#How to reduce noise from outside
noiseproblems · 6 months
Which audio foam shape is the best?
Audio foam comes in different shapes and densities.
Each density absorbs sound waves at different frequencies and can help you if you are confused how to reduce noise from outside. The different shapes provide different kinds of aesthetic textures and qualities.
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Sound cancelling panels are used in different spaces such as music venues, offices, bars and restaurants. They localize noise in particular areas, bettering the quality of the sound.
What is positive displacement blower?
A positive displacement blower is also used is some pneumatic conveying applications as these work better than the fans. These offer different kinds of volumetric airflow but at high pressures in respect to centrifugal fans, but lesser than the PD blowers.
The main problem is that these work at extreme design conditions and expect more depreciation in respect to the PD blowers.
The impeller blades that pass through the inlet port draw the air into the blower. After that, the impeller blades, along with centrifugal action, enhance the air forward and outward.
Here the regenerative principle starts working as the air is turned back by the annular shaped housing.
Regeneration imparts more pressure to the air. The vacuums or pressure are generated by a couple of spinning, oil-free and non-contacting impellers.
Positive displacement compressors
In some cases where high discharge pressures are needed, positive displacement compressors are used. These work on the same principle as PD blowers but work in multistage either screw or rotary compressors.
Vacuum pumps
However, specifically designed vacuum pumps are also used in vacuum conveying application to develop high vacuum where the rotating components or seals are cooled by water or air.
There are different aspects that make up positive displacement blowers. They are a vital element to pneumatic conveying systems and making sure the process flows as seamlessly as possible.
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monster-noises · 1 month
I fuckin.. I need I need my art to be better man..
I need it to be looser, i need more Life, more Energy, more Colour!!!!! more Stylization!!!!!!! more SHAPES!!!!!! Mood Mood and Tone and Feeling!!!!!!!!!!
and less whatever weird archaic constraints I am holding from Highschool that I can't seem to shake off
I need to Break It a little bit, I need to Bend it until it Sings again..
#Monster noises#unlike my usual Art Gripe posts this one isn't about me looking at my art and seeing something Mediocre#it's me looking at the Objectively Technically Successful thing I'm working on/recently posted and Feeling Nothing From It#and I mean sure we'll chalk a little bit of that up to the depression#cause whether or not I'm feeling Things about the stylization of my work I Should be more giddy than I am#about the husbands finally getting Nasty#outside of just my brain space#but putting that aside the point remains#I'm disappointed by the pieces (and many of my recent pieces and many pieces going back years) lack of Dynamism#I want to capture what the Feeling in image is more than an actual Depiction of the Thing if that makes sense?#Poses should be Pushed#Anatomy eskewed for Shape and expression#but I always always Always Shrink Back#I get to a point and I start thinking 'this looks wrong' and I pull back#I pull back to try and make it look 'right'#and end up reducing it to something...#not Stiff#but limp?#metaphysically Limp#Lacking in the evocative expression I wanted it to have#can you /feel/ the arch of his back like a melody in the back of your head?#or is he just like.. clearly arching his back like a human person would#there's a tacit difference and I am disappointment how rarely I hit the mark on the former#and this is an Old thing and Old old thing#that started in highschool#a long-term bad chain of experiences with a friend and trying to learn to be better artists together#not understanding my needs and how my brain works and trying to fit in a very specific hole i didn't want to fit in#and being chastised for it (though the slight was probably more Received than Intended)#what broke me out of that last time#and kept me from giving up drawing basically
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I am once again thinking about The Poor Kid
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whateveriwant · 3 months
Actually I'm not done talking about Mr. Simon Fucks-Himself-Stupid Riley just yet :(
I'm picturing a scenario where you, a civilian, are visiting your boyfriend at his base. Maybe you're there to deliver something, like a file he forgot at home or the lunch he said he didn't need. Either way, whatever your cover story for being there is, the end result is the same: you, on your back, knees up by your ears, sprawled across Simon's desk as he fucks you like his life depends on it.
Being a Lieutenant grants him the luxury of having a private office where he can engage in such extracurriculars, but that doesn't mean it's without some major risks – namely, prying ears that might be lurking in the hallway outside.
But being discreet shouldn't be an issue, should it? I mean, a man known infamously as “Ghost” should have no problem staying quiet, right?
Turns out, not only does that tight hole of yours reduce your boyfriend to a dumb, drooling mess, it makes him a dumb, drooling mess who can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
So while you have the wherewithal to clamp a hand over your lips to try muffling your lewd noises, Simon is out here moaning and groaning unabashedly like something sent forward in time from the Paleolithic. You could try asking him to cover his mouth, but it seems an impossible task; his hands are a little preoccupied with making sure he doesn't fuck you right over the edge of his desk.
While you don't want to stop, you also don't want to get caught, so you settle for urging him to keep it down. It's after a third softly gasped ‘N-Need to be qu-quiet, Si’ that your warning finally worms its way into his brain, and he acts in a way to appease you, just… not how you expect.
Swiftly, Simon removes his hold of your waist and brings one of his arms forward. He grabs for the center of his t-shirt, tugs the material up, and quickly stuffs the fabric into his mouth.
It only takes a split second for the action to happen, but immediately, you see how effective it is. The moment that standard, army-issued tee is captured between Simon's teeth, there's a drastic reduction of noise in the room.
Now, he can fuck into you with reckless abandon, and he snaps his hips forward with enough force to make your whole body ripple. Even as you pulse and constrict around him (sometimes inadvertently, sometimes not), the sounds that climb their way up Simon's throat are heavily dampened by his cotton gag.
It's as Simon begins the ascent to his peak that the cloth in his mouth really comes into play. As he pumps into you, he starts grunting lowly, gutturally, exhaling through his nostrils in quick, harsh bursts. It's a deep sound, animalistic in nature, like a bull huffing before it digs its heels into the dirt and charges.
His thrusts turn sloppier and sloppier the closer he nears his high, his hips propelled forward only by some basic hindbrain instinct. His lashes start to flutter, his eyes roll towards the back of their sockets, and when he cums, he throws his head back in a full-blown snarl.
Simon's a bit shaky on his feet after he climaxes in you, but he manages to pull out before he stumbles backwards, plopping down heavily into his chair. As you start cleaning yourself up, you see how he makes no attempt to move. He just sits there, completely brainless, pants around his ankles and t-shirt still tucked between his teeth. You have to walk over to him and purposefully tug on the shirt to get him to release it, and once it's freed, you see the damage that's been done.
In the center of Simon's shirt rests a big, blotchy wet spot, like he's tried to do his own slobbery take on the classic Rorschach test. The fabric's been wrinkled to all hell and there's a few imprints left behind from where his teeth had bitten down, and if you were to inspect the hem closely, you'd see where he popped a stitch or two in his ecstasy.
The sight of his mangled shirt has you tutting in disapproval. He can't walk out of his office looking like this, and he certainly can't forgo wearing a shirt altogether. What would the people around base say if they saw their normally put together Lieutenant looking so unkempt? You don't think he'd ever hear the end of it, nor would you for that matter.
In the meantime, as you wait for Simon's brains to un-liquify themselves, maybe you can scrounge up something else for him to wear. There's got to be something lying around here to help make him presentable once again. It's too bad as part of your cover you didn't think to bring an extra set of clothes to change into.
You'll have to remember for next time.
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determinate-negation · 8 months
so many holocaust movies are voyeuristic endeavors that sensationalize the most extreme suffering but in such a manner that the real horror is not conveyed. zone of interest is a very well produced break from this that shows none of these scenes which weve unfortuately seen a million times now, but focuses on the unnerving atmosphere of a nazi family living an idyllic life right outside of auschwitz. the sound design is sinister and genuinely disturbing, im a bit confused at reviews that come to the conclusion that the holocaust is merely “being reduced to background noise” because the “background noise” in question is kind of the basis of the entire movie. very interesting and had a lot of historically accurate aspects that arent usually included in holocaust movies. corporate cooperation with nazis and major companies role in the holocaust, lebensraum and the nazis settler aspirations in the east, and the appeal fascism had for germans seeking upward mobility and an increased standard of living, and how this was actualized through theft of jewish wealth and property and through nazi leisure programs. its a disquieting mediation on the mentality of perpetrators, complicity, abstraction. since the center of this movie is the extreme cognitive dissonance it takes for this family, self described pioneers of the east, to live in a villa next to a concentration camp, i see why it hasnt gone over with the zionist crowd
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sukunasteeth · 6 months
Taking Care of a Tired Sukuna
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Sukuna has had a long day.
Well, night.
Working construction had been twisting up his sleeping schedule. At this point, Sukuna was starting to feel it in his body; in the strain in his muscle, and the aches and pains that randomly gripped him.  
They had him working on a new project that could only be done at night, while the public was off the main roads, and that meant his new work hours were starting from sometime in the middle of the evening and ending in the morning or the mid-afternoon. Being nocturnal wouldn't be so bad if his commute home wasn't during rush hour. The traffic was always worse when he just wanted to crawl onto his couch and fall asleep there. And when he does come home at the end of the day - he's aching, exhausted, and every bone in his body is vibrating with the noise from a jackhammer or the hum of a forklift.
Sukuna has always liked something that keeps him busy, interested, something that tests his strengths. So, he can't say that he hates the job, but he does wish that it wouldn't occupy so much of his time. He's wont to forget things when he's so wrapped up in a new task.
Like today, for example, when he finally swings his truck around the front of his apartment building, barely making it off the freeway without murdering someone, and he spots your car parked there in his spot.
He starts a bit, his sleep deprived brain suddenly spinning as memory serves him. 
That's right. You were supposed to come over today after he got off of work and spend the night- and he didn't plan a damn thing. There's no flowers in the backseat, he didn't stop to grab lunch for the two of you, he doesn't even have anything in his fridge for dinner tonight, besides a few forgotten beers tucked away in the side door.
As Sukuna searches for a parking spot much further down the street, he knows he should be disappointed with himself, but he can't help the touch of excitement that's suddenly dissolving the exhaustion from his muscles. Sometimes, Sukuna resents the fact that you manage to reduce him to this. He hates that he can't control that his heart skips a beat at the thought of seeing you again, like he's in some sappy romance novel.
But it was the hold you had on him, and he was starting to accept it.
You got to Sukuna's apartment about two hours before he was scheduled to be home. It was a day off for you, and you woke up with butterflies fluttering around in your chest.
You were giddy to see him. You always were. And not a single butterfly has died in your heart-space for him since the moment you met Sukuna, around two years ago. He has tended to each of them since then with his gentle but stubborn touch, although, he would never admit it.
You adored him for that.
It's still early in the morning when you use the key he had made for you to unlock his front door. Immediately upon stepping in, you're hit with how dark his studio is. The sun had risen over the horizon hours ago, and yet, the only hint of its light came from a small gap in Sukuna's blackout curtains. When you pull them back, you turn around and wince at the room behind you.
Yep, he's working too hard.
There's construction tools all over the house; sitting on the counter, in the sink, on his bed-stand, there's even a huge oil covered machine beside the front door that you nearly trip on in your trek over to the curtain. His coveralls and work clothes are strewn across the living room like he's been too exhausted to even make it to his bed at the end of his days, which is not very far from the couch. Meanwhile, his bedroom and the kitchen look nearly immaculate, telling you he hasn't cooked in days and confirming your suspicions about his sleeping arrangements. You wander over to his fridge and pop it open, sighing hopelessly when you're greeted with nothing inside.
Good thing he has you. 
By the time he makes it home, it's around one in the afternoon. You've got his laundry hanging on the clothesline outside, more in the washing machine, and all of his tools and odds and ends have been sorted and dusted clean. You've opened every window he has, and cool, fresh air sweeps away the oppressed darkness his apartment held before. Everything was back in equilibrium. 
When his keys jingle outside the door, you're just finishing up the last of folding his laundry. Sukuna steps inside, and your heart aches at how drained he looks despite the way his eyes widen as he peers around the room in surprise. His clothes are covered in dust from the construction site, and there's a smear of dirt on his cheek that makes him look like a chimney sweep. There's a tool in his hand that looks rather heavy, straining the muscles in his arm, but he seems to have momentarily forgotten to put it down. Half moon circles are embedded under his eyes, but they only bring out the intensity of his gaze. 
"Hi 'Kuna?" You chime, calling his attention to rest on you.
He blinks, taking a moment to process the situation. You don't recognize the glimmer in his eyes then, and part of you starts to sweat at the thought of him taking this all wrong. Sukuna had never been particularly picky with you, but vice versa, you had never done something like this for him before. He never gave you the opportunity, after all. Out of the two of you, Sukuna was usually the one who was always effortlessly put together.
"You... cleaned..." He notes. 
You swallow, "I did but I didn't move things around though. Just tried to put things back. Your laundry is right outside and I got you some groceries-" Sukuna drops the tool in his hand without warning, and you start talking faster, your voice raising a pitch as he starts towards you. "Okay, thinking back, I guess I should have asked. Maybe texted- no, you hate texting. Maybe called-"
“Did you clean the paint specks off of my air compressor?” He was standing in front of the machine beside the front door, which you painstakingly made sure not to ruin in your cleansing, despite having no idea what it was. 
When he looks at you for an answer, continuing to close the distance between the two of you. You swallow the rock in your throat. “Too much?” 
He’s made his way across the room and his surprised expression finally settles into a familiar hungry grin. He grabs you by the hem of your jeans, yanking you roughly towards him. You catch yourself on his chest, making a small noise of surprise. When you look up to scold him, Sukuna is an inch away from your face, his lips almost brushing yours, save for half a centimeter of space between them. He smells like sawdust and menthol, you can taste it in the close proximity as he greedily takes your breath away. 
“Off. Now.” He growls, but his fingers are already undoing the button clasped in the front of your pants. “I’m about to fuckin’ eat you, sweet thing.” 
You end up skipping lunch, but you're well satisfied a few hours later. A certain hunger: satiated. Sukuna is resting peacefully beside you. You can hear his even breathing against the sound of the cicadas outside, screaming in through the windows. Seeing him so content, sets your heart at ease and you release a sigh of relief. 
Now, to end the night, it was time to slip out of bed without him noticing to finish folding his laundry. 
Or so you thought. 
As you carefully peel back the blankets and try to sneak off the side of the mattress, a warm pair of fingers loop themselves around your panty line, effectively preventing you from going anywhere. Guiltily, you peek over your shoulder to see Sukuna glaring at you with half of his face still smushed into his pillow, genuinely disgruntled with the fact that you were trying to leave his bed. You can't help but chuckle.
"I'm just gonna go grab your laundry." You reassure him, brushing a tousled tuft of his hair out of his eyes. The knot between his brows deepens.
"Let me do that later. C'mere. " He tugs on your panty line, confident that you'll be submissive for him.
The sun outside was casting tall shadows on the walls of his bedroom and the glow was now deep and rich, telling you that it was preparing to set. You didn't want Sukuna's laundry on the balcony all night, which is what you were sure would happen if you didn't go and grab it now.
You hear a thread rip in your panty line interrupting your contemplation and, quickly, you grab his wrist, squeezing it as a signal for him to let go.
He continues to hold fast, his brow cocking in a silent dare.
"'Kuna, come on." You try, "Lemme take care of you-"
"You've been doing nothing but take care of me all day." He scoffs, like the idea of it is absurd to him. Rarely does Sukuna allow you the opportunity to show him as much care and adoration as you have today. Being doted on was not typically something he enjoyed. You knew that, and that's how you also knew that he was exhausted to his bones that day. "Get your ass back here."
There's a tug again, and another thread snaps somewhere. You pout at him, already having the foresight that this pair of panties wasn't going to last you long either. Your partner had the tendency to rip them off of you, and this wouldn't be the first pair to become a shred of what they once were. To be fair, he was also known for giving you his credit card and telling you to go buy "some things for him to see you in", so it would be at no cost to you. But, you happened to like this pair.
Sukuna watches you consider your options silently, unrelenting in his hold on your lace. When you peek up at his gaze, testing one more time, you know you've already lost.
"Don't make me chase after you." He warns, the promise of your inevitable surrender is evident in the predatory glint of his eyes. If Sukuna had a tail at that moment, it would be swaying back and forth, preparing for a pounce. "It's been a while since the last time I had you tied up. I do miss those sweet little bruises we left on your wrists."
You feel the hair on the back of your neck stand at attention upon his recollection. The last time Sukuna had you in ropes, you had to call off of work the next day. Your backside stings with the memory, but half of you can't help but ache for it too. Tied up in Sukuna's bed while he was forced to care for the boneless pile that was his girlfriend, drunk off of his lovemaking? That wasn't the worst place to be.
But, on the other hand, you could tell how exhausted he was with the new construction project at his job. You have a flashback of showering with him at the end of the night and scrubbing sawdust out of his hair. Having to gently prod and kiss him awake as he fell asleep standing up in front of you. You were adamant that you weren't going to do anything to tire him further tonight. 
Before you can properly give in, Sukuna must have decided that you were taking much too long to obey him. 
His other hand reaches over and winds around your lower waist, pulling you backwards into the soft cushion of the pillows and easily flipping the two of you so that he’s mounted above you. In your surprised stupor, he collects both of your wrists in one of his hands and pins them above your head. 
"You've forgotten how to follow directions again, kitten." His murmur is like velvet against your ear. His teeth graze over his favorite spot on the nape of your neck, where he’s already tortured it with his teeth and hickies. You didn’t realize how raw the skin was until he bites you there, drawing a whimper from your throat. 
 "Let's remind you."
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stunie · 3 months
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WIND BREAKER BOYS + ACCIDENTALLY HURTING YOU. ft. hayato suo, kaji ren, nirei akihiko, sakura haruka, togame jo, & umemiya hajime x f!reader.
filled request: “Hi there i want to request something, asking Sakura, Ume, Nirei, Kaji and Suo to play fight and they accidentally hit you hard (If it's to many you can just do Suo and Kaji, no pressureeee)”
sfw. 3.2K wc. a/n: added togame! & tried to make suo & kaji’s xtra long since those 2 look like they might be ur faves <33
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in the time you’ve spent dating suo, you have never once managed to successfully sneak up on him. not even remotely close. it’s impossible to the point that you’ve started to consider the fact that your boyfriend may have developed a sort of sixth sense since meeting you, an intuitive awareness of your presence— because as soon as you step within a three foot radius of him, his head is swiftly turning to face you, greeting you with an amused smile and a “this again?” with that tone that has your eyebrow twitching all over again.
you continue to fiddle with the bottom of your shirt from where you’re hidden behind your apartment door, anxiously awaiting for the moment suo emerges from outside. your plan was nothing short of perfect, every little detail thought out— and you were entirely sure of it this time.
you had given suo a copy of your key ages ago, so that he could come in at anytime without you needing to be there. a second check of your phone’s messages has you mentally preparing yourself when you reread his “i’m coming~” text from exactly twenty minutes ago, and you smile to yourself. asking him to come by and babysit your cat while you went on a quick snack restock errand was the best excuse, and a part of you feels a little guilty for formulating such an intricate plan just to get a scare out of your boyfriend— but it had to be done.
the sound of suo’s key wiggles inside the doorknob, your breath hitching in your throat when you hear the lock switch just a few seconds after, followed by the eerie creaking noise that your door always seems to make.
“i’m here,” suo sings out to no one in particular, his usual smile etched onto his face as he takes a peek inside. dark, and empty. nothing unusual, not that he was expecting anything out of the ordinary in the first place.
as soon as he takes a step inside, he’s going to take off his shoes first, and you jump on the opportunity. you’re quick to lunge at him the second his thumb slips in his shoe, aiming to launch yourself into his middle and crush him in a suffocating hug. you don’t miss the way he tenses for a split second, eyes widening at the sudden movement— mind immediately flashing to his first thought…. an intruder?
he doesn’t recognize you at first, your figure reduced to a blur— and all he knows is that something is headed towards him. and fast. he’s moving on pure instinct, arm reaching for the closest thing to him at that moment: your arm.
you gasp when you realize just how agile your boyfriend really is. the truth is— you’ve never seen him fight, and he doesn’t really talk to you about it. he has a habit of leaving all the details out, and you don’t usually find yourself asking him about it after seeing the way he’s always coming out of fights unscathed. so sure. you knew he was probably pretty strong.
but you had no idea he was like this.
“w-wait!” you yelp when his foot comes to loop around your ankle, and you’re suddenly falling backwards. your hand desperately moves to catch onto something— anything to avoid falling onto the floor, so you grab a fistful of suo’s shirt.
he’s clenching his jaw in shock when you roughly yank him down with you, the familiar sound of your voice registering a second too late, because the two of you are crashing onto the ground a second later, suo’s weight knocking the wind out of your chest.
there’s a moment of silence as the two of you wince, your eyes fluttering open to meet with suo, looming over you with an expression you’ve never seen on him before. genuine concern … and what looks to be .. shock?
it takes you another moment to take note of the subtle warmth you’re feeling until you finally recognize it as suo’s hand that’s currently cradling the back of your head— and you’re at a loss as to exactly when or how he managed to do that in only a split second.
“i’m sorry,” suo chuckles sheepishly, “you got me this time. i really thought you were an intruder.”
“but did you hit your head? hard? are you okay?” he continues, other arm coming to pull you up and hold you against his chest. “tell me.”
“i think so,” you’re barely able to mumble, heat rushing to your cheeks at the realization that suo’s first thought wasn’t to cushion his own fall, but to protect your head instead. “not that hard though… i think. it doesn’t hurt very much.”
suo’s gaze on you is suddenly much more noticeable, and you’re tearing your eyes away from him a second later, sneaking glances back and forth as he continues to search for any signs of pain.
none that he notices, and the way your lips are pressed in a nervous line is a good sign, at least. suo lets out a relieved sigh before he’s smiling again, as if you hadn’t just spooked the sealed spirits out of him.
“let’s not do that again, okay?”
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you’ve never seen the night market this packed in your entire life.
it’s so busy that it’s almost suffocating, each breath taking double the effort from the way your body is being smothered between people as kaji leads you towards the food stands.
‘the best fried octopus you’ll ever try,’ your friend had said…but you’re seriously reevaluating you and kaji’s decision to come here— on the busiest night all summer to top it off.
it definitely wasn’t the best idea the two of you have come up with.
you’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve said the words “excuse me!” and “sorry, getting through!” tonight. a part of you feels bad for your boyfriend— because you knew kaji was way worse off than you, the scowl on his face running the risk of being permanently etched onto his face from the sheer intensity of his glare. the grip he has on your wrist is tighter than ever before, trying his best to weave his way through the crowd without losing you.
kaji knows his mood is worsening each time someone bumps into him, and twice— or even three times as much when he feels someone bumping into you instead. he can feel the way your body roughly jerks back from the impact, and it was stressing him out more than he could imagine. the possibility of losing you and leaving you all alone in an aggressive crowd like this was the last thing he wanted.
he’s so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t hear you call out his name the first time, or the second time. not even the third time. he doesn’t hear your voice trail off a bit when you mention that his grip is starting to hurt a little— to maybe hold hands instead.
he didn’t hear any of it.
kaji catches a glimpse of an emptier area, and he’s suddenly pulling harder at your wrist to lead you to it, not hearing you squeak out an “ouch, that hurts!”
and it hurts badly, warm tears welling up in your eyes as you struggle to try and keep up with him. it’s only when he suddenly jerks you around a corner that you’re tripping over the curb, stumbling and crashing into his back with a loud ‘ouch!’ that he finally turns to take a look at you.
kaji’s eyes are widening at the sight— your teary eyes peering up at him through wet lashes and your hand gingerly rubbing at your wrist. his words catch in his throat, barely able to sputter out an “are you.. okay?”
you shake your head quickly, lips tugging to a shaky frown. “you were hurting my wrist, kaji.”
his chest feels tight.
kaji is quick to bring your hand in his, gently cupping your hand as he looks at your wrist, and the guilt is flooding through him all at once. the thought of hurting you has him grimacing, feeling physically ill just thinking about it, and it’s not long before his mind is racing through all the scenarios.
he didn’t want to hurt you— and he doesn’t want to be someone you saw as ‘dangerous’ either. your wrist was so delicate, and it was a terrifying reminder of his strength— because he didn’t even realize that he was squeezing in the first place.
he truly had no idea.
“it’s okay,” your voice slices through the thick air, ripping him out of his thoughts, “i know you were stressed— it was scary over there.”
“i was scared too, kaji.”
the gentle smile you give him is the only thing that can bring him this much comfort, he thinks. it’s enough to clear his head, his heartbeat settling down, and he’s ripping another lollipop open before popping it in his mouth, turning and kneeling onto the floor.
“you can get on.”
even without his words, it’s a gesture you’re very familiar with— so you don’t hesitate for a second before climbing onto his back, arms circling around kaji as he lifts you up. there’s a subtle pink dusting the tips of his ears when you press a gentle kiss to his head, thanking him for carrying you.
“it’s not a problem,” he grumbles, voice coming out low as a futile attempt to hide the excited thump of his heart.
“get comfy up there, because we’re not leaving this damn market until we get a hold of that octopus.”
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nirei swears that he had no idea that the pillow he had just thrown towards you a moment ago had buttons decorating the outside.
he really didn’t know, and of course it was the only pillow that happened to land right on your face.
“i’m so sorry! are you okay?” his voice comes out frantic as he rushes towards you, terrified eyes watching the way you rub your eye and groan in pain. this was terrible, he was terrible. pillows were never supposed to cause you any pain.
“it…it hit your eye? i’m so sorry,” he repeats, hands coming up to do something— wave around you in panic, because he’s not quite sure if he should touch you or leave you be. his hands hover just in front of your face, mind racing with potential ways he could help.
he jolts when you laugh a bit.
“you really picked the worst pillow,” your laugh comes out strained as you try and blink, vision spotted with dots from the hit you’ve taken. “…it’s okay though.”
it takes you a couple more seconds to see nirei clearly, and you can tell that he’s absolutely devastated with just one glance, nervous hands finally coming to grab at your shoulders, keeping you still so he can inspect your eye.
“let me see.”
he’s leaning in a bit, until his face is just a couple inches in front of yours. “i think um,” he squints a bit, ignoring the warmth rising to his cheeks from the proximity, “i think your eye looks fine.”
the guilt is still eating him alive. a part of him wishes that you had been the one to grab that pillow instead, because he’s certain he would have jumped on the opportunity to tank a hit from a buttoned pillow a thousand times before letting it hit you just once. straight in the eye. anywhere. it doesn’t matter to him.
“it probably is,” you give him a small smile, “but you still cheated. i won that fight.”
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“i-i didn’t know you were there!”
sakura’s a complete and utter mess, and he genuinely didn’t know any better. he didn’t hear you creeping up behind him, so when your arms suddenly wrapped around his middle, his reflex was to jab his elbow straight behind him— and it hit you square in the face.
he could feel his heart shatter into pieces when the sound of your yelp rang in his ears, jerking his body around only to see you stagger backwards, clutching your nose and peering up at him through those teary eyes.
sakura doesn’t know what to do. you’re sniffling now, your arms reaching out to hug him a second time, your voice barely coherent as you start babbling with a shaky voice, the only words he could recognize being “i deserve a hug for that.”
he’s a complete mess. he’s stiff when he lets you wrap your arms around his middle this time, face flushed with red at the simple touch and his heart hurting at the sound of you sniffling against his jacket, hand coming to wipe at the tears welling up in your eyes.
it’s impossible for him to not think of the worst— because he knows other guys wouldn’t be making this kind of mistake. his friends wouldn’t have elbowed you in the face in the first place. or at the very least, his friends would know how to comfort someone in this type of situation. he wants to kick himself for just standing there, words catching in his throat every time he tries and apologize.
“sorry…” your voice is quiet, but it’s enough to yank him out his thoughts. “i shouldn’t have scared you like that.”
it takes sakura a couple seconds before his mouth is falling at the apology. “huh?” he’s dumbfounded, hands coming to grab at your shoulders, “i should be apologizing!”
his face erupts in a furious blush when you giggle at his reaction, thumb coming to swipe at the tears that have spilled onto your cheeks. it’s only then when he tugs you back into a tight hug, hand cradling the back of your head to hold you flush against him.
he thinks it’s because he can’t stand to see you cry.
“o-oh?” you whisper against his chest. “this is new.”
sakura chooses to ignore your little remark, clenching his jaw as he glares at your wall, gaze locking on anything except you. “i should be sorry,” he repeats again, his voice barely coherent with the way he’s fighting against his blush, “so you should just … you know. tell me. when you want a hug..”
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TOGAME JO. (pet name: doll)
“that’s not right, doll,” togame coos from below you, lips tugging into an amused grin as he watches you struggle to master the self-defense moves that you asked him to teach you an hour ago. or maybe two. it’s normal for him to lose track of time when he’s with you anyway.
your boyfriend doesn’t seem to realize that you don’t have the same stamina he does. or the focus, because you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks again— unsure if it’s because you’re embarrassed of your confused attempts at grabbing him, or if it’s the fact that he’s so casually sprawled out underneath you.
“you listenin’?”
you perk up, followed by a delayed nod. a little too obvious, but he doesn’t say anything.
“you grab me here,” his voice is gentle, guiding your hands back to hover over his body, “and then you pull. remember?”
and you nod again. but the sound of his voice, slow and steady, paired with the way he’s lazily propped up on his elbows to look up at you through tired eyes has your mind spinning all over again, instructions already going out your other ear as you try again and take a large fistful of his sweatshirt.
“..like this?”
he hums, lips tugging into a smile. “that’s good, doll. now pull the way i showed you.”
and you do— or you try to. you tug with all your strength, but you can tell he hasn’t moved an inch. you can hear him hum in wonder above you, and that’s all it takes for your eyes to slam shut as you jerk and pull with all your strength— and you feel some movement for the first time tonight.
“wait…” togame interrupts, but you don’t stop, pulling and pulling— not realizing you’ve inched towards to very edge of your mattress. “wait— we’ll fall,” he repeats with a little more urgency.
it’s a second too late when you realize it, eyes shooting open the second gravity tips the balance, and you’re plummeting backwards with a shriek. togame’s twisting his body to catch you as fast as he can, but the frantic movement has his fist connecting with your cheek before he grabs a hold of you, yanking you upwards and into him.
“fuck,” you wince, rubbing your cheek with the back of your hand as you huff. “that hurt a bit..”
“sorry,” togame lulls, legs spread to have you seated right in front of him, “i was trying to catch you… didn’t mean to smack you like that. are you okay..?”
his hands come to cup your cheeks, tilting your head up to look at the him. the familiar heat in your cheeks returns as soon as you lock eyes with him, because he’s so close. you can feel his breath fan against your lips with the proximity.
and he’s looking right at you.
“‘m okay,” your voice is just above a whisper, “you barely even grazed me, anyway..”
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“when did you take that?!”
your arms shoot up to reach for ume’s phone, cheeks burning with embarrassment— because that had to be the most foul photo you’ve ever seen of yourself. the sound of your boyfriend erupting into the loudest laugh you’ve heard all day only has you seething— and he’s effortlessly holding his phone just out of your reach, as if to taunt you even further.
“you don’t need to know,” he grins widely, watching the way you shift your weight onto your toes in a futile attempt to reach his phone. “and it’s cute! you don’t think so?”
“give it!” you hiss, and you lunge forward to start pulling at the arm that has the phone, “i’m deleting it!”
“no way,” he retorts with a huff, but you’re pulling his sleeve with your full strength, and it catches ume off guard a bit, foot stumbling forward a step. he’s never seen you pull with all your might— so he just wasn’t expecting it.
you’re lunging again before he’s regained his balance, and he shifts his weight backwards, lower back colliding with the table behind him. his phone slips from his grip too fast for either of you to react, and it lands on your nose with a sickening thud.
his laughter vanishes as soon as you’re letting out a pained yelp, hands coming to clutch your nose, squeezing the bridge to ease the pain.
“ow….” you whimper, voice cracking a bit as tears start to flood your lash line. his heart breaks in two when he sees you sniffle, desperately blinking away the tears that threaten to spill as you check your hand.
no blood. just a lot of pain.
“i’m so sorry,” he’s hovering over you within a second, nervous arms fluttering just above your frame— because he hasn’t quite figured out what to do, and you look so fragile like this. he just doesn’t want to break you.
“..are you okay?” he breaks the silence, “let me see you.”
your face is buried in your hands when ume kneels in front of you, hands coming to gently tug at your wrists so you can look at him. “i’m sorry,” he repeats even quieter, worry flooding his expression when you tear your gaze away from him.
it’s your attempt at trying to get rid of the tears threatening to spill, but he doesn’t know know that. his lips are tugging into a deep frown, eyes filled with worry as he tries to get you to just look at him again.
“look at me, okay?” he whispers, “let me see.”
a deep inhale, and you’re trying to make your voice come out steady again. “i think..i think it’s okay.”
your eyebrows furrow. “you klutz…”
the relief in his face is almost too obvious. he’s taking a sharp inhale, opening his arms to urge you to come for a hug. “i know,” he chuckles, “are you sure? you’re okay?”
you give ume a nod, ignoring the throbbing in your nose as your arms wrap around him, holding him close against you. “i think i’ll be okay if you delete that.”
“no way,” he retorts, relieved that you're at least not crying anymore. "but i'll give you cuddles. deal?"
he's pulling you tighter against him before you even give him your answer, and his shoulders relax a bit when you finally nestle into his arms, leaning into his hold with a soft smile and a throbbing nose.
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themissinghand · 22 days
Genshin Impact: Beneath His Gaze
Summary: In which you’re Capitano’s executive assistant who’s a little too good at their job (and coincidently, very good-looking too). 
Or, Capitano hates competition, after all, you belong to him. 
Pairing: Jealous! Il Capitano x Strong! Male Reader ft. Pantalone and Dottore 
Note: Yes. Capitano single-handedly took me out of my writer’s block. That 5.0 update was quite something. This became longer than I ever expected. 
Warning: Slight NSFW. Possessive behaviour, flirting, biting and non-consensual touching. Capitano has claws and sharp tongue.
Il Capitano is a fearsome man. 
True to his title, he is powerful but honorable, respected yet feared by all. Perhaps it was his tall statue, the dark mysterious mask he dons, or maybe, it was his silent demeanor. 
Or perhaps his ruthless means and aura that screamed death.  
People do not simply stroll up to Capitano like they would with Tartaglia, but he detests flies regardless.
Then he met you, with almost an impressive statue matching himself, but with a much more…approachable face. Pretty as the Damselette would call you. 
You were competent, strong, and most importantly, adaptable. A face that could be remembered from either side of the light and dark. 
People described you as the face of an angel, but cunning like the devil. Hence, he promoted you to his only assistant (after all, he needs no assistants, much less bodyguards). However, you seemed to do more than what is required for a mere assistant. 
“Master. Please, have some tea.” When you bring him tea and snacks in the middle of work.
“Master, the weather is cold outside, please take this.” When you give him a heat pack, imbued with your pyro powers. 
“Master, please allow me to take care of these vermin for you.” When you reduced his anger with a slight touch on his hand on his sword, which almost would have destroyed a major section of his mansion. 
Capitano will not admit it, however, his life seems to be filled with a lot of noise, albeit it becoming much easier, and warmer.
“Don’t you think Commander (Y/N) would make a good malewife?” 
Capitano freezes in his steps. Honed in battle, naturally his senses are much more sensitive than others. 
“Are you drunk? I know you’re gay, but how could you go after the Commander? Didn’t you remember how terrifying he was when he almost worked us to death in training?”
There was a little infuriating laugh. 
“But, have you seen him smile and compliment us? Can you blame me? Have you seen others ogling at his half naked body after training? Hey, didn’t you have a crush on him?” 
“T-That was before, and quiet down. Someone might hear you.” 
“I wonder how he would taste…” Steps resumed in the halls, this time, they were quick, but silent. 
“You’re crazy. C’mon, let’s go before someone hears-” 
“Think about it, he has a big chest, and his ass-” 
“Shut up-” 
Suddenly, a large shadow casts over them and they slowly turn around, suddenly feeling cold all over. 
A scream, before silence finally returned to the halls. 
“Master.” Il Capitano hands you his coat as always, often stained with blood. 
But as always, it was never his.
“Master, Allow me to serve you tea. I obtained this from Sumeru, and it has quite the enticing scent…” 
Again, you chatted as you prepared tea for Capitano, starting from small pleasantries, to his schedule and current affairs. You stood beside him as always and even though your Master did not say a single word of response to you, you knew he was listening. 
Everything was a routine and a reward to you, after all, you were very honoured to assist someone as highly regarded as Il Capitano. 
As fearsome as your Master appears, he allows you to speak your mind, and use his authority as necessary. It was difficult to obtain his trust and you were happy with your progress, even if you had to hide your disgusting feelings for him.
Yes, you had a crush on this man who everyone fears. 
After all, who doesn’t like a rich, powerful, and respected man? 
“Sit.” Suddenly, your Master commanded you. You stop in your ramblings at his command, and you obey. Respectfully seating yourself to his right with a look of quiet surprise. 
You were used to following his orders without question, but Capitano rarely asked you to sit with him like this. Normally, you were too busy managing his affairs or reporting on the state of his forces to sit idly.
As well, he did not touch his tea once today. 
Capitano’s mask obscured most of his face, but you could still feel the weight of his gaze on you, heavy and intense. It was as if he was measuring you, trying to read your thoughts, though you kept your face carefully neutral.
Finally, he took a slow sip of the tea, his silence stretching on as he continued to watch you. You shifted slightly in your seat, feeling the intensity of his focus, but you didn’t falter. After all, this was Capitano—your Master. You had served under him for years, and you pride yourself on your ability to remain composed, no matter the situation.
Finally, he spoke, his voice a low rumble. 
“Do you know what they say about you?”
You blink, caught off guard by the sudden question. 
“What do you mean, Master?”
“The Fatui agents. The ones who flirt with you. The ones who look at you as though you are theirs to claim.” Capitano’s words were clipped, and you could hear the irritation lacing his tone. 
“Do you know how they speak about you?”
Your brows furrowed as you recalled those moments. A fleeting regret crossed your mind; you should have dealt with those pests like everyone else.
After all, you’ve maintained your image and physical appearance only for your Master, and no one else. 
“Master, please forgive me, I will ensure this will not happen again. I assure you that their actions do not affect my duties.”
Capitano’s eyes darkened, his claws gripping the arm of his chair with enough force to make the wood creak. 
“That’s not what I asked.”
The tension in the room thickened, and for the first time, you felt a flicker of unease. Capitano rarely raised his voice or showed any outward signs of frustration, but now… there was something different in the air.
“I… don’t concern myself with such things, Master,” you answered carefully. “My focus is on serving you and fulfilling my responsibilities.”
He stood abruptly, his large form towering over you, casting a shadow across the room. His claws reached down, grabbing your wrist with a firm but controlled grip. 
“And yet, they continue. They think they can speak about you as if you’re theirs to take, as if they have any right.”
You looked up at him, the weight of his words sinking in. There was no mistaking the intensity in his voice, the tension that simmered just beneath the surface. It was an emotion you hadn’t expected from him, at least not toward you.
Could it be-
“Master, I—”
Before you could finish, Capitano pulled you up from your seat with one arm, his strength undeniable as he carried you effortlessly. Your breath hitched as you were suddenly pressed against his chest, the cold metal of his armor a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your body.
"You're mine," he growled, gripping your waist. "No one else can touch you."
Your heart raced in your chest as you stared up at him, mind spinning as you adjusted and adapted as you always had. 
This was new, unexpected. 
You had always been his assistant, his soldier, but now… it was clear that Capitano saw you as something more—his. 
A slow, sly smile tugged at your lips. 
“Master, I am loyal to you.”
Capitano’s grip on you tightened, his lips brushing dangerously close to your ear. 
“Then show me. Let them know you’re mine.”
His words sent a tantalizing shiver down your spine, and for the first time, you found yourself questioning whether you were just his assistant… or something far more dangerous.
In the dim light of Capitano’s private quarters, the air was thick with tension—unspoken, yet undeniably present. 
It had become a dangerous game between the two of you.
You stood by his desk, pretending to review the reports you had brought, while Capitano’s presence loomed behind you, closer than necessary. His claws brushed against your lower back, the contact brief but enough to send heat through your body. You didn't flinch; instead, you leaned into his touch ever so slightly, your pulse quickening at the daring proximity.
"You’re late," he muttered slowly, his voice like gravel, yet there was no malice in it—only something darker.
You turned to face him, a smirk dancing on your lips. 
"I had to ensure no one would notice my absence. Wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation, Master."
His eyes, cold to the world, burned with a heat only you had the privilege of seeing. Without a word, he reached for you, pulling you close with a force that left no room for protest. His lips were on yours in an instant, urgent and commanding.
His claws roamed your body, memorizing every line and muscle as if you were the only thing grounding him to this world.
"Careful, Master," you whispered against his lips, your voice teasing. "If we’re caught…"
He silenced you with another kiss, rougher this time, his grip firm as he pressed you against the desk. 
"No one will dare." 
You reveled in it all. 
As his executive assistant, your dedication to work and training had caught the attention of many, including some of the Harbingers.
One evening, after a rigorous training session with Capitano, you quickly changed to a clean appearance and immediately rushed to your Master’s office. However, it seems there were people waiting for you in the halls, which seemed to be a common occurrence recently. 
This time, it wasn’t just Fatui Cicin Mages or Agents though. Much more difficult, but not hard to handle. 
After all, you worked your way up to this position for a reason. 
“Well well well, who do we have here?” 
“Lord Dottore, Lord Pantalone. How can I be of assistance?” Dottore’s eyes gleamed with mischief as he observed you, something you were keen to notice. 
“A fine specimen indeed…” He approached you casually as you stayed still and kept your eyes low. 
Pantalone, ever the opportunist, leaned in with a sly grin. “I must say, you look like someone who could handle more than just being an assistant. I’m sure we could find a place for someone with your… capabilities.”
You pretend not to notice their serpentine eyes, or the sudden arm over your shoulder, or the slow squeeze on your bicep, and you couldn’t help but shiver when an arm grabbed your waist. 
“How about working for me? I’ll be sure to treat you well.” A seductive whisper to your ear. And you feel trapped beside these powerful men. 
Truly evil. 
You returned a little smirk, which somehow seemed to intrigue them even more. 
“I serve and am loyal to my current Master, however, I am honoured to receive your offer.” 
Before they could respond, you felt a familiar but imposing presence approaching you. Heavy steps that suddenly decided to reveal itself.  
(Y/N).” His voice was deep, drawing all eyes to him.
“Master.” You greet him as usual, and you hear a little ‘tch’ from beside you. 
The halls fell silent. Pantalone and Dottore straightened, their casual airs replaced by a more respectful demeanor. Capitano’s gaze was locked onto you, and you shivered in slight excitement knowing that he was angry.
“You’re late.” Capitano states before walking off, as if prompting you to follow him. After you bid farewell to the two other amused harbingers, who seemed quite intent in touching your muscles one last time before letting you go. 
You followed your Master down the hall into his office, the tension between you palpable.
Once the doors shut in his office, Capitano turned around, and you felt like you couldn’t move or breathe. 
“You are quite the vixen.” Sharp claws wrapped around your throat and raised you up to his eye level. 
Before you could respond, his lips crashed onto yours in a fierce, demanding kiss. The sudden intensity took you by surprise, but you quickly found yourself responding with equal fervor.
When he finally pulled away, you felt breathless as you stared back at him.
“You enjoy their attention.” he stated, disappointment evident in his voice.
“You’re mine, and yet, you dare covet something more?”
You met his gaze with a smirk, showing your true colours. 
“And if I enjoy their attention?”
Capitano’s eyes darkened further. He pulled you into another heated kiss, his claws gripping your hips firmly. You were sure that would leave some bruises.
“You must be punished.” 
“Master-urgh!” You resisted the urge to scream as sharp teeth sunk into your collarbone, and an alien tongue swept over your neck. 
It was the right choice as you felt a pair of eyes glaring at you, so you remained silent before he dropped you onto the floor. Instantly, you inhaled sharply and struggled to catch your breath as you quickly kneeled for your life.
“Please, forgive me, Master. My life is yours.”  
For Capitano, he felt a sick satisfaction seeing you beg like a little dog.
Il Capitano believed he had to tighten his leash. 
During the next few days, you did your best to focus on your work, trying to push aside the lingering tension. But you could always feel a pair of cold eyes constantly on you. Especially when you interact with other people. 
“Well, well, how is our little assistant holding up?” Pantalone grinned as he cornered you again in the hall. “How long before Capitano locks you away, hm?”
Dottore chuckled darkly, his fingers lightly trailing down your arm, sending a shiver through you. 
“The offer is still on the table. We’d take good care of you,” he said, his voice dripping with false sweetness. “You’d be in much better hands.”
With the same fake yet alluring smile, you slowly back away from their touch. You didn’t need to say anything after all, you could practically feel him coming.
The familiar sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor.
In an instant, Capitano was beside you, his claws gripping your shoulders firmly. Without a word, he pulled you away from the two Harbingers, his strength overwhelming as he practically dragged you down the hall. Pantalone and Dottore watched with amusement, smirking at the sight of Capitano’s thinly veiled rage.
You didn’t even have a chance to speak as Capitano led you into his private quarters and slammed the door shut behind you. His breathing was heavy, and his eyes—what little you could see through his mask—burned with a mixture of anger and desire.
“You’re mine,” Capitano reminded, his voice low and dangerous. 
Before you could respond, he lifted you with ease, your feet leaving the ground as he pinned you against the wall. His massive claws gripped your waist and ass, claws digging into your flesh as his lips crushed against yours in a kiss.
You gasped into the kiss, and wrapped your legs around him. He clawed at your chest as if he was trying to prove a point—that you belonged to him and no one else, and you whimpered when you felt pain.
And despite everything, you found yourself leaning into him, drawn to the darkness that radiated from him.
"Master, I'm yours."
His touch was intoxicating, and even though you knew how dangerous this was, you couldn’t help but be pulled deeper into the web Capitano had spun around you.
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starmocha · 3 months
fly to you like birds do Sylus/Reader | 2642 words | AO3 Sylus can't sleep A/N: I have no idea what happened. It was supposed to be just smut, but I guess we’re sandwiching the smut between some fluff instead. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ MDNI
It was well past two in the morning when Sylus stepped out of the shower, water droplets still clinging to his hair. He dried himself and slipped on just a pair of simple burgundy pajamas bottom. There was a heat wave outside, and though the air conditioner was running inside his home, Sylus still felt restless. He returned to his room, still tensed, knowing sleep was not going to be in his favor tonight.
He stopped in his track when he heard his phone ringing. How peculiar, he thought, considering the time. Stepping closer to his bed, he saw your picture and name flashed up on the screen. Smiling, he answered, turning on the speaker:
“Is this my pretty little hunter calling me?”
There was a brief moment of awkward silence before he heard your voice: “I dialed by mistake.”
“I’m sure you did,” he responded cordially, humoring you in spite of seeing through the thinly-veiled fib. He placed the phone on the nightstand and climbed into bed under satin cover. The sound of your voice instantly calmed him, and he continued, “It’s two in the morning. Why are you still up?”
Silence followed his question again. Sylus frowned. “Hello?”
“I’m hanging up,” you declared, tone a pitch higher than intended, clearly embarrassed by this whole situation.
“Wait,” Sylus interrupted before you could end the call. He continued, “Don’t. Chat with me.”
“It’s two in the morning,” you echoed his earlier words back to him, “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“I can’t sleep,” he admitted, and then with a sly grin, he continued, “Maybe you could help me.”
There were slight shuffling noises on your end before you answered, confused, “How?”
“We can chat until we’re tired,” he said, turning to his side to face the phone. “We can start with why you called me in the first place, and don’t bother trying to lie to me again.”
You sighed, knowing you were never good at hiding things, especially from him. You admitted softly, “I can’t sleep either.”
“And your first thought was to call me? I’m touched.” He laughed when he heard your flustered voice on the other end. “Alright, alright, calm down, I was only teasing.”
“I don’t appreciate it,” you grumbled.
“My apologies then. Won’t you forgive me, Miss Hunter?”
“I think not.”
He hummed softly in amusement at your defiance. “Perhaps you would feel better if you punish me then.”
“I have clearly wronged you,” he said, voice tinged with humor, “it is only right that I should be punished for my misdeed.”
Sylus could hear you talking quietly to yourself, clearly contemplating his words. He laughed softly to himself as he stared at his phone, picturing you in your apartment flabbergasted by the direction of this phone call. “Alright, time’s up,” he spoke up to your shocked gasp, “I gave you plenty of time to think, so unless…”
“Meow for me.”
“Meow for me and I’ll forgive you.”
Sylus chuckled, confused. “Are you serious?” he shook his head and questioned you again, “You are asking the leader of Onychinus to…meow?”
“Uh huh,” you answered, this time pleased with yourself for reducing this powerful man to a state of utter bewilderment. “Please?”
He sighed. “Well, since you asked so nicely,” he paused, and then he cleared his throat, “Meow.”
There was a pause. Sylus couldn’t hear anything other than the air conditioner running in his home, and just as he was about to check in on you, you spoke up with a squeal:
“You purred.”
“Is that not what cats do?”
“Well, yes. But. You purred.”
“We’ve established that already,” he said evenly, unsure of why this was making you so delighted. “Have I been forgiven?”
He smiled when he heard your giggle on the other end: “Yes, I’ve forgiven you.”
Sylus lay back down in bed, his eyes darting to the clock on his nightstand. He sighed. “It’s 2:35. Are you still restless?”
“Mm, yes,” you responded. “Are you tired? Do you want to go to sleep now?”
“I can’t sleep,” he reminded you again. “Then let’s continue. How was your day?”
Sylus lay there, listening to you describe your day, unbothered when you took too many tangents to get to a very anticlimactic ending of a very mundane story. He occasionally chimed in, but for the most part, he was more interested in just hearing your voice, listening to the subtle changes in tone and picturing your expression as you retold your day. He barely noticed you were done speaking until you called out to him, asking him about his own day.
“My day? Normal,” he answered vaguely.
“That’s cryptic.”
“Indeed,” he agreed, and you knew that was all you were going to get out of him.
“What is it?”
“What are you wearing?”
Sylus once again paused, surprised by the question that came out of left field. Once he composed himself, he smirked and answered, “Pajamas bottom. Should I also describe the color and material as well?”
“Please do.”
Sylus laughed and shook his head. “Burgundy and cotton.”
Sylus raised a brow. “Not that I am complaining about this change in topic, but care to explain yourself, sweetheart?”
“I was curious,” you admitted in half-truth, “If I can picture what you are wearing, it would be like you are next to me right now.”
“How cute,” he cooed, unaware that he was making you blush with his voice, “Then may I ask what you are wearing, my dear?”
“An oversized shirt.”
“How unsexy,” he answered, disappointed.
“It’s yours.”
Oh. Well, that certainly changed everything, Sylus decided, intrigued now.
“My shirt?” The mental image of you in his shirt was definitely having an effect he didn’t realize it could. All wrapped up in his shirt, much too big for you, the sleeves too long, the length going down to your thighs—he was definitely appreciating the picture being painted in his mind. Sylus stifled back a groan, and continued in as even a voice as he could, “And how did you manage to obtain one of my shirts without my knowledge?”
“I took it from your place,” you confessed, “It was the one that I had accidentally spilled wine on, so I felt bad and tried to wash it out for you.”
“I appreciate the gesture, though I do have other shirts and it can easily be replaced.” He sensed your immediate quietness as a sign of embarrassment. He knew you did this as a sign of apology, and he quickly surmised his dismissive tone must have hurt your feelings, so he changed his phrasing: “Why haven’t you returned it to me then?”
“I haven’t had an opportunity,” you answered, tone dropping, a hint of sadness creeping through, “We haven’t seen each other lately.”
Ah. Sylus was catching on to the reason for this sudden late-night call. “And why are you wearing it now?”
Silence again.
That one word seemed to have broken a dam, and Sylus was surprised by the sudden quiet admission: “It feels like you.”
“You missed me,” he stated, and when he didn’t hear you respond, he wondered if his tone might have hurt you in some way again. He continued with a sigh, “I miss you, too.”
“I miss seeing you,” he added, knowing he was sounding a little more vulnerable than normal. “The sound of your voice…your smiles…the way…”
He paused, realizing the reason for his own restlessness. It wasn’t because of the heat wave happening throughout the city. Rather, it was the lack of a different kind of heat that was making him agitated.
“The way you feel in my arms,” he finished.
You didn’t respond, and Sylus laughed. “You’re blushing, aren’t you?”
He could hear you huffing in annoyance. Just as he was about to continue in his teasing, you hit him with another piece of information about your sleepwear:
“I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
“I-I see…” He paused, contemplating, before he questioned you, “Nothing? No—”
“No shorts. No panties.”
Well, that picture had unquestionably gotten even more interesting for Sylus. He held back another groan, as he pictured now just your bare body, caressed by nothing but just his shirt.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” you teased him, feeling triumphant for finally having the upper-hand in this phone conversation.
“Such arrogance,” he mumbled low, smirking, “Maybe you should take responsibility for making me so hard then.”
There was a surprised squeak.
He laughed low. “Come now, it’s only fair.”
“I-I don’t know…”
“Don’t know?”
“I…I don’t know how…I mean we’re just talking…”
Sylus leaned back against his pillows and laughed. “It’s because we’re talking that I am feeling this way now,” he answered low, his hands already tugging his bottoms down to discard to the side. He groaned softly at the sight of his erect penis. He continued, “Aren’t you feeling something from our conversation?”
“Y-yeah…” you admitted, “I…I think I am…”
He hummed softly, closing his eyes, the image of you in his shirt was once again before him.
“Need my pretty little cock-warmer,” he murmured, his hand wrapped around his hard member, a clear soft hiss escaped his lips. He lazily stroked himself as he continued to speak to you on the phone, his tone carrying shades of sensualness, “Talk to me, sweetheart.”
You flustered. “I-I have been…”
“No,” he interrupted you firmly, “Talk to me.”
“Touch yourself,” he commanded.
You trembled at the sound of his firm voice, the dominating tone made you hesitantly slipped your hand inside the shirt you were wearing, your hand finding your breast. You toyed with your nipple, whimpering as it became firm.
“Where are you touching yourself?”
“M-my breast…”
Sylus hummed again, eyes still closed, but now he was picturing his large hand on your breast, massaging it gently, pinching your nipple until they were firm as you moan softly underneath him. He wanted to take that nipple in his mouth and sucked on it as he massaged your other breast, wanted to feel you squirm against him, your hands running through his hair as he ravaged you and keep you held down by the heavy weight of his body on yours.
“Take off my shirt.”
You immediately obeyed him. “It’s…it’s off.”
“Good girl,” he purred. “Lay back in bed, picture me with you.”
His voice sounded like it was an octave lower, soft pants escaped his lips as he continued to leisurely stroke himself. “Need you spread out beneath me.”
You felt a heat building up inside you as you listened to him speak, that devilishly deep voice always stirring something sinful within you. With each erotic word spoken by him, you parted your legs slightly and your hand moved lower to touch yourself somewhere much more intimate.
“Want to feel just how wet you can get for me.”
You let out a whimper, picturing his sharp ruby red eyes staring you down, his own fingers touching you. You rubbed your clit, tossing your head to the side with a moan, wishing it was his hand instead touching you, needing his lips on you, the feel of him against you.
“Want to taste you, sweetheart, eat you out until you come.”
You gasped at the picture, your legs trembling as you started to touch yourself more urgently. It wasn’t enough. You needed something more, something bigger…thicker—Sylus.
“Ohh, Sylus…”
“F-fuck…” he groaned at the sound of your moan. “Sweetheart, a man could get intoxicated hearing such sweet moaning…”
“Speak to me…what do you want?”
Sylus let out a low moan, his pace increasing. “Sweetheart,” he gasped, feeling his arousal getting stronger at the sound of your voice growing needier, “need my cock buried inside you. Need my sweet little cock-warmer in my bed under me.”
He continued to mumble, “You always take me so well, always feel so good having you wrapped around my cock.”
That did something to you. You started to gasp into the phone as you writhed in bed, fingers sliding into your slick entrance as you so badly wished it really was his cock pounding into you. You curled up in bed face buried into your pillow, as you chased after the climax that was starting to build up inside. You couldn’t help the whines that came out of your mouth, knowing he was hearing every single incoherent word and noise you were making alone in your room through the phone. “Sy-Sylus…more…tell me more…please…”
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he was panting, sounding like, he, too, was losing himself in the image he was painting, “Want to hear more of your sweet moans, ah, want to see your face all flushed, all teary-eyed, as I fuck you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Want to feel my cock inside you?”
“Oh, god, yes!” Your hips buck against your hand. You were close, the way he described everything with that deep, rich, and sultry voice was having you clench around your own fingers. You rubbed your sensitive clit, but the mental image that it was him touching you instead had you crying out louder than expected.
“Need you now, sweetheart,” he gasped, “Need you so fucking bad, need you to cum on my cock, need to fill you up with my seed—such a good girl, such a pretty girl you are all flushed up as you take all of me—cum, cum for me, sweetheart—”
Sylus let out a groan at the same time he heard you screamed through the phone, the sound of your climax had him spilling into his hand. He lay panting hard in bed, his eyes shut, reliving the moment he heard you scream. The knowledge that he was able to bring you to orgasm through a mere phone call was a source of pride, especially when the two of you were so far away.
Still, he ached, wanting to feel your skin against his. He wanted to pull you into his embrace and let you relax in his arms as you both bask in the afterglow together. He wanted to feel your head resting on his chest, your soft hair brushing against his cheek, his lips on yours.
He sighed.
Several minutes passed as the two of you tried to even your breathing again. Sylus was the first to speak up, his voice soft and gentler than normal, “It’s late. You should get some rest.”
“No,” you protested this time in spite of your exhaustion.
“No?” There was amusement in his voice upon hearing your objection. “Why not?”
You were grateful he couldn’t see your blush. At his gentle coaxing, you admitted softly, “I don’t want to hang up.”
“It’s late,” he reminded you again.
Hearing silence, Sylus could sense your disappointment and he softened. “Alright,” he conceded, “Do you want to keep talking? Normally this time.”
He heard an indignant yelp for the latter comment before it was followed by weak mumbling: “I don’t know what to talk about…”
“What do you want then? Tell me.”
After a few beats, you confessed softly, “I just want to hear your voice.”
Sylus was both surprised and pleased. “My voice?”
“Well, then,” he started, a hint of mischievousness laced his voice, “If that is what my dear little hunter wants, then who am I to deny her this sweet request? Shall I lull you to sleep with my voice then?”
Your felt butterflies fluttering in your belly as he spoke. You knew he was relishing in this moment, but as embarrassing as it was for you, you were happy that he was so compliant.
“Close your eyes, sweetheart,” he said warmly, and you obediently followed his command, setting your phone close to you as you relaxed in bed. “And just listen to the sound of my voice…”
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hitomisuzuya · 3 months
Scummy scara x reader smutty where hes like a weirdo and as usual obsessed with darling and just a sucker for you!!! I LIVE for ur scummy scara so😘😘
Luv u lots stay hydrated and healthy and thank you!!!❤️❤️
Scummy Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Scara being obsessive, possessive, and perverted. Masturbation. Dry humping. Cumming on instead of inside. Pre established relationship in the beginning.
Thank you so much🥺🥺 I really love how this request was worded.
Scaramouche couldn't believe his luck one night. Never had he been so glad he took a walk because he couldn't sleep, thoughts of you consuming his mind. He was paused outside your dorm room, hearing the softest, most curious noises coming from behind the door.
His hand hovered over his hardening cock. He knew what you were up to, judging from the soft whimpers and moans. He pressed his ear to your door, closing his eyes.
He could just see you naked with your legs spread, your fingers working over your pussy as you writhed restlessly on your bed. Your back would arch as you grinded into your fingers. Shaky moans and sighs you were trying to muffle sounded from you, your fingers pinching and rubbing your clit.
Scaramouche bit his lip, having to swallow his own moans as his cock hardened and strained in his jeans. He wanted so badly to take his cock out and jack off to the sounds of your noises while he pictured you.
He couldn't help but palm his cock. He wanted to be the one making you make those noises. He heard your moans tinged with whimpers as you fingered yourself. He could picture you struggling, your hips bucking as you fucked yourself onto your fingers.
You poor thing. Your fingers were so small, they couldn't reach the places his fingers could. He really wished that your door was open a little, so he could actually see you fingering your pussy into a sopping mess trying desperately to get yourself off.
He almost lost it hearing you whimper softly about how you wanted to cum. He had reluctantly retreat back to his own dorm, not being able to ignore the ache in his cock anymore. With the aid of a pair of your panties he'd stolen from your room while you were out, he fisted his cock thinking of the all the ways he'd love to ruin you, and get you off.
Scaramouche would always make you cum, even discover that could squirt with his fingers alone.
Being that he is a trust fund baby, whatever Scaramouche wanted, Scaramouche got. It was only a matter of time before he sank his claws into you, and made you his. You came so willingly and obediently, the good girl that he could corrupt and ruin, reduce to a cock slut for him. It made him wonder if you'd been thinking about him that night.
"Everyone has to know," Scaramouche growled, pinning your wrists together above your head. He groaned, grinding his cock against your clothed cunt. "Everyone has to know you fucking belong to me, slut," He pulled your hair, forcing your head to the side so he could suck and bite on your neck.
He quivered feeling your body react to him. Your body twitched into his touches as you moved your head to the side, exposing your throat submissively to him. Your hips moved in time with his, his cock creating friction on your clit through your panties. He could feel your skin heating from embarrassment at how wet you were getting.
Your clit throbbed as your panties clung to it, the stimulation making you grind more needily against him. It always sent him reeling how fast he could make you needy for him. Even the way you squirm told him you enjoyed having your hands trapped above your head.
"Fuck, I can feel you soaking through my jeans," Scaramouche moaned next to your ear, his teeth biting and sucking greedily next to your throat. He knew you would never hide his deep bruises of possession.
Childe especially needed to see them.
Scaramouche reached down unbutton his jeans. He hissed softly in relief once he took it out. He hastily moved your panties aside. "How about if I cum on this pretty pussy, hm?" He rubbed his cock against your bare clit, tearing louder moans from your throat.
You mewled in pleasure as he delivers a wet flick to your clit, pleasure burst white hot behind your eyes as your hips jerked up to grind your pussy on his cock. His hand tightened on your wrists, groaning as his cock pulsed between your folds.
He let out an aroused, shaky laugh at how quickly your pussy was soaking his entire cock. He purposely pushed the head of his cock into your pussy, purely just to tease you and work you up more.
The more cock drunk you are for him, the more he could corrupt you.
Your moan of bliss as his cum spurted onto your cunt was the sweetest he'd heard.
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suashii · 10 months
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ 𝒮𝐸𝒳𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝒮𝐸𝒯𝒯𝐸𝑅𝒮 — the setters and their top kinks
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info ⭑ includes: miya atsumu, oikawa toru, akaashi keiji, sugawara koushi, semi eita ノ f!reader, nsfw (minors do not interact) ノ degradation ノ impact play ノ daddy kink ノ dumbification ノ edging ノ body worship ノ praise kink ノ dacryphilia ノ virgin kink ノ corruption kink ノ all characters written 18+.  
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he’d never call you such lewd, dirty names outside the bedroom, but he can’t ignore how each one goes straight to your pussy. his personal favorites are “whore” and “toy”. he never thought he’d find so much pleasure in bullying, humiliating, you. and he’ll never get over the way you tighten and flutter around his cock when his hand makes contact with your clit or ass. your surprised squeals are like music to his ears and the marks he leaves behind are always a pretty reminder of the night’s activities the next day.
“listen to you, whimpering like a whore when i slap your ass. i’m starting to think you like getting spanked. mm, maybe i should give you another one.”
he gets some sort of rush from hearing you call him daddy. maybe it’s the way you peer up at him through your lashes as you do so. or maybe it’s the blatant embarrassment that you try and fail to hide by biting your lip. can you blame him for wanting to see you completely fucked out? you’re just so pretty when your eyes are staring off at nothing, tongue lolling from between those soft lips. he can’t help the sense of pride that swells in his chest when you’re reduced to such a mess, and all because of him.
“you stopped talking, princess. did daddy really fuck you that hard? can’t even think straight while you’re taking this cock, huh?”
his hands wander about your figure as his mouth travels down every inch of your skin, only ever stopping to tell you how gorgeous you are. you deserve the world and he’s set on giving it to you, even if his method seems slightly cruel. by now, he’s an expert at continuously getting you nearly to your climax and pulling you back just before you can reach it. he’s a patient man and is more than willing to spend all night in the bedroom if that means giving you the most earth shattering orgasm you could imagine.
“god, you look so beautiful like this. you want to come? don’t worry, you only have to wait a little longer, angel. i promise it’ll feel good.”
you’re such a sweet thing for suga, always doing what you’re told and making the prettiest noises for him. why shouldn’t he let you know how much he adores you—how proud he is of you? the smile that graces your face and the sparkles in your irises at his approval are really all he could ask for. but a little part of him can’t help but get excited whenever he sees tears of pleasure pooling in your eyes, threatening to spill over your lash line. maybe he’s greedy; or maybe he just wants a reward of his own.
“you did so well for me, my good girl. and you look so pretty with tears streaming down your cheeks. should i clean them up for you?”
he has this unexplainable desire to take you—someone that was once pure and untouched—and make you his own, to ruin you as he pleases. of course, he’d never tell you so; where’s the fun in that? he’s fixed on watching the authentic experience of your first time. he wants to see how your face scrunches up in pain before it turns to pleasure. he wants to hear your breath catch in your throat before you’re moaning in ecstasy as your orgasm hits. he needs to be the one who gives you a taste of what you’ve been missing out on.
“is it everything you thought it would be? yeah? i never pegged you as the type who liked being used. guess i got lucky with you.”
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hihi~ manz here :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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mimimarvelingmarvel · 1 month
time bound part one
pairing: worst wolverine!logan howlett x f!mutant!reader
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Part One - Masterlist
summary: Y/n’s life takes a dramatic turn when the Time Variance Authority intervenes, pulling her from a critical moment in her timeline. The TVA sends her to the void where she eventually meets with Deadpool and a very familiar face. With Deadpool's universe in the balance, alongside his reluctant would-be pal, Wolverine, and the enigmatic time-bending mutant known as the Veil, the trio must complete the mission and save Deadpool’s world from an existential threat.
overall warnings: 18+, Fem!Reader, AFAB Reader, Use of Y/N, Her X-Men name is Veil, She/her pronouns, Swearing, Angst, Heavy Violence, Character Death, Deadpool (he’s his own warning), Hurt, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, TVA
word count: 1.3k
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The mansion is a war zone. Screams and gunfire echo through the halls, mingling with the sickening stench of burning flesh and molten metal. Blood splatters the walls, once lined with family photos and cherished memories, now smeared with the desperate last stands of my friends. My heart hammers in my chest, a relentless drumbeat urging me forward as I sprint down the corridors I once knew like the back of my hand. Now, they feel like the intestines of some dying beast, twisting and turning as it thrashes in its final moments.
I skid to a stop outside Logan’s quarters, nearly slipping on a pool of blood. The heavy oak door is reduced to splinters, gunshots carved deep into the wood. Logan isn’t there. Damn it. Where the hell could he be?
Of course, he’s been in one of his foul moods all week, growling at anyone who dared get too close. Typical Logan, retreating to the nearest bar when things get too heavy. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I rake my brain, trying to picture him—his location. There has to be something, some clue that could lead me to him before it’s too late. The X-Men are losing. They’re being slaughtered, and the only chance we have lies in Logan’s bloodied hands.
I force myself to see it, a twisted sort of daydream: Logan tearing through our enemies, me getting to him just in time. My thoughts race faster, my vision blurring with desperation. It’s not enough. He could be anywhere in this town, and my friends—my family—are dying.
“Kurt!” I scream, the name ripping from my throat, a raw, desperate plea. “Kurt, where the hell are you?!”
I stumble into Kurt’s room, eyes wide, hoping for a flash of blue, the familiar scent of brimstone. Nothing. The room is a wreck—furniture overturned, shards of glass glittering like ice in the moonlight, blood smeared across the floor in haphazard patterns. How much of it is Kurt’s? How much of it is anyone’s?
A cold dread grips my insides, gnawing at my heart. I can’t lose them. Not like this. Not now.
“Kurt!” I call out again, the name choking in my throat as I stumble forward, deeper into the room. My eyes scan the wreckage frantically, desperate to catch even a fleeting glimpse of him.
Suddenly, the world around me shifts. Time fractures, and I’m flooded with chaotic visions, flickering images of what could be, what might have been, and what is. It’s my curse—my gift. Chrono-Perception. I see Kurt laughing, his smile wide and genuine. Then, in another vision, he’s gasping for breath, his eyes wide with fear as a blade plunges into his side. The echoes of possible futures assault my senses, each one more horrific than the last.
I squeeze my eyes shut, willing the noise in my mind to settle, to focus. But when I open them, the reality of the present hits me harder than any of the potential futures. Just beyond the overturned bed, a familiar blue hand sticks out from beneath a collapsed bookshelf.
My breath catches in my throat, and I rush over, time seeming to slow around me, each step dragging as if the universe itself is dreading what I’m about to find. When I reach him, my heart sinks.
Kurt’s body is twisted at an unnatural angle, his once vibrant blue fur now matted with blood. His gentle, kind eyes are wide open, staring into the void. I reach out with trembling hands to close them, my fingers brushing against his cold skin. The sensation of his lifeless body under my touch sends a shiver down my spine. He wasn’t supposed to die like this. Not here. Not now.
A flash of another potential future assaults my mind—Kurt, alive and well, teleporting behind me with that infectious grin, teasing me like he always did. But it’s just an echo, a cruel reminder of what could never be.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, my voice breaking as I gently close his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
I know I don’t have much time. The echoes of the future still buzz in my head, warning me of the impending danger. But it isn’t just my perception of time that sets me apart. My Time-Linked Vitality means my body ages slowly, each year passing like a drop in a vast ocean. It makes me resilient, gives me strength, but it also means I’m cursed to watch as the people I love die around me, one by one.
The pain of losing Kurt, of seeing him like this, is almost too much to bear. But I can’t let it consume me. Not now. Not when there are others still fighting, still clinging to life.
With one last look at Kurt’s lifeless form, I force myself to my feet. I wipe the blood from my hands on my tattered pants, my resolve hardening with every breath. The mansion is still under attack, and my friends—my family—need me.
I turn to bolt to the next room when a strange shift in the air makes me freeze—a ripple, like reality itself hiccupped. This isn’t my doing.
I spin around, but before I can even process what’s happening, a door materializes out of thin air. It hovers there, glowing with a light that feels wrong, like it belongs to a place that doesn’t give a damn about things like hope or mercy. My heart lurches, adrenaline spiking as I instinctively reach for my powers. But they fizzle out, sputtering like a dying flame.
The door swings open, and a figure steps out. Cloaked in shadow, they bear the insignia of the Time Variance Authority on their chest, a symbol of cold, unyielding authority.
“Y/N,” the figure speaks, voice smooth as polished steel. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“What?” The word comes out more as a snarl, anger sparking to life within me. I have no time for this. “What the hell are you talking about? I need to stop them—my friends—”
“—Are meant to die,” the figure interrupts, their tone as final as a tombstone. “This timeline is not yours to change.”
The words hit me like a blow to the gut, driving the breath from my lungs. “What?”
Another figure appears beside the first, blocking my path. “It’s not your decision,” the second figure says, calm and detached. “You’re disrupting the timeline, and for that, you must be removed.”
“Removed?” I echo, my voice quivering with fury now. Cold dread coils around my chest, squeezing tight. “You can’t just—”
The first figure raises a hand, and my world goes dark. My muscles lock, frozen in place as a swirling portal opens beneath my feet. Panic surges, but it’s too late. The world dissolves into a whirlpool of shadows and chaos, the cold hands of the TVA agents the last thing I see before I’m dragged into the abyss.
The Void is worse than death. As I fall, time twists and warps around me, past, present, and future bleeding together in a nauseating blur. Memories crash over me in waves—Logan’s gruff voice, the X-Men’s laughter, the mansion bathed in warm sunlight. It all slips through my fingers, distant echoes swallowed by the darkness.
I hit the ground hard, the impact like a sledgehammer to my spine. Pain explodes in my ribs, but I grit my teeth and force myself up. The world around me is a desolate wasteland, an endless expanse of lost possibilities and forgotten timelines. Cold, lifeless, devoid of anything remotely human.
I stagger to my feet, my body aching, the emptiness of the Void pressing in on me from all sides. It’s suffocating, the silence so loud it’s maddening. I am alone—truly, terrifyingly alone.
My chest aches as I push through the underbrush, my hand pressed firmly against my side where the pain throbs persistently. I can’t see my future here—my control over time-slipping is erratic, even on a good day. The uncertainty only makes the situation worse. Each step through the dense forest feels like I’m wading through thick, invisible mud, the oppressive silence wrapping around me like a heavy shroud. My breath comes in ragged gasps, the crushing weight of despair threatening to overwhelm me.
A flicker of movement catches my eye, a brief flash of light piercing the gloom. My heart skips a beat as a figure materializes from the swirling smoke, gradually solidifying. I squint at the fiery glow surrounding him, a stark contrast to the dark, oppressive forest. Fear grips me, and I instinctively reach for my powers, but nothing happens. I’m powerless, feeling utterly useless.
“Hey there!” The figure calls out, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and curiosity. “You look like you’ve seen better days. Want a hand, or are you planning on moping around all by yourself?”
I blink, trying to process his presence amidst the chaos. “Who are you?”
He grins, flames dancing around his fingers. “Johnny Storm. You know, the Human Torch.” His casual tone does little to soothe my fear, and I take a step back, distrust etched on my face. “You look like you could use some company. So, what’s your story? Lost and hopeless, or just taking a scenic tour of the void?”
I scowl, irritation mingling with confusion. “I’m not in the mood for jokes. I’m having a really bad day—dragged into a cosmic wasteland and all.”
Johnny raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement still lingering in his expression. “Ah, a bad day. I’ve had a few of those myself. So, what’s got you all twisted up?”
I swallow hard, my mind replaying the horrifying scenes from moments before—Kurt’s lifeless body, the screams of my friends and family. “I was trying to save my friends when these… guys in suits showed up and sent me here. Why are you here, anyway? Cosmic firefighter?”
“More like a cosmic firestarter,” Johnny retorts with a wink, his flames flaring playfully. “Anyone the TVA deems as trash ends up here—the lost and abandoned. Now, how about we get you out of this mess? The Borderlands is a decent place to catch a break.”
I narrow my eyes, skepticism etched on my face. “Borderlands? Sounds like a place where people go to get even more lost.”
Johnny smirks, his flames casting flickering shadows on his face. “Well, it’s got its charm. Plus, we’ve got a few folks there who might be able to help you out. But if you’re expecting a five-star resort, you’re gonna be disappointed.”
“I’m not picky,” I reply with a hint of weariness.
Johnny’s grin widens, but there’s a hard edge to it now. “Oh, and just so you know, there’s a delightful lady named Cassandra who’s been making a little shit storm. To put it mildly, she’s a real cunt.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I’ve encountered a few of those in my time.”
Johnny’s expression darkens further. “She’s a real menace. And then there’s Alioth, a cosmic entity that thrives on chaos. Think of it as a hungry monster that devours everything in its path.”
“That sounds… cheerful,” I deadpan. “What do you do here, anyway? Fight monsters and avoid psychopaths?”
Johnny chuckles, the sound a welcome break from the heavy silence. “Pretty much. But don’t worry. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, and from what I can see, you can handle yourself just fine.”
I look him over, nodding grimly, quick to expect my fate.
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Next Part
A/N: Will maybe consider making a taglist! But lmk what you think!
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jksarchives · 11 days
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PAIRING; jungkook x reader
GENRE; lovers to strangers, angst
CHAPTER WARNINGS; mention of blood
WC; 12.3k
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✎ series masterlist
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It had been exactly three months since Jungkook came back to your shared apartment to collect the last of his belongings.
Three months since he had permanently walked out of your life, leaving behind the echoes of a ten-year relationship. The ten years together was reduced to a cardboard box.
Even after your outburst, he had been calm, almost detached, as if the decade you shared was merely a chapter he was closing without a second thought or consideration.
You sat at a small, round table outside your office’s café to have your lunch break. You absently stirred your coffee, your mind far from the noise of the busy city around you.
With your other hand, you scrolled through the news on your phone. And your heart sank as you saw the bold headlines finally announcing his wedding.
There was a photo of the happy couple, beaming at each other with an affection that made your stomach churn.
▍“Jeon Jungkook of Jeon Enterprise Marries Childhood Sweetheart — A Perfect Match.”
The article was full of praise for the match, highlighting how their union was a merging of two influential families, and how it had been celebrated as the wedding of the year.
The girl he was marrying wasn’t a stranger to anyone, nor was she someone Jungkook had just met. Aera was her name. She was the daughter of his father’s best friend, a model. She was a woman who was not only successful in her own right but also well-known throughout the country.
Of course you had only just learned that fact as you read through the article.
And, childhood sweetheart?
You couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh, because he had never mentioned this girl in all your years together.
Was he already thinking about her while you were still together? Had he ever really loved you, or were you just a placeholder until the real thing came along?
You felt a pang in your chest, the kind that took your breath away. It wasn’t the sharp, overwhelming pain of the initial breakup; it was more of a dull, persistent throb, like an old injury flaring up.
A part of you had always hoped that Jungkook would come back, that he would realise the mistake he had made in leaving you. But seeing him in that picture, with his arm wrapped around his new wife, that hope finally crumbled into dust.
You felt your eyes sting. For a moment you thought about leaving the café and going back to the office, forgetting about the remaining thirty minutes of your unpaid break.
But you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t cry anymore, that you would be strong.
You were tired — tired of crying, tired of feeling stuck in a place where the past held so much power over your present. You had shed enough tears, spent enough nights questioning yourself and replaying the moments where maybe, just maybe, things could have gone differently.
You wanted to move on. You needed to.
But the truth was, you didn’t know how to move on.
Ten years was a long time to spend with someone, to build a life with them, only to have it all torn away in an instant. And now, to see Jungkook so happy, so quickly after your breakup, it made you feel like everything you had shared meant nothing. Like you had meant nothing at all.
Ten years was a long time — long enough for you to lose yourself in the identity you had both built together.
Who were you without him? What did you want from life now that the future you both planned was no longer an option?
These questions haunted you, leaving you feeling lost and unsure of how to take the first steps toward healing.
You knew that moving on wasn’t something that could be forced. It wasn’t a matter of waking up one day and deciding that you were over him. It was a process, one that would likely be messy and nonlinear.
But as you sat with the news of his marriage, you also realised that you couldn’t stay in this limbo forever. It wasn’t fair to yourself — to the person you had the potential to become.
There would be no easy answers, no quick fixes.
But maybe that was okay. Maybe moving on wasn’t about forgetting him or erasing the past. Maybe it was about finding a way to carry those memories with you while still making space for new ones.
You had spent so much time looking back, trying to understand what went wrong, that you had forgotten to look forward, to consider what might come next.
But you didn’t have all the answers. You weren’t even sure where to start.
Suddenly, the chair opposite you at your table scraped loudly against the tiled floor, jolting you from your thoughts. You didn’t even notice that someone had approached your table. Your focus shifted from the phone in your hand to the man now sitting in front of you.
A soft thud on the table — a plastic wrapped burrito — accompanied his arrival, and you finally looked up, blinking as your mind tried to catch up with reality.
“Thought I’d find you here” the manly voice said.
“Hey there, lost in thought, or are you just admiring my good looks?” Mingyu teased, his voice light and playful.
Despite the ache in your chest, you couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
Mingyu was your best friend who you worked alongside at the office. He was probably the only guy friend you had and trusted the most. Though you only knew him since the beginning of college, you two became inseparable, just like with Minhee.
He always had a way of doing things — breaking through your walls with his easy-going humor. He always knew how to lift your spirits, even on the darkest days.
“Not everything revolves around you, you know” you shot back, trying to match his tone, but your voice wavered slightly.
“Well, it sure does look like it. Have you seen all the ladies trying to get my number at the office?” he playfully smirked to himself as he raised his brow.
You forced a small smile, the corners of your mouth lifting slightly, though your heart wasn’t in it. Mingyu’s timing, as usual, was both impeccable and unfortunate.
You appreciated his attempt to cheer you up, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to be pulled out of the emotional cocoon you had wrapped yourself in just yet.
Still, you didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
Mingyu’s expression softened when he noticed your gloomy mood. He leaned forward as his eyes searched for yours.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked.
“Just...life stuff,” you replied vaguely, trying to brush it off.
But the effort to sound nonchalant was betrayed by the lingering sadness in your voice. You knew Mingyu would pick up on it — he was more perceptive than he let on.
Mingyu didn’t say anything. He just stared at you, as if his eyes spoke to you, to tell him what was really going on.
You knew better. Likewise Minhee, Mingyu had been there through it all — the breakup, the tears, the late-night phone calls when you couldn’t sleep. He would see right through any mask you tried to put up.
You sighed heavily, knowing there was no use in beating around the bush.
There was a moment of hesitation as your fingers hovered over the screen, as if unsure whether you should share what was weighing on your heart. But this was him. Your best friend. The one person who knew you inside and out, who had seen you at your best and worst, and never judged you for either.
With a quiet breath, you unlocked the phone and slid it across the table towards him. Your eyes averted from the screen, as if it burned you to look at it.
Mingyu picked up the phone, his brows knitting together as he glanced at the screen. The bright display showed the news article you’ve been reading, with a headline that slowly began to make sense. His eyes scanned the words, piecing together the story, and when he finally understood, his frown deepened.
The news was simple enough: a wedding announcement. Your ex-boyfriend, the man you once imagined spending the rest of your life with, was getting married.
He knew this day would come eventually. After all, the engagement had been public knowledge for months. But knowing it and seeing it were two different things. He processed the information, the realisation settling in.
When he looked up at you again, his expression had softened. He didn’t need to ask how you felt, it was written all over your face. You were trying so hard to hold it together, to be strong, but he could see the cracks in your facade, the vulnerability that you rarely showed to anyone.
“Hey,” he softly called out as he placed your phone down.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, okay? I know you’re hurting. You don’t have to keep it all inside” he said.
You let out a shaky breath as you looked up at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears. “It’s not fair, you know? He gets to be happy, and I’m just…I’m still trying to figure out how to be okay” your voice almost came out as a whisper.
Mingyu wanted to say something, anything that would take away your pain. But all he could think about was how much he wanted to punch Jungkook, to make him feel even a fraction of the hurt he had caused you.
The images of him smiling happily in wedding photos, celebrating his new life, filled him with a rage he hadn't felt before. How could he move on so easily? How could he be so happy after everything he had put you through?
“You know what?” he said, his voice hardening.
“He doesn’t deserve to be happy. Not after what he did to you. And the fact that he can just move on like that, like you didn’t matter, like you were just a chapter he could close — that’s on him, not you. It says everything about who he is, and nothing about who you are” his jaw clenched as he spoke.
You smiled weakly, appreciating his words, but still feeling the sting of the news. “I know. I just wish it didn’t hurt so much” you sighed.
There was some silence for a minute or two. While Mingyu kept his gaze on you, you kept your head low to avoid looking at him.
You then shrugged, “but, I guess it’s okay. I mean, it’s been a while…I should be over it by now, right?” you said, unsure of your own words.
But he could see through you. He knew you too well to believe that. The tightness in your voice, the way you couldn't quite meet his eyes, all of it told him that you were far from okay. And that made his blood boil.
He gripped his coffee cup so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
“No Y/n, it’s not okay” he unintentionally snapped, and you looked up at him, surprised by the intensity in his voice. Upon realising his tone, Mingyu sighed.
It wasn't okay. Not to him.
The thought of that man walking away unscathed, while you had to pick up the pieces of your life, was unbearable. He wanted to protect you, to shield you from the pain, but he also wanted to make Jungkook pay for what he had done.
It was irrational, he knew that, but the urge to punch the guy in the face, to wipe that smug smile off his face, was almost overwhelming.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but the anger still simmered just beneath the surface. “I just...I hate seeing you hurt because of him,” he said, his voice softer now, but still edged with anger.
“It’s not okay for him to give up a ten year relationship and move on so quickly like it was nothing. It’s just so fucked up Y/n, you didn’t deserve any of that” he said.
“Then what do I do Gyu?” you question with a broken voice. It was a question he didn’t really have an answer for, but all he knew was that he couldn’t see you break any more than you already were.
“What I’m saying is, I just want you to remember that none of this is your fault” he began as he reached out to hold your hands.
“You gave him everything — your love, your time, your patience. You did everything you could to make that relationship work. But it wasn’t you who failed. It was him. He was the one who took your love for granted, who thought that after everything you two shared, he could just walk away and start over with someone else. That’s on him, not you” he ranted.
“I hate how you’re questioning yourself over him. You’ve always been more than enough. If anything, he was the one who wasn’t enough for you. He treated your relationship like it was something cheap, something he could trade in for something new. That was his choice, his failure, not yours” he continued.
You looked down at your hands, twisting your fingers together as if trying to wring the pain out of them. You tried to control your tears as you nibbled on your lips hard.
Mingyu couldn’t stand to see you like this, burdened by a guilt that didn’t belong to you. He reached out, gently lifting your chin so you had to meet his gaze.
“You’ve blamed yourself enough, and it has to stop. You gave him your best, and he chose to walk away. That doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough” he assured you.
You knew you had reached a point where you had to accept the truth.
You had to accept that the man you once loved, the man you still loved, had moved on. He had found happiness with someone else, and there was nothing you could do to change that. It was a hard pill to swallow, but deep down, you knew it was the only way forward rather than keep blaming yourself when none of it was your fault.
And you were glad that Minhee and Mingyu were there to remind you about it, while still giving you the space and reassurance you needed.
But acceptance didn’t come easily.
It wasn’t something you could force, and it wasn’t something that happened overnight. It was a slow, painful process of coming to terms with the fact that your life had taken a turn you never expected. The future you imagined was no longer possible, and you had to find a way to make peace with that.
Moving forward seemed impossible, like asking you to walk with broken legs. But you knew that as long as you held on to the past, you would never be able to heal.
Accepting your fate was the first step toward reclaiming your life, even if that life felt empty without him. It meant facing the pain head-on, allowing yourself to grieve not just the loss of him, but the loss of who you had been with him.
“You’ll get through this Y/n, I promise” Mingyu said, and you could only give him a weak smile.
“Minhee and I will always be here for you. And if we need to kick that bastard’s ass, we will gladly do so” his voice firmed, to which you couldn’t help but slightly giggle.
“You’re just looking for an opportunity to beat him up” you told him.
“He hurt my best friend, of course I’d want to beat the shit out of him” he scoffed, picking up his coffee mug and then taking a sip.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone before stuffing it in your bag. “Hurry up, our break finishes in two minutes” you told him, changing the topic. You stood up to leave but waved his hand to stop you as he chugged his coffee.
Finally placing the cup down, he stood up. “Damn, I didn’t even get to eat my burrito” he huffed.
“Too bad, you’ll have to starve for the rest of the day. Now hurry” you said nonchalantly before you began to walk off.
“Rude” Mingyu mumbled with a frown. You knew he was probably going to secretly stuff his face at his desk next to you while using you as a shield from your boss.
It was almost 3pm.
You sat at your desk with your back straight, and your eyes glued to the computer. Your fingers moved swiftly over the keys as you navigated through the data you were inputting. The reports had to be submitted by the end of the day, and you were determined to finish everything on time.
Though a lot had happened in your life for the past few months, you managed to step up with your focus. Your focus was razor-sharp, undeterred by the distractions around you — at least for the most part.
Sitting at the adjacent desk, Mingyu was in a state of panic. Though he tried to keep it subtle, his eyes darted nervously around the office as he took rapid, secretive bites from his burrito he was unable to eat earlier.
The aroma of warm grilled meat, beans, and spices filled the corner of the office, making you smirk without even looking up from your screen. Just as you predicted.
Your boss, Mr. Han, was in his glass-walled cabin, not more than twenty feet away. The positioning of the cabin gave him a direct line of sight to most of his employees, and that included the corner where you both sat.
You could hear the rustle of the burrito wrapper, and you knew Mingyu was trying to muffle the sound, which only made it more noticeable in the quiet office.
You finally glanced sideways at him. He was hunched over, pretending to review documents on his desk while quickly cramming the burrito into his mouth. His cheeks were puffed out, and the desperate look in his eyes betrayed the calm he was attempting to project. It was like watching a squirrel trying to hide its food before someone else discovered it.
You sighed, trying to ignore him as you went back to her report.
But the sound of his loud chewing broke through your focus again. You pressed your lips into a thin line.
You darted a glance his way. He was trying to eat quietly, but the rustle of the burrito wrapper and the squelch of sauce made his attempts impossible.
“Can you stop being so loud?” you hissed under your breath as you looked towards him.
Mingyu froze for a second, mid-bite, his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. He glanced at you, then at the boss’s office, as if trying to gauge whether he’d been caught. When he realised he was still in the clear, he lowered the burrito slightly.
“What? I’m starving here. I didn’t get to eat...you know, trying to comfort you,” he said with a grumpy frown.
You rolled your eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. You appreciated Mingyu more than you let on, but this wasn’t the time to show it.
You were swamped, and the last thing you needed was to be pulled out of your focus by his lunchtime theatrics.
“Yeah, yeah, thanks for that” you muttered, your eyes going back to focusing on the screen.
“Just finish eating before Mr. Han sees you and writes you up for violating the ‘no food at the desk’ rule” you told him.
Mingyu smirked, suddenly unbothered by the threat. “He’s not going to notice,” he whispered, glancing cautiously toward the boss’s office. “He’s on a call anyway” he added.
“Right, that’s why you’re being a sneaky little rat hiding behind me” you scoffed.
You knew he was probably right. Mr. Han was often too preoccupied with phone calls and meetings to notice the small infractions happening under his nose. Still, you weren’t going to take any chances, especially since you were already on his radar after that rough meeting earlier in the morning.
“It’s just an extra precaution” he argued back.
“Whatever, just be quiet” you said before continuing with your work.
It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later that you suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over you.
It was subtle at first, a mere flutter that made you blink a few times. But then it grew stronger, a sensation that left you light-headed, as though the ground beneath you was shifting.
Your vision blurred, the sharp black lines of the spreadsheet softening and bending at the edges. You tried to refocus, blinking hard and squinting, but the haze refused to clear.
You shook your head to attempt to clear the fog settling over your mind. A small frown creased your brow as you leaned back in your chair, taking a deep breath.
Maybe it was the stress, or perhaps you hadn’t slept well enough the night before. It was hard to tell, but you had no time for this — there was still so much work to be done.
You rubbed your temples and tried to force yourself to concentrate, your fingers hovering over the keyboard.
Mingyu had noticed your sudden stillness, and the slight fidgeting that followed. He glanced over, and concern immediately knitted his features when he saw you shaking your head and pressing your fingers against your temples.
“Y/n,” he asked softly, his voice laced with worry, “are you okay?”.
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to alarm him. You hated being the center of attention when you weren’t feeling well — especially in the office. It was just a moment of weakness, you told yourself. Something fleeting.
“I’m fine,” you said, your voice steady but soft. You offered him a small smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Just a little dizzy, probably need more coffee or something”.
But even as you spoke, you could feel the strange fog lingering. Your mouth felt dry, your throat slightly parched.
You reached for the water bottle sitting on your desk, your fingers wrapping tightly around it as if anchoring yourself to something solid. With a small twist, you opened the cap and took a slow sip, letting the cool liquid soothe your throat.
The dizziness didn’t subside immediately, but the act of drinking water helped you refocus. You could feel Mingyu’s gaze lingering on you, his brows still furrowed. He didn’t seem convinced, but you appreciated that he didn’t press the issue further.
“You sure?” he asked, leaning slightly towards you. “You’ve been working nonstop for hours. Maybe you need a break”.
You shook your head as you capped the bottle and set it back down on the desk.
“It’s alright” you replied, though you weren't quite sure yourself.
Your head felt slightly clearer now, but a nagging sense of unease remained. “I’ll be fine. Just need to get through this report” you told him.
Mingyu gave you a knowing look. “Don’t push yourself too hard, alright?” he said.
You nodded again, “I won’t” you said, offering him a more genuine smile this time.
He gave you one last glance before returning to his work, but you could still feel his concern hovering nearby.
Taking another deep breath, you straightened in your chair and refocused on the screen in front of you. The letters and numbers on the spreadsheet seemed to swim a little less now, but you promised yourself you’d take a real break soon.
Just one more task to finish. Just a little more.
The quietness in the office room was interrupted when the main door at the far end of the room creaked open.
You glanced up briefly, your curiosity piqued, but quickly returned your attention to your work, assuming it was a delivery or perhaps a colleague returning from a break.
But there was a sudden shift in atmosphere when a couple walked in. It was more a subtle shift — a collective awareness that whoever had just entered commanded respect, or perhaps a higher level of attention.
Everyone in the room had their attention on them apart from you, who was too immersed in your work.
Mr. Han was the first to react. His head snapped up from his screen, eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise and enthusiasm.
He quickly stood up, adjusting his suit jacket before striding out of his office with the kind of urgency reserved for someone important. As he approached the couple, his voice took on a tone that was almost worshipful.
“Mr. and Mrs. Jeon! Welcome, it’s a pleasure to see you both” her boss greeted them with a wide, almost courteous smile.
Your fingers froze over the keyboard mid-sentence.
The name hit you like a wave of ice water.
You were frozen completely, your heart skipping a beat as the reality of the situation sank in. Slowly, almost as if you were afraid of what you would find, you turned your head toward the door, your body stiff, unwilling to fully confront the scene.
There, standing tall and composed in the doorway, was Jungkook.
It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. He hadn’t changed much since the last time you saw him — his dark hair still fell slightly over his forehead, and his presence still commanded the room in that subtle, effortless way it always had.
But something about him felt different now. More polished, more distant, like he had moved on in a way you never quite had.
He was looking as smart and composed as ever in a tailored suit, the very picture of success and confidence. And his arm was draped loosely around the waist of a woman with sleek, styled hair and a diamond ring that glittered in the office lighting.
The woman he had just married. Aera.
The two of them looked every bit the perfect couple, a vision of what your life might have been had things gone differently.
But why is he here?
You didn’t expect this. Why would you?
He never mentioned anything about business ties to your company, not during your time together, not even in passing.
Yet, here he was, standing in your office, the place you thought was your own, a separate space from the past you both shared. And worse, he was here as someone important — someone who clearly had a powerful connection to your boss.
“Why is that bastard here?” you heard Mingyu curse under his breath as he shot daggers at the couple. He too had the same question, and was seething with anger as his fists clenched tightly
For a moment, you prayed he wouldn’t notice you. That the busy office, the crowd of people, and the conversations would swallow you whole and spare you from this encounter.
But fate, as always, had a cruel sense of humor.
While Jungkook conversed with your boss, his eyes swept across the room, indifferent, until they finally landed on you.
His smile faltered.
It was subtle, barely noticeable, but you saw it — the moment recognition flickered in his eyes, and the easy, confident smile he wore dipped for just a fraction of a second.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you locked eyes, a torrent of emotions flashing between you in the briefest of moments. His expression softened into something you couldn’t quite read — regret, surprise, or perhaps something else entirely — but it was enough to send your stomach into knots.
And then, as quickly as it happened, the moment passed. Aera turned to him with a smile, completely oblivious to the silent exchange, and he broke the gaze, looking down at her with that same charming smile that once used to belong to you.
Maybe it really was the time to accept that you no longer existed in his life.
You swallowed hard, your hands trembling slightly as they hovered over the keyboard once again. You wanted to disappear, to melt into the background and become invisible.
But the truth was, you were stuck there, at your desk, with nowhere to hide.
As the couple moved further into the room, their attention now on your boss, you allowed yourself one last glance in their direction. There was a strange numbness that settled in your chest as you saw the way he held her, just like he used to hold you.
You turned back to your screen, your vision slightly blurred as you stared at the half-finished report. The words no longer made sense, your concentration completely shattered.
For the first time in a while, you felt like the world had shifted beneath your feet, and all you could do was hold on until the moment passed.
You didn’t want to look at him. And you didn’t want him to look at you. You just seeked an excuse to rid yourselves from each others’ lives now that neither of you had anything to do with each other.
Perhaps it’ll hurt less.
You tried to concentrate back on your work, to ignore his presence, but you felt the wave of nausea and dizziness wash over you again. As you stared at the screen in front of you, the numbers and letters blurred, and you had to blink a few times to steady your vision.
You took a few sips of water, but it didn’t help. If anything, you started feeling worse.
You took a deep breath, trying to shake off the strange haze in your mind. But just as you thought you had gained some control, the dizziness striked again, stronger this time.
Your hands instinctively reached for the edge of your desk, fingers gripping the cool surface as if it were the only thing keeping you harboured to the earth. Your heart began to race, and a cold sweat formed on your forehead.
You felt a gentle nudge against your arm. Startled, you turned your head slowly towards him with unsteady movement. You saw Mingyu looking at you with worry etched on his face.
“Y/n, are you okay? You look really pale” he asked, his voice low and soft.
You forced a small smile, swallowing the unease that was tightening in your chest. “I'm fine,” you lied, your voice sounding weaker than you intended.
But Mingyu wasn’t convinced this time. His eyes scanned her face, noticing the way your shoulders were tense, the slight tremble in your hands as you rested them in your lap. He knew you too well to let it go.
“You don’t look fine to me Y/n. I think you should go home and rest, I’ll let Mr. Han know” he said, but you shook your head.
“G-Gyu, I’m fine, really. Maybe it’s all this screen time. I’ll be fine after a break” you tried to convince him more. You didn’t want to worry him — or worse, be the center of attention in the office especially when he was here.
You were always the one who handled things on your own, the one who didn’t need help. But right now, your body was betraying you, and the more you tried to shake off the dizziness, the more persistent it became.
Slowly, you stood up from your chair, but the moment you did, the dizziness intensified. It was as if the ground beneath you had moved, and you stumbled slightly, your feet feeling unstable.
You reached out instinctively as your hand brushed against the edge of the desk for support. Your heart was racing in your chest as you tried to balance yourself, but your legs felt weaker than they should.
Mingyu was by your side in an instant, his hand hovering near your back, ready to catch you if you fell. “Whoa, careful there,” he said worriedly, “you sure you’re okay?” he asked.
You nodded, though your confidence in your own balance was shaky at best. “Yeah, just a little off-balance. I’m fine, really. I’m going to go to the restroom” you told him. Mingyu nibbled on his lip, nervous to let you go alone in this condition. But he nodded anyway.
As you took your first step toward the restroom, you weren’t so sure whether you’d even make it to the restroom before you faint.
Each step felt heavier than the last, as though your body was moving through water, and your mind was struggling to keep up with the physical effort.
The dizziness swirled around you, making your surroundings feel longer to walk through than it was. The fluorescent lights overhead were too bright, it was making everything even worse.
You were barely halfway across the office when you felt it — a warm, wet sensation on your upper lip.
You paused mid-step, frowning in confusion. Slowly, your hand reached up to touch your nose. And when you pulled your fingers away, they were smeared with bright red blood.
A nosebleed.
Your dizziness deepened, and a sense of vertigo overtaking you. You blinked a few times to try to ease yourself, but the room was spinning now, the walls closing in.
You didn’t have time to process the blood, the dizziness, or the sudden overwhelming feeling of vulnerability. Your body felt lighter, like you were losing control of your limbs.
Suddenly, your foot misstepped, and you staggered, causing her body to tilt forward. Before you could register what was happening, you collided with something solid — a hard chest.
You gasped, and your vision was swirling as you tried to regain your footing, but your legs gave out beneath you. You were falling.
But then, just as quickly, you felt a strong pair of arms catch you. They wrapped around you firmly and steadily, preventing you from hitting the floor.
For a moment, you leaned into the embrace, the warmth and strength unfamiliar yet comforting in your current state of weakness. Your breaths were shallow, and your vision blurred further as you tilted your head back, trying to see who had caught you.
Through the haze, your blurry vision settled on a familiar face, the lines of his jaw and the shape of his unmistakable big doe eyes.
Your breath hitched in your throat. Your heart pounded in your chest for a different reason now.
It was him.
The man who had broken your heart not so long ago, the one you had spent months crying over. And here he was, holding you in his arms as if the past hadn't shattered you.
“I’ve got you,” Jungkook whispered softly, his voice cutting through the fog in her mind.
His expression shifted from surprise to alarm as he noticed the blood trickling down from your nose. “What the hell—?” his arms tightened around you to keep you upright.
“Y/n! Fuck your nose is bleeding!” his voice was sharp with worry.
The world around you continued to spin, your body weak from the dizziness. Your mind raced with a flood of emotions — confusion, anger, and something you didn’t want to acknowledge, relief.
But the last thing you wanted was his help.
Desperately, you tried to push him away, to pull yourself from his grip. The humiliation of being caught in such a vulnerable state — by him of all people — was almost worse than the dizziness.
You needed to get away, to be anywhere but in his arms.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, trying to sound stern and cold. But your voice came out weak and shaky, betraying you.
You attempted to take a step, but your legs wobbled as they refused to cooperate. Your body was betraying you now, too. No matter how much your mind screamed at you to move, your limbs wouldn’t obey.
The dizziness surged again, threatening to pull you under. You swayed, and his grip on you tightened as he pulled you closer, his breath warm against her ear.
“You’re not fine,” he murmured, his tone firmer now. His hand moved to the back of your head, gently supporting you.
But his touch burned.
The comfort of his arms turned to ice. Anger surged through you, fueled by the hurt you had buried deep inside, hurt you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel fully until this very moment.
You tried to push him away with your palms weakly pressing against his chest, but your body betrayed her once again, too weak to follow through.
“Don’t touch me,” you croaked, your voice raspier than you intended, more vulnerable than you wanted it to be. You tried again, harder this time, but your knees trembled, and you swayed unsteadily.
“Y/n, you're not okay. Let me—” he started, worriedly trying to reach for you again.
“I said don’t!” your voice cracked, but your anger flared stronger.
You couldn’t stand the concern in his eyes, the worry that once would have comforted you but now only reminded you of the pain he had caused.
You didn’t want his help, not now, not ever again.
You’re finally coming to accept that he broke your heart. You’re finally coming to accept that he had fallen in love with another woman who apparently made him happier than you.
You’re finally coming to accept the fact that he’s not yours anymore. Maybe he never was.
But as much as you wanted to move away from him, your body refused to cooperate. The dizziness was overwhelming now, the room spinning so violently you could barely keep your eyes open.
The blood continued to drip from your nose, a warm trail sliding over your upper lip. Your vision dimmed again, the edges darkening even more than before.
Jungkook could only stare at you with hurt flashing in his eyes and his heart dropping to his stomach.
His face remained blurred to you but his voice sounded closer, “please let me help you, you’re bleeding Y/n” he sounded desperate and panicky.
You clenched your teeth, feeling frustration and exhaustion battling within you. You wanted to yell at him, tell him to leave you alone, but the words wouldn’t come.
No matter how much you resisted, the dizziness was overwhelming your senses, pulling you further down into darkness. You tried to fight it, but your vision grew blurrier, your limbs heavier, until you couldn’t fight anymore.
Eventually, your body slumped against Jungkook’s chest as consciousness slipped away from your grasp.
“Y/n!” his voice was loud and panicked which caught the attention of everyone in the room. His arms tightened around you, catching you before you could hit the floor.
“Y/n, hey, stay with me!” he shook you gently, but your head lolled against his chest, unresponsive.
From the corner of the room, a chair scraped harshly against the floor, and Mingyu appeared in an instant, rushing towards you both. His face twisted with concern yet anger as he took in the sight of you in Jungkook’s arms, unconscious and nose bleeding.
“Y/n! Y/N!” his voice cut through the haze of unconsciousness, filled with panic.
Without hesitation, he shoved Jungkook away, his expression fierce as he crouched beside you. “Get the hell away from her!” he barked, feeling his protective instincts kicking in.
Jungkook stumbled back , and his arms fell uselessly at his sides as he stared, wide-eyed, at your pale, bleeding form. Mingyu didn't spare him a second glance.
“Y/n? Y/n, come on, wake up,” Mingyu muttered urgently, gently pulling you into his arms. His hands trembled as he brushed your hair away from your face, wiping at the blood that was still trickling from your nose. Panic filled in his chest, and his heart was racing uncontrollably. Your skin was cold, and you weren’t responding.
“Mingyu” Jungkook began, stepping forward, his voice shaking. But Mingyu shot him a glare that could have stopped anyone in their tracks.
"I said back. off.” he gritted his teeth. He didn’t care that he was superior to your boss, he’ll always be the bastard who shattered his best friend’s heart and dreams.
Everyone in the office stopped what they were doing as they watched the scene unfold with shock and disbelief. The murmur of whispers filled the room, but Mingyu couldn’t focus on any of it. His only concern was his best friend, who lay unmoving in his arms.
“Somebody call an ambulance!” he yelled into the open office space, his voice breaking with fear.
In the chaos that followed, Jungkook took a hesitant step forward, reaching out as if to help, but Mingyu’s glare stopped him cold. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed. “You’ve done enough”
His words stung, but Jungkook remained frozen, torn between the guilt weighing on his heart and the reality of what was happening. All he could do was watch as the woman he once loved lay unconscious, bleeding and vulnerable.
The office, which had fallen eerily silent, suddenly erupted into action. A few co-workers rushed to call for help while others watched the scene unfold, frozen in shock.
As the seconds ticked by, Mingyu held you tight, refusing to let go. He glanced down at your pale face, brushing his thumb gently over your cheek.
“You're going to be okay Y/n. I swear it,” he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
Seconds later, Mr. Han appeared from his office along with Aera. Both their faces were masked with confusion as they heard the commotion.
“What’s going on here?” Mr. Han asked as he arrived at the scene. He glanced at your unconscious with wide eyes before they glanced at the two men, trying to piece together what had happened.
But Mingyu didn’t answer. All he needed to hear was that the ambulance was on its way. And to his mild relief, someone stepped in. “The ambulance is coming” the man told him
Aera’s eyes flickered between Mingyu, you, and Jungkook, who was still standing frozen, his face pale. He had drops of your blood on his light blue shirt.
A knot of unease tightened in her stomach as she glanced at him, noting the way he was staring at you. She had always sensed there were unresolved feelings between the two of you, and now, in this moment of crisis, those feelings seemed to hang in the air like a thick cloud.
“Jungkook?” her voice was low, but it broke the silence that had engulfed him. He blinked, his expression shifting as though he had just realised where he was. He looked at her, but there was a flicker of guilt in his eyes. It was subtle, but it was there.
“H-Huh?” he unknowingly stuttered.
“You okay?” she asked as she walked over to him, her hand reaching out to hold him. Jungkook gave her a nod to reassure her, but she saw the way he anxiously swallowed a thick lump.
After what felt like hours, the sound of the sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder as the ambulance approached.
Two paramedics rushed in, kneeling beside you as they swiftly began their assessment. One of them gently lifted your wrist, feeling for a pulse, while the other checked your vitals. The room was eerily silent, everyone watching with bated breath.
“Her pulse is faint,” one of the paramedics said, glancing at his partner with urgency. “We need to move fast”.
Mingyu’s grip on your hand tightened, his eyes wide with fear. “Is she going to be okay?” his voice was barely above a whisper, but the question hung heavy in the air.
The paramedic didn’t answer right away. Instead, they moved with precision, placing an oxygen mask over your face. “We’ll do everything we can,” he finally said, his tone calm but serious.
Jungkook’s heart sank. He had been hoping for better news, but the severity of the situation was now clear. The paramedics moved quickly, placing you on a stretcher and preparing to take you to the hospital.
As they strapped you in, Jungkook’s heart finally broke free from the chains that had held him frozen in place. His pulse raced, his palms sweating.
For all the hurt between you, for all the bitterness you harbored towards him after he had shattered your relationship, he still cared about you deeply.
His feet moved before his mind caught up, and suddenly he was following the paramedics, his mind a blur of guilt and fear. His eyes locked on you as the paramedics wheeled you towards the door. He couldn’t let you go like this, not without doing something.
“I’m going with her,” Jungkook said, his voice breaking as removed himself from Aera’s hold and moved to follow the paramedics out the door.
Before he could take another step, Mingyu blocked his path. His eyes, usually kind, were sharp with fury as he shoved Jungkook back. “Stay away from her,” Mingyu snapped, his voice low and dangerous.
Jungkook stumbled, taken aback by the force of Mingyu’s words. He opened his mouth to protest, to explain, but he saw the raw emotion on Mingyu’s face — the fear, the protectiveness, the anger. It stopped him cold.
“This isn’t about you, Jungkook” Mingyu continued, his voice tight with emotion. “She doesn’t need you anymore. You lost that right”.
Jungkook clenched his fists, his heart pounding in his chest. He wanted to argue, to say that he still cared, that he didn’t want anything bad to happen to you.
“I need to go with her Mingyu” Jungkook said, his voice trembling but determined. “I still care about her” he added.
Mingyu’s face twisted in disbelief and fury. “You care about her?” he repeated, his voice dripping with contempt. “You broke her heart. You don’t get to care about her now” he snapped.
There were audible gasps within the room, followed by hushed whispers, but it was the last thing Jungkook cared about. He stood still, his eyes pleading, “Mingyu, please…” he looked at the man with glossy eyes.
But Mingyu’s rage flared. “No. You’re not going to do this. Not now. She doesn’t need you. I’m here for her” he told him.
No matter how much it hurt for him to admit, Mingyu was right. He had lost his chance with you long ago. And now, all he could do was watch as the paramedics loaded you into the ambulance, Mingyu by your side, while he stood on the curb, helpless.
For a moment, the two men stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. Mr. Han watched tensely, while Aera stood off to the side, her face a mixture of shock and something unreadable as she glanced at her husband.
The tension in the air was heavy, and the seconds ticked by as the paramedics wheeled you out the door, your life hanging in the balance. Mingyu shot Jungkook a last glare before running off to follow the paramedics.
As the ambulance doors shut with a heavy thud, Mingyu rushed to his car, his hands shaking as he fumbled for his keys.
His thoughts were racing in his mind. He knew something was wrong with you, but never thought it would be this serious. What if something happens? He cursed himself for panicking but couldn’t stop the rush of fear choking him.
Once behind the wheel, he followed closely behind the ambulance. His phone vibrated in the passenger seat, but he ignored it. Instead, he grabbed it and quickly dialed the one other person who might understand the terror he felt — Minhee.
Minhee picked up after the second ring. “Hey Gyu, what’s up?” her voice was light, oblivious to what was happening. Mingyu’s breath hitched in his throat, and the words tumbled out in a broken rush.
“It’s Y/n. Minhee she’s — she’s in the ambulance right now. She collapsed at work. There was blood, a nosebleed...I don’t know what happened. I’m following them to the hospital, but I’m scared. I’m really scared” his voice cracked, the enormity of the situation pressing down on him.
There was silence on the other end for a moment, as if Minhee was processing what he’d just said. “Oh my God. I’m on my way. I’ll meet you there. Just — please stay calm, okay?” she said
“I — I’ll try,” he mumbled, his vision blurred by the tears welling up in his eyes. He could barely focus on the road, but somehow, he managed to follow the flashing lights of the ambulance.
After the call ended, he tried to calm his breathing. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he continued following the ambulance. Every mile felt like eternity to him, but all he hoped right now was that the paramedics were doing what they could to stabilise your health.
After a few agonising minutes, the hospital finally came into view. As soon as the ambulance stopped, Mingyu parked his car haphazardly in the nearest space, not caring about the lines, and sprinted to the emergency entrance. He saw them wheeling you inside, your body still motionless, and for a moment, the sight nearly crippled him.
“Wait!” he called after them, his voice strained with desperation, but they were already through the double doors.
He started towards the entrance, but a nurse stepped in front of him, gently stopping him with a hand raised in a placating gesture. “I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to wait out here. We’ll take care of her,” she said, her tone firm but not unkind.
He felt on the verge of breaking down, his heart screaming at the idea of waiting while his best friend was somewhere inside, possibly fighting for her life. His legs wobbled beneath him, and he stared at the nurse, his eyes wide and pleading.
“Please, take care of her. I can’t lose her” he begged, his voice choked with tears.
The nurse’s expression softened as she looked at him. “She will be okay, I promise,” she told him, before stepping through the doors, leaving him standing alone in the sterile, brightly lit waiting area.
Mingyu slumped onto one of the metal chairs in the hallway, burying his face in his hands. His whole body shook as the adrenaline and fear coursed through him.
Every scenario imaginable ran through his mind, each one worse than the last. He knew you were neglecting yourself ever since Jungkook broke up with you. You were improving but he knew at one point you were going to reach your breaking point.
What if it was something serious? What if they couldn’t help you? He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.
A sudden wave of dizziness hit him, and he realised he hadn’t taken a proper breath in what felt like hours. With trembling hands, he pulled his phone from his pocket and messaged Minhee of the hospital he was at.
After a while, the doors to the waiting area swung open and Minhee rushed in. Her eyes scanned the room frantically until they landed on Mingyu, and she immediately sprinted toward him.
“Mingyu!” she cried.
Mingyu noticed her presence and stood up almost instantly, “Minhee” he whispered, his lips quivering. Minhee threw her arms around him the moment she reached him.
He hugged her back just as desperately, his hold tightening as if letting go would make the situation worse. “I don’t know Minhee. She hasn't been feeling well ever since we returned from our lunch break” he began.
“She was going to the restroom, and the next moment, she just collapsed,” he explained as best as he could. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes, and he buried his face in her shoulder, clinging to the only comfort he had in this moment.
Minhee sucked in a shaky breath as she pulled away. She sat down on the chair and pulled him down too. As much as she was worried sick too, one of them had to stay strong and hope for the best.
“She’ll be okay, let’s stay strong, hmm?” she patted his back.
Mingyu nodded, but he couldn’t stop the tears that began to fall freely. Minhee wrapped her arm around his shoulders, trying to be strong for him, but she was scared too. And she knew — of course, she knew — why this was hitting him so hard.
It wasn’t a secret between them. It wasn’t just because you were his best friend — Mingyu loved you.
He had for years, though he had never quite mustered the courage to tell you.
Minhee had always known. She could see it in the way he looked at you, the way he always put you first. The thought of something happening to you was unbearable for both of them, but for Mingyu, it was like his entire world was falling apart.
They had talked about it once, a while ago, when he couldn’t keep it bottled up any longer. Minhee had been the one to listen, to support him, even though they both knew you didn’t feel the same way. At least not when you had Jungkook in your life.
You had always been oblivious, treating Mingyu with the same kind of warmth and affection you gave all to your close friends.
And yet, even knowing that, it hadn’t stopped him from falling for you.
But as Mingyu sat silently, something else stirred inside him. Beneath the fear was another emotion, one that burned hotter and sharper: anger.
“That fucking bastard” he gritted his teeth, his fists tightly clenching.
“What?” Minhee frowned in confusion.
Mingyu heaved out a loud annoyed sigh as he leaned back against the chair, throwing his head back. “Jungkook,” he began, “we don’t know what ties he has with our company, but he came today, with his fucking wife” he continued.
His mind began to replay the events of that lunch break earlier in the day, the last time he and you had talked.
It was only when Jungkook had appeared — with Aera — that your mood had completely shifted. You weren’t feeling well to begin with, but his sudden appearance seemed to worsen your symptoms.
“Can you believe he had the nerve to tell me he still cared about her and wanted to follow me to the hospital?” he huffed, “but I didn’t let him”.
Minhee scoffed, folding her arms against her chest, “he’s lucky I wasn’t there, or I would’ve kicked his ass” she said.
“You don’t know how badly I wanted to break his jaw right then and there, Minhee,” he groaned.
He couldn’t get the image out of his mind, the way your face dropped when you saw Jungkook, the way he was holding his wife, and the way you were pretending like it wasn’t affecting you.
Mingyu had hated Jungkook, he hated the way he still held power over you, even though your relationship had ended long ago and you were trying to come to terms with the fact that you and him were no longer a thing.
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He wanted to scream at the injustice of it all. How could someone like him — someone who had hurt you so deeply — be allowed to waltz back into your life, throwing you off balance again? And with his perfect, picture-perfect life in tow.
It wasn’t fair.
His breathing quickened as the anger built inside him, mixing with the helplessness he was already feeling.
Minhee seemed to notice and placed a hand on his arm. “Hey,” she said softly, “you look like you’re about to explode, calm down” she told him.
He shook his head, trying to steady himself, but the emotions were too strong. “I just...I can’t stand him, you? After everything he’s done” he muttered, his voice thick.
“Me neither, but right now we need to focus on Y/n, okay? She needs us” she said as she gave his arm a gentle squeeze.
Her words were like cold water dousing the flames of his anger, and he nodded, taking a deep breath.
She was right. He needed to be strong right now, for you, not consumed by hatred for someone who didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was that you were going to be okay. You had to be.
The second you slowly began to regain your consciousness, the sterile smell of the ward welcomed you.
You blinked a few times, trying to clear your vision and make sense of your surroundings. The room was white — too white — and the lights overhead were painfully bright, making you squint.
When your vision slightly stabilised, your eyes scanned around the room. The walls were decorated with a few abstract paintings, likely meant to make the sterile environment feel a bit less clinical.
Then you noticed the tubes connected to you by an IV drip, and a heart monitor was attached to your chest. The soft beeping of the monitors were persistent and it was starting to get annoying.
You tried to sit up, but the weight of your body resisted your efforts, forcing you back down against the pillows.
It was as if your limbs had forgotten how to work, and the smallest movement sent waves of weakness coursing through your body.
Your hands trembled slightly as you reached up to touch your forehead, and you could feel the light sheen of sweat there. Your head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds.
You felt disoriented, as if you were floating somewhere between consciousness and an inescapable void. Everything was a haze.
You blinked slowly, trying to piece together how you had ended up here. Your heart pounded in your chest as fragments of memories started to drift back, like broken pieces of glass coming together to form a jagged reflection.
The last thing I remember...you thought.
Then it hit you like a sudden jolt.
You remember feeling dizzy and lightheaded, a sharp, searing pain blooming in your head. You remembered making your way to the restroom when suddenly your nose started to bleed.
And then, Jungkook’s face swam in your memories, remembering how you bumped into him. You remember losing your balance, but he caught you just before you fell backwards and almost smashed your head against the nearby desk.
You remember his worried face, and him trying to help you, but you recoiled at his touch and pushed him away. All you knew at that moment was that you didn't want him near you, not anymore.
But then what?
Your head throbbed as you tried to recall. The nosebleed, the dizziness, the world spinning uncontrollably. After that, there was nothing. Just darkness.
Now, here you were, lying in a hospital bed, alive but barely functioning. Your body felt foreign, heavy like lead, and your mind was still clouded with confusion.
You tried to move your fingers, to test if you still had control over your limbs. Slowly, shakily, your fingers twitched, and you exhaled in relief.
Just then, the door creaked open, and a nurse entered the room. She smiled gently as she approached the bed, clipboard in hand.
“You're awake,” the nurse said with a soothing voice.
“How are you feeling?” she then asked.
You swallowed, feeling your throat dry and scratchy. “Weak,” you managed to croak out.
“As expected, your blood pressure was very high” she sighed, “have you been eating and drinking well?” she then questioned.
The question lingered in the air, and you didn’t respond. Your lips parted slightly, but no words came out.
What were you supposed to say? That you hadn’t cared enough to take care of yourself? That food felt like an unnecessary burden? That since the breakup, you had barely had the will to get out of bed most days, let alone nourish your body?
The silence stretched, uncomfortable but truthful.
The nurse waited for a moment, her expression softening as if she could sense your unspoken troubles. “It's important to take care of yourself, you know. Your body needs it so you can function” she told you.
You nodded again, still silent.
How could you explain that your mind had become your worst enemy in the past few months? Ever since the breakup, your life had unraveled in a slow, agonising way.
At first, it was just the small things — forgetting meals, skipping showers, neglecting your apartment. But then it grew worse. Days would go by where you wouldn’t eat anything at all, surviving on coffee and maybe a piece of toast if you could stomach it.
You had lost weight, felt your energy drain away, but none of it seemed to matter. There was a hollowness inside you, and you didn’t know how to fill it.
Yet, despite your own self-destructive spiral, there were moments of light. Minhee and Mingyu had refused to let you drown. They showed up, even when you ignored their calls.
They dragged you out of bed when you had no will to move. It was their gentle yet firm hands that had begun to pull you back from the edge, slowly helping you to rebuild your routines, though the pain of the heartbreak still lingered.
When the nurse left the room, you stared at the ceiling again, your mind replaying the last few months in pieces. The pain of the breakup still lingered, but you knew you couldn’t live like this forever.
The first step to healing was acceptance.
You had to accept that you had to continue your life without Jungkook.
He loved someone else, and was now married — you had to accept that. You had to accept that he was no longer part of your life, that he wasn’t the soulmate the universe had made for you.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the door opened again. With your vision now more steady and clearer, you turned your head towards the door.
Minhee and Mingyu.
“Y/n” Minhee gasped, rushing to your bedside. Mingyu wasn’t far behind, his eyes already glassy with tears. They moved as if they had been holding their breath for hours, waiting for this moment.
You watched the way their faces flooded with relief seeing you awake. As they both sped towards you, you noticed that Mingyu’s eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying for hours. His bright and easygoing demeanour was nowhere to be found. Minhee on the other looked equally worn. Dark circles marred her eyes, her face pale and drawn like she hadn’t slept all night.
“Oh my god, you’re awake” Minhee whispered as she reached you.
“Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been? You scared the hell out of us” she said, her voice breaking. All you could do was give her a weak hum, your eyes giving her a silent apology.
Mingyu stood on the other side of you, his hand hovering over yours as if he wasn’t sure whether he should touch you or not. His eyes, still bloodshot, were filled with a sadness that tugged your heart.
“Are you feeling okay now?” he asked, trying his best not to break down.
You turned to him and gave him a gentle smile before nodding, “I’m fine Gyu” you told him.
Silence engulfed the room for a minute or two, until he broke it. “You scared the hell out of me,” he choked out. His usual calm composure was slowly crumbling, and it was clear from the way his shoulders trembled.
“I—” his voice broke, and he took a step back, running a hand through his hair, trying to regain some control over his emotions. “I thought something happened to you” he breathed out.
Your eyes softened in guilt. You scared him — really scared him. “I’m sorry” you said with your hoarse voice.
You reached out and grabbed his hand, your fingers cold against his warmth. “I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you, but I'm fine now, really” you reassured him.
You swallowed hard, feeling your chest tighten. You sat up slowly though your muscles protested the movement, but you pushed through the discomfort.
Mingyu saw you struggle, and quickly moved to help you sit up. “Hey, take it easy” he said softly.
“I’m fine,” you lied, managing to prop yourself up with a pillow behind your back. But the truth was, you felt anything but fine. Your body was weak and your head was still spinning.
“How long have I been here?” you then asked.
“It’s almost 8a.m. right now, so you’ve been out since 4p.m. yesterday” Mingyu replied.
Your eyes widened. That was almost twenty hours. But it felt like you had blinked and woken up in a different reality. “Fuck” you mumbled under your breath.
“It’s okay though, you needed that long rest” Minhee said, patting your shoulder.
“I know, I just…” you sighed, trailing off.
“You have to start taking care of yourself more Y/n. I know you’re trying but, we don’t want to see you in this condition again” she worriedly said, taking your hand in hers.
“Okay nurse” you weakly chuckled, trying to lighten up the dull mood in the room.
Minhee couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “I’m being serious Y/n” she deadpanned, shutting you up almost instantly.
“I know, I know. I’ll do better, I promise” you told her.
“We just care about you Y/n, a lot. We just don’t want you to lose yourself in the dark when you have us to support you” Mingyu spoke up.
You weren’t used to being vulnerable, but maybe that was what you needed most right now — to let yourself be vulnerable, to lean on the people who loved you instead of carrying the weight of everything alone. You realised that if you were ever going to heal, you couldn’t do it alone. You needed your friends, the people who had always been there for you.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you guys,” you whimpered. You were grateful for them, truly, and you couldn’t imagine your life if they weren’t your best friends.
“You don’t have to find out,” Minhee replied with a smile. “We’re here. Always” she said.
“Thank you” you sniffed, wiping your eyes.
It wasn’t until one of the nurses came in to give you your breakfast that interrupted your conversation. For a moment your attention went to the tray of food that sat on the table next to you. The bland, unappetizing smell was enough to make your stomach turn.
“I can’t believe they expect you to eat this stuff,” Mingyu said, wrinkling his nose. “It looks like it was left out overnight”.
He knew you too well.
You chuckled weakly, “I know. I was hoping it wouldn’t be as bad as it looks, but I’ve been too scared to even try it. Honestly, I think I’d rather starve” you frowned, eyeing the meal with distaste.
Minhee chuckled softly, “yeah, hospital food is notoriously bad” she said.
“Say no more,” Mingyu replied, standing up with a grin. “I’ll head to the canteen and get you something edible. Anything in particular you’re craving?” he asked.
Your eyes lit up, and you smiled at him gratefully. “Anything that doesn’t look like…that,” you said, pointing to the tray. “I trust your judgment”.
Mingyu gave a mock salute. “One gourmet meal coming up” he winked at you and waved to Minhee as he walked out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“Such a goofball” Minhee giggled, and you couldn’t agree more.
You and Minhee talked amongst each other for a while. And after a few minutes, the door swung open, and Mingyu reappeared with a grin on his face. He held up a brown paper bag and a bottled drink, stepping toward your bed like a hero returning from a quest.
“Ladies, I have returned bearing gifts,” he announced.
You sat up a little with a flicker of anticipation crossing your face. “Please tell me it’s not worse than the hospital food” you looked at him.
Mingyu pulled out a neatly wrapped sandwich and a small side salad. “I bring you a chicken Caesar sandwich and the finest salad this hospital has to offer”. He placed the meal on the table beside your bed, along with a bottle of iced tea.
You eyed the food with cautious excitement, “you really outdid yourself Gyu. I actually think this is…edible” you said.
Mingyu feigned a bow, “my culinary expertise knows no bounds” he said with a proud smile on his face.
Minhee smiled as you gingerly unwrapped the sandwich and took a tentative bite. You chewed thoughtfully before nodding, “okay, not bad. Definitely better than whatever they served me over there” you spoke out. You had no idea what exactly it was but it was certainly not appetising at all and you’d rather starve than eat that.
The three of you then continued to talk for what felt like hours, catching up with things that you had missed while you were out cold, or of random topics that Minhee and Mingyu forgot to talk to you about.
But there was an elephant in the room, a subject none of you wanted to touch: Jungkook. It was almost laughable how carefully you all danced around the subject, considering how central he had been in your life for so long. Although, you were kind of grateful that they didn’t bring him up. The thoughts of him for the past few months had caused you enough heartbreak.
Jungkook walked into the house and closed the front door behind him with a soft but heavy thud. The faint light in the hallway illuminated his furrowed brow and the dark circles forming beneath his eyes.
His heart was still pounding, and it wasn’t just from the hurried drive home. His mind was racing, entangled in a mess of emotions that he couldn’t easily shake.
He was only supposed to a business meeting, expecting nothing more than the usual pleasantries and discussions about growth strategies with his collaborator. But the moment he saw you, his entire world had tilted on its axis.
You weren’t supposed to be there. Or at least, he didn’t expect you to work at his collaborator’s company.
The image of your pale, bloodied face was burned into his memory. The soft thud of your body against his chest had sent his protective instincts into overdrive. He had acted out of reflex, cradling you, trying to call for help.
But before he could do anything, Mingyu had rushed over, his eyes blazing with anger and disgust.
His heart clenched again at the memory of that moment. He had wanted to stay, to make sure you were alright, but the hostility in Mingyu’s eyes had left him feeling powerless and ashamed. He knew he lost the right.
He loosened the tie around his neck with shaking hands, pulling it off and throwing it onto the couch. His skin felt too tight, like his clothes were suffocating him.
He stood in the middle of his living room with panic that had followed him home. His mind swirled with questions: Were you alright? Was it something serious?
He barely noticed Aera watching him from the other side of the room, her arms crossed, her lips pressed into a thin, angry line. He was too caught up in his unrest to sense the storm brewing in her.
But she saw everything — the tension in his shoulders, the worry etched into his features, the way his hands trembled slightly as he ran them through his hair. It was all too obvious.
And she hated it.
She had been there, too. She had seen you collapse. She had seen the way he reacted, how he had rushed to catch you as if some instinct still bound you both together. And she had seen something in his eyes that had made her stomach turn. It wasn’t just concern. It was something deeper, something she thought she had banished from his heart long ago.
Finally, unable to stand it any longer, Aera stepped forward, her voice cold, tinged with a bitterness that she could no longer suppress.
“Why are you so worked up about her? You broke up with her, remember?” she snapped.
Her words cut through the air like a knife, and he stopped mid-stride, his body freezing as if struck by a blow. Slowly, he turned to face her, his eyes dark with something raw — anger, regret, pain — all bundled together, swirling dangerously beneath the surface.
Aera recoiled slightly, startled by the intensity of his glare. She had expected guilt, perhaps even an apology for how distracted he had been the entire evening, but not this. Not pure, unfiltered rage.
And when he spoke, his voice was hoarse, almost a growl.
“Of course I remember,” he spat, his voice low, trembling with barely contained fury. “It’s not like I had a choice, did I?” he glared at her, slowly taking a step towards her.
“What do you mean?” she frowned, instinctively taking a step back, “you ended it with her, you chose me” she reminded.
He scoffed, a harsh, humorless sound escaping his throat as he raked a hand through his hair, the strands standing on end with the force of his agitation.
“Chose you?” he repeated, his voice louder now, almost incredulous. “I didn’t choose anything. You think I wanted to end things with her?” he questioned rhetorically.
Aera’s breath caught, her stomach knotting as the room seemed to tilt for a moment. She had never heard him speak like this before, about you, or anything related to either of your past.
His words were barbed, tinged with a depth of emotion she hadn’t anticipated. Her jealousy flared anew, but now it was mingled with something else — fear.
“What are you talking about Jungkook?” she whispered, her eyes searching for him.
“Oh please!” he snapped, raising his voice.
“Quit acting like you don’t fucking know anything!” he yelled, letting his pent up anger finally blow up.
“This is all because of you! You and your fucking family!”
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buzz-in-your-veins · 6 months
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Helping Them<3
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Helping your S/O via the wonderful art of cockwarming.
CW: Sex, cock warming, face/pussy fucking, gender neutral reader with a vagina, possessive, violence (not to reader), minor slut-shaming possibly, minor voyerism, then talked about.
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Vox loved to have you in his tv room with him. Having you around reminded him you choose him, and your sweet nature always made his days easier.
But he had to admit he liked you best like this, under his desk as he watched the denizens of hell, mouth wide and warm, eyes glassy as drool slipped past your chin.
Feeling more than hearing your hiccuped moans as you stayed still on his cock, pussy spread wide around his plug, nothing better to do than keep Vox warm as he worked.
Vox was always possessive over you, and after Valentino himself had very nearly lost an eye for walking in unannounced, Vox no longer had to worry about people coming in and seeing his precious baby reduced to a filthy whore.
Vox hissed as you whined around his cock, the vibration in your pussy verging on too much. Glancing down, Vox groaned.
You were looking at him with the most beautifully pleading expression, slowly jolting your hips, mouth spread around his wet dick.
“Good Baby, just like that.”
Vox started thrusting into your mouth, unable to resist anymore.
“Fuck baby, yeah that’s it.”
It quickly turned into Vox pulling you up and fucking your pussy, better than any plug, pushing you headfirst into orgasm as Vox moved faster.
“O-oh. S-shit baby, fuckkkkk-”
Vox whined as he came inside you, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you heard Velvette scream up a storm as the power went out.
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Lucifer seemed to be allergic to his work. He would absolutely refuse to compleat any of the paperwork he had, and point blank ignored the meetings he was supposed to hold.
The two of you had finally worked out a compromise.
Lucifer loved having his cock in you, pumping in and out of your pretty pussy, sliding in between your lips, jerking in your hand, it didn’t matter, he just loved having his cock in you.
So lucifer would do his paperwork with you sat on his cock, wet folds spread around his dick as you refused to let him move.
“Please. Please my love. Duckling please. Please anything.”
Lucifer loved being inside you.
And he wasn’t afraid to let you know.
“The papers Luci, then anything you want.”
Lucifer hadn’t even looked at the sheets as he signed them, going through them as fast as possible, whining the whole time.
As soon as ten had been stamped Lucifer swept his arm across his desk, sending papers and tools to the floor, and laid you back, before starting to completely wreck your pretty pussy.
“Please, I need it love, please my duckling.”
Lucifer begged so sweetly how could you refuse?
As soon as you nodded you felt heat spreading through your core as Lucifer came.
Then immediately dropped to his knees to eat you out.
The meetings were harder. Lucifer couldn’t be quiet whilst he had his cock in any part of you, and vehemently refused to share even the noises you pulled from him, so cockwarming wasn’t an option.
But lucifer going to the meetings with your juice still coating the inside of his mouth and outside of his dick?
Knowing you’d be ready and waiting for him to get back?
That seemed to work.
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Alastor didn’t see the same appeal of sex as others did. He found the act, and subsequent swearing and fluids, rather gross.
That didn’t stop him from pleasing his doe, however.
The radio demon being less that stellar in anyway?
That won’t do.
Often, Alastor would use his shadow or his tentacles to pleasure you, an act both of you found pleasurable and fun.
There were however rare times Alastor would pleasure you himself.
Today was one of those times.
Alastor was fascinated, watching as you came apart on his cock. His cock he hadn’t moved for the hour it had been inside you.
Watching as you cried pretty tears and begged for him to move through hiccuped pleas, hips trying ever so hard to buck down, pussy leaking and spasming around his cock.
Hearing you whine and moan as every breath you took jolted you was delightful.
Hearing you scream when he finally thrust in was ecstasy.
You came two thrusts later, so Alastor bent you over the desk and fucked your sensitive pussy through a second orgasm, until he added his own cum to the mess between your legs.
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Angel Dust
Being one of the best hookers in hell, Angel has cockwarmed before. He’d never seen the appeal of it.
Siting on someone’s cock doing nothing?
It was just a waste of time.
So when you asked him if you could cock warm him to help you keep focus, he was reluctant at first.
Surely it would just cause more hassle?
After some talking, and your reassurance you did want this, Angel agreed.
Cock firmly inside your tight warm pussy, Angel quickly began to see why this was so popular.
Watching as you sat on his cock, seemingly paying it no mind, even though Angel could feel you getting wetter?
Fucking nevhana.
Realizing ever move he made affected you? Hearing your bitten of moans and choked whimpers? Angel was quickly realizing why this was so popular.
Shifting slightly, Angel smirked as he felt your pussy clench.
It stayed that way as you completed your assignment, Angel shifting ever so slightly to feel your walls clench around him, and when you finally finished?
Angel wasted no time in picking you up and dropping you back down on his cock, using you as a prop while he chased his own release, all the while playing with your clit.
You came twice as Angel used your pussy as a fleshlight.
The two of you were definitely doing that again.
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Adam loved you like this.
All quiet and pliant under his desk.
Mouth stuffed full of his cock as he did the necessary paperwork. He usually got Lute to do this bullshit but these ones were beyond her pay grade.
Lute was also the only one with permission to just walk into Adam’s office.
Which she did.
“Your coffee, sir.”
Adam smiled as he felt you swallow around his cock, this was his favourite part.
“Awesome super tits! Did you finish your work?”
You were forced to stay quiet and pliant on Adam’s cock as he spoke with his lutenante.
But two could play that game.
“Extermination is in thr-ah-hree months.”
You smirked as Adam lost some of his composure. You didn’t see Lutes eye roll. You did however, hear her leave.
“You little slut! You wanted her to catch us didn’t you? Pulling that stunt.”
Adam pulled you off his cock and stood you up, plunging two fingers into your pussy.
“Look how fucking wet you are, I should fuck you with the door open next time, all of heaven can see you getting your pretty slutty pussy split open, huh?”
Adam pulled his hand out of your pussy, sucking your juices off his fingers as he bent you over the desk and shoved his cock in instead.
“Maybe we should ask Lute to join us next time, bet my little slut would love that.”
Adam fucked into l you roughly, never stopping his words, working you to orgasm three times before he came himself.
“Should make you walk around with my cum leaking out your slutty pussy, no pants, let everyone know your mine, and no one else can have the pretty slut huh?”
Dispite his words, Adam did clean you up.
It was then that you noticed the second coffee. Your favourite iced drink.
Your face flushed as you thought of Lute buying you the iced drink, knowing you were under her bosses desk.
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Feedback is always appreciated<3
Comments are my high.
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silent-stories · 9 days
aka spending some time with a very sleepy noah at the airport
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x reader
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The fluorescent lights overhead cast a sterile, harsh glow over the airport terminal, reflecting off the polished floor you were sitting on and highlighting the exhaustion that hung in the air like a thick fog. It was the middle of the night, and the bad weather outside showed no signs of letting up.
The storm had rolled in faster than expected, grounding flights for hours and leaving the terminal packed with travelers who all seemed to be in the same state of weary frustration.
You glanced around, noting the rows of filled seats, people sprawled across chairs, bags tucked under their heads or against their chests, trying to catch any sleep they could. It was a sea of tired faces, everyone resigned to waiting out the storm.
A few rows over, Jolly, Folio, and Nicholas had spread out on the floor, each of them settling in for the long wait. Jolly leaned back against his backpack, scrolling through his phone while tapping his fingers rhythmically against his knee. Folio and Nicholas, crouched by a nearby vending machine, were peering through the glass, trying to decide between stale pretzels and some kind of fruit bar.
You shifted your gaze to Noah. He was standing a few feet away, staring blankly at the departure board, his arms crossed loosely over his chest.
Even from where you sat, you could see the fatigue etched into every line of his body. The long tour had been relentless, every night spent pouring his heart out on stage, every day moving from one city to the next, barely catching any rest in between.
You knew how much he loved it—how much he lived for the music and the energy of the crowd—but it had taken a toll. Now, with the tour finally over and the promise of home so close, the flight delay was like the final straw.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, the notification you’d been expecting. You unlocked it to check the latest update from the airline. Another two-hour delay. The flight that was supposed to take you back home was now pushed even further into the early hours of the morning. You groaned softly, rubbing your eyes with the heel of your hand.
Noah caught the sound and turned to you, his brow furrowed.
“What’s the verdict?” he asked, his voice rough, like he was fighting to stay awake.
“Two more hours,” you replied, shaking your head. “Looks like we’re not going anywhere for a while.”
He exhaled sharply, the sound part sigh, part groan. He walked over to you, his steps slow, like he had to remind his legs to move. When he finally reached you, he dropped down beside you on the floor without hesitation, his back resting against the cold wall.
The seats were long gone to other passengers, so the floor was the only option. He slumped there for a moment, his head tilting back to rest against the wall. His eyes drifted shut, his face a mask of sheer exhaustion.
“I don’t even have the energy to be annoyed,” he mumbled, half to himself.
You smiled softly, scooting a little closer to him. “I don’t think anyone here does,” you said, gesturing toward the scattered crowd around you, many of them in similar states of defeat.
He chuckled weakly, but it was a tired sound.
For a few minutes, you both sat in silence, the noise of the airport around you reduced to background static. You watched as his head slowly tilted forward, his chin dropping toward his chest.
He jerked awake once or twice, the familiar battle to stay conscious playing out in the slight twitch of his shoulders, the brief widening of his eyes. It broke your heart a little to see him like this, running on fumes.
Without thinking, you reached out and took his hand in yours, threading your fingers together. His hand was warm, his skin rough from years of playing guitar, but the contact seemed to ground him. His grip tightened around your fingers for a second, as if he was reassuring himself you were there. He glanced at you, a small, tired smile tugging at his lips.
“Hey,” he murmured, voice barely audible over the soft hum of the terminal.
You smiled back, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “Hey.”
Noah sighed, and his shoulders slumped even more, like just holding your hand had taken the last of his strength. He let out a breath, long and slow, and shifted closer, leaning into you slightly. You didn’t mind, scooting a little more to give him space. The floor wasn’t the most comfortable place, but it didn’t matter—not when he needed you like this.
After a few moments, Noah let go of your hand, moving to rest his head on your lap. He hesitated for just a second, his eyes flickering up to meet yours, almost like he was checking if it was okay. You smiled down at him, brushing a strand of his dark hair back from his face.
“It’s fine, Noah. Just rest,” you whispered, gently stroking his hair, encouraging him to relax.
That was all the permission he needed. His body seemed to melt into the floor, and he shifted slightly to get comfortable. His breathing slowed almost instantly, and within minutes, his eyes were closed, his face peaceful as sleep finally claimed him.
You looked down at him, your fingers still gently threading through his hair. He was always so strong, so full of energy when he was on stage, commanding the attention of thousands of fans with just his voice. But here, in the quiet of the terminal, he looked so vulnerable, so tired.
It was rare to see him like this, to see the weight of everything he carried so clearly written in the softness of his features. His features seemed softer in sleep, his lips parted just slightly as he breathed deeply, his body completely still.
The chaos of the terminal faded into the background as you focused on him. You kept running your fingers through his hair, slow and gentle, careful not to wake him. He shifted occasionally, nuzzling deeper into your lap, his breath warm against your leg.
Every time he moved, you smiled, feeling the quiet contentment that came from knowing you could be there for him, that you could give him this moment of peace when he needed it most.
Time seemed to pass in a blur, the minutes stretching into what felt like hours as you sat there, cradling Noah’s head in your lap, your fingers continuing their steady rhythm through his hair.
The sounds of the airport—the distant overhead announcements, the murmur of conversations, the occasional clang of luggage wheels on tile—became a distant hum, lulling you into a sense of calm.
Despite the uncomfortable floor and the exhaustion gnawing at your own body, you didn’t move. You didn’t dare disturb the fragile peace of the moment.
Noah shifted again, this time turning his face slightly toward you, his breath brushing against your thigh. His expression was so relaxed, so open in sleep, and you found yourself smiling down at him, your heart swelling with affection. It was moments like this—small, quiet moments—that reminded you just how much you loved him, how much you cherished these fleeting instants of vulnerability when he let his guard down.
After what felt like an eternity, you heard the faint ding of an announcement over the loudspeaker. The gate attendant’s voice crackled through the terminal, announcing that the weather was clearing and flights would soon be boarding. You checked the time on your phone—it had been almost two hours, just like they said. The wait was almost over.
You glanced down at Noah, who was still fast asleep, his breathing deep and steady. You hated to wake him, but you knew you didn’t have much choice. Leaning down, you brushed your fingers gently over his cheek, your touch light as you whispered, “Noah… Hey, it’s almost time.”
He stirred at the sound of your voice, his eyes fluttering open slowly. For a moment, he looked dazed, like he didn’t quite remember where he was. Then his gaze met yours, and a small, sleepy smile spread across his face.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep as he shifted to sit up, rubbing at his eyes. “Did I fall asleep on you?”
“Yeah,” you said softly, “But it’s fine. You needed it.”
He smiled, his eyes half-lidded as he leaned into your touch for a moment longer before sitting up fully. He stretched, his joints popping as he groaned softly.
Then, without a word, he leaned in, his gaze flickering down to your lips just for a second before he closed the distance between you. His lips were soft, warm against yours, and the kiss was gentle, slow, like he was savoring the moment. His hand moved to cup your cheek, his touch tender as he pulled you just a little closer.
You kissed him back, the noise of the busy terminal fading away as the world shrank to just the two of you. There was no rush, no urgency, just the quiet, sweet feeling of being with him in that moment, connected after a long, exhausting journey.
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested lightly against yours, and he smiled, his voice barely a whisper. “Thank you."
You smiled. “Always.”
As the gate announcement continued, you both stood, gathering your things, reuniting with the rest of the band, and getting ready to finally board the plane.
Despite the long wait and the exhaustion still clinging to both of you, there was a sense of calm between you—a quiet understanding that no matter how chaotic things got, you would always be there for each other.
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Tags: @anything-more-than-human @ladyveronikawrites @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @fadingangelwisp @xmads-omensx @iwasntstable @thisbicc @pathion
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juletheghoul · 2 years
friendly neighbourhood handyman
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Gif by @manny-jacinto
Authors note: I just want to live in a world where Joel and Sarah are alive and well. So I wrote it, please enjoy being Joel's neighbour! (Thanks to my bestie @wheresarizona for encouraging me and to my literal wife @foli-vora for being the bestest cheerleader)
Pairing: Young Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: 18+ no minors, piv sex, dirty talk, creampie, oral (both m & f receiving) let me know if I missed any!
It was the dog that led you to him, running out the door once you’d pulled it open, powerless to do anything but yell with your first big run of groceries in your arms. 
“Goddamn it, Tucker!” You all but tossed the groceries inside the house, hoping against hope that the carton of eggs was still intact as you ran towards your dog. Luckily he’d stopped at the house opposite, jumping up onto a dark haired man standing outside his truck. 
“Oh god I’m so sorry! Tucker, get over here!” The man was smiling at the dog, thankfully. A young girl came out, no doubt to investigate the noise. 
“Oh!” She squealed happily, “Hi there!” The dog moved from the man to the girl, jumping up rudely, trying to lick her face. 
“He doesn’t bite! I’m so sorry.” You finally made it over to where his tail was wagging wildly. “Tucker, Jesus Christ, get over here.” You gently pulled him away, catching your breath while staring daggers at the dog. He was nonplussed. 
“He’s so cute!” The young girl came over to pet him where he stood beside you, “Hi Tucker.” His tongue lolled, ecstatic at the attention. 
“You’re alright.” The man finished up behind the truck and walked towards you, he was tall and broad, dark eyes to match his dark hair. He was very handsome. “You just move in?” He scanned behind you.
“Yes, moved in last night.” You smiled, introducing yourself to him. “It’s nice to meet you-“
“Joel.” He shook your outstretched hand, shocking you with how warm his grip was. “My daughter, Sarah.” He gestured to the girl petting the dog at your side. 
“Hi!” She smiled, giving the dog some more love before moving away. He fiddles with the keys in his hand. “Come on Sarah, we’ll be late.” He nodded his head, signaling he couldn’t stay. “I know that house. Garcias used to live there, they had some trouble with the deck if I recall. You have any issues, come see me. I’ll fix it up for you.” He smiled before getting into his truck, letting you walk your unruly dog back to your house. 
It was hard not to look out for him after that. Not failing to notice the lack of a wedding ring. 
From then on every rumble of a truck crawling down the street made you glance out the window. Whenever it was him getting home you’d stare, lip caught between your teeth as you watched him make his way into the house. He always had a quick word for whichever neighbour was out, always a gorgeous smile on his lips. 
You thought about taking him up on his offer, about asking him to help with projects around the house, but then what? What if he had a relationship? How could you find out?
The answer came a few days later while you were out on the front lawn, tackling the disaster that was your garden bed. Denise, the friendly woman next door, had come over to say hello. She was commenting on your flowers when Joel’s telltale truck rumbled towards you. 
You tried not to stare, tried to keep your eyes on Denise, keep your attention on the words she spoke but he caught her attention as well.
“Hey, have you met Joel yet? Joel!” She called him over and it made your stomach drop off a cliff. Your blood buzzes with giddy excitement, reducing you to a schoolgirl with a crush. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he walked over. Tucker was tied to the porch with a long leash to stop him from running out into the street again, and he’d been laying in a patch of sun calmly but that went out the window once he noticed Joel walking over. He bounded over to him and was greeted with a friendly welcome. 
“Hey boy, you behavin’?” He patted him firmly on the flank before reaching you both, “Yes, dog made sure we met.” He smiled. “How’s that deck treatin’ you?” He had a squinty smile on his handsome face. One of Denise’s kids came out then and practically dragged her away, leaving the two of you alone. 
“It’s seen better days, whole house has really.” You turned to look at the house from his perspective. “I take it you're a carpenter?” He moved to stand beside you, both of you facing the house. 
“My brother and I work construction, but I know enough to get by. What’s wrong inside?” 
“Well, the banister is loose, wobbly when you go up the stairs. Couple of loose floorboards and the bathroom could use a new sink. Aside from that-” 
“New coat of paint on the outside wouldn’t hurt either.” He was frowning at the exterior. “You all alone in there?” He turned to face you, “Aside from the dog I mean, anyone to help out?” 
You shook your head no. 
“Just Tucker and I, what about you? Just you and Sarah over there?” You gestured towards his home. Probing. 
“Just us, and occasionally Tommy. My brother.” He pulled the phone out of his pocket to check the time, “Can I take a look at your stairs? Sounds dangerous.” 
“Sure–come in.” Your heart raced as you walked up the porch steps, opening the door for him, making sure to untie Tucker and let him in with you.
He made his way in, wiping his boots off as best he could on your welcome mat, Tucker rushed past you both and made his way over to his favourite spot. 
You definitely hadn’t planned on having visitors. 
“Don’t judge me–I’m almost done unpacking.” There were still a few boxes littering the almost set up living room. Shelves that were halfway filled. Books scattered on the floor. 
“Oh don’t sweat it. You should see the way my place gets sometimes.” He smiled, making his way towards the stairs. “Okay, let's see what we’re workin’ with.” He curled his fingers around the banister and gave it a firm shake, swearing under his breath when it almost came off in his hands. “Okay that is really unsafe. Give me a sec and I’ll grab my tools.” He turned to head for the door. “I can’t fix everything tonight, I have to get dinner started but I can do this.” 
“Oh, please if you’re in a hurry it’s okay!” You rushed out after him. “Really, it’s okay–” 
“No it isn’t, I'll be right back.” He jogged quickly across the cul de sac, reaching into his truck for his tool belt and what looked like a drill. “Okay, I’m going to tighten this up and make it safe, and then later on if you want to replace it or update it or what have you, we can do it.” The way he said we almost let you believe that you were an item, and it thrilled you. 
“You’re too kind Joel, really.” You watched him with hearts in your eyes, eating up the sight of him working away, the way his arms flexed when he pushed on the drill to tighten up some loose screws, when he put a few new ones in. It was a warm day, and you could see the evidence of it as a drop of perspiration rolled down the back of his neck, down past the collar of his shirt. All of him a taunt. 
“Okay–I think we’re in business.” He was up and testing the bannister faster than you would have liked, testing it and smiling, happy with his handiwork. “You free tomorrow?” He was tucking his drill into a loop on his belt. 
“Yes, I get home just after four.” You fiddled with hem of your shirt, your hands itching to circle around his neck. 
Jesus woman, get a hold of yourself. 
“Perfect, I’ll get Sarah to go next door–” He caught you staring at his arms, your lip between your teeth, every dirty thought you’d had about him no doubt plain on your face. You looked at the bannister quickly, too quickly. “...Okay if I just park in your driveway?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. You could almost hear the smile on his lips along with the pounding of your heart in your ears. 
“Uh, yeah. No problem.” You smiled big. You tried to glance at him quickly but he held your gaze, his head swiveling when you moved. 
“Well okay then.” He smiled big, his dimple the cherry on top. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He winked and then left. Tucker let out a sigh as the screen door banged behind him. 
“Tell me about it boy.” You spoke to the dog, watching Joel as he walked away. 
You’d gotten home early, and spent it tidying up the living room, hoping to have it all cleared away by the time Joel came over. 
You’d just managed to put away the last few things and change into something a bit nicer than work clothes when his truck rumbled down the street. Tucker bolted to the screen door, barking happily as Joel unloaded his things. 
“Hey boy.” Joel put down his toolbox and shut the screen door, making sure Tucker didn’t get out. “How you keepin’? He gave the dog those flank pats he loved, moving up to scratch behind his ears.
“Thanks again for doing this Joel-” He looked up at you with something like surprise. 
Was the dress too much?
He smiled wide, giving you a not so subtle onceover. 
“It’s no trouble at all.” He straightened up, running a hand through his hair. “Let's see if we can straighten this place out.” You couldn’t help but smile back, his dark eyes lively with something that looked like mischief. 
He did a walk through of the house, noting the things that needed repairing and once he had assembled the mental list he got to work.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” Tucker was standing near his bowl, pawing at it to get your attention. “I have beer, water, could make a pot of coffee.”
“Coffee would be great, if you make some for yourself. Don’t just make a pot for me.” You heard tools being set down, the general rummaging noises of a handyman. 
“I could have some coffee.” You set about making it, pouring a pot full of water into Tucker's bowl, and then into the machine before adding the filter and the grounds. It was nice to have something to do instead of standing there gawking at him, 
“So—how are you likin’ the neighbourhood?” His voice carried, deep and friendly. 
“It’s great, nice and quiet.” You called back, reaching for a couple of mugs. 
“And the neighbours?” There was something in his voice, something playful.
“They’re alright.” He laughs before you hear drilling sounds.
When the coffee was ready you poured two cups, and fixed yours the way you liked it. 
“How do you take your coffee?” You called out.
“Just black please darlin’.” Your heart raced at the endearment, making you smile privately before heading towards him. “Thank you kindly, this smells amazing.” He took a greedy sip, seemingly unbothered by the temperature and let out a deep groan. 
“Good?” Pride swelled in your chest to see him enjoy it so much, thankful now that you’d remembered to buy coffee on your first grocery run.
“Fantastic. I can never get it to taste this good. Might knock on your door before work.” He set the mug down after gulping down almost half the cup. You laughed, enjoying your own a little bit more now. 
The sun was making its way down as he worked, patching up all the little problem areas of your home. Sanding the edges off so to speak. He talked a lot, asking questions about you, about Tucker, about family and spilling about his in turn. He was so easy to talk to, his voice easy to get lost in and more than once you got the sense that the conversation was a little more flirty than you’d expected it to be. 
He’d catch you staring at his neck, his arms or his mouth and smile to himself. You’d turn and catch him staring at your legs, at your ass but mostly, his eyes drifted down—to your cleavage. 
Eventually the chit-chat stopped, the only sounds were the sounds of his tools, the jingle of Tucker’s collar, cicadas outside. There was something else though, an energy, a vibe flowing between the two of you, shy smiles were exchanged, his hand brushed softly against yours when he handed you the empty mug. He laughed softly to himself after catching you staring yet again. 
“Darlin’, are you givin’ me the eyes?” His tone was playful and you felt your face heat up under the intensity of his gaze. 
“Maybe.” You played with the hem of your dress. “What if I was?” Your ears were burning, the words almost getting caught in your throat. 
“Well,” He turned to face you, hands on his hips, “I’d have to say I’m givin’ you the eyes right back.” Your heart kicked it into overdrive, brain buzzing with giddiness. “I’d have to confess that I’ve been thinkin’ about what you’d think about me kissin’ you.” He took a tentative step closer, his tools forgotten on the ground. 
“I’d be very agreeable to that.” Your voice was steady despite the adrenaline flooding your veins. 
He closed the gap, his big hands landed on your hips and then he went for it. Pressing his lips softly against yours. 
The kiss was lovely and chaste, until it wasn’t. 
Your hands rested on the arms you’d been staring at, sliding up up up past his shoulders, finally curling through the soft waves on the back of his head. He smelled like clean laundry, mixed with something citrusy, something spicy. Mouthwatering.
He pulled you closer, pulling a surprised gasp from somewhere in your throat. His tongue slid along your bottom lip, begging for entrance that you readily gave. 
It was his turn to groan, your fingers tugging at his hair, pressing yourself closer. 
He pulled away after a moment, coming in again to press more kisses to your lips, feather soft and devastating. He pressed his forehead against yours, the both of you catching your breath. He had lit a fire in your belly, awakened a heartbeat in your cunt and made it weep for him.
“Would you think less of me if I took you to bed?” You watched your own hands as you said the words, holding them against his chest, bringing them down slowly and savoring the solid feel of him beneath them.
“I’d love to–” A trilling noise sounded from his pocket and he answered it with an apologetic frown. “Yes baby girl, what’s wrong?” He stepped away for a moment, sighing quietly and hanging up quickly before coming back towards you.
“Dad duty?” You kept your voice neutral, ignoring the way your panties stuck to your body. 
“Dad duty, but–would you be okay with me comin’ back after I put the kiddo to bed?” 
“Of course, I’ll be waiting.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss, licking into his mouth before pulling away. “Don’t forget about me.” You smiled sweetly. 
“Keep the door unlocked, this kid is going to bed in record time.” He pressed another quick kiss, and gave your ass a sharp swat that had you squealing into his mouth. He hurriedly gathered his tools and left. Tucker barked excitedly when the screen door slammed behind him. You couldn’t help but laugh as he practically ran home.
Hours passed and the blood settled down from an unbearable heat, to a slow simmer. Tucker retreated to his bed, the last few remaining chores were completed by the time the sun had fully set. With nothing to do but wait, you took a nice, long shower. You fantasized about him surprising you while the cool water flowed over your heated skin, butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly at the thought of his hands on you again, moving down your arms and over your hips, sliding between your thighs to find you wet and wanting. 
The shower ended without any surprises, which left you to dry off and enjoy the still of the night around you. A soft breeze blew through the open window, the cicadas were singing loud as ever and with a growing sense of doubt you saw that the hour was getting late. Maybe he’d fallen asleep. Maybe he’d been so tired from all the little projects he’d done, not to mention his full time job, and the kid he took care of–
There was a quiet tap on the door that had Tucker’s collar jingling. Your heart raced as you all but sprinted to the front door. 
“Good christ woman.” He was staring at your nightie, “You tryna kill me?” made his way in, careful not to trip over the dog on his quest to lay his hands on you. 
“You like my nightgown?” It was simple, but it complimented you nicely. 
“Like?” He shut the door with his foot before pulling you into his arms, his mouth finding yours with an urgency that made you groan. “Darlin’ I love it.” His facial hair tickled the sensitive skin of your neck when he kissed you there, making a shiver run down your spine. Your hands were restless, moving to feel as much of him as you could. The muscles in his arms flex under your palms when you slide them towards his neck, the skin of his back was warm and he all but purred when you scratched at it lovingly. 
Your confidence grew with every press of his lips. 
“I want you in my mouth Joel–” He surged up to capture your mouth, his tongue obscene, making you ache with arousal. 
“That so?” He herded you up the stairs, the two of you giggling as you made your way into your room. “What else do you want honey?” You pulled his shirt up and off tossing it onto the floor with a grin. 
“I want you to show me how much you like my nightgown.” You bit your lip, pulling him by his waistband towards your bed, you sit close to the edge and look up at him through your eyelashes. His desire for you was obvious. Hard and heavy and tenting out the front of his sweats. 
“Go on Honey, open up that pretty mouth of yours.” He pulled the front of his sweats down and your eyes widened at the sight of him.
“Yes sir.” You do as he says, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out, your hands moving to pull him closer. He groans at the sight of you there and takes his cock in hand, taps it against your tongue a few times and you can’t help but moan at the salty taste of his arousal beading on the reddened tip of him. 
You move one of your hands to hold onto it, noting with nervous excitement at the size of him. He moans when you place open mouthed kisses to the sensitive underside, moving to the base to give him a wide lick all the way to the tip. Repeating it until he whines. 
“Come on sugar, stop teasin’ me.” He reaches down to put the straps of your nightie down, palming your breast before holding onto the hinge of your jaw, guiding your movements gently. “Can you take me a little deeper?” You nod around the tip of him, hollowing your cheeks and taking him as deep into your mouth as you can, swallowing around where he's hitting the back of your throat. He groans deep in his chest when you keep him there, eyes watering, spit spilling around the girth of him, gagging and sputtering. 
“Jesus christ woman.” He says it like he’s in pain and you preen. “Fuck, fuck that’s good.” His thumb presses softly into the plump apple of your cheek, angling your mouth the way he wants it. 
You know you must look a mess, spit dripping down your chin and onto your chest, tears streaming down your face and yet still, Joel is looking down at you like the sun shines out of your ass. 
“Keep this up and I’m gonna fill your mouth.” The words come out strained and despite how much you love having him like this, the ache between your legs is growing unbearable so you give it one final kiss and pull away. 
“My turn.” He pulls the rest of everything off, smiling wide as you scoot back onto your bed, your nipples tightening almost painfully. “God I bet you taste good huh?” He kisses your knee, swearing under his breath at the site of the wet spot between your legs. He curls his fingers around the waistband of your panties and you lift your hips to help him pull them off, his big hands parting your thighs the minute they’re sliding off your ankles. 
“Look at that.” You rest on your elbows watching him get comfortable between your spread legs. “Been thinkin’ about this since the first day I saw you.” He presses a kiss to your mound, then your thigh, sinking his teeth into the meat of it before he nudges at your plump little clit with the tip of his nose. 
You thread your fingers through the dark waves of his hair, smoothing out his eyebrow with the pad of your thumb. 
“Come on baby, who’s teasing who now?” You wiggle your hips a bit, trying to get closer and he laughs, drunk on your excitement.
He dives in, wide licks from the rim of your opening up to the sensitive bundle of nerves. He groans, moving down, sliding his tongue as deep as he can to drink you down straight from the source. 
You watch him through the haze of arousal, breathing hard as he sucks your clit into his mouth, eyes closed in his unabashed enjoyment of the act. His hands squeeze your thighs for a moment before they slide up to pluck at your nipples while he devours you. 
It spreads through your belly like a wildfire, the pleasure building and building until your hips are chasing his tongue, grinding onto his face, your whole body a string being tightened until it finally snaps. 
You shudder, falling back onto the bed, your body practically bowing under the intensity of your climax. 
He presses another kiss to your mound before he crawls up and slots himself in the cradle of your thighs, his cock hot and heavy pressed up against your cunt.
His kiss now is aggressive, all teeth and tongues, breathing hard while he grinds against you—his cock slotting itself between the lips of your sex. Coating himself in you.
You reach down between your legs and line him up, pulling his hips in slowly while his mouth is pressed against yours, both of you sharing a moan when you pull him flush against you. 
“Good god Joel, you’re splitting me open.” You wrap your arms around his neck, biting at his lip and relishing the rumbly groan your comment garners. “So fucking big.” You love how wrecked he is to hear it, so you keep telling him. “Need to be really wet to be able to take you baby—“ he starts off with shallow thrusts, short jabs that make you pant into his mouth. “Hear how fucking wet you made me?” You barely get the words out before his tongue is in your mouth again. 
He slides one knee up for leverage, slipping his forearm under your thigh to hold you open for him and it knocks the thoughts right out of your head. Your mind blanks with every punch of cock and your arms cling to his neck for dear life. 
“Touch yourself baby, need you to come for me.” He looks down, watching the place where you’re joined and you hurry to obey, sticking your fingers into your mouth before bringing them to your clit and he shuts his eyes tight, sweat gathering in his hairline and yours, a thin sheen of it covering you both., 
It only takes a few perfect circles and you're clenching around him with a scream. Your legs try to close automatically but he keeps them open, fucks you through your orgasm until his rhythm stutters. 
“Inside Joel, I wanna feel it—“ he groans, seizing up for a moment before he grinds in deep, filling you to the brim. 
“Fuck.” He collapses onto you, his face buried into your neck while you both catch your breath and it’s only now that you notice your nightie is still around your middle like a belt. You ignore it though, instead focusing on the warm weight of him, comforting and solid on top of you. 
He lifts his head, a blissed out mischievous grin on his face.
“You know, if you didn’t have the money to pay for my handyman services we coulda worked something out—“ you slap his shoulder playfully and he laughs full-throated. The sound is almost more exciting than anything thus far. 
“You’re hilarious.” You push his hair back away from his forehead, smiling to yourself. “A regular comedian, this guy.” 
“I try—“ he pulls out with a hiss, “—you busy this weekend?” He pulls you close, finally divesting you of the nightgown turned belt. 
“Nothing planned yet, why? Are you planning on asking me out?”
“Was thinkin’ about it. Would you say yes?” He skims his nose along your neck, raising goosebumps in his wake.
“Yes. Yes I believe I would.”
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