st-froy · 2 years
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I love him ur honor
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lipstickhotchocolate · 5 months
Kind of want to combine my hyperfixations and redesign Stardew bachelorettes and bachelors in various eras of vintage fashion?
If I don’t end up drawing this, here’s my general vision so far just because (yes I am skipping the 30s and 40s because I don’t find them as visually interesting):
Penny. Her hair reminds me a lot of the pinned up faux bobs that flappers would wear and I think she would look AMAZING in a drop waist and cloche hat.
Krobus. His little trench coat get up gives me sort of 1920s Agatha Christie detective novel vibes.
Shane, because I think he would look dapper with a kind of Cary Grant and Marlon Brando hybrid inspired look? Like with sharp lines and but because he’s messy his sharp suit is ruffled after a long night.
Abigail. I know this isn’t the obvious choice, but due to my hatred™️ of Pierre and Caroline’s parenting style, Abigail’s story has always felt a bit like her breaking away from tradition, especially for gender wise. As such, I want to draw her in Beatnik style, with a black turtleneck, a beret, slacks, and huge dark glasses.
Harvey :). His fascination with planes means I absolutely have to draw him in the golden age of travel. I’m thinking a smart suit, kind of more early 1960s, inspired by the fashion in the original Bond films.
Haley. I would probably do a different part of 60s fashion to Harvey for her, more akin to the mid to late sixties Swinging London movement, as inspired by Twiggy and Mary Quant. Boxy mini dress, Gogo boots and a Bridget Bardot-esque bouffant.
Maru. The 70s were big for jumpsuits and women’s fashion got a lot more practical, which I think works well with her personality. I love Maru and I love flared jeans so 🫠 I also think I would give her big hair (I love her older game designs)
Leah. Leah’s hippie artist vibes work perfectly for the 70s flowery hippie fashion. Please put my girl in a loose fitting prairie dress or some bell sleeves. Her hair would also work with the long natural wavy look of that era.
Emily. I know her vibes are at a first glance 70s, but the style of her dress and her hair remind me SO MUCH of Winona Ryders wedding dress in beetlejuice? So the gothy fashion of the 80s with big spiky hair and mesh and craftiness remind me of Emily.
Elliot. Once again at a first glance 70s, but I will put this man in a late 70s/early 80s glam rock outfit if it kills me. With the massive hair and the sort of military inspired studded jacket and everything. Hear me out.
Alex: the 80s were probably the start of the jock character, and Alex to me reads like he could literally be a character in the breakfast club to be honest. He must be taken back to his roots.
Sam. In the 90s skater boy fashion was literally like… the thing, so this is obvious. Give him a baggy ahh flannel , a baggier ahh graphic tee and a baggiest ahh pair of jeans. And some fugly 90s man hair.
Sebastian. Not really a huge redesign, but I’m incapable of not drawing him as like a mall goth / early emo kid (yes I know they’re different but similar style roots).
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evablueblanket · 8 months
Will you tell me about an LU character you love and why you love them? Please please please ramble on and on! It's my favorite! I get so many fun ideas when people gush about their favorites.
I (think) I've said this before, but I am not the most analytical/observ person ever so most of what I say is probably kinda shallow :') BUT THIS IS MY RAMBLE SO OH WELL
Okay so recently, I've been on a Warriors kick. I just super love how like, everyone portrays him! Most see him as big brother shaped, which I super love. His background is just so vastly different than every other Link, which serves as a very cool contrast imo
The way @somer-writes makes Twi and Wars idiodic brothers is like, my favorite ever. I love love love LOVE how he writes Wars and Twi it's so insane the comedy that unfolds when they're just messing around xD
Warriors has this air, this *vibe* which I'm just super drawn too, I think it's just how my personality vs his works (you could theoretically draw *some* parallels with Sokka from ATLA, at least the way they each hold themselves I'd say. Also big bro stuff) (ALSO how both of them are portrayed as 'smart', which is a trait I typically relate too in characters)
When I like a character though, it's more based on the different types of relationships everyone writes them as though, I'd say. Wars and Time and Wind have this super intriguing bond that I think is cool to see how everyone interprets it! For the most part people write them as they're all aware of the War of Ages and whatnot, which lead to some nice fluff and/or angst. But when there's some time paradoxes, it makes it every so more tragic and it's really interesting to see how that can get written. I recall a fic (I FORGOT THE TITLE AND THE AUTHOR NOO) where Wars was teaching Wind medic stuff, but it was like a year before Wind meets Wars in the war. So Wars is all "sob this is why Wind is such a good medic? *Bc I taught him?*" THIS IS SO COOL AND INTERESTING
Also when there's War of Ages fics that have Time/Mask being a stupid child (/aff) they're just super hilarious. There's a series out there that has the Fierce Deity (sorry forgot the author again xD) act as Wars parent figure/older brother figure and it's just really funny to me bc ofc Wars would be a stupid overworking idiot. Loser smh
Four is also another one of the sillies that live in my brain, and I kinda wish there were more fics on how they interact. Though, if I'm being real idk how they really would cause they don't really have the same synergy as any other Links. I just like my favorites to interact, but I super understand how they wouldn't ^^
Small side bit on serious Wars (the biggest example is "Call Them Brothers" by wutheringmights which I'm almost 100% certain you've read that already cause it's soooo long and it's SO GOOD AHH) and ugh I wish I could pay attention more to get every complexity that this Wars has but the brain kinda hates me. I think it makes a lot of sense for Wars to have a grittier characterization, war does that to people. The entire fic is so visceral to me, I just vividly remember reading the flashback section about the long winter, and I don't even know how to really describe it xD
Wars has such a broad range of emotion, if one were to put him under and microscope and study him there would be SO MUCH.
*oops tehe I rambled like a lot* ty for this opportunity :D I'm super glad I decided to type this on my laptop and not my phone xD
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Thoughts on Heartstopper Season 2!
I really liked the way they switched events around but still incorporated all the main events / convos / quotes!! Like Ben asking for an apology, but instead of doing it at Tara's Bday party, they had Harry try to come in & get rejected & gave Ben's moment more depth and gave Charlie a more specific speech to be like "no, I don't forgive you, and I don't want you in my life. GTFO"
I absolutely loved every single one of Elle's outfits. And the dynamic between Elle & Tao developing their relationship! And I really really liked that we got more Tao backstory. His interactions with his mom, his heart to hearts with Nick (esp about his dad & relationship insecurities; we love a self aware king), his awkward first date with Elle at the theater
I liked Elle having more trans and non-binary friends!! And her art school journey!! Yes, give me more insight into each character's world
Naomi & Felix were iconic and I hope to see more of them! I liked that their presence also drew out Tao's insecurities and forced him to confront them. Like at the art show!!
I of course loved more focus on Tara & Darcy! I'm glad it wasn't just "Darcy is afraid to say I love you :/" and more was revealed about her homophobic parents and toxic home life! And oh my god the moment of Tara walking up to Darcy's house to check on her and meeting her mom for the first time had me SCARED. I was literally hiding behind my partner’s shoulder
I think the pacing still felt really good. And even though I knew what path the story was headed, it still felt natural when they switched things up. They maintained faithful to the original narrative while effectively adapting it to a TV show format, which is honestly SUPER impressive
And I am glad they kept in Charlie's mental health!! I think all the small switches they made really draw attention to how difficult it can be to notice an ED, anxiety, OCD, etc in someone else, even a partner. And they found good ways to express that anxiety with different conflicts and situations
IMOGEN. That girl is so bisexual. I called it last season. The vibes. The hair dye. The insistence on being "an ally." And she's totally falling for Sahar and I am HERE FOR IT.
ISSAC. I really really liked his whole arc with James. Asking Charlie how he knew he had a crush on Nick, relating to most of it, testing the waters with a kiss, and then being confused. Taking to the aroace artist at Elle's exhibition. Going back to that oh so centrally placed Ace book from earlier in the season & happily skipping off with it. I am so happy for him
TORI. Iconic, truly. Love all of her appearance and threats to people who could hurt Charlie. THE PHONE KICK SCENE, AHH. I really hope season 3 gets some sprinkles from Solitaire. They kinda hinted at some stuff to come by calling attention to Ben switching to Highs instead of staying at Truham. But I cannot wait for Michael to be introduced and the chaos to ensue.
The casting: 10000000/10
The acting: infinity / 10
The script: PERFECTION / 10
Please please please go watch or read Heartstopper. Better yet, do both.
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aleeyenn · 6 months
Hi i just wanted to say I love your works and profile sm, I love how you represent fireafy and coinpin and each of their respective characters, and I especially love how you represent Coiny. I feel like from what I've seen people don't see how Coiny really is, they usually just reduce him to a jerk or a firey slapper. But he's so much more and so different from that lke in canon he's so driven and serious but then fun and chill when needed, and how he can be fun and silly but then empathetic and sweet when given. and I feel like the way you represent him is so accurate and takes evey aspect of him in canon as well as headcanons that just FIT HIM SO WELL and idk it just makes me so happy. I also LOVE your headcanon of him being able to pull both masculinity and femininity, I love it so much it emulates the essence of him so well so be so comfortable in himself and not have a shred of toxic masculinity or anything like that. And I love how you make him adore pin like YES HE ADORE AND LOVES and does whatever pin wants it just makes me so happy esp with how gorgeous she is and as someone who is also plus sized and having issues with self image seeing coiny adore pin like that makes me believe in myself more idk how to explain it but YEA hahah just really like how you depict his charcater as a whole
I also love all your designs for every character
But ye I just want to say that hahah
i saw this when it was sent yesterday and i was in school and i was SOOO HAPPY i was telling all my friends with tears in my eyes and squealing over how sweet of a message i received LIKE I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF NOT TO CRY AND I KEPT GETTING UP AND PACING AAHH😭😭😭 i have waited for when i have free time where i’m not super tired to respond better than i would tired But! THANK YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME!!! YOU REALLY DONT!!! thank you thank you so much!!! i’ve been struggling with forming my thoughts and feelings into words recently so forgive me if this is a messy reply but AHH!!!
coiny is one of my favorite characters he’s sooOOO FUNNY AND CHARMING! i love expressing his silly side and how dumb he is sometimes so i do it in most of my work (because it’s lighthearted almost every time) and it makes me so happy to see him being so.. coiny! he is genuinely such an amazing character and the perfect balance of cool, kind, and idiotic(affectionately) he’s so nice and so compassionate and i appreciate that about him so much and I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU CAN ENJOY MY PORTRAYAL OF HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE EVERY PART OF HIM!!! and you like my headcanons!!! i forget what kind of coiny headcanons i have represented on this account but YESSS!!! COINY PULLING OFF FEMININE CLOTHES IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! he is SO proud of it. he will put on a pink frilly dress and walk with confidence and feel as pretty as can be! i’ve been meaning to draw him in a dress for months actually (i have so much i want to draw all the time but i’m either really busy or i have zero motivation But this message gave me the motivation to actually try soon KEEP AN EYE OUT! maybe ill draw pin and coiny with their outfits swapped 🤫) he is one of the most positive and caring contestants on bfdi and he makes me so happy!!! he can wear both girly clothes and masculine clothes HE CAN WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS and he will look TOTALLY AWESOME IN IT! and OMFGGG DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH HE LOVES PINNN SHE IS HIS WHOLE WORLD AND COINY IS HERS AS WELL! coiny will do anything for her he loves her so bad… AND!!! AHHHH!!!! I AM SO SO SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY MY PIN HUMANIZATION MAKES YOU FEEL THAT WAY!!! BRINGING PEOPLE SELF-CONFIDENCE AND EMPOWERMENT THROUGH MY DESIGNS AND REPRESENTATION IS MY ABSOLUTE GOAL WITH WHAT I DO!!! it seriously means everything to me that i’ve Actually been able to achieve that and help people with how they feel about themselves indirectly. my eyes are watering while typing this ARGHH i really just want everyone to know how beautiful they are no matter what their size or weight or height or color or LITERALLY ANYTHING is. and as someone who also struggles with their self-image/esteem it means even More to me because i know how it feels!!! seeing yourself in a design of your favorite character or a character you enjoy in general feels SO GOOD so i strive to do that as much as i can. body diversity and diversity in all aspects is incredibly important to me and i want to sprinkle it everywhere in whatever i do!!! everyone is so beautiful and different and i think that is a blessing!!! whoever is reading this is beautiful and whoever in the WORLD is too just how they are now!!! EVERYONE IS GORGEOUS!!! it may take a while to feel it and that’s okay but just know that you are!!!
in short i am happy i was able to touch your heart and make you smile and give you at least a little bit more confidence in yourself. you are amazing and so kind for sharing this all with me!!! i think you can tell now how much this did for me by how much i wrote (SORRY ITS HUGE BLOCKS OF TEXT) and i can’t thank you enough for liking my work from characterization to design. every time i get a message like this i will not stop thinking about it and i hold it close to me every time i draw Like those other messages about my pin gijinka from months back I STILL GET SO EMOTIONAL OVER. i’m really glad i can make you feel that way and i hope i have made many others feel the same way too. THANK YOU!!!💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶
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periwinklemoonlight · 10 months
AHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i have so many thoughts i dont know where to begin LMAO ill start with the outfit designs first!!
to start things off, every design has one specific colour in mind to represent that hermit! pearl - blue, gem - green, impulse - yellow, doc - black/gray, and grian - red! (everyone's nails are painted their colour) every design was deliberately punk-inspired, since during the king arc the soup group was a force of resistance against the monarchy's tyranny :P therefore, the soup group are the main focus of the art and their designs are intentionally made so that they stand out more from the other two, though i made sure they were all unique in one aspect or another :] let's go character by character now! (i'm including all my initial design sketches + some inspo photos too)
pearl - she's the lead singer of soup group, along with playing the electric guitar! her design features a double tank top + low rise big pant combo, moon motifs of course, and two distinct shades of blue! The darker one is seen throughout her hair and outfit, while the lighter one in her moth antenna is reflected in her guitar. the main inspiration for her look was avril lavigne, which is also what influenced me to add those fun blue hair streaks :D on her shirt i wanted to have a sort of skeletal moth/butterfly design!!
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gem - the keytar! i wanted to make sure that gem and pearl's designs looked very distinct from each other, so i went for a slightly different vibe with gem's! her design is based more off of the plaid skirts, big boots, and fishnet looks i found while looking through early 2000s lip service magazine scans (as well as some hayley williams looks!!) :D additionally, shes got vine tattoos over her body to call back to her nature elf vibe this season!
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impulse - the drummer of course!! for his look, i wanted to go a little more anarcho-punk (since its a much older punk style and hes the oldest member of soup group LOL), so his vest jacket has got a bunch of diy additions like patches, pins, paperclips, and chains, along with a bunch of spikes!! in my mind, the back of his jacket has probably got a whole lot more patches, spikes, and studs :] beyond that, i made sure to give him lots of piercings (though my options were limited since s9 impy has a beard lol), and stretched earlobes for fun!! ideally his pants would also have a lot more patches and fun bits, but since his legs would be entirely covered by his drums in the final piece i went for something simpler
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doc - an opener and feature on the song! since he's not part of the soup group, his design is quite a bit simpler than the others in terms of both look and concept :] his look is monochrome save for his robotic red parts and green skin, but still looks interesting thanks to that fun leather jacket :D his look is purposefully more reminiscent of a 50's style greaser, i wanted to go for an older fashion style to make him look more intimidating/mature, as well as set him apart from the look of soup group since the perimeter was an independent nation in the king arc!
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grian - another feature/opener! design wise? hes literally just green day i can't even lie like the pun was perfect and also the black shirt + red tie combo is iconic and also fits his look so effortlessly it had to be done LMAO also, if you look closely in the final piece you can see he's wearing eyeshadow! this of course is again because hes grian day /silly. but to be real, i think this style also fits him really well since the tie + spikes & studs combo gives the look that sorta rebellious vibe that was all over his videos during the king arc :]
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AND NOW FOR THE INSTRUMENTS!! this segment is thankfully much shorter
pearl's guitar is of course a nod to my design for her and her moth wings! butterfly guitars are harder to draw than you'd think LOL
gem's keytar has got a vine design all over it to match her tattoos
impulse's drum set has got the soup group punk band logo! the logo design may honestly be my favourite part of the piece, i feel like i really nailed what i was going for :D
and thats it! i'll edit this post or rb with any details i missed if they come to mind! thank u for reading anyone who has made it this far <3
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kyloherrera · 8 months
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content warning: fem!reader. denigration, pet and master, breeding, creampie, physicall restrain, edging.
wordcount. 2732
annotation. hello omg part two, thank you for making through here, this is porn with plot. Also keep in mind that english is no my main language so if I have grammar mistakes, please tell me, hope you enjoy. Remember to reblog, like and comment if you like it really makes the difference &lt;3
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"Uh, what was your answer? Could you repeat it? Sorry, I couldn't hear you." Risotto said while continuing to lick the neck of his new pet. This made you moan.
Risotto's big body made your body look small. Risotto loved this, seeing his partner's small body, which was now his and could be torn apart at any moment.
"I want to be your toy… Ahh." A moan escaped your interruption and it was Risotto who had bitten your neck. Not hard enough to draw any blood, but hard enough to leave a mark on that little neck of yours.
"I couldn't hear you. Could you say that again?" He snorted. A smile was on his face.
"I want to be yours. I want to be your toy, your property." You said, while a reddish color painted your face. Risotto just whispered close to his ear.
"Good girl, now show me."
He said, caressing your lips and tracing a line on them, then placing a pair of fingers in your mouth. You simply began to lick them delicately, moving your tongue up and down. Risotto just smiled, contented.
Your body could not help but shiver at the warm touch of your new master as Risotto's other hand moved from your collarbone to your hips, caressing your entire abdomen with a soft but firm touch. Risotto continued down until he reached your shorts. He unbuttoned them and pulled them down. The white-haired man felt his member tingle as he watched those beautiful curves. The white-haired man felt his member tingle as he watched those fine curves.
The capo then decided to take his fingers out of your mouth and then slowly and delicately lower them down to your almost naked waist, then take your ass in his hands and squeeze it, while resting his face on your shoulder, so that you could feel Risotto's warm breath on your neck, like a tickle, making you arch your back a little.
Risotto began to play with your ass, as if it were a massage, squeezing it and moving his hands around it, as if he was molding it, and then delivering a slap or two. Risotto's touch was almost magical. It made your body squirm a little from the pleasure, and it made you lose your mind little by little.
Risotto then decided to stop playing with your ass, licking his lips still with a sadistic and lustful smile, and started bending down, depositing kisses all over your body, passing by your neck, your back, stopping on your ass, or rather on the underwear that was already wet.
Risotto then placed her hands on your ass to open your legs a little and spread them apart, giving him a better view of your panties. They were of a dark color that matched the rest of your outfit and made you look even more sensual. She then brought her face close to the wet fabric. She said a few words.
"What a slut, I haven't even started playing with you and your body is so wet, it's like it's asking me to fuck you." He said with a serious tone. Then he gave you another spanking, making your head tilt back a little from the pleasure.
Together with Risotto's warm breath on your underwear, the pleasurable sting that the spanking had given you. It was enough to make your legs tremble a little while you felt yourself losing more and more of your mind due to the pleasure Risotto was giving you. He definitely knew what he was doing.
Risotto then smiled mischievously at you, only to use his position to give you a piercing on his tongue. A nice piercing that he would use to torture you.
It was then that your body was arched by Risotto's sudden touch, he had begun to brush his tongue over your underwear, licking slowly and delicately but with strength and precision, moving his tongue from side to side and in circles while his hands squeezed and played with your ass, the coldness and warmth of Risotto's tongue made an almost perfect combination and that cold metal object on his tongue made him lose more of your mind.
This action could make you feel closer and closer to your limit. Your head was thrown back while your mouth was flooded with moans. Risotto then continued this action, adding more rudeness and speed with each lick, your legs trembling while your mind allowed you to think of nothing but this moment, your back arched and you could feel that you were about to reach your climax and Risotto had noticed it.
When you were about to come, Risotto stopped and quickly left the place without saying anything. There was a silence for a few seconds, interrupted only by your heavy breathing.
It was then that Risotto took your chin roughly and forced you to look into his eyes. Risotto couldn't help but feel his member tingle as he saw the beautiful expression on his pet's face.
Your breathing was heavy. A few small tears welled up from the pleasure and a huge blush appeared on your face. All broken up, just the way he wanted it to be. Risotto just smiled at you and then planted a quick kiss on your lips. He broke the kiss and looked at you with a dominating, cold stare as he said a few words.
"You want to come, don't you? Why don't you show your master why he should let you come, slut?"
You just nodded, and then Risotto just let a small smile slip out of his lips, followed by a "good girl," which caused you to get on your knees in front of him. He looked at you with those crimson and dark eyes that managed to make your whole body tingle. But before you started, Risotto had given you a present in your mouth with the help of his stand and that was a piercing.
After this you started your work, taking the other member in your mouth, you had to admit that it was quite difficult to do this with his hands chained, but you would do it anyway and try to get a little revenge with it.
You decided to take one of the other's members in your mouth. Then you slowly and delicately moved your tongue up and down the length of the member. This caused a few sighs from Risotto's lips, and then he moved upward.
You move it up to the head of the large member and begin to use your tongue like a baby sucking on candy. You make circles with your tongue around the head of the penis. Risotto was surprised to see how good you were at this, especially with your hands tied, but he knew it was because of the piercing he had given you.
You just kept at it, never failing to make eye contact with Risotto's cool gaze. Your lips were warm, like a warm embrace of his member, and Risotto loved it, loved to see you take him with such passion and devotion. But you still wanted your revenge. And so it was.
You quickly bit into your master's member, mercilessly and cruelly. Risotto let out a loud moan as he frowned.
"You bitch!" He was furious. Then he grabbed your hair tightly, bending your head down to insert his member into your mouth, cutting off your breath. Then Risotto started to fuck your mouth, making rough and fast movements, making you cough a little due to the size of his member, this rhythm was no longer comfortable for you and only brought pleasure to Risotto, this didn't bother him and in fact another idea came to his mind as he smiled mischievously while small tears escaped from you due to the lack of air and the choking sensation.
Risotto put his free hand on your neck and squeezed it tightly, smiling as he felt his member in your throat. You felt the air leaving your body and tried to breathe through your nose, but it was impossible. Risotto continued to fuck your mouth as he applied more pressure to your neck. You just begged for some air, but that was ignored by Risotto until he came in your mouth and face, making you swallow the white liquid. Risotto just got down on his knees to face you.
You were a rough woman and therefore not sunk in tears, but some tears had come out of your eyes due to the choking sensation. Risotto noticed this and decided to give you a caress. He ran one of his fingers over your lips and then he placed a couple of kisses on your forehead and your eyes.
He licked the remains of semen that had fallen on your face, with delicacy at the same time that he mentioned a few words while he put a finger on your chin and looked you in the eyes.
"C'mon, it's normal for a master to punish his pet if he misbehaves, just like it's normal to give him treats if he behaves well." He then said and smiled at you then stroked your hair.
You ignore his words and just decided to throw it making it fall backwards on the floor, while you climbed on the floor, leaning your knees on the floor, to then bring your face close to Risotto's face, while you looked at him with a dominant and threatening tone.
"Ahh yes, and because you think you can tame me, do you think I'll just let myself win and not put up a fight, Noo, the one who will end up begging here will be you. The one who will end up being each other's pet around here will be you." You said as you returned the look and smile that used to haunt Risotto's face.
Risotto admitted it, that stubborn attitude made you even more attractive and sexy, but he never let himself be tamed, he had to show you who was your master.
Nero in one swift movement climbed on top of you placing one of his knees on your groin and smiled at you, he would have fun with his new game.
Risotto released his erection from his pants, pulling it out into the air and then began to rub it against the wet fabric already on your legs, you simply let moans escape from your mouth as you arched your back, your whole body was already sensitive from the foreplay. Nero started biting and kissing your neck, and then began to remove your shirt, revealing your breasts.
The white haired man began to move his member in circular movements and to rub it more and more rudely, he wanted to hear that word leave your lips, he needed to know how much you needed it.
"I won't tell you what your heart's desire is." You said, but Risotto knew that wasn't true. He continued to move his lips down your body, going over your neck, your collarbone, your breasts and then your stomach, being more passionate about the last part, leaving kisses and bites.
You felt your body begging for attention. But you would not give Risotto what he wanted to hear. Nero, seeing this, simply took his large member and placed it on your belly. Then he smiled at you and said:
"Just say the word and you'll have all of this inside of you."
You just let a sigh escape your lips as you threw your head back, you needed it but you didn't want to admit it and you didn't want to, so while Risotto was doing this you just wrapped your arms around his neck and used your strength to pull his face close to you.
"Come on, you need it more than I do, just do it," you smiled.
Risotto simply broke free of this grip, to then spread your legs apart, giving him a better view of your entrance, as he used his stand once more to summon a pair of handcuffs, and to bind your feet.
"Wow, you really like being chained up like a pet, I think the next time we meet I'll bring you a present." He smiled at you
Nero knew full well that the way things were going you wouldn't say the words he wanted to hear so he decided to insert his member one at a time as he stopped, he wouldn't move until you said what he wanted to hear, you just let out a loud moan as you felt Risotto enter you.
"Ha, you were the one who was in need of me the most." You let out a snort.
"Oh yeah, well I'm not going to move until you ask me to."
Your brow furrowed. Honestly, you needed him already, but you don't know if you'd let him win either.
"Oh, is that so? Well, then you can be on hold forever."
"Really?" Risotto said. He bent his body and looked at you with that wicked look and smile on his face. Then their mouths met in a passionate kiss. Both mouths played for control of the other and their tongues fought for territory. Risotto simply lowered his hands to your breasts and began to play with them, leaving a trail of wet kisses from your lips to one of your nipples. The cold metal and Risotto's skillful fingers were enough to bring you to your limit.
Risotto smiled. The warm spice enveloped his member. And your walls tightened around his member. You arched your back. Seeing this, Risotto simply decided to continue the caresses. He wanted to see how long it would take you to say those words. And so it was. After you came again, you said the words Risotto wanted to hear so much.
"Fuck, fuck me, I can't stand it anymore." Risotto just smiled. He looked into your eyes and answered.
"I will. If you say it in a more polite way." He said. He moved his hips a little to motivate you.
"Please master, play with me. Tear me apart." You said a little frustrated. He would definitely pay you back.
And so it was. Risotto began to move his hips with a little roughness and intensity, increasing his speed with each thrust so he could get used to the size of your member.
This caused several moans and sobs from your mouth, you were getting closer and closer to your limit, Risotto simply decided to put your legs over his shoulders, making his thrusts deeper and deeper. This caused you to come for the third time, squeezing him even more, making Risotto bite his lip and also let out a few grunts. Risotto continued like this for a few minutes until he reached his limit, as did you. Finally, he came inside you.
Risotto remained inside you for a few minutes, enjoying the warm sensation that this place gave him, while you felt how this warm liquid caressed your walls, a sensation that undoubtedly made you come 5 times, overstimulated and lost in pleasure, completely shattered while you tried to catch your breath, just as Risotto wanted.
He finally decided to come out of you and then watched as the sperm slowly left his entrance, a very sensual sight that made him feel tingling in his lower part. As he removed the stand and the handcuffs, he gave you a few caresses.
You just laughed a little as you felt the warm and delicate touch, while you said: "Fuck you", between gasps, trying to catch your breath with your body full of sweat.
Then Risotto decided to help you get up and give you a warm shower full of caresses and cuddles. After all, you had to give affection to the pets and bathe them after playing with them.
But after all these caresses, Risotto had tied you to the chair again. You were now his toy, but that did not guarantee that you would not betray him and run away.
And so it was, you were now the toy of one of the most dangerous members of Passione, but you were also a prisoner from whom they had to get all the information. Well, it was the same for the other members, because Risotto had not told them that you were now his toy.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi I'm not sure if your inbox is open but if it's okay can I please ask for a platonic yandere Adam and Poseidon
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With a quiet and kind darling/daughter that has social anxiety and abandonment issues so they wear Jirai Kai fashion because it's cute and as a coping mechanism
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Sorry if this sounds weird and if you're not taking requests sorry for bothering you
Ahh~ I love Lolita fashion types~ it’s so beautiful and unique! My favorite things are multiple tiered ruffled skirts or dresses!
-You were soft spoken and gentle, but unique, dressed in dark tones with muted pastels, mostly purple, but occasionally pink, and tall Mary Janes to make yourself just a bit taller.
-Many thought you were a bit odd by the way you dressed, but you were happy. Window shopping, both at stores and online, always seemed to relax you.
-The stress of your day just melting away as you pieced together new outfits or pressed ‘add to cart’, it was so soothing.
-The way you dressed stemmed from trauma of your past, being abandoned by your friends who left to hang out with ‘cooler’ people, your family ignoring you in favor of your other siblings, leaving you alone, leaving you with both social anxiety and abandonment issues.
-You found your first dress in passing, in a secondhand shop. It was girly but also dark, like you were mourning but still feminine.
-You ignored the whispers and the stares, it was your safe space, in these clothes, they made you feel powerful, like nothing could stand in your way.
-However, there was a light in your dim world, one that was bringing the color slowly back, someone who truly loved you.
-Poseidon- You had caught his eye, holding a dark umbrella over your head, standing on the beach, holding your shoes in the other hand. You were…quite different, but he found himself intrigued by you, you seemed to draw him in. You thought Poseidon was teasing you at first, why would someone as bright and gorgeous as him want a potato like you? However, after years of being with him, you knew he was genuine, not telling you to change your style, like others did in your past. You felt safe with him, and Poseidon wouldn’t hesitate to intimidate others and make them kneel, making them plead for your forgiveness, because if you didn’t, he definitely wouldn’t. Poseidon adores you, everything about you, he finds your unique tastes in fashion fun, it’s not like other girls that would usually fawn over him.
-Adam- When he found you crying out in the rain, being thrown out by your family for being a ‘freak’, not wanting to dress ‘normal’, he immediately took you in and adopted you. Both him and Eve adored you, quirks and all, Eve wouldn’t hesitate to go shopping with you, finding it fun, and if anyone made fun of you, your new papa was hands on sight. They were so kind and gentle to you, treating you with such kindness and so much love that you never ever had to question if they would leave just like everyone else. Adam is hands down the type of dad who, if you piece together an outfit for him, he will wear it, Eve too, but she likes more of the pastel designs. They will never make you feel uncomfortable or afraid to be yourself and won’t hesitate to deal with those who make you cry. Nobody is allowed to make you cry.
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theclocky1 · 6 months
I’ve thought of a prompt comrade 🫡 can you do your interpretation of the Monkees but as a Glam Rock or Hair Metal band??
@Doublydarling & myself (@80yearoldmanmoodboard) have done hair metal/glamrock monkees in our own styles but I love 70s-80s rockers aesthetics and I love seeing different artists interpretations of the same prompts and I’d just love to see how you’d do it! No pressure to make it but if you do I’d love to see it!!
i had so much fun making something for it! and that statement is super real i love seeing other people draw something/someone i like because everyone’s art style is different and what not!!
okay enough talking BOOM HERE IT IS!! 💥💥
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made two versions with peter because i was originally gonna give him face paint but i FORGOT AHH!! but anywho, they’re all based off bands of those genres (and in timeframe too). i’ll explain every reference/inspiration in the cut below ⬇️
so davy’s based off queen!! specifically freddie mercury. i found an image of him w/ the band from like 1974 and i used that as a reference, his hair looks bad in that drawing and i tried fixing it but i failed so let’s just say it’s a wig 💥💥💥
micky is based off of ELO! no one in particular though. i remembered that one performance they did where they’re wearing unicolor outfits, and i kept that in mind while coloring micky’s outfit!
peter’s based off of kiss. there’s someone in particular i based him off of but i’m not well versed in kiss lore to actually know their name.
getting something for mike was tricky since he wouldn’t really be the type of guy to be in a glam rock/hair metal band in my eyes. but then i remembered that marc bolan existed, and both are probably known for wearing hats so boom he’s based off of t. rex and i loved drawing him for this
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Give and Take
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Relationship: Main Character/Lucifer Characters: Lucifer, Main Character Additional Tags: afab!MC (you/your), use of safe word, mild nsfw, trauma Summary: Sometimes, it’s the dom that needs to drop the safe word. AO3 request: “I would love to see it in a scenario where Lucifer the Dom drops the safe word. I know they have safe words too but never seen anyone do it. For me this would be a new thing to read and experience.” Word Count: 1155
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“And what are you planning, my troublesome little minx?”
“Not much,” you slide into his lap, cuddling up to him, “Whatever gets me pushed onto the bed sounds good though.”
“My, you are quite forward tonight, aren’t you?” He put his thumb and forefinger against your chin, tilting your gaze up toward him, “Though, if that is what you want, you may be disappointed. After all, this position is quite lovely already.” As he spoke, he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, gently nibbling the flesh there and listening to the little mewls that escaped your throat.
“Luci- ahh.” Words left you as he snaked his hand into your pants, rubbing his finger over your underwear.
As he toyed with you, however, he noticed that something about your underwear was not normal. The texture around the edge was different and they felt small on you, “Are you wearing something?”
The way you shift in his lap is all the confirmation he needs. He knew you had a large stash of lingerie lying around and he appreciated how readily you wore it for his amusement.
“I believe I would like to see what this little surprise is,” he said as he dipped his hand beneath your panties and sunk a finger into you, “Take off these other things. They’re in the way.”
You nod, using shaky fingers to carefully undo the buttons of your shirt and cursing your decision to wear something so time consuming. For the love of everything good in this world, you just wanted him to rip it open already, but you were sure he was making you do it and rubbing you all the while just to torment you. That’s what you got for for attempting to be seductive.
Eventually, you undid the last button and slid the shirt down your arms. Underneath, he found the little surprise you had been hiding; a white nightie with delicate trim.
“Is this for me?” He chuckled, running the finger of his free hand along the edge of the outfit and tickling your skin.
“Yes, Sir.” Well, it was also for you. You looked so cute in this particular set and you were glad you got to wear it, “Do you like it?”
“It is quite beautiful, though it would look better on the floor.”
Now that he got a closer look at you, something inside of him felt strange. White was worn for many reasons in many different contexts; birth, weddings, funerals, to signify innocence and purity… And many of those reasons stirred something feral inside of him. It was natural for a demon to want to defile and corrupt something innocent and claim it for themselves and Lucifer was no exception. It didn’t matter that you were already his.
More than any of those things, however, was the way the fabric draped over your frame and hugged your curves. It looked so… familiar, in the worst way. Looking at you was like seeing a small piece of heaven anew. It was a sight and feeling that he couldn’t and didn’t want to handle.
His breath hitches in his throat, trying to find something to say to you but only drawing a blank. There was only one phrase that was coming to mind as he withdrew his hands from you, “Lost lamb.”
You froze on the spot, “Lucifer?” You’d never actually seen him use his safe word before, so it had caught you off guard. You look back at him, seeing how distant his eyes appear to be; like he’s trying to compose himself but each time he does his nerves rush back in again.
“I apologize. I didn’t realize…” He wasn’t distressed, merely shaken at his own thoughts, but it was enough to end the entire thing for him. He could not safely continue in his current headspace nor did he particularly feel the desire to, “Give me a moment.”
It was hard to focus on much else at the moment, but you knew the rules when someone tapped out of play, “What do you need from me?” You had to ask, because Lucifer had never been in a position where he had to tell you before.
He looked you over once more, “Would you mind changing into something else?” Literally anything else, even if it was nothing.
“Of course.” He didn’t have to ask twice for you to get up and venture over to his closest where you grabbed the largest, baggiest shirt you could find and changed into it.
The entire time, he didn’t dare look in your direction as he tried to compose himself. You were so beautiful, but when he looked at you in that moment… you looked too similar to memories he would rather forget.
“Lucifer?” You called out to him as you approached again, trying not to startle him.
He took a deep breath before turning around to look at you, smiling at the comically large shirt you were now wearing, “You look lovely.”
“Thank you for the compliment, but this isn’t about me.” You step closer to him, running your hands along his biceps slowly, “How do you feel?”
He smiles down at you, but it feels hollow, “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Don’t lie to me,” you squeeze him slightly, “You don’t just drop the safe word because everything is perfectly fine.”
“I suppose that is true for others, but it was simply a spur of the moment decision for me. I shouldn’t have been so quick to use it.” He could have tolerated the feeling. It was only a passing moment, after all.
You stick your lip out in a little pout. Clearly, he was trying to downplay what was bothering him. Was he self-conscious about using it for the first time?
“Well, I think it’s really admirable that you are so in touch with your emotional state. Knowing when you need to stop is attractive.” It was the least you could do to make him feel better about it. And, since he used it, that means you needed to take care of him, right? Though you doubted he would appreciate being coddled, “How would you feel about snacks? I hid some of that tart from yesterday so Beel didn’t get it all. I could also make some coffee or tea, but that may take a while.” And you weren’t sure that being alone at the moment was good for him.
“If you want,” which you knew was Lucifer’s way of asking you for something without saying he wanted it. Maybe you would spoil him and hand feed him as a surprise. After all, he must really be shaken if he wasn’t being forthcoming with you in his usual, prideful way.
In time, you would have to ask him what had upset him, but for now you just wanted to take care of him and make sure he was going to be okay.
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x-atlas-x · 7 months
🦄back atcha for puzzle boys :>
but also.......... anything for 🐅 for my boy Jou?👉🏻👈🏻
Ooh, okay!! This one is gonna be so much fun :D
🦄 - Characters’ Physical Appearance
Let’s start with Yugi:
I feel like Yugi would have piercings because why not? He loves dressing edgy to begin with, so having piercings means more jewelry to cover his body in.
Wears all black most of the time, but dresses in professional clothes (like his DSOD fits) when he has to run errands or he’s working. I think he’d wear platforms to add some height and tease Atem about being shorter than him now.
Chains and leather everywhere, a phase he doesn’t grow out of from high school. There are some days where he just goes out in pure bondage because it makes him happy. He’s embraced this unique side of him, and he’s okay with being the odd one out. Wears eyeliner, but he’s jealous of Atem’s natural ability to apply it onto himself.
Depending on if that pink part of his hair is natural or not, I like the thought of him dyeing it different colors (I mainly have this headcanon for modern AUs, but it can work for canon too). At one point, he does it full rainbow, but swears to never do it again because it’s too complicated to separate each color in his hair.
Atem time!
I love the thought of him having curly hair. Whether it’s 3C or 4C matters none to me, it’s just great in general. Let this man have curly hair 🙏
I believe Atem would also get some piercings here and there. Maybe not as many as Yugi, but definitely a good amount so he can decorate his body as he pleases. He loves to match his jewelry, and occasionally will have matching earrings or necklaces with Yugi.
I like him wearing clothes that are loose and flow nicely because it’s reminiscent of what he wore back in ancient Egypt. It’s also another feeling of freedom to him, not being constrained by tight fitting clothes like Yugi wears. Sometimes he’ll wear darker outfits when he’s in the mood, but most of the time, he and Yugi are like Yin and Yang, complete opposites (fashion wise).
Naturally good at his eyeliner/kohl, something he remembers from his past. Whenever Yugi gets frustrated with it, he offers to do it for him (insert that one drawing meme of sitting on someone while doing their makeup).
And, of course, he intermingles silver and gold jewelry to match both Yugi’s choker that he was given and the cartouche Anzu gave him.
🐅 - Characterization: Character habits, personality, etc.
For Jou! Ahh, yay, I never get to talk about him, but I have some headcanons for him in my brain ^^
In the beginning of the manga/show, we all know Jou is a bully that picks on Yugi. However, he learns about friendship and how to be a good friend. He’s there for all of his friends whenever they’re going through a tough time, and he supports them to the best of his abilities.
He prefers to be independent, and he doesn’t like offloading his problems onto his friends (hypocrite). He’d rather deal with them by himself than let everyone know what’s going on in his personal life. He swears to never drink alcohol because he despises the behavior/bad habits of his father. He smokes sometimes to relieve himself of stress, but he gradually stops when he finds dueling as another means of escape from reality.
He goes to Yugi’s house a lot to play video games, teaches Atem certain customs he’s not familiar with, walks with Honda sometimes, accompanies Anzu when she needs a shopping buddy (even though he hates it), and takes his sister out on the town.
He’s protective over everyone and always throws himself in danger to avoid them getting hurt or involved. He never wants to see his friends in a bad situation, and he’ll do everything in his power to get them out of it. He aspires to follow in Atem’s footsteps after everything Atem has done for him. He sees him step down from the plate after being resurrected and decides to take his place for him when it comes to defending everyone.
We all know he has his flirtatious, naughty attitude, but when it truly comes to dating someone, you know he’s gonna take good care of whoever it is. Good boyfriend and good brother.
In the past, you would’ve never caught Jou doing anything out of the norm. He would’ve laughed in your face about it and called you a loser. Now, he doesn’t care. He sees how freeing it is for both Yugi and Atem to be who they want and dress how they want. If Shizuka wants to paint his nails for her own enjoyment, then he’ll gladly let her do it and not care if he keeps it on when he goes out in public. It made her happy, and frankly, he doesn’t care what other people think (though he was embarrassed and flustered about it when he first started stepping out of his comfort zone).
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misspennycandy · 10 months
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hi! My name is Mel and I'm a pretty big Muppet nerd :D
My favorite Muppet of all is Dr Teeth, keyboardist and front man of the rock band, Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem 💚💚💚 In my ocxcanon-verse, the groovy lady who's captured the good doc's heart is a writer named Marisol~
She is a tv writer who works on scripts for the talk show Up Late With Miss Piggy and Teeth is part of the house band for the show; they probably met at work, though Marisol has been a fan of the band's music for years. (fun fact: one of Teeth's bandmates, Zoot, is her cousin!)
Unlike the flashy, loud, and charismatic Teeth, Marisol's a little more reserved, shy, and tends to overthink things. She's also a very sweet, fun person in her own right once you get to know her, and she and Teeth hit it off pretty well, being fellow creatives, fans of rock music, and lovers of good food/desserts. On occasion, Teeth finds himself turning to Mari to help him out when he has writer's block (and vice versa), and they make beautiful music together, in all senses~ ^^
Fun facts about Mari:
IMPORTANT: she is pretty tall! I don't have a "set height" for her, but she is noticeably taller than Teeth, and it's at least a lil visible when they're sitting next to each other. Love a cute height difference x)
has a fondness/superstition for good luck charms (her 'usual' outfit includes a clover necklace and lady bug skirt pattern)
has a little black kitten named Bea as a pet (she doesnt believe black cats are bad luck, quite the opposite in fact)
her favorite dessert are macarons
best friend is Yolanda the rat (she works on the Miss Piggy show, too, as one of Kermit's personal assistants. she's chatty and nosey, but has a heart of gold, always encouraging Marisol to get out of her comfort zone, and ask out that musician she's been crushin on for months!!)
she bakes pretty great desserts!
ahh I hope that's enough info to give context ^^;
if you'd like more refs/drawings that showcase their 'vibe':
💚💙Mariteeth Instagram page (for more drawings of my muppet gorl and otp draws, by myself and others)
In terms of prompts, I'm pretty open to any cute poses/ideas you might have, dear gifter. If you wanna draw them in their 'classic' outfits, or switch it up to fits you see on their insta page, or even make up your own outfit entirely, I'm open to anything~ If you find drawing characters in "couple costumes" fun, three different ideas I have: Mary Poppins & Bert, Western Barbie & Ken, Robin Hood & Maid Marian. You can also do somethin' like "Santa and Mrs Claus~" to fit the holiday theme ^^
In general, anything holiday related is cute to me. mistletoe, gift exchanging, (comfy matching?) sweaters, hot drinks~
If you want to do somethin unrelated to holidays, just them hanging out together, Dr Teeth playing Mari a romantic piece on piano, sharing a milkshake on a date, cuddling during a drive-in movie, dancing, holding hands, kissing, Mari wearing Teeth's hat, riding a tandem bike (a la Muppets Take Manhattan)… I'm really not picky! lol
Thank you so much for reading all of this! I'm so excited to see what idea you might settle on ^^ Hope you have fun with it and happy holidays!! --Mel
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chimerinshine · 2 years
Some doodles/quick sketch of the ocs i make (well i was thinking i might do a movie or comics at the future cause dang it was hard but ehh) anyways..This are some of"The Darkeners" or "The Dark Ones" which they all live in a dark world and can sometimes enter the world of light or hopeland. Always remember not all darkeners are evil. ALRIGHT! enough talkin'. Lemme introduce them to you..
(I think texts for each image will work sooo...yeah double descript it)
•Monster Blanket or Blanky for short.
Silly name for a monster right? Well...i feel bad for peeps who love to wrap themselves in the warm blankets. Cause you never know that was him. He is the younger brother of the Boogeyman. And he literally love to diguise himself as normal blanket then started eating peeps if he was hungry but if not he scared peeps to death (well mostly kids). He also have sharp thin claws and big yellow eyes and some visible sharp shadowy teeths that also appears when he show himself. He is a big boi. He can also change his blanket color to have a perfect diguise of a normal blankets of peeps. He belongs to dark world and sometimes travels in human world to go for scare hunt well at least his brother Boogey is not worst as him
•Dark Elves⚫🧝‍♂️🧝‍♀️
I just draw one cause there's so many of them. They are taller than normal elves normal elves average height is 2-3ft while them is 4-5ft. They have palish skin and almost all of them have scars cause they love fighting and a rough ones. Also they have pure black pitch eyes and wear such dark amors or leather armors (this proves they hunt other animals yeshh). They also have spiky helmets and sharp black claws. They all have different styles of outfit and claws and teeths, speaking of teeth, they also have sharp teeths and some are crooked (yup some of them don't know what is brush your teeth at all Toothfairy will be so disappointed at them reason why they hate them too). They love meats and drink alcoholic beverages
Also Females and Males have differences too. Females are thinner and faster and love to wear leather skirts and also use animal bones (or someone's) as their acessories. Males some of them can be well a stubby one (short and chubby) but some have normal weight and thinner they are stronger than normal elves and much wilder and rougher and also they love a beers/whines etc.. so much. Males also the one who build houses and make deadly weapons Males are crazier and more on killing machine. Females are meaner
They all belong to the dark world and belong to Krampus's domain (yes the evil demon goat santa one). And oh! They also make dark toys which is a very deadly one.
They know a little bit of dark magic
Ahh yes the King Of Lust, The Demon of Lust, Love- ya know what? just don't come near at him. He will do anything to get you on him. He is always onto well...18+ stuffs. He also a yandere one he can kill ya and obssessed with ya if he didn't get what he wanted or to be desired in love then you will be a goner. He can be also a Pansexual. He also go into the human world to date peeps. His eyes changes color green to reddish pink. He also have a very charming and smooth voice. Also when you look at his eyes you be hypnotized and force to have love with him. His true form is a big humanoid goat boi. He lives in hell which also can be found deep in the dark world. He can be found at 3rd pathway of hell which aka as 3rd ring.
He has supernatural or demonic powers
Sandman aka Blickfang👁���🗡
His real name is Coppelius (yeah he is literally based off on ETA Hoffmann's Sandman which a dark one not the dream giver one) He appears as humanoid creature, he has palish skin, a little bit thin, wear dirty green olive cloaks and clothings, stripe socks and some black leather shoes, he also have long white ash hair, golden yellow eyes (black pitch if he reveals his true form), have pointy ears, torn up gloves, have a black belt strap with golden outlines and designs and have golden eye buckle (some confuse if it was part of his or not) and also have some sanddust (probably use for taking eyes), some ancient knife, hourglass, he sometimes also carries a large sack (probably full of people's eyes and meteronomes) he also have metronomes ticking in different speed (yike just run when you hear one).
He's an evilcounter part of Ole Lukoie aka The Sandman or Mr Sandman (which based off on Hans Christian the dream giver one). And he's taller than him he is 7 footer one (with his true form he is even more taller well ya know owls:^). His true form are owl monster (reason why sometimes he acts like an owl or hissing and make such unusual noises) He appear as humanoid owl creature he has black eyes and longer eyebrows and have owl feather on his body parts fingerless gloves are his claws.Yup he is a scary ass owl man.
He has offsprings owlettes in the darkside of cresent moon cause that's where his domain and nest is,his wife was still unknown, when you sleepless he visits you or even force you to be awake in your sleep with some loud and strange noises he making and then throws or blew a sanddust in your eye to literally put you to forever sleep aka dead boi :^ . Well, when that happens it was well...bloody mess, nightmarish, traumatizing scene. His purpose tooking eyes of people is to feed his offsprings or his to be his food. When he is not satisfied he can go to flesh (yikes :<). He also very protective to his young ones. He used mostly his true form on his domain. Oh! he's older than Ole btw.
He only appears at cresent moon time reason why Ole always observe it and be alert so that he can protect people from him. Some believe he hates it but not really he just worries when it has darkest shadow. Ole was like the Santa who mostly loved by children and Coppelius is like Krampus who mostly feared by children. And Coppeliuse always have creepy smile and small pupils. He also have supernatural abilities
•Black Bishop [Chess Piece] ♟
(I only draw Black Bishop one cause they are so sooo many anyways..)
All of the Chess Pieces has hidden monstrous mouth (purpose? well..for literally eating their opponents) Black ones are worser than the Whites. All black chess live in a dark world (obviously). While White ones lives beyond the heavenly gates. They can move in anyways or normally as others.
Anyways, Black Bishop, wears hooded black robe with golden eye symbols and his robe have crimson red outlines and he has pointy ears and palish skin and more sharper long teeth once hebwill eat you. He act kind at 1st has role of an untruthful prophets, he is more darker and more faker than White Bishop. He is very merciless one and also have sin of lust. He also do blood sacrifices and stuffs. He also an ambusher and a sniper and can be the Black Queen's assassin. He has a nickname of "Headshooter" Cause he love to headshot his target. Yez, he is a type of piece who always keep deadly weapons that includes the strongest guns. He has a staff which is also contains dark magic also can turn into spear when it lands it explodes and resummoned in his hand. His eyes also have some blindfold or bandages cause without it you'll be traumatized. He also a tall boi he is 10footer one. He is truly Evil one. His location can be found at the Dark Castle underground. He also have supernatural powers
•Ghost Of Yet To Come (Future💀)
Same clothes, Same look, Same stuffs with Death himself but they are totally different. Death was the brother of Ole and yeah he took souls and tell such stories too but only two kinds one is good and one is bad. Anyways, Future here appeared to be an enormous dark entity he is 15 foot fall hooded figure. His face can be barely see. But when his face appeared he is palish man with pure white eyes and sometimes his face can be turn into skull. He love to scared to death someone who never learn to their place like what he did to Scrooge. He is the middle brother of Past and Present. He also very protective to them. He lives in the darkworld but sometimes escaping there to be with his brothers. He is far different to dark ones. Well he still have dark behaviour and have a dark sense of humor. But he is very kind one he just being scary and tend to harm other so that they can be good. He never speaks (well for others) or do a lot of sign languages. Only his brothers can hear him talk and a few fellows. He also never makes such expressions just death staring ya. So yeah if you are a mortal or some soul 1st time meeting him you never know if he just staring at you or talking to ya. He has a power of Umbrakenisis and other supernatural powers
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ariyucake · 2 years
-> 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 <𝟑 [ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔 ]
-> [ 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]
-> [ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖+ ]
-> [ 𝐓𝐖 : 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐫 ]
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-> " 𝐎𝐡 𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐡, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 . . . 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲 ! - "
-> You worked at a company, a popular one to be precise . It was the company that you used to always buy cosplay outfits from when you were around 16 or 15 . [ You were an obsessive anime fan, that's why ] You looked at your laptop with the sketch of the new outfit you were drawing with your digital pen that's connected to your laptop, you were quite bored today, and tired . . . not to mention that you're doing all of the work yourself because you have no partner, you kinda regretted telling your boss that you don't wan't a partner . But a week ago . . . you told your boss that you wanted a partner, and she happily accepted, gosh, the people working here were really nice, but still, you have no friends . You recently also found out about your partner, your partner is a short male, that has blonde hair and golden eyes . He sounds quite familiar, but you don't think much of it and just continued to work on with your sketch .
-> It was now lunch time, you immediately saved your sketch and shut your laptop, then closed it . You put your laptop to the right side of your table that's facing the wall . And you immediately rushed to your boss' office because you'd be afraid she'd get mad at you for being late .
-> You opened the door to reveal him, it's him ! Your partner that you've been wanted for so long . You bowed to your boss and greeted her and she greets you back and tells you to sit on the chair next to your new partner . You both introduced yourselves and your boss, Ningguang, told you some info about Aether and then she dismisses you both to go eat lunch .
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-> You closed the office door of Ningguang's lightly and then looked at Aether, he smiled at you warmly while you just gave him a small smile . You walked with him, following him as he walks to a . . . place that you always went to for lunch . He said that it was his favourite place to go . Well . . . he did looked like the blonde male you bumped into at the place a week ago, and what's better is that Aether even told you that he'd pay for the meal, no matter how expensive it is ! You both started to get closer each month, you liked him and he likes you, but . . . he's in love with you in a different way .
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-> He recently found out that you liked pocky, oh, what a coincidence ! he likes it too . . . he was always creepy around you, but you being a person who always experienced this thought it was just a feeling . Gosh, it reminds you of that one time when you were 15 and a short male blondie with gold eyes always followed you around because he wanted to be your friend . He kept reminding you of someone from your childhood, but you shrugged it off because you were always tired when thinking of those things . And guess what . . . he revealed that you were actually his childhood friend, you suddenly remembered and went : " Ahh !! I'm so sorry for forgetting you !! " and he just goes : " I - it's okay [ Name ], it's not a big deal anyways . . . " he says trying to hide his disappointment from you .
-> This morning, he bought a pack of pocky, and . . . well, some drug . . . but - it's not gonna kill you ! It's just gonna make you sleep for a while . . . he opened the pack of pocky and mixed it in the pink strawberry - looking liquid of the drug and went up to you holding it infront of your face, you immediately ate it because you didn't know what else to do - and suddenly . . . after eating it, you fainted .
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-> You woke up in Aether's home, feeling light - headed, you looked around and saw Aether sitting on his desk looking at some pictures . . . you slept on his bed, not tied, you immediately stood up but then again, you fell down and made a loud noise, Aether immediately looked behind him and saw you on the floor, on the verge of crying because of the pain . He helped you up and took care of your injury . You asked him why you were here, and he replied saying : " I . . . lost my sister, my twin sister, she went missing a year ago . And I've been thinking about you more often that time, and instead of being sad for my sister . . . I was sad because you weren't here to comfort me and hug me . I loved you since we were younger [ Name ] and if you feel uncomfortable with this, I understand, but I can't have you running around with other men trying to take your heart away ! I always feel like cutting their throats with a dull knife and beat them up mercilessly . . . I even killed 4 people who just flirted with you ! So please, don't leave . . . " He says as he hugs you, and you . . . surprisingly hugged him back " Don't worry Aether ! I love you so much too, and I know what it feels like to be you . " you said as you gave him a kiss on the cheek and he blushed .
The concept of this is that the reader used to be an anime weeb and always bought cosplay outfits from the company she currently works at and aether is her partner, who is a fashion designer and she's the one who designs it . The reader is also secretly aether's childhood friend [ crush actually ] but she forgor
-> Thank you for reading this, I hope you have a good day / night reader !
-> Also, I'm sorry if there are any grammar / spelling mistakes here ! I was rushing to type everything and my fingers hurt :(
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
Hi Miss Amy! i asked earlier how you would tickle a guy with hyper ticklish feet who is ticklish on his toes and very vulnerable to tickle talk, and especially to This Little Piggy (asking for a friend of course!) but he was also wondering how you would do it if you were his teacher and he was your student in class? you are MISS Amy afterall. Thank You!!
Ohhh ~<3 I love the idea of being Professor Amy in the college course on Knismesis & gargalesis. Naturally, we need to talk about my tickler outfit first. It's a little less obvious than my usual fashion~ black dress pants, shiny low-heeled black boots, a pink-purple blouse with a thick black belt under a form-fitting black blazer, and a fluffy silky purpley scarf around my neck with my blonde hair freely flowing. As it is the first day, I'll need a volunteer to come to the front of the lecture hall so I can demonstrate the basic difference between knismesis and gargalesis.
"Just climb on up now. Yes, there we go, there's a good boy." I pat your back lovingly as you sit atop the padded table in front of all these smirking faces and knowing eyes. "Now, let's get those shoes off." I tap you on the leg and flash a pearly grin opening a drawer and revealing a collection of stiff & fluffy feathers. "We start with knismesis~ this is the reaction induced by feather-light tickles, and ooh, I just happen to have a collection of such things right here~" I lecture as I walk around, gesturing to my collection and your exposed toes. "Socks off too please~" I remind you as I pull up a long white feather, straightening the quill between my long tapered fingers~
I flutterer the feather close to your toes and hold for a moment. "Are you ticklish?" I muse, just as the tip of the quill begins earnestly stroking under your big toe. "Uh-huh~ yeah?" I continue to speak and question you as it darts around ever so lightly. "That tickles? It does! See class, this is the reaction. Observe how he twitches and the sounds coming from his mouth. How about here? Under the middle toes? That tickles? It tickles. It tickles, class! We have tickles~!" I squeal and gesture for them to take notes. "Tickle tickle!" I hold the feather up for a moment and start talking to you again. "Did you get tickled a lot when you were younger?" Just as you start to answer I start taking the feather to your sole and arch. "Okay~ and you were tickled on your feet? Ahh, your belly. And that tickled? Was it a feather-light tickle? Just like this? Okay, it was harder than a feather. But less than, maybe, a feather duster?" I fluidly exchange my single tool for a collection, twirling a fluffy purple feather duster over your entire foot~ "Technically more than the feather sensation, but still less than gargalesis~" I explain to the class through your silly squirms and giggles.
"But it doesn't have to be feathers only~ with the right pressure application, the fingers will suffice as well." I wiggle my purple fingernails in the air and grin at your toes. "Did you ever play this little piggy? Do you know how it goes? No? Oh, you do. Well that didn't sound convincing. Should we show him how the game goes class? Ooh I don't know sweetheart, sounds like they have no confidence in your This Little Piggy knowledge. Yep, you need the remedial course on that one." As you stammer and try to talk your way out, my thumb and finger are on your big toe, pinching ever so lightly. "So, it starts like this. We hold the toe. And you have to keep still or the rule says we start over. You didn't hear that? That's the house rule here. Yes, house This Little Piggy rules are in effect here~ so do try to keep up dear." I snicker and draw it out, just holding your toe as you melt with blushing giggles. "So~ we start by introducing the pig, a declaration of intent. And your toe, this toe right here~ the one I am presently pinching with my fingers gently, with my nails touching riiight there ~ acts as the first piggy!" I sneak the feather back in occasionally gliding on your sole. "Hey, pay attention~"
"So, this little piggy~" I start to sing, holding your toe wiggling it gently as I turn to the class. "Should he sing too? He should? Yeah, let's hear you sing too~ come on, sing the song with me. I'll do it first, and you follow. House rules. So, this little piggy~ went to market" I smile, cueing you to sing through your silly giggles with me. "And where does a pig go to market anyway? What's he buying there?" I muse, still wiggling your toe. "Alright, next~" I grasp your index toe, making sure to start at the bottom and gliding my nail upwards to capture the top with my thumb. "Thiiiis little piggy stayed homee~ sing with me~ or we're starting over~" I giggle and speak out, repeating someone's remark. "Yeah I bet this little piggy wishes he'd stayed home~" I coo at you and move to the middle toe. "This little piggy, which is decidedly smaller than the last one, maybe little little piggy?" I delay, carefully teasing the underside and stroking the toenail as a taunt. "Yeah, little little piggy had roast beef. Yuckie~" I stick my tongue out and move to the ring toe. "Do you call this the ring toe too? Some people call it like the sub-pinky or something. Have you ever worn a ring on your toe? Maybe we should get him a tickle ring~" I prattle on, holding that little toe playfully with wiggles and idle tickles. "Like, yeah! A silver ring with a tiny feather and piggy etched on it~ that way he always remembers the game~ anywayyy, sorry hun, does it really tickle? Awww. It does. Coochie coochie coo~" I tease, a hand on my waistbelt. "This little piggy ~ sing with meee" I purr. "This little piggy had none~ awww poor little piggy. Let's give him love." I start massaging the toe lightly with my thumb to the cheers of the class.
"And finally~ at last. The pinky piggy. The little one at the end. This little piggggy~" I hold your pinky toe and hold back a silly grin, my tongue poking out slightly. "He went~" I lock eyes with you, showing my intent. "You know where he went? Did he goooo~ to market?" I start dancing my nails on your sole as you try to answer. "Did heeee~ stay home?!" I interrogate, lightly scribbling my nails on your instep. "Maybe he hadd....roast beef??" My nails rapidly flutter up and down in wavy patterns. "Or did he get noooone? Noo he got plenty~ plenty of...gargalesis!!" I tease, digging into your feet with endless tickles. "Ahh, but what he realllly did~" I call out, grasping that pinky toe again. "Is goooo~" I hold for far too long, giggling and cooing imitating your gasps. "Wewewewewewewewewewewewe~!" I squeal, dragging my thumbnail back and forth under your toes endlessly, finally ending at the big toe~ cueing to the class and you for us all to sing together. "Allll the way homee~!"
I wait for you to gather yourself together, your foot so pinkened and tickled, writhing with sensation. And when you start to get down, I tut tut. "Ooh now. Class isn't over, we have to move on to the next topic. Grab some table there bud." I snicker at you. "Because next is dual foot theory~ is one foot more sensitive to these sensations than the other? So then, let's get started on the left one now~" I pick up my feather and smile so brightly at you, as the class erupts into excited chatter~
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