asbeel · 2 months
My take on Michael and Adam's relationship
Sure destiel may be the main tragedy of supernatural
Imagine spending over a thousand years with the same person in one confined place. I don't think it has to be said how long of a time that is. Adam and Michael developed mutual respect as equals and also fell in love (confirmed by our lovely #1 midam shipper, Jake Abel, because fuck CW), they are quite literally each other's world.
After escaping the cage, the two of them probably found a peaceful life away from otherworldly drama and lived in domestic bliss. Again, they are together all times of the day for a thousand years!
Adam changed Michael like how Dean changed Castiel. Michael learned the true nature of humanity, the ups and downs, via the eyes of Adam. In season 5, Michael was more than willing to kill off half the human population because that's what he believed to be right and to be God's will. After his time in the cage with Adam, he doesn't kill what is arguably an unimportant amount of people after they witness him smiting Eve. This is definitely not God's will, considering Chuck HAS killed off the same amount of people for less.
On top of that, Adam is able to convince Michael that his father, God, isn't as great as he originally believed. This shows how much Michael had grown in the cage as a person, willing to hear out a human regarding his father's righteousness. It also demonstrates just how much respect Michael has for Adam, because there is no other human in the world who could diss God in front of his most loyal follower. One could argue that the only reason why Michael agreed to help the Winchesters is because of Adam, for Adam.
So when Adam suddenly gets killed by Chuck, Michael is alone for the first time in over a thousand years. Adam, an essential part of Michael's life, gave Michael a new meaning to life, away from heaven. Loneliness like could drive anyone mad, and it's jarring to lose someone like that so suddenly.
As much as I think the canon reason for why Michael betrayed the Winchesters is utter fucking bullshit and definitely a cheap escape the writers didn't think much about, I wouldn't lie if I said it kinda fits. Adam may have changed Michael, but development isn't a straight path uphill, and grief makes people do a lot of things. Adam's death leads Michael to become lost without purpose so much so that he returns to God for a new purpose, to be "God's favourite son" again. Michael is desperate to never be alone again, and God is all powerful, so it isn't far-fetched to assume he had lost hope to get Adam back and resorted to the next best thing, Chuck (if you can't beat em, join em ahh)
Ngl sometimes I think about midam and become sad
Anyways I wanna see some discussions
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
i love your fyuuture kid au its rlly cute and well thought-out!! and ur writing is sooo *chefs kiss*
i just wanna say me personally? someone has to hold me back if i see falena. hey bitch 😀 me again! you wanna tell me why the FUCK you handed me over to the secret service? who literally ERASED MY MEMORIES, permanently disabled me, and sent me and my unborn child to a world i hadn't lived in for years. "i thought you would come back" is not a good enough answer! why did you not alert my husband, your BROTHER, that this was happening? why did you let it be secret? AND SISTER-IN-LAW I DIDNT FORGET ABOUT YOU. you aren't innocent either. cheka baby dont worry youre still my favorite nephew. but i need to have a talk with my damn in-laws because why are we handing over a princess just like that! yeah ik i married in and shit but damn! where is the loyalty?!
anyway ty love you hope youre doing well i just needed to air my beef out
:D thank you for the kind words anon! I'm doing as well as I can this ask gave me a bit of a giggle
The only real source we have about Falena and who he is as a person is Leona, and more recently the few things said by Neji in the Cloudcalling event. To be honest with all of you... the fact that Falena built (or agreed to have built) an elaborate fountain to celebrate the birth of his son when he rules over a country where not everyone has easy or consistent access to water rubbed me the wrong way. He seems to me to be someone who does have the best interests of his people at heart, but misses the finer points of a lot of things. Take his relationship with Leona: I think he does love his brother and probably sees him as an equal, but he ignores the way the servants talk about him behind his back because they never do that when he is around so he doesn't think they would ever do that. Or if his father was particularly harsh on Leona, Falena would not be able to see past how kind he was to him. He's the golden child and assumes everyone in the world must be nice because they are nice to him.
As for the treatment of Yuu- I think Falena and his wife would rationalize their behavior as protecting Leona. Sure they love Yuu and their soon to be nephew, but Leona was here first so if Yuu is a danger then sorry not sorry Leona they need to know. There's a principle we talk about in criminal justice called "just cause corruption" where people become so focused on pinning a crime (you see this in cases where a child dies a lot) on someone, anyone they start justifying all sorts of unethical behavior in an effort to put someone away for it. That's sort of how I see Falena's logic in this situation: he doesn't think Yuu did anything wrong but when they don't come back he either has to accept that he betrayed his brother in the worst way possible or he could ignore it and think maybe Yuu did do something wrong. He doesn't really believe that and he did think they would come back, and he is beyond sorry for what he did but as a King he can't really apologize for it.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, Leona would have done the same if he was in charge... right?
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tranformersapocalypse · 5 months
Tfp post apocalyptic au
Greetings.... I am Vospo, descendant of Optimus Prime. The year is 2044 on Earth, and the war isn't getting any better. Some of us have died.... and many retired... except bumblebee we love bumblebee-... and one of us left for the decepticons....... leaving the next generation of us to fight. I have stepped up to lead the autobots. There is a new ruler as well, Rokket, descendant of megatron himself. (Transformers reproduce when their sparks CNA copies and makes another spark in my au). Our identities are no longer a secret to this planet, human work alongside us in this war, especially a few who have helped in the past.
the current year is 2044. The autobots are now led by Optimus primes 31 year old son, Vospo, and the decepticons are led by Megatrons only 16 year old son, Rokket. Optimus and Megatron died fighting each other, but the war continued from their descendants. All of the decepticons, except for Megatron are still there, now led by Rokket, they gained a primes named Salias who betrayed the autobots against their will, and a human infused with dark Energien named Owen.. Most of the autobots retired after Optimus primes death, leaving the leader spot for Vospo, he’s married to another male bot named Ex-Rae, who was created by shockwave. There’s Metalock, who was a wrecker, she’s…. Not the brightest. Bumblebee is still in the squad, and there’s Rowan, who was a human/cybertronian cyborg made by ratchet. Arcee, ratchet, smokescreen, ultra Magnus and bulkhead retired, Wheeljack went missing, and Optimus died. The human kids, now 33, 30, and 28, still work with the autobots. The decepticons there are, Rokket, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Airachnid, knockout, breakdown, salias, and Owen. Soundwave is rokkets second in command which makes Starscream jealous. The autobots are, Vospo, Ex-Rae, Bumblebee, Rowan, Metalock, and the humans, jack, Miko, and raf.
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Autobots. Decepticons.
!ENDING! Don’t read If you dont
Rokket manages to kill Vospo, then kills the rest of the autobots, including the ones that left. Eventually unicorn ended up possessing him, and started slowly killing the population on earth. Rokket was sick of being a vessel to unicron and found out what he was doing was wrong, so he secretly planned to kill himself to avoid unicron wiping out earth, but since there are still more decepticons that unicron could still possess, he regains control and kills every other cybertronian he can find, then holds his cannon to his head. I have the last bit of dialogue written: 
Unicron: What are you doing?! You’ll kill us both!!!!! 
Rokket: I know. 
Then he kills both himself, and unicron. 
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las-tortugas-ninja · 2 years
ok im gonna drop my character analysis on splinter/lou jitsu because im tired of people hating on him.
lets think about the circumstances he was in for moment. image you spent your life as a kickass action star only to get kidnapped by the person you loved and forced to fight in the battle nexus. you have to go through the grief of being betrayed by someone you shouldve been able to trust while now living in a chamber (which looks like it has just the poorest living conditions) and you have zero contact to the outside world, AND your ex who got you into this mess is using you for profit and throws you into fights you have no say in for peoples entertainment for who knows how long! i dont think its ever been stated how long he has been living like that!
now on top of all that imagine the moment you escape you get turned into a fucking rat. now i know its usually joked about but seriously being a rat does seem to really bother splinter and if you think about for like 5 seconds? yeah? why wouldnt it? he basically had his body changed in ways he did not consent to.
so yeah obviously after all that this guy is mentally ill as fuck and i bring all this up because of course it affects his parenting. imagine going through all that and now you have to be a dad to FOUR children (all of which are babies at this time) that you understand none of the biology of, and you have to raise them with ZERO outside support (seriously why doesnt anyone talk about that. what does he do if he needs someone to babysit them or one of them gets sick cause he aint a docter) all this combined makes me think yeah. ofc hes not gonna do a good fucking job.
and when the boys are teenagers and dont need the 24/7 supervision they did as babies. you see splinter spending a lot of his time watching tv melting into the recliner because * drum roll * he is depressed. i do not think he is lazy i think he is depressed and probably traumatized but he never had time to process that trauma because he had to be a dad.
because he spends so much time sulking in the living room his sons (specifically donnie) feel like he doesnt want to spend time with them and are reasonably upset with him.
so in the 22nd episode of the first season when splinter tricks donnie into entering the demolition derby. that was an eye opener for him to be better. he saw the absolute hurt in donnie’s eyes and tone of voice because he thought he wanted to spend time with him. that was the eye opener he needed to realize “oh shit. i really fucked up. i need to spend time with my sons. i need to be better for them.” and he apologizes to donnie because yeah, what he did wasnt okay.
and you can tell he changed for his sons because in “hidden city’s most wanted” you can tell all he wanted to do was spend time with mikey.
and the thing is there is nothing that can convince me his sons (and april to admitably) dont mean the fucking world to him. when draxum tells him that before him he had no purpose, that he was a husk of a man he says hes not lost anymore because he has his sons. his sons were the first thing he thought of when he needed a reason to why his life didnt fucking suck now.
this man went against the hamato clan teachings and almost got all of humanity killed for the sake of his sons. he loves his sons and he hasnt been great to them and he wants to change because he knows they deserve better. there is literally so much love emanating from this family.
a lot of people say that splinter is abusive/neglectful and im not denying that hes not perfect but jesus you can criticize his parenting without treating him like an irredeemable monster (because he is redeemable and he did change for the better)
also i know yall arent gonna wanna hear this but someones gotta say it cause its the truth: in general people will be harder on ethnic parents and treat them less like actual people capable of making mistakes. yes splinter is a rat but he is still ethnically japanese. he is a person of color and as someone whos been in fandom for awhile yeah people are suspiciously a lot more forgiving to white parents who make mistakes compared to when parents of color make them. i really do think its causing a bias.
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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quartztwst · 1 year
Hey Monsieur Jade! Hope ya dont mind me asking another question, but aside from the Octatrio, who are ur other fav characs/dorm??
My other favorite characters would be: Leona, Rook, Grim, and Idia
I really like Leona's character and personality. His backstory and writing are very good (although book 2 was SHIT. Too rushed.). He's really intelligent, and some people downplay him just because he's lazy. I like how he secretly cares for his dorm and the people he knows. People love to put him out as this lazy, grumpy dude with no other character traits, but this dude is quite cool and 3 dimensional.
I don't have any indepth opinion about Rook or Grim but only because they're silly to me. I like Rook's funny personality, and I actually became attached to Grim a lot in the game.
I guess I like Idia because of the relatability. Me and him have both matching MBTIs!! We're both INTPs!! But I also think Idia is silly too. His gamer slang and the way he acts is super funny. I also like his dynamic with Azul a lot! Their dynamic is hilarious and I enjoy them a lot together. I also ship them together too. I think they're cute.
The other dorms I like are Pomefiore and Scarabia. Pomefiore because of the dynamic and Scarabia because of the story.
I find Pomefiore's dynamic really funny and cute. Vil and Rook act like the parents as Epel is their rebelling teenage son. There's not much I can say about them but I find them funny.
Scarabia is different, though. I do find Jamil and Kalim's dynamic enjoyable too, but it's their stories that interests me a lot. I think it's the concept and the idea that intrigues me a lot.
Everyone knows that Kalim is the master and Jamil is the servant, but to them (especially to Kalim), there is no line between them. They used to treat each other as best friends until Jamil realized his own situation. Then there was the line. He was only a servant and Kalim came before him.
There must be so much shock and anger that came through him during that thought. So much envy and sadness.
And not to mention Kalim's realization, too. There was one Kalim analysis that mentioned that Kalim probably ends up ignoring things or indenial of some situations, and that does show in Book 4 on when he blames himself and says, "Jamil wouldn't do that to me."
Because Jamil has been taking care of him for his whole life and puts his whole trust into him, and who would think the person who took care of them and trusted them would betray them?
It's a really sad story. To be honest, I actually think Jamil x Kalim is acceptable if it's angst. I don't really think it'll be cute for fluff because of their situation.
BYEE I WENT ON A WHOLE TANGENT ABOUT SCARABIA sorry guys I think they're so interesting. But OCTAVINELLE would be bigger and have more paragraphs. Let me know if you guys wanna see me go off on Octavinelle teehee 😊😊😊
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
So wrestlemania 23 Dad vs son.
How did everyone feel before, during and after the match?
Awe? Disbelief? Omg dad is awesome! John is awesome!
Now this. This is good. Because I had a reason to rewatch this match. (Despite their match in London being way better than their wrestlemania one, it's still good)
The Family of Destruction- Fighting Family
"No support? Seriously?" John asks. "You want me to go against my own papa? Cmon now Johnny boy" Leon huffs leaning back in his chair. "I just want some advice. I've never fought Pa at wrestlemania" John sighs. "An I have?" Leon asks confused, cocking his eyebrow at the older man. "No but you've fought taker at wrestlemania" "I wouldn't really call that a fight. We were on the same team" "Are you only saying that because you got betrayed or injuried?" John asks. "I was out for nearly a year because kane forgot i was a fifteen year old boy." Leon huffs. "For someone who was born in this company it is quite impressive that you've never lost." John comments. "I mean yeah but one day the fans will get tired of it" Leon shrugs.
"Back to my main problem" John sighs. "Its not a problem. Just know you ain't facing papa in that ring, you are facing hbk. Its wrestlemania, he will put on a show that, win or lose, the fans will only talk about him years to come" Leon tells him. "God we are tag team partners. We shouldn't be doing this" John groans tilting his head back. Leon chuckles. "If it makes you feel better cas has money on you winning. Her, hunter and steph will be sat front row, hard cam side." Leon shrugs. "Do you have money on me?" John asks. Leon looks at him. "I know pa doesn't want any big time belt anymore. But if he sees an opening he will take it." Leon explains. John nods. "So don't give him a opening. I got it." "Oh and watch out for his slap. It's a real bitch." Leon huffs standing up.
Shawn and Leon have had their fair fights. Of course they have. Their like a more heartbreaking kane and taker. Nothing hurts the fans like father vs son. It's the reason John's came to Leon and not taker. "He won't see you as his son. He'll see you as just another superstar." Leon tells him. John nods. "And god he has a flithy mouth. He can trash talk. Don't let it get to you." Leon chuckles. "Noted." John smiles. "Just give him a hug once it's over. Back stage or in the ring. Help bring him out of whatever mind state it'll put him in. And...ah fuck it. Stay safe, both of you." Leon yawns. He has a match before theirs, defending his darkness title against the boogeyman.
"Leon?" John asks as his baby brother starts to leave. "Yeah?" Leon asks looking back at him. "Thank you" John smiles. Leon huffs. "Dont make me regret it nerd" Leon grunts before walking out. John can't help but smile. His brother wasn't a bastard all the time. Just some.
John jogs on the spot as he warms up. The show is starting soon. Which means he will be fighting his Papa soon. "Hey johnny" cassie smiles as she walks in with taker. "Hey bug, dad" John smiles. "I know you've gotta warm up, I do too, but she wanted to say hi to everyone before the show" Taker explains. "Its all good. How's pa?" John asks. "Excited. He reckons yall will make magic tonight" Taker chuckles. "I hope so" John huffs. "Youll do amazing! Don't tell papa but I reckon you'll win!" Cassie smiles. "Ill try my hardest for you bug" John smiles as she hugs him. "Just don't hurt each other too bad." Cassie smiles. "I promise" John nods as Stephanie walks in. "Cmon bug we gotta get to our seats, especially if you wanna watch lee" steph calls. "Okay! Bye daddy! Bye Johnny! Good luck and have fun!" Cassie calls before running off.
Taker looks at John. "Hes gonna use the fact he's your father against you. Don't let him. Take it from me, he will feed off your failures, he will fight dirty and he will play mind games" Taker warns him. John's eyes widen. Takers giving him advice? "Play him at his own game kid" Taker smirks. "The moment you see a weakness? Don't let it hide. Play on it. Use it. That man is a different breed at wrestlemania" Taker explains. "Thanks dad" John smiles. "Anytime son. And hey, hunter owes me 50 if you win so, win it for me yeah? Knock the show stoppa down a few pegs" Taker smirks. "How much you got on shawn winning?" John asks. "Oh cmon John, happy husband, happy life. I owe Leon 100 if he wins." Taker chuckles. "No way Leon will give you 100!" John scoffs. "He bet hunter 100 you'd win" Taker smirks. "So if I win you gain 150 and Leon loses nothing. If I lose Leon still loses nothing." John chuckles. "Hes smart. Gotta give him that." Taker chuckles. "Look, forget the nerves. Just have fun tonight. That's all that matters." Taker tells him. John nods. "Thanks" "Anytime. I've gotta get ready, see you later" Taker stretches as he walks out.
John's nerves were starting to lessen.
"Johnny!" Shawn calls. John pauses and looks at his Papa. "Hey pa" John smiles. "I just wanted to say. No matter what happens tonight, I don't mean it and I love you" shawn chuckles. "I love you too pa" John smiles. Shawn cups his face. "Its about having fun, alright? It's wrestlemania, we go out there and blow their minds. Whatever it takes." Shawn smiles. John nods. "Oh and don't take it easy on me or I'll make sure sweetchin music hurts more than normal" Shawn smirks patting John's cheek. John chuckles. "Im sure after whatever hell you have planned for me my morals will fade" John jokes. "Good. I'll deliver hell straight away" Shawn smirks pulling back. "See ya out there partner" Shawn nods before jogging off.
John was feeling good.
Leon huffs as he kicks his feet up onto the barrier. "Glad you could join us" hunter smirks as Leon adjusts the ice pack on his head. "Yeah yeah, couldn't miss your face when you find out you have to pay me 100" Leon smirks. "Shawn is winning this" hunter snaps. "Johnny's got it" cassie smiles as her daddy joins them. "What happened to you?" Taker asks from besides Leon. Leon glances at taker who's holding a icepack against his ribs. "What happened to you?" Leon mocks. Taker chuckles. "Hey daddy" cassie smiles moving to her fathers lap. Cassie smiles and waves as shawn blows her a kiss and mouths I love you. "She was chanting and cheering for you both, the entire match" Stephanie smiles. "We heard. Trust me" Leon yawns as the match begins.
Luckily, the glares both Leon and taker gave fans got the stars some peace to watch the match in. So they truly could focus on the match.
"Ooo I knew he'd do it" Leon huffs as shawn slaps John. "Mean swing on him that one." Taker shivers. "Yeah but he's going easy on John. That man ain't seeing stars." Leon mutters. "Of course. Favouritism isn't it?" Taker smirks.
They watch the match. (In other words..I do not want to rewrite the match.)
"Papas crazy!" Cassie gasps as shawn does a moonsault to the outside. "You know it" Leon nods as he pops one of the ice cubes from his bag into his mouth. "If that boy can stand after this match I'll be shocked." Taker mutters stealing one of Leon's ice cubes. "If pa can I'd be shocked. For a man with a near career ending back injuries he takes a hell of a lot of hits on if" Leon scoffs hitting his father's arm. "Shawn's got this win in the bag" hunter smirks. Leon smirks. "Of course he has" Leon nods.
They watch in awe as they keep countering each other. "Ill give them this, I am enjoying this match. You know, concussion and all" Leon yawns. "Stay awake, I can't be fucked to wake you up every three hours" Taker orders. "Go on papa! Go on John!" Cassie yells. "Not so loud" Leon whines. "Go on shawn!" Hunter yells causing the younger man to glare at him.
John's nerves left him quickly after the slap and his father was no longer stood across from him. It was just another superstar. He was no longer holding back.
He could hear his siblings cheering for him and shawn.
He could feel the pain.
He could feel the adrenaline.
Hunter sighs and hands the money over, watching in shock as Leon hands it straight to taker. "Of course" hunter groans handing taker money. "Pleasure doing business with ya" taker smirks.
Leon suddenly jolts forward, hundreds of emotions rushing through him at once. "You good kid?" Taker asks. Leon's eyes widen as he looks at John.
John hunches over, emotions suddenly overcoming him as he glances at his laid out papa. He did that. No one else, he did that. All for a stupid belt. He wipes at his eyes as he's handed the belt. Even as he stands and his hand is raised nothing feels good about it. He lowers his hand and moves to his Papa, falling onto his knees next to him.
"Papa?" He asks quietly. Shawns eyes fall open and a lazy smile grows. "Hey bud" John helps him sit up. "Im sorry" John whispers. Shawn looks at him and tilts his head. "What for? That was an amazing match" Shawn smiles. John's eyes widen. "Just another day Johnny. We are still good. Still tag partners and still cooler than leon" Shawn smiles. "I heard that!" Leon yells. This causes John and shawn to laugh as they hug. "At least we ain't concussed" Shawn huffs glancing at the boy. John chuckles. "I don't know yet. Ask me in a few hours" he smiles.
Cassie holds Shawn and John's hands as they walk down the hall. "You two are so awesome!" Cassie smiles. "Thanks bug" Shawn smiles at the girl. "Im feeling good about that match" John nods. "I reckon we can do better. Knock em off their feet" Shawn comments. "Yeah? You down for another fight?" John asks. "Of course. You? It wasn't bad was it?" Shawn asks. "I'd love to" John smiles.
They pause at the sudden groan. All three turn around to see taker and Leon leaning against each other, starting to eat the ice cubes from takers ice bag, Leon's empty one rested on his head. "I think we need to get them to joe" Shawn suggests. "Yeah, I'll help Taker." John huffs moving towards the man. "Cmon lee" Shawn chuckles taking the boy. "Im fine" Leon slurs. "Looks like we were the only safe ones tonight" John chuckles. "Hes concessed. I just hurt my ribs" Taker points out. "Im not...yeah..yeah I am.." Leon huffs resting his head on shawns shoulder. "You both did great tonight." Taker states. "Yeah real proud. Can.can we go home?" Leon asks.
"Yeah yeah, let's go" John chuckles.
Oh yeah
I got completely lost and lost check of the ask
But I like the out come.
I'm tired.
Enjoy? :)?
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kachimera · 1 year
Leon, Mathias, Sara, Hector, Isaac and Dracula for the bingo <3
(@viralvava also asked me for Mathias ) *cracks knuckles*
Leon: no bingo :)
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Listen he's not a bad dude, just a little insane and messed up by circumstances  (see next character) (also ppl pls remember he's a darn knight he has a body count let him be mean). Questioning on the ruthless bc while he is ready to do what's right no matter what and bc he's to be feared when he's pissed he's still a good hearted guy who will try to help others he aint in it for misery, and on family dinamics bc i dont think it's very healthy to be an orphan.
Mathias: double bingo :D
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YES THIS IS THE MAN I WAS THINKING OF. MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW. Why are you so fucked up. Why can you control others emotions but not your own. Why do you make your problems everyone else's problems so disasterously. I wanna dissect him and see how a person can end up like this. Also getting pissed off at god for stuff is a mood so interesting in a messed up way. And im sure his alchemist family inheritance played on this disaster too. They had to inhale mercury at some point at least.
Sara: no bingo
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BEST GIRL. My bby. In life she was someone sweet and good, maybe with some issues like ppl pleasing or insecurity and frustrated over ppl taking advantage of her generosity (a mood), but overall good mental health. And then circumstances happened (see character above). She gets kidnapped, dies at the hands of her own fianceé after begging him to do it, is turned into a weapon, murder ,  learn how they've been betrayed, more murder, see Leon pass away, take care of the belmonts for generations, plenty of murder, finally kill the bastard responsible for it all, m u r d e r, kill said bastard multiple times, deal with some of her kids getting possessed. All that mixed up with general vampire madness and the sheer frustration of getting fucked over so unfairly and damm you end up messed up. She's the well meaning but deeply hurtful matriarch of the clan now. Don't let me rant abt her or i wont stop help-
Hector: bingo! (Kinda)
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He's a fun guy to think abt bc, he was born "cursed", is hated or used by others and his destiny kept dragging him around. (For example, did he really have much choice in moving into Drac's castle when he was a hated child that would have been burned by fellow humans?) But he isn't an innocent little baby, he becomes powerful and prideful and commits atrocities- so, how much of his bad parts are his and how many are from him? At least until he, wether for pride or regret, decides to make a choice of his own to leave the castle and finally makes peace with humans and gets a pretty wife. And when someone (see character below) ruins his peace and his dark fate tries to drag him down again, he realizes this and overcomes it. Idk i had a point i swear. Anyways he hot
Isaac: Double bingo! (Kinda)
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Problematic badass pathetic hoe 10/10. Like Hector he has a terrible fate but he instead clutches onto it and makes it his purpose. God rejected him so he finds a god in Dracula, humans were cruel to him so he makes cruelty his method. He lost Hector and then everything so he makes Hector lose everything. He's always on this fine line of being wronged and wronging others, he never fully gets what he wants, he keeps spiraling down and down and its 👌
Dracula Triple bingo combo! (Kinda but shhhh)
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Ah yes the previous asshole but rip and rotten. He's had time to soak in his dark powers, turn Death from his ally into his husband confidant, assimilate vampire madness to compliment his neurosis and just become a proper bastard. And then Lisa appears and he feels love again, remembers his humanity, and has his own son (all of this with some general fucked up-ness but he legit cares). And then he sees her die at the hands of humans and just loses it. Any grip he had over the powers of chaos is just gone, he lets himself fully fall into madness and makes his suffering everyone else's suffering (like before but amplified to a thousand ) and through this he loses his son, his generals, and with each ressurection, himself. To resume: Utter fucking nuclear disaster that learned n o t h i n g and will learn n o t h i n g (until Soma).
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idk if u ever rmb me sharing this idea to u bcs it was fairly long ago, but ur (once again) making me wanna write a criminal/gang au where wolfe and santi betray the Library, a gang run by the Archivist, and somehow make it out alive. after which, they slowly (somehow) find themselves gathering children who’ve been abandoned, lost, or mistreated in alexandria and on travels and eventually they make a name for themselves. and when they get to london england to finish some business with a rival, jess brightwell, (he has a codename he’s well known by but i genuinely dont have any ideas so if u could suggest some i would be so happy) who is basically one of the most known intelligence gatherers in the whole black market industry and js known in general bcs hes callum brightwells son, is assigned to kill thomas by his father bcs the machine thomas made is a threat against his business except when jess goes to actually kill him thomas is like so nice jess is actually shocked. he’s all like ‘hi do u wanna see my machine’ bcs thomas can see that jess is trustworthy (he just can, okay) and he shows jess how it works and jess is so utterly surprised that he spares thomas’ life and eventually they become friends but jess never reveals his name to thomas bcs trust issues r real and one day when he goes to chat with thomas in their usual meeting place, the others are there (wolfe, santi, glain, dario, etc.) and jess is wary as hell and like tries protecting thomas bcs he doesnt know that they’re thomas’ family and also bcs they’re his rivals but when he does realize that thomas is apart of this gang that happens to be his rival he has a partial breakdown in front of them and then runs away in a panic and like sits in his room silently and lonely wondering how he got himself into this situation but eventually he learns to trust the others and reveals his actual name and they’re shocked yea and its work getting glain and dario especially to trust that he won’t kill them but he puts the effort in and if pays off and eventually he js thinks of them as his family and so he leaves his father’s gang in the middle of the night but brendan catches him sneaking out and they start arguing and jess has this whole moral dilemma because like he doesn’t want to leave his brother behind but it’s too late for jess to wait for him to get his stuff ready to leave w him so jess promises his brother that he’ll come back for him and brendan is like ‘i dont wanna be saved im happy here’ all that stuff even though he isn’t happy there he’s js really scared of callum and so soon after jess leaves brendan meets anit and katja and he finds his own place in their little misfit band and its a soft and sweet and angsty story.
that was a lot to type out.
that was indeed a lot anon, did you notice it was all one sentence??? Very cool AU, I must say, I like it.
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thousand autumns, episode 5~
yws: wow that dude just betrayed u, aren't u sad? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna pass out now and remember how fucking AWESOME i am, excuse me :) yws: lol ppl keep betraying u. wanna be evil with me?? shen qiao: no :) i'm gonna cough prettily and hobble along home now :) SSSSLUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP OH THEY'RE CALLED LIUHE GANG, that's why i was so confused. i kept remembering the 'liu he shen gong' technique from woh/shl (the one that ruined ye baiyi's life by making him immortal so he could agonise over his heartbreak for all time) lol im so dumb 😅 tee hee, yan wushi is an old fox, it's canon y'all! 'shen qiao is like a walking treasure' LOL EVERYONE WANTS HIM SO BAD??? I DONT BLAME THEM BUT ITS SO FUNNY??? MY SON SHENGYAN IS BACK, HI SWEETIE!! shen qiao: pls stop sending ppl to follow me :) yws: *evil laughs in refusal* THE OLD MAN HIGH-FIVED HIM INTO THE WALL!! noooo don't hurt himmmm, he's so cuuuute, how could u huuurt himmm?? ;A; oh look, the suffering masses are here! HELLO EVERYONE! yan wushi was using his friendly eyebrows for a second there!! he'd better watch out, or he might fall in love with a nice fellow like shen qiao, wouldn't THAT be a tragedy? lol its my fav cdrama lesson, 'never help anyone ever, they'll just get angry and hurt u or each other and then everyone will feel bad ;A;' (for legal purposes, this is hyperbole. birb does NOT believe that all cdrama holds or encourages this value. birb is just being a prick for the craic, purely for the craic.) OH A BABY ;A; shen-langjun?? like 沈郎君 ?? is that what he says?? :O yan wushi does not sit, he SPRAWLS!! wtf is he doing to that rock tho i love his dumb face, he's just so silly looking. like he's trying too hard to be a villain idk. he's definitely Not Nice but he's trying SO HARD to sell the Serious Business For Really Reals Evil that i can't buy it, i just laugh at him lmao 🤣 'FEEDING THE HUNGRY FOR CLOUT, SEE YU AI FOR MORE DETAILS' yws: lol ur friends dont care about u, just like i don't care about this porridge. BOTTOMS UP >:) how do u say 'sláinte' in chinese FFS shen qiao cannot go FIVE MINUTES without being ATTACKED!! LET A MAN EAT HIS DINNER IN PEACE JFC lol yws switched from a bench sprawl to a window sprawl, it doesnt make much of a difference but he looked cool doing it and that's what counts this animation is FIRE, sometimes the models look a wee bit odd but the motion itself is beautiful and fluid imo!! i really love it!! 🤩 HOLY!! HE JUST!!! HE GRABBED SHEN QIAO BY THE WAIST!!! AND WHISKED HIM AWAY OFF??? IN BROAD DAYLIGHT??? what is with this tender heartfelt music?? its making me feel things i dont want to feel, pls stop ;A; yws: hey if ur friend tries to kill u, u should totally call me for help. i might not answer. but it would make me feel good lol *shen qiao stumbles* yu ai: i was gonna help u, but then i thought….nah. ANYWAY! *fake gasp* omg bro, ur so weak and sickly! however could such a terrible and unexpected thing occur?????? shen qiao: u literally poisoned me :) ...and it was in this moment yu ai knew that he had fucked up 😔
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skydemonizark · 1 year
no offense, but that trans manga u described, wandering son, is almost the exact opposite of what happened. there were a good handful of trans women, surprisingly, but then the character u assume will be a trans man just ends up being ok w being a girl. it gets criticized bc the creator couldve at least considered the concept of nonbinary genders, but the character's story is kind of just dropped compared to the other. that story does get criticized for that, but its not for not having trans women, the gf of the main character ends up saying "so does that make me a lesbian?" showing she accepts her as a girl. a lot of manga has problems w trans women rep, but i dont think that one counts
I'll admit it's been ages since I last read it so I don't clearly remember everything about it. And I acknowledge there are other trans girls in it, namely the older trans woman the mc talks with, and the other child trans girl. But I'm pretty sure I remember the mc choosing to live as a boy, I can't remember the reason but I am 90% sure he did.
Plus I did mention in the tags that the gf was cool with him being a girl, in fact I stated it as a reason why I was so confused and frustrated he chose to live as a guy...
And while I again acknowledge that there were other trans characters (were there any trans men??? I can't remember there being one...) The fact that the two main characters ended up choosing not to/ or ended up not being trans is what frustrated me. Because there are trans side characters, that are written with respect in several manga, but trans, like 100% textual trans main characters? I can only think of a few other manga, and a lot of them are comedies which are still good and important but feels lacking you know?
I suppose I am being kinda harsh on wandering son, cause it is a carefully written story with a lot of care put into the way the trans characters are written and represented. I'm just frustrated you know? cause I started reading it when there were only a few chapters out and I was so so excited to have a story with a trams mc and a trans man main character! But then the trans man wasn't actually trans, I was sad but I understood that that happens so I was fine. But then the ending where even the mc ended up choosing not to be trans? I felt hurt and mildly betrayed. Like trans stories aren't for main characters? I donno but it definitely left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Also I am so sorry if I miss remembered and the character did choose to live as a girl and I've been misgendering them this whole time... It was very much not intended to imply trans girls aren't 10000% girls
also also I know you didn't say or imply it but I kinda accidentally did in the original tags so I wanna clarify I don't think the mangaka decided to make the mc stay a boy so the relationship with the gf wouldn't be gay (I said it's cause the mc didn't wanna be gay which again I don't actually remember his reasoning this was just what I vaguely remembered) cause I know the mangaka has other works with gay characters and gay mcs so I would never claim she was worried about making her characters gay.
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blogging-thots · 1 year
October 8 2023
Always fighting with him ever since he left Texas in May.
Not a single week where we’re not fighting at all.
I’ve said a lot of rude things to him during each fight and the fights and rude comments I make get bigger and bigger.
I have a huge grudge against him bc he left Texas before even talking to me about it and planning things out.
If he would’ve talked with me first about it then we wouldn’t have issues like this every week.
I don’t even know if he’s saving money like he should be since he’s a huge spender. It’s so annoying that he doesn’t know how to save money at 35 y/o! So embarrassing! And he has a 9 y/o son but can’t do an adult task for himself ! He should be embarrassed to call himself a man !
For him jumping state to state for a job is fucking embarrassing. He made better money in Atlanta, GA and still quit bc the female servers didn’t talk with him or interacted with him (probably bc he was the only male server). Just bc of that he should’ve suck it up like a real person and dealt with it until he received his work permit and SSN! That would’ve saved so much money and time! He should be fucking ashamed and embarrassed!
My first job , not everyone liked me or wanted to interact with me and some of the workers accused me of stealing tips ! But did I quit ??? NO ! I stayed bc I needed to make money ! The main purpose is to make money! Making friends at work is nice but it’s not necessary! As long no one is treating you badly then there shouldn’t be a reason to quit ! But to quit bc the co workers isn’t interacting with you is a fucking dumb excuse!!! HE SHOULD HAVE SUCK IT UP AND WORKED THERE TILL WORK PERMIT AND SSN WAS GIVEN THEN QUIT FOR A NEW JOB!
One friend is telling me I should’ve broke up with him since May. The day I found out that he quit Texas. Bc it was INCONSIDERATE OF HIM TO DO THAT AND NOT DISCUSSING IT W/ ME!!! WHAT A FUCKING ASS!
he’s genuinely a nice person, with patience, but he’s super dumb
I think in Texas they say “Bless your heart” when someone does or say something dumb
Bless his heart then
I’m surprised he made it this far in life
Crazy world we live in
Do I enjoy saying rude things and guilt tripping him ???? No, but he’s so dumb that I feel like that’s the only way to talk things into him so he can understand.
I don’t want to speak rudely to him bc he doesn’t say rude things to me when he’s angry and I know it hurts when someone says something like that to you, but I can’t help it.
I do want to talk things out w/ him
Make this relationship work w/ him but IDK anymore
It feels impossible
I want to seek relationship counseling with him
Maybe that can help us
idk anymore
I just want us to be a happy & healthy couple
I hate having a giant grudge against him
Ever since I knew about him leaving in May, I felt hurt and betrayed
All my anger would be taken out on him and I don’t like that
I wish I had a better way of coping with my anger
I know this is unhealthy of me and for us that I am being rude and guilt tripping him
I just don’t know a better way of talking about it to him
All I want is for us to be happy and heathy together
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vampire-caprisun · 1 year
Alright I wanna do a lil backstory and intro to my Tav Inala who I havent even been able to make yet since I'm too poor to get the game, so I apologize for inaccuracies.
Tw for violence
Inala is a drow ranger who grew up on the surface.
Early life:
She was found as a baby left to die outside of the underdark by a group of bandits who she grew up with till they were mercilessly executed in a purge ordered by the city gaurd. Inala only escaped because she was able to hide in the dark and had to sit silently as she watched her familys slaughter.
She lived alone in the woods for about a year after that befriending a murder of crows who would bring her gifts for food scraps.
When she was 14 she was found by an ex assassin turned ranger named Rowan who had lost his wife and daughter. He adopted her and trained her so she could keep herself safe. Together they worked as a mercenary team.
When she was 22 they had a falling out when Inala fell for a client who later betrayed her trust, her violent tendencies came to the surface and she killed her ex and the woman her left her for. When Rowan disapproved of how she handled the situation she left.
She was once again without a family aside from her crows and decided to go into the business of being an assassin like her adopted father. She earned the name the Dread Raven (because according to her people cant tell the damn difference between crows and ravens) and she spent a decade killing people till she met a target she couldn't bring herself to go through with, an elf woman who she was to murder for her family's fortune. Inala ended up in a brief relationship with her until she found that her client took matters into his own hands and had his son do the job instead. After finding her lover dead Inala hacked the son to death with her hatchets and dumped his body in the street. She stopped taking clients after that and disappeared into the woods.
During her period of mourning she went into a spiral/identity crisis and it was during that time she was picked up by the mindflayers.
Personality: shes a bit of a gremlin, shes lived outdoors her whole life but her sense of humor and wit came from being raised by petty theives. Shes got some big time trauma and will hide in the trees at night where she feels safest.
Has violent outbursts and lashes out
Chaotic neutral slowly becoming chaotic good.
Her weapons are hatchets and a bow
She keeps a feild journal where she draws and takes notes of places shes been.
She smokes a pipe that belonged to her adoptive father
Loves her birds like family the number one rule in camp is dont fuck with Inalas crows.
She secretly loves smut books and cheesy romance novels
Feral, does not wear pants at camp and does not care if theres other people around. its the wilderness not high society
Gale gets her into fancy cheeses
Halsin is her smoke buddy
Karlach is her absolute best friend
She eventually bonds extremely hard with the party and they become her new family helping her learn to be a better person
Above all else she embraces the freedom of living without rules
She may be a small drow woman but she has an athletic build and good upper body strength due to being an archer and surviving the woods by herself for so long.
Her hair is black and braided on one side so she can shoot better
Shes a gloom stalker so shes a cottagecore goth.
Has freckles.
Astarion was first to notice she dyes her hair for the aesthetic, teases the fuck out of her for it.
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likerealpeopledx · 6 years
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Hii.. do you take requests? I wish you do but if you dont, then youre completely free to ignore this🤗. So i was thinking, well mostly inspired by this reel on instagram wheŕe people show their 2 kids. The first who is like the sweetest kid that makes you wanna have lots of kid and then the 2nd kid who is the complete opposite. That one reel with 'im high on crack' lyric?😆.
Maybe a Bob x reader where the 1st kid is a carbon copy of Bob's, the sweetness, the look, everything and the 2nd kid took after the reader's ?
God, im so sorry my explanation is a mess.. and thank u so much 💖💖
hiya! ok now - i don’t take request for Bob (stating this so i don’t start getting them 🫣, but i’ll do this one as a 5 sentence baby blurb! - even though i have no ides what reel this is 😂, so forgive me if something is weird in the blurb). also idk if i am messing Bob up 😵‍💫
@bob writers - i know ya’ll are out there, help us out.
It happens, suddenly, and all at once, the tranquil afternoon in the sun busted by a loud shriek, a kiddy war cry, which is followed up with a scream as your two children go streaking across the garden. You feel droplets of water hit your legs as your second child, your daughter, your mini-me, pumps her water gun, waving it blindly around as she chases after your son, the sweet boy a carbon copy of your husband. You hear him chuckle ruefully as the chase continues to the end of the garden, and you turn your head to meet his twinkling eyes - the blue made me obvious by his choice of contacts for the day out in the sun.
“She takes after you,” he says as you both turn back to watch your daughter chase intently after her brother, screeching almost like a pterodactyl; there is laughter on your lips, and you put your book down beneath your chair before scrambling to a stand.
“Baby, I think Dad wants in on the fun,” you call out as three heads turn to you - your husband, innocent, wide eyed and betrayed; your son mouth open in slight shock; and your daughter, eyes glinting with excitement as she charges over water gun blazing - you run out of the way.
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this is a departure from our regular content but mod asta has been working through main story 4 for a while and during this time mod pensive wrote a hanahaki au about aira that kinda broke them. mod pensive then went on to torture mod asta with aira angst snippets while reading, which have been compiled here for free enjoyment! [no knowledge of the hanahaki fic needed to read, cw: self depreciation]
episode 117 cloudiness AIRA PRACTICING BY HIMSELF AT SKY GARDEN CUTE :shuichi_clutch_chest: OUR HARD WORKING BOY!! i wanna cry [Screenshots: Aira: (I’m no longer alone. I’m no longer just a fan who’s wholeheartedly devoted to idols on the other side of the screen—) Aira: (I know that, but old habits die hard.) Aira: (I was so used to being alone by myself.)] pensive :insanity:
yessum? 👀
hana aira haunting me
then perish, perhaps <;/3
WAAA SUBARU JUMPSCARE [Screenshots: Aira: 1, 2, 3… Subaru: 1, 2, 3~♪] he is so sweet i think ill never be ok again /joke [Screenshot: Subaru: Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. But you seem so lonely—so I wanted to cheer things up a bit for you♪] AIRA BACKSTORY CRUMBS?! EGWJVSDNBDD HE JUST TELLS HIS WHOLE LIFE STORY TO SUBARU
hes jsut in desperate need of a friend and confidant like that <3 [1]you know, from the bullying and isolation he underwent as a child &lt;3<3
[2]I WANT TO CRY DONT MENTION HIS DAD IN FRONT OF HIM [Screenshots: Subaru: I see. So you’ve had a hard time, too. Aira: What? No, no no, it’s nothing compared to being the son of “that Akehoshi”!] [1]NOOOO
and one of his beloved idols is <3 right there <3 and being<3 so nice <3<3
[3]JUMP OFF THE ROOF YOU BASTARD [Screenshot: Rinne: Kyahaha! Having quite a good time chatting, aren’t you? Count me in♪] GET AWAY FROM MY BOYS
[2]oh no, but now hes ruined this too. poor aira, he has a hard time creating relationships due to the lakc of meaningful ones throughout his life </3
[3]stinky disgrace ok ok ill stop i promise /srs
BDJDBFJ YOURE OK im not actually upset!! /gen i know aira was on twitter starting threads defending subarus dad [Screenshot: Aira: (I was a big fan of “that Akehoshi” so I already don’t really know how to respond to his son, and here comes this guy!? Is today my unlucky day?)]
oh nice so anyways he must feel so bad because one of his beloved idols must hate him and he has to deal with the annyoing bastard whose making a mockery of everything he loves </3
CRYING enstars!! is aira suffering
and also torturing his (tentative) friend (bestie) hiiro whose a little oblivious but still trying his best, which is still leagues away from his skill level no matter how much he tries because the talented are just made to succeed and hell never be one <3
im keeping aira away from you /joke [4]like the material you come up with is so heartwretching
but even so the loveable dumbass has his moments and since the fool has already decided to stick with him he could at least offer the same and stay as well :hiiroconfusion: ❤️:airalove: [4]horay that means im getting good!
[5]NO [Screenshot: Rinne: Let me give you a piece of advice, “little girlfriend of his”: don’t get too close to him. Rinne: Because sooner or later, he’ll betray you oh so cruelly…] DONT SAY THAT. RINNE SHUT UP
i have read! truly painful things!
i want to inflict! such pain upon others! :arashilove:
Rinne: You can dote on him like a cute animal, but don’t even think about “marrying” him, okay? oh this isnt rinne trying to warn aira about hiiro, this is rinne threatening aira to not date his brother or else rinne’ll throw him out a window
[5][6]dumb stinky asshole he already knows this but he cant bring himself to walk away its like abandoning a poor, feral puppy on the street. sure hes matted and malnurished, underloved and probably has rabies, but he hasnt bitten him yet and thats a lot more than most other things hes loved in his life!
HIIRO WAS QUITE LITERALLY SLEEPING OUTSIDE BEFORE ALKALOID WAS FORMED. BOY WOULD DIE WITHOUT AIRA hiiro: yeah i dont know why rinne would say that. you guys are my friends i would never betray you aira: yeah thats what i thought thats a relief hiiro: i still want to destroy all idols though aira: AAH.. STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT episode 118, heroes
[6](and also the way he leans into affection, at every compliment, always so eager and happy and bright at anything aira does. as if he was something to want, something as precious and amazing as the idols---stars of which he'll never be. and how he offers it all back in turn, multifold. miles and piles and heaps of compliemtns upon hugs upon glomps upon tears and questions and smiles and smiles, everything giving more and more to the little kindle of hope for joy in a future that will never be his that has founded itself within his pathetic, average heart that longs and longs and longs)
[7]😦 [Screenshots: Aira: (But why did he choose to lead a unit as crazy as Crazy:B and start such a mess?) Aira: (That’s not it. Just now, he felt similar to the time when he made his debut as an idol…) Aira: (He was marketed as “the last old–school super idol” or something like that.) Aira: (But he was eclipsed by the huge success of Eden, who was heavily promoted by COS PRO. After several scandals, the industry no longer paid attention to him.) Aira: (Is that when he took on this twisted personality and chose to behave as if he’s flawed in character?)]
[7][8]aira, as one who has stuck with the things he loves no matter how much its beaten him down, cannot comprehend the actions of the man who has only tasted failure once
[9]this is very sad but i have considered the exact opposite and extremely comedic scenario in which aira decides Fuck It, We Ball and creates a batshit persona in alignment with rinne’s [10][Screenshot: Hiiro: Yes, I’m sorry about that. It was wrong of me to ignore security guards and try to break into the building.] i sent that too early but do i even need to say anything
[8]but at the same time he understands the impatiance, on a primal level. the burning desire that gets snuffed like a candle against an ice rink. its maddening all the work and work and sweat and tears and blood and sleepless nights, breakdowns and sobfests and silence as you try to hide it;try to be the idol you adore try to beat the system that keeps killing and killing and killing that remainging drive inside of you that Will Not. Can. not. go. Out. [9]my brain might b in shipping mode rn bc my first thought was "i think hiiro would b into that tbh"
im always right :subaruagree:
WHAT DID RINNE TELL YOU TO DO HIIRO.. [Screenshot: Hiiro: (Hmm. Great, I didn’t know what to do… I didn’t think finishing my brother’s order would be this easy.)] exposed lol [Screenshot: Hiiro: Does it? Talking about strangeness, you’re also being strange these days. You disappeared from our dorm several times, didn’t you? Where were you off to? Tatsumi and we are worried.]
[10]aira doesnt know what to do with this stupid, stupid boy. (its not his fault he is gifted, not his fault aira cannot catch up) but, reluctantly, he heart still yet beats. and sighs, and loves
ah yes, fluff you know, my main writing style is fluff crack i have like. a series of fics which just make fun of the hanahaki genre by turning it all into crack. i wasnt. always like this
I DONT LIKE THESE EPISODE TITLES.. [Screenshot: Main Story 4 Chapter List: Episodes 122-126]
that was, until…. * war flashbacks *
moral of the story: blame me for being able to find suburb fanfics, and toku for giving me the main one that created an unedning longing to see my favorite characting in pain bc b4 that i always jsut wanted to see them happy lmao
episode 120 pitfalls oh dear god its a rinne episode the lack of mayoi is hurting me [11]THE THOUGHT OF TATSUMI DOING WOTAGEI IS KILLING ME [Screenshot: Aira: Yep. While we’re at it, I can teach you some wotagei, the slogans, and gestures we use to cheer for idols.] [pensive is typing for several minutes…] god im in anticipation and fear hiiro dont talk about how awesome your brother is, hes about to do something awful
[11]he would always go along with it because hes a good sport, and for some reason goes along with airas whims. it must be embarassing for the man, surely, as he himself is (still is) a top idol. why must he sink so low as to cheer among the peasents? its all for airas sake isnt it. and he doesnt know whether the heavy feeling in his heart whenever tatsumi accepts an offer to join him (always phrased jsut vaguely enough to hide what the doing entails, as if in some desperate, halfhearted attempted to increase the chances of getting him to say yes. munipluations hidden under smiles and "oh no, you didnt have to"s from a dirty, filthy liar) comes from a place of happiness; of finally being accepted, of having his hobbies, his passions, his life appreciated for the beauty it has seen-- or from a place of crushing, suffocating, unshakable guilt for forcing the role of "savior" upon the man who was crippled for the same reasons once upon a time (like a fairytale….) how dare he try and play with one of his beloved idols. how could he not remember the lessons beaten into him about boundaries. "this is how far your skill takes you, this shall be where you lay" truly, as tatsun would say (in a joking manner, brushed off like a stray piece of lint over his shoulder despite the heavy truth his words hold), he has sinned (it is not a joke) i think i went into mayoi teritory there ngl lol
ok wait sorry for being cringe and dropping off the face of the earth i fell asleep :insanity: I JUST WANT AIRA TO LOVE HIMSELF THIS IS AGONY every time i read ur writing pensive im like “so this is hurt/comfort right?” “:amamismile: he gets comforted later….. right………..”
why hurt/comfort when u can hurt/agony?
i don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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