plasticfangtastic · 1 year
American Royalty ch. 5
A Homelander X F! Reader and Dadlander fic.
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A/N: prev. chapters available in my pin post, if ya like to be added to my taglist feel free to drop a comment with a request. I wanted to post this tomorrow but yeah am a liar with ADHD UwU.
Tags: mild gore, angsts, lots of angst, slow burn, fluff, oc characther, child neglect, dadlander, romance... i guess i should also say unhealthy/toxic relationship.
Chapter five
Thick lines.
Ryan and Helena were exhausted, most of the obstacle course had been partially destroyed, the walls damaged quite severely, and the ceiling was dented, Homelander had learned two things: 1) Ryan holds back too much– too afraid to harm, too afraid to break things, too afraid of his own powers as if they would come right-back around and harm him, and 2) Helena’s forcefield could take a beating, it had taken Ryan quite a bit of rage for it to start cracking, the girl continued to taunt hi, calling him inept, throwing insults without care before it cracked down.
She had learned her limits, making notes for future reference.
So here he was putting pressure on her arm, as she bled profusely.
Ryan was crying blaming himself, while Homelander took her to the labs. The girl didn’t cry much, seemingly just angry, only wincing as her father squeezed her arm with curses in her lips.
You had run out of the kitchen, guards refusing you entry to the labs, while you demanded entry Homelander had emerged and ordered them to step aside, throwing daggers at them as he took your hand.
You cried as you saw the bandages on her arm, you cried harder when she wrapped her arms around you, bawling and shaking underneath them.
Homelander calmly explained that she ended up with twenty stitches and some blood transfusion, but she was fine, no bone had been touched and her body was healing slowly.
You barely listened.
When was the last time you saw her cry? She was a quiet baby, a perfect baby, by the time she could talk, crying seemed redundant when she could simply spell it out for you.
“What did you do!?” You picked your child, retreating from him– I fucking qu–
“It was my fault…” Ryan said drying his sobs– I’m sorry.”
“It was an accident. The kids got a little heated during training… I should’ve stepped in earlier.”
Homelander took Ryan under his arm.
You stared at the kid, then back at your own.
“Helena did you–” You stroke her back– Sorry that my daughter antagonized you… It won’t happen again.”
Your voice was quiet, unable to look at either child.
“Let’s go get your stuff. My apologies, Homelander but I won’t be able to continue my work today. She won’t be a cause of future concern…” You wanted to quit and leave this tower forever.
He lets you go, no doctor tried stopping you either, but you wouldn’t let your daughter stay at Vought, a nurse informed you to come back to change the bandages in two days but you rather take her to an actual hospital.
You looked at him knowing he was going to come around.
Coffee already on the stove and biscuits on the table already waiting for him.
“How is she?” He was genuine.
“She says it's too itchy… but her arm is alright.” you scratch at your head.
“You look tired.”
“I haven’t slept for almost a decade… that’s just my face now.”
“You didn’t quit.” He sat beside you on the big round-table, turning pale as you saw him sit on his cape, his eyes reddened as he tried to look calm– are you quitting?”
“I dunno. Helena can be pretty abrasive. I’m sorry your son fell for it, she doesn’t mean it…  she just thinks that people are going to be cruel, so she’s cruel first.”
“Why?” He presses taking a quick glance at the livingroom and the misplaced toys.
“Try being in a classroom full of teenagers and be the smartest one in the whole room, they just see a smug midget who thinks she’s better than anybody else– they’re mean… kids in general are mean… but she eventually just scares them enough… there were other kids she’d hurt, nothing too severe.”
You stayed in silence not knowing if you should ask him to leave or not. If you should let him be privy of those events.
“She knows.”
“She either figured it out or used her powers to find out.” He rested his elbow on the table stroking his tired eyes– I didn’t tell her but she would’ve noticed there was something going on.”
You yawned, taking a couple sips of coffee as he copied you. The silence unbearable and your eyes heavy and aching, gawking at him made you think of her.
“Your eyes and lips are identical.” That was an unusual smile on your face– when she was born that was the first thing I noticed, the second was that mop of hair on her head… she had so much hair and it was so long, but those were your eyes… sadly, you know I always thought your nose was your best feature but she got mine.”
You stood up asking him to follow you to the living room with a finger, taking a seat on the same sofa you refused to throw away.
“Tell me about her… Becca never had the chance… I cleaned that house and found pictures and trinkets, but without the stories I can only speculate. I don’t know his first words, the first time he walked, his first time riding a bike… I don’t know anything. She never wanted to tell me.” He leaned closer, his hand close to yours but never touching– Ryan is sorry, he was quite shaken.”
“Her first word was ‘morning’.” You spoke wanting to indulge, wanting to seem better for some reason.
You told him stories, there had been a time when you fantasized sharing all these moments with him, when you were younger and stupider. When you two began to get too serious, when he had called you baby, darling and honey with genuine affection, when you watched him sleep and caressed his hair awake. You’d dreamed of drinking wine while your kids slept by his side at one point and in this forced intimacy you could be as deluded as he was just in case he was holding something nefarious over your head.
You let him know about her silly things, about her first love… the chemistry set you bought her when she was five. About how she lived in their local library and everybody knew her by name, about how some of the kids expected her to become Brooklyn’s finest, about her hatred of pistachio and strong emotions about bird keeping.
You never expected to talk to him like this after everything, but today has been a rollercoaster and you simply hadn't been in you to fight, not now when your daughter knew, you were doing this to yourself so you couldn’t fight it, you gave him morsels and crumbs because you had no one to talk about this things.
“Is Ryan alright?” You asked leaning away from him, the night was so dark and only the kitchen in the back lit the house– it must’ve been so scary.”
“He was pretty shaken. Took me a lot to get him to stop crying…”
“Helena won’t hold any grudges… I think… I got an idea… has Ryan ever been to Coney Island? Maybe we can take the kids to the boardwalk, have hotdogs and hit the aquarium, Helena will not misbehave in there.” You put your empty cup on the coffee table– they can make up.”
He gave you a tired smile, knowing he had to head home soon but wanting to talk some more.
“Are you angry at her?” He asks weakly.
“She would’ve hurt Ryan. I figured out she was forcing him to attack when you said things got a little heated, that’s how she dealt with bullies in the past.” you looked him straight in the eyes– I am upset.”
He found a way to touch your hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“Don’t be… I think Ryan would like the aquarium, he’s never been.” He seemed ashamed of that statement.
“Remember when we used to sneak out to Central Park?” You said suddenly with a chirp in your voice.
“Those were long nights.” He dares give you a flirty look.
“No… those handful of times where we went during daytime… ditch the suit… more witnesses, more likely to behave.”
You tried ignoring those sharp fangs, he was so good looking still and it had been so fucking long since you got laid, being forced to remember him, to interact with him, to let him touch you… some people like to be used… Helena had said it best, and in this nice house he bought you, and the nice stuff he got you all around you, you remember what he was trying to get out of you, and that was to play a role.
At the doctor’s office, Helena cried a lot when the doctor took her stitches out, it had taken a day to heal but she was left with a gnarly scar.
“Phantasma” You sit next to her while she eats some ice cream, she really did not like getting the stitches out, the visit had reduced her to an actual little girl, even after her words were incoherent, skipping words as she cried all the way out to the ice cream shop, Helena’s skin was hard not like her fathers but it was near impossible to penetrate it with a needle, forced to proceed without real anesthesia– sounds better than ‘Ghost Girl’, no?”
She looked up.
“Sounds cool. Why?” she sniffed hard.
“Your father did ask about it…”
“Honey. He told me you figured it out. How?”
She licked her ice cream cone, as you tucked her under your arm. Scooting her closer on the park bench.
“I used Elmo to break into his apartment. I turned us both invisible and I went up there.” You pulled on her ear– ouch!”
“He’s been following us for weeks!” you let her go– I was curious as to what he was doing… I was suspicious of his intentions, found the paperwork in his office and played stupid for a couple days.” She handed you her slobbered cover ice cream– Is not appropriate for a grown man to be following little girls.”
“You shouldn’t use Elmo like that!”
��You aren’t mad I broke into his house?” She looked perplexed.
“Nah… I could have given you the passcode it's the first thing they gave me when I started work. Don’t involve the kid!” You took a bite– Jesus Helena! You being invisible is hard enough… I don’t want you ending up like Translucent! Guy was so mentally ill.”
“You knew translucent?” her ear perked up.
“He would walk around naked in the bathrooms– I’ll explain to you when you’re older, honey.” you handed the ice cream back, your lips tight under your teeth– I knew your father for three years… So I got to meet some of The Seven. Either way leave the kid alone and for all intents and purposes you never told me about the stalking…”
“You got something in mind?”
“We’re going to play his game. You’re his daughter… so that tower should be yours, no?”
“There’s my older brother to worry about, too.”
“He’s just a little boy, riding thru life with only nepotism as his anchor” You stroke her hair pushing her bangs away from her beautiful eyes– but he’s not you.” You leaned into her ear– you are my daughter.”
Her smile was sickly sweet.
Here you were waiting for him at the entrance of the boardwalk, when you felt a light touch on your shoulder.
He looked uncomfortable and maybe too dressed up for the occasion, you took the lapel of his suit jacket. It was the nicest fabric you’ve touched in your entire life, surprised to see his hair not as gel-up and his eyes hiding behind versace sunnies.
“Did you raid Kendall Roy’s closet? I swear I saw this jacket in season 3.”
“Is a good show.” he laughs looking painfully stiff, his eyes moving rapidly behind his lenses– and yes.”
“Wait, is this actually from the show?”
“I just said yes.”
Your mouth dropped slightly, but you did like the feel of the jacket.
“You’re more Shiv.”
“Not Logan I hope?”
You snorted in horror, your daughter pretended to be confused by his appearance trying not to look at Ryan, who looked like a deer in front of a hummer.
“Are you doing okay, little guy?” You asked, making sure to lift his hat playfully– Ever had a Nathan’s glizzy? Is an institution.”
The kid looked so shy.
“No, I never had one…” He was one bad word away from sobbing.
“Is okay. My arm is all good again” Helena's adult size hoodie had a big enough collar for her to pull down and reveal nothing but a scar– I am not mad at you. It was an accident… Besides, you can’t be a supe if you’re afraid of getting boo-boos.”
Ryan seemed more shaken than anything, but before he could do his best sad little orphan boy impression, Helena took his hand and dragged him forward, telling him that he needed to try Nathan’s before doing anything, rambling about how good they are, and that she couldn’t wait to see the Aquarium.
Both you and Homelander stood a few steps behind as your daughter gave the kid no time to rest.
“She’s always been this pushy?” He whispered into your ear.
“She just found out that’s her brother… She's a tad excited.”
“You had the talk? Without me!?” He looked upset, staring at his kids with a bit of bitterness.
“I was ambushed. I swear to god you need to figure out a weakness with her damn bubble.”
“What's the limit before she runs out of oxygen?” he asks.
“1 minute and 46 seconds is her personal best.” you whispered back.
“What did you tell Helena was happening today?” He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close.
“That it was a play-date, to try to mend the situation… after all she instigated it.” You leaned against him tugging on his jacket with a cheeky smile– not whatever you were thinking this was… now… get your hand off my ass, John.”
“I told you. I have a story to sell. Both kids are in the same school, now they can start being friends and she knows I’m her dad. Let’s just skip to the good part.”
“You want to pretend we are dating?” If your teeth could separate and let you talk with ease, you would bite his nose off before finishing your next sentence– Did you run that past your team? Sure I wouldn’t rank higher than Maeve or Starlight in the fake girlfriend department… I think even Taylor would rank better… she did make a great single out of you.”
He cringed at that comment.
“You’ll do great in the fake mother department– The team has concocted something extra juicy, a real page turner. Way above Hallmark channel christmas movies, we are talking award circuit instead.”
You both did that fake little laugh that sounded more like a growl as your kids turned around after spotting the white, green and yellow hot dog restaurant.
As Helena headed to the line, with Ryan in tow. You played your role, Helena would have what she deserves– if he wanted to force you and her into his life, you were going to wrap those chains so tight around his neck, he would forget he ever lived without it.
Your mouth met his for a brief moment, startling him enough that his hand left your hips, he was left stuck in place as you went after the kids.
The breeze tousled his hair, as you looked back at him with a saddened smile.
“I haven’t forgiven you… but I want to give you a second chance… I want to put all those things behind us… if you are going to be here for her– for us.” You whispered from afar out of your kids reach as Helena took your wallet, knowing full well he was listening attentively– I’ve missed you. Even if I don’t want to admit it.”
The seagulls squealed as he took his place beside you, wrapping his arm again around your waist just to kiss you yet again.
The moment Helena saw a fish tank it was game over. All her ‘Wednesday’ facade had melted as she became an over excited amateur marine biologist, giving his eldest no time of rest as she explained as many animals she could to the child, he had learned an awful lot about corals and kelp as they moved from exhibit to exhibit, admittedly Ryan was having fun, hanging out with other kids as school had been a bit difficult, his socialization skills were poor from years of isolation and homeschooling but this was nice.
Homelander could only see a kodak moment ruined by the myriad of The Deep billboards staring at him.
It was a bizarre game of stealth kisses happening behind the kids, he was starving for you,  a desire he had put down in the cellar and today he found again, excited to play this game with you.
Wanting to feel your comfort, happy that you took his offer, now he only had to tell Ryan.
As you left for the bathroom he was left alone with the two kids, Ryan fixated on some animals and his mind elsewhere when Helena pulled at his sleeve.
“You look like you want to rip your skin off.”
“I don’t usually wear clothes like this?” he says politely– what about you? Why are you wearing that giant hoodie again? Don’t you own other stuff?”
It was big enough for an adult, her sleeves had been rolled up quite a bit and its length still touched her knees making her appear shorter than she already was, this had been the fifth time he had seen her in this fit, she wore black hoodies most of the times on top of her normal clothes– cheap thrifted clothes and hand-me downs somethign that irked the man; But this ridiculous hoodie seemed to be a favorite. The newest and nicest thing she owned was a pair of A-T Force 1, it pissed him off to watch her wear those shoes– why worship that fat slob when her father was the fucking Homelander! he thought.
“Is really nice… found it in an old box mother had with her while we were living in one of her cousin’s garage.” She stretched her arm urging the man to have a feel of the soft cotton fabric– She didn’t wanna throw it away ‘cuz she could sell it but I ended up wearing it a lot. I like it.”
The fabric was worn down but it was evidently of good quality, he spun the little girl around as he looked at the size tag, only to see the name of the brand… Brunello, his eyes widened as he noted that this hoodie easily cost over 1000 dollars, but as the girl glared at him a light sob escaped his lips as his eyes tingled– this had been his sweater. 
Of the few items of clothes he had owned over the years, he knew this was his.
In those secret dates in central park and escapes to Paris and Seoul, where he was forced to hide who he was just so you two could hold hands without causing a scene, he had bought this, you liked it enough to steal it from him from time to time.
Homelander had become John Gillman for you, he had never needed a secret identity before he met you, not even mulling on the idea for long. He only had to be the Homelander, but he had become a mild-mannered executive named Mr. John Gillman, to be with you– forcing himself to wear strange clothes and mingle with lowborn folks, just to hold your hands and kiss you.
This stupid hoodie that he had ordered an intern to buy only to arrive a size too big, that had gone missing years prior, now stood here wrapping his daughter.
“How did you find out about me?” He asks with shaky lips.
“After you showed up at Lucci’s… thought it was weird that you showed up at my house not long before… I suspected you knew my mom, and after she told me that she worked at Vought. Well, I looked at her resume and did some math. I only really began to suspect it after you broke into my house” She raised her chin– you left the window open by two inches, not enough to matter but enough for me to notice as I always leave them close all the way… you left my hairbrush in the sink’s and not the trolley. Why would you touch my hairbrush? Wonder what you could get out of it…”
The little shit turned around to spot her brother still admiring the clover reef while they waited for you.
“I was taking a gamble when I called you a ‘deadbeat’, dad.”
Homelander's heart skipped a beat when her mouth uttered the word, unsure if she was mocking him or otherwise, from her it was hard to tell.
“You don’t want him to know about me, right?” Her voice was quiet, a knot buried itself in her throat.
“What? No!” He said in a panic, getting on one knee to see her eye-to-eye– Helena… I … I want us to be a family, Ryan will understand but I have to wait… he’s not like you or me… he’s… sweet.”
She looked away squishing her little fist, hiding her beautiful kyanite stones behind those long bangs, his hand lifted her hair, trying to peek further into those beautiful skies, feeling the creamy skin under his palm, her warmth as her cheeks turn a new shade of pink.
“You’re my daughter… my blood… I am sorry… I was… I was an asshole for what I did, but I just want to be there for you now… so If I can… you can call me ‘Dad’ if you like.”
His voice quivering as he spoke, she was frail, he could feel it under his touch, how easy it would be for him to hurt her.
Little girls were to be handled with much more care, dainty things they were, she was a peony blooming in his hands, so he had to be soft and strong for her. she rested her cheek against his hand, his so warm and soft, surprised at the way he looked at her-- there was a twinkle of desperation behind his gaze.
She rested until her eyes didn’t sting anymore.
As you left the bathroom, you spotted the curious scene, biting at your lips as your guilt finally catched up to you, you didn’t need it, you would not allow yourself to be harmed but as you saw your daughter play her role, you knew… she would be lost inside the character… She was a lonely child, deprived of you and without him ever in the picture... she had a weakness.
You let them mingle from afar as they walked around towards some river exhibition, while Ryan made his way towards the duo, their hands intertwined as he turned calling for his boy.
For a moment you saw a glimpse of the life you always wanted… Revenge was a nasty game… could you really play it? You wondered as you fixed your clothes.
Before you could say anything, your sight followed a faceless passerby.
A service dog in tow.
The passerby had simply bumped into Helena, the dog had been just close enough, you didn't worry immediately, she had gotten used to dogs and you were certain she had been good and taken her allergy meds.
You were sure.
Helena turned but it was too late.
With a single sneeze the gates had opened.
The walls rumbled, as the pale blue wave of sharp wavering light exploded out of her body.
Everybody swallowed a shared gasp, as the glass began to crack.
taglist: hope y'all like the chapter @fromforeigntofamiliarity @immyowndefender @demodemo909
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lavender-romancer · 2 years
Crosses on my body
Part Four Tommy Shelby x Reader AN: new character inspired by Father Hughes but not him
You were a nun in Dublin but when you decided to take action against those in powerful positions in the church you had to escape. When you turn up in Birmingham and begin a relationship with Tommy Shelby will he be able to protect you from your past?
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
previous chapter
"They found me, they've fucking found me," you said quietly to Tommy as he sat at the bar talking to you.
"What?" He raised an eyebrow and you handed him the unopened letter. "You haven't opened it?"
"I can't do it." You fidgeted with your fingers.
"You do that a lot…when you're anxious." Tommy observed and you rolled your eyes before twitching your leg as he opened it. "Shit," Tommy said under his breath and your eyes shot up.
"What? What the fuck is it?" You hissed, your eyes wide as Tommy pulled out a letter and a card, the ace of spades. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?"
"In the war when we had gained ground and there wasn't as much of a threat overground we would put this card on the bodies of dead Germans. As a way to…" he looked like he was struggling to form his words.
"Why? For what reason?" You said quietly, leaning over the bar before realising it was still sticky and recoiling.
"It was to make fun of their deaths. The ace of spades is the death card." He looked from the card to you before placing it down and opening the letter.
"So they're making fun of my theoretical death?"
"I don't know if it's so theoretical to them," he turned the letter around and all it said was "The wrath of God is coming".
"Those fucking bastards." Your eyes began to water and you ran into the back room, sinking down to the floor against a wall and sobbing.
Thank god the pub was loud enough to not hear it. The sobbing felt like your whole body was slowly dying, your chest couldn't breath, your head couldn't think, limbs unable to do anything aside from hugging yourself in some notion of comforting yourself but it wouldn't work.
"Y/n," you turned your head with terror and saw Tommy. "It's just me,"
"I-I can't w-where do I go!" You stuttered and he knelt down in front of you.
"You'll be with me. What can the church do against the Shelby's?" He smiled at you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
"I mean… I have n-no fucking clue about your family a-aside from fucking w-whispers," you tried to smile but you couldn't see through the tears.
"You're going home, come on." He went to pull you up but you began crying harder, shaking your head insistently.
"They know where I live!" You exclaimed in fear.
"Don't worry. We'll go there, you pack some things and then you can stay with me." Tommy helped you up to your feet and your legs began to shake.
"But you're not involved," you hung your head but he put a hand under your chin gently and lifted up your head.
"Well I am now. And I intend it to stay like that." He leaned forward and kissed your cheek before pulling you closer to his body.
You wrapped your arms around him and felt his comforting weight around you, feeling so overwhelmed the pressure from his arms seemed to somewhat calm you down. Your breath was hitching every so often but the longer he held you the longer you could hold deep breaths.
"Permit me to help you," Tommy whispered and you pulled away slightly to look up at him and nod.
"Tommy we need to talk," Polly walked into his office and shut the door.
"What's this referring to?" He asked, leaning forward on his chair.
"People are talking," she paused. "About the nun."
"Ex-nun." Tommy interjected and Polly groaned.
"For once just shut the fuck up, Thomas!" She exclaimed. "They're talking about what she's done and I've heard even more whispers in church. I'm not bothered but some people are sounding more malicious than others. Is she protected?"
"She's staying at the house, so yes." Tommy scratched his head and Polly rolled her eyes.
"So that's your real concern then, getting her into bed?" She asked.
"No, I feel…I don't know what it is but we haven't even had sex but I want to be around her all the time," Tommy sighed. "I know it could all go fucking wrong but what she knows, what she's done was for reasons you'd stand by."
"I hope she's worth it, Thomas. We're too vulnerable to lose someone else in all this Russian business." Polly sat down in front of his desk in the armchair.
"I know what I'm doing, Pol." Tommy tried to reassure her. In reality he wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing.
After Grace died Tommy wanted to swear off all marriages and all close relationships with anyone but you, he just couldn't leave your understanding as just being colleagues. He couldn't see you and not want to talk to you, tell you his darkest thoughts and exist with you for as long as the world would allow.
"Do you think it's safe to be here?" You asked Tommy as you sat on the pews and he nodded.
"I have people outside and I'm here. Considering I'd be collateral if you stay with me you're more likely to be safe. I doubt the Catholic church would want to piss us off." Tommy smirked and you nodded, still anxious.
"It's just the power they have globally. That's what scares me the most, they know what I have, what I know. People who left before didn't even take anything incriminating with them and they were chased down." You rested your elbows on your knees and hunched over, head bowed in defeat.
"They won't hurt you," Tommy reassured you.
"You and God can only protect me for so long and the Lord won't even show himself to me. I desperately need to go to confession but I can't, it would incriminate me." You groaned and closed your eyes, only opening them when Tommy started rubbing his hand on your back.
"I won't let them hurt you, regardless of what God decides. I can't fear something I don't believe in." He whispered.
"I'm surprised you'd belittle him whilst in here," you paused "Do you still believe yourself to be the Devil?"
"An incarnation of the devil perhaps," he raised an eyebrow and you smirked.
"I would be punished for my relationship with you if you were. I don't believe there is only evil in you, there can't be." You sat back up and looked at Tommy.
"What I believe, is nothing. But I like listening to you talk about it," he stared into your eyes and down to your lips that seemed to part as soon as his gaze wandered to them.
"How do you travel through life with no belief?" You asked.
"I believe religion is a foolish answer to increasingly foolish questions." His hand moved up to your hair.
"But what if you die? What will happen to you?" You furrowed your brow.
"I choose to live." He whispered before pulling you into a passionate kiss that carried all the tension that had built up over the past month.
His other hand gripped your waist and you moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and moving closer to him before you were on top of him. Tommy's hands rested on your backside and yours running along his shoulders before going to unbutton his shirt.
"Not here," Tommy whispered and you laughed.
"So now is when you find religion?" You asked.
"No, I know that you'll hate me eventually for doing this here." He pulled you towards him and touched your breast which made you close your eyes and bite the inside of your cheek.
"You're a fucking tease," you whispered close to his ear and he shook his head.
"You're the fucking tease. I miss being in a fucking room with you. The hold you have on me should be outlawed." You straightened your back and he pushed a hair away from your face.
"Are you regretting praying with the fucking nun?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and Tommy shook his head once again.
"I don't experience much peace or rest in this life, but I think I will in the next if I'm with you " his hand went behind your neck and pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you in the safest embrace you'd ever felt. Not to last long.
"So this is what you've been up to since you left us?" A voice called and your eyes shot up, you knew that voice.
"Father Fagan," your voice was so quiet as you stood up and Tommy followed, standing in front of you.
"Multiple cardinal sins and now lust to add to that list, not how we raised you was it?" He walked to the last line of pews a few meters in front of you both.
"Edward Fagan. Is it?" Tommy asked, putting a cigarette in his mouth, you looked up at him, perplexed.
"What of it g*psy scum?" He growled.
"How's your molestation case coming along these days?" Tommy lit his cigarette and Fagan sat down on the pews.
"The case was dropped, you cunt." His voice was filled with such malice.
"I've spoken to some of the mothers of those children. Appears it didn't impact your reputation but then, that could change with a crown court case against you." Tommy looked at him with dead eyes you hadn't seen before but it made you feel safer to be on the right side of them.
"You speak as if you have any power. A little drug and alcohol business won't survive you through the decade. We have politicians the police and-"
"And your faithful followers, yes. But what do you have here?" Tommy asked, there was a long pause in the conversation.
"Difficult little creatures aren't they?" He paused, smiling creepily. "Children are such a blessing for the church. You've got a boy yourself haven't you?"
"Leave him out of this ple-" you started.
"Shut it you mongrel fucking whore." Fagan spat out.
"The mongrel and the whore, eh?" Tommy said to you with a raised eyebrow and you hit his arm.
"Now I don't know why you would defend this slut Mr Shelby but, I can promise you we can make your life very difficult by ignoring the advice I'm going to give you," Fagan stood up and pulled out a cigarette for himself whilst Tommy stood strong.
"And what's that, heavenly father?" Tommy mocked.
"If you choose to save this corrupted soul before you, we can make you life very fucking difficult." He was still approaching the two of you slowly.
"The Lord will protect me, and Thomas can protect himself," you scowled at Fagan and he began laughing.
"You fucking- I'm wasting my breath. Give me what I want or we will blow up every single one of your establishments one by one or maybe all together." Fagan breathed smoke in your direction.
"And what are your demands?" Tommy asked.
"The whore and the papers." He looked you up and down. "There are some uses she could still have in the convent, even just as an example of what allowing the devil into your life can do "
"Right. So who and what army will be attacking me?" Tommy questioned.
"You don't need to fucking know," he growled as Tommy breathed out smoke before continuing.
"I heard it's the economic league or is it Section D?" Tommy pondered, this seemed to catch Fagan off guard a little.
"And you think that information makes you special do ya?" Fagan tutted. "Trust a fucking tinker to get bad intel."
"When do you demand, your demands that won't be met, be met by?" Tommy asked.
"Friday," he spread his legs out into a stronger base.
"Fuck off now," Tommy said and Fagan laughed in a hollow way.
"You should fuck off and leave me with that creature," Fagan licked his bottom lip and looked at your chest, it make you want to crawl outside of your body.
"Well unless you want a bullet in your fucking skull and a few others scattered around your body. Fuck. Off." Tommy announced.
"We'll be in touch, Mr Shelby. Don't you worry about that." Fagan looked him in the eyes before turning and leaving slowly.
next part Peaky blinders taglist: @queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315 Series taglist: @juicyj28 @alessioayla @fmo166
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Welcome to Nowhere: I Want to go Home
The woman takes a step towards you, a dark curl falling across her face as she steps. 
“Hello.” She whispers. “Do you know where I am?”
You hesitate, confused. “...  A church?” You answer.
She shakes her head. “No, I- this place is wrong.” Her voice is breathy and sounds far away. “I think I made it to…. I want to go home.”
You  turn away, looking to Gia for help.  Except…. they aren’t here. Nor is Emerson, Aderyn, or Bea. You’re alone. How? You all went into the same tunnel so why are you…? You turn back towards the woman, unease seizing in your chest. 
“Do you know where I am?” She asks again. 
This time, you shake your head. “No.”
“I want to go home.” She says, repeating herself again. “I want to go home now. I’ve been here too long, I want to go home.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know where that is.” You whisper back. Her words are familiar, you’ve heard them before. They hurt. The room stays entirely silent, entirely still, for a moment. The woman gives you a blank stare. Then she lets out an ear-splitting wail. It’s so loud, so sorrow-filled, and so, so angry. You can feel it. You can feel it in every corner, every crevice in your soul, and it hurts. You know that sorrow, that rage, that loneliness, and that sheer and utter hopelessness. 
“Everything is wrong. The people-” She spits, gesturing towards the dolls. “This church, this wedding.” She lets out a sharp laugh. “This fucking wedding.” She takes another step forward. “All wrong. I am-” She chokes on a sob. “I am alone.” She spits out the last word. “I don’t want to be alone. I want to go home.”
“I don’t-” You falter. “ I’m sorry, I don’t know-” You stumble back, away from the woman. She steps forward. 
“You-” She snarls, “YOU! You can-you can take me home…” 
“No.” You choke out, a sob lodging itself in your throat. “I’m sorry.”
 The woman lets out another, terrible wail. She  lunges towards you, and the church walls shatter. 
You’re running. You don’t know what’s happening, but the church is gone and the woman is chasing you through the graveyard. 
“I DON’T BELONG HERE!” She shouts behind you. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”
All around you, bodies spring up from their graves, but they aren’t alive. They’re dolls. Dead-eyed, bleeding dolls. They reach for you, gripping at your ankles, causing you to trip on the graves. You kick at them, screaming. You get up and keep running. 
The graveyard is falling apart all around you, dissolving into nothingness. You keep running, but there isn’t anywhere to go. 
“TAKE ME HOME!” The woman screeches catching up to you. She has long vulture-like talons instead of fingers, and they scratch at your arms, tearing your clothes. She tackles you, pushing you to the ground. “TAKE ME HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!” She screeches, clawing at your face. “TAKE ME-” 
She stops, dark blood gushing from her throat. 
“Rue!” Gia shouts, pulling her sword out from the woman’s body. “Are you okay?!”
You don’t answer. You don’t know how to answer. You feel fine but that soul-piercing cry seems so familiar. Something you know you’ve heard before. You want to go home.
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baby-jackass · 5 months
When the storm rocks.
Twelve years old. Paul was twelve when he uncle beat him to tears and shoved him heartlessly into a cupboard.
"And fucking stay there," his uncle's gravely voice would echo through the tight space. Ringing in and out the shaking boys head. "And quit that crying before I give you something to really cry about!" Twelve years old and Paul slapped his hand over his mouth to force back the sobs. Shaking in nothing more than thin pyjamas, blood soaking onto the man untied themed fabric. Red bleeding through red, damp patches blotting the while as tears ran through his fingers and landing on the t-shirt.
Paul was twelve years old when he faced his first thunderstorm without his mother. Scared and alone, locked in a cupboard, bleeding and silently begging for help. A crack of thunder, shaking the foundations of the house, rattling the hinges and scaring the boy shitless.
"please, I'll be good! Dermott please!" The child screams, banging on the wooden panel, scratching at the hinges and kicking his surroundings as hard as he could in the cramped space. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dark hole, until a flash of blue light slipped through the cracks, ripping away his senses and returning him to a never ending darkness.
The little lad, not being released until morning, getting tugged out by his hair and pushed into his room to get changed for school.
Nearly 15, Paul is safe far from his abusive uncle. Paul has been living with Eddie Lawson, his foster father, for the past six months. It was surprising to the pair at how fast the new dynamic clicked so easily, Eddie effortlessly adjusting into the role of a loving father once again; and Paul feeling safer than he could ever remember.
It was 2:45 am, when Paul was groggily woken up by harshly slapping rain, patting against the glass of his windows. A thick drumming like when water spills from a bath and hits the tiles floors, Paul groans and rubs his face into his duvet.
"Shut the fuck up," he mumbles to himself, his hand fumbling over his bedside table lazily until a soft click of his fingernails hit a glass of water. Slowly dragging himself up just enough to down the glass without it spilling all over it. Reaching slowly to put it back safely before gasping as a sudden light flashed through the gaps in his curtains. The glass falling from between his finger's, bouncing off the boys carpet twice. Thud thud CRASH. A loud bang of thunder funneling through Paul's room. Knocking a breath from his chest he didn't realise he was holding. Quickly scrambling out of his bed, tripping over the glass into the wall, managing to flick his light on as he fell. Landing on the floor, just in time to see another blue flash seeping through the gaps in his curtains. Backing himself into the corner, watching his curtains with wide-eyed terror. Clamping his hands over his ears, as he cowered against his wall, another slap of thunder rocketing into the room. Tears stinging the child's eyes, as brutal images of his uncle cloud his head. Tormenting his thoughts and forcing him in hyperventilation, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, air pushing and pulling from his lungs at an alarming rate. With each cracking off air, tears dripping off his nose and chin until his pyjama t-shirt was sodden.
"Paul? Kiddo?" Eddie knocks on the door quietly, waiting for a response, Paul buries his head into hands, triggered back to his uncle's threats. Eddie couldn't see him cry, he couldn't risk ruining the one good thing he'd accomplished in years. "Buddy, open the door, it's okay," Eddie assures softly, quietly trying the handle and pushing in the door. A soft sigh of defeat, feeling the kids weight against it.
"I'm okay, just..just leave me alone," Paul calls out, a vulnerable shake to his voice, fear running through his tone.
"Can you open the door bud, please?" Eddie asks quickly, a concern settling deep into his chest, he wasn't dumb, he could tell how frightened the kid was. Reluctantly, Paul stands up, legs shaking as another crash bellows through the thin walls, surrounding him. Taking a quick minute to rub his face and try to pull himself together, before tugging the door open.
"See I'm fine, I just fell over," he says quickly, before going to shut the door again, but failing, with Eddie's arm between door and frame
"Paul," Eddie starts softly, "it's okay to be scared, no-ones angry at you for being scared," Paul stares at his feet, trying and failing to prevent a flinch as yet another flash fills his room. Just whimpering and quickly moving closer to Eddie, who wraps his arms around the boy in return. "It's okay, I got you," the older reassures, moving his son back to his bed gently. "It can't hurt you." He hugs the boy quietly, feeling a staggered breath as the power flicks and shuts out. "It's alright, it's just the lights, I'm right here" Eddie says softly. Paul sucked in a deep breath, trying to console himself, burying his face into Eddie's chest. Listening to the dull beating of his heat, counting the ba-dums until he felt more grounded.
"Sorry, I tried to stay quiet. I didn't mean to wake you," Paul mumbles, a guilt washing over him for disturbing Eddie. Eddie chuckles softly and just softly kisses the top of his head.
"Buddy, I was already awake. Tell you a little secret, I don't really like thunderstorms that much either and then I heard a few thuds and figured it had woken you up too," Eddie says, rubbing the kids back until his breaths evened out and he felt the tension release from his joints. "You want to know a top tip, it helps it feel less scary," Eddie asks.
"I guess so," Paul mutters not looking up from Eddie's chest
"Okay, well, it's just some counting, bet-"
"I don't want to do Maths right now Eds," Paul says with a slight laugh,
"It's not math," Eddie chuckles, "It's just counting, between the lightning and the thunder, each second tells you how many miles away the storm is. You wanna try it?"
"No," Paul replies with a soft smile
"Well, I'm gunna try it then," Eddie says with a grin, waiting for the next flash before counting slowly, tapping Paul's back with each number he announces, his lips curling to a smile as he hears Paul counting alongside him. Reaching 5 beats before the sound caught up to him. "see, that means the storm is 5 miles away, that's pretty neat right?"
"I guess so? But you just make everything into maths," Paul says with a quiet smile, his fear slowly subduing.
After ten minutes of slow counting, the storm faded further away until it was no longer seen or heard. Lights flickering back into action and illuminating the room once again. Eddie smiles and pats Paul's back.
"See kiddo, it's all over, you wanna try to sleep again?" Eddie asks softly gently ruffling the boy's hair, pushing it out of his face softly and looking at him adoringly.
"Mhm, can you maybe, like. It's stupid, can you maybe stay? For if it comes back?" Paul asks, averting his eyes to his pillow quietly, Eddie pauses before smiling in response
"Of course buddy, let's get to my room, aye? It will be a bit comfier in there for the two of us," he says with a smile, before standing up with youth, and going to his room. Two goodnights and twenty minutes later, the pair were fast asleep. The father and son duo, safe once again.
Paul was 14, nearly 15, when he finally found home.
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dulce-chisme · 2 years
The Moulin Rouge was burning. The roof was collapsed, spewing fiery debris on the patrons, the dancers, the stage hands.
They were trapped under pounds of rubble. All of them. It was crushing them, burning them. They were screaming for mercy, for god to have pity, for help.
No one came.
Santiago saw himself, standing among the ruins, surrounded by burning bodies, rivaling in the screams, clothing smeared with blood and soot. He was laughing, a madman’s laugh, tears streaming down his face (were they tears of joy or sorrow?)
He did this. He didn’t know how or why but he did. He had set the building on fire. He had killed his friends by burning them alive.
He had fucking loved it.
No, Santiago thought. No no no no no I didn’t. I didn’t I WOULDN’T. I…….
But the proof was undeniable. 
The scene warped and Santiago now had a view from the floor. The other him was stabbing, stabbing, stabbing something underneath. Some lifeless form….with a black-blue coat and a purple scarf.
Santiago wanted to vomit. It was all too real. 
Christian was now nothing. He was an empty husk of a man. He was only a coat.
He had done the same to the others. He had butchered them until they were scraps of cloth.
Stabbing, stabbing, stabbing.
The scene warped again, and this was the part that haunted him.
He was walking through a hallway. The walls collapsed in, out, like they were breathing. If he touched one, it rippled away. The air was thick and taking a breath became difficult, like breathing in tar. There was a buzzing noise in his skull, an itch that you could never scratch.
Now he stood in the remains of a circular room, surrounded by rocks and fallen walls. The buzzing was louder now, throbbing in the back of his head, ringing in his ears.
There was rubble everywhere, and bits of clothing and shoes and-
Eight of them.
The world tipped on its axis. The buzzing was so loud he thought a swarm of bees would burst through the back of his head.
A dry sob sounded from his throat.
All of them.
Mateo, Camila, Sebastian and Sofia, Catalina, Mama and Papa and oh god, even baby Maria?
He was going to be sick. The air was too thick, the bees were too loud, the world was too hot.
The ground was shaking now. He was crying out, clawing at his brain and pleading with the heavens, confessing his guilt, begging for mercy. There was too much noise, too many different cries and groans and buzzing.
Above it all, low laughter filled his head.
Nunca vas a verlos de nuevo.
And his family surged forward and tore him apart.
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prettybard · 2 years
i am being soooo normal about this,,,,
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Angel has Kai’s baby in their 3rd (last) year of highschool and Kai has no idea since she hid her pregnancy so 2 years later Kai breaks up with angel to focus on his “experiments” when Kai is sent to Tartarus the guards tell him that he has a visitor and there’s angel and his child and Kai starts to tear up
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"Eh...?" you could only mutter in disbelief as Kai read some papers with an unbothered expression.
"I know you for about five years (Y/n). I know you dont have any issues with your hearing." He muttered coldly before sighing and placing the papers on the desk.
"You... want to break up...? Why? What did I do?" You asked with trembling lips as he stared at your eyes.
"Is more about on what you can't and won't do." He pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose before waving it in the air "You know I am the future leader of the hassaikai. And having you near would be only a distraction to my experiments to give this place more credit. You would be like a rock on my path to gain some knowledge."
"You're kidding right?" You almost sobbed "You always told me I was like a safe place for you to go. What the hell happened to that? Or the promises you made for me for us to get married?" He blinked before answering.
"I was foolish. We have a life ahead of us and well, having you being clingy on my back would be a nuisance while working."
The ground could swallow you for all you cared... what the supposed love of your life just said was enough to leave you with eyes red and legs felling like they were trembling.
"Please dont cry. You're dropping them on the ground. And I dont even know if you're clean." You gritted your teeth before breathing in and looking at Kai Chisaki for what you swore for one last time.
"Very well. You want to break up because I'm only a bother to your path to greatness oh punny God? So be it." You walked until you felt him grabbing your wrist until you snatched it away from him.
"When the time is right, we can get back together." He spoke like he was in a fucking meeting in a company.
"No." You hissed "Chisaki I loved you, and I gave you everything of me even supporting your ideas. But then you want to break up with out of no where saying I would ruin your plans by simply existing neat you and to top it off you call me clingy and a nuisance?"
You could see a tad bit of remorse on his eyes as he pondered for a second his own words maybe, but before he could speak you sobbed and opened the door.
"Don't ever look for me Chisaki. And for your information..." you hesitated and gulped down the urge to just yell what you had discovered just earlier while clenching your purse where the pregnancy test lied on.
"What?" He asked, now no longer seeing to be bothered by your sadness and outburst.
"... good luck on your life. I hope you're happy with this obstacle getting away from you." You muttered before closing the door and walking out until you cursed and screamed while you ran as the rain started to make an appearance.
Not noticing the germophobic himself running out of the house with an umbrella to give it to you and soaked as well as he watched with a dread expression your figurine run away...
Ten years later...
"I swear Kaiyo... you gonna drive me crazy one of these days." You spoke heartedly as the boy with brow hair laughed in embarrassment while scrubbing the back of his head as you caught all the pieces of the broken chair on the ground.
"Sorry ma! I got carried away." You scoffed but soon smiled at his tiny hands and focused face morph the pieces and piece them back together and with a proud face show you the new constructed chair with a 'tad a!'
"Wow. Impressive sweety!" You patted his hair as he "complained", golden eyes shinning brightly at looking at you with a huge smile on.
Life sometimes was cruel to give the child you loved the exact same face as their father which teared your heart at pieces. But your love for your son was stronger than this stupid thing.
Kaiyo was your son. Not his.
"Ne ne ma? Father's day is coming up!" Kaiyo said and you froze for a moment before sighing while washing the dishes.
Here we go...
"Yes it is coming." You muttered as the boy sneak around and looked up at you.
"You know I dont really care about what the other kids say about me having only a mom but..." he rested his face on his crossed arms on the sink while shyly looking up at you "I was just curious... if I am going to meet mine..."
You sighed while placing the now dry plates on their place before giving your son the best smile you could get.
"Kaiyo, your father is just a very busy name. When we were together he had.. uh.. family business to take care of, so that's why we cant see him much." Kaiyo seemed a bit dissapointmented and it tore you apart.
You could have your own issues with Kai but that didn't mean you would make his son hate him...
"Well... Sato's also got a busy dad but.." he shook his head, messy brow bangs shaking along with his head, until he gave you a bright smile "That's okay! I just hope I get to meet him one day! And that he gets back to you and apologize foe being a dork! So us three can live together!"
A child can dream, right?
But you knew that Kai needed to know the existence of Kaiyo... you werent ignorant...
"Yeah kiddo. Let's hope for the best." You carresed his cheek before kissing it "Okay. Enough talk. Time for bed young man."
"Awww already?" He pouted as you giggled.
"How about that? You go get ready and I tell you stories about me and daddy while we were together?"
"Can I get my plushie of mr Nighteye?" You giggled. Something Kaiyo definitely wasn't equal to his father was his fascination with heroes.
"Sure honey. Now shoo! Go go go!" You squished his cheeks as he laughed and ran towards his room on the apartment.
You snorted at sign before preparing yourself for digging the past once again for the sake of your son.
"MOM!" You almost chopped your finger along with the carrot at the shout of Kaiyo before looking at him in worry to se ehkm pointing at the T.V with horror "The heroes-! The green hero with the girl-!"
You immediately went to his side only to widened your eyes at the image in front of you.
"Ma! He is a villain! A BIG ONE!"your son whimpered while going for you for a hug while stared in shock... "Ma? Why are you trembling?"
"H-Huh?" You let out until you gasped at seeing this teenager punching Chisaki square in the face...
"Ma?! You're okay?!"
You didn't know what to feel, but surely you weren't expecting tears to fall when this girl hand cuffed your ex boyfriend and the cops and heroes to put him into a van to surely got to the prison. Tartarus you bet.
You felt a hand rubbing your cheek and soon looked at your son wide teary eyes.
"M-Mommy...?" You hugged him close to your chest and holding his head close as your heart almost slammed out of your chest. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I-i... I'm okay honey." You inhaled before looking into Kaiyo's golden eyes to see worry on them. "Hey, mommy's okay."
"That man looked like me..."
How long was he here? Months?
Didn't matter. Nothing mattered more... everything was taken from him. Including his own arms. Now he was just as useless as a cockroach.
Worst of all? His own father figurine on a damn hospital because of him...
'Is funny how things change' is what you used to say... he found himself scoffing while pressing the back of his head on the wall.
He hadn't stop thinking about you ever since the day he made the decision of breaking up with you. He did tried inumerous times to contact you when he took leadership of the Hassaikai... but he just gave up.
"Probably married with kids already... why are you even thinking about her on the first place..?" he murmured to himself as he felt his chest tighten in sadness.
Everything was just... what he deserved.
He sighed. Closing his eyes for just a split second until he heard banging on the door of his cell until a guard opened the window on it to glare daggers at him.
"Get up. You have visitors."
"Leave me in here. I thought your job was to take seriously enough to not make jokes." He spoke on a hoarse voice until the cell opened with two guards already on it.
"I cant understand why you have visitors as well but get your ass up already."
He just blinked until he got up, two guards in front of him and one behind as he walked.
He just hoped it was fast.
He entered the room, mirrors which surely was where cops were hidden as he sitted down on a chair and waited until the door of iron opened by another guard.
"Right here ma'am. And remember the rules please."
"Of course." His eyes widened and he snapped his head up to see if he hadn't got crazy.
But no. You were there.
Gosh.. you didn't change at all... was even more beautiful than what his mind could have remember.
He stood there in shock as you got in but along with you... holding your hand, was a boy. Dressed with clothes but he surely didn't looked content about being in here.
His face dropped at seing the kid... you had moved on.
"One hour." The guard said locking the door as you stood there awkwardly, while the kid holding onto to you was glaring at the ground.
He wanted to say something but nothing came out as he was still in shock at seeing out of all people you decided to visit him.
The heels you wore clicked on the ground as you walked towards the table and sit down and the boy right by your side on the other chair... not even once you made eye contact with him.
"... (y/n)..." he whispered, still looking at you as if you were some angelical creature.
"Hey... long time that we dont see each other right? Chisaki." You spoke... not with a smile but not with hatred.
It was a start.
"You... hadn't changed a... a bit." He spoke, voice scratching at his throat as your eyes finally met his, his heart was beating loudly on his chest.
It felt like he was in high school again...
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"I.. I didn't meant to offend you. Apologies." He bowed his head a bit as you sighed, looking at him with wide eyes out of the sudden.
"Oh God what happened to your arms?!" You almost screamed as the kid also seemed to notice.
"Long story... just.. a business that went wrong." He explained with dread as you seemed to relax a but while nodding.
It remained quiet for a bit only for the sound of the clock on the wall until he decided to break the silence.
".. so.. er.." gosh he was horrible with this "how is your life? Any.. uh.. you got the degree you wanted? I remember how you talked about it..."
You sighed with dissapointment as you looked at everywhere but him.
"No. I haven't... but I see you got what you wanted before being arrested though." You muttered and he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Almost.. yeah." He tapped his foot twice until he spotted the kid glaring at him with similiar gold eyes... "Married?"
"No. I thought it would be a distraction while taking care of my son." You spoke abruptly... as you looked at the boy beside you... "Anyway... I need to give you this."
You showed to him a paper before putting on the desk.
"What.. what is this?"
"Is a DNA test." You spoke coldly "To prove that you do have a son."
His eyes widened at that as he looked at the paper... and then to the boy whose was glaring at him not moments ago...
"Wha... but... "
"Remember the day when we split off? Yeah... was the day I discovered."
"W... why didn't you said something?" He asked in oure horror as you giggled in sarcasm.
"For what? This would only trouble you right?" You said with such venom on your voice that he felt a sting to his chest before you breathed in slowly before exhaling "I'm here because I thought you had the right to know... even after ten years.."
He looked at the kid and soon could tell the similarly between him and the boy... you had to raise a child with his face on it alone and he had broken things because of his own selfishness...
"What... what is his name?"
You pondered for a second before sighing, caressing the boy's hair.
"Come on honey... introduce yourself to your dad..." the boy huffed before opening his eyes and looking at him.
"I'm (L/n) Kaiyo. I cant say is very nice to meet you but my mom told me to say it for respect." He almost cringed at the introduction as he saw you looking at him with anger.
"Kaiyo." You warned as the boy scoffed.
"Dont need to scold him. He is not exactly wrong..." he ended up saying while you looked at him.
"I raised Kaiyo to have respect though."
"Why should I have respect towards him in the first place?" He looked at the dark brow haired kid "Not only he abandoned you ma but he is a villain! A very bad one! That girl on the Tv should be the same age if not younger than me!" The boy gritted with a few tears escaping his face.
"Kaiyo please... "
"Incredible..." you and Kaiyo suddenly looked at him "Despite having my features you are just like your mother... I would be proud of it..."
"... I'm not proud of being a villain's son." He muttered while sniffing "You abandoned us. I know ma hadn't said a thing to you but now I do."
You bited on your lips as he looked at loss of words at what he just heard from a child...
"... I know it doesn't change a thing but... I never stopped thinking about... your mother. About you (Y/n)."
"DONT REFER TO MY MOM AS HER FIRST NAME!" Kaiyo banged his fists on the table before you took him in your arms as the boy sobbed "You never cared! You-You-! Grandpa said you called my ma a bother! You are a MURDER!" The kid cried.
"I'm sorry about that..." you mumbled as you cradled the crying boy in your arms "He didn't take well Mr. Nighteye death..."
"M-Ma-! I wanna go home!"
"But Kaiyo, your da-"
"He IS NOT MY DAD!" he cried in you as you sighed as Chisaki seemed to be dying little by little at each second this visit had.
"I'm... going to go. Another day we will visit. Take care, Chisaki." You spoke before he could hear it and he stood up abruptly from his chair.
"No! Wait-!"
The door closed...
Months later
"Ma look. Hawk's wings are healing." The kid pointed at the news and you smiled.
"That's amazing! We could use some good news!" You chirped as Kaiyo smiled until both of you heard the door bell of your apartment ring.
"Huh. Weird usually grandpa or grandma visits us on-" you opened the door and you almost screamed at the sign of that same green haired kid on your door but now he seemed so... broken...
"Ma'am.. I'm sorry to bother you, but he said he can crash a bit in here... later cops will come to get him. I'm sorry but I need to go." Your son walked and squealed at sign.
"A hero!" Your son smiled brightly at him and for once, Deku had showed a smile for real... until you saw Chisaki leaning bruised to the core resting on the wall next to your door...
"Chisaki..." you breathed out as your son looked at him in shock.
"I'm sorry. Both of you..." he muttered while looking at the storm outside.
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elysianslove · 4 years
congrats on 5k omg !! this event is so cute <3
but yah, can i have 3:45am with issei + car seggs
please & thank you!
i hope i did this right :p
i missed his birthday yesterday, but this one’s still for you issei :( also thank you so much, and thank you for requesting!! <3
5k Followers Event! — matsukawa issei and car sex
[3:45 am]  
it’s cramped, so fucking cramped and tight and suffocating in this car, but it doesn’t really matter, and you can say with full honesty that you’ve thought of that fact only once in total since issei had dragged you out of iwaizumi’s home and drove off into an empty parking lot.
there hadn’t been anything specific to tick him off, nothing that really explains why he’d grabbed your wrist in such a hurry and rushed to ravish you as soon as he could, like you’d disappear by the time you would’ve arrived home. but really, there doesn’t need to be an explanation. sometimes, issei’s just so fucking horny for no reason, and you genuinely can’t say much for yourself, because being with someone like him has your sex drive impossibly high. being with someone that’s so effortlessly attractive, that a small smile and the cock of his head has your thighs rubbing together, and an innocent stretch of his arms upwards, revealing a tiny portion of his stomach, the dark trail of hair that leads downwards has your lungs collapsing in on themselves. 
so, in order to remain honest with yourself, you can’t simply blame him, and him only. 
your lips are slightly numb as issei harshly kisses you, mouth pressing down so hard it barely even feels like a kiss. but you welcome him anyways; your hands snake their way around his neck and your fingers reach for his hair as you scratch and pull, while he hovers above you, hands wandering freely along your body, touching and kneading and grasping tightly. it can’t be comfortable, the position he’s in. issei’s not only tall, but he’s big too, in every aspect. but with the lack of complaints coming from him and the deep, throaty groans that leave you trembling beneath him stop you from saying anything.
when his hands lower to exactly where you need them to be, you’re suddenly impossibly grateful you wore a skirt.
“’sei, ‘sei,” you chant, as his lips fall from yours to kiss at your neck instead, his fingers rubbing at your clothed clit, your underwear drenched through embarrassingly. he places an open mouthed kiss at your neck, sucking and licking lightly at your skin. “issei, fuck me, please, please.”
the words he says next seem almost painful for him to admit. “baby i can’t just— i’ll hurt you.”
you whine desperately, pleadingly, hips rolling up, brushing against his bulge. “don’t care, don’t care, don’t care— want it to hurt.”
maybe you’re the unreasonably horny one.
it’s a blur of shit you can’t jus’ say things like that and fine, i’ll fuck you real good, before he pushes your underwear aside, stretching them so much that you hear a snap and a crack at the pull, and then he’s sinking into you, ever so slowly because he physically can’t move any faster. you’re so tight around him, your cunt gripping his cock like a vice, walls spasming around his thick length as you take more and more of him. you’re a trembling mess beneath him, chest heaving, mouth messily swollen and wet as your tongue lolls out dumbly. 
god, the things he does to you. 
“relax for me baby,” he urges, a palm pressed to your lower stomach. it makes you squirm underneath his touch, but all that does is shift his half sheathed cock within you, making you whine and clench down even tighter around him. he hisses, groans, palm pressing harder down on you in warning. “relax.” 
you choke out a moan, gasping out fervently as he begins to move again, pushing more of him inside of you. “god, fuck, there’s more?”
at this, issei laughs, but it’s strained. “you can take it, can’t you?” he wonders, and although he tries to make it sound like genuine worry for you, all he manages to tone it as is mockery. it’s just a rhetorical question, aimed at making you even more obedient for him. and you listen, of course you do. you sigh and nod and shift your head sideways, shutting your eyes tightly as he finally bottoms out. “m’gonna fuck you now.” 
it’s the only warning you receive before he pulls out, and fucks back into you deeply with one single, harsh thrust. it makes you scream, your back arching up in reflex. he pulls out again quickly, thrusting back in, creating a rhythm. he’s fucking you faster than he ever has before, one hand remaining on your lower stomach, maintaining the dizzying pressure, while the other scrambles up to find purchase on the car door. he grips it tightly, uses it as leverage to fuck into you faster. 
he’s breathless and strong and big and fucking gorgeous above you. even if you’re in a dark, empty parking lot, even if you can barely see him, you see enough of him. and you know it too. you don’t have to see it directly to be able to tell that there’s literally not a hotter sight to view. his skin is glistening slightly from the sweat due to the exertion and the tight space of the car, and if he were to lean close enough, you’d see the pink dust tinting his cheeks, and you know it’d be the perfect addition to his skin tone.
everything about him is so fucking intoxicating, that even just thinking about how attractive he is has you embarrassingly close to orgasming.
“i’m gonna cum,” you cry out, voice high pitched and so small. 
“i— shit, i know,” he groans, his nails digging into the skin of your stomach, his palm pressing down even harder, and you keen. god, is he in your stomach? his cock’s reaching parts of you you always think is impossible ever time he fucks you like this— every time he fucks you, ever. he grazes along every sensitive spot within you that’s borderline painful, yet so addicting. “you’re tightening ‘round me like crazy.”
you sob again, arms reaching for him and pulling him closer. willingly, he falls on top of you, barely able to hold himself up from fully crushing you. “i’m gonna cum,” you squeal out, arms squeezing at him, legs shaking around him as he presses his hand down just once more, before you’re sent over. “fuck, hngh, fuck— issei.”
your screams are dissolving into quiet cries and sighs as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, your body’s trembles dying down. “you’re so— so fucking good to me,” he gasps, head buried in your neck as you pat at his sweaty hair, his hips rocking into yours slowly yet efficiently, riding out his high. 
in response, you only moan appreciatively, combing softly through his hair as you momentarily shiver, your brain still clouded over from the rush of your orgasm.
“baby,” he mumbles into your neck, turning his head slightly to kiss and nip at your ear, at your jaw, your neck. “can we fuck again when we get home?” 
you laugh loudly, turning your head to press a firm, gentle kiss to his temple. “over every surface,” you agree. 
when he lifts himself up, he’s grinning cheekily, leaning down to ghost his lips directly over yours as he continues for you, “starting with the bathroom sink, then the shower, then the floor...” his grin doesn’t falter as he leans to press his lips on yours, and you hum a laugh against his lips. “every surface,” he adds, before he’s kissing you again. 
every surface, you recite, if you manage to even leave the car. 
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠 | ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader [25, Vigilantes, quirkless]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ request: Add on to the ask my bad! {Vigilante reader instead of hero-: When hawks found out he was expecting a baby he immediately kept it a secret from the reader and his friends. Since he doesn't want the hero commission/the public to catch wind of it cause it'll put both of their lives at risk also the public wouldn't be happy to know that their hero is in a relationship with someone who isn't a female- {{Angst!- The hero commission isn't supportive of hawks love life and unborn child_ if they found out about it, they'll probably blackmail the reader into doing their dirty work in exchange for hawks life.) But,, he soon tells the reader after being confronted about his change of behavior and appearance. About 3-4 months into the pregnancy. Time skip to where the kid is born- happy ending🤙🏾
↣ rating: general audiences ↣ warnings: mpreg, size / height difference, lil’ bit of angst with happy ending, discussion of abortion
“No… No, no, no. Fuck!”, he cursed quietly.
Staring in disbelief at the little plastic strip, he put it besides two others. All three of them were positive. There was no doubt. Hawks was… pregnant.
Falling back onto the closed toilet seat, he sighed deeply as tears welled up in his eyes. Keigo wasn’t one to cry easily, but right now everything broke apart. How would everyone react? How would the HPSC react? How would you react? Right now, it seemed like his past was catching up to him, what if everything turned out the same? What if history repeated itself? Would his unborn child have to endure so much as well? Wouldn’t it be better, if it was never born-
“Keigo?”, your voice made him snap out of his dark thoughts.
“[Your.name]?”, hastily wiping his tears and pushing the pregnancy tests into the trash, he tried his best to sound calm.
“So you’re here! I was worried, Kei! You ignored my calls.”, when he came out, you stood there leaning against the wall, a worried expression on your face.
“Ah, no. I was just busy, you know? HPSC needed me again today.”, Kei tried his best to lie and put on his best fake smile.
But you still found it suspicious.
“Are you okay, Baby?”, taking a step towards him, your big hand cupped his cheek and your thumb gently wiped over his red, swollen undereye.
Had he been crying? Keigo? That’s rare.
“I am fine, [Your.name], I am fine. What about you though?”, he kept smiling when he pushed away your hand and walked past you into the kitchen.
“I haven’t heard from you in a while, too, ya know?”
“Ah…”, was the only sound you made as you shyly scratched your neck.
“That’s true. I’m sorry if I worried you, Kei. It’s just… I had to hide for a few days. The police were especially pesky and I couldn’t risk being caught.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”, he waved aside, “It’s not like I was worried. I know you can handle yourself just fine.”
This was the last thing you thought you would hear from him, leaving you confused and maybe a little… hurt? Sure, you chose to be a Vigilantes and go out at night to take care of some things your own, but to think your boyfriend wasn’t even worried about you while doing so? Maybe he really did despise what you did and he just never said so out loud. Until now, he had never commented on the illegal things you did, because ultimately, you never destroyed anything and just helped the less unfortunate people, but maybe…
After all, you worried about him constantly and he was a licensed pro-hero, still – many things could happen. Like that, you had a weird feeling that Hawks was not fine at all despite him claiming he was.
And while normally, your little reunion would have been much different, Kei just couldn’t think about anything at that point. All he was thinking about was the baby growing inside of him and what he should do about it…
As weeks went by, you noticed Hawks was changing. His excuse of being “bloated” was weird and got old quickly. Furthermore had your relationship taken a big hit. Few kisses and almost no touching. It almost seemed like he was uncomfortable constantly. You wondered what it all was about. Was it just over? Did your relationship just slip right through your fingers and you couldn’t do anything about it?
Usually, when you were both home, the apartment was filled with dumb laughter. It was so nice being around you, but all Keigo was in the past few weeks was anxious, quiet and easily agitated. His home was his safe place, it’s where he could forget everything and relax. Not think about his work, about the HPSC, but with your child growing consistently, it was harder and harder to relax. In just a few weeks, someone who had a keen eye could probably tell that he wasn’t “bloated” anymore. Instead, he didn’t know what to do anymore.
Then, one day, it must have been around the fourth month of his pregnancy, someone rang the doorbell in the middle of the night. First, Keigo wanted to ignore it, however, as they kept ringing, a thought popped into his head. He hadn’t seen you in about a week, which wasn’t unusual per se as you had to hide from time to time, but for you to not contact him at all was a little… odd. Were you in trouble? Did they find about your connection to him?
Hence, with his own feather in his hand, he was ready to defend himself as he made his way to the door. The rain was drumming against the windows mercilessly. Perfect distraction if someone wanted to raid him.
Though, when he swung open the door, ready to cut anyone and anything, it all came differently. A large body was leaning against the side of the door.
“[Your.name]!”, his golden eyes widened as your own [eye.color] ones looked quite lifeless.
Before Hawks could do anything, you couldn’t hold yourself upright anymore, thus falling through the opened door. Quickly reacting, he caught you, but being so much smaller than you, his feathers had to help lift you and get you inside his apartment. Only then, when he pulled his hands back did he realize what was on his hands and what he had thought to be water, was actually blood.
His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Rushing to your side, he literally ripped open your black coat and what was underneath, revealing a gaping wound on your side.
“Kei…”, you suddenly croaked, trying to reach out your hand, which he immediately grabbed and squeezed tightly.
“Don’t talk, [Your.name]! Everything will be alright, okay?!”, he visibly panicked.
He could hide his feelings very well. At least usually. But not this time. Maybe it was because he was hormonal due to the pregnancy, but just the thought of losing you made him cry. Hastily standing back up, he rushed into the bathroom to grab some towels and into the bedroom to get his phone.
“I… I didn’t know… where else to go… Kei…”, you coughed up a bit of blood, even though he had told you to not talk anymore.
“I know, I know. It’s okay, Baby.”, hugging you against his chest, all he could do was sob, “Everything will be alright, okay?!”
With a thumping heart, Hawks stood in front of the door for a few moments, before he knocked and entered eventually.
“Oh! Kei!”, you were just eating your pudding.
“[Your.name]!”, without holding back, he rushed towards your bed and jumped you.
However, hearing your painful whimper due to the ecstatic hug, he immediately pulled back with a small “I’m sorry.”
You, however, just shook your head and put the pudding and spoon away before gesturing him to come closer again.
“No, it’s okay, come here.”, you said with a soft smile as you pulled him in again.
Keigo just following your movement, scooching closer and in the end, hugging you again when you wrapped your own bandaged arms around him. You were so much more beat up than he initially thought…
“Thank you for saving me, Baby. I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You did!”, sitting back up, his golden eyes were shimmering, “I was so worried about you.”
“Ehh? Didn’t you say you weren’t worried about me a few months ago?”, you just teased him, but Keigo was hormonal and highly stressed, so he reacted way too violently when tears welled up in his eyes.
“I know… But you know I like to talk big sometimes.”, he sniffled.
Quickly, you reached out to softly cup his face and wipe away the tears.
“I know. Hey… Kei. Tell me what’s going on, hm?”
“Huh?”, his golden eyes widened a bit as he stared at you.
“Baby… I know something’s going on. Things haven’t been normal lately and you act different, too. Tell me, if it’s something I did, I can change. I will do anything, but please be honest with me already… Last night, I thought, that’s it. I thought I’d die with things being so weird between us. It was horrible to think about it…”
Looking around for a moment, you were the only one in this room and even if it wasn’t the best location to finally say it out loud, Keigo just couldn’t continue to lie. He had wanted to get an abortion three times and canceled every time because he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Clearly, he wanted this baby. And he wanted you to know, it was just all so… complicated.
“Kei…”, you squeezed his hand one more time.
“Okay…”, sitting down on the bed properly, his other hand reached out as well, needing every bit of comfort and support he could get.
“I…”, biting his lip, he hesitated for a moment before looking up and straight into your eyes, “I am pregnant.”
Your eyes widened and for a second, you just stared at him in disbelief.
“Wait… you…? Really?”
“Oh my God… that explains a lot.”, you kind of laughed while shaking your head, but then you realized something.
“Wait… How long...?”
“17th week… Do you not understand, [Your.name]? I am pregnant.”
“Yes, I understand quite well and I think that’s amazing.”, you squeezed his hands again, a big smile on your lips.
“No, no! You don’t get it, [Your.name]!”, Hawks then suddenly stood up, “This is not amazing. Do you know what that means?”, he sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“We are fucked, [Your.name]. Do you know what happens when the HPSC or the public finds out? Let alone who the father is? What if… What if our baby has to endure everything I had to endure? What if… I become like them? Or what if the HPSC finds out and takes them away from us?”, his voice broke a little at the end, just imagining it…
“Keigo, hey.”, you turned around and placed your feet onto the ground, sitting on the edge of the bed, hence why you could take his hands again and pull him closer.
“You will never become like them.”, you cupped his face, gently wiping the tears away from the corner of his eyes.
“And, Kei, you already made a decision, no? You want to keep the baby – our baby – right? It’s already the fourth month…”
“I do… But… I don’t know what I should do. I am not myself, [Your.name]. I keep crying over stupid things, I can't concentrate when I’m doing my work and I am always scared someone finds out.”, eventually, you pulled him onto your lap, though he was careful not to hurt your side.
“I know you’re scared, Baby. I am too, but we can do it. Together. I will be with you every step. I will protect you.”
“[Your.name]…”, wrapping his arms around you, he buried his face in the nook of your neck, his small frame shaking.
“It’s okay. I’m here, Kei. And I won’t go, ever. We will do it together. And I promise… I promise I will stop going out during the night.”, you whispered this promise into his ear, earning his small sniffles as he clung to you.
“Our baby doesn’t have to grow up in isolation because of my recklessness. I will become a good father. They will have a great life, okay, Kei? We can do it. Whatever the HPSC throws at us, we will deal with it, together. I promise they won’t grow up like you had to.”
The last thing surely broke him as Hawks barely whispered a “Mhm.” back. But at the same time he was smiling, so grateful he was finally able to let you know as the last few months were really straining.
“I wish you were never born! You are a nuisance! You keep me from being free!”
“Why did I not get an abortion? Why did I do this to myself? You good for nothing!”
“-go! -igo! Keigo!”, his golden eyes opened at last.
Breathing heavily and with beads of sweat running down his temple, Hawks stared at you for a moment. Still not really sure what just happened the realization sank in little by little. A dream.
“Hey, I’m here. It’s okay now.”, you whispered and gently kissed him, before hugging him tightly.
Melting into your arms instantly, he buried his face at your chest as one hand reached down to his growing belly. He would probably pop soon.
“It’s weird… I haven’t thought or dreamt about them in over ten years and now… ever since I found out I’m pregnant… I …”, he mumbled more than anything, glad you were there to hold him.
“I know.”, was the only thing you whispered back while gently caressing his back.
When the HPSC trained him, he forgot, or rather suppressed most of his abusive and traumatic childhood. Maybe it was because he worried so much about your little baby that it all came crashing down on him eventually. But he would never become like them.
“Oh-“, both of you felt a little kick, making you giggle.
“Seems like our little baby girl wants to cheer you up as well.”, you whispered and nuzzled his head with your own while your hand reached out to his belly as well, softly caressing it.
“Seems like it.”, Keigo finally smiled a little.
“We will protect her.”, he quietly said after stealing a soft kiss from you.
“We will. And hey, the public took it really well when we outed us. The HPSC can’t do shit to hurt us anymore.”
“Yeah, I know. Thank God.”, cupping your cheek, Kei pulled you down again, before whispering against your lips, “Thank you.”
“Mhmh, for what?”, you chuckled and kissed him again, making him also giggle.
“Just… for everything. I love you, [Your.name].”
Smiling softly at him, you pecked his lips again and whispered an, “I love you too.”
For a few moments, it was quiet as you just cuddled and tried to calm down the excited little girl who was kicking and punching Hawks.
“Say… how do you feel, though? You haven’t been out in-“, but another kiss stopped him from continuing.
“I am perfectly fine, Shortcake. It… was hard, but it was the right decision. You are more important than anything or anyone else, and now with our little nugget growing… what we have is just so much more important to me than vigilante justice.”
The smile that spread across his face was truly warming your heart. It was the right decision and you wouldn’t regret it. You knew how hard his childhood was and you didn’t want that for your baby girl. She should be able to proudly say who her parents were and for that reason, you couldn’t continue your former lifestyle.
After sharing a few more kisses, Hawks then asked for cuddles, which you happily agreed to. Hence letting him shift positions and turn around, careful not to hit you with his wings, he hugged his pregnancy pillow. And then, you slipped your own arms around him, hugging him carefully and littering small kisses onto his neck.
He was so small in your arms, but that’s what he had loved from day one on. Keigo felt protected and loved when he was in your arms.
Calling out for you, Keigo carried the groceries into the kitchen, just to bite his lip instantly when he saw you laying on the sofa. Your little baby girl sprawled out on top of your broad chest, sleeping. Once Hawks came a little closer, he realized you were sleeping as well, thus with a soft smile he just kneeled down in front of the sofa.
“What would I do without you, [Your.name]? You two are seriously the light of my life.”, he thought with a big smile on his lips.
To think he was so incredibly sad when he found out, he couldn’t be more happier now. Everything turned out alright after all, just like you said. Leaning in, Hawks gently kissed his baby girl’s forehead before standing up again, leaving you and Tsubasa alone – at least that was his intention.
However, a soft tug on his clothes made him stop. And a glance back made him smile and turn once more, following your movement and laying down beside you, softly tucked under your arm, just where he belonged.
There were no words needed as you softly kissed him before your head fell back into the pillow. Your arm securely holding him and Tsubasa and just like that, you were able to hold the whole world in your arms.
And it certainly wasn’t any different for Keigo.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I think I repeat myself every time I write for him but… KEIGO IS SO TINY ovo probably cuz I absolutely adore the EndHawk ship and their size difference gives me life? so I cannot help but make it happen when I write x reader with kei. like I can just dream of being as tall and buff as endeavor lmao but yeah this was nice I love preggo hawks!
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seijorhi · 4 years
A commissioned continuation of this soulmate AU by the lovely @pokemonfreak666 - thanks for your patience, bby!!
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader, Kirishima Eijiro x Female Reader
TW non-con, nsfw, double penetration, rough fucking, minor mentions of blood, kidnapping
The water’s not hot enough. 
It should be; it should burn. The knob’s twisted all the way up, steam rising in billowing clouds, fogging up the bathroom mirror, but it’s not hot enough. You can still feel them on you. Everything else – the blood, saliva, their cum, you’d watched it swirl down the drain, sitting on the shower floor, arms curled tightly around yourself as if that was the only thing keeping you from falling apart and shattering entirely.
But the water’s scalding, and you can still feel your soulmates’ hands crawling over you…  their mouths… their cocks tearing you apart from the inside out. Why won’t it wash away? You’ve scrubbed and scrubbed, your skin’s red and raw but the filthy feeling won’t go.
And they’re just outside. Sitting in your bedroom, or maybe wandering around your living room, sprawled across your couch flipping through channels on the TV. Maybe they’re out there looking at the pictures that line your walls, you and your family, your friends. Fuck, maybe they’re in your kitchen, rifling through your fridge for a late night snack after fucking their soulmate six ways from Sunday.
You can’t go back out there. You don’t want to see them.
Is it awful to hope for some kind of horrifying villain attack or massive accident to force them to go and leave you in peace?
… Would they? 
You can’t imagine Pro Heroes not running off to do their duty, but before a few hours ago, you couldn’t imagine them holding somebody down and raping them either, and clearly they had no qualms about doing that, so maybe your Heroes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. 
Then again, what difference would leaving make? They know where you live, probably where you work. There’s no anonymity anymore, it’s not like you can just slip away and hide from them. 
You’ve been in the bathroom too long already, you know that – you can almost feel their anxious energy seeping through the crack in the door. Too much longer and they’ll surely come bursting in. 
Patience clearly wasn’t their strong point, and it’s nothing short of a miracle they let you come in and shower alone. Kirishima at least had been more than eager to come join you, grinning widely and tugging you by the arm towards the bathroom– it’d been Bakugou, watching you pale and flinch through red, unreadable eyes who’d reined him back in. 
Maybe he saw how scared you were, how fragile the thread that was holding you together was. Maybe he thought that gifting you these precious minutes alone after what they did would in any way come close to starting to mend the damage they’d just wrought. 
Maybe he just hadn’t cared enough beyond getting his dick wet. 
You’d grown up thinking your soulmates would make you happy, love you in a way that nobody else ever could. The possibility of ever deliberately hurting them seemed like such a foreign and uncomfortable concept to you. But obviously they didn’t care enough about your feelings or your lack of consent to stop them from forcing themselves onto you, maybe you were nothing but an object to them. Something to take and fuck, because naturally you were made for them.
What did it matter if you didn’t want it? 
Your eyes drift down to the timers on your wrists, run down to zero. A quaking sob rips from your throat and you bite down harshly on your bottom lip to stifle it. 
“Why am I even here? In less than an hour you’re gonna meet them, and what am I supposed to do then, hmm?” your friend had asked with a laugh. “Be the world’s most awkward fourth wheel?”
You’d laughed with her, knocking your shoulders against hers with a fond little smile, “Well if they’re gonna be in my life for the long haul, don't you think it’s important that they meet the person who matters to me the most right off the bat?”
You’re terrified of going back out there and facing them, but what other option do you have? The only window in the bathroom is too high and too small to squeeze through, and even if you could, getting an apartment on the seventh floor had seemed like a great idea at the time, but it doesn’t exactly lend itself to an easy getaway. 
The flimsy lock on the bathroom door is all that’s keeping them out – with their strength it’s hardly much of a barrier at all, but it’s all you have.
Here in your bathroom, under the scalding water, you’re safe. They can’t hurt you.
You’d like to think that now they’ve gotten what they wanted, now that they know that you can’t run and their reputations can’t be tarnished, they’ll go. And there’s a little voice inside your head that tells you it’s a stupid, foolish hope. You know that the moment you set foot outside that door, things’ll never be the same again.
A few years back, you read an article on some tabloid website about an up and coming Hero who’d disappeared out of the blue after joining Hawks’ agency as an intern. Supposedly, they were soulmates, and once the Pro realised it, he’d swooped her up and taken her to some secret safe house to hide her away from the rest of the world, supposedly ‘for her own protection’. It was all rumours, of course. No way for them to actually prove the theory – and no one actually cared about some missing, low level Hero at the end of the day. It was news for a week and then everybody moved on.
Are they gonna do the same thing to you?
Spirit you away to some hideout where they can keep you all to themselves – so they can fuck you whenever they want without having to worry about you running off? You’ll never see your family again, or your friends… they’ll be your entire world, and just like that intern, everybody else will forget you ever existed.
Or maybe they’ll be satisfied enough just forcing themselves into your life, letting you go back to your job, your boring, mundane nine to five, never knowing when they’re going to pop up and take what they want. They’ll come over and play house, acting as if this is a normal relationship, waiting for you to come around and accept them. 
Love them. 
The thoughts makes bile rise in your throat. Your entire body aches from inside out. There’s bitemarks and bruises littering your skin, marks that won’t fade for days… you can’t let them do this to you again.
As if they can hear your panicked thoughts, a knock sounds on the bathroom door, and your heart clenches.
“Hey, babe?” Kirishima calls out, “You okay? You’ve kinda been in there a while…” 
That same voice, chanting breathlessly above you, “I love you, I love you– f-fuck– I love you!”
Panic, cloying and sharp tears at you. You try to answer, tell him to leave you alone, that you need more time, but the words catch in your throat and all that comes out is a pitiful squeak and he knocks again, louder, more insistent and it’s too much.
They're gonna break down the door and hurt you again. Hot tears well up and spill down your cheeks with an audible sob, and you clutch at yourself tighter, willing them away–
“Babe? Talk to us, sweetheart, you’re making us worried.”
The door handle jiggles insistently, and you bury your face between your knees breathing rapidly, they’re gonna break it down, they’re gonna break it down, they’re gonna–
“Move, Kiri,” Bakugou snaps.
You don’t register the snap of the lock breaking or the frantic footsteps that approach, the harsh sound of your heaving gasps drowning out all else. Then suddenly there’s strong, muscular arms pulling you out from the water with a muffled curse.
It’s Kirishima who’s holding you, you realise as a flash of blond darts back behind you to turn the shower off. And it’s suffocating, the way he clutches at you, big hands running along your back, pulling you closer, holding you tighter, words of comfort you can’t hear over the pounding of your own heart spilling from his lips. 
And then Bakugou’s face is filling your vision, the scowl on his face growing more pronounced as he studies you – shaking, teary, eyes wide and swimming with fear– 
Something inside of you just gives and you don’t fight it when the darkness swallows you whole.
When you come to, you’re lying on something soft – a bed, you realise, but not your own. There’s an arm slung over your waist; corded with muscles, tan, covered in fine, golden hair and faint white scars; Bakugou’s.
Which means that the warm breath gently tickling at your neck must belong to him as well. 
You’re not naked at least; a quick glance down at your body revealing they’d dressed you in one of your old tees and a pair of panties. You’re not sure whether that observation is supposed to calm or unnerve you; you’d rather be clothed than not, but the thought of your soulmates rifling through your things, dressing you while you were unconscious… is not a pleasant one. 
“You’re awake.” It’s an observation, not a question.  His voice is gruff, an edge of sleepiness clinging to the words, but it lacks the heat you’ve come to expect from the explosive Hero. He sounds comfortable almost – at least that’s the sense you get as his face presses up against the nape of your neck, his arm drawing you closer with a low groan.
Still, you haven’t uttered a sound. 
It feels surreal, lying there in your captor’s arms – and he is your captor, soulmate or no, there’s no denying that fact anymore. There’s a part of you that realises that you should be panicking, kicking scratching and clawing because you don’t know where you are, but it’s certainly not your apartment and you definitely don’t want him touching you after what he’s already put you through. 
But rather than the sheer, unrelenting panic that had gripped you before, it’s just… nothing. Dormant, lying simmering just below the surface, and you’re almost scared to draw breath, to shatter the sweet, tender facade between the two of you.
There’s no point in asking where you are, no point in demanding he let you go. They’ve shown you that what you want doesn’t matter here, so instead you ask the obvious question.
“Where’s Kirishima?”
Bakugou grunts, burrowing himself closer. It’s not cold in the room, but his bare skin burns like a furnace, just on the wrong side of comfortable. “Makin’ breakfast.”
You swallow tightly, but Bakugou isn’t done. 
“Scared the shit out of us, fainting like that,” he scoffs. “Should’a fuckin’ known you’d need us to come take care of you.”
His fingers, resting over your stomach, dip lower, sliding roughly beneath the hem of your panties as he grinds his hips along your ass. He’s hard already, you can feel every inch of it, long and thick pressing insistently up against you. 
Shame and indignation flare up like a match struck, but before you can even open your mouth to snap a retort, Bakugou yanks his hand out of your underwear to stuff his fingers inside your mouth.
Your first instinct is to bite down, but the blond at your back just growls, “Suck,” and you’re not stupid enough to think that hurting him (or trying to at least) is going to stop what’s about to happen.
Or maybe you’re just scared to test exactly how far you can push them before they really hurt you. 
Obediently, your tongue swirls around his thick digits, hollowing out your cheeks and earning a grunt of appreciation from your soulmate. 
“Always thought that my soulmate was gonna be someone strong,” he mutters, his hips still rocking up against yours. “Somebody who could keep up with Kiri ‘n me, hold their own in a fight. Never thought you’d be some weak as shit, quirkless little cry-baby.”
It stings more than it has any right to. 
Slowly, his fingers slide from your lips, a long, thin glistening strand of saliva connecting the two. It’s hard to fight the whine that escapes you as they return to your pussy, angrily shoving aside your panties before thinking better of it and ripping them off of you completely. The warm puff of breath that ghosts across your skin sends shivers down your spine, and though you can’t see his face when he speaks next you can tell that he’s grinning.
“But fuck, sweetheart, you’re goddamn perfect – everythin’ we didn’t know we needed.”
He kisses you as his index and middle fingers plunge eagerly into your cunt, not the rough, biting kisses he’d gifted you with the night before, no. These are almost tender, sweet – or at least as sweet as a monster like Bakugou is capable of – entirely at odds with way his calloused fingers curl inside of you, fucking you, stretching you out while he cruelly thumbs at your clit.
Katsuki wants you strung out and whining for him. For Kirishima.
He wants you helpless.
“We’re gonna keep you nice ‘n safe, baby. Won’t have to worry about a goddamn fucking thing ‘cept keepin’ your soulmates happy.”
It sounds more like the passing of a sentence than a reassurance, but you can’t tell him that you don’t want this. He knows – he has to by now. He just doesn't care.
You don’t hear it when Kiri comes back, not when Bakugou’s sucking at your neck, your pussy throbbing with need as his fingers drive relentlessly into you, hitting your g-spot with every flick of his wrist.
You might not have noticed the redhead lingering in the doorway, his cock tenting in his pants, eyes dark and glazed over as he watches the show unfolding before him, but Bakugou certainly does.
“Oi, shitty hair. You just gonna stand there and watch or are you actually gonna fucking do something?” His voice is rough and a little breathless, closer to a growl than speech – it makes your gut clench, a shiver run down along your spine.
When your eyes finally do meet Kirishima’s, your heart squeezes, your stomach flipping. Kirishima’s staring at you like a wolf readying itself to pounce, like he wants to devour every inch of you and savour the taste.
He grins widely, pink tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Bakugou’s the one with the bad reputation – as explosive as his quirk, brash at the best of times and overly aggressive even with his friends – you have every reason to be terrified of him, even before he broke into your home to take you. 
Kirishima might be kinder, gentler with his touches (at least, he tries to be), but you’re a fool if you think you’re any safer with the redhead. 
“Thought you said you were gonna wait,” he says, advancing towards the two of you as he kicks out of his shorts, but the grin on his face doesn’t waver for a second. He’s not nearly as put out as he pretends. “I could hear the pretty little thing moaning all the way in the kitchen.”
Shame would be enough to flood your cheeks with heat, but it’s the sight of Kiri’s cock, flushed an angry red, veiny and thick, hanging heavy between his muscular thighs that does the job. The spit in your mouth dries, your heart thumping unevenly even as pleasure pools in your gut courtesy of Bakugou’s attention. You let out a sharp shriek as he quickens his pace, one hand reaching to grab at his wrist, the other clutching desperately for purchase at the bedsheets, but it’s not enough. 
Heat burns at your core, and unwittingly, you find your hips bucking up against him, fervently searching for more.
At your back, the blond chuckles, you feel the deep vibrations echoing through your chest, “Yeah, well you were taking too long.” 
There might be more that he says, but at that moment he slides a third finger into your dripping cunt, calloused fingertips slamming against your tight, gummy walls and you’re robbed of the ability to think. 
Your first orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, the building pleasure snapping like an elastic band stretched too far. A strangled moan slips out of your lips, and you don’t even notice the teeth sinking into your shoulder, Bakugou once more staking his claim as you cum for him. You quiver and quake in his grip, your cunt tightening around his digits and sucking them in further with a lewd squelching sound that you might be more embarrassed about if you could focus on anything but the pleasurable aftershocks of your peak.
All the while, Kirishima drinks you in, salivating at the sight of your drooling, fucked out expression, the syrupy slick that’s all but dripping out around Bakugou’s thick fingers, still stuffed deep inside of your pussy.
And maybe if he were a better man, he might allow you a moment to breathe and hurtle back down to earth, but patience has never been a virtue of his. He lunges forward faster than a man of his size has any right to, jumping onto the bed and all but tearing you out of Bakugou’s hold. You’re still reeling, panting and sore and dizzy with pleasure as Kirishima’s lips crash against yours, stealing what little breath you have left in a burning kiss.
Your attention’s caught on the way his tongue’s sliding against yours, trying to coax you into kissing back, the sharp, minty taste of him – you miss the way he grasps at his flushed, leaking cock, dragging it along your puffy slit. You miss the sound of Bakugou shedding his own pants.
You’re still weakly trying to push at his chest when Kiri slides his cock into your warm, welcoming cunt, his low, guttural moan lost to your lips. And despite Bakugou’s attempts at preparing you, it still burns, the sheer girth of his fat cock filling you up and stretching you uncomfortably. Tears sting at your eyes, a whimper catching in your throat as he hums in pleasure, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer, impaling you further onto his length.
Yet you’re not given a moment to accommodate the massive cock inside of you – not as you feel another blunt, flushed cockhead pressing up against your already stuffed pussy. Realisation hits a moment too late, your face blanching, your heart skipping a beat as panic – sheer panic – chokes at you.
You try to push back from Kiri’s embrace, only to feel Bakugou once again pressing up against your back, trapping you between them. You squirm in vain, trying to kick and push, fighting even as the blond’s cock, not as girthy as Kirishima’s but still far too big for you to take with Kiri still inside of you, starts to force its way into your plush, velvety walls.
“F-fuck, she’s tight,” he grunts as you arch up against Kiri, your tits, still covered by your thin, cotton tee, squishing up against his bare chest in an attempt to writhe away from the overwhelming feeling of fullness, the burning, stinging, throbbing pain between your legs.
But your soulmates are far from considerate, not even as you start to wail, your nails raking down the redhead’s broad shoulders. 
“Your pussy’s a fuckin’ dream,” he continues, swearing with a hiss as he finally bottoms out.
It’s too much, you feel like you’re being split in two. Every twitch and throb of their dicks, every vein, every inch of them is pressed too tightly against you, your walls struggling to take them both. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, oh god it hurts so fucking bad, but neither one of them care as you start to sob–
No, Kiri just kisses away your tears, taking your face in his large hands and cooing sweetly when you beg them through gasping, heaving sobs to stop.
“You’re doing so good for us, baby. Look how well you’re taking our cocks – it’s like you were made for us,” he laughs at his own stupid joke, and all you can focus on is the pain as he starts to draw his hips back, your oversensitive walls screaming in protest. “We’re gonna make you feel so fucking amazing, just wait.”
And it’s not his wide, beaming grin that shatters you, or even the hunger blazing in those crimson depths. It’s not Bakugou panting at your back, his hands coming up to shove your top up so he can palm greedily at your tits, or even the lewd almost feral sounds the explosion Hero’s making as he and Kirishima settle into a maddening rhythm, not allowing you a moment to catch your breath and steady yourself as they fuck you.
No, it’s the sheer, feverish love you can see written across his face clear as day, the softness with which he holds you, even as he chases his own pleasure.
This is their version of love, and you – quirkless, weak as shit and entirely at their mercy – have no hope in hell of escaping it. 
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lemons3ason · 4 years
How the Vinsmoke Brothers React to Calling Out The Safe Word During Sex (Headcannons)
Warning: NSFW, dacryphilia, degradation, bdsm, size kink, overstimulation, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Ichiji Vinsmoke
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-Genuinely this man has a soft spot for you, seeing the dewy teardrops sitting on your pretty lashes as you cry and beg him to stop rearranging your guts makes him so weak.
-Cold, ruthless, brutal, a monster, everything he was to others was just never a side you’d see of him, you made him human all because he loved you so dearly.
-“Come on beautiful just take it, I know you can you always do!”, he’ll growl glaring down at you with cold onyx hues.
-He has you in a mating press, his thick cock stretching your tiny pussy to the brink beneath him as he calls you his ‘tiny little pig slut’.
-It’s not until you call out his safe word that he realizes just how seriously he’s hurting you, “S-Sora!”, you had cried out making him stop everything in his tracks.
-The name alone is enough to make him go soft inside of you, he lets go of your thighs finally noticing the bruising from his rough grip on them and watched as you pulled yourself off of him and curled into a shaking ball on the bed.
-He’s unsure of what to say as you pant desperately for breath, something about his actions and word seemed different today and it scared you.
-The name Sora, his mother’s name, was a reminder for him to be kind and caring so that’s just what he did.
-He was forward and straight to the point, putting his boxers back on and pulling you by your arm until you sat up straight so he could throw one of his shirts over your naked form.
-“May I hold you?”, he’ll ask softly waiting for your response and once you nod yes he’ll lay down next to you pull you onto his chest and smother your face in kisses until you stop shaking.
-Once you’re comfortable enough he’ll adjust himself so he’s at your thighs and gently kisses the bruises he’s left on your skin, once you’re calling him up he’s pulling you back onto his chest and gently holding you and watches as you doze off in his warm arms.
-He’ll whisper soft compliments and praise to you gently rubbing circles against your back to keep you at ease while you sleep.
-The next morning you wake up horny but he’s sure to be much more careful with how he handles you, with you on your stomach and hips high in the air he enjoys your soft squeals as he fucks you from behind.
Niji Vinsmoke
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-This man ties you up, your arms are tied behind your back allowing him to keep you up by yanking on the rope around your wrist, and your calves touch your thighs since he has them tied up allowing him full access to your pussy even if you tried to escape.
-The most brutal of all the brothers when it comes to sex, if you are very sensitive this is not the man you want to be with.
-Pounds brutally at your pussy, burying himself as deep as he can go and then some just to hear you scream, if he feels that you’re too dry he’ll let all that spit that’s accumulated in his mouth to dribble off the tip of his tongue to your hole before returning to thrusting your pussy into oblivion.
-You can normally handle it, usually your masochistic side is in pure pleasure from how he handles you but for some reason it just felt different today.
-“Hmm what’s the matter slut? Not feeling it today? You’re running dry fast today, need some more pain huh my little bitch?”, Niji growls grabbing a fist full of your (h/c) hair that sends your body into shock.
-You’re easily thrown into pure fear as memories as your days as a mistreated slave come flooding back, he had forgotten it for a brief moment but released your locks as soon as you screamed out, “Heartless!”, at the top of your lungs.
-Your devil fruit powers activated blades erupting from your skin, one scratching Niji’s cheek, and the others cutting your skin but helping you cut yourself free.
-You’ll pull away from him quickly, sitting as far from him as you can while you form yourself into a ball.
-Niji sucks at comforting people, even you. So he’ll leave and order Cosette to your room to calm you down while sitting outside your bedroom door in hopes that he’ll be let back in.
-Once you’ve fallen silent and Cosette emerges with an empty tray of plates and cups that she had provided food and beverages for you with she leaves without a word. The door is left open meaning that you are waiting for him.
-He’s silent, a obvious scowl etched over his face as he sees you asleep in fetal position on your side of the bed.
-His erection is long gone since the beginning of the incident, he won’t ask for sex for a while only if you are needy for some relief but he’ll let you do everything just to make sure you’re comfortable.
-Lays close enough to you to wrap an arm over your around balled form, buries his nose into your hair to enjoy your shampoo that he loves so much. He’s noticed that this relaxes you, eventually you unfold yourself throughout the night and you wake up with him pressed against your back and his arm around your waist.
Sanji Vinsmoke
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-Usually...USUALLY...this man treats your body like a temple. Kisses every inch of it and praises your whole figure especially the places you’re insecure about but after a fight with Zoro he was furious and took it out on you.
-Your back is pressed against the bathroom wall of the ship, tears falling from your hazy eyes as Sanji fucks the fourth orgasm out of you.
-Your tears and whines just egging him on to fuck you more. Your fists weakly punch and push at his chiseled chest to get him off of you but he’s not listening.
-“S-S-Sanji! St-op please!”, you sobbed trying to push him off of you.
-“Stupid moss head...saying he’s better for you then I am. I’ll show him. Your pussy will only be molded to my cock no one else’s!”, the blonde growled.
-His thrusts are so rough that they make your breasts bounce every time his cock fills your wet cunt, your whole body is burning and you can’t feel your legs. You just want it to stop.
-“Prince, stop!”, you begged calling out the title that Sanji absolutely hated.
-He stopped finally taking in how weak your body was from his constant overstimulation. He returns back to his gentlemanly state and puts you down making sure to keep you leaning against him since your legs are weak.
-“I’m sorry my love, I made you so uncomfortable that you had to say that word...I-I’m so sorry.”, he’ll apologize over and over even after you’ve said that it’s okay.
-He’ll gently clean you off, making sure to be careful with your sensitive body, scrub your head with the shampoo he loves so much, before finally joining you in the warm bath and relaxing with you.
-He knows that he was the cause of the issue but he stays by your side hoping you’ll forgive him, carries you to bed once he’s thrown one of his long shirts over your sweet body, and carries you to bed.
-He cooks you your favorites so you can enjoy a nice meal before sleep and absolutely swoons over how cute you look while stuffing your cute face.
Yonji Vinsmoke
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-This man is huge compared to you in every way, towers over you and admired you as his prey but god does he love you.
-Not as mean as Ichiji and Niji but still an insult slips out of his mouth here and there when he has you bouncing on his thick cock.
-He loves the way your ass bounces when you come down hard on his cock taking his whole member in despite how small your pussy is compared to his length.
-He smiles at the feeling of your nails digging into the flesh of his thighs as you ride him silly.
-“Yeah pretty girl that’s it. Take it all in.”, he’ll order striking the plump flesh of your ass with his heavy cold hand.
-He’s not even trying but his heavy hand leaves a mark on your tiny cheeks in seconds, the sweet cry of his name motivates him to do it again and your hip movements become long forgotten as Yonji slaps you ass.
-Each hit makes you clench around his cock, strangling it in your tight little walls. He adore the sensation but quickly becomes impatient so his hips start moving plunging his cock so deep that you feel the entrance of your cunt rub against his pelvis.
-“That’s it you like getting spanked don’t you stupid princess? Come on try harder, I’m gonna fill you up with a little heir to my name and you’re gonna take it all.”, Yonji growls smacking your thigh.
-You can’t take anymore strikes from his hand, your cervix hurts from how much he’s been thrusting into you. So you can’t do anything but cry out the word, “Monster!”, you cry out making Yonji freeze up immediately.
-As you collapse off of his member his brothers barge in like nothing informing him of the new mission they’ve been appointed, both of them staring at your shaken form as you try to cover yourself.
-Niji dares to reach out to you with a shit face grin on his face but Yonji doesn’t let his brother touch you. He throws his royal cape over your naked body and shoves his brothers out of the room to change.
-“Stay here, rest up. I should’ve realized that it was to much for you, don’t be mad at me.”, He’ll sigh, the tall green haired man will get on his knees placing his head on your thighs waiting for your forgiveness.
-You forgive him once your body has calmed down and gently play with his hair forgetting that he has to leave on a mission until Niji starts pounding at the door.
-“I’ll be back beautiful. Just wait for me and I’ll make it up to you.”, he smirks pressing a hot kiss to your plump lips.
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mercurygguk · 4 years
bleeding for you | jjk
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genre; angst, fluff
pairing; EMT!jungkook x female reader
✎ summary; In which it’s just another quiet night at the fire station until there’s an alarmingly serious car accident not far away. Jungkook is the first on the scene along with his partner, Namjoon. What meets Jungkook at the scene of the accident is worse than anything he could ever imagine.
word count; 3,367
based on a request by anon; It's a Jungkook au, where he's a EMT & they get a call for a very serious accident. When he arrives on scene he sees a very familiar car. A hand dangles from the shattered window, the engagement ring he'd slipped on your finger not two months ago mocking him. I envision a happy ending, but if you want, do with it what you will.
warnings; Descriptions of car accidents, mentions of bruises and blood, jungkook’s crying a whole lot, i’m sorry if this is tough on your heart bc it definitely was on mine, phew
a/n; I LOVED THIS IDEA FROM ANON, SO THANK YOU ANON and let’s be honest here, paramedic/EMT!jungkook is lowkey hotttt. Also, I took some inspiration from the tv-show Chicago Fire and some from Grey’s Anatomy because those are the only shows I’ve actually watched with things related to this kind of scenario, lol. I hope you like it, enjoy!
ps. it’s heavily unedited and i wrote this rather quickly, so please ignore if you spot anything hehe
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The clock ticks on the wall and there are sounds of cars passing by once in a while outside on the street. Jungkook is staring silently at the TV in the staff room, his eyes focused on the ball that moves around between the football players. He’s bored, sighing deeply to himself as he drops his head back against the back of the couch he’s currently slouching on. Namjoon, Jungkook’s partner, plops down beside him, a sandwich on a plate for him to eat for dinner. He looks happily at his sandwich, more than excited to bite into it and finally getting a chance to continue reading his book for once.
Jungkook hates quiet nights at the firestation. He despises them. It makes him think of all the other things he could be doing instead – an example being at home, in bed with you; his fiancé. A title you recently had gained after Jungkook finally got the courage to get down on one knee for you, asking you to be his for the rest of his life. Just the thought of the happiness he felt that night made butterflies erupt in his stomach, suddenly daydreaming about your smile and the way you always manage to make him feel like he’s floating on a pink cloud. He’s totally whipped, but only for you.
His daydream is quickly interrupted by the sound of Namjoon chewing his sandwich loudly, making Jungkook glare at him with disgust. Namjoon, the charming person that he is, looks back at Jungkook in confusion.
“What?” Namjoon blurts with his mouth filled with a bite of his disgusting sandwich. Jungkook shakes his head at him, turning back to the boring game that’s unfolding on the TV. He really hates quiet nights. 
After half an hour and still nothing, Jungkook groans and gets up from the couch to wander around, causing Namjoon to look at him again with tired eyes. “What’s going on, Jeon?” He asks, flipping a page in his psychology novel.
“Nothing’s going on,” Jungkook grumbles, tired of just sitting around, “absolutely nothing.” 
Namjoon is about to tell Jungkook to sit down and relax for once but the alarm beats him to it, sounding loudly throughout the entire fire station. “Squad 3, truck 81 and 82, ambo 65, 78 and 32 – bigger car crash on the 5th highway, multiple victims,” Taehyung from the alarm center's voice booms throughout the fire station’s rooms. Jungkook’s eyes widen and so do Namjoon’s. They’re quick to move, book, sandwich and football match long forgotten as they run to their unit. Jungkook jumps in the driver’s seat, buckling up faster than ever. His partner is fast to join him and buckling up as Jungkook speeds out of the garage at the fire station and onto the road. Jungkook’s focused, eyebrow knitted together in concentration and the urge to do what he does the best – save some lives.
The highway is chaotic once Jungkook and Namjoon arrive as the first ones at the scene, multiple cars lying around – on the hood, on the side and some crushed to the point of where it’s not even a car anymore. It looks worse than anything they have ever experienced and it’s slightly terrifying but they’re headstrong as they grab their medical bags and run off to a random car each. Squad 3 and the firetrucks pull up not long after Jungkook and Namjoon’s arrival, all of them getting out quickly and getting to work, trying to see if they can save all victims or just the majority of them.
The first car Jungkook reaches is empty, the driver of it luckily managed to get himself out before any sort of rescue arrived. He seems fine, his car almost not even scratched. “Sir, are you alright?” Jungkook asks, doing his job in making sure the man is alright before continuing to another car. The man nods, waving a hand at Jungkook.
“Please go see some of the others, I’m fine!” He almost sobs, clearly traumatized by the car accident.
Jungkook nods at that, giving him one last look all over before heading on to the next car. He looks around in his haste to get to the next one, stopping abruptly in his tracks as he spots a familiar looking car. It can’t be, he thinks to himself as he turns to look at the car properly. His chest tightens at the thought, feeling himself hastily moving closer to the car as tears begin to form in his eyes. It doesn’t occur to him until a hand dangling from the window catches his attention as he gets closer, the diamond ring confirming his worst fear.
“No, no, no!” Jungkook shouts in a mix of terror, anger and his heart breaking into a million pieces, tears already falling from his eyes as he runs up to the car, his hands trembling. Pain shoots through him at the sight of you, body limp and unconscious, face battered in bruises and wounds and there’s blood on your beautiful, white shirt and he prays to God that isn’t yours but who is he even trying to fool? Of course, it’s yours. “No, please, no!”
From the other side of the highway, Namjoon spots Jungkook scrambling towards the car that he, too, finds awfully familiar. His eyes widen at the sight as realisation hits him. 
“Shit!” He hisses, making sure the victim he’s treating is okay before running towards Jungkook, heart beating a hundred miles per hour. All he can think about is getting his partner away from the car which is lying on its side. “Kook!”
Namjoon has to pull harder than he expected as he reaches Jungkook. He isn’t willing to let go of the car, hands reaching for your unconscious body that is still, thankfully, buckled up in the driver’s seat. You hear nothing of Jungkook’s cries as he’s pulled away by his partner and best friend. “____! Baby, please wake up, please!”
The sight in front of them is nothing but a real life nightmare, the scene only a fear of Jungkook’s until tonight. Namjoon has no idea how to calm his partner down as he pulls him away. His heart is breaking at the sound of Jungkook’s sobs, his chest heaving for air as he looks at the broken car, which was nicely parked in the parking lot of his and yours apartment building when he left for work this morning. He watches it being pulled apart to reach you, the EMTs of Ambo 78 tending to your wounds and body, trying their best to support you until they get you to the hospital.
They lift you into the ambulance, Jungkook’s body working automatically as he tries to jump into the back of the ambulance and ride with you to make sure that they’re taking care of you the right way. This isn’t just another victim, it’s you, Jeon Jungkook’s fiancé. Namjoon holds him back, using all his strength because a sad, terrified Jungkook is stronger than he ever could’ve imagined.
“Hyung, please, I need to go with her!” Jungkook cries, glancing quickly at the man holding him back, before looking back at the ambulance you’re now in. They close the doors, hurriedly getting in the front and speed off. “For fuck’s sake, Namjoon, let me go!”
Namjoon shakes his head, “I need you to calm down first, Kook. You’re not thinking clearly.”
Jungkook thinks that’s the biggest load of bullshit he’s ever heard. He whirls around, not in the mood for his best friend’s psychology shit. “I swear, I will punch you,” he sneers, eyes watery and cheeks stricken with tears. Namjoon stares back at him, lips in a tight line and eyes wide because he has never seen Jungkook so out of it before. “How am I supposed to calm down when my fucking fiancé is a victim of one of the biggest car crashes we’ve ever witnessed, huh? She’s hurt and unconscious in the back of one of OUR ambulances right now, Joon. Don’t fucking tell me to calm down.”
Despite his harsh words, Namjoon feels sorry for Jungkook. He nods, putting his hands up in surrender. Jungkook breathes out, chest heavy with a feeling he can’t quite describe. He just knows that he doesn’t want to waste another second here, the only place he wants to be is by your side until you wake up and tell him you’re okay.
“At least let me drive you to the hospital?” Namjoon offers, voice hesitant and cautious as he gestures to their ambulance. 
Jungkook sniffs, nodding, “please.”
The ride to the hospital is quiet, tense too. Jungkook is staring straight ahead and not moving, just letting the tears in his eyes fall until he has none left. He’s pretty sure the drive to the hospital usually isn't this long. He feels like he’s been on this ride with Namjoon for hours when really, it has only been at least 15 minutes. 15 minutes too long, he thinks to himself. He could’ve been with you right now, holding your hand while you get sutured up and stitched back to perfection – at least what Jungkook thinks is perfection. However, you’d never agree on that.
Namjoon doesn’t get to say anything before Jungkook’s out of the passenger seat of the ambulance, his body moving almost before Namjoon had parked it. He doesn’t notice anything around him, heading straight for the front desk to ask about your status. The nurse there looks at him with a face that says she’s sorry without even saying the words. Jungkook doesn’t need those words, there’s nothing to be sorry for. People only say they’re sorry when something really bad happens, and as far as Jungkook knows, you’re still alive. You have to be. He hasn’t married you yet.
“My fiancé was brought here not long ago, her name is ____,” Jungkook hurriedly asks, the nurse working quickly to type into her computer. Jungkook taps his foot against the floor in impatience.
“She’s in surgery at the moment,” the nurse says softly, watching as Jungkook’s breath hitches in his throat at the news. Namjoon comes up beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “The doctors will find you once they’re done.”
Namjoon nods in appreciation to the nurse, Jungkook stares at nothing in particular, scared he’ll break down in the middle of the entrance of the hospital he so often visits because of his job. “We’ll wait over there,” he tells the nurse, tugging Jungkook along. “Let’s go, Kook.”
Jungkook follows along, sitting down in a seat with Namjoon beside him. He feels like he should be calling his family and yours, yet he can’t think straight and his head is empty for words right now. The only thing on his mind is you and the fact that you’re at risk of dying. He has no idea how serious your injuries are but they’re serious enough to land you on the surgery table. His breathing is short, eyes staring at the floor and ears focusing on the sound of the opening and closing of the doors to the surgery halls. He feels alone even though Namjoon is sitting right beside him, he feels helpless, he feels like he’s been left in the dark. He knows nothing about what’s happening to you and it’s driving him absolutely crazy. The thought of losing you brings a new round of tears to his eyes, lips trembling as he fights to keep his sobs inside and not break down in the middle of other people. It’s like Namjoon senses as he gets up, pulling his phone from his pocket. He moves a bit away from Jungkook, speed dialling the only person he knows will be able to comfort his best friend in the slightest. 
Jungkook’s wandering the waiting area, hands tightly intertwined in front of his lips and eyes closed as he walks back and forth in front of Namjoon. It has been at least three hours and his nerves aren’t exactly becoming less the longer it takes for the surgeons to give him some kind of news – any kind would be appreciated by now. He stills as a hand comes to rest against his back, gentle touch that can only belong to one person on this planet. He turns around to face her, her eyes softening at the sight of his red eyes and wet eyelashes.
“Mom,” he croaks out, a sob raking through his body as he crumbles into her embrace.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she coos, wrapping her arms around his tall frame, hugging her sweet, heartbroken son to her chest in the hopes of comforting him just the tiniest bit. They stay like that for a few minutes until Jungkook’s mother breaks the embrace, holding him at arm's length. “I’m sure she will be fine, Jungkook. She’s a strong woman.”
He sniffles, feeling slightly better at his mother’s words. He offers a small, the tiniest, smile. She smiles softly and comfortingly at him, reaching up to wipe his tears away. “You have to be strong too, sweetheart. She needs you to be strong for her.”
Jungkook nods and whispers lowly: “I know, mom.”
“Mr. Jeon?” A voice calls. Jungkook, his mother, and Namjoon whips around to face the doctor who called Jungkook’s name. “Miss ____ is out of surgery. We were able to fix her injuries and she is up for recovery now.”
Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, feeling a heavy weight disappearing from his shoulders. The doctor offers him a warm smile. “She will be in the ICU for at least a couple of days until we see some progress. You can go see her, she is in room 248.”
“Thank you so much,” Jungkook says with the utmost gratitude and a smile as he shakes the doctor’s hand before grabbing his things and heading in the direction of the ICU. 
He finds the room without any problems, pausing just outside of the door. His mother and Namjoon both stand behind him, watching him in silence. They’re not pushing him, letting him do this on his own, letting him prepare for whatever he’s about to meet behind this door. He inhales and holds his breath before pushing the door open and heading inside. The sound of the monitor beeping is the first thing that meets him, what meets him next causes him to gasp softly in horror. This must be what it feels like to live out your nightmare and biggest fears, he thinks to himself as he moves closer to your body that’s lying unconsciously on the bed. It seems his tears are never-ending today as he pulls a seat to the side of the bed, sitting down with his eyes trained on you.
He looks you over, wincing lightly at the sight of tubes and IVs attached to you. There are scratches and wounds on your body, your skin beaten up from the harsh car crash you so unluckily ended up in earlier. He’s hesitant as he reaches for your hand, being more than careful as he intertwines his hand with yours. You don’t squeeze his hand like you always do and it makes him realize that you are in fact unconscious and probably not aware of the entire situation right now.
Jungkook scans your face, lips trembling and fingers shaking as he reaches up to move your hair out of your face. There’s scratches on your pretty face too, a big patch on the right side of your forehead where they stitched you up. He’s hurting, not quite as much as you, as he looks at you. You’re still gorgeous, even like this. 
“I love you so much, ____,” Jungkook whispers, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your ring-clad hand. “Please be okay.”
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Days have passed since the accident, and you still haven’t opened your eyes. Jungkook is becoming impatient, sitting here and waiting is killing him slowly. His mother had left in the morning after being with him throughout the first night. Jungkook had called your family while his mother held his hand. He will never forget the way a sob raked through your mother’s body as he told her what had happened. They were here now; your mother, your father and your brother, Yoongi. Your parents sit on either side of you, Jungkook’s resting against the wall at the end of the bed, Yoongi sitting in the chair beside him. The silence is almost unbearable but no one dares speaking, afraid of nothing in particular – perhaps the chances of you crashing right in front of all of them.
Jungkook’s done crying. He doesn’t think he has any tears left in him, only this heavy feeling of regret even though he has nothing to regret. No matter what, he couldn’t have stopped this from happening. Why you were out driving that late is still a mystery to him, but he’s not sure he wants to know. He has a feeling it will tear him apart knowing the reason.
Your dad jerks up from his resting posture causing everyone to widen their eyes at him. “S-she squeezed my hand,” he almost whispers. Jungkook’s breathing quickens, eyes staring at your closed ones. He waits, anticipating the worst. Your eyes flutter, a small crease forming in your forehead as you try to adjust to the lights in the room. He sighs in relief for what feels like the hundredth time, feeling the tears coming back. Okay, he isn’t quite done yet.
“Jungkook?!” You croak out, trying to sit up. Jungkook feels his heart breaking at the tone in your voice. You sound confused, slightly shaken up and sad. He’s quick to be at your side, taking over from your father. His hand grabs yours, fingers intertwining automatically. “Kook,” you whimper, clearly not fully awake from your deep days long slumber.
“I’m here, baby” he softly calls, searching your eyes with his own, “I’m right here.”
You look at him, eyes locking and you feel yourself calm down already. Jungkook notices the unshed tears in your hazy eyes. “Where am I?” You ask, voice small.
“The hospital,” he explains, keeping his voice low and soft for you as you just woke up from a long, long nap. “You were in an accident, ____. Do you remember what happened?”
You shake your head, wincing at the movement. Your entire body is sore, hurting everywhere and you want to cry. You just want to cry and hug Jungkook tightly because that’s the only place you feel safe and happy, in his arms. 
“How long?” You speak a bit louder now, still not registering your entire family standing around the two of you. You’re in your own little world, your focus only aimed at the curly-haired man in front of you. Your mom is watching you closely, letting a small tear slip down her cheek as she takes in the moment of you and Jungkook. Your father is right beside her, rubbing her arms in comfort. Yoongi is watching too, smiling to himself because he doesn’t think his younger sister could’ve found anyone more fit for her than Jeon Jungkook.
“Only a few days,” Jungkook answers, bringing your intertwined hands to his chest. His heart is beating hard and fast causing you to gasp. He smiles at you as you look up at him, eyes wide.
You move to press your other hand to his chest, resting it above his heart. “Are you okay?”
Jungkook can’t help but chuckle. Even when you’re the one hurting, you ask him if he’s okay just because his heart is beating a bit faster than it usually does. He nods, smiling softly at you, eyes twinkling with fresh tears once again. 
“I’m fine,” he whispers, leaning closer to press his lips to your forehead in a lingering kiss. “Just really relieved.”
You smile at his words, only imagining how worried he must’ve been the past few days if you’ve been in this bed and unconscious. “I love you, Kook.”
Jungkook chokes out a laugh, “I love you too baby, more than anything.”
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lokislastlove · 3 years
Come One, Come All! (Dark!Loki x reader) p.2
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Summary: A girls night out to the fair takes an insidious turn.
Warnings: Noncon/Rape, Knife play, Oral (m&f), Smut, Bondage, Kidnapping
This is a dark fic! 18+ ONLY! Explicit Adult content. Please READ THE WARNINGS! Do not continue if these matters upset you!
Authors Note: Here is part 2, for those who have taken a chance on my trash, thank you so much!! I hope I don’t disappoint. ❤️
Chapter 2:
You feel your chest seize and you start to shake as your heart rate skyrockets, your body and mind dissolving into a full blown panic attack as you feel around the black box imprisoning you. You are only locked in for a minute before you hear rustling outside and you are thrown into the wall as the whole box shifts and turns.
“What the fuck. Oh my god, someone help! Please let me out!” Your voice cracks as your pleading grows more desperate with each passing minute.
You try to hold out hope that it’s a prank or part of the experience but after what you were sure had to be at least ten minutes of begging to possibly no one, you sag in defeat. Your eyes burn with hot tears, the temperature inside the box rising the longer you sit there. Stewing in silence and sweat, you listen to anything that might tell you where you have been moved to but the joyful bustle of the carnival fades early on.
You fall asleep hunched at the bottom of the box, arms wrapped tightly around your knees. You don’t know for how long but you are awoken roughly as the box tips over sending you face first into the solid surface. You grunt and stretch out, turning to lay on your back.
“Open it” you hear faintly.
The wall above you is ripped off instantly by a singular muscular arm. Startled, you gasp but manage to hold in the pathetic squeak when you look up into piercing blue eyes shrouded in unruly golden hair. Your own eyes widening as you take in the sheer mass of this man.
The muscles under his sun-kissed skin ripple as he huffs and stands straight. He scratches his bearded jaw, looking over to the darker figure you could barely see standing across from him.
“Yes I can see why you liked this one. Inquisitive eyes. A bit of fire in there, yes?” The hulking blond man raises a brow and smirks at you.
Had you not been in your current situation he would have been the type of man you could drool over for days. But considering the fact that you appear to be kidnapped, his physique only enhances your trepidation.
“Where the fuck am I?” You demand, fighting your soft-spoken nature.
“Yeah, there’s that fire” the large man chuckles deeply. “Want me to put her on the wall?” He asks looking back to his silent counterpart.
“The wall?” You mutter, panic rising again at the prospect of being ‘put’ anywhere.
“Yes, then you may go. Thank you , Thor” The darker mans voice drones, sounding bored.
The larger man, Thor, leans down and goes to grab you, making you scream and try to slap away his arms which is clearly ineffective, considering his bicep is the size of your head. He grabs your wrists easily and pulls you to your feet, you try going limp but he hardly seems to notice as he drags you out of the box. You start kicking and flailing wildly as he tosses you against a hard flat wooden surface attached to the wall. You sob as he takes one of your arms and stretches it straight out and snaps a mounted metal cuff around your wrist. You reach over with your free hand and try to unclasp the lock but he catches you and stretches the other arm out to the other side, rendering you completely helpless.
Arms spread wide, you feel exposed and vulnerable, especially when he traces his hand over your breasts before stepping away. That’s when you finally look at the thing you are mounted to. A circular wooden board painted red and white like a giant target, with you at the center.
“What the hell is this?” You tremble.
“Ankles too, for now” the dark suited man directs from across the room.
“Oh, well aren’t you a lucky girl” Thor chuckles under his breath before kneeling down and spreading your legs, attaching each to a similar iron restraint.
“Please. Please let me go” you plead softly to the bulky blond as he stands straight and smiles at you.
Thor brushes his thumb under your eye, catching a stray tear before sucking it into his mouth and humming.
“So sweet.” He praises before winking at you and leaving the room.
Your eyes settle on the lithe figure facing away from you. He’s tall and although he’s not as thick as Thor, you can tell he doesn’t lack strength either. He sheds his jacket and lays it neatly across the desk in front of him.
“If this is s-some sort of joke, it’s not funny” you stutter.
You watch in horror as he slowly turns to look at you, leaning back on his desk and crossing his ankles.
“You’re a clever girl, does this feel like a prank to you, darling?” His voice is as smooth as silk.
“Why are you doing this? Where are my friends?” You question, dreading the answer.
“Oh they will make fine prizes for the highest bidder. But you, darling… you caught my attention.” He explains blithely, slowly unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt and rolling the sleeves up to his elbows.
“Lucky me” you scoff, narrowing your eyes at him as a wave of anger washes over you at the mention of your friends.
“Indeed.” He smiles cruelly.
“I swear to god if you hurt my friends –“ you fume before getting cut off suddenly.
You barely see the silver glint as something small whizzes through the air toward your head. A sharp silver blade sinks into the board next to your head, the shock causing you to choke on a gasp. It was mere inches away from your eye.
“Care to threaten me again?” He smirks, holding another knife in his right hand, the sharp point of it delicately pressing into the middle finger of his left hand.
You gulp as your body shakes uncontrollably, your life seemed to flash before your eyes in that moment. How did he throw that so fast, you say to yourself, the target behind you making more sense now. You shake your head in response to his question, voice lost amongst the adrenaline coursing through you.
“Very well” he nods once, with a small smile.
Your eyes are glued to the dagger in his hand, as he flourishes it about casually. Your muscles tense every time he tosses it gently in the air before catching it.
“Now, I want to know how you solved those riddles so quickly today” he asks lightly before throwing another dagger, this one splintering the wood inches away on the other side of your head. “And no lies.”
You squeak and close your eyes, body trembling so badly you aren’t sure how to form words anymore.
“I – I don’t know. I just did.” You manage to stammer out. “Please stop.”
Another dagger flies through the air, landing with a thud between your thighs.
“Oh my god, please! Please” you cry.
“You know some people could figure out one, maybe two, within the time limit. Most just get the answers from those who went before them. Others just come back repeatedly, mindlessly searching for the keys. But you… such a clever girl” he purred, pushing himself away from the desk still clutching another knife.
“You can hardly blame me for being curious” he continues, taking slow steps toward you.
He stops before you, admiring your terrified expression before dropping his eyes down your body. You pull on the restraints and shift in discomfort at his close proximity. He smiles as his eyes connect once more with your own, his pupils blown wide.
“I’m sorry, okay. I wasn’t trying to – I won’t ever do it again. Just please let me and my friends go,” you beg.
You watch him smirk and sniff at your pathetic pleas, both fully aware you have nothing to offer. He turns and calmly walks back to his desk.
“Ugh let me go you fucking creep! What do you want from me?” Anger and panic causing you to lash out desperately.
He turns and flings another dagger at you, but this time you feel a sharp pain under your arm. You look over to see the dagger pinning your shirt to the board, slowly staining with blood.
“Oh my god!” You scream shifting your arm away from the dagger. “You cut me!”
“Barely more than a scratch. You’ll survive.” He assured you coolly with a roll of his eyes.
You feel the slow flow of warmth trickle down the underside of your arm and you whimper as you watch him near you again. He stops in front of you and pulls the dagger from the board, releasing your shirt. He admires the blade for a moment and then reaches out to you, making you flinch away. His eyes flare at your reaction and he tuts disapprovingly.
“This shirt, however…” he mocks, sliding the sharp end of the blade under the hem of the fabric along your stomach, “I’m afraid it will not.”
You gasp as he brings the knife up cutting through the flimsy material with barely any resistance. You cry as the cool air breezes over your exposed stomach. The useless cloth hanging loosely off your arms.
“Better” he coos his appraisal, as he glides the tip of the knife from your neck to your navel.
Your chest heaves as the reality set in like a boulder dropping in your stomach. You can’t believe this is how your ‘fun night out’ is going. Cursing your luck as you wonder why the hell your intelligence only seemed to lead you to trouble and scummy men.
“All of this because I solved your stupid riddles” you gripe, shaking your head in bitter disbelief.
“Stupid?” He repeats, his face twisting in disgust at the insult.
“Yeah, what is it? You have a problem with women smarter than you? No, that can’t be it, you’d have to be used to that by now.” You sneer.
You don’t know where this boldness is coming from, but something about this man makes you angry, and you figure, what do I have to lose?
His face twists in anger and he slams the dagger into the wall above your head. Your head is now caged in by three sharp knives and yet you suppress a flinch.
“That, wasn’t so smart, darling.” His lip curls in amusement as he backs off slightly and grips the rounded edge of the board spinning it until you are hanging upside down.
Tags: @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @caffiend-queen
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smutsonian · 4 years
okay but,, imagine if the reader had been a complete brat and gone out without letting Lee know. He waned her before about the dangers out there and that he wont always be there to save her. This gives him an idea. Lee decides to scare her by locking her up in a prison cell with Robert Pronge. Lee lets him do whatever he wants for the next few hours and even sits himself in a chair to get a better look..
ababahhaha aAhaha ahb WIAT LET ME BREATHE GOR A SECOND
lesson learned
lee bodecker x reader x robert pronge
warnings: dark, noncon, voyeurism, slight angst, posessive lee, creepy robert, not proofread!
word count: 1.4k
a/n: idfk how to do the keep reading thingy on mobile. Also I TRIED AND OMFG I JUST REALLY LIKE SOFT DARK CHARACTERS OKAY?!
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You asked Lee if you can go to the store later but when he told you that he’ll be doing extra shifts, you told him that you can go on your own. Lee didn’t like the idea of you going out on your own and he decided to give you a speech about the dangers of the outside world.
“Anyone can hurt you!”
“Anyone can just take you. In a blink, you’re gone. Taken away from me. Do you want that? Do you want someone to take you away from me?” 
“So don’t go out without me. Don’t go out by yourself, got it?” He was so angry and adamant but you really wanted to go out. You needed to go to that store.
So you decide to ignore Lee and go to the fucking story anyway.
Of course, Lee finds out. He’s the sheriff and everyone basically works for him. So it’s not a surprise that someone tattled on you.
He drove straight to the shop, guiding you back in his cruiser, almost as if you’re being arrested but he let you sit on the passenger’s side. He was quiet throughout the ride which was scary because he’s usually mouthy when he’s mad but when he’s quiet… 
He’s really really mad.
Your anxiety only got worse when he missed the turn to your house and straight to the station.
He stopped the car before quickly getting out, walking towards your side, and helping you out. Even mad, he still guides you.
You follow him inside, frowning when he grabs your arm before pushing you inside a cell with a strange man. You ignored the man, watching Lee as he closed the gates before getting a chair and placing it just in front of your cell.
“Such a pretty little face…” the strange man says from behind you. Your skin prickles when you feel him getting closer to you and you glance at Lee with tearful and frightened eyes.
“L-Lee what’s ha-happening?” You watch Lee’s jaw clench and unclench before he adjusts himself on the chair.
“I told you not to go out on your own, didn’t I?” He asks, giving you a glare.
“You did.” You confirm.
“But you still went out.” He hisses.
“But I still went out…” You repeat, bowing your head in shame.
“I’m sorry, Lee… I just really wanted to buy—” You try to reach for the paper bag but then Lee grabs it through the gaps of the cell before tossing it aside.
“Doesn’t matter what you needed to buy, darling. You still disobeyed me. I’m not making rules for my own good here, sweetheart. I’m making them for you.” He shakes his head in disappointment, making your heart clench in regret.
“I’m sorry, Lee! I really am!” You cry, not aware of the hungry look that the strange man behind you is giving you.
“I won’t do it again. I promise!” Your hands clamped around the bars, reaching out to Lee. He grabs your hands before giving each a kiss and letting them go.
“Oh, you won’t do it again. I’m pretty sure of that…” He smiles before loosening his belt.
“I learned my lesson, Lee. I won’t do it again. Please let me out…” You whisper, eyes blurred with tears as you begged him. You could see conflict in his eyes as if he’s fighting with himself.
“Oh, you will learn your lesson, sweetheart. I know it’s hard to teach you some manners but this time, I’m pretty sure you’ll learn.” He nods at the man behind you before you feel yourself being dragged back to the stranger’s chest.
“That’s Robert. He’ll help you learn a simple lesson, sweetheart.” Lee smiles before leaning back against his chair.
“Nice to meet ya, pretty face!” The man behind you, Robert, cheers before tearing your clothes apart. You were too shocked to react and you only snapped out of it when you felt his rough hands palming your breasts.
“L-Lee!” Your voice cracks at Lee, desperate and scared. 
“I know, sweetheart. It’s scary but you have to learn!” Lee frowns before nodding at Robert once more.
You feel a kiss on your cheek before his hot breath fans your ear.
“This’ll be quick, baby. Just gotta teach ya a lesson like your daddy told you…” You whimper when your hair is yanked backward and a stinging sensation fills your body when Robert forces his cock inside you.
Your screams seemed to turn Robert on because he only went faster and harder, ignoring your sobs and seemingly enjoying the scratches that your nails are giving his arms. He uses your breasts as a handle to keep your body against him while his hips continue to rut into you.
“Ow!” You cry out when you feel his teeth biting into your neck when a loud bang comes from the metal bars.
“Don’t fucking bite her, Pronge!” Lee’s voice was strained and you looked at him, seeing him stroking his cock while his eyes continued to glare at Robert.
“My bad…” Robert chuckles before wiping the skin that he bit and placing a kiss on it.
“Sorry, baby…” He continues to rut into you and you see Lee matching the rhythm that Robert is using to pound into you. 
Robert easily manipulates your body so you’re on your knees and he forced your face down against the floor only to be yanked up so a pillow could be placed against your face.
“Gotta keep that pretty face comfortable…” Robert chuckles before patting your cheek and crawling behind you.
“Ready or not…” Robert sings before seething himself inside you with the same rhythm as before only this time, his cock enters deeper, hitting a spot that always made your legs shake.
“Slap her ass,” you hear Lee’s quiet voice and you look back at him who seems to be close with how his hips are jerking against his hand.
Robert smacks your left cheek hard, earning a loud yelp from you. He continued pounding you from behind, groaning and pleasure as your walls started to clench around his throbbing cock.
“You can cum, baby,” Lee’s voice reaches your ear. You didn’t want to cum on Robert’s cock but his hand finds its way to your cunt, fingers playing with your clit, eager to pull a release from you.
He didn’t have to wait long because soon, you were a crying mess while your whole body shakes on the floor as Robert continued to pound into you.
Just when he’s about to cum inside you, he’s pushed out of you by Lee who quickly shoved himself inside of you, thrusting a few times before cumming inside of you, releasing thick and warm coats of his seed.
“Ahh fuck!” Robert exclaims, finishing himself off on your ass. 
“You fucking bitch…” Lee growls before wiping Robert’s cum off your ass with a white cloth.
Lee helps you up, wrapping his jacket around you before pulling you close. He tilts your head towards him, a finger on your chin before asking.
“You learned your lesson?” 
You only nod at him, eyes tired as they fluttered shut. Lee presses a kiss on your forehead before guiding you up.
“That’s my girl.” 
Robert stands up, patting his pants clean before smiling at the sheriff.
“Hey if you wanna help with teaching your girl some manners, you know where to find me,” Robert laughs at the glare that Lee gives him.
“In your fucking dreams”
“Fucking your girl is a dream,” Robert sighs dreamily, looking at your sleeping form against Lee.
“It’s a one time favor, Pronge. Now get the fuck out of here. Our deal is done.” Lee brings you back to his cruiser as Robert follows the both of you.
He stares at your form on the passenger‘s side while Lee closes your door.
“Call me when you need someone dead. I like your method of payment.” Robert snickers.
Lee didn’t like how Robert seems to be infatuated by his girl. Lee couldn’t blame him but you're his. You’re Lee’s and nobody else’s.
“Fuck off, Pronge.” 
“Whatever.” Robert steals a glance at you one last time before leaving.
Lee enters the car before driving home. He looks at you before smiling. He knows you only love him. You’re good like that. You just have to be taught some lessons from time to time.
But he’s sure as fuck that he won’t be asking for Robert’s help anymore.
Lee looks at the bag that you were holding earlier and he feels his heart skips a beat when he sees what’s inside.
“Oh, my baby…” Lee smiles at your sleeping form before pressing a kiss on your nose. He wouldn’t have to worry about Robert.
part two-ish
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @white-wolf1940 @the-soulofdevil @mianorth @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard @chrisevanisliterallysir
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
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the-wereraven · 2 years
Stray Game Thought-Log Part 1
Playtime: 4 hours
Ohh where we going?
Am creeture
Jumpy jump
This seems precarious
Is this a horror game now?
No baby! D:
Go in there? But weird things went in...
I drop bucket
Ew what the fuck
*sees dead robots*
Let's get outta here cat
I am creeture *knocks paint cans off*
Fuck is this a chase sequence?
Oh shit did I need the plug from just now?
Uhh can the door open- Nope
Oh I don't, good
Tiny drone
Why my cat walking weird
Am creeture *scratches carpet*
Ew the city looks disgusting what happened here
Oh ew more of those things run cat
Wait they're actually after me RUN CAT
Omg robots
Aw friendlies!
Where do I go?
I'm lost
I came here before
Oh you the barterman
Oh music sheet yes
Ohh you the musician!
*spends an entire minute listening to the music*
What is this? *wears paperbag*
Oh it's off
Okay where do I go??
Ohh a library
There is a dead bot in here wtf
*realises jumping off book stacks makes them fall* HAHA
*zooms through books*
Oh here he is
Momo you good man?
Why are you dressed like that?
Journal hunt? Hey I got one already!
*kicks basketball by accident* Oh shit-
It didn’t hit Teddy thank god-
Oh getting here wasn't so hard
*accidentally breaks pot* Oops, let's get out of here cat
More music sheets! :OOO
*listens to some music again*
More books, books, books
*gets sad I can't get a poncho*
You're kidding, you're kidding
*dies twice*
Hack door? OH FUCK-
Wait, wait I see... fuck
Do I really wanna go in here?
Oh my god there's so many
Oh god
They can't reach me here can they?
God how many more are there
Did they die? Why is there only one?
Do I really wanna leave this safety?
Fuck it LET’S GO
Oh of course they were thrash eating bacteria...
Literally types this so I can stop shaking because wow I'm shaking a lot
I just wanted a nice cat game but no I have to run from mutated bacteria *sobs*
Please don't come after me while I'm in a barrel
This place is large and empty and I don't trust it
*calls elevator*
*dies* >:(
*pushes a bunch of cones off*
*sobbing* Am I almost there yet?
Oh I'm here HAHAAA
Oh damn
Ah yes, the view of everything I had to go through
*crying* scritchy scratchy carpet-
What is this website looking password
Come on cat let's sleep
Ohh clever secret door password
OH so the paint ISN'T my fault
Oh the poncho is a mission item :(
I'm fine B-12 this is only the second worst fall I've had
What is this nightmare
Why is this place big and empty
Holy shit Einstein?
Fuck you want me to go out there again
This sucks (affectionate)
God I gotta do everything for you robots
Please don't be more Zurks
Oh god the Slums thank god
*runs around the Slums for a bit*
Bye everyone :(
Adventure with Momo? :D
Fuck I hate this place
*runs back and forth several times to clear out the Zurks*
Alright cool *opens door*
*more Zurks pour out* FUCK
*peeks right* Dead end
*peeks left* WHAT THE FUCK
Oh god are those eyes on the walls?
*game crashes*
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folkreid · 3 years
TYPE: angst/fluff/smut
WARNINGS: smut, oral sex, breeding kink, hints of switch spencer, hints of switch reader. i think that's it
Y/n's moving away. My whole world is moving 2079 miles away. Why? Why does she have to move? Why does she have to leave me? Why does the person who makes me the happiest have to go?
"Spencer" she whispered. I snap out of my thought. Her eyes looking sorry. "Spencer i'm sorry" tears fall from her eyes.
I just hug her. How am I going to go on without her? She's my everything. She's the love of my life.
Her head on my chest. Her lips swollen from biting them. Her face wet from tears. Her eyelashes damp. Her sleeves of her sweater over her hands as she uses them to clean off her tears. Her breathing wasn't steady. She was sobbing in my arms.
I was sobbing in her. God how could I not sob. How could I not cry. The only good thing in my life is leaving. "It won't be forever" she tells me with a sniffle. I know it won't but just one minute away from her makes my heart break.
All I can think of is our memories.
Our first date. I picked her up she was wearing a beautiful dress. Beautiful heels. Her hair was perfect. The way she did her makeup was perfect. I remember the whole night all I could think of is how her eyes shined. They shined so bright. They still do. Even when she has tears flowing out of them they shined.
The first time she cried in front of me. She hated it. She hated it so much. She showed me she was vulnerable and she hated it. But I loved it. I loved being there for her. I loved holding her telling her it was going to be okay. I loved comforting her. I loved her being open. I loved her being able to trust me.
Our first time saying I love you. I was so nervous. I knew I loved her since our third date. I couldn't stop talking for some reason. I talked and talked and talked. She listened. She listened to everything. She was interested in everything I said. She laughed at my jokes even though she didn't get them. I asked why laugh if she didn't get them and she just smiled and said "I just like laughing". Everything about her makes me so much happier. That night I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes. So it was our two month anniversary and I finally told her. "I love you". She started crying. She came from a complicated family. She didn't hear I love you a lot.
Our first time. She was so nervous. As was I. We made out for an hour at least. I loved her lips on mine. I would kiss her forever if I could. She was so insecure about her body. It was perfect. Everything about her was perfect. Her boobs. Her stomach. Her legs. Her arms. Her ass. Everything. The way she squeezed her eyes closed. The way she told me she loved me as she came. The way she was breathing. The way that night she told me all her secrets.
When she met the team for the first time. She was so excited. Y/n's all for manners. She's very proper. She knows how to act in front of people. But once you get to know her she's someone else. I love her both ways. The team loved her. They admire her. Penelope went shopping with her the next day. Y/n was so excited. They bought so much.
The first time she met my mom. She was so kind and gentle. She was so patient with my mom. She was caring and my mom loved her.
When I met her mom. She doesn't have such a good relationship with her parents. She never has. Her mom has always been rude, at least that's what she told me. Her mom told her a bunch of stuff and played it off as it was a joke. That night she cried and cried. She told me all about her past issues.
I looked down at the girl crying in my arms. "I love you. I love you so much Y/n/n." she looks up at me. She pulls me in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and plump. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.
She pulls away. "I don't want to leave you" she mumbled against my chest. "I don't want you to leave me either love." I say my voice cracking. I look down at her. She's just, wow. Shes the perfect person.
"Promise me you'll text me everyday?" she looks up staring into my soul. "Of course I will, promise you'll always call me before you go to sleep to tell me about your day?" I ask slightly plating with her lips with my dumb. She nods rapidly. "Of course Spencer" she whispers.
"I can't believe I leave in two days" she says cuddling into my chest. "I can't believe it either." I say kissing her head. "We won't be able to have mind blowing sex now when i'm gone" she says joking with a frown.
"Well when I visit you we can" I respond. She giggles a little bit. "Can we have sex right now?" her voice goes slightly high pitched. "Do you really want to?" she nods.
I kiss her lips gently, cupping her face and bringing her on top of my lap. I push the hair out of her face. I kiss her forehead, then her cheeks then her nose then her chin then finally her mouth.
"Everything about you is so amazing Y/n" You smiled shyly being flustered. "I love you Spencer. I love you so much" you say bringing him back into the kiss. His hot breath against you made you feel so warm and safe. You rolled her hips over his as he grips them tightly. He moved to your neck leaving lots of marks that you would hopefully have for a while. He nipped at your skin as you whined loudly.
"Take off your shirt please" you say tugging at his shirt. He takes it off and throws it somewhere in the room.
You tells Spencer to lie down and he follows. He lies down on his back while you kiss his bare body. You kisses his neck gently looking up at Spencer who was starting to breathe unsteady. You kiss all the way down his tummy. "Can I take these off?" you ask him. He nods and you takes them off of him throwing them somewhere.
Spencers cock was just like the rest of him, perfect. Pre cum leaking out of the tip, You swiped your dumb over it and licked your dumb. You put your hand around the base of his cock holding tightly Spencer groans. "Please Y/n" he whines bucking his hips up. "What do you want babe?" you ask looking up at him. "Make me feel good" he breathes out.
You starts giving him a hand job moving your hand up and down. His moans were loud already. You wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, starting to kitty lick it. "Does that feel good" you ask smiling up at him. "Yes, please put me in your mouth" he begs.
You go up to him and kisses him softly before going back down and taking him in fully into his mouth. "Oh god" Spencer cries. You deep throat's him as he grabs onto your hair. "Yes fuck" he moans while bucking his hips making you take more.
After a while Spencer cums in your mouth and you happily swallow. "Come here love" Spencer says, his voice deep. You lies on the bed while Spencer get on top of you. He kisses down your tummy softly before removing your underwear.
He looks up at you. What a beautiful girl he thinks. He licks a bold stripe against her core. "You're so wet" he says as he puts one finger inside of you. He immediately takes it out and licks it. "Please Spencer" you beg. "What love, what do you want"
"Please touch me"
He smirks and goes in. His tongue flicks your clit rapidly. "Oh god right there Spencer" you shout throwing your head back. He puts two fingers in your wet pussy moving them in and out creating a rhythm. "Fuck yes Spence" you moan loudly bucking up your hips. He curls his fingers hitting your spot repetitively.
"Fuck fuck right there" you squirm. "You like that?" he asks rubbing your clit with his other hand. "Y-Yes please please" you had no idea what you were begging for but Spencer seemed to know. He latched onto one of your boobs sucking your nipple. "That feels so good baby" you moans. His fingers go faster which you couldn't believe he could go faster.
"Spencer fuck" you drag out the word. You're a moaning mess at this point. Your legs start shaking and your eyes roll back into your head. "Oh Spence i'm cumming" you let out a squeal like moan before finishing.
"So fucking perfect" he says kissing your neck taking out his fingers. "Open" he tells you. You open your mouth. You start sucking on his fingers as he stares you down. "How are you feeling?" Spencer asks you caressing your cheek. "Good" you simply reply. "You're not tried?" he asks "Mmm nope" you pop the p. "So you still want me to fuck you?"
"Yes please" you say kissing his nose. He smiles down at you while putting his lips on yours.
He slides into you slowly making sure not to hurt you. "You okay baby?" he asks kissing your neck softly. "Mhm" your words muffled by his hair. "Tell me when you want me to move" he gives you a peck on the lips after he says that.
After a few moments you adjusted to his size. "I'm ready Spence"
He goes in and out of you slowly snapping his hips toward entering you fully. You let out a soft moan. He starts picking up the pace and creates a rhythm that drives you crazy.
You moan loudly when he hits a certain spot. "Oh my god Spence. Right there shit" you hiss. You look up at him. His hai sticking to his forehead. His head thrown back. His eyes shut. "Fuck love you feel so good" he moans leaning down to put his face in the crook of your neck. Your hands wrap around his back. "Spencer faster please" you whine loudly. He rocks his hips into yours faster making the bed frame hit the wall. "Shit Spencer" you scratch his back leaving marks that will be there for a while. "You're so fucking tight Y/n shit" he moans loudly into your ear. You can feel yourself near your end.
Like Spencer could read your mind he reaches his hand down and plays with your clit. "Yes fuck Spencer" a line of curse words fall out your mouth. "Cum on my cock please fuck" he moans. "Cum in me Spence please I need to feel it."
He smiles at the request. "You want me to fuck a baby into you? Naughty girl" he says looking at you. You're a mess you couldn't even reply. "Yes. Yes Spence" you mumble.
"Say it. Say you want to have my baby" he moves the hair out of your face so he can look you in the eye. "Yes I want your baby Spencer" you moan before coming all over him. Seconds later he came into you continuing to fuck you through your highs.
He lies down next to you. "You're beautiful" he whispers. "You're even more beautiful" you say back. "I'm gonna miss you so much" he kisses you putting you guys forehead to forehead. You guys soon fall asleep.
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