dexter-erotoph · 6 months
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do yoy even care that this is the first time we’re seeing pumps tooth gap not in a picture
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a pretty good day. I am really excited about going into work later. It really helped make today suck a little less. My jaw and ear are still really swollen, but Im in a much better mood. I slept pretty good too. Getting up wasnt as urgent, so I could just lay and take my time. James had woken me up to say goodbye before heading to their ESL class. But I just left myself lay here for a while. 
When I did get up I got dressed and felt very cute. It was cold in here so I wore a flannel and slippers. But I was in a nice mood. 
I had the crepes James left me. Did a little bit of cleaning. I worked in the studio for a while. I actually did some sewing! Very proud of myself. I also worked on a digital drawing and Im really happy with how it came out. I painted my nails and worked on some small stuff in the studio. It was a good morning. 
I was surprised when James came home around 11. The ESL class doesnt take all that long so they got to come and have lunch with me. It was good to spend time with them and just chill for a while. Some plans were laid about what needed cleaning and organizing. And I got ready to go to work. 
I had spent a good chunk of my studio time this morning covering cardboard in tinfoil for the kids to do some sharpie drawings on. I was pretty excited for the kids to get to try this new thing. So I use all our tinfoil and cut a bunch of flaps off cardboard boxes. And once lunch was finished I packed up my bag and headed to work. 
I ran into our neighbor, Nick, outside. He said my mask and makeup were very cool. His hair was looking great. It was nice to see him! He doesnt live here all the time anymore so it was nice to see a familiar face. 
I got to the Y site around 1240. Riquelle laughed at me that I was so early and I was just like. I told you I have anxiety!! I told her about the leak in our ceiling and the stress of that. But I was thankful for getting to go in late so I was still in a good mood. 
And it was an alright day. There were 11 kids, which became 12 after a bit. Most of the kids were really into the tinfoil drawing. Though there was some confusion about what I meant by "cells" but after an example most of them got it. I hung them on the wall and I think they look pretty great. 
We had some issues with snack. Just not enough food. But we made it work best we could. We took them upstairs to run around. One kid got hit in the head with a basket ball though and had his sunglasses broken and he was very upset. And just like, bruised. So I took him down to get an ice pack and sit quiet. 
I sat with him in the class while Riquelle called home. He was alright, but I think talking to mom helped. I worked on figuring out how to make a fortune teller thing that the project of the day called for. I was not that kind of girl and never learned to make one so it was neat getting to learn today. Travis mostly lead that project but all the kids got a working fortune teller by the end so thats all that mattered. 
The kids started getting picked up pretty quick after that. I ended up sitting down at the desk to call for pick ups when parents and adults came. It was nice to just get to chill by myself for a bit, and to talk to parents. Check in on some of the things the kids have been telling us about the work they have to do. Which mostly are lies or half truths. Sucks. I want to trust the kids, but I get not wanting to do work. So its hard. Were all doing our best. 
Our last kid of the day's nanny brought us BBQ??How nice. She brought me mac and cheese and corn bread. I was very excited to have those. So me and Travis quickly finished cleaning and closed up for the night. And off I went. 
Its nice having so much sun after work still. I walked home and found James and Mr Will working to solve the leak. It is going to be a plumber issue, and seems to be coming directly from the pipe in our closet. So while it sucks at least its not freezing or anything. Nothing is getting destroyed. Trying to stay positive. 
And it was funny seeing Mr Will play with sweetP in the hallway. I had my mac and cheese and cornbread. James made us pizza and salad too. We hung out. I got to open some mystery packs. They were all cute/ugly critters. And then at 7 I stuck to my word and worked on art for about an hour. 
I am working hard on my collages and its been nice having some more direction. The plan is to get some large scans of them to make prints to sell. Well see how well that works out. 
James and me sat in the dungeon and had some cheese cake and played video games. And now I am going to go take a shower and get ready to get some sleep. I hope tomorrow is another nice day. For all of us. 
Goodnight everyone. Take care of eachother. 
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illidanstr · 8 years
fyi critical news here
chuck tingle did an AMA, he was homeschooled.  best AMA.
there are so many timelines they are actually infinate so YES i am the best writer on other timelines but not all of them there are some timelines where the best writer is a ROGUE AI name of chuck (not me please do not ask me about this way) also there are timelines where writing it not allowed this is a very scary place and lies danerously close to The Void i would not recommend going there
yes they are in paperback and they are a GREAT GIFT FOR A BUD you can read them togeather and learn about eachothers bodies in a normal way maybe trotting cutely togeather or maybe horsing around in the front yard http://www.chucktingle.com/paperback.html
well it is MOST IMPORTANT to understand that it is not the choice of the weiner but the choice of the butt that is number one rule and must be understand. so best way to find this out is to talk to the handsome dinosaur butt you are appraoching and say "hello i like yoru way i would like to UNDERSTAND YOU MORE would you like to understand me?' and soimetimes they will say yes i would love this and sometimes they say no thanks! that is okay you are still special and important there will be a handsome butt out there for you someday THERE ARE SO MANY ON SO MANY TIMELINES and when love is real it is not too hard to stumble on
i think you would VERY MUCH ENJOY TINGLERS as a straight buckaroo it could even make you realize that your trot is not exactly as straight as you thought i would say give it a try and if its not for you thats okay. we all have a preferred pound but sometimes it can be fun to test the waters of our own unique way and maybe even find out it is even more unique than we thought. ALSO IT IS OKAY TO LIKE THINGS THAT HAVE BUDS KISSING BUDS that will not make you any less of a buck! some of the worlds best stories are about buds kissing buds like STARS TREK: THE HUG OF A CAPTAIN and A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS BUD.
well first things first it is important to remember that EVERYONE feels this way sometimes. this is TYPICAL call of the lonesome train. but then you can think, 'well if everyone thinks this sometimes then i guess me and everyone else have a lot in common, i didnt realize that!' then you can start thinking that maybe you have EVEN MORE in common as buckaroos. now when you get up the next day you can have a spring in your set and think IM GONNA GO PROVE LOVE and then when someone sees you proving love you can remember that you have SO MUCH IN COMMON and ask if they want to be your bud and hey look now you realize how important you are AND you have a new friend thats two birds on a single stick
my way is unique but we ALL have our own unique ways. as a buckaroo growing up it was very hard for me to UNDERSTAND FEELINGS OF OTHERS and accept SOCIAL CUES so eventually i found out that i could pretend to accept social cues even if i didnt and then i learned that with a CHARACTER OF CHUCK i could become myself. so then i wore an imaginary mask of myself to say 'hello remember when i could not talk to you? now i can talk to you in this UNIQUE WAY and i can express myself' and it is so nice because now i can prove love in the world and I think that is very important. so that is my way.
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