cryinhell · 2 months
It's frustrating and hilarious to me how people are on Husk for being a formal overlord, but Alastor can get away with anything. It's just weird? I mean, Husk is a decent guy now despite his past, and I see so many posts calling him abusive and toxic. Was he abusive as an overlord? I don't know, but he's not in current canon. As much as I am eager to learn more about his overlord backstory, I know people are going to say he deserves to be abused by Alastor because of what he did. I know it, and it's so stupid. Give the man a break damn.
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theholyskadoo · 3 months
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!! If I see one more person compare solangelo to one of those bitchy black cat x sunshine golden retriever mlm ships, I will lose my mind. Will Solace has literally never ever come across as a golden retriever, not once. In fact, he’s literally compared to a cat. The only sunshiny thing about him are his powers and his face, they are misleading because his personality is basically the opposite.
Nico may present himself in a ‘black cat’ kinda way but deep down he’s a softie and the amount of times he thinks super cute, love sick things in tsats is WILD. He reminds me of a drenched rat who likes to curl up on someone’s chest and snooze.
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justpentdraws · 18 days
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some lab rats au scribbles
for the love of god (if there is any) click for better quality im genuinely at the loss of words how did tumblr fuck it up so badly
version with less scribbles on it
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liesmultixxx · 3 months
being the ugly friend is really humbling
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smidgemarner · 4 months
not my tweet, but, this. all of this. i can’t stop thinking about how frustrated i am at pwhl minnesota and the pwhl in general.
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sourkreem · 4 months
being an interior design student fucking sucks. its basically architecture with a different name. I'd have to pay expensive tuition while also paying for all the shop drawing printings, building model materials, and other materials with ZERO subsidiaries or whatever from the university.
i haven't mentioned the unintented pressure i put upon myself because my parents pay for all of the expenses
i BETTER be immediately fucking offered a high paying job once i graduate to make up with all this shit
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yelenasdiary · 2 months
Honestly, having issues with loving your body actually sucks so much because my body literally makes me look the complete opposite of what I want to look & I am too stubborn to just give in and let it have the image it wants 😩
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
Sure maybe Eclipse wouldn't have it in him to kill Shadow on the spot even after all the brainwashing he's gone through but the question is would he still manage to seriously injure him. Perchance. So long as it doesn't cross the line of DEATH then………
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iamindebt · 1 year
Dussekar is an enegmatic and strange character, shrouded in mystery
[LONG POST INCOMING] [[like its massive]]
1st off, tell me if he EVER, at all , ONCE actively helps you
Chapter 1, Otempes does most of it
Chapter 2, Wiscara tags alongside you to take her scissors back and beats up herbrother ro do so
Chapter 3 you just go with Otempes, but THIS is when you meet Dussekar
Chapter 4 is primarily a solo mission, with Wiscara telling you where to go
Chapter 5 everyone tags along, EXCEPT Dussekar (put a pin in that for me)
Chapter 6, Tucker (who does not need to help) convinces you to take a more active approach instead of waiting for a problem to occur and then solving it (see chapters 1, 2, and 4)
Chapter 7 Base cleph and Otempes solve this, you coming along because Claire told you too.
Chapter 8 EVERYONE gets involved
...yeah hes not the defenition of a "team player".
2nd, Dussekar is just some guy, just some guy that got what he wanted because of a likely meaningless task
3rd, he seems to be apathetic or blatantly NOT CARE about scriptliss despite saying that he does. (put a note about the "apathetic part")
(from chapter 4)
D: ...So you have no idea who released you?
S: N-no... I couldnt see behind me because my entire body was chained... I have no idea who cut the chains either
(Dussekar glances to the paper ball chained to scriptliss's ankle)
D: Hmm... well it seems they missed a chain. And the clamp is tightly secured. Does it hurt to walk?
S: N-n-no... *sniff*
D: Whats the matter?
S: It's just that *sniff* You knew i was chained up... Didnt you?
D: Well... not quite. I heard some rumors. I knew your general whereabouts, but i had no idea you were actually chained up...
D: Im sorry for not going to check up on you sooner. I figured that, wherever you were, you'd be fine on your own.
S: But *sniff* Thats how we lost 1x1x1x1 to the void, too. You assumed that he was safe enough on his own...
D: Hey, can we change the subject? The protagonist is right over there.
S: Oh, hi! Didn't see you over there, Protagonist. Were're just chill out here. Isn't that right Dussekar?
D: Absolutely frigid.
S: Hah! What a Dussekar. Always cracking jokes.
(Nice save)
D: (Shhhh. Put a lid on it.)
This shows us a lot about the characters. Dussekar knew about rumors, meaning he forgot or didnt care to check on Scriptliss, who was IN HIS. WASTEBASKET.
Scriptliss does actually bring this up in their conversation (see red text), instead of confronting this or apologising for it, he changes the subject, focusing on protag.
Once scriptliss notices this he seems a lot more extroverted and friendly from his demeanor not even 5 seconds ago. Most likely scriptliss does not want anyone to find out what happened in pr2 but he does bring up some very good points.
There was no reason Dussekar should not have been able to check in on Scriptliss. Hes immortal, Dussekars immortal, his wastebasket is RIGHT THERE.
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(seriously buddy, you cant spend 5 minutes to attempt to reconcile with you only remaining friend? he seems very willing now)
(i would rewrite lanter and dussekars entire conversation but thats like rewriting the bloody bee movie script)
L: ...Are you even listening to yourself? You sound more like a tyrant than the god who you vanquished centuries ago. Just because someone stole your precious little plaything doesn't mean you have to fight so hard to get it back
D: The plotbook isnt a "plaything" its the reality we live in.
L: You truly are no different then the ancient gods who fought to protect everything they ruled over. Have you ever considered that Antagon might just be repeating your own history?
D: well, if you disagree with his actions as much as you disagree with mine, Why dont you go stop him yourself?!
L: Thats not the point. The point is, You need to see your actions from a different perspective before you draw definitive conclusions on people
D: Im well aware of how my actions affect others. I don't need anyone reminding me what the consequences of my actions are. I know exactly what ive done.
L: Alright then. What are you finally gonna do when you finally catch antagon? Surely your not going to send him to banland, are you? Hes just a kid, you know. Until recently, hes been living with his mother. What are you going to do then?
D: ...........
L: Hes just a younger version of you. Are you going to lash out at him when you finally get the plot book back?
D: ..............
L: Well?
idk man dussekar definitely looked like he was considering it. Its bad for antagon because hes a CHILD but its worse for scriptliss because hes immortal. like c'mon dude this is greek mythology levels of punishment.
why did he not try to revive tretone or tess,
major L moment right there
Dussekar as a character seems to show that he does not care about his old friend and has no issues with sending anyone he disagrees with to infinity jail.
it gets better after apologising about screaming at antagon and talking to scriptliss though :thumbs_up:
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rainofthetwilight · 6 days
I'm bored...send me asks maybe.......
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catholicjinx · 2 months
hold my hands chat. ghost the band
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gurlbur · 7 months
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#i need to rant#or else i will lose my mind#so pls skip if you dont want to listen to my sob story#i am tired#i am so so tired#i am tired of being the eldest daughter#i am tired of handling every single thing#i am legit a mom to everyone including my mom#i have to deal with all the shit my siblings go thru#be their therapist#the parent that they never got#i have to handle finances of the house#im tired of paying every single thing and having the majority of my paychecks go to the house#the house drains me so much that im not able to show up in others aspects of my life#i am tired of doing all of this and getting nothing but insults#verbally abused and degraded#im trying to get a law degree so i can help people in the future but the on going shit at home makes studying so much harder to the point#where i fail my class#i am tired of pretending to be okay when i just wanna scream and break every single thing around me#my ankle recovery is taking a toll on me physically and mentally#that shit is not easy and no one will understand how shitty it is to break a fucking ankle and learning how to walk bend run all over again#this list is just never ending#i wanna have my own family#i wanna build a healthy house hold for myself#but at the same time who the fuck would want to be with me when i go thru all of this#i am not okay at all and i am tired of helping every single person around me#i know im supposed to help my own self but i wish someone went the extra mile and went above and beyond just like i do for everyone else#i just want a break i want someone to tell me its all going to be okay i do not need to suffer and go thru life alone#i want someone to be there for me#i dont wanna seem ungrateful but this is how i feel
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clouddd-hannn · 5 months
i need to talk to someone about the latest honkai star rail version 'CAUSE WTF???? DUDE I JUST HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT TO SOMEONEE AKSBAKS AK
DUDE, MOTHAFUCKING SUNDAY???? I TRUSTED YOU??? i'm kind of glad gallagher stabbed you tho. but...was sunday always just so, i don't know, annoying? i literally like sunday but his treatment to my girlie robin just isn't it
he was willing to sacrifice his own sister to save the world he thought the people wanted? nah, man. that's a huge minus point for me. (still like him a lil bit 'cause that robin and sunday hug at the end was so cute)
AND MISHA????? I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING FISHY ABOUT HIM!!! i mean, in a good way. i mean, how come some never mentioned him??? AND THAT WAS EXPLAINED HERE?! he should've been a five star AND THAT EXPLAINS THAT ASTRAL EXPRESS CREW BADGE ON HIM! AKDHAKSVAKSBAK
who could've guessed he was the remnant of the watchmaker, mikhail, himself. 'cause i surely didn't.
AND THE PLOT TWIST?! I DID NOT FUCKING EXPECT THAT? but i mean i was suspicious that it just ended just like that cause boss battles usually take at least three phases but the sunday (first one) only took two phases(?) AND IT WAS DONE! AND IT WAS FUCKIN' EASY?! kinda sus.
damn, hoyoverse must be lovin' honkai star rail so much. in total, the new version was a solid ♾️/10. boothill, black swan, and robin.
(P.S. AND BLADE ACTUALLY LEARNS HOW TO DRIVE A CAR? he just couldn't get any hotter 🫣🫣)
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inc0rrectmyths · 1 year
Some senior writers and poets in my department adviced me not to make too many ideas and jam up my brain and focus on my current WIP (FHCC) and finish it, then start working on the others.
I literally still have half of my current WIP left to finish, four outlined and summarised wips which I will start after finishing the current one. And even in all this chaos, I managed to come up with a SIXTH FUCKING WIP IT'S GONNA ROT IN MY DRAFTS FOR LIKE 3 YEARS NOW AHAHAHAHAH
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