#I <3 YOU
fox-stuck · 8 days
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Relearning digital art after a 5 year break and learning to draw my favourite android might have been a bit much but we’re trying!
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loustyles · 1 year
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giggly louis
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
A series of letters from one Lt. Harry Crosby to his wife 🤍 (a sort-of continuation of Just Say Yes, but can be read as a standalone!)
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My darling wife,
‘Wife.’ I’ll never get tired of saying that.
How are you, darling? I hope you’re not worrying about me too much; I promise, I’m staying as safe as I can, and someday soon this war will end and I’ll have you back in my arms once more.
I miss you more than words can say, sweetheart. You occupy my every waking thought, and all of my dreams at night. Some of the things I dream can’t be written (you know what I mean), but I hope to be back with you soon so I can make them a reality.
All my love, and a thousand kisses,
Your Harry
My most darling husband, I know you didn’t just try to tell your wife not to worry about you! I know how capable you are, but there will always be a part of me that worries.  I’m keeping as busy as I can. I’ve found a job as a typist at the factory here! It’s not quite the job I’ve always dreamed of, but anything I can do to help you boys! Violet from two doors down works there as well, and I’ve made friends with a few of the other girls there, so you don’t need to worry about me being lonely over here. Be safe, my love, and I’ll be counting down the days until I see you again. The swell of joy I feel when I get your letters will surely be nothing compared to being in your arms again. With my deepest love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby P.S. Say ‘Hi!’ to Bubbles for me! P.P.S. I admit I’m intrigued by these dreams you claim you can’t write about… I don’t even get a hint?
‘Mrs. Y/N Crosby’ I don’t think a prettier sequence of letters has ever existed…
A job! Darling, I’m so proud of you.
Though now I can’t help but wonder at every piece of paper arriving on base here— did you type those words? Perhaps it’s just me wishing you were closer, but I like to think every piece of paper coming in with the supplies came from your hand.
Speaking of paper, was that a hint of your perfume I detected on your last letter? It was a wonderful reminder of you, my love. 
There are flowers blooming in the fields here. I’m not sure what kind they are, but they’re beautiful so of course they made me think of you. I’ve enclosed a few that I’ve pressed, and I can only hope they make the journey to you in one piece. If not, well… I send my apologies and a promise that I’ll make up for it with all the fresh flowers you could want when I’m home.
Bubbles says ‘hi’ back, and wants me to tell you that he’s making sure I’m safe (though I’m sure you know it’s clearly the other way around— no, I’m only joking, honey. We keep each other safe.)
As for your question regarding certain dreams… I’m afraid I’ll have to keep you in suspense, my dear, at least for now.
Your unspeakably proud husband,
[enclosed: a variety of small pressed wildflowers]
It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. Are you getting my letters? I hope so.
How are things going at work? I hope they’re not working my girl too hard. 
You’ll never guess what happened with Bubbles, sweetheart. He was off on pass visiting his girl over in Norwich, and the poor guy caught a stomach bug! He won’t be flying anytime soon, so I’m taking his place for a bit. Frankly I’m not sure how flying with me will be any different from flying with Bubbles with a stomach bug…
I miss you with all my heart, honey. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
Goodbye for now, angel. I hope I hear from you soon.
My brave Bing, Poor Bubbles! Hopefully he’s recovered by now. Tell him hello for me! And I hope your missions went well, darling, and that you’re taking the time to rest when you can. Take care of yourself, my love. Work has been fine, for the most part. Violet and Carol had a bit of a falling out— over what I’m not sure, but it’s made the office fairly awkward. The prevailing theory among the girls is a spat over a boy, though Ruthie’s making a very convincing case for it being an argument over a lost lipstick. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on these riveting (ha) events, as I’m sure you’re as curious about it as we are. Your gifts did make it to me in one piece for the most part, and I’m keeping them safe next to my picture of you. They’re beautiful, darling. In return, I’ve enclosed some pressed roses from our garden. You know I don’t quite have your green thumb, but I’m doing my best (though I am looking forward to the day you’re back home and can take over the gardening duties— the flowers miss you almost as much as I do.) All my love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: two pressed red roses]
My darling,
Would it surprise you to know the boys now have a bet going as to the reason for your colleagues’ falling out?
I told Bubbles about it, then word apparently spread, and now nearly the entire 100th seems to know the story! (For the record, most of the boys are leaning towards the cause being a boy, though Bubbles is still holding out for Ruthie’s lipstick theory)
Do let us know if the cause for the argument is ever discovered: I’ve got $10 riding on this, sweetheart!
I managed to get a moment to myself yesterday, and found myself walking in the field near where the ground crews were working on the forts. And do you know what happened, honey?
A butterfly landed on my hand.
It was a little orange and black thing, and it only stayed for a moment before flying off, but having that pretty thing choose me as a resting place on its journey to wherever it was off to… it made me miss you more than ever. I wish you could’ve been here to see it.
I love and miss you so much, sweetheart, I couldn’t possibly love you more, and yet every day, my love for you grows. I’m just existing until the day I can take you in my arms again and never let you go.
Millions of hugs, thousands of kisses, and all my love,
Your Harry
My most darling beloved Bing, Ha! I’m glad I could provide some entertainment from so far away, honey. Tell Bubbles to rejoice: Mary found a lipstick tube that had rolled into a corner behind her desk, and Vi and Carol have agreed to be friends again, imagine that! You didn’t tell me which side of the bet you were on, sweetheart, but knowing you I imagine you sided with Bubbles as always. Do spend your winnings on something sensible— perhaps more paper to write to your poor wife? Oh, my love. You’ll never believe what happened as I was reading your latest letter out in the garden (the weather’s been lovely lately!) A butterfly— black and orange, similar to the one you described seeing all the way over there — landed on the chair next to me. Your chair, darling. Did you send that pretty thing all the way over to me to say hello? I’ll imagine you did.  I love you more than words can say, darling, and so the millions of kisses I’ve enclosed will have to suffice. Stay safe, and I’ll see you when you come home to me. All my love, and then some more, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: in a departure from her usual singular lip print on the page next to her signature, Mrs. Crosby chose instead to enclose an entire extra page covered in its entirety in lip prints 👀💋]
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alloutshirt · 2 years
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happy for them <3
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avadmortain · 10 months
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i love replaying twc for the millionth time and still somehow managing to get new, never been seen before dialogue that makes me absolutely loose my shit. every. single. time.
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meirimerens · 6 months
this literally happened to me btw we went to a basilica one of the most sacred places of christianity in the south of France with a wholee bunch of reliquaries, multiple times blessed by popes, the whole thing, and indeed thought some old guy was giving nonbinary slay. But it was actually just a priest. i had forgotten some people are catholic for real
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ducktracy · 5 months
"posting this because i NEEEEEED this on my blog" is probably going to be the caption for 95% of the Shin-chan stuff i post BUT IT IS NO LESS TRUE BECAUSE OF IT. Masaaki Yuasa is quickly becoming one of my favorite animators and i want to have easy access to ogle at his work at any time. and i hope for you to do the same! so here's his animation for Ending 3 of the show from 1993
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bismuthiii · 4 months
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Jee probably likes being stepped on...
Inspired by @erisenyo 's wonderful Between the Throne and Where You Sit
Full ~ explicit ~ version (with feet un-blurred plus some other inspired by the fic sketches) cross-posted on ao3
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #112
3 Will Be Free ep 3:
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Dirty Laundry ep 5:
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Last Twilight ep 12:
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tadpolebobatea · 7 months
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Happy birthday to Miss Kururu! Our genre confused idol queen! 
Manifesting some plot for her soon, even Lucy has done more plot stuff than her TwT 
i mean her ability is  really interesting (even if it was mostly set up for a cute AnFuu moment). i think it’s fun it doesn’t work on attraction, just the pose (i had upsetting asexual thoughts about this, more should be made of free will being overwritten. You don’t even need to like girls (yeah i was projecting onto Tella))
(Yes tozuka is too filled with light and joy to go that route but I think about it)
(to me, unchastes previous activation was seeing the users ankles. Repressed Victorian you feel?) 
(you’ve heard me mumble about kururu enough that I think you deserve a drawing)
Timelapse babie 
Me before making this drawing : love kururu, goober
Me while drawing Kururus hair : I’m gonna hurl this girl into the sun. Immediately.
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yellow-rose-lady · 1 year
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Here is a small redesign (minor) for the Garmadon’s . It’s minor for Lloyd and Llydia, major for Llyria!
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cimikat · 2 months
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Painted in honor of the PhoenixFlare Discord's one year anniversary this month.
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airenyah · 10 months
me once a week since the first ep of last twilight dropped: god p'aof shows just hit different 😭
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lunabug2004 · 8 months
I know we all collectively notice and talk about the fact that Mike is pushed to the side in seasons 3&4, but I kinda feel like that’s the case in s2 as well. It’s definitely not as bad, but I think it’s still true.
What got me thinking on this is all the reactions I’ve seen of season 2 where the reactors all kind-of forget about Mike and never talk about him until the last couple episodes (and sometimes not even then) and I don’t really understand why this is the case since he gets plenty of screen time and story. Maybe it’s just because he’s so intertwined with Will’s story and they all just wanna talk about Will and Noah’s performance (which is fair), so they just forget to mention Mike or Finn? Idk, just something I’ve noticed.
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berlinini · 5 months
fearless you'll always be my number one queen 👑
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ducktracy · 3 months
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i reset a bunch of my Animal Crossing towns in a variety of games like i always end up doing and am thusly rebooting my bullying compilation 2.0. i can tell it's going to be filled to the brim which is why i'm starting a new. look at these ingrates
evidently i am also quite scary
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