likesaly · 9 months
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
What does Wyatt Halliwell act like in his teenagers age? and what is his personality? Is he bad boy type and ladies man/player/womanizer? Wyatt is more like his daddy boy. Chris Halliwell is more like his mama’s boy, like he is responsible and serious about school and other things. Can you do it like headcanons? Also, what is their interest in women like wild they date/fell in love with a female demon?
okay so this ask made me remember that wyatt is not actually gay in canon but for all intents and purposes every time i write about know that i am writing him as a gay man. But, for this ask, i will write for a wyatt that is attracted to women.
for starters, the wyatt that we did see in canon is this really open and earnest guy who very clearly believes in good and sort of an intrinsic plan for everything and definitely holds this belief that if you keep an open mind and an open heart, everything will fall right into place. so i think he’s totally a hopeless romantic. i also think he’d be really self conscious because he really is this all powered embodiment of good magic meaning that within magic circles and receives A Lot of attention all the time, so he feels the need to be like especially likable (especially because the elders were so scared he’s turn evil that they tries to kill him so uhh better prove that you’re so very super Not Evil). so like, translating over into mortal circles, he can’t necessarily shed this really need to be an insanely likable, good person. and bc of this whole being a good, likable person, who’s also like tall and blond but still has this edge of mystery bc like wtf why does he mysteriously vanish for long periods of time w no explanation what’s up with that i feel like the type of girl that is really attracted to wyatt are the one’s who read romance novels. and i think the attraction goes both ways because they both sort of share this honest belief in true love and all that passion for these tales of finding great love and keeping it against all odds. that being said i think all of his relationships end pretty poorly because there’s always this jump then fall intense dramatic passion that almost always devolves into wither one of them getting to clingy or someone getting too intense or serious. i think wyatt genuinely falls in love with almost everyone he dates, and has both broken several hearts and gotten his heart broken several times. i feel like he would never be on like really bad terms with any of his exs but i don’t think that he would really be friends or like on speaking terms with any of them bc it’s just too awkward to try to be casual and small talk with anyone who you have shared such an almost like overdramatic relationship with. voted most likely to write a song on acoustic guitar for his girlfriend.
chris i think is really the opposite of wyatt like again if your brother is like this adored figure who is very much a people person and liked by everyone you can either be a try hard and try to worm your way into his circles in an cringy desperate manner or you can be aloof and act like you really don’t care and specifically build your social circles around those your brother isn’t involved in (there is, of course, the third option of just being like yourself as a normal person and not letting your familial relationships dictate who you become friends with but uhh chris didn’t think of that one) so he definitely hangs out with the misfits and only really dates those in his circle. and i say “date” but it is like the loosest meaning of the word. while wyatt goes all in and falls in love every time, chris tends to keep his armor up. he just,, he doesn’t want to go through all the effort of revealing his true self and being honest and open and all that, especially if there’s no guarantee it’ll yield anything good. i mean, that’s what wyatt does and he’s seen his brother’s heart break countless times. and on top of that he’s really become wrapped up in sort of this brand of skinny tall brunet with daddy issues because a lot of people really find that attractive. but no, he is not willing to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
as far as a demon love interest: i think chris would be most likely to have a relationship with a demon as again his idea of relationship is really guarded it’s not rooted in trust its very surface level so like they would both go into this relationship knowing it’s a horrible idea and will never last, but at least it’ll be fun. wyatt on the other hand i don’t think would ever knowingly date a demon because whoa! bad idea! but i think that if he were to be conned it would very much be a phoebe situation because once again he loves with his whole heart he’s very open and vulnerable. that being said, i think wyatt prizes his family above all else so if it was a cole situation he would definitely vanquish his love to save his family. but if it was more of a accidentally falling in love with a demon after a coffee shop meet cute where she doesn’t know he’s charmed and he doesn’t know she’s a demon that could have slightly more potential. if i were to do a plotline like this tho, i would actually make her a warlock and not a demon, because i think warlocks can defect to good and become witches, as it’s shown it can go the other way as well. demon is just too permanent. that being said, i still don’t think a wyatt demon relationship would prosper because it’s just too dangerous. again, he’s more of a hopeless romantic, the element of danger and the potential of betrayal isn’t a thrill ride it’s an encroaching fear. and especially with his family breathing down his neck bc they have seen how bad a demon witch relationship can turn, i don’t see him going through with that. even if he loved her, i think he would still break up with her (now if you then wanna pull a two households both alike in dignity situation it could be done but as previously stated i think demons are really difficult to redeem in the charmed universe)
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