Thinking about how people tend to pick up on specific words from other languages they're learning (especially slang) and use it over and over, like Pac saying "Shenanigans" or Fit saying "Fofoca" or Phil (and the rest of the server practically) saying "No Mames."
It just reminds me of my time working with Japanese college students, and how they all suddenly started saying "Awesome!" practically every other sentence one day after hearing me say it + explaining what it meant to them. It still makes my heart melt a bit thinking about it.
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
Have you been to a teppanyaki restaurant lately? It's a fancy Japanese word that means, essentially, "fried on a metal plate." You go in there, you pay your money, and some dude does a bunch of corny jokes while frying your food right in front of you. Whole thing is a lot of fun, and you leave smelling like a barbecue just happened in your lap.
This sort of interaction between worker and customer is missing from many of our Western businesses. Things are just not fun. Nobody at McDonalds will flip a shrimp into her hat while cracking a joke about the stock market. When you get your car fixed, the team of mechanics doesn't build a flaming PB Blaster volcano to loosen the busted lower ball joint for your entertainment. And when you get someone to do your taxes, the lady they have working there takes one look at your box full of greasy parts-store receipts and just cries a whole lot, over and over, until the manager comes out and asks you to leave.
I figured it was time to change things up. Rather than ask already-overworked and heavily-underpaid workers to add an additional piece of unnecessary and annoying customer interaction to their plate, I wisely decided it would be best to ease everyone into it. Luckily for me, my general geographic area contains a very popular clown college. Thanks to recent maybe-errors in immigration policy, this school has over three thousand students at the moment, all learning the ins and outs of clownery and begging for a job, any job. And – unlike actual comedians – they don't get all froggy if you throw two dozen of them into a car and go driving around town, dropping them off at every business who won't pay our very reasonable "dismissal fee."
Friends, I'll be the first to admit that I fucked this one up, big time. I had absolutely no idea that clown makeup was flammable, or that their extensive bozo education did not include knowledge on safe food prep. That's just what happened at the A&W, which would have been bad enough if not for all the other stuff that happened. You've heard the rest of the defence from my team of attorneys, but I wanted you to hear it from me personally. If anyone has learned his lesson about employing clowns to blow up and then pop a balloon animal for laughs while standing next to the police bomb squad, it's me.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 2 months
Where do you watch your Thai BL dramas and do you recommend any to start with?
WOW how did I miss seeing this????
Oh boy this is gonna take a while for me to properly answer because you managed to ask, in so few words, a question that has a long answer! (Which I am all too delighted to give, HEHE)
This ended up being such a long post omg, here's a read more.
So starting with where: There's quite a few places. Streaming services with a prescription, YouTube, and even a few free sites where fans will typically upload content (depending on availability and access, these update latest if a show can be found at all).
Streaming platforms (featuring Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai content):
iQiyi - Chinese owned, has a free option with ads and a subscription option. Also features bonus content on certain shows that subbed users can access if you're into that. Has a good balance of stuff that isn't LGBTQ+, lots of great Chinese wuxia - I'm honestly amazed they have as much queer shows as they do but I am not complaining because there's a lot of good ones there.
GagaOolala - Taiwanese owned, has a free option with ads and a subscription option. Stout LGBTQ+ collection. There's certainly other programming but it's thing is being more out and proud, so it's a win for me.
Viki - American owned, allows users to add/edit subtitles. I haven't used this one much, but I haven't needed to get a subscription so far with the shows I have sought to watch and haven't been bothered with ads either? Not sure how that works but I haven't needed to bother looking into it lol
Other sources I've used to watch other BLs are YouTube (there's so many, and they're for FREE), DramaCool, kisskh, and Bilbili.
In this next bit, I'll be summarizing different studios that produce Thai shows, including Thai BL specifically. I'll summarize the studio and then list recommendations for shows.
First up:
GMMTV - (most content on YouTube, some has been put on iQiyi and Gaga though) This is a popular one for Thai shows, and Thai BL especially. It's nicknamed the Disney of BL for a reason (pumps out a lot of new shows each year, huge roster of actors signed to them, very focused on branding and promotion, etc.). A lot of people's first Thai BLs are among their shows, since it was the company that produced the show that launched Thailand's BL industry onto the map. They can be hit or miss with the level of satisfaction, but overall there's plenty to choose from and much to recommend.
Shows I recommend from this company:
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Bad Buddy
This is the first one I watched and it changed my fucking life. Pat and Pran are the perfect mix of next door neighbors who were raised to be rivals, but they can't help becoming friends, and eventually fall for each other. It does great subversion of a number of tropes and has a kissing scene that so memorable I bought a t-shirt that's worn in it. The acting is superb and it's both funny and devasting in a lot of good ways. There's a sapphic side couple who are incredibly cute as well!
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Be My Favorite
Pisaeng and Kawi, two guys who can't seem to accept their feelings, each live out multiple time lines where they can't help but be drawn together when Kawi is given a time traveling device. This show ponders the affects of one's actions and how living your truth can make or break the happiness you seek in life. This show was unprecedented in how good it was, especially since the leads were an unusual pairing. I love them I love them I love them.
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This is the one that kick-started everything back in 2016 for Thai BL. It follows a group of college freshman who are subject to ritual hazing by their seniors, and one student worms his way into the heart of the senior leader. This show set out to censor fags (cigarettes) and not fags (gays). There's so much cultural significance that it's difficult to describe. It sets the tone for a number of BLs to follow.
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Not Me
Do you like gays? Do you like social activism? Do you like batshit plots that put you on your fuckin knees for the whole ride? Have we got a show for you. I don't know how to summarize this one without immediately feeling insane, I love this show with all my goddamn heart. Twins Black and White get separated because they have a connection where they can feel the same things when they're close, and it has proven dangerous. Black gets put in a coma and White takes on his identity and joins an anarchist gang to find who hurt his brother. Not everything is what he thinks, though. Also this show inspired my first tattoo because Yok is my favorite boy forever and ever amen.
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The Warp Effect
Alright, it's not a BL, technically, but my GOD is it queer. Don't believe me? Here's a list that I made of not even all the reasons why this show is so queer. It addresses so much about sex ed, relationships, consent, kink, body shaming, and even features a non-binary character. A boy, who made a promise to his late mother to save his virginity until marriage, breaks the promise and wakes up in the future. He has to help old friends and acquaintances resolve things that happened on that fated night if he hopes to return to his youth.
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3 Will Be Free
Also technically not a BL, but it is poly!! A sex worker, a club host, and the son of a mafia boss end up on the run together after being involved with the wrong people and being in the wrong place...and killing a guy. By the same director of The Warp Effect, so you're guaranteed a similar flavor of thorough queerness.
More shows by the company that I recommend: A Tale of 1000 Stars, Moonlight Chicken, Enchanté, Vice Versa, The Eclipse, My School President, Wandee Goodday, Only Friends, Midnight Musem, The Gifted (those last two aren't BLs but the vibes are there).
Next up!
Idol Factory - (YouTube channel for watching) Founded by actor Saint Suppapong with the purpose of creating a studio that harbors a safer and more positive experience for people in the industry. Well known for producing one of the first and most popular GLs or girls love shows.
Shows I recommend from this company:
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GAP The Series
Sam has been Mon's idol since she was little and now she's secured a job working at her company! She's so excited! Until she realizes that Sam is...kind of heartless. Her unwillingness to let her boss walk all over her does more than win over a good professional relationship. It's got all the drama of class divide and arranged marriage along with it, so it's a fun ride and makes for an iconic entry for lesbian cinema.
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The Sign
Phaya and Tharn aren't just reincarnated lovers, they weren't even human before! The story follows a curse that's followed them since they first met as naga and garuda, both powerful legendary creatures who have fought each other for ages. In the present, they train as police officers and end up working together in a case related to Tharn's tragic past.
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The Loyal Pin
This one actually hasn't started airing yet (August 4th!!!!) but it's about a lady and a princess who grew up together. From the looks of things, it's gonna have drama and angst up the wazoo so I'm looking forward to it.
More shows by the company that I recommend: Secret Crush On You (I haven't personally seen this one but it's been on my list and highly recommended)
Next up!
Domundi - (uncensored versions on iQiyi, cut versions on YouTube) It's more of a "content creator" company, so it includes musicians as well as actors, so there's not many shows under their wing. But they are good with high heat (more explicit) BL stories. One currently airing, Battle of the Writers, includes Chinese wuxia elements which is incredibly interesting and kinda ballsy (there's suspected attempts to lower viewership for censorship reasons). I highly recommend watching it just for the sake of elevating it, there's a cut version on YouTube.
Shows I recommend from this company:
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Bed Friend
Poor Uea is traumatized to hell and back; it's like the world is out to get him. He and his coworker King decide after a one night stand to be exclusive fuck buddies, and ngl it's HOT. We get catboy kinks in this one! Their connection deepens and they have to figure out what they both want from each other. Also all the shitheads get owned, it's really nice to watch. It inspired a Jennette McCurdy meme from me.
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Middleman's Love
This is the story of Uea's best friend Jade, who sees how happy his friend is in his new relationship, and takes his turn being Emma Woodhouse. Well....it doesn't go to plan. He keeps pushing Mai toward someone else and doesn't realize that Mai likes him. This one starts incredibly goofy (I put that as a warning), and then gets steamy later on.
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Battle of the Writers
This one just started airing! Ob-un is accused of plagiarizing fellow author Chan, and after things have been cleared they end up on a writing team together. The wuxia characters here are characters from their novel. It seems their relationship will parallel certain aspects of the story.
Next company!
Wabi Sabi - (YouTube channel for shows) They've recently lost a whole bunch of actors (several to GMMTV no less) due to terminating artist management, so I'm not sure what the future looks like, but they've released several shows that are considered BL staples.
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Until We Meet Again
Dean and Pharm are reincarnated lovers who previously had a tragic end. This one is heavy on the emotions, the first 10 minutes took my fucking knees out. Has lot of themes of intergenerational trauma and how important having supportive parents can be. Pharm is so cute, I need to squish him!
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Between Us
It starts around the same time as Until We Meet Again, but from the perspective of Team and Win. They have their own angst issues and family traumas that make them messy, and there's a lot more development of the side characters that were featured in the first series as well. I especially enjoy the sideplot for gamers Waan andTul, lol, I wish they could get their own series too! I do recommend watching UMWA first if you don't want to be confused about a few scenes in this one.
Final company, let's go!
Change 2421 - The company that made the omegaverse alpha-alpha car racing BL. That one. Need I say more?
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Pit Babe
Mx. omegaverse alpha-alpha car racing BL themself. Babe is a star racecar driver with special abilities. He's charmed when he meets Charlie, but things begin to change for him faster than he can recognize. The home he ran away from tries to force him back as he attempts to reveal its worst secrets.
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This Love Has No Long Beans
This is currently airing! Oab is your chef from Kitchen Nightmares that judges harshly with a tough exterior but genuinely has a good heart. Having lost his passion for cooking, he decides to set up a contest to find a successor to take over his restaurant. Plawan chooses to enter this contest despite having no skills and already having gotten on Oab's bad side. Things get heated when Plawan's determination to make it through the competition ignites the passion for cooking again.
There's plenty more companies, but these are the ones I am most familiar with. But there's still more!
Shows I recommend that aren't from the companies listed above:
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The mafia BL that took over. I have so much brain rot about this one that it's hard to summarize without going crazy. Porsche and his brother have been struggling to keep their beloved family home, so he takes an offer he can't refuse - working as a mafia bodyguard. Kinn, the current mafia head, is undeniably attracted to him and it ends up making them inseparable in more ways than one. I especially enjoy the side couples, VegasPete and KimChay (there is ENDLESS insanity from all possible pairings tbh).
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Love in the Air
It's kinda split into two stories, Payu (or Phayu, honestly the spelling gets switched a lot and even I don't stick to one thing) and Rain, and Prapai and Sky. PayuRain are the most couple ever, that's just the best way I can put it. The actors have incredible chemistry and set a fucking standard for making out. Sky and Prapai will make you cry. They handle some pretty intense material and do an incredible job with it. Also bisexuals with motorcycles and light mafia action.
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I Told Sunset About You/I Promised You The Moon
Not only an iconic BL series that strives for telling an incredibly realistic story (no goofy sound effects or gags here), but the cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. Also the messiest bisexual awakening known to man. Oh my god. So much crying. Sooooo much angst. It's okay if you throw shit over this one, it's worth it, I promise. Tee and Oh go through pretty much everything that could make weaker couples hate the other person and that's what makes them top tier.
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This whole series is a grocery store commercial? Ignore that, these roommates have the most adorable development. I binged this and was crying at 2am. Tops is an aspiring chef and Win is his himbo roommate who is trying to make it as a musician. As they each work toward their dreams, they become important aspects of each other's lives. Also, if you don't come out of this obsessed with Jeff Satur (or anything else he does), I will question your taste. Pun intended.
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Old Fashion Cupcake
Japanese BL? Older queers? Office romance? Age gap? A confession scene that meets Jane Austen level standards of desperation? Togawa and Nozue are something else man. They make it a game to pretend to do what young women do as an "anti-aging" technique, but really it's Togawa's scheme to hopefully catch the eye of his boss. Incredible, no notes except maybe I'd like to have a Thai remake? Please?
And last but absolutely not least...
Semantic Error
A fantastic Korean BL. Rivals to lovers and 10000% ADHD4autism. Jang Jaeyoung is prevented from graduating by Chu Sangwoo and makes it his personal mission to get under his skin. And well....it works lol. They're both the most characters, I adore them and their chaotic stumbles into romance. Bonus Choi Yoona bisexual goddess side character, we love her.
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Kiseki: Dear To Me
Taiwanese BL that's also split somewhat split between two stories. Zong Yi takes in a wounded Zhe Rui. The student realizes he's keeping a gangster in his dorm and tries to ignore his charms but ends up being drawn into his world. Meanwhile, Ai Di and Chen Yi, other members of the gang, deal with the consequences of Zhe Rui's disappearance.
Well. That was a whole lot. I hope this isn't too overwhelming for you! I've only been in the BL fandom for a couple years so this is barely scratching the surface as far as what's out there.
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ahiddenpath · 3 months
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Fanfic Update: Infinite Possibilities
I just updated my Digimon Adventure pre/post Kizuna fic, Infinite Possibilities! In today's update, we learn more about the Bureau's plans for Eimi- and for the Chosen, through her. Eimi also meets the digimon rescued from labs on earth. Read in on AO3 or FFN!
Gorgeous cover art above commissioned from @kbondoxxxxav! Check out their comm details here! (Apologies for the infamous Tumblr resizing shenanigans).
Fic Summary:
As more people meet their digimon partners, the challenges of digimon and humans coexisting on earth cannot be ignored. College student Anami Eimi begins her career in digimon research, hoping to help digimon and humans understand one another. When she discovers caged digimon in her new lab, she contacts the Japanese Chosen, setting off a chain of events that force the Chosen and their digimon to reevaluate the dynamics of their partnership.
Additional Note:
I am struggling to find the right balance between visibility for my works and protection for my works from various threads (AI, bots, etc). I am going to try setting my stories to public for two weeks following an update, then setting them back to private. If you ever notice that a work is missing on AO3, simply log in to see it. It's still there! Also, please know that my FFN account has more works than my AO3 account, as it is far older. If you like my fics, please check that out too!
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j1rosan · 2 years
mine. || chishiya shuntaro
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the alarm clock went off as you stand up from the bed and went to your child's room. you notice the continuous coughing of your child, bringing out the thermometer from the drawer and put it in between his armpits. when the reading is done, the results was 103°F (39.4°C), it made you worried. it's already 6 o'clock in the morning, you called your boss that you'll be off duty since your son is severely ill.
you went off to get a washcloth from the drawer and placing a cool, damp water in your son's forehead. you proceeded to the kitchen to make a okayu (japanese rice porridge), so that he can feel better after taking a spoon. it was hard for you to become a single mom, there are days when you can't fall asleep since your son is wide awake. tiredness went all over your body, your sleeping schedule has been broken ever since you gave birth to your son. he was well-behaved and acts like his father sometimes.
chishiya shuntaro. the name you wouldn't forget after leaving you. to be honest, it's either his fault, you didn't tell him about your situation and at the same time he broke you off after he said he'll be way more busy and will have no time for you. after making a porridge for your son, you made him sit up for you to feed him.
"just rest, okay? let's go to the clinic tomorrow!" you said with a smile in your face. your son nodded in response and went back to sleep.
it’s been years since you and chishiya had been together. the thoughts of getting married and having a child. it was just like yesterday when both of you got chosen as the class president and the vice president. chishiya is the president while you’re the vice, both always together for the projects that was assigned to the both of you.
chishicat are you down for a drink?
yeunie♡ yeah sure!
a big smile formed in your face, the excitement that you couldn’t stop, a hint of red blush in your cheeks. chishiya is a type of person who doesn’t like to show affection in public, but in private he surely do like to play with your hair. he likes to show his emotion in different kinds of way.
college has become tougher as days goes by, you don’t even remember the times you and chishiya spent alot of time together. not gonna lie, you miss it. both of you rarely see each other lately, no text or calls at times. atleast just for once, you want to see his face again, maybe for motivation.
2 weeks has already passed by, no sign of chishiya could be seen. you already texting him or calling but he never answers. you understand that being a med student is more harder, have strict schedules, and they barely sleep at all. minds won’t stop working 24/7 without seeing chishiya. you are worried that he might not be taking care of himself. but what’s more is the mood swings you’ve been having these days, is my period coming?
you texted him again and waited. no replies or calls you have received.
positive. it had two lines.
the pregnancy test made you think it’s fake. you tried so hard to calm, a baby is in your stomach. your feelings are messed up, chishiya is not there and you have no friends to talk about it, kuina is there but you don’t want to disturb her.
okay let’s think positive and not let myself be stress for the baby.
“let’s end it”
that’s the first thing he said when he agree to meet up with you. your thoughts are bewildred, devastated, and angry. while you’re still busy standing there, chishiya has already left you and went back to his work. tears flow down in your face as you put your hands in your belly.
the baby. what should i do?? when you’re back to reality, chishiya is already gone. mind has still not yet done processing over what just happened, you were excited to tell him. the cold air brushed through your skin, the start of your year has gone bad. amout of time has been wasted, crying for hours and still in bed in sore.
in the end, you told it to kuina and helped you for the medications. she defended you so many times. the protection she gave to you made you feel relax.
“i’ll be the best aunt that baby could have!” she said as both of you walk through the hallways.
she made your worries thrown away so that you could focus on your studies. the patients she have sometimes puzzeled you. she always there for you and you’re happy.
the following day, you took your son to a nearest hospital, sakurazaka university hospital. you went to the lobby for an appointment, they said to wait for your name to be called out. the receptionist told the direction of the pediatrics department, you gave a sign of thanks to the lady and made way to the area. both sat on the comfy chair as you both waited to be called out. your son was sleeping in your lap whilst you caressed his hair.
after an hour waiting, a nurse came to you.
“sorry, but the doctor you were supposed to meet suddenly had a emergency to go, but we can appoint you to another doctor who is available at the moment” the nurse said with a apologetic look.
“it’s okay! we can appoint to another doctor!” you said with a smile on your without knowing who the doctor was.
“um.. then, this way please..” the nurse said as she took us to the room.
“please wait for the doctor to enter!” she said as she bow and left the room.
both of you sat at the chair. a message notified, you check it was kuina.
hkwuin darling, is the baby ok? just don’t go to sakuraza university hospital ok?
yeunie why not?
hkwuin let’s just say that your ex is working there :))
the text you just received made you feel so anxious about the thought of facing the guy who broke you off few years ago.
door clicks open indicating that the doctor is already here. you’re still not yet ready to face him but at the same time, you don’t want to look coward. you looked up, he is still handsome as ever but a major change of his face. he looks so soft.
“y/n onikuma” the voice you can’t help but melt.
“yes?” you said with a steady voice.
“how long has it been when he got his fever?” he asked.
“it just happened yesterday” you smiled
“can you describe the symptoms that he had?” you could feel his eyes on you.
“his body sometimes aches alot, had headaches, his cough keeps getting worse, and have a stuffy nose” you said you caressed his hair once again because his still sleeping.
“what’s the color of his phlegm?”
“itch shometimes yellow!” the kid said while trying so hard not to fell asleep.
“would you let me hear your heartbeat?” he asked, as he passed by and went to your son.
“listen to me. inhale and exhale” he said while doing the gesture. he stands up after checking your son. he picked up a small cup in his drawer.
“i’ll be needing a urinalysis for your child and blood test to see his blood sugar.” he said
“please come back when you’re done” after he said that, you take your son to the bathroom and explain to him on what to do.
blood test? what do he need a blood test? urinalysis is enough to see, right? did his allergy triggers the flu?
the amount of questions flooded through your brain. your son came back after it and gave you the cup, cleaning it first before giving it to nurse. another test are needed so you went back to the office. chishiya was there standing as he get ready for the blood test, his hands with an injection made you shiver.
“you’re back”
“y-yes..” you stuttered.
“please sit down from here” he calmly said, trying so hard not to scare the child.
“would it urt?” your son ask,
“yes, but it would be real quick” he assured the child.
“just hold on to me and it will be okay, if you want you could close your eyes” you said to him, trying to loosen him up.
“please sit back and relax. inhale and exhale” he said, as repeated it.
“i’ll be injecting it now” he announced. without a second, he injected it and sucked the blood, chishiya quickly covered it with cottons after removing the injection from the forearm. your son tried so hard not to cry from the injection.
“please wait for the results outside” he said, fixing his things and ready to give the blood to the nurse.
“sure” you smiled but a phone ring interrupted the situation. his eyes were on you, observing the way you move around the room.
“i’ll be on my way now” you mouthed and gently pull your son outside the room.
“what?” you answered.
“what hospital did you went to?”
“sakurazaka university hospital! and wait- i was already here before you even texted me about it !! okay”
“so? what happened?” she curiously asked.
“nothing! just a normal doctor and patient examination” you said
“really?” she doubted.
“yes!? now will you please stop and just come here” you said with a irritated voice.
“sure sure! but i’ll go there hour later because maybe i might interrupted something” she said said, giggling.
“the fuc-” she ended the call.
“mom! i’m hungry!” you son called out.
“sure, i’ll buy you anything! what do you want??” you asked, a cute smile plastered in your face because of the cuteness of your child.
“i want dango! onigiri! and taiyaki!” he said with a cute smile.
“i’ll buy it for you okay? just stay right there!” you said and walked away but you still look back wanting to see that he is okay alone.
you’re done buying stuffs that your son wanted, but sadly dango is not there so only onigiri and taiyaki are available. when you are close to your son, you saw another figure talking with him. the white blond hair man, he saw you and stands up from his seat.
“thank you for checking up for my child” you thanked him.
“ryutaro” he give him a smile before going back to his office. he explained the medication he need to use and the things that he shouldn’t eat for awhile. chishiya gave us the result, thank god his sugar level is far from diabetes.
“thank you. let’s go home” you said, and went first to the cashier to pay the bills, without a doubt that someone already paid the bills.
“oh no, it’s okay you can go home already!” she said, a hint of a smirk in her face. you fadely walk away from the entrance of the hospital.
“thanks mira” chishiya said as he looks at you.
“be grateful that you have a friend that will support you even though you’re the one who hurt her!” mira scoffed at her friend’s shameless act.
“so, did you get the results already?” she said, curious of the outcome.
“the dna test results has still yet to come” he said, before leaving mira alone in the lobby.
“i know for sure that he’s your child. his eyes is like yours” mira reassured, chishiya just smirked at her and walk off.
it’s been a week and your son is back to school. late nights have increase after a week of your absents, more works has given to you. sometimes you’re more worried at your son than yourself. he always waits for you patiently whenever you’re late, he said that he understand. and it’s also been a week since your child mention about a guy who always plays with him and walk him home.
“darling, would you like to tell me his name” you asked kindly.
“no! he said i can’t say it to you!” he said while pouting.
“c’mon! you’re siding with that stranger rather your mom!” you whined.
“he is not stranger tho! neither a acquaintance” he said smiling at you.
“is it tatta?” you asked,
“arisu?” you guessed again.
“then who?”
“that blonde boy!” he shouted out of frustration.
blonde boy? chishiya?
the moment you know who is he, you started doubting that he knows but a part of you knows that chishiya isn’t easily fooled by an excuse so maybe he knows already.
“what did the blonde boy did to you?”
“he asked about you a lot!! he even asked if you’re doing fine or not! he is a good guy! he also told me that if ever you knew him, go to the place where you first met!” he said jumping around the bed with a smile on his face.
“what else did he say?”
“nothing but he always treat me food!! and.. and.. he also give me a new toy!!” he grabbed a stuff toy with his tiny little hand and show it to me.
a cheshire cat
“he said i look like a cheshire cat but tiny version” he said as he giggles.
“do you like him?” you asked curiously.
“yeah!! i want him to be my dad!!” a cute smirk plastered in his face like his dad.
“you act like your dad sometimes” you whispered it to yourself.
“mommy!! here!! he wants to give it to you!!” holding a small paper with a cute cat attached to it.
the shade of the lamp glows around the dark room, it was already night time. your son has already fall asleep after hours of playing, with all the reports and papers given to you for the past few weeks, his cute smile is your medication. you’ve been doing a good job as a mother.
sound of the door creaks as it closed quietly. your gut is telling you to read it but you don’t want to. you went back to your own room and lay down to your bed. for about 30 minutes, you’ve been shuffling around the bed. it’s not that you’re curious about something, it’s just that you couldn’t fall asleep. with no doubt, you gave up on your pride and read the note.
let’s meet me at our usual spot. — c.s.
crumbling the paper and throw it out to the trash can. you don’t why you did it, it just your instincts. after curing your curiosity, you have fall asleep not so peacefully.
it has been a week since that happened, you’re gladly that ryutaro still doesn’t know about the fact his father is shuntaro chishiya. but there will be no day where you weren’t stress, and right now it’s raining as hell. you looked up at the sky, guessing that it wouldn’t stop.
why does it have to rain now? my son is left alone in the school!
a few minutes passed, a car stopped infront of you as they honk, making you jumped. the window rolled over revealing your son.
“hi mom!!” he was waving at you with a smile.
you look towards the driver’s seat, chishiya shuntaro. he fetch ‘your’ son, you were about to rambled but was interrupted.
“w-why a—”
“just get in the car, i’ll drive you home” he said while opening the passenger’s seat for her. you climbed and sit.
the drive from home was awkwardly silent. no one dares to speak up except from your son who is busy playing. neither both of you wants to take the move first. eyes only focus on the side view mirror to avoid having eye contact with him but the feeling of being stared at gives you chills.
“mom! look what i’ve draw!” your kid, standing up from the seat while holding up his drawing as he lean in to let you see.
“wow! so cute but who’s that g..uy?” you asked, eyes knitted in confusion.
“oh! it’s dr. chishiya! he is now part of the family!” those words made you freeze for a moment before looking at chishiya, who is smirking at those phrase.
“why though?”
“mm.. he’s always there to pick me up! his face looks kind of similar to me! plus.. plus i want him to be my dad!” those word made you stunned. you can feel the stare of chishiya with his smug smirk.
“really? i can make it real” chishiya responded while you’re too busy to know what’s going on.
“home is near. clean up your mess, taro” you said, while ignoring the man’s stare with that smirk.
picked up your child from the seat as you put him in the ground and started walking towards your house. you don’t look back to see him there, you can feel him staring at you. trying your best not to stumbled on the way.
“taro is sleepy!” he announced, giving a sign to carry him. you carried him with his bag.
“wanna help?” he shouted.
“no! no need to!” you said and continue walking.
work is overload with paper, stressed out from getting scold at. you came back with a unexpected visitor.
as you walk towards your house, a voice you clearly heard a couple years ago is in your house, having a good time with your son. the laughter and small talks, it was really lovely but.. why does it feel so irritable. opening the door, you saw both of them cuddle at each other as they play. the bunny smile that you once missed showed up from your home.
“mom! you’re back!” he said, getting untangled from chishiya’s and running towards you, a hug was presented.
“what is he doing here?” you asked him, the awfully good minute of staring at him.
“i let him in!” he said as you slowly went to your room, trying to hide like a coward. your son run towards the person while you’re in room.
standing infront of the mirror, you touch the necklace in which chishiya gave to you in your first anniversary. mind going crazy over the fact he is here again, close to you, at your home. in a minute, you were to engrose with a thought to the point you didn’t notice him entering the room. only when he puts his hands around your waist and snuggle on your neck. cold air hits you like a bullet shot through you. it was too fast. the touch you missed, the warmth you’ve been craving for years is back again, arms wrapped around you like he doesn’t want to lose you again. you don’t want to hurt again, you tried to get away from his touch but he make it sure that he will not let you go again like what he did back then. to him, it’s a mistake.
“um.. can you please let go?” you tried getting away from him.
“i... i.. i’m sorry”
“just let go” avoiding the eye contact in the mirror. you look away, so that he wouldn’t see how weak you are when his around. you don’t to fall again to the same man who broke your heart.
“please.. i’m sorry!” he was now crying in your shoulder. you were looking at him in the mirror and you can see the sincerity in his action.
“let’s go back to where we started.” you said, both of you are now staring at each through the mirror.
“let’s restart our book and began a new chapter” a tiny hope has made chishiya smiled with ease. you just gave him a nod and he let go as he kissed you in your cheeks.
“meet me at our usual spot, yeah?” he said, before walking out the door.
after chishiya left, you suddenly fell down to your knees. a sudden heart beat made you feel so bewildered and confused on what’s happening to you. you promised to yourself but you broke it off. while you’re still spacing out at your room, your son enter happily with his toys.
“mom! mom! is it true!! that dr. chishiya is my father??” a cute eyes staring at me.
“did he tell you that?” asking calmly
“he kinda did tho! he gave me this piece of paper!!” he said while waving the paper in his hands. you snatched it from him, only to realize what it is.
the result of a dna test.
“that’s the proof that you are his child, darling” you said, caressing his face while smiling happily at him.
every single day, chishiya would fetch you in the morning to have a breakfast near his hospital and take you to your office after. he mostly courting you at the moment, but your son was enjoying every moment that both were doing. a normal family.
as the years passed by, you accepted chishiya and move to his house. ryutaro has to change school because of that but he wouldn’t careless ‘cause he has a dad already.
both got married after awhile. kuina and ann was very kinda moody but happy at the same time while arisu is overly happy because he always wanted to see you in that dress and proud to be his artificial brother. mira was there too, clapping happily.
“let’s have another one again” he whispered within your lips.
“oh shut up!”
both giggled at each other until the wedding ceremony has ended. they had a wonder and twisted life they have to began with.
© iaminlovewithnijiro ; tiktok (imagines, povs)
it’s my first fanfic.
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dadvans · 6 months
missing language.
if livejournal posts were still real. this would be it.
i started learning japanese when i was 11 years old, around early summer 2000, from my aunt from okinawa. she would practice with me in the gazebo when she and my uncle would come to visit for family reunions in the midwest, and would continue to buy me tapes, movies, CDs to start learning the language.
my school district was one of the lowest in the country growing up. we had a prestigious japanese immersion charter school, and after a disastrous middle school year, i ended up applying and being accepted. grades four to twelve. each year we were in different (sometimes abandoned or condemned) buildings up until halfway through my freshman year. despite occupying abandoned churches and gymnasiums, we had the highest test scores, and most exclusive college acceptance rates in oregon. it was either that good or that bad. we all hated each other the way family hates each other.
i won my division three years running for the oregon japanese speech contest through my ninth grade year.
i moved to japan two days after my sixteenth birthday. the year and a half that followed was not easy. i had a host family for a period of time that constantly kicked me out, starved me, and found other families for me to live with. i had another family where the host dad tried to molest me twice by taking me to remote locations. when i became fluent, really fluent, around the 6 to 8 month mark (long after i passed the JLPT 3 at the time, which is now closer to JLPT 2), after months of isolating myself in the computers at class to speak english to abroad friends for an hour a day, i told my japanese school friends, and they were horrified. they stepped up in ways i never knew. it wasn't usual for someone to be so forthcoming, and yet they all recognized it as an extreme circumstance, invited me into their inner circle. my home room teachers took notice and would take me out for lunch. my host family situation was codename ONI BABA, and even another family that eventually took me in would refer to her as such, when i asked if i could borrow her koto for a public concert (yeah, the one instrument it turns out i'm a prodigy at is okoto. Played my first concert at a local Obon festival within a week of starting. Talk to me about how Hana Kage is a fucking bitch. this version of ��転木馬 was what i was performing after a year. if you can find my old livejournal account, i guarantee there is a really terrible version recorded on my motorola razr still live).
by the time i was seventeen i was allowed to be on payroll to act as a translator for a month-long "jan-term" project with my mom in japan, where we took about 13 students across the main land. back at my american school i was writing all my essays in japanese, in the style i had been taught in japan (it was WILD to relearn how to rewrite english essays when living abroad-- that shit does NOT translate sometimes).
i went to college. i was immediately accepted into the higher ed programs my school provided. they were working toward offering a major, but only had a minor present. i signed on for level 300 with 8 other students.
the professor hated me. that is the nicest word for it. she would have typos on her quizzes. she would make fun of my hokkaido accent. but the worst part was when i was sexually assaulted by one of the other 8 students in the class, went to her during office hours to request that she not pair me with that student out of fear, and then she proceeded to exclusively pair me with that student on projects.
i was also learning i had a learning disability, but the student union health center refused to directly prescribe me medication for my disability, or refer my outwards--what happened instead was i was put on a prescription that had not been recommended outside of extreme epilepsy (carbamezapine), and when i expressed my fear that it was resurfacing suicidal tendencies, the doctor in charge doubled the dosage and encourage me to kill myself.
it was an ordeal. it was an ordeal that i documented. it was an ordeal that by spring 2008, i was accused of cheating on a test i got less than 30% on because i was so fucking out of it by a woman who would only partner me with a man who had sexually abused me. and when i confronted her about it on tape, with a medical transcript of what i had endured for the past year, i have a recording of her saying, "I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that you have problems."
Anyway, she went on sabbatical to adopt a kid the next year. Idiot sex pest remained in my classes, but god, he really sucked. I had to leave through most of my 400-level classes because I was working a lot. Most of my classes were essentially unpaid labor where we were translating books and providing subtitles for movies that were ready for American distribution. Half of my classmates my second year were born in Japan and spoke Japanese better than English but were able to cop out a foreign language credit, and they were honestly my favorite friends in the class, even if that's a steep fucking grading curve. Asshole teacher appeared once my spring semester, but knowing she took the year off, I actually completed my minor degree my sophomore year in early 2009.
And then I never really spoke Japanese again.
And it's hard. Whenever I'm introduced to media, I'm like, god, I forgot that. I remember that. I knew that, once upon a time. I remember conversations in English that weren't in English. And I remember when I was in my senior year of High School, I would be speaking Japanese and forget that I was speaking Japanese, that sometimes no one else except my teacher or friend who were equally fluent understood too. I miss that feeling. I feel shame, sometimes, at letting it go. I know I still have the pronunciation and local dialect, but it's hard to be reminded of how much I forgot.
When I started learning first, very close to when I was still fluent, Indonesian, and more recently, French, my backup language in my head has always been Japanese instead of English. My wife used to tell me I had a Japanese accent when I would try to speak French (fun fact: one of my friends in Japan was learning French and spoke zero English, and only then did I understand the horror of French phonetics), and it took me literally over a month of quietly practicing my R's in my car when I would get home from work for her to be like, oh you sound like a regular Anglo (read: white boy trying so hard and yet).
Whenever I get back into the mindset of becoming fluent in French (mandatory!), and restart the journey from where I left off these past years, I ache something fierce and weird for my Japanese. It is, surface level, a sense of failure. I couldn't hold onto you, I wouldn't have known how to try. There were obstacles. There were so many bad memories. And yet, sometimes I will be in bed with my wife, and she will be watching a Japanese show, and I will be like, "Did he really say that?" and she will say, "Oh God, I forgot that you knew Japanese."
Some things are bone deep and will probably never go away. I guess I'm still in mourning for the language that I lost as I continue to learn a new language. I want to be better, I know I can be better this time! And yet, I'm afraid that every step forward, I'll lose what I have of my second language identity. I have already lost so much.
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nav-iiee · 1 month
BIGBOYS (working title)
Hello everyone! Naviiee here. I think its high time to bring back this account for blogs and updates regarding this original write-up called "BigBoys (working title)"! I'm currently working on this on my free time and the draft you're about to see is in script form so I hope you enjoy!
gatack gif as he and the other kabuto riders serve as an inspiration for the design of one of the characters
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BigBoys: Song #1 “It’s all that I wanted. / Entitlement.”
Sun glare hits Bea Landers’ eye. She rises up from bed
BEA LANDERS: “Room 71, keys with me, socks are on, bass ready, it’s time to go now I think.”
NARRATOR: “This is Miss Bea Landers, a recently graduated college student fresh off the hooks and found a job she’s always wanted, be a band member.”
Camera pans to multiple angles of her crossing the street with her stuff
NARRATOR: “She’s always lived life by herself, she’s so calm and collected she’s pretty much forgotten most of her past life.”
She arrives to the studio
Band is setting up their instruments. Bea Landers is setting up her bass, Gale Blanco is setting up his guitar, Remy Williams is setting up the drums, and Eri Takeshi is setting up her keyboard.  
ERI: “So so happy to finally have you here Bea!”
Applause from the band
BEA: “Thank you everyone, I’m happy to have you guys accept me as your bassist!”
Bea bows down in an act of respect
REMY: “Dude what are you? Japanese?”
Room bursts with laughter
BEA: “Ah! Kinda…”
NARRATOR: “She isn’t actually Japanese, nor is her family.”
GALE: “Alright, since we’ve finally found the bassist we’ve been looking for, how about we introduce ourselves?”
Band agrees, Bea just looks at the three of them with a gleaming look on her face
ERI: “Hello Bea! My name is Eri Takeshi! I’m this band’s keyboardist! You can talk to me about whatever’s happening in your life!”
REMY: “I’m Remy Williams, I’m this band’s drummer, and I like video games and movies, my favorite is probably the first Alien movie. I play a bit of Pokémon too.”
Bea then glances at Gale with a smile
GALE: “Hi there, I’m Gale, I’m this band’s guitarist.”
BEA (VO): “Wow… He’s pretty cool, his smooth hair, the calm clothes he’s wearing, he’s totally my type!”
BEA: “Hello everyone! Um… I’m Bea Landers, I am your bassist!”
REMY: “Dude you’ve already told us your name…”
BEA: “But I don't want to ruin the flow!”
ERI: “You’re pretty funny Bea, you should replace the role of the band clown since Remy sucks at doing that job.”
REMY: “When was I the band clown?”
GALE: “Guys, guys. Calm down for a bit. Let’s give a decent environment for our little Bea here.”
Banter then subsides.
Much later on we then move to a discussion that they have together as a band, with Bea in the discussion.
GALE: “Y’know this band name discussion is really getting to my head.”
REMY: “I told you we should’ve gone for Good Morning, Sleeping Lions!”
ERI: “That’s too long, idiot!”
GALE: “Eri’s right, it seems far too long for people to remember. How about you Bea? Any suggestions?”
BEA: “I do have one, It’s -”
Rapid cut to a discussion with the stage producers.
GALE: “BigBoys. B-I-G-B-O-Y-S. No spaces, the B’s are capitalized.”
REMY: “I still think we should have done Good Morning, Sleeping Lions…”
ERI: “Start your own band then…”
BEA: “Now’s not the right time for fighting, we’ve got a performance to do…”
REMY: “Never knew you had that in you too Bea! Also, I’m mad impressed! You were in this band 2 months ago and now you’re performance ready!”
GALE: “I knew she was performance ready when I talked to her”
BEA (VO): Looks back “GOD HE'S SO COOL”
BEA: “Thanks Gale…”
STAGE ANNOUNCER: “And now I welcome to the stage, BigBoys! Spelled with no spaces and capitalized B’s”
GALE: “That’s our cue! Go!”
GALE: “Hello everyone! We are BigBoys, we are here to sing a few songs for you guys and, uhh…, yeah, hit it.”
REMY: “1, 2, 3, 4!”
Entitlement starts playing. https://www.bandlab.com/post/8dcb5bc3-0362-ef11-bdfd-000d3a425266
“I saw the reflection of my face in your eyes
I don't look fine
but you insist me with a smile”
Bea takes a few glances at Gale.
BEA (VO): “I wish he could get to see my face with a smile”
Song finishes with a lick coming from Bea, crowd applauses.
UNKNOWN VOICE: “You won’t be able to do that, Bea.”
BEA: “Huh?”
An ominous female figure walks out of the shadows
UNKNOWN WOMAN: “I will make you realize what you’re doing is absolutely wrong!”
The unknown woman snaps back at Bea with long purple whips that resemble rope, they’re coming straight out of her dress
PURPLE ROPE LADY: “Your feelings will always be wrong, because he isn’t for you!”
BEA: “Wha-? You know?”
Bea dodges an attack but still gets blown away by the explosion coming from her whip
As the crowd escapes Gale hides in the crowd and pulls out a strange object in his pocket
GALE: “This can’t be helped then…”
The strange object grows bigger and wraps around his waist
The crowd stops and steps away to reveal Gale with the strange device wrapped around his waist
GALE: “Uhh… Hi Bea! Hi Natalie…”
The crowd shifts their focus onto both Bea and Natalie who are now on the stage fighting, Natalie has Bea wrapped around with her purple ropes
NATALIE: “Oh!… Gale… Great seeing you here… hehe”
BEA: “Uhh I don’t want to interrupt the reunion but can you please let me go?”
NATALIE: “NO! I want you to see your very own mistakes! I want you to stay away from that man you’re thinking about!”
BEA: “How do you know who I’m thinking about?”
NATALIE: “Our group, the 5 OF HEARTS, know every single move you make, even the ones you don’t take…”
BEA: “Are you guys that obsessed with me?”
Natalie throws Bea away, and then approaches her
NATALIE: “You’ll know why we’re doing this, you’ll even become one of us!”
GALE: “Natalie, stop! If this is about our recent break up then I should be the one you have your sights on, leave Bea out of this.”
BEA (VO): “God he’s so cool!”
NATALIE: “Hmm… Fine then. I also have some unfinished business with you.”
Natalie sets her sights on Gale, with a sinister look on her face
GALE: “Ehh??? Can I at least count them up first?”
Gale pulls out a weird credit card straight out of his pocket
GALE: “Ryoukin Henge!”
Gale slides the weird credit card into the Teller Machine Driver
TELLER MACHINE: “Transaction Complete.”
A bright light shines from the belt, revealing Gale in light green and yellow armor.
GALE: “Golden Fighter, Gale!”
NATALIE: “I know this trick of yours already!!!”
Natalie rushes towards Gale with extreme speed. They both exchange blows.
NATALIE: “You persistent @*#&%!!!”
Natalie continues to pressure Gale with her whips, Gale guards himself and pushes himself into a corner, He rolls away
GALE: “You leave me no choice Natalie”
Gale pulls out the weird credit card and slides it into the Teller Machine twice
TELLER MACHINE: “Punch, Transaction Complete.”
Gale punches Natalie, knocking her out in front of Bea
NATALIE: “You should… run away… too…”
Natalie suddenly disappears and coins fall out of the sky, Gale detransforms and runs towards Bea
GALE: “Only 12 bucks? Dang... anyways, are you alright Bea?”
BEA: “What the hell was that?”
ERI: “Comes out of hiding together with Remy, We got some explaining to do…”  
ERI: “That was Gale’s specially made Golden Armor, he has to pay a fortune every time he uses it.”
GALE: “Fortunately, my dad aided in its creation, he’s basically helped me pay every fight I use it with. But, I also have to pay for it some way, so, here’s the band”
BEA: “Do all of you know about this?”
GALE: “Yes, Remy knew much later though.”
BEA: “Those 5 OF HEARTS, they seem to know my every move…”
GALE: “I’ve never heard of this group, all I’ve been doing with the Golden Armor was to aid the police in shootouts and other stuff.”
BEA: “They seem to have a connection to you too.”
GALE: “Yea, Natalie, she was my ex. She left on her own around like, 6 months ago.”
REMY: “How many exes have you had?”
GALE: “Around five?”
REMY: “No way, this is exactly like Scott Pilgrim!”
ERI: “Remy this is not the time to make obscure movie references!”
REMY: “Guys, hear me out first, okay?”
The band moves in a bit closer to listen to Remy
REMY: “In Scott Pilgrim, Scott was dating this girl named Ramona, but in order to date her peacefully, Scott had to defeat her seven evil exes… Maybe what we are facing now is a Scott Pilgrim situation!”
ERI: “That’s a fictional story! No way that’s real”
BEA: “No, it is real. Scott Pilgrim is a real dude, look him up.”
Eri hastily searches on her computer to find any related stories of Scott
ERI: “No way… The movie is based on a true story?”
REMY: “Yup, but the seven evil exes thing was more or less an exaggeration, yes there were powers but they seldom fought… except for Gideon, they fought with Gideon”
BEA: “So if they know about my thoughts and moves, then they know about my crush with Gale?”
BEA: “Was I thinking too loud? I was thinking too loud…”
GALE: “I don’t mind, Bea. In fact, I also kind of like you.”
NARRATOR: “As our beloved Bea turns as red as a strawberry, will we see a love that blooms like a flower? Or end up in a horrible disaster? Tune in next week for Song #2 entitled “Is it too late for love? / Movement”! Has she finally turned into a big boy?”  
I still don't have designs for the said characters but I do plan on working with other artists to make them visually represented right. Also, there will probably be songs per Song/Chapter, at most two, at least none but I will make sure that there will be one per chapter. There will probably be about 7 chapters, each with a villain and or theme. I would love to treat this like your regular tokusatsu show even though I never planned it to be like that when I planned this out a year ago. Yes, this story a fan made Scott Pilgrim spinoff, but this story will be far separated from the original, this is not a fan made sequel. Think of it like Donbrothers with Zenkaiger...
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That's all I wrote! Thank you guys so so much for reading the entirety of BigBoys (working title)
also the monsters are not actually monsters, they're humans with powers
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
Upcoming Takarazuka/Great Ace Attorney Musical
Takarazuka Revue, a long-standing all-female theater troupe in Japan, was the first to do an adaptation of Ace Attorney in 2009, with their two musicals Ace Attorney: The Truth Reborn (a musical loosely based on Rise from the Ashes) and Ace Attorney 2: The Truth Reborn Again (a musical loosely based on Farewell my Turnabout). This was followed in 2013 by a Miles Edgeworth-centric musical involving time travel.
Now, ten years since Takarazuka’s last attempt to bring Ace Attorney to musical life, they’re returning with a fourth musical (link goes to official Capcom announcement in Japanese), this time based off of the Great Ace Attorney games.
Like the previous three musicals, this will be performed by Takarazuka’s Cosmos Troupe. It will also be directed by Suzuki Kei, who directed the other three Ace Attorney musicals. According to the official Takarazuka page, as of right now, they plan two runs in July and August 2023:
July 19th - July 26th 2023 at the Umeda Arts Theater in Osaka, Japan
August 1st - August 8th 2023 at the KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theater in Yokohama, Japan
So far, cast lists have not been announced, except that the actress Rukaze Hikaru will be playing the lead role of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, and judging by the synopsis, Susato Mikotoba and Herlock Sholmes will also be present.
A (google translated) synopsis from the Takarazuka page (with minor modifications + square bracket notes for clarity):
A stage adaptation of the blockbuster "Great Gyakuten Saiban" [Great Ace Attorney] featuring Ryunosuke Naruhodo, the ancestor of Ryuichi Naruhodo [Phoenix Wright]! Set in a courtroom, the game "Gyakuten Saiban" is a popular series that has sold more than 9.8 million copies in total. The unique characters and intricately crafted storylines have garnered tremendous support, and have been mixed in media such as movies and TV animations, not limited to games. In the Takarazuka Revue, after its first performance in Sora [Cosmos] Troupe in 2009, "Ace Attorney 2" was performed in the same year, and "Ace Attorney 3" was performed in 2013, both of which were very popular works. Ryunosuke Naruhodo, a college student who aspires to become a lawyer, goes from the Empire of Japan in the Meiji era to study abroad in the British Empire with the World Exposition just around the corner, in order to learn about the latest judicial system. Ryunosuke, who is involved in one difficult case after another, stands up for his client with judicial assistant Susato, but the great detective of the century, Sherlock Holmes, appears... From the famous line "There is an objection!"
From this synopsis, there is little information on what specific cases may be loosely adapted, or what other similarities the musical may share with the games. 
To clarify for English-speaking AA fans, as I understand it, Takarazuka does not translate their plays, so any fans who are interested will have to either wait for fan subtitles or find a way to watch a recording (possibly dvd release, if they’ll do that for this one) without them.
I’ll try to update this post as new information is released. Please let me know if there is anything that I missed or is incorrect that you would like me to add.
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starset21 · 9 months
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Standard Disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower
A/N: This story is heavily inspired by the hallmark movie of the same title and is very self-indulgent. I'm also trying a different format than I'm used to using so it may change in the future chapters.
Looking for the other chapters? U.S.S. Christmas Masterlist 
Summary:  Kate and her family join Jake and his father for dinner with some added company, Kate learns there may be more to just being on the ship with her family.
Chapter 3: Dinner with old friends (and new)
“Ladies, Jackson, welcome. Please, have a seat,” Ron greeted them.
“Oh, my gosh, it looks so beautiful!” Elizabeth complimented.
“Thank you. We take our christmases very seriously on the Polaris,” he grinned.
“How do you decorate something that looks like a rhino in a rainstorm? Not to mention its size. I'm guessing, what… 125 maybe eight-foot Christmas trees laid end to end?” Kate asked.
“Well, I've never quite heard it put that way before,” Ron laughed.
“Kate has quite a way with words sometimes, don't you, darling?” Elizabeth smiled at her daughter.
“Well, the senior chief who runs the post office is in charge of all things Christmas, and he's been here forever,” Ron told her as they took their seats.
“Waste of time if you ask me. Ships are for combat… Not Christmas,” Jake spoke up as he walked in with the woman from the ball from the other door.
“And that is why they start to call him the grinch around Christmas time. Great fighter pilot, but a bit of a Christmas curmudgeon. Oh, forgive my manners. Charlotte, welcome,” Ron greeted.
“Thank you for the invite, Captain,” Charlotte smiled.
“Hmm. This is Elizabeth, Kate, and Jackson. I flew with their father.”
Charlotte nodded. “Nice to meet you all!”
“Charlotte is a successful writer,” Ron told them.
“Oh. What do you write about?” Kate asked.
“Romance. I'm a big traveler, so I find amazing love stories from around the world and turn them into novels,” Charlotte told them.
“Wow, how interesting. You know, I met Jake's mother on a Christmas tiger cruise about 35 years ago,” Ron reminisced.
“Really?” Kate asked.
“Mm-hm. I was a young lieutenant at the time, and Barbara was a college student visiting her brother. How's that for a unique love story?” Ron asked.
“Without the happy ending,” Jake muttered under his breath.
“So your father was looking for Christmas presents for you kids at a flea market in Japan. And he asked the vendor for a doll… Using his best Japanese, of course. Well, she thought he said… "Cat." Well, your father, he was so confused,” Ron told them.
“I remember the little Japanese dolls he got me,” Kate nodded.
“Yeah. He bought you… A kimono, Elizabeth. Pink with flowers, if I recall,” Ron asked her mother and Elizabeth nodded.
“Yeah. He did.”
“It was always your father's mission to find you girls something new and exciting for Christmas. I used to do the same for Jake.”
Jake scoffed. “Most kids find their presents under the tree. Found mine in the mailbox every year.”
Another man in uniform walked in.
“Dan, hey. You made it,” Ron greeted.
“Sorry I missed dinner. I was airborne,” Dan apologized.
“Dan's a pilot, and Charlotte's brother. They're old family friends,” Jake explained.
“Mom said Dan and I needed more quality time together, so here I am on a Navy ship,” Charlotte laughed.
“So you're not…” Kate trailed off.
“Not what? Oh, together? No, no. I love Jake like my own brother. Oh, Dan, that reminds me. We promised mom we'd call her after dinner. I hope you don't mind if we sneak out?” Charlotte asked.
“No, not at all, not at all. Looks like we're finished up anyway,” Ron told her.
“Yeah, I have to work the night shift,” Jackson stood up.
“Oh. Can I come watch you for a bit? Please? I want to see you in action,” Elizabeth asked as she stood too.
“I'd love that, mom. I'll get some coffees to go. Kate, you want to come?” Jackson asked.
“No, I'm kind of tired,” Kate told him and Jackson nodded.
“Thank you so much. It was just perfect,” Elizabeth told Ron as Jackson took her arm to lead her out.
“You're welcome. Uh, Jake, why don't you walk Kate to her stateroom. It's very easy to get lost around here.” Ron told him before leaving the room with Jackson and their mother. 
“Looks like it's just the two of us,” Kate rubbed her hands together.
“Can't believe you thought Charlotte was my girlfriend,” Jake teased.
“Well, I mean, first there was the ball, then she showed up at dinner. I think it's a natural assumption.”
“That makes sense. It's just funny 'cause my dad's always telling me that if I don't meet someone, I'm gonna be alone forever,” Jake snickers.
“My brother tells me the same thing. He say he wants me to find lasting love,” Kate laughs and Jake raises a brow. “Jackson wants me to date an officer, which is not gonna happen. Sorry, it's just that military life is not for me,” she elaborated.
“It's not for everyone,” Jake admits.
“It's pretty amazing, though, that your dad met your mom on a Christmas tiger cruise. Does that happen often?” Kate asked him.
“Wouldn't know. I'm not really focused on that kind of thing. I'm just here to fly my jet and serve this country,” Jake shrugged.
“You said something at dinner about it having an unhappy ending. What did you mean?” Kate asked.
“Nothing. It's not important.” The two of them walked in silence for a moment. “This place is like a giant maze.”
Jake nodded. “Twenty stories high and almost as long as the empire state building is tall. Here we are,” he came to a stop in front of a doorway.
“Wow. Thanks for helping me get back.”
Jake offered her his thousand watt smile. “Just call me your top gun tour guide. Staterooms are in there.”
Kate laughed. “Okay, thanks. See you tomorrow?” She asked.
“See you tomorrow,” he confirmed before she turned down the corridor to her stateroom and entered it.
Ron turned from the navigation screens he was looking at the next morning. “Huh. It's Ron. And come on in, please. Hi, Kate, what can I do for you today?” he asked.
“Well, I was thinking about something you said at dinner last night, about meeting your wife on a Christmas tiger cruise,” Kate started.
“Ah, Christmas 1984, yeah. But I should tell you, Barbara and I got divorced a long time ago,” Ron told her.
“I'm sorry. Jake alluded to something at dinner,” she apologized.
“The divorce was tough on him as a kid,” Ron admitted sadly.
“Well, military life is hard on any family,” Kate sympathized.
“I hear you. But, you know, some couples do figure it out. Barbara and I, we weren't the first ones to fall in love on a tiger cruise, you know,” Ron told Kate.
“Do you happen to know anyone that I could maybe talk to about that?” Kate asked.
“I'd have to ask around. Everybody's kind of all over the place these days.”
Kate nodded. It was understandable. “Thanks. There must be such rich history on this ship,” she remarked.
“Well, if you're interested, we do have an archives room. Photos, records. You might find something in there,” Ron told her.
“I'd love to take a look.” Kate smiled.
“What's this for, anyway? A story?” he asked.
“Maybe, I… I don't really know yet,” Kate told him.
“Well, I'd find it interesting. Tell you what, I'll have Jake take you for a look around. He can help you with anything you need.”
Kate raised a brow. “Sir, do you think he's gonna be okay with that? Romance and Christmas?” Kate asked.
“Honestly... No! But it might do him some good.”
Jake happened to walk in just as his dad finished speaking.
“No. I have flight ops, and we're trying to finish all the maintenance logs before the end of the year. I'm too busy, pops,” Jake told him.
“I'll clear your schedule. You get Kate whatever she needs. That's an order, Lieutenant Seresin!” Ron smirked and shot Kate a wink before shooing them away. 
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awaitingfall · 2 months
Crazy how it only took me 3 days to gain back the same amount of weight that took me 2 weeks to lose 😮‍💨 I really shouldn’t have smoked yesterday cuz I instantly got the munchies and started eating too late into the afternoon. I also ate almost an entire package of Tate’s cookies on our picnic we went on yesterday, AND my bf talked me into getting gelato on Saturday and we both ate too much of that 😭 I gotta be better on my period. I even told myself I’d regret all these choices when the day to finally weigh again came, but then I told myself “it’s the last day before I start my routine again, I deserve a treat” 🥲 I wish I had thought harder about the consequences.
So now my goal for this week is to get back to 133, and then if that goal is reached, my next goal will be 131 by the end of next week. AND THEN HOPEFULLY by the end of August/beginning of September I’ll be somewhere in the mid-120’s 🤞🏻
I had called out sick from work this past Thursday and the other girls ended up having to leave early anyways because there wasn’t enough work to do, I’m hoping there will be something for us to do today. OH! Speaking of work, I went to the mall on Friday with my mom to help her pick out a new pair of glasses and I mentioned to the girl that was helping us that I used to be the lab tech at the other glasses place in the mall and she offered me part-time work there cuz she ended up being the sales manager. I thought at first she was just saying that to be nice, but then she said it again as we were leaving. So that’s really cool I have a back up/side gig option if I feel like money is getting a little tight. I do miss working closer to home, but if I quit my current job that I really wanted to get back, then I’d only be working part-time and that definitely wouldn’t be enough money coming in. Maybe I can see about working part-time in the winter? Friday-Sunday, especially since I don’t do anything on the weekends in the winter time. I’ll just hustle a little to save up for a house and a trip to Japan (finally) 😌
My bf and I have been considering moving to Japan temporarily, especially with the way the US been actin’ up lately. He at least has some sort of an in, though, cuz the company he works for is a Sake brewery with their main headquarters in Japan, so he could tell them he’s interested in working for the main brewery and spending time there and they’d probably send him in a heartbeat. They like that shit. One of their requirements for the job was to be interested in Japan and Japanese culture. So they’d probably be so excited to hear that one of the American employees wants to experience life over there. Only thing is, idk if they’d also send me. I highly doubt it, so I’d have to come up with my own visa. I could get a student visa. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese since 2016 when I took elementary Japanese in college, but it’s been a struggle trying to self study since then. I know basics, but the speaking part is difficult for me because I have no one to practice with so I stutter and take way too long to think of the sentences before I try to speak. Just doesn’t flow naturally. So studying in Japan would be a great opportunity to get better. Only problem is I wouldn’t be bringing in any money 🥲 so idk. Plus we have our cat that we need to consider cuz I also don’t want to put her under so much stress traveling so far and long like that. Plus they have that animal quarantine and all her documents have to be sent over super far in advance. So yeah, it’s just a lot to take care of. It wouldn’t be as stressful if we didn’t have her, but our life wouldn’t be the same without her so I’m, grateful for my Chichi baby 🥹💕
(I can hear my bf playing one of those YouTube live Coffee shop jazz videos upstairs while he’s drinking his morning coffee lol he used to make fun of me for playing that as background noise in the morning, but he’s come to enjoy it now)
Okay! Today will be a great day! I already started on the right path by waking up at 5, then meditating, exercising, showering, and journaling. Now I’ve gotta feed my cat, feed myself, and get ready for a good day at work 😤
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darksouls2yuri · 1 year
would you be cool giving some yuri recommendations? i’ve been wanting to read some more
hi yes! these are just off the top of my head of what ive read in the last few months, if you want some recs the blog @yuribookclub usually has interesting stuff to check out!
1. Eve and Eve
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its an 18+ sci-fi anthology. the first 5 are porn 100%, but i love the last story Eternity 1 & 2: Eve and Eve. Its about two women who volunteer their brains to pilot these two satellites that will catalog all of humanitys records. they live like this for years, and it shows their relationship slowly breaking down because they're so close to one another but so far apart.
2. Goodbye, My Rose Garden
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historical drama/romance about a japanese woman who comes to england to show her manuscript to her favorite author. after getting turned away by the publisher everytime she meets an english noblewoman who takes an interest in her writing and offers her a place to stay. Heres the summary blurb: "Alice, a young noblewoman, has a Japanese maid named Hanako working in her household. The two have a fairly typical relationship... until the day Alice begs Hanako to kill her. As Hanako tries to figure out why her mistress would make such a terrible request, she and Alice grow closer until an entirely new feeling begins to blossom between them." It's 3 volumes and really really good.
3. Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl
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cute rom/com type manga about college student romance with gender misunderstandings and fake dating plot. summary blurb: "Ooguma Satomi has never been in a relationship. One day, she fell in love with a handsome younger boy in her class, without knowing that he... is actually a girl." I remember it being really cute and funny.
4. Hello, Melancholic!
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adding this one for all my friends who liked it! ik its short but i didnt finish it >_< ill come back to it eventually... it looked really cute i just couldnt focus on it at the time.
5. Otherside Picnic
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i dont think i could not put this on a rec list. Its awesome. Im reading the actual novel(s) right now but ive also read up to the latest manga chapter too. Its really really good! A sci-fi horror drama series that follows Sorawo and Toriko as they travel to this alternate dimension they call the otherside. Toriko is searching for her missing mentor Satsuki and Sorawo is caught up in the mystery of her disappearance and the hole its left in Toriko's heart, while also trying to understand the nature of the otherside.
Btw if any of my yuri enjoyer friends want to add onto this go ahead!!! These are just what ive read recently/could think of right now lol
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I'm so burnt out and stressed about a variety of things lately, but a funny / sweet coincidence recently happened that I wanted to share:
Last week, I had a university student reach out to me (via my work email) asking for resources / advice on their research paper because I've written a lot of articles about the thing they're writing about. (I just got back to them today and they were real sweet, I'm excited to see how their paper turns out)
A week or two ago, I had someone reach out to me on RA asking for some specific clip info / date info because they were doing a research paper about Pac, and today I saw that they published their paper and put a special thanks to RA in the notes :')
I just think it's very sweet and a funny coincidence that my work (professional and fandom work) is getting cited in research papers. It made me smile a lot, I genuinely love that.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Heyyyy do u have any wlw/GL film recs it can be dramas movies anything at this point im so desperate 😭
Hello!!!! Thanks for the ask! I love the topic haha. I'm going to give you 8 recs, I hope you like them! (synopses taken from imdb) The Handmaiden / 아가씨 (2016) A woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress, but secretly she is involved in a plot to defraud her
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I don't think I've watched this movie since it came out, so my memory is a little fuzzy. I remember thinking it was brilliant and entertaining; I found the plot and characters to be compelling and I was really rooting for Lady Hideko to get a happy ending. The cinematography is so delicious, as is the romantic tension between the lead female characters. However, I did find the sex scenes to be a little... not to my taste but my opinion might have changed in the last few years
Colette (2018) Colette is pushed by her husband to write novels under his name. Upon their success, she fights to make her talents known, challenging gender norms
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A Historical biopic about the life of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. It's another movie I haven't seen since it came out but I also enjoyed it. Although married to a man (who is also a dickhead), Colette has relationships with women, most notably, Missy, who is male presenting. (I don't remember if Missy's gender is ever defined in the movie, so I'm not sure if "women" is the correct term to use when describing them. I might be misgendering them as the real-life Missy, Mathilde de Morny, did go by Max/Uncle Max in their later years.)
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The Favourite (2018) In early 18th-century England, the status quo at the court is upset when a new servant arrives and endears herself to a frail Queen Anne
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Here we have another biopic, this time it's about the relationship between Queen Anne, Sarah Churchill, and Abigail Masham. I adore this movie! It's soooo fantastic to see queer women be so ruthless, cunning, terrible and desperate. Gosh, I love how love and ambition are depicted throughout. It's fantastic! All three female leads are excellent.
Atomic Blonde (2017) An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents
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Charlize Theron plays a bisexual baddie in a spy action movie where she is hunted down by James McAvoy?? Yes please and thank you!
Shiva Baby (2020) At a Jewish funeral service with her parents, a college student runs into her sugar daddy and ex-girlfriend
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This is one of my favourite movies. It is a horror dressed up as a comedy. THE INTENSITY is sooo unreal that it inspired me to write an original story! I love everything about it! Plus, YES to bisexual and sex-work representation!
Bend it like Beckham (2002) Two ambitious girls, despite their parents' wishes, have their hearts set on careers in professional soccer
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Yes, the main character ends up with the male love interest. But this movie is still soooo queer! Jess and Jules are gay for one another, I don't make the rules! Kiera Knightley wanted them to be together and so did everyone else. If they ever made a sequel (which they should), it could be about them reuniting and getting together. I watched this movie soooooo many times growing up.... lol Calamity Jane (1953) The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok
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Another biopic but this time, it's a musical haha. Okay, yes, Jane ends up with a man and yes, the real Calamity Jane was married twice in her life to men. But when I watched this as a child, it awaken something in me. The movie is so queer-coded, I could see it even as a little child who didn't know what queer was yet. I haven't seen it in over a decade, maybe more, but it left a huge impression on me. Plus, The Windy City and A Woman's Touch are absolutely certified jams. (side note: when I watched A Woman's Touch for the first time, I remember thinking that I wouldn't mind living in a cabin with my best "gal friend" 😂) Now for a TV show I watched growing up (when I was WAY too young to be watching something so adult) that made me feel the feels:
Sugar Rush (2005) 15-year-old Kim has just moved to Brighton and developed an earth-shattering, hormone-surging crush on her new best friend, Sugar
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Coming-of-age/ sexual awakening stories aren't always my thing anymore, as I don't care to watch teenagers exploring their sexuality but I watched this when I was 10(??), and it was very important to me. It's not a very good show and is probably considered to be super outdated now, but I found it formative. Plus, when I was growing up, there weren't any (not from what I can remember) shows or movies with a lesbian lead wanting to be in an interracial relationship with her best friend. It's an important part of queer TV history. Plus, it has Andrew Garfield playing one of the wettest male characters ever lol
Thanks again and I hope you like my recommendations! 😊
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nekoro-san · 11 months
I read the newest chapter, I’m glad it’s mention the university/college and a bit of Yor mention about her lacking of parents .
About university/college
In bus jacking arc, I use to making theory Yuri might have a connection to the Red Circus guy or the group because remember, circus are former college students,too. And Yuri also used to enter college. We haven’t know why Yuri join sss yet, so the meeting with him and these circus guy might have a big reveal of his past. I used to think Yuri and these circus guy has been used to classmates or such ( my theory) or at least know each other. But I was disappointed to know how it’s play out . At the end I thought a part of Yuri interrogate Billy to know they are both trying to protect the kids but falls by the bad government and provide more to Yuri conflict for his organization but it’s not.
This is also revealed abit propaganda
When Chloe saying “ this is our country” to Yuri in mole arc, this is almost the same line from Yuri said to Anya when they are in vocational camp in lightnovel.
In lightnovel implied that young kids got to experience a few “educational” programs in vocational camp ( Stepworks kids) that funded by Ostania government. The kids got to experience a few jobs and working place such as lawyers, doctors, teachers and even military force or police. So from what I understand, they are in a war time zone and there is lack of resources for hiring soldiers. I think the government trying to giving propaganda and encourage young people to join. Especially for those whose lost their parental mentor for such young age like Yuri, got brainwashed by this.
In doggy crisis arc, the “college” student are also probably the “victim” for these wars propaganda and got brainwashed.
And in bus jacking arc, the Red Circus has lot of college students. Bill daughter also a part of it.
So right now, the sss Yuri group are joining also could be the same situation for these college students. Yuri got recruited based on his workaholics, bookworms and strength endurance ( I think he may passed the sss recruiting from these aspects) and because of this. It’s possible Sss knowing him easy to obey orders and manipulate him to promote him as higher ranks and overworked him.
About Briar past
I know people are looking for Briars past but then this could only relied abit on Yuri memory. So if you don’t like his character or didn’t bother much for his chapters then you missing alot.
Interesting that now Yor mentioned abit of her parents now. I think this means could be another Yuri and Yor central story soon. Even I’m not a big fan of the humor Endo put it into them, but SxF always try to put these two as the family bonding relationship as the main focus.
I’m glad Yor seems to know about Loid lacking of parents too. Abit of me wants her to discuss this with Yuri in the future so that Yuri could felt sympathy to Loid because both of them also lost parents in the war too. ( it’s a parallel to Frank situation in chapter 41) This could be a good advance to Loid and Yuri relationship. And of course this could mean enhance Yor and Loid relationship because if Loid starts to open himself to Yor past that’s mean he already trust her enough.
This is out of topic but I remember there is a very cute Japanese fan fic talking about Yuri was taking care of sick Anya. Yuri was at work but Yor calling him to taking Anya home because of her fever and both her and Loid are busy. Yuri was asking why Loid didn’t have any relative to bring Anya home and she said Loid said he also lost his home and his relatives ( that means Loid did openly talking about his past with Yor). Yuri was moved and feeling emotionally so he ends up taking a day off to go to Anya school quickly. I remember how Yuri try to helps Anya fever based on making a honey drink ( this is fictional but Japanese are famous on honey tea for fever) based how the same drink that Yor used to make for him. ( I really hope this is a canon but how Endo treats Yuri and Yor I’m not so sure for his treatment to them)
And I’m glad to see Yor and Anya relationship is focus. This has been my attention for a while but if Anya getting closer with Yor so that’s mean the story in lightnovel of Yuri and Anya making a flower brooch to Yor will getting closer.
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
Hidden's Digimon Fanfics
Happy Odaiba Day! I'm so happy to celebrate with Chosen around the world!
I've listed my Digimon fanfics beneath the cut!  If you’re looking for some digifics to read on this beautiful Odaiba Day, oh boy, have I got you! :D  I’m ahiddenpath on both AO3 and FFN. Please log into AO3 to see all of my works, and please note that some of my older works are only on FFN.
Canon Setting Stories
After August
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Status: complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  “A few days ago, they were the Chosen. Now they were just a bunch of bereft, displaced kids.” When the Chosen return to earth, they have difficulty resuming their old lives. The story dips into everyone’s perspectives as they struggle to overcome the trauma they faced in the Digital World and their longing for their digimon so they can rally around Taichi once more.
Infinite Possibilities
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Status: in progress, Ships: none/general, Rating: teen
Art commissioned from kbondoxxxxav.
Summary: As more people meet their digimon partners, the challenges of digimon and humans coexisting on earth cannot be ignored. College student Anami Eimi begins her career in digimon research, hoping to help digimon and humans understand one another. When she discovers caged digimon in her new lab, she contacts the Japanese Chosen, setting off a chain of events that force the Chosen and their digimon to reevaluate the dynamics of their partnership.
This fic is set pre and post Kizuna, and is a mostly canon compliant expansion. It's a three phase story, the first starring OC Anami Eimi, then Izumi Koushiro, then Yagami Hikari. It explores the realities, challenges, and politics of digimon living on earth, and the nature of the Chosen/digimon partnership.
Can the Chosen and their digimon find the infinite possibilities that will sustain their partnerships into adulthood?
Ladybug House
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Status: complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: general
Summary:  After his seniors graduated and Mimi moved away, Koushiro is the last of the older Chosen attending his high school. Although Koushiro doesn’t let it show, Tentomon senses that he’s lonely and joins him on his commute to school. When the harsh cold of winter makes Tentomon shut down, Koushiro asks him to stay home instead of braving the elements. Tentomon refuses, citing Koushiro’s loneliness. This pushes Koushiro to reconnect with his friends, and he starts with the one he misses most…Focuses on the relationships between Koushiro and Tentomon and Koushiro and Taichi. Taishiro written in such a way that it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic. Explores what it means to be an adult and forge an adult life. Post Tri, pre Kizuna, canon setting. Complete oneshot.Minor characters: Kae Izumi, Daisuke, Miyako, Takeru, Hikari
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Following the events of Kizuna, the Chosen slowly lose their digimon partners, all while struggling to launch their adult lives. Takeru has been smiling through it all, but Yamato is beginning to sense that he needs more help than he lets on… A story exploring grief, seeking, giving, and accepting emotional support, and navigating the line between expressing what you’re comfortable expressing and knowing when to seek help. Complete oneshot.
Sans San
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary: It’s New Year’s Day, and Koushiro and his parents are observing Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year. There, he runs into Taichi, who helps him achieve last year’s resolution. A short story about support and being loved as you are while still committing yourself to growth <3 Cover art gifted by a dear friend.
Mostly Canon Setting Stories (ie, canon setting with some differences, like OCs, non-canon couples, etc)
Growing Up with You
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Art commissioned from Mitty (Tumblr deleted).
Status: complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC in the later half, Rating: general to teen
Summary:  A slow, simple story about relationships over time. The story focuses on Koushiro and OC Anami Eimi, following them through their childhood through the events of 01, 02, some of the movies, and beyond. This story is great for you if you love Koushiro and stories that are mostly canon.
Tri: Integrity Lens
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Status: In progress, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Rating: teen
Summary:  Sequel to Growing Up with You. Follows Digimon Adventure Tri primarily through the eyes of OC Anami Eimi and Izumi Koushiro. This story is fantastic for you if you love Koushiro, or if you’d enjoy a retelling of Tri that emphasizes Chosen proactiveness.
A Gentleman’s Wager
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Daiken, Taichi x OC Rating: teen
Summary:   When Taichi notices Koushiro’s stubble, things somehow snowball into a facial hair growing contest between most of the male Chosen Children. Humor/romance/drama. One shot.
Public Eye
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Status: Complete, Ships: Daiken, Rating: teen
Summary:  Despite their best efforts, the Chosen couldn’t escape fame following their digimon adventures. When Daisuke and Ken’s relationship is exposed in a local tabloid, the backlash threatens their tenuous romance.
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Status: In progress, Ships: OC x Daisuke, Daiken, OC x Koushiro
Summary: An AU story where Motomiya Daisuke, Anami Eimi, Ichijouji Ken, and Izumi Koushiro are undergraduate students in 2024. This four chapter explicit story follows their exploration of sexuality and relationships in a consensual, queer-friendly way.
See You Soon
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Status: Complete, Ships: Jyoumi, Rating: general
Summary:  Two independent Jyoumi short stories themed on long distance relationships.
AU Fics
So You Were Alive
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Status: Complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Greymon meets Garurumon in the network and is glad to see that his friend is alive. Explores the possible (if unlikely) connection between the Agumon in the Digimon Adventure Reboot (Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Psi) and the Digimon Adventure Agumon. Oneshot. Contains spoilers for the Kizuna novelization and the first two episodes of Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Adventure Reboot/Digimon Psi.
Puits d’Amour
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Art gifted by a dear friend.​
Status: In progress, Ships: Sorato (main), Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: general audiences
Summary:  Yamato and his brother, Takeru, were born to royal parents from different countries, who wed to seal the peace between their warring nations. The brothers were sent to live in Autun, their mother’s country, until coming of age- and now, Yamato is old enough to return to Hakone, his father’s country, where he will one day rule. Displaced and missing his home and his brother, Yamato wanders into a café selling pastries he often ate in Autun… And meets Sora, a woman who exudes welcome and comfort. A bakery/royalty AU about finding your home and your path.Main characters: Yamato, Sora, Jyou, Takeru, Mimi, but the entire Adventure/02 cast is included
Four Years
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art by beeps (Tumblr deleted)
Status: In progress, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: mature
Summary:  An AU story where the older Adventure kids go to an American college. English dub names and personalities. Izzy/OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai/?, some Takari. A story full of romance, laughs, drama, and fun things like partying and classes. The kids still have a lot of growing up to do, and they need each other to heal old hurts and go forward.  English dub names and personalities.
An added note for this one- I’m slowly editing and reposting.  There are a lot more chapters on FFN than AO3, so if you want to read everything available, go to FFN.
The Ouija Board
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Status: Complete, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai x OC, implied Daiken, Takari, Rating: teen
Summry:  Companion piece to Four Years, set in the future of the story.  English dub names and personalities.  Tai and Davis drag the boys to a local cemetery to invoke the spirits on Halloween night. Strange things start happening afterwards, especially to Izzy. When the boys finally own up to their seance, Amy is aghast to learn that they broke all of the rules a Ouija board puts in place to keep spirits in their own world… A four chapter humor/horror story.
Seeking Resonance
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Takari, Sorato, Mimi x OC, (Included couples that are not end game: Koumi, Jyou x OC) Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU story that follows Koushiro as his long distance relationship with Mimi begins to falter, then branches out to include the friends who touch his life.  This is an emotionally complex story about the Adventure gang in their late 20s/early 30s trying to figure out what they need and how to be happy.
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Status: Complete, Ships: Sorato, Jyoumi, Koushiro x OC, Taichi x OC, Takari mentions Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU fic set in Odaiba, featuring the older Chosen (Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Jyou, Mimi, and OC Eimi). The story follows them through their first year of high school in real time using journal entries, focusing on portraying character, and on delivering an authentic Japanese high school experience. Read on for teenage hijinks and school life :)
A Debtor’s Hell
Status: Complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: teen
Summary:  Koushiro is in danger of failing his gym practical, and Taichi spends hours coaching him to pass. Suddenly, Koushiro finds himself in debt to his best friend, and when Taichi calls in the favor, our favorite nerd has no way out… Part actual content, part silly humor. Oneshot. Cross-dressing and some OOC moments.
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dancergurl3000 · 1 year
Book review time! “Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.” A love story between two people who were right for each other but were I guess just meant to make video games together and not have sex? An essay.
This book I will say took me over three months to read. It took me literally all summer to read this book, and while it is sad as much it is true, I found it dizzyingly frustrating that the two main characters never end up together. It tells of the story of two childhood sweethearts: Miss Sadie Green and Sam Mazer, two programming students at MIT who find each other after a long time of just not wanting to talk and or see each other. Sam’s college room mate Marx also offers his apartment in the beginning of the book because Sam and Marx start off playing video games that Sadie has made as a joke; and then they start to realize not unlike the founders of Facebook that they should all go into business together to make video games, for real. They all move to Los Angeles to pursue this dream for real, and to Sam’s dismay, Marx and Sadie start seriously seeing each other and sleeping with each other. Their video game company is called “Unfair”, and the two co executives find two more cochairs Simon and Ant, a gay male couple in love who write their own high school experiences into an actual video game, brilliant! Called “Counterpart High.” Sam and Sadie made “Ichigo” and “Ichigo two” together, a Japanese children video game in which the player has to survive a massive tsunami and find his parents. I liked the quality of the friendship that Sadie and Sam have, but one of the reasons I guess the book depicts the two of them never becoming lovers are their ultimate grievances with each other getting in the way of let’s say a workplace romance. Sam was angry with Sadie in childhood, he finds out that he was merely nothing more than community service to Sadie, not really a friend, she was only pretending to be Sam’s friend because he was seen as “charity” to Sadie. They don’t speak for twelve years after that. Then Sadie at MIT falls for an abusive professor, he handcuffs her to his bed whenever she refuses to tell him anything he doesn’t want to hear, and Sadie stops speaking to Sam and proceeds to make video games of her own when she finds out that Sam all along has been playing the video games of her abusive ex boyfriend’s, and that it meant to Sadie that Sam knew that she was in an abusive relationship and did nothing. Then Marx, their cofounder is shot during a mass shooting with two gun men looking for Sam when Sam and Sadie are traveling for a work conference. Sadie is pregnant at this time with Marx’s baby and doesn’t even know it. It was brave, and courageous but ultimately dumb in my opinion for Marx to put himself in front of his openly gay employees but was deeply personal to me: if someone had come in with a shot gun looking for my gay ex boyfriend from my high school? I would have put myself in front of that shooter and probably done exactly what Marx did: put myself in front of someone trying to kill someone they hate. Marx is shot three times in the stomach and lasts almost a month on life support. Hangs on in a coma. Then Sadie takes him off of life support, and retreats into her home; has the baby and has postpartum depression. What I didn’t like was the distance the book I guess had to write about with Sam and Sadie, but it made the book drag on and on. I would never want my work life partner to feel like they should go back to work, but I also wouldn’t want to continue working at my company, even if I had started it after a mass shooting. The book should have written more about how the survivors should have gotten professional counseling and support, instead they all disappear more and more into their work. I would change the ending of this book if I had to direct it into a film. It ends with Sam and Sadie promising each other to be more openly communicating even though the book has them hating each other privately and personally I was getting a little tired of that. Instead of promising something to your best friend that obviously is a lie, I would have asked Sam to be braver. “Maybe I want to start over again back at MIT.” I couldn’t see Sam staying in LA. Especially if Sadie was teaching at MIT.
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