emjee · 4 months
hiiiiiiiiii I've had three glasses of wine and here's a WIP preview of the fic I'm calling "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (Library)" (aka Steve Rogers gets a library card circa 2011 and quickly learns about Librarians Vs. The PATRIOT Act)
“I can help who’s next.”
The next man in line at the reference desk of the Brooklyn Public Library was so handsome that Marian’s brain quickly supplied a list of five potential nicknames for him that the staff could use among themselves if he became a regular.
“Hi, I was uh, wondering about getting a library card?”
“Sure, I can help you with that! Are you a Brooklyn resident?”
“For a long time.”
“Have you had a card with us before? If you have I’ll check and see if you’re still in our system.”
“I did, but it was a very long time ago.” Neighborhood kid, she wondered, maybe just moved back to the old stomping grounds?
“Well, we keep the records for a couple of years, and we do like to check so we avoid duplicates. What would the name on file have been?”
“Is there something else you can search by?”
“If it’s under a name you don’t use we can try address and date of birth.”
“My birthday’s July 4th.”
A year would have been helpful, but they could circle back to that. “What’s it like sharing a birthday with a country?” she asked as she started typing.
“Well, the fireworks always made me feel special when I was a kid.”
“I’m sure. Do you remember what address we might have had on file?”
He took a moment to reply, and when he did his voice was calm, but soft enough that she had to learn forward to hear him. “I don’t think it’s there anymore.”
House fire? Gentrification?
This sort of thing happened from time to time—a patron came in who clearly had a story that made getting them what they needed less straightforward that it might otherwise have been. That wasn’t a problem; sorting that sort of thing was literally what the fine people of Brooklyn paid her for, but she was always curious about people’s stories. Sometimes they told you, sometimes they didn’t. She wasn’t going to ask, though. Curiosity or no, it was ultimately none of her business.
“None of that’s a problem,” she assured him. “I can make you a new card right now, if you have an ID and proof of address. Driver’s license would work for both, or a passport, state ID, student ID plus a piece of mail…”
“This is going to sound like a silly question, probably…” He looked at the ceiling, like he was trying to figure out how to phrase it.
“No such thing,” she said lightly. “Besides, we’ve probably heard it before. Probably ten times a day.”
“If I do get a card, does anyone…know? Besides you all, I mean.”
Marian sat straighter in her chair and immediately became all business. “Not a silly question at all. Any record that identifies you by name is confidential under New York state law. We don’t even let law enforcement have it.”
A genuine grin dawned  on his face and she immediately thought of three more possible nicknames. “Seriously?”
“Not unless they’ve got a warrant or a subpoena.”
“Huh. But it would have to be under my legal name?”
“We do need to have it on file, but if you have a name you’d rather use, we can make a note in the record. That’s the name your mail would come addressed to, and what the staff would call you.”
She watched him glance down, smile, and put a hand in his pocket.
“Yeah,” he said, producing his wallet and handing her his ID. “In that case.”
She set the ID on the counter in front of her while she opened a new card registration form and didn’t give it a proper look until she had her hands on the keyboard.
Well. That certainly explained a lot.
After entering ROGERS STEVEN GRANT into the record in a rapid clatter of keyboard strokes, she glanced back up at him and said, “What would you like me to put in the preferred name field.”
He gave it a moment’s thought. “Fred.”
She couldn’t suppress a smirk. “Excellent choice. Same last name?”
“Joke’s not as good if I change it.”
“Fair point.” She grabbed a fresh card from the drawer and scanned the barcode into the system, then saved the record. “Welcome to the Brooklyn Public Library, Mr. Rogers.”
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freckliedan · 5 months
a lovely group of phannies has been reading tarot about what may be coming next for dnp, and a lot of cards have been repeating between readings. i've been compiling stats, & i'm moving that to its own post! up to date as of 10:50ish pm PST.
so far, there have been 72 cards pulled by myself, @yonpote, @dnphobe, @thetrashthatsmilesback, @tarotphil, @whipcracknumber5, @emojackolantern, @queerdnp, @slitsfordan, @ghoulish-art-tendencies, and @thighguys. of those 71 cards:
28 are major arcana (38.8%)
14 are wands (19.4)
11 are pentacles (15.2%)
11 are swords (15.2%)
8 are cups (11.1%)
and 43 (59.7%) of those are duplicate cards:
the fool (2)
the high priestess (2)
the empress (5)
the hierophant (2)
strength (4)
the devil (2)
judgement (2)
the ace of swords (2)
the two of pentacles (2)
the three of wands (2)
the six of wands (2)
the seven of pentacles (3)
the eight of wands (2)
the nine of swords (2)
knight of wands (3)
knight of swords (2)
king of wands (2)
king of pentacles (2)
so the most pulled cards are the empress, strength, the seven of pentacles and the knight of wands.
major arcana cards show up for major/impactful life events or important moments in time. pentacles (earth) shows up for everything tangible and material, wands (fire) shows up for action, passion, creative spark. swords (air) shows up for matters of the mind/grief & pain/clarity/ideas/communication. and cups (water) is less present, but is tied to matters of the heart/intuition/connection with others.
when looking at the suit composition of this reading, it's clear that something big is coming. and it's not internal; this is communicative action driven by passion enacted in the "real world", likely in the context of community. fire + air can be a dangerous duo, spreading extremely rapidly, but this is anchored by the steady & deliberate nature of earth.
the increase in air cards makes sense to me with dan and phil both being triplicate air signs & the increasing amount of thought and anticipation being directed at the situation by phannies.
looking at the most repeated cards, the empress + strength + the seven of pentacles? that's generative energy. something is being created. and whatever it is will begin from a place of balanced power without a need for control. and this new thing is being made real by a grounded and fair assessment of where past efforts have landed dnp.
and the knight of wands is now one of the most common cards, too. in this situation that's dan.
my takeaway from all this is so firmly that they're hard launching—the new thing entering the world is an extremely significant communicative action with material impacts driven by passion. (convenient time to mention they both have venuses—the relational planet—in fire signs).
i can't see anything but a hard launch and a wedding (to be legally bound to another person is SO material) fitting those parameters, and i think that once again this is following dan's pace. though, this time i think due to the need he had to self-actualize with creative endeavors separately from phil—those pursuits are now drawing to a close.
you can look at past stats and analysis of specific readings in my tarot tag.
i'm going to put the standard composition of a tarot deck below the cut for comparison, and if i make any future updates to this post i will put a copy of the stats before the change there as well.
a standard tarot deck has 78 cards:
22 major arcana (28.2% of the deck)
14 cards of each suit (17.9% of the deck)
and none of these cards are duplicates.
VERSION 1: 05/01/2024 9:53 PM
so far, there have been 57 cards pulled by myself, @yonpote, @dnphobe, @thetrashthatsmilesback, @tarotphil, @whipcracknumber5, @emojackolantern, @queerdnp, and @slitsfordan. of those 57 cards:
25 are major arcana (43.8%)
10 are pentacles (17.5%)
9 are wands (15.7%)
7 are swords (12.2%)
6 are cups (10.5%)
and 29 (50.8%) of those are duplicate cards:
the fool (2)
the empress (5)
the hierophant (2)
strength (3)
the devil (2)
judgement (2)
the ace of swords (2)
the two of pentacles (2)
the six of wands (2)
the seven of pentacles (3)
knight of wands (2)
king of pentacles (2)
so the empress has been in 62.5% of readings, strength and the seven of pentacles have been in 37.5% of readings, and the rest have been in 25% of readings.
major arcana cards show up for major/impactful life events or important moments in time. pentacles (earth) shows up for everything tangible and material, wands (fire) shows up for action, passion, creative spark. swords (air) and cups (water) are less present, though swords are gaining ground.
when looking at the suit composition of this reading, it's clear that something big is coming. and it's not internal; this is action driven by passion enacted in the "real world", likely in the context of community.
the increase in air cards makes sense to me with dan and phil both being triplicate air signs & the increasing amount of thought and anticipation being directed at the situation by phannies.
looking at the most repeated cards, the empress + strength + the seven of pentacles? that's generative energy. something is being created. and whatever it is will begin from a place of balanced power without a need for control. and this new thing is being made real by a grounded and fair assessment of where past efforts have landed dnp.
my takeaway from all this is so firmly that they're hard launching—the new thing entering the world is an extremely significant action with material impacts driven by passion. (convenient time to mention they both have venuses—the relational sign—in fire signs).
i can't see anything but a hard launch and a wedding (to be legally bound to another person is SO material) fitting those parameters. possibly a new creative project,but that just isn't coming across vibes wise?
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Man Down ~ B.A.
A/n: I haven’t watched the show in a long enough time that I forgot all the crisis events and I don’t want to go back and watch any of them soooo I just made it Savitar era centered. Hints of Savitar x reader like. Everywhere. Sorry about that lol
Request: “...Barry x male reader, reader gets hurt trying to protect Barry during a crisis event?” By anon
Word Count: 5200+
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When Caitlyn sat down next to me, we both knew it was too late, but I admired her for trying anyway. Even before she spoke, I knew what she was going to say. I could tell in the way her lips curved into a frown and her wide eyes begged, but her words had no energy to them, that she knew it too. That she recognized the way I was acting. That she saw through my calm and comforting and reassurance. My hopelessness underneath, mourning so much more than Iris West’s death.
Mourning my own.
It had been months of fighting back Savitar. So long trying to save Iris’ life. To change the future. They’d made some progress here and there, but…. Ultimately not enough. It was obvious that Barry wouldn’t be able to stop it. Wouldn’t be able to save her. And Barry Allen couldn’t live without Iris West.
What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t do everything in my power to keep them together?
A different back and forth had been happening, other than the battle of wills between Barry and his time duplicate. A battle of love. For years, I’d longed for Barry to stop looking at his best friend and to pay attention to me. To level those adoring eyes and loving gazed onto me instead of her. He never did. Sometimes I thought he might, almost like he was considering it. Just like the days that Iris almost paid attention to Barry. Almost saw him as something other than a brother, as she had decided he was. Almost.
Almost only counted in horseshoes and hand grenades, as the song goes. So I’d decided that if it came down to it - me or her - Barry would chose her. He already had, and he would again. He would be mad at me for doing this. He would be so, so angry. But he’d get over it eventually. He’d move on and reconcile. They’d fall in love one day. There was a newspaper by line proving it. He would be happy with her. One day his almost would turn into an absolute. He might not forget his friend, who had once been, but he would be happier in the end if this was me instead of her.
So I would die instead.
“Please don’t do it.”
I smiled when Caitlyn finally spoke. It was a lie when I smiled, when I looked at her with confusion. “Do what?”
Her gaze bore into mine. “I don’t know.” There was already mourning in her tone. Oh Caitlyn… poor Caitlyn. How much had she lost? How many? My one regret - I could t spare my other friends from my loss. “I don’t know what you’re planning, but you’ve been acting different. And it’s worrying me.”
I looked away, face scrunched as I worked on the design Cisco had asked me to work on. He had a new suit idea for the future, and being more gifted with a needle than him, I was usually the one he went to. I hoped to finish it before it was too late. Now it was an easy thing to focus on. To play casual with. “You worry too much Caitlyn.” A boldfaced lie. We all knew she worried exactly as much as she should. All her friends were suicidally wreckless. “I have no plans.” Another lie. I looked up at her, smiling again. “I’m worried about Iris too, but I know Barry will pull through. He always does.” I winked, nudging her. Too many lied for what was probably our last person to person conversation. “I promise, okay?”
She didn’t respond to that. She looked at the suit I was making. Like it was proof. And it was, in a way. Hadn’t I not been working on it this whole time? Hadn’t I said it would take me a while? Hadn’t I told Cisco it would be a while, with the little details I had to work out and all the stress around us? Too much stress, too much to do, not enough time to handle it all.
The fact that I was making time for this - I might have yelled it was my final act at the top of my lungs. Not that I had to, for the people that could see the unspoken words in the way I said goodbye and the words I didn’t say and the things I did or didn’t do. Not for people like Caitlyn. She would have always ended up here, unable to stop me but desperate to try, knowing I would do anything to save Barry from the agony he was facing. Knowing that I loved him enough to destroy myself.
Her best of all, who had seen it in her fiancé’s face the day he had promised to see her again, knowing he was doomed to die. Of Caitlyn. Poor, brilliant, amazing, wonderful Caitlyn. If only I could spare you from reliving this again…
I looked away, back toward my sewing. She didn’t believe me, we both knew it. But there was nothing else to be said. So we didn’t speak again, sitting in the last silence we’d get together. Too few days now until Iris was supposed to die. Until I would take her place instead.
“You know, it’s weird.” I looked up when Savatar spoke to me, no longer startled at the way he simply appeared in my room. He had been doing this since the day he had been exposed for who he was. The first time it had been terrifying, but it had soon become clear as to why he did it anyway, and over time I had gotten used to it.
“What’s weird?” I asked calmly, returning to my sewing. “The fact that you keep breaking into your future partner’s bedroom before even meeting in your own proper timeline, or the fact that I’m seeing a suit you don’t recognize?”
Savitar fought a smile. He was doom and gloom unless he was around me. Apparently in the future we fell in love or whatever. I couldn’t imagine knowing what I know now, and still falling in love with him. Knowing what he would do. Who he would become. How he would destroy the man I love now. Apparently, the future was a wild place. Or… would have been. How it’ll never have happened. Not for me and not for hun.
Perhaps we were soulmates after all.
“I knew I shouldn’t have reacted to that suit you’re making. Spoilers.”
I snorted, unable to handle the hilarity in a time duplicate coming backward in time to kill someone just to ensure his own existence, using Barry’s memories to put himself on top the whole time. He was a walking spoiler. His backstory alone was the most raw look into what was supposed to happen yet.
“So not the suit then,” I decided on, looping back to his original comment. “What’s weird?” I looked up at him briefly before returning to my work. I couldn’t help the tender spot I had for him. He was a darker, sadder Barry. All the same memories and expressions and body language but with more pain than even my Barry had. It was in my very blood and bones to want to cheer him up. To want to make it better. That I did understand. I knew that a future me would have carried that softness and kindness toward him. He had mention that was how he had fallen in love with me - the one who treated him like a person, who recognized and cared for him.
Perhaps that was how I managed to fall in love with him as well. The way that he was Barry enough to count, but different enough that it wasn’t bitter. Wasn’t overwhelming. Different enough that he wasn’t obsessed with Iris. We probably would have been happy.
Savitar watched me, as if studying me. “I love watching your mind work. All the things you never say that simply click together in your mind.” He swallowed, and I knew he was thinking about how much he missed me. Future me, who loved him without guilt. I wonder if he visited the older me when he wasn’t actively spending time taunting Barry and making plans to kill Iris. I wonder if future me knew where he was, what he was doing.
I sighed. He was right, I really did have too many thoughts to speak them out loud so rarely. He really did know me like no one else did. It was jarring. “You didn’t answer my question. What’s weird?”
His smile finally won out. It edged on a smirk, but was a little too soft around the edges while he looked at me. He looked so much less intimidating like this. So much more like Barry. “To see it happen like this. To see the seeds planted of our future even before we existed in the same way. To know you so deeply, when you don’t know me at all, knowing that later you’ll know me as deeply and I will be the one who’s surprised by it.” He sat down at the table across from me, studying my face. “I always wondered what it was like to go into a relationship knowing someone, hearing stories, being aware of the steps even before they happen. When I opened my eyes the first time and you smiled at me. When I realized that you were different, and I found out that you knew me all this time ago. I wondered if you started falling in love with me before I was created. I wondered if my coming back in time was an influence for you, as you being so familiar and comfortable with me so quickly was an influence for me. I had this idea in my mind that we were this never ending cycle. That we ended up together simply because we already knew we would end up together.”
My smile grew dry. “Time travel is a weird one,” I agreed. “And I can imagine what you mean. But… no. I don’t know when my future self fell in love with you, but it wasn’t now. It isn’t now for me at least. Maybe now that the future has changed it’ll be different.” I shrugged, not looking up. Thinking about how I would die, driven by my love for Barry. About how I would never get the chance to fall in love with Savitar to begin with.
His eyes narrowed. He leaned forward, catching my wrist. I looked up at him - and I saw it in his eyes. I saw the understanding and the accusation. I saw the rage there, as I’d seen it in Caitlyn. The mourning turning quickly to denial. To refusal. He saw my resolve, my plan, even though he couldn’t understand what it was or how I had come up with it. Why I had.
“What are you planning?” He demanded.
I met his eyes evenly, deflating a bit. It was harder to lie to this man. Not just because of his face, or his voice. Not just because he was so like Barry that he had a hold on me from day one. Now he was his own man, esperare from Barry, and he still had a hold on me. A part of me perhaps already did care for him. Perhaps that was the part that would have loved him one day. If we’d had the chance.
“I don’t have a plan.” My voice was even and unrelenting. His eyes flared with anger for a moment, and it seemed that he might lash out. But I was special to him. He didn’t know Iris, and he specifically hated Barry. Everyone else was lost to him. Strangers who estranged themselves. Who shut him out first. But me? I was supposed to be the love of his life. He couldn’t be the monster he became so easily around the others. The violence he didn’t struggle to harness for them was impossible with me. We both knew it. He melted, slowly at first but then very suddenly all at once. He fell from his chair, moving around the table at super speed to kneel in front of me. He turned my chair so that he could move close to me. His hands rested on my wrists, and he held my gaze. There was a deep desperation there. Pleading. Very like the look that Caitlyn had given me. “I don’t have your memories. I don’t remember what you did, or do, or how you change through time. I… I can only beg. I will do anything for you, just please let it happen.”
My frown twisted into almost a snarl. Almost. I couldn’t quite bring true bitterness to use against him either, as he could not summon violence against me. We were trapped in our love for each other. In our softness, at the very least. “Why would I do anything you asked me to?”
He searched my eyes, and then sighed with relief when he found it. Found the part of me still fighting to survive. He recognized that I hadn’t completely given up. Completely committed myself to death. What sentient creature didn’t have survival reflexes that fought to extend those last moments? Who didn’t cling to life, even when death was inevitable?
He saw that part of me that fought and he sought to encourage it. “You find love after him. You’re so happy with me. We get married in the place from your dream board. Every dream you had comes true. You have a whole life, Y/n. You have eternity. It feels like eternity for us. It feels like forever. Where I’m from, it’s only been a few years, but I’ve been to the future. I’m a hero because of you. I take Barry’s place. That horrible world that he created for a while, when he leaves everyone behind - I fill it. You help me. We become the new team Flash. It’s… it’s different,” and it’s a plea when he says it. A desperate sell to get me to see the future he does. To want it. To believe in it. To fight for it. Or, more accurately, to not fight because of it. To give up and let it all happen. “But it’s ours. He never loves you. He never will. But I will. I see what he doesn’t. What he won’t. And we’re so much happier than they ever could have been. We’re worth it. We’re worth this.”
I can’t help myself. Even for Savatar, who I want to hate, who I’m going to destroy, I can’t bring myself not to want to reassure him. As I reassured Caitlyn last time, and have reassured Harry and Cisco and Barry and Iris and even Joe. I lean close, and I press a kiss to his forehead. His eyes flutter close and he leans into me, hands loosening their death grip as he melts into the affection. The first time I have showed it to him, as I am. A sign that I am capable of becoming the person who loves him. A beacon of hope I’m sure. I kiss him and I hold him when he leans into me and I close my eyes and, worst of all, I lie to him. “I won’t do it. I won’t do anything. I want that future with you. I want to be happy. I want to be loved. I want to be with you.” And it isn’t a complete lie. There are truths there that ring in my voice, making it warmer and filling it with light and hope and joy.
Half lies are so much easier to believe.
And he does believe them.
Savitar leans away from me, a hand rising to push hair behind my ear as he looks into my gaze and sees tears. “Can I kiss you?” He asked this question only once, always seeking out how much affection he’s allowed to show me. Until now, I couldn’t face something like that. The betrayal to Barry that it would be. We barely got to hugging until tonight.
But tonight… I’m going to die for Barry. I’m going to give him the ultimate sacrifice for his happiness. I can be a little selfish. Take a small betrayal for myself.
“Yes,” I whisper. Savitar doesn’t wait to be told again - he just kisses me. He has been waiting for this and I can tell. I’ve been waiting for it too, and that takes me by surprise. This weird in between, where kissing him is the daydream of kissing Barry that I have king craved, but also something completely new and separate and not about Barry at all. The part of me that will always love Barry meets the part of me that finds it easier and easier to love Savitar and I finally understand. They are the same part. I never moved on from Barry to love Savitar. It was new and also the same. Me getting everything I ever wanted and also something completely different. Me holding onto what I’ve been holding onto since day one, but also letting it go too. I didn’t move on from Barry - it was like dating his brother or his best friend. It was unfair to Savitar and even more unfair to me.
This darker me with these far more selfish desires…. It was sickening to think about. How could I have done this?
Now it was clearer than ever that I was going to go with the plan I’d picked. I was sure. I wouldn’t become the person Savitar knew me as. I wouldn’t let that version of me win. Not this time. Not ever.
The device wrapped around my wrist, disguised as a bracelet, had a wire attached that ran underneath my long sleeve, up my arm to the power source on my chest. The full body machine had been beautifully effective in making me not only look like Iris West, but being one hundred convincing in proving that I was her. I could smell her perfume, reach up and almost feel the curl on her hair. I would die as Iris West and no one would have time to recognize me, let alone stop me. They’d only have time to mourn me. And with Savatar’s defeat following so close after my own, I doubted they’d have the capacity to do anything other than celebrate.
Just as they always did. Take a moment and then let it go. Continue to be happy and successful, as the friends we’d lost along the way would want. And that was true, I did want them to be happy. I only wished I could have seen it.
Savatar had me in his grip, and I flinched as he gripped me a little too tightly. There was no softness now. No tenderness spared for the person he loved. I was Iris to him now. He wouldn’t realize he had killed the person most precious to him until it was too late.
I felt bad for him. It felt terrible that I was making him do this. That he was choosing to do it. That, perhaps, the forces of the universes drove him to be in such a position that we were all partially guilty. For treating him poorly. For having to kill Iris to survive. To choose between the woman he loved once, and the person he would come to love after. To chose between the man he had once been and the man he was made into after he wasn’t that man anymore. After he stopped being Barry and everyone turned on him.
My eyes closed when his fingers wrapped around my throat, my head tilting back as I felt the sun on my face for the last time.
Barry screamed.
Someone else screamed even louder.
My eyes flew open, recognizing Iris’s voice. She had her blazer opened, revealing the device on her chest. The one I had out there to turn her into me. To make her look like me so that she could hide until it was all over. So she could live.
What in the holy hell was she doing now?
Whatever it was, whatever play she had been trying to make at the last moment to save my life, it had been too late. Savatar flicked his wrist, gripping hard as he began to speed up, letting the speed force take him. He soon slammed to a halt as he processed that Iris was standing so far from him when she was supposed to be in his grip. That she was in two places at once.
Unfortunately for me, he had moved, and in shock he had loosened his grip. Barry didn’t have super strength, neither did Savatar. I ripped from him, going flying as my body rag dolled. I slammed into something solid. A tree? A wall? I couldn’t quite tell, my vision was blurry and spotted and for a second I couldn’t breathe. Everything spun and I was stunned - frozen in a moment of free fall and terror. Iris was supposed to have been zipped away, neck snapped and eyes dead to the world. Everything had gone wrong…
And then it went even worse.
The pain came all at once as my moment frozen in time ended. The agony of my burning body as I groaned while trying to scream. I realized immediately that my leg was broken and there was something wrong with my chest. Maybe a rib broken as well? Definitely a concussion. I blinked my eyes and saw blood around my face. Oh… I had hit something very hard indeed. Several broken things and a head wound. I was horribly injured, but perhaps not mortally.
Savitar was above me, tears streaming down his face. “Why?” He was asking, over and over again. Trying to understand. Failing to do so. I realized that in the process of my injury, the machine hiding who I was had broken. I was exposed as myself now, and all his softness was back. No betrayal. No anger. Just loss. Only mourning.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. And I realized that I had said it every single time he had asked me. A mantra of my own to match his.
He had lost the chance to kill Iris. In running to my side, the time had passed and as he looked down at me we both knew it. Love had won out in the end. But not our love. His love for me maybe, but my love for Barry. Barry’s love for Iris. A cycle of unrequited, unreturned devotion. An unending string of broken hearts.
As the pain took over and I went unconscious, I saw his skin begin to fade away, turning into waves of light and energy. He unwound and spun off into the breeze, and he cried for me and I cried for him and we watched the other fade away as our friends watched the two of us, unsure if or even how to help.
The last thing I saw was him, still asking why, me still answering in echoing apologies, and my friends still watching in horror.
I woke up in the infirmary bed that Barry had laid in, in a coma a few years ago now. I woke up to see him sitting in a chair next to me, as I’d sat in a chair next to him. I had been apart of the team building the particle accelerator. I had been a designer. An engineer. I put metal and fabric together with the same fingers, the same methods. Back then I hadn’t been here for the day it all went wrong. I’d moved onto another project, one I’d be kicked from when my name got dragged through the mud and my credibility was demolished. Caitlyn, Wells, and Cisco had welcomed me back with open arms, and though I couldn’t do much in studying Barry, I was a good comfort. Even with him unconscious I’d found myself falling for him in the stories that were told and the things people shared with him while unconscious to get him to respond. To get him to come back. I admired hun through their eyes, and felt their love until he one day was awake and had become my friend and I got to love him in a way that was all my own.
Now it was a bit startling to see him next to me, hand holding mine and completely unconscious. Just as he had found me the first day he had woken up. Dutiful and beside him like a guardian. A watcher, waiting for him to wake him as he waited for me now.
“Barry?” I went to pull my hand away and he stirred immediately, desperately holding onto me as he lifted his head, blinking bleary eyes heavy with sleep. He looked around the room, obviously not expecting the interruption to have come from me. How many times had the others had to drag him from this room? Oh god why did that make my heart do somersaults?
When he realized I was awake he light up. Still tired but far more alert, as it super charged by seeing me awake and seemingly better. I hurt but I could muster a smile and that seemed to be enough. He whispered my name, pressing his lips to my knuckles. “You’re awake,” he mumbled dreamily. Like it was the most important news he had ever gotten.
I couldn’t help it. I blushed. “Yes. I am.”
He chuckled and I watched him as he wiped sleep from his eyes. “Sorry,” he apologized. “Didn’t mean to fall asleep. I’ve been doing that a lot, here, in this chair. Gotta be bad for my back.” He tilted his head in an attempt to pop his neck, but didn’t let go of my hand.
“Barry,” I began slowly, eyes narrowing as I tried to make sense of what was happening in front of me. “I’m lost.”
He smiled, as if I had done something rather adorable. These were one of those almost-maybe moments where I thought he might have loved me if things were different. It took me by surprise now, lasting longer than it usually did. His tender admiration didn’t fade or switch out or get embarrassed or distracted and flee. He turned his full attention toward me without hesitation. “I can imagine how… disorienting it would be. To almost die trying to save Iris for me, only to wake up and… it’s all different now.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “Different how?”
He grew quiet for a moment, holding my hand and letting his thumb run back and forth across my skin. When he spoke, I found that I hadn’t been breathing the whole time. It was too much but I didn’t dare stop him. I didn’t dare stop him. “When I realized it had been you the whole time. That all this time, I had been watching you die. Not Iris. Or, maybe Iris, but that this time it was you. That somewhere maybe it changed. I saw something else too. I saw her guilt, and found out how long she’d known what you were doing. She didn’t even come that day - Harry did. Disguised as Iris to save you, willing to sacrifice his life for yours. Both of you so brave and amazing. And… I can’t imagine what it would be like to know you were going to die and then seeing an alternative. But, I understood you more than I did her after that. You get me in a way she never will. I sacrifice myself for people too. That’s what being a hero is about. And I am a hero to some people. I try to be a hero as much as I can be. I want to be a person who stands with pride. Not with guilt. And… it made me love you even more. It made me realize that I’ve had these feelings for you for a while.”
I blinked. “That’s impossible.”
Barry laughed, once, startled by my reaction. “You’d have thought. I was sick over Iris…” he shook his head. “But I realized, it was obsession more than love. I was fixated on her. I couldn’t have any other relationships, couldn’t even entertain them. I was trapped by this idea of destiny. The newspaper and Earth 2 and Eobard Thawne and Eddie dying. It was like we had this great destiny. Like I had to be with her. I was expected to be. It was all leading to this. And I realized that a part of it was that it felt useless to try anything else. My future had already been decided. And part of it was that it felt like a prize. For being a hero, and for being patient. For waiting for her. It felt like a reward.” He scowled. “And I realized that’s a super toxic mentality to have. Iris isn’t s prize, or a reward - she’s a person. And I kept treating her like she was only going to be happy if she was with me. That we were two halves of a whole. But she’s a whole person by herself, and she’s capable and worthy of happiness on her own.” He shrugged. “Between that and my love for you, surging in this moment… I just felt like an idiot. I’d spent so much time wasted on a relationship I’d already failed by feeling like I was owed something. I’m not, and it’s different with you. Freer. This happened naturally, and despite everything else. Against all odds. It was given to me, I worked for it. No destiny, no predetermination. Just you and me. No god or fate involved. And I like it better this way.”
My heart surged, and my eyes went wide. “Barry Allen, did you just say you’re in love with me?”
He laughed, this time for a while, and he kissed my hand again. “That was.. a lot, all at once.” He sighed, grabbing my hands between both of his. “I’m sorry, let’s start with something more simple. How are you feeling?”
I couldn’t help but grin. “Wonderful.”
He beamed back. “Perfect. Can I kiss you?”
It felt like a dream as I whispered, “Yes.” He kissed me and I thought about when I had kissed Savitar. We had both dodged relationships that were bad for us. He had been obsessed with Iris his entire life, eternally pining and blinded, treating her like so much less than a person. And I had done the same with Savitar. Iris had been an idea to him, as Savitar was a missed opportunity I had seized in a new and different way.
How much better that we lived in the timeline where s’more genuine love won out. That we chose each other and got to be our best selves, instead of pushing for relationships that we wanted no matter the cost. No matter protest or person. This… this was freer. More innocent. Kinder.
“I love you,” I whispered, and I felt no guilt. Only joy. I imagine that the other me must have felt a lot of guilt. But not this me. Not this time. Finally I was free of that.
“I love you too,” he whispered back, and I heard it in his voice too. The freedom. The joy. The love.
How wonderful was that?
Male Readers: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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love---mandy · 1 month
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Pardon the back to back posting I just really wanna show these guys off and they’ve been sitting in the Queue for like a month
So me and my sister @fanstuffrantings have been rewatching Fairy Tail, and she’s doing a rewrite/redesign, and I sometimes chime in with an idea or two. But we were talking about OCs, and we both made a few.
First up is the Earth Dragon Slayer, Rock, and a member of Blue Pegasus.
He’s a fairly happy guy, quite detailed oriented. He loves caring for and dressing up Claudia, and this is made somewhat difficult by Claudia being slightly airheaded. She means well but she will often walk right into dangerous situations.
Another thing is Rock loves eating mud, and Claudia knows this, and she knows his favorite mud is the type made when it rains. A very common occurrence is her going outside during a crazy rainstorm trying to collect mud, and Rock without fail has to come pick her up before she’s carried away by the raging wind.
Next is Kane Reid AKA “Mad Dog”, he’s only recently picked up Celestial Magic, and he’s a member of Quattro Cerberus.
He hasn’t always been a Celestial Wizard he only became aware of it in the last few years when he came into contact with a key, and took an interest in learning about the magic. But he’s still in the transitional period, before celestial magic he mainly used enhancement magic items, since he prefers hand to hand combat.
He’d mainly use Gemini to duplicate himself, and basically tag team his opponent. Scutum is a mooring shield that can move freely around the wizards body, and protect points it senses are about to be attacked. And Kane found a Nikola because he thought it was going to be an actual dog, needless to say he was quite confused. But he loves his little guy, he’s names him Thrasher.I wasn’t able to show off his hair that well but its quite long,
I’ve definitely forgotten a few things about them but these are the main things I thought for them.
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fakesimp · 1 year
Loving you, With Luca Kaneshiro
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Warning !
Fluff ; Crack ; Mentions of Marriage ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Nooo, I did not listen to the wedding vp, much to my despair, I don't have the money, well that doesn't matter, I am here to feed you with all I can !
Sleeping, or to be precise, you fell asleep waiting for your Beloved Golden Retriever.
What is he doing? He is doing his job of course, he also told you to play with the dog he just bought ! You see the golden retriever as a duplicate of your lover, they are literally the same. But just different species.
Moving on, You fell asleep on the touch, companied by the Golden Retriever on your chest. Sleeping with you too, you were playing with them as you wait, but your eyes were so heavy that you decided to take a quick nap, and as if the dog understand how you felt, they jumped on to your lap, slowly crawling up to your chest and laid down on your chest.
Both of you slept soundly, until you heard a door clicking, it was so faint, you opened your eyes and then see the bright ceiling, soon you felt something small and heavy on your chest, oh right.
It's the dog, it decided to sleep with you. You lower your eyes and see the dog sleeping peacefully on your chest, you smiled at the sight, soon after you heard a pair of shoes echoing on the hallway. You gently placed the dog on your lap as you rise yourself up, surprising the blonde.
"W,woah-! I thought you were in our room-!" A familiar voice rang into your ear, you look towards the owner of the voice, smiling warmly at him. "Welcome back home Luca" You greeted him, he returned your smile and walk up to you. His eyes then landed on a golden thing- oh wait, it's his dog. On your lap, he blinked and stared at it for a good minute. "Luca?" His eyes flicker up to yours when you call his name, he smiled, "Hm?" "You're staring" He blinked multiple times and then let out a breathy laugh before leaning in and kissed your forehead. "Sorry, the dog distracts me for a minute."
. . .
You had put the dog in his place, since they're sleeping, you are now waiting for Luca on the bed, he's currently showering, you can hear him humming a song as he walked out of the bathroom, looking around the room and then stopped when he sees you on the bed. He put the towel away as he approached you, he laid down next to you, he then propped his arms up, resting his chin on his palm. "Babe, you know.." He lowered his eyes for a moment before looking back up at you.
"I was thinking about this one thing, it has been going through my mind recently" He smiled at you as his other hand reach out to yours, gently grazing his thumb along your knuckles, "I was wondering," he kept on stopping mid sentences, it made your curiosity grow each second.
Somehow your heart also beats faster than usual,
"How would it be if we are bound together, till our last breath? "
He stared down at your hand, his thumb stopped and gently rubbing your ring finger.
His eyes flickered up to you, your mouth slightly agape as you instantly understood what he meant, "You.. want to grow old together, ...with me?" You asked slowly, and his smile grows wide. "Yeah, I mean, ...well, of course I do, how about you? Do you want to grow old with me?" Instead of answering you immediately jumped towards him, wrapping your arms around him, smiling, also trying to hold back tears. "Of course I do!"
Luca hold you tight as you are now on top of him, he kissed the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you, letting out a breathy laugh.
"It is a plan then"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
And that, is, all ! Hope you enjoyed this ! floofy with Luca Kaneshiro, special mention his new pet dog fufu~
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plooto · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
words . 2.8k
notes . uh okay, so realistically, this would never never never ever happen. that is why it is fiction. i did not proofread this so please read at your own risk TT . and the fact that this chapter is more than the first two combined is actually spinning me in circles. uh, nsfw later on so be careful where you read this ? <3
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still sore from your training with zee, your body ached as you pulled yourself out of bed, jumping in the shower, you made your way down to the lab. walking through various sectors, trying to wake your body up before you actual clock in.
i suppose i can start by analyzing my na’vi dna, and going over my previous research that got me here, nearly a full na’vi duplicate, eyebrows sticking out like a sore thumb. you continued walking, towering over the humans passing you in the halls. it’s funny you thought, you’re short for a recom, yet much taller compared to humans.
“ oh, l’n, glad i caught you. ” the voice snapped you out of your head, derailing your train of thought with a halting screech. you stopped, turning downwards to the voice, crouching down to the general.
“ the doctors in the lab has made me aware that they need more samples, with your avatar body, you will not trigger the immune response from the animals. i am assigning you to get the samples and i will have colonel quaritch escort you. he’s already been briefed and the scientist have more information ” i nod once, giving her a salute and heading down to the lab.
meanwhile, quaritch was undeniably irritated. why’d they pick him to escort some science puke anyway? the hell could be so important that they needed him? colonel stood off to the side, arms crossed as he listened to his squad make chatter. as the door opened, it draws quaritch’s attention, his eyes setting on the recom that drove his senses wild.
“ hey check this out.. ” he heard lyle whisper to mansk. you barely make it in the the door properly before all the recom’s eyes were on you. your eyes scanned the room, looking for a colonel miles quaritch.
“ hey zee ! ” the recoms turned to zdog, watching as this tiny recom made her way to one of their own, silently questioning her as she walked past them. zdog turned her head, making eye contact with you, giving you a quick nod of her head
“ what brings you to this neck of the woods? ” you pointed to the backpack on your back,
“ i need to make a run for the scientist..i’m looking for a colonel miles quaritch..? ” the way his name rolled off your lips made his ears in back against his head as a rough shiver went down his body. the feeling was short lived however, as the recoms all turned to face him.
“ that colonel you’re looking for is over there. ” zdog said, pointing right at the colonel. with his presence now known to you, he pushed himself off the wall, walking over to you.
you couldn’t tell if it was from the lax pace he was moving at, or the fact that everyone else was sitting, but he looked really..really tall. you audibly swallowed, earning a laugh from your best friend next to you.
“ you- you’re quaritch? ” you didn’t mean to stutter, your brain couldn’t think, he was just- just so large.. you took a step backwards, hoping to help your neck to look up at him, he took a breath from the oxygen mask around his neck before replying,
“ that would be me. ” he gave you a smirk, partially because he hears his name leave your lips, partially because he likes how large he is compared to you. you blink a few times before replying,
“ uh, the general said she already briefed you, i’m ready to go when you are.. ” you say, fumbling with your fingers underneath the backpack. you felt a hand slap your fingers and you turned, making an angry face at zee, a lighthearted hiss leaving your lips. the recoms laughed at the interaction between you two, leaning back and ignoring the games they were previously playing.
“ let’s go. ” the colonel said, walking away without waiting for your response. you waved to zee, lightly jogging to keep up with quaritch.
“ yo, did she have three fingers? ”
you walked behind the avatar, your tail behind you swishing as you thought about finally being in the heart of pandora, not what the RDA has built, ruining the beauty of the planet.
“ hey! ” you jump, turning to look up at the colonel. he shook his head, “ christ, i said lead the way. ” you blinked, softy apologizing before taking the lead. thankfully the samples the researches needed weren’t too far from the base, you had a feeling the colonel wasn’t too fond of you..
you walked, looking around, trying to juggle looking for the samples you needed and admiring the beauty of pandora’s forest around you. and it seems the colonel caught onto your internal battle.
“ we ain’t come out her’ for sight seeing, princess. getcha head out ya ass. ” you turn around to face the colonel, eyes flickering down to his broad chest and back up to his face.
“ not like you were doing anything anyway.. ” you mumbled under your breath, you turned your head again, looking at plants with intent. a yelp left your lips as you felt a tug on your tail, a shiver running up your spine as you pulled it into you, turning to look up at the colonel.
“ ya better watch that mouth ‘o yours, t’gonna get ya in some trouble. ” you look at him with shock written all over your face. there’s no way he just yanked on your sensitive tail to tell you that.
“ what the hell is wrong with you!? have you lost your goddamn mind? ” you look down at your tail, rubbing it soothingly. the colonel smirks down at you, amused by your fiery reaction, your usual stuttering and ditzy brain now focused on him.
“ ‘scuse me? ” he said, tilting his head to the side, waiting for you to answer him.
“ respectfully, colonel, my tail is more sensitive than you recoms. if you haven’t noticed, i am more na’vi than you guys are. ” you say, adding emphasis by holding up your four fingered hand. the colonel lifts an eyebrow,
“ s’that s’posed to mean somethin’ to me? ” you scoff, lowering your hand and wrapping your tail around your thigh,
“ unbelievable. ” you say, shaking your head. mid-shake, a plant catches your eye, and you walk towards it, your boots on your feet making you unsteady, with a groan, you take off the boots, discarding them somewhere before pushing yourself into the tree. tail now swaying freely, you brought yourself to sit on a branch before pulling out a container, placing the sample in it as carefully as you could.
the colonel watched the entire thing, eyes narrowing. he scoffed, realizing you had his undivided attention.
“ if i ain’t know any better i would’ve thought you were a native. ” you ignore his comment, pacing the sample in your bag before lowering yourself from the tree. you look around, eyes landing on another one they needed. leaving the colonel behind you while you make haste to get to the next sample. you jump up on the tree, leaning against the trunk while you lean over to get the sample, nearly slipping but you caught yourself. swallowing thickly as you didn’t want to get any of the sap on you, this specific one was really not to be handled lightly. you shook your head, moving a tab more carefully as you collected it. smiling, you placed the lid on it carefully, placing it in the bag before wiping your hands, there was nothing on them, you just did it from habit. dropping out of the tree, you didn’t look at the colonel before speaking.
“ almost done. ” he hummed in response. he was distracted, he’d managed to calm himself down with your scent, or he thought he did. he watched as you moved, looking as if you were analyzing the trees, when you found the one you were looking for, you took the bag off again, reaching past the other samples to grasp a needle. you pointed it to the tree root, saying some native words he couldn’t quite make out. you repositioned yourself, planting your ass between your heels, tail suspended as you focused.
three syringes later and you were packing up, tucking everything safely to make sure nothing moved nor spilled. unbeknownst to you, your arm brushed the sample you didn’t want to get on you—couldn’t get on you. it was only when you were settling the backpack securely on your back that you realized.
“ crap ” you muttered, headed towards a river, kneeling down to try to wash the substance off.
“ ya do something wrong there? ” the colonel asks behind you, not quite looking at you. you hummed,
“ this sample they wanted, it’s also an aphrodisiac. it doesn’t affect them, cause of course, their human, but the natives? they use this when they want to mate. ” you spoke casually, as if it was no big deal, continuing to wash as much of the substance as you could. the colonel looked down at you, your tail was flicking side to side. the colonel hummed as a response, turning away from you to observe the area around you two.
you stood up, wiping your hand over your arm to push off the water. you turned, stepping around the colonel, picking up your boots, tying the strings together.
“ lead the way, colonel. ” you said, stepping to walk next to him. now that you were finished, you resumed your so-called ‘sight seeing.’ pandora was the prettiest places you were able to see with your own eyes. you admired the pants, the pretty different colors you seen, the exotic shapes and sizes of various plants.
meanwhile next to you, the colonel had a smell running rampant through his mind—it was you. the sap that you had washed off, wasn’t taken off nearly as fast as it should have been. his senses extra sensitive to your tiny body. he took his eyes off the path they were taking to look at you, still lost in the lush that surrounded you. he swallowed thickly, hoping you wouldn’t catch sight of his tail swishing excitedly behind him. mumbling a curse he pushed his tail, refocusing it on staying still.
“ that stupid plant y’ got, ” he started, taking his eyes off of you, looking ahead once again as you turned to him, “ what’re the side effects? ” you pressed a finger to your lips as you thought back to your past research.
“ if i remember correctly, it makes whoever is wearing it more attractive, cause their scent gets stronger. after a few minutes na’vi close to said being will be attracted to them, wanting to.. ” your sentence trailed, “ mate.. ” you stopped walking, quaritch stopping a half step in front if you. you looked up at him, eyes narrowing,
“ you- i- ”your face flushed slightly, “ you’re being affected…aren’t you..? ” the colonel rolled his eyes, trying to hide his body’s growing excitement, however his tail behind him couldn’t be bothered to remain discreet.
“ the hell’re y’ talkin’ about? ain’t no plant getting the better of me. ” he gestured for you to walk in front of him, a small ruse to watch you walk, and to hide his body parts that couldn’t be bothered hiding their excitement. you pursed your lips, walking in front of him. you walked, your nose picking up on his growing arousal soon after, you stopped suddenly. miles behind you narrowly stopping himself before his hardened length pressed into your back. you turned around, craning your neck to look up at him.
“ colonel, you can’t go back like this.. ” his brows pulled together as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“ ‘scuse me? ” he said, irritant clear in his voice, you lifted your hands, holding them up beside your head in defense
“ respectfully colonel, if you don’t want your reputation to go to waste, you’ll let me help you. ” he took a deep breath, face displaying more irritation, “ look, i don’t like this any more than you do, but if you don’t stop it, you’re going to be thinking about mating with me until you can, ” you said, your arms drop back down to your sides.
in any other situation the colonel would curse them out for talking to him so freely—but this was you, the tiny recom that drove his senses wild. he glared at you, with a huff, he positioned gun on his back.
“ w’tever, princess, let’s get this over with. ” you pursed your lips, nervousness filling you as you relieved yourself of your backpack, ensuring that it didn’t tip over and clumsily dropping your boots. as your eyes find his, you step towards him.
quaritch looks down at you, watching your every move, the way you body moves towards him, it drives him wild. the moment you’re within arms reach, he grips your waist with near bruising strength, pulling you into him. your chest bumps against his stomach, he grins at the size difference. he kneels down, lips attaching to your neck, hot open-mouthed kisses making you shiver in his hold. your eyes flutter shut, guard slowly slipping away from you as a breathy moan leaves your lips. you bite your lip as his hands wander lower, one gripping your ass as the other fiddles with the pants you wore. your hands grip at his shoulders to steady yourself, your knees growing weaker from his hot onslaught on your neck. once your pants are low enough his fingers shift, his middle finger rubbing at your folds.
“ christ kid, y’re soaked ” he mumbled against your neck, his other hand slips under your shirt and his large hand rests between your shoulder blades, pushing you ever closer against him. brain fuzzy, you struggle to get a proper response out.
“ shut up.. ” you make out, strained as your nails sink into his shoulders, earning a low growl from the colonel. quaritch’s fangs slide over the junction of your neck, just under your shirt. his hands grow impatient and he slips two long fingers into your heat as his teeth sink into the sweet spot on your neck. you couldn’t stop the moan leaving your lips as your back arches into him. he smirks, teeth releasing you as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you at a bruising pace. he licks his lips, practical tasting your arousal as it fills the air around him.
he rips his hands from you, barely giving you a moment to breathe before he presses you against a nearby tree. you angle your head, stealing a glance behind you as he impatiently fumbles with his belt. you smirk,
“ havin’ trouble? ” you tease, trying your best to mimic his dialect. he pays you no mind, finally freeing himself from his confines and pushing a hand into the gap between your shoulder blades. your bright yellow orbs widen as they settle on the size of quaritch. he noticed, the smirk on your face being transferred to his,
“ cat gotcha tongue? ” your eyes look up at him,
“ shut up. ” you curse, his hand pressing you further into the tree, shutting you up before you can mouth off at him anymore. he doesn’t warn you when he pushes into you, his free hand holding you still as he bottoms out, hips flush against yours. he cursed, holding himself still to avoid tumbling over the edge immediately. your eyes were screwed shut, chest rising and falling faster than normal as you clench around his length, feeling unbearably and utterly full.
“ fuck. you wanted this didn’t cha, princess? ” you don’t get a chance to reply as he pulls out nearly entirely before shoving his length back into you at a bruising pace. you bite on your lip as he pulls you back, standing up fully as he folds your knees to the sides of your head. the new position had you seeing stars, your head falls back onto his shoulder. your hands rest on his, a desperate attempt to anchor yourself as he manhandles you, using you as if you were a toy.
you choked out a curse, “ ‘m close. ” you say, mindlessly mumbling his name as your orgasm builds. right as you were about to fall over the edge, he yanked you off of his length. your mind slows down, your release slowly fading. before you got a chance to propose, your back is pressed against the tree, quaritch’s hands underneath your thighs as he pants above you. he leans down, lips crashing against your as he pushes his hardness into you, hitting the deepest parts of you, the noises of the forest being drowned by your arousal. he grunts, feeling your release run through him as his hips still against yours as he falls over the edge himself. he pulls away, setting you back on your feet. something catches your attention from the corner of your eye, legs wobbling as you take a look.
“ oh shit. ”
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published . october 4 , 2023
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Author’s Note: this is the second part of mer-Joth’s fic!
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Warnings: magical ritual, imprisonment, ask me to tag something if it bothers you
Summary: Joth wakes up post deamon-stabbing. Things go… Strangely from there.
Joth woke up to the sound of smug sorcerer chanting, and the worst headache he's had in over three hundred years. The Thousand Son who made off with Joth's own rightful sacrifice has tied him upside down to some sort of stone. Fucker left his mouth unbound, so the irritated World Eater planned on making it the damned blue badtard's problem. “HEY FUCKER! LET ME OUT OF THIS AND GIVE ME BACK MY SACRIFICE!” He also starTed to struggle against the chains binding him in place, hoping that either the links in the chain or the stone to which he'd been pinned to would give way, thrashing as much as his bindings would allow him to.
“Hmm… No. I had been stalking after that rare specimen for months in preparation for this Ritual. Then you showed up at the last moment and messily ripped it apart. Luckily for me, you kept intact the organs and bones I required for this. I and dozens of my brothers are collaborating together on this Great Work, and should we succeed, it will allow those of us who are blessed by Chaos to work with the Warp much more similarly like it is back home, rather than the ash-fired clay effort it takes to do anything more than minor tricks here and now.” The Thousand son sniffed, glaring naughtily down at Joth for a couple of moments before returning to his chanting.
The World Eater thought about that for several seconds - the greater blessings of Khorne he had earned couldn't be used in this time, on Ancient Terra for reasons Joth could only begin to guess at. The ability to go on sustained Rampages… To ensure the Blood Flowing and the collected Skulls given to the Throne…
It was almost enough to get him to purr and settle into his bonds. “... and if I promise not to interfere with your… Ritual? Will you let me free then?” He could respect another's irritation at a kill being stolen from him. Stuffy blue fuck could have led with that hours ago and saved them both the trouble. But no, stubborn bastard sorcerers refused to communicate in more than smug smirks and annoying as fuck riddles a good ninety percent of the time, trying to prove that they were so much smarter than everyone else.
At least his Primarch survived the Heresy, and had led them to greater powers, as well as the endless glory of fighting for Khorne. Away from the false light and moneyed lies of the corpse-Emperor and his throne of lies and two-faced duplicity.
The thousand son continued to chant for several minutes, the brilliant blue glow of Warpcraft steadily shining through the other's eyes, mouth and hands as he continued the task he had set himself. Fucker didn't even look in his direction in order to acknowledge that Joth had spoken.
One of his oldest and most familiar companions - Wrath - charged to the forefront of his mind, made his dual hearts sing for the preparation of battle, in spite of the deamon-poison stings that caused his body to ache fiercely all over. Joth struggled against his bindings again, feeling some of the metal begin to stretch and give way beneath his bulk and strength.
The thousand son continued to ignore him completely, his chanting in the partially air-filled cave bouncing off of the walls, creating an echo that made it seem as if dozens or even hundreds of fellow Sorcerers were chanting with him, just a beat or two off of his own chanting. The blue of warp use continued to intensity- and started to color and light the water where the other Mer sat tall, hands weaving complicated symbols over the sacrificial bones and meat laid out on the altar the fucker was sitting in front of.
The bones and meat had begun to glow as well. Moments after that, they began to move, slowly at first before gaining speed. They started to spin around and around the room, with each revolution getting faster and faster. Along with the chanting, Joth could swear that he could hear the last pained and frightened calls that the large aquatic mammal had made - had they been a warning call, to chase others away, or a desperate plea for help?
As the glowing and chanting continued to intensify, one of the larger organs suddenly splattered against a sharp rock, causing the color of the warp-crafted light to change from blue to magenta.
Oh fuck no.
Whichever of the dark powers the thousand son had been seeking to strengthen, the plea had just shifted to another, and Joth was not going to participate in a Slaaneshi ritual while tied to a big, fuck-off boulder. He could be interpreted as part of the sacrifice and that was not happening.
Joth continued to thrash and struggle against his binings, feeling the Metal continue to give way…
But the warp-light was intensifying, and the distinctive crunch of bone on stone intensified the magenta hue, prompting the Khornate Chaos Marine to triple his efforts in an attempt to escape.
The light, chanting and spinning of flesh and bone continued to intensify, weĺl-past blinking and deafening to Joth at this point, even as he'd shut his eyes, to try and preserve them.
The sound of his chains breaking was the sweetest down Joth could ever remember hearing, and he shot out of the water - feeling the electrifying buzz of active warp-energy coating his scales… Which may or may not have consequences he'll need to deal with and/or adjust to. But that was Later Joth's problem. Right now he needed to get the fuck out of here before the ritual either ended successfully.
Or… Considering this was a project led and done by The Thousand Sons… Blow up spectacularly horribly in their faces, leading to a widespread and devastating curse affliction them. But Joth had no interest in Being Cursed by an overconfident sorcerer coven.
He swum as swiftly as the twisting tunnels and partially filled watery caverns would allow him, following the scent of fresh air.
About half-way through he battled into something small, soft and warm. His deepest instincts howled Mine! Protect! Defend! As different kinds of chains began to wind around his soul, leading into your small and delicate psychic fingertips.
Having no desire nor time to explain what he was fleeing, Joth scoops you, his newly bonded human up and continues to swim at his top speed, keeping you tucked into his chest, both so that you’re as safe as he can make you be at the moment, and so that you don’t slow him down.
He does not stop when he carries you up and out of the underwater cave system that you’d been exploring. Nor does he slow down as you flail and scream - nor heed much to the confused yelling of your friends.
But since those yelling humans are important to you, they are also picked up as he continues swimming through the air as fast as he can. He air-swims for hours before gently setting you and your friends down on the soft candy beach. He curls around you protectively as a wave of magenta-tinted exhaustion hits him “Danger… in the caves.. Do not return… Little Bonded…” He croon, making sure to use the same language that you and your friends have been yelling at him the most in, his eyes closing, even as he keeps curled protectively around you.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
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Teasing and Techniques (Another Level - Installment 2, Part 1)
“Gojo Satoru,” she called, watching his lips quirk upward into a smirk. “What’s a Tokyo boy such as yourself doing all the way out in Kyoto?” “Kurisaki Rinko,” he replied easily, hands in his pockets as he walked towards her slowly until he stood directly in front of her. “You never did tell me how your cursed technique works. How about it?" - “You’re a Zenin.” More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her.
AN: I decided to combine the first two parts of the original, so this is Part 1 and 2 from the AO3 version :)
<- Prev - Make a God Bleed | Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | Next - Teasing and Techniques: Part 2 ->
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Teasing and Techniques - Part 1 (and 2) 2010
“Gojo Satoru,” Rinko called, watching his lips quirk upward into a smirk. “What’s a Tokyo boy such as yourself doing all the way out in Kyoto?”
It had been almost four years since they’d first met at the exchange event when they were in school. Their paths hadn’t had reason to cross since.
She never imagined she’d come across him in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of Kyoto, exorcizing the curse she’d been tracking. It was a Grade 3 at most, so it surprised her that he was wasting his Special Grade time on something so weak.
A different kind of confidence oozed from him, a result of his obvious growth.
She’d heard about his achievements through the grapevine, never surprised that he was excelling. After all, she’d experienced his power before he reached his full potential and barely survived.
Part of her shuddered at the thought of another fight like that now, with him at his full strength. Another part craved it more than anything else.
He’d exchanged his sunglasses for white bandages to cover his eyes, but even still, she knew he could see clear as day. The makeshift blindfold covered most of his forehead too, pushing his hair up so it stood in uneven spikes.
“Kurisaki Rinko,” he replied easily. His hands were in his pockets as he walked towards her slowly until he stood directly in front of her. He was somehow taller than he had been in school, towering over her even more than their first meeting. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised to run into you.” He tilted his head to the side, obviously staring at her even if she couldn’t see for herself. “What am I doing here? Dealing with your messes, of course.”
His reply caused her to roll her eyes, watching the small smirk grow into a grin.
“You never did tell me how your cursed technique works,” he said, leaning down so his face was level with hers. “How about it?”
She could tell his eyes were narrowing behind the bandages as he stared down at her, unable to sense her energy. It was how she’d snuck up on him to begin with.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been obsessing over me and my technique for the past four years?”
She kept her voice teasing, but she knew he’d made inquiries about her abilities since they’d met and even more after they’d graduated. He was a man who didn’t like not being in the loop, and she was sure it drove him crazy not getting answers.
Unlucky for him, her records were sealed tight.
“Of course not. But your energy output,” he continued, “reminds me of someone else I’ve met.”
Releasing the tight hold on her cursed energy, she poured it into her duplicates and prepared for the fight she knew was coming. The fight she was asking for.
“Ah,” she replied, letting her smirk grow. “I heard you had a bit of a run-in with Toji-kun.”
Just as she’d thought, the name made his energy spike, bloodlust filling her senses and she barely had enough time to swap with her closest duplicate before he annihilated her.
“A friend of yours?” he called, not turning to look at where she’d moved to. “Fushiguro Toji was a friend of yours?”
She knew better than to tempt fate, to taunt Gojo Satoru. But just like the first time, it was too much fun to resist. Still, she knew that if she wasn’t careful, he would kill her with ease. Last time she made him angry enough, she’d barely survived. With his power levels now? She didn’t stand a chance. And this time she didn’t have the luxury of teachers and witnesses stopping him if she actually pushed him too far.
If only he wasn’t so much fun to tease.
The strongest in the world was predictable when it came to how to rile him up.
“I only met Toji a few times,” she admitted, holding her hands up. “Heard he gave you a bit of a problem-”
He was barely containing his rage, but she knew that he could tell she wasn’t a real threat. That knowledge didn’t stop him from rushing towards her, his entire body buzzing with his cursed energy.
He’s faster than I remember, she thought to herself.
But of course he would be. His fight with Toji had supposedly unlocked something in him that had laid dormant until then. Allowed him to harness techniques he’d been unable to tap into before.
Her adrenaline spiked just like it had during their first fight years ago. She forced the excitement down and focused on ensuring she had a duplicate ready to swap with.
Staying on the defense was going to be harder this time, seeing as she knew his senses were stronger. He’d see through pretty much anything she threw at him now. Getting any cheap hits was extremely unlikely. With that thought at the forefront of her mind, she struggled to keep up with replacing her duplicates as he destroyed them. He was using just a smidge of cursed energy with each hit, meaning it was harder for her to create another.
Avoiding his hits was proving to be nearly impossible. He grew faster with each miss, a sadistic smile on his face the entire time.
“How did you know Fushiguro?” he asked casually as she physically dodged one of his punches. Her heart stuttered in her chest when she realized how close he’d been to hitting. A millisecond slower and her brains were painting the walls behind her. “And I am still so curious about this technique of yours-”
It was a display of his strength, how easily he could carry a conversation while she focused every ounce of energy on avoiding his inhuman barrage. And he was doing it on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Playing with her, just like she had with him.
Pouring energy into another set of duplicates, she instantly swapped with the furthest, watching as he exerted more cursed energy than before to demolish it.
He had learned how to tell the difference immediately, she realized. In fact, she paused, assessing the situation. Eyes narrowing slightly, she noticed that he was pulling his punches when he knew the her in front of him was real. The second she swapped away, he destroyed it.
It was true that he had surpassed his former self and even more true that she was in over her head in a fight against him. She’d always known she was no match. But now it was painfully obvious as he toyed with her.
Whispering to herself, she allowed her energy to flow freely, knowing it was a stupid risk. But picking a fight with Gojo Satoru had also been a stupid risk.
“Cursed Technique,” she murmured, taking control of her duplicates and allowing them to multiply. “Shadow Step.”
The echoes of her movement surrounded them now, and Gojo paused his assault to let out a loud laugh. Turning around slowly, he saw the dozens of copies, all mimicking her movements as she wanted. Releasing her grip, she allowed them to act independently, repeating past actions as she focused on masking her own energy to blend in.
But the level of concentration needed to keep the echoes going at the same time as her duplicates was quickly draining her energy.
A low whistle escaped Gojo’s mouth, his grin still in place as he reached up to pull his bandage blindfold down. Revealing his icy bright irises, he observed her technique with the full weight of his Six Eyes.
With those, he’d find her in seconds, she knew he would.
“You’re full of surprises, Kurisaki,” he called, searching the shadows for her. “Which one is real, hm?”
Without another word, he set to work destroying her echoes, letting out a laugh with each one that disappeared. Struggling to keep up with how quickly he got rid of them, she felt her energy waning as he enhanced his fists with cursed energy.
“Gotcha,” he suddenly said, turning and staring directly at her. He anticipated her dodge, fist shooting out faster than she could react and throwing her backward. Her technique fell, and she released a heavy grunt when her back met the hard concrete wall. It knocked the breath from her chest, and she struggled to push herself back to her feet.
Breathing was harder for more reasons than the shock of the impact. She’d felt some distinct cracks when his fist came in contact with her chest; and another crack when she slammed into the wall. 
Letting out a somewhat unhinged laugh, Gojo appeared in front of her again and grabbed her the front of her shirt.
“How many more techniques you got in that pretty head of yours?”
His breath was fanning across her face as he leaned down, his bright eyes staring straight through her. Destroying her echoes hadn’t been an attempt to find her, it was meant to weaken her.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” she breathed, still trying to force the air back into her lungs. Her ribs creaked in response to her shaky inhale, a groan of pain almost escaping. “Or, you can buy me dinner as repayment for cracking a few ribs.”
Another smirk pulled the corners of his mouth, and he chuckled quietly. Releasing his grip on her shirt, he braced his hands against the wall behind her so she was caged in. He leaned even closer, his lips inches away from hers as his eyes stared into her soul.
“You asking me on a date, Kurisaki?”
It was her turn to laugh, watching his eyes flit down to her lips as the air wheezed out of her.
“Wouldn’t you love that, Gojo?” she teased, tilting her head to the side. “No, I’m offering to tell you about my technique. But you have to buy me sobayaki dan okonomiyaki first. I know a great place not too far from here.”
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He had put his blindfold back in place as they walked to the izakaya, shoving his hands back in his pockets nonchalantly.
Now, he stared at her through it as their food was placed in front of them. His expression had been neutral when she returned the owner’s cheerful greeting. But when she snapped her chopsticks apart and sighed happily, his indifference began to crack. The amused smile broke free as he watched her barely resist the urge to inhale the steaming food.
She let out a quiet, delighted groan when the taste of the fluffy pancake and sauces exploded on her tongue.
“Ugh,” she moaned, ignoring how his amusement shifted into a smirk at the noise. “Nothing better than some delicious food after a long day and a few cracked ribs.”
He hummed quietly in agreement, digging into his own food while he continued to stare at her expectantly.
“How did you know Fushiguro?” he asked, his voice serious. Pulling part of the bandage down, he stared at her with one eye. “How would you know the Sorcerer Killer?”
“Cousins tend to know each other,” she stated vaguely, shoving a giant bite into her mouth.
Partially true. She hadn’t actually met most of her cousins.
But as she spoke, his eyebrows met his hairline.
“You’re a Zenin.”
More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her.
Swallowing, she tutted, motioning with her chopsticks.
“Ah ah,” she began, forcing herself to pause to take a sip of her tea. “Fushiguro willingly gave up the name. Took his wife’s instead because of how much he hated the family.”
“But you didn’t.” Gojo’s voice was even as he set his chopsticks down, still staring at her intently. Clearly, seeing as she wasn’t married. But she’d let that slide. “Then what’s your story? You related to the Fushiguro family? They’re not related to the Zenin clan outside of-”
“Not Fushiguro,” she snorted. “I’ve never met any of them, at least outside of Toji.”
“Kurisaki isn’t a known family. And it isn’t associated with Zenin either-”
“Nope,” she stated, watching his face twitch when she cut him off. He was getting irritated, she could tell. “Kurisaki is a family with zero cursed energy, zero Jujutsu Sorcerers before me. Zero knowledge of curses-”
“Then how the fuck-”
“Someone is impatient,” she teased, feeling a thrill when he scowled. “Kurisaki is my mother’s name. My father, however-” she trailed off, feeling a small spike of fear at her almost slip up. She was already telling him too much.
At her pause, Gojo only quirked an eyebrow.
“Wanted nothing to do with me,” she continued flatly. “A bastard from a non-sorcerer family. My mother raised me away from the Zenin clan.”
“Then how’d you end up at Kyoto Tech?”
“Gakuganji,” she replied, pausing to slurp up some noodles. “Zenin may not acknowledge or want anything to do with me, but they couldn’t just let me run around untrained. Too much risk. So, when I hit the right age, they sent him to collect me. According to him, I was technically enrolled the day I was born under the stipulation that I displayed any signs of cursed energy when I got older.”
“Doesn’t explain how you ever met Fushiguro,” he said, leaning back. “He was a legitimate kid. Just didn’t have cursed energy. And if you were raised away from the main clan-”
“You’re so curious about Toji,” she said, her mouth still full of noodles. “S’pose he made an impression, huh?”
His mouth pressed into a thin line, and she quickly swallowed her bite as she realized that one was probably too far.
Toji had killed him, after all.
“Toji came and found me,” she admitted, placing her chopsticks down beside her plate. Gojo looked like he wanted to say something, but she held her finger up to silence him as she turned and called out, “Oi, could I get a beer?”
Upon confirmation, she turned back to see Gojo still leaning back as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Toji found me before Gakuganji came to get me,” she said, accepting her beer and taking a huge gulp. “I was twelve, I think? Maybe thirteen. I knew of the Zenins. Knew my father was one. But I didn’t know anything else.”
Except that one phone call, where her father had addressed her as the ‘unwanted mistake.’
“I was just starting to understand what I could do, or at least understand that I had the potential to do something. And had just found out I was lucky I’d been allowed to be born. He’d heard about me through whispers. Wanted to see what the fuss was about.” Pursing her lips to the side, she remembered what he’d asked her. “And he wanted me to keep him informed of clan happenings. He thought I’d be more involved with them once I started school.”
“At the time, I considered it,” she admitted, shrugging. “I’d never met anyone else from the clan in person, I hated them already, and his ask wasn’t that difficult.”
She’d been bitter and angry. Hated that her only conversation with her father had started with him asking if she was the mistake.
“So you helped him-?”
“No,” she snapped defensively before deflating slightly. “Not really. I agreed that I’d let him know if and when the clan reached out to me. That was why I ended up meeting him more than once. But- after Yoshinobu took me to school, it didn’t take me long to tell him Toji had contacted me. Made me realize how stupid I’d been.” Pausing again, she took a deep breath, feeling her ribs protest. “Probably saved my life, though, agreeing the way I did.”
Gojo released a quiet grunt at that, a small frown on his face.
“He’d have killed you as a kid?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Cold.”
“Pretty sure you already knew that,” she retorted. “Found out first hand, yeah? This was before he only cared about a paycheck, too. I have little doubt he’d have killed me that day to keep me from talking. Luckily, he never learned about my technique. But now, I obviously don’t have to worry about that-”
“So you’re telling me you owe me for getting rid of him,” Gojo said, an almost predatory grin forming. “Kurisaki Rinko in my debt?”
“Hardly,” she scoffed, staring at his blindfold now. “Toji’s only concern by the time you killed him was a paycheck. It’s why he killed you in the first place, remember? The only reason Toji ever would have targeted me was if it would have made him money.”
Though, she thought darkly, the Zenins would have paid him well.
“Last I heard from him was almost a year before you met him-”
“Oh?” Gojo leaned forward as he pulled his blindfold down slightly, revealing his left eye to her. “And why was that?”
“He’d heard I’d been to the estate for the first time,” she replied, her side aching. The scar under her ribs was a fun reminder of the only time she’d visited. “He wanted to know about the kid that was like him, the other one born without cursed energy.”
“Ogi’s kid.”
Everyone knew how much the Zenins despised that Ogi’s kids were ‘weak.’
“Thought that my visit was my introduction to clan activities,” she continued. “It wasn’t. I haven’t been back since. Too bad for him, he didn’t get his insider. He was honestly surprised I wasn’t welcome at the estate. Said he figured I would be with how strong I seemed. Think he was bullshitting me to get me to do what he wanted, though. He said he thought my father would want me around, which I know was bullshit-”
“Your father-?”
“I’ll leave that one as a mystery,” she said evasively, her gut dropping at the thought of him knowing. She knew better than to talk about him. “Anyway, yeah, as you pointed out earlier though, Toji had no cursed energy, and I can mask mine. Noticed how easily he could sneak up on people, thought it might come in handy.”
“Neat trick,” Gojo mused, tilting his head to the side. His blindfold was back in place. “So,” he was grinning again. “A Zenin bastard, eh? What a concept. They’re pretty traditional-”
“One reason I’m not welcome,” she agreed, watching him smirk. “One of the many reasons I’m not welcome.”
Taking another, longer pull of her beer, she felt the cool alcohol soothe her throat and her anxiety.
She hated the Zenins. But she also knew that she could get in huge trouble for telling Gojo as much as she had. While she wasn’t privy to details, she knew tensions were high between the two clans, and she’d technically just handed the Head of the Gojo clan a trump card.
Her stomach dropped as the weight of what she’d told him hit her, and she fought the panic that began to rise in her chest. At the very least, she hadn’t revealed her father’s name. But she assumed it couldn’t be that hard for him to figure out.
Rinko hated that old man, but she feared him more.
She feared that entire clan more, really.
That first and only visit to the estate had ended with a brawl that resulted in her being rushed away, barely breathing as the threat whispered in her ear echoed in her head.
And now, she’d just willingly told Gojo more than she’d ever told anyone about her family. Especially her relation to Toji. But for some reason, as she watched him, part of her believed she could at least trust him to not broadcast the information.
At least she hoped he wouldn’t.
The Gojo and Zenin clans didn’t get along, and tensions were high, but she hoped he didn’t care enough to use the information.
Plus, she’d promised she’d explain how she knew Toji after teasing him. Admittedly, it had probably been too much, poking fun at the fact that he’d quite literally died.
Not even a week after Rinko had met Gojo Satoru for the first time, he and Geto Suguru were escorting the Plasma Star Vessel. It wasn’t well known exactly what happened that night, but she knew enough to know that Toji had killed the girl and Gojo had killed Toji. And Gojo Satoru had died and risen again, calling himself the one and only blessed.
Hime knew more than she did because she’d been assigned to Tokyo at the time. And Shoko was there. But neither told her anything. And she hadn’t asked. It had been a sensitive subject, to say the least. Amanai Riko had only been thirteen, after all.
The one thing Rinko did know about that was that Gojo had been a terror in the few days leading up to them receiving the assignment for the escort. Hime had called her, saying that Gojo was grilling her about who Rinko was. She realized later that he had no idea she knew Shoko beyond her healing her injuries after he’d almost killed her.
“What did you do to him?” Hime had asked, her voice filled with amusement. “I’ve never seen him so worked up.”
She’d utterly humiliated him at the exchange event.
Well, humiliated was probably too strong a term. But she still reveled in the look of shock on his face when she’d landed that first blow. And the cold look in his eyes when she’d refused to tell him anything about her or her technique.
She hid her smirk at the memory by taking another drink, draining the rest of her beer, and letting out a small sigh of contentment.
Gojo had tried to find out more, she remembered the lecture she’d gotten for her display because of how many questions he’d asked. The more resistance he was met with, the harder he pushed, still coming up empty.
He’d inquired about her after they graduated, too. Tried to access her records. But, just like she’d discovered early on, he found they were sealed tighter than the higher-ups’ assholes.
“The great Six Eyes of the Gojo clan was bested by a Zenin bastard,” she stated, knowing she was once again poking a much larger, stronger bear. But she just couldn’t resist. “And not even just a bastard, a half-breed.”
As she spoke, Gojo’s jaw clenched. She watched his brow furrow, knowing now that meant he was narrowing his eyes at her.
To her surprise, though, he didn’t take the bait.
“Zenins are strong,” he stated, shrugging his shoulders. “Not surprising you’re stronger than you look.” He tilted his head towards her empty glass. “Indulging, I see.”
It was her turn to shrug, grinning at him as his face slipped into a bored expression.
“Might as well if you’re paying, right?” she teased, somehow just knowing that he was rolling his eyes. “Also helps numb the throbbing pain in my chest,” she said dramatically, and he let out a scoff. “Because you definitely cracked a few of my ribs.”
“Just means you still need to get stronger.”
There was no sympathy in his voice but also no malice. To him, he was just stating a fact.
Because to him, to the strongest, cracking someone's ribs like toothpicks was nothing.
They sat in silence for a few moments, before he was suddenly letting out a quiet hum. Leaning forward, he pulled the bandages down again so she could see his left eye staring at her intensely as he asked:
“You wanna get outta here?”
Next - Teasing and Techniques: Part 2
AN: Thoughts on the lil headers I'm making for these so far?
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trikruismybitch · 1 year
Funny Prompts
* “Listen, (name) would underatand cause (pronoun) has realistic expectations of what I am. And what I am is sexy trash.”
* “It seemed like a good idea at the time. I have terrible judgment.”
* “That’s not me.” “That’s not you?” “Nope.”
* “Ugh, as if!”
* “I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.” (Something happens) “I object!”
* “What am I allergic too?” “Pine nuts....and the full spectrum of human emotions.”
* “I would have given everything to be exactly like everyone else.” *scoffs* “You wanted to be petty and dishonest?”
* “I’m surrounded be idiots.”
* “The only thing going down is your husband in another women.”
* “You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!”
* “It’s not my fault you dated a bunch of losers till you met me.”
* “I’ll admit that sometimes I tune people out but mostly because they rarely have anything useful or interesting to say!”
* “It is possible to be right and foolish.” 
* “I may not always be right, but I am never wrong.”
* “Badges? We ain’t got no badges? We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
* ”just when I thought I was out they pull me back in.”
* "People are weird. When we find someone with weirdness that is compatible with ours, we team up and call it love.”
* "You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
* “It’s just a flesh wound” “Your bleeding out!”
* “I am serious and don’t call me Sherley.”
* “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
* “I learned a long time ago that worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.”
* "If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd like this. But, I'm terrified of heights, so I don't like this."
* "Liar! Try me again, and I promise you that you and I are gonna have a Middle Passage experience, a fight for survival, and I will win. Have I made myself clear? Clear?"
* "That's it, Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!"
* “(Name), You Have The Right To Remain Silent. What You Lack Is The Capacity."
* “That’s like a big misconception. I’m not shy! I just don’t speak if I don’t have anything to say.”
* “I refuse to answer that on the grounds of I don’t want to.”
* “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
* “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”
* “She is more like “girl with dragon tattoo" than “the girl next door”
* “I'm (Name). I know everything.”
* “I will slap the taste out of your mouth.”
* “Give me a mountain, I’ll climb it. Give me a Katy Perry song, I’ll sing it.”
* “You think you can rattle me I am un-ratable.”
* “There is no such thing as bad ideas. Just poorly executed awesome ideas.”
* “(Name) smiles. Alert the media!”
* “You know, I look at you and I see myself. A less dashing, less intelligent version.”
* “Some girls just can’t resist my good looks, my style and my charm, and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.”
* “Hopefully your hero hair hasn’t fallen out by then.”
* “I was ambushed. I was shot. Now, I’m vengeful.”
* “Kiss me or kill me. We both know you’re only capable of one.”
* “I’m a terrible liar… I’m even worse at duplicity.”
* “I’ve been dead before. I got over it.”
* “I’m lost… metaphorically, existentially.”
* “Impressive, you’re like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage.”
* “We have Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Boyz II Men…(Name).”
* “When 9 Russians tell you you’re drunk, you lie down.”
* “And you’ve hot your complaint quota for the day. Congratulations you are officially the worst.”
* “No one is going to respect you until you show them who you really are, so if you wear old lady choker scarves, you're going to get old lady goats.”
* “Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?”
* “Oh come on, (name), for once in your immortal life can you not be so noble?”
* “Careful, Sabine, or Celeste, or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal.”
* “Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.” “Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line.”
* “I thought I told you to stay put” “well I hate being told what to do so I ignored you.”
* “The only thing delicate about you is your ego” “When placed beside the behemoth size of yours, certainly.”
* “You and I on the same team. It must be Christmas.”
* “(name) isn't dead yet? Well, good on them! I love a good survival story!”
* ”dull, dreary, hideous” “You talking about the clothes or something else?” “Why, are you feeling insecure?”
* “There, there, little lambs. Us girls have got to stick together.”
* “Option one, go about your business like a good little boy. Option two, violent disembowelment. What’s it going to be?”
* “I know I called you bro, but I lowkey wanna marry you.”
* “I love making people who already hate me, hate me more.”
* “I’m not rude, your just not used to being around honest people.”
* “once I start taking my own advice it’s over for you bitches.”
* “I have multiple personalities and none of them like you.”
* “I’m being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.”
* “Don’t confuse my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, but my attitude? That depends on you.”
* “If you want me to control my temper you better control your stupidity.”
* “It’s okay if you don’t like me, not everyone has good taste.
* “I’m so glad you stopped talking to me, it’s like the trash took itself out.”
* “If I was meant to be controlled I would’ve come with a remote.”
* “I know looks aren’t everything but I have them just in case.”
* “I rolled my eyes so hard, I just checked out my own ass.”
* “You think I’m crying about you? No I’m crying about all the time I wasted on you.”
* “You say you hate me, but you still watch me the most, it’s pathetic.”
* “You hate my attitude? *laughs* Then report me to whocares.com.”
* “If you tell me not to do something, I’ll do it twice and take pictures.”
* “Scars heal” “No they don’t wounds heal” “Oh yeah. What do scars do? They fade I guess?” “I don’t care what scars do.” “You should (name)”
* “You amuse me, I will make you mine.”
* (Name does/says something cute) “You know I once saw a really fat baby giving Eskimo kisses to a kitten and that was more adorable.”
* “I want to know how the fuck this happened, when the fuck, why the fuck and what the fucking fuck."
* “Do I regret it, yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
* “If you were my wife I’d put poison in your coffee.” “If you were my husband I’d drink it.”
* “Being attractive doesn’t preclude being intelligent” “so your saying your not attractive smart“ “No, I happen to be both.”
* “I don’t apologize because I never make mistakes.”
* “Goodmorning” “goodmorning” “goodmorning, not you, you can choke” “wait happened?” “I ate their last cookies” “THEY WERE SPECIAL COOKIES!”
* “if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”
* “No I checked my receipt, I didn’t buy any of your bullshit.”
* “the difference between pizza and your opinion is that I asked for pizza.”
* “don’t like me? have seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck."
* “If you listen closely, you can hear me not caring.”
* “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
* *insults R* “Why are you laughing?” “I always laugh when people try to hurt my feelings as if I have any.”
* “I hope Karma slaps you in the face before I do.”
* “Sweetheart, I’m as sweet as sugar, hard as ice. If you hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.”
* “What’s the problem? I don’t have a problem, I have multiple problems. Plural. Wanna hear?
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tweeksandturns · 1 year
Scar Impulse and Gem were trying to get Grian to work on the back of his base, but Grian didn't want to, so he grabbed ahold of scars adhd (talked about seeing the tunnel-bore) and the two of them went there. Scar and Grian pressed a button too many times, and it blew itself up.
Doc was angry (of course, he had the rights) so he got back at them by, 1. breaking Grians nether portal so it was one sideways block, and 2. getting wither skulls to float in Scarland.
Neither side did much after this for a while, but eventually, Doc got a purple crown and put it on a Zombie in front of Mumbos base.
Grian, under the assumption that anyone with a purple crown would be Mumbo's best friend, Killed the zombie for the crown. He didn't know that Doc had made a redstone contraption so that when that zombie died, it blew up the entrance to Mumbos base.
Grian physically, spiritually, and emotionally didn't know how to fix that, but Mumbo more or less found it funny.
During this time, Zedaph was trying to find a dragon egg, and had gained some information that Grian had a ton (from duplicating them), so He went to Grian for it. Grian built an elaborate treasure hunt for the egg Zedaph wanted, and at one point, got Zedaph to blow up a wall in docs base (a wall that Zedaph didn't replace) in order to find the next clue.
Grian and Scar(Read: Poultryman and Hotguy) entered the perimeter, and created their own redstone contraption that spawned thousands of chickens into the perimeter (and also unintentionally moved the ender dragon because that area was chunk-loaded I think).
Doc got kinda angry, and Teleported the chickens into Grian's base, which let the chickens roam free anywhere they could. At some point, I think it was proxy honestly, Mumbo got involved. Doc, in his angry, created an insane dragon egg duplicator and dumped all of the eggs onto the three of their bases. (THIS MAY HAVE BEEN AFTER THE ENTIRE BUTTERCUP THING, I DO NOT REMEMBER)
Mumbo, Scar, and Grian team up, and call themselves the buttercups, because buttercups are poisonous to goats (albeit the fact that Doc is a butterfly now, not a goat). They build some camps on the edge of the Perimeter, and Grian writes "Live Laugh Love" on Docs walls. Doc HATES this, and Ren (I don't know when they teamed) builds a secret area underneath the Buttercups camp so that they could hear whatever the Buttercups were planning.
The buttercups plan to put another motivational quote on the perimeter, and Doc outs him and Ren, and the two sides decide, "You know what. Robots." and get their robots to fight for them. The buttercups buttercupbot explodes, and dies, but gets rid of the goat's ability to move.
Ren and Doc, have a backup plan though, and the two of them get on the butterflies that Doc built, and speed toward Grians and Scar's bases. Mumbo, Grian, and Scar stop them luckily, but it was kind of close. Doc and Ren lose for then, but Doc doesnt stand down.
Doc builds an intercom that plays his voice (and that also caused tango to leave because the range was scuffed for a bit) and he also got rid of the "Live Laugh Love" sign replacing it with "GOAT: Grind, optimize, automate, thrive."
He also puts a large target on the button half of it, with 4 target blocks in the middle.
Scar gets the wonderful idea of "Why don't we fly into the target blocks" and so he and Grian do. Neither of them thought that that would actually set off the target blocks, but it does (because apparently, players are projectiles) and the Redstone sets off a little animation that Doc made and blows up the buttercups base.
Doc left to go on vacation before this, but Grian and Scar made a new Base in the form of a Cherry bonsai in the flowerpot they made for the buttercupbot. Nothing has happened since that we know of.
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mysticraven20 · 7 months
To Feel You Breathe
For @bohemianrhapsody711 number 4 of @kisspromptsforthelovesquare - "I thought I lost you" kiss.
Bringing this from the archives (Inspired by the Hunger Games)
Ladybug’s feet tangled around themselves and caused her to stumble over the rooftop. The toe of one foot collided hard with the heel of the other as she unceremoniously hopped in order to keep her stability. 
The sudden weight shift had her colliding hard with the chimney, clipping her shoulder and scraping it against the hard, rough brick. Her hand slapped onto the wall, pushing herself away before clutching her shoulder and carrying on. She had to keep moving. 
A red swirl of Ladybug’s continued to dance around in the sky, circulating over her head; a promise of revival, a promise of luck, a promise of hope. 
Her heart begged for the ‘Miraculous Ladybug’ to work the way it always did — rebuilding and reforming — as her mind reminded her about what was important.  She couldn’t stop and check everything was going to plan. Stopping would steal seconds away from her — precious seconds she didn’t have.
Paris began to put itself back together; growing and growing as buildings and monuments reposition themselves in their pride of place. Back to being important to the citizens of the city — but right now, none of these were important to her. 
She hadn’t bothered to stop to check on the victim, or speak to Alya and make her usual statement, as soon as the Lucky Charm was launched high up into the air, she ran – fast, and with intent. 
Taking a leap, she pushed herself from the rooftop landing straight onto the next; her feet never truly connected with the ground. She had tunnel vision; a one track in mind. 
She skidded to a halt, attempting to gain her bearings. She looked around, not entirely sure where she was. 
They’d started the fight in the 6th arrondissement. 
A glance down jolted something in her memory as she noticed the boutiques on street level. She recognised them straight away. The one on the corner was where she’d been browsing when the first fireball hit – smashing through the roof as though it was made of paper and causing the building to crumble quickly and efficiently. 
The Akuma had moved fast and struck hard — harder than she’d ever seen before — taking them on a tour of the city before she could finally conclude the fight near the Louvre. 
She couldn’t exactly remember where they were when it happened. The whole event felt like an out of body experience; her heart had become disjointed from her body as the Akuma’s hard hitting, soul destroying ray took everything out of her. 
Her eyes trailed the buildings in the east. Maybe, that had been the area. It definitely looked familiar – but so did an array of rooftops over Paris. Chimneys, rooftop gardens, walls — all an almost exact duplicate of each other.
Ladybug berated herself. She couldn’t remember where it had happened. All she could remember was the feeling of him disintegrating through her fingers as she tried to keep him conscious and with her. A slow, painful death orchestrated with loud, ear piercing screams. She’d held him tight and close; his body finally slipped through her fingers and faded away to nothingness – her own screams taking over the unfortunate symphony.
He had to be here. He had to be somewhere – here . She’d fixed it! That’s what she did.
Her eyes began to survey the area again, each breath catching hard in her throat with every beat of her heart. She stretched a hand up, clutching at her throat, at her chest – at anything – in hope it would help her breathe. Her airways tightening in reaction to the panic and the pain — labouring her breaths and causing her to claw at her throat.
The red above her head, abruptly, gave way to blue.
An imposter against the storm brewing in her heart. 
Her feet began to move again, taking off in a feeble attempt of tracing her steps. The rooftop had to be near here. It just had to be.
Every single step caused a ricochet through her body, the pounding impacting in her head, as much as it was her heart. Thud. Thud. Thud.
Her feet tangled like a mess of wires, snaking around each other in a practised and impossible entanglement, tripping her up and causing her to lose balance. Next thing she knew, she was falling. An unexpected twist of cruelty which took her down onto her knees. She fell hard, her hands  catching her before her face hit the ground, a droplet of water landing beside her glove, the grief of her loss fully on display for all to see — evidence of her failure. 
And the storm finally reached its superlative.
She used her hands to push herself up, but her knees were uncooperative and sent her stumbling forward once again. She dropped back onto the rough surface of the rooftop, her knees agonising from the impact on hard concrete against her skin, a feeling usually foreign when she was in her super suit. 
A heavy rattling sob became an echo of melancholy vibrating between rooftops. She couldn’t go on anymore. She couldn’t. She was done. She couldn’t breathe.
The rooftop was suddenly being coated in droplets of her sorrow, tiny pieces of anguish effortlessly falling on the ground without a care for ruining something previously untouched.
“I’m sorry.” She let out a sob. “I’m so sorry!” 
Laying her head in her open palms, she took the moment to be less than super, to feel everything that came with the grief of losing him, of not being able to save him. The memories she’d thought so little of passed through her mind in a film noir way. Times she should have done more, times she’d chosen to do less, times she’d taken him for granted. She wiggled her fingers wishing she could remember how he felt, his smooth skin and soft hair. But she’d failed. The gloves had always been in her way of really feeling him.
She could hear his voice echoing in her mind, words she longed to hear and would do anything for him to say again. The sweet distant call of him talking to ‘his Lady’. 
“Kitty,” she whimpered, an arm wrapping around her stomach as she held herself tightly. “Kitty!” Her voice was broken, every repeat of the word sounding foreign to herself. Was that really her voice? 
She heard it again. Chat Noir’s voice was clear in her ears, so concise; she was amazed she could remember it so distinctly. 
“Oh, Bug.” It was there again, this time closer. 
He was calling to her. 
“Bugaboo, come on!” 
She felt something on her hand, grasping it tightly. It felt so real, as did the hot breath on her neck. Almost as if he was here — with her.
Ladybug looked up, straight into the eyes of Chat Noir; her partner crouched down opposite her. 
“Are you really here?” she sobbed. “Is it really you?” 
A black, clawed hand stretched to her cheek, fitting perfectly against her chin as a cool thumb brushed away the tears gliding effortlessly down her face. He began to shush her, moving closer and using his other hand to claw through her hair.
“Real or not real?” she whispered, Chat Noir once again wiping away the tears on her face. One corner of his lips tugged upwards in that way she adored so much. 
“Real. I’m here. I’m back! You saved me.” 
With a trembling hand, she reached up and stroked over his face, tracing every part she could touch. She dragged her fingers around the edge of his mask, over his nose and cheeks before feeling the contour of his chin. It was all there. He was there. She completed the round once more, etching every single detail into her mind — positive she’d never forget the feeling of him again.
Launching herself into his arms, Ladybug cuddled him tightly, the sobs ripping through her body as her hands moved over his body. Threading in his hair and clawing at his back, before finding a home on his beating heart. The repeated consistency evening out her own.  
“You’re real!” she repeated, trembling before moving her arms and pulling him in closer. “You were dead!” she whimpered, everything shaking as she cried out the pain. “I felt you die!” 
He held her just as tightly, burying his nose into her hair as she continued to shake in his arms. A grasp that didn’t ease. Real.
“I’m here! I’m back. You saved me. You always save me.”
“You stopped breathing!” she said, gasping for her own breath as she continued to try and crawl at his skin. He was here. Her partner was here and she had never been more grateful for the power of the ladybugs. 
She continued to shake in his arms. 
He threaded his claws into her hair and gently loosened the ribbons freeing her hair and allowing him to massage her scalp. He placed his forehead against hers, brushing his nose delicately against hers.
“I’m breathing now. I’m here.” 
He moved forward and placed his lips against the corner of hers; a soft, electrifying kiss, which allowed the feeling of contentment to waterfall from her shoulders and release the tension she’d held so tightly. 
The night’s curtains began to draw, closing the brightness of day and leaving them with privacy amongst the stars, both interwoven as they soaked themself in the warmth of their love. 
“You love me?” Chat Noir whispered into Ladybug’s ear. “Real, or not real?” 
She pulled away from the hug, her hands clutching his and bringing them to her lips, a delicate kiss placed to each wrist. 
Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against him, the solid feel of life beneath her. She loved him. She needed him. She wanted him.
Time didn’t record how long they stayed there, huddled tightly on the rooftop as they found solace in one another. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, even days or months, but it didn’t matter, because she was here, safe in his arms. And when she was here, with him, she could finally breathe again.
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analogwriting · 9 months
It Comes in Waves
Chapter 19: Grinding Wave Trafalgar Law x gn!reader word count: 2.3k first|next
Eventually, you reached Big Mom’s territory. Finally, an island. “I’ll take care of groceries,” you mumbled, running a hand through your hair. You all were just eating grilled fish on your way here, which was fine, but when it’s the only thing, it could be redundant. The plus side of Luffy having cooked was that he didn’t even bother with spices, so at least you could make different flavors.
You docked at the island, heading into town. You watched as Chopper and Luffy ran into town, screaming in excitement as everything seemed to be made of chocolate. “Don’t eat too much! You’ll get sick!” you hollered, rolling your eyes. 
You decided to follow them, putting off your grocery trip. You didn’t trust them in a place like this. It was a recipe for disaster. And in the two seconds that you didn’t have your eyes on them, they had already eaten most of a building. 
However, a young woman had come to your aid, claiming she had hired them and now you all were in her house. She introduced herself as Pudding and she was apparently Sanji’s betrothed. She spoke of never having the option of being able to marry who she wanted due to the nature of why Big Mom had children. It was honestly disgusting. Having children just to marry them off and make your own army? Despicable. 
Then she spoke of meeting Sanji and how he basically turned her down, shocking everyone. Sanji turning down a woman as cute as Pudding? It was unheard of. Though, hearing that it was because he had to get back to his crew made you smile. At least his priorities seemed right - for once. 
A plan was created to meet up tomorrow but you couldn’t help but have a feeling of uneasiness. There was something off about Pudding. No one was that nice and selfless. She definitely had to be up to something, but you didn’t bother bringing it up.
After leaving Pudding’s you took everyone with you to pick up food for the ship. You thought about carrying it yourself, but you figured you’d make Luffy work a little for it since he was the one that destroyed all the food before. Back at the ship, you realize Pekoms is missing. “You don’t think he ran off, do you?” you wondered aloud to no one in particular. 
Luffy discovered a message that said “Turn Back” which only drove him to do the opposite. You expected nothing less of him. You unloaded the groceries as they set sail. 
You reached your next destination. Things are still made of desserts and it’s absolutely insane to you. You didn’t realize so many things could be made of food and not go bad? You’re looking around as Chopper and Luffy get excited over the desserts once more.
An incident with an alligator in clothing later, there were suddenly two Luffy’s. You stopped, watching him argue with himself. You rubbed your eyes and blinked, thinking that sleep deprivation was starting to get to you. “No, there are two of them,” you heard Nami say. “One is enough…”
They were even talking the same. You almost couldn’t tell them apart. Then you realized as Luffy moved, they were mirrored. Everything was on the opposite side. Before you could say something - Chopper did. 
“There’s Sanji!” You looked up as you heard Chopper’s voice once more. He was just…sitting in a tree with a sucker? “I don’t think…” You narrowed your eyes. Again, with Nami here and Sanji just sitting there - tell tale sign of it not being Sanji. Plus, a sucker instead of a cigarette? 
You see him take off, the others in pursuit sans Luffy. He was still dealing with his duplicate. You looked from him to where the others were running. Fuck. “Wait guys! That’s not Sanji!” You called out, running. “I’ll be back, Luffy!” But he couldn’t hear you over the sounds of him fighting himself. Oh, ocean, please keep you sane.
You spot them, skidding to a stop. Everything felt weird. Something was weird about this forest. “Something isn’t right…” You looked around. Suddenly, there was a giant head but also a rabbit attacking you. One that didn’t look as sweet as Carrot. You grabbed a knife out of your pouch - you had grabbed several and put them in a pouch since you didn’t exactly have your necklace right now.
You tossed it at your pursuer, mostly just trying to stall him so you all could make an escape. It worked, you threw him off guard as it hit him in the shoulder. Nami and Carrot hopped on Chopper and they ran, you close on their heels. You were back where Luffy had been, him still fighting with his clone.
“Luffy stop fighting - let’s go!” 
You shake your head. “Just follow!” He nods, heading after your group. 
All for you guys to end up by the giant head in the ground again. “Wait, hold on. Something isn’t right. We just ran away from this place?” 
You looked around, narrowing your eyes as you studied your surroundings. Then you realized. “Guys, I think the forest is alive.” Nami looked at you as if you grew a second head. “That’s absolutely ridiculous. There’s no way.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m pretty sure. Cause that flower was not next to that tree the last time we were here,” you said pointing to a rather boisterous looking flower next to a tree. “It was closer to Mr. Giant Head.” You pointed where you had seen it before.
“Are you positive?” Nami narrowed her eyes. You sighed, not really knowing how to prove it to her without somehow catching things in the act. “Let me test it,” she said, taking off on Chopper once more only to end up back where you were moments later. “What?!” 
And you looked at Luffy, narrowing your eyes. This was the most quiet you had heard him. He would’ve definitely said something about your absurd theory. He looked at you. “What?”
“You’re not Luffy.” Not only was his energy off, but you could tell by the scar on his face. It was on the wrong side. You heard Chopper shriek, looking over as he pointed to the trees that suddenly had faces on it.
“Clever, clever.” “Too clever for their own good.” They all began speaking to each other, sinister looks on their faces. You saw ‘Luffy’ jump at Nami and moved quickly, throwing another knife and striking him in the arm. You heard him scream and suddenly turn into a giant woman. Your eyes widened as he transformed right before your eyes. She glared at you. “You’re quite the clever one, aren’t you?” 
Suddenly, you felt a vine wrap around your torso and lift you into the air. “Wh-?” The environment around you shifted quickly and you suddenly were without your friends. You tugged and pulled on the vines, feeling your anger and frustration building up. You were able to get your hands on another knife, sawing through the vine and dropping to the ground. You groaned, slowly sitting up as you looked around. Everything was still again.
You cried out in frustration, yelling for your friends but to no avail. They couldn’t hear you and you couldn’t hear them. You started running, you knew you had to run into them eventually. 
Eventually, you found the giant head again and Luffy. He looked at you and smiled wide. “Y/n!” You stopped, immediately taking a defensive stance as you looked at him. He scrunched his face. “What’s wrong?” You noticed the scar on his face was in the right place and relaxed. “I wasn’t sure if you were you,” you said, running a hand through your hair.
“The other you. It tried to attack Nami but I stopped it for a second only for it to turn into a giant woman and then she separated me from everyone else.” That’s when you heard all the noise coming from behind you. You turned around, seeing all the duplicates of your friends. “What the hell is this?”
“I don’t know! I’m trying to find everyone but they keep multiplying but they’re not talking!”
“Probably because they’re clones, Luffy!” Though, Luffy’s clone could talk. Probably because it was that woman. Brulee? Was that her name? You didn’t quite catch it before she sent you away. You walked towards them, taking note of the noises they’re making. “I think they’re animals just turned into copies of our friends.”
“Well, why would someone do that?”
“Probably to catch us off guard and distract us.” You groaned.
“Untie me now!” You blinked, noticing one of the Nami’s looking extra pissed. “Luffy, that one is real.”
“Oh.” He went to untie her, Nami scolding him for tying her up.
“You.” You turned to the giant head, who had just been watching the whole time. “I’m sure you know what's going on, don’t you?” A nervous look crossed his face. “Well, I might tell you if you give me some apple juice from the river over there,” he said, trying to act like he held any ground.
“Or, you could tell me before I carve a permanent smile into your face,” you threatened, taking out a knife with a dark look appearing on your own face. He yelped. “Okay, okay!” 
Then he started explaining. Everything was alive because of souls? It was something that Big Mom could do and the residents had to pay with part of their soul in order to stay protected, then their souls were put into the trees and such. Why did Pudding warn you about this? You feel like you walked right into a trap. He explained that the clones were just things that Brulee had made with her power. Something else entirely. You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. This was getting more and more annoying by the moment.
Once asked who he was, he began to talk about how he used to be married to Big Mom and his daughter was someone that apparently the Strawhats had run into once. At least that’s what you gathered from the way Nami reacted. 
Not much else was said as he was yoinked out of the ground by another large man named Cracker? You thought he was insulting him for a second and almost went into shock with the immediate escalation of an insult, then you realized that was the guy's name. 
Next thing you knew, the rabbit came back with a crane and Brulee was back with a giant tree monster? You were about to have whiplash with the constant turn of events. “We still aren’t finished,” you heard the rabbit say as you turned to face him. He seemed to have recovered from his stab wound and was running at you with a staff. “You seem to be a ranged fighter, so I’ll make this quick.”
After grabbing one of your knives, you pressed a button on the hilt, turning it into your own staff with a blade on the end as you blocked the incoming attack. His eyes widened in surprise and you grinned. “Why would I specialize in one attack form?” You pushed him back, feeling the forest move around you once more. Next thing you knew, you were separated from your friends once more and you groaned. “That’s getting old fast.” 
You weren’t exactly worried about Luffy, but you were a little worried about Nami. Fighting wasn’t her strong suit. You knew she could hold her own, she just didn’t like it. 
“Don’t get lost in thought during a fight.” He came at you again and you blocked him with ease. “Who said I was,” you said.
This continued for a bit. He swung, you blocked. You swung, he blocked. You needed to get more creative. It’d been a while since you’d been in combat like this, so you were a bit rusty. And being in the middle of a forest didn’t help. Your power came from the sea, after all.
That, and being without your necklace was starting to take a toll on you already. It had some very important things for your vitality in there, but you knew you’d be fine. For the most part, right? 
Suddenly, he swept your feet out from under you and you felt yourself crash to the ground. You gasped, all the air leaving your lungs. “What did I tell you?” he said, pointing his staff at you. You glared at him, smacking his staff away and immediately swinging at him.
He wasn’t exactly expecting you to react in that way, you could tell by his own slow reaction time. You smacked him in the head pretty good, causing him to stumble back and you didn’t stop. You swung again and again. His arm, his leg, his head again, his side, etc. You kept going until he stumbled backwards onto the ground and you put the butt of your staff in his wound from earlier. He cried out and you glared down at him.
“Speaking gets you nowhere,” you spat at him, pressing into the wound more, causing him to cry out in pain again, squirming underneath you. “Actions. Actions take you places.” You pressed harder into his wound and he eventually passed out from the pain. 
Now, to find your friends.
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miscmonstro · 2 years
The Uno Reverse Adoption Saga (formerly No Title Yet) 6
what's this? a title?? on MY fic?????
First: Chapter 1
Previous: Chapter 5
Next: Chapter 7
Halfa!Trio Au crossover with Batman
Current Characters: Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton, Jason Todd
Summary: Forced to attend a gala by her parents as she is every year, Sam Manson was resigned to suffer through the stifling three-night gala until something pulled at her core. The something turned out to be a someone. Just who is Jason Todd and can the trio gain enough of his trust to help him before his struggling proto-core collapses?
👻 {Chapter 6 Below!)
Jason was pissed. 
To be fair, pissed off could describe him at any given point, though the trio didn’t know that.
“So you just decided ‘hey, rain’ll work’,” he glowered. 
The four were in the attic. They’d returned the hostages and the crasher to the main floor for the paramedics and police to find respectively and then withdrawn to temporarily camp out. After a brief introduction of Tucker as Ghouley they glossed over Sam’s name, moving the conversation every which way before Jason had all but demanded to know how exactly they’d worked around the situation.
“Yeah,” Tucker shrugged. “And it did work, didn’t it?” 
Jason muttered curses to himself and with their enhanced hearing, the phantoms heard every word. Danny mentally shuffled at the colorful vocabulary and Sam’s snicker echoed in their heads. They weren’t quite used to it because even if they could curse in their minds, they could not speak those words aloud. Curses were used sparingly. It was even more unusual to hear from someone else; back home, no one could swear.
Jason didn’t respond to Tucker’s statement and the frown on what was visible of his face under the mask deepened. “That was reckless. And where is Manes? Four kids isn’t better than three.”
“Uh oh,” Danny thought. Tucker made a mental shooing motion at Sam.
“She’s coming here,” he said. 
Jason raised a skeptical brow and Danny hurriedly offered to make a copy and shift to look like Sam. Sam shot him down; he still wasn’t great at duplication. They didn’t need to explain why Manes dissolved into a puddle of goop.
“She’ll be here soon and if not, we’ll go look for her,” Sam settled on bullshitting. Really, while she and Danny went ‘looking’ for Manes she’d switch back to human and voila, cover complete. 
“You four have no idea what danger you’re in. Dead or not whatever, you can make your own choices, but it’s irresponsible to shove Manes into this,” Jason said sternly. “And it’s not your job to clean up other people’s messes.”
Not their mess? Maybe that had been true, once upon a time, and they had struggled and even quitted the hero thing at different points over the years. But it was always a Fenton mess, with the offending portal in their basement, and Sam and Tucker’s for daring Danny to do the deed of accidentally turning it on in the first place. They were the cause, so protecting Amity had been their responsibility by default. But now? Danny was the King of the Infinite Realms. All ghosts were his responsibility and far be it for Sam and Tucker to abandon him now. It was unthinkable. So it was their mess, always had been, and now always would be. 
“Why wouldn’t Manes help?” Sam scoffed. She swore she was going to punch him, baby ghost or not, if he spouted some nonsense about her being a girl.
“She’s a fucking human kid? And shouldn’t be risking injury like that?” he spat incredulously. “There’s no reason for a teenage girl to be cleaning up the Bat’s messes.”
“Hey! We’re also teenagers,” protested Danny, “and if we can do it, so can she.” 
“And how long have you been dead?” Jason shot back rudely. “You could be forty for all I know.”
Danny felt a spike of annoyance. 
“Ghosts don’t work like that,” Tucker huffed. He stared at Jason, mentally debating what they could, and should, share with him.
Jason was getting increasingly worked up. “Look, you might be teens, sure. Fine. The problem is that there wasn’t anything that could’ve hurt you, but that’s not true for humans.”
Sam, surprisingly impressed, remarked, “That’s actually really thoughtful. Pretty useless sentiment though.”
“I don’t think he knows that,” Tucker sighed, floating downwards and settling on an old boxy chest. 
Well, they weren’t going to tell him they were halfa.
“You’re clearly not familiar with the situation, but all humans who know about us and aren’t hunting us are automatically subject to be hunted,” Sam said, taking a different angle that would still explain her human side’s involvement. “Did you read the acts? The association and ecto-entity aid clauses? Just by knowing us and not wanting us to be tortured thousands of people’s untimely deaths can be swept under the rug. It doesn’t matter if Manes helps us directly or not, she and everyone like her are targets.” 
The only reason those parts of the acts were not enforced was because as much as they wanted to, the GIW couldn’t handle all of Amity. They didn’t have the manpower.
The angry frown shifted to a more troubled and less hostile expression. “I- just why?” Jason asked, seemingly at a loss. “Why would that many people risk themselves? Their families? There has to be more to this.”
“Ghosts aren’t all bad and people know it,” Tucker explained gently. “Some of these people have friends and family who’ve come back, some just don’t think it’s right. But truthfully, a lot of people are just too ecto-contaminated to qualify as regular humans anymore. According to the acts.”
“So Manes is in danger one way or another,” Jason muttered.
Jason was oddly fixated on Manes, but he was also just suspicious all around. “And most people agree they need ghosts to protect them from bigger threats,” Danny added cheekily. He figured he’d capitalize on the suspicion and distract him.
“Be back in a bit, we’re going to find Manes,” Sam blurted when she realized what he had, that Jason’s eyes kept flickering over to the ladder. She phased through the floor and Danny followed reluctantly a moment later. 
Jason eyed where they’d gone through the floor before asking Tucker warily, “Bigger threats? The hell does that mean?”
Tucker flicked Danny’s presence for leaving him to answer the new line of questioning, then thought back to all the strange things they’d been thrown headfirst into and the different ways they’d learned to handle them lest they sink. “Threats that make artificial rain look reasonable.”
“That doesn’t tell me anything,” Jason growled. 
“Dude I don’t know,” Tucker exhaled exasperatedly, though he knew all too well. “Think, like, eternal sleep, mass mind control, evil plants destroying cities, that kind of thing.” 
With a dismissive scoff the younger ghost said, “Sounds like JL stuff. I would’ve heard of that.” 
Tucker hesitated, momentarily forgetting what JL was before nodding. “Ah, them. Yeah, the events are pretty isolated. A lot of people are interested in keeping this mess under wraps.” Vlad, himself and the Phantoms, the GIW, and most recently, Technus had all inputted their unique brands of high end cyber security, cloaking Amity in a veil that was nigh impenetrable to outsiders. “Even then, the League can never come near ghost hotspots.”
“Ominous,” Sam laughed.
“The vaguer I am, the more questions he asks, the more time you have to look busy,” Tucker replied with the air of ‘I’m doing you a favor’. 
Jason, perhaps emboldened by the absence of the other two, snapped, “But that doesn’t explain anything! Why can’t they? Preventing the destruction of cities is exactly what they’re for!”
“Dude, ghosts,” Tucker emphasized. “The acts aside, ghosts have an ability called overshadowing. It lets us possess people. Do you want to deal with a possessed Wonder Woman? The correct answer is no. Nobody does.”
Jason crossed his arms and studied Tucker. He breathed in and out once, and then twice. 
“So Manes said the GIW operate more to the west,” he mused, quite a bit calmer. “Where exactly should I avoid?”
“Illinois and Wisconsin for sure, Iowa is a so-so depending on the season. Consider it ‘visit at your own risk’. There’s also a hotspot in Oregon that they haven’t quite picked up on yet but a lot of people are worried that it’s only a matter of time,” Tucker rattled off, the maps of GIW activity zipping through his mind letting him answer easily. “The only exception is Amity Park. Ghosts are really common there and it’s where the GIW got started, but it’s also where they have the least amount of success.” 
“Amity Park?” Jason tilted his head. There was a spark of curiosity in him, the kind that made you want to know everything.
“Never search that up,” Tucker advised, knowing intimately all the triggers that search would trip. “I can get you a map if you’re interested in relocating.” 
“I think it’s been long enough,” Tucker thought.
“No thanks,” Jason backtracked quickly. “I’m happy in Gotham.”
Sam, on the ladder, switched back into her human form and climbed up the top few rungs. 
“Hey guys,” she said. 
Jason rose from the box he’d been sitting on and looked her over with keen eyes. “Did you get injured?” he asked with worry.
“No I- gah!”
Sam’s hold on the ladder slackened and Tucker shot over to grab her. If not for him and Danny, who’d been invisible just below her, she would’ve fallen. 
The fear was back. 
“Sam you have to switch back,” Danny thought quickly. It hadn’t become overwhelming yet but even in the few seconds that she was human it had grown at an alarming rate. Soon, like before, it would spiral out of control.
Sam wanted to but Jason was right there.
“Come on Sam, we’ll figure it out later. Change back. It’s not worth it,” Tucker insisted. Danny had reservations but he shoved them aside. He could deal with Jason if necessary.
“Going ghost!” Sam gasped. The rings enveloped her and once again the fear abated.
“Oh thank the Ancients!” Tucker said.
“Gah,” she groused. “What’s wrong with me?”
“I think you have some explaining to do.”
Three heads swiveled towards Jason.
They really didn’t have to- Sam’s knee jerk reaction was to scowl and say they didn’t owe him jack but… he felt so unwillingly fragile in a way that made him feel like failure, likely unused to situations where he didn’t have an upper hand. That made him fidgety and angry and the little bit of his guard that had fallen rose back up and doubled in height. Tucker winced. They didn’t want to intimidate him. With a sigh Sam made up her mind- what he’d seen was pretty damning anyway. 
Danny shifted back to visibility seeing as the gig was up. “Oh come on! We didn’t last two hours,” he complained.
“I’m a halfa,” Sam admitted slowly. “And there are only five of us in existence. So I’d appreciate it if you kept that to yourself.”
“Wait, so what’s wrong?” Danny carefully asked out loud. If there was one secret more well kept than the existence of halfa, it was the existence of their mental connection.
Sam grimaced. “I got hit with that fear stuff. It’s totally shut down my human side.”
Jason wasn’t that easy to divert. “Wait no, back up. Halfa? Explain.”
“Halfas are just that, half human, half ghost, and a well kept secret from the living,” Tucker said, eyeing Jason meaningfully. “Only two humans know.”
Sam, feeling bitter that she’d messed up again tonight muttered sourly, “I can flip between the living and dead. That’s unique to halfa.”
Jazz had known almost from the beginning- she’d figured it out early on and had committed to their corner ever since. Valarie was less accidental; the trio had decided to come clean for the sake of communication after too many close calls and while it had caused a few bumps in the beginning, overall their teamwork with the Red Huntress had improved. Even then, she’d known about Vlad and Dani so the concept of halfa was one she was already familiar with.
“So what am I then?” Jason asked. “I’m human but with a… core.” He was trying to mask his anxiousness at the question but said core was broadcasting his emotions loud and clear.
“We don’t know,” Danny said bluntly. 
“But we know someone who might,” Tucker added. “Have you ever wanted to visit the Ghost Zone?” 
“We know a doctor or two,” Sam elaborated. “You know, ghost doctors.”
Jason’s core fluctuated with irritation and a helplessness that was quickly converted into anger. “Great. Fantastic. So you don’t know what I am. Well I do and guess what? It’s called a zombie, kids.”
Danny shook his head. “You’re not a zombie, we’ve seen those.”
“What kind of undead are you then?” Jason questioned, staring pointedly at Tucker as he fiddled absently with his PDA. 
“Er,” Danny said, looking at his partners.
“He’s kinda one of us,” Tucker said, though he really wasn’t an ecto-entity. Still, with the way they were classed by the acts, there was no difference between them.
“He might find out from another ghost anyway,” Sam acknowledged. 
“We’re all halfas, actually. Team Phantom, at your service!” Danny turned back to Jason with an exaggerated bow.
Jason had been cycling through different reactions yet seemed to circle back to anger frequently. A greater intensity rattled him at the new information, converting everything else into utter rage. “Ok back the fuck up. You’re all teenagers?” His words were drenched in dismay.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Danny retorted confidently. In his mind all the headlines declaring them menaces and calling their intentions into doubt flashed by. Tucker gave him a mental hug. “He doesn’t know Danny, he doesn’t get it.”
“Yes, an adult kid,” Sam grumbled. “How innocent and unawares.”
“You three threw yourselves into a dangerous situation for no goddamn reason.” 
The deceptively quiet statement was razor-sharp and overwhelmed with reverberating sentiments full of pain.
This was, for some reason, quite personal to him. 
‘Upset child,’ their internal alarms rang, ‘do something!’
“We know about unnecessary risks,” Danny said at length. 
“We just mistook the liminal guy for a ghost,” Sam nodded.
“And ghosts are our responsibility,” Tucker finished. “We wouldn’t have stepped in otherwise. Like you said before, the locals had it under control.”
Jason grit his teeth and then deflated, taking a deep breath. “And you have no one else who could’ve done it? There’s no ghost police? You kids don’t have any mentors?” 
“Naw, we’re self taught,” Tucker said proudly. That was the wrong thing to say as Jason’s emotions constricted into a tight ball of frustration and fury.
“We had to step up. No one else would or could,” Danny explained gloomily. It wasn’t like they had wanted to do this. That made the already heavy emotions in Jason’s core even denser. 
“Gah. Okay, different topic. How am I supposed to get rid of the fear stuff? I can’t exactly go to a hospital,” Sam asked, changing the topic to something that would hopefully distract the pit of volatile emotion that was growing inside of Jason.
Jason jumped on the issue presented to him, more than happy for the distraction. “Usually there’s an antidote. This is a new variant so it might take a few weeks before an updated antidote is made.”
“Crud,” Danny cursed.
Sam sighed.
“We can say your grandmother took you to the officials and tell your grandmother you avoided the attack or something,” suggested Tucker.
Just as he finished Jason offered, “I could get Bruce to pay for a private physician.”
“Too risky,” Sam dismissed. “Our vitals are different. Besides, there are rumors that he funds the bats and the last thing we want to do is get near them.”
“Hm,” Jason hummed. He seemed to settle on something,resolving to do some unknown thing, before he spoke again. “Lesson one kids, lying. I’ll take the money and move it to make it look like a physician was involved. That way the story holds up. You ideally want three to four layers but in this case, two isn’t a bad place to start.”
“Won’t your dad mind?” worried Tucker.
With a smirk Jason said, “Not at all.”
“Great? But what do you want in return?” Sam asked suspiciously. 
“Just tell me how to get to the ghost doctor and we’ll call it even,” Jason proposed.
“Oh. Right, well, that’s a whole other can of worms.”
👻 {Boo!)
“So to recap. Living age means nothing. Ghosts age like trees. You three are independent adults. I’m a ghost orphan because hell if anyone knows. Nobody will care about that and if I go to the Zone, of which there are only two reliable ways to get there and they’re both in Amity, I’ll get mobbed and forcefully adopted and never see earth again. Did I miss anything?”
“No, that’s about it,” Tucker said too cheerfully. 
Jason rubbed his eyes and leaned back against the box he’d sat in front of when the trio had first launched into their long winded explanation. 
“I can adopt you. It’s… probably the best option anyway,” Danny offered hopefully, the very tip of his spectral tail twitching. “Ghosts won’t try to be malicious but they will forget how humans work. As a halfa there’s no risk of that from me and I’m really strong.”
“We. We’re a packaged deal,” Sam stubbornly interjected. 
“Oh boy,” Tucker exhaled. “Guys we’re not ready for this and there’s no way he’s going to agree-“
“Maybe. What does ghost adoption entail?”
Danny was more than happy to answer.
“We’d be your ghost guardians so we’d check up on you. We’d also do health stuff like cycle ectoplasm through your proto-core since it can’t pump on its own yet. And bonding stuff, you know, like play fighting. Ghosts love play fighting,” he jumped to explain. There was a powerpoint with the information and a mini Jazz in his head as he went through it. “But since we have human parts still we can watch movies and stuff, that should also work. Your emotions might get a little off balance since that happens as a core grows and we’d eat the extra. Also-“
“Hang on, eat my core? That thing might be the only reason I’m alive!” interrupted Jason with a recoil. 
At the startled anger-fear that he felt Danny rushed to explain but Tucker, who was more composed, spoke first. “That wasn’t what he meant. By eating the extra stuff around your core we’re trying to stabilize it. Ectoplasm is linked to emotion and too much of anything is bad. You can’t feel one emotion all the time but if you tend toward a specific emotion, you might generate too much of one kind of ectoplasm. Think of it like pruning the dead stems off a plant. It doesn’t hurt at all and helps keep a plant, or core in this case, balanced and healthy.”
“I hate that I know that,” Tucker said miserably, thinking of the plant example he’d just used. Sam gloated.
Jason turned that over for a moment before he sighed. “Alright. What else?”
“One last thing. Once- if we do this our cores will start generating stuff for you to eat too. It’s kinda like baby food for ghostlings,” Danny said with a grin at Jason’s perturbed expression.
“Don’t you kids need it? For your own cores or whatever?” Jason questioned with a frown.
Sam almost snorted. “Adult ghosts, remember?”
“And you don’t have to answer now, the offer’s always open,” Tucker placated at the sudden weariness from Jason. “You got lucky with the timing actually- the Christmas Truce is going to happen soon and nobody is allowed to fight during the truce. If you really don’t want to be adopted you could go to the Zone to see the doctors on Christmas.”
“They’ll totally follow you until the truce is up though,” Sam cautioned. 
“I can lose them,” Jason declared without a hint of hesitation. “I’m going during the truce.”
Danny sucked in a breath. It was hard to ignore the fact that there was what amounted to a sick, starving child in front of him and he couldn’t do anything about it. It was nauseating. To say he was disappointed Jason opted against adoption would be a gross understatement.
“We don’t know for sure yet,” Tucker said, though it rang hollow. Even without a more experienced eye they could all tell that his core was in a delicate state from proximity alone.
Still, Tucker had done the right thing in giving Jason the options. Meeting the medical yetis during the truce, however, ushered in a new set of problems.
“The party is at my lair this year,” Danny reminded them. “I kinda halfa be there.”
“This isn’t the time for puns,” Sam hissed. 
“He’s right though. As the new king he can’t exactly skip out again,” Tucker sighed without any remorse. He was looking forward to it and had been since last year. “Also Danny, you already used that one tonight.”
Danny elected to ignore the critique of his puns. “But it kinda works out, right? The yetis will be there. We have time to set up doctor’s equipment. We just have to ask if they’d be willing to help,” he pointed out.
“And if you ask they’ll say yes,” Sam thought. 
Danny felt conflicted after that comment. He didn’t make them do anything but if he so much as mentioned something in passing, they would go out of their way to do it.
“It won’t take all night,” consoled Tucker. “They’ll get to party with everyone else.”
“Alright, works for us,” Sam said aloud. “On Christmas we’ll take you to the Zone.”
👻 {Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.)
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Next: Chapter 7
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kon1fer · 2 years
Y’all I swear be nice this is my first one…
Twelfth Doctor x reader
12th Doctor x F!reader
~ 700 words
Warning: nothing else than fluff 💕
Wrote that at 4am ⚰️
As I said this is my first fanfic and my first language isn’t English so yyyyeeeeaaaahhhahsh
“Thank you, Doctor.”
“Thank you for the day. It was amazing, one of the most amazing day in my human lifetime.”
“Because you have an alien lifetime?”
“Possibly. I wish so.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did, honestly.”
She looked at him, dangerously sinking into his eyes.
“What are you eyes made of?”
He didn’t really wondered why she asked him that.
“Probably star dust, like yours.”
“I assume that this stardust was from a beautiful blue nebulae.”
There was a barely visible blush that landed on his cheeks.
“Why are you doing this to me.”
She looked down.
“I want you to like me so you take me again for the cool space trips,” she said, totally honest.
She looked away, trying to not feel his eyes on her before talking again:
“You are so mysterious. I like that about you, you know?”
He stepped a little closer.
“What is so mysterious about me?”
She looked up at his face and searched with her eyes.
“Everything about you is strangely beautiful. But the hair are helping a lot.”
He slightly grinned.
“Are they?”
“Yes, they look like they’re kind of space magic. Magic hair for the outer space man.”
All of a sudden, she noticed that her heart was almost beating out of her chest. Must have been the peacefulness that the Doctor emanated that kept her unaware of everything else.
He seemed to be so above all this, like if he could control the situation; yet he let it slowly stream, and she felt like he wouldn’t say a word of what he thought. Because both of them were intensely hiding, all their lives, what their hearts language could say, but that only their eyes could really share.
He slowly reached for her hand, letting her the chance to step back. His were cold and she felt a shiver quietly breezing every atoms of her body.
“It’s 4 in the morning and you’re getting sleepy. You don’t mean what you say”, he breathed.
It’s true. She has the unfortunate tendency to act and feel drunk when she’s tired. But that couldn’t really interfere with her emotions, either then making them feel duplicated, but she always handled it.
“I know. I’d say yes at everything you’d ask me for. That’s concerning.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“It is.”
She decided that she’d look up into his eyes until he’d look away.
“But I like it.”
But he didn’t even flinch or not even close to, and she was about to give up when he gently stepped closer and cupped her cheek in his hand, his cold fingers on her warm skin like snowflakes.
“You do?”
The few inches gap between their faces was painful, and it was impossible to tell what he was doing. He was the orchestra director, and she was waiting for his next move to know what to do.
Her eyelids closed.
The time stopped when their lips connected.
He softly placed his other hand on her waist like he didn’t wanted her to go, and his other hand was holding her face like if she was made of glass.
Her heart was fluttering more than ever, but she was only focused on the body gap closing between them as he grabbed her waist. Their lips parted slightly, and she could feel his two hearts, also beating fast and unsynchronized.
“Why are you doing this to me,” he repeated in the kiss.
She got on her tip toes and put her arms around his neck and one hand in his hair (finally, she waited so long), and they were softer than she had thought.
This could have lasted forever, but he felt that she was getting out of breath and quietly pulled away.
They heavily breathed, enlaced, sharing each other’s the body warmth.
She kissed the time lord. She was in love with the serious, frowning man who looked so sad sometimes.
He kissed the earth girl. He felt his hearts melting for her, even if he tried to escape this fate.
She didn’t talk, she just embraced him and placed her head in the crook of his neck.
“You have such cold hands”
85 notes · View notes
imagrindylow · 1 year
Duplicity - Chapter 6 - Breakfast
Past Sebastian / f!slytherin!Reader; Unrequited Ominis / Reader; Garreth / Reader
1.4k Words Content Warning: Hurt/comfort, Angst Chapter Summary: After a night of heavy drinking, you find that Ominis doesn't seem to remember much of what happened. Garreth confronts Ominis for being a shitty date and friend to you. Overall Work Summary: After your long term relationship with Sebastian Sallow ends, you're left to lean on your friends for support. While you try to move on and find happiness again, you come to realize that not all of the friends helping you actually have your best interests in mind.
Chapter Index Ao3 Link, if you prefer to read there. ~~~~~
The following morning, you awoke first. The sun was pouring in through the windows and spilling in through the tiny gaps in your bed curtains. You looked to Ominis. He was still out cold. You drew your bed curtains back slightly and peered around the room. It looked as though at least some of your dorm mates had already left for breakfast, or at least to start their mornings.
You shook Ominis a few times by his shoulder, eventually getting his eyes to flutter open. He seemed immediately confused. He reached under the pillow and fumbled around. “Where’s my wand?”
“Oh, let me grab it,” You reached your arm through the curtain and grabbed his wand from your bedside table, and handed it to him.
“Am I in your dorm? Why am I in your dorm?” He asked in a hushed tone. He sounded alarmed as he continued, “Did we sleep together?” He sat upright, turning his head towards the sound of your voice. His brows furrowed waiting for your response.
“Do you not remember anything?”
“Oh gods…” He shook his head a bit. “I will admit, there are some gaps in my recollection. I know I was very drunk. I don’t know why I am in bed with you. What happened? Please tell me nothing happened.”
You chuckled a bit and squeezed his arm in a reassuring gesture, before letting your hand fall back into your lap. “Relax, nothing happened. We slept next to each other, but nothing happened.” You explained, “You were very drunk. Very. You got quite sick… a number of times. I stayed with you until you were feeling a bit better to make sure you were alright, and then I brought you in here so I could just keep an eye over you. That’s all.”
He let out a relieved sigh. “I see. Well, I apologize for putting you through all of that trouble. I suppose I made a huge fool out of myself at the ball, then, didn’t I?”
“Not really, no. Overall, I had a nice time with you. But... you remember punching Sebastian, correct? Besides that, you were fine at the ball… When your fire whiskey started�� catching up with you, we left. No one saw you get sick besides me.” You decided to spare his pride the detail of him tripping and falling during your last dance of the evening together.
“I do remember that… I feel like that is going to come back to haunt me.” He let his head fall back with a groan.
“Another reason I didn’t bring you back to your dorm last night… Couldn't have you dealing with Sebastian while absolutely wasted.”
He took some time to collect his thoughts. “Well, I appreciate that... And all of your help…. Are you positive that I didn’t… cross any lines? I just want to be certain. I hate that I don’t remember everything.”
“I promise, Ominis. It was fine, nothing happened… and you’re welcome, for the help, I mean. You’d have done the same for me if I was in that position.”
He nodded in response to your kind words. You studied Ominis’s expression and you could tell there was something weighing on his mind – or maybe he was just still not feeling well. But it wasn’t something you were going to press him about at the moment. “You should get back to your dorm, get ready for the day, and I’ll meet you back in the common room, then we can head to breakfast together.” You suggested.
He nodded and with his wand held out in front of him, he pulled the bed curtains back and he got up out of your bed and headed towards the door. He stopped and turned back to face you and said, “Thank you, again. For everything.”
“Don’t mention it, Ominis.”
With that he left, and you pulled yourself out of bed as well. You gathered your clothing from the wardrobe in your room and made your way across the hall into the bathroom to get ready for breakfast.
It wasn’t long before you were heading back down the stairs to the common room, dressed, and ready for the day. Ominis was already there waiting for you in his regular spot near the fireplace.
“Ready for breakfast?” You ask him to announce your presence as you approach him. He nodded and got up, wand in hand, and you headed to the Great Hall together. You spot Imelda at the Slytherin table, and both head to sit with her. Sebastian was notably absent from the table this morning. The three of you start chatting and filling your plates for breakfast. There was a large spread of options, seemingly more impressive than usual, as if to continue on the festivities from the night before.
It wasn’t long before Garreth approached your table along with Poppy and Leander who both sat down beside Imelda, but Garreth lingered, standing behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders, leaning over you slightly as he spoke, “Good morning you lot. Fun evening last night, wasn’t it?”
Of course most of you agreed, and began nodding and chatting all at once, already looking back fondly at the evening. But Ominis sat quietly. It was clear he was embarrassed of his behavior, and he just wasn't sure of what to say. Garreth spoke up again, “I see Sebastian decided not to grace you all with his presence this morning,” he gestured to you, Ominis and Imelda. “You really put him in his place, Ominis. Serves him bloody well right, the bastard.”
Ominis relented and finally spoke. “He did deserve it. I’ll be surprised if he speaks with me again after that.”
Garreth made a motion to sit down now, and you and your friends made way for him. He sat beside you, and opposite of Ominis. He spoke in a more hushed tone now, still directing his conversation at Ominis. “I wanted to thank you, again, for letting me steal your date away from you for so much of the evening, while you were drinking.”
Ominis couldn’t see the subtle glare in his eye, but it was clear from Garreth’s tone that he was being derisive. He was trying to challenge him. You nudged Garreth in the arm and shot him a look.
“I never said you could keep her,” Ominis spat back instinctively before he really had a chance to process the words.
“Ominis…?” You shook your head and scold him gently for his indiscretion. The two of them bickering was the last think you wanted to hear first thing in the morning.
Ominis was clearly frustrated with himself. He shouldn't have said that, but his head was still pounding from his escapades last night, and he just wasn’t thinking clearly. “I am never drinking again,” he said and palmed his forehead, resting his elbow against the table with a sigh.
“Can’t say that I blame you mate, you were pretty well loaded,” Garreth spoke pointedly.
Ominis shot back incredulously, “And what about you Garreth? I seem to recall you giving me that alcohol, and surly I wasn’t the only one enjoying it.”
“Difference is, I can hold my alcohol, thank you very much. I wasn't the one bloodying up my knuckles and falling all over the ground, leaving your date to take care of you. She practically had to carry you out of the hall.”
“That's enough both of you!” You scolded while trying to keep your voice down, not trying to attract any more attention than the two of them already were.
Garreth stood up, readying to leave the table. He looked to you with apologetic eyes, but even so he spoke at Ominis again. “Look, it was a fun evening. But I’m not to be blamed for your overindulgence. I warned you that it was strong. You knew what you were doing.”
Those words hit Ominis hard, his face went cold for a split second. ‘You knew what you were doing.’ Ominis could feel Garreth’s accusatory gaze on him, as though he could see right through his facade. There was no way Garreth could have actually known the inner workings of Ominis’s mind… of his twisted state of mind from the night before. But the very thought of it made Ominis uncomfortable, because Garreth wasn’t wrong.
Garreth shook his head and walked off back to his own table. Ominis slammed his palm down against the table with a huff, before getting up and making his way out of the hall without so much as another word to you. This time you wouldn't let him tell you not to, you got up and rushed to follow him. It was clear at this point, something was weighing on him.
Chapter 7
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kuzann · 1 year
Little snippet of Vlad and Danny being snotty at each other in the next chapter of Paradigm Shift cause I'm having a lot of fun with the dynamic. :p Got 5.6k words down for chapter 8 so far!
Danny surfaced behind him and took a deep breath…
Honestly, was the boy even trying today? Vlad darted up and out of the Ghostly Wail’s range—leaving a duplicate to take the brunt of the attack—then looped back down and snatched up the Specter Deflector. The sound waves were still painful at this distance but nowhere near as damaging as they were at the range Danny tried to hit him at. His duplicate was having a rough time of it as the wail washed over it, but it would only have to play decoy for a few more seconds.
Vlad flew up again to get out of range, then positioned himself behind Danny with a quick teleport. He snapped the belt around Danny’s waist and stepped back to watch with a smirk.
The Ghostly Wail cut as soon as the buckle clicked into place. Danny yelped and doubled over, clutching at the belt and shaking with every jolt it sent through him.
“That was quite possibly the worst way you could’ve used that power in this situation,” Vlad chided him as he dismissed his duplicate, which had been rendered ragged and nearly spent by Danny’s attack. He grumbled when he realized that Danny probably wasn’t following given the pain he was in. “Surely you brought the key with you?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the boy. If he hadn’t they would have to go back to Vlad’s lab and get it off the hard way, which wouldn’t be a fun affair for either of them.
Danny returned to human form and took the key from a jeans pocket. He missed the lock the first few times, then finally turned the key and released himself from the Specter Deflector’s painful grasp. Danny crumpled onto the grass and tried to catch his breath. “You jerk!” he growled after a few moments.
“Oh please, try spending seventeen hours with it on and then get back to me,” Vlad snapped with a dismissive wave of his hand. “And as I was saying, your strategy needs work,” he continued now that he had Danny’s full attention. “You could’ve at least tried to pin me before using it, have you never considered that ghosts can just move out of range?”
“Are you trying to tutor me right now?” Danny asked as he scowled up at Vlad with equal parts surprise and annoyance.
Vlad paused, taken aback by the assertion; he was making jabs at the boy, but he couldn’t deny that it was also helpful advice. “Clearly you need it,” he said haughtily. “And not just where your grades are concerned.”
Danny shakily got to his feet and moved to take a swing at Vlad, only to be stopped short when Vlad grabbed his fist and threw him back to the ground.
“And I still can’t figure out why you chose to reveal yourself earlier. It’s as if you came here looking for a fight.”
By the glare Danny gave him, that was at least part of the reason.
Vlad pinched the bridge of his nose with a grumbling sigh. “So you thought you could come at me to what? Blow off steam? Feeling a little cranky today, are we?”
“It’s none of your business!” Danny snapped. He got to his feet again but this time didn’t take a swing at Vlad.
“Surely Samantha told you this would be a bad idea.”
By the way Danny’s jaw tensed at the name, Vlad had hit on at least one reason for his visit.
Vlad raised an eyebrow. “Did you two have a fight?” he asked.
“What, you haven’t bugged Valerie’s house yet?” Danny growled.
“I’m still prototyping the next version of my bugs, so no,” Vlad replied, as if this was a perfectly normal thing to mention in casual conversation. That was a choice tidbit of information Danny had just given away; he could surmise from the location that the two were probably at odds over Valerie’s new proximity to the Fentons, or perhaps something more romance-related. Danny was really slipping today. “So let me get this straight, you had a fight with your friend, you haven’t made up yet, so you decide that the best course of action is to take out your frustration on me? Am I correct in that assumption?”
“I knew you’d be plotting something so that’s why I came over,” Danny replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “And I was right!”
So, spot-on with the assumption, then. “So it was bad enough that you’d rather pick a fight with your arch-enemy instead of just talking to her?” Vlad asked in disbelief.
“You’re the last person I’m gonna take relationship advice from!” Danny snapped, finally giving up on deflection. “Especially since you’d rather hold some stupid grudge for twenty years instead of just talking to my parents like a reasonable adult!”
“Do not put my problems on the same level as your idiotic teen drama!” Vlad snapped. “Now run along and call your little friends to come pick you up. I have more important matters to attend to than babysitting you.”
Vlad kept half his attention on Danny—alert for any sudden movements—while he cast his thoughts ahead to the coming task. The shapeshifter’s home had a very specific spatial address, which meant the route he took to get there had to be exact—
“Hey mom, I’m at Vlad’s. He told me he would show me how the stock market works—”
Vlad stared at Danny in horror. “What are you doing?!” he asked, barely able to keep his voice to the necessary whisper that would keep Maddie from overhearing.
Danny ignored him. “Yeah he wanted to give me a head start so I could watch what happens when it opens tomorrow morning.”
The situation was rapidly getting away from him. He hadn’t realized Danny would be so eager to drag Maddie into affairs when things went south, usually he’d tried to keep her as far away from such matters as possible and for good reason. It wasn’t as if he could go back on things now that Danny had put words in his mouth—
“Mom wants to talk to you,” Danny said as he shoved his phone in Vlad’s face.
Vlad scowled at him as he took it, then gingerly held it up to his ear as if it might explode at any moment. “Good morning, Maddie. Daniel showed only a passing interest but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to show him how things work.”
“You remember what I said to you back when you were tutoring Danny?” Maddie asked; he didn’t need to see her face to know that she was not happy.
“I do.”
“That still stands. I expect you to take good care of my sweet little boy.”
“Yes not to worry, Maddie. I will protect him as if he were my own,” Vlad said. This was very quickly turning into a bad day.
“Glad to hear it, Vlad. I’d expect no less from you,” Maddie said, her tone downright icy.
Vlad passed the phone back to Danny, who smirked as he took it. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good. Okay. Love you, bye!” Danny grinned as he hung up and put his phone away. “So, Uncle Vlad, what should we do today?”
“Well first we have to patch you up so your mother doesn’t murder me in my sleep!” Vlad snapped.
“It’s just a couple bruises, I’m totally fine!” Danny said, though the way he wobbled slightly as he drew himself up plainly stated otherwise.
Vlad ran a hand down his face, then caught the anticipated attempt at putting the Specter Deflector on him again. He snatched the belt away so quickly that it knocked Danny to the ground.
“Well you can’t blame me for trying!” Danny said when Vlad glared down at him.
The boy was lucky that Vlad held him in kinder regard than he did Skulker.
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