wearing a white t-shirt (with bra) and yoga shorts. Evening kept going, I got a little cocky with a couple of hands and lost quite a bit of what I won and what I brought as well, chips were worth low amounts so the 20 bucks looked like a lot of chips so not a big deal but for the game I was falling behind. For one hand I thought I was good but the only guy left against me had a lot more chips than me and upped the bet more than I could afford. Predictably he offered to take something else in trade for the difference, my shirt, or I could give up. With my cockiness and lack of experience I agreed. I lost, so I had to give up my shirt, not a big deal because showing my bra off is no different to me than wearing a bikini but the boys all thought is was something else. Seeing as I was all out of money and had literally lost my shirt I thought that poker was done for me. I hung around for a few and said that I was going to head home. They told me that I was allowed 1 more buy in if I wanted and they all tried to get me to stay. Long read so to be cont…
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thesundaycocktail · 2 years
Christmas Poker
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.... ahh that famous saying from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. When I am in creative mode, I tend to drown myself in the words of the masters of literature. Dickens, Tolstoy, Hugo... actually I will stop there. I have never read anything from Hugo or Tolstoy. Saw a few movies / musicals but never picked up their books. And as for Dickens, I can’t remember much. We did read A Tale of Two Cities in Sophomore year in high school but don’t recall much from the book. I did manage to remember the teacher’s spiel about the first words of the Dickens classic to be the most famous of all time. The book draws a blank but those opening words lead me to this particular post about Christmas time poker, where I was Scrooge in one chapter (see what I did there) but a pauper in the second. How does one fall so far from one’s perch..... It’s the beauty and the beast of poker, holiday Christmas poker on top of that. One moment you are up, and another you are down.... and thrown in there for good measure is a cocktail. On we go. The best of times: Before Covid times, my neighbors and I had a card game going (previously told in an earlier blog) three or four times a year. We would rotate around each others houses, and play Texas Holdem. It was a neighborly affair. We would gossip, play a few hands and go back to the gossip. Some of the older neighbors would tell war stories about their local adventures and some of the newer neighbours would gasp and be shocked at the carry-ons from our nearest friends. In the game, there would be a bit of cursing, surprise hands and while not everyone went home a winner, we all went home happy. So this most recent gathering, on the 21st of December, was one I was really looking forward to. Our youngest neighbor was hosting, I had a ride and had a half day of work the next day, which was my last until the new year. So my mood was jovial and I was really feeling the Christmas joy. I counted the chips, we discussed antes and off we dealt. I was feeling confident that evening. I was winning hands, I bluffed a few and bullied a few other guys out of the match. Meanwhile, we talked Santa, Christmas, road detours and of course poker hands. I was feeling good and playing well (or is it feeling well and playing good – doesn’t matter -- actually its playing and feeling well). I managed to get to the final two from the original six players. My neighbor’s brother in law Jacob (who I never met before the evening) sat to my left and battled me out of a few late hands; I had to go all in, lost and he took the top prize. I shook his hand, retrieved my money back (as a runner up does) and we went in again for a second game. The chips and antes were raised, the time was ticking and we dealt again. This particular game went big quickly. The stakes rose (along with the heat.. I should never have worn the sweater..) and we all started winning big hands. However, I started to win a bit more often and after 90 minutes of playing, I bullied out Marco to claim the top prize. There were a few compliments thrown my way ‘You are the big winner tonight’ , “You played really well’ followed by the all popular ‘why can’t you give us a try’. I left the apartment taller than I had arrived. Bit of a swagger jumping into the back seat. Felt like I was carrying tons of cash along with the hopes and dreams of my fellow neighbors. I said nothing on the way home, as I just focused on not smiling and feeling like the King of kings. I was dropped along with my other mate and we wished each other a Happy Christmas and we went home. The worst of times: The second of the poker night arrived a week later at my sister-in-law’s house. I was feeling well (or is it good) again. My wife was driving, my mother in law was watching the kids and it all seemed to be going ok. My father in law wasn’t playing which was kind of a plus. I love the man, but he played poker in a different time. When it meant something. When men played and bet with deeds, keys and weekly wages. No joke. Leaving the table without your belt wouldn’t be a surprise as your belt buckle kept you in the game. My in-laws are also merchants, buyers and sellers. None of of them are actually in sales but they are hustlers, Christian con-artists and you will not get ‘one over’ on them. If a vendor threatens them incorrectly there are two possible outcomes...
(1) the vendor apologises and my in-law gets what they justly deserve, or (2).. they debate, the vendor loses the battle, the war and ends up losing their job. It never ends well. Don’t try to con my in-laws, it never works out well... Don’t kid a kidder as they used to say.
So with one in-law down, I felt better about myself. And I don’t know why. My wife’s two nephews (university students, who I suspect don’t do anything in school but study and play poker) always beat me, followed by their accountant mother (shock) her husband (a civilian like me), my con wife and to round it off the banker niece who strolls to the table in her pajamas. I never played poker with her before (or anyone in their pjs) and at first, she fooled me into the whole ‘which hand is which’ routine and even admitted to using the terms ‘a three pair of fives’ and ‘double pairs of 10’. In hindsight, is a three of a kind and a four of a kind, so I should have been warned. We started dealing. I was picking up a few good hands, won one or two hands and someone even commented on my tower of chips. Minutes later, I misplayed a hand. Thought I had the high pair (which I did) but with Texas Holdem, didn’t see the straight on the table. The other civilian won the hand and my confidence and luck went along with my three Jacks. To say, it went downhill from there’ would be an understatement. It was a mountain like fall. From then on, I over bet, bluffed terribly, folded when I should have stayed and raised when I should have gotten out of the hand. I was playing and losing bad. And the banker to my right started winning, slowly and surely. She kept talking about her ski trip to Andorra with her friends. By the end of the evening I was sure she was headed to the Swiss Alps with Hans, Freidrich and the Zurich Finance Conglomorate. She and her college brother fought for the title while my wife made a last minute gasp at glory only to be beaten closely by the banker and her margins and spreadsheets. I had to wire her my money in shame. The highlight of the evening (of which there were indeed many,) was when my sister in-law saw my poor spirits and decided to pour me some not-poor spirits. ‘Would you like a cocktail’. I looked up, tears in my eyes, hope in my heart and gave her a smile and a nod. She offered me a Bramble and Tonic. This particular cocktail uses Bombay Bramble Gin which is a fruit infused gin by our good friends at Bombay Sapphire. Tonic water was simply added and as a result, a beautiful concoction by no other was placed in front of me. I took a sip. What a joy. It had a beautiful infused taste with a combination of blackberry and raspberry fruits. It was deep, it was full of taste, it was a joy. It made me forget about my slowly dwindling tower of chips, and when I raised on a 4 and a Jack, I knew it wasn’t my night for cards, but my night to enjoy. We finished up, the banker won (as in life) and my wife and I said our goodbyes (not to each other) and made our way home. We laughed at things said and hands missed but smiled at the joy of family and friends. Dickens would be happy, or Charlie if you prefer. Just be careful who you play with. 
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Bramble & Tonic Ingredients  50 ml Bombay Bramble 100ml Premium tonic water Lemon Wedge - squeezed and dropped in
Method Build over cubed ice. Squeeze and drop in lemon wedge.
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
Now, I’ve definitely told y’all about the illegal blackjack ring I ran in sixthform that got me banned from the school library, but have I ever mentioned that that’s not where I started running underground gambling?
We’ve got to go back three or four years before I was at sixth form. I was 12-13 ish and attending the church youth group each Friday night. Now, I’d already kind of given up on religion at this point, but I still attended the church youth group (partly because my mother still insisted I go, partly because I had a kind of friendship group there, and partly because we used to sing karaoke and it was the only time I was allowed to listen to Amy Winehouse). Anyway, I would frequently get pretty bored, and so, because I always always have a pack of cards on me, started hiding out in one of the back rooms playing solitaire. Only, people started joining me, at first just sitting and watching (other than karaoke and a wonky foosball table that if you were on the broken side you had to hold up yourself whilst playing, there wasn’t much to do), and eventually, I got fed up of people watching, so I started playing blackjack with them.
Now, blackjack my parents taught me on summer holidays, but sometimes I’d branch out and we’d play Texas hold’em, a game I taught my self by watching it on YouTube every chance I got at school before they banned YouTube there, though it depended on how I was feeling and how everyone else was feeling. The stakes were always low (we were allowed to bring £3 for tuck shop, and we quickly figured that £1.50 got us enough sugar and E-numbers to keep us happy whilst leaving £1.50 to gamble with) and we were never caught - partially because I’d give people a cut of my earnings to play lookout - so I’ve never actually considered it as infamous or interesting as the story of getting banned from the school library.
That was until I was talking to my dad, because he doesn’t know how to play Texas holdem (don’t worry, I’m teaching him) and he was like ‘how are you so good at this cause I certainly never taught you’ and I just kinda looked down and was like ‘uhhh church’ and my dad was like…’what?’ And I was like ‘I learnt to play at church youth group’. Folks, my father learnt to gamble at his church youth group where a group of them would hide in the back and play poker dice and backgammon.
I swear, I am seriously just following in my fathers footsteps.
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tinybubblesyay · 1 year
Just had prom yesterday! And i went to it in goth drag!
I can't post a picture of it, I'm not comfortable with posting myself on the internet yet. But i can describe it to you! (Under the cut because the description is 3 paragraphs.)
I played texas holdem poker nearly the entire night. (My school does 'gambling' at prom with play money. You can exchange that money for tickets to put in raffles for prizes. I won 28 tickets over the night. Didn't win a prize :/) it was magical. My first round i accidentally bet a lot of money, and somehow won with a full house.
Also my mom thought i was going to get beat up at prom for doing my makeup how i did it, but jokes on her everyone loved my look. Didn't even get barked at when playing poker.
I had a red dress with a black layer tule over the skirt. It was a corset style, with a sweetheart neckline and of shoulder straps. It also had a lacy motif on the body of it. I wore a pair of cut up tights as a 'shirt' under it, and black arm length gloves.
I did my hair and face in a masculine way, so that i was man from the neck up. I did facial hair similar (exactly like) Cardinal Copia's. I also did my eye makeup so that i looked a little scary
I wore a lot of jewlery, 3 necklaces (a rosary style one from hot topic, a silver semi choker with big red gems, black lace choker) a red bracelet, and ear jewlery from Claire's. I also wore one of those skeleton hand things from hot topic.
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allslotfreebiesgames1 · 19 hours
Zynga Poker Free Chips
Zynga Poker Free Chips
Zynga poker free chips link, Zynga poker 500m free chips, Zynga poker 1b free chips, Zynga poker reclaim code. In this article, we will let you know how to get free chips from Zynga Poker. Could it be said that you are a player or enthusiast of Zynga Poker's Texas Holdem game.? In the event that you have hardly any familiarity with the Zynga Poker free chips 2024 link then, at that point, how about we start.
As a matter of some importance, Zynga Poker is a poker series game, and it's extremely popular all over the planet. it is a multiplayer computer game and you can play each other on one stage. Truly charming, good tomfoolery, and a period filling game that you can't resist the urge to get truly engaged with it, you can feel yourself quitting any funny business. simple to control.
Zynga poker free chips 2024
Zynga poker free chips 2024:- Zynga poker free chips, Free chips in Zynga poker, Free poker chips on Zynga.
In the event that you are enamored with playing poker games, you are searching for online poker games then you can download Zynga Texas Holdem Poker Game Zynga poker game has more tables, more competitions, and is more challenging than any other time. Assuming you play slots or blackjack, you will feel at ease in our cordial poker local area.
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One of the most straightforward ways of getting free chips in Zynga Poker is by guaranteeing your everyday reward. Consistently, the game offers free chips to players as a prize for entering the game. How much chips you get increments over the long run, so ensure you sign in each day to get whatever number chips as could be allowed.
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dfungames1 · 5 days
World series of poker free chips
World series of poker free chips
How to get free chips on world series of poker?
This weekend I will play poker so I made a point to accommodate you a bewildering which unending you would wish to be aware. That is the means by which to get free chips on World Series of Poker. Regardless, before I reveal to you this odd let me other than ask you that the WSOP game I am taking a gander at is a free to play game for redirection reason.
It is a social poker game application made by Playtika and you can download this free application from the affiliations gave under or from the application stores.
Other than a bit about who has WSOP by then allowed me comparatively to share that WSOP is guaranteed by Caesars Savvy Redirection (CIE), Inc., a partner of Caesars Redirection which is awesome on the web, versatile and social gaming connection focused in on club redirection.
As a Caesars Redirection Property, WSOP.com brings the energy of the World Series of Poker on the web, to qualified visitors and occupants of Nevada where you can see the value in Texas Holdem, Omaha, 7 card stud, and other superb mixes of America's advantage, from the comfort and solace of your home, or any spot your PC could take you, inside the restrictions of the Silver State.
A division of Caesars Redirection, WSOP is strikingly coordinated to offer players the best on the web/offline poker experience. Whether it's an online sit n go, cash game, or satellite to a live event, there's dependably something to satisfy players of various sorts at WSOP.
CIE claims the World Series of Poker; Playtika, a social games creator of remarkable titles including Slotomania and Caesars Club; what's more licenses its brands in truly valid money gaming spaces including the Unified Realm, France and Italy.
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creatiosoftsolutions · 2 months
🌟 Why It’s Important to Integrate a Crypto Wallet into Texas Hold’em Poker Software in 2024? 🃏🔗
Hey poker enthusiasts and tech innovators! 🎯 Dive into our latest blog post where we explore the crucial role of integrating a crypto wallet into Texas Hold’em poker software this year. 🚀💼
In 2024, the intersection of blockchain technology and gaming is reshaping how we play and earn. Discover why leveraging crypto wallets enhances security, transparency, and user experience in poker gaming. Whether you're a player, developer, or simply curious about the future of online gaming, this read is a must! 📈💻
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ramgameroom · 2 months
Choosing the Right Game Table: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to Game Tables
In the realm of gaming and entertainment, selecting the perfect game table is pivotal to creating an enjoyable and functional space. Whether you're an avid poker player or a board game enthusiast, the right table not only enhances gameplay but also complements your home decor. This guide delves into various types of game tables, focusing on key dimensions like 48 inch game table, 60 inch round game table, and 48 inch round game table, along with the versatile Texas Holdem poker table and poker game tables.
Understanding Different Game Table Dimensions
48 Inch Game Table
The 48 inch game table is ideal for smaller spaces or intimate gatherings. Its compact size makes it versatile for various tabletop games such as cards, puzzles, or board games. Despite its smaller footprint, it provides ample surface area for gameplay without overwhelming the room, making it a practical choice for apartments, dens, or cozy game rooms.
60 Inch Round Game Table
A 60 inch round game table offers a spacious and inviting surface for gaming and socializing. Its round shape encourages inclusivity, allowing everyone seated around it to engage effortlessly. This table size is perfect for games that require a central focus, such as poker, where players can comfortably gather around and enjoy the gameplay experience together.
48 Inch Round Game Table
Similar to its larger counterpart, the 48 inch round game table combines functionality with space efficiency. It's suitable for smaller game rooms or dining areas where versatility is key. This table size accommodates various tabletop games and can double as a dining surface when not in use for gaming, providing practicality and aesthetic appeal in one piece of furniture.
The Appeal of Texas Holdem Poker Table
Features and Benefits
A Texas Holdem poker table is designed specifically for poker enthusiasts who appreciate authenticity and style. These tables typically feature padded armrests, built-in cup holders, and a felt surface that enhances card glide and durability. Available in various sizes such as the 48 inch round game table and larger options, they cater to different game room dimensions and player preferences.
Enhanced Gaming Experience
Owning a dedicated poker game table elevates the gaming experience by providing a stable and comfortable surface. Players can focus on their strategy without distractions, thanks to features like chip trays and a well-designed playing area. Whether hosting a casual game night or a competitive tournament, these tables set the stage for memorable moments and enjoyable gameplay.
Choosing the Perfect Game Table for Your Space
Factors to Consider
Room Size: Measure your space to determine which table dimensions fit comfortably without overcrowding.
Functionality: Consider how you plan to use the table—whether for poker nights, board games, or multipurpose activities.
Aesthetic Appeal: Choose a design that complements your existing decor and enhances the ambiance of your game room or living area.
Durability: Opt for tables made from high-quality materials that withstand regular use and provide long-lasting enjoyment.
Maintenance Tips for Longevity
To ensure your game table remains in top condition:
Regular Cleaning: Use a soft cloth to wipe down the surface after each use to remove dust and debris.
Surface Protection: Invest in table covers or mats to prevent scratches and spills during gameplay.
Storage Solutions: Store game accessories like cards, chips, and puzzles in designated containers to keep them organized and ready for use.
Where to Find Quality Game Tables
Explore reputable retailers and online stores that specialize in game tables. Look for customer reviews, warranty options, and customization services to ensure you find the perfect table that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.
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dfungames1 · 9 days
World series of poker free chips
World series of poker free chips
How to get free chips on world series of poker?
This weekend I will play poker so I made a point to accommodate you a bewildering which unending you would wish to be aware. That is the means by which to get free chips on World Series of Poker. Regardless, before I reveal to you this odd let me other than ask you that the WSOP game I am taking a gander at is a free to play game for redirection reason.
It is a social poker game application made by Playtika and you can download this free application from the affiliations gave under or from the application stores.
Other than a bit about who has WSOP by then allowed me comparatively to share that WSOP is guaranteed by Caesars Savvy Redirection (CIE), Inc., a partner of Caesars Redirection which is awesome on the web, versatile and social gaming connection focused in on club redirection.
As a Caesars Redirection Property, WSOP.com brings the energy of the World Series of Poker on the web, to qualified visitors and occupants of Nevada where you can see the value in Texas Holdem, Omaha, 7 card stud, and other superb mixes of America's advantage, from the comfort and solace of your home, or any spot your PC could take you, inside the restrictions of the Silver State.
A division of Caesars Redirection, WSOP is strikingly coordinated to offer players the best on the web/offline poker experience. Whether it's an online sit n go, cash game, or satellite to a live event, there's dependably something to satisfy players of various sorts at WSOP.
CIE claims the World Series of Poker; Playtika, a social games creator of remarkable titles including Slotomania and Caesars Club; what's more licenses its brands in truly valid money gaming spaces including the Unified Realm, France and Italy.
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merchmusic1 · 3 months
How about a game of poker!? 😘
How about a game of Mega Hit Poker? Enter the invitation code if you want to meet me in the game!
Invitation Code: VD3O16L
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infocasinoid · 4 months
What Is the Worst Hand in Texas Hold’em?
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In the thrilling world of Texas Hold’em poker, understanding hand rankings is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, knowing which hands to avoid can significantly impact your success at the table. In this article, we’ll delve into the worst hand in Texas Hold’em and explore strategies to minimize its impact on your game.
The Dreaded 2-7 Offsuit
The Worst Hand
The infamous 2-7 offsuit, often referred to as the “beer hand,” is universally recognized as the worst starting hand in Texas Hold’em. Why? Let’s break it down:
Low Card Values: The 2-7 combination lacks any high cards, making it impossible to form a straight or flush.
No Connectivity: These cards don’t connect well, leaving you with limited possibilities for improving your hand on the flop, turn, or river.
No Suitedness: Being offsuit means the 2-7 won’t help you create a flush, further diminishing its value.
How to Play the 2-7 Offsuit
While it’s tempting to fold the 2-7 immediately, skilled players know that adaptability is key. Here are some strategies to consider:
Position Matters: If you find yourself in an early position, fold the 2-7 without hesitation. However, in late position, consider playing it selectively.
Bluffing Opportunities: Surprisingly, the 2-7 can be a powerful bluffing tool. Use it sparingly to keep opponents guessing.
Be Cautious: If you hit the flop with a pair or better, proceed with caution. Remember, the 2-7 remains a weak hand overall. You can also learn how to count cards in Texas Holdem before heading to poker table.
Final Words
In summary, the 2-7 offsuit is the black sheep of Texas Hold’em hands. While it’s essential to recognize its limitations, don’t let it discourage you. Skilled players can turn adversity into opportunity, even with the worst hand. So, next time you’re dealt the dreaded 2-7, keep your wits about you and play smart!
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iosgods · 11 months
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