glitchedcosmos · 1 day
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No because the way you can see him panting, heavy breathing, waking up from such a violent , intense nightmare , to immediately summon a chaos spear and blast the nearest thing ( rip tree) , the leftover chaos sparks, his chest panting in and out, it’s such a cold night you can see his breath, as he slowly grounds himself back to his present, just one of the many times he’s relived that day.
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sweetandspicy · 1 day
I just want to hug Tamlin. Specifically when he's in his beast form. Like just imagine it for a second, Tamlin's laying in the grass, the sun shining onto that beauty golden coat and you're there right beside him, cuddled into his side, fingers running through his fluffy fur. He'd be so warm and big and soft. Does that not sound like heaven?
And then you can fuc-
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weirdocean101 · 8 months
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Guys! I have it! The screenshot I was talking about in an earlier post, I got my friend to send it to me! This is a blink and you’ll miss it moment but it’s in the game! Look! Look at him! Look at his face!
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Look at those big sad eyes! Poor, poor Ghirie!
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ilumin · 5 months
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The rain never felt so cold before... ❄
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reyenii · 2 years
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nikolai «a hugger» lantsov
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youmeansus · 6 months
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The sun is shining, but not for me…
Poor huggable Jigen
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introducing the blink-182 book club where we all read marks book then group suicide
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justmesaint · 6 months
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Despite everything, it's still you
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moonlight-nat · 3 months
lestat’s voice when he asks “did you hurt yourself?” is my 13th reason
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illiana-mystery · 2 months
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"Leave Me Alone."
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verkomy · 1 year
can’t stop thinking about how kíli would probably give hugs and forehead kisses to the company when he would be happy or excited because there’s so much warmth and light in him that it would have to come out of him somehow through random acts of affection towards his loved ones
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neosporinwound · 2 months
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(the guy in green is me)
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special-mooon · 1 year
Silver yelling at his baby self saying “he doesn’t have the right to cry” after finding out who his real parents were
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the-gt-fairy · 7 months
More ISAT g/t! This time tiny size shifter Siffrin semi-inspired by that ask I got. I wrote this all in one sitting last night and am deciding fuck it and posting it
Context: Family is at a fancy party cuz they saved the country and get invited to fancy parties now. Siffrin is Not Having a Good Time with all the people
“You clearing the snack table, Sif?”
‘Snack table’ was a bit of an understatement. The set of platters nearly stretched across the whole wall, and each were filled with fancy dishes Isabeau couldn’t even begin to name. Sif had been hanging out there for most of the party, so he expected them to be stuffing their face.
But they only nibbled absently on a desert, shrugging at Isabeau’s question.
He frowned. “Hey, are you ok?”
They shrugged again, eyes flicking back towards the crowd. Someone nearby laughed loudly, and Sif flinched, shrinking in on themself.
Literally. They were actually shrinking, dropping in centimeters by the second.
“How about we go somewhere else?” Isabeau suggested.
Siffrin nodded and let himself be guided out of the main room and into the hall. Isabeau shadowed them, making sure no one was watching too closely, until they reached one of the copious amounts of sitting rooms.
It was empty, and that seemed to be good enough for Siffrin to let go of the rest of their height.
They stumbled, catching themself on their palms. Isabeau dropped to his own knees, hovering his hands around them.
Siffrin took the half-aborted offer for what it was supposed to be, using his little finger (god, their hand didn’t even cover his pinkie) to hoist themself up. Even once he was stable, he kept his hand on Isabeau’s.
Siffrin looked up at him. “...Hi,” he said, for lack of anything better.
“Hi,” Isabeau returned, just as clueless.
They looked down at their hand on Isabeau’s, then quickly tucked it back to their side.
(Isabeau stamped down his disappointment.)
“You can go back to the party,” Siffrin spoke up, “I'll be fine to camp out here till I can turn back.”
“Do you want to be alone?” Isabeau asked (stamping down his immense disappointment.)
He glanced away. “You shouldn’t have to look after me.”
“Ok, but do you want to be alone?”
Isabeau shifted from a kneel to a cross-legged seat. “Then I’m staying right here.”
They snapped their head up. “But, but you were so excited! For getting dressed up and stuff…”
“Eh, I already got to do the dressing up part,” he waved off, “I’m fine with missing out on the people.”
“You’ll miss out on the food, too,” Siffrin argued.
“I’m sure what Bonnie makes is a million times better.”
Sif snorted, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth. And he stopped trying to convince Isabeau to leave, so it was a win.
Siffrin eventually sat down, staring off silently. But, as usual, Isabeau couldn’t keep his eyes off them.
This was…This was his first time seeing them small, wasn’t it? The few times he had actually witnessed them sizeshifting, they had been giant. Fierce, protective, larger than life.
But now they were small and quiet, more so than Isabeau was used to. Was this how Siffrin had felt when he looked down on the four of them? That they were all so tiny and fragile, and that he would do anything he could to shield them?
Isabeau didn’t feel like he was being a very good shield. He was trained to be a Defender, but he didn’t have a clue what more he could do than sit there uselessly, not knowing if his shadow was more ominous than comforting.
Siffrin shifted, curling in on themself further. “It’s so blinding cold,” he muttered.
“You miss your cloak?” Isabeau asked. Siffrin hadn’t been very happy about giving it up in exchange for fancier clothes. (They looked even smaller without it.)
They nodded. “You said once–” A phrase that meant he was talking about the loops. “--that it was Crafted to regulate temperature. So I’d never get too hot or too cold.”
“Huh, I’d never heard of that before! I wonder if we can figure out how it works…” That would be amazing to implement when he actually started designing clothes.
Siffrin shivered again, cutting off the thought with another one. Right, smaller things didn’t regulate body heat so well, did they? He didn’t want Sif to suffer until he grew back, but what could he do…
An idea came to mind, followed by immediate doubt. Siffrin told them he actually liked touch, it was one of the first things he admitted after leaving Dormont. But Isabeau couldn’t help but feel he was overstepping every time he even tried.
Still, he slowly slid his hand over to Siffrin. “Hey, um. I’m probably warm (really warm) if you want to…”
He trailed off, but Siffrin got the message anyway. They lightly leaned against his hand, then practically melted into it.
Oh god. Oh Change. This was…man. Look at them, even smaller than his palm, snuggling closer just to get all the warmth. Haha, if they really wanted to be warm, all Isabeau would have to do is put them to his face and NO WAIT THAT WAS EMBARRASSING AND HIS FACE WAS EVEN HOTTER NOW CRAB–
“I can feel your pulse from here, ya know,” Sif teased.
They pressed a little closer, probably just to goad him. “Thanks.”
“No problem!” he replied higher than he would like.
They looked up at him with their big , bright eye. “Sorry for being–” He got That Smirk on his face as he gestured to his spot. “--such a handful.”
“Pffft, Sif!”
They snickered, but the smile faded, and they looked away again. “Really, though. You shouldn’t have to deal with me like this.”
“Hey, we already agreed I’m not missing out on anything,” Isabeau assured, “I like spending time with you, Sif.”
“We spend time together all the time.”
“And I enjoy every second of it!”
They huffed, but their mouth ticked up again. “I’m not going to convince you, am I?”
“Nope! I’m going to care about you whether you like it or not! Well, I mean, I’d hope you would like it, but–but if I’m ever overstepping just say the word and I’ll back off–”
“Isa,” Siffrin cut off, “You’re fine. I really don’t mind.”
Isabeau softened. “I don’t mind either. This is only a small price to pay.”
Sif barked a laugh, doubling over as he cackled. Isabeau glowed at the reaction.
The two fell back into silence, but Isabeau felt like he was doing a much better job.
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alazystranger · 8 months
Luffy's worst fear is being left alone. And behold, Luffy's friends leaving him alone on the stage, one by one. This movie is really some twisted shit.
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