#Howard Stark's A+ parenting
Tony: Some people used to tell me my dad was very disappointed in me looking down from heaven. But I like to think he's very disappointed in me looking up from Hell...
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sunnysideprincess · 2 months
Okay a post CACW time travel bit here :
the howard Tony grew up with would nOt be bothered by Steve beating his son black and blue, he would be like "oh tony is a punk, he must have done something wrong" because he is definitely that kind of a parent and Steve, my baby boy would be so horrified because hello? He loves Tony and he did not want the bunker fight to turn out the way it did. He would definitely ask Howard "why would you say that?" And Howard would just wave it off like "oh he was wearing that tin can right, he was fine, stark men are made of iron" Meanwhile Tony is standing at a distance wondering if the shield his father made had found its intended target in siberia.
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ctrsara · 2 years
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I've been re-watching Iron Man 2.
Tony Stark on his father, Howard. 🥺🥺🥺
I'd say Tony parented oppositely in every way. 💙
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kayvsworld · 5 days
every single day i'm thinking about that article from the apogee awards slideshow where a 16 year old tony's been "quietly" building dum-e "in a dark corner" of the lab and he's like "it's fun to build something new! i have lots of ideas for changing everyday life. i wanted to win, so i did!" and then half the article is like actually about his dad and comparing him to his dad and just. assumes tony will probably switch from robots to building weapons and it's like. just let him build robots actually. leave him alone i'm so upset
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Small sketch page of some of my marvel blorbos ;; Couldn't fit all of them in it nor had the time but hey I got the itch scratched kinda
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witha-boxofscraps · 2 months
Just because Howard Stark SAID that there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his kid in endgame does NOT get him off the hook for Tony’s entire childhood and they should NOT have had Tony forgive him for that.
Saying something doesn’t excuse your actions that show otherwise.
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queerinthealps · 6 months
i have so much work to do put am I planning a bucktommy fic at madney wedding?? with buckley parents involved?
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buddiesmutslut · 6 months
One thing I hate so much about 911 is the LACK OF APOLOGIES.
Bobby shoves Buck against the wall in s1 & it’s written off as acceptable bc Buck is being nosy, like being annoying is a good excuse to put your hands on an employee.
Buck apologized for the lawsuit & not being around in s3, but Bobby never apologized for holding him back (& lying about it) & Eddie never apologized for screaming at him in the grocery store.
Chim assaulted Buck in his apartment before going after Maddie, and it was never addressed. (Also, does anyone remember if Chim apologized for keeping the Daniel secret from Buck but not the bomber in that one episode? I genuinely can’t remember, I haven’t watched the first seasons in like, a year.)
Also, does Maddie ever apologize for telling their parents about Buck being in therapy? I know they fought about it, but it was also tied in with the Daniel secret (which was fucked but they talked about that) and I can’t remember, but that was kind of shitty, too.
Buck maybe purposefully gets rough with Eddie and definitely hurts his ankle during the game. Sure, we see him feeling bad about it & Maddie scolding him, but no actual apology to his best friend, not even a mention of one.
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, & idk man, people are flawed, and I know that these characters aren’t perfect, but part of that is apologizing & making amends when you’re wrong. So much stuff is just glanced over to keep the story moving, and I get it but I’m not a huge fan of it. They all have this great, family bond, but how sustainable is that when you’re not owning up to your mistakes and making it right when you hurt someone?
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definitelyincorrect · 1 month
Tony: My dad always said, “bad news first because he good news is probably a lie”
Tony: Fun fact! He made me cry a lot.
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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"Oh, sweet summer child, don't you know you're dancing for the snake?"
Thinking about Howard being dismissive and ignorant father. And how maybe Tony turned to Obie, someone he thought could comfort him and guide him on how to make his father notice him, love him. While Obadiah Stane only saw this golden goose he could manipulate for himself.
Thinking about a teenage Tony being handed a glass of whiskey by Obie, because he'll have to once he walks with the big leagues otherwise it'll be rude and "look Tony, that's what Howard did too".
Thinking about how Obie would have shrugged and told Tony ", love is cheap kiddo, just throw in some money and booze and that's it".
Thinking about Howard Stark and how he could've saved Tony a lifetime of misery, if he'd just told his son he loved him.
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smollkittykat · 25 days
I do realize that and why the mcu didn't go that much in depth on how Howard abused Tony when he was a kid and went the route that he was just very emotional distant (fair, he's also that in every other iteration).
Now at the beginning of Civil War, Tony gives a presentation at the M.I.T. on his B.A.R.F. Technology where someone can reenter and manipulate traumatic memories in order to heal.
The altering memory shows Tony on the couch in the living room, sleeping off a night partying. Maria plays Piano, Howard walks in, rips Tony's blanket away.
They say goodbye for their trip to Washington they'd never return from.
Tony, about 18, forces out an "I love you dad. I knew you did the best you could."
"That's not what really happened." A Tony that has aged almost 30 years chimed in then.
Then, what did? Because even though that scene was supposed to be a healed alternative it had always struck me depressing in itself.
Had Howard been angry instead of dismissvely disappointed? Had Maria held his cheek still calmly and loving when saying goodbye? Had they fought? Had Tony even been sober enough to get up?
"Resentment is corrosive and I hate it." Tony would tell Steve almost seven years later.
They travel back in time and Tony looks Howard in the eyes.
Stark men are made of Iron. he hears as fear and awe strike him simultaneously.
Resentment is corrosive. So he hugs him. Even if neither of them deserved it.
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astxrwar · 7 months
i see the “army vet bucky” modern au alternatives for the winter soldier trauma and raise you “life-altering motorcycle accident survivor turned (recovered) painkiller addict bucky”. i think this might be too niche but there’s so many parallels psychologically wrt: the lack of choice inherent in the neurobiology of drug addiction particularly in ppl who started off just taking what was prescribed to them for their pain in like the 90s/early 2000s (when pharma execs Lied about the neurological impacts). the way you kind of lose all that time despite still living it and having the memories, how sometimes the memories feel like they belong to a different person once you get sober. how it separates you from everyone else in your life who Didn’t suffer like that. it’s Compelling. imo.
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issuedsideways · 1 year
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baby tony + busy parents
here take some sketches because i can't stop thinking about them ever
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axbxlx · 1 year
Do you take Howard’s age and upbringing into consideration when you criticise him? I feel like most people are missing the point. He wasnt an involved father but neither was my dad and many fathers. It’s unfortunate but it’s the truth. A Father’s role consisted of providing and protecting their families and Howard did just that. His abuse was negligence and most fathers are guilty of that especially older generations. Howard is conservative in a traditional sense as we saw him call out for Maria to pick Tony. Does that mean he hates Tony or wanted to inflict pain? No. Just different times, I bet all of the superheroes had terrible fathers. Tony should understand/know how patriarchal society is.
ah so we should excuse Howard of child neglect and abuse bec he's from a different time and apparently fathers don't provide emotional support, either?
a father is supposed to do more than provide monetary support or protection. clearly he didn't protect him TOO much considering he was BFFs with Obiadiah Stane lol
howard doesnt get to clap himself on the back for the bare minimum he provided OR for anything Tony does with his life. he did the absolute bare minimum of keeping him fed, clothed and sheltered
babe idc if Howard wasn't intentionally harming Tony. Trauma was the impact of his shitty parenting, sorry. Tony seems perfectly capable of providing the emotional care and support and love with Morgan from the little screen time we see of them. I'm not going to give Howard a pass bec "patriarchy"
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
So, good dad Howard
Steve telling Bucky Howard likes them, so they are good to date Tony.
Howard calls Tony into his office
Tony, 20 something: yeah dad?
Howard: those Brooklyn boys, you like them?
Tony: *turns red* kind of yes
Howard: they are on thin ice, one tear on your face, they won't see the light of day
Tony: *huffs hugging him* I'll be fine
Howard: *grumbles* men are scary Tony, one bad wave, you come home
Tony: mom told you about the tide and wave thing?
Howard: kind of kid
Steve and Bucky sees a howard glaring out the window:
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Steve: is howard okay?
Tony: *waves grinning* he is suspicious of you both, I'm his only kid you know?
Bucky: *squints at steve*
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, trigger warnings of physical/emotional abuse by parents
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
When Tony turned Eighteen, he woke up with a searing feeling on his arm. He jolted out of bed, still half sleep deprived from studying all night for MIT exams and flipped the light to his bathroom on. Rubbing the sleep that had collected in his eyes out, he saw the black cursive writing of the name of the soulmate he'd have.
Not the actual name, but the animal name. The name that he would call you until the bond between the two of you was strong enough that you would become a human again.
He felt a slight disappointment. But then again, names seemed very limited when it came to animals. He shrugged it off, fixing his hair half-heartedly in the mirror and then decided he might as well head downstairs since he was already up.
"Morning sweetheart." Maria Stark said as he entered the kitchen. Breakfast was already prepared, coffee boiling in the coffee pot and bacon sizzling on the stove. "I've already set a plate out for you this morning. Happy birthday."
"Thanks Mom." He said and was slightly surprised to see that his father was sitting in the chair at the head of the table. "Morning dad."
"Morning." Howard Stark said, folding his newspaper down and taking a good look at his son. "I see you're still human."
"Howard." Maria patronized, coming into the room with the rest of the bacon. She looked at Tony. "Now, what's the name of your soulmate?"
"Pumpkin." He replied with a sigh. "It sounds like a dog name."
"I was thinking a cat." Howard said and Tony was surprised once again to see that his father actually had a real smile on his face. He caught Tony's look and said simply. "Your mother was a cat. A beautiful white cat with fluffy fur."
"Okay, okay." Tony said quickly, not really wanting to hear anything about it. His mother laughed, ruffling his hair and her and Howard kissed which surprised Tony for the third time today. They rarely showed affection in front of him, though they weren't entirely discreate at night.
Howard suddenly chuckled, "Bet you'll invent time travel son."
"Huh?" Tony asked confused. Maria smacked Howard in the back of the head with a newspaper.
Howard just smiled a secret smile.
"Well, I'm sure you'll meet her soon." Maria said as she sat down at the table herself. "You'll know when she turns."
Tony just nodded.
Three more years passed and his parents died in a car accident. He still did not have his soulmate by his side.
Then he got kidnapped in Afghanistan, fearing for his life. He still had not felt his soulmate and by this time, he was twenty eight and already more than ten years older than his soulmate. He'd become a notorious playboy by this time, flinging around with girls who didn't take the time to get to know their animal soulmate, or perhaps were some of the rare few who didn't have a soulmate period.
Then when he'd gotten back from Afghanistan, when he was supposed to be recuperating with Pepper and Happy's help, he felt this swooping sensation. It was one of the best feelings in his entire life, but there was also a melancholy edge to it.
He also felt as though his entire body was being brushed against with a soft, fluffy fur and he was almost certain this his father would be correct about his soulmate being a cat.
Cats were pretty cool animals. They would be fun to play with and cuddle with. But they could also get themselves around a lot of places.
Tony could feel the string pulling the two of them together, but as he wasn't allowed to leave the house, he could only wait until his soulmate came to him. Eventually, the thread snapped and he could hear Pepper moving around downstairs.
A refrigerator door being opened and such. He crawled out of bed, taking heavy breaths as his arc reactor started to ache painfully in his chest. He was going to have to get it fixed. Somehow.
"Pepper?" He called out hoarsely as he attempted the stairs, nearly falling down the last flight.
Pepper came rushing over, grabbing the wheelchair so that he could collapse into it. "Tony! Don't do that, you gave me a heart attack."
"Where?" He mumbled. "I know she's here."
"Yes, oh Tony she's adorable." Pepper gushed, pushing him to the kitchen.
She stopped him at the edge of the kitchen and he looked around for the cat. There was no cat. On the floor, lapping up water, the fur smudged with dirt and something that looked possibly liked dried blood, was a tiny ass bunny.
Seriously, it was so small it would've fit in his hands if he'd cupped them together. It had sharp, pointy ears sticking straight up and was a creamy white, but there were some brown splotches as well. He wasn't entirely sure how her name was Pumpkin though.
Pepper beamed up at him and he said, "Oh." He couldn't think of what else to say. He racked his brain and then said, "Can we go down to the lab? She looks hurt."
"Yeah." Pepper said, looking upset. She gingerly picked up the little rabbit, which shied away at first and then relaxed into her hold. Pepper, to his surprise, put the rabbit down on his lap.
"Gosh Tony, look how adorable she is. You'll have no problems at all." Pepper said happily as she helped him down to the lab.
He said nothing though, not sure where to go from this point on.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
The night before your eighteenth birthday, you had ended up coming home late. A friend of yours had wanted to celebrate your birthday and you hadn't figured out how exactly to get out of it. You were to timid to say no to anyone, even if it was in your best self interest to say no.
Which, in this case, you should have said no. The minute you were home, your father and mother were furious with you for not being home in time to cook dinner. Though your mother could technically cook, she was a lazy ass who preferred you cooking.
You cooked the dinner with shaking hands and then took the belt like a champ. But for good measure, of course, your father kicked you in the ribs and sent you up the stairs to your bed.
Part of you hoped that you would wake up tomorrow as a ferocious animal, but you weren't. When you woke up, you thought you were a mouse or something until you got a good look at yourself in the mirror.
You liked how adorable you were, though disappointed that there was nothing you could do to defend yourself. You were sitting on your bed in the place you'd laid down to take a nap. All around you was a curtain of fur.
You had no way to get out of your room. The windows were to high and even if you could've leapt up onto them, you couldn't have opened them. The door was firmly shut, though not locked.
You hopped down from the bed, finding that all of your wounds were gone. You felt perfectly fine, like you'd never had a whooping in your life. And the ribs that you had thought were surely cracked at least didn't hurt a bit.
You could feel a strand that seemed to glow in front of your eyes. It was pulling you towards your soulmate. You wondered if they would come for you, or maybe you had to go to them. You weren't sure yet. Probably you had to go to them.
You could hear heavy footsteps on the stairs and knew your father was coming for you. You hid on the side by the door, ready to make a run for it when he entered the room.
You misjudged it. The minute you opened the door, you went to dash between his legs, but he had already crouched down, catching you almost immediately.
He grinned as he stood back up. "That was pretty fast bitch. I knew you were going to be something small and timid and I was right. Shit, maybe we'll have rabbit stew tonight."
You had no idea if he was joking or not. Though they hit you, you had never actually feared for you life.
You squirmed in his hands, trying to bite and claw. He growled as he attempted to keep a hold on you, but attempting to keep a hold on a squirming rabbit is a near impossible thing. You flung out of his hands and scampered for the stairs.
You were not expecting the contrast of the wood however and you went slipping, sliding, and crashing down the stairs, bruising every part of your body. You lay stunned at the bottom of the stairs and then scampered for the door. You'd had a dog once and the dog door was still in place.
"GET HER!" Your father shouted after you as you sprinted for the door. But you sailed through the doggy door and continued racing down the street.
At first, you had no idea where you were going to go. You had no way to get to where you were going. You could tell the bond was a far distance and it wasn't getting any closer.
You decided on Elizabeth's house. She was the only one out of all of your friends to know about your parents. She was also the only one smart enough to figure out the clues to get you to where you needed to go as she was probably the only one not waking up with a hangover this morning.
So you headed for her house, nearly getting yourself killed in a dozen different ways. You were trembling like a leaf by the time you hopped up on a garden bucket, then launched yourself upwards onto her windowsill. You were bleeding from where a hawk had tried to grab you as a meal. And your entire body hurt from the fall down the stairs. Your paws were pocked with gravel pieces.
Elizabeth reached up and opened her window, trying to figure out what the scratching sound was and blinked when she saw you. "I really don't think you're my soulmate."
You huffed and jumped into her room, grabbing a piece of paper with your teeth and a pen. Letting ink run on your paw, you messily spelled out your name and Elizabeth's eyes widened a little.
"Oh shit. Y/N. You look like crap. Um, let me go and grab a washcloth." Elizabeth said hastily, running to the bathroom.
You couldn't even make a noise. It was infuriating being a rabbit. At least literally any other animal could make some sort of noise. You had nothing except something that sounded like a pig grunting. And you'd only done it to threaten the hawk- which hadn't worked in case anyone was wondering.
Elizabeth came back, gently dabbing the wounds, but leaving most of the other fur alone. "Alright, so I'm guessing you need a ride of some sort?"
You nodded.
"Great." Elizabeth said, getting up and stretching. "Road trip little bunny."
You followed at her heels as she led you down to the kitchen. She put some water down for you and a couple of lettuce leaves. She made herself something citrusy and also something with wheat in it Toast? Pancakes? you weren't sure.
"Alright," Elizabeth finally said. "Let's go ahead and get this show on the road."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
It took a long time before you showed up on Tony Starks' doorstep. You felt the connection dissipate as you looked up at the large house. At that moment, you didn't actually know who lived there, only that they were clearly rich.
You scratched at the door, feeling immensely tired. Elizabeth had driven you all the way, deciding to sleep in her car at a nearby donut shop parking lot before she started home. You partly wished she had come with you, but she had no desire to meet your soulmate at that moment. She would meet him when you were human again.
Well, you were pretty sure he was male anyway. You could get that vibe from the bond, but it was always possible, you supposed, that it was a very masculine woman.
You did think the red head answering the door- finally- was your soulmate until you didn't feel anything from her. She was kind enough to get you water and some carrot sticks, before a man called her name through the house.
Just the sound of his voice sent tingles down your little rabbit spine. It was rich and deep, but also almost light at the same time. And to your utmost surprise, the woman rolled Tony into the kitchen.
You had seen the look of disappointment and felt it burrow deep inside your gut. Of course a great, powerful, rich man like Tony Stark was disappointed with a rabbit. He'd probably wanted a lion or a beautiful jaguar, something like that.
Then he ordered the woman to bring you down to the lab- which sounded rather ominous- but it was just because he wanted to check out your wounds.
Which led you to where you were now. . .
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