#Hurricane Iota
tomorrowusa · 4 months
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^^^ This one didn't amount to anything. But I thought it would be interesting to take note of the first time I noticed any tropical disturbances during the 2024 Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season. That was Friday morning May 24th. Okay, it's still technically the pre-season but NOAA went into seasonal mode on May 15th at their tropical cyclone site.
This is expected to be a more active than usual season.
This hurricane season could be among the worst in decades, NOAA warns
Warm waters across the tropical Atlantic in May 2005 prompted warnings of an active hurricane season ahead. A record-smashing 28 storms formed, including Hurricane Katrina. Nearly two decades of global warming later, those late-spring ocean temperatures are cool compared with today’s record-hot waters. Government meteorologists issued a seasonal forecast Thursday that predicts that storms could develop at frequencies and with ferocity comparable to some of the worst seasons in the past 19 years. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast — which calls for 17 to 25 tropical storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven “major” hurricanes — underscores how dramatically the environment has shifted and increased the risk of destructive weather. The prediction is the most aggressive outlook the agency has ever made ahead of the start of hurricane season.
Yes, climate change is the main suspect.
Warming is allowing major storms to form significantly earlier during hurricane season, and also encouraging more to undergo rapid intensification more frequently in parts of the Atlantic basin such as the western Caribbean Sea. A study found that a growing number of tropical cyclones around the world have undergone what researchers called “extreme” rapid intensification, with their maximum sustained winds increasing by 57 mph or more within a 24-hour period.
The author mentioned that 2005 was a "record-smashing" season. But he did not mention that the 2005 record was itself smashed in 2020.
2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season
In 2020 we went all the way to Hurricane Iota in mid November.
Donald Trump was probably already too busy planning his coup in mid November 2020 to notice Hurricane Iota. But if he is returned to power he is essentially declaring war on Planet Earth.
No more going wobbly in climate fight, Trump supporters vow
Trump’s campaign utterances, and the policy proposals being drafted by hundreds of his supporters, point to the likelihood that his return to the White House would bring an all-out war on climate science and policies — eclipsing even his first-term efforts that brought U.S. climate action to a virtual standstill. [ ... ] Meanwhile, many of his former staffers are building out a comprehensive plan to decimate both climate policy and regulations on fossil fuels. And Trump allies expect that the former president would fill his next administration with officials who are even more hostile to efforts to address global warming.
Donald Trump is an enemy of the planet. The only way to defeat this real-life James Bond villain is to vote for Joe Biden.
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solarpunkbusiness · 1 month
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Woodpecker: Building affordable housing in Columbia using coffee chaff and recycled plastic
Woodpecker, a Bogotá-based startup, is ingeniously addressing the country’s pronounced housing shortage, particularly in economically challenged communities. By utilizing the copious coffee husks produced by the coffee industry, Woodpecker skillfully manufactures lightweight, prefabricated panels combined with recycled plastic. 
These panels serve as the foundation for constructing homes and classrooms. Woodpecker’s structures are not only cost-effective, retailing at about US$4,500, but they are also designed for straightforward, do-it-yourself assembly. This facilitates swift deployment in regions with scant infrastructure. The construction materials champion eco-friendliness, and their resistance to pests and moisture makes them a excellent choice for low-income housing across Colombia’s diverse climates. 
CEO Alejandro Franco’s innovation was spotlighted when the Colombian government deployed Woodpecker homes as a rapid housing solution for Hurricane Iota victims in 2020. Despite encountering no power, muddy conditions and numerous other challenges, the homes proved indispensable in providing immediate shelter to those in dire need, especially in Providencia, where the hurricane had nearly eradicated infrastructure. Presently, Woodpecker has successfully marketed over 2,600 homes and is ambitiously planning for expansion.
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
People in Houston still don't have power after the hurricane, but the news media would rather focus on tr*mp getting a near shot to the ear... Okay...
tbf, this is the first attempted presidential assassination since Reagan so it's not surprising it's absolutely dominating the media rn.
That being said, we still don't know a whole about what happened so it's exhausting hearing talking heads keep repeating the same info and stretching out every iota of new information. The 24 hour news cycle was a huge mistake.
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
stupid sheltered bitches alert in my notes shrieking about how Hurricane Katrina deaths are actually the victims fault and fascism totally isn’t real
I’m just exaggerating about the 3000+ people who died from the government believing in social Darwinism and devaluing the lives of disabled/black/elderly people
nobody was arrested for “looting” and nobody was held at gunpoint and the storm was just a bit of rain and wind. Jesus fuckjng christ I hate you fucking freaks. How fucking hard is it for you to open a fucking book or do an iota of research before shitting out of your white cis fucking mouth
sometimes it’s not time to share your opinion. sometimes you should shut the fuck up and learn from other people
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neep-neep-neep · 2 months
what you need to understand is that people are asking so little of you. they are not telling you who to vote for. in fact, there is nothing they can do to make you vote one way or another.
what they are asking you to do is not to respond with "so you want TRUMAUMP to win?!!" to every. little. bit. of mourning and righteous anger they voice on their own blog. about a genocide that is being pushed under an increasingly bloodied rug by a laughably un-neutral press right when eyes need to be on it the most.
it is so small what they want from you. they deserve so much more from you, so much meeting them where they are and trying to put yourself in their incredible pain for a moment so that you can understand one iota of what they are going through.
you instead make this about your country's election and how their voice hurts your team's potential win.
other people have not been raised in the cult of American exceptionalism. this is critical to understand. they have grown up largely aware of this country's real face. believe it or not the lipservice a President of either party pays to a certain cause for the cameras is not reflected in how many bombs stop falling, how many children stop dying in the producer countries of lithium batteries or mica or chocolate, how many ecological disasters stop befalling those least responsible.
what you are threatened by when you see anger voiced at Biden or Harris is the fact more people are listening to perspectives other than your own. that they are preventing the idiotic deifying and/or memeification of people who have refused to stop unthinkable atrocities in the name of protecting fronts for the American empire. you want these people to be wholesome because you want america to be wholesome because you didn't grow up noticing that avocados stopped appearing in stores because they were all going to the US or watching the Red Cross pocket funds meant to help your country to recover from a hurricane.
it's not just the world that revolves around the united states to you, but the entire galaxy. You can't imagine anyone caring about any pain other than yours. Even if that pain is hundreds, thousands of times worse than anything you ever will feel in your life.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
TMI: The East End's own Mrs Frances Kray eyed her husband and his brother warily as they circled each other in the ring. Hurriedly she joined the only other lady she knew in attendance for this Not Really A Fight Fight, sitting primly and quite close to Beth's side. Her handbag in her lap, Frances eyed the boys again before dipping her head and confiding, "--Don't they scare you when they're like this? Don't 'ee--" She stopped that second question before it could form fully, knowing the answer really before she asked. Miss Beth didn't seem at all bothered by Ronnie, much as Frances herself was only bothered by him - nothing else. Nothing positive. Furtively she reapplied her lightly tinted lip balm, worrying the stick between her fingers before she asked:
"--Fink it'll last much longah?"
TMI Tuesday || Always Accepting {{tagging @ronmanmob for Reasons:tm: }}
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Beth hadn’t anticipated that Frannie would be joining the almost entirely male audience, and has to quickly hide the dumbfounded expression she wears even just briefly. The sideways glance spared the other woman soon becomes absorbed back into the ring. The lights gleam off Ron’s shoulders, weaving itself amongst the shadows of his tattoos. He’s taller, he’s broader, he wears a look of murder on his handsome face. Reg, despite being his identical twin, pales by comparison. Is going to be punching above his weight class for all that he’s skilled. “I come from a warrior culture, yeah? I seen people t’row hands for all kine reasons, an’ it’s natural as sun rising, I t’ink. An’ for all it may not seem like it, ya goddah undahstan…dere’s love in dat ring. Mebbe not express as healt’y as it could be but-” Beth pauses a moment, shoving her bag of hurricane popcorn into Frances’ lap, and legitimately climbs up on her seat. She lets out a piercing cry that most approximates a sound of “Chee-hoooooooooooooo! HARDAH! HIT HIM! HIT HIM!” There isn’t an iota of shame in the tiny nurse as she delicately settles back down in her seat, her eyes never straying far from Ron, and there might have been an utterly unseemly little gasp of pride and pleasure as Ron slams his brother down back first into the mat. Her heart is hammering in her throat. There is a pool of Pele’s blood in a particularly unmentionable place that throbs in time with her pulse, in time with her breath. She doesn’t try to hide the naked admiration, pride, or even lust from the way they glitter so brightly in her eyes. Something silkily predatory regards Frannie when Beth answers her second question. “If Reg is lucky? No, no it won’.”
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Pulchritudinous independence day 2023
Utter brainless nincompoop in this poem heretofore addressing I wanna be forever free and clear from mortal anguish, and need more than a blessing - I need a miracle worker after confessing behavior causing depressing wretched state of mind self incriminating admission expressing emptying out checking
and savings accounts. Gross negligence fomented morass of monetary hemorrhage, thus yours truly speculating imagining peaceful easy feeling after quaffing hemlock beverage (considerably less expensive than trained masseuse administering head to toe effleurage) the former painless demise popularized courtesy Socrates whereby Athenian democracy charged said philosopher
with impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens unlike him I feel mental, physical, and spiritual states devastated, jackknifed, and shattered into a million little pieces, hence appealing notion shucking off western civilization equipage, and concomitant linkedin corporeal defrauded earthling and author of these words. The importance of money or lack thereof smarts, especially when series of unfortunate events even Lemony Snicket, would be flabbergasted at such blatant and flagrant stupidity
exhibited courtesy yours truly.
Herr dummkopf did not function with one iota of his brain case in point entire financial cushion he did drain anonymous, barbarous, egregious, ferocious, iniquitous jerks
re: cyber crooks enriched their coffers
in previous poems I did explain how yours truly got sucker punched
to surrender substantial capital subsequently severe depression
washes over me like floodplain after a major hurricane
thus another shout out,
though I feel quite insane
to drum up buffer (in) zone
excedrin also sought to bring temporary relief
far fetched likelihood in dough main
despite moon shot
to witness philanthropic boost,
I keep praying Meg Found will pull thru and ordain (fiasco from fraudster frazzles father)
one ordinarily perspicacious primate
who financially doth strain.
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greenprophet · 2 years
Developing nations want the rich to pay for climate change
Developing nations want the rich to pay for climate change
  Children search for scraps of wood to help their parents rebuild their house after it was destroyed by the strong winds of Hurricane Iota in Nicaragua. UNICEF So the world’s largest climate event, COP27, now happening in Egypt meets the usual challenges. But a few key points stick out over all the media covered and dozens of press releases I’ve received:  Policies and promises for carbon…
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Facing fears in the midst of hurricane 'Julia': the testimony of a family from Providencia
Facing fears in the midst of hurricane ‘Julia’: the testimony of a family from Providencia
When the power went out on the small island of Providencia on Saturday around 2 p.m. in the Colombian Caribbean, an 11-year-old girl named Aymar Bent Fonseca knew that a hurricane called Julia and then he grabbed his colors to draw. Aymar drew on a white sheet of paper what he experienced in November 2020, when the hurricane Iota, category 4, took his house and that of most of his neighbors—more…
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roxxelll · 4 years
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The US Elections are over now and there are other things in the world that have been going on that need our focus. Regions in Central America and South East Asia have recently been devastated by hurricanes and typhoons in the past weeks and there has been little to no coverage on this. @nikov has made a very comprehensive post for emergency aid in the Philippines. 
Hurricane Eta (category 4) hit the region of central America on 3 November and has brought severe destruction to the countries of Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala with powerful winds of up to 150 miles per hour, unleashing heavy rains, flooding, and landslides. It is the second-most intense November Atlantic hurricane on record!!! Most of these communities live in poverty and do not have the means or resources for recovery. INTERNATIONAL HELP IS NEEDED!! 
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As if if this wasn’t enough another storm Hurricane Iota is due to make landfall this week! (15 Nov) and will bring even more damage to the already suffering communities left in the wake of the first tropical storm. 
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It’s been so hard to find comprehensive posts highlighting the situation so I’ve included some links of resources you need to understand the situation and compiled a list of donation links!! 
Read up!! 
Direct Relief 
Hurricane Eta (The Guardian)
Hurrican Iota (The Guardian) 
Sky news 
˗ˏˋ Donation Links  ˊˎ˗
Hurricane Eta crisis caard 
Global Giving 
Hurricane Eta Relief: Feminine Hygiene Kits 
Worldvision Disaster Relief Fund
Support Utila, Honduras 
Rights Action 
Operacion Eta 
Bright Funds: Channels funds to 4 different organisations 
Fundacion Fondo Unido Honduras 
Fundraiser by Mauricio Dubon (professional baseball player)
Honduras Kitchen GFM 
Soto Cano Firefighters Association Toy Drive 
Direct Relief
What if I can’t donate? 
Use your platforms - Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc to spread the message far and wide! Share any donation links and information you come across. One reblog/reshare goes A LONG WAY!! 
Boost this. Donate if you can. If not, boost donation links. 
** please feel free add any more links I’ve missed to the post! if there are any inaccuracies in this post please tell me and I’ll edit it. thank you!**
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nowthisnews · 4 years
Thousands of impoverished families have been displaced after Hurricanes Eta and Iota battered countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua just 2 weeks apart
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Hey guys, right now Hurricane Iota is passing over San Andres and Providencia, home to the majority of the Raizal population, afrocolombians who live of tourism and fishing, its a category 5 hurricane and it has been 8 hours since we last heard anything from anyone in Providencia, the last thing we know is that the winds blew out the ceiling of the only hospital in the island and the refuge installed for Hurricane ETA collapsed due to strong winds.
The goverment knew about the hurrucane in advance and did not evacuate the island.
We still dont know how bad things are but i just want to warn you in advance, ill be posting donation sites as soon as they are made available.
edit: https://checkout.wompi.co/l/VPOS_XM812U
that is the only link i have right now and i don’t know if it worksoutside of Colombia, you can also donate to the colombian red cross, contact was finally made with Providencia yesterday afternoon, there is 1 dead and 98% of the island is destroyed. i reblogged bank acounts on another post but again, i don’t know if you can donate to them from outside Colombia.
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fffartonceaweek · 4 years
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Relief-Funds for Mexico and Central America  Post Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota.
The following is an extensive list of Organizations/Gofundme’s/Projects I have been able to find who are accepting donations--outside of their country--dedicated to Mexico/Central Americans following the destruction of Hurricane Eta and Iota.
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what2finish · 4 years
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[Flag of Nicaragua (top) and flag of Honduras (bottom).]
To our creators and bidders:
While the current auction event is focused on assisting the Philippines, we feel we must draw attention to the crisis unfolding in Central America. Like the Philippines, Central America (Nicaragua and Honduras, in particular) will soon have been struck by two very powerful storms in rapid succession. The first to strike was Hurricane Eta two weeks ago, a strong Category 4 storm that devastated the region. The second, which has yet to strike, is Hurricane Iota. Just a few hours ago, Hurricane Iota was classed as a Category 5 storm with sustained winds of up to 200 miles per hour. It is predicted to make landfall sometime this evening (Monday, Nov. 16th).
Below is a list of charities with aid goals specific to Nicaragua, Honduras, and neighboring Central American countries that have also been impacted. If you are able, please consider donating. That said, we understand that finances are incredibly tight this year and urge everyone not to contribute more than is safe for their own financial wellbeing. Regardless of your ability to contribute financially, we would appreciate very much if participants would reblog/share this post to raise awareness.  Charities for Nicaragua and Honduras:
Charity Navigator evaluates charities; it offers a list of organizations that respond to emergencies. The Federal Trade Commission provides advice on finding a charity and a checklist to help donors avoid fraud.
Before donating to an organization, ask these questions:
Is the organization open about its finances and financial health, with easy access to annual reports, statements and forms?
Does the charity spend money efficiently, mostly on programs that fulfill its stated mission — the work you care about?
Are donations to the organization tax-deductible? You can check the Internal Revenue Service to find out.
Unicef: Founded in 1946 to help children suffering in the aftermath of World War II, UNICEF provides children and families with disaster relief whenever emergencies strike. Every year, UNICEF responds to approximately 300 humanitarian situations — from conflicts to natural disasters — in 90 countries.
WaterAid: During powerful storm surges, water, sanitation and hygiene are among the first services to fail. As Hurricane Eta batters vulnerable Nicaraguan coastal communities, we need your support to provide clean water and hygiene supplies. For nearly a decade, WaterAid has been working with indigenous populations on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast from our office in Puerto Cabezas to improve access to clean water, toilets and hygiene. Clean water is more urgent than ever As COVID-19 continues to spread and communities experience catastrophic storm damage.
Direct Relief:  Smart preparation is the best defense. Each hurricane season, Direct Relief pre-positions hurricane prep packs and modules in secure locations near vulnerable areas, providing partner facilities with the medications and medical supplies they’ll need in storms’ wake. Widespread damage to residences and health facilities often leaves thousands homeless and at risk. Direct Relief works closely with local partners in the U.S. and other affected countries to ensure those in need have medication, supplies, and necessary care. The organization prioritizes work with safety-net clinics, which serve a key role in caring for displaced individuals, particularly those who are low-income and vulnerable.
Sol Relief: In September and October of 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria caused massive devastation in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and many other areas of the Caribbean. A former St. Croix, U.S.V.I. resident and pilot, Jennifer Lockwood, wanted to help.Jennifer partnered with St. Pete Air and the Glasscock Family Foundation to create an innovative disaster relief mission utilizing small aircraft to serve U.S.V.I and Puerto Rico with immediate aid. From that mission a new venture focused on providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief with the use of aviation was formed – Sol Relief, Inc. In the aftermath of Eta, Sol Relief has focused its efforts on Nicaragua and Honduras.
United We Help Honduran Families:  UWHH is focused on supporting the 1.5 million Hondurans affected by Hurricane Eta in rebuilding their communities. Hurricane Eta has deepened the challenges in the areas of economy, health and education that the most vulnerable communities in Honduras faced due to the almost 10 months of confinement as a preventive measure against COVID - 19. The heavy and constant rains that fall on most of the Honduran territory, added to the irregular topography and fragile infrastructure have caused entire cities today to be under water, isolated communities, and hundreds of families have left their homes.
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
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Fresh satellite image of Hurricane Iota (4:00 Eastern time), now a category 5, preparing to smack onto the coast of Central America, near the Nicaragua-Honduras border. I hope the people that live there have evacuated to safety. Not good.
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cr0wra · 4 years
Dos semanas después del paso del Huracán ETA por Honduras, con aprox. 2.9 millones de afectados (en un país con 9 millones de habitantes), con zonas aun inundadas, viviendas soterradas, multiples rescates, abando y desamparo gubernamental, tras perdidas humanas, animales, agrícolas y de infraestructura, la pesadilla retorna. Llega la noticia de una nueva amenaza ciclónica. La alerta roja se levanta a nivel nacional. Quienes alcanzaron a limpiar sus hogares del lodo y humedad, nuevamente huyen; los albergues crecen, la necesidad abunda, en los boulevares se refugian con toldos bajo los arboles quienes hoy ya no tienen hogar, y el fin de semana previo al 16 de nov. el país entero sufre de ansiedad y estrés, bajo un sol que no sentimos por una semana entera, la llegada nuevamente de ese manto gris que nos haría pasar una vez más horas de amarga incertidumbre, dolor y desolación.
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Copán Ruinas quedo incomunicada y con graves perdidas de cultivos, tras el paso de loa huracanes ETA e IOTA.
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Carretera CA-11 que conecta la ciudad de Santa Rosa de Copan y Gracias, Lempira, colapso.
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La Lima, Cortes. Así amanecio la Colonia Reyes Sabillon el 18 de noviembre del 2020 tras el paso del Huracán/Tormenta Tropical IOTA. La ciudad de La Lima seguía con zonas bajo el agua y sin recuperarse de ETA, cuando este nuevo ciclon ataco.
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Aeropuerto Internacional Ramón Villeda Morales de San Pedro Sula/La Lima, antes y después del IOTA. La central aérea ya había sido terriblemente afectada tras el paso de ETA, lo que influyo en que acabase como hoy (19 de Noviembre del 2020) se encuentra. Se estima que la limpieza tardara aproximadamente un mes.
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Río Chamelecón, salida al Sur de San Pedro Sula. La primera imagen se aprecia como quedo el rio y sus alrededores luego de las inundaciones causadas por el Huracán ETA, en la segunda imagen (18 de Noviembre del 2020) se aprecia como nuevamente su cause se desbordó, dejando graves inundaciones en muchos puntos de la capital industrial.
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