#I CAN'T x'D
verecunda · 6 days
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Look at him, he's so lovely. It hurts my heart to see him going through this. 💔
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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Aaand he got hurt again 💔. The usual.
(a follow-up to this)
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lienwyn · 8 months
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And here are the other two illustrations I did for the @reforgedzine! I've been wanting to do matching art nouveau illustrations for these two for a long, long time and I'm very happy I finally got a reason to do it! I really like how these turned out! :D
Also, the leftover sale for the zine has now started! So go to the website if you're interested in buying one of the zines! And you can find the AO3 collection for all the amazing fics here :D
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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Only the world’s greatest minds have stomach issues
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wispurring-moss · 4 months
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i am so normal about him I Am So Normal About Him I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM—!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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lost-gamer-archives · 6 months
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This was ment to be finished before C137 lost in the @ultimaterickshowdown but well xD
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mitamicah · 3 months
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Group one of my six twelve fanart challenge on IG: Joker Out + käärijä crew version ^V^
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dracocheesecake · 1 month
It's funny to me, how the other child versions of the KFP villains would be horrified at who they become as adults, with the exception of Kai, who sees his adult self and thinks that it's the coolest thing ever.
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yuiyuuji · 3 months
After so many years... I still miss Erwin :')
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hyaciiintho · 1 month
🌸。*゚+. Life update under the cut! But in summary I've been busy but haven't forgotten the blog and will hopefully be in a better spot to focus on tumblr this next coming month! Have a lovely day everyone~!
Been working on my carrd teeny tiny bit by bit, but boy howdy does moving and all that comes with it take it out of me (preparing to move, the act of moving, and settling in) !! Good news though, I'll finally get my own room on the 31st, so I'll finally have space to set up my PC this coming September and get back to working on blog stuff! c: I've just been drained and busy and pulled so many different directions in such a small amount of time, that I'm just kinda not focused whenever I do have time to sit down and type stuff. I usually just wanna turn my brain off and games or nap.
Still gotta keep job hunting, repaint the room (it's my old room actually! And my cousin left it a downright mess... the walls are so scuffed ;; ;;), move everything in, and set everything up... and then I'll finally be able to start recouping properly! Came back from a trip to Disney with my sisters (that was fun!) and then I get to see The Fluffy on stage this coming Saturday, so the excitement is far from over for me-- not that it's a bad thing! I'm just... really eager to have a moment of... peace after all this pffft~ still looking forward to it, of course! I'm SO excited !!
I've also been sick with the plague (hurray) so I must have caught it whilst on the plane or during my time at Disney :c so my brain has been so scrambled and fried (just ask anyone who's been playing Overwatch with me this passed week LOL) Tina and Snow know firsthand.
All in all, I'm just really eager to do more than just play xbox and stare blankly at a wall all day, and instead, finally feel like myself again where I can reply to Guilded & Discord rp's, type more carrd bios, and then to also have my PC where I can make pretty graphics and get things flowing again!
Hope y'all have a lovely day! Hope to finally-- finally-- be back on here full swing soon enough!
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dkettchen · 16 days
while we're on the topic of fate apocrypha's horrid trans rep please enjoy this old ass meme I made that one time the fate apocrypha stans found me on twitter
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 month
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amethystina · 3 months
There is a specific song that reminds me a lot of Yohan x Gaon for some reason that is very cloudy for me, sometimes I have theories but I don't know. I always hear it when I read WHTD, so you can imagine how many times it was repeated while I was reading, right? Maybe you know it, but I'll leave it here anyway.
especially in the part where she starts to say: “when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night…”
Maybe you know why it reminds me of them so much better than me. 💜
I don't know if I can say for sure since music is a very subjective thing, as is how we interpret lyrics. And I tend to be pretty literal tbh, which isn't everyone's favourite way of interpreting music. So I can honestly only guess based on what I can read in the lyrics, especially since I'm not very familiar with the artist xD
But, with that in mind, I guess it might remind you of them (and Who Holds the Devil in particular) because it seems to be a song from one woman to another woman and the second woman is pretending she's straight even if the two of them clearly has some lesbian tension going on. And I guess that's more or less the situation Yo Han is in with Ga On right now? Like, just switch "girl" to "boy," "boys" to "girls," and "next to him" to "next to her," and "his wife" to "her husband" etc. and a lot of it might as well be Yo Han speaking to Ga On.
The future wife mentioned could be Soo Hyun or just some unnamed woman that Yo Han assumes Ga On will end up with in the future, since Ga On is clearly determined to pretend that he's still straight, which means he'll probably marry at some point.
And I do think that Yo Han would be pretty petty about that, yes. I actually got an ask a while back, asking me what I thought would happen if Soo Hyun and K didn't die, but the majority of the drama played out pretty much the same afterwards. And I think we'd probably end up with a scenario quite similar to this song. Where Ga On ends up in a relationship with Soo Hyun and pretends that he's straight, but slowly but surely it becomes clear that he's really not.
He wouldn't have much luck, in other words.
Anyhow! When it comes to the lyrics, I especially like the part "You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling," which I think could have several meanings, depending on what angle you want to take. One is that "if you want to stop being gay, your only choice is to stand still and stop evolving" or "the only way to stop yourself from wanting me is for the world itself to stop spinning." And whichever interpretation you choose is pretty suitable for them, I'd say. Especially the latter is a pretty good summary of what their relationship — and the connection they share — is like if you ask me.
The only thing that could guarantee that Ga On can let go of Yo Han (and Yo Han of Ga On) is if they both ceased to exist. Nothing else would actually work.
Even if they're separated, they'd still obsess over each other.
So yeah. I can see why you draw parallels, especially if one views it as something from Yo Han's POV, where he's snarkily criticising Ga On's increasingly clumsy attempts to pretend he's still straight. Because they both know he's not.
And Yo Han would definitely be the kind of person to say "I told you so" in that situation.
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62 and 80 for all!
[ask game]
Hiya, thank you for the ask! :)
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship?
Kala & Ali: The fuck is going on there but it's lowkey scary?? somehow??? (it's the being in sync as people and being in sync as wardens and committing to the bit) During the blight/ before they were An Item: "maker they are so stupid"
Liam & Fenris: "if you go near them and get cavities don't say i didn't warn you" cit. Varric probably There are definitely whispers and rumours during Champion times but Liam does keep his love life close to his chest.
Lilian & Isabela: The common impression is that they aren't serious and/or the relationship is purely superficial. During Kirkwall times there are rumours that the Champion is trying o hide her affair with the alienage elf girl by being so publicly physical with Isabela.
Lilian & Merrill: They are not romantically involved but observers beg to differ, and the two of them don't argue with it because they're also not not partners, and they don't owe anyone an explanation. Early on Lilian is way more comfortable with "romantic" (i.e. what can be read as romantic) gestures towards Merrill since she, yknow, doesn't have romantic feelings for her. And people do love to gossip..
June & Cullen: Gonna get different impressions depending on who you ask; those who saw them early on probably thought it was a dumpster fire fuelled by pent up horny energy (they are not entirely wrong). People who see them later on assume they're your average romantic couple, and they've stopped trying to explain otherwise. There's def been more than one rumour about the spicy romance between the Inquisitor and her Commander.
Ari & Josie: A sight to behold for sure. Also scary as fuck, depending on who you are. If they display as a couple in public they absolutely do it On Purpose; most of the time, anyway. Makes it hard to discern if they are putting on a show, masking an affair, or genuinely an item; a goldmine for gossip, in any case
Also shout out to Var'Renan and Tamlen/ Var'renan and Morrigan who also are assumed to be a couple by outside observers a lot (they are not)
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Kala/Alistair: battle couple!
Liam/Fenris: i guess amicable exes applies in the og timeline?
Lilian/Bela: friends with benefits, and mutual pining for sure lol
Lilian/Merrill: fwb and i guess faux relationship, in a way?? though more in the sense that they don't bother correcting people/ explaining themselves because well. it's none of their business
June/Cullen: enemies to.. partners xd Enemies is exaggerated maybe, but a good chunk of the reason why they end up close is because they help each other work through the Issues TM that makes them start out disliking each other. In that sense ig both opposites attracts and birds of a feather also both apply
Ari/Josephine: courtly love? sort of? Does it count as office romance??
also, i think almost all of them qualify for slowburn lol
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theramblingsofadork · 8 months
Starpoint AU Character Profile: Dr. Starline (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
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Age: Starpoint Squad Era: 20, Downfall Era: 24, Restoration Era: 26
Starpoint Arc Personality: Much like his canon counterpart, Starpoint!Starline is a intelligent, calculated, and driven individual. He’s confident, singleminded, and determined to reach his goal, no matter what he has to do to get there.
He’s great at manipulation, can be egotistical and haughty, and knows how to ‘play the game’ to keep his targets doing what he wants them to.
Granted, as the AU goes on, he begins to see the fruits that can be gained from working with others. He finds himself learning what real friendship is like, and becoming more genuine. Eventually, much to his confusion, horror, and surprise, he even softens up and gains a bit of a heart for those around him.
As he begins to grow comfortable with the Starpoint Squad, his theatrical behaviors become more commonplace, and he finds himself confidently bantering with the group and enjoying their presence.
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His underlying goal of one day working alongside Eggman is still very prevalent though, proving to be his biggest stumbling block as Starline’s goals and aspersions remain almost solely fixed upon the man and his awe inspiring legacy.
And while he tries to play his cards close to his chest, if someone decides to listen or he’s permitted the opportunity, he will find himself eagerly going off on an excited tangent about the doctor or whatever other topic is on his mind.
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Strengths: Along with his high intellect, Starline also possesses a wellspring of knowledge regarding a wide array of subjects. He’s quite sharp regarding biology and machines, and has an impeccable work ethic. Also, despite his haughtiness, he can be quite a charmer.
He also has the warp topaz, whose power he is currently still in the process of discovering the full extent of. Despite this, he can still use it with decent competency should the need ever arise.
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Weaknesses: Ah yes. His folly.
Due to his upbringing and poor choice of idol, Starline can come off as quite pretentious, struggling to hold meaningful relationships with others due to childhood formed biases and a skewed sense of what relationships are supposed to look like. While insightful, he can easily be blindsighted by his dreams and selfish ambitions. This makes him sometimes blind to or dismissive of other people’s feelings and desires. Which… gets him into trouble. ✨ And does wonders for his relationships ✨ /j
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While he does grow out of this a bit from being around good influences, his pride does still like to reer it’s ugly head from time to time, as well as his underlying desire for validation and respect.
The Starpoint Squad is also a weakness, but in a more positive way. They act as a foil to him, giving him another perspective that he wouldn’t get from Eggman.
It’s a foreign feeling to him, one he can’t quite decide how he feels on it, but he does like being admired. It does present it’s own struggles, giving him a newfound fear of rejection and having to chose between sides. But, in typical Starline fashion, he ends up doubling down and self sabotaging himself in leu of what he thinks he wants and needs.
Eventually he realizes his mistake, but by then, damage has already been done.
(He can also tend to lose his nerve if spooked, and accidentally slips up secrets when engaged in one of his many excited and loose-tongued rambles.)
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History: Starpoint!Starline grew up as a bright-eyed, upper-class child with a great brilliance and interest in science.
He was raised in a well-off family of nobility, but didn’t have much in the way of real friends as every ‘friendship’ was a calculated play he was forced into by his parents to forward the position of the family.
As a result, Starline grew up in a giant game of chess, spending large amounts of time of his time doing what his parents wanted him to do, with his studies and inventions mostly keeping him sane when they were too busy arguing or being away to check up on him. (Which is where his habit of talking to himself spawned from.)
When Eggman’s global broadcast aired on TV, like a flip had been switched, Starline became spellbound. For here was a genius of his caliber, unafraid to fight and show the world what he’s made of while also using his genius to shape the world into how he saw fit.
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Starline was enthralled, inspired by his sheer brilliance, and quickly fell down the rabbit hole, becoming a huge fan of Eggman’s legend. (His version of a Saturday Morning Cartoon hero.) It filled him with inspiration and drive, and as his confidence bloomed, his relationships with his family and society around him grew even worse until he finally broke free from all of them, dedicating his career to following in the man’s footsteps.
Additional Information:
Starline’s Character Arcs: (Spoilers Ahead!)
⭐️ Starpoint Squad Arc:
Downfall Arc: Check back later!
Restoration Arc: Check back later!
Likes: Dr. Eggman, science, technology, robotics, the arcane, upper class, theater, Broadway, dressing and looking sharp, the Atmos cafeteria’s sandwiches, being appreciated and respected, peace and quiet, classical music, tea, being in charge of a situation, the Starpoint Squad (eventually), good food and intelligent company.
Dislikes: Sonic, being interrupted in the middle of a project, bullies, people who waste his time, loud jamming music, having little to no control over a situation, being put down by anyone
Last updated 5/20/24
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wispurring-moss · 2 months
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@top-shelf-tender i—umm—uhh... 👉👈 it's still a secret for now;;; x,3c
but you Know it's another Husk ship for sure LMFAO
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