merriclo · 1 year
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> from hcau <
spirit my beloved. click for better quality <3
[psst spirit uses she/her in this au!!]
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roses-for-rosalyn · 7 months
Ellie x reader (for now)
Part 2
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summary: A stranger comes to your door- it turns out it's not one of your usual encounters cw: guns, cowboy lingo, fem! reader, cowboy crossdresser Ellie, eventual smut, blood, injuries, your average confusing lesbianism, eventual smut, no use of y/n wc: 3.6k
for those who prefer ao3 <3 gotchu minors DNI (I will steal all you pillowcases)
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Nothing could beat the beauty of the sunset in the desert. Purples, blues, oranges, and yellows swirled together to paint a new masterpiece every night. And every night you would sit on your small, wooden porch with a cup of tea and watch as the sun slowly sinks into the horizon. Tonight was no exception. 
The sky becomes darker and darker until the moon and the stars come out, bathing the desert in a silver light. You struggle with the stubborn, old front door for a moment before you step into your little ranch house.
A chill runs through you as the temperature outside rapidly declines. You kneel in front of the fireplace and use the little kindling you have for a fire. It was enough to keep you warm for a few hours while you read yourself to sleep. Sometimes you felt lucky that it was a small enough house that the small fire would warm up the whole place. Your bed was just a few paces away from the mantle. 
You stand up and dust off your hands before starting to undress for bed. As you begin to unbutton your bodice a knock sounds from the front door. 
You scramble for your rifle by your bedside and check to make sure it’s loaded. You peek through one of your front windows to catch a glimpse of the mysterious stranger. At this hour and on the edge of town, your visitors weren’t usually friendly. 
It seems a cowboy has paid you a visit this evening. Haven’t seen one of those in a damn long time. A gun is proudly holstered on his hip next to a lasso, and his black large-brimmed hat keeps his face dark enough that you can’t quite make it out. 
He knocks again, louder. You creep up to the front door and slowly open it. Before he can process who opened the door you aim your rifle right at his chest. 
“Hands up.” You demand, your voice is surprisingly steady. 
“Woah there, I just stopped to ask for some directions.” A deep, yet feminine voice replies. It sounds like she was all too sure you weren’t going to be using that weapon on her, she didn’t even bother to move. You cock the gun, trying like hell to keep your expression blank, unphased while your entire body fills with adrenaline. She takes a step back and puts her hands up. Her hat still covers her face in shadow, it’s like confronting a ghost. 
“You should have stopped somewhere else.” You take a step towards her, closing the door behind you while keeping your vision trained on the woman. 
“You’re much different than the other women I’ve run into out here.” She looks up slightly, the moonlight illuminating pink, slightly chapped lips forming a smug smirk. “Where’s your husband, miss?”
“I swear if you don’t get back on your goddamn horse I’ll put a hole right through your chest.” she steps towards you, the muzzle of the gun pokes right under her collarbone. 
She finally looks at you, silver light exposes a sharp, feminine face dotted with freckles darkened by days in the sun. The sight of her face catches you off guard for just enough time, allowing her to grab the barrel of the rifle and pull it right out of your hands. She drops the gun and it clatters loudly to the ground, echoing through the empty desert landscape. She grabs your wrists before you can start fighting back and pins them above your head against the door with one hand. 
“There,” she grunts as you struggle against her grip, she’s surprisingly strong, “now we can have a conversation.” 
“Go to Hell.” You say, seething with rage and frustration because she was able to overpower you so easily. She shakes her head and laughs for a moment, saying something under her breath like all this trouble. 
You were just about to spit in her face when she said, “Where’s the nearest hotel darlin’?” Your eyes widen at the innocent question, slightly embarrassed. This was a first, she really just needed directions. She uses your stunned silence to talk some more, “I’ve been savin’ up so I could have a bed for the night. And I could really really use a bed tonight, miss.” You stop struggling against her grip and she lets go. She still has that stupid smirk on her face. “So if you could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.” 
“Head southwest, you’ll hit a trail that will lead you right into town.” You dust off your dress and straighten it out. 
“Much appreciated, darlin’.” She tips her hat and walks off toward her horse. You watch in shock as she mounts her horse and before riding away she says just loud enough, “I’ll be seein’ you.” And with a nod, she was off. 
You slowly bend down to pick up the Winchester, cradling it against your chest as you watch the stranger disappear into the night. As you head inside you wonder if you ever will see that strange woman again, and fall asleep debating whether or not you would want to.
**  **
The next morning you head to the school house. The steady feeling and sound of your horse trotting along the dirt path always forced your mind to wander elsewhere. Right now you couldn’t stop thinking about the woman from last night. The schoolhouse was right in the middle of town, would you see her again? Would she even recognize you? If she did, would she even try to talk to you?
The interaction was a bit embarrassing for you, but to be fair you had your fair share of vile men looking for trouble and hostile groups of Apache knocking on your front door. Your father had taught you how to use his Winchester rifle, the very same rifle you use now, and you mentally thanked him for it every night. You had only used it to kill one man, he wouldn’t take no for an answer and you gave him plenty of warnings. He didn’t believe your threats so now he was buried about 500 feet from the house in an unmarked grave, you were sure no one would miss a man like that. Most of the time the Apache would just come to ask questions about men passing through the area, they never tried to attack you, thankfully, but they would always come at the most ungodly hours and were quite impatient. 
Last night was a first, you had never had a cowboy knock at your door, and then she ended up being a woman. The idea of her was so intriguing and you couldn’t figure out why. For some reason, she shook you more than anyone else had since you lived out here. And you’d seen quite a lot.  
Your thoughts are interrupted as you reach town, the sound of rickety carriages, hooves against the packed dirt road, and the chatter of men in front of the Sheriff’s Office make it hard to focus. 
“Hello there, sunshine!” you hear a male voice call out. You turn towards the voice to see Jesse making his way past you on horseback, lugging today's newspapers to the apothecary. He made the trip from Sante Fe every morning. He was nice enough, you liked talking to him, but not as much as you felt like you should. The ladies at the apothecary, Dina, and Maria, would always encourage you to talk to him. They desperately wanted you to move on from your husband. He was long gone and you knew that, you were even thankful for it, which is why you were nervous to start again. You didn’t want to have to go through anything like that again. 
You wave back and smile, “Hi there, Jesse.” You decide to be polite, “Hear anything good today?” He tightens the reins of his horse and stops right next to you. 
“They struck gold in Elizabethtown, and there’s gonna be a shortage of tobacco ‘round these parts within the week because of a dust storm over in Tennessee.”
“Well, I’m sure they’ll have a panic on their hands pretty soon then. I don’t know a man here who can live without their cigars.” You smile and Jesse laughs politely at your attempt at a joke. 
“Alright, don’t want the kids to show up before I do, I'd best be headin’ to the school.” You yearned to leave this awkward conversation through any means possible. Today was not the day for small talk. 
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then, miss.” Your head snaps towards Jesse. You’re suddenly transported to last night and listening to the way the cowboy’s words would drip from her lips, smooth as honey “Miss”. Calm and sure even with a gun pointed right to her heart. 
You quickly snap out of it and nod politely at Jesse as you begin to part ways. You head to the schoolhouse in a hurry, the kids gave you hell if you were late. 
** **
You’re beginning to lock up the schoolhouse when you hear footsteps approaching. “Well hello there, miss.” You recognize the voice all too quickly, you don’t even need to turn around. “Was really hopin’ I’d find you here.” 
As you fish into your pocket for the key you respond, “And how exactly did you find me here?” you turn around and begin to walk past her toward your horse. She follows you. From a brief glance at her, you can see she wears a bandana to cover her face, you could only see her eyes. “You don’t even know my name.”
“I just asked those nice ladies at the apothecary if they knew the women who lived just outside of town, they were more than happy a “nice gentleman” took interest in you. They told me just about everything they knew, your name, some snippets of gossip. I’m sure if I stayed they would’ve told me your life story” You finally turn to face her, your expression unamused. She took her hat off at some point when she was talking to you, her eyes are green, radiant in the unrelenting desert sunlight. You were almost jealous. She wore a dark blue button-down that sat surprisingly flat against her chest and suspenders. She could pass for a man if she wanted to. “So, I take it you don’t have a husband then?” 
“What’s it to you?” you cross your arms, defensively.
“I was just curious, I asked last night, but you weren’t exactly in a talking mood.” You swear you can make out her smirk under the bandana. 
“No, I haven’t had a husband for quite a while. Is that what you came all the way here to ask me?” She lowers her bandana and steps towards you, backing you into your horse. 
“No, I came to ask a favor.” She hesitates for a moment, “No one here can know that I’m, um, well you know..”
“A woman?” pretty easy to piece together after seeing the bandana. 
“Yea,” She backs away from you a little. Seems like someone is embarrassed to ask a favor. “It’s just easier for me to get things this way and it’s lookin’ like I’ll be staying later than I planned so..” 
“Alright, I won’t say anything.” She opens her mouth to begin to thank you, but you weren’t about to let an opportunity like this pass you by. “But, you owe me a favor then.”
Her excited expression disappeared as quickly as it came, if you weren’t looking you could have missed it, “Um, alright, what do ya need?” 
“You know your little visit last night?” You had been cooking this proposition up all day, hoping she would run into you again. 
“Well, that happens to me about every other day. I don’t want a husband, but I do need a guard dog of some kind.” You didn’t want a man in your home, but you did want the protection of one, this was the perfect opportunity, almost too perfect. 
“A guard dog?” She seems mildly offended by you comparing her to a dog.
“I’m tired of not being able to sleep because of surprise visitors. And I’ll pay you in two square meals a day, tea, and my homemade moonshine.” She does not look amused. “And I won’t tell anyone you’re a lady.”
“I don’t know-”
“I know you’re almost out of money, I’m sure Tommy is bleeding you dry as an outside visitor. I won’t charge you anything.” Something in her loosens, you can see it.
“So do I sleep on your floor?”
“Or outside if you’d like, makes no difference to me. There’s a fire pit out there for ya” You turn around and mount your horse, eager to get home. “We got a deal?” You reach your hand down towards her. She hesitates before shaking it. 
“I’m Ellie by the way.” You nod
“Alright Ellie, I’ll see you at my house then. I trust you’re familiar with the address” She just nods, slightly shocked. You smile and then head off, the comforting sound of hoofbeats clearing the thoughts in your head. On the way home you tend to just listen to the sounds of the desert. After a day of loud, squealing children it was healing. You’re sure you’d go crazy if you lived in town. 
** **
You had just finished making your evening tea when you heard a knock on your door. For the first time in a long time, you don’t go into fight or flight mode. You open the door with a smile, part of you is surprised she even showed up. Your proposition was a little ridiculous, but that truly shows how desperate you are. 
“Hello there stranger.” You are really pushing it with this attitude, you can tell, but something in you likes it when she gets annoyed. 
“Hi.” She takes off her hat and lowers her bandana, something you’ve observed as a habit of hers, one of respect possibly. “So am I sleepin’ with the rattlesnakes or on your floor?” 
“You get bit by a rattlesnake come to me and I’ll suck the venom out myself. Until then you best set up camp before dark darlin’.” You smile at her sweetly. 
“Figured as much.” She smirks and walks away to set up camp.
“Dinner’ll be ready in 20 minutes. I hope ya like stew.” You call out to her. “Oh, and there’s a spring out back if you need any water!” 
** **
The stew finally thickens up to the way you like it, you pour it into two bowls and quickly slurp up your serving. Didn’t taste amazing, but it was food. 
You open your front door to bring Ellie her food and see that she’s already started a fire, she’s sipping from a silver flask just staring at the flames. 
You approach and wordlessly hand her a bowl of stew and a spoon. She looks up at you “You gonna eat?” 
“No, I- uh already ate.” More like inhaled but she didn’t need to know that. You point at her flask. “What’s in there?” 
“You’re tellin’ me you don’t know what’s in here?” She raises her eyebrows.
“I know it’s liquor, Ellie, I’m just askin’ what kind.” Her confused expression drops.
“Whiskey.” She looks at the flask in her hand, then at you. “Want some?” She clearly did not want to offer it to you. But you sit down next to her and reach your hand out for it. 
“Hand it over.” She hands you the flask. The metal was cool to the touch, almost shocking after the desert heat all day. You take a sip and the liquor burns its way down your throat, and your face scrunches a little. You were used to shooting whiskey, but this was particularly terrible, even worse than your moonshine. “Wow, that’s pretty awful.”
Ellie laughs between bites of stew, “You’re stew isn’t the greatest thing I’ve tasted either.”
“Hey!” You lightly punch her shoulder. She giggles even more. “You’re welcome for the food by the way.” You take another swig of whiskey and then hand the flask back to the cowgirl. 
“Thank you,” she takes the flask, “for the meal.” she hands you her empty bowl. “And a place to stay, even if it’s outside.” 
“We’ll see, maybe you’ll earn your way inside.” You take her bowl and turn to head inside. 
“Is that a challenge?” She calls after you. 
“Maybe.” You call back. 
You step inside and immediately undress for bed, the whiskey making your eyes droop closed. You can barely get your buttons undone before you fall into bed, for the first time in a while, not having to worry about dangerous strangers knocking down your door.  
** **
You wake up to a hasty knock coming from the front door. It’s still dark outside. You weren’t supposed to have to deal with this anymore. You grab your rifle and don’t even bother checking who is at the door simply out of annoyance. Would have bit you in the ass later if it was a surprise visitor. You open the door and cock the rifle. To your astonishment, you open the door to Ellie, holding her side. There’s a dark stain forming under her hands, her face is bloody and bruised. And yet she’s got a smug yet pained smile on her face. “This how you’re always gonna greet me?” 
“Jesus Ellie,” you usher her inside quickly. “What happened?” 
“You got some visitors, a group of Apache men.” She sits down in one of your wooden dining room chairs. You rush over to grab the small medical kit you had managed to fashion over the years. “They wanted to see you in particular, when I told them you weren’t accepting visitors they sort of attacked me. It was one versus six” 
“They don’t trust many people.” You undo Ellie’s suspenders and begin unbuttoning her shirt without even thinking. “Most folks round here shoot first and ask questions later, they don’t have any respect or patience for a stubborn cowboy.” You walk over, grab a candle and some matches, and light it so you can see. “Can’t say I blame them. I am sorry though I’d thought they’d see your gun and back off” 
“That is real optimistic of ya.” You remove her right arm from the sleeve of her shirt. She is wearing some sort of binding around her chest- so that’s how she’s managed to pass for a man. 
“Wow, that’s a big word for you.” You smirk at her as you clean your hands with some moonshine. 
“Really? I’m bleedin’ out and you’re making fun of me?” You press gauze to her wound, she hisses through her teeth. 
“Please, you’re not bleeding out. Shouldn’t even need stitches, just some cleaning and dressing.” You look up at her, you’re not quite sure, but even in the dim candlelight, you could swear she was blushing. You wouldn’t dare mention it when she’s already made herself so vulnerable. 
“Now for the hard part.” You take out a small bottle of vinegar. 
“Alright.” Ellie leans back in the chair, ready for the sting of the vinegar. 
“Here.” You take her left hand and place it on your shoulder. “Squeeze if you need to.” She nods and you take that as your cue to begin. You pour the vinegar on the wound and you watch as her abs contract, her hand squeezes your shoulder, pretty hard, but you know she was trying not to hurt you, even in pain. 
You stand up and gently wrap a few layers of gauze around her mid-section, just in case it starts bleeding again during the night. You were so, so close to her, you could feel the heat radiating from her skin. “You always wear that?” 
“Wear what?”
“The-the bandages, round your chest.” She looks down at them like she almost forgot they were there. Suddenly you realize how personal that question must be. “Sorry, I shouldn’t said anything. You don’t have to answer” 
“No, It’s alright. I don’t mind. Yes, I’ve worn this for a while now, easier to get around when you look like a man.” You nod and finish wrapping the gauze around her and pin it in place. You put a bit of vinegar on a piece of gauze and begin cleaning the cuts on her face. “Oh, you don’t need to do that, miss.”
“Please just let me clean off your face. Were you planning on walkin’ around town tomorrow with dried blood on your cheeks?” She opens her mouth to say something but closes it. She’s quiet as you gently clean her face, you can see every freckle, every scar, her eyes shining in the candlelight. It was odd being this close to her. You had never felt comfortable being this physically close to someone. Her warmth almost invited you in, made you want to press your nose to her neck, run your hands across her skin, feeling along all the freckles and scars, memorizing the spot of each one. you wanted to know her in a way you have never wanted to know anybody else.
“Hey,” a gentle voice grounds you back into reality. “I think my face is clean.” She smiles softly. She was right, at some point, you had gotten her face completely clean, you’re not sure how long she let you drag the cloth across her freckled cheeks before she said something. 
“Yeah, sorry.” You back away and put the blood-soaked gauze in the burn pile. “You should sleep in here. Don’t think anyone else will be coming tonight. I’ll go get your bedroll.” Ellie just nods and you go out to grab her things. 
You hurry back and set up her bedroll on the floor right next to your bed. She makes her way to it and sits down on the floor with a thud, careful to not contort her body in a way that could re-open the wound. She collapses onto the wool blankets. When you’re sure she’s settled you place your rifle back next to your bed and fall into your mattress, knowing you’ll be exhausted tomorrow.
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lmk what you think! Likes, comments and reblogs always appreciated!
Part 2 >>
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astroboots · 1 year
Omg please continue with the Miguel fang prompt!!! It’s too cruel to stop there!!!!!
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Summary: Miguel and you plays hide and seek.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Content: Hunter predator kink (I think that's what we're calling it?) anyway explicit. Miguel is a bit rough.
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Spiderverse Masterlist
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It's all too easy to get lost in the crowd in a city as crowded as New York. You slip in among a throng of tourist standing around like a flock of pecking hens, their faces dipped down at their phones, huddled over google maps as they try to figure out how to get to Broadway as if it's not within goddamn walking distance, right down the street.
In a nervous habit, you fiddle with the watch on your wrist. Your eyes flick over the bright light that tells you it's 11:28pm.
Which means, there's still 32 minutes left.
God this is the slowest hour you've ever lived through in your life.
You squeeze yourself in the back, behind a woman with a large hat and larger sunglasses, even though it's evening and the sky is near black. The only things left illuminating the sky now is glaring shop signs, aggressive LED lights, and the mega-spectacular ads display that is brighter than the goddamn sun.
Peering over the madness of the crowd, you try to spot the familiar sight of his all too recognizable build looming over everyone else.
But there's nothing.
He's not here. You let out a long held in breath, your chest sagging with relief. Of course he wouldn't be here.
Times Square has over 300,000 visitors passing through every day. 300,000 sweaty, exhausted individuals drenched in perfume and deodorant that would make it impossible to pick up your scent. Thousands of people speaking all at once, over the angry noise of honking traffic that would make it impossible, even for him, to pick up the sound of your distinct footfall.
No, He won't be able to catch you here. That's why you came here after all.
You glance down at your watch again. 11:31.
Shit! How has only three minutes gone by?
Shaking your head, you look up at the sea of people.
You'd better get moving. Even in a crowd, if you stay still for too long, it won't be safe.
Walking briskly down the wide street, it's a struggle to squeeze through the ever moving crowd as the glaring lights change from makeup ads to theater marquees. You're peering over your shoulder with every three steps you take, constantly expecting the familiar sight of his messy curls to peek out a foot above the crowd.
He's so damn tall there's no fucking way you'll miss him if he's found you. You'll get plenty of advance warning, you reassure yourself as you continue to move forward.
Your eyes settle over your watch again.
11:46. Fuck you sideways.
You know you shouldn't keep checking it every two seconds like this, because all it serves to do, is to ratchet up your blood pressure so high you're going to need to start taking medication for it.
How is time moving so slow. You shake your head in exasperation, and for a fraction of a second you swear you see it.
A flash of unmissable dark navy glowing with red.
You freeze. Your back feels like ice, cold damp sweat breaking out along your spine. You snap your eyes back but there's nothing there now. Nothing but an anonymous crowd.
What the-- How could he have just disappeared into thin air?
He's 6 feet and fucking 9 inches. Taller than your refrigerator back in your tiny studio apartment. The top of his head beats out your fucking Christmas tree. If he was here, he'd be impossible to miss. You don't fucking miss a giraffe when you visit the Brooklyn Zoo, so why are you having such a fucking hard time spotting him? How the fuck does he move so inconspicuously?
Was it just your imagination?
You glance at your watch: 11:46. Gotta be kidding. Is time standing still now? Has it just decided to stop moving altogether?
You force yourself to step forward and ignore how your knees seems to cave at your own weight as you sink into the pavement with every step.
In the corner of your eyes you spot him. Clearly this time. Real. Not a figment of your imagination. He's only a few steps away from you. The familiar pair of glowing scarlet eyes fixed on you.
Oh fuck, shit. Shit! Your heart races at the sight, beating so hard you think you feel it in your lungs. You're already sprinting in the opposite direction without thought and the only thing guiding you is the pure impulse to escape.
You push through the crowd, sprinting forward without taking in your surroundings. All you care about is to get away as your gaze is fixed on your watch.
11:52. Eight more minutes. You just need to stay away for eight more minutes.
You keep running as the crowd seems to thin, and the colorful lights and noise of traffic fades away. Then you finally stop, catching your breath to look up at your surroundings.
It's empty and void of people. A large empty van is blocking the narrow alley from view of the main street, and there's an unlocked gate that you've come through.
On the other side from where you've come from there's a tall bricked up wall as far as the eye can see-- a dead end.
How the fuck did you manage to find the only deserted dead end alleyway in central New York?
Shit you need to get out of here, you won't be able to run away if you're trapped here.
You glance one more time at your watch.
11:57. Three minutes. 180 seconds. It's all you need and then you'll win.
You turn your heel back towards the gate. But it's too late.
The dim light of the alley is eaten up by a large and imposing shadow.
He's already here.
The familiar navy blue and the menacing red sprawled across his chest fills your vision, blocking your only path to escape. All you see is red eyes glowing so bright it lights up the dark alley with it.
"Time's up," he says, mouth curled into a mocking smile so wide that you can see his fangs peek out from his upper lip.
That's when you realize you are well and fully trapped like the helpless prey you are in his spider's web. You're right where he wants you.
God you're so damn stupid. You were safe in the crowd. But one sight of him had you spooked and running into the only alley to be found in all of New York.
He'd planned this all along. The bastard's must've been the one who opened the gate. And you had ran in here like some scared witless rabbit straight into his trap.
You could try to escape him. Some vain, silly leftover pride in you, is adamant that you still have at least two whole minutes to get away.
He steps closer, and you can't help but instinctively step back as he does.
You know it's a game. Know that he would never hurt you, but that hungry and predatory red glow in his eyes has fear spiking along your spine all the same.
"Miguel, wai--"
The rest of your futile plea dies in your throat. His broad palm covers your mouth and jaw, and even your startled squeak is muffled into silence as he presses you up against the wall.
You whimper into his hand, but he doesn't relent. Doesn't ease up, even as he leans down and hushes you. Despite the soothing tone he uses with you, it isn't comforting at all. It drips with condescension as he press his lips to your bare throat.
"I'm gonna take my prize now, nena," he murmurs into your skin and because your brain is broken, with no sense for survival instincts, every part of you tingles at the amused threat in his voice.
"You promised remembered?" he reminds you.
And of course you do. It's hard not to, when the bastard's got you pinned against a brick wall in an abandoned alley like something out of a horror movie.
Fuck. He's taken this way too seriously. You don't know why you had suggested the world's dumbest hide and seek with this competitive and unreasonable man.
He presses you into the hard brick behind you, like there's anywhere left for you to go. And you can feel it. The proof of his excitement pressing up against your stomach, pinning you against the wall. He's hard.
Any residual resentment at your loss gives way for excitement when you feel his cock twitch and jerk against you.
The edge of his teeth rests on your bare shoulder as goosebumps breaks across your skin, and you feel dizzy. Anticipation swirls in your stomach with an intoxicating warmth.
You can't fucking breathe.
His hand snakes up your dress, wedging your panties to the side, until you can hear the fabric rip and tear. Shit, you're going to kill him for that.
The thick head of his cock presses in and stretches you open, as he forces his way inside of you, in time with his sharp and whetted fangs sinking into your flesh. Electricity pings across your nerves, sweet and euphoric and you feel drunk with it.
He's filling you, inch by hard and relentless inch, until you swear you can feel him lodged in your stomach. You feel so fucking full. Full of Miguel until nothing else fits anymore, but he doesn't stop.
His cock nudges along an impossibly deep spot inside you that has you losing orientation and makes the space around you spin, and he's still not fully inside.
White blinding pleasure streaks through your every nerve and crowds your vision, as he sinks you down further on him, until your vision goes blank. He's so fucking big. Always is no matter how many times you take him like this.
Pleasure pool with heat in your stomach as he holds you in place, impaled on the thickness of him.
Your limbs go boneless, unable to hold up your own weight, and for a moment you're not sure if that's the venom released to your bloodstream or just the effect he has on you. You only remain upright because he's propping you up with his body.
His mouth skims along your throat, dragging his teeth up until his fangs tease along the shell of your ear, with the threat of sharpness. The edge of them barely graze your skin, completely unlike the feral impatience he'd sunk into you with, as he whispers into your ear.
"Found you, nena."
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Dedication and credits: This piece is dedicated to @foxilayde for her utterly deranged (and amazing) post that had me SALIVATING. Thank you for putting this brainworm into my head. I am shooketh.
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fettuccin-e · 1 year
Fires In Those Eyes
Kinktober Day 11: Seduction
Tags: Joel Miller x Reader, afab!fem!reader, oral (m!recieving), fingering, unprotected piv (pls wrap it irl omg please), joel is whipped, but also so is reader, degradation, possessive sex, joel's filthy mouth again my bad (w/c: 1.3K)
A/N: Second Joel fic of the month! Hooray! This time they actually get naked and get down and dirty so double hooray. I tend to just write Jackson!era Joel just because I want him to be happy okay. Also day 10 will be up eventually so sorry about that lol (I have been using these prompts from flightlessangelwings!)
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Most of the time, Joel doesn’t think you’re even trying to seduce him like you do. You’re just you. Perfect, soft you, the woman he fell in love with when he didn’t think he was even capable of it anymore. And God, it’s embarrassing with how much he wants you all the fucking time. When you’re on patrol with him, when you’re making dinner for him, you, and Ellie, in the house that you managed to make a home. He feels deranged with the way he wants to tear your clothes off and fuck you until you scream for him at only the drop of a hat. And you’re not even trying.
You’re trying now, though.
He can tell, from the moment you step inside the house, peeling off your gloves and looking at him with a glint in your eyes that has his breath hitching and cock bulging in his jeans.
“Ellie’s sleeping over at Dina’s tonight,” you whisper, smoothing your hands over the planes of his chest. There are flames in your eyes, and Joel feels like he’s burning. 
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he murmurs, his voice rougher than he means it, but you only lick your lips and look up at him through your lashes. You look like pure fuckin’ sin. 
You perch up on your tip-toes, leaning close enough that your lips brush the skin of his ear. “What are you going to do about it?” you whisper, and Joel can’t help how he growls.
He’s got you slammed up against the wall before he even knows what he’s done, tearing your coat off your shoulders and letting it fall carelessly to the floor. You pull your shirt off, throwing it somewhere behind him, before you lick into his mouth in the messiest, dirtiest kiss he’s ever had. You claw at his back, rubbing against him like a damn cat in heat, and Joel feels lightheaded with how fast blood rushes to his cock. 
“What do you need, sweetheart?” he rasps against your lips, and you whine so sweetly for him.
“Need you to fuck me, God, I need it so bad, Joel.” Your hand comes down to squeeze the bulge of his cock through his jeans, and fuck, you’ve never been this bold, never taken him like you are right now. 
“C’mon, baby,” he groans, “let’s go to bed.” But you’re shaking your head, your deft hand unzipping him and freeing him from the confines of his clothes.
“No, no,” you whine, “‘S too far, Joel, need you now.” 
You look up into his eyes as you sink to your knees before him, and Joel’s vision blurs at the edges when you lick a long, slow stripe up the underside of his length. He has to brace his hands on the wall as you take him into your mouth, hot wet heat engulfing him as you sink deep. The tight clutch of your throat has him groaning, his hips pitching forward.
You grab onto his hips like you love it, sucking hard enough to make the breath punch out of his lungs. Your head bobs obscenely, your hair brushing his thighs every time to take him to the root. His knees tremble, struggling to hold himself up as you suck his cock like you’ll never get the chance again.
“Baby,” he groans, and you pop off of him, grinning with that same fire in your eyes that makes him want to rip you apart on him. Fuck, he thinks you want him to do just that. 
The way he gets to the floor, gets you on your hands and knees for him, is a goddamn mystery. It can stay a mystery, a blur in his memory for all he cares, because when he gets your pants off, peeling your panties halfway down your thighs, baring your beautiful, glistening pussy to his gaze, none of it fucking matters anymore. All that matters is the way his fingers drive into you, reckless, insistent, hammering into you so hard you see stars.
“Fuck, honey, you’re drippin’,” Joel mutters, and your face burns, even as your hips hump back into his hand on pure instinct. “She’s just gonna suck me right in,” he says, twisting his hand as his fingers spread you apart in a way that makes you sob.
And he’s right, he’s so right. Sinking into you is a goddamn revelation, hot and tight around him as you scrabble at the floor for purchase, moaning and pushing your hips back against him. Your pussy lets him in so easy, so perfect, and he shudders as your body clutches at him like a vice, hot and wet and at his fucking mercy.
“God damn it, baby,” he groans, thrusting into you to the fucking hilt and relishing in the way it makes you scream. “You’re so fuckin’ wet f’me.”
“Oh God,” you gasp, even as it feels like your pussy is being stretched to its fucking limit. “All day, fuck- I’ve been wet for you all fucking day.” His hips slap against your ass so hard, pressing in so deep that all you can do is gasp for air and fucking take it.
“Yeah, honey? Needed this cock all fuckin’ day? Comin’ home just to fuck me like a goddamn slut,” he rasps, and God, it’s true. His cock in your cunt is all you need, all you ever need. Even with the wooden floor digging into your achy knees, your panties tangled around your thighs, fuck, this is all you’ve needed since you woke up this morning. He’s right, you’re a whore for the way he fucks you.
“Yes, yes, oh my fucking- Joel,” you cry out as he hammers into that sweet spot buried deep inside, not letting you breathe for a second.
“This what you needed, sweetheart? Needed me to fuck you on the goddamn floor like we’re fuckin’ animals?” He presses a hand to the small of your back, shaping you into an obscene arch that has you getting tighter around him, practically choking his cock with your pretty pussy. “Such a fuckin’ whore,” he snarls. “Who can fuck you like this?”
“You, Joel,” you cry, tears dripping from your eyes onto the floor. He pulls your hair into his hand, yanking your head back and pulling your body onto his cock with every thrust. The sounds of your cunt smack, smack, smacking against his body are sticky and wet and fucking debauched.
“That’s fuckin right,” he says, sounding about as wrecked as you feel. “Only me. I own this fuckin’ pussy, right baby?”
“Fuck, yes, yes, yes,” you’re gasping, clawing at the wooden floor, and Joel fucking chuckles behind you, deep and dark and primal.
“C’mon, girl,” he rasps, and he snakes a thick hand under your heaving body to rub a calloused finger along your throbbing clit, and you scream. “Squeeze this cock with this slutty little cunt. Show me who owns you.”
And you can’t refuse him, you can’t, not when your body is already locking up with your orgasm. Your pussy strangles his cock, practically forcing his orgasm out of him, and he snarls as he fills you up with his cum. He takes his hand from your hair to wrap it around your chest, pulling you up to press your back against his chest. You tremble in his hold as spasms rock through you.
When you finally settle, he presses kisses to your neck, and you let out soft giggles in reply, running your fingers through his hair.
“Mm, I need a nap,” you sigh, sinking against him. You gasp as Joel nips harshly at your skin.
“Nuh uh, baby. You started this,” he rasps, dark with promise. “And I’m the one that’s gonna fuckin' finish it.”
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twola · 7 months
Hiya! Lemme start of by saying, I’m a HUGE fan of you and your commitment to bringing our sad cowboy infinite orgasms. Out here doing the lords work. I was just wondering, if you’re still doing requests, could we get some cock warming? Idk why the idea of that makes me so feral. I just need it. Do what you wish with it, should it strike your muse. I do prefer HH Arthur… 👀. I jus love your writing and hope you are doing well!
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
“I d-don’t know w-why you thought this was good idea.”
A gruff snort is your response, and you can do nothing more than bury your wind-chapped face into the back of his heavy coat, your arms around his waist as the horse beneath you struggles through the snowdrift. The scarf wrapped around your head barely takes the edge off the biting chill.
Follow up on a lead about some abandoned riches in the mountains, it couldn’t still be snowing up there, he said. So goddamn sure of himself.
“Th-this is de-decidedly the m-most unromantic t-thing ever, Arthur M-Morgan.” Your muffled voice cracks against the fabric of his coat.
“Alrigh’, alright. Arthur huffs, his breath visible in the cold air, “There’s a place round the other side of the lake we can get outta the wind.”
An icy gust blows across the frozen Barrow Lagoon and you squeal miserably as you tuck yourself in behind Arthur once again. He curses as he leads the horse over to that abandoned cabin.
The mare slogs around the lagoon’s shoreline, finally reaching the cabin as Arthur extends his arm to help you slide off from her rump. He follows, landing heavily in the snow. You slowly make your way into the cabin as Arthur leads his horse to a covered area on the side of the small abode.
By the time he has the horse settled, you’ve started a small fire in the cast iron stove, long abandoned. You stand in front of it, rubbing your hands furiously.
“I’m so c-cold…” you whine, your voice cracking as you huddle into yourself. This abandoned cabin on the lake’s shore did little to stave off the cold outside.
He shrugs the coat off and wraps it around your shoulders; it dwarves you as you frown, looking up at him.
“Arthur -“ You scold, trying to bat off the coat.
He frowns, “C’mon, sweetheart. You ain’t got enough meat on your bones to keep warm, ‘m fine.”
You succeed in pulling the coat off, and shove it back at his chest. Before he can respond, you point toward the floor a few feet away from the stove he had gotten lit. “Sit down. We can share the coat.”
Arthur grumbles under his breath, but acquiesces. He grunts as he lowers himself to the floor, crossing his legs as he pulls the heavy coat around his shoulders, holding it open for you to crawl into his lap.
“Well, ain’t we sharin?”
You nod, taking the two steps closer to him, but to his surprise, you don’t turn to sit in his lap with your back toward him. In one fluid motion, you hitch your skirt up and spread your legs on either side of him before lowering yourself down, facing him.
You situate yourself, your legs winding around his hips, your chests pressed together, your skirts parted around him. It takes him a flustered moment to settle his hands at your waist, looking up at you with a blush blazed across his cheekbones. You give him a sly smile back as you wind your arms around his neck, sitting fully in his lap, a head above him as you settle down.
His eyes blaze even wider as you roll your core against his rapidly filling cock. Before he can say anything, you press your lips hard against his, his hat falling down the floor. It takes him several surprised seconds before he returns the kiss and tightens his grip around you.
You cannot help but to grind yourself against him, and his hands move down your back to cup your rear, holding you tighter into his embrace. It seems that he has finally gained his confidence as he squeezes the globes of your rear hard.
He pulls away from your lips and pants slightly, frowning, “As much as I want to, don't think its a good idea to take our clothes off.”
You roll your hips over his again and he digs his teeth into his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning, “D-don’t need to -” you trail off as you start to pull at the hem of your skirt, bunching it up at your waist.
Arthur gets your drift immediately, leaning backward and unbuttoning his pants and union suit as you lean up on to your knees above his lap. You grasp at your bloomers, pulling one leg open as Arthur draws his hard cock out from where he had unbuttoned his clothing. One of his hands reaches to your hip to brace you, as one of your hands rests on his shoulder to do the same.
He grasps the base of his cock as you hold your bloomers to the side, and you slowly lower down onto him, sucking in a breath as the hard column of his flesh pierces you - stretches you. After a few moments, you are able to take him fully, and the backs of your thighs rest in his lap.
“J-just stay there,” you breathe, one of your hands gently moving from his his back to softly trace his jaw, “Let me keep you warm.”
Arthur’s eyes flutter shut as he leans into your touch. His large arms wound around you tighten as he leans his forehead against yours.
There's an odd sort of pride you have in this moment - where he had been wrapping you in his coat, in his arms, trying to keep you warm - you can at least do this for him. For all the time his strength and size had been used for you - protecting you, providing for you, keeping you warm - you cannot help to smile as you note the tenseness of his jaw subside. You can give him this.
Wound so tightly between each other, you press your lips against his before playfully clenching the muscles of your core. Arthur’s eyes shoot open and he cannot stifle the groan that escapes from his chest, deep and low.
“D-do that again.” He pants, nuzzling his cheek against yours, his arms pulling you against him tighter.
He squirms against you, his hips bucking up a little as you clench against him. He draws his arms around you tighter - you're smothered in him - and groans aloud as he buries his face into your bosom.
“God, darlin’, you’re so warm-”
You tighten your legs around him, pressing your face into the curve of his shoulder. He jolts against you as you clench down on him again.
“Could you come like this?” You breathe into his ear.
He pulls back, his pupils blown wide and rimmed only slightly blue. He nods, almost dumbly, pleasure-addled and unable to speak.
The two of you drown in the intimacy. At his silent answer, you swear you gush a little, your cunt so full of him that you swear you'd never feel so complete again. You thread your fingers through his hair, his hands sweep lovingly around your back.
“Come for me.” You whisper, cupping his cheeks in your hands, tilting his head back slightly recenter his gaze into your eyes.
Arthur breathes out heavily, squeezing his eyes shut as he shudders beneath you, and you feel warmth blossom between you - he fills you with his need, his devotion, he fills you with himself.
Overwhelmed by it all, you tuck your head into his shoulder as he pants against your collarbone. You whine softly as you come also, a soft, gentle tipping over the edge, shuddering around him for a moment. The two of you come down from your highs, wrapped tightly around each other.
Arthur pulls that blue coat tighter around the both of you - and as the snow falls outside, you are warm and content in each other’s embrace.
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
my former horseback rider ass is here with the switch!dodge mason agenda 🫡
so many fics about dodge teaching you about rodeoing and how to ride (which i fucking love don’t get me wrong hehe) but what about reader who also rides and competes? sort of enemies to lovers? maybe you’re a barrel racer and he’s a saddle bronc, so he likes to jab at your event and you jab at his.
although you’re not competing against each other directly, you see each other at basically every rodeo and have developed a wicked rivalry between you. truthfully, neither of you know how or why it started. you got along when you were younger, little kids stumbling around rings and playing in the dirt while your parents rode, but once you hit your teen years it was like a switch flipped. he started pulling on your pigtails and you were never gonna back down from that fight.
now, a few weeks post-graduation, you’re double checking your tack when in comes dodge fucking mason fresh off his bronc and still riding his adrenaline high.
“good luck out there with your little obstacle course,” he sneers at you.
“at least i’ll keep my braincells in tact instead of losing them all getting bucked off… or wait, you didn’t have any to begin with did you?” you roll your eyes.
you almost miss the way dodge’s eye twitches and his jaw clicks. maybe it’s the adrenaline, maybe whatever back and forth you two have been doing has just finally reached its breaking point. suddenly, he’s pulling you into the empty stall next to yours and crowding you against the wall. he grips your jaw and forces your eyes to meet his.
“you think you’re smarter than me, huh? you think you’re so slick, but i see the way you look at me. you’re as fucked up for me as i am for you.”
the dam breaks. his lips are on yours and his hands are everywhere, one grabbing your ass, the other snaking under your shirt. you’re returning his fervor with your own because as much as you hate to admit it, he’s right. you have been looking, you have been simmering every time he’s put his goddamn hat on some buckle bunny who doesn’t even know what a bridle is.
the hand on your ass moves to tease at the waistband of your jeans. ever the infuriating gentleman, he’s asking for permission. you grind your hips forward and he takes the hint, shoving his hand into your panties.
“fuck— already so wet for me, baby,” he breathes into your neck, where he’s been laving open mouthed kisses that make your head spin. you let your head thump against the wall behind you and moan as his fingers find your clit. he thinks he has you under his thumb, and in a way he does, but you’re not letting him win.
in an instant, you’re pushing forward and his back is hitting the wall on the other side of the stall. his eyes widen and his mouth falls open.
“aw dodge, you’re all fucked up for me?” you grin, gripping his now straining cock through his jeans and giving it a harsh squeeze. “you know what i think? i think you’re just like your broncs out there. i think you just need a good ride to calm you the fuck down.”
he’s panting now, the shift in his demeanor so clear and desperation suddenly written all over his face. he nods his head and a whimper escapes his lips. his big wet eyes search your face and you’re already unbuckling his belt, but you pause and raise a prompting eyebrow at him.
“i’ll— i’ll be good,” he whines. “i’ll be good for you, i fucking swear, just touch me, please touch me”
your grin widens, “see? was that so hard?”
oop this got so long but i need to put him in his place and have him put me in mine after ,,, sighhh power struggles <333
i think you just need a good ride to calm you the fuck down
What if I just fucking DIED
sighhhhh dodge mason fucking around with pretty little thing that gives him attention at the rodeo. And you saw it, one time. The way he lead some skanky white trash girl into the backseat of his car. Shouldn’t have stayed as long as you did, but you watched him peel off the stupid, tight shirt she wore, mouth at her tits, grab her ass through her tight jeans with the bedazzled pockets.
You scoffed. Of fucking course that’s what he liked. Bimbos playing cowgirl Barbie.
And it’s fucking infuriating because he’s good. It would be easier if he had fumbling hands and couldn’t find your clit and didn’t set every single nerve of yours alight. But you’re aching for it— while he shoved you against the wall in the empty stall and rubbed at your clit, mouth searing and hungry against yours.
But you can’t let him have you that easy. He needs to fucking work for it. You’re not one of the girls he takes to his car, fucks, and leaves out to dry— you’re the grand prize.
He’s hard through his jeans, straining against the thick fabric. He bucks against your hand as you palm him and mouth at his throat. You have to make him beg— make him ask for what he’s so freely given all the time. To be a good boy and prove he deserves it.
Need him to sink to his knees and eat you out, his hands on your ass, guiding you to grind against his mouth and face. Make him prove he can get a girl off before he gets to sink into you, to fuck you nice and rough the way you like <3
Walking out of the stall after pretending like nothing happened, like he didn’t just cum in your mouth and he can’t still taste you on his tongue. Like you won’t have bruises shaped like his fingers on your hips.
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zyonsay · 1 year
Monarch Butterflies
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You're a rook that Ghost grows fond of
Reader: Male
Warnings: Smoking/Vaping, Scars? (Not sh)
Now playing: Trash Magic by Lana del rey (unreleased song)
AN: Its 1:50 am here and the fic gets shittier the more you read but im more pleased with this one than i was with the old one. Also i renamed this one! I might rewrite this again in the future... Have fun pookies! [:
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The deafening noise of the helicopter blades overrode every other sound at the base. The hair of the young man descending from the Helicopter stairs was swirling in the stirred-up air, making it hard for him to see anything at all. The pilot chuckled at the rookies obviously intimidated posture. “Go on, make yourself at home!”, he yelled. The youngster felt a bit more confident now, even if it was only a tiny bit.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and began walking towards the entrance, since you were told you’d be greeted there. You were meant to be at this place, but your low self esteem made you feel as small as a mouse. But you did graduate at the top of your military training, so you packed quite a punch. Other people would describe you as ambitious but sweet, which some dickheads saw as an invitation to pick on you.
“Soldier, Welcome!”, a man with a quirky fisherman’s hat greeted you. You offered him a warm smile, inhaling deeply before you spoke. “I’m assuming you’re Captain Price?” The air smelled fresh and was slightly cool, running a chill down your spine.  The bearded man grinned at you, “Yes, indeed. And you are L/N F/N?” You saluted hastily, “Yes sir!” His grin widened a tiny bit. “At ease soldier, let me introduce you to my boys.”, stepped to the side, revealing a group of soldiers, all of them looking very unique.
“Hi, I’m Kyle but you can call me Gaz!”, the young man with an incredibly beautiful face smiled at you. You offered him a small nod while you were wondering what the hell his skincare routine was. “Soap MacTavish! Lookin’ fahrward to working with ye!”, his thick Scottish accent very apparent. He held his hand to you, giving you a hearty handshake. You eyed the next man carefully, examining his clothed face, which only revealed his dark brown eyes to you.  “Ghost.”, his words felt like a cold hand crawling up your back, gripping your soul and ripping it right out of you. Your knees felt weak, and your posture shrank ever so slightly.
The rest of the team has introduced itself to you, each and every individual letting their character shine through. But that clamming, cold feeling still hasn’t left you. “So, rook. You can’t just fuck around and find you, so I’ll assign you a mentor. We don’t want to waste your potential, now do we?”, he paused quickly, looking at you intently, smiling. “…And maybe that bastard will learn something too.” He then directed his smile towards Ghost, causing him to roll his eyes at his Captain. “Lieutenant, would you please show our rook around?” Ghost only responded with a sigh and began walking away, not waiting for you to catch up. You quickly scurried after him, not before quickly saying goodbye to the others.
Ghosts’ steps were big, your smaller form was struggling to keep up, but you’d never admit that out loud. “Here are the barracks.”, he curtly nodded towards a big entrance, numbered with some ungodly long cipher. He also showed you the multiple gyms that the base offered, peeking your head in to check out all of the machines available. The washrooms were pretty close by, allowing you to quickly use the toilet, since you didn’t get the chance earlier.
Your mentor has proven himself extremely important to you, even if he was a bit gruff sometimes. “AIM STRAIGHT YOU ASSHOLE” or “GODDAMN IT, ROOK. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED” could often be heard over the radio during your missions. But the more time passed, the closer you two got.
“You want one?” Simon offered you a cigarette as you two were standing outside of the base, a cool gust of wind passing through. You shook your head, thinking it might just be impossible to even light one with this wind. “Nah, got my vape.”, your voice was barely above a whisper. Your Lieutenant shrugged indifferently, picking his lighter out of the pockets of his jeans. He’d never tell you that, but he cared deeply about you. To him you were like a younger brother and he’s willing to defend you in any situation.
This day came way too fast, ripping you out of the daily routine you’ve been following for over a year now. A heavy, awkward silence fell over the base. The one-four-one knew what would happen, today you’d be joining the Forze speciali italiane (Italian special forces) and would be permanently deployed there, meaning you won’t be part of the 141 anymore. Most of the guys have already said their goodbyes, some of them had a pained expression on their face, others (Soap lol) were bawling their eyes out. But someone has been avoiding you all day. Simon. You urgently wanted to talk to him, knowing it would eat you up from the inside for eternity if you didnt.
You hesitantly knocked on Simon’s door, waiting a bit too long for a response. A muffled “Come in” could be made out over the steps of some soldiers down the hall. You entered the room, carefully closing the door. Your friend was sitting at his desk, writing something on a piece of paper. You sat on his bed, like you’ve done many times before. You two were silent for a while, both not sure what to say. Then you slowly began. “So… how are you?” Simon turned around in his chair and looked at you intently. “Shut the fuck up.” Just a few seconds later and you were pulled into a tight hug. This was all that it took to make you cry like a little child, sobbing in your friends’ arms. You were surprised to hear Simon sniffling too, was he crying? As you two parted, you saw that he was indeed crying as his eyes were red and his blond eyelashes stuck together because of the tears.
You looked at your shiny wristwatch, standing up again. “I really gotta go. I’ll miss you Si.” You offered him a warm smile.
And with that you were gone.
The smell of fresh cut trees adorned the air, leaving you content. Your hair was dancing in the wind, looking a lot like the flames of a hungry fire. For the past five years you’ve been part of the Italian special forces, being an important asset. You’ve worked your way up the ladder and could now proudly call yourself a Lieutenant.  In the past years you have collected a lot of experience but not all of it good.
“We’re here L,t.”, the pilot pulled you out of your thoughts. As soon as the helicopter had landed, you jumped out and moved towards the all too familiar entrance.
“Rook! Or rather Lieutenant!”, Price greeted you warmly, patting you on the shoulder in a dad-like manner. You laughed, chit chatting with him as you continued walking. You met Gaz, Soap and Roach, making idle small talk with them, when Simon appeared out of thin air, as usual. He stared at you, not believing his eyes. “Y/N…?”, he whispered hesitantly. You walked up to him, happy to see your friend again. Tears were welling in your eyes, you thought you might never see him again. Simon hugged you with his strong arms, gripping you tightly, scared that you might just be a phantom of his imagination. You looked different, more mature, but also like you’ve seen some shit. You were still his friend from back then, but there was a hint of seriousness in your aura. Maybe it was also the gigantic scar across your whole face, indicating a serious injury, as it barely missed your eye. You guys definitely had a lot to catch up on.
"I missed you, idiot."
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ahummingbirdwitch · 3 months
Need more Cypher smut <\3
I am more than happy to oblige :))
Keep It Down (Cypher x F!Reader)
Summary: A little fun time with Cypher in the closet ;)
Pairing: Cypher x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 715
Warnings: p in v sex, spanking, unsafe sex, creampie
Notes: Inspired by the song “Keep It Down” by Migrant Motel 👅
“Quiet now, dear.” Cypher’s breath was hot in your ear. “We don’t want anyone to hear us, now do we?”
You bit back a moan in response, your breath coming out in short, harsh gasps as Cypher pounded into you from behind. You were currently shoved up against the wall inside a supply closet, the direct result of throwing one too many innuendos his way after a team meeting full of sexual tension. Uncharacteristically impatient, Cypher had refused to wait long enough to get back to your room, leading to your predicament.
Cypher gripped your hips fiercely, no doubt leaving bruises for you to find when you returned to the dorms later. “Naughty girl,” he panted. “Teasing me so cruelly like that, when you know I’ve missed you so much—”
You let out a low whine. You couldn’t help it; he’d been gone for almost a week on a mission in Russia, and you’d missed him just as much. It had taken all of your strength not to pounce on him during the meeting.
“I’m—mm—I’m s-sorry—” you started to say before you were silenced by a harsh smack to your ass. It wasn’t loud enough to be heard outside the closet, but you felt it, and you had to bite your fist to keep yourself from wailing with pleasure. You tightened around him hard, making him groan.
Cypher grasped you even tighter, his thrusts erratic with desperation. “Look what you made me do, sokar,” he growled. “I couldn’t even wait to get back to the room—”
All you could do was whimper, pitiful and trapped, your soaked pussy throbbing around him. You wanted to touch him, to grab him, to kiss him, but you were stuck between him and the wall, and he was utterly determined to keep you there. And, as much as you wanted to scream for him, you knew doing so would blow your cover and his.
“Please,” you babbled softly. “Please…”
Though his pace didn’t slow, Cypher lightened his grip ever so slightly, and you shivered as you felt his gloved hand stroke your thigh. “Pretty girl,” he cooed. “You want to cum, don’t you?”
“Y-Yes,” you whispered. “Please, please—”
You felt him spank you again and gasped, clenching around him at the pleasurable sting. “Shhhh.” Cypher soothed your ass gently with his palm. “Quiet, sweetheart. Be good, and I’ll give you what you want.”
You fought the urge to moan in protest, already struggling to keep your volume down. You could feel the cord inside you pulling taut, threatening to snap any moment. He hadn’t even touched your clit, but the second he decided to, you were a goner. You just had to hold on a little longer.
Cypher grunted, hips stuttering as he, too, approached his peak. “Good—good girl,” he breathed. “So tight, so fucking good for me. I missed you—zouina—”
You stifled your whimpers, growing more shrill with every stroke he delivered. You wanted to tell him you’d missed him too, beg him to make you cum—you were so goddamn close—but you held your tongue. Please. Please, please, please…
You felt his hand suddenly between your legs, his fingers going straight for your clit and circling the tight bud with urgency. “Cum for me,” he hissed. “Come on. Now.”
Just that little bit of contact was all it took. You slapped your hand over your mouth and came, clamping down on his cock like your life depended on it. Cypher yanked you flush against him, gasping and shuddering as he emptied inside you at the same time. He buried his face into your neck, holding you close as the two of you rode the wave of your highs.
When you finally stilled in his arms, he kissed your cheek and released you, refitting his mask over his face. He retrieved his hat from the shelf he’d placed it on, straightening it on his head as you began to pull your pants back up. You winced at the sight between your legs, pale fluid dripping down your inner thighs. “I don’t suppose there are any paper towels in here?” you asked, looking around with a soft laugh.
Cypher chuckled. “I don’t see any,” he said. “I suppose you’ll just have to wear my gift back to your room, kitten.”
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an-au-blog · 11 months
Got confused about the timeline you set up with Luffy meeting Buggy in the kidnapped au, accidentally made up an au of an au:
Buggy somehow escaping his capturers before Shanks ever even gets to him (added horror just imagine Shanks hearing about his friend being kidnapped, only to find the place he’s been taken to already in shambles and the only clue as to Buggy ever being there being a heavily damaged cage with seasstone cuffs in an equally damaged room…) , he still suffers from memory loss and a bunch of trauma and goes into hiding for a long time, until Luffy stumbles upon him at the start of his journey completly by accident. Buggy sees the hat, has the First disjointed flashes of his past that aren’t a total nightmare for once and for some reason… he needs to protect this dumbass kid. He NEEDS to protect this dumbass kid. He justifies it as only trying to get his memories back and to get a clue as to why everyone seems to be after him at first, in typical Buggy manner, thinking of himself first and foremost, but it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that he not only sees… something in Luffy he can’t quite explain, but that he also truly comes to care for that little brat after a while and that he does enjoy being part of a crew a lot and somehow seems to just be inherently good at sailing the seas and being a pirate for some reason. Huh. Whatever could that be?
Of course this would culminate with Shanks one day being confronted with the kid he put all his faith into living up to that faith absolutely splendidly… and then one day being face to face with his old friend, that he had lost twice and thought dead, again. Buggy just comes face to face with someone hes never seen but somehow still remembers.
On a fucking lighter note for once, imagine Shanks desperately trying to jog Buggys memory and Buggy being horrified at this stranger being all up in his face until there is a tiny spark in his mind “… You…I remember..” Shanks face lighting up with obvious delight “YES!? Come on I know there’s something in there!” Buggys shaking hands reaching up towards Shanks face while his eyes fill with realization and Shanks dares not to breathe. “You…”
Buggys hands suddenly grab Shanks neck without warning, squeezing hard and shaking him violently “YOURE THAT DANG IDIOT THAT MADE ME EAT THAT FRUIT! I’LL KILL YOU YOU SONNOFFA-“ Strawhats struggling to hold their demented clown uncle back from mauling Shanks, while Buggy just goes absolutely ham and cusses at “THAT GODDAMN REDHAIRED BASTARD!”. The latter just has a sobbing laughing fit. May not be the most flattering memory to come back first, but hey, it’s a start.
Omg I am going to die for u, I love you so much this isn't even a joke. Having an au of anything (even if it's because I didn't explain my thought process) I've written fills me with just so much joy :')
My original though process was more of a "they land the ship somewhere (or something) Buggy wanders off, or is left to rest but decides to look for them and gets lost, and accidentally stumbles into Luffy.
But I love your version! And the more I think about it, if he met Luffy in the early early beginning and was there for the Mihawk-Zoro fight, Mohawk going back to tell Shanks about the straw hats and mentioning a clown with them would make great plot development. Because Buggy following Luffy around I feel like he'd be almost an official member after an arc's worth time. Not to mention Luffy's tendency to take in traumatized souls and give them a reason to keep living (and God knows Buggy desperately needs one). And Shanks just following breadcrumbs to find Luffy like "Have you seen this boy?" and holding up his poster, most people would be too terrified that one of the emperors to answer. Plus why would he is look for a rookie pirate??? And he's always a step behind, but always hears the crazy stunts Luffy pulls and how many near-death experiences he's had and it just adds to the stress. Pride... but also stress.
Or even if he joins a bit later I think it'd be funny if he had a Usopp photobomb moment, just being there in the background in one of the others' posters, you know?
Also this may be a hot take but I think this version of Buggy would get along with Robin. Because they're both packing some serious childhood trauma and have lived most of their life either being hunted or being tortured. They both have (or used to have) suicidal tendencies... idk I think it'd be a cute friendship.
OH! Bonus: I already love Usopp endlessly and how he just bullshits his way out of almost anything and I could love it if there was two silly cremates that keep accidentally winning. They'd also have a nice bond imo because they're also both depressed and Usopp would have someone else to tell his tall tales to. Buggy would probably believe them all because he's literally been living underground his entire adult life.
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aroeddiediaz · 2 hours
8x01 coda- depression cupcakes
(Sorry this is super depressing but Eddie needs a nice long sulk after that devastation of a birthday party. Also maybe mild tw for some kind of disordered eating.)
The cupcakes should taste like ash, Eddie imagines. Cardboard, maybe wet sand. Something bland and sour, to match the blankness Eddie has been feeling as he watches Christopher get sung Happy Birthday without him, cut into a cake without him, play with his dozens of new friends in his grandparents’ backyard without him. It went on for over an hour before the laptop sitting abandoned on the picnic table in an El Paso backyard lost battery and winked out.
Instead, the cupcakes are sweet. Cloying, sticky sweet. The frosting sticks to the roof of his mouth and bits of crumbs get stuck behind his teeth. The kind of sugary confection that would have given Eddie a sugar rush back when he was Christopher’s age.
Eddie chews his way through his first cupcake mechanically, then reaches for a second one. Behind him, Buck and Tommy make quiet rustling noises as they take down the decorations and balloons they had helped him set up earlier. None of them have spoken a word since the interactive part of the video call ended.
The second cupcake wrapper falls in a limp heap on the coffee table on top of the first one. Eddie grabs a third cupcake. His teeth ache and his lips tingle as he takes another bite.
What if Chris never wants to come back? What if this is all their relationship will ever be, and Eddie fucked it all up for the last time? What if Chris is so happy with his goddamn pool club and his new neighborhood kid friends and Eddie’s parents build him a pool so he never comes home?
It takes increasing amounts of effort, it feels, to wallow each thick wad of chewed up cupcake matter. It clumps up, sticks to his throat. He can taste sugar now, even when his mouth is empty.
He takes another bite, only to taste dry crumbs on paper. He already finished the third cupcake.
He drops the third wrapper on top of the other two. Somehow Eddie doesn’t feel full, he doesn’t think. At least, no fuller than he had been before he started on the cupcakes. There’s a creeping sour taste in his mouth, and some sensitivity in his molars when he runs his tongue along the gums.
He reaches for a fourth cupcake.
Buck’s hand lashes out and grabs him by the wrist before he reaches the tray of cupcakes.
“Uh, whoa there, buddy,” Buck says with a hesitant chuckle. “Maybe save some for the rest of us, huh?”
Eddie blinks. Suddenly, like his senses had been turned down and just now returned to full volume, he feels aware of sensations all over himself, none of them particularly pleasant. Sticky, greasy fingers. An unpleasant rumble somewhere in his intestines. More dry stickiness across his mouth, chin, and for some reason, a single fingerprint on his cheekbone. And his mouth tastes like a sewer rat had crawled in to die.
Eddie gags a little, trying to summon enough saliva to wash out the sourness in his mouth. He struggles to his feet, ready to duck into the kitchen to grab a cup of water, and maybe gargle in the sink a few times.
Before he can make it anywhere, Tommy’s there, holding a bottle out to him. Eddie takes it gratefully, not quite able to look him in the eyes. “Thanks,” he mumbles as he cracks open the cap and takes a long swig.
Eddie takes a look around. The decorations are all gone now, all the streamers and party hats and balloons. Everything except the half-eaten tray of cupcakes in front of him. Looking at it turns his stomach a little now.
“You guys take the rest of the cupcakes home with you, ok?” Eddie says. “I think i just ate more sugar in one sitting than I did all month long.”
Buck and Tommy exchange a wordless glance over Eddie’s head. Silently, Tommy reaches for the tray of cupcakes.
Buck nudges Eddie’s shoulder. It’s probably the one part of him that isn’t covered in sugar residue. “Hey,” he says softly. “I know that was rough. But I promise things won’t be like this forever. He’ll come around, you’ll see.”
“When, Buck?” Eddie says, clutching the bottle tightly enough that the plastic bends and creaks. “It’s been months already, and he’s barely said a word to me.”
Buck tries for a smile, but his eyes are tight and his voice trembles a little. “You just gotta show him. Show that you’re not going anywhere.”
Eddie nods helplessly. Nothing to do but sit and wait. Sit and pray.
Eddie missed three birthdays when Chris was a baby, out on deployments or in a hospital waiting for his bullet holes to heal up. All he can do is hope that by Chris’s next birthday, things will be different.
tagging: @cal-daisies-and-briars @aspecbuddie @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @lemonzestywrites @your-catfish-friend @inkmortal-trash389 @evanbegins @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @diazsdimples @epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @coatedpanda16 @nicotinewrites @estheticpotaeto @babytrapperdiaz @snowviolettwhite @wikiangela @jesuiscenseedormir @made-ofmemories @asexual-fandom-queen
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Do you have any bsd headcannons you'd like to share? (literally anything, I just love learning about other peoples hcs)
chuuya's hat is so old (bc it keeps getting passed from person to person and he brings it with him everywhere obviously) and WORN OUT but he has no idea how to fix it. he treats it like his child but it's inevitable that the material will deteriorate over time, so he's been trying to convince himself to go to a hatter for ages and can't swallow his pride. he drunkenly told it to hirotsu once night while they were drinking, and hirotsu just sighed and got it fixed for him that night while chuuya was passed out. they never spoke about it.
dazai has met several women who actually did say yes to a double suicide. the majority didn't mean it and just wanted to toy with him, but ran when they realized he was serious. a few actually did mean it. he pulled strings and invited them to a romantic date, except that he sent therapists there instead of him, basically playing matchmaker. all those women are now doing better but ask him about it and he'll act dumb and say he knows nothing about it.
fyodor needs glasses. his eyesight definitely sucks and the hours he spends at a computer don't help. however, he manipulates himself into thinking that he's actually fine when he's not. nikolai also has shitty eyesight bc of his dull eye and the other one he's probably abused looking at the birds in the sky and thus the sun. they are literally the blind leading the blind. nikolai places his portal 2 meters from where he meant to put it and fyodor says "good job". it's incredible how they're feared terrorists.
sigma gets tired wearing heels all day. he wants memory foam but doesn't know it exists. give him his goddamn memory foam. anyways one of his employees saw him holding his feet in pain and offered him orthopedic shoe inserts. he hasn't been the same since. would give them a raise if he knew how.
tachihara used to get acne from having his bandage on his nose all day. so, he's developed an incredibly rigid skin care routine. his face is soft as hell. cheeks are smoother than you'd think.
kouyou made it her first demand as executive to raid her favourite shop where she gets all her kiminos and accessories. hirotsu led the black lizard battalion into the shop and the workers were so fucking confused. stole expensive silk fabrics and clothing of the highest quality because she doesn't settle for less, and in the process has gotten hirotsu more into fashion. they go shopping together.
speaking of shopping, kajii only goes thrifting. have you seen his clothes?? they're not his size and torn as hell but they're so damn cheap he can't resist. his sandals are so goddamn iconic. yeah he's blowing you up but his dogs are OUT like a mf psychopath. i maybe love him a little too much.
ivan has greasy hair. while doing his surgery thing wtv tf that was, fyodor was continually grossed out (ironic aint it). pushkin was then ordered to help ivan wash his hair and they died just a little bit. neither knew what the difference between shampoo and conditioner is, and they struggled with it for a long time. eventually when they came back for fyodor to do the surgery, ivan's hair smelled like flowers and was braided cutely because they gave up and went to a salon where the people working there fell a little in love with his hair and went overboard. pushkin's hair (if you can call it that...) was also in a little bowtie. they enjoyed their little adventure just a little bit. just a little ofc.
odasaku has no idea how to cook curry. he loves it and fears doing it wrong, so he just buys it from the same place over and over. considered asking for the recipe but never did because why change what is already perfection. dazai however is convinced oda has housewife abilities and can cook like a god. he never knew the truth.
fitzgerald can't do math. he pretends he's good at converting currencies but in his head it just doesn't add up. 20 000 yen? that's like.... 5 freedom eagles obviously. no biggie *throws a bunch of american dollars at the workers and just takes the item and leaves* he also doesn't give tips when it prompts on the machine, and instead prefers sliding a crisp bill to them directly. cried a little when his favourite shop told him they ran out of an item he wanted and they didn't budge after he slid them a stack of 100s (he has no idea how many were in the stack)
fitzgerald also owns an airline but he doesn't manage it personally ofc. his only interaction with it is that they provide him and the guild with a private jet to travel to japan. lovecraft did not get on. he swam??? who knows, but he did not get on that plane. lucy got sick and louisa freaked out every time there was turbulence. mark was snoring loudly the entire way and steinbeck had his nose pressed on the window looking outside the entire time the lil cutie.
agatha has the super power of drinking tea while it is still piping hot. she never burns her tongue and never complained about its temperature, except when it's too cold. the water was literally boiling once (her subordinates wanted to find out how hot she can go) and she gulped it all down without a single contortion of her face. incredible.
shirase doesn't understand english and keeps trying to learn it but every time he thinks he's getting the hang of it, someone throws cockney slang at him and he gives up.
adam finally figured out how to blow a bubble of gum, but keeps swallowing it. one day, it clogged his internal system (he's not supposed to be eating obvi) and he's been afraid of it ever since. thinks it's possessed by evil spirits his android brain can't understand. i also hc that he recharges thru solar panels integrated onto his skin and for this reason he goes to the beach to 'tan' often. HE'S SO PALE people get a little concerned for him when they see him not apply sunscreen and just lay down for hours at a time. one lady actually told him he could get skin cancer and he opened his eyes "ackshually 🤓👆" then began reciting every fact known to man about skin cancer. rip that lady
verlaine and rimbaud complain about france all the time. "fuck france i fucking hate the french this country goddamn sucks" then as soon as someone else says anything bad about it they give them death glares and threaten death for disrespecting their country.
wells has memorized a whole lot of things about quantum theory from her days studying to be an engineer because it was her favourite class. she cannot handle mechanical or civil engineering topics and physically ascends at the mention of anything to do with dynamics. i also think she's been hit on a lot while wearing disguises; she tells them she's actually a woman, they freak out, then she sends them back in time. this time, they do not approach her and thus she doesn't have to deal with the awkward rejection and doesn't even remember it.
jules verne has made little dolls and pretended that they were his friends and invented scenarios in which they hung out. i will not elaborate on this.
albatross sometimes interrupts conversations in order to listen to the engine of a vehicle passing by. tries to track them down, too. he'll be the type of guy to ogle at your car without making eye contact with you while you're still in the car. and when i say ogle, i mean ogle. checks out motorcycles more often than women.
the flags bully lippmann sometimes when he acts in a really cheesy scene. he's coming to hang out with them and they're all giggling and chuckling at him stupidly. albatross walks up to him, tucks his hair behind his ear and whispers whatever cheesy thing was said in a low voice before bursting out laughing (he usually starts laughing before he can even finish the sentence). pianoman slides it slickly into conversations, and doc 'fufu's at random moments when looking at him and he suddenly remembers the scene. iceman has not watched the movie and chuuya couldn't care less.
the first time he tried to take the train, ranpo loudly exclaimed and yelled at every turn and stop of the train. he went during rush hour too and got his entire body smooshed into the strangers next to him. he squealed when someone accidentally (accidentally) grabbed his ass in the crowded traincar, then asked loudly who did that. dramatic as hell. got his pockets picked and knew who did it, but couldn't do anything about it. he felt awful and slumped his way back home and collapsed into yosano's arms with a groan. this was the only time she'd ever willingly bought him a bunch of sweets and let him eat them in peace while he ranted to her about the atrocities
kenji is more notorious on the streets than he knows. he got recognized by some huge 200cm tall man built like a goddamn tank with tattoos all over his body who wanted to fight him. kenji was so flattered that he knew his name that he thanked him and burly dude was like. wtf. anyways they got beef ramen together afterwards bonded over cows and are now besties. he's told the agency about it but they think that by "friend" he means someone else his age.
tanizaki ran into kajii once at his favourite thrift shop. he recognized him and ran out freaked never to return. for this reason he had to keep wearing his same stanky ahh uwu girl clothes that don't fit and hasn't had a style update. actually, when doing his research for how to infiltrate the mafia, tachihara found out that there have been a lot of sightings of known dangerous ability users in the thrift store, and that's why he wears the same shirt as tanizaki.
tachihara dreads the hunting dogs meetings because they make him feel like the only sane one there. his back has become so chiseled from carrying teruko around all the time, and once - jouno thought it would be funny - he tripped on a wire laying down on the ground and almost dropped her. he had to use his ability to pick her up from the belt of the uniform to prevent her from faceplanting, and she looked like she was about to explode. he had to let her beat him up a little then she hopped back on his shoulders and nothing changed. he questions his life choices often
jouno can't handle cinnamon or ginger scents, they overwhelm him and he goes into a fucking sensory overload coma. odor orgasm. sinus sex. teruko got sick once and tachi made her the strongest herbal and ginger tea you've ever seen (learnt it from his brother rip the goat) and he collapsed on the ground with a moan. woke up a half hour layer with no clue wth just happened. tecchou eventually heard about it, placed a hand on his shoulder and said "it happens to the best of us" while nodding solemnly then never elaborated.
yeah fukuchi and fukuzawa used to steal food when they were younger but imagine them figuring out milestones together. "dude my armpits are itchy where is this hair coming from :(" "genichiro i don't need to know about that *scratches at his armpit subtly*" i think they were very goofy about it
speaking of puberty elise once freaked mori out by saying she got her period. dude was like. wtf. you're an ability. how tf. she insisted he got her a bunch of tampons n pads and chocolate and heating pads and the works, then once he (the underlings he made go do the shopping threatening their lives if they ever told a soul) bought everything, she looked at his confused and asked why he bought those things. she's an ability how could she have a period? mori cried a little that night.
bram is a swiftie for no reason other than i think it's funny. alternatively, i believe he listens to reggae for no reason other than i think it's goddamn FUNNY.
kunikida's old students sometimes run into him on the street and recognize him. they immediately straighten their backs, nod at him and quickly walk away in the most respectful way because they don't want to ruin his schedule. he nearly tears up from happiness every time.
natsume goes through 5-6 "here, kitty kitty!"s in a day when he's just vibing around. people try to feed him grass blades. people get WAY too comfortable rubbing his stomach. once, a girl saw him on her way back from school and started scratching a random spot behind his ears and he folded so quickly and just melted on the sidewalk. he wont admit it but he has that weak spot in human form too (i want to pet him so badly this is self indulgent ok). the girl was actually gin btw. she's an animal whisperer i dont know why i dont know how but she is.
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fool-inthe-rain · 1 year
John Price x Reader
Haven’t written in months. Here’s a new piece for a new fandom. Enjoy. Also this is like unfinished.
Content: use of She/her pronouns, angst, near death experience, honestly it’s a rough draft, I’ve never written for the cod fandom, but I felt inspired. Readers call sign is ‘Chaos’
She had never been one to think things through. She just acted, and dealt with the consequences after. The consequence usually being Price ripping her a new one for an hour, while everyone else cleans off from the mission.
So when she makes a terrible decision during their mission, she doesn’t understand why Price looks sad instead of angry. She doesn’t understand why he yells for Gaz to go find the med supplies. She certainly doesn’t understand why he’s stroking her hair instead of giving her latrine duty.
“John?” She finds it hard to speak. But why?
“Shhhh, Chaos, you’re gonna be okay.” His eyes dart around her body. He turns to face Ghost. “Where the fuck is Gaz!” Now he sounds angry, desperate, even.
She’s getting nervous. She tries to pick her head up from the ground, but her neck struggles to support her.
“Stay still, you’re gonna be okay.” He reassures her as he begins to unclip all her gear from her tac vest.
She casts her eyes as far down as they can go, trying to look at her body. For some reason when John takes off her vest, all she can see is blood. Funny, she thinks, I don’t remember getting shot.
Once her vest is off, she feels John pull her sticky shirt up, piling the fabric up under her breasts so he can get a good look at her stomach.
She can tell it’s bad by the way John’s face scrunches up. “Jesus Christ, kid.” He says it mostly to himself.
She tries to speak, but it feels like her vocal cords have been ripped from her throat. Everything pulses with white hot pain, and the last thing she remembers before passing out was the sight of Gaz sprinting over with a med kit.
The next time her eyes open she’s met with a throbbing head and the loudest noise she’s ever heard. She recognizes it immediately as a chopper. Medevac. She thinks to herself. She can feel mostly pain, and she can see John hovering above her. And then her lids get heavy and before she can stop herself she’s falling into a dreamless sleep. A long one.
Fifteen days.
It wasn’t like the movies either. She couldn’t hear a goddamn thing. All the boys had visited her, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost would come together a few days a week.
John would always come alone.
Halfway through the sixteenth day, she woke up. Her body screamed at her, told her to go the fuck back to sleep. She slowly turned her head to the side, and there was John. Sleeping, his boonie hat over his eyes. His arms were crossed over his chest and his legs were stretched out.
She couldn’t speak, her throat was on fire and her mouth felt like sand paper. Instead she saw a jello cup on the table and used all her strength to pick up her arm just enough to reach it. Her arm fell back on the bed, but she had the jello cup. She fixed her fingers as best as she could in her weak state and she lobbed the jello right at John’s chest.
He jolted awake, his hands shooting up to move his hat away from his eyes. “What the fuck?” He muttered, looking up.
“H…hi.” She said, her voice was hoarse and he could barely understand the simple word, but she was awake. She was fucking talking.
“Hi.” He said back, wild eyes taking her in. He moves his chair closer to her bed.
She tried to say something, anything, but violent coughs rip through her body.
“It’s alright, love.” His hand immediately went to her head, stroking her hair until she stopped coughing. Once the fit had died down, John turned to grab the small cup of water that was on the table near her bed.
He placed a gentle hand under her chin, “drink up.” He whispered, helping her tilt her head back.
It was an intimate gesture, especially for them. Sure they flirted, but they had never touched, not like this at least.
“I’m happy you’re here.” She managed to get out after she drank the water. She was looking at him through her eye lashes, her lids drooping.
He shook his head. “No, love.” He took his hand away from her chin.
“What do you mean no?” She whispered.
“I put you here. You should fucking hate me.” His voice was wavering, and his eyes got glossy.
“Don’t tell me how to feel John.” She said sternly. “This was not your fault. It was my own actions that got me here.” She sighed, drawing her lip between her teeth at a sudden burst of pain.
“I don’t blame you.” She said, after a she took a few deep breaths, waiting for the pain to subside.
“You’re too good.” He sighed, taking her hand in his and squeezing it gently.
“Thank you for saving me.” She ignores his previous words, instead changing the conversation.
“I didn’t save you, Gaz did most of the work.” He laced his fingers with hers.
“Yeah but if I didn’t have you to live for I would’ve given up.” She whispers the sentence, but she says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
He feels his cheeks heat up at the comment.
“I’m sorry I made you worry. I’m sorry I made a bad decision.” She looks down to her free hand as it fidgets with the hem of the blanket.
“I’m just happy you’re alive.” He breathes out, not caring about anything else.
“Me too.” She says, her voice dripping with honey.
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delopsia · 2 years
How To Train Your Cowboy | Rhett Abbott x Reader
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Word Count: 5,000 Cross Posted on AO3 Warnings & Notes: 18+, Fem!Reader, light usage of a crop, cunnilingus, begging, overuse of Ma'am, edging, just your average dom!reader and sub!Rhett :) because you've gotta discipline your cowboy every once in a while &lt;3
Rhett's headliner is beginning to fall down.
The more he tinkers with this truck, the more problems arise. By no fault of his own. There's only so much you can do for a truck that's old enough to drink legally in the US. Has never known anything more than ranch work that puts its mechanics to the test on the daily. There isn't an inch of this vehicle that hasn't been scratched. The seatbelts are fraying; the cloth interior bleached from two decades in the harsh sunlight. 
And now, after days upon days of fixing an issue with the rapidly cracking dashboard, the goddamn headliner is coming down. Reaching up, you press it back into place; it's far from a fix, falling down the moment you let go of it.
No matter how you try, it refuses to listen. 
Rhett and his truck have many things in common.
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Stubborn. Bull-headed. With the intellect of a century-old mule. Always out looking for trouble if it doesn't find him first. As territorial as an unneutered dog.
"W're home." Speak of the devil.
"I'm aware, genius," you can't even look at him right now, nevermind put up with hearing that god-forsaken drawl that slips out when he's had a beer or two. Never the good beer either; always the cheapest thing in the gas station because the idiot values a few cents over his own tastebuds.
If he even has them.
The truck door squeals as you open it, shrill, ear-splitting. Only serves to make you grind your teeth as you make a beeline for the door. Your nerves so tightly wound that even the gentle breeze is enough to cause them to begin fraying at the edges, threatening to snap. 
"I don't want to hear it, Rhett." Opening the door a little bit too hard; the only thing stopping it from being thrown open is the big hand that catches the top of it. Ugh.
"Please just listen to me?" He tries again; you're not facing him, but you can already feel those puppy eyes pleading with you. 
Those damn eyes have you so hooked that even the mere memory of them has you folding. "So you don't want to listen to me," you're struggling to keep your tone even, "but you want me to listen to you?"
Familiar arms wind around your belly, a nose nuzzling into the side of your neck, "I'm sorry."
You want to be angry. You want to raise hell and give him a million and one reasons to regret pissing you off. But the longer he holds you, warm chest melting away the tension in your back, the harder it is to be upset. 
But just because it's harder doesn't mean it's impossible.
Stepping free of his grasp, you head for the bedroom. These damn clothes are starting to bug you; jeans too tight, shirt a little too scratchy for comfort. In hindsight, leaving your clothes out on the dresser was the best move you ever could have made. Your favorite lounge shorts and one of Rhett's old shirts lie on the very top of the stack, so easy for you to step into.
A red leather heart pokes out from beneath the pile. 
"Look, Trevor was the one who started the fight," you're not sure when Rhett appeared in the doorway, but he's there, holding onto the top of the frame. His eyes now concealed by the brim of his hat. You're not sure if you're thankful or disappointed.   "What else was I supposed to do?"
"Walk away?" Tossing your hands up, "do something that doesn't give the Tillersons a reason to finally lay you in the grave?"
Rhett's shoulders stiffen, rising, his shirt coming up just enough to allow you a glimpse of that soft, pale tummy. Not for long, though, because now he's coming closer. "You really think I can't handle a little tussle with some rich asshole?"
"It's not about that," the backs of your knees bump into your computer chair, "it's about you learning to listen."
What words reside in Rhett's throat are left to die because your fingers tangle in the hair resting at the nape of his neck and tug.
And he crumbles. 
Mouth ajar, eyes glazing over with something softer as you guide him down, knees hitting the floor with such a loud thump that you're certain they'll be bruised in the morning. He almost beats his hat, knocked clean off his head by your hand, landing with its brim flat on the floor. Under normal circumstances, he'd fuss about it not being brim up. 
Not once does he look away from you. Wordless.
The chair squeaks as you settle into it. Seems everything is doing that today. "I can't take you anywhere without you acting like a feral brat," letting go of his hair, "now, can you be decent for me and get these clothes off? Hm?"
There's the obedience you were seeking. Those pretty hands are nothing but a blur as they fiddle with his belt buckle, opening it so quickly that the gaudy attachment falls off entirely. Between his determination to get those tight jeans off and fumbling with his shirt buttons, he doesn't notice you reaching overhead to take hold of that little red heart. 
A crop you so lovingly purchased this past Valentine's day. Leaving perfect, heart-shaped marks in its wake. 
Rhett hates it.
With his clothes shoved to the side for the future variants of yourselves to pick up later, he returns to you. Cheek pressed against the inside of your left knee, peering up at you from under those thick lashes.
The longer you look at his hat on the floor, the more it bugs you. "Pick it up," motioning toward it with the crop. 
His hand leaves his side.
"Without your hands." Freezing. Blinking once. Twice.
Again, he reaches for it. Smooth leather comes down on his ass, and he jumps. No words are shared; he knows why it happened, and based on how you're running the crop against the curve of his ass, he knows you'll do it again if provoked.
For a moment, you think he's going to fight you on it further. Give you a run for your money, as he has so, so many times before. But then you catch on to that shaky breath that shudders out of him.
He folds.
Using his hands only to brace himself against the floor, he bends down and gingerly picks it up with his teeth. A heart-shaped mark stands proudly on his ass. He's unable to meet your eye as he sits back up, the edge of his favorite cowboy hat dangling from between pink lips. Oh, oh, those ears. The tips of them are turning cherry red. 
Holding it by the crown, you take it from him, lifting it and placing it right atop your head. 
On his own accord, he smushes his cheek against your knee, and you know exactly what he's trying to ask for. It's the only clue you need to understand why he's falling into this so easily. You have something he wants.
"Aw," cooing, you take him by the jaw, guiding his head up, "is my pretty boy wanting to eat me out?"
Rhett's breath hitches. Nod. 
Gripping his jaw tighter, you lean down, "use your words."
"I," the proximity gives him no escape from your fiery gaze; no matter how hard he tries, he can't avoid it. "I wanna eat you out."
"You'll have to ask nicer than that," you can't help but smile as you say it; you were setting him up for this one.
Rhett's proper squirming now; the only thing that keeps him from pulling out of your grasp is the soft tap of the crop. "Ma'am, " he breathes, shaky, "can I please eat you out?
Silence. In fact, you pull away. Only because the position is somewhat uncomfortable for your back, but Rhett doesn't interpret it that way. 
He panics. "Please, ma'am," his voice wavering as he begs oh so sweetly, "please let me eat your pussy."
Cute, but you're not quite convinced that he deserves to have what he wants so easily. He didn't listen earlier, so why should you fulfill his little pleas? But he's so damn pliant before you that you almost give, just as easily as those lips do when you press your thumb against them. Opening up, wet tongue greeting it like a goddamn welcome mat. 
"No." God, he deflates like a balloon, his disappointment visible in the poorly concealed frown that flickers across his face. You might as well have just popped his favorite balloon and kicked him out while you were at it.
"You have to convince me first," you follow up with some pressure on his tongue, pinning it down, "without your words."
There's that hopeful crinkle in his eyes; it's only been gone for a couple of seconds, thirty at most, but it feels like you've gone a lifetime without seeing it. Your thumb glistens as you take it from him, and you almost expect him to get to work the moment you do, but he stays still. 
Hm. You wonder if he'll remember those old commands from this past summer when the two of you got your first crop. You think you spent a week doing nothing but play with it. 
The crop lightly taps at the small of his back, nothing more than a gentle poke of the leather, once, twice, thrice. His eyebrows furrow. 
Slowly, as if unsure about this, he leans forward, pressing a tentative kiss to the inside of your right knee. So he does remember. 
One kiss, then another, chaste at first. The rough stubble on his cheek tickles, such a strange sensation to feel between your legs, but any chafing is easily kissed away by those thin lips, tongue soothing over each one. 
Gradually making his way up, up, up, until he's pushing back your lounge shorts with his nose, insistent to suck at the skin hidden by the material. You can already feel the marks he's leaving behind, rapidly darkening spots that shimmer with his handiwork, carefully left behind in the areas your shorts can conceal.
"That's enough for that leg," you murmur, tangling your hand in his hair. Your request falls on deaf ears; Rhett doesn't so much as open his eyes, too busy showering your inner thigh with his attention. 
A resounding smack rings through the room, followed by a surprised, breathy moan as he switches to your neglected thigh. Poor thing has two hearts on his ass now. 
Maybe it's because the skin hasn't had any attention yet, but his tongue feels like lava against you, burning invisible holes everywhere he goes. Kissing, licking, up from your knee until his tongue is scraping against the edge of your panties. Bringing the crop back up, you tap his lower back once. No reaction. Did two taps mean to stop? You can't quite remember.
It must have been two because that's what brings him to a screeching halt, eyes darting upward, lips red and swollen from his efforts. 
There was a question you were burning to ask, but you can't stop yourself from leaning down to kiss those pretty lips. You haven't done anything to him yet, and he's already whining against you. Only serves to make the kiss wetter, mouth never quite closing. It's far too easy to reach down between his legs and take hold of him, pleased when he jumps into your grasp.
"Are you going to be a good boy for me?" You ask against his lips, stealing another lingering peck. 
Rhett's eyes flutter when you flick your wrist on that upward stroke, "yes, ma'am."
He's already dripping into your palm; each pass over that hard cock leaves him wetter and wetter. The angle is awkward, your shoulder aching with the strain of reaching all the way down, but it's hard to focus on when your thumb flicks over his weeping head. Body jolts with a strained whimper as you repeat it.
"Remind me again what you want?" You haven't forgotten, but it's so much fun to see him squirm.
That mouth opens, but he doesn't quite form a word. Too shy to ask for it, despite having done so just a few minutes ago. 
"No?" Letting go of his heavy cock, you go to stand, "alright, then."
"Please," breathy, desperate, like the words are being strangled out of him, "please, please let me—" hiccup, "please let me eat your pussy, please, just let me—" there's more he's trying to say, but as quickly as the flood gates opened, they close.
There it is.
Sitting back down, "alright, alright," you pinch his cheek, "don't start crying on me, now."
His hands obediently follow as you guide them up to the waistband of your shorts, slipping them past your hips and down your legs. You don't know where they wind up because the moment Rhett's got them off, he's nudging his nose between your legs. Breath hot against your sensitive core, but such a far cry from the burning tongue that opens you up. Broad, flat, like he's savoring every second of your taste. 
"Someone's eager," your amusement is drowned out by the sweet, sweet sensation of him circling your clit. 
Muscled arms wrap around your hips, anchoring you down, but you get the feeling it's more for him than you. Holding on to keep himself from floating away as he laps at your entrance, dipping inside just enough for you to feel yourself open up around that wet muscle. Nose poking at your clit, the slightest stimulation that has you squirming in the chair. Wetness drips down between your legs, and it's not coming from you.
"Fuck, baby," pulling on his hair to feel him groan into you, "look at you, you're fucking drooling."
Your words are acknowledged by a breathy little grunt, meeting your eye while he rises to work your sensitive clit. Flitting his pointed tongue against where you're most sensitive, those dark blues flutter shut, so obnoxiously content, while you're left to gasp for air that fails to soothe your burning lungs. 
The edge of his hat bumps into the chair, falling forward into your face. You're glad Rhett's eyes are closed because you're certain he'd laugh as you inevitably take it off. The damn thing is too big. 
His eagerness alone is enough to have that invisible coil tightening, spurred on by the sloppy suction on your clit, loud, bouncing off the walls and down the halls. So, so eager to please you that you feel dizzy. You don't think he's even considered the concept of stopping, even to catch his breath.
"Rhett." He knows what you mean by that. Frowning, he bats those eyes up at you, looking like a goddamn kicked puppy. 
When he doesn't show signs of stopping, you have to take matters into your own hands, pulling him back by his hair. Fuck, his chin is absolutely dripping. Quiet, upset little sounds leave him, the fruit of his efforts to hold himself back from fighting you on this. 
You're going to faint. 
You genuinely think you're going to faint. 
"Get up on the bed," wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, "and maybe I'll let you."
Good lord, you'll have to wipe the chair down later. There's a wet spot the size of Texas on it. Rhett merely sits on the edge of the bed, unsure of where you're sending him and in what position. A part of you expects him to tilt his head to the side like a confused puppy dog.
"On your back," and he just about falls backward. The bastard makes sure his head winds up on his pillow, though. You can't even be mad; he wrecked his neck falling off that bull tonight. 
Eager hands welcome you as a leg swings over his hips, your cunt resting against his neglected cock. It's too easy to plant your hands on his chest for leverage and grind against him, feeling how he spreads you open. 
"Oh," Rhett's meek gasp doesn't go unheard, "oh, that's—"
"Do you like that?" You chirp, feigning innocence as you work up a little rhythm, rubbing back and forth against him. 
"Yes, ma'am," he gasps, gripping your hips, "I...I do."
The soft underside of his head drags so nicely on your clit, so perfect that it's as if he were made to fit against you like this. On any other day, you'd spend more time here, but you're still trying to make a point here. 
It takes some maneuvering, but soon you're hovering right above Rhett's eager mouth, already open and waiting for permission to taste you again. A downright addict, both of his hands resting loosely on your hips, rubbing loose circles into them. 
"Touch yourself for me," you order, combing your fingers through his messy hair. 
His dominant hand, the left one, falls from your body. There's no need to look over and see when he takes hold of himself; those fluttering eyelashes tell you everything you need to know. 
You're a touch hesitant to come down completely, sort of hovering as you sit on his pretty, waiting face. But Rhett notices, and in the strangest turn of events, he takes your hips in both hands and pulls you all the way down onto him. 
"You ain't gon' break me, ma'am," words spoken right into your dripping cunt, "I promise."
And then it's right back to work, licking, slurping happily at your pussy, working himself in the same tune. It's hard to decide where to look, the upward turn of those closed eyes or the reflection in the wide mirror that stands next to the bed. There's nothing quite like watching Rhett's hips rise into his own masterful touch, so obscenely needy. 
That free hand of his curls around your thigh, using it for leverage as he works up into your cunt, fucking you with his tongue. For every upward stroke along his length, it rises, licking as far as he can reach. All the while, that soft nose of his intentionally grinds into your clit in loose circles that have you squirming. 
"Quit touching yourself," your command is breathy; what power it held is lost to whatever magic Rhett's tongue possesses.
Two blue eyes squint up at you; that huff against your labia is anything but happy, but he lets go of himself, hard length slapping against his lower belly. Leaking, a deep shade of ruby red that cannot be comfortable to deal with. 
Combing your fingers through his hair, "good boy." In a fraction of a second, that frustration melts; always so happy to hear those two little words. Laving his tongue against your clit with no real indication of what he's going to do next, he hums into you. 
Reaching behind yourself, you take hold of that heavy cock of his, feeling how he jumps from the simple touch. It's difficult to properly stroke him in this position, but his hips rise on their own accord, fucking himself into your loose grasp. So sensitive that he whimpers around that little button, barely able to pacify his sweet sounds. Each one rattles up your spine, only serving to make you wind tighter and tighter.
And unfortunately, you have no intentions to cum on his face today.
There's an ache in your hips as you pull away, enough to distract you from the pitiful noise that rattles out of those swollen lips, unsure of what you're doing but unhappy that he's had to stop again. Wordless, you take him by the wrist, and together, you wrap your hands around his pretty, weeping cock. 
"Ma'am?" That big hand of his is so loose around yours, at a loss for what to do.
"It's okay," rolling your palm over that dripping head to see him jump. Not one bit of him seems to believe you, but he follows along; your hand practically disappearing beneath his. It's at times like these that it's hard to tell if his cock is big or if your hand is just small. 
You don't remember seeing those eyes shut, but they spring open when you let go of his cock in favor of gently toying with his balls. Breath catching in his throat as you lightly roll them around in your loose hand; they've always been sensitive, but they're even more so post-rodeo. 
"Feels—" sharp inhale when your thumb unintentionally twitches against them, "feels good."
Tentatively, when you don't quit playing with them, he reaches up to stroke himself, hips bucking up into the touch. Gripping the sheets with the other hand, that pretty mouth falls open, caught up in the sensation. God, you think you could listen to those breathy grunts all day. 
Then you're moving, reaching into the bedside table in search of that nearly-empty bottle of lube, tossing it in his general direction when you find it. He knows what to do with it; you're still traumatized from the last time you used it. When the cap popped off, and a brand-new bottle was spilled all over the kitchen floor. 
"Thank—" he can't speak, too engrossed in how he's toying with the crown of his dick to formulate a proper sentence. 
Poor thing has no idea that you've got other ideas for how this will end. Fighting to conceal the devilish smile on your face, you watch as he works himself. Gradually becoming more frantic the closer he gets because, after all, you've never told him to...
"Stop." That frustrated wail is music to your ears. 
Rhett could fight you on this. Three or four more strokes and he'd be painting that soft belly with pearly white ropes, whimpering to high heaven as his orgasm rocked through him. But he doesn't; has to completely let go of himself in order to stop. Pawing at the sheets, squirming, desperate for a relief that never comes.
"Ma'am," tears prick at the corners of his eyes, "Ma'am, please."
"You know," you hum as you lay down next to him, the mattress like heaven beneath you, "you wouldn't be in this situation if you would have listened to me."
And your cowboy just doesn't seem to know what expression to make. Flickering between disappointment, shame, and something you can't name, something that makes his lower lip wobble and his eyes dart to the bruises that litter his rib cage. Scatterings of red and purple, hand delivered by the hands of a Tillerson. "I'm sorry."
Parting your legs, you beckon him closer, "get between my legs, sweet boy."
You can't help but grin when you catch glimpse of the fading heart on his ass, almost wishing he'd defied you further. A dozen of them would have looked so nice on that pale skin. The head of his cock bumps against your hickey-ridden thighs as he settles between your legs, smoothing his shaky hands up your knees.
Reaching between your legs, you guide his wet, lubed cock to nudge at your dripping entrance, still wet with his saliva. 
Three taps. 
He gets the message, and you find yourself gently being split open, stretching to take him in. Inch by inch, fluttering as his head grazes the neglected bundle of nerves inside, and that alone is enough to have him collapsing onto his forearms, nose nuzzling your cheek. Something's bumping against the top of your head. 
"Thank you," lifting your head for him to slide the pillow beneath your head. 
Easing in further, Rhett peppers your cheek with kisses. Tiny, dainty little pecks that distract from the never-ending length that seems to reach for your lungs. Stringing you thin, clenching, and unclenching around him. Finally, fucking finally, you're met with the pleasant relief of his balls settling against your ass, hips coming flush with yours. 
"Fuck, Ma'am," as your nails rake up his soft, muscled back, he shudders from head to toe. Sensitive. So, so sensitive. "Fuck, you feel good around me." 
There's a lock of hair that's escaped from behind his ear, hanging in his face until you tuck it back into place, "you can move." 
With a shaky breath, he withdraws. Halfway would be an overstatement, a shadow of his usual test stroke, bottoming back out in your dripping pussy with a needy groan. This lack of power is so different; incapable of anything but fucking into you in short, slow strokes that never let you feel empty. 
"You're squeezin' 'round me so tight," the squelch of your wetness sounds so goddamn filthy in this quiet bedroom. Only egged on by the way he rubs against that soft spot within you, this position allowing him to shower it with attention, ripping the noises right out of your throat. 
Reaching down, your fingertips find your clit, so sensitive yourself that you clamp down around him with a whine. "Rhett."
You only spur him on, dropping his head down into the pillow, and his hips start to move quicker.  Thick cock pumping in and out of you, giving your quivering pussy no chance to keep up with those jerky motions. Every inward pump has you gasping for breath that you just can't seem to capture, struggling to keep your fingers on your drenched sex.
"Thank you, Ma'am," he murmurs directly into your ear, "thank you for letting me fuck your tight little pussy."
Rhett's nose is pressing into your lower jaw, keening into your neck with every move he makes. In and out, dragging so perfectly against the nerves in your walls that you see stars sparkling behind your eyelids. Those thrusts are getting twitchy, quicker, beating against that little spot, and God, fuck, you can feel yourself getting close.
Fluttering around him, you work yourself a little faster, selfishly seeking that ledge you've seen twice tonight. Clamping down tighter, thighs squeezing his trembling hips as those soft noises are punched right out of your throat. 
"Rhett, Rhett," your eyes can barely open, that familiar wetness growing as his cock head kisses those nerves, pressing harder on your clit now. You're gonna cum; you're gonna cum, you're— 
"Baby, don't you dare cum in me." 
That confused little gasp is all you need. One little secondary twitch against those nerves, and you're cumming on his cock. Head floating right off your shoulders, lost in the strained cry above your head as it washes over you. Muscles tightening, fluttering like a hundred tiny butterflies. 
The clouds that wrap around you are practically vibrating, so warm that you feel like you've crawled under a dozen blankets. Your ears are ringing. 
And that cloud is...raining?
Eyes snapping open. Rhett's not above you anymore. No, he's completely pulled out of you; you're pretty sure that's his cock bumping against your leg. His face is buried in your belly, arms wrapped around you, quivering like a leaf in the wind. Like if he lets go of you, he'll be blown away.
Reaching down, you take hold of his scruffy jaw, guiding him up to look at you. Tears well in those ocean blues, dripping down his cheeks, but nowhere near the tidal wave he's so desperately holding back. Bottom lip quivering with the effort of it. 
You think you've gotten your point across a little too well.
"Come here," patting the empty space on the pillow for him to fill, "let me take care of you, sweet boy."
Rhett's nose nuzzles into the side of your cheek, laying on his side, shoulders tucked beneath your non-dominant arm. While your other reaches over, taking hold of that wet, purpling length. 
"Please," he whimpers, "please...please let me..." 
"You can cum," leaning your sweaty forehead against him, your hand starts to work. Stroking up and down, twisting when you pass over his crown in the same fashion he'd been working himself previously. 
With him so close, you're privy to each and every weakened noise, breathy gasps, and pitchy whimpers dripping from his lips like honey. So, so noisy as he twitches in your hand. Doesn't need much attention to get him close again, hips writhing as you quicken.
"'m gonna," hiccup, "baby 'm gonna...!"
"Come on, sweet boy," you coo, "cum for me."
His lips fall open, but not a noise can escape him. Strangled into complete, utter silence as he cums in your hand, painting it and your belly as his orgasm finally, finally washes over him. He's so close that you can't see his face change, but fuck, do his eyes roll back behind those fluttering lids. 
That oversensitive twitch is what slows your hand, coaxing him through those little shock waves that shake his entire body. With a soft sound, his softening cock thumps against your belly. 
He's not quite there. 
Well, he is, but he's so blissfully out of it that his bones might as well be made of jelly. That cum drunk smile glistens on his sweaty face, dopey, a little bigger than normal.
"Such a good boy for me," you murmur into his temple, reaching up to rub those sore, bruised ribs of his. No, rubbing them isn't enough.
Rolling him onto his back, you lean down to press kisses on them. Each bruise deserving of a peck, whether it be dark purple or the faintest red, feather-light, so as to not hurt him. Rhett cards his nails against your scalp, humming contentedly. 
"What're ya doin'?" Voice deep, rumbly, like he's just woken up. "You kissin' me better?"
"Of course," in between kisses. 
Calloused fingers tap the back of your head. Once. Twice. 
"Y'don't gotta do that," he yawns, guiding you up so he can steal a kiss.
Huffing, you steal one for yourself. "Ever heard of aftercare, moron?" 
"Kisses on lips are better than kisses on ribs," in his head, he probably thinks he sounds like a goddamn poet. "Can we take one of those bubble baths?"
Yeah. Yeah, a bubble bath sounds nice right now.
It's exactly a week later when you walk into the exact same situation. Rhett's fresh off his last bull of the night, still panting, nose to nose with Trevor Tillerson. You don't know what Trevor's saying, but it's got Rhett's jaw clenched so tight you fear his teeth will crack.
His eyes land on your frame. Dart back to Trevor.
He smiles and walks away.
"I'm listenin'," he grumbles, taking you by the hand, "but in my head, I've unhinged his jaw."
They say you can't train a cowboy, but you think you've found a pretty damn good method.
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probably-impossible · 9 months
A story about the End of the Wild West; or, the Prophet sees two trains explode on his one-hundred-and-fourth birthday.
(Aka my Activity 1 for the @dollarstrilogyevent that I got way too into hahahaha)
By his own reckoning, Prophet was one-hundred and four years old as of that September in 1896. Perhaps unsurprisingly he had lost most of his hearing, but his vision was still good. He saw the door of his shack swing open, and he struggled to sit up in bed. “I've already found Jesus and I'm not buying anything!”
The face that poked around the door belonged to Fluke Dudley, a young man who worked on the ranch that had sprung up next door. He was just about the only one who visited him anymore. “It's me, Prophet,” he said. “I w- - - - - to - - - - you- -”
“Speak up, boy!”
“What? Where's that, then?”
“IT'S A SURPRISE!” Fluke scratched his nose and grinned. “For your birthday. You'll like it, sir, I promise.”
Prophet grumbled but allowed Fluke to lift him into the rickety wheelchair that sat beside his bed. “Don't need remindin’ about no birthday,” he said. “I've had about ten too many of ‘em, I reckon. Wish someone had put me out of my misery back when the goddamn good-for-nothing trains took my hearing!”
“Oh, don't talk like that.” 
“I'm a hundred and four years old, I'll talk however I damn well please!” 
Fluke rolled him out of the shack, towards one of the ranch's small one-horse wagons. He lifted the old man up onto the seat and stowed the chair in the bed, then jumped up and flicked the reins.
Prophet squinted at the scenery as they rolled slowly alongside the train tracks. “I used to get visits from all sorts of people, you know,” he said. “I used to know everything about everybody in these parts. They'd come from miles around to see me. To get their information.”
Fluke nodded. He'd heard this story before. 
“Lawmen, outlaws, drifters,” Prophet continued. “Bounty killers. I've seen them all. But they just don't make men like that anymore. I tell you, boy, things have got too civilized around here.”
“ - - - - ”
“Damn sure I'm right.” Prophet leaned over the side of the wagon to glare down at the tracks. “It's all the fault of those trains! They take all the civilized folk from out east, load ‘em up into their carriage cars with the lacy curtains and little fruity drink trolleys, and send ‘em out here. And soon enough there's so much civilization around a man can't hardly be himself anymore.”
Prophet leaned back and went silent for a while. “I wonder how many of those young men who used to come and see me are still alive,” he said. “They strung up Willie Foster last year, I know that. And Kid Frasier fell off his hoss. That old marshal Colby… whatever happened to him?”
“He got killed in a shootout, you said.”
“Right, right. Davey and Red Kelly done it, and then they run off to Mexico.” He blinked as another wagon passed by them. It was loaded up with people, chatting and laughing. He lost his thought for a moment, then picked it back up again. “Angel Eyes… he's long gone. That retired colonel went back to North Carolina. Now what was that young buck's name… Manco. Fell off the face of the earth, far as I can remember. And worst of all, poor old Cheyenne…”
“Shot in the gut by the president of the railroad company,” Fluke muttered.
“...shot in the gut by the president of the railroad company! Did you ever hear of a worse way to go?!” Prophet sighed. “Somehow I outlived them all. Now I'm the last of a dyin’ breed. They just don't make men like us anymore.”
“No sir,” Fluke said. There were more wagons around now, and people walking along the tracks, too. They all seemed to be going in the same direction. Fluke tipped his hat as they passed by a group of ladies holding parasols.
Prophet looked at him skeptically. “Where exactly are you taking me? There sure are a lot of other people headed this way.”
“You'll find out soon,” Fluke said. “We're almost there.” 
“There’s nothin’ wrong with my hair!”
As they kept riding the crowd really started to thicken. They passed by lemonade stands and carnival games, a grandstand with a band, even a circus tent. “Just this once I'm glad I'm deaf,” Prophet muttered. “Who's runnin’ a goddamn county fair along the train tracks?”
Fluke slowly drew the wagon to a stop and pointed up at a large banner that had been hoisted next to a section of the track. It read ‘Crush, Texas. Est. September 15, 1896.’
“The railroad company's putting on a demonstration,” Fluke said, raising his voice even more than usual over the sound of the crowd. “They're gonna take two old steam engines, run ‘em as fast as they can, and crash ‘em right into each other!” He beamed with pride. “How do you like that for a birthday present, sir? You and me are gonna watch two trains smash each other to smithereens!”
Prophet blinked. “...What? The railroad company’s gonna smash their own trains?” he said, puzzled. “What for?”
“They're old engines, I guess,” Fluke said. “No use for ‘em anymore.”
“So they're crashing them? What, with all these people around?” 
“It's supposed to be very safe. No chance of the boilers exploding or anything, that's what the man from the railroad said.”
Prophet went quiet for a while. Fluke felt his own excitement start to deflate. He'd been so sure the old man would love to see this. All he ever talked about was how much he hated trains! The whole affair seemed perfectly designed with him in mind. But he didn't look excited. In fact, he seemed a little… sad.
“The railroad company…” he muttered. “Making a whole damn spectacle out of busting up some old trains that aren't good for nothing anymore. And it's perfectly safe. ‘Course it is.”
A ripple of excitement went through the crowd; rumbling could be heard in the distance. Fluke slouched on the bench of the wagon. “...I'm sorry, Prophet. I thought for sure you'd like to see it.”
“Oh, don't look so damn mopey, boy,” Prophet said, gently. “Old bastards like me can't ever be satisfied with nothin’, that's all.”
They sat there in silence for a while. Fluke listened to the rumbling while Prophet watched two black dots appear on either end of the horizon and grow steadily closer. 
Eventually the rumbling grew to a roar, and an anticipatory hush fell over the crowd. The ground began to shake. The trains were close enough to their destined meeting place now that Prophet could make out the shape of the engine cars, could see the smoke billowing from their antiquated stacks. For the first time in his life, the sight of the damn things didn't fill him entirely with hatred. They were being put out to pasture, just like him. To make way for newer, better trains. And when it happened it would be a perfectly-designed show, perfectly safe. Perfectly civilized. 
The two trains met right beneath the banner. There was a mighty crash, so loud that even Prophet could hear it, and the sound of splintering wood. Then, a moment of total silence. 
When the explosion began, time seemed to slow for Prophet. He could see a bright orange light well up within each of the smashed engines, then blossom into two beautiful balls of flame. The light danced in his eyes, and he smiled with glee. The boilers of the old engines had blown up after all. The sight of it was breathtaking. 
All this took place within less than a second. As the fire billowed outwards, the force of the explosion sent millions of pieces of metallic debris straight into the gathered crowd. Prophet grinned with ecstasy and thought about how awful this was going to be for the railroad company. Oh, they were going to have hell to pay for this. It was a fiasco. Maybe it would even drive them out of business...! Of all the ways for a man like him to go, this was a fine one. He was grateful the boy had brought him out here, after all.
The explosion nearly knocked Fluke from the wagon, and he felt a stinging pain in his forearms as he shielded his face. It was all over in only a moment. He could hear groans and shouts from the crowd as he slowly regained his senses. He looked down at his arms; he'd been hit by some shrapnel, but not badly. 
He turned quickly towards Prophet, then froze. The old man lay flopped backwards over the wagon bench, unmoving. 
A metal bolt had gone straight into his forehead. Even so, there was a satisfied smile on his face.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
George's Garage
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An Elvis Presley one-shot response to the prompt: How are we going to solve this problem?
Summary: Elvis and the Memphis Mafia are driving back to Hollywood from Memphis to shoot Kissin' Cousins, when the car breaks down on Route 66. Luckily they are not too far from George's garage and her skilled, lady mechanic fingers.
Warnings: 18+ DNI, E to L (ish), fellatio, swearing, implied drug use. Also some minor historical inaccuracies. ALL THE TYPOS. Written in haste under pressure. Sort of.
Word Count: Yeah, this one got away from me.... 7.5 K
Saturday, October 5, 1963
They were an hour away from Needles, and the crisp, hot midday air blew over Billy’s face as as he steadied his arm on the white convertible. He turned his eyes to the burnt desert, taking in the cacti and shrubbery below a clear, powder blue sky. The Yucca trees stood tall, like hunched warriors in the distance, bent over and ready to descend on Elvis’ caravan racing along the highway. The radio fizzled and Billy turned to watch Elvis roll the dial knob between his fingers until he got reception and began singing along to Bobby Vinton’s latest hit, “Blue Velvet,” in an offkey high voice, laughing at himself. Billy forced a smile and twisted awkwardly in his seat, the blue leather creaked under him, and he wished he was back in Memphis eating dinner with Jo.  He’d been riding shotgun the last four days ago. His butt ached and he was struggling to stay on the same mental frequency as his cousin, who had started the trip with the same high enthusiasm he usually had for the road. However, the closer they got to Hollywood, the more erratic Elvis’ mood had become. He had ranged from being introspective and engaging, talking softly and seriously about plans to expand Graceland, to despondent rants about how nice it was to be with the guys away from women. Billy assumed this specifically referred to one woman in particular and her persistent requests to come to Los Angeles with them. Then there had been the violent tantrums about "that embarrassin,' sorry-ass excuse for a” movie they were driving to LA to shoot, every time Joe brought up the fact that they were supposed to be in LA already. Elvis began halting their progress even more after the fight with Joe. There were now impromptu football games on the side of the road several times a day, meals had become long, leisurely affairs and each stop along the way involved intense pranks. Billy had rings of black shoe shine around his eyes for the better part of yesterday after looking though a pair of Elvis’ binoculars. Though he'd had been glad to see Elvis smile, even if it was at his expense.
The Buick drove on, and Billy watched Elvis adjust the black yachting hat on his head.
“Man oh man, Joe says we’re ‘posed to film all the Great Smoky scenes in Big Bear. Big Bear! Can ya believe it? Ain’t no one gonna believe those scraggly ass sorry California ant hills are the Blue Ridge mountains. I can tell you that, man. I can tell you that.”
Billy tightened his smile and contemplated the right thing to say.
“I said, can ya believe that?” Elvis jabbed Billy expectantly. “With me, ME, of all people, goddammit. Those Hollywood jackasses ain’t ever even been to Tennessee and they want me to go round chasin’ after my cousin’s coochie like some inbred hillbilly pretendin’ Big Bear is goddamn Cades Cove.”
“You know ain’t no one looking at the background EP, specially not with you bein’ all handsome, uh, up der on the screen. Singing the way you do. With all those beautiful girls. Shouldn't worry so much, everything is gonna be good.”
Elvis looked ahead, grunting, while Billy turned his head around to look back and nod at Alan driving the motor home behind them, seemingly laughing and smoking a cigar with Red, Sonny and Joe. Alan tipped his head with a wink, and Billy rolled his eyes, jarred from his backwards view by the slap of Elvis’ hand.
“Hey, man, hey, hand me my toiletries, huh Billum?”
Billy nodded with a “Sure,” and reached his hand back along the floor of the back seat. Not finding it through touch, Billy flipped around and  began to panic, because Billy was an observant man. He knew what Elvis’ black travel case full of pills looked like. And as he stared down at the blue carpeted floor beneath him he did not see it there. He also knew that when he reported this to Elvis he was going to regret coming on this trip more than he already did. So he squirmed, letting the expensice, custom blue leather squeak under him as he shifted from side-to-side, hesitating to meet Elvis’ eyes in the rear view mirror. Ten minutes later, Billy was leaning against the side of the RV smoking in Sonny’s shadow and staring silently at Joe and Red while Elvis stomped up and down the motor home screeching at Alan.
“Whatcha mean you ain’t seen it? Ya hog-eared fat, useless sonabitch. I - I -I.” They heard the sound of trampling feet stop. “Goddamit, I ‘member vividly handin’ it to you, and telling you ta put in the back seat of the car.”
They could hear Alan’s pitiful words stammer out through the walls. “I musta -  musta put it down in the bathroom at that rest stop.”
“I musta put it down in the bathroom in that rest stop!” Elvis high vibrato mimicking Alan reverberated through the metal, and Billy saw Red shoot Sonny a knowing look as they listened. “Well you’re the one whose gonna ‘splain ta Billy why he and I are turnin’ around and going back.”
The mood in the car was decidedly different three hours later as the Buick sped over the same stretch of pavement flying through the Yucca Valley and past Needles. Billy was still in the convertible, trying to think of any reasonable excuse why he needed to be in the RV with the others. Now he sat quietly, nodding occasionally as Elvis muttered angrily to himself, his black toiletry case neatly tucked next to Billy’s feet in the car cabin. Billy started planning out how he would explain why Joe should be driving with Elvis to go over the upcoming filming schedule, and he planned to suggest this when they eventually caught up to the others. He wondered if the guys were already at the motel in Barstow,  but did not have long to contemplate his escape from these close quarters with Elvis before a milky white cloud of smoke exploded out of the engine in front of them and he found himself clutching the seat for dear life as Elvis guided the sputtering Buick to the side of the road.
Billy was once again leaning against a car smoking. He was not exactly sure where they were, somewhere between  between Needles and Barstow, he figured. However, the desire to know precisely where they were was secondary to his innate desire to not be there at all. Where ever here actually was. Billy watched a lizard crawl over the warm road, then scamper off at the sound of Elvis shrill high pitched screams. Billy had never wished more fervently that he was a lizard, or anything else at all, actually, then in that moment as he looked at the reptile slither off the road away from the sound of Elvis kicking the front tire, his voice ringing out through the stillness of the Mojave desert at sunset.
“GODDDAMMIT! God fucking  dammit. GOD. DAMN. IT.”
Billy wiped the sweat off his forehead and squinting at what looked like a cluster of buildings further along on the horizon.
The office counter fan pushed cool air on George and blew her dark brown curls into her face. She tucked them back behind her ear as she stared down at her crossword puzzle and bobbed a pencil against her lip in contemplation, sucking it momentarily.
“Five letter word for neckwear. Hmmm.”
Frustrated, she moved on to the next across word clue, pausing as her eyes roamed over the stack of paperwork she was supposed to be working on.
“Ugh, c’mon, just knock out these orders and then you can close up. It’s almost 6.”
Nodding to the sound of her own voice, George had just resolved to set aside the crossword puzzle when the front door bell startled her and she looked up to see two men stagger into the office, panting and laughing.
The one in front had on a black yachting hat, and his head was down as he tucked his shirt in. There across his neck was a jaunty, white decorative scarf held by a golden cravat.
“Ascot!” Georgie exclaimed, grabbing her pencil and excitedly filling in 5 Across. But her smile quickly faded as she looked up to see the quizzical face of Elvis Presley looking back.
“Huh, yeah, uh huh.” He pushed his gold cravat up his very short, very shiny, very expensive white silk ascot tie.
 Elvis’ face went from confused to confident as he steadied himself, placing his thumbs in his belt loops, and sauntering up to the counter to lay his hand down. He moved it over George’s hand in an instantly familiar and somewhat intensely intimate manner.  George was not prepared for the sweaty, pit stained lanky mass of charisma now rubbing his thumb along side the pinky of her left hand.
“Like that, huh, darlin?” Elvis winked, and tugged at the edge of the ascot as he purred. “Listen, is your boss around?”
George looked down at her hand, Elvis’ forwardness had shocked her and she recoiled into herself for a moment before pulling her hand away. She glanced at the short, skinny guy behind him who was avoiding her gaze and suddenly taking an intense interest in the photos hanging on the office wall.
It had been almost ten years since he first began performing, yet, watching women's awestruck expressions still gave Elvis a warm rush and made him feel special. Elvis winked at George, and decided to try and make her feel comfortable.
He smiled shyly and looked down, grasping her hand back up between his.
“Shhh, s’ok , honey, it's ok, now."
He sucked in a deep breath, chuckling.
"I, uh, I really would rather ya treated me like a normal person. No need to get flustered.”
He turned his blue eyes back up to her and waggled his eyebrows.
“So, uh, now, c’mon honey, can you grab ya boss, hmmm? We’re in need of help somethin' awful.”
“Well, honey,” George collected her self, and pulled her hand back. Again. She looked Elvis in the eyes, glancing back at his ascot for a moment. What a pointless, ridiculous, pompous accessory. “I assure you I am not flustered.”
“Well, uh, good, then. I reckon that ya can hop to it, woman, go get ya boss.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully, tilting his head to the side door that led to the garage. “We need ta get back on tha - “
Billy squinted and looked closer at one of the photos, and turned to interrupt his cousin.
“Hey, EP, I th-th-th —”
“Shhh, Billy, just a second.”
George pursed her lips and then smiled tightly.
“Why don’t you tell me what brings you guys in tonight?”
Elvis grinned at her, the length of his chin extended as the right side of his mouth crooked up in another smile and exposed his teeth. He patted the top of her hand. Again. George flinched back. Again.
“Hmm, I’d love to spend all night talking cars with ya sugar.”
Elvis looked back at Billy, who immediately chuckled nervously.
“But,uh, well, we got an urgent situation. Now,  be a good girl and go run an get the mechanic.”
Billy stepped closer to try whisper in Elvis’ ear, but he shushed him as George narrowed her eyes, straightening her body so she sat taller above the counter, almost even with Elvis’ gaze.  This did not seem to deter Elvis’ from leaning closer into her personal space, his face now just inches above hers.
Lips quirking into a tight, polite exaggerated smile, George shook her head as she reclaimed her hand. Again. How did he do it? She hadn’t even noticed it was on her.
“I’m sorry boys.” She put on an exaggerated pout. “The boss decided not take anymore jobs today. We close in five minutes anyway —”
“Now, now, now, wait just a goddamn minute. What do you expect us to do?”
Elvis’s nostrils flared out, and he clenched his fists, his voice rising into a growl. All that charm was now replaced by disbelief as he stepped back and crossed his arms.
 “Nah, uh uh, we ain’t leavin’ til you take your sweet little behind and go find who ever, ever, who ever runs this place.” He slammed his fist on the counter to show that he meant business.
For the twentieth time today, Billy looked down into the ground and wished he was in Memphis.
Nonplussed, George pulled her mouth into an even wider smile.
“Listen, Barstow’s an hour away, by car. Not sure how long it would take you to walk.”
She strolled around toward the swinging door that led to the garage.
“We open at 8 a.m. tomorrow.”
She turned to go back to the workshop, pausing at the whine in Elvis’ voice.
“Now, now, uh uh. We ain’t leavin’ til we talk to your boss.”
Georgie raised her eyebrow and tilted her head.
“Suit yourself.”
She went into the shop and began pulling down the service bay doors that opened up to parking lot.
After the door swung shut, Billy pulled on Elvis’ shirt.
“Did you get a load of that chick, huh, Bill? Who pissed in her coffee this morinin’, that’s what I wanna know. Was it me, now, or did she go from gobsmacked fan to cool bitch in under two minutes. Weren’t asking for any special treatment. You heard me, I asked to be treated like, like, like any regular, normal customer. Right?”
Elvis threw his yachting cap on the counter in a huff, and stomped his foot. Billy watched as Elvis adjusted his little gold cravat and leaned back on the raised heel of his Italian black leather boots. Yup, just a regular guy...
“She wouldn’t even go get her boss —”
Billy coughed.  “Oh, I think she got the boss alright.”
Elvis raised his eyebrows, and Billy pointed to the photos on the wall of a female in dirty coveralls working on cars, in some she was standing next to an older women who was also in coveralls.
“Huh, well I’ll be. A lady grease monkey. So that’s why she’s got her panties in a twist.”
Billy grinned. “Well, I reckon if anyone can untwist a girl’s panties, it’s you.”
Elvis shoved his cousin’s shoulder and winked as he walked backwards through the swinging door into the auto shop. George turned from rolling down the last bay door and crossed her arms, glaring, as Elvis walked toward her. His hat was gone and his arms hung back under his chest, the sleeves of his blue, silk shirt were rolled up and his left hand was notched at his waist. The way his long fingers stretched out over his hip gave his stance an air of purpose. She met his blue eyes and they twinkled with amusement.
“Here now, I - I- I think we got off on the wrong foot out there, bossman.”
Georgie wiped her hands on her jeans, realizing just how much taller he was as he strode toward her. “Hmmm, there’s no need for that, George is fine.”
“Georgina if you wanna be more formal, George, Georgie, G, I answer to ‘em all.”
“Alright Georgie George. Can we start again?”
Georgie crossed her arms and pursed her lips, but nodded, moving Elvis’ hand from her waist as she jutted her chin up to look at him. He instantly moved his left hand to her shoulder, once again his thumb was immediate and intimate as it rubbed her collar bone.
“Look, pretty girl like you? How were we sposed to know —”
George lifted his hand from her shoulder, smoothing out her blouse.
“You can lay off the charm. Trust me, you are not the first schmuck to walk in here thinking I’m the secretary.”
Elvis lifted his hands up in defeat.
“OK, ok, now, no charm, I got it. Just brass tacks, jack. George, I mean.”
He winked. Again. A stifled laugh rippled under his cheeks, and George found his smug manner both infuriating and magnetic. She also felt an inexplicable desire to slap his face.
“So, my car’s broke down back on the highway. How are we going to solve this problem, huh?”
George looked at the clock on the wall above her work bench. 6:15. Maude would just be finishing up supper over at the motel, and her stomach had started to growl in anticipation. She looked at Elvis then back at the floor.
“Technically, WE are done working for the day.”
She sighed, somehow his hand was back at her waist and George felt her resolve fading.
“BUT, I hate to think of what I’m guessing is a very fancy, expensive car out there on the highway over night.”
Elvis smirked and adjusted his silk ascot. “Now, wait a minute here, what makes you think I’d own a fancy car?”
“Oh, let’s just call it female intuition. Handier than you’d think in this line of work.”
George removed Elvis hand from her waist, and looked towards the corner of her shop, as she found it increasingly difficult to maintain her brusk, professional demeanor when staring directly into his face.
“Look, I am due for supper, but after, I can drive out with my tow truck and bring your vehicle back here to look over in the morning. How bout that?”
“Sss - sounds good, sounds real good. We can definitely go after we eat, cuz I’m starving. What’s for dinner?”
It was dark when they returned to the garage and George led the way around the back to her tow truck. Billy’s small, short body sat on the passenger side of the cab, and George’s small, short figure sat in the driver’s seat. In between them sat the large, wide, body of Elvis Presley, his arms extended over the back of the seat in both directions, mirrored by the wide berth of his spread legs as he made himself comfortable. He stroked his chin as he looked at himself in the rearview mirror, running his hand through his hair, then pulling out a comb to fix it. George rolled her eyes.
“Trust me, no one is gonna see you out here. In the desert. At 8 o’clock at night.” She motioned to the murky, black expanse of the highway ahead of them.
“Just feel more comfortable to have it all neat and tidy and in the right place. You know how it is, Georgie George, with ya do-hickey here holding this mess a curls back.”
Elvis tugged on George’s pony tail, and she swatted his hand away with an annoyed sigh, then decided to push her knee back against him and reclaim some of her leg room. George’s smile at her triumph was short lived, for, while Elvis held his knees closer together, now his hand slid down along her thigh to envelope her knee cap, squeezing absentmindedly while Billy talked at length about nothing at all. George pushed his hand off her knee, only to find it around her shoulders a moment later, and she gave up, actually pressing into him harder when she saw the white car and turned her steering wheel to parallel park the back of the tow truck at the trunk of the Buick.
Elvis started to reach up for the hook and George hit his hand away from her equipment.
“Stop. I need to line them up a little better. If you want to be helpful, stand there.” She pointed to the edge of the car’s trunk. “And guide me back so the tires are straight from each other, can you handle that?”
“Yes bossman, you just go right ahead, me an Billum are standing by for your orders.” He smirked as he gave George a salute. Billy smiled apologetically
George ignored them, jumping out again when she was content that the tires were lined up and quietly asked if someone would put the car in neutral. Elvis threw Billy the keys, and stood watching as George bent down with her flashlight and pushed herself over the dirt so she was under the back of the Buick. Elvis whistled.
“Hmm, really get down in there, don’t ya?”
“Hmmpf. I’m not afraid of dirt, Mr. Presley.”
George called up to him, as she pulled the lift bar out under the Buick, hitching it to the car, then pulling her up and grabbing a wrench to jack the back of the car until the two back tires were now held completely off the ground. Elvis’ bottom lip hung down as he watched George jump up on the back of the tow truck, and swing down with the hook hangingcoff the boom to secure it to the Buick. When she was satisfied it would hold, George called to Billy to turn the Buick’s lights on, and jumped on the ground, moving towards the driver’s seat as she wiped her hands.
“Hold on, now.”
Elvis whispered, holding George by her shoulders and licking his thumb.
“Not afraid of grease, neither, huh?”
He rolled his wet thumb slowly over the long black streak on her cheek, back and forth until it was gone. His eyes roamed over her face, taking in the way the bottom of her front teeth appeared just slightly under her top lip as she looked up at him and trembled ever so slightly from his touch. He chuckled when she grimaced and pushed his hand away, replacing it with a bandana that she furnished from her coveralls to wipe her face herself .
Elvis brushed dirt off her chest, and moved her around, ignoring the way her hands tried to push him off, as he wiped the dirt off her back and bottom.
“Hush now, I know ya ain’t scared of dirt, doesn’t mean ya wanna be covered in it.”
He brushed his hands off and held her at her waist.
“Moon’s out tonight. Kinda pretty out here in the quiet of the desert.”
Neither of them looked at the moon. Or the desert. They didn't move until the sound of Billy’s footsteps in the gravel broke the spell and they remembered where they were and what was happening. George jolted back, smoothing her hair, as she nodded and walked over to get in the car.
George was silent on the drive back, turning the radio up to let the voices of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons tell her, Billy and Elvis how to walk like a man. Billy droned on about how he never got used to looking out at the desert, and wondered what tumbleweeds really were and where they came from. She was glad for all the noise, it helped her focus her mind on the road ahead and the tasks she needed to do to when they got back, and led her attention away from the strong, warm thigh pressing against her own. George softened into making requests instead of barking commands back at the shop, though she avoided looking directly at Elvis as she said goodnight. Instead, she nodded into Billy’s eyes as she told them to come back in the morning.
Morning was approximately 11:17 a.m. At least it was for the occupants of room 217. It was 11:45 when they rambled into the motel office and Elvis sweet talked George’s older sister, Maude, into making breakfast, showing her how to burn her bacon the way he liked it as she laughed and answered his random questions about their family and life on Route 66. It was well past noon when Elvis finished the last of his black coffee, and made Maude blush when he crept up behind her at the kitchen sink to kiss her cheek  with a “Thanks for breakfast, honey.” Then he gave Billy very detailed instructions to keep calling the house back in LA, find out where the RV was, and get Joe up to speed on what had happened. 
“He needs to get out here and bring money, cause I don’t know how long this whole thing is gonna take.”
Billy looked over at his cousin. “Gonna have him drive you back tonight?”
“Hell no, I ain’t leaving my car here. Where’d ya get that idea?”
“Joe ain’t gonna be happy with me, EP, tomorrow is Monday, aintcha ‘sposed to go in to record them songs for Kissin——”
“You can tell ol Diamond Joe, from me, that he’s just gonna have to put ‘em off. This car is a custom, one-of-a-kind Buick Skylark with leather seats, a gold plated dash board and a car phone. If he thinks I’m leaving without overseeing its repair, he’s off his goddamn rocker.” 
Billy gulped with an uneasy smile. He loved his cousin, but couldn’t help wishing it was a year ago and they were setting off to Hawaii to do exterior shots for Girls, Girls, Girls, when the mood was lighter and Marty and Lamar were still around.
Ignoring Billy’s puppy dog eyes, Elvis set off across the highway to George’s garage. He smiled at the sight of her legs sticking out from under his car, and he stood for a while admiring them before he whistled flirtatiously and watched her grease streaked face emerge rolling out.
“Never thought I’d like the look of canvas coveralls so much.” Elvis’ cheeks hollowed out as he grinned in boyish glee at George’s disdainful look, then willfully ignored it, walking closer to her and leaning on his car. “What’s the word, bossman?”
“Hmmm. Well, all it needs is an oil change.”
“Oh? That all? ”
“Oh yeah, that’s all. Just make it a month ago. That pan is bone dry, and you’ve blown the head gasket, which explains the white smoke you described. And your engine is starting to warp.”
Elvis smiled as he watched her talk.
“Mr. Presley, I hardly think this is something to smile about, this car - well, normally I’d recommend—"
“Elvis.” He stepped closer.
George looked at him confused, realizing her head was at eye level with the front pocket of his dark blue polka dotted satin shirt.
“Elvis, baby, how many times I gotta tell ya to call me Elvis?”
He rubbed her waist. And George lifted his hand off her body, ignoring the tingling feeling she felt as she patted his chest deliberately to push him back.
“Um, huh.”
She breathed.
“Right, ok, Mr. Presley. I mean Elvis. As I was saying, um, usually, in these circumstances I recommend getting a new car, because the cost of a new engine is about the same as a new Buick. But you have a lot of.”
She paused to lift his hand from her shoulder, unsure how it got there, but instinctively stepping back when she saw Elvis take a step closer to her, his hand rolling over the white metal of the Skylark’s rim.
“Um - uh. A lot of expensive-looking modifications that make this vehicle, erm, um, valuable.”
George tripped over her sliding roller and Elvis caught her in his arms, grinning as she looked up into his eyes.
“Hmmm, yeah, I know all ‘bout those modifications, Georgie Girl. Oversaw the custi-a-mi-zation of this baby myself, ev’ry inch.”
He smirked at way George trembled and then pushed him off, steadying herself as she stumbled back.
“Hmm, well, for someone so involved you seem to have little regard for your car’s well being.”
Elvis frowned, and shook his head.
“What now?”
“I said, for someone who throws so much money into cars, you don’t seem to care much or know much about them. That car needed an oil change weeks ago, and now I’ll be lucky if I can salvage it. It’s gonna take me days to undo the damage you’ve caused driving it across the country on sludge.”
Elvis rolled back onto the heels of his expensive, Italian boots. He suddenly wished he’d worn an ascot today, it would have been nice to have something there to pull on for comfort. Instead, he braced himself at his hips, his stomach jutting up as he looked at George and frowned. She was pretty, smart, and the her utter obliviousness to how good looking she was, along with the way she seemed to try very hard to resist his advances, aroused him even more. But now she was criticizing how he took care of his cars and seemed to be questioning his very understanding of how motor vehicles. Which, to be fair to George, was an entirely accurate estimation of Elvis. His main question getting into one of his cars was: “Where is the key?” Though, in his defense, this was the only question usually necessary,  because Lamar had been taking care of everything, until the ungrateful bastard had run off to work in Nashville and left the car maintenance to the other guys. Who had promptly forgot about it.
“Now, wait just a goddamn minute, honey, I don’t much appreciate the way y-y- y.”
Elvis clenched his fist and breathed deeply.
“If you are insinuating I don’t know how to take care of my cars, well, you must be outta your goddamn mind. Do you know how many cars I own? What my work schedule is like? I’ll have you know that I have so many cars, I just go out and jump into one, and usually everything is fine, cuz my guys keep em all lubed up real good. It’s just that, well, my car guy just quit, and this one musta fallen by the wayside before he left.”
“Hmmm.” George crossed her arms. “I can’t imagine why someone would want to leave your employment.”
“What’s that ‘sposed to mean?”
“It means that you are difficult and you are spoiled. And full of your self. Think you can go where ever you want, do whatever you please. Got my sister as your short order cook now too. You know, it is just the two of us running the motel and garage out here. She was supposed to be overseeing check out this morning, but no, she’s cooking for you, and so the maids were running to me for direction while she serves you breakfast.”
Elvis stepped forward, hovering over George’s face.
“Jealous, baby? Sounds a lot like you wished it were you a - puttin’ somethin’ in my mouth.”
George slapped him, her eyes on fire.
“Get out of my garage. You’re lucky I’m still willing to - to - work on your - your - stupid, absurdly customized, ridiculous car.”
Elvis rubbed his smarting cheek, with a smirk, then shook his head.
“Ok, ok. I’m leaving. I just came over to see what the diagnosis was, crazy woman.”
George turned around and went to grab a wrench.
“It’s going to be two more days, at the soonest. And I charge double for today, on account that it’s Sunday. Looking at that gold plated dashboard, I figure you can afford my hourly rate.”
“Mhmmm. Uh huh. Don’t you worry, honey, I’m used to paying women double for their hourly rate. Long as I get what I pay for.”
“Get. Out. Before I change my mind.”
George stared ahead at the tools hanging in front her, waiting for the sound of his footsteps to dissipate before she turned around and screamed into the counter below her. She hated Elvis Presley, she hated the ostentatious way he had poured money into superficial aspects of a car that do not make a difference to its performance, and she hated the way his smug face smirked down at her when he talked. But most of all, she hated, hated, hated the way he seemed to always be touching her, it wasn’t even necessarily sexual, just a reflex, like breathing.
“Like his stupid, heavy opened mouth breathing. Ugh. The sooner you get this car fixed, the sooner you an get him out of your hair and back on the road.”
George threw herself into fixing the Buick like a woman possessed.
George did not join them for dinner, and Elvis politely asked Maude for a second helping of her chili con carne while Billy regaled her with tales from previous road trips. The sanitized versions, of course, with a promise that they would never pull any of the pranks he described at her motel.
“I reckon we ain’t never stayed here no how, cuz it’s so close to LA, usually try to get to Winslow the first night out to Memphis. Same on the way back, lessen we cut over to Sin City.”
He looked at Elvis, whose eyes were gazing at the lit window above the garage, his mind lost in thought remembering the fiery look in George’s hazel eyes, and the shapely contour of her bottom underneath his hands as he’d wiped the dirt off her the night before.
“Right, EP?” Billy repeated himself, and Elvis looked up in a daze, and stood.
“Hmmm, sorry y’all. This is very good chili, ma’am, very good. I like that you don’t put onions in yours, no, no, it’s just right. Just how I like it.”
He brought his bowl to the sink, and looked at Billy’s quizzical face, as he excused himself.
“I, uh, I. Well, I think I need to go apologize to your sister. I have a bad temper, I know it, boy do I know it. Mighty Mouth ova there knows it.”
Billy nodded, slowly, waiting to see where this was going.
”I ,uh, well, I reckon I need to go straighten things out with George, so she ain’t liable to pour sugar in my gas tank or nothin.”
George was on her third beer when she opened the door of her apartment to find Elvis’ dark front hair flop dangling down toward her. She sipped from the bottle as she started to ask him what he wanted, only to watch him push through her outstretched arm, the she was using to block his entry to her flat, and proceed to pace around the living room.
“Look, I came over because, uh, well.”
He ran his right hand through his hair, his left hand hitched at his belt. The sound of Patsy Cline singing wafted through the room as he turned.
“Well, I didn’t like how we left things earlier.”
George grunted, taking another swig of beer and holding the door open with the back of her bare foot. The strap of her her brown, A-line dress fell over her shoulder and she pulled it back up, fixing the loose bust that covered her small, modest bosom.
“Ok, apology accepted, you can go.”
Elvis raised his eyebrow and strode toward her.
“See, now that, that right there, is the problem. I come over to patch things up and you get all nasty. Like I was tha only one, uh, the only one spoutin’ vinegar earlier.”
His hands found their way to her hips, and rolled over them. George shivered at the warm murmur of his voice.
“Why is it so hard for you to just be nice to me? To just be a nice girl?”
George felt the cool of her beer bottle as it hung heavy in her right hand, her eyes flittered up to Elvis’ where he hovered over her, pushing her against the open, apartment door she had been so hasty to send him out of thirty seconds ago.
“But I’m not a nice girl, Mr. Presley.”
She lowered her yes, turning to the right.
“Why even pretend.” She whispered.
Elvis leaned forward.
His thumbs rolled up and down the sides of her belly like slow, small window wipers clearing away the doubt and hesitancy that tightened her stomach.  His lips wavered over hers as he muttered into her cheek.
“How many times I gotta tell you to call me Elvis?”
He leaned in closer, lips just above her skin as she closed her eyes and a moan escaped her mouth. Elvis tightened his grip at her waist.
“Mr. Presley is my daddy.”
He laid his lips softly over her, as he smooshed into them awkwardly, tenderly, taking several clumsy tackles until they settled over hers and then gently crushed into her. All George could hear were the sloppy clicks of air echoing between their lips as she closed her eyes and felt his mouth press onto hers. His hands traced further down her sides and his tongue gently teased the entrance of her mouth.
George pulled back, panting, and pushed Elvis into the apartment, setting her beer on top of the bookcase by the door. He wiped his mouth, an apologetic expression forming as he started to talk.
“Oh man, I’m sorry, I , uh, I didn’—”
George put her finger to his mouth and pulled himto her.  Elvis’ eyes lit up as he opened his lips over it and George pushed her finger inside his mouth, tingling with electricity as it grazed against Elvis’ teeth. She saddled closer, tilting her chest into his, lifting her self closer to his face. He inhaled with a shudder, hands stroking her waist, eyes closed, his lips more forceful now and she groaned as she met his tongue with hers. Elvis caught George as she tripped backwards and cupped her bottom cheeks, carrying her to the couch. Her arms wound around his neck and she peppered his face with sweet, light kisses.
He plopped down laughing as she straddled over his lap, exploring his neck with her mouth while her fingers grasped at the back of his head, hair, shoulders. Elvis hands roamed over the top of George’s brown cotton dress, slowly pulling it up as his thumbs trailed over the white panties he found there, roving over her thighs and around to caresses her buttucks. The way she looked down and blushed made Elvis’ cock twitch and she bit her lip when she felt it. Looking into his eye’s with devilish intent, George arched her eyebrow and slide down to the carpet to nestle herself between Elvis’ legs. His reached down to stop her eager hands, eyes narrowing as he shook his head.
“Uh uhhhhhh,  you’re a nice girl, nice girls don, uh, well, nice girls don do that. Ain’t gonna let ya do something you gonna regret tomorrow morning.”
Elvis took her hand up, and kissed the bottom of her palm as George surged up taller on her haunches to kiss him back, her fingers caressed his neck as she moaned a whiny please into his mouth.
“Pleasseeee. This. This is my favorite thing.”
She kissed him, freeing her right hand from his grasp, and then dipping down to nuzzle against his hardened length.
“C’mon….uh…goddammit honey… fuck.”
He breathed in, opening his eyes to still her with a grip to her chin.
 “You really wanna… wanna see ‘im, huh?”
George nodded, and bit her lip. A crooked grin spread over Elvis’ face as he shook his head again, and undid his belt,  lifting up as he unzipped and pulled his pants down, his smile widening as George smiled coyly, waggling her eye brows and then leaning in to lightly kiss his foreskin. Elvis tilted his head back at the sensation, and thrust his hips closer to George’s face as she pressed her lips over the head, slowly gliding down as Elvis’ tip emerged from his foreskin.
He groaned out, and she giggled into the pink head of his penis. He opened his eyes and looked down, hand moving down to run his fingers through the side of her hair.
“What’s so funny, huh, lil girl?”
George savored the way his quizzical expression changed from amused to almost terrified pleasure as her lips popped off.
“You. The noises you make. I find them—” she dove back down, plunging farther as she finished her sentence with a mouth full of Elvis. “He-war-ee-ousss.”
Her response didn’t really register with him, as he sunk back into the couch cushions at the charged, blissful surge of George’s mouth up his cock, his fingers threading through the left side of her hair. Elvis bucked into her mouth as her lips met his base, and he hit the back of her throat. She smiled inward because she could tell he was trying to hold his hips still so as not to press to far in and gag her. His fingers were soft, and his mouth ushered forth a mantra of sweet “oh gawds,” as George sucked back and forth, her tongue darting to swirl around the edge, then she pulled off to catch her breath, looking up into Elvis’ sweet, grateful dopey smile. George beamed back, maintaining eye contact as she plunged down again with a fervent thirst, her cheeks hollowing with determination as she flattened her tongue beneath his cock, swallowing it in long, slow strokes, sinking down over him and relishing the needy, almost shocked look in his eyes as she throbbed up and down, his hand lightly following in her hair. His moans became louder, and George quickened her pace, thrusting her chest forward to delve further, harder, softer with each successive delicious movement downward. Elvis gripped her hair, looking down.
“Hey baby, heyyy, Immaa - Immma ‘bout to explode, hmmmm? ahhhhh”
George nodded, and groaned as her mouth worked its way down faster, sucking in with heightened, electric anticipation until she heard him cry out and felt the spasm of Elvis’ pulsating into her mouth. She swallowing, sloppily, as she rotated up and down, holding him at his waist for balance until he stilled, his hand caressing her cheek up and down. She settled back and leaned into his thigh, looking up at a goofy, crooked smile under eyes half lidded in contentment.
It was 11 a.m. when Elvis awoke to Billy’s hand on his shoulder, bewildered and uncertain where he was. He made eye contact with his cousin, taking in how the furnishings of George’s bedroom looked in the morning (technically it was still morning).
Elvis blinked, unlike Billy, he didn't know what time it was, or why his cousin was there, or where the occupant of the apartment was.
“Heh, uh, hey there, Bill, what’s - uh - what’s the idea?”
Billy gulped, this was not the most embarrassing situation he had ever been in. Not by far. So he smiled, and looked around, beginning to gather up Elvis pants, socks and shoes, which were carefully folded and stacked on the cedar chest at the end of the bed.
“Uh, hey, man, uh Joe’s here. Sonny and Alan too. We’re, uh, all paid up, ready to head out? I brought ya some coffee.”
Elvis sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Uh, wait, what, uh, what about the car?”
Billy looked back out to the living room as Elvis stood and put his pants on.
“Um, its ready, actually.”
Elvis looked up from where he was rolling his sock over his foot.
“Uh, yeah, Maude, um, Miss Morgenstern, that is, well, um, she said her sister must have gotten up and been working on it from four or five this morning ‘fore she lit out for Carson City.”
Elvis started buttoning up his shirt.
“Carson City?”
Billy coughed and straightened his own shirt.
“Uh, yeah, Miss George, um. Well, guess she had to go pick up some auto supplies or sumpthin’ like that. Gosh, huh, girl mechanic, can’t believe it, right? Maybe those little hands give ‘em an advantage?”
He gulped again as he met Elvis’ disappointed stare.
“Yeah, erm, um. Anyhow, she’s not fixing to be back til late tonight.”
They were twenty minutes outside of Los Angeles when Joe and Sonny watched the white Buick Skylark pull over in front of them. Jumping out of the black, Lincoln Contintential they were driving behind Billy and Elvis,  Sonny walked up the passenger side of the car and leaned over the rail.
“Sup boss?”
Elvis gripped the steering wheel, then lifted his right hand to fix his yachting hat.
“Goddamit, what do ya think Son, Billy left my goddamn toiletry bag back at that goddamn motel in the middle of goddamn nowhere. Gonna have to go back.”
Billy started to interject, saying, “I double, triple checked and we didn—” but was met with a swift elbow to the ribs.
Sonny clenched his fists as he walked back to Joe, asked for all the money in Joe’s wallet, and handed it over to Elvis, before watching the Skylark make a three point turn and head back along the road into the powder blue sky behind them.
Many thanks to my fellow players @missmaywemeetagain @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @whositmcwhatsit
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chenziee · 1 year
Of Pumpkin Pies and Whipped Cream
Another of my @opdilfzine fics! You can find this one in the digital add-on :D You can still grab a digital copy of the zine, aftersales are open until the end of August! <3
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It wasn’t often that Dracule Mihawk’s transponder snail would ring but when it did… It was a sure sign of a headache coming. 
He wasn’t sure why he should even bother answering when he knew there would only be pointless chatter to be heard but even so, he somehow always found his hand gripping the receiver anyway.
“What is it now, Red Hair?” he sighed instead of a proper greeting.
“Oh, come on, I don’t even get a hello?” the man on the other side of the connection whined.
The snail gasped dramatically in response to the curt reply, making Mihawk roll his eyes. And to think this was one of the most powerful people in the world. Ridiculous.
“You’re so mean to me.” Red Hair let out a long-suffering sigh but Mihawk could just hear the shit eating grin that was playing on the man’s lips even without looking at his snail. “How do I even deal with you? I should get paid for still keeping you company.”
Mihawk knew he shouldn’t have picked up.
“I’m hanging up,” he said bluntly, already reaching over to place the receiver back on the snail.
Immediately, the transponder snail’s face twisted with panic, mirroring Red Hair’s expression as the man started fumbling for words. “Wait! I’m sorry! Don’t hang up, please!” he cried, his voice begging.
Despite himself, Mihawk felt the corners of his lips twitching upwards the tiniest bit. It was strange; the man was loud, annoying, and bothersome, interrupting Mihawk’s peaceful and quiet days with a disturbing regularity and yet, Mihawk could never bring himself to tell him to leave him alone. 
If he were to be honest… he’d have to admit that he would even sometimes miss his loud laughter, his stupid grins, and his idiotic stories and even more idiotic ideas. Even the ones that led to Mihawk having to literally drag the man to the Red Force after he would drunkenly whine and cry about how he was so proud of Straw Hat Luffy for hours and forcing Mihawk to throw him at Beckmann. After all, any captain was the first mate’s problem.
Or that one time when Mihawk had to break into a Navy prison to get Shanks out of there after he got arrested for eating without paying—he still had no idea how the marines in that town hadn’t recognised the Emperor.
For some reason, he missed all of that sometimes.
He would never accept Shanks’ lack of appreciation for good wine though.
“What did you call for anyway?” Mihawk sighed finally, leaning back into his chair.
“Just missed your sweet and kind voice,” Red Hair replied cheekily. “How are the kids?”
Mihawk groaned. “Don’t talk about them as if they’re mine. They just ended up here.”
“But you let them stay!” Shanks argued and Mihawk could just imagine the man reaching over to poke his shoulder.
As if Mihawk had a choice in that matter. Coming home from the war just to find two brats squatting in his goddamned castle, uninvited, with no means of getting the hell off the island after apparently getting launched through the air half-way across the globe—how could he have just kicked them out?
Not to mention he had tried. He gave Roronoa a boat. He gave him directions. He even gave him some food.
All that effort, only for him to come right back after making a full circle around the dead forest.
He would really rather let the kid stay than have to lead him by the hand like a toddler all the way to the coast—or more likely, chaperone him all the way to the next island. He held no illusions about Roronoa’s ability to follow a log pose by now.
“So? How are they doing?” Red Hair prompted after a moment.
Finally, Mihawk let his head fall back, his eyes shutting momentarily as he took a deep breath. “They’re fine. Roronoa’s still got a ways to go but it’s funny watching him struggle. Perona’s at least helping with the fields if nothing else.”
“I still can’t believe the dreaded Hawk Eyes, the strongest swordsman, likes gardening,” Shanks said with a laugh. “You need to let me try eating some of your crops one of these days.”
Mihawk chose to ignore the wink the transponder snail gave him. “You can have one of the fifty pumpkin pies Perona made.”
There was a pause before the snail raised both its eyebrows, the scar across its left eye shifting. “Fifty,” Shanks repeated flatly.
“It was a rich crop.” Mihawk shrugged. “They’re actually decent.”
“Will you add whipped cream and feed them to me?” Shanks asked eagerly.
A beat passed.
Mihawk wasn’t expecting to hear from Shanks again for weeks after hanging up on him. They didn’t talk often in the first place but, more than that, the Emperor of the Sea could be nothing short of a brat. It wouldn’t have been the first time for him to get all sulky, going so far as to refuse to even enter the same sea Mihawk was in. This would usually end with Beckmann or Roux unable to handle the whining any longer and just dialling Mihawk’s snail number themselves and forcing their captain to just talk to the reason he was upset.
So, when the man himself appeared on his doorstep late at night only a day later, bottle of wine in hand and a smirk on his lips, saying Mihawk was surprised would be an understatement.
“You said something about pumpkin pie and whipped cream?” he asked with a wink, tilting his head to the side as he gazed at Mihawk with a cheeky spark in his eyes.
Mihawk stared blankly at the man for a moment. What the hell was he saying? Or what was he even doing on Kuraigana Island—or even just in Paradise, for that matter?
“I said nothing about whipped cream,” he responded finally, voice perfectly flat.
“Might as well have.” Shanks just waved his hand dismissively before forcing his way through the door past Mihawk as if the castle belonged to him.
Mihawk didn’t even care anymore.
With a deep sigh, he closed the door and followed after the red haired menace. It was only mildly disturbing how well Shanks navigated the complicated hallways of the castle—the very same hallways that Roronoa still struggled with after a whole year of living there. Had he really visited this place enough times to flawlessly lead the way three floors up, all the way to the cosy little lounge next to Mihawk’s room, chattering away about stupid stuff the whole time?
Thinking back… maybe he had. 
Although he certainly hadn’t come invited, not even once.
“Shoes off the couch,” Mihawk ordered as soon as Shanks threw himself on the expensive piece of furniture as if it were a bed.
“Says the guy who puts his feet on the table wherever he’s invited,” Shanks grumbled—but still took his shoes off.
Mihawk huffed, putting a bottle of West Blue sake on the coffee table in front of Shanks before pouring himself some of the wine Red Hair had brought, then settled into his own chair. “So? That one is mine and I will not tolerate your disgusting, dirty boots on it.”
“Hypocrite,” Shanks said, sticking his tongue out at Mihawk.
The man only rolled his eyes; there was no point in even gracing that with a response. So, instead, he simply swirled the wine in his glass, then took his first sip as he relaxed and leaned back in his chair. If nothing else, he had to admit that Red Hair knew his alcohol; it was good wine. The colour was a beautiful red like garnet, its bouquet had fruity undertones, like cherry and raspberry. It had a smooth, rich flavour, lingering on the tongue for a moment but not overpowering—perfectly balanced.
“Are you just going to ignore me?” Shanks whined when Mihawk didn’t say anything.
“Why are you here anyway, Red Hair?” Mihawk asked instead of answering.
There was a moment of silence, silence that made Mihawk crack one of his eyes open to look at the man lounging on his couch like he belonged there. Mihawk clicked his tongue at the thought—the very notion was ridiculous. 
Instead of dwelling on it, Mihawk took in the expression Red Hair was making right then. He was looking back at Mihawk, a wide, seemingly goofy smile playing on his lips… yet his eyes were serious, as serious as they were whenever someone would threaten one of the Emperor’s friends. Mihawk wasn’t sure what it meant.
But then, Red Hair opened his mouth to finally reply, “I was summoned by the promise of being hand fed pumpkin pie by my darling Hawk Eyes.”
“Again, I said nothing about hand feeding you. Are you a toddler?” Mihawk sighed.
“Yes.” There wasn’t a single hint of hesitation in Red Hair’s voice and Mihawk had to bite his cheek to keep his lips from curling into a smile.
“Then go back to your ship, I’m not your nanny,” Mihawk replied, keeping his voice carefully measured.
At that, Shanks gasped dramatically… and Mihawk knew what he was going to say before he so much as opened his mouth to do so. “You’re so mean to me! Meanie!”
There it was.
“I’m going to cut off your other arm and leave you to bleed out.”
“Ouch,” Shanks said before he burst out laughing. “We were just coming from the East Blue so we were close anyway.”
Mihawk was quiet for a moment, simply regarding the man sprawled on his couch; he took in how relaxed he seemed, more relaxed than the world ever saw him. And yet, his gaze was heavy, the deep scar over his left eye standing out in the dim light the same way it did ten, twelve years ago when it was fresh; when Shanks was just a young man who was barely coming to power. When Mihawk barely knew him.
But now, he knew the Emperor. And he knew him well enough to know when he wasn’t telling the whole truth.
"Whatever, it's not like I care," Mihawk dismissed.
“You’re terrible,” Shanks whined. “You’re seriously going to force me to admit I missed my boyfriend? My strong and handsome and oh-so-caring boyfriend?” Boyfriend?
Biting back a snort, Mihawk raised an eyebrow. “I did not ask, much less force you to admit anything,” he deadpanned.
“You just won’t admit you missed me too, will you?” Shanks sighed.
“What a pointless question. If you already know the answer, why do you bother asking?” Mihawk asked in response.
“Let me dream, you ass,” Shanks grumbled, closing his eyes for a moment before a grin took over his face once more.
Mihawk watched impassively while Shanks put his feet on the ground and sat up slowly, giving Mihawk that annoying look of his; the look that balanced on the edge between deathly serious and playful, and that always preceded something getting broken—a plate at best, Shanks’ last existing arm at worst.
And when Shanks stood up, not taking his eyes off Mihawk only to bump into the coffee table… Mihawk could only hope nothing too expensive was going to fall victim to the Emperor and his stupid ideas. So, he simply raised an eyebrow while Shanks cursed quietly, shooting a quick glare at the offending piece of furniture before his eyes turned to his lover—or boyfriend, apparently—with new-found determination.
It took only a moment for Shanks to stand right in front of Mihawk’s chair, staring down at him while Mihawk blinked at him slowly, blankly, one leg thrown over the other as he took a deliberately slow sip of his wine. Waiting for Shanks to make a move, daring him to do anything he might regret.
Like pissing Mihawk off. Or—
Before Mihawk could even finish the thought, Shanks reached out with purpose, his fingers closing around the wine glass in Mihawk’s hand, pulling it away… and Mihawk let him. 
He watched in mild amusement as Shanks brought it to his own lips, taking a sip—one large enough to be considered a gulp and if it was in any other situation, Mihawk would have been offended by the disrespect paid to such good wine. As it was however, he could only smile the smallest bit at the sight of Red Hair licking his lips appreciatively.
“I have to say, I picked a really good one. And I don’t even drink wine,” he said with a small laugh.
“It’s certainly better than the swill you brought last time. Couldn’t have even been called wine,” Mihawk noted. “More like someone dumped a bag of sugar into grape juice. If the people who created that insult of a drink even knew what grapes were.”
“Oh, shut up,” Shank hissed, his face twisting in fake annoyance.
And Mihawk… couldn’t stop the chuckle that bubbled out of his chest at the sight.
Immediately, Shanks’ expression brightened, a victorious spark in his eyes as if he had just won a hard life-and-death battle and Mihawk rolled his eyes. He seriously could be such a child. Why did he deal with him at all?
He supposed it was one of those things that would never make sense… and Mihawk wasn’t sure he even wanted it to make sense.
He didn’t fight it when Shanks’ knee forced its way onto Mihawk’s chair, wedging itself in between Mihaw’s thigh and the armrest; the man himself leaned forward, towering over Mihawk and caging him in place. It was funny, how natural feeling his warmth against him felt—were it anyone else, Mihawk’s skin would be crawling but with this man, this absolute menace on the world and Mihawk’s life… he didn’t mind it at all.
Instead, he welcomed it. 
He welcomed the warmth. He welcomed the weight on his legs—he wasn’t even sure when he had uncrossed them to accommodate the man who had decided to crawl into his lap as if he were a cat. He even welcomed the way his hands automatically came to rest on the sides of Red Hair’s thighs, thumbs rubbing circles into the fabric of his pants.
And he welcomed the lips now hovering so close to his own.
Mihawk huffed in amusement; he could only imagine how the world would react to seeing the mighty Emperor of the Sea like this—sitting in his lap, basically begging for his touch, his lips. Too bad he was the only one who would ever see him this way.
It only took a split second for their lips to connect, the kiss hungry and desperate, as if they were trying to make up for the almost three months of separation in that single touch. They moved against each other with practised ease, Shanks’ lips stretching into a smile against Mihawk’s mouth. Despite himself… the gesture made Mihawk want to smile as well.
He let his hands wander, sliding up and down the man’s thighs before moving up, slipping underneath his loose and wrinkled dress shirt until he touched bare skin.
Shanks shivered under his touch, but seemingly determined not to lose, he let his tongue run slowly over Mihawk’s mouth, his teeth scraping lightly over his bottom lip—teasing, without deepening the kiss. Not pulling away even the slightest bit, Shanks started shuffling then, searching blindly with his hand behind himself—until something shattered.
And once Shanks’ hand came to rest against his cheek, the fingers stroking his skin gently before sliding into his hair… Mihawk was reminded of the wine glass that was—had been—in Shanks’ hand, now most likely lying broken into pieces with red wine spilling all over his expensive white fur carpet.
“You’re cleaning that up,” Mihawk said flatly against Shanks’ lips.
“Don’t ruin the moment,” Shanks muttered, his breath caressing Mihawk’s cheek while his fingers curled in Mihawk’s hair to scratch his scalp gently, sending shivers of pleasure down the swordsman’s spine.
Gulping heavily to keep his voice level, Mihawk repeated, “You’re cleaning that up.”
“Fine. Tomorrow. But now shut up,” Red Hair hissed before he moved forward once more—only to bite Mihawk’s bottom lip in retaliation.
As if he had any right to retaliate after ruining the fucking carpet.
Mihawk was going to make sure it was either spotless by the time the menace left, or paid for in equal value with whatever means.
But right now, with said menace licking and sucking on his neck, he couldn’t say he cared. Right now, he only cared about those lips, the fingers tangled in his hair, and the soft skin of Shanks’ sides that seemed to be burning under Mihawk’s touch… and Shank's sweet, almost delicate moans as he pulled himself closer to grind against him. 
Moans so quiet that Mihawk could barely make them out—meant for his ears only.
And he was going to make sure he got enough of all of them, enough of Shanks tonight to make up for all the time they had spent apart.
Zoro’s morning started just like any other. He woke up at 7 AM, got dressed and brushed his teeth, then it was straight to his usual twenty minute run around the island. After getting back two hours later, it was time for a quick shower—he didn’t see the point when he knew he was just going get sweaty again later but Perona could get fucking unbearable otherwise. She’d end up complaining endlessly about his sweaty brow, and even being on the same island with someone so ‘smelly’ and ‘disgusting’. He would really rather take a pointless shower than deal with one minute of that so he begrudgingly made his way to the bathroom before he could finally head to the kitchen for breakfast.
He wasn’t surprised to find Perona already sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of pancakes and a steaming cup of tea in front of her, the stupid ugly bear of hers sitting securely on her lap. Hawk Eyes was exactly where Zoro had expected him—standing at the stove, making the pancakes that Perona was happily shoving into her mouth as if they were the best meal she had ever eaten.
Zoro had to wonder just what kind of food the woman used to eat while at Thriller Bark. Sure, Hawk Eyes was a decent cook but nowhere as good as Curly. Zoro wasn’t sure if that said more about Perona's culinary experiences or Curly… but Zoro would be damned if he so much as admitted he might have possibly maybe kind of missed the asshole’s cooking.
“Good morning.” Zoro yawned, grabbing a pancake off of Perona’s plate as he passed by.
“Hey! Get your own!” Perona yelled instead of returning the greeting.
Hawk Eyes sighed, flipping the fresh pancake he was making. “Grab your own plate or you’re not getting any, Roronoa.”
Shoving the rest of the stolen pancake into his mouth, Zoro rolled his eyes, passing by Hawk Eyes to get some water since he was still being unjustly forced to live without alcohol. Soon, he would earn his right to have a goddamned beer, though. He’s almost got it, he was going to turn his blades black for sure. Any day now.
“Any sake in that fridge?” came an unfamiliar voice from behind him.
Zoro frowned, turning his head to the side to look over his shoulder to look at the man standing behind him—his red hair and that scar looked vaguely familiar but Zoro couldn’t for the life of him place that face. He was tall, his uncovered chest sported powerful, well defined muscles, his very presence making it obvious he was strong, much stronger than Zoro despite his missing left arm… but it wasn’t like that had ever stopped him.
“You talk about alcohol in front of me one more time and I’m going to cut you,” Zoro growled, full of annoyance as he slammed the fridge door shut.
“Scary,” the man laughed loudly before side stepping Zoro to get to the fridge.
Zoro simply rolled his eyes, deciding it wasn’t worth it getting mad over not being taken seriously. It was too damn early for that. So, instead, he walked away, taking a plate of Hawk Eyes’ pancakes before dropping into his designated chair opposite of Perona.
“So where are all the pumpkin pies I was promised?” the stranger asked then.
“Pantry,” Hawk Eyes replied absentmindedly while he poured hot water into a mug.
Perona’s eyes widened. “Are you giving out my pies for free?!” she asked, scandalised.
“Thank god. I’ve had enough pumpkin to last me till the next life,” Zoro muttered.
“Excuse me?!” Perona hissed, turning to glare at him instead.
Zoro simply ignored her, turning his attention back to his pancakes; they were sweet and he hated sweet things… but it was still worlds better than having to eat pumpkin pie for breakfast for the third time that week.
“Would you rather I throw them out, Ghost Girl?” Hawk Eyes asked flatly, making Perona puff up… before she deflated, begrudgingly admitting the man had a point.
The red haired man laughed loudly again. “So domestic. What a sweet little family.”
“Shut the hell up, Red Hair.” Hawk Eyes shot back, obviously not amused by the remark. 
“Sorry sorry,” the man apologised… yet his voice was still shaking with laughter when he walked off to drop into a chair next to Zoro at the table as if it were a normal Sunday.
It was only once Perona had to slap the man’s hand away from her plate that something seemed to click in her mind and she froze. She didn’t move at all for a long while, simply staring at the stranger who was trying to steal her breakfast exactly the same way Zoro had earlier… until her mouth fell open and she slammed her hands at the table as she shot up from her chair.
“Shanks?!” she screeched. “‘Red Hair’ Shanks?!”
The man blinked, obviously taken aback by the sudden development. “Uh yeah?” he tried uncertainly.
“Oh my god,” she said, her hands flying up to slap at her cheeks; maybe trying to get herself to wake up from a dream.
Zoro, on the other hand, tilted his head to the side as he looked at Perona, then the red haired man, then at Perona again. Shanks. Why did that sound familiar?
“Shanks as in the Emperor?” he asked, voice full of disbelief even to his own ears.
At that, Shanks laughed. It was a full-blown, unrestrained laughter, one that reminded Zoro of his own captain. But Luffy wasn’t there; instead, one of the strongest, most powerful people in the world was sitting next to him, laughing so hard he could barely breathe while Zoro and Perona just sat there, staring at him like he was a mirage—or maybe a hallucination.
Maybe those stupid pumpkin pies had gone bad sooner than they had thought and now they were all suffering from food poisoning? That honestly seemed more plausible that an Emperor of the Sea sitting in their fucking kitchen.
“What is ‘Red Hair’ Shanks doing in our kitchen?! Why?! What’s going on?!” Perona rattled off, seemingly on the verge of hysterics.
“Stop screaming, Ghost Girl,” Hawk Eyes said with annoyance as he approached them. “This is my kitchen, be glad I didn’t kick you out. Here, your coffee,” he added, putting a steaming mug in front of the fucking Emperor of the Sea.
Or more like milk with a splash of coffee. Disgusting.
A soft smile spread on Shanks’ face at that. “Thanks, love,” he said, catching Mihawk’s wrist before he could walk away—
And Zoro and Perona could only watch with wide eyes as Shanks let go of Mihawk’s hand only to continue further up the man’s arm, moving gently over the thin fabric of his shirt until he touched bare skin. But Shanks didn’t stop there—he let his hand move higher still, his fingers sliding behind Mihawk’s neck and tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, closer… until their lips connected.
It was a chaste kiss, almost innocent—if not for the familiarity of it, and the unspoken intimacy that made even Zoro blush.
Zoro could swear it took a full hour before the two pulled away, Hawk Eyes clicking his tongue in annoyance even while the corner of his lips twitched upwards.
As he stared at the two of them, suddenly he started noticing more. There was a suspicious dark bruise on Hawk Eyes’ neck just below his ear. The angry red scratches on Shanks’ back that he had previously thought were barely healed scars now looked closer to claw marks. And was that an actual bite mark on the Emperor’s shoulder?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, his eyes then caught something white contrasting against Shanks’ red hair and he frowned, squinting slightly at the Emperor. Was that whipped cream behind his ear?
Nope. Absolutely not.
Zoro decided he didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to know about it. Didn’t want to see it. If he closed his eyes, if he just didn’t look…
It simply wasn’t happening.
But then, Perona’s distressed voice echoed around the kitchen again. “What the hell is going on?” she asked. When Zoro glanced at her, she looked like she was about to stab the two old men with her tea spoon just to get out of this situation.
Zoro couldn’t blame her.
“You see,” Red Hair started, “when two people love each other very much—”
“AHHHHHH! Negative Hollow!!” Perona screamed before Shanks could get another word in.
Zoro would be lying if he said watching the mighty, powerful Emperor of the Sea slump onto the table lifelessly, mumbling something about shrimps and plankton wasn’t satisfying—if completely surreal—but he didn’t even have the mind to appreciate it. He had learnt more about Hawk Eyes than he ever wanted to in the last two minutes and he wondered if there was a way to erase his memory.
As he robotically stood and left the kitchen without a word, heading for another ten minute run which would hopefully last a few hours—long enough to clear his head—he nostalgically thought back to the time when the worst of his problems was Nami threatening to double the interest on his loan if he dared to sleep through another snow storm.
Just one more year, he thought.
Just one more year and he could go on to pretend that had never seen 'Red Hair' Shanks in his life, ever, and certainty hadn't seen him half-naked, with a lazy just-fucked grin on his face in their fucking kitchen.
He could only hope there would never be a repeat of this morning—for the sake of his own sanity and limited ability to erase things from his memory.
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