tears-of-boredom · 3 months
ep 7:
god damn it this is going to be a gordon episode i hate him so much like omggg sorry like why is him being the antichrist so bad??? bella i honestly like you for making gordon at least pay for the info. literally dont even mind that you sold them out like i support womens wrongs even when its towards sammy. lmaoo why are they shooting guys just literally talk?? omg they have shit aim though are these guys even hunters lmao OH YEAH THIS GUY TURNS GORDON INTO A VAMPIRE!! I FROGOT ABOUT THAT!! dean i do not honestly believe youd kill bella like bella can just talk about her trauma and youll get too distracted to go through with it sorry im so weak gfangfdngju this vamps so hot. gordon if this was different circumstances id probably like you honestly but since you cant take a moment to calm the fuck down i cant stand you. vamp dude i love youuuu torture gordon by turning him into the very monster he hunts except gordon decides that he's the exception to the rule doesnt he. that every other vampire should die immideatly just for purely being a vampire, but for some reason he himself deserves to live. yeah i think i remember why i hate gordon so much. he's a hypocrite in a very un-fun way. and its way too realistic as well. like he's such a conservative. vamp omg i love you please no no dean dont. dixon dude i love you i would spend eternity with you i swear oh and gordons partner's gonna die no? cuz he thinks gordon should die now right? yeahh gordons gonna kill him cuz gordon fucking sucks ohhhh thats a nice blood color gordon you literally did not have to kill him. you could have easily subdued him. like come the fuck on at least dont lie about your bullshit morals. omg sam omggg nooooo dean cmon O H MY HG OF I FUCKING GHATE GORDFON WHSAT THE EFUCK HOW IS IT NOIW THATN YOUN ABANDON YOUYR GOD DAMN MORTALS I FUJCK9I8NG HSATENMYOU UUU oh my god gordon like i fucking swear like you never cared about protecting the world. oh my god gordon you are so fucking stupid. dean whyd you hesitate. fucking pull the trigger when you have him in your sights you fucking idiot omg sam covered in blood? sam covered in blood tonite?? yall not gonna burn his remains though?? yall just gonna leave his whole body there? omg dean dean you stupid motherfucker show your affection in other ways
anywayy,,, ill tag you in these until you tell me to stop,, @sardonic-the-writer
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beast-feast · 4 years
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Draaaain gaaaang
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