rowrowronnie · 2 years
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Finally, I am able to continue this series.
I started doing The Butterfly Ball analysis as a way to get it out of my head because it had burrowed deep inside my brain that it was rotting my thoughts (which still hasn't stopped).
To understand my ramblings fully, you can go to the other parts here:
Start here | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
I've decided to chop this part into smaller pieces too because when I started part 5, the whole thing was way too long for my attention span. I really am so sorry about the deluge of thoughts that I have for this scene. I'm half tempted to copy Sammy Bates and create videos but I do not have the same talent that she has. So, you're stuck with me and my barrage of written thoughts.
Anyway, Part 5.1 - The stage layout
We've talked about the shape of the venue. We've talked about the aesthetics of the event. We've talked about clothes. And we've talked about music and dances.
Now, let's get to the nitty-gritty of things. Let's talk about the blocking of the whole scene. To start it off, we have to understand the layout of stage.
Just for context, at one point in my life, I studied cinematography and I love movies so I get keyed up with blocking and camera angle choices.
To give importance to how important this scene is, sweeping/panning shots that is 360 degrees in motion with about 150, maybe 200 people, in one room is a nightmare in logistics. Every shot has to matter and every shot has to be reviewed and set up precisely. Most of the ball scenes takes 1 week to shoot because of how technical it is. There is an interview of Tom Verica talking about plotting the whole scene (I think it was the Vanity Fair one).
The particular weight of this ball is shown in how it's set-up like a centre stage. Even the lighting and the floor design draws your attention inward. Out of the three seasons' Ep 8 balls, this is the only one elevated and without anything disrupting the centre.
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I've drafted a diagram to fully understand how the whole stage looks like.
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**you guys are allowed to call me crazy after this post.
There are 4 major sides that I will call anchor points as we go around this layout.
Entrance (in between the two bug cages)
Side entrance 1
Side entrance 2
Ostrich feathers
One particular stand out for me are the pillars around the stage. The pillars hides and distinctly divides each of the 4 anchor points. While this might go past a regular viewers' head, someone looking for it (or a crazy person like me) will understand the significance of each anchor point. It helps easily assign people on each side and and use blocking (+ camera shots) as a great storytelling device.
These 4 anchor points become very important when Pen goes on stage.
Because every single one of it stands an important woman in Pen's life.
(going clockwise from the entrance) Anchor point 1: Prudence by the entrance
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Anchor point 2: Portia by side entrance 1
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Anchor point 3: Philippa (+ Albion) by the Ostrich feathers
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and Eloise (next to Fran, Alice Mondrich, and Lady Danbury) right by Anchor point 4: Side entrance 2
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I just loved that every time Pen turned around, there was someone for her to look at and ground herself. Because what she did, being vulnerable and exposing that part of herself she has kept hidden for a very long time, couldn't have been easy.
(We will get to Colin after the next post if you're wondering where he is in all of this).
I understand that some people were disappointed in how the LW reveal/fallout was portrayed but just for a while, let me help you appreciate that in Pen's most vulnerable moment, these women had equal parts surprise and awe on their faces as they watch their sister/daughter/best friend own up to her mistakes and face the Queen herself. And while we didn't get much out of them in the aftermath in terms of communication, it was still wonderful to know that in the end, all these women become/is important for Pen to fully embrace who she is.
I'm hoping to put all of these out every 1-2 days so I can finally move on to writing other things.
Next up: Part 5.2 The Queen and the bugs
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miss0atae · 3 months
Random Thoughts about Century of Love ep 1:
First of all, I have to say when I saw the first 5 minutes of the series, I felt like it has the same vibe as To Sir, With Love. Turns out I wasn't entirely wrong because both series have the same director and screenwriter. You can really see they have a unique hand. I'm not really good at talking about the art of filming and it's harder to talk it in another language than my own, but I feel like their type of cinematography is easily recognizable: the color or the light used are very vibrant. It gives an oneiric atmosphere especially when the story was in the past.
So San has lost his beloved love Vad / Wat and he has made a deal with the goddess Niwa to be able to wait for her reincarnation within a century. In exchange, he is afflicted by the power of the five shades stone each night (at midnight). He has to find her before the century end otherwise he will die in atrocious pain. He has been really patient, but unfortunately for him Vad / Wat hasn't reincarnated in a woman. Her reincarnation is a man named Vee and he has been attracted to San from the minute he saw him.
This first episode is here to set the plot and the characters. I'm not crazy about San. I understand why it must be complicated to discover that your long lost love is not the same as she was before. I guess, he never imagined that his love would be a man. I think it's going to take him a while to fully accept the change. Even if he already has erotic dreams with Vee. He would have preferred if he was a woman.
On the opposite side, I'm already fully in love with Vee. He is mischievous and seems to be an optimistic. The story may prove me wrong later, but I'm always drawn to people who smile a lot. We know that some of them hide the worst scars, so it's just based on what I've seen from this character in this first episode. Vee clearly has no problem being attracted to a man he has just met. Good for him.
The rest of the "shaman" family descendants are kinda amusing. We'll see what role they will bring. They made me think a lot of Tinn's family in Laws of Attraction (again same director and screenwriter).
I'm also really happy to see again See Parattakorn who plays Ton, Vee's friend. I really like his acting game in Laws of Attraction. I wonder if he is only going to play the friend or if he has a bigger role in the story.
Also, is Trai the fiancé of Vad/Wat will be reincarnated too and bring some drama into all of this?! I saw on MDL that the actor is listed with two names, so I may not be wrong and I can't wait to see what role he will have.
Thankfully, we'll have a second episode tomorrow, so I will see where it goes.
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shehungthemoon · 9 months
Just dumping my Ina Paha thoughts here. 🙃
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First of all I did NOT know it was the 100th episode going into this, so i was very confused watching the montage at the end lol
I also had to click out and make sure I didn't click the wrong episode when the Pilot started playing at the beginning. When I heard Danny's voice on the phone instead of Hesse's I swear I got whiplash
It's filmed so well (bar where they reshot the pilot where Steve gets Danny on the phone instead of a dead dad, in which they literally forgot to put the same filter over the scene to make the stitching coherent) and I absolutely love the camera work they did with the white-room and the video projections. It felt very much a level above normal network television cinematography, especially the parts where Steve's going in and out of the hallucinations.
Steve finally FINALLY killing Wo-Fat was so cathartic, it should have happened ages ago but I'm willing to look past all the dumb ways he survived just to allow this incredible ending to his story.
Ina Paha gave me Kono doing... this. I owe Grace Park my whole life. Pls costuming department put her in hot pink again 💗
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yes, it was a Steve episode. but Danny REALLY shone, first as the only resident Actual Detective figuring out what happened to Steve by the tire-tracks, rampaging through the compound steadily and efficiently and knocking people off without a pause, and then in Steve's mind shooting Hesse's kneecaps off?!?!?! That was CRAZY and probably not suppose to be as hot as it was and definitely made me want an ex-mobster AU immediately. Basically I have a competency kink and really like badass!danny shit 😊
Seeing Chin's long hair again made me swoon
My jaw dropped when I saw Jenna! I think it's really interesting that Steve still thinks of her so much, and I was surprised that she showed up in both the actual dreams and the montage. I definitely underestimated how much she impacted Steve's life, it seems, and I hate that we'll never hear him address that and we'll only know about it inadvertently like this.
(hand over the heart for how lori got like. one team shot. poor girlie.)
⭐I took the montage at the end as being flashbacks and memories that Steve was having as he left the compound. Looking at it through that lens certainly makes one unwell.
Obligatory squeal for Adam appearing just to save the day :))) look below to see the love of my life! :)))))) ⬇⬇⬇
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Of course, the obligatory mcdanno bullet(s). It writes itself! The way Danny said Steve's name so small and broken when he found him. The way they look at each other on the ground, the pain their faces. I need an official apology statement from Scott and Alex for it. Can we talk about what flashes by during the montage at the end? (IMO it being Steve's memories.) So much Danny.
The first thing is Danny and Steve's first meeting. Jfc. The showrunners milk it SO MUCH and who's complaining
The big, rocking hug. The hands clasping underground. Gracie of course. And then Danny collapsing from the bioweapon, which to be honest I was NOT expecting to see at all--it felt like a genuinely strange choice to include in there and it really ONLY makes sense if you go along with all that being what Steve's remembering. Even then, I was surprised to see it, so basically this is Hawaii Five-Oh making mcdanno gayer than even I was wanting them to be. Steve still thinks about that? From so long ago? Even with so many other close calls in between then and now? Good fucking lord ok then loverboy that's WILD. Canon accepted ig this show is just pure whump.
Danny goes through all of this just days after losing his brother and killing Reyes. JFC can we please address that. I need a 30k introspection fic to let me into this man's mind rn.
The Wo Fat v.s. Steve fight at the end was INCREDIBLE. I would love to give the choreographer's hand a shake, it's some of the best work I've seen on television in a long time. It was impressive for a procedural like this. It was long and physical and you truly didn't know what the outcome was going to be; it everything that their built-up relationship deserved for a conclusion. It also happening with a Steve coming off of hours of torture and drugging was crazy (guess we finally know who would win a PVP if they were both at full strength!). That being said I was really impressed with Wo Fat's capabilities and physical prowess, I was not expecting it to be so even and close to the line. I actually jumped when Steve LIFTED him up into the lighting fixture. We do not talk about Steve's (Alex's???) raw upper-body strength enough.
Anyway. Electricity in the water play. The physicality hell that this gif below is ⬇. Fire extinguishers and loaded needles. Crazy martial arts. Chair and buckets (holy shit did y'all see the force with which Wo Fat SHOT that bucket?????) flying. All's fair. I loved it.
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The shot going right through the forehead, clean. I don't know how to put into words why that's so monumental to me but it is.
The mystery bad lady was SO intriguing, I wish we got more from her... How does she know Wo Fat? Why was she entrusted with all that information on him and Steve and especially Doris? Absolutely where did she come from, what was her name? Why did I have a huge huge hot crush on her? All important questions. (Goes to show that h50 CAN give us some more genuine badass, not just there to date someone women characters, just explicitly choose not to. I'm holding out for Ellie to remain platonic so hard right now.)
Almost forgot Danny in that black Hawaiian shirt. Will be whimpering over that image forever. The whole episode I was trying to focus on the underlining betrayal mystery they were laying out but every time my brain started working too hard Scott with his stupid waist and those flower patterns just started flashing into my head
Again, are you seeing this:
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I'm unwell and so so happy.
H50 you're a gem when you want to be.
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gessorosso · 3 months
Inception 30 Day Challenge days 1-6
This week has been a little crazy so I'm playing catchup and doing days 1-6 of @inception30daychallenge all at once!
Day 1: Your favourite thing about the movie? It's so hard to pick just one thing since this movie is a combo of many of my interests but I guess for today I'll pick the cinematography cuz it was pretty groundbreaking at the time and I still think about it a lot.
Day 2: Classify each character according to the Alignment Chart. Ugh sorry I agonized over this for a while but I really hate alignment charts so I'm skipping this one. I love seeing every one else's though!
Day 3: A post-canon headcanon. Cobb retires. Yusuf is also mostly retired but takes jobs with Arthur and Eames every now and then. Ariadne goes on to become one of the most sought after architects in dreamshare. Arthur and Eames take a long break from dreamshare to rest and rekindle their relationship but of course they can't stay away from it forever.
Day 4: Arthur's secret phobia.
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Arthur is afraid of drowning. The only one who knows is Eames and he found out by accident. Arthur had drowned in a dream on a job and had woken up visibly shaken. Deaths in dreams often had left people shaken so Eames hadn't thought anything of it till he found Arthur later shaking and gasping for breath. "Breathe. In... good. Now out. You're safe now. It's fine." he spoke softly to Arthur as he helped him through the panic attack. They never discussed it after but something had shifted between them ever since then.
Day 5: Your favourite line in the movie. "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." of course! I'm still planning on getting this as a tattoo someday when I can afford it!
Day 6: A fic rec! Presque Vu by rageprufrock This was one of the first fics I read for Inception and it was pivotal in the formation of my head canon.
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alloveydovey · 4 months
Mid month dramaaaas, 2024 is giving quality content 🙌🏽
Lovely Runner, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5
FL is a fangirl who goes back in time to save her idol who ended his own life. (very shortly put lol)
I have thoughts!!! It's gonna be long because my expectations with this one were really high. Don't torch me please lol. If I have to be 100%, this drama wasn't what I expected at all. That being said, loser boy Byeon Woo Seok and cutie patootie Kim Hye Yoon were the real deal here. I came for the premise (okay, and because Byeon Wook Seok is fiiiiine) and stayed because of them.
Here's my deal with Lovely Runner. I didn’t read the webtoon or anything, so in my mind, I assumed they would explore what took Sun Jae to make such a decision in the first episode before Sol went back in time to try and fix everything. The drama starts pretty heavy with both main characters attempting in some way to take their own lives. So to go from that to absurd comedy was a bit extreme for me at first. I thought we would do a little mental health introspection here, a bit of commentary about being an idol and all. Then because the first episodes also focused a lot on Sun Jae's dream to be a professional swimmer and the doomed reality that it would not happen, I thought they would center around that as well. I guess I was picturing some sort of mix between 2521 and Twinkling Watermelon. Plus the whole aspect of Im Sol being disabled. But they didn’t really give any more thoughts to these aspects of the characters.
Moving on from my own expectations and a little disappointment that the drama headed in a different direction, I overall enjoyed watching most of it. To be honest, this is the type of drama you just have to go with it, no heavy thoughts included. It gives major classic rom-com kdrama vibes. The cast absolutely takes the cake, the adorable moments are overflowing, comedy hits and the OST is a 10/10.
I don’t mind time travel plot holes but there are still some thing that bugged me, though. One: The whole taxi guy story. I will admit I was extremely disappointed the moment he was introduced. It’s probably when I started lowering my rating. Why do writers (or webtoon authors) feel the need to just randomly pull out these guys? And this drama being so cute and funny... It didn’t need that at all. Specially, since he seemed really poorly written. Two: I might not get over the fact that these two characters both start in really dark places but it’s never really acknowledged in any meaningful way and instead the drama just does a 180° on that. If these subjects hadn’t been introduced then it would have been fine. But in comparison with what happens next, the rest of the drama felt a little superficial to me. Three: it ended up becoming really repetitive. Sol once again ignoring Sun Jae “for his own good”, Sun Jae going after Sol because he doesn’t really care, Sol ending up crying. All this mixed between cute and silly scenes.
Happy ending did make me the happiest, though 🥹
Will Love in Spring, 2024 (cdrama) 9
When they were kids and FL became disabled due to a car accident, ML’s words made her change her whole perspective. He goes on to become the town's mortician, and she becomes a successful saleswoman in the city. And you know the rest, sparks fly when they meet again.
Oof. Cdramas aren’t supposed to be this good, bro. Like… everything about it is just a chef kiss. Characters and their complexities, OST, cinematography, chemistry!! (It's crazy, for real) It presents the same problem as Meet Yourself, even with Li Xian back as the ML. But whereas Meet Yourself is a little lighter and deals with this problem in a respectful and thoughtful way, ML and FL here are filled with angst and tension. The drama itself is a lot heavier, which is not bad, but it's not always nice, and sometimes very frustrating. I saw comments saying that they found the characters to be rather toxic, and that is such a childish way of seeing their relationship. Not everything is red and green flags. This is not that type of drama. People throw the word toxic around everything nowadays. I’d say they were realistic. Both FL and ML make mistakes (because they both have issues) and the drama makes sure the audience knows they were wrong. Because, you know, humans fuck up and stuff. I liked that. But because I can't help but compare it to Meet Yourself, I gotta admit that even though I liked the pace, the OST, and the cinematography more here. MY remains superior, and therefore, I don't feel like I can give it a proper 10. I will say, though, last two episodes gave a bit ot a bittersweet ending even though it's supposed to be a happy one, and I didn't like that much.
Queen of Tears, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5/9
A lawyer from the countryside marries the top heiress of a leading conglomerate. They marry very much in love, but find themselves almost not communicating or holding much feelings for one another three years later.
I completely get why this got everyone hooked. Overall it’s a great story, and very well produced, but at the same time I gotta admit I was hoping for something a little more… exciting. Specially because it was written by the same screenwriter that did Crash Landing on You and The Legend of the Blue Sea and those two were a 10 for me. It might also be personal taste. Some people are into chaebol family dramas that focus on business with their villains cartoonishly evil. Me, personally, I get a bit bored and this is sort of what happened. Even though Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun got me hooked with their marriage story and the romance of it all, the rest was a bit 💤. Although both families living together was really cute and I loved those scenes. I’d say that’s where the magic of this drama was. The last episodes after her memory gets erased are a bit messy, but the ending still made me sob dramatically lol.
A Good Day to be a Dog, 2023 (kdrama) 7.5/8 (girl what are you doing still here?)
Because of a family curse if FL kisses someone she turns into a dog at midnight… which she does after accidentally kissing a fellow teacher. She can only break the curse if he kisses her again in dog form. The only problem is he’s scared of dogs and doesn’t seem to like her that much.
This is the first time I put on hold a drama and actually go back to finish it lol. I’m proud. This starts off very very cute. Cha Eun Woo but specially Park Gyu Young are really funny and both have great chemistry. The problem here for me is, once again, the past life storyline. I know this is based off a webtoon, but I swear that whole thing is what ruined it for me. I wasn’t into it at all and so the last 4/5 episodes I spent them skipping scenes. Howeveeer, if someone were to ask me if they should watch, I’d say yes. Because romance wins lol.
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thoughpoppiesblow · 4 months
(belated) currahee rewatch has begun - thoughts below!!
dear lord why are lew and dick so gay
seconding what @mercurygray said about sobel’s A2 jacket because i feel the same way
dick winters’ encouragement to all of easy makes me so happy :) he knows how to be a good and effective leader and i love that for him
listening to sobel is like listening to the adults in charlie brown dear lord sHUT UUUUUPPP
the way dick and lew both turn back when sobel calls dick’s name makes me crazy. it makes me feral and i want 20 fics about it now.
“i like spaghetti” NONONONONOOOOOO
george luz coming in clutch with my no. 1 song on spotify wrapped (i wish)
why are lieb and guarno fighting like teenage girls?? why is no one landing punches?? also QUAKER MENTION LETS GOOO!!
“is there a problem captain sobel?!” LMAOOOO
and the award for best actor goes to … tipper!!
british bicycle grandpa!
sobel’s fatal flaw is saying “irregardless”
hey sobel! go court martial some BITCHES (band kid jokes, i have to do it)
and the way dick’s hand shakes when he salutes because he’s seething with anger OMG
“worst possible situation, and they volunteered for it” -> me and the gang during band camp, complaining about an activity we voluntarily pay money to do
“close the flap” 😏😏
okay nix with that french accent!!
and as they get in the c-47s, we hit my favorite musical moment of the entire series! the low drone + restructured theme + eventual shift into new material is just perfect!! and the way it has anxiety and power and pride and humanity is incredible - and i love how the instrumentation matches that!!
late add on - my favorite decision is the end the dialogue about 5 minutes before the credits. allowing the music, acting, and cinematography to speak for itself was so effective here, and i love it!
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solarpirates · 5 months
Stray thoughts on Dead Boy Detectives
So, five years after getting Gay Married, I am getting Gay Divorced. I'll be moving out in about a month but until then, my spouse/soon-to-be-ex and I still live together.
One of the things we can still do together is watch TV. We are overall rather different from one another in the way that we enjoy watching TV; my spouse largely prefers shows that are easy to digest and don't require reading subtitles, while I like to get totally absorbed by TV shows and don't mind subtitles. However, there are a couple of types of shows that we both love. Aside from Swedish gardening shows, we both like watching British crime stories and camp/kitschy supernatural stories.
So, right now, we are watching Dead Boy Detectives. We love it. One episode left, which we will watch later.
Something I am thinking about as I watch: Sometimes I like very realistic shows. And sometimes I love it when a TV show is like an anime, or a comic book. My spouse and I have several times commented upon how much the cinematography - the angles, the colours - remind us of the imagery in The Sandman, and that era of comics overall. I haven't read all of the original Dead Boy Detective stories, but I did read the Sandman parts of them, and I really enjoy the call of making them older teenagers and find a different death for Charles. It's a whole other story and I like it.
Various thoughts (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD):
I find it funny that Edwin has so many boys fawning over him, but it seems like he has a lot of fans on Tumblr and a lot of people love him and how many boys want him so I will take it as fan service. Not a bad thing, I just... I know he is supposed to be a character that rubs others the wrong way but is likeable for the audience but I find him hard to like. Not hard to feel for, he has clearly suffered, he is not a bad person, but I just can't really like him. Sorry.
Charles, on the other hand... he is so lovely??? Can't tell if I want to be him or if my inner teenager wants him. The best acting in the show, too, so maybe that's part of why he steals all the scenes. He kind of reminds me of this boy from my gymnasiet Spanish class. I had a huge crush on him but he liked... real girls I guess.
Charles' reaction to Edwin's confession was so, so good. Couldn't have been better. I honestly hope their relationship stays platonic. Just for once, I want to see someone fall for his friend and then get over it and find someone else to be in love with all while maintaining a healthy friendship. I am generally for The Gay but I would genuinely be disappointed if they get together in a later season lol
The librarian looked so straight. The only character in the show to do so. She was styled 100 % like a heterosexual Swedish HR dept employee with one OR three children (not two) and a husband that works with... I don't know, industrial economy or something. They go on trips to go skiing in the Alps together in the winters and they used to go on a sailing trip every year together when they were younger but now the husband is the only one that goes. I was really annoyed by this at first but when she turned out to be a crazy stalker I was happy about it.
When I was younger I used to wear my hair similarly to Jenny's and Niko's and I also used to colour coordinate a lot more and now I miss it so much??? It is extremely impractical how I both want to cut my hair short like Charles again and let it grow out to Niko hair again. Maybe this is my queue to start wearing wigs.
I want a whole mini-series about just Jenny and her emotional life.
Not sure how I feel about Niko as a character. I've seen some people appreciate her as a Japanese-American character and as an autistic-coded character. Personally I don't know what to think. I don't really like how pretty her weirdness is. She feels like a cute Goodnight Moon ASMR character [edited for tempering] and not necessarily in a good way. Still, she’s kind of relatable [edited] and I suspect that I would have been obsessed with her if I’d been a teenager.
Oh god wait I struggle w Niko and I struggle a lot with Edwin and now I realise they’re probably the two characters that are the most similar to teen me????? Help?????
My spouse was so moved that they cried during the scene where Crystal meets her ancestors. I really liked the scene, but the one of her scenes that I enjoyed the most was when she and her ancestors pushed David into the ground. Loved the juxtaposition of the serene beauty of the tree and the physical brutality of their entrapment. It made the tree - she and her powers - scary and powerful. In a good way.
Speaking of brutality, I love the witch so much. I love how she is full on a hag - strong and violent, beautiful and disgusting, funny and horrific. It's not hard to imagine her eating babies.
I am not saying that this is badly casted, because it's not - but I notice how hard I find it to actually see these teenage characters as teenagers and not as being in their mid-twenties, like the actors actually are and look like. However, this is a common trouble I have with shows of this type.
I would have fucked the Cat King.
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
not sure if you’ve already answered this but what’s your favorite season of criminal minds? & if u have one LOL what’s your very favorite episode? for me like it’s hard to explain but i feel like i don’t really notice the changes going by because it’s so gradual (unless a main character leaves or something) but then like i’ll be on season 10 or something and then come across a tiktok from s1 and just get hit with a wave of nostalgia like OMG DEREK USED TO HAVE HAIR. LMFAO or OMG remember when jj used to present the cases … or OMG the cinematography used to be like this etc etc like 😭 and then i start getting super nostalgic u know?? like i was watching the ep when gideon dies and all of a sudden when morgan and rossi started acting out like “ok i’m the unsub i came in this way and did this because of this etc etc etc” i got so much nostalgia again because i feel like they stopped doing that in later seasons 😭 like that was such a gideon era thing! i love some of the plot lines in the later seasons and i adore some of the new characters too but i do think pretty much every show declines in quality as time goes on even though again there’s lots of new plotlines that i just adore that weren’t there in the first few seasons but sometimes i get nostalgic for the quality of the first few seasons too 😭😭😭 so i always end up not being able to pick
sorry this turned into me rambling like a crazy person i’m not sure i explained my thoughts very well 😭😭😭😭😭 sorry again
i’ve been thinking about this too since i started my second rewatch LMAO the show really really severely declines in quality in every aspect, acting, writing, story, etc like it’s just not as good and it gets soo corny it’s a huge bummer!! my favorite episode is the one with the little girl who goes missing at the mall, i think it’s called seven seconds?? imo that’s one of the best done episodes in the entire show. that and 100 are fantastic in every way!! i think their best season streak was early to mid seasons, like 3-7. its just peak criminal minds vibes, before they lost the thread with all the characters, good stories, yk. and i also noticed that morgan stopped doing the “i’m the unsub” thing which was like his trademark! he’s introduced as the obsessional crimes expert and i feel like that really kinda tapers off and is never mentioned again!
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duckiemimi · 1 year
i really enjoy going through you blog hehe <3 it's fun and entertaining but also gives me a lot to think about! what do you think everyone would have majored in had they gone to regular college? (ie what are your hcs for the characters in a regular non-curse world au). i would so not be surprised if yuuji had a family and everything by like 25
aaa thank u!! <3 i actually have a fic about this omg.
gojo is the nepo baby who went against his family’s wishes and decided to pursue science (applied physics major).
geto took up sociology. i would say philosophy (bc that guy likes to think himself crazy), but i do feel like he’d have this sense of self-importance and a pain-in-the-ass savior complex that would make him choose sociology. four years into the course, though, i think he’d learn and know better, and he’d help bc he wants change yk?
shoko med-school, neeext. (she cheated on her exams, but she couldn’t cheat residency.)
i initially thought utahime’s ct would revolve around singing? but she dances (i felt so stupid when gege revealed that), so maybe she inherited her family’s dance studio, or took up her family’s folk dance group/business.
nanami business school, but he fucking hates it.
haibara sports science and he occasionally goes to the saturday cooking classes (he met nanami there).
yuuji sports science!! haibara is an alumni who he reached out to and now they’re good acquaintances (he met nanami through haibara; sometimes they all go to cooking class together).
i wanna say megumi, something in the arts (oh, his poor, tortured artist soul). cinematography or fine arts, he’d love printmaking specifically.
nobara went to beauty school! she met mai there. she’s planning on going to fashion school after saving up as a beautician.
yuuta’s in veterinary (lmao), specifically in an exotic animals program (panda, rika…?, that one cockroach, etc.).
inumaki’s family owns the institution where haibara and nanami take cooking classes. inumaki teaches occasionally bc, yk, it’s a family business.
maki was gonna take sports science, but she decided to stay on track as a national martial arts athlete since high school.
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im rewatching Moon Knight while I embroider, so I figured why not post about it!! I still haven't unlocked the gif ability everyone on here seems to have, so I'm just gonna have to describe everything without proof. this is gonna be an in depth, long, and rambly post, so you can read the rest after the cut if you'd like!!
episode 1: the goldfish problem
so a lot of this episode is establishing Steven and the situation that he's in. it's kinda sad cuz on the surface level, he has a nice life. he's got a job, a big flat, he calls his mom pretty often. but when you look deeper it gets sadder. the main thing that sticks out is how lonely Steven is
JB doesn't know his name, the only person he can talk to is a statue person that doesn't respond back, his boss is mean. he's so lonely in fact that he accepts a date with a person he doesn't really know to a STEAK HOUSE.
(I have my own theory about how that was Jake who was trying to be nice and get a date for Steven?? maybe?? bc it's highly unlikely that marc, who has a wife, would do that. and even if you tried to argue that marc did it for Steven, why would he then go and make him miss it?? plus, I'm certain he knows that Steven is a vegan. which also makes you wonder why Jake didn't notice that detail, but I digress)
(side note number two, Steven is good with kids and I'll die on that hill. the scene where he's explaining things about mummification to that little girl?? answering her questions patiently and excitedly?? yeah, he's a hit with them, I promise you. and not just when he's talking about his Special Interest. also the foreshadowing of that girl asking him if it sucked to get rejected from the field of reeds?? I'm sickkkk)
and ofc, there's the main issue of steven falling asleep in his bed and waking up in the middle of nowhere without a clue as to how he got there. I'd like to take a second to commend Stevens intelligence here!! anke restraints, sand around the bed, tape on the door?? I would never even think of these things.
either way, none of it works and he wakes up in the middle of goddamn nowhere, injured and hurting at that!! (even if khonshu fixed it, he still sounded like he was in pain for a while there). people are shooting at him, he's so so desperately trying to give this strange man (who he just witnessed kill a woman mind you) the beetle but he can't, and all the while a strange voice is berating him every two seconds. again kudos to Steven bc I could never. I would have been crying the moment I heard the gunshots.
(Jake theory again. I'm so certain that a lot, if not all of the car stuff was Jake. I love marc, but I refuse to believe he could manage those car skills, while shooting at ppl, while on the a narrow road of a fucking mountain. nahhhh that was all my boy Jake)
(also note that when Steven first woke up in the grass after Marc?? jumped and fell fourish stories?? khonshu called him a worm. and then further specified and called him "the idiot." I firmly believe that khonshu calls Steven AND Jake worms/parasites, it's just that Stevens the idiot and Jakes the competent one ig)
and waking up after all of that like nothing happened must have been so frustrating. I know Marc was just trying to protect him, but instead Stevens just being gaslighted and facing psychological warfare. so everywhere he goes he's faced with signs that he might be crazy or he might not be. ex: gus suddenly having one fin, the time being wrong, Marc appearing in the mirror and talking to him completely unhelpfully, khonshu FUCKING TORMENTING HIM FOR NO REASON, but also the burner phone he found, harrow being real, and the dog creature I can't remember the name of!!
so much of this episode was Steven being scared and unhappy and overwhelmed and it makes me sad!! he's so precious and sweet, he doesn't deserve to be going thru any of that.
(also I'm never ever gonna get over the cinematography and thematics of the mirrors in the museum bathroom. first of all mirrors cool. second, the hints at his multiplicity thru the infinite images of the bathroom, but with Marc in only one of the reflections. I'm gonna be fucking sick)
so yeah!! those are most of my thoughts. I know that pictures and gifs are a huge part of making a post Not Boring and I'm gonna use them as soon as I learn how istg
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
I finished Yellowjackets and I already miss it! Any recs for what to watch to fill the void?
Omg I feel you every day of my life I miss Yellowjackets I wish I could watch it all for the first time again 😭
I don’t really watch that many shows so I’m terrible with recommending stuff 😅
If you want more depravity & complicated awful female villains & anti heroes with complex toxic sapphic dynamics Hostel 2 is my go to but you do have to watch the first one to understand it & I love the first one myself but it is very man heavy with characters lol
If you are really wanting to lean more into the messed up flesh consuming homoerotic codependent sapphic dynamic aspect specifically I’d recommend Ginger Snaps or Jennifer’s Body the main canon sapphic female relationships in both those movies are brain rotting in similar ways to JackieShauna. (Though Ginger Snaps gets incestuous so I know that’s as quick for a lot of people tread carefully)
Ooh as far as TV shows go you’d probably enjoy Killing Eve if you like Yellowjackets although that one the writing really goes downhill pretty badly so I do hesitate to recommend it unless you’re in it for the parts that are worth it & prepared for disappoint down the line…. Ugh but Eve & Villanelle are SUCH amazing characters!!
Dead to Me is another show that’s really good & far less depraved & more drama centric than the other stuff I’ve mentioned. However in my opinion the writing does go downhill but the first 2 seasons? Iconic. Not canonically gay like the other things I’ve mentioned but still a delicious dynamic between two complicated & somewhat crazy women.
Not in the same genre as my other recs but Bottoms is a great comedic movie if you just want crazy & sort of awful lesbians.
Oh —- ok last 3 recommendations. These ones don’t necessarily have the toxic crazy sapphic girlies element of YJ that I just assume is a big part of the draw (it is for me lol) HOWEVER they are some of my faves -
Hannibal. I love this show. It’s art. I don’t have anything else to say that hasn’t been said meow articulately by more hardcore fans. I watched this entire show in a fever haze when I had Covid so that probably affects my analytical ability but I promise it’s great. It’s also a little man heavy & the female characters could be… done better sometimes so that is a criticism I have that keeps it from being a number one fave for me but Hannibal & Will are VERY compelling & the plot & visuals are soooo good.
Scream mtv I honestly feel like you’ve seen this one I’m pretty sure but it’s a fave of all time & Emma/Audrey is one of my fave ships of all time. Excellent cast excellent writing it’s so good.
Bates Motel. This show is so slept on in fandom & it’s probably the best horror tv I’ve ever seen from start to finish it tells an amazingly cohesive prequel backstory for one of the most iconic villains of all time in a way that honors the book & film both of which I LOVE & somehow manages to stay fresh & shocking & exciting despite the audience knowing where it’s going. For quality horror tv I can’t recommend this show highly enough it’s honestly the best thing on this list on an objective level like the cinematography the fantastic acting from Vera Farmiga & Freddy Highmore especially but also Max Theriot & Olivia Cookie I just - I LOVE this show. Heavy heavy trigger warning though not just for incest which is inherent to a Psycho prequel but like…. Everything you could ever need a trigger warning for. There is a significant amount of SA shown so yeah be careful.
Anyway there you go you’ve probably seen a lot of the stuff on this list but this is what I could think of to watch next to somewhat keep the mood of Yellowjackets although of course we both know YJ is unique enough you’re never going to recapture that exact vibe 😉
If anyone else has recommendations also I’d also be curious! ❤️
Oh wait last thing my best friend Juliet Lewis plays another iconic traumatized girly with maybe worse daddy issues than Natalie even in Natural Born Killers. This is one of my favorite movies but it is NOT for everyone. You are signing up for unapologetic depravity & sympathetic serial killer villain main characters with a toxic relationship. Now for me those are selling points but it is a very messed up movie so yeah. Trigger warning for SA incest & basically every dynamic in the movie being the definition of toxic.
Okay that’s off the top of my head for watching after YJ I’m done now lol 🫶
****Edit I’m listening to music on my porch as I play on tumblr & I Know the End by my best friend Phoebe Bridgers came on & I remembered to recommend School Spirits it’s not exactly the same horror vibes of YJ but I just think you’d like it because it’s a delightfully creepy compelling & fun ghost story / mystery with absolutely wonderful characters fun cinematography exciting lore a good plot & a banger soundtrack ok I’m done now lmao go watch School Spirits it’s so great
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corvuserpens · 1 year
So yeah, yesterday I decided to FINALLY watched The Meg bc everyone kept saying it was a silly fun shark movie... AND THEY WERE RIGHT. It was AWESOME.
I went in expecting practically nothing, and it blew me away. The story premise is ridiculous and it totally feels like the director, actors and crew 100% knew that and embraced it! The movie never takes itself too seriously, it practically tells you to just kick back and enjoy it for what it is, which is exactly what makes it so much fun. It's an exciting comedy horror about a giant prehistoric shark in present day Earth, the CGI is dubious but the cinematography makes up for it with some great, well composed shots. For example, when Suyin is in the trench and is being attacked by a giant squid? That in itself is pretty cool imagery, but then you see the Megalodon swimming over her sub with the squid in its mouth in the gloom, illuminated from below?? WOW????
Then the characters are like, surprisingly deep? They have interesting backstories that inform us on who they are and while Jonas is the only one who gets some screen time for his Big Trauma, we later learn that Lori might have blown up a whaler ship for an environment organization and that's how she learned to pilot? And that Suyin had a tough relationship with her dad but they love each other so much that with his dying breath he tells her how proud he is, that she already surpassed him as a scientist and he hopes Meying will grow up to be just like her? And we get all of that with some very organic, short dialog or like 3-4 minute scenes, which is rare these days. Legit good writing where it is most needed, all the more sober scenes are well-acted and so immersive, the characters are so likable I ended up rooting for all of them to survive (except that billionaire whose name I didn't bother to learn, everyone else I remember except him, FUCK that guy). Even the side characters, though flat, were interesting because the actors gave them so much personality!
And, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A WHOLESOME CISHET SHIP WITH JASON STATHAM WITH VERY LITTLE SEXUAL TENSION BUT A LOT OF ROMANTIC TENSION?? WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT??? Seriously, I was shipping Jonas and Suyin so hard, their interactions were adorable. How he goes from being the typical Tough Manly Man Who Is Super Competent And Punches All The Bad Guys While Wearing The Same Tough Guy Face All Movie to genuinely caring for the whole Mana One crew and respecting Suyin as an accomplished female scientist in her own right who knows what she's doing and is also brave and headstrong herself... Much 'aww'ing' was done.
Not to make this too long a rant, I love talking about movies I enjoyed, sorry, but a few other small things I liked about it: that Lori and Jonas remained good friends who care and support each other, and want the other's happiness even being divorced, we need more of that! And Dr. Heller apologizing to Jonas and meaning it for saying he was crazy and basically ruining his life (plus Jonas forgiving him in the end), definitely wanna see more of that! Jonas' friendship with Meying, THAT WAS SO CUTE, I COULDN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM!! The gags were all genuinely funny, I was laughing through most of the movie, and the jump scares got me more than a couple of times (though that might be a fault on my part, I'm a big wussy and I am not afraid to admit it). The action is so. DUMB. But it's the kind that it's so dumb it's good, y'know?
Final note, I gotta say, let Jason actually act more because he's really good and directors keep hiring him to play a stoic emotionless hero when he can do so much more? He has impeccable comedic timing, his line delivery no matter how bonkers, always lands, he's REALLY CHARMING and y'all are wasting his potential imo. Given, I haven't really watched many of his movies after the Transporter franchise, but for example, I loved him in The Italian Job and a couple of weeks ago I started watching Homefront and I was enjoying it because he gets to play a widower with a young daughter in a new town, and now I definitely need to finish it bc I'm a sucker for father/daughter dynamics.
Anyway, yeah, if you like sharks, B-movies or just something fun to watch that will make you laugh, go watch The Meg. It's good enough to convince me to go watch the sequel next August. Can't wait!
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flurrin · 1 year
RE6 Deep Lore Analysis: Prologue
Welcome to my series where I pick apart a 10+ years old game frame by frame to analyze the storytelling, cinematography, characters and of course additional Lore to fill in the gaps that either don't exist or are poorly conveyed. I'm doing this because the game is often dismissed for being convoluted and too far removed from the Resident Evil series in terms of mechanics. These things are true and it's very much an imperfect game! But the story has a lot of brilliance that goes unrecognized and I want to dive in how the whole thing works, both to new players and to those already enmeshed in the universe. To read the series in order, go here!
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Great shot to open the story on, a regular chrysalis thriving in an abandoned car, transforming into something new. We don't get to see anything beautiful like a moth or butterfly unfurling its wings for the first time, we see the insect, and then we cut away as disaster strikes. This obviously foreshadows the use of cocoons as enemy mechanics, and for Leon's campaign in particular, the lack of signs of surviving human life (including over the preceding establishing shots of a fiery city block filmed through the windows of the car) really set the mood.
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I don't know if this was the shot that spawned RE's love of 1st person intros later seen in RE3R (not counting 7 because the entire game is 1st person) but it's an impressive bit of camera work, paring down the controls of the game so the player doesn't even have a body per se to control yet, just eyes and interaction commands (the interaction commands + QTEs themselves are...a little bit of a mess gameplay-wise for sure). We don't know this is Ada or that she's actually shooting at the zombies around Leon and not at him and Helena, so there's an active threat without having to push the player into combat right away.
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RE6 is excellent at transition shots, here the gun is highlighted by the helicopter and thrown into the foreground of the next shot so your brain has realigned to recognize this is the POV character seamlessly. This is like a really basic shot, I'm going to show you some CRAZY animated camera tricks later, but it's good to keep in mind that the director knows what he's doing and is doing it well. This shot, this sequence, is also a perfect encapsulation of Leon's character as described in the very first game file. Leon protects the innocent, no matter the risk. He frames Helena, big and square and determined.
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Helena being injured in this sequence also aids the tutorial's method of paring down the controls into something simpler, carrying her encumbers Leon, multiplayer doesn't exist yet. It also gives the player immediate stakes to worry about--someone is relying on Leon, and he cares, so the player cares too. We also first learn Helena is self-sacrificial through these extra interactions that don't get a chance to show up in the final game.
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The purpose of this kind of hair in character design is to make a character's eyes, and therefore emotions, harder to read (this will be significant again when we talk about Jake later btw). Leon has a lot of baggage from RC and he feels it a lot, but he plays things close to the chest and hides behind his hair. In this way, even though he's a familiar protagonist, he feels almost as mysterious as Helena at the start, giving them an instant reason to connect.
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RE6's answer to fixed camera angles is to still frame things cinematically rather than just for the benefit of the player. It's not a great approach to gameplay but thankfully in this one, Leon course corrects on his own and you just have to hold the buttons.
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The camera is alive and active through these shots as they fall onto the glass, Leon's body framing the zombies below until they're clear to see beyond the edge of the cracks, a moment of peace before they look up, and the eye follows the path that the ornate light fixture is about to follow and crush them. They're trapped in by the circle of glass and the edges of the lantern.
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I will say I hate the last shot of this prologue because the one that opens the game proper is essentially the same exact shot and it always throws me off, the first time I played I was like "Wait, what happened to the giant spire thing we were just standing next to, how are we in a college now". But it was an intentional choice at least to make the transition into the first chapter a lot smoother, I get that.
That's all for the prologue, I didn't want to cover this entire post in "the cinematography is so good here", but as we go through the cutscenes, be sure to keep your eyes on how the lines of the scene (such as Leon's gun and the tiles in the background of that last screencap) line up with the character's eyes to bring your attention there. Everything in the prologue is meant to build up intrigue so there's very little story and I'll talk less about cinematography going forward, but if you want a really good breakdown on what makes a good shot, I can't recommend this case study on Brad Bird's Incredibles enough. See you next time!
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agentnico · 5 months
The Fall Guy (2024) review
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Reynolds is Free Guy. Gosling is Fall Guy. These Ryans are just such guys!!
Plot: After leaving the business one year earlier, battle-scarred stuntman Colt Seavers springs back into action when the star of a big studio movie suddenly disappears. As the mystery surrounding the missing actor deepens, Colt soon finds himself ensnared in a sinister plot that pushes him to the edge of a fall more dangerous than any stunt.
Ryan Gosling needs to do more comedies. Whether he’s the charming womaniser in Crazy, Stupid, Love, a bumbling private eye in The Nice Guys, a Wall Street snob in The Big Short or finding his inner Kenergy in Barbie, the dude’s got jokes. Not taking away anything from his stoic tortured turns in Drive and Blade Runner 2049, but I’m really enjoying this current Gosling trend of embracing the funny guy persona, as he’s easily a bonafide comedic star. His new studio vehicle The Fall Guy is yet another breezy, light-hearted entertainment given life by Gosling and co-star’s Emily Blunt’s wry comic timing.
Coming to us from director David Leitch, who’s had great success with action films the likes of John Wick and Bullet Train, he delivers here a true love-letter to the craft of stuntmen, with the crazy risks they take and how much work goes behind creating that spectacular action shot that is then seemlessly enjoyed by audiences on the big screen. And there are truly some incredible stunts showcased throughout this movie, and most of it being fully practical with only the smallest amount of CGI used. Its top notch action, with flawless camera work and some great cinematography that pays respect and also pokes fun at certain filmmaking techniques and cliches with a certain memorable sequence involving a very well choreographed split-screen scene. This boosted by a great soundtrack that includes a solid dose of Taylor Swift, I mean it’s perfect early summer blockbuster fun.
The plot is suitably nonsense (as fitting given its 1980s TV origins). Don't think too hard about it. If you ponder questions such as: what about the other witnesses? Can you recover from a broken back to that extent in 18 months? Would he have reported a crime that he was being framed for? When he goes through real windscreens, falls long distances onto hard surfaces, etc., how does he not break any bones? And so on.... well, it will spoil your fun. You can really easily knit-pick the hell out of this movie, but I’m sorry, I’m too busy listening to Ryan Gosling throwing one liners like “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him” multiple times to care for any logic or narrative prowess.
Speaking of Gosling, him and Blunt are the primary reason to see The Fall Guy. These two are both hilarious with their timing and delivery, however more-so they share this incredible chemistry that reminded me a lot of romantic comedies of the early 2000s, and it was truly delightful seeing a real rom-com that’s actually good in 2024! Honestly, even in moments of no dialogue, just when they're looking at each other, you'll know well enough they’re holding back so hard to not just snog the living skin off one another. Like these two want to bang. People were freaking over Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney last year, well they can move over as Gosling and Blunt are now the new power couple! My apologies to their real life partners John Krasinski and Eva Mendes.
Look, The Fall Guy is in no way a masterpiece, but it’s super enjoyable and such a delightful watch where everyone is having a fantastic time. Shout out to other cast members Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hannah Waddingham and Winston Duke all on top form. If you want an easy watch and a perfect date movie - you know what to do. As for me, I just really need Ryan Gosling to play a cool, down-bad simp every year in order to live.
Overall score: 7/10
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marvel-ousmondays · 8 months
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So, cards on the table, Thor was never a favorite of mine.
In terms of the "Chrises", Hemsworth isn't the one I find the most attractive. And a big part of the marketing appeal around Thor in this first film IS about his masculine attractiveness. So when I watched it the first time, I remember thinking "meh, okay" about the movie.
I did enjoy Natalie Portman's character of Jane, LOVED both Sif and Darcy, and Heimdall? C'mon man. No one is cooler than Idris Elba's Heimdall.
So how about this viewing?
This round I was really taken with the cinematography. I don't think I fully appreciated the majesty of Asgard in the first one (or the skill it took to create it), nor the Bifrost, or even Jotunheim. Say what you want about Kenneth Branagh but his films have a beauty to them. (How much of that credit belongs to the editors is up for grabs as obviously post-production is crazy for films like this.) If you are considering a re-watch, I'd strongly encourage you to really look at the environments created for Asgard and Jotunheim- they're gorgeous and unique.
I appreciated Thor's breakdown scene when he can't lift Mjolnir more than I did the first time, probably due to Thor's struggle with worthiness and general depression in Endgame.
I will say in general, I think I appreciated Hemsworth's acting more this round. He has to be this kind of old-timey knight figure among normal people and he has held to that well throughout his whole Avengers tenure. I imagine that is harder than it seems at times.
Despite having finished Loki Season 2 recently, Tom Hiddleston's performance in this first movie doesn't wow me. It's fine, good even, but doesn't stand out to the level one might expect, at least for me. Avengers is coming soon though and there our boy villain shines. I will say I think the problem here is the plot is actually a bit TOO convoluted. The writers couldn't quite decide, or so it appears, what to do with Loki. His anger at his father's deception would be logical but he seems to have turned all that on Thor in a way that didn't fully jive for me. I think there could have been a bit more to show his desire for a throne prior to the reveal OR a bit more of Thor being a bit of a jerk to him. Either would help me understand his motivations more clearly.
Portman, Kat Dennings (Darcy), and Heimdall all stand. I was more interested in Erik Selvig this round and love/hate the fact he was an original character for MCU. (He has since been added to the Marvel comic book universe as well). Coulson was his badass self as always and I had forgotten about Hawkeye's small but important part.
Probably the hardest part for ME with this movie is that the Jotuns were mostly painted as just bad. In some ways Loki is treated as proof that isn't true (never understood why he wasn't blue except when he was holding that casket thing- supposedly Odin magic/illusion I guess?) but then turns. Odin pays lip service to the idea that they can't just attack a whole race for the actions of a few, but we don't SEE any positive or even neutral examples of Jotun. I know people will say that some groups are supposed to be bad, but I think that goes against a core principle of Marvel. No group of beings that we are supposed to see as PEOPLE can be inherently all bad. Now if they had made them monsters, that's different- monsters can be bad or at least, indifferent. But monsters don't have coherent conversations with you either.
I guess I would have liked to see a few Jotun trading or conversing or a Jotun mother with a child or such. Anything of that nature would have "humanized" them more.
Overall, Thor was more beautiful to look at this time around (because I appreciated it more) and overall I'd say more enjoyable, but still not probably in my top 10 of all the movies. Maybe I'll make that list when I finished. Tomorrow- Captain America, with my favorite Chris.
Note for me:
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
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