spaciebabie · 2 years
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SMALL SPRINGTRAP DOODLE 2 CELEBRATE FINALLY ESCAPING ART BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT MIND THE WEIRD DIALOGUE I HAD FREE SPACE AND DIDNT KNOW WHAT TA DO W/IT
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
What the Workers See
I wanted to write Hyena!Danny at work as Hood's second in command.
Hyena!Danny Masterpost
tw: physical abuse
Jason had been delighted when Danny had presented him the ideas for his Hyena costume, helping him sort out the details and reminding him to add armour. Danny had argued he’d heal anyways so there wasn’t any point, and surely the armour would make it less sexy! Jason had just rolled his eyes and reminded Danny that he was trying to keep his powers secret, and if Nightwing could look like that in his heavily armoured suit Danny would be fine. 
He had sighed and relented, asking for help to get some of the materials he would need, which Jason happily provided. Danny worked on it in their free time, and Jason watched with fascination as Danny’s nimble fingers and equally quick mind fingered out the construction and problem-solved any roadblocks. It was impressive, and when it got to the try on stage most of them ended with the suit on their bedroom floor by the end, Jason just loved it. He particularly loved the choice of the collar.
One rational corner of his mind mentioned he should probably talk to Danny about the power imbalance and the fact that Jason was definitely possessive and abusive. But the other half of his mind fucking purred at the sight of Danny in the collar and catsuit and that part won out, Jason didn’t mention it. 
When it was finally time to unveil Hyena Jason called a meeting of all his goons. The ones that worked for him consistently, not the villain hoppers or the temp workers, they’d find out eventually. If he called everyone who worked for him sometimes he’d need a fucking football field, this would do. As he knew they would they all came, gathering and mingling in the warehouse in front of the makeshift stage.
Jason hopped up onto it about ten minutes after the time he’d told everyone to be there, once he was sure everyone who was coming was here, and Danny was here. “I know you’re all nervous about why the fuck I called you all here. First off let me assure you it’s nothing bad and not a fucking scheme. I have an important introduction and an announcement.” He said and made a hand signal.
Danny, the dramatic bastard that he was dropped down from the rafters and landed on overly light feed on the stage. He grinned behind his muzzle and made a little ‘tada!’ motion that made Hood role his eyes fondly. 
“This is Hyena. He will be working with me from now on. If I am not here you take orders from him in my place, obey him like you would me.” He explained and Hyena gave a dramatic little bow and a cackling laugh. “Is that understood?”
“Yes Boss,” People chorused, looking a little nervous and curious about the new person still. Hyena would have to do some work earning their respect and trust but Jason knew that Danny was more then up for the task. 
As the fighting wound down Jason looked over the damage. It wasn't to bad, but it was so fucking unnecessary, there shouldn't have Been another gang trying to operate out of his territory, under his fucking nose! Did they really think he wouldn't notice? They should have just left when he confronted them, not actually initiated a fight! Now they had bodies to deal with, of those who didn't run, and a bunch of injured people.
A loud whistle made Jason jump slightly before he glanced over to Hyena, who was taking charge. He beckoned a couple field medics forward and cupped his hands around his muzzle to yell over the crowed. 
"If You'd rather go to a real hospital clear out! you need stitches line up here, if you need a bone set, line up there," Hyena directed before glancing around as people straggled into lines. Not many left to go to a actual hospital, in Gotham people tended to be suspicious of doctors, and field medics got a Lot of practice.
"You two!" Danny pointed at two goons who jumped. "You're unhurt, I saw you hide when the fighting got bad. You carry anyone who can't wait in line to the front for emergency care, then we'll talk about reassigning you."
Jason hadn't noticed that, but he was usually too caught up in the fight once blood started to spill so that wasn't Overly surprising. He was grateful Danny had. 
The two singled out looked sheepish and started to obey Danny's commands, checking on those on the ground and either dragging the dead to one side or carrying the living over to Hyena and the other medics. Danny grabbed one of the first aid kits the medics had brought in, ignoring their disproving look, it faded quickly as Hyena started efficiently, and correctly tending to those who needed stitches.
Jason wasn't surprised, Danny had stitched Jason up more then once and he had always done a damn good job. Jason loved seeing Danny liked this, in his element, taking charge and taking care of people. It reminded Jason how much he loved Danny, and it was hot as hell. 
Jason approached Danny, who glanced up at Jason from the wound he was cleaning on a goons arm who was looking away from the blood looking a little green. "Hey Boo, are you hurt?" Danny asked. Jason could hear in his voice that he was smiling even though his muzzle his it.
"No, I'm perfectly fine," Jason assured, he was bruised but he wasn't bleeding anywhere and he could move all of his extremities. 
"Good, I'm glad you're okay. Now make yourself useful and go grab some more clean water," Danny directed him, focusing back on his work.
Jason laughed, if anyone else talked to him like that he'd probably blow a gasket, but Danny was allowed. Jason looped an arm around Danny's waist and leaned his forehead against the top of the other man's head for just a moment, wishing their masks weren't in the way so he could kiss Danny. Jason let go again almost immediately before Danny could start fussing at him for being in the way. 
"You got it Cub," Jason assured fondly, striding off to make himself useful as well.
Unfortunately not every fight went well. They couldn’t win everything, and sometimes the people Hood was after got away. It was another fight, fucking Black Mask had tried to move in on Hood’s territory! Unusual for the cowardly little weasel, he had decided to come himself and join in the fight.
It was absolutely the perfect opportunity to kill the creep once and for all! And maybe Hood was a little too fixated on that, because he was on a fucking one frack mind trying to get to Mask. Hyena was covering his back, and giving orders while he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on, compensating for his tunnel vision though he didn’t notice that. 
What he certainly did notice was when Hyena yanked him back. Mask had called a retreat and was on his way out. Hood had been about to give chance into what was definitely a trap, or at the very least a bad idea to abandon his people and run into a gang of… however many people Mask had left, Jason had not been counting.
It wasn’t a smart thing to do to follow Mask, but that didn’t mean that Jason was fucking okay with Danny manhandling him! He was furious, he was consumed by green blood lust and obsession, and he absolutely would not see reason. 
Hyena was trying to say something but Jason didn’t hear what it was past the blood rushing in his ears. He swung around and struck Hyena hard sending him stumbling back, Jason could see a little blood from where the metal of the muzzle had cut Danny’s cheek under the force of Jason’s blow. 
“Hood,” Hyena pleaded, holding out his hands towards Jason. “Listen, you can’t-”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do,” Jason snarled, advancing on Danny again, though at least he wasn’t still trying to follow Black Mask anymore. Danny didn’t shield his body when Jason punched him in the stomach clinging to his arm instead, forcing him to stay close and to pause. 
“We’re in public, people are watching,” Danny wheezed, big blue eyes fixed on Jason’s face. He recoiled when he saw tears gathering at the corners, Danny had never looked so… genuinely hurt when Jason had hit him before. But then again, he’s always done it in private before. 
Shit! They weren’t in private! 
Jason looked up and around them, at his people watching them with horror and shock. He saw judgment, anger and disgust there too and shame joined the uncomfortable roiling of emotion in his gut. “We’ll deal with your anger when we get home,” Danny said softly, letting go of Jason’s arm and resting his hands either side of Jason’s helmet instead, making him look back at Danny, focus on him. “I can handle this if you need to go calm down.”
“No, I’ll be fine,” Hood said, gently brushing his fingers over the bruise on Danny’s cheek. It wasn’t healing, he didn’t know why. Could Danny… stop himself from healing? Did he have that much control?
“Good,” Danny said, leaning in to Jason’s touch. “I’ll be fine. Let’s get this over with.” 
Jason nodded and the two of them separated and took control of the situation again, Danny starting to give orders regarding medical care as always, and Jason starting to direct repairs, and plans for retaliation against Mask.
Most of his goons seemed to snap out of their shock and start following orders on instinct, though Jason couldn’t help notice the worried looks that were being directed at Danny in particular. And it seemed Danny did too and was getting sick of it. 
With everyone either treated or being treated he hopped up on a random crate and glared over the room with narrowed eyes. “Of anyone has something to say then fucking say it!” He demanded in an angry hiss that still carried throughout the room. 
When nervous looks were shot Hood’s way he shrugged, spread his hands, and then gestured back at Hyena. Red Hood wasn’t going to interfere, so answer Hyena’s question. 
After a awkward moment one brave soul seemed to appoint themselves the spokesperson and shuffled forward, Danny’s eyes fixed on them, raising an eyebrow. 
“We’re just worried I guess? We all know the two of yous are together, and you know it’s not right for him to hit you right? We all saw the way that Harley was treated and I know you two-”
“We’re nothing like them,” Hyena cut in scowling. “And our relationship is none of your business. If I wanted to stop him I could, we do things the way that works for us. It’s not your place to question it, and I don’t want any of you fucking worrying about me. God forbid if I ever catch anyone pitying me I’ll show them exactly how big of a mistake they’re making. 
“And don’t you fucking judge Hood either. I told him he could do that. I started it. You should mind your own business,” He practically snarled. He hopped down from his makeshift soapbox and stalked passed all the goons without looking at them. “Let’s go home,” he said, grabbing Jason’s hand and leading him away. 
Jason was so grateful to Danny for defending him, and he had a feeling he owed his boyfriend some flowers and a very nice dinner for putting him in a position where he had to. 
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mlm-writer · 3 years
Retirement (Geralt of Rivia x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: Teen and Up Words: 2935 POV: Second Summary: You are a scout for a king/queen. Geralt is your fellow scout. He used to be a Witcher, but seems to be content in his current occupation. Not that you mind because he is great company and also very sexy.  Notes: This is not even Netflix, Game or Book Geralt. This is my Geralt. He is old. He is tired. He is retired. Tags: post-canon, light angst, canon-typical violence. getting together, first kiss, Geralt with demon eyes? count me in as scared and horny, Geralt is still afraid of rejection poor bby, reader is a hunter and Geralt and reader are good buddies. 
The morning sun kissed your skin as your hand glided over the soft and shiny coat of your mare. She leaned into your touch, a happy sound escaping her. You smiled at her as you did a final check on your load and gear. The sound of her hooves walking over stone became a calming rhythm as you led her out of the stables towards the northern road off castle grounds. Near the gate, you spotted familiar silver hair, next to a gorgeous strong mare. “Geralt of Rivia, I should have known you would be sent out to scout today as well.” 
Your fellow royal scout turned to you, the hint of a smile on his stern face. “Where did the royal arse-swab send you off to?” You chuckled as he spent no time beating around the bush. You mounted your horse at the gates of the castle grounds. He did the same and you had a calm ride out of town, down the northern main road. 
“Your Royal Highness sent me off to the region north of the swamps. He wants to know if there are any villages there willing to trade crops for protection. You know, the usual. We get grain or whatever and then send some guards there to keep the mercs and bandits away.” You paused, for a little, knowing Geralt would reveal his destination eventually. 
The man kept his mouth shut until you reached the city gates. “I’m sent off to swamps,” he finally blurted out, obviously a little annoyed that you did not ask. It was kind of funny to get a rise out of him this early in the morning. “I’m supposed to check if the roads are safe for trade and if they’re not… make them safe.” You scoffed at his dramatic pause. 
More often than not, you were sent in the same direction. It went without saying that you would be doing most of your travelling together. The comfortable silence filled the space between you as you left the city. There was not any communication, until you reached the empty roads going between the crop fields. You exchanged looks, before spurring on your mounts to race between the fields. It was the usual route north. The race started at the fields and ended at the crossroads. Roach was an impressive ride, but your own horse could keep up easily. It was a neck on neck as usual. You basically drove side by side with your hands stretched out to be the first to tap the signpost. 
Mud flew everywhere as you were in the home stretch, the sun a little higher in the sky than when you left the city. The smell of fresh grass occupied your noses. Just as you thought you were going to be victorious, Geralt somehow made Roach go even faster and tapped the sign right before you. You cursed and slowed down as you followed the road to Aurova. “Seriously, what do you give Roach?” You complained as you caught up with Geralt. He just gave you a smug grin and shrugged. This was the fourth time in a row that the mead was on you. 
Aurova was a small village that thrived on the travellers that passed through it. The main road going through the village was lined with travelling merchants. You greeted the familiar orphaned boy with a smile as you handed him a few coins and the reigns of your mount. He greeted you with just as much joy and took your sweetheart for some water, food and a quick brush down. “You are too trusting,” Geralt commented as he watched the same boy as always take away your horse. He wouldn’t even trust you with Roach, possessive bastard. 
“He takes good care of my girl and obviously needs the money. Maybe you are just cheap,” you teased Geralt as he tied Roach in front of your favourite inn himself. The man made a displeased grunt and then continued to walk inside. The sweet voice of the regular bard met you inside as you sat down at the bar. The barkeep saw you coming and put two big tankards of mead in front of you. 
“So, who lost today?” She spoke teasingly, already looking at you. You sighed in defeat and held up your hand, before paying her for your drinks. “I can’t remember the last time you won, child,” she mused, feigning a thoughtful expression. 
You waved her off. “Yeah, yeah, no need to rub it in. I am trying not to be a sore loser.” She laughed and left you with Geralt to serve her other customers. The stories of Witchers and monsters filled the space warmed by fires as you and Geralt drank in silence. You each bought lunch and then left. When you stepped out, the little boy was waiting for you with your horse all fed, and cared for. You thanked him and pampered your mare while Geralt made sure Roach would be good until nightfall. 
Geralt was a man of little words and you often followed his lead on that, but as the afternoon sun warmed your face, nostalgia made old stories flow over your lips. The hint of a smile playing on his lips encouraged you to continue with your musings. You were in the middle of a story of your training days, when Geralt held his hand up. You had not noticed you had arrived at the edge of the swamps until now. It was beautiful in daylight, the sun reflecting off the water and showing you an ocean of shades of green. If only the smell wasn’t so awful. 
“I’ll lead you through and then scout the rest of it,” Geralt announced, not making an offer, but just deciding for you. You wanted to play the strong and independent person card, but you were not stupid. While you were a great hunter and ambassador, Geralt was a one-man army. You gave the man a nod and followed behind him on the small muddy roads. You remained silent so threats could not get the jump on you. 
There was already a long trail of hoofprints behind you, when Geralt paused. You had not heard anything. You could feel your heart thrumming against your ribcage. Every rustle of leaves was amplified as adrenaline flooded your system. Geralt dismounted and pulled his long silver sword from its sheath, the emblem of the school of the wolf glittering in the late afternoon sunlight. For someone who ‘quit being a Witcher’ and ‘had no emotions’ he sure held on to a lot of memorabilia. 
“Stay here,” he nearly whispered as he approached the water ahead. He was halfway in when Drowners emerged from the muddy waters and started to attack him. You watched from a distance as he danced in a flurry of silver and monster blood. The creatures shrieked as he cut into them with his blade. His white hair became less visible with each swing of his weapon. Roach was an eerie type of calm, while you struggled to keep your own mare from running to what she would think was safety, but was likely even worse than a horde of Drowners. 
When the last Drowner fell down into the muddy water, you regained the ability to breathe properly. “Will there be more?” You whispered when Geralt returned. He shook some of the mud and blood off him, before sheathing his weapon and climbing back on Roach.
“If we stay here, there will be more eventually. Let’s hurry, so you make it out before nightfall.” You had more questions, but those could wait as you galopped behind Geralt and Roach. Geralt led you over the roads, ignoring whatever emerged from the water in favour of just keeping on riding. You thought you would be out in no-time, until a creature bigger than any monster you had ever seen before sprung up in a display of water, mud and moss. You both barely halted in time. “Fuck,” Geralt spoke both of your minds. He dismounted again and started frantically going through his saddlebags to procure a pouch. You knew of the medallion he kept inside it, but now learned of the several vials he kept in there as well. “I will draw its attention. You follow the road out the swamps as fast as you can. Stop for nothing.” 
You wanted to say something about the possibility of running into something else just as bad as whatever the spider-like creature in front of you was. However, your tongue felt heavy in your mouth as Geralt consumed the contents of the vial he had looked for earlier and his eyes turned pitched black. Veins around his eyes became more prominent through his paling skin and you were unsure whether to be scared or horny. 
The spider-like creature had the head of a humanoid monster. Its dirty teeth were on full display as it shrieked, the hairs on its back turned towards the sky. You settled on scared for now. Geralt ran and leaped at the creature with his blade drawn. You watched as he cut off one of the creature’s clawed legs and black blood stained the environment. It was huge, a thing of nightmares as it swung leg after leg at Geralt, who dodged each jab taken at him. 
You saw an opening as Geralt lured the big beast into the water and away from the path. You could run, but the grunts coming from Geralt nailed you in place. He did not sound like he was having a good time. In fact, it sounded like there was an end coming to the story of the White Wolf. Your eyes darted from the cleared path to Geralt with a clear hole torn through the armour that covered his abdomen. 
“Fuck!” You exclaimed as you decided what you were going to do next. You placed your mare next to Roach in the hopes she would stay, before dismounting and taking your hunter’s bow off your back. If you could shoot a rabbit from a large distance with a single shot, giant water spider with just two eyes should be a piece of honey cake. As Geralt fought it with all his might you aimed your bow from a semi-safe distance. 
A deep breath to steady your hands. One eye closed for precise vision. Waiting for the right moment. The monster had Geralt pinned underwater. It stood relatively still as it was waiting for the Witcher to drown. You let go of your arrow. It bolted through the air and came to a halt right into the monster’s eye. It screeched so loudly, your ears rang long after the sound had ceased. Geralt reappeared from below the water, sword raised. It went through the monster’s mouth and into its head. Like a puppet with its strings cut, it sagged and fell into a heap, but not before it showered Geralt in black blood. 
With your entire body still in fight or flight mode, you watched as Geralt pulled his sword from the dead body and then turned to you, covered in monster blood and eyes still demonic. “I told you to run,” he snarled at you. You took an instinctive step back; it might as well have been a slap to his face. You had never seen Geralt of Rivia, former Witcher, the great White Wolf, look as small as he did now. His dirty hair fell in front of his face as he tilted his head away from your view. “You could have been killed,” he added with a muted voice. 
You sighed and put your bow away, willing your body to relax a little. “Same goes to you,” you countered, before slowly stepping closer to Geralt. You approached him like a spooked animal. “Come on, Geralt. Let’s get out of here and then worry about the rest.” He looked up at you. His expression was hard to read while covered in grime and eyes still blacker than the night. He let out a hum and went back to Roach. You found your mare where you left her and followed behind Geralt. You followed the path, rushing as fast as you could go, avoiding conflict. You caught sight of several more Drowners, but your focus was mostly on keeping up with Geralt. He did not slow down until the path got drier, the sand looser. The sun hung low in the sky as the scent of the swamp was left behind you. Open fields greeted you, lots of high grass covering the scenery as far as the eye could reach. 
Geralt stopped near a good camping site that flanked a creek, but did not dismount Roach just yet. He turned to you. “Do you want to camp together for the night?” It usually was not a question. You would leave together, then race, stop at the inn for lunch, then have dinner and camp for the night together, before separating for your duties the next day. 
“Do you want to?” You asked, unsure of why he was breaking routine in the first place. He looked at you for a long time. You realised his eyes had returned to a toxic yellow. You loved those unique eyes. Moreover, you loved the emotions he kept contained in there, but allowed you to see whenever your eyes met his. He hummed and then slid off his horse. You gasped as he didn’t land as graciously as usual, clasping his side and hissing in pain. “By the Gods, just sit your ass down. I’ll set up camp,” you sighed as you rushed to his side to place him against a tree. He protested, but you were having none of it. 
The sun had set by the time you had Geralt mostly cleaned up, a fire going and a tent set up. In the light of the flickering flames, you squinted at Geralt’s wounds, just slapping some general healing herbs on them and hoping his Witcher genes were going to take care of the rest. “What was that thing in the swamp anyway? I had never seen anything like it.” 
“You would not be performing some medical malpractice on me now if you did,” Geralt grumbled back. You shot him a glare that was met with a grin. “A Kikimora. I have not fought one of those in a long time.”
“Explains why you were so out of shape, then.” It was Geralt’s turn to glare and yours to grin back. You gently patted the wound you just bandaged up. “So, that’s all done. It is not like a scar or two more will stand out on your body,” you joked as you grabbed a blanket and draped it over him to keep him warm while his clothes were soaking in a bucket of water you got from the creek. 
The crackling of the fire felt near-therapeutic as you roasted some corn and a hare you caught over it. Every time you looked up, you found Geralt staring at you, making your cheeks get hot. After a while, you looked at him directly with raised eyebrows. He huffed out a short laugh and looked away. “That was a great shot back there.” 
You smiled at the compliment and took the corn off the fire. “One of my many talents,” you boasted, before sitting next to him and giving him a cob. You took a bite as you watched the meat gradually change colour. “You know, you never told me why you quit being a Witcher. Even though you were fighting for your life today, you seemed to enjoy it a little.” Geralt replied with a non-committal hum - typical. You sighed. “All right, keep your secrets then. I like you better when you’re mysterious anyway.” 
You ate in silence, switching between watching the meat and looking at the stars. You nearly jumped out of your skin when Geralt spoke. “I’ve been a Witcher for longer than the existence of the kingdom we serve. I’m retired.” 
You laughed, genuinely, you could feel it in your stomach. You stood up to grab the meat. “And this is your retirement plan? I would have slayed a couple of monsters and used the coin to buy a nice cabin in some nice place and spend my dying days reading and hunting, preferably with someone I love.” You handed Geralt his portion and sat back down. 
“Trust me, that’s nice and all, until you bore your own arse off, but who knows, maybe it is more fun when you have someone to bore your arse off with.” You scooched closer to him and put a hand on his knee for a short moment. 
“Well, best scout in the kingdom, to your service. I’ll bore your arse off any day. Guess you get your perfect retirement after all.” He looked at your smiling face, something desperate in his eyes. Your heart leaped and you gave in to the urge to lean in. He did not back away. You leaned in further. He moved, but towards you. 
Your lips met. His were cold from all the splashing around he did back at the swamp. You put your hand on the back of his neck, keeping him close as you warmed his lips with your own. When you finally pulled away, you needed a second before you could open your eyes. Yellow eyes gazed into yours. Your breaths mingled. The most genuine smile you had ever seen on Geralt stretched over his face. Then he kissed you again. 
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tiesthatbind-tf · 3 years
Windblade. Can you still remember the moment when you first noticed that Starscream was "hot"? And if so, what was going through your mind at that moment?
The young woman at the end of the videocall snorted in an uncharacteristically graceless fashion at the question proposed to her through a long-distance chat.
The PR stunt Blaster had set up for civilians to “get to know them better” had raised many an eyebrow among the team, but if they afforded her gems like these as entertainment on this diplomatic flight to Caminus, she wasn’t complaining.
“It definitely wasn’t when I first saw him strutting around in full regalia like an entitled little shitlord who got top billing at a Shakespeare production because the lead mysteriously broke their leg that night.”
She started counting on her fingers after checking the time to see that she definitely had a few minutes to spare for a reply. 
“Wasn’t when he was trying to bully me into all those PR press shoots, or snarking at me about which one of us was better with swords—-it’s me, no surprise and not for the lack of him trying, bless his black little heart—-or tearing down my professional integrity because what would some silly coder girl from off-world Caminus know about intricacies of earth politics and the revolution, like he’s bloody Voltaire, or going behind my back on a deal we made through one of his million technicalities, or trying to Devil’s Advocate me in all our debates.”
She crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat for a moment to arrange the documents spread out on her lap before pursing her lips in thought.
“But there was this one time when we visited Eukaris to try and re-establish trade routes and deliver some aid because they’d shut the world out at the start of the Clampdown to escape the increased oppression, and they didn’t take well to us being there. At all. It could have gotten violent, but he covered me while Chromia was delayed on a backup vessel—-not that he needed to, he did anyway ——and managed to convince them we—--not him, we——weren’t bringing the fight to them.”
She then threw her arms up dramatically. 
“And then when I cornered him later asking what game was he playing at to try and have me owe him one in the middle of this mess, and he looked at me like I was mad. No favors, no strings, nothing. Just doing good for the sake of doing good, for a political rival. Can you believe that? From him?”
The Camien delegate placed her fingers by the side of her temples and mimicked the motion of an explosion in progress.
“It was weird having him not be a bastard for the entire trip and get honest about helping people on the ground, you know? But like a good sort of weird? And that was before I found out he’d been this small-time Senator when he was like twenty——no, seriously, check this out——”
She pulled out her phone to show the screen a picture of the man taken from a magazine she’d found among Alpha Trion’s collection while she was doing additional research on her opponent. The red hair, red irises and the cut of his face were all instantly recognizable, but the warm light in those eyes might as well have belonged to a different person altogether and that smile—-bright, unbroken and fiercely hopeful—-was years and years away from the vicious, calculating smirks he often wore on his face these days.
“—-who was doing the entirely bastardious thing of fighting for Cold Construct rights. And that right there gave me the flutters, because you know what’s really sexy at the end of the day for me?”
She placed a hand in her chest, feigning mild swooning before sitting up straight, staring at the screen over her glasses and speaking in a deadpan manner;
“Social justice, fighting for what’s right and common human decency.”
She swiveled around in her seat, cleared her throat and shouted over her shoulder: “HEY ASSHOLE! BEING A DECENT MAN IS A WHOLE RED CARPET LOOK ON YOU!”
“LIES AND SLANDER!” came the howl of outrage from the adjacent room where the sound of high-heeled boots pacing the floor had been echoing for the past ten minutes.
She swiveled back around and made presentation hands in the direction of the voice as though mutely asking her audience: See what I have to put up with?
“Still, this is who we have to deal with now, stupid smirking conniving warts and all. Though take it from me...”
She lowered her voice to a whisper, leaning closer to the screen so only those in the other end could hear.
“I don’t think that man is dead. Not entirely anyway.”
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lilxberry · 4 years
Perfectly Oblivious - Zach Dempsey
You are certainly oblivious to Zach’s feelings towards you, as he is with yours. A misunderstanding leads to a confession from both ends.
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Warnings: lil bit of angst maybe, language, low-key slow burn. I dunno, Bryce lmao. May be shitty due to this being my first bit of writing.
Words: 3,139
Pairing: Zachery ‘Zach’ Dempsey x Reader
With an aggravated groan, Y/N stretched her limbs out whilst throwing a deadly glare towards their phone, which continuously blared out the awful sound of their alarm. Exhaling a long, sleep ridden sigh, she threw her warm, comfy covers off and proceeded to remove their fatigued body from the mattress to turn off the overly annoying tone that continues to taunt them and start their day.
Finally turning off the alarm that so rudely awoke them from their dreamy slumber, Y/N notices the text from her best friend Tony, notifying them that he'll be there to pick them up to head to school in 15 minutes.
Which was sent 10 minutes ago.
Just as Y/N finished running around like a headless chicken trying to get ready for their day at hell, ahem, I meant school, the purr of the famous 'stang accompanied with a quick double honk of the horn could be heard just down the driveway of their house, notifying her of Tony's arrival.
Quickly doing a mental checklist, she gave herself a small nod of approval and ran straight through the door, speedily locking it behind them and sprinting down to the car.
As Y/N reached the red, metallic stead, she noticed a certain leather jacket clad friend not so successfully hiding his amusement over his friends' rushing about. Playfully narrowing her eyes at the boy in the drivers seat whilst settling into the front, Y/N spoke in an unamused tone. "Shut up."
"I-wha-I didn't even say anything," he spluttered slightly whilst trying to keep from bursting out with laughter when replying to his friend whose appearance was slightly dishevelled. Starting the engine of his car back up, he smirked slightly as he pulled off, side-eyeing his company for the ride. "I see you've had a wonderful morning."
"Fucking brilliant," she replied, rolling her eyes, trying to hide her own amusement.
"Hey! Watch your fucking language, kid!" Within moments of Tony's reply, they simultaneously exploded with boisterous laughs, so much so that if Y/N threw her head back any further, their skull would be through the headrest of the car seat.
Soon calming down from the ridiculous early morning banter, Tony glances towards his best friend resting her elbow on the car door, dangling their arm out the window and enjoying the breeze, he smiles and speaks up, breaking the blissful silence. "Sooooo, when are you going to ask out Dempsey, huh?"
Y/N flushes slightly, a soft pink tint rising up her neck and onto her cheeks, the tips of her ears feeling uncomfortably hot. "I am NOT asking him out, I'll look like a damn idiot T." they reply, shaking their head vigorously. "It's just friendly banter and homework talk between us anyways, no actual indication that the tall bastard likes me."
"Tall, handsome, bastard." He blatantly 'corrects' her, as if stating a well known fact, which it most definitely is. Chuckling slightly, he continues. "You haven't seen the way he looks at you when you aren't paying attention. He's got it bad, baby and so do you. So God help me, if you don't do something soon, I sure as shit am going to interfere like you won't believe." he finishes, shaking his head slightly with slowly pulling into a parking spot in the lot at school.
Letting out an exasperated yet sad sigh, she grabs her bag and gets out of the car, waiting for her 'short-stack' pal to exit the vehicle himself before linking her arm around his and make their way towards the entrance of the school.
As they walked through the doors together, arm in arm, they are greeted by the regular bustling school body of Liberty High, occupying both sides of the hallways as they either loiter or obtain their textbooks needed for their classes of the day.
Once further into the busy building, Tony and Y/N part ways and head to their respective lockers to collect their own books for the day. When Y/N reaches her locker, she feels a gaze upon her as she focuses on collecting her books. As she's about to close her locker, the one and only Zachary Dempsey  appears beside her with a blinding smile that makes her swoon and weak at the knees.
She meets his eyes and notices the bright shine behind them, filled with happiness but also a hint of something else she can't quite put her finger on. Brushing the thought off, she returns the smile, beaming just as brightly at the taller male.
She chuckles softly, containing a hint of amusement and nervousness as she greets him. "Hey Dempsey."
"And what do I owe the pleasure of being graced by your immaculate presence?" She giggles softly at her over dramatized question.
Zach shares a small chuckle with the girl. He looks down slightly to hide the inevitable flush of colour to his face. Though she quickly notices, she neglects the idea to bring it up and the corners of her mouth turn upwards more so slightly, smiling to herself victoriously.
"Well I was wondering you'd allow me the honours of walking to class with you fair maiden." He replies in a cheeky tone, speaking with just as much of a dramatized tone, looking back up to meet the gaze of the girl in front of him again.
She snorts out in laughter but quickly flushes with embarrassment, eyes widening slightly at the action. As she avoids his gaze, nervously playing with her fingers in hope of it comforting her in her time of embarrassment, his smile widens, believing it's the most beautiful and quite possibly the cutest sound he has ever heard a human make in the entirety of his existence. He gazes upon her adoringly but of course, she doesn't notice.
Deciding to help her out, he stands from his leaning position against the locker and looks at her expectantly as he speaks. "Well m'lady, will you allow my to escort you to communications class?" He raises an eyebrow as she looks up at him with a soft smile, blushing even more profusely. She nods her head and finally closes her locker as she starts walking along side him. He smiles victoriously and slings his arm over her shoulders as they continue walking to class, pulling her into his side.
'This is going to be a great day', they both so happened to think to themselves as they head towards their destination for first period.
As the weeks progressed, Y/N noticed a slight change within Zach's behaviour around her. First came the sweet, kind gestures like carrying her bag as they walk to class together, then the flirty comments, making her blush madly as she would smile up at the basket ball player. But then it soon developed to more shared touches, his fingertips lingering on her skin, goosebumps rising along her arms and making the hairs on the back of her neck stand.
His touch feather light and delicate, as if she was the most precious, fragile thing in the world, sending a tingle up her spine every time they came into contact.
Y/N also noticed the way his jaw clenched whenever she laughed at Foley's jokes or when she became engrossed in a conversation with Atkins and gave him her undivided attention. He wanted that attention so badly for himself but that's something she certainly didn't see.
All these actions between the two often put the thought of "Does he actually like me back?" into her mind but she is just as quick to dismiss them with a shake of her head.
Surely he only likes her as a friend. Right?
Y/N was heading towards the parking lot to meet up with Tony, her ride home, when an ear studded Jeff in all his decked out in letterman jacket glory jogged up to her and slung an arm over her shoulders, taking the poor, unsuspecting girl by surprise and making her jump slightly.
Looking up, she meets Jeff's gaze and gleaming smile as he chuckles. "Jesus Jeff, you scared the shit out of me." She huffs and pauses momentarily, holding her hand over her heart before resuming with walking, Jeff still slung over her two shoulders.
"Sorry Y/N/N." he laughs boisterously at her pouty expression.
"We need to put a fucking bell on you or something so you can't sneak up on people like that." She suggests playfully.
Jeff continues to chuckle, responding with a small shake of his head in amusement. "Are you saying I'm a pussy, Y/N?" He retorts back, giving her a slight smirk. "I wanted to know if you're coming to the party tonight at Bryce's."
"Yeah, I'll be there. For some reason, Jess and Hannah are actually pretty excited for it so they're forcing me and Clay to go. They've even roped T into going too somehow." Rolling her eyes, she smiles up at the boy.
"Glad to hear it. I'll see you later then." He winks at her and starts to walk away when he shouts back with a mischievous glint in his eye. "AND WEAR SOMETHING SEXY!"
She laughs loudly as she finally gets to Tony's car and climbs in, throwing her back on to the back seat and heading home ready to start preparing for the party later that night.
Throughout their interaction, Zach watched the whole thing from his spot in the parking lot next to his car with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw. His fists balled up so tightly by his sides that his knuckles turned a ghostly white. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. Jeff knew of his not so little crush on Y/N and wanted to know what he was playing at. hell, he encouraged him to ask you out most of the time.
One way or another, he was finally going to ask you out tonight at the party. 'Before someone else does first', he thought bitterly to himself.
Y/N gives herself a final once over in her full body length mirror, admiring her outfits that accentuates her features perfectly without being to revealing and uncomfortable. She beams at the handy work of her hair that works beautifully with her outfit for the night. With a pleased smile and a nod of her head, she grabs her phone and heads downstairs to wait in the living room for Tony to finally pick her up.
As she waits on the sofa, viewing her friends snapchat stories, she notices a certain tall, dark haired basket ball player in the background of Monty's snap talking to who she deducts to be Jenny. She notes how blissfully happy he seems to be while Jenny grasps at his biceps, pushing her breasts up and towards his arm, obviously flirting immensely.
With a disheartened huff, she locks her phone and continues waiting for her friend in silence.
'I knew he didn't like me, she's obviously his type'. Her saddening thoughts consumed her mind until the familiar rumble of an engine snapped her out of her revere. She grabbed her phone, making sure she had everything she needed before heading out the door, locking it behind her and hopping into the car, NOT looking forward to watching her long time crush have a girl hang off his arm all night like the worlds most irritating koala ever.
Walking into the party, the music reverberated throughout the room, adding a thumping pressure on her chest. The music pounding loudly in her ears, she heads towards the kitchen, ready to have her first taste of alcohol that night, which will hopefully help her avoid him.
Upon entering the kitchen, Bryce, who was surrounded by a few other jocks, including Scott and Monty, took notice of Y/N and beckoned her over with a loud greeting and use of her name.
She looked up at the boy and gave him a small, sheepish smile. "Hey Walker." She may not like him greatly but she sees no harm in being civil as he did so too.
"Glad to see you came." He gave her a slight smirk, pulling his bottom lip in-between his teeth.
"Looking good Y/L/N!" Monty complimented loudly over the high volume of the music, giving you a once over with his eyes, looking you up and down. Scott seemingly doing the same.
"Uh, thanks guys." She flushes, more so from feeling uncomfortable under the stares of the jocks she had no interest in sticking around by. "I'm just gonna-uh-get a drink." She gives a tight lipped smile as she squeezes past and gains access to the beverages.
Finally finishing grabbing a drink, she makes haste towards the backyard where she assumes her friends would be. She unfortunately didn't find her friends and was greeted to the sight of a overly tipsy Zach playing beer pong with irritatingly loud Jenny cheering him on. Y/N rolls her eyes at the sight and speedily heads towards the opposite end of the yard.
Sighing, she sits on one of the few sun loungers surrounding the pool, starring sombrely into the amber liquid in her red solo cup. If the drink was a few shades darker, it would be like staring into his eyes, the eyes she wished would look at her filled with love and adoration.
Taking a big gulp, she chances a glance over towards where they had set up the game of beer pong, hoping to get a peek at the guy in question, although she didn't know whether she would like what she'd see.
To her surprise, Zach was already looking over in her direction with a sour face to match her mood. She quickly glanced back down, returning to glare and her drink in hand before taking another big gulp. She felt his gaze burn holes into her and she shifted uncomfortably.
Without so much as a warning, Zach had apparently made his way over without her noticing and sat down beside her on the sun lounger, startling her slightly.
"Hey." she greeted softly, fiddling with her nearly empty cup, basking in the awkward atmosphere, feeling the air surrounding them thick with tension.
"So, where's Jeff?" He questioned bitterly, causing her to furrow her eyebrows in confusion towards the boy sat beside her.
"What? Why would I know where Jeff is?" The confusion she's experiencing crystal clear in her tone of voice just as much as her expression, staring at the boy quizzically.
His jaw clenches slightly and he downs the rest of the liquid within his cup. Sighing heavily as he turns his body towards her, he has an unreadable expression on his own perfectly sculpted face, causing her to frown. "Because you're dating. Or are you messing with his feeling just like fucking mine." He snaps at her slightly. You open and close your mouth repeatedly, shocked by what you're hearing. Before you can ask what he means, he continues, slurring slightly from his consumption . "Yanno, I really like you, like really like you but you clearly just love messing guys around and fucking with their heads. First you lead me on, then you claw your way to Jeff. You've probably lead on half of the fucking school. You're just a bitch like the...rest..."
Zach trails off as he sees the tears building up and threaten to spill from your eyes at any second and he realises what he's done. He shakes his head vigorously with a sad expression upon his. "I-I-I didn't..I didn't mean that...I-I'm sorry..."
He kneels in front of her, taking Y/N's small hands into his larger ones and kisses her knuckles repeatedly, muttering apologies, so quietly that she barely hears them escape his mouth.
"Wh-uh-why wou-would you say tha-at?" She hiccups as she questions his hurtful words. She sniffles slightly and allows some of her tears to fall and roll down her cheek. The sight breaks Zach's heart and he berates himself in his head for hurting such a sweet and an amazing person. In truth, he knew she did nothing wrong but with his overthinking combined with his alcohol consumption, he couldn't help himself.
"I'm an idiot, I don't know, I am SOOOO sorry." He brings his hands up to cup her cheeks and wipe her tears away gently with the pads of his thumbs. "I've definitely ruined my chances now, huh?" He chuckles dryly, a lump forming in his throat.
She looks up at him shocked, cheeks stained with tears that slowly start to dry up. She sniffles and gives him and incredulous look, shaking her head. "You've got to be kidding me." She chuckles softly at his confused expression. "Do you know how long I've wanted to be with you. Jesus fucking Christ Zach. I thought you didn't like me so I sure as shit didn't make a move. I thought we were just friends with weird interactions and banter." She shakes her head, hiding her face in her hands as she lets out a small frustrated groan.
Zach removes her hands from her face and smiles up at her. "How could you seriously not realise that I like you? I made it way too painfully fucking obvious." He lets out a breathy laugh as he slowly moves closer to you. "You are so perfectly oblivious, you know that right?"
Y/N flushes a light pink as she giggles softly, slowly meeting him halfway, alternating between looing into his eyes and staring longingly at his lips.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asks, barely above a whisper, afraid that he would ruin the moment if his voice raised a decibel higher.
Without answering, she closes the gap, pushing her soft, plump lips on to his slightly chapped ones, savouring the moment between the two. She slowly moves her hands up and around to the back of his neck, playing with the hair on his nape as his left cupped her cheek and right gently held on to her waist.
Cheering and wolf whistles sounded not too far to the side of them near the house. Breaking apart slightly, the two saw a small gathering of their friends being over excited about their kiss. Y/N caught sight of Tony and he sent her a cheeky, sly wink. She giggled softly as Zach shook his head, trying to hide his beaming grin.
"Yeah! Get some Dempsey!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP BRYCE!" Everyone simultaneously shouted altogether, silencing the perverted party host.
Y/N and Zach go back to looking at each other, both of their eyes filled with adoration for the other sat in front of them. The share a cheek splitting grin before leaning in a sharing a final kiss before Zach stands up and extends his arm out, offering his hand to Y/N. "Come on m'lady, I think we need another drink."
_______________ . . . . . Okay, so I know this wasn't the best, I honestly didn't know where I was going with this. I'll probably be able to formulate a better story if I have an idea on what my story is actually going to be about lmao But seriously, if you've read this, then thank you. I'll be uploading as often as I can (when I'm not swamped with college work), and that means I'll slowly improve. I'd love to get some requests. I can work on them in my spare time and I think it'll be fun to see what others want.
Constructive criticism is gladly welcomed :D
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
Kissing headcanons w/Hinawa, Victor, & Maki
Warnings: nothing short of a little cussing
Genre: Fluff 
Gender: Neutral
A/N: I may or may not have enjoyed writing these a bit TOO much! Nonetheless I hope you enjoy these headcanons! 
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Hinawa is the type to have those kisses that leave your mind blank, heart fluttering, and lungs breathless
Each time he kisses you, he’ll wrap his arms around your whole body and hold you so close to his body that you’ll be able to feel his heartbeat (or at least that’s the sentiment behind him holding you so tightly) then he goes in for the kill
He also knows that his kisses will leave you weak in the knees so that’s why he holds you like that lol
What makes these kisses so effective in ko’ing you in (1) move is the fact that he chooses the times you’d least expect these types of kisses!
It could be when he’s going to separate from you before going to fight fires (which he kisses you like it’s the last time he’ll see your beautiful face)
It could be whenever you’re fresh out of the shower, or right before training
Or when you’re in the middle of rambling about your day
Like I know this man keeps his lips moisturized so expect to taste a little mint on his lips
This lowkey surprised you whenever you had first kissed him (you expected them to be a lil chapped lol)
You had known Hinawa for years of working in the military and specialized force together. From co-workers to comrades to ending up as lovers (although he did reject you a few times). It was all worth the hurt and pinning as you had finally gotten together with Hinawa (once he mustered the courage to finally ask you out after rejecting you). To say you were shocked that day was an understatement but we’ll save that story for another time. Now, you were happy to be with the man but….you guys had yet to kiss and you guys were 4 months deep in the relationship (granted you still kept to your duties).
This was something you were determined to change, so while you guys were cooking for the brigade you decided to lean over and give his cheek a little smooch. Ya know, as a job well done! However, Hinawa turned to talk to you and was met with your lips (homebody was pleasantly surprised). He pulled away after like 10 seconds tho lol
He hit you with a “This is inappropriate workplace behavior.” and walked away, but then came back and gave you a kiss on the corner of your lips (what a bastard)
He won’t be up for smooches in the workplace unless you’re either about to separate for the night or he’s completed a day’s work early (But everyone has to be asleep or away from the station!)
You could probably sneak a kiss in while you guys are cooking for the rest of the brigade
Or anytime you guys are alone, although he will tease you by acting oblivious to your advances (inappropriate behavior headass)
Just to show that every part of him is appreciated and that you’re behind him every step of the way
Did I mention that even his pecks will leave your heart flipping as if it’s competing for Gold in the gymnastics Olympics? No? Well you’re gonna hear about it
He pecks to show you a little appreciation
Think of his pecks like little hearts!
If you’re ticklish, his pecks will definitely have you giggling a little
His kisses are smooth like whiskey in a way that he goes straight for the kill and you can still feel his lips on yours a while after kissing him
It would be up to you if it’s a delicate little kiss or a rough passionate makeout session
His favorite place to kiss you is the corner of your lips, your collarbone, and the palm of your hands, (you cannot tell me otherwise!)
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He’s a mad scientist who only takes care of his BASIC hygiene
The type to always playfully back away whenever you try to kiss him then when you get annoyed he’ll give you smooches
“What?? Is that all you wanted (n/n)? All you had to was say so! Now look at you, all mad with no kisses”
Take away his kisses since he got a slick ass mouth
He’ll literally tail you with a list of excuses as to why he needs your kisses to get a proper hypothesis done and conduct thorough research and then he needs them as motivation to go test his theories
Like aight, damn here are your kisses you big goof
I’m not saying you should run your hands through his hair when you kiss him but that’s exactly what I’m saying
In fact, kiss his throat to let him know that he’s always welcome to speak his mind but then kiss his lips so you can shut him up
He’ll kiss your hands (as dramatically as possible), then he’ll pull you in...wrap an arm around your waist….and kiss you.
He’ll flick your forehead after kissing you as well
Another way he likes to kiss you is by keeping both hands in his pocket and leaning over to kiss you (mans be tall)
Or when you’re sitting in his lap as he rants about his research
This man loves some tongue action
Like you could give him a peck but he’ll whine about you ‘not kissing him right’ then pull you in for a makeout session
Occasionally you’ll feel him put his hand on your cheek….or the other cheeks
He’ll grab said cheeks too if the kiss gets heated
Like that’s y’all’s first kiss went lol
Observing Victor in his natural habitat of an organized mess filled with nothing but notes from his research always amused you. It was the only place you could see the brunette become so excited and display such passion towards his goal. You usually just examined him from afar, but today was different. Today he was actively discussing his research with you and the results he got from it. No longer were you in the background, this time you were at the forefront. Which incidentally was how you occupied his thoughts. It didn’t take too long (but it certainly took a while) for the both of you to connect the dots to a complicated puzzle that was related to his goal. “Do you know what this means (f/n)?” “I do, but I’m going to play dumb so I can listen to you explain it with that sexy brain of yours” and right after those words left your lips they were swallowed up by Victor’s lips. A kiss so fiery and intense had you wishing to be burned.
Victor will 100% kiss you after getting satisfactory results from either seeing his theories be correct or he finds new clues
He gets handsy with these kisses
You guys have kissed in the shower (y’all know he be thinkin HEAVY in the shower)
Depending on his mood you’ll get fiery kisses that make you think he is an ability user but for the most part, his kisses are pretty lazy
He adores lazy mornings where he can wake up to you kissing him all over his face (those feathery light kisses)
He’ll also tug on your bottom lip after a kiss and then complain about how he’s oh so hungry (take it as you will)
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        MAKI OZE
Flustered baby is flustered
Anytime you lean in to give her a smooch she gets so red (omg please call her your little strawberry)
Surprise kisses will fluster her to no end!!
She’s always so hesitant to kiss you because she doesn’t wanna mess it up
Nevertheless, her kisses are filled with nothing but adoration and love
Once she gets into the kiss is whenever she gets bolder
After you guys are finished kissing she’ll hide her face in your chest and let out the cutest little whine
This is completely different from when she gets huffy or full of passion
Expect these kisses after fighting a fire, when she’s finished training, after dinner with her family, when she gets jealous, when she gets the hang of controlling her little fire sprites..
She’ll even try to surprise kiss you! (She’ll still get shy riiiight before kissing you)
Did I mention she loves kissing you? Well, she does!
Her favorite places to smooch you are definitely your neck and cheeks (That way she can easily hide her face)
YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO KISS HER CHEEKS AND HER NOSE (I made the rules and you have to follow them, you’re on my blog!!)
She’s the type to kiss your fingertips during a moment of high intensity and she doesn’t know if you guys will make it out alive. Moreover, when she can’t properly convey all of her emotions so she kisses your fingertips while closing her eyes in a moment of serenity then she looks into your eyes with such intensity and--
Thankfully your first kiss together wasn’t during such a life-threatening moment but it was definitely after training the rugra--I mean Shinra and Authur
Walking through the fire station always calmed you down, however, your mind was all over the place with worry! You couldn’t seem to find Maki, despite texting and calling her phone. You knew she had to be at the fire station or else she would’ve been with you celebrating your 2 months anniversary! Hearing the sounds of your girlfriend shouting and the grunts of pain following after gave you your answer. Well--at least you were right in some aspects. Walking towards the noise, you were met with Maki standing over the two newbies. Seeing her in all her glory made your heart go into palpitations. Once Maki noticed you she started making her way to you with a loving glow in her eyes. “Oh! (F/N)! What are you doing here?” you didn’t even have it in you to answer her as you leaped into her arms. Giving a quick peck to her cheek then one on her lips you huffed in satisfaction at her expression “Happy 2 months silly!”
Safe to say you guys had a lovely day and she kept asking for kisses  
Her lips always taste like some sort of fruit from her chapstick
She also likes kissing your cheek while you guys swing your hands back and forth
When baby is upset give her some forehead kisses (It’ll help her calm down)
She likes to have her kisses be short and sweet but sometimes she’ll let her lips ghost over yours after a makeout session (what a tease) 
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Anchor in the Waves- Epilogue
Here it is, lovelies! The final part! 
A huge thank you to everyone who has read/commented/liked. Y’all are the best! 
No real warnings, fluff mostly and a little bit of *cough* sexy times *cough*
As always, translations are via google. 
Tag List: @happyveday @evelynshelby
Anchor in the Waves Masterlist
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 Aine smiled, shaking her head as she heard Finan's voice. Immediately, she followed the small parade of people making their way towards the dock to greet the Lord of Coccham and his warriors. She noticed her friend up ahead and headed over to stand next to Gisela, baby Stiorra in her arms. 
 The Lady of Coccham (even if Aine only called her in good humor) smirked, bouncing her young daughter. "There goes our peace and quiet."
 Aine laughed, watching the boat being tied to the dock and men jumping off. "I suppose it is a good thing we like them."
 "Mmm...most days." Gisela commented dryly, before moving closer to both greet her husband and wrangle her toddler. 
 The Irishwoman stayed back, observing the greetings and the breath of life that came with the men's return. They had been gone over a month this time, fighting rogue Danes on Wessex's border. However much she and Gisela teased one another about the men being gone, thanking the gods for a respite from them...Coccham did not feel like home until they returned. 
 She nodded at the warriors who passed her, making their way into the village. Some were attacked by children leaping into their arms or family members looking them over for injuries. It warmed her heart to witness the scene before her. How this small village had become a home for the many who lived here, filled with laughter, love and hope. It was a place for both Dane and Saxon...something Wessex desperately needed...with a couple Irish thrown in to make it interesting.  
 The first to approach her was Osferth, his boyish grin making her smile. "Welcome back."
 "It's good to be back." He accepted her hug, only blushing slightly at the show of affection. It had taken a few months before he would not turn red as a tomato when she hugged him. He was a younger brother to her. Even though he would deny it with all the breath in his lungs, she knew he enjoyed the special treatment she gave him, always making sure he had extra food and taking care of his sewing. 
 "Food is on the table in the Main Hall." She released him, looking over him quickly and relieved when she saw no injuries or dried blood. "Better hurry up before the others get there."
 He did not need to be told twice.   
 Sihtric found her next. Before she could stop him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, making her squeal. "Aine!" He cried out. 
 "Put me down, you crazy Dane!" She gripped his shoulders, terrified he was going to drop her. He set her down, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Soon as she was on her feet and stable, she punched his shoulder. “What was that for?”
 “Can I not be excited to see you?”
 Smoothing down her red dress, she rolled her eyes but the fond smile gave away her true feelings. "Go on, food is on the table."
 "You are a gift from the gods themselves!" He busted a loud kiss on her cheek, completely surprising her.  
 "Oi! Sihtric! Hands off my woman!!" Finan yelled. He stood on the dock, arms crossed, having been talking to one of the village men who managed the small boats in Coccham. 
 "She has chosen a new path and will be my woman now!" Sihtric wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. "She said you smell like a pig more often than a man and cannot stand your stench any longer!"
 She swatted at Sihtric's chest, unable to suppress her laughter both due to the Dane's complete shit-eating grin and Finan's aghast look. Part of her wondered if Sihtric was drunk since he was usually so reserved in front of the others. All she could figure was there some teasing going on that she did not know the full story of. Although she had no problems playing along. In all the times Finan was pulled away to help Uhtred with whatever King Alfred needed him for, Sihtric and Aine had no problems creating their own amusement with the mischief they caused. Of course, they never got caught since no one would expect it from the two of them. 
 "Sihtric!" Uhtred called over, his arm around his own wife. "You have my approval, though that whore in Wintanceaster you are so fond of will be most upset to no longer receive your silver."
 "Go on." Aine pressed a quick kiss to Sihtric's cheek, hearing Finan's shout in the background. "Osferth is already eating, I am sure."
 As Uhtred and his little family walked towards her, she bowed her head slightly. "Welcome back, my lord."
 He stepped over to give her a hug. His hugs were always so warm and all-encompassing. Just like everything Uhtred did, he did with his whole heart, including his hugs. "Thank you, Aine. It brings me joy to know you are here to watch over my family while I am gone."
 "I consider Gisela a sister and your children as my own family."
 Blue eyes flashing as he beamed at her. "That pleases me greatly."
 She watched the little family head back towards the main hall for a lingering moment, happiness filling her at the sight of the love and family Uhtred now had. He was such a different man from when they first met. So much had changed over the years but most for the better. What had once been a broken man, now stood tall and strong. It brought her joy to witness. 
 A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her back against a broad chest. "And what of me?"
 She opened her mouth to reply then almost gagged as her nostrils were assaulted. Pushing out of his embrace, she turned to examine Finan keeping him at arm's length. "Ya smell."
 "Oh? No affection for me? Your beloved husband."
 "I will once ya don't smell like shit…" She paused, eyeing him warily. "Why do ya smell like shit and no one else?"
 He sighed, sending a glare towards the main hall. "Let's just say Sihtric's a right bastard, aye?"
 She bit her bottom lip, trying to keep a neutral face. He looked so forlorn, she wanted to wrap him in an embrace but not with the foul stench radiating off him. “Ya need to wash before eatin'."
 "But I'm hungry and tired." He whined, taking a step closer to her, hands reaching out to grab hold of her.  
 She jumped back as he tried to move closer, batting his grabbing hands away. "Too bad. Go wash or Osferth will eat it all. Lord knows where that child packs all the food away. He eats like a horse."
 "Mmm…" He placed his hands on her hips, a gleam in his eyes. "Not even a kiss for ya husband to welcome him home? To give me the strength to continue? Tis such a long walk back to the river, but with a kiss..."
 She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. With a huff, she conceded, knowing he would be relentless if she did not give him some kind of affection. Rising onto her toes, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Now, go ba...ah!" Before she could settle back on her feet, he easily lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Finan!" 
 "Ya husband requires help, and it’s ya duty as a lovin', loyal wife to help in whatever I need."
 “Is é sin do bharúil. Is féidir leat folctha a dhéanamh duit féin.” She pounded with her fist on his back, but he only laughed. (That is what you think. You can bath yourself.)
 "Fíor. Náire áfach. Anois, is cosúil go mbraitheann tú boladh agus go dteastaíonn folctha uait freisin." He swatted her arse cheerfully, making her yelp. (True. Shame though. Now, it seems you smell and require a bath also.)
 She tried to wriggle away, only causing him to laugh and swat her arse again. Grumbling, she eventually gave up as he walked towards the secluded spot in the river reserved for bathing. She had no intentions of getting in the water. No matter what he said or did. 
 At the riverside, he gently set her down, grabbing her upper arms as she wobbled slightly. 
 "I've no need a bath. Ya get in there. I'll stay with ya since I'm such a lovin' and loyal wife." She stepped away to plop down on grass nearby, smoothing her red dress down. Unconsciously, she ran her fingers through her long, brown hair that hung loosely down her back, staring at the river. 
 Unable to remove his gaze from her, he watched, a contentment filling his soul at the simplicity of the moment. His woman… his beautiful wife waiting for him as he bathed so they could return to their home together. Though he would much prefer for her to join him. It had been years since they first met in Islond, yet he found her only becoming more beautiful with each passing year. 
 Over that time, he had also fallen more in love with her as different facets of her appeared, now free of slavery. She had a quick wit and sarcastic streak he loved to witness. She was always going out of her way to help others, particularly the mothers and children in Coccham. In the quiet moments, there was usually some kind of knitting or sewing in her hands, saying it helped calm her mind. He knew she loved giving gifts though, seeing people's faces light up when she gave them something for no reason other than she wanted to. Behind the closed door of their home though, she was a temptress that he wholeheartedly would sell his soul to. With just a look or wink, she could drive him wild. Many a time he threatened to lock them in their cottage and not come out for three days if she continued to tease him so. 
 The time he was forced to spend away from her side, fighting for Uhtred and King Alfred, killed him but it gave him another reason to fight better and harder. She waited in their home for his return...and there was nothing he would not do to keep her safe. He would move mountains for her. Even years later, the promise he gave still held as true now as then. He wanted her safe and happy.
 "Are ya goin' get in the water or just stare at me?" She leaned back on her elbows, hair dancing around her as she watched him. 
 A lazy smirk grew on his face as he slowly and carefully began removing his armor. He dropped each piece into a small pile next to his feet, keeping his eyes on her the whole time. She just watched, a small, coy smile on her lips. Next, he took his time taking his clothes off, unable to suppress his bodily response as he noticed her eyes roaming over his body greedily. There was no shame in his nakedness before her. Even the scars he loathed from his time as a slave, the whip marks and scars on his hands from the oar, he hardly noticed when alone with her. On more than one occasion, she kissed those hateful scars away, reminding him he survived and they only showed the strength within him.   
 "Ya sure ya don't want to join me?" He teased once more, purposefully placing his hands on his hips. Where her eyes seemed to linger did not go unnoticed by him. If anything, it made him ache for her more. 
 "Mmm...if we both get in that water, it'll be next year before we leave."
 "I do not see a problem with that."
 She laughed while giving him a shooing motion. 
 Naked as the day he was born, he finally stepped into the water. The chill shot through his body but it felt pleasant, refreshing. Finally stopping at his waist, he submerged himself. Weeks’ worth of filth seeped into the water around him. He scrubbed his hands through his hair, cleaning the grime from it. For a long moment, he lingered there, allowing the absolute silence of the river around him to drown out the thoughts and noise from the past month of hard fighting. He returned home, everyone he cared for was safe. The worry and fear glided off his shoulders, dissipating into the water. He was home.
 Rising, he shook his head like a dog, the water spraying around him. When he opened his eyes, he expected to see Aine still on the grass laughing at his antics and prepared to tease him. 
 Instead she stood just out of arm's reach in the water. 
 He smugly grinned, reaching his hands out towards her. "Could not resist me, huh?"
 Rolling her eyes, she stepped closer, placing a hand over his heart. His hands automatically moved to her hips, pulling her closer. He opened his mouth to further tease her but caught the words on his tongue. Her eyes seemed distant as she stared at her hand on his chest, biting her bottom lip. 
 "Cad é, mo grá?” He trailed a hand up and down her bare back, waiting for her to speak. He knew from experience it did no good to pressure her, so he continued to gaze at her, touch her and find happiness in her presence. (What is it, my love?)
 After several tense moments she finally whispered, not meeting his eyes. "An bhfuil tú sásta anseo?" (Are you happy here?)
 "Cad?" (What?)
 "An bhfuil tú sásta anseo ... i Coccham? Le mise? An bhfuil tú sásta?" (Are you happy here...in Coccham? With me? Are you happy?)
 "Cad a thug air seo?" He tipped her chin up to look into her face, looking into those bronze eyes he adored. (What brought this on?)
 "Bhí mé ag smaoineamh ar Éirinn agus tú imithe." (I was thinking about Irland while you were gone.)
 Ah. He waited for her, mixed feelings swirling within him. They had shared their pasts with one another about their lives in Irland before slavery. He had been so terrified to tell her of who he was there, what he had done. Yet instead of holding his past actions against him, she just kissed the tip of his nose and told him she would not be cleaning up his messes around their home, even if he was a prince. At that moment, he was unsure if he could ever love her more.
 "Ar mhaith leat riamh dul ar ais?" She asked, looking across the river. Something she had never asked before, after hearing his story. (Do you ever want to go back?)
 He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck for a second. This was not an easy question to answer and he appreciated her silence, letting him find his answer. Cupping her cheek, he tilted her face back up to meet her eyes. "Tá áiteanna ann a chailleann mé ansin, aye. Beidh Éirinn i mo chuid fola i gcónaí ... ach ní hé mo theach é a thuilleadh. Tá m’áit anseo. Le Uhtred ... agus Sihtric ... agus an manach leanbh. Agus tusa. Níor mhaith liom riamh a bheith gan tú. " (There are places I miss there, aye. Irland will always be in my blood...but it's no longer my home. My place is here. With Uhtred...and Sihtric...and the baby monk. And you. I never wish to be without you.)
 They pressed their foreheads together, eyes closed as they allowed the waves of memories from their past to crash over them for the briefest of minutes. The water from the river lapped against their bodies. The sunshine warmed their exposed skin. He ran a hand through her long hair, knowing she loved the sensation. They stayed that way for several minutes, just being with one another, no words needing to be spoken, born from familiarity and contentment. 
 "Ar mhaith leat filleadh ar Éirinn?" He ventured. (Do you want to return to Irland?)
 "Is tú mo bhaile. Sílim go raibh a fhios agam ar bhealach éigin nuair a chonaic mé tú i ndáiríre den chéad uair. Tháinig tú i mo dhóchas, i mo ancaire ... agus tá tú fós." (You are my home. I think I somehow knew that when I first truly saw you. You became my hope, my anchor...and you still are.)
 When she smiled at him, he pressed his lips to hers, overwhelmed by her statement. Soon what meant to be a reassuring, tender kiss became more. Hands roamed. Tongues clashed. Bodies pressed so close, water could not even find a way between them. He scooped her up, making her giggle as her legs wrapped around his waist and his hands on her arse. A fire built within him, her touch scorching him but he did not care. If anything, he wanted more. Finally, their lips broke apart, both of them breathing heavy. He wasted no time as his mouth trailed kisses along her jawline and down her throat. 
 "Finan…" She moaned, hands tangled in his hair. She tipped her head to the side so he had better access to her neck. "You are not humping me out here."
 "Why?" He asked between kisses. "This seems like a perfect spot."
 "Anyone could come by."
 "No one will come by, now shhh...let me worship you." Dropping his head to her chest, he traced her collarbones with his tongue. The whine it elicited from her made him rock hard just at the sound. 
 "No, oh Christ! Finan…"
 He chuckled, his tongue trailing downward. Shifting her slightly so she was at the perfect height, he kissed the valley between her breasts. He groaned when she tugged on his hair. A soft mantra of his name spilled from her lips, one of his favorite sounds. He tucked his head down, ready to lavish affections onto her breasts until she begged him to fill her. He squeezed her arse, making her rise slightly at the sensation, timing it so he opened his mouth and just about….
 "FINAN! AINE! Lord Uhtred needs you both at...AAAHHHH!!" 
 Aine laughed loudly as she pressed a quick kiss to Finan's cheek. Then slippery as an eel, she slid out of his arms and swatted away his hands, desperate to pull her back. "We are coming, Osferth, thank you." She called out, taking a step towards the bank. 
 "No, we are not!" Finan yelled, knowing that Osferth was most likely racing back, red-faced and stuttering. "Tell Uhtred we are busy and…"
 She interrupted his outburst by splashing him as he tried to snake an arm around her waist. "Finan, your lord needs you. You cannot say no."
 "I am certain he would understand why." He grumbled, pulling her against his body. He began peppering her shoulder with kisses as his hands went to where his lips should have been right now. 
 "Níos déanaí, mo ghrá ..." She batted his hands away, slipping from him once more. (Later, my love…)
 His eyes narrowed as he stalked closer, matching her retreating steps. That same hot blood still coursed through her veins as his own if her rosy cheeks and pupils that resembled full moons said anything. Though, as they moved closer to the bank, the water's height lessened around their bodies. The view it gave him was something he certainly did not mind. She was glorious in her nakedness, completely unashamed before him. He wondered if she would allow a quick romp in the grass...to help them dry off, of course.  
 Somehow reading his mind, she stopped and pressed a single finger to his lips as they almost reached the bank. "If you behave, we can play a game."
 "A game? Like what?"
 Her finger trailed down his lips, down his chest and stomach to his manhood, giving it a quick pump that caused him to groan aloud. "Guess you will have to be good to find out." She released him with a flirtatious wink and stepped out of the water. 
 "Woman! You cannot tease me like this!"
 She blew him a kiss, wringing out her brown locks and giggling. 
 He just stood there admiring her. Through all the shite he had lived through and pain he endured, she was the treasure at the end of the rainbow. He thanked God daily for bringing her into his life. Even after meeting her in Islond, she continued to save him, be his peace, his support and his joy. He loved her. There was no question about that. There was no one else he wanted by his side, in his bed or holding his heart. She meant everything to him. But the part that still astounded him daily; he knew she reciprocated those same feelings and sentiments. 
 Who would have guessed that the worst time in his life, he would also find his salvation...the love of his life.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The Bard of Kaer Morhen pt.1/4
Summary: In which Geralt is not the first witcher that Jaskier meets. He's completely enthralled when a witcher saves his life whilst he was studying at Oxenfurt and makes it his life's work to change the world's opinion of witchers. Meanwhile Geralt is intrigued by the amorous bard that Eskel has befriended and sets out to find out more.
On AO3
Jaskier was sixteen the first time he met a witcher.
He was drunk off his face and fast asleep on a stone bench in Oxenfurt when he was woken up by a hand squeezing around his neck and lifting him into air. He still had some growing to do but he wasn’t short by any means and yet his legs dangled limply beneath him as he clawed at the calloused fingers that were cutting off his air supply.
“Fuck!” He choked out, he knew that he shouldn’t have listened to Valdo. They had a big exam coming up and the idiot knew that he could never beat Jaskier without sabotaging him.
He was dumped back onto the floor rather abruptly, his knees screaming at him as they hit the damp cobbled street. He looked up at his assailant with wide eyes and gasped.
A witcher.
It just has to be.
The man was incredibly well built, eyes glimmering amber in the light of the moon and a jagged scar etched into the pale skin of his face. On the man’s back were two swords, thankfully sheathed, although the witcher clearly could kill a man with just his bare hands should the mood hit him.
Jaskier should have been scared. He should have been fucking terrified.
In truth, he found the whole affair rather titillating.
He’d always been a bit weak in the knees for partners who could throw him about a bit and this glorious specimen of a man could certainly do that.
Jaskier gazed up at the witcher through his eye lashes and smiled his most seductive smile.
“Why, witcher, if you wanted me on my knees you could have just asked.” He purred in a low voice. He knew the effect was probably ruined by the fact he almost certainly looked like a mess following his night on the streets but Jaskier was a flirt by nature, he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity like this when it was easily presented.
The witcher, unfortunately, only laughed at him and pulled him to his feet. His grip was firm and strong on Jaskier’s arms. Jaskier pouted at the witcher’s laughter but wasn’t deterred.
Rather than letting himself be steadied as he was pulled to his feet, he fell towards the witcher’s chest. “My my.” He breathed as he felt the solid muscle under his fingers, hidden beneath layers of armour but still obvious beneath his touch. “Aren’t you strong, like a…” He stammered as words failed him. “sexy ox?”
The witcher snorted. “A sexy ox? Oxenfurt has really gone downhill since my last visit if that’s the shit they teach you these days, either that or you’re drunker than you smell.”
“Yeah. Well.” Jaskier mumbled.
“Get home, bard. It’s not safe on the streets stinking of booze.” The witcher artfully extracted himself from Jaskier’s arms.
“Care to escort me?” Jaskier winked.
The witcher rolled his eyes. “Persistent aren’t you?”
“For a handsome man such as yourself. Always.” Jaskier grinned.
The witcher shook his head. “I’ll take you home, bard, but I’m not bedding you. What are you, twelve?” He smirked.
Jaskier gaped and stammered back. “I am sixteen!”
“You’re a child.” The witcher pulled him along. “Where do you live?”
“At the university.” Jaskier grumbled. “I’m a student.” He paused. “How did you know I’m a bard?”
The witcher grinned. “You stink of resin and your fingers are covered in ink stains.”
Jaskier gazed in awe at his new friend. “That’s incredible!”
The witcher scoffed and punched Jaskier lightly in the arm. “You’re not bad, for a human. Come along, bard.”
The witcher, named Eskel as Jaskier eventually found out as he tried to lead the man the longest way back to his room at the university as possible, had been hired by one of his professors to kill a monster that was picking off drunk students at night. That was why Jaskier had been so rudely awoken from his drunken nap. Eskel had been trying to save him. A small part of Jaskier’s brain wondered whether the witcher had been intending to use him as bait for the monster but he seemed to genuinely care that Jaskier got back safely.
He also seemed surprised that Jaskier was being kind to him, that he was flirting so brazenly. Apparently not many people found Eskel to their liking which was honestly a crime. His eyes were like burning suns, his smile was gentle and warm like a hearth on a cold winter’s day, and he had a sharp wit that rivalled Jaskier’s.
All in all Jaskier was rather smitten but Eskel continued to reject his flirtations, such a damned shame. The witcher did, however, make up for it by telling him an incredible tale of one of his hunts, a fight against a succubus that turned into a long night of passionate love making.
Jaskier was hooked and itching for a quill so he could capture the tale in a ballad or epic poem, anything that would put Valdo’s work to shame.
Jaskier was devastated when they eventually came to a stop in front of his bedroom door.
He sighed. “Last chance, witcher?” He gave Eskel one last wink.
The man chuckled and shook his head. “Sorry to disappoint, bard.”
Jaskier sighed dramatically. “You break my heart, dear witcher. Tell you what come to my graduation at the end of the semester and heal my broken heart with more tales of your witchering. I have a feeling there are many more ballads in you yet! I’ll even give you a cut of the profits!”
Eskel considered it for a moment and then nodded. “Throw in a bath and a hot meal and you’ve got yourself a deal bard.”
Jaskier smirked. “What about a bed for the night?”
The witcher cuffed him over the back of the head. “You’re incorrigible.”
“I’d like to think of it more as charmingly irresistible.” Jaskier purred jestingly at this point he wasn’t seriously flirting with the witcher. He knew a lost cause when he saw one but it was fun to flirt and Eskel humoured him.
“Incorrigible.” Eskel insisted firmly. “Sleep well, bard.”
And with that, Jaskier’s first witcher left his life for the first time.
Geralt finally felt his muscles relax as he knocked on the doors of Kaer Morhen. The cold was biting against the exposed skin of his cheeks even though his cloak was pulled tightly around his neck. Roach whinnied and stamped on the ground impatiently, butting him on the shoulder. He murmured soothing words under his breath as he stroked her mane. Until the great doors opened.
He was home.
At last.
The last few months had been bizarre. Geralt was used to the hatred of humanity. He was used the suspicious glares and the never-ending litany of insults that the humans threw his way. Every witcher that lasted long enough to go into a town was used to that. It had only gotten worse after Blaviken but he had only himself to blame. He should have known better than he let himself be backed into a corner like that in a place so crawling with humans. He’d never stood a chance. They would never have listened or understood the truth. It was his word against Stregobor’s
The bastard.
What Geralt wasn’t used to was the songs and poems that had begun to crop up around the Oxenfurt and slowly spreading into the wider area.
They told tales of monster hunts, of witchers acting like knights and heroes. It had certainly made it easier to get coin after a hunt in those areas but he just didn’t understand where it was coming from. He was hoping that one of his brothers would be able to illuminate the situation.
It turned out he wasn’t the only witcher that was confused by the sudden change in fortune. Lambert greeted him with a hug and immediately asked him what trouble he’d gotten himself into this time that had inspired such songs.
“If you’re asking whether I’ve fucked a succubus, Lambert, then you should know I don’t kiss and tell.” Geralt smirked. “At least not sober.”
“Well it wasn’t me!” Lambert defended himself.
All became clear when they shuffled into the dining hall to eat and began to catch each other up with their years on the path.
Eskel grinned as he stuffed his face with a bread roll that was the size of his head. “I got myself a bard!” He announced, spitting crumbs all over the table. “A human from Oxenfurt, picked him off the streets, drunk off his face when I was hunting in the town.”
Lambert choked on his ale. “You got a what now?”
“A bard.” Eskel thumped Lambert hard on his back.
“So it’s your fault.” Geralt noted. “With the songs and poems.”
Eskel nodded.
“You fucked a succubus?” Lambert cried earning a disapproving stare from Vesemir.
Eskel rolled his eyes. “Of course that’s what you got from this.”
“It’s made payment easier.” Geralt noted, kicking Lambert under the table and ignoring the redhead’s curses. “The songs. He’s not scared of us.”
Eskel grinned. “That’s the best part. It’s like he’s immune to fear when it comes to witchers. He even wanted to join me on an adventure.”
Vesemir scoffed. “A human bard on a witcher hunt. That’s a foolish idea, wolf”
“That’s why I left him behind but it wasn’t easy. Bloody fool is worse than ivy. He clings onto you and doesn’t let go. An outrageous flirt too.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows at Eskel. A human who openly flirted with a witcher was either a whore trying to trick the man into bed and then demand payment, or someone who bored and wanted to try something exotic.
Neither options were particularly ideal but that was life.
“I think he might be cursed.” Eskel suggested. “I’ve never known any human, let alone a man, to try so hard to seduce a witcher, and it was genuine! I could smell it on him.”
The witchers all shared an incredulous look. Lambert patted Eskel sympathetically on the back. “You sure you weren’t on Fissttech. First the succubus, second….” Lambert trailed off.
Eskel launched across the table and soon they were wrestling on the floor. After a year apart tensions were always high before they settled back into their routine for winter. Scraps like this were unavoidable much to Vesemir’s dismay. He barked at them to take it outside or save it for the training ground.
Geralt was too lost in thought to watch the fight between his brothers.
A human bard that had taken it upon himself to change the way the world viewed mutants like him. A human that wasn’t afraid of them. A human that genuinely wanted them around. He scoffed. It was impossible.
Wasn’t it?
But what if it wasn’t?
Geralt was content with his family in Kaer Morhen. During the winter months they could all relax and enjoy the comfort of being home. They didn’t have to watch their backs every second of the day and they could all indulge in the physical comfort they craved during the summer months.
The witcher mutations were fickle. Whilst it was true that it dampened most witchers’ emotions, unless the witcher was foolish enough to undergo further mutations, they heightened other instincts. This varied depending on which witcher school you attended. The bears were solitary witchers. They were brutal and efficient and raw power but they struggled to find humans that wouldn’t flee in terror. The griffin’s style was more acrobatic. They danced and flew through the air. They parried and dodged and pirouetted in aerial attacks that were lethal and precise but the mutations had some of the worst success rates and even those who survived were often damaged and didn’t heal as well as they other schools. The cats were similarly light on their feet. They attacked from the shadows. They were the assassins and the school that gave witchers a bad name.
The wolves didn’t like the cats very much.
Unless your name was Lambert, but then he’d always liked to find new ways to piss of Vesemir and fucking the enemy was apparently his new venture.
The wolves, Geralt’s school, were a family. In the beginning, before the siege and before humans had turned on the ones that were meant to protect them, the wolf witchers had travelled in packs. They were skilled and ferocious on their own, but they were unstoppable together. These days it just wasn’t practical and they were caught in crippling loneliness for the majority of the year. Geralt felt it more keenly than his brothers, the second dose of mutations fucking with his emotions more than most.
During winter the wolves would hug each whenever they ran into each other during the day, they would wrestle on the ground whenever the mood hit them and they could often be found in a pile by the fire after a long day of training and chores. Casual affection during winter was the key to survival during the rest of the year.
No human would every allow a witcher close enough not unless they were being paid and Geralt simply could not afford regularly visits to a brothel.  
But if there was really a human who wasn’t scared of witchers, that liked them even…
Geralt growled and stalked up to his room.
He wasn’t going to get his hopes up. Even if the bard did like most witchers, he would still hate the Butcher of Blaviken.
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fruitylibrarian · 3 years
quest of the spear live rewatch!
i already spewed my pre call to adventure flynn thoughts all over a text post but I would like to repeat: pre-canon flynn my beloved <3
yes he is a bit of a bastard but he just loves his books and he’s so genuinely just like. passionate and like…. Big? does that make sense? like i mean inside. not literally. bright
flynn’s mom is so fucking funny
and she’s Trying Her Best
you know one thing I don’t understand, I assume that flynn could afford to keep going to college because of like grants and scholarships since he’s all smart and like, even if his mom is well off, no one below the morally bankrupt millionaire line can pay for 22 degrees and not die of no-money-itis otherwise known as Starving
but like. why not become a professor or some other academia position?
you’d be incredibly overqualified and you’re a white dude, so while academia isn’t exactly bursting with new spaces to fill I’m sure you could find something???? and like. a professor in particular, while baby flynn might not be great at the connection part, seems like a natural progression to at least try for considering it keeps you in that comfort zone and familiar space just in a different albeit familiar role, and allows you to go on long lectures people can’t interrupt. and like, professors literally like, part of their job is research and to continue learning, so like. it seems like the natural choice for him to go for?
don’t get me wrong, baby flynn in particular might not be extremely well suited considering his lack of people skills, but plenty of professors are brilliant slightly odd smarties who give long, super engaging theatrical lectures (sounds like him!) but suck at one on one meetings and talking to people or may be accidentally insulting, but like, their class is genuinely interesting and they grade decently so like, I think he could get past that hurdle is what I’m saying
obviously he’d have to work at it and get the skills necessary but you know what that means? MORE SCHOOL, BABY! just in a different direction! like just? it seems like the obvious choice for his situation
ah yes!!! magic letter!!! it’s kind of funny they do this, it’s a great hook and way to make applicants go Uh Excuse Me and want to know more but also like, there’s no proof magic happened either?
although you’d think some people would get obsessive like let me tell you if i encountered real ass magic like that i wouldn’t stop until i had an answer
ah the Incredibly Long Interview Line. it’s kinda how funny how like. Not Special he is but at the same time he is?
“never been treated so badly in my entire life!” what did you say to him charlene
i’m sure he deserved it i just want to know
wait oh no i just realized
all these people are dead
every single one of them got murdered in the first episode of the series
jesus that’s dark
not gonna be able to stop thinking about that one huh
also love how it’s pretty evenly men and women
although it’s still mostly white
fuck that lady just left crying I know they’re doing this to turn up the drama but DAMN, charlene
god he almost gave up. remember the timeline episode where he never became the librarian? weird.
Gkjlfkgjhfglh Where Do You Think You’re Going? (weak gesture like “me?”) Yes You. Get In Here amazing how can she even see him she’s around the CORNER. camera? magical surveillance? why? just to freak people out? amazing.
i do so love charlene, it’s a shame she wasn’t in the show more
also she literally never explains shit. What Makes You Think You Can Be The Librarian he doesn’t even know what that means, charlene
He Doesn’t Even Have A Library Science Degree
oh wow he does actually have librarian qualifications lmao
why did i not remember that
DLKFGJDFG I did remember him sherlocking her tho
wait her MARRIAGE? to WHO?
i thought her and judson were a thing despite jenkins being into her or something?
also why does this qualify him to be The Librarian™ like oh he can sherlock? ok?
maybe it’s just bc he had the balls to do it
well, the sherlock thing is also not completely unhelpful it just doesn’t seem central to his skills, or at least, not the way he uses it (do we see him use it like this again? he usually applies more obscure knowledge then ye classic deduction sherlockian skills if I remember correctly which I may not because my brain is smooth)
judson is such a fucking drama queen
also why did he seem to think her sending everyone home meant he didn’t get it why would she stop all interviews because you fucked up
he just fucking walked out of a wall judson you are so dramatic
also warehouse 13 vibes huh. welcome to a world of endless wonder
I could do a whole fucking thesis on warehouse 13 and the librarians or—well that’s a whole other tangent
this interview was remarkably easy tho, it’s not like he wasn’t impressive but it wasn’t mindblowing either????? this coming from a big fan of flynn
the big shiny wonderous eyes as the library lights up……flynn my beloved
also his floofy hair ldkfgjdlkfgj
he’s like this is too good am I being prank’d
why the mona lisa?????iIs the mona lisa magic??? It only became famous because it got stolen why would it be magic??? Is this one of those we make it magic by believing it or some shit things???
Flynn Do Not Open The Random Box In The Library Of Incredibly Dangerous Artifacts
oh hello excalibur !!
oh rip flynn immediately being like “oh im not worthy, trust me” with 100 percent certainty im hurt oof
KSJFLGKDJGLKDJG THE APPLE “the apple from the garden of eden…….” *judson takes a bite* “actually I just left this here”
excalibur hello properly!!!!
judson is such a fucking DRAMA QUEEN he’s so casual!! and cal you too you slippery bitch!  
ah the jetpack.
DLFKGJDLKFGJ “it usually takes a new librarian four hours to find the jetpack. you did it in three! congratulations” love the implication that every librarian (at least since it was added to the library) has done this no matter how serious like the bad guy of this movie… *checks notes* edware wilde? jetpack. darrington dare, probably? jetpack. i like to think jenkins did it too (not technically a librarian, but you know)
flynn thinking of himself as embarrassing… ☹
part sweet, part funny, part rip
I don’t know what she was expecting when he said librarian tho like. originally he literally looked at shit for FRY COOk degrees don’t always mean shit you know
and librarian is up there with professor in Perfect Jobs For Flynn like what did you expect??? Like even if he’d become an archaeologist (a “cool” job) it’s not like that pays super well either as far as I know??
he was never going to be Traditionally Successful
he’s still the same person he still has the same strengths and passions of course he would go into academia and do something like librarian like????? her reaction saddens me.
just be happy for him!! look at him!!!
ok first of all even normal non magic librarians don’t just put books on shelves and that’s a condescending reduction of the job, and second of all, he is so happy!! he has a job, he’s taking responsibility, he’s meeting people, isn’t that enough??? isn’t that literally what you wanted??? even if it WERE what you think it is why couldn’t it just be a good first step??? like??? fuck??? you did been know that he was doing all those fancy degrees because he loved them not because they’d get him some super fancy job??? I mean egyptology is not the most profitable field you know this isn’t med school or whatever
flynn’s mom, visibly not proud and very upset: of course im proud of you!
ok im being a little unfair, she’s trying and clearly she’s been supportive of him, if not straight up enabling of him, but like this is clearly being presented as like. normal person who is normal forced to take care of freakish strange son who is so nerdy and strange and a loser and she is so tired of his shenanigans and all that WORK she put in and he’s NOT FANCY AND CHANGING TO CONFORM TO HER IDEALS OF A GOOD SUCCESSFUL SON/MAN?
and that’s just all very. sigh.
the snake brotherhood are such obnoxiously cheesy villainous villains they’re even called the snake brotherhood
also I think we’re supposed to recognize him as the previous librarian from the painting but if I didn’t already know that I for sure would not know that
smartass flynn is a smartass
I never got people bringing someone coffee to impress them unless they knew their order like there’s no way you know who she likes her coffee so you could so easily get it wrong—like even if you don’t know exactly how much sugar she wants, you could also just get it entirely wrong like assume she likes black coffee but she likes it super sweet, or vice versa, or whatever. it can go wrong so easily!
or she could go “I Hate A Kiss Ass”
she did take it anyway tho so.
ah i did forget (or just not actively think about) how much like… christian mythology there is in this show :/ I mean we did been knew (excalibur and arthurian legend are pretty important to the mythology)
not that christian mythology is inherently bad it just gets a) annoying, b) boring, and c) y’know, very western centric and all
but then trying to reconcile di—you know what that’s a tangent for another time
then again I do assume no one is going to read this
the library really does just throw new librarians into death and go “hope this is fine!” huh
did they just imply god is canon in the “the librarian” universe
you were so cryptic with the no one thing!! just say NOONE
he’s scribbling in his notebook and mumbling out loud what a mood and I love him. what a nerd
ldfkgjdlkjg god sexy jazz music and a breeze this is so dumb
I do hate the forced love interests in all these movies it’s always like Some Hot Girl Is There And They Get It On!
like he really had chemistry with eve and banter but here it kinda feels like that wish fulfilment and then the nerd gets the hot chick the end and im saying that as the nerd
it doesn’t help that each movie has a different one who immediately is dropped as if she never existed afterwards
maybe it’s not as bad as I remember but. sigh
my instant impression of her is to not like her sorry nicole :/
she’s just so rude? she’s like. hot (derogatory)
i get there’s gender politics here with like. she’s used to being treated like a piece of meat and generally like, why not reap the benefits when you are going to get the creeps too, but like, also she’s just so unnecessarily rude—I mean rejecting his clumsy flirting is one thing but you know—ok I won’t even get into that the point is I just don’t really like her that much even tho I don’t think she’s necessarily a bad person or anything you know
but to be fair I think she got better and I remember her being compelling in her return to the show
and like. I do like how the trend in this franchise is “smart little nerd librarian and badass lady guardian kicks ass” but I do wish that it turned around occasionally. we do get cassandra but like. more lady librarians
wow an air marshal? aren’t they rarely even on flights?
sorry im being nitpicky there for sure lmao. please delete the cinamasins ding my words probably summoned from your brain
I get why shoving him out was necessary but also Wow
Gjklhkjfgh imagine sitting next to some mumbling nerd the whole flight and then you see him fly past the windows
LFKGJDLKJDFG he brilliantly lowers our expectations then jumps without a chute! remarkable!
hilarious or commentary on men getting credit for womens’ competency? why not both
i really thought that she was going to be a lying liar the first time I watched this
ah naïve boy. “uh that’s against the law”
flynn’s greatest strength isn’t just his knowledge but his like. breadth of different topics, just like, passion for learning of any time, and like. the ability to not just know a lot of different things but cross-reference and apply them to each other and use them in tandem to understand a greater whole
and we love that for him!
ah flynn therapizing himself lmao
why would she take him going “this bridge is rotting and physically cant support our weight” as a challenge
or him being cowardly like THE STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS ARE ROTTING
ok i lied i like nicole i just don’t love their dynamic
i get what they’re going for i just. not my thing
like with eve there was still a clear mutual respect? i guess? idk
maybe it’s just because i’m more sensitive to mean banter? i don’t like mean banter, even when it’s like, def 100 percent well meaning and not mean spirited and no one is actually offended or hurt
although despite not liking their Thing I do a) think it’s very cute how he looks at her, b) their vibe as they start to get to know each other is Better, c) the end of the movie scene where she rides in for maximum drama? now that was good shit.
oh he’s sherlocking her in a shy attempt to impress her but it’s only going to piss her off, right?
oh she’s just sherlocking him back
KSGFJLDKFGJ LMAO “nerd” and that’s it. fair
Cutting Off His Head damn that’s hardcore
hmmmm cringe,
and more cringe
and cringe.
her waking up to him gone right after telling that story about waking up to her librarian gone and then killed—oof
love the serpent brotherhood lady being like wow!! he’s SO COMPETENT!! (cuts to him screaming)
do these ancient traps just have infinite arrows?
also I do love the whole waltzing across trope what can I say im a sucker
DFLKGLDKFGJLDKJG fucking CHUCKS SOMETHING AT IT and immediately where he would be standing is crushed by a huge rock amazing
he literally just chucked a rock at it and it fell over
ah the classic “let the hero get it for us” move
oh there he is! rip
why does he look like macpherson
not really but kind of
also contrast between the lady always being like “omg the librarian is so smart” and him assuming nicole is the one who did the smart thing
“your tears were perfect” how much more of an asshole can you get
They really could have played him as more sympathetic—“oh, we’re always around these powerful artifacts but we never use them for good! I had to do it, I was sick of sitting back and doing nothing” or like “all those years of danger and guarding powerful things and what good did it ever do me? what do I get for my service?” or anything but nah hes just like “mm power good babes. anyway I love sex and being mean”
to be fair flynn he was the librarian too—a real librarian? I mean yeah edward was corrupted and ultimately failed his duties but he had to have been qualified and actually got the job for a reason
flynn I know you think you sound badass but you really don’t
god not shangri-la again. everything the show did with that was. Bad. yikes
why is—god, I should really learn her name [checks notes] lana fangirling so much?
also following the lamia tradition of “serpent brotherhood second in command who is more interesting than the main evil white guy and also a pretty woc” huh
never got like “this is literally impossible” “well do it or I [generic bad guy threat]” like usually that means nothing lmao
LDFKGJLDKFJLDKFGJ ok first of all god is me? bitch?
second of all. me in english? on this fucking ancient very much not english thing? I mean I guess a) it might not be literal, even though he did say “m, e” by letters, b) it is a christian myth so maybe planted later??? but like?????
dude. giving the super powerful artifact to your prisoner? bad idea. if you’re worried about booby traps have a minion do it.
oh yes your gun is so scary in the face of a temple collapsing
why do heroes always think the whatever is safer with them than the temple that’s guarded it for a thousand years
I get it’s been discovered but like. fuck. still
You Are Going To Crash This Helicopter
flynn and judson…..wholesome
oh here comes more forced romance
just let them be friends who grow to mutually respect each other blease
it is very fucking funny that the mom is like ….. oh my god…. oh my god,,, a WOMAN AJUST ANSEWREDM Y SDONGS PHONE?????????OH MY GOFD?????
he is bisexual. but it’s good he’s getting out
ah floofy hair
Yes You Do Need Clothes
that’s a teleporter sir
god eddie wild is such a boring fucking villain and person
and his plan SUCKS
also the serpent brotherhood (why BROTHERhood?) sucks and hates the library why would they just let this guy, a librarian, literally be their new leader
wow he just stabbed a guy on his OWN TEAM for no reason
great going asshole
love how lana is just like…. O-O
we stan lana. she hasn’t done much and she’s technically a bad guy i just love her
“at last we can be one” what does that even mean
why would lana or any of them want to help him he just killed one of their own for no reason hes clearly tripping on power and leaving yall to die
lfkgjdlkfgj flynn dodging so hard while the others is fight and then PUNCHING A GUY
dfglkjdflgkj wait it’s the professor dude why is that so funny
is he WITH THEM??? I think I just missed something
hold on a sec
yeah I think he just appears??? And flynn just fucking broke his nose iconic
wait so was he with them or is he just here going WHY ARE THERE RANDOM PEOPLE IN MY PYRAMID????????????
oh right he built the—ok I got it
Wait what
I mean I did think lana was neat and she seemed impressed with flynn but what shes just like, in love with him now? that makes zero fucking sense why would she want them to Be Together
Is it just so there can be a catfight between the two hot chicks?
seriously tho? morally pure blonde blue eyed girl versus Evil Asian Chick? really?
for the record NOT THAT IT MATTERS but lana is way cuter im just saying
ah badass judson
oh………….pulling out excalibur…. predicable but so good
oh the painting….the very Parenty way of revealing it…… wholesome
oh did NOT like that transition
oh here comes the badass fucking entrance with his gf busting in on his mom trying to set him up with girls
I just love the mom’s face ldfkgjldfkgjdlkfgjdlkfjgd shes like WHAT THEGUFVCJK
again I don’t love the vibes of “oh my weird loser son is finally normal!” but to be fair im exaggerating a bit from just facial expressions it’s just. sigh
but ngl the vindication of him being able to be like. yeah that’s right im a badass now and my gf is cool as fuck is still good
him and nicole do have not terrible vibes at the end but if I remember correctly that mission (time travelling ninjas and hg wells’s time machine) is the one that separated them so rip I guess
overall: good movie! as cringe as I remember but I still love flynn so much
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 50
Angel and Cherri continued to sleep that way as evening approached with neither of them shifting from their positions.  Neither of them realized how tired they had been from their collective ordeals and enjoyed the opportunity to sleep comfortably.
Angel and Cherri slept like that until their captors came to check on them.
Doctor Red knocked on the door and called their names, but when he didn’t hear a response, he unlocked the door and swung it open.
When his eyes fell on the sleeping couple, Doctor Red could not hold back his delight.  
“Oh, how adorable!” Doctor Red squealed gleefully.  
Arackniss reached under his arm to grab the cart sitting next to the door and said, “Huh. They must be all tuckered out. Should we leave the food and let them be?”
“No, we cannot let Anthony get into the habit of sleeping his days away,” Doctor Red replied. “That is bad for his recovery.”
“Alright, then,” Arackniss replied, reaching for the light switch.  “Let’s wake them up then.”
“Just a moment,” Doctor Red said, wistfully taking out his phone and snapping photos of his sleeping patients.  “I want to marvel at the magnificent progress being made!”
Arackniss rolled his eyes, flicked on the lights, and said, “Anthony, wake up!  It’s time for dinner!”
Angel and Cherri began stirring at the smell of the food and the light in their eyes as Arackniss pushed the cart of food into the room.  
Cherri rolled off Angel’s stomach and pulled the blanket over her head.
Angel sat up in bed, stretched his arms, and asked, “What time is it?”
“It’s about 6,” Arackniss replied.  “You two have been sleeping all day.”
“Oh, yeah?” Angel said, letting his arms rest by his side.  “Cherri and I must have been really tired.”
“Indeed, you must have been,” Doctor Red replied.  “But now, it’s dinnertime, Anthony.”
“Oooooh!” Cherri squealed, finally bringing her head out from under the covers.  “It’s chow time again, Angie!  If this food is as good as the sandwiches were, we’re in for somethin’ good.”
“Hell yeah, we are!” Angel said, instinctively mirroring her enthusiasm and crawling to the other side of the bed.
Arackniss uncovered the tray of food to uncover the rotisserie chicken with a side of vegetables evenly portioned onto two plates for Angel and Cherri.
“Oh, that smells great,” Cherri said as she grabbed a blanket to cover her lap with, crawled over, and sat next to Angel as she had during lunch.  
Doctor Red picked up glasses and a pitcher of water from under the cart and placed the items on the top of the cart next to the food.
“What?  No wine?” Cherri whined.
“Oh, goodness, no!” Doctor Red exclaimed.  “Anthony’s resolve is not ready to be tested with alcohol.”
Just as Cherri opened her mouth to protest, Angel interjected, “It’s fine, doctor.  We really don’t mind.  Right, honey?”
Angel looked at Cherri with pleading eyes.
Cherri instantly understood and relented, “Yeah, don’t worry about it, doctor.  We can wait for wine until Angel’s good and ready.”
“Very good,” Doctor Red replied gleefully.  “I am truly pleased with all the progress you’ve made today, Anthony.”
“Thanks, doctor,” Angel replied with a warm smile.
“And because you’ve been making so much progress, your father said that you two would be allowed to walk in the garden after dinner.  Isn’t that great?” Doctor Red announced proudly.
“Oh, Doctor Red,” Angel gushed, holding his hands together for the full effect.  “That is great.  Thank you!  Thank you so much!”
Doctor Red and Angel smiled and chattered cheerfully while Arackniss simply observed from the door and said nothing.
Cherri then interrupted to ask, “Can Angel get a change of clothes?  That uniform is so depressing.  He needs something nice to go strolling in.”
Angel looked back at Cherri fearfully.
“Cherri, darling, I don’t know if the good doctor would want that…” Angel said nervously.
“Wait a moment, Anthony,” Doctor Red interrupted.  “You’ve been behaving so well today.  I don’t think new clothes are out of the question if you want them.  Would you like something else to wear?”
“If that’s not too much trouble,” Angel said shyly.  
“It shouldn’t be, Anthony,” Doctor Red replied comfortingly.
“Just let us talk to Dad,” Arackniss finally said.  
Angel flashed a warm smile and said, “Thanks, big brother.”
Arackniss studied Angel with his eyes for a moment before he simply nodded his head and walked away.
“We’ll be back for you two later,” Doctor Red said gleefully.  “Enjoy your meals.”
Then without another words, Doctor Red shut and locked the door again before racing after Arackniss.
“That was a close one,” Angel said with a sigh.  “I didn’t know they’d take your comment that well, Cher.  That scared me half to death.  You can’t make too many requests like that.”
“I didn’t think it was fair for you to have to wear that crappy uniform outside,” Cherri said. “I thought it was a gamble worth taking.”
“And I appreciate it,” Angel said anxiously gripping his arm.  “Just please be careful about doing anything like that.”
“Angie…” Cherri said in concern.
“Cherri, you don’t know them like I do,” Angel said looking at her and beginning to shake nervously.  “If you do something they don’t like, they could do something terrible to ya.  I can’t let that happen, Cher.  I just can’t.”
Cherri climbed over to Angel and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  She knew just what to do for situations like this.  She held him like that until his panic subsided, and he began taking deep breaths.
Once she was sure he had calmed down, Cherri let go of Angel and said, “It’s okay, Angie. Nothin’ happened this time.  I’m gonna be okay.  And I promise to be more careful in the future.  Alright?”
Angel looked at Cherri and nodded his head with a warm smile.
“Okay,” Cherri said, pepping up a bit more.  “Now, let’s eat this food before it gets any colder.”  
Cherri and Angel turned to the rotisserie chicken and vegetables which were thankfully still warm and ate their fill.
Once they were full, there was another knock on the door.
“Uh, come in,” Angel called back while Cherri hopped off the bed and went into the bathroom.
The door unlocked and opened, and Arackniss came walking in with a new set of clothes in his arms.  It was a pair of navy-blue pants, a white collared shirt, a black tie, black suspenders, a matching navy-blue coat to go with the outfit, a white fedora with a black band, and a black pair of shiny shoes.
“Oh, man,” Angel said with a gentle smile on his face as he reached over the cart and took the set of clothes from Arackniss.  “Are these really my clothes?”
“Yeah,” Arackniss said coolly.  “Do you like ‘em, little brother?”
“Oh, yes,” Angel said, nodding enthusiastically.  “I like them very much.  Thank you, Arackniss.”
Arackniss gave him a searching glance over, gave him a brief smile, and said, “Now, you two change into something presentable and bring yourselves outside when you’re done. Doctor Red and I will be waiting outside in the hallway.”
Arackniss then exited the room and shut the door behind him without locking it.
Angel looked down at the outfit he had given him and smiled.  The outfit didn’t look half bad.  He would’ve worn it without being prompted.  It really reminded him of the old days.
“Hey, Cher!” Angel called to his gal pal.  “Come look at these clothes my brother got me!”
“Just a minute, Angie,” Cherri called back.  “I’m using the bathroom.”
“Okay, hurry up!” Angel replied.  “We gotta get dressed for our garden walk.”
Angel then began getting dressed in the swanky clothes his brother had provided for him.
The toilet flushed, the sink ran, and Cherri came out of the bathroom in time to see Angel dressed to the nines in the new clothes his family had provided for him.
“Tell me, Cherri, my dear,” Angel said, posing dramatically with his blue coat hanging off his shoulder.  “What do you think?”
Cherri flashed her toothy smile and said, “You look sexy.”
“Why, thank ya, babe,” Angel said, making another dramatic pose.  “Now, my brother is waiting for us outside in the hallway with the good doctor, so we better find somethin’ for you, too.”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t wanna keep the bastards waiting,” Cherri said with a chuckle as she walked in front of the wardrobe and began searching through the outfits.  “Let’s see.  What would make your asshole of a brother jealous?”
Angel scoffed and said, “Just pick out whatever you like, babe.  Seeing you with me will make him more than jealous enough already. I’m gonna use the bathroom…”
Angel headed into the bathroom to do his business.  Once he was done, Angel took extra to spruce up his appearance.  He combed his hair, sprayed on cologne, and made sure he looked good without looking too good.  He couldn’t have his family suspecting anything after all.
When Angel was satisfied, he put on his blue coat and left the bathroom to see Cherri dressed in a sleeveless red dress that stopped just above her knees and matching red heels.
“What do ya think, Angie?” Cherri asked, striking a pose of her own.
Angel walked over, took Cherri’s hand in his, gave it a kiss, and said, “I think you look fucking hot.  Now, are you ready to give the ultimate performance for the good doctor and my family?”
“Never readier, Angel,” Cherri said, taking Angel’s arm in hers.  “Let’s go.”
Angel and Cherri then walked out of the room arm-in-arm to meet their captors in the hallway.
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First Date (Shane Madej x Reader Fluff Fic)
(the first of a few fanfics about Shane Madej) ((this is also posted on my Wattpad so don’t worry if you see it there as well))
You're busying yourself at your desk, burying yourself in your work. You're an artist and writer for Buzzfeed, a job that comes with a lot of hours but the pays good. Shane has noticed how stressed out you've been, deciding that today was the best time to pop the question that he's been pondering for a few months now.
He's stood in front of his desk, staring over at you, "C'mon Shane, it's simple. Plus, even if she does reject you, Y/n isn't the type to ruin a friendship over something like this." Shane continues shuffling his feet, Ryan looks at him laughing to himself. He's never seem Shane like this, it makes him feel kinda guilty for teasing him, "Look man, she likes you, it'll be fine. She needs the stress relief anyway." Ryan puts a reassuring hand on Shane's shoulder. Shane glances over his shoulder, down at Ryan, who gives him a kind smile. Shane gives a stern nod, turning to face your desk again, you still haven't noticed the boys. Shane begins walking over, becoming more scared by the moment.
As he finds himself finally placed beside your desk, you once again don't notice until you feel the tap on your shoulder. You look up to see Shane staring down at you, he gives you an awkward wave. You take your headphones off, wrapping them around your neck, "Oh, hi Shane! What's up?" You ask smiling at him tiredly. "Well, uh, the thing is... Um..." Shane stutters, trying to think of the right words. "I'm listening." You smile reassuringly. Shane closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath, "I've been contemplating on asking you this for awhile now and seeing how stressed and overwhelmed you've been I thought that it'd be nice for you to take a break. With me. On a date." Shane kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see your reaction. Little did he know that you were smiling widely, "Are you asking me out?"
    "Yes, but if you're too busy or don't want to, I get it." Shane says, turning his head away nervously. You're mentally screaming but decide to try be cool, "No! I'd love to, I need a break anyway." You say, rose tinted cheeks and a cheesy smile. Shane smiles widely, "Cool, great. What do you wanna do?" He asks cooly, seeming to have relaxed once you agreed. "I don't mind. Something lowkey and chill. Maybe we could just grab some McDonalds and relax in a park?" You suggest, not wanting him to panic trying to think of something really romantic. "Oh, you are romantic. I don't know if I can keep up." Shane jokes with you, "Well I'm glad to see that you've eased up." You laugh, Shane scoffs, "What do you mean 'eased up'? I am the epitome of ease and chill. I've been told I'm quite the charmer." He says this leaning against your desk with a big smirk on his face. You chuckle, shaking your head slowly, "Alright Prince Charming, go away and let me finish my work. I'll see you later." You giggle, looking back to your work. Shane walks off, giving himself a high-five. You both have the same goofy grins plastered to your faces the entire day, eagerly awaiting your date.
   You look yourself up and down one more time before deciding that you look presentable. You chose to wear a black and white striped crop-top, a pair of high wasted mom-jeans, some old warn down vans, white adidas socks and some fishnet elbow-length gloves. You also have a pair of small hoop earrings in, tying the whole outfit together. You smile at yourself, you look good. The jeans and crop helped show off your figure, your particularly small waist and wide hips. You smile once more, then hearing a knock at your door. You quickly run to the door, maybe a bit too excitedly, deciding on leaving your phone so that you have zero distractions from each other. You grab your wallet and keys, taking your jacket down from the coat hook.
    You open the door to Shane looking very handsome in a sweater, a plaid shirt and a big navy winter jacket. He also has his glasses on which isn't a usual occurrence but you love the way it looks with the outfit, making him look very sophisticated, "Looking very smart Mr Madej." You smile at him as he looks down at his outfit proudly, "Thank you. You look," He gulps slightly, looking your figure up and down, causing you to raise an eyebrow, "wow." You blush brightly, smiling softly, "Heh, thank you. I feel bad though, I feel like I underdressed." You say gesturing to Shane's clothes, as you begin walking to Shane's car. He runs ahead of you, opening the passenger side door, "No, you look great. Plus, by that logic, I could easily say that I'm overdressed." You thank him gently as you sit into the car, he closes the door behind him. He quickly runs over to the drivers side, you laugh as he enters, "Yunno what? Let's just agree that we're a pair of sexy bastards." You laugh. Shane gives you a look of fake offence as he turns on the car, "I don't appreciate being called a bastard, Ma'am." You chuckle at his statement, "Hey, at least I called you sexy." You state, shrugging your shoulders.
You two are having a great laugh when you are coming out of McDonalds, "I cannot believe your level of awkwardness, 'YoU ToO.'" Shane laughs at your antisocial behaviour, you wheeze as he continues to make jokes about your cringeyness. "In my," You wheeze, "In my defence, I was never taught how to socialise." You two continue laughing all the way to the car.
You and Shane bought a box of 20 nuggets and some curly fries to share, along with a large coke, "That smells so good." You sniff the bag of food deeply, you sigh deeply, "Hot damn..." Shane laughs, "Would you two like to be left alone?" He chuckles. "Yes actually, you're ruining my date Shane." You say in a fake accusatory tone. Shane wheezes at your reaction.
You guys made it to the park a little late, getting distracted a few tines on the way, especially when you saw a guy guy making balloon animals. The parks closed when you arrive, "Aw man." Shane frowns. "Nuh-uh. I'm not having this. Gimme a boost." You say ushering Shane over. He has your cold McDonalds in hand, "You're not serious." He looks at you with raised brows. You nod your head sternly. He shrugs his shoulders, putting your food on the ground. He walks to you, bending down and putting his head between your legs, taking a hold of your thighs, "What are you doing?" You laugh, then screaming as he lifts you into the air on his shoulders. He laughs, stumbling around trying to regain his balance, "Shane, Shane, stop, I'm going to cry." You laugh nervously, tears starting to form in your eyes as you grip onto his hair tightly, "Ow! It's fine, you're fine!" Shane laughs, walking closer to the gate so that you can hang on to something other than his hair. He soothes your thighs as you cling to the gate for dear life. "See? You're okay!" You wheeze as you begin to stand on Shane's shoulders, "You okay?" You ask, your legs shaking as Shane holds your ankles.
"I'm okay, go on." Shane says as you take a step over the fence onto the other side. You jump quickly, falling to your knees. Shane gasps, "Are you alright?" You jump up, wipe off your knees and give him the thumbs up. He smiles, picking up the food and passing it through a gap in the gate. Shane begins climbing up the gate, you cringe watching as he scales the fence, "Be careful Shane." You wince as he jumps off the top, landing on his feet unlike you. "You good?" You ask sweetly, "I'm alright, thank you." He smiles at you gently. "Alright! Let's go!" You grab his hand, running towards the playground. You end up chilling on the swing set, pushing yourselves backwards and forwards for awhile as you eat your McDonalds, drinking your coke. After finishing your food you and Shane play around in the park for a bit. You have so much fun, you fall off the merry-go-round, you sit on Shane's lap and ride down the slide together, Shane gets stuck in the toddlers swing while you almost piss yourself laughing at him and Shane helps you across the monkey-bars. After awhile you're both really tired.
Shane lays his jacket onto the ground and bows dramatically, "M'lady." You giggle, bowing back, "Why thank you, kind sir." You and he chuckle as you both lie down onto his jacket. You stare up into the colourful night sky, sighing at the gorgeous sight. "Wow. The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" You say, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. Shane smiles, looking at you as you look off dreamily. He chuckles at a sudden thought, "Not as beautiful as you." He smirks. You laugh at the sweet line, "You did not just say that. That is the cheesiest thing I think I've ever heard you say." You shake your head looking over to Shane. "Oh really? I can get cheesier. Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." Shane smiles widely, proud of the reaction you gave him as you wheeze. "How about, even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you." You wheeze even deeper, losing a lot of breath, "Oh my god!" You clutch your stomach. "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again." Shane laughs deeper seeing your reaction. You're crying as Shane continues his onslaught of terrible pick-up lines.
You wipe away your tears as you turn your head to look at Shane, who seems to have been staring at you. When you catch him, instead of blushing and turning away like he'd usually do, he smiles. He looks great in this setting, the pale white moons lights casted a beautiful shadow on his face. Shane just admired you from his position beside you, the way your hair fell, the way the light contrasts with your skin tone and the starry backdrop making your eyes glitter brightly. Shane's arms were open as his head was laid on top of his hands. You take this as an invitation to move toward him, resting your head on his chest, bringing one of your legs over his lap and hooking it around his legs slightly. Shane stiffens a bit, obviously not expecting you to do that.
He relaxes after awhile, bringing one of his arms out from under his head to your waist, massaging it gently as he pulls you closer to him. As he brings you closer to his side, he kisses your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a bit. You sigh, content. You stay this way for awhile, you really couldn't say how long. You just stay, enjoying each other's company, talking about life. You start leaving after realising the time was 1:39am and that you'd lost track through your countless conversations.
Once you'd both gotten over the fence unscathed, you walk hand-in-hand to his car. Like at the beginning of the night, Shane opens the car door for you, closing it once you're in. He starts driving you into the direction of your house, your hands still interlocked. You sigh happily. Shane walks you both to your door once you arrive back at your house, "I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you so much for this, I needed it." You rock your intertwined hands back and forth as Shane's thumb draws soft circles on the back of your hand. "Me too. I'm really glad you said yes." He says looking up from your hands. "I am too." You giggle quietly.
You smile cheekily up at him, "I look forward to our next date." Shane's eyes widen a bit at your statement, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Goodnight Shane." You get onto your tippy-toes, pecking him on the cheek. "Uh, goodnight to you too Y/n." Shane says, grinning giddily as you make your way into your house, taking your hand from his, much to your own dismay. Once you closed the door behind you, you jumped up and down happily, squealing.
Shane reaches his hand to his face, brushing his fingers along the spot where your lips met his cheek. He smiles widely, high-fiving himself as he dances goofily back to his car.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Joseph - Accent
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
For this one shot, Y/N is not american (and preferably not british either) I'm sorry for my brits and 'mericans out there, but hey, you get to be another nationality of your choice for today yaayy! Please enjoy~
New York City. What a beautiful yet cruel city to live in. Because of your own country's situation, your parents decided to send you to the United States of America to settle in more safely, saying they'll join you later eventually whenever they can.
Even if you were worried for your family and scared to be alone, you understood and tried your best to blend in and start a new life in America.
Luckily for you, you managed to find a little job and an appartment by yourself. You were a pretty charming person by nature and managed to become a barista at a local café in the city.
One day, the coffee shop was pretty calm and empty, so you took it upon yourself to take a break and make yourself a little beverage. Around the same time, a good looking, tall man with turquoise eyes barged in with a cheeky grin on his face. You greeted him with a huge smile, contaminated by his own.
"Hi there! Give me the strongest, blackest caffeinated-est coffee you can!" He said leaning on the counter. What a weird fellow.
"Right away, sir!" you said with a little chuckle and got to work. He was fun right off the bat.
"What are you laughing at? Do I have a funny face or something?" he said still grinning.
"Your smile is catching like the plague. Also, you do have a funny face." you laughed cutely.
"Whaaa- Hey! It was nice until that last piece of comment!" he tried to sound offended, but he secretely thought you were pretty endearing.
"Haha I'm just teasing~ you're very handsome." you handed him his coffee.
"Heh! I know, I hear that a lot." he cockily said as he took a seat at the counter after paying. You didn't have many customers, so you stayed with him, continuing your rather pleasing conversation.
"Huh, humble I see." you responded while giving him some sugar cubes. "Also, I didn't catch your name big guy."
Joseph blushed a bit at the nickname but played it cool.
"I'm Joseph Joestar, but you can call me, Worldwide Handsome or Mr. Hot Bod!" he added almost with stars sparkling in his smug eyes.
"Ehh, I'll just call you Jojo then!" you said amused, leaning over the counter with your chin resting on your hands.
"Oh nooooo!!! She's a tease!!" he dramatically screamed and you bursted into a fit of laughter that he found profusely charming.
Sometime passed and Joseph finished his coffee. He wanted to stay longer with you, but the day was advancing, and soon customers would swarm the place. As you took his cup away you called him out.
"By the way Jojo..." he looked at you in anticipation, "Where are you from? Your accent is very very sweet~"
Joseph's heart skipped a beat at your tone. How could someone be this cute and sexy at the same time? And without even trying!
'It's your voice that's sweet!' He screamed in his head, but answered as naturally as he could.
"I'm from here, but I was raised by my grandmother who's british, so I guess I took her accent." he responded honestly.
Your eyes softened on him. "Aw that's cute! Tell your grandma she did an amazing job!"
Joseph smiled. Erina was indeed the best. He wanted to ask you where you got your own accent but speaking of his grandmother reminded him of something important.
"WOAAAHH I FORGOT GRANDMA ERINA'S TEA PARTY HOLY SHIIIT I HAVE TO GO NOW!" He yelled in panick as he stormed out of the café.
You just stared at his sprinting figure in a light daze. "What a wholesome guy, he made my day."
Some days later, he came in the coffee shop earlier than last time, but when he arrived you were just taking your purse and got ready to leave. You almost bumped into him at the door.
"Oh! Isn't that my favourite Jojo?" you said pleasantly surprised.
"And the only Jojo there is!" he responded smugly "Anyway, were are you going like that? Aren't you working?"
"Oh, I worked the first shift today, I just finished." you replied and he nodded in understanding.
"Also, I'm pretty sure there are a looot of other Jojos out there! Maybe there are more Jojos even in your own family line!" you smirked while walking out the café alongside him.
"What? How can you even tell that? You witch!" he put his hands in a cross gesture as if to exorcise you and you slapped his hands away playfully.
"Anyway where are we even going right now, I'm following you." you said changing the subject.
"Huh? I don't know, I'm following you." He said nonchalantly.
"Pffftt let's just go eat something, I'm starving." you proposed and he couldn't deny.
"As long as you're paying, I'm in!"
"Wha- you hungry bastard!" you laughed at his greediness and he giggled and stuck his tongue out like a school girl.
You both went to a small diner and ate while conversing like you knew each other for years. You enjoyed each other's company a lot and discovered you two had a similar sense of humor and loved to tease each other. At one point Joseph was really wondering where your accent came from.
The way some words rolled off your tongue, your tones, and even the way you messed up some expressions and slurs, everything felt so exotic and almost mezmerizing to him.
Everytime he wanted to ask, he just lost himself again in the discussion or drowned in your clear laughter. He took advantage of a little moment of silence to finally ask.
"By the way Y/N-chan," you looked up at him in wonder. "You have an accent yourself, where are you from?"
You blushed a bit, embarassed and not expecting him to ask. You felt a bit self conscious about your accent and wondered if it was that noticable.
"Aah I... Actually I'm from (country)." you sheepishly avoided eye contact.
Joseph was surprised. You came from this far away by yourself? Again, he lost his train of thoughts as he looked at your current state. He thought you looked super cute when embarassed. He subconsciously grinned at your flushing face and you saw it, mistaking it for mockery.
"A-am I speaking weird?" you nervously laughed as you scratched your cheek.
"No no no, not at all, it's just super cute! Please never stop speaking like that, I love it~" He looked at you with such a handsome expression and such fondness in his eyes, your heart fluttered in your chest.
"Aah.. Thank you Jojo! Hah I must be blushing so hard, my face feels all warm." you put your hands over your cheeks to cool yourself down.
"Hehehe, yeah I know, it's me who's doing this to you, I'm just that hot." he leaned back, gliding a hand through his hair acting smug as always.
"Eeewwww get out of here with that douchey attitude!" you playfully took a paper towel, scrunched it into a ball and threw it at his face and he let out the funniest 'Ow' you've ever heard.
You were dying of laughter and wiping some tears out of your eyes as he growled at you.
"Hey (country) woman! Keep this on and I'll squish you to death with my big strong manly arms." he threatened.
"Oooh nooooo!!! Not the squish of death!! Anything but the squish! Whatever shall I do?!" You sarcastically said while mimicking his infamous 'oohh nooo!'.
After you finished eating, you both stayed many more hours to talk about yourselves. He was actually very curious of your home country and how it was back there. The language, the culture, the people and how you acustomed yourself to the U.S.
He felt empathetic about you being all alone in a foreign country, away from your entire family and friends. But he promised himself to be there for you. He didn't really know why he was so enticed with you, but he later on realized that it was because he fell in love with you the first moment he heard your voice.
Never in his life would he have imagined he would fall in love with a beautiful (country) girl.
After that, he went to his best friend Smokey and asked him to help him find books to teach him the basics of (your language). Although, and as expected, Joseph gave up after a few lessons and decided to only learn the sentences he needed to steal your heart.
He called you and set up a rendez-vous to meet up with him. He arrived and searched for you, all giddy and excited. When he found you he ran towards you and grabbed your shoulders, making you face him. You jumped in fright and looked at him confused and surprised at how suddenly he appeared.
"Hey Y/N, I have something to tell you! It's very very important!" he stared into your (e/c) eyes with confidence.
"O-okay, what is it?"
"I love you." he said softly in your mother tongue.
You paused for a second, processing what he just said. You were beyond impressed and also pleasantly surprised. Did he just...
"What...?! Jojo!! Who taught you that?" You put a hand over your mouth and looked at him in awe, your face turning red by the second.
He didn't say anything as he waited for your response. For a second you didn't know if he was serious or not, but the sincere look on his ocean eyes told you the answer.
"I- I don't know what to say Jojo..." You were overwhelmed at the sudden confession and at the fact that he went all the way to learn to confess in your language. "You're amazing..." You added softly.
He released you and started backing away, taking your lack of clear answer as a rejection, but you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a soft, longing kiss.
Joseph melted into the embrace in relief and wrapped his large arms protectively around you, bringing you even closer to his body. As you pulled away, you both stared at each other lovingly until he started smirking. Before you could question him he said.
"Your next line will be 'Jojo, why are you smirking like that?"
"Jojo, why are you smirking like that?... Huh???" you gasped as he actually guessed your next line, word for word. What kind of sorcery was this?
"Hehehe, don't worry my beautiful Y/N-chan, I will answer that question for you!" He pulled away and you stared at him amused. And he was back to his usual goofy self.
"I'm smirking because now that you're my girlfriend I can get couple-only discounts for this Spa that I really wanted to try. My back is sore from being this handsome~" He said rubbing the base of his neck.
"What??? You sketchy asshole! You only wanted a girlfriend for discounts! Well you know what? I need a husband for my citizenship papers, so c'mere" you started dragging him away by the arm.
"Wh-what ?? Husband??!! OH MY GOOOOODDD!!!" He screamed dramatically in the distance.
What a pair.
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salvejoon · 5 years
You Saying I Love You For The First Time
Kim Namjoon
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You kept stealing glances at Namjoon, sitting next to you in your car as he stuffed his face with the burger he'd ordered. You had wanted to take him out to a fancy restaurant since you hadn't been spending time together lately, both his schedule and your own causing problems but when he texted you that practice would drag out, you decided to go to the nearest fast food chain.
Neither of you cared just as long as you were together.
You couldn't help but to snicker as he met your eyes and he had some ketchup on his chin. Shaking your head at how cute he looked, you reached over and wiped it off with your thumb, putting it in your mouth after, licking it off.
He gave you a grateful smile as he resumed eating his burger. This man right here, this chaotic, smart, beautiful man was stuffing his face with food and all you could think about was how he made you feel.
You had fallen deeply in-love with him over the last couple of months and there was no doubt in your mind that he was the one for you.
"I love you." You suddenly blurted out, the words leaving your mouth before you even had time to think and he almost got a whiplash at how fast he raised his head.
Namjoon swallowed his food and opened his mouth, his eyes wide, "W-What did you say?"
Your cheeks flushed as you repeated your words, "I love you."
His burger fell out of his hands, down into it's paper container as he stared at you, "Please say something." You mumbled, beginning to fidget with your sleeves as you averted your eyes.
Then you felt his fingers gently grab your chin, turning your head to look at him and he leaned across, swiftly catching your lips. You leaned into the kiss, your eyes fluttering close as he deepened the kiss and you timidly met his tongue with yours.
"I love you." He murmured against your lips before kissing you again, "I love you." He repeated again and you smiled, feeling tears stinging your eyes.
Namjoon then leaned back and placed his forehead against yours, giving you that dimpled smile you adored, "I'm so in-love with you that I can't function without you." He said softly, his food laying forgotten on the floor of the car.
A tear trailed down your cheek and you sniffled, smiling as he wiped it away with his thumb, "Those are happy tears, I hope." He said.
"Of course they are, idiot."
Kim Seokjin
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You stood in the doorway to the kitchen, watching your handsome boyfriend softly humming along to the music playing as he cooked. You smiled to yourself as he dramatically took the spoon, using it as a microphone as he totally immersed himself in the song.
It was still early morning when you'd dropped by before you had to go to work and many of the members were still sleeping. The sun's rays entered the windows, casting him in a orange light, highlighting his features. He looked so fine standing there in an apron, spoon in his hand as he sang along.
"What have I done to deserve such an amazing boyfriend?" You asked softly, announcing your presence, walking over to him, gently placing a kiss on his cheek, "Not only is he handsome, hardworking and an amazing singer.. He also cooks."
Jin smiled at you as he put an arm around your midsection, drawing you closer, "It's quite a catch, I must say."
You chuckled and leaned into him, "His ego is a little bit too big at times."
"Amongst other things."
"And a pig too."
He laughed and leaned down to plant a kiss on your lips which you eagerly accepted, "And an amazing kisser." You sighed as the kiss ended briefly.
Jin, still holding onto you, stirred the stew he was making, "I know."
You hummed, your arms going around his waist as you hugged him, "So many reasons why I love you."
He stopped stirring and stared down at you, wide eyed, "You..."
You smiled up at him, "What? You didn't plan for me to fall in-love with you?" You asked teasingly.
A bright smile spread on his lips as he enveloped you in an embrace, "I did." He whispered against your ear, "And I love you too, princess."
"Jin." You said after a moment.
"Yes, my darling?"
"The stew is..."
"Oh shit."
Min Yoongi
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"Have you eaten anything today?" You asked and again, he nodded and hummed.
"Do you want me to get you a snack or something?"
"No thanks, babe."
You sighed and shook your head. It was clear he wasn't really paying attention to any word that you'd said.
"Want to hear about my day?" You asked, glaring at his back. Again, he just nodded and you began telling him about your day, "It was shit at work. Really. The printer was out of order, my boss was being an asshole and a coworker messed up the files for the upcoming event."
"That sounds fun, babe." He responded, his voice monotone.
"Then while I'm trying to fix the fucking printer, the nasty old bastard I've told you about, smacked my ass."
"Telling me that I asked for it because I was bending over."
"And you know what I did?"
"I slapped him and told him that I have a boyfriend, whom I love, that would break his fingers if he ever touched me again."
"That's good, babe. I'm glad that you - What?" Yoongi finally turned the chair around, facing you as his brain registered your words, "Did you say what I thought you just said or did I hear wrong?"
You stood up from the sofa, groaning, "You didn't listen."
"I-I did but did I hear wrong?"
You crossed your arms, your jaw clenching, "Maybe."
"Babe." Yoongi stood up from his chair and slowly made his way over to you, "Did you just say that you love me?"
You glanced at him, "Yes." You murmured, gasping as he suddenly tackled you onto the couch, planting kisses all over your face, causing you to giggle.
"Damn. You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear you say that..." He trailed off and looked at you, laying beneath him, "I love you."
"So how about we celebrate it?" You wiggled your eyebrows, smirking up at him.
Yoongi simply kissed you again, intent on showing just how much he loved you.
Jung Hoseok
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"Yes, my darling?"
"Try not to send your fans into a cardiac arrest with those hip thrusts of yours." You said as you cupped his cheek, "Even though I know how much you love doing it."
Hoseok chuckled as he turned his head to plant a kiss to your palm, "I'll try my best but sometimes I can't help myself."
You snorted, "Baepsae is a dangerous song for every ARMY out there." He simply chuckled at your words and leaned down to kiss you. It was brief and left you wanting more, causing him to smirk as you whimpered when he leaned back.
"I'll give you a personal show later, babe." He whispered, wiggling his brows.
"You'd better." You whispered back and stepped back as he turned towards the stage, "By the way..." You called after him and he looked over his shoulder as he walked.
"I love you." You yelled causing him to make a U-turn immediately, running over to you, taking you in his arms as he kissed you.
"Did you have to say that now?" He whined as he put you down gently, "I'm about to go on stage and you just said you loved me. Talk about bad timing."
"Sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore." You apologized with a small smile.
He groaned and quickly pecked your lips, "I have to go but I will definitely give you a private show later. I'm all fired up now."
You laughed and pushed against his chest, "Go, handsome. Namjoon is glaring at us."
Hoseok whirled around, blowing you a kiss, "I love you!" he yelled as he ran onto the stage and you felt a sense of pride at how loud the fans cheered.
Kim Taehyung
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"Yes, Tae?"
"Can you give me my soda?"
"Anything for you."
You gave him his soda and he grabbed it without moving his eyes from the game on his computer screen. He was playing a soccer game whilst you were sitting beside him, simply watching. He slurped from the straw and put it down, squeezing your thigh in thanks.
Soccer didn't really interest you but you loved watching him play games. He looked so cute when he concentrated, his tongue sticking out, brows furrowed together, nose scrunched up in that cute way you adored.
You placed an arm on his desk, leaning your head on it as you stared at him. It was still weird to you that he could go from this cute man to a drop dead sexy guy in a matter of seconds. He snapped you out of your thoughts as he lost the game, cursing loudly.
"Damn it!"
"I'm sorry you lost the game. Perhaps you'll win the next one." You said softly, smiling timidly.
Taehyung glanced at you briefly before answering his friends over the mic, "Yeah, that's my girlfriend you just heard."
You raised a brow as he frowned, "She wasn't distracting me. She's just sitting here and watching."
"Do you want me to leave?" You whispered and he shook his head harshly.
"Guys, seriously... She's not - Hey, watch your mouth!" He growled into mic and you wondered what was said since it earned such a reaction but you loved it when he got all... Manly defending you.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, "You really sound like a loser right now, dude. Are you mad that I'm getting some and you're not?"
You raised a brow at his words, keeping quiet as Taehyung continued, "Please. She'd kick your ass any time... Really? Fine. Hang on." He put a hand over the mic before turning his head towards you, "My friend doesn't think you can beat him in Overwatch."
You slowly smirked, "If he's up to the challenge, then let's go."
Taehyung grinned, "Aight, you're up but don't come crying to me when she beats your ass." He moved over so you could sit by his PC and you booted up Overwatch. You were quick to choose a champion and the game started.
Taehyung watched you silently, knowing you were concentrating hard on the game but he couldn't help but to marvel at how amazing his girlfriend was, "I'm so lucky." He sighed happily, causing you to smile.
"Don't distract me, Tae. I'm trying to whoop his ass." You said.
"My friend says you chose the wrong champion for that."
You scoffed, "Let's see about that."
20 minutes later, Taehyung had to put down his headset and you could clearly hear cursing, causing you to smirk as you'd just won the game.
"Easy peasy. Next!" You resounded as you stretched your arms above your head.
"I don't think they'll want to play anymore."
"Aww. Pussies."
Taehyung quickly said bye to his friends and hung up. Then he rose from his chair and leaned over you, putting a hand on each armrest as he looked at you, "You're amazing."
You smiled at up at him, "I know."
"And sexy."
"Mhm. Keep going."
"And smart."
"Just a bit more."
"And so badass."
You grinned up at him, "And I love you." You said, circling your arms around his neck, watching his eyes go wide at your words.
"R-Really?" He asked.
You nodded, "Yes." At that, he leaned down and caught your lips with his, groaning as you moved a hand underneath his t-shirt.
"I want you so bad right now." He said against your lips, "But I have to say something first." You hummed, waiting, your hands caressing his stomach, "I love you."
You bit his lower lip in response, "Show me."
Park Jimin
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The rain was pouring down, bashing against the roof and windows of your car, the wind sometimes tugging at the vehicle. It was a real storm and sadly you and Jimin were caught in the middle of it, holding still on the highway as the traffic was heavy as an accident had happened.
Soft music was playing on the radio, filling the tense quiet between the two of you. You bit on a nail as you stared out the window, watching the cars next to yours, trying to shake the anger from your earlier argument with him.
You knew Jimin had a busy schedule, you were very understanding on that part. What you didn't understand was how he couldn't simply have texted you earlier, saying he'd be late for dinner. A dinner at that restaurant you'd booked a table for, 2 months ago.
You glanced at the time and internally sighed. There was no way that you could make it now.
"Are you still mad?" Jimin asked softly, hands in his lap as he looked out the window next to him.
"Yes." Was your cold answer.
"I said I was sorry."
"I know you did but that really doesn't change the fact that we're stuck in traffic because you were late." You ground out, "You didn't even bother sending me a text."
"I forgot and I'm really sorry about it."
"Yeah, well, this is the third time you forgot about me, Jimin." You spat and turned your head to look at him, anger and disappointment evident on your features, "I'm wondering why I even bother trying."
Jimin raised his head to look at you, "What do you mean?"
"Why do I even bother trying so hard to make us work when you keep on forgetting about me." You started, tears welling in your eyes as your emotions got too much to handle but you refused to cry, "I really don't see the point."
"It's not like I do it on purpose, you know? I can't help that my job takes up much of my time, just in case you forgot that I'm -" He rambled but you cut him off.
"You're an Idol! I know! You're very busy! I know!" You yelled suddenly, catching him off-guard, "I fucking know, Jimin!" The tears you'd so strongly held back started trailing down your cheeks, ruining the make-up you had spent so much time on, "But that still doesn't change the fact that I keep on hurting myself by loving you when you just keep forgetting about me!"
"L-Love?" He stuttered, his eyes wide.
"Yes, I love you, okay?!" You hissed, wiping your tears away angrily, "I love you so much it hurts." You said low, shaking your head.
"I didn't know..."
"Of course you didn't fucking know. I just told you." You rolled your eyes at him before adjusting the rearview mirror to look at yourself, "Christ, my make-up is all fucked up." You mumbled as you tried to wipe away the black strains on your cheeks.
"I'm... Scared." He admitted quietly.
"Of what?" You asked, not looking at him as you stared at yourself in the tiny mirror.
"You leaving me."
"I told you I'd never leave you but I'm really considering it because right now, it just hurts."
Jimin surprised you as he leaned over, hugging you tightly, his face buried in your chest, "I-I'm sorry." He said weakly and his shoulders began shaking, "I'm so sorry. Please."
"I've been so busy and so stressed out and I hurt you and I'm so scared that you will leave me because I don't think that I would survive it. Please don't leave me."
Your heart broke at his words but he continued, "Please. I know I fucked up and I promise it won't happen again. I love you so, so, so much. Please."
Your tears started up again and you felt horrible for having made him cry. You had just been so frustrated, disappointed and angry that you just spat out words. You knew he was working hard, you knew that he didn't do it on purpose.
Your hands gently pried him up from your chest, cupping his face as you looked into his teary eyes, "Please don't cry, baby." You murmured, wiping his tears away with your thumbs, "It breaks my heart when you do."
"B-But I'm so-" You cut him off by gently placing a kiss on his quivering lips and his eyes fluttered close.
"I'm sorry." You said against his lips, "I'm so sorry. I overreacted." You looked at his desperately, "I was stupid."
"No you weren't." He mumbled.
"Yes, I was."
He sniffled and smiled a little, "I love you." The words left his mouth again and you smiled at him through your tears, "So much."
"I love you more."
Jeon Jungkook
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Jungkook found you laying in his bed, sleeping soundly and he smiled as he lay down beside you. He gazed at you as you softly breathed, not stirring the slightest when he reached over and removed some of your hair from your face.
"So beautiful." He whispered, trailing a finger down the side of your face, "And mine."
You hummed in your sleep, your body moving closer to his and he smiled when your hand automatically went over to hold onto him.
"Love... You..." You murmured quietly. He stared at you wide-eyed, wondering if his mind was playing him.
"Mine... Kookie."
He decided to wake you up by gently pecking your lips which caused your eyes to flutter open, "Mmh?" You smiled tiredly as you saw him laying next to you, "Hey handsome." You greeted sweetly.
"Hey yourself." Jungkook moved his face closer to yours, staring into your dazed eyes, "How are you feeling?"
You sighed deeply as you scooted closer to him, placing a leg over his hips, "Much better now that you're here." You mumbled, your eyes fluttering close as you still felt tired.
"Did you know that you talk in your sleep?" He softly asked.
"I didn't..." You yawned and continued, "Did I say anything exciting?"
He shrugged, "Not really. Just said that you love me, that's all."
"Mhm... That's goooWHAT!" Your eyes shut open and you stared at him, "I-I said what?"
"That you love me..." Then he frowned, "Unless you were talking about someone else." He quickly smiled at you swatted his shoulder, pouting.
"Of course it's you, idiot." You rolled your eyes, "I still can't believe I said it in my sleep..." Your head fell down onto the pillow with a sigh.
"I think it was cute. Surprised me though." He admitted and rested his head on his arm as he looked at you.
"I bet it did." You rolled onto your stomach and rested on your elbows, "But I meant it."
"Hm," He began tracing lines on your lower back, slowly hiking up your blouse, "Say it again."
You smiled warmly, "I love you."
Jungkook beamed, "I love you too."
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darksunrising · 5 years
Sola Gratia (8/?)
Rating / Warnings : General audiences, no particular warnings.
Fandom : Bram Stoker’s Dracula, BBC’s Dracula, various Dracula and vampire lore.
Part 8/? (2033 words)
Author’s notes : A bit shorter, but big one coming up next !
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As soon as I dismissed the class, chatter started filling the small auditorium, along with chairs dragging to the wooden floors. The sun was almost set, and everyone, including me, was exhausted, and so the room emptied itself fast. Vlad, who sat at the back during the whole day, went down the stairs and joined me at my desk, a coy little smirk on the corner of his lips.
“Well, what did the expert think ?”, I asked as I started putting away my stuff.
“A few kinks to work out here and there, but overall, not too bad”, he commented, leaning back against the blackboard. “However…” He raised an eyebrow. “I see you snaked around a certain historical figure. An important one, if I do say so myself.”
I groaned. “It didn’t mention what didn’t need mentioning in this class.”
“You know, and not to be a narcissist, but there is a good chance half of your students took that class hoping to learn about the Infamous Impaler”, he commented.
He looked so smug. If I didn’t know what he was, he could just have been a nerd way too much into role-play. With great fashion tastes, and nice hair. Anyway.
“Actually, I did promise them last semester that we would do a class on that subject”, I told him, turning to face him, sitting back on my desk. “Then, I took a holiday, which somehow had me change my mind.”
He winced, and took the sorriest puppy-dog face I had ever seen in my entire existence. For crying out loud. “Don’t play victim with me, jerk”, I grumbled.
“Why, is it working ?”, he teased.
Before I could reply anything witty, I was interrupted by a voice timidly calling out my name. A pale, tired-looking student was waiting awkwardly at the foot of the podium, expectantly looking up at me. I had no idea who he was, which was a bit frustrating, as I always paid attention to that sort of thing.
“Do you have any questions about the lecture ?”, I asked him, inviting him to step closer. “Remind me your name, I'm sorry, I can't seem to place you...”
“Stephan Helder”, he told me with a little smile. “I just transferred here.”
Well, at least, it made me feel a little bit better about the looming prospect of Alzheimer's disease. I vaguely did remember an e-mail from Laurent informing me I'd have a transfer student from London taking my course, but I didn't think it went further into detail.
“Do you want the notes for last semester’s courses ? I could e-mail them to you.”
“No, actually, I didn’t come here for that, I have something I’d like to ask you about”, he nervously told me, as his eyes kept darting to Vlad.
“That’s fine, go ahead !” I tried to give him a reassuring smile. “This is professor Balaur, from the University of Bucharest. He might be able to help too. He's very... Savvy on the subject of this class, to put it mildly.”
I gave a quick look towards him, to which he responded with a half-wink.
“I am thinking of doing my master’s degree here”, Helder began, seemingly a bit less tense. “I talked to professor Laurent Rasab, and he agreed to tutor it, but I would like to have your tutorage as well.”
I was taken aback for a moment. No student ever asked for my tutorage on anything, not even advice on the assignments I gave out. Which wasn't very wise, as I always offered, and always ended up correcting soul-sucking essays that made me want to retire before I even reached 25.
“I don’t know that I’m qualified for that”, I told him with a laugh.
“I’m very interested in your field of study”, he exclaimed. “I would like to study the real involvement of Vlad Tepes in the fight against the ottomans, maybe try to draw the line between fiction and reality, considering his reputation, even to this day. You’ve worked on the attack on Targoviste, right ?”
At least, the lad seemed motivated. Behind me, I could hear Vlad fighting off a fit of laughter, that he hid in a cough. I took a deep breath, turned my attention back on Helder.
“Listen, why don’t you send me an e-mail, and I’ll look at my schedule to fix an appointment ? I’ll get Laurent on it, and we’ll both discuss that with you.”
He nodded, thanked me, and bolted, not before a last, strangely intense look at Vlad. I waited until the door clicked behind him, and let out a long sigh.
“You will be the death of me, you know that ?”
He stepped closer to me, and moved my hair out of my shoulders. I shivered as his fingers ran through the whole length of the strands. “Not with that high a neckline, you can be sure of that.” As he stepped back, he let his knuckles slide down my spine, and denied all responsibility when I protested. Bastard. I put my laptop in my briefcase, and went to turn off the lights.
“By the way, when were you born ? Sources aren’t clear on the date”, I asked as we made our way to the exit.
“March 14th.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“I was born the first time on march 14th, the Year of Our Lord 1430, amen.”, he dramatically declared, signing himself upside down.
“You are being childish, for a 590 year-old man.”
“That was fast math, I’m impressed.”
Couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic. I opted for a classic, and rolled my eyes at him.
“I was hoping to see that delightful girlfriend of yours, Leah, was it ?”, he told me as we walked through the mostly empty corridors of the old building.
I sighed. “Not my girlfriend. She's at work today, and believe me, I would rather have spent the day with her.”
“I will pretend I didn’t hear that”, he hissed, falsely offended.
I was starting to get used to his company. Without being so drastic as to enjoy it, his presence at my side didn’t seem so ominous anymore. During my lectures, he had been listening intently, nodding along when I was in the right. I don’t know if he even noticed he did. Before every pause, he somehow slipped out of the room, and came back right as I dismissed class with coffee, and a written list of every historical character I mentionned, commenting on their personality, or their quirks. The whole time, he spoke in a hushed voice, half in french, so that no one but me would hear or understand. As a french person myself, I had never thought having a foreign accent was as sexy as everyone seemed to believe, which is why I worked on mine constantly. However. When he spoke french, the way he rolled his ‘r’s, or pronounced some words, sent darts to my chest. I sometimes had to gather all the strength of my will to listen to what he actually said.
Lost in thought, I almost didn’t notice we were almost at his car. As usual, he opened the door for me. For once, I didn't debate him, and just got in.
I plugged my iPod into the radio, and set my ‘driving at night’ playlist, masterfully crafted over the years. Not necessarily sad, but definitely not upbeat. Vlad didn’t say anything, but I caught him mouthing the lyrics of the chorus, once he caught them. I nestled into my seat, letting my head press against the window. I watched the street lamps light up the raindrops on the glass as they rolled down. The whole ride was quiet on our parts, but it didn’t feel awkward, as it often does. When he stopped in front of my building, I stopped the music, and hesitated a second. Before I got out, I turned to Vlad.
“Five minutes, wait for me at my window.”
Not leaving him the time to reply, I got out, and through the front door. I don’t think I ever climbed my stairs so fast. Locking behind me, I hurried to feed the monster, already trying to climb my leg in outrage, and shut myself in my room. As I expected, he was waiting outside, on the fire escape stairs. I opened the window, kneeling on my bed. He sat on the windowsill, waiting for me to talk.
“If we are to continue this…” I tried to find the appropriate term.
“Relationship ?”, he proposed.
“If we are to continue this”, I rephrased, gesturing to put emphasis, “I have to make some things clear.” He nodded, and I took a deep breath. “First, we don’t tell Leah what you are. I don’t want that on her mind. Second, you don’t murder people. I just can’t go around being friends with someone who drinks humans like Capri-Suns every night.”
“How do you suggest I feed, then ?”, he asked. I didn’t think about that. He leaned closer, grinning. “Are you offering yourself in exchange ?”
Instinctively, I jerked myself back to the edge of my bed. He apologised. Squinting at him, I sat back where I was. A bit too soon for that sort of jokes.
“Can’t you ‘go vegan’ ?”, I asked, air-quoting. “Eat animals ?”
He sighed. “I could. It doesn’t do me well, to be honest.” He looked... embarrassed. “You saw it firsthand. The horse just made me hungrier. Less… controlled.” He took a pause. “I would rather murder some humans than put you at risk again.”
I felt a tiny pinch to my heart. Ah. “Does it hurt ?���, I asked, in the only tiny whisper that managed to get out of my throat.
He snapped his head toward me. “I beg your pardon ?”
“Does it hurt, when you feed ? The people you feed on, I mean”, I added, a bit louder, yet still coming out squeaky.
He seemed to take a moment to debate his answer, taking an inspiration, and deciding against it a couple of times. “It does not”, he finally breathed out. “It takes you away, where you want to be most.”
A beach, infinite. A dark sky and a setting sun. Soft waves, and golden sand.
“Can you at least promise you won’t kill anyone ?”
“Ah !” He sighed, seeming relieved, and a bit disappointed. He looked back at me, with a soft smile. “They will dream, and not remember, or feel a thing. I promise.”
I slowly nodded, and propped myself up on the windowsill, feet still safely on my bed. I looked up at him, and his expression softened ever so slightly. The moon and the lampposts cast a blue and orange light on his features, playing along the curves and sharp edges of his face.
“Is that all, dear ?”, he asked.
“Don’t call me ‘dear’”, I instantly retorted.
“Fine, darling.”
I groaned, throwing my head back as I heard his soft laughter. As I brought my head back down, it was to find his hand, curled under my chin. His thumb brushed lightly past my lip, almost by accident, to finish on my cheek. My heart stopped a second. He hummed, and placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Sleep well, Eris.”
I breathed in, but just like that, he was gone, leaving me to look out for a bat, quickly vanishing in the night sky.
Someone, close, was also looking out for the bat as it flew over the rooftops. A ray of moonlight caught a glimpse of silver hair, the frost of a blue eye. It couldn’t happen again. Not after the last disaster, and the one before that. The thin, long fingers clenched so hard into their palms, drops of red tricked down, slowly. Before any drop could be lost to the ground, a pale tongue took care of it.
The Council wouldn’t be pleased.
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Taglist : @carydorse @angelicdestieldemon @bloodhon3yx @thewondernanazombie @battocar @moony691 @mjlock @thebeautyofdisorder @festering-queen @my-fanfic-library
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 teddy/lana
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
ok so. lana has a habit of sharing food as one of her many love languages i think. she jst likes.... giving ppl things even if it means she’ll have less. she’d let a wolf make a meal out of her n eat every last piece if she loved him n she knew he’d feel full. bt of everyone i feel like teddy hs always been the one she does this w most.... like even when they first met in the cafeteria she gave him spoonfuls of her greek yogurt n honey. whenever she’s eating fruit (which is a lot she’s obsessed w strawberries n peaches n grapes n tangerines n oranges) she’ll ALWAYS give him half whether tht’s segmenting up pieces or dividing bites evenly between them n Without Fail it’ll always b half tht she gives him whereas she might give other ppl like.... a bite or a piece or two bt......... it’s rly specific each time tht she gives teddy half. it isn’t even intentional it’s jst like a subconscious thing bt if we were to slide on spectacles n analyse this in an english class fr it’s Meaning then. looks at u then looks away. i think this represents the way tht teddy hs always felt like another half of her. they’re one in the same. in a lot of ways they’re very similar mayb even................ TOO similar n that’s why it’s been sch a fking.... bastard of trying to work things out ever bc they very much hv the same rampant commitment issues n bad timing n fears of never being gd enough. i feel like in the past a guy she ws dating (noncommittally as lana tended to do these things) wld have even noticed this n it would have bugged him a lot just like... how close she was w teddy in general............. n he would’ve one day brought it up in the middle of a fight he’d picked jst cutting away from what they were talking abt to be like. u only ever give me one bite but u would give teddy all of it if he asked u to. tell me i’m wrong. n she’d scoff out a laugh in disbelief looking around like omg...... all this over a fruit...... what are u even sa-- n he’d cut her off n be like. literally tell me i’m wrong lana. n she wouldn’t even b able to after going quiet n rly realising what it was he was actually Saying. he’d storm out. relationship over. icons of always being a little bit in love w each other n not even noticing it until someone else points it out <3
god. sighs dramatically at the idea i jst had. i cn imagine in la verse lana being rly drunk getting bk from a date one time n inevitably it was just some random loser since she’s back to dating Trash in this era bc she just truly cbas trying after her breakup w dom n............. it would be like a parallel to tht one time they’d fallen out over him sleeping w imogen when she ws upset w him bt crawled into his bed drunk at a party just to lie w him for a little while despite everything...... she wld have gone to his instead of hers on some drunken automatic pilot n somehow got into his room n..... she’d clamber in n flop nxt to him n maybe it wld be funny at first if he woke up n was like lana what the fk...... are u doing here.... so disorientated n confused.......... n she’d just be joking initially bt very clearly drunk like making fun of her date talking abt how he kept complimenting his own hair n calling himself a tesla in a sea of prius’ n checking himself out in every window they passed n then the laughter wld slowly trickle off n she’d go kind of quiet fr a moment n maybe teddy wld assume she ws passing out bc she’d drank sm bt after a short silence she’d perk up with a mumble out of nowhere n, barely conscious of what she’s saying, b like “why didn’t u wait for me like u said u would”. n if he was like.............. huh? she’d have her eyes shut n just b murmuring half awake then open them sleepily to look at him n rly quietly be like........ “u promised”. mayb she’d even reach out to gingerly trace his face bt then her wrist wld go slack bc she was rly tired n she’d just wriggle closer n tuck her head to get comfy n be like “warm” then promptly fall asleep. JSGSFKGHFHGKHGSFKH. literally jst jolting him awake w this rarely serious n genuine conversation then passing out. jst the worst fk teddy’s life bet he lay there staring at the ceiling fr so long after tht one <3 lana wouldn’t remember this in the morning either she’d wake up like why am i here........ did we meet up last night............ teddy jst like >_> u crashed here it was nbd.
i picture the first week they moved to LA lana wldn’t have admitted it bt she wld be feeling rly homesick............ radcliffe was very much like the first place she truly felt was her home n she’d miss all of the ppl there n just the general area A Lot............. one night i can see her jst wanting to spend with teddy to have like a sense of familiarity in an unfamiliar city (even if she’s spent a decent amt of time there over the yrs bc of jameson records hving studios etc bt still) n i’m imagining them like. breaking into an indoor swimming complex that her n her friends in high skl used to break into in the summers when they vacationed yrs ago.... maybe lana still has a key cut tht works from a connection she made bk then idk <3 it doesn’t matter <3 n they’d inevitably be drunk n just messing around n splashing each other n doing handstand competitions n all the typical..... fun frivolous childish antics lana n teddy tend to get into whenever they’re around each other.... truly jst transformed into big kids whenever they’re in the other’s company..... inspired a little by this gifset jst in terms of the playing around underwater vibe. anyway. mayb they mostly dry off bt they end up climbing up onto the rooftop after n it’s a baking summer night anyway so it isn’t like they’ll catch a cold being damp bt they share a big fluffy towel n bottle of rum between them huddled overlooking the lights of the city. n maybe somehow it gets onto lana admitting how much she misses home n how it’s kind of weird being here especially bc she’s further from caleb. she’s never been this far from him since he was away in the army n we all kno hw tht turned out. mayb she’d go a bit quiet after saying this bt then i think she’d take his hand w their fingers laced together n she’d rest her head on his shoulder n be like. at least i’ll always have u. it’s like i took a piece of home w me. we’ve always had each other like that. then she’d perk up n lift her head n be like let’s make a deal. i’ll be ur home if u’ll be mine. ok? n make him pinky promise. i dnt think she’d quite consider the sentimentality in tht bt 😔 she nvr rly does she jst says what feels natural without attention paid to the deeper meaning tht motivated it n.... sighs. looks at u then looks away....
this is inspired by tht scene in don’t trust the b in apartment 23 where she’s like “look. that video of me getting rawed by my best friend means the world to me.” KJGFGJKSFHKGHKSFGHKFSHKGSHGK god. inevitably in lana n teddy’s prime when they were literally hooking up 24/7 in earlier college yrs they made.............. a few videos. i mean it’s jst realistic. it’s jst common sense. probably even a feature length film at one point. n i had this idea where bc teddy’s trying to get into acting etc mayb if he gets an agent his agent is like.... do u have any dirt u need to take care of? loose ends to tie up? incriminating files to delete? sex tapes? n if he was like... ya..... mayb his agent wld have asked him to delete them if he still had them on his computer or w.e i mean i kno lana wld n wouldn’t have deleted them she wld have been proud of their work of art...... bt maybe he told lana abt this just laughing abt it n the atmosphere ws lighthearted at first bc she’d find it rly funny too like ommmmggggggg i’m a skeleton in ur closet tht is so fun if u get famous i cld be blasted all over perez hilton that’s kind of sexy..... bt............... mayb she’d as a joke be like. mayb we shld watch it one last time before u delete it. kind of like a funeral service. a goodbye party. sailing out the flaming viking raft n paying our respects u know??? n they were joking bk n forth bt then she’d be like. seriously tho mayb we should? growing more accustomed to the idea actually being a genuine one even tho tht is fking. the WORST idea i have EVER heard in the world like i do NOT know how lana wld think she has the self control to do that bt in her head she’s like. teddy n i are jst best friends now... it’s fine........... we’re open w each other it’s just a bit of fun.......... n then i can imagine if he went along w this it’s like a game of chicken they’re playing w each other where they’re both like fking hell shd we do this.... dnt wna seem like I’M the one tht thinks i can’t handle it........ n it’s some back n forth like nick n jess in new girl where they’re daring each other to have the threeway w the landlord. bt then like not even.... a minute into watching it as they’re both silently holding their breath n crunching popcorn they mde for the occasion (insisting on acting like it ws just a normal movie night) lana wld literally have to be like. slams laptop shut. UMMMM i forgot.... i....... have a very important meeting......... n teddy’s just like. meeting? u don’t have a job... what are u ta-- n she’s like A MEETING A VERY IMPORTANT MEETING...... very blatantly squirming around as she slowly gets up n tries to head fr the door... n teddy’s like.... taking the excuse without much question too like... ya i have to run lines actually i jst remembered gt an audition coming up..... n they’re both like ya haha... maybe some other time.... or maybe just delete it it’s whatever.... anyway we gtg haha... bye.... ttyl...... lana wld literally hv to SPRINT out of there to go home n. deal w how flustered this made her i won’t lie. she bumps into parker n is all flushed in the face n is just like CAN’T TALK BYE n takes off sprinting again like some kind of freak. it’d b a train wreck. i jst think that’d b rly funny tho n dare i say it? it’s canon. 
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Chapter 8 - Absence
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader
Word Count: 3,128 words
TW: Violence and Gore.
A/N:  Hi guys!! Sorry for the super long wait! I've had writers block for the longest time and also life gets in the way, as usual. This one's a short one, sort of a transition into the next chapter- which will definitely be more intense! Thanks for being so patient with me as usual. 
 Read the previous chapters of Red Who? here: Masterlist
Normal people would probably compare what you felt to some time when they were a kid, where one of their parents surprised them with some sort of wish they always had. A trip to Disneyland or that red bicycle they’ve always wanted.
Or maybe to a time where some crush said they liked them back after a confession, or even being offered a cookie by a new friend.
Whatever it was, those were everyone else’s comparison.
You didn’t have any great childhood memories to refer to the feeling you felt right now. But the closest would be the first time Bruce ever said “Good job” to you.
Your first kiss wasn’t all that you expected it to be. To be fair, you didn’t really expect much from a first kiss. To you, it was all unnecessary distraction from the things that mattered.
But Jason didn’t make you feel that way. He made you feel giddy and excited, he made you feel like you were being pulled upwards by a whole bunch of colorful helium balloons.
But then you walked inside the manor, changed into your Robin uniform, and started to approach Bruce who was at the Bat computer.
“What are you doing?” he scrutinized you.
“I’m ready to go?” you hesitated, before mentally slapping yourself. You suddenly remembered your fall out yesterday, bursting your bubble of joy before. He was still mad at you. Of course he was, you hadn’t done anything to fix it.
Yet you felt like you didn’t need to apologize.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he gave you a cold look that made you feel like shrinking, “You disobeyed a direct order last night. I can’t just ignore it.”
“I went with my instinct, Bruce,” you tried to reason with him, “You always said to-”
“No, you went because you are fixated on him,” Bruce cut you off and glared at you. A look you’ve never been on the receiving end of.
“What? What are you talking about?” you sputtered, taken aback by his remark.
“I don’t know why, but you’re fixated on the Red Hood,” he continued, “You went and disobeyed me because you wanted to see him.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Bruce,” you retorted, straightening your back into a cold stance, “You’re talking as if I have a crush on him.”
“Do you?” he demanded, “I know for a fact that you hide things from me regarding your encounters with him.”
“How dare you assume that of me, Bruce,” you coldly replied, despite the nervousness of getting caught. You needed to shift the blame to him somehow.
“Then why?” he urged, “You have never before disobeyed me. Why do you always get excited when he’s involved?”
“I get excited because it’s exciting!” you argued, “He’s a new criminal who came out of nowhere, taking over the underground in the span of a couple of weeks! Who wouldn’t be?”
“Do you know who he is?” Bruce suddenly asked.
“No. That’s what I’ve been asking you, remember? How dare you accuse me of hiding things from you when you’re the one who refuses to trust me enough to tell me who he is,” you ranted, finding a way to finally shift the blame on him to reduce your own faults.
“I don’t-”
“Don’t lie to me, Bruce. A guy who randomly appears and fucks shit up, knows everything about the both of us, our identities probably included- don’t tell me you out of all people haven’t figured it out. So why haven’t you told me?”
“Because I don’t want to believe it myself!” he yelled, making you jump slightly at the sudden change in volume.
You stared at him for a few moments, before saying, “Who is he, Bruce?”
He clenched his jaw.
“Do you want to patrol or not?”
“Yes,” you stated.
“Fine,” he sighed, turning away from you, “But you stick by me the whole time. If he happens to appear, you stay in the Bat-mobile.”
“Do you want me to put you under house arrest?”
“Fine,” you admitted defeat.
You honestly thought the decapitated heads on spikes were the worst you’ve seen, and that the next bad thing would wait at least more than a week before it threw itself at you.
But there you were, mouth slack in shock at the scene before you.
It was a bright night in Robinson Park, coincidentally where you were earlier, the moon was full and there were no clouds blocking its gentle light. The additional lights that the GCPD brought also gave plenty of illumination that fell onto the three bodies hanging on tree branches.
All male, all naked, all hanged by the neck with a rope. Purple faced and tongues lolling out, you were thankful for taking Dick’s advice by expecting the worst. Yet, it still shocked you.
Because if it were just three people hanged by the neck, you wouldn’t have batted an eye. But this time, there were three people hanged by the neck, their bellies slashed open horizontally, intestines spilling out and trailed all over the well kept grass like large alien worms bursting out.
And along with the gruesome scene, of course, came the smell. It wasn’t just the metallic smell of blood this time. It was closer to the smell at the club the first time you met Red Hood. A mix of blood and feces and urine. Thankfully, it was outdoors with plenty of ventilation.
“Batman,” Gordon huffed when he saw the two of you approaching. Batman rushed to arrive to the scene when he heard the traffic on the police radio. The crime scene was already taped off, forensics were everywhere, flashing lights from their cameras as they took pictures of the bodies.
As you got closer, you could see in detail how the bodies looked like. The gashes were clean, you could see the layers of skin, fat, and muscle that made up the cross section of the gash. Hell, you could even see the bits of fascia and peritoneum that were damaged by the trauma.
“Black Mask’s men,” Batman pointed out without hesitation.
“Yeah,” Gordon sighed, “Like I said before, gang war. Red Hood himself must have done this. Looks like we’ve got another sadistic bastard running around. This was done to them while they were alive.”
You grimaced.
“What we think is rope fibres were found underneath the nails, so they were struggling and scratching at it to escape before they got strangled to death,” Gordon continued, “We still gotta wait for forensics, but I bet my money the coroner’s report is going to confirm it. He must have had them stand on the park table here, tied the noose around their necks, gutted them, and then pushed them down. The momentum from the fall must have forced the intestines to spill like this.”
You had to hand it to Red Hood, he was very theatrical. If you weren’t so disgusted by his lack of empathy, you would have perhaps thought that his works were art.
“How do you know it was him?” you voiced out.
“There isn’t anyone else that have the guts to directly attack Black Mask,” Gordon explained, “I don’t think these would be the last bodies we find.”
True enough, the week after that, another two bodies were found in a similar state, but this time, you noticed the nail of one of the men’s pinky fingers were pulled out. A piece of information that you didn’t know you stored at the back of your mind came to resurface.
When it came to torture for information by denailing, if the victim could handle getting one nail pulled out without breaking, they most probably could handle it all. The strongest ones are the ones with all their nails pulled out- which meant that they probably did not reveal anything.
Judging from the body before you, you guessed that Red Hood probably got whatever information he was looking for.
And if he did, why did he have to kill them both in such a way?
Truly, you couldn’t comprehend his love for cruelty.
You stuck with Batman on the days you patrolled, as per his orders. You weren’t allowed to go on your own anymore until you gained his trust again. Not that it mattered, because even though you were investigating a string of Red Hood’s bloody murders- he was on his twenty-third victim by then- you didn’t get to meet the culprit himself.
He was keeping to the shadows, yet making his presence still loud and clear by leaving bodies everywhere.
You didn’t want to admit your disappointment.
Red Hood wasn’t the only one leaving bodies, though. Black Mask also was under investigation for retaliating by attacking and murdering Moehler’s men, though less creatively and dramatic.
Before you realised it, Gotham City was in the midst of a gang war that Gordon had predicted those weeks ago.
After a particularly exhausting patrol on a Saturday night involving yet another one of Red Hood’s victims, you laid on your bed, and stared at the ceiling. You glanced at your phone- no notifications.
It had been approximately 3 weeks since your kiss with Jason, and it was the last time you saw him. He had been texting you less and less, despite it all. The last message you sent him a week ago read was just a GIF of a Shiba Inu’s backside while it walked. You didn’t want to seem desperate.
You probably scared him off. I told you so, Mother said.
You pushed her away like you always did.
You tried to not overthink it. Perhaps he was busy with getting into the police force, perhaps he didn’t feel like talking to anyone, because God knows even you have long periods of time where you wanted to just shut out the world.
You tried to be understanding and patient.
But you still couldn’t help but think about him. His smooth voice, how sexy he sounded when he swore. His grunts and moans of pleasure over the phone. And his lips. How they felt against yours, how they would feel in between your legs. You always noticed his smell too.
His cologne, fabric softener, the smell of leather and… fireworks. You didn’t know why. But his smell reminded you of fireworks.
But you were restless. And Jason wasn’t the only one that was on your mind.
You hadn’t seen Red Hood for about as long, too. It irritated you. For some reason Red Hood felt like an itch on your back that you just couldn’t reach far enough to scratch. As the nights went by without hearing from Jason, you strangely thought of Red Hood more.
Especially at night when you were alone in bed.
You wondered about him. Some reasonable, some completely random. Where was he from? Did he have siblings? Does he play music inside that helmet of his? He looked like the heavy metal type, but you entertained the idea of him humming along to Taylor Swift while he gutted men.
What was wrong with you? You were unintentionally humanising him, giving him more meaning and sentimentality than he deserved.
But most importantly, you had a feeling that he was preparing for something, in addition to the gang war he started. You didn’t have any evidence. It was just your gut. And you trusted your gut, no matter what Bruce said.
You started to think that Bruce was right. You felt like you were beginning to be obsessed with him. You groaned into your pillow before trying your best to fall asleep and not think about Red Hood’s flexing biceps.
The familiar lurch of the batmobile going from stationary to full speed never failed to excite you to your core.
Both you and Batman were on your usual patrol in Otisburg District, before hearing a large explosion just a few blocks away. He frequented the district a lot, since The Stacked Deck was overtaken by Red Hood, it made sense to patrol in the area.
You wanted to patrol in the area. It meant the chances of meeting him was higher. Not that it mattered, because Batman was still keeping you on a tight leash.
What you didn’t expect, though, was to see the club itself engulfed in flames.
You hacked a cough the moment you exited the batmobile, the soot and smoke enveloping the area in heavy clouds. People were running in the opposite direction, away from the building. If there was anyone inside the club, it was too late to save them now. The alcohol must have contributed to the rapid burning, and somewhere along, a gas pipe must have burst, because the roof and part of the outer walls were in ruins already from the explosion you heard before.
The fire department came. You saw the familiar face from all those weeks ago. Parks, was it? The cute one. You saw him order his men around and climbed onto the lift with a hose. You overheard someone say it was going to take them more than just a couple of hours to extinguish the fire.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m already here,” you heard a voice behind you, “Yes, sir. No, sir. With all due respect Mr. Mayor, you don’t just stop a gang war- understood, sir.”
You turned around and saw a very distressed Commissioner walking towards the two of you. He was on the phone, his other hand pressing at his temples.
“Understood sir,” he huffed, ending the call, “Batman.”
“Commissioner,” Batman nodded.
“Of course you got here first,” he sighed, “I’ve already told my people to pull up the traffic cameras and every other CCTV nearby- which you probably already have access to. Whatever it is, I put my money that Black Mask did this.”
“Of course it is,” you rolled your eyes, not that Gordon could see them behind your white lenses.
“Oh, I also have another update,” Gordon suddenly remembered, “Regarding the Gotham University Public Library case. According to the two we caught, there is a third. He managed to get away. Jerome Miller, 8 cases of arson, 11 attempted arson, 2 theft- but I guess it’s below your paygrade, Batman. Hey, do you even get paid?”
“Where is he now?” you interrupted, feeling your blood boil at the mention of one of the people who burned down your safe haven.
“We put an APB on him. He’ll turn up eventually. But we have bigger things to deal with now,” Gordon explained, “Red Hood will retaliate. And soon. God have mercy on whoever he gets his hands on next.”
*** It was hard to wish for God to have mercy on whoever Red Hood gets his hand on next, especially since the victim this time was none other than Black Mask himself, who has killed and tortured hundreds.
But when you saw the state of Black Mask’s body, you found yourself taking back that thought.
His mask was a feet away from his body, which was still positioned in a sitting position on his leather armchair, facing the massive window of his office building which showed the city skyline. His face?
On his desk behind him.
Literally. His face was skinned messily, clumsily, and then placed on the glass desk behind him in a mound of bloody flesh. Red Hood did not take his time to skin Roman Sionis’ face off, that’s for sure.
Sionis had his neck slashed ear to ear, his carotids and jugular sliced through.
“Did he-” you started, “Did Red Hood do this to him alive?”
“We would need blood test results for that,” Batman said next to you, taking out a syringe to extract blood from the body. Where he kept it? You didn’t ask. You didn’t know he carried around a syringe and a vial to take blood.
“If the forensics saw you,” you giggled.
“Good thing they’re too slow,” Batman smirked.
He actually smirked.
You felt inappropriately happy, given the scene before you, but Batman had been cold to you these past few weeks. This was a step to him getting over it.
You heard people approaching.
“Jesus Christ!” you heard Gordon’s muffled voice behind the door. Probably counting the 31 dead security on his way up and outside.
“Let’s go,” Batman commanded, pushing open the door right before Gordon opened it.
“I’ve got what I need,” he simply said and walked away, with you giving Gordon an apologetic smile and following behind him.
“Positive for suxamethonium chloride,” Bruce announced from the Cave computer as you walked towards him, freshly cleaned and changed.
“What?” you asked.
“Roman Sionis’ blood has traces of suxamethonium chloride, a neuromuscular-blocking drug,” he explained, “Induces paralysis for about ten minutes.”
“Jesus,” you whispered, “Red Hood injected him with that, and then peeled his face off while he couldn’t move?”
“And does this sucks- suxo-”
“Suxamethonium chloride,” Bruce helped you.
“Yes, that,” you rolled your eyes, “Is it like, an anesthesia as well?”
“No,” Bruce replied, “Only a muscle relaxant. It’s used to perform quick medical interventions in emergency departments. When a muscle relaxant is induced, doctors would have the patient under a ventilator, since the diaphragm is also paralysed. But Red Hood did not have a ventilator, meaning Black Mask did not only feel the pain while he was being skinned, but was also suffocating.”
“Good thing he didn’t use a ventilator, though,” you shrugged, “At least since he couldn’t breathe, he would have passed out after a few minutes.”
“I see you have gotten used to his methods,” Bruce commented.
“What do you mean?” you frowned.
“You used to be more surprised after learning Red Hood’s brutal rituals,” Bruce pointed out.
Huh. He was right.
“I guess so,” you responded, “I would have had to get used to them eventually. Plus, it’s not like Black Mask was a saint, either. He deserved what he got.”
“We are not the ones who decides who deserves what,” Bruce reminded you.
“Just saying,” you shrugged again, “I’m heading to bed. Night, Bruce.”
You lied in bed that night, for the first time not thinking about how brutal Red Hood was. You just wish you could see him already. The past few weeks- for some reason you felt lonely. You felt like you were being deliberately ignored by someone you wanted attention from- while they were still flaunting their presence to you.
You missed him.
You finally realised that you missed the fucking asshole. Were you so bored that you were now craving the sight of a criminal?
Where was he, anyway?
You scoffed.
Right. Probably celebrating. With Black Mask gone, you just remembered- that Red Hood was now technically the ruler of the underworld.
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