#Howzer headcanons
freesia-writes · 1 year
I wanted to submit a request because I really enjoy your writing and I saw the guidelines but no prompts. So: may I please have some feel goods related to Howzer and/or Kix finding out their s/o is pregnant??
Aww this is a fun one! I'm not as confident with Kix... (perhaps @dystopicjumpsuit or @wizardofrozz or @anxiouspineapple99 or @moonlightwarriorqueen would like to take a stab at him for this)
But you know I've got some *thoughts* about Howzer! ;)
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Howzer Hearing You're Pregnant
Those big brown eyes got even bigger, eyebrows creeping up his forehead as he stared at you with disbelief and glee.
"Really?" he asked, for what feels like the fourteenth time. You laughed, starting to get flustered by his hesitancy to believe it.
"Yes!" you exhaled, a mocking exasperation tinging your joyful declaration.
"Oh, Love..." he murmured, expression softening into a vulnerable joy and boyish delight. He pulled you into a hug, squeezing tightly before releasing you suddenly with a gasp. "Oh! Sorry!" he chuckled, but you laughed along with him, shaking your head as you cupped his scarred cheek.
"You're not going to squish anything yet; it's the size of a pea," you reassured, glowing as he placed a reverent hand on your stomach, which was soft and supple. He gazed down at it for a moment, his gaze growing distant. "What are you thinking?" you asked quietly, inviting him back to the present as you dropped your hand from his cheek. He snapped back with a smile, lifting his face to yours.
"I'm thinking that I'm unbelievably lucky to get to be doing this with you," he answered, leaving his arms looped lightly around your waist. "Let's go open that Corellian wine!" He was determined to celebrate in any way he could think of, which made you chuckle.
"Go ahead, but I can't have any," you reminded him, and he slapped a palm to his forehead with a cheesy grin. He peered at you from behind his fingers, sheepishly and affectionately.
"I think I need to read up a little more," he admitted, and you murmured your agreement against his lips as you leaned against his chest to kiss him.
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Thanks for the cute ask! :)
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Clone Force 99 (+ Howzer) S/O Cutting Hair to Escape
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Random idea of the boys having an s/o with long hair and needing to cut it to escape. No this isn’t me projecting because I have long hair. Not at all. No projection here.
Tw: Gender neutral (I try to be inclusive of all readers), violence, hair cutting with knife, threats, brief mention of death, all of the boys being sweeties tbh
This isn’t proofread so I die like a man
“Are you willing to listen to my terms now?!” The Twi’lek had her fingers in your hair, pulling tightly. It hurt, badly. And she wasn’t alone. There were a couple of other criminals around. All their own blasters were pointed at either you or the man you loved.
You swallowed, staring directly at your lover. His blaster was steady. He had good aim, but was he confident enough to take the shot with you so close?
You had a knife, but the armor the twi’lek criminal wore was too thick.
But your hair wasn’t. In one swift movement, you slice the strands of hair she had gripped so tightly. Once you had ripped yourself away, taking her off guard, your lover took the shot.
Once you’re in his arms safe and the threat has been taken care of, he’s pissed. Not at you, but at the fact that this happened to begin with. His senses should have detected the threat and he should have protected you. Instead, you nearly got hurt because he was distracted.
If you’re super upset about your hair, he’s going to try and be reassuring. You still look amazing to him, but he understands if your hair is important to you for whatever reason. He’ll wipe away any tears and just offer comfort for such a loss. Yea, it grows back sure, but that’s doesn’t mean it’s any less important to you.
Hunter will struggle to look at you for a while. Not because he thinks your impromptu haircut is ugly, he just blames himself for what happened. He feels guilty he let something like this happen and It reminds him that he failed you.
Even though he’s upset with himself that he allowed this to happen, he’s so understanding and comforting to you.
He’s gonna fret over you and make sure you’re not physically hurt. He’s apologizing for letting this happen and not thinking of something to get you out of the clutches of a criminal. Like Hunter, he feels some guilt over what happened.
Once he knows you’re alright, then he’s gonna be heart broken for you and your hair.
He loves your hair. He loves playing with it. And he knows how it’s important to you. Even if hair grows back, he knows what it’s like to have a part of you taken. So he won’t judge your tears or emotions over having to cut your hair in such a way.
He’ll hold you and comfort you, giving soft reassurances.
Though, once your hair does grow back, he’s gonna suggest maybe tying your hair up to prevent something like this happening again.
He’s panicking until he knows you’re alright. He checks you over for any wounds and once he sees that you’re not hurt, he’ll hold you close.
He kisses your forehead and doesn’t even comment on your hair. To him, you just did a very clever move to get away from a criminal. It’s a shame about the hair, but you’re alright and that’s what matters.
Tech isn’t unsympathetic, he just won’t fully know you’re upset until you say something. He’ll offer what comfort he can but he might not entirely understand why you’re upset. It’s just hair, and even if he finds your hair beautiful, it’ll grow back.
You’ll probably have to explain why your hair is important and why losing that large amount of it upsets you. Once you explain, he becomes more sympathetic. Later, he’s going to do some research for way to potentially help your hair grow faster.
While your hair is in the process of growing back he also researches ways to take care of it. Like special oils, soaps etc. he’s a sweetie that way.
Might be more emotional than you, to be honest. Like Echo and Hunter, he’s upset you were grabbed by a criminal. But the fact that you had to cut your hair to get free? He’s beyond upset.
He is in despair. Wrecker loves your hair so much. He loves to play with it. Help you style it. He even learned to braid just so he could braid your hair (and Omega’s)
As your hair is growing back, he pretty much showers you in compliments. He knows how much your hair means to you and he’s gonna do his best to make up for what happened.
Even when it’s short he’s still gonna play with it to be honest.
He holds you so so tightly when you’re free. Crosshair will be shaking so badly. His emotions hit him waves. First was fear. Then relief.
Then rage. Absolute rage.
You’re his love. And you were in danger. You were forced to destroy something important to you in order to get free.
He’d feel useless. Like he failed you spectacularly. And now you were forced to cut your hair because he was too slow to react.
His anger over your hair is in connection to how you feel about it to be honest. If you’re emotional over the loss, he’s out for blood against the entire criminal group that did this. But if, say, you’re minimally upset and move on quick, so does he.
You wore it long because you liked it long. So he liked it.
But, bright side, if you end up liking your hair shorter, he likes it too.
It’s your hair. So how you like it, he likes it. He’s a pretty simple guy like that.
Surprisingly calm. Once you’re free, he’s holding you in one arm and using the other to shoot down the other criminals. Once they’re down, his focus is on you.
He’ll pet your hair and feel where it was unceremoniously chopped off. After a second he apologizes so softly for being unable to help you.
However, he won’t directly say anything about your hair other than ask how you’re feeling. If you’re upset, he’ll hug you, and reassure you that it’ll grow back. It just takes time.
To him, he honestly prefers shorter hair just on the basis of it being more practical for battle, but if you like your hair long, just like Echo, he suggests tying it up or styling it in a way that’s more battle friendly. He’ll even help you with it.
Omega (platonic obv)
She’s going to cut her hair. She sees her brother’s lover sad over their chopped up hair? Welp, you’re not the only one who had their strands butchered by a knife.
I’d imagine her brother and you return to the Marauder with cut up blonde strands littering the floor and her looking so proud with her….new look.
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sashketter · 5 months
If Howzer was stationed on Ryloth for as long as I think most of us assumed, then he absolutely knows Twi’leki. Maybe he’s fluent, maybe he only knows the curse words, but he absolutely mumbles it under his breath whenever he’s mad, and Rex and Gregor are just like 👀🤷🏻‍♀️
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sadiecoocoo · 5 months
Anyone have any headcanons for who Rex’s batchmates are? I heavily hc that he was basically adopted by the commanders, but they weren’t his actual batch.
I kinda hc that he and Howzer were batch mates, but I’m also wondering if maybe he and Jesse were too? Maybe Kix? Maybe Appo? I mean it makes sense if most batch mates were put in the same battalions if they weren’t all high ranks that would need to be in different ones
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danceswithsporks · 2 years
Dumb Star Wars Headcanon:
A large majority of the Jedi are in secret relationships. Whether it’s with each other, clones, politicians or civilians and the only ones who know about EVERYONES relationships is the clones. They’re all sworn to secrecy by their respective Generals but Clones are gossip lovers and so they all keep a chart of whose with who and what the cover stories are. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Of Cody, Wolffe, Gregor, Howzer, and Fox, who goes into the fresher for a shower with clean clothes to change into and comes out wearing them, who comes out of the fresher in a towel, and who comes out nakkies?
Apparently this is now a series. Let's do this.
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Cody: He comes out of the fresher fully prepared for the day. If he has a military engagement, he's in his full kit. If he has plans to meet with someone is a more relaxed manner, he'll be finely dressed with his hair already styled. If he has company over for more... private reasons... well, he has something special to wear for that, too.
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Wolffe: Regardless what he has planned for the day, he leaves the fresher in his blacks and immediately adorns his kit in his room - there's more room so it's easier to maneuver into his armor
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Gregor: Is there really a question here? This dude comes out in his birthday suit with zero shame. Except that one time there was a non-vod visitor. He just kinda backed away with a "Oops, didn't realize we had company over!" Every word is accompanied with a giggle. "I'll just, hah, I'll be right back." He's too busy making placating gestures to think to cover himself until he's halfway back to the fresher. Mind you, this did not stop him from still coming out naked as the day he was decanted the very next morning.
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Howzer: Towel. And Maker, he makes it look good, a fact he's so painfully oblivious to...
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Fox: He... may have fallen asleep in there. He wakes in a frenzy and sprints out halfway in his blacks rapidly pulling fabric and armor into place in his frenzy.
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ireadwithmyears · 2 months
how these clones would be with a visually impaired significant other: part two
part one
Pairings(individually): marshal Commander Fox, commander Wolffe, and captain Howzer/visually impaired reader
warnings: explicit, not very detailed but descriptions of sexual content (18+: minors DNI) implied light bondage (I can’t help it, Wolffe is just like that), implied oral (F receiving) light angst, overprotectiveness, insecurities related to blindness, fluff, hurt/comfort
Word count: 3.7 k
requested by @clonethirstingisreal
thank you so much for the request, and I really hope you like these. If other readers would like to request a specific trooper for these, just send me an ask or a message and I am more than happy to keep going.
note: though the reader is visually impaired, my hope is that you do not need to be visually impaired to enjoy or relate to aspects of these. Also, I am a blind girl working without a beta and admittedly, I only lightly edited these for the sake of my own sanity. So there are probably still going to be mistakes that I didn’t catch, just as a heads up.
❤️Marshall Commander Fox❤️ 
Fox is both terrified and in awe of your independence and perseverance. 
He respects how seamlessly you navigate the world around you, even if he knows that it’s not as seamless as it looks. He admires how unfazed you are by new challenges, even if those challenges are enough to make his eyebrows raise in concern.
You’re telling him about how construction has kind of messed with the usual route you take to work and how you had to take an extra 20 minutes to figure out how to work yourself around it, and you’re talking about it so nonchalantly as if you didn’t get lost like five times, not to mention you had to take several detours down Coruscant’s lower levels to work around it.
Listen, as Marshall commander of the guard, he’s encountered the absolute worst of humanity and criminals, so forgive him if the idea of you wandering around and lost when he knows that those types of people could be around anywhere in your vicinity sends him into a mini heart attack and his protective instincts into overdrive.
And yes, there is an overdrive, and you may have to temper it a little. 
This probably would have happened regardless of your blindness. It’s just how he operates. Fox is always on guard, always thinking of potential risks and security issues, and always strives to mitigate them before they actually arise. So, at first, you think nothing of the fact that near the places you frequent, your work, the coffee shop you go to the most, there’s always a guard member stationed in that general vicinity.
But his vode aren’t always good at keeping secrets, and so when one of them accidentally lets it slip that the commander has them Stationed there in particular regard for your personal safety, you are not pleased.
So not pleased that when the other guard members see you marching through headquarters, either your cane incessantly tapping against the floor or your guide dog trotting along your side as you angrily speed walk, they’re immediately wondering what in the name of the force did Fox do to piss you off.
It’s not in your nature to make a scene. But for once, you barge into his office without a second thought, demanding an explanation. 
You’re the only one who can storm into his office like this, the only one who, when he looks up and sees you, his glare will immediately soften, not that you take note of that. 
He explains that because you’re part of a more vulnerable populace, more likely to be targeted, he had put these precautions in place to try and keep you safe. 
This would be the typical over protective, annoying speech if you couldn’t hear the worry and concern, so uncharacteristically unmasked in his voice, and when you cross to his desk, taking one of his hands, you can feel it trembling in your fingers. 
This tempers your anger a great deal and when you next speak, it is softer, continuing to hold his hands. “Fox, I love you, and I’m grateful that you’re looking out for me and trying to keep me safe. But, did you think about how that would make me feel?” You ask, and at the lingering silence, you continue. “I have spent my whole life learning how to be independent in spite of the vision that I don’t have. For you to do that, as well-meaning as it was, it makes me feel like I’m nothing more than just a child who can’t go out without supervision.”
You hesitate for a moment, weighing your words before deciding to speak them.
“When you look at me, i is that what you see?  Just someone you need to worry about all the time?” You ask. 
He’s shaking his head before you even finish that sentence, swallowing heavily before his hands tighten around yours, drawing them close. It’s his turn to weigh his words. It’s a skill that as a clone, as someone who was raised to believe that his thoughts and opinions shouldn’t hold weight, it takes him some time, because he needs these words to hold true, for you to feel them as heavily as he speaks them.
“No, cyar,” he says, voice low and swallowing heavily. “From the first moment I met you, your unwavering resilience. Your quiet confidence and independence is so, so beautiful.” He pauses, taking the time to turn your hands over in his, kissing the back of your knuckles with a downcast expression in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, meshla. I can see how my actions would make you feel like I don’t trust you, which is far from the case. I know that you are so, so capable.” he leans across the desk, pressing his forehead against yours as his voice drops to an almost timid whisper. “But I’m still going to worry.”
“I know you are,” you say softly, mirth entering your voice when you next speak. “I would expect nothing less from my overprotective commander,” you smirk. “So, let’s compromise.”
The compromising comes much later, because first, Fox feels that he must apologize to you more deeply, more eloquently than his words will allow.
This apology consists of him lying you across his desk, burying his face between your legs, and worshipping you with his mouth, which to you, is more than acceptable, and by the time he’s finished, you’re so blissed out that you can’t even remember what the two of you were talking about in the first place or why you were mad at him.
The second part of this apology comes into play with a trust exercise that you suggested. It involves Fox putting on a blindfold and letting you guide him through levels of Coruscant and crossing some of its more populated streets.
He’ll never admit that it scares the shit out of him, but every time you’re crossing a street with him holding your elbow, you can feel his hand tightening around your arm and you can tell that he is. You take him to a much more residential street, show him how you use your ears to determine the flow of traffic, and then ask if he wants to try it, with reassurance and a kiss on the cheek to let him know that you’ll stop him if he makes the wrong call so that he doesn’t get hit by a speeder.
Unsettled by that last remark, but never one to back down from a challenge, he does, and the day ends with him being even more in awe of you, but feeling a sense of nuanced understanding that he didn’t have before, which he both appreciates, and finds settles him a little.
Your part of the compromise is that he gives you a device that can send your location and track you in case of emergencies. If you get into trouble, you hit a button, and he’ll be notified of where you are, and if you move. This data will also be shared with several other trusted members of the guard, namely Thorn and Hound, so that the nearest guard to your position can get to you quickly if needed.
You also ask that Fox teaches you self-defence training, recognizing that both his military prowess and hand to hand expertise would really help you feel more secure in being able to protect yourself. He is more than happy to do so, and, in spite of his worry that he won’t be good at teaching you the proper technique, he finds that it comes naturally. He loves getting to see your confidence channelled into a feisty, fighting side.
And well, if the lessons get somewhat sidetracked once he’s got you pinned to the training mats with your wrists above your head because you just look so damn irresistible, can you really blame him? 
At the end of the day, Fox will always be protective of you. But he finds different, and much more satisfying ways, to channel it. 
Being Marshall commander of the Coruscant guard affords him certain privileges and loopholes, which he takes full advantage of when it comes to you.
Meaning that that bakery employee who ranted at you for asking if something was available because “do you see it in the window? No, so clearly, it’s out of stock,” suddenly finds herself without a job.
That Uber driver who refused to take you and your guide dog because he didn’t want to deal with dog hair in the back of his car suddenly finds that his license has been suspended indefinitely. 
He doesn’t bother you by telling you about any of this, knowing that you would feel bad, but also knowing that you probably wouldn’t be surprised. 
What can he say, his sense of spite and drive to seek vengeance towards anyone who has wronged or hurt you is how he best shows his devotion and love.
🩶Commander Wolffe🩶
Wolffe was not aware that his default tone was grumpy all the time.
Well, okay, maybe that was a stretch. Maybe he was aware of it in the back of his mind and maybe he never bothered doing anything about it because well, as a commander, it was useful.
It helps to be able to correct the behaviour of a few rowdy shinys by just barking one singular word at them to get them to stop. Or just to get all of his men to listen and pay attention to him. That tone attracts their ears and their eyes up to him without question, and he likes that.
Regardless of how grumpy he may sound or look, he knows that they know that he cares about all of his vode, whether they’re just pups who haven’t earned their paint, or their longtime members of the pack. He displays his care in his actions towards them.
He’s realizing, though, that this approach doesn’t work for you as smoothly. 
He notices because sometimes, just in the smallest flicker of a moment, when he says something to you, something inconsequential, words that fall past his lips without being conscientious of the tone that they’re delivered in, you jump, you sometimes look up a little too quickly, a wary expression flashing across your face before it’s immediately stamped out and you relax again, as if it were never there to begin with. But Wolffe is observant, and he notices.
And he does not like it in the slightest. 
He begins to understand that not being able to use your eyes to see how others communicate with you, not Being able to read their Body language makes you very perceptive and sensitive to the tone of their voices, and how even the slightest hint of frustration, even if it’s not directed your way, makes you tense up or flinch, eyes scanning the room for a quick exit Just in case. 
He realizes that not being able to read the expression on his face, see the soft look in his eyes or the so rare upward turn of his lips every time he looks at you, makes you very reliant on both the words he says, and the tone he delivers them in.
He thinks that it’s going to be hard to tune back his natural grumpiness, but in reality, every time he looks at you, he feels like he’s seeing the first glimpse of sunshine through clouds, and he finds that It’s not that hard at all.
Wolffe is still Wolffe. Still gruff and stoic with that seamless authority that drew you to him so easily.
But his voice softens, loses its biting edge whenever he speaks to you. It takes effort at first, having to constantly remind himself to weigh the way he speaks. But after a while, Watching how your shoulders, instead of instinctively tensing, seem to soften and relax whenever you hear the sound of his voice, it becomes second nature to him. 
If he is frustrated, needing to vent to you about something, he will always take the time to reassure you when his tone shifts, because he knows that even if it’s not Directed at you, he can still frighten you with how gruff and irritable he can sound when he’s annoyed about something. Wrapping his arms around you from behind, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before murmuring softly in your ear, “s all okay, cyar’ika, i’m not upset with you.” His hands will softly caress up and down your arms, your sides, until he feels you soften against him, and when he continues, he will be careful to make sure his tone remains measured. 
he trusts you, your independence and your abilities. However, if you are walking home when it’s dark outside, he insists that you call him as you go. 
This ends up being a thing that reassures you both, because regardless of if you have any vision or not, walking home at night is immediately unsettling, and if you’re anything like me, the slightest noise can immediately have you on edge and thinking that someone is about to sneak up on you. 
Wolffe can always tell, regardless of if you tell him or not. He can hear the hitch in your breath, the sudden tightness in your voice and he’s always there to encourage you and make you feel safe until you get home.
“You’re safe, cyar, i’m here. Take a deep breath, and keep that head up,” he speaks, voice both soft and an order into the COM device. “Act confident, even if you don’t feel it, and you’ll be home and in my arms before you know it.”
It’s always true, and your heart always stops racing the second he’s holding you, a silent, strong presence that always makes you feel safe and protected. 
If you rely on public transit like ridesharing apps, and your driver happens to either be lazy or not good at following directions because suddenly you’re dropped off on the wrong side of the street, which you didn’t realize until you got out of the car, your commander is on speed dial. 
Wolffe keeps you calm with his steady, reassuring voice, encouraging you to turn on your devices camera so that he can effectively guide you to where you need to go with verbal directions.
If you’re a blind person who gets insecure or self-conscious about how your eyes look different, Wolffe can sympathize.
He knows from experience with his own cybernetic that trying to change your view of how you think of them, trying to make you believe that they’re beautiful when you don’t feel like they are, is counterproductive.
Instead, he’ll remind you of all of the things he finds beautiful about you, all of the things he loves. And if words still don’t cut it, well... 
You might just find yourself tied to the bed you both share, all spread out and bare for him, unable to do anything except let him touch, kiss, worship and praise each part of your body, while also  leaving a collection of bite marks behind that contrast beautifully against your skin, and if you have any vision left, will be able to see. He pays special attention to places like your inner thighs, knowing that you’ll be able to look down and easily find his claims and promises later.
And because he’s Wolffe, and Wolffe is a teasing asshole to his core, if he’s feeling particularly annoyed with how little regard you view yourself, he might just edge you, over and over, only allowing you to come once you agree with him that you’re beautiful, which doesn’t take long for the words to come, but he does drag it out, only relenting when he actually believes the sincerity of them.
In much more innocent bedtime activities, if you have a guide dog, who also shares your bed, Wolffe becomes a jealous bastard.
He wants your cuddles to be exclusively his for the taking, and having to share with someone else simply is not fair and he will always grumble irritably About it.
You don’t worry about it too much, because whenever he thinks you’re not in earshot, he’ll give your guide dog a grudging pet and mutter a quiet “it’s a good thing you’re cute, and you keep her safe.”
Because that’s Wolffe. Impenetrable steel and seemingly implacable yet with a soft, tender warmth beneath it all that isn’t actually that hard to get to, if you earn his heart, and that’s exactly why you love him.
🩵Captain Howzer🩵
I think Howzer is a gentleman, like, golden retriever energy in the best way possible.
So naturally, with this golden retriever energy, he is very affectionate towards you, which you love. But, here’s the thing, when you’re blind, there are these little hiccoughs in the road depending on how much vision you have and yes, just in case I haven’t made this clear enough, blindness is a spectrum. 
For example, you love to kiss him, and you want to kiss him. But sometimes, initiating that can be not the most seamless, or romantic, if you have limited vision. Sometimes aiming for his lips isn’t as straight of a line as you think it is, which leads to aimless searching, making you feel embarrassed.
He picks up on it, pretty quickly. But, reading that it makes you embarrassed/discomforted just by the look on your face, he never brings it up, at least not verbally. He’ll just take silent note that you’re wanting to kiss him, gently take your chin in his hand, and guide your lips to meet his, the expression in his eyes incredibly soft and filled with adoration.
And, as he pulls away, he can see that your lips are about to form an apology or an embarrassed remark, so his thumb caresses over them instead, leaning forward again to whisper a soft “your beautiful,” in your ear, that leaves you shivering and forgetting all about your fumble.
Another result of his golden retriever energy is the fact that sometimes, he literally becomes a human guide dog. 
He’s always keeping an eye out as you walk for potential obstacles in the way, outdoor patios in the middle of sidewalks, steep upward curbs, always ready to offer an arm, especially if you’re going down a set of stairs that doesn’t have a railing.
You don’t say anything, but he sees the small smile on your face, the way you always seem to be one step ahead, and out of the blue, he asks “am I helping too much?” Because he’s fully aware of his tendencies.
“A little,” you concede with a small grin as you look up at him. “I let you because it’s so cute when you do it.”
Then you take his hand, and you show him how you navigate the world around you, whether it’s by feeling the way your cane taps against the curb, running along its edge to gauge how big it is, how it feels the obstacles around you so that you can maneuver around them. Or how your guide dog will stop walking and place it’s front paws on top of the street curb or staircase to show you that it’s there, and how you work as a team to find the safest way to maneuver around obstacles.
He’s very attentive as you show him, adoring even this glimpse of getting to see the world through your point of view and how you move through it. He asks for you to please, please tell him if he’s ever being over bearing in the name of trying to be helpful, because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s ever doubting you or weighing you down.
He’s also very mindful of the things you can’t see in regards to your person when you’re out on a date. Like, if you’ve got a piece of lint or dog hair, usually in my case, on your clothes, he’s reaching over and gently picking it off, usually lingering for a kiss to your cheek and a soft “I’ve got you covered, cyar. You look lovely.”
If you’re wearing make up, recognizing that it takes more effort and hard work for you to do that, he becomes the king of reapplying it on the go just to make sure you’re always feeling good about yourself. 
You might’ve gone out for dinner and all your lipstick has come off after eating. No problem, he’ll reapply it with a precise, light hand. You went and saw a holofilm that made you cry all your mascara off. He might lightly tease you for that, not that he’s really complaining because he got to hold you while you pressed your face against his chest, but he’ll also carefully reapply it, a very focussed expression on his face as he’s always just a little bit worried when he gets near your eyes with anything.
And, it’s surprising, how good he is at it. How he seems to know what he’s doing. He’ll never tell, but he secretly watched tutorials so that he could learn, out of genuine fascination and because he wanted to be more helpful to you. 
Now, if you regularly wear make up, he’s the person you go to to spot check you in the morning, making sure that everything looks good and helping you clean up anything that might look out of place. 
Regardless, Howzer is your number one hype ma’am, always finding something new to complement about you unprompted. How cute you look in that top, how the colour of that one sweater brings out your eyes, how soft your hair is when he strokes it.
Howzer also quickly picks up on the fact that sometimes, if he touches you unexpectedly, you startle, before recognizing it’s him and settling again.
That simply will not do, so now, if you’re sitting beside him and he wants to place a hand over your thigh, he’ll reach out, but leave it hovering just above until your eyes flash with recognition and slowly, gently, settling it there, leaving you able to anticipate or pull away if the touch is not wanted.
If he comes home to you and catches you by surprise, it’s rare but happens sometimes, he’ll come up behind you, gently place his hands on your shoulders with a Quiet “just me, love,” waiting until they relax beneath his palms before he’ll fully wrap his arms around you, nuzzling his face against your neck, breathing you in.
That’s your captain. He’s observant, he’s deliberate in everything he does, and he’s captivated your heart, which he will take the upmost care of, holding onto it as tightly as he holds onto you.
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itzshrike · 5 months
OKAY, if next episode we don’t get a cx-2 (tech) reveal they’re gonna kill off the bad batch. They are gonna rogue one those men 😭. And then it’s gonna fade to a smoking tantiss base on fire, AND THEN the last scene will be tech taking his helmet off amongst the rubble and seeing the destruction he had no choice of being be a part of. Who knows there might be some of his brothers armor he finds amongst the destruction.
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freesia-writes · 1 year
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Random Howzer Headcanons… Earth AU Edition:
He’s as laid back as can be at home — grey sweatpants (mmhmm) and soft t-shirts with various cheesy puns or memories on them.
His partner loves to sleep in, but try as he might, he can’t stay in bed much longer than 8am. He actually enjoys waking up early, and while he feels like he should spend the time in a more “alpha male” kind of way (exercising or taking an ice bath or listening to some BS podcast), he honestly just likes the quiet tranquility before the day is all hustle and bustle.
He drinks coffee. With cream and sugar. Nothing too crazy. He’ll go for a seasonal latte with you sometimes, but anything sweeter is too much. His squad used to give him crap for not drinking the coffee black, but he isn’t swayed much by peer pressure anymore (he was as a shiny).
He’s got eclectic music taste… a bit of pop punk, a bit of alternative, a bit of random old stuff, a bit of rock n roll.
You even got him a lil drunk at a club once and got him dancing to a hip hop song, and he was doing his best to pop lock and drop it, but his moves looked like a white boy’s. It didn’t matter. You loved him even more for it.
He’s fairly easygoing overall, but if there’s a matter of injustice, he can get real serious real quick. It’s not a brash, macho kind of anger — it’s an intense, quiet rage that is chilling in its stark contrast to his usual cheerful demeanor. He asks a lot of questions, stares longer than usual, and makes very clear, intimidating statements with a low voice.
If he finds something he loves, it’s like he’s a little kid again. You took him quadding on sand dunes on a vacation, and he was tearin it up like a teenager. Rolled the quad a few times, finished the day covered in sand and scrapes and a huge smile.
He may look like a flawless hero carved from the rocks of heaven, but he has endearing little physical traits that no one but you would get the chance to notice — things like one single, stubborn ear hair that grows far longer than any one should, as well as a scar on his thigh that he swears looks like an arrow pointed up at his junk (he calls it his “air traffic controller”).
He tried an edible once at a concert and had a little more than he should for a first time. He was giggling for an hour, despite his best efforts to stifle it, and when he came back from the food tent with an entire cheese pizza, you thought he was going to climax after the first two bites, he was enjoying it so much.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 😂
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shallowcoffin · 8 months
do any of you remember Chopper from the clone wars, season 1 ep 16 ?
yeah i've been thinking about him alot. and i have a headcanon that might make some people upset, but i really think it's cute.
so hear me out, we know Howzer is the captain of a battalion / squad on Ryloth. what if Chopper, after Slick (his original squad leader) was arrested / decommed for spilling info, what if his squad was transferred to Howzer's team ? and theoretically if that happened, Chopper and his squad would have met the Syndulla family.
personally, i think it would be really cute if Hera named Chopper (c1-10p) after the clone who helped liberate Ryloth ? maybe Chopper died defending Ryloth, or one of the Syndulla family members and Hera remembered it and named her droid after him ?
just-food for thought :')
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Awww! May I request The Bad Batch and maybe Howzer ? Speaking Mando’a to their S/O like saying something funny or romantic that they wouldn’t say out loud or maybe S/O learns a few phrases for them? I love it when couples with different cultures try and learn one and another’s ❤️❤️❤️
Sounds like a cute idea to me :))
But I don't know anything about Mando'a so... let's hope for the best ^^'
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Speaking Mando'a
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No Warnings
You two walk through the streets of Mos Eisley and Hunter can see you are a little nervous. The people around here are mostly gangsters, at least in the part of town you are roaming around right now.
"Don't you worry, Cyare, I'm always your cabur", he says softly, grabbing your hand.
You look at him puzzled.
"What's a cabur?"
"It's pronounced KAH-boor, and it means 'guardian' or 'protector'"
"Is it Mando'a?"
Hunter nods.
"I didn't know you really speak that language"
Hunter explains, "At some point I thought it's part of where we are coming from, even if we are cloned, not born, it doesn't hurt to know about it"
"Cyare is Mando'a too, right?"
"Yes, and it does mean 'love'. Madalorians use it to address their partners"
You smile at him, warmth spreading in your chest. You knew it was something sweet, but to finally really know it, felt different, much more real.
You two are walking thorugh a market and Echo got into a fight with one of the vendors over a faulty item he sold him an hour ago.
"Di'kut!", calls Echo over his shoulder at the vendor when you pull him along.
"Stop, Echo. You won't get anything out of this. You got your credits back"
Echo huffs, "A brazen son of a bitch is that!"
You chuckle, "I'm not used to you talking like that. What does 'di'kut' mean?"
Echo calms down a bit, smiles at you and says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. 'Di'kut' means 'idiot"
"Is it Mando'a?"
"Yes, dear, it is"
You grab his hand and ask, "Can you say something nicer in Mando'a?"
Echo nods, "Sure. What would you like to hear?"
"What would you like to tell me?", you ask back.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, ner kar'ta"
"What's it mean?"
Echo smiles and kisses your cheek, "I love you, my heart"
You are trying on an outfit for a party tonight. Wrecker and you are invited, and you want to look good at your man's side.
You chuckle, "Yes Wrecker, I heard that, but what does it mean?"
He laughs, "Oh! It means 'amazing'. You look amazing, sweetheart"
You smile and turn around once more.
"Is that Mando'a again?"
"Yes, it means 'beautiful' ", Wrecker explains, gets up from his seat and pulls you close.
As he places a soft kiss on the top of your head, he says, "I can teach you a few words if you like"
"That would be nice"
"Okay, first of, we call Crosshair 'di'kut!"
You sit with Tech outside the Marauder in the shadow of a tree, leaning into one of his arms. He's holding his holopad with the hand of his other arm and is answering all your questions about Mandalorian culture.
Listening to his voice, cuddled to his side, you picture the things he's telling you about in your mind. Mandalorian's culture is anything but boring, and it's more or less part of his ancestry.
"Can you speak Mando'a?", you ask him.
"Say something in Mando'a"
"What do you want me to say?"
"Do you love me, Tech?"
He raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"Yes I do, I thought it was obvious"
You smirk at him.
"Then tell me in Mando'a"
He smiles and says softly, "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum"
"What are you doing there, Kitten?"
You almost jump off the chair at the table.
"How do you always sneak up on me like this?", you ask with a wildly pounding heart.
Crosshair smirks.
"You are always with your head in the clouds or something, it's not exactly complicated to sneak up on you. So? What is this? Are you trying yourself at Mando'a?"
"Mhm", you hum in agreement.
He sighs and sits down next to you.
"Give me that", he snarls and picks the pen out of your hand, "Most of this is wrong"
He corrects an embarrassingly high number of mistakes you made and hands the pen back to you.
"You should read this carefully and remember it, I've added the pronunciation. Tonight I'll quiz you, if you get more than half right I'll show you how to shoot with my rifle."
You look up at him excitedly as he stands up.
"Your rifle? Really?"
He smirks.
"Now focus and learn, Mesh'la" he says, kissing the top of your head before leaving the room.
"That means beauty!" you exclaim, feeling your ears and cheeks grow hot.
"You are calling me all these names and I don't know what they mean"
Howzer smirks at you.
"You want to know?"
It always sounds so sweet and soft when he uses these words you don't understand. You know they are something nice and sweet, but you want to know for sure.
"Of course"
He caresses your cheek and says, "'Mesh'la', means beauty or beautiful"
It tingles under your skin where he just touched you.
Howzer softly lifts your chin with his finger, "'Cyar'ika', means Darling"
His face comes closer, and he says softly, " 'Cyare', means love"
Howzer's lips touch yours softly as your eyes close. As you open them again, you ask, "What about 'di'kut'?"
Howzer laughs, "I never called you that"
"No, but you called one of your brothers that"
He chuckles, "It means 'idiot'"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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sashketter · 5 months
How the clone leaders react to getting a kiss on the cheek for helping you
Rex: He blushes from head to toe. He looks stunned, eyes wide and darting everywhere, as you pull away. The 501st doesn’t spend much time among civilians, often deployed to the frontlines for their consistent effectiveness, so the captain is unaccustomed to gestures of gratitude. He stumbles and mumbles a quick and low “thank you” before clearing his throat and giving a curt nod. On a dime, he blanches, shakes his head, and corrects himself, “Uh, oh, I mean, you’re welcome.” He sighs, winces, and closes his eyes as he shakes his head again.
Cody: He looks at you fondly, leans down, and places a hand on your elbow as you lean in. “Happy to help,” he says warmly. His smile is genuine, not just polite. As marshal commander, he interacts with more people than the other clone leaders, and as the Great Negotiator’s second-in-command, he’s become adept at diplomacy. He understands the need to represent his brothers well to the public and welcomes any small gesture of goodwill.
Howzer: He remains at parade rest throughout, a tight smile on his lips. “Just doing my duty,” he says politely before quickly moving on. He’s spent an inordinate amount of time with the civilian population of Ryloth, more than most clones whose campaigns usually last a few rotations before decamping to a new planet, so he’s familiar with their manners and customs. He’s ambivalent about these kinds of gestures, thinks they’re both unnecessary and yet a happy reminder of his competency.
Gregor: He won’t see it coming, and when he does, he freezes. He giggles and touches his cheek as you pull away. “What was that for,” he asks, slightly incredulous, and when you tell him, he huffs and follows confidently with, “Guess I should help you more often.” And you believe he actually will.
Wolffe: He’s at attention, his hands balled behind his back straight as an ironing board, but he tilts at the waist so you can reach his cheek. His eyes cant slightly in your direction, the corner of his mouth tugging up and his left eye wrinkling as you pull away. “My pleasure,” he purrs, low and sweet. As commander of the battalion typically tasked with rescue and recovery, he’s used to receiving thanks, and you quickly realize he enjoys this particular show of gratitude. He feels he’s earned it.
Fox: He still has his helmet on, but that doesn’t stop you. He sees you start to lean in and cuts you off immediately. “That’s not necessary,” he says sternly and walks away. The Coruscant Guard resents not being on the battlefront. Not that they think their work is below them, but they don’t feel their actions warrant such rewards when their brothers are dying throughout the galaxy.
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echo-lover · 1 year
Hello there!
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A few of my favorite Star Wars headcanons about clones
• Parental instinct
I've noticed that some clones have a highly developed paternal instinct.
I think Cut with his little family is not only one.
Hunter showed concern for childrens safety from the very beginning, like Kaleb and Gungi (surviving Wookie Jedi). He looks after Omega like his own daughter, as do the rest of the Bad Batch. Hunter definitely plays the role od father in his team as a responsible and a little overprotective leader.
Echo is the most mature in my opinion and in my eyes he will always be a mommy.
Waxer immediately felt the need to care for the newly met child and had no problem with hugging or comforting little Numa when she started crying. I just know that he loved children and secretly dreamed of starting a family, but he put himself entirely at being a soldier and protecting those who can not protect themselves.
Even Boil had grown strong bond owith Numa after some time and wanted to protect her at all costs.
I think Rex would also make a great father figure. He felt a strong need to take care of others. He acted as a mentor or an older brother for Ahsoka, and when he met Omega, he immediately got in touch with her. It's worth mentioning how he immediately stood between her and Bad Batch when he found out that the boys hadn't removed their chips yet. He remembered perfectly well what happened during Order 66. I'm sure he felt guilty that he had almost executed his longtime friend who trusted him with all her heart. He also felt responsible for his brothers who died in this tragic event.
I think this paternal instinct comes straight from Jango Fett's genes, who cared for Boba and loved him, and adopt him as his son. Jango asked specifily for him and knew from the very beggining that he want to adopt this kid. The Mandalorian culture is known for being easily attached to children, and they often decided to adopt kids, as fathers and mothers, and raise them like their own.
• Overprotective Hunter
Hunter is, in my opinion, the most sensitive and emotionally mature of the Bad Batch. He can read the feelings of others, especially those closest to him, so he always knew when something was wrong. Perhaps his enhanced senses have something to do with this.
He also has a tendency to be overprotective.
As a leader, he put the good of the squad before his own. I'm sure that running and hiding from the Empire, the constant pressure on his shoulders, was very tiring for him.
Hunter tried to protect Omega and his brothers the best way he could. That's why, the loss of any member of his family was a hard shoot in the heart for him. He sees it as a personal failure, as he failed his loved ones. He may start to think that Crosshair's words as true, that maybe he shouldn't be the leader, but he hasn't told anyone about his feelings and his own doubts.
But I think Echo knew... Echo knew that Hunter was worried and tired of the constant responsibility.
• Hunter and his senses
Hunter is a synesthete. This means that what he feels with one of his senses also affects the others. For example: he sees sounds, he can taste colors or numbers have colors for him. His synesthesia is a side effect of his enhanced senses.
Due to his heightened senses, Hunter also felt pain more intense than the other clones.
I still remember the moment Omega snuggled up to him after rescuing her when she was kidnapped by Cad Bane. Hunter winced in pain for a moment as his chest wound still was fresh. He had been shot with a blaster and almost get himself k!lled, and yet the most important thing to him was Omega. He ignored his own discomfort and focused fully on Omega, making sure nothing happened to his little girl. The expression of pain quickly turned into relief.
• Family
Some time after Omega joined the Bad Batch, they agreed on the role of family members:
Omega is their little sister, of course Hunter play the role of a father, while Echo is hailed as a mother. Our grumpy little bean muttered something about this being stupid idea at first, but in the end he liked being called mommy Echo.
Echo is a great addition to this crazy squad. He is the most experienced and can keep his family in line. It will never stop to amaze me how much good and love is hidden in the heart of a man who has never known a moment of comfort in his life and to whom no one has ever shown love. His physical and mental health were very bad after the events at Skako Minor. There was almost nothing left of the inexperienced Reg from the 501st Legion. Despite this, he will always remain my favorite character in all of Star Wars universe.
Wrecker is basically a second baby and needs to be looked after more than Omega, because if you let him out of your sight for a moment, he'll probably make a big mess.
Wrecker had the mind of a child trapped in the body of a large man. He is strong and could cause fear, but he have a soft heart. He cared for those closest to him, especially Omega. When his little sister was having a bad day and was sad, Wrecker was the first to make her laugh and even shared Lula, his beloved doll, with her.
I like to think that Tech and Crosshair are sort of twins (like Echo and Fives) they're a great duo and I miss their interaction so much. Tech, as the wise one, did not get in the way of the others, offering his advice when needed. Crosshair, on the other hand, although he seems cold and very distant, I think he would quickly like Omega and become a supportive, slightly sarcastic brother to her.
• Crosshair is not as cold as he looks
Crosshair hated being different, and called a freak from the very beggining. All his life he tried to blend in, to do his job well as a soldier, and as a member of the team. He didn't show it, but he was touched by other people's words about their group, different look, and specific abilities. That's why he hated Regs so much, he wanted to prove his worth to them. And also to himself.
When I saw Crosshair for the first time, I thought that he must have quite low self-esteem and become nervous in stressful situations. Whenever he took off his helmet, we saw him immediately reach for a toothpick. He felt the need to have something in his mouth to relieve the stress and tension in his body. He always seemed to me to be the type of perfectionist who pays great attention to detail and will practice until he achieves perfection in a specific field.
Despite his specific style, Crosshair wasn't as cold as he seemed. He really cared about Omega, and I'm sure that if they had the chance to spend more time together, Crosshair would like the girl and treat her like his little sister. He will destroy anyone who tries to harm Omega.
I also think that Crosshair secretly loves animals, especially cats. I imagined that it started with Wrecker once bring a white, homeless kitten to the Marauder. The animal started fawning at Crosshair's legs and refused to leave him even for a second. In the end, Cross liked it, petted him and cuddled with him, and even let him sleep in bed with him. Having a pet was a stress reliever for him. He named his kitten Alpine.
• The past still hurts, just as much as before
Echo often had terrible nightmares. We can see in the Bad Batch, that his PTSD was still very strong. Every contact with medical equipment could trigger a severe panic attack and anxiety. Fortunately, Omega was there to support him at the time. I'm always touched that even though Echo didn't know Omega back then, he trusted her enough that her presence really helped him come back to reality and understand that he was safe.
I'm sure that he had nightmares about being tortured and locked at Skako Minor, and also dreamed of Fives. I think because of this he may have even been afraid to fall asleep, and as a result he slept very little.
He missed his brother so much and blamed himself for not being there when he died. Echo was afraid of being locked up and deprived of help, so he tried to get involved as much as possible in the fight against the Empire. I think that was one of the main reasons he went back to Rex.
I also think that Echo and Tech had long conversations and spent a lot of time together while repairing or piloting the ship. They got along the best of the whole team and only with Tech, Echo felt relaxed enough to be able to talk about his feelings and problems he was struggling with. Tech never asked, like the overprotective Hunter, he just listened, and that was enough for Echo to discover a soul mate similar to his fallen brother, Fives.
I imagine one night Tech found out that Echo couldn't sleep and asked him what happened. Echo was so surprised that someone actually asked him how he felt that he didn't know what to say at first. He finally decided to open up and confess what was on his mind. Tech understood him and they became very close from then on. That's why Echo suffered so much after losing Tech. He felt as if he had lost half of his soul again.
I imagine that, Echo was the only one from the Bad Batch to still use Mando'a. He and Fives used to speak this language among themselves. Fives nicknamed him Ech'ika (little Echo). Now, Echo used to call Omega ad'ika. After Fives death, Echo sang an old anthem - Vode an (Brothers all) to honor the memory of his fallen brother. They had learned it when they were still cadets and used to sing it together before going into battle and all 501st knew the lyrics. This is one of my favorite headcanons.
I'm sure that Echo got a tattoo of a five in honor of Fives' death. In this way he always carried his brother with him and wanted to honor his memory.
• Nightmares
Omega took a while to get used to her new home after leaving Kamino. I imagine she often had nightmares that made her afraid to go to sleep alone. Hunter saw that and let the little girl sleep with him. He told her some stories about the planets they had visited on missions, and the bond between them grew stronger. He didn't admit it, but he had fond memories of those times together.
• Fives and his twin
If Fives survived, he would be the first to side with Rex to save Echo. Seeing his beloved brother alive, but connected to computer and badly hurt, he would be both happy and devastated at the same time. Fives would do absolutely anything to be reunited with his beloved twin, even if the whole Galaxy was against him and thought he's crazy.
After being rescued, Fives would make sure Echo was fewling comfortable and help him overcome his PTSD episodes. Then he would join the Bad Batch with Echo, because he didn't wanted him to feel different. Despite some problems, the Bad Batch accepted them as their own and they became very close, like family. I pictured them sitting around fire and how they shared stories from various missions together.
Then Fives saw that Echo was trully happy. He hugged him close, and when Echo asked what happened, Fives simply replied, "I'm just happy you're here, vod'ika. That's all."
• Astronomy lesson
Tech taught Omega astronomy. How to read sky maps and name constellations. They often sat together at night, watching the sky. Hunter would get a little angry when they stay up too late, fearing that both his brother and little sister would be sick, but his anger faded quickly when he saw the smile on Omega's face. Papa Hunter would do anything to make his little girl happy.
• Two captains
Howzer is Rex's twin, like Fives and Echo. They are giving the same vibe. They trained together from an early age, still as cadets, and then the war separated them. They are also very similar in character. Courageous and great leaders, they do not abandon their people until the very end. I feel they would get along pretty well.
• Brothers for life
Cody was like an older brother to Rex. His ore'vod. He trusted him the most of all the clones.They were inseparable from the beginning of the war and became very close after the Umbara ARC. I imagine Cody was comforting a devastated Rex. He knew perfectly well that under the mask of captain's determination there was a lot of pain and suffering after loss of many brothers. They were both good people who saw a lot of evil and death in their lives. They carried mourning in their hearts and finaly were able tolet go all their emotions. It was the first time Rex had let tears flow in his brother's arms. He felt loved and safe, and Cody didn't let him go for a long time. From this moment, they looked at each other a bit differently, carefully analyzing the other's emotions and making sure that everything was okay. Besides being strong and serious leaders, they were caring and loving brothers on the inside.
Also, I just know that they were having small competition. The 501st and 212th were competing against each other as to which legion/batalion was more effective in combat. General Kenobi and Anakin secretly supported this fun game.
• Suffering medic
Kix put a lot of pressure on himself as a medic. He wanted to save as many lives as possible and not let a single soldier die. He always fought to the very end, refusing to rest until the last man was healed. Each death of his brother was equally painful for him and he treated it as a personal failure.
Umbara left a huge mark on him. He failed. So many of his brothers had fallen, and he worked until he was breathless. Only when he was so exhausted, that he could no longer stand on his own, he agreed to take a break.
Kix sat alone against the wall, looking at his hands, and cried quietly. His hands and armor were covered with the blood of his brothers. Some of them were badly hurt, others didn't make it. Kix wished he were in their place right now and felt guilty. It was hard for him to be the one that survived.
He didn't know how long he sat like that, but at one moment he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a calm voice that he recognized immediately. It was Jesse. His best friend, his brother... Jesse told him that he did everything he could, that it wasn't his fault, but Kix wasn't convinced.
Then Jesse, seeing how bad his brother's condition was, that he started shaking, without thinking much, he wrapped his arms around Kix, pulling him into a tight hug. The medic did not protest and gave vent to his emotions and helplessness. It was the first time anyone was interested in his health. He had always been responsible for others and now someone was taking care of him. It felt nice, warm... Kix hugged back his brother and they both know that they feel the same way.
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ahsokahearteyes · 6 months
so if howzer was able to survive ep7, why was he was not with rex, gregor, and wolffe on seelos in rebels?
he ends up joining the syndullas and the ryloth freedom fighters!
definitely not because there’s still time for him to die in season 3
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techmatchmyfreak · 3 months
Random Idea
Bad Batch & other clones x reader HCs with an inexperienced reader and when they did the deed and she squ1rted.
But she cried because she thinks she embarrassed herself by peeing on the bed.
Smexy comfort writing material for me?
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genma-support-group · 4 months
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Fathers of the GAR!
Rated: G For General Audience
Summary: Just clones with their kids!
Clones involved: Captain Keeli, Trooper Dogma, Captain Howzer, Trooper Hardcase, Commando Niner, and Medic Kix
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Clone Captain Keeli Father of Two!
The first child was difficult for Keeli, he was fresh out of training with the ARCs and months before hand, he met and fallen in love with a woman whom he married on their second date. Following the news of her pregnancy. But by the time the second came along he had good idea on balancing being a soldier, husband, and now father to two daughters.
Unlike the others on this list, he is quite comfortable with himself and often carries his toddler(s) by back of their onesies. As they kick and giggle in the air as he carries them either to the shared bed or to the couch.
But when it came his deployment (the one he never came back from), he often told of his children to his General. Who only smiled at the clone's happiness, and often asked the Twi'Lek for advice as the leader also had a daughter much older than his own.
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Clone Trooper Dogma The Unsure Father of One!
Unlike the rest on this list, Dogma wasn't the one that wanted it. Went as far as avoiding the woman all together until he saw the hologram pictures of their growing child. Maybe it was the part of him that believed he couldn't be a good parent or maybe it was the part of him that knew the rules, and he broke them in that lust fueled night of passion, who really knows...
It took him some time to adjust to his son, who looked just like him, or any clone for that matter. The only other person that knew outside of him was Tup and he was lost for words.
He was a distant parent, uncomfortable with his son, and often gave his son back to his partner. Who only shook their head in disapproval. But she knew better than to give up on him, and in the coming months Dogma and his son bonded over the book of regulations.
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Clone Captain Howzer The Lucky Father of Twins!
Howzer took the news with a bright smile, it wasn't often that he got amazing news. Not after what happened to his fellow Captain on his same planet. But over the months, the clones and Twi'Leks alike begun to ask questions of who the father was, and when the twins were born it didn't take long for the rumors to come true.
He named his son after his fellow Captain, a nod to the man he had trained with and admired for starting a family. While his partner named their daughter.
The small family unit would be separated following the end of the Clone Wars, and into the birth of the Empire. Of course, he stayed in contacted with his toddlers and love.
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Clone Trooper Hardcase The Father of One!
When Hardcase found out that his partner was pregnant, he was over the moon, through the stars, and landed in the ocean of happiness. When he wasn't busy with soldier duties or short burst deployments, he was by their side through it all. Sadly though, he missed his son's birth, but he made it up with gifts for their child.
His partner often wonders how a toddler and a grown man could get into so much mischief when alone together.
It was their son's first birthday when he was preparing to leave for a deployment (his last). And though his time was limited with them, he gave each one a kiss and their son giggled though when Fives came around. It didn't didn't take along for Hardcase's partner to figure it out...
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Clone Commando Niner The Father of One!
Niner was indifferent at first, much like Dogma he avoided the situation until he couldn't. His feelings were mixed, as 'how can I be a father when I never had one,' often came to mind for him. But when his son was born, he did everything he could to be there.
He was nervous at first, caring for something so small and so weak made him a little uncomfortable but with the help of his brothers and those apart of the Skirata clan. The first six months were a "cake walk"
Following order 66, Niner's family was safely brought to the land in which the Skirata's had, and the child was raised as a Mandalorian
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Clone Medic Kix The Nervous Father of One!
Kix, being in the medical field. Was always up to date on anything about his unborn child. Even when he was away on deployment, he had made sure--if he wasn't on the battlefield--to be there for the ultrasounds and be there for the hologram birth of his son.
It didn't take long for him to become nervous for the baby. The slightest cough or a slight change of color to his son's face, it was off to the doctors. His only child wasn't going to get sick on his watch!
But after about a year, he asked for another and of course he aimed for a daughter.
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I want to say thank you for reading and sticking around towards the end! Much love!
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