theology101 · 5 months
The Brotherhood of Steel don't commit Genocide
Their goal is to protect humanity - not including Ghouls - from Dangerous Technology (Laser weapons, FEV, Replication tech) and try to destroy the fruits of that danger.
But they're not the Enclave. They're not out here trying to make a Human Ethnostate.
As a rule, they've given it a go once or twice but, typically, they're not genocidal. Does the Brotherhood of Steel dislike Ghouls and Super Mutants? Absolutely. Did the West Coast chapter care that the NCR allowed both to be citizens? No, they didn't. Because they weren't a danger to Humanity as individuals.
Why haven't they wiped out Goodneighbor in Fallout 4? Or hell, why doesn't MacCready (who isn't the BOS biggest fan) bring up Underworld or any Brotherhood activity there? No, he doesn't - so its safe to assume that they weren't wiped out.
In Fallout 4, the fight is against Synths the same way it was about Super Mutants in Fallout og - the Synth is just the dangerous byproduct of the Brotherhood's actual target, the Insitute. Just like how the Brotherhood wasn't out to kill all Super Mutants, but the Super Mutants who served the master and threatened Mankind.
From Maxson's perspective (wrong as it may be), he thinks that Synths represent a danger to mankind for two reasons:
They have the ability to near perfectly infiltrate any organization with sleeper cells that can be activated at a moment
Synths might one day decide that they don't need Humans anymore, and instead of trying to run away from the Insitute they'll take over and mass produce
Both of these are nightmare scenarios for the Brotherhood. But the second the Institute is gone, so are both of those points. There will be no more infiltrating (except for DiMa's shenanigans) and the ability to make new Synths has exploded. And, actually, so too did the way to make new Super Mutants so once the current batch is gone there won't be anymore.
Arthur Maxson's work here is done. Now he'll just set up a new local chapter (he has the ego to just unilaterally make one, or he could have made contact with the West Coast and got permission) in Boston. The Brotherhood doesn't want to be the local government, so they'll let the Minutemen do that but they'd mostly just be here to vibe.
Shit, they can't even do anything about the Synths. Not even a deep brain scan will reveal if there is a Synth component, and its impractical to do mass-brain surgery. The Brotherhood pretty much has to wipe their hands and go "we did good gang"
So sorry Thaddeus, no we will not be "killing all the ghouls" because, to be completely honest, there are more important uses of the Brotherhood's time and micro-fusion cells.
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
An actual prompt this time! I know you're busy and have plenty of things to write yet, take your time.
Soo I was thinking that maybe companions (and Maxson) horribly failing at confessing to Sole. Like for example they could clear out some Raiders, companion is impressed, tries to confess BAM Sole gets fucking decked by random raider they didn't kill. I feel like you could get pretty creative with that one. Like deathclaws, something exploding, just settlers running in, other companions interrupting etc.
Yeah! Sorry for my waiting list but this one just take me out of my bed literally Maybe it's better then just writing nothing and you all will forgive me... I will not taking it as an habit but it was just what I needed I think And maybe an EPIC ask... I think it will be (not in the sense I'll do an epic job, in the sense hmmm Titan Quest like the F.E.V. one and all) Oh, and take note you ask for... horribly
Part 1
Danse / Deacon / Nick Valentine
(Part 2 : Hancock, Preston, Strong)
(Part 3 : X6-88 alone because of a bug)
(Part 4 : Gage, MacCready, Piper)
(Part 5 : Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson)
Danse : Sole returns. Sole returns to the bunker after a few days. Danse had time to clean and make the space more comfortable. He didn't consider establishing his new camp there because, after all, he didn't consider living at all.
But now he did.
And Sole came back.
Danse kept himself occupied during his few days alone, trying not to worry about what was happening to him. But he pondered his new envision of himself. Beyond the initial distaste, he felt a sense of conviction, similar to how Sole stood.
Whatever he is, he is a person with convictions for which he fought. He was a man of honor —a synth?— whose his brothers and sisters could trust.
He'd come a long way. His damned way into this group that turned his back on him after he had dedicated his blood and soul for them. And Maxson, whom he almost considered a friend, treated him as if he were a worm to be crushed.
After being reassured that he agreed with Sole on his right to life, his thoughts couldn't help but wander.
He recalls Sole standing in front of him, defending him against Maxson.
And even more.
More, a lot more.
He can't help but replay in his mind all of these events, all of these moments. When Sole emerged as an avenging angel, slaying all the ghouls in their way, Danse was convinced that his squad's final hour had arrived. They entered the paladin's life as a mythical entity, too great for regular mortals, an enigmatic spirit of the times sent to save them.
Then there's how they forced a comedy at Fort Strong while killing mutants. Danse had admonished them a few times for their lack of seriousness in the face of a critical assignment, but he couldn't keep a smile from rising on his face in the midst of their antics.
And all of their nonsense, every time they could.
Danse had pieced together Sole's intentions and the horror of their past, and he couldn't help but admire this person's trustworthiness. When Danse expressed concern about Sole's moral status following such heinous ordeals, Sole merely grinned and remarked that the companionship they were blessed with helped them get through.
Even after they returned from the Institute, learning the injurious truth, they had held on, had rounded the corner, and Danse felt better to know he had been by their side to help. To morally support them.
And now that Sole is standing in front of Danse again, slightly smiling and wondering what's next for him, Danse feels his throat tighten.
Because Danse has realized that he has strong affections for Sole.
Much more than a simple friendship.
He nods slowly.
"Perhaps we should consider venturing to Sanctuary. I am unable to endure it any further. First and foremost, I am a soldier, and a soldier without a purpose doesn't progress very far. I humbly express my desire to align myself with the esteemed Minutemen's structure. In the utmost, their cause is righteous, and they shall not forsake me nor open fire upon me. I have received word that their General harbors a troubling acceptance towards synths."
"They tolerate and love them a lot," Sole admits with a half-smile.
They proceed without adding anything. Thus far north, there is no road that crosses directly, at least not according to Sole. As best they can, they cross the countryside in wreckage, cutting valleys and hills.
And Danse remains quiet, lost in introspection.
Yes, he likes Sole a lot more than simply as a friend. There's a lot more. Soon, Sole will return to their Rail Road operations, to which Danse has never been requested (and he now understands why), while Danse will begin his Minutemen duties, most likely limited to the Castle for the time of his training. And, while it appeared to him at first to be the finest way to fill his days, he now has a peculiar uneasiness at the prospect of leaving Sole without delivering anything of what he feel upon them.
They are in the midst of the wreckage of a plane that crashed there two centuries ago. They passed through a few Minutemen (apparently, it is in the profession to check out every nook and cranny of the Commonwealth), but they are now alone and isolated in front of the cabin of the downed craft.
He clears his throat slightly in an attempt to catch the attention of his partner.
Sole looks at him.
"Something's wrong, Danse?"
When the realization occurs to the fallen Paladin that he would never again have his title before his name, he swallows hard. But that's not the issue he's having right now.
"I…I'm not really a man of words but…"
Sole erupts in laughter.
"Are you not a man of words? Yes, you ate a dictionary at birth!"
For a few whiles, the poor man panics, unable to restore balance after the sting of Sole. He had seized his courage in both hands in an attempt to open his heart, and his partner had fallen back into amusement. But he needs to tell them. He has to. He knows deep down that he has to.
"Sole, please."
They instantly calm down, recognizing that the man in front of them appears to be death serious.
"Oh, sorry."
"Don't be like that. What I'm trying to say is this—
Sole's expression shifts from calm to dread in an instant, while Danse hears the anger of a beast he despises beyond all in his back. He despises her much more now that she's interfering in such an important situation.
He turns, weapon in hand, to fully answer to the deathclaw, and then follows a long and deadly combat. The beast is fierce and perhaps ancient, and it not easily defeated.
When they eventually prevail against the monster, with a few bites and scratches here and there, Danse don't dare trying again to express himself. And Sole now has to patch them up as soon as they find out a settlement, so they regretfully didn't think to inquire furthermore.
Deacon : His deathly bunny and he jumped into a plethora of wolf dens. Nothing, however, tops being in his favorite den.
The spy like it when Sole stays for the evening and then retires to the back of the HQ for a well-deserved rest. Despite the fact that he does not require sleep himself —as a synth, eh— he enjoys lying on the mattress next to Sole when they ask it, with a roll of the eyes at his answer.
They normally spend a few more moments on their mattresses talking about everything and nothing until one of them falls asleep —more often then none Sole, because Deacon is a synth, yup.
"Tell me again how he almost swallowed his beard."
Sole bursts out laughing.
"I told him to go to hell. That I was only in their camp for my friend Danse, and that by turning their back on him, the entire organization may roast, I would never support them again. Anyway, it's irrelevant now. Let them go to fight like the big boys they are against this blasted Institute and get the heck out of my territory."
Deacon like it when Sole becomes engrossed. The fire in their eyes awakens his heart's hearth. He would never have confessed to them. Never. Never previously has it's not have seems important.
There is still a serious moment, which Sole elaborates on.
"It's very little Deacon, to remain silent and, moreover, serious. What's the matter with you?"
"Nothing, you know. There isn't much to eat here. Perhaps a programming error. Perhaps I should run a diagnostic."
Sole's chuckling is priceless. Deacon smiles quietly as he listens to the pleasant melody in his ears. They stare at him again when his friend grows still serious.
They sit on the mattress and motion for Deacon to do the same. As he straightens, the spy stares down. Sole is right. He has words on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't dare to voice them for the first time in his holy life. Sole gently takes his hands in their, searching for his eyes.
"Deacon, you know you can tell me anything?"
The man glances into the other side and swallows cautiously. Yes, he has the right to tell Sole anything. But what about that? Can he? He has to. He has a debt to Sole. He owes them a frank and honest sincerity. And even the thought seems weird to him. A straightforward and open sincerity? He has no recollection of what it tastes like.
"I'll be honest then," he says, hesitantly, as if he must step into the void. "It's been a while since I should have told you."
He takes a deep breath, ready to blow it all, when an unusually powerful vibration is noticed.
Sole turns their gaze towards the headquarters, and suddenly they hear screaming and gunshots.
Deacon leaps to his feet. This kind of roar his still heard in his worst nightmares. Just like the day the Coursers assaulted the old HQ. But isn't Tinker Tom meant to put cameras? How did the Coursers gain access to the facility, this time?
"The Brotherhoods!" yells someone from within.
Sole and Deacon are already on the front lines of defense, positioning themselves to hold the soldiers for as long as it takes for the others to flee. They didn't even need to talk. With Gloria, they hold the line and exchange gunshots with their enemies, keeping them in respect for so long that Deacon is confident their friends will have no problem to disappear in the ruins of Boston. Gloria then makes a strangled gasp and collapses to her knees, her gun no longer firing shots. Deacon peers at her, fear on his face as he realizes his friend has been badly shot.
A grunt and a thud behind his back make him fear the worst. He attempts to hold the BoS at bay, but his weapon is too slow without Gloria's gatling and Sole's assault rifle.
Desperate, he throws a couple of grenades into the tunnel to gain time, and he manages to push the invaders back slightly.
He rushes alongside Sole right away.
His friend clutches their bowels in agony, or what remains of them. Deacon wraps his arms around them and softly cradles them.
"Don't worry, everything will be alright. Let's go locate Carrington."
As he glances around, searching in the room... he realizes that the doctor is among the casualties. He growls and attempts to drag Sole further away, hoping to hide them.
"We're going to get through this," he said. "We're going to get through this, I promise" he repeats dejectedly.
“Liar,” breaths Sole before becoming limp in his arms.
Nick Valentine : They came to a halt near the GNN, in the ruins of an abandoned house of which he believes was once a settlement.
He finds it weird that the occupants simply vanished overnight, leaving no trace.
It happens occasionally, such as at University Point, although there are traces. There are dead settlers, downed synths, evidence, and clues.
But here, just the emptiness of tranquility, as if no one had lived there since the war.
But Sole is worn out, hungry, and thirsty, and all he wants is one evening off, possibly one night.
While his companion actually runs aground on a dingy old mattress in the living room of the modest house, Nick ensures that nothing threatens them. When the synth returns from his excursion, his partner hasn't moved one inch.
He moves careful closer.
"Well, ya gotta keep that belly of yours satisfied. And imbibing a beverage would assuredly be a wise course of action."
He was met with a growl in response. He looked around. The previously residents provided a fire pit. He reaches over, takes Sole's bag, and begins cooking something for them.
"I'll rouse you from your slumber once the soup is ready."
Another grunt joins in. He can't help but sneering. Of course, he finds a cauldron (even two) and every necessary instrument in Sole's backpack to prepare the thrifty dinner. Water canes, carrots, and a piece of meat that he starts cutting into small cubes. He whistles merrily, converting himself into a maid of the household, as he frequently does with Sole.
"Ah, the pangs of nostalgia for the flavors of garlic and cilantro doth visit me on occasion. Parsley and mint!
“Salt, pepper,” Sole mumbles under their arm, their head shifting slightly to reach a more comfortable position.
Nick digs deeper into the bag and uncovers a pepper and salt shaker.
"Well, I must say, this here stuff seems to possess quite the remarkable dose of radiation, and it should lacks any discernible flavor."
“Still good,” corrects the other.
Nick chuckles a little and adds the condiments, pleased to be able to improve the soup he's making.
He sits down and glances around the room while waiting for the meal to be ready. It had to have been a nice house. Here had to live a lovely little family. He takes note of the stairs. The bedrooms should be on the second floor. Children, most likely. A pleasant existence.
His gaze is drawn to the limp figure on the mattress. His artificial lips slowly form a tiny smile. Sole, in all their magnificence, is a stunning, authoritarian, and noble individual. But the visual of Sole spread out, blindly trusting their companion for safety, entirely abandoned to the sleep that stole them, is something that few can boast of seeing.
And Nick owns it.
He has it all and meticulously details his friend.
And once more, this odd sensation arises in the hollow of his components.
It happens from time to time. Often. More and more. When their gazes cross. When they cheer at a triumph. When a file is closed. When they're simply the two of them at the end of an evening by the fire. When Sole departs for a while and then reappears on his doorstep.
And Nick can no longer mislead himself.
He experiences a feeling. This is not a programming error. His circuits are flawless in that. It's just a true, intense, genuine emotion.
He serves a bowl of soup and kneels next to Sole, softly shaking their shoulder.
"Stand up, Sleeping Beauty, lunch is served!"
Sole scolds and growls but sit in front of Nick, gratefully taking the bowl that their friend hands them. They begin to eat it carefully, as if lost in contemplation. And Nick can't stop admiring them, always fascinated by the elegance of their features and the brightness in their eyes.
His companion frowns as they glance back at him. "I got something stick in my teeth?"
Nick sighs and laughs a little.
"There's absolutely nothin' on here. None of it, pal."
"So what?"
"It seems that this, ah, old carcass of mine hasn't been spinning as smoothly as I'd prefer for quite some time now."
Sole places the dish on the ground, their face etched with anguish and earnestness.
"Nick, what's wrong?"
The synth is astonished.
"Oh, nothing to be awry. Not quite how you're envisioning it. It's just a tough nut to crack."
"Say so, and we'll figure it out together. Perhaps I am able to help you."
He places a sympathetic hand on Nick's metal one, the synth constantly amazed at how tactile Sole is with him despite his nature.
"How can you…help me?"
Even though Sole is the organic, it's Nick who swallows with difficulty. He lowers his head, his eyes hidden by the brim of his fedora, but Sole's hand rises from his to tuck beneath his chin.
"Hello, I'm here. I will always be there for you. No matter what."
After getting some good breaths, Nick takes the plunge to opens his bag. He opens his mouth to respond, but then a radroach erupts between them, knocking the bowl of soup over and driving both to rush to their feet and draw their weapons.
After the "vicious" opponent is dispatched, a nice laugh and a new bowl of soup, Sole raises an eyebrow.
"But what did you want to tell me, before our surprise guest wasted your delicious soup?"
Nick swallows and makes a dismissive hand motion.
"Nothin', absolutely nothin'. Drop it..."
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everydayyoulovemeless · 8 months
I always wondered honestly how FO4 faction leaders (and maybe some companions that also belong to sayd faction, like Danse) whould react finding out the Sole Survivor is with the Enclave? (Maybe via a tattoo they have or dogtag)
Im guessing most whould be very unhappy and instantly accuse them of being a spy.
I'm interested what you think, since for fo4 the only Enclave option you really have is the Enclave rising mod but companions don't comment on it of corse.
Fo4 Factions React To Sole Being With The Enclave
➼ Word Count » 1.7k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic, Angst? ➼ A/N » This is such an interesting idea! Also, I hope you don’t mind but, I added a few more faction characters 🤭
Preston was horrified when he found out. There have been a few stories from settlers migrating from the Capital Wasteland, but he never imagined that you, of all people, would be with them. The entire idea of 'cleansing the land' is precisely what the Minutemen are trying to fight against. He feels as if you've just been using him this entire time for your own personal gain. Why else would you agree to be general if you didn't believe in their cause? Did you ever think they'd be able to make a change? Or were you just playing along for the fun of it? It's an understatement to say he's angry, though, more at himself than you. Out of everyone he could've stumbled upon to make into the Minutemen's new leader, you're who it was. And he was the one who supported you. Preston's won't be in the mood for compromising, he'll just turn you away. Similar to how he does when you side with the Nuka-World raiders. He's over it. He'll start over - find someone new, and you can go back and do whatever it is that you do. He's disgusted with himself for sticking with you for so long, but also because of how he can't bring himself to kill you. He just wishes you didn't try so hard to be friends with him. Then your betrayal wouldn't hurt him so badly.
Sturges noticed the Enclave marking early on but didn't know what it symbolized and never mentioned it. It wasn't until he overheard your argument with Preston that he decided to approach you about it. He stopped you while you were leaving Sanctuary and softly asked what happened between you and Preston. A part of him hoped he could mend your relationship with him, even if he knew it was far past that point. He cares for the both of you. The Minutemen were the best thing to ever happen to him, and he'd be damned if he let it break apart without trying to fix anything. That's what he's known for, isn't it? Fixing things? Even after he talks to you, he's still not sure what the Enclave is. All he knows is that he desperately wants both you and Preston to come to an agreement. He feels like a kid in the middle of a messy divorce and it stresses him out.
Any tough exterior that Elder Maxson puts up is immediately shattered when he sees that painfully familiar mark. He's seen firsthand what they've done to the world - what they're capable of, and he refuses to condone that behavior, especially when it comes to a supposed member of his cause. He'll stare you down with both a mix of fear and anger for stepping aboard the Prydwen. Who do you think you are? Surely, your joining the Brotherhood wasn't an accident, and he's not willing to wait and find out what your purpose for infiltrating them is. You're off the ship. No discussion necessary. He refuses to fight alongside anyone of your stature, and if he ever sees you again, he won't hesitate in ordering your death. The Commonwealth won't be a repeat of the Capital Wasteland. He'll make sure of it.
Danse doesn't have many memories of the Enclave, but if it evoked a reaction like that out of Elder Maxson, then he's sure you can't be anyone good. The decision on what should happen to you is out of his control, but whatever is decided, he'll stick with and enforce. His loyalty to the Brotherhood outweighs his relationship with you. Even if you were considerably close to him, he'd still be firm in his stance. You either need to leave for another state or be exterminated. Heartbroken as he might be, this isn't the first time he's had to do something he found hard for the betterment of the Brotherhood. He was close to Cutler, and look where he is. Danse doesn't sympathize with enemies, and you're no exception.
Haylen might not have been a scribe during the Brotherhood-Enclave War, but she still remembers those moments vividly. It was concerning as a civilian, and she can't even imagine what it felt like for those who were on duty. Despite the threat you could be to the Brotherhood, she feels conflicted about completely dismissing you. You've done a lot to support their cause and, to her, that means something, no matter if you've got an Enclave marking or not. Whatever Maxson decides is what he decides, but know that if you ever happened to be in the same area, she'd gladly bring you a bit of supplies.
Desdemona notices it, and would've turned you away when you first discovered the Railroad if it weren't for Deacon vouching for you. She's suspicious of you from day 1 and nothing ever changes about that. Even if you helped them out from start to finish she'd be suspicious. The Enclave is a massive and very dangerous organization that the Railroad does not support in any capacity. The fascism alone makes her feel critically toward you and you'll have spies observing your every move until she decides that she finally trusts you, which probably won't happen until you show you've fully quit working with them altogether.
Deacon’s aware of who you're affiliated with early on, but he hopes his shpeal about looking at what the organizations are doing rather than what they're telling you will change your mind. He really likes you and thinks that you'd be a great asset to the Railroad, especially since you've had military training at some point from being with the Enclave. Maybe it's idealistic of him, but he's really hoping that he can get you to change sides. He knows what it's like to have a past you're not proud of, and he genuinely believes he can get through to you and convince you to quit the Enclave at some point. Even if no one else in the Railroad agrees with him on that. There's just something about you that he's always been drawn to, and he doesn't want to give up on you so fast.
Tinker Tom's with Dez on this. He doesn't trust you either and would build you a gun just so he can track where you go. Every time you come near him, his eyes go wide with fear and his shoulders tense up. You don't know it, but he's got a pocket knife on him that he's itching to use the second you do something to fast. The only thing that'd make him feel a little better about having you around is if you agree to be injected with his battery acid. It'll make him calm down a little bit, but he still won't exactly like having you around so often. You're just not one of them. The Enclave and the Railroad both have complete opposite goals and it's hypocritical for you to argue you're loyal to both.
Glory might actually start firing on you if you even slightly raise you're voice at anyone in HQ. She's with everyone else in that she doesn't think you're someone who can be relied on and she does everything she can to get that across to you. In fact, if you do anything she deems suspicious or possibly traitorous, she'll attempt to assassinate you on your next outing. You're going to have to prove a lot to her, and many other Railroad members that you're not going to sell them out the second the opportunity arises. She's rude to you, sure, but you've got to understand that this is her family she's trying to protect, and you being there is a threat in it of itself.
Father doesn’t care as much as he probably should. He doesn’t see the Enclave, or any group for that matter, as a threat. At most, they’re just a nuisance that might slow down the Institute, but it’s something that’s easy to fix. He's a bit cocky in that way. Unless your relationship with the faction interferes with any of the Institute's plans, he won’t pay much mind to it. Just keep them in DC, won’t you? There's enough organizations to deal with in the Commonwealth as it is, no point in adding another.
X6-88 doesn't like it, and he's very vocal about wanting you to quit, but it's ultimately your decision. In his mind, the Institute is the only faction you should be focused on, especially if you're planning on being the leader, so quitting the Enclave would be in your best interest. He also has a cocky outlook concerning the Enclave and fully believes that, if anything were to occur, the Institute would be able to defuse it instantly. Despite his disagreement with who you're affiliated with, he'll still follow you. You're still his boss, and until you give him a reason to suspect that you're not as committed to the cause as you claim, it's none of his business who you decide to work with.
Dr Li is on edge the moment that you’re introduced. She can’t help but think back on everything the Enclave's done to the world - done to her. She does her best to hide her face from you, and whenever she has to talk to you, she's noticeably more nervous and tense. All she can think about is the assassination of James and the abduction of the Lone Wanderer. She's never trusted them and doesn't intend on doing it now. She's fully convinced that part of why you're here is to finish the job in exterminating her. She doesn't believe for a second that you'll do the Institute right and will leave to rejoin the Brotherhood if you happen to stay. It stresses her out that none of the other scientists seem to feel as concerned as she is with the thought of you being in the heart of their bunker. No amount of pleading will get anyone else to agree with her about being suspicious and that makes her incredibly fearful.
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hrefna-the-raven · 5 months
Heart of Steel
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Inspired by this great song of Manowar:
Summary: You are a former soldier before the Great War, frozen in the vault only to wake in a world you didn't recognise anymore with your husband killed and your son kidnapped. You stumble through the Commonwealth, having searched far and wide with Detective Valentine for your son until you stumble upon Paladin Danse at the Police station. His Brotherhood wakens your desire to belong somewhere again and so you join them, but upon meeting Elder Maxson you weren't sure anymore if it really was the right decision....
Notes: I haven't played FO3, so I don't know tiny Maxson and I haven't quite finished the BoS story in FO4 so I'm not quite sure where this is exactly headed as I type the chapters as I move forward in the questline^^
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel
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"The Institute Scientists have created a weapon that transcends the destructive nature of the atom bomb", Elder Maxson spoke purposefully.
Your gaze drifted towards his commanding presence, acknowledging his tall and undeniably attractive stature. During your time you travelled the Commonwealth, you never encountered anyone who exuded such confidence and grace. He paced in front of the new recruits like a predator stalking its prey and yet his radiant confidence stood like a shining beacon amidst the darkness of this world.
"Therefore, the Institute and their "synths" are considered enemies of the Brotherhood of Steel, and should be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly", he gruffly stated, carefully observing the recruits.
A knot formed in your stomach upon hearing those final words. While encountering various synths during your search for Kellog, not all of them had been friendly. However, influenced by Nick's unwavering assistance and his quest to find your son, you were convinced that shooting each and every synth on sight couldn't be the right course of action. Nick had saved you countless times, without gaining any advantage out of it and you seriously doubted he'd ever be an enemy to anyone who didn't deserve it in the first place.
Maxson noticed your attention drifting away, evident in your slouched posture and vacant eyes as your mind was clearly preoccupied with other thoughts. Whether or not he could discern the exact thoughts running through your head, he felt a sense of his authority being questioned.
"This campaign will be costly and many lives will be lost. But in the end, we will be saving humankind from its worst enemy... itself. Ad Victoriam!", he slammed his fist proudly on his chest.
The voices of the other recruits interrupted your trail of thoughts prompting you to join them in mimicking the gesture. As they left, you stood awkwardly in front of the Elder, a faint sense of panic tingling beneath your skin as you realised you were now alone with your new superior in the room.
"Requesting permission to speak, Sir", you asked, every muscle in your body tense as your ingrained military habits took control and you continued upon seeing the Elder nod, "Paladin Danse informed me that you wished to speak to me personally."
Maxson looked a little surprised as you spoke up. The others within the Brotherhood always treated him with respect, some fearfully even, but your way of talking reminded him of old military records he'd read up on.
"Ah, right. The new recruit Paladin Danse spoke so highly of in his report. I was told you're quite the skilled marksman, which is an exceptional achievement for a civilian like yourself... It takes quite a lot to impress the man that much, especially for recommending you for such a quick and impressive promotion. Were you already skilled with a weapon before you joined?"
"Yes, Sir, in a way. I'm not sure if Danse mentioned it but I'm from a vault, I was kinda stuck in cryostasis for over 200 years, prior to that, I served in the US Army", you nervously chuckled as you recounted your journey into the vault after seeing the bombs being dropped.
Maxson's eyes widened, revealing his surprise for a second before he regained his stoic composure. You intrigued him greatly, a beautiful woman out of time, having served during the pre-war era, now finding herself aligned with the Brotherhood and by extension with him. He was determined to unravel the mysteries that surrounded you. The coldness in his voice faded slightly and he leaned in closer as he spoke, his eyes staring straight into your soul.
"It's quite fortunate that you came across Paladin Danse then, isn't it? Most of our people are young and inexperienced, and some have even come from a life of crime and thievery. But you are quite different, aren't you? And I presume you must have been an exceptional soldier, otherwise you would have most likely been assigned a non-combatant role, or maybe even left out of the vault altogether. I'm sure that the Brotherhood has great need of someone like you and could be quite useful as a Sentinel or even a Paladin yourself."
You sensed a shift in his demeanour, your gaze trailing over his form, noticing the subtle change as he reverted back to the hardened exterior you initially witnessed. All that praise, almost flattery, the prospect of climbing the ranks so fast without even knowing you had to come at cost, one he'd surely reveal soon enough.
"But I have to ask one thing... How do you feel about Synths?"
His question ignited a panic, crawling underneath your skin while your mind pondered on a possible answer. Given his speech earlier, you were well aware which answer was the right one to get you on his good side and yet...lying would was the opposite of everything you stood for. Regardless of the consequences, you refused to simply utter the words he wanted to hear but you wouldn't exclude diplomacy either.
"I'm unsure, Elder. I understand they can be dangerous and yet, one of them saved my life and is trying to help me find my kidnapped son. I'd deem it unjust to simply shoot him on sight."
For a fleeting moment, Maxson's gaze drifted off, a slight frown forming, or maybe it was more of a twinge of regret, crossing his face before he cleared his throat and spoke sharply again.
"Remember our principles, Aspirant. EVERY Synth is a threat to our mission and our values. NEVER trust one under any circumstances, regardless of them appearing kind or helpful. They are only acting that way to manipulate and trick us."
"May I ask a question in return, Elder?", you asked in a calm tone.
It was a careful delicate dance around the principles of this Brotherhood and the man's unyielding view on people who's worst and best sides you came to experience while searching for your husband's killer. You could tell from the Elder's blank expression that your audacity to push this subject further after his warning irritated him. However, what you couldn't see was that, deep within the inner turmoil that defined Arthur Maxson, he almost relished in the fact that someone finally dared to challenge him fearlessly yet respectfully. Unlike most recruits who blindly followed his every command upon stepping foot on the Prydwen, which certainly smoothened the daily operations of the Brotherhood, you possessed a spark of individuality that intrigued him, one that each of the others lacked. After all, it often was this very spark that led to great deeds, exceptional knights for the Brotherhood. Perhaps, it was even the same spark that had propelled him towards his current role as the Elder of this faction.
"Very well. Go ahead and ask", his eyes were locked on you now.
"How can one make sure oneself isn't a Synth?"
This clearly caught him off guard, he was expecting the usual question about why every one of those machines would pose a threat but this was something new. You sensed his hesitation to answer so you elaborated further.
"I come from a time where Synths didn't exist, they are, as so many other things in this world, new to me and I clearly experienced them differently than the Brotherhood did. So how I would I know that I'm not one of them? Or anyone else around me for that matter?"
Maxson seemed puzzled by your question, as if he had never considered it to this extent before and while he had to admit that you made a valid point, he remained determined never to openly acknowledge this fact to a new recruit.
"The Institute wouldn't dare to put one of their own creations in the Brotherhood of Steel on purpose. We've also taken measures to make sure a Synth cannot infiltrate us in any way. A Synth is a machine, and therefore I know that I am not one. And neither are you."
The corners of your mouth twitched into a faint smile, pleased to see your plan unfold perfectly. He didn't need to voice it out loud for you to detect the subtle indications of doubt, the hint of hesitation as your question struck a nerve, and in just a fraction of a moment, it became apparent to you that beneath the hardened and austere exterior carried by the Elder, there laid something more concealed.
"Thank you for reassuring me, Elder."
"You're dismissed, Aspirant", you nodded and turned around but stopped when he continued, the severity in his voice returning, "as a former soldier you should be aware of the consequences of questioning your superiors. You'll be cleaning the showers and latrines down at the airport, all of them. Consider this your first assignment and a lesson. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel."
You let out a sigh as you made you way towards the elevator. After spending over two centuries in cryo sleep, waking up in a desolated Wasteland to join a faction like an army, only to be punished with the task of cleaning their bathing facilities for asking a single question. Was it truly worth it? You chuckled to yourself as you pressed the button of the elevator, a triumphant grin spreading across your lips. Yes, it was. You struck just the right nerve to get a faint glimpse underneath the Elder's stoic surface and you were determined to take whatever punishment he'd throw at you if it meant you'd finally get through to him. There more to him than he'd show and you were too intrigued to let it slide.
Little did you know that Arthur stood by the window, observing the bustling soldiers moving around the main airport building just underneath the Prydwen. His mind was consumed with thoughts of you, the timeless woman, who wiggled her way into the Brotherhood, the same mischievous yet well meaning spark in her eyes he was all too familiar with. He knew exactly what game you were playing with your question. But two could play this game, he thought to himself, a hint of amusement curving his lips. He'd see how you dealt with the punishment. What secrets could he winkle out of you? Suddenly a trembling sigh escaped his lips. Would he be to resist you if the mysteries around you would turn out to please him? Only time would tell, for now, the most important was to free the Commonwealth of the Institute's threatening claws. Ad Victoriam, he mumbled to himself, closing his eyes as he desperately tried to banish the images of you from his mind.
This recruit would either be a curse or a blessing and the very least, a challenge.
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Chapter 2 - Tour of Duty
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mllemaenad · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering - that Maxson thing you quoted in the Super Mutants post. I was wondering what's your take on that whole little 'history of Arthur Maxson' set of entries on that terminal, because you're generally really good at analysing these things like historical documents (I loved your work on that in Dragon Age). I guess I just want to know how much of it is likely to be bullshit, and which parts are bullshit around a kernel of truth.
Oh, sure, I can have a stab at that, if you like. I am ... going to put the cut in now, because even the document itself is quite long.
The Rise of Elder Maxson Opening Notes These entries are my attempt at writing a timeline documenting Elder Maxson's rise within the ranks of the Brotherhood. It's my sincerest wish that these entries will one day be compiled in a classic printed book format and distributed throughout the Wasteland. Long live Elder Maxson and long live the Brotherhood! Background Despite the defeat of the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel was still an organization divided. The Outcasts, a splinter faction that left the safety of the Citadel, still struggled to survive in the Capital Wasteland, separated from their parent organization. And while some of the Brotherhood members within the Citadel had no desire to reunite with their "disgraced" brothers, many saw the advantage in bolstering their own forces with warriors already trained and indoctrinated by the Brotherhood of Steel. Surely they could work out any… philosophical issues? Enter Maxson Enter Arthur Maxson, young squire to both Owyn and Sarah Lyons, and descendant of the very founder of the Brotherhood of Steel, Roger Maxson. When Elder Owyn Lyons died, care of young Arthur Maxson passed to Sarah Lyons, Owyn's daughter, who was then named Elder in his place. But when Sarah fell in battle shortly thereafter, things became complicated. The Brotherhood of Steel based in the Citadel found itself in need of leadership, and began appointing one ineffective Elder after another. Accomplishments As the years passed, and Arthur Maxson grew, so too did his accomplishments. At age 12, while on a training patrol, he killed two Raiders and saved the squad that was supposed to be escorting him. At age age 13, he single-handedly killed a Deathclaw (and gained the large facial scar he still has to this day). But it was his victory at age 15, over the Super Mutant "Shepherd" who was attempting to re-organize the Capital Wasteland's Super Mutants, that elevated him to hero-like status. When word of this feat reached the Elders back on the West Coast, they knew the time had come… Maxson was ready. Ready to lead and, more importantly, to reunite the fragmented Brotherhood of Steel forces on the East Coast. Our New Leader So it was that a year later, when he was only 16 years old, Arthur Maxson brokered a peace with the Outcasts, re-integrating them into the Brotherhood of Steel, and proving he was as effective a diplomat as he was a warrior. Now re-united, the full force of the Brotherhood of Steel appointed Arthur Maxson as Elder… the youngest in Brotherhood of Steel history. Aftermath Elder Maxson reigns supreme in the Capital Wasteland, and his authority and influence have been spreading across the Eastern Seaboard, thanks in no small part by the mobility afforded by the Prydwen. He has the full support of the Elders back on the West Coast, who have proudly reported that they've begun eradicating cults that have popped up, worshipping Maxson as though he's some kind of god. Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity, as it goes against everything he believes in. Arthur Maxson is happy to be one thing… the perfect human specimen, an example of everything a human being can achieve. Assisted, even enhanced, by advanced technology, but still very much human. – The Rise of Elder Maxson, Proctor Quinlan's terminal, Fallout 4
First question: who is writing this? Proctor Quinlan is a Brotherhood of Steel scribe, meaning he's a professional researcher. That certainly sounds like a promising start. But Quinlan is also the contact for the quest Getting Technical, wherein the Sole Survivor collects technical documents for the Brotherhood, meaning he expresses various ... opinions about the kind of books that are worth preserving.
My responsibility aboard the Prydwen is to sort through the books discovered by our recovery teams and extract pertinent information from them. It's tedious work, since most of the volumes are a waste of paper… works of fiction, poetry… you understand. There are other scribes within the Brotherhood that consider fictional material essential, but I refuse to allow them aboard this vessel. If they don't expand the Brotherhood's technological knowledge, they're useless. Technical volumes, repair manuals, design philosophies, medical research… anything that enhances the Brotherhood's knowledge. That's why I consider everything else a waste of paper. – Proctor Quinlan Dialogue, Fallout 4
He seems to have a particular vendetta against fiction, but it's noteworthy that history and biography aren't on his list of acceptable volumes either. So he seems to be writing history without having a lot of respect for the craft.
His attitude, and this quest, seem to a reference to – and a bit of a dig at – Scribe Yearling and the Yearning for Learning quest she offered in Fallout 3. Yearling just asked for "pre-war books", so presumably she was collecting the various things Quinlan calls a "waste of paper".
Now, we also know Quinlan is a bit of a comic book fan:
Proctor Quinlan: Damn it scribe, I told you I didn't want the corners bent. The issues were to be in mint condition! Scribe Naceri: I'm sorry, Proctor, but this is the only limited edition annual we've recovered. Even before the bombs fell, this was the rarest issue… the one where Grognak dies and comes back to life. Proctor Quinlan: Yes, scribe… I've read the 2076 Underlane Price Guide from cover to cover, so I'm well aware of its past value. The fault for this travesty rests squarely on your shoulders because you chose to ignore the important lesson I taught you. Which is…? Scribe Naceri: Always bag and board. I'm sorry, sir. You're absolutely right, and I promise it will never… Um, sir? What's that red blinking light on your terminal? Proctor Quinlan: What? Oh, damn all… I left it in record mode. Just let me… – Quinlan to Be Deleted, Fallout 4
Ordinarily I wouldn't judge someone for a guilty pleasure, and I see no issue with keeping his comic book collection separate from the Brotherhood's official archives ... but this is a bit rich, after all the harping on the uselessness of fiction. So now we also know Quinlan is comfortable with hypocrisy.
And we have remarks like these:
Sole Survivor: He'll [Danse] be missed. Quinlan: Doubtful. I wouldn't "miss" a synth any sooner than I'd miss a transistor radio. I was merely sorry that you'd been duped. No matter. ... Quinlan: I'm not sure I like how your Ghoul is eying my quarters. I'd appreciate you removing him. – Proctor Quinlan Dialogue, Fallout 4
So ... we're not looking at a freethinker here, either. I don't mean that Quinlan is stupid, but he's clearly not a person who spends a lot of time interrogating the evidence around him and coming to independent conclusions. He happily spouts the Brotherhood party line – even when you're talking about the death of a long-time colleague. Danse stopped being a person to Quinlan the moment he was revealed as a synth.
Our author is not especially trustworthy, so we have good reason to be suspicious of this text.
Second question: Why is he writing this? This one is easy, because he tells us:
It's my sincerest wish that these entries will one day be compiled in a classic printed book format and distributed throughout the Wasteland.
This isn't a passion project by a devoted historian; nor is it intended to be an history internal to the Brotherhood, to remind them of who they are and what they've done. This is a propaganda piece, intended to inspire fear and awe in the wastelanders.
And that explains an awful lot about how this reads. I would not expect a Brotherhood source to offer up a lot of significant criticism of their current Elder – Brotherhood members who disagreed with Owyn Lyons tended to be pretty circumspect about it – but even a very positive biography might be expected to contain some discussion of a person's flaws and setbacks, even if only to say how well he overcame them.
Quinlan doesn't cite his sources, explain how he knows things or even go into any useful detail anywhere. It's important to know what sort of text we're dealing with: this isn't history, or even biography; it's panegyric. So you get crap like this:
Arthur Maxson is happy to be one thing… the perfect human specimen, an example of everything a human being can achieve.
I don't even know what you do with that, except maybe throw up a little bit. Come on, Quinlan, if you licked that boot any harder you'd sprain your tongue.
So: the purpose of this text is to present Arthur Maxson as an unstoppable hero to the people of the wasteland. It is light on details, high on praise, and incredibly dubious.
Third question: given all that, what can we do with this tripe?
There are some pros and cons here. The big con is that sources on the post-Fallout 3 Capital Wasteland are pretty thin. There's some dialogue from Deacon, MacCready and Madison Li that ... do not, largely, present a positive image of the Brotherhood's actions there. But they are not presenting a history or a chronicle, just remarking on things as they seem relevant.
The big pro is, well, Fallout 3 exists. Which means we have a significant amount of context for the stuff going on here, so it's not impossible to at least make some educated guesses.
Let's look at the politics first, starting with the reuinification of Lyons's Brotherhood with the Outcasts.
So it was that a year later, when he was only 16 years old, Arthur Maxson brokered a peace with the Outcasts, re-integrating them into the Brotherhood of Steel, and proving he was as effective a diplomat as he was a warrior.
The conflict between the Brotherhood and the Outcasts is a real thing. The Lone Wanderer can meet and deal with the Outcast faction in Fallout 3, and the Operation Anchorage DLC specifically deals with their technology hunt. So we know that part is not complete bullshit. It's only mostly bullshit. Quinlan puts "disgraced" in scare quotes, so if he's not a former Outcast himself he's certainly sympathetic to their position. Make no mistake: they were a disgrace in Fallout 3. Operation Anchorage actually ends with yet another schism in their ranks, because most of the Outcasts don't want to pay the Lone Wanderer for helping them deal with their simulation problem. They're quite awful people. But that's not how we're telling this story here, and that is ... interesting.
So what do we actually know?
There used to be two factions of Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland, Lyons's Brotherhood and the Outcasts. Now there is one.
In Fallout 3 the East Coast Brotherhood is completely cut off from the West Coast Brotherhood. They haven't heard from them in years:
Rothchild: For years he'd try and persuade them to send reinforcements and supplies, all the while stringing them along, saying he was sticking to the mission. Finally, things came to a head. Lyons directly refused orders, and so the West Coast cut us off. No communications, no reinforcements. – Scribe Rothchild Dialogue, Fallout 3
At some point at least one of those groups re-established contact with the West Coast:
When word of this feat reached the Elders back on the West Coast, they knew the time had come… Maxson was ready. Ready to lead and, more importantly, to reunite the fragmented Brotherhood of Steel forces on the East Coast.
The West Coast Brotherhood backed Maxson's bid to become elder but more importantly (Quinlan's words, not mine) wanted the kids to stop fighting. Why?
Well, by this point the West Coast Brotherhood was entrenched in conflict with the NCR. And they were getting their arses kicked. When we meet them in Fallout: New Vegas they've retreated to their bunker after the rout at HELIOS One.
And while it's not anybody's main concern over in New Vegas, the Brotherhood is clearly invested enough in the state of the East Coast Brotherhood that even Veronica, the quasi-exile, has heard the gossip:
Veronica: We've had people go rogue, though, and start helping people. One chapter had a small civil war over it. We take our isolationism seriously. – Veronica Dialogue, Fallout: New Vegas
So if the West Coast got the East Coast on the phone and found out they had: a) a massive amount of scrap at their disposal, b) some revolutionary tech under their control, c) an airship, albeit not one capable of long distance travel, d) a sizeable number of soldiers on hand, and the good will to recruit more from the Capital Wasteland, if the West Coast Brotherhood can accept that ... and the only problem is that half the kids won't get on the damn bus ...
Well, at that point there's going to be a lot of pressure from the West Coast to bring the Outcasts back in, and get the hell back to California before the Brotherhood loses everything.
When they are reunited, the Brotherhood retrofits their airship to allow it to travel longer distances, and sets off. They are definitely in the Commonwealth to steal some stuff, fight the Institute and ruin everyone's day, sure, but this also reads as something of a trial run for a longer journey
Fr: Proctor Ingram IG-444PR To: Elder Maxson MX-001E As you know, in order to get the Prydwen rapidly to the Commonwealth, I had my engineering team pull her older power plant and replace it with an updated fusion plant we pulled from that aircraft carrier wreckage. I was able to squeeze almost one hundred percent efficiency from the new reactor, but the system is burning through our coolant supply faster than expected. As we've been docked over the airport, I've been able to deactivate the main engines to cool down the reactor, but we're still eating up coolant when we're in hover mode. We're eventually going to hit a point where we'll run out of coolant. If that happens, we'll need to put the Prydwen on the ground. I desperately need your help if you want to prevent that from happening. I'll be certain to provide you with the details at our next briefing. – Arthur Maxson's Terminal, Email, Fallout 4
There's clearly no way they're getting the Prydwen to California easily in her current state, and Ingram is busily trying to figure out how they can keep flying around in this thing without it exploding. But the key thing is that they get there: we see the airship reach California in the television series, so that's their final destination.
So, frankly, this is less about Arthur Maxson's extraordinary leadership skills and more about the fact that the Brotherhood was in crisis across America. There would have been tremendous pressure from the West Coast to reunite and head home, and there have always been people in Lyons's Brotherhood who would have preferred to bring the Outcasts back:
Rothchild: We live and die by our dedication to the Brotherhood. To go against orders… It's not something that's done. I appreciate that Lyons believes he is doing what is right, but he should never have disobeyed orders. And now look where it's gotten us. Forces dwindled, Super Mutants on one side, Enclave on the other. We can barely take care of ourselves. Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us. – Scribe Rothchild Dialogue, Fallout 3
That's Owyn Lyons's best friend. And there are indications that someone was whispering poison in Arthur's ear, even in childhood:
Arthur Maxson: Oh, well… You see, I am descended from the great Roger Maxson, founder of our order. I am the last of his line. They say my soul was forged from eternal steel, but I don't believe that. I'm really just a normal boy. I was sent to the Citadel many years ago, to be fostered by Elder Lyons. But that was before the Western Elders lost, um… faith… in the Elder. – Arthur Maxson Dialogue, Fallout 3
Who's been telling you this crap, Arthur? Who's been saying your "soul was forged from eternal steel"? Who's been whispering to you about the Western Brotherhood's lack of faith in Elder Lyons? It's unlikely to be the Outcasts as they wouldn't have had access. But if Outcast sympathisers had their hooks in him this early, it's not surprising where he ended up. I don't like Arthur Maxson the man ... but I have considerable pity for the child.
This pressure seems to have led to the Brotherhood capitulating almost entirely to the Outcasts' demands. We are back on the "hoarding tech for ourselves and telling everyone else to get fucked" train.
Doctor Li: I was tired of being stepped on and used by the Brotherhood. First there was the water purification project, designed to freely benefit the entire Capital Wasteland. Even though the Brotherhood allowed it to be activated, they wanted to control it. Then there were other, more classified projects. Always using my work as weapons of war. I simply had enough. – Madison Li Dialogue, Fallout 4
And the Outcasts very much get to claim victory. They get to say they were right. Owyn Lyons is at best forgotten, and at worst derided as an idiot.
Danse: A decade ago, the Brotherhood had almost gone completely astray. The Elder before Maxson sent us down a path that was leading nowhere… he was more concerned about charity than the preservation of technology. But when Maxson took over, he single-handedly re-prioritized the Brotherhood from the ground up and put us back on the path to glory. This ship and its crew are a testament to his leadership. – Paladin Danse Dialogue, Fallout 4
Danse should bloody know better. He was there. But indoctrination is a Brotherhood technique. You don't talk about what really happened.
Arthur Maxson is primarily useful to all of this because he's Roger Maxson's heir. He's an excellent figurehead to put atop this "reuinited Brotherhood", which is basically just bowing to pressure from the West Coast. And he's, you know, sixteen, so he knows fuck all. He didn't have to be good at anything. He just had to be willing to sell out the people who raised him for a fancy title and a ridiculous coat. Which he did. So here we are. Ad fucking Victoriam.
The biggest takeaway from that part is that Quinlan focuses almost entirely on Arthur's personal victories in battle. Those things have absolutely nothing to do with his leadership ability.
None of the notable leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel became so because they were considered stellar at single combat. Roger Maxson's virtue was having the foresight to keep his people safe in the early days of the apocalypse. He wasn't out there shooting mutants in the head – he was bringing the families of the soldiers into the safety of the base and organising the trek to the Lost Hills bunker. John Maxson, his grandson, aided the Vault Dweller in bringing down the Master's army – his scribes provided the research that proved the super mutants were sterile and he sent knights along as backup to Mariposa ... and Owyn Lyons worked with the Lone Wanderer to complete the water purifier and defeat the Enclave.
What Quinlan is doing is not talking about that. So: the reunification of the Brotherhood is clearly historical fact, but everything else smells quite off to me.
Moving on to the general state of the Capital Wasteland.
Elder Maxson reigns supreme in the Capital Wasteland, and his authority and influence have been spreading across the Eastern Seaboard, thanks in no small part by the mobility afforded by the Prydwen.
I think we can say with reasonable confidence that the Brotherhood would have had considerable influence and power after the fall of the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. We know that they were, by wasteland standards, absurdly rich:
She was constructed at Adam's Air Force Base just outside of Washington D.C. There was a vast amount of scrap metal and salvageable components there after we defeated the Enclave. We spent the first two years alone gathering the parts. The rest was spent assembling. – Lancer Captain Kells Dialogue, Fallout 4
... and to be fair, wiping out the Enclave would likely have bought them some good will, at least in the short term. However, it seems like they burned through that fairly quickly. We have Madison Li, as an example: she became disgruntled because they were using her to build weapons. By the end of Fallout 3 the Enclave was in disarray and the source of the FEV generating all the super mutants had been located. So why the fuck were they escalating a conflict?
Well, dialogue from MacCready suggests that they had clamped down pretty hard and, as they leaned more and more into the Outcasts' way of doing things, became a menace to the population:
MacCready: I really hope you know what you're doing. The Brotherhood guys… they aren't playing cards with a full deck. Get in the way of their technological crusade, and they'll knock you down without even blinking. – Robert MacCready Dialogue, Fallout 4
MacCready was a child during the events of Fallout 3 – actually, he's slightly older than Arthur Maxson – and would have done his growing up in the aftermath of Broken Steel. And (aside from occasional admiration for their firepower) he has nothing good to say about them.
MacCready: When I was a kid, I heard stories about Liberty Prime Junior stomping around the Captial Wasteland. By helping the Brotherhood bring it back, you're unleashing a mechanical monster into the Commonwealth. – Robert MacCready Dialogue, Fallout 4
While I agree with a lot of what Deacon says, as a member of the Railroad you might reasonably say he's a biased source; likewise, while I take Madison's opinions seriously you can certainly argue a personal grievance might make her somewhat unfair. MacCready has no cause: he'd like to make a few caps and find a cure for his son. And his general opinion of the Brotherhood of Steel, having grown up under their power is: oh fuck no.
Aside from tech, we see from Teagan's behaviour in Fallout 4 that the Brotherhood are absolutely not above stealing from local settlements to feed their troops:
Proctor Teagan: Those farmers give you any trouble, I trust you know what to do. – Proctor Teagan Dialogue, Fallout 4
It's ugly, but it makes sense: the Brotherhood is an army without a nation. They don't grow crops, herd brahmin or even build factories to produce goods for trade. They're resistant to mercenary work and helping people is a contentious issue, with the Outcasts back in charge. We know they purchase from traders, sometimes ... but traders are unlikely to have the kid of bulk supplies an army of this size would need. That's not a problem that just appears out of nowhere in Fallout 4: it would be ongoing.
With Deacon in mind, I keep thinking of that line:
Deacon: I never really much cared for the Minutemen. The idea sounds great. But you give small men big power and sometimes you'll pay for it. – Deacon Dialogue, Fallout 4
Of course, the Brotherhood of Steel have been a thing out west for ages, but you couldn't expect a Commonwealth boy to know a lot about the politics in California. And while undeniably closer the business of Taggerdy's Thunder and the Scorched Plague would be ancient history by the time of Fallout 4. But Deacon would know that a band of soldiers came east. He'd know that they protected people for a while – imperfectly, sure, but you can give some credit for good intentions. And he'd know that they won a tremendous battle, which gave them big power, and then ...
Deacon: The Brotherhood… well, I met them on an op in Capital Wasteland a few years back. But now with Elder Maxson… Let's just say, not a fan. – Deacon Dialogue, Fallout 4
We also know that the Prydwen is the main source of their power: when any of the other factions come into conflict with the Brotherhood, getting rid of that thing immediately becomes a priority. So at least for the last five years, the Brotherhood has been able to expand their influence along the east coast using their monstrosity of an airship.
I'm inclined to think this part is mostly true, except that Quinlan paints Brotherhood control of the Capital Wasteland as a good thing, whereas the non-Brotherhood characters indicate that it's actually fucking awful to live under their rule. This does not surprise me. I cannot think of an alliance they haven't burned at some point.
The bright spot here is that it does look as though they were recalled. So they have brought most, if not all, of their troops (and certainly the Prydwen) first to the Commonwealth and then to California. A reduced Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland would not be invincible, and the locals might be able to kick them out completely. We'll see.
The Capital Wasteland, super mutants:
But it was his victory at age 15, over the Super Mutant "Shepherd" who was attempting to re-organize the Capital Wasteland's Super Mutants, that elevated him to hero-like status.
Honestly, this bit makes me suspicious without there being anything there I can prove one way or another.
The first thing that bugs me is that Quinlan doesn't say anything about the circumstances in which Arthur killed Shepherd. He talks about him defending his escort from raiders and he talks about him being badly injured in his battle with the deathclaw ... but he says nothing at all about this fight with a super mutant. If, for example, he could say that Shepherd and his mutant army were assailing Rivet City and Arthur slew their leader before he could take the bridge ... well, he'd say that. Because that would be cool. But he doesn't say anything. Just that Arthur Maxson was somehow "victorious" over him.
So ... what happened there? And, given that it was a super mutant, would the Brotherhood distinguish between an actual battle and, say, a murder?
The second thing that bugs me is that "Shepherd" is an odd name for a warlord. It could be, of course, but this isn't actual history. It's fiction, told through dialogue and made up historical records. And in that scenario if something sounds weird it probably is. Plenty of super mutants just have normal names – Marcus, Lily, Gail – which may just be the names they have always had (certainly, in Lily's case). Other super mutants take names to make themselves sound tough – Fist, Hammer, Strong. Fawkes borrowed his name from Guy Fawkes, because he admired the man's conviction. So "Shepherd", with the religious connotations that would be attached to the primarily Christian America ... sounds like a damn odd name for a warlord to choose.
And lastly, the word Quinlan uses for Shepherd's activities is organise. Not rally or arm. He does not say he is building an army. It is an oddly neutral word that might mean anything. And the thing is: the super mutants of the Capital Wasteland were not organised. Not at all. They had some camps scattered about, but they were pretty rudimentary affairs. Organise could mean lead to violence ... but you could also say Marcus organised the super mutants at Broken Hills and Jacobstown, and in that case it meant built peaceful settlements.
We know at least two super mutants, Fawkes and Leo, objected to the violence against humans. Either might be a candidate for "Shepherd", although Fawkes would obviously be the more forceful leader. And if there were two, it does not seem unreasonable to me that there might have been others – people who were driven away when the conflict with the Brotherhood was at its height, but who might have returned later.
So this might have been a righteous victory. It might also have been the slaughter of someone trying to help. Someone trying to lead the super mutants away from violence. I don't believe the Brotherhood would distinguish.
Danse: Anyway, about a year after we were posted to the Prydwen, Cutler vanished on a scouting op. It took some convincing, but I was able to persuade my CO to let me assemble a squad and search for him. It took almost three weeks, but we tracked his team down to a Super Mutant hive. Those wretched abominations had slaughtered everyone but Cutler. He should have been so lucky. The mutant bastards used their FEV to change him into one of their own kind. He wasn't Cutler anymore. I had to… it was my duty to… put him down. – Paladin Danse Dialogue, Fallout 4
While I have no doubt that Danse genuinely believed he did his duty there ... I have often wondered how necessary Cutler's death was. After all, Danse must have recognised him, and super mutants don't typically look like their human selves. It might just have been a dog tag, but with dead Brotherhood soldiers and the more violent kind of super mutants involved you'd expect body parts and dog tags all over the place – and Danse is certain this super mutant was Cutler. So I wonder.
This is also why I wonder about Arthur Maxson's "victory" over Shepherd. Because the Brotherhood believe all mutants are abominations, you can't tell from their sources what any specific one they slaughtered was doing. And the lack of details make me suspicious.
But these are only suspicions. They're not proof.
Right, so, last and probably least because honestly who cares – the prowess of Arthur Maxson.
As the years passed, and Arthur Maxson grew, so too did his accomplishments. At age 12, while on a training patrol, he killed two Raiders and saved the squad that was supposed to be escorting him. At age age 13, he single-handedly killed a Deathclaw (and gained the large facial scar he still has to this day). But it was his victory at age 15, over the Super Mutant "Shepherd" who was attempting to re-organize the Capital Wasteland's Super Mutants, that elevated him to hero-like status. ... He has the full support of the Elders back on the West Coast, who have proudly reported that they've begun eradicating cults that have popped up, worshipping Maxson as though he's some kind of god. Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity, as it goes against everything he believes in.
To be completely fair to our Arthur, we have reason to believe he was a decent shot. Owyn Lyons certainly thought so:
Squire Maxson's training is proceeding well, and the boy certainly has an aptitude for small arms. But I often worry about his emotional state. He is child surrounded by killers, being groomed to become a killer himself. Maybe I've become too cynical, too soft in my old age, but I wish I could give the boy a more normal childhood. Ironic, considering his upbringing is so much like my own. Maybe that's what scares me. – Owyn Lyons's Terminal, Squire Maxson Progress Report, Fallout 3
And we know that Sarah Lyons took him out with her, at least once:
Lone Wanderer:They don't actually… make you fight. Do they? Arthur Maxson: No. But I could! I know I'm ready! I mean, it would be scary, but… It's not fair that I have to sit inside while the knights go on patrol! I did go out one time, you know! Sarah… Um… Sentinel Lyons took me out. Just to show me. I killed a Super Mutant, too! I swear! I, um… I also sort of shot Sarah. But just a little! It was just a flesh wound… – Arthur Maxson Dialogue, Fallout 3
I'm inclined to believe he at least helped to kill a super mutant. He was ten years old, he was very excited about it, and while he was embarrassed about it he did admit to accidentally shooting Sarah, so he had not yet developed too much of an ego to admit his faults. Poor kid should never have been out there, but he was, and the results seem mixed: he might well have hit his target, but he also hit his tutor.
It seems reasonable enough that his hand would have got steadier as he got older, and they were dragging him into the field. But I think it's also fair to note that this kid would have been very well protected. No one wants to be the knight that let the heir of Roger Maxson get eaten by a feral ghoul, you know? So I suspect some exaggeration in all this.
If two raiders were a significant threat to a squad of Brotherhood knights, that was a spectacularly shit squad. While I don't like the Brotherhood, I'm pretty sure they can outshoot the average Capital Wasteland raider. With the exception of the slavers, those people were not well armed or well organised. We're not looking at the Great Khans, here. So I'm more than willing to believe young Arthur Maxson shot a couple of raiders. But I question whether that constituted "saving" his protectors.
Likewise, if he made the killing blow on a deathclaw – how many knights stood between him and it? How many distracted it and got torn to bits to allow him to do that? No one is standing by and letting the thirteen year old – and I say this again – heir of Roger Maxson just get his face torn off by a deathclaw.
But the thing is? I'm damn sure Arthur believes his own hype. The West Coast Brotherhood may be slapping down cultists amongst their number, but I don't believe for a second that Arthur is offended by it. Why? Because he named his damn ship the Prydwen. What's the Prydwen? It's King Arthur's ship, with whom our young Elder Maxson happens to share a name. And who is King Arthur? He's the once and future king, that's who. He will come again in Britain's greatest hour of need.
What's the Prydwen doing? It's headed to California. No one in the Capital Wasteland or Commonwealth is going to care if you name your ship after that of a legendary British king – but back in California where there are (or at least were :( ) libraries and universities – and where the Brotherhood idolises the name of Maxson ... yeah, I think they'll figure out the reference. Arthur Maxson is selling himself as Roger Maxson come again, and in the Brotherhood's hour of need.
And while I don't know exactly what the Brotherhood in the TV series were doing ...
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Where did this come from? I've never seen the do that.
... that's a fun new ritual I've never seen them do before. Might look a little bit like one of those cults got off the ground. If little baby Elder Maxson were looking to become High Elder Maxson ... well, that might be one way to do it.
So, to summarise:
Proctor Quinlan is not a great source. He's very pro-Brotherhood, disgustingly biased toward Arthur Maxson and shows little interest in the study of historical texts. Nevertheless, he is a trained researcher and he should have access to primary sources on most of what he's saying, so I suppose he could be a worse source.
The Rise of Elder Maxson is explicitly a piece of propaganda, intended to be distributed across the wasteland. It should not be read as an accurate and objective account of anything. I have been using the Fandom wiki to copy the terminal entries and, while I thoroughly appreciate their thoroughness on that point I'm now looking at the actual article on Arthur Maxson, and I'm a tad bemused that it seems to use this as a source uncritically.
We can confirm a number of high level things from other sources: the Outcasts and Lyons's Brotherhood seem to have reunited, and the Outcasts' ideology is apparently at the forefront of the organisation these days. The Brotherhood seems to have been throwing their weight around in the Capital Wasteland. Arthur did know how to use a gun as a child (although maybe not that well).
The idea that any of this is positive or good is purely a reflection of Quinlan's attitudes and the attitudes of the Brotherhood of Steel in general. When other characters who are either from, or have visited, the Capital Wasteland they are significantly less positive.
Arthur Maxson seems to have used the Outcasts to gain power, and is leaning hard into the glory of his heritage in order to hold onto that power and gain more. Quinlan's text mostly indicates that he has not done a lot as a leader, with his primary achievements being in the realm of physical combat.
So ... a lot of bullshit, but not total bullshit.
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nuka-nasty · 1 year
My fav Fallout Fanfic (fixes) Ideas
- "what do you mean your wife had been kidnapped AGAIN!?"
- getting Danse out of his power armour and joining the minutemen post blind betrayal
- Glory as a snarky BAMF friend
- "aNoThEr SeTtlEmEnT nEeDs YoUr HeLp!" Then how about YOU go do it Preston? Theres literally a castle full of minutemen - send them I'm busy doing better shit
- Valentine taking a gen 3 synth body when his old body was damaged too much after a fight went bad.
- sleeping with Valentine in his new body and new desires ;)
- ask WHY the FUCK does the GENERAL of the friggin MINUTEMEN have to go to your shithole settlement tO PLANT YOUR CORN FOR YOU!?
- being gay (not bi)
- being demisexual and admitting to not having loved your spouse (maybe Shaun was even adopted) but finding someone they truly love and want. Being demi myself I dont like the game love confessions being spiced with 'I will always love my wife but you too'.
- sitting Curie down to awkwardly have the sex talk
- love interests who aren't hung up on their exes or former factions without an arc of moving beyond it (AD VICTORIUM my ass)
- Bringing Duncan to live in Sanctuary
- Shaun and Duncan as little mischievous best friends
- HOW the FUCK does a housewife know how to build a a bed and generator out of a teddy bear and like 3 broken light bulbs?
- scolding Father like naughty child
- some brotherhood soldiers joining the minutemen
- telling Gage about being the minutemen General and explaining why he cant let Shank destroy that
- buff strong Hancock who dumped the chems for Sole who gives him purpose and happiness the chems never could
-freeing the slaves in Nuka World without having to kill everyone else in the park
- introducing Danse to the railroad
- LIs open to polygamy or honest about wanting monogamy and not liking to share.
- making Elder Maxson smile and being someone he can finally rely on and who listens without an agenda or expecting something from him.
- Hancock not being 'full ghoul'. He is a ghoul yes but not a 200 year old one, drugs did that not the bombs. Let him have specks of blue in those black eyes, half a nose, maybe some hair.
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ruvviks · 11 days
i am sooo behind re: what has been asked so. two questions you really want to answer for tiberius <3
tiberius asks!
HATE: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
tiberius hates the brotherhood of steel with a burning passion. he hates the institute too, but considering how much mystery surrounds them still (in my canon at least) and how they actively fuck with tiberius' mind the whole time there's not much he can do about that for the longest time. the brotherhood of steel however? just awakens this deeply rooted rage in him with how they treat the people in settlements and how they go around acting like they own the place
for a while, tiberius can't be actively hostile towards them since he promised max (my other oc, she's the general of the minutemen!) he wouldn't get involved in escalating the situation, but he ends up killing elder maxson for a bet with maccready :/ and then he can do whatever he wants because the whole brotherhood wants him dead at that point. his favorite thing to do is lead them and their vertibirds into territory tiberius knows is hostile territory (think of raider outposts, gunner settlements, etc) and then watch them get annihilated from a safe distance by whoever lives there
TORTURE: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
i can't think of any specific scenarios from the top of my head but tiberius has 100% been tortured. especially during his time as a mercenary he's gotten himself into a lot of nasty situations, which also brings me to my next point, he most definitely has tortured someone else during that time as well. it's never been something he enjoyed doing and it's only ever been as a last resort with people who (according to him) didn't necessarily deserve it but also didn't Not deserve it; basically they'd done something so bad that he didn't feel all too bad about what he was gonna do to them
after the in-game events he does settle down more and steps away from this attitude, all of the more morally questionable things he's done was very much fueled by his desire for revenge against the people who got his sister killed. now that he can finally shed that feeling, he can think more clearly again and base his actions on rational thinking rather than just trying to get to a solution as quickly as possible no matter what it takes
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plushyvi · 2 months
'hard luck, blues!" — chapter one!
game: fallout 4
character: arthur maxson
summary: searching for his parents’ killer, arthur maxson escapes vault 49 with vengeance in his veins. meanwhile, you’re busy trying to keep the commonwealth together through the brotherhood of steel. while your goals are completely different, your lives converge, and it seems like fate chose it to stay that way.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used, second person pov, spoilers for the bos and main timeline in fo4, main masterlist here, reader and maxson fight a little :3, kells is kinda a babysitter LMAO, can you tell i like writing fight scenes?
taglist: @hrefna-the-raven
the next day comes as quickly as possible. maxson feels that the alarms to get up sounded as soon as he closed his eyes. but nevertheless, seven hours has passed and he was told to meet you and paladin danse at the point of the prydwen's outside deck. the two soldiers stood before you as you nodded your head to the fort below.
"down there is where a group of super mutants are residing. they've taken over that stronghold, where a pile of weaponry is waiting to be used by the brotherhood," you explain to the soldiers, "i'm sending you two on a vertibird to smoke them all out and acquire the goods. kill anything that isn't our ally. i trust paladin danse will provide a good example of a brotherhood soldier to you, initiate."
"yes, ma'am." danse presses a closed fist to his plated chest.
"elder." is all maxson says with a nod.
you glance at him again, seeing how he wasn't as enthusiastic to do so. you lean against the railing and tilt your head. "after this mission, i may see enough to let you become a knight, maxson," you state, seeing how he perks up a little, "don't disappoint me."
he thinks you’re kinda’ crazy, to be honest. the way you’re smiling at him makes him confused. it’s like he was your little experiment, and he was willingly letting you do so. maxson can only watch as you order him around, too.
“any question?” you ask.
“how old are you?” maxson is quick to question.
“soldier.” paladin danse is quick to reprimand.
“questions about the mission, initiate,” you sigh out as you cross your arms, “but to answer your question, i am 20 — the same as you, as cade reported to me this morning after your check up.”
maxson tilts his head at you. “are all, uh… elders this young?”
“don’t let l/n’s age fool you,” paladin danse says, “she’s a brilliant tactician. she became an elder at 16, and is greatly appreciated despite being the youngest elder.”
“enough about me,” you bring up a hand to stop them as you glance to the stronghold, “you two have a mission. paladin, please see your soldier to the vertibird. ad victorium.”
maxson is quick to stomp away with danse behind him. it felt as if you were making some sort of jester out of him, sending him off to do your bidding. was it seriously so important that you got your hands on that weaponry?
he made quick work of it too; destroying those super mutants seemed more than easy to him when he was so eager to get this over and done with. danse was even surprised by how fast they were able to take down the behemoth. as they touched the ground, danse spoke up.
"initiate," he said. maxson stopped his tracks and glanced back at the power-armour-wearing figure. "what are your intentions with the brotherhood? why did you join?"
"it was either i join this cult or die," maxson scoffed back at the stupid question, "if it were up to me, i would be off on my way without you idiots trailing behind me."
"but what do you hope to gain?" paladin asks, straight to the point.
in all truth, maxson already knew. he could tell how powerful you were when all the knights and scribes begged at your feet for something to do. with how captain kells acted around you and how danse spoke so highly of your presence in the commonwealth. you were truly a figure of high regard.
he wanted your spot.
with the brotherhood in his hand, he would be able to take down any and all enemies he had. the institute wouldn't stand a chance from what he's seen. all he needed was your title.
you'd be smart not to let him get that close, he thinks.
"information," maxson replies, "i just want to get to my parents."
he's such a liar. but he's a good one at that.
"the brotherhood can help with that," danse explains with a sure nod, "elder l/n won't rest until the institute and all its abominations are taken down."
maxson searches danse's eyes for anything that could go against his statement. did the paladin really think that l/n was as eager as he was?
it didn't matter right now. for the moment, maxson has to play dolly and do whatever you ask of him.
on the prydwen, you watch from your office windows. you were impressed by how they made quick work of those super mutants and entered the building with ease. perhaps this initiate would prove much worthy of your time.
"elder," you hear behind you. one glance and you see the captain standing there. "if i may have a moment with you to discuss your recent initiate."
"proceed." you reply as you stand in front of him.
"i believe that maxson's attitude is... for a lack of a better term, quite ill-mannered. he's uncooperative with the other soldiers, excusing danse, and he doesn't allow anyone to take care of his pip-boy," captain kells explains. you raise a brow; he collected this from one day of maxson's arrival? "proctor teagen said that maxson was 'a stick in the mud' and 'a shitty customer'. how can we expect to work with him when he is like this?"
"don't worry, kells," you say with a wave of your hand, "i'm keeping an eye on him. he'll be whipped into shape in no time."
"this... isn't one of your experiments, is it?" captain kells deadpans as you shrug your shoulders, "ma'am. first was knight delecroix and allowing them free use of their power armour from their rank as an initiate, and we are still trying to fully repair the dent made on the side of the prydwen. second was giving proctor quinlan full authority over security — which he used to search for technical documents all at once. and now, this? elder l/n, do we have the time to be messing around?"
"i assure this, this isn't for entertainment anymore, captain," you claim as you tilt your head at him, "that soldier has something we don't — an incredibly personal tie to the institute. he could be the key to taking them down. kellogg was a huge target and if maxson managed to rid of him, he is fully capable of doing the extraordinary. believe me, i've thought about this. maxson is interesting and i fully intend on using him to our leverage."
captain kells doesn't know what to make of your latest game. maybe you're just extra infatuated with maxson since he is a vault dweller, but he needed to keep an eye on him, for your sake. he'd hate to see you waste away as a result of your heart.
"understood, elder. i apologise for the intrusion," captain kells says with a salute, "i will return to my duties."
"it's fine, captain." you reply as he walks away.
everyone knew of how much kinder you were than the other elders, but what only a select few knew was how much your curiosity got the better of you. you needed to be tethered to some sort of limit or else you'd go overboard. kells only prays that maxson is the referenced limit that you will hit.
no less than an hour later, you see an vertibird recall itself into the ship. maxson comes walking into your office. you're standing there expectantly, already knowing that your paladin was smart enough to do some surveillance of the newly acquired site and make a full report for you to later read. what you were awaiting was maxson's complaining, which came not too long after.
"outstanding work at fort strong, soldier." you praise him with your hands behind your back. he resists the urge to roll his eyes.
"why must i deal with super mutants when it's the institute that i should be looking for?" he scoffs at you.
"we take things one step at a time. in order to attack the institute, we need to use every weapon at our disposal," you explain with a stern tone, "acquiring that ammunition does that. but anyway, it only gets more difficult from here."
he watches as you walk over to the side table and pour two glasses of some golden liquor. when you offer him one, he takes it. a small smile is placed on your lips before you sip and lean against the bars against the windows.
"i try to supply my soldiers with the best. that's why i'm giving you these," you toss him a box of signal grenades. he catches the item with a raised brow. "those are for signalling a vertibird to your location when you need aerial transport. i'm sure you know how to use it."
"i'll make good use of it." maxson mumbles under his breath as he stores them away.
"i expect that you will, soldier," you hum out as you empty your glass, "i'm certain that you're aware that front strong was simply the first step towards the liberation of the commonwealth. an even greater task lies ahead. by now, i'm sure you've deduced that our arrival in the commonwealth wasn't coincidental."
"i hadn't heard anyone really mention you as much as they did once the prydwen showed up," maxson admits to you, "why did the brotherhood only send one elder? is the institute not that important of a problem to take care of?"
"you wouldn't believe me if i said there are countless other issues that the wasteland offers," you sigh out as you push some hair from your face. maxson scans your features for a moment; you look tired. "but we are here because of a unique energy reading recorded by paladin danse's recon team. our scribes say that the level of technology was something only the institute could achieve."
"then your mission is clear," he states. you nod your head, "the institute and all synth creators must be eliminated."
"at all costs," you add on. you stare at maxson a little longer. he seems to understand your underlying intentions, but makes no word of it. "to accomplish this goal, we need to locate the institutes headquarters in the commonwealth. our field scribes have returned... empty handed."
"sounds like you're going to have me crawling through the sewers now." the soldier in front of you scowls with a distasteful expression.
"whether it's the sewers, transit tunnels or even an old vault, i need you down there to investigate," you tell him as you stand up straight. you step closer to him. you lower your voice. "become our eyes and ears on the ground. you have an interest in the institute regardless of our cause, so i'm sure you'll travel in the right circles."
maxson, only arms-length away from you, stares back into your eyes. you're as determined as could be, and he knows that he shares that with you.
"and if i find a way in?"
"report to me immediately," you state with the tilt of your head, "i don't want an initiate going in there without a plan. use the brotherhood to your advantage—"
"'initiate'?" he repeats as he lifts his head up, "you said that—"
"if i saw enough, i would promote you," you finish off. he only gets more pissed off at that. you hang your head and put your glass down as your rub your neck. "maxson, i like your confidence in battle and your strategies, however... your attitude is lacking. i could see that you weren't as passionate in the mission as i would like."
"excuse me?" he furrows his brows with a confused expression, "what are you trying to say? i'm not... a passionate fighter?"
you let out a small sigh as you rub your eyes, "maxson, i need you to be on board with the brotherhood in order for our deal to work. you help me and i help you. it seems that you don't want to help unless we are attacking the institute directly."
"that's absurd." he grunts as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"like it or not, you are a part of the brotherhood," you tell him with a pointed gaze, "you may attempt to get into the institute on your own, but i assure you that it wouldn't be half as possible as it would be with us."
"you are treating me like a pet," he retorts as he steps forward. he glares at you harder, more intense now.
instead of arguing anymore, you squint at him before shaking your head. "follow me."
he does so wordlessly, but all the while annoyedly. you were pulling his tail here. you were making somewhat empty promises, and maxson hated that. the whole entire vertibird ride down to the airport, he is glaring at you from his seat. you are talking with the pilot, who is nervously responding to your questions about some recent missions. you don't mind though, you sit there with your leg over your knee enjoying the conversation. maxson wants to rip his ears out.
the dweller does a little look around while you lead him through the airport. soldiers salute you and stand guard as you leave footsteps in the dirt. following them led maxson to... a training ground?
"soldiers are dismissed," you call out with a clap of your hands. laser weapons stop shooting their targets as they look over to you. "i need to occupy this area for the next few minutes."
"what are we doing here?" maxson questions as soldiers file out of the outside training area.
the barricades are filled with brotherhood knights and scribes, awaiting your command and eagerly inspecting the interaction. some people even wait at the entrances and peek around the corner. they've heard lots about maxson.
"you and i will have a little sparring match," you say as you take off your jacket. you're left in your elder uniform and combat boots, which not many soldiers have seen before. to be honest, not many people have seen you fight at all. surely your tactics suited your abilities. "i want you to give it your all. no weapons, only fists. first one to yield loses. understood, initiate?"
you were rubbing it in his face. you pulled up your sleeves as maxson took off his pip boy and placed it next to your things. you stood on one side of the training ground and he resided on the other.
"fine," he gets in position quickly. he's been waiting to see what you could do. "i promise not to ruin that pretty face of yours."
you blink at his comment as your tilt your head. some soldiers begin whispering between each other as you chuckle back, "oh, maxson, i'm not scared. you won't get the chance."
he clenches his jaw before rushing towards you, dragging a fist up before aiming it towards you. the impact would've been harsh, but you place a tense palm to the side of his forearm, pushing away his fist and landing your own punch against his stomach. the movement makes him still as the pain shoots through his system. he lets out a hefty cough and stumbles on his feet.
you can hear the cheering of your soldiers sound around the whole entire training ground. it's like the place has become an arena.
this was your way of disciplining maxson. he needed to realise his mistakes and his faults through his own actions. simply telling him wouldn't do it justice. he needed demonstrations.
he leans slightly against you. your hand hold him up by his shoulders as he slumps a little.
"are you alright, maxson?" you ask in a light voice. you were teasing him. "if you cannot continue, we can—"
his arms go around your torso and tackle you to the ground. he is red with anger and embarrassment. his hair falls in front of his eyes as he glares down at you from his position from above. you blink at him and his change in demeanour.
"i'm not one of your lackies," he grumbles out, "don't try to treat me like one. i can take anything you wanna' throw at me."
you stare at him from your place below, against the floor. no soldier has ever challenged you as much as maxson had. sure, you've dealt with some young scribes wanting to be on the field as soon as possible but you deterred. and maybe a knight had gotten on your nerves for not properly taking care of their power armour and being lazy. but maxson? he was pushing you. not only your boundaries with soldiers, but with your own personal margins.
were you supposed to be this intrigued with a soldier?
not infatuated — intrigued.
you smile as maxson attempts to subdue you, but you wiggle a knee out from under him and against his stomach to push him off of you. you're both quick to your feet, which allows you to send a push kick to his stomach. he gets knocked back a couple feet, but doesn't fall.
you take the chance to run towards him and copy his move to the point; your draw a heavy fist up and aim to hit him into the ground. but he moves out of the way and stares back at you.
danse was stupid — why didn't he mention that you were not only an amazing tactician, but also an exemplary fighter yourself?
he blocks your next few punches before you swoop in to kick him in his shoulder harshly, but maxson catches your leg and steps forward, which pushes you off balance once again. thinking quickly, you let yourself curl up and roll onto your back as you grab maxson's arm and toss him over your head.
in a daze, he stands up again and quickly pushes a leg out to hit the side of your neck. you bring an arm to block. luckily, it takes the impact as you're knocked back down to the ground and cover your head. scratches are left on your forearms from the move. maxson smiles.
"if i land a clean hit on you," he yells out as he gives you a second to stand up and brush dirt off of yourself, "then i will be ranked up to knight."
"that isn't how things work around here." you say as you push your hair out of your face.
"i'm a special case, aren't i?" he questions first. you purse your lips at that as he wipes dust off from his arms. "is that a deal?"
you glance over to captain kells, who had touched down on the airport a minute ago after a scribe doing maintenance outside had informed him of your leave. he had heard everything from his front row seat. you missed being down on the ground when you were younger, he knew. he doesn't shake his head, only raising his brows at the offer.
looking back at maxson, you smile a little. "if you cannot do so in five minutes, then i win and you take me to your vault," you add on, which makes him furrow his brows, "deal?"
letting our a hefty sigh, he responds, "deal."
as soon as he says that, you rush towards him from a curved angle. you launch a cross-punch to his jaw, which ultimately misses as he steps back. but you take the momentum and turn your whole body around so you can draw up a backwards roundhouse kick. he stumbles at the quick reaction and winces as your heel makes impact with his jaw.
he realises that you were holding back before since as soon as both of your feet are on the ground, you take quick steps towards his body and tackle him to the floor as he did to you. he skids against the floor with a pained groan before his eyes widen and he blocks your onslaught of punches towards his body as you straddle him.
you two can hear the cheering from the soldiers. watching their elder fight was exhilarating, even more so due to how much time you spent on the prydwen. you proved to them just how capable you are, and how you deserved to be an elder yourself.
"holding out on me?" he grunts out, "where did all this energy come from? do you really not want to promote me?"
"the information i could get from your vault would be incredibly seminal for the brotherhood," you explain as maxson finally catches both of your fists, "if i return to the high elder with intimate knowledge of a vault, it would prove much important. it has nothing to do with you."
the way you say that makes him seem like a meaningless cog in a machine. perhaps that's all you truly think about him. once you find something more interesting, you drop him like a boring toy.
"i don't doubt it," he huffs, "but that power armour is substantial for me."
he pushes you off of him quickly and watches as you too get up to your feet.
"it's not only your outfit and dazed look that gives away your origin," you call as you make space between the both of you, "it's your way of fighting. it's like you follow a formula in hand-to-hand combat. we need to break that in you. rewire your fighting."
he knits his brows with a clenched jaw at how you speak. of course that was the case, he was a vault dweller for all of his life and only versed radiated animals. none of them were smart enough to be able to calculate his next move.
so he's not exactly surprised when you attack him swiftly later on and make it passed his multiple blocks. it feels like you two have been fighting for hours, but surely it's only been a minute. he staggers back as you send a punch to his chest. it winds him, badly. you give a few seconds as you look towards kells.
"what's the time?" you shout out.
"you have one minute left, elder." he responds as he looks down to his working watch.
"one minute, maxson," you look back to your opponent, who was hunched over catching his breath. the green light from his pip-boy shows that he really does only have 53 seconds left to land a sure hit on you. "that vault must've taught you something useful."
he glares at you through lidded eyes, his hair a mess. as he slowly stands up straight, he pushes the stray strands away from his face and takes a deep breath.
the brotherhood means so much to you, doesn't it? it's so stupid, he thinks, that you would spend your whole life dedicated to something that just sees you as nothing more than a leaf on its tree. you, in the grand scheme of the cult you were a part of, were practically nothing. yet you cared the most for the brotherhood and it's soldiers, despite what rank they are.
you walk towards him slowly, menacingly, as if you wanted to scare him. the smirk on your face tells the tale of many, showing that you have ran this race a thousand times before. maxson, seeing that the seconds are drowning quickly with 42 seconds left, finally takes a knee.
you stop on your tracks as you watch him.
"wait, i..." he begins. but he falls to the ground, face-first.
"maxson!" you shout as you rush towards him. worry laced your tone — did you really go that far that a man like him could go down four minutes and 39 seconds later? "shit..."
once close enough, you lift him up from the dirt floor to sit up. you hold a hand behind his back and check his pulse. you hear your soldiers begin mumble around each other and watch with intensity at the whole fiasco. kells even steps forward towards the both of you.
"get proctor cade down here with medical supplies," you order the closest knights as you look over your shoulder. they nod their heads and start for the closest vertibird. you turn back to maxson. "we cannot lose—"
your cheek burns as you are forced by maxson's strong fist to look away again. the impact from his punch makes your jaw hurt a little, but you just blink a few times at the shock. maxson, on the other hand, is smiling wide with heavy exhales as the timer on his pip-boy finally sounds off. time's up.
"i win," maxson heaves, "clean hit. caught you off guard."
all the soldiers around you are quiet, and kells is burning with anger. how dare an initiate do that to you? speak to you in such a way? you should have him cleaning the whole prydwen for that!
"i guess you're right," you chuckle as you look back to maxson. you wipe the dripping blood from your chin and stand up. you hold out a hand to maxson, to which he takes, but it gives you the right time to strike him in the stomach with your knee. he doubles over again and you squat down enough to be in his vision. a smile is on your face. "i don't appreciate playing dirty during fights with another member of the brotherhood of steel. do not do this again. you fight fair against us. is that understood, knight?"
he sucks in his breath after letting out a few coughs. you stand back up and rub your cheek for a second as he speaks, "yes, elder l/n."
hearing you call him a knight makes him grin at you once he's stood up. despite the bruises that litter his face and arms, he comes out victorious and therefore the smile on his face is warranted. one step closer to his goal.
"alright, disperse. return to your duties," captain kells says to the rest of the soldiers. he comes closer to the both of you. "you two will be sent to proctor cade's office for healing. i do not want a repeat of anything like this today, do you hear me, knight?"
maxson wordlessly nods. you also nod, because you know you should listen to him too. kells begins to lead you to the vertibird to return to the prydwen.
"you will speak with proctor ingram about your new suit of power amour," you inform maxson as you glance to him, "don't make me regret this, soldier. i have faith in your work."
he holds his breath for a moment before looking away.
"i will do my best."
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“Hellfire” from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame gives me Elder Maxson x Sole Survivor vibes- hear me out, lyrics such as
“ you know I am a righteous man, of my virtue I am justly proud” (here would be him explaining how much of a dick he is)
“Tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there. Why her smouldering eyes still scorch my soul?” (Here would be after the brotherhood first arrive in their big ole airship and meeting the Sole Survivor for the first time. Maxson can’t understand these feelings he has, perhaps he is kept awake for the first night, maybe concerned he’s coming down with an illness but in actual fact he has the big ole feelings)
“This burning desire, is turning me to sin.” (Self explanatory, he realises his big ole feelings)
“It’s not my fault, if in god’s plan- he made the devil so much stronger than a man.” (Perhaps Blind Betrayal? I can liken this to a BoS Sole Survivor begging him to not order them to destroy Paladin Danse, Maxson standing his ground in his beliefs but quietly regretting the pain he’s causing. I can see this carrying on if the Sole Survivor passes the Charisma check to save Danse’s life- with Maxson purposely treating Danse as if he’s dead on the Sole Survivors return to the airship. I’m running with the idea that Maxson has not revealed his feelings, but they instead just influence his favouritism of Sole Survivor in giving them Danse’s position and things. He’s an angry tired 20 y/old I doubt he has much indication for romance beyond abusing his position. I’ve also taken liberties in suggesting that Sole Survivor is running double agency for the Rail Road, just to make things interesting)
“Destroy Esmeralda, And let her taste the fires of hell. Or else let her be mine and mine alone.” ( Maxson getting more aggressive in trying to sort out his feelings, perhaps reflection on Maxson threatening Danse that if he was ever seen by the Brotherhood again, he would be considered ‘shoot to kill’ )
“Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped.”
(What?) She's nowhere in the cathedral. She's gone.
But how, and—? Never mind. Get out, you idiot. I’ll find her. I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!” (Okay this makes me WEAK to consider- but let me rewrite it for you guys to think about. The context would be on Maxson finding out about the Sole Survivor’s betrayal in favour of the railroad, and Sole Survivor abandoning their post completely, their quarters on the Prydwen empty.)
{{Lancer-Captain Kells: Elder Maxson, the Paladin has escaped. (What?!) They’re nowhere on the Prydwen. They’re… gone.
Elder Maxson: But how?! Never mind. Get out you idiot! I’ll find them. I’ll find them even if I have to burn down all of Boston! }}
GOOOOD the concept makes me weak!!!! So many emotions, so much spice!!! aAAAAAA thankyou for coming to my ted talk about my feelings; I’m feeling some sort of way about elder Maxson recently so I might just post fanfic for the dumb boi.
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fusionnukacola · 2 years
same anon who asked for the companions favorite songs, could you do what songs fit the companions this time? thanks again <333
Of course anon! I love asks like these. I'm super tired so I'll list the lyrics and songs, not explanations for now. Sorry :(
Cait: Cinderella Man by Eminem
"There's a storm comin' that the weatherman couldn't predict I start to bug, prick, you better flee, 'cause I get ticked It's a wrap, I was down, when I was down I was kicked I got up, I'm back to punch you to the ground, you're tricked"
Curie: Fourth Of July by Sufjan Stevens
"Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like Junior High Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply
Did you get enough love, my little dove Why do you cry?"
Paladin Danse: My Body Is A Cage by Arcade Fire
"I'm standing on a stage Of fear and self-doubt It's a hollow play But they'll clap anyway
My body is a cage That keeps me from dancing with the one I love But my mind holds the key
You're standing next to me My mind holds the key
I'm living in an age That calls darkness light Though my language is dead Still the shapes fill my head"
Deacon: Freaks by Surf Curse
"My head is filled with parasites Black holes cover up my eyes I dream of you almost every night Hopefully, I won't wake up this time"
Desdemona: The President Has A Sex Tape by K.Flay
"The president has a sex tape The oceans all dried up The devil got the dealer The dealer got the dollar Don't tell me I can live off love The president has a sex tape Your daughters aren't safe at night I got a feeling that my body is owned A feeling that my body ain't mine"
Hancock: The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
"Bye bye baby blue I wish you could see the wicked truth Caught up in a rush, it's killing you Screaming at the sun, you blow into Curled up in a grip when we were us Fingers in a fist like you might run I settle for a ghost I never knew Superparadise I held on to But I settle for a ghost"
MacCready: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant
"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free I know I can't slow down I can't hold back Though you know I wish I could Oh, no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good"
Nick Valentine: Time Waits For No One by Freddie Mercury
"Time waits for no one We've got to build this world together Or we'll have no more future at all Because time It waits for nobody Nobody
You don't need me to tell you what's gone wrong You know what's going on And it seems to me we've not cared enough Or confided in each other at all It seems like we've all got our backs against the wall
Time waits for nobody Time waits for no one We've got to trust one another Or we'd have no more future at all"
Piper: Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
"You can drive all night Lookin' for the answers in the pourin' rain You wanna find peace of mind Lookin' for the answer
Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall, you were lookin' out of place Gathered up your things and slipped away No time at all, I followed you into the hall Cigarette daydream You were only seventeen Soft speak with a mean streak Nearly brought me to my knees"
Preston Garvey: ...History Has Its Eyes On You.... from Hamilton..
"I was younger than you are now When I was given my first command I led my men straight into a massacre I witnessed their deaths firsthand I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me And even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me History has its eyes on me"
X6-88: Oh No! By MARINA
"I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best"
Elder Maxson: Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I can't help myself
"It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn’t believe what I’d become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king?"
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
k-peasants asked: An actual prompt this time! I know you're busy and have plenty of things to write yet, take your time. Soo I was thinking that maybe companions (and Maxson) horribly failing at confessing to Sole. Like for example they could clear out some Raiders, companion is impressed, tries to confess BAM Sole gets fucking decked by random raider they didn't kill. I feel like you could get pretty creative with that one. Like deathclaws, something exploding, just settlers running in, other companions interrupting etc.
Here, here, part uh 4… after the false start of the part 3…
Part 4
Gage / MacCready / Piper
(Part 1 : Danse, Deacon, Nick Valentine)
(Part 2 : Hancock, Preston, Strong)
(Part 3 : X6-88 alone because of a bug)
(Part 5 : Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson)
Gage : This Sole is an Overboss! What a magnificent and fantastic Overboss! Everything Porter had ever wanted to do came true! Nuka-World is now a flourishing domain, having conquered so many colonies that the Commonwealth can be considered under the yoke of the raiders, its inhabitants paying an extraordinary tribute that fills the chests at an incredible rate. His people are blessed and happy, and he owes it all to Sole.
Gage never imagined having such strong and lively feelings for another person as he did for himself, but he fell hard for Sole.
And Sole seems to notice it in a far more personal way than one would anticipate from an Overboss towards a lieutenant.
And when a raider wants something, he takes it.
So, once his feelings for his superior are made clear, Gage doesn't waste time. He plans their entire evening and ensures that Sole has enough drink. When he realizes they are alone in the Fizztop, he grabs his bravery with both hands.
"Hey, Boss!"
Sole looks up from his glass and smiles at Porter.
And this smile almost steals the poor man's courage. He takes the time to set himself on one of the stools in front of the other.
"I… I've been thinking about this thing you told me, about our friendship and all that bullshit."
"Well, what I'm saying is—
"Is that Mason's voice I hear?"
"We always hear Mason's screaming at this hour."
"But these are not screams of pain?"
Gage and Sole leap to the terrace and gaze downward. Preston Garvey, the foolish Minutemen colonel, smiled morbidly at them from the center of the lake, where he had erected a terrible altar.
"I told you you'd pay me, Sole!" the man yells angrily while igniting more fire under Mason.
Sole then realizes that the entire area has been taken over by Minutemen. Damn! He believed he had confined them to their silly castle, but it appears that they have returned in force.
"You know what, Porter?"
"Yes boss?"
"We'll finish this conversation later."
MacCready : Sole pays close attention to MacCready. The mercenary casts an interested gaze their way.
"I have something in my face?"
"Nope. I'm just curious why you didn't leave."
The mercenary with the rat's face smiles with all his rotten teeth.
He replayed the conversation in his thoughts over and again.
Sole carried Mac through the twists and turns of a hidden and forgotten vault, where they fought radscorpions, mirelurks (including a Queen mirelurk), and ghouls, the worst of which who was not feral. They have since established their camp in the main cave, waiting for the sunrise to return to the surface.
To be honest, Mac isn't in any rush to get back up. He never feels better than when he has a good granite sky on his head, but he knows they can't stay confined in the bowels of this hill forever.
The Commonwealth will be expecting them.
And there is a child waiting for him near the Capital Wasteland, assigned to the care of trusted people. Butch and the Tunnel Snakes will offer their life to save his son if necessary, and they will at first not take any unnecessary risks that could imperil him. This is what allows Mac to postpone his triumphal return to Duncan, who is undoubtedly on the mend.
Healing thanks to the help of Sole.
Sole glances at him now, puzzled as to why he is still there.
And the answer, he knows it by heart, having processed it in his thoughts over and over since he found it. Why is he still present? For the one only reason that could exist.
"Listen to me carefully, Sole. What I want to say is delicate, and I don't want to... It's difficult for me to talk to you about this, but I understand you should question my decision."
"A little, yes. If I had the opportunity to be with my son, I would not procrastinate as much."
Mac takes his time swallowing. Yes, it was far more delicate than he had imagined. He didn't count Sole's struggle to find their own kid... and the heartbreaking defeat they experienced along the way.
"Exactly. I don't believe I have the right to forsake you. Not right now. Not after everything you've done for me. No, especially in a situation when you need someone by your side."
"What greatness of soul for a mercenary."
MacCready straightens and swallows sideways.
"How could you!? You know that — argh! — I gave back your caps!"
"And I told you you could keep it."
"Do you really think my motivation is still just money?"
"No." The tone of his friend confuses Mac. He raises his eyebrow, and Sole makes a hand gesture. "So, you tell me, what's so important?"
"Yes. What I was trying to say to you was that-
"Not all ghouls are dead."
"Not all ghouls are dead!"
Sole leaps to his feet before Mac notice the abrupt change in the speech. Then he realizes at the same time that Sole fires his first shot. He retrieves his trustworthy Mighty and begins to shoot himself.
It is a true horde that falls on them, and they are in a big cave on absolutely flat land, the fools, the lethal sea forthcoming on them despite the accuracy of their guns. Three ghouls appear to replace each one that dies.
Sole and Mac, surrounded and besieged, realize their horrible mistake.
Their one and only, but fatal, mistake.
Piper : The reporter speaks to them as they approach a settlement.
"Hello! I have a few questions about the living conditions in the colony; would you be willing to answer them?"
Sole takes a step back. They have to repair a water purifier at Sturges' request, and they don't want to interfere with Piper's work on her new article, "Life in the Commonwealth with the Return of the Minutemen." This is, at the very least, the first draft. Piper wishes to develop a more enticing title and believes she can do so by researching the backdrop of her article.
Sole approved all along.
This is the best plan of action concerning Piper. Approve immediately before she launches into an argument about the advantages and disadvantages of her point of view. Her conversation is already something; if she believes she needs to persuade her interlocutor, it could run all day.
Quite strangely, the purifier's filter has become clogged from the inside. Because the duct is too tiny, Sole is unable to reach it. To see what is causing the blockage, they must disassemble a large piece of the devices. As the day is already well begun, they proceed immediately.
Piper returns after around ten minutes to see how they are.
"Hmf. Everyone declines my interview requests. I expected everyone to be overjoyed to be in the next issue, but they're all too busy."
"Take it back tonight at the bar when they're done with their chores," Sole suggests, gripping his wrench, which refuses to loosen the shaft.
"Wait a minute, that's a fantastic idea. They will definitely be even more ready to comply if my incredibly popular acquaintance additionally offers a few caps to pay for the round."
Sole chuckles, despite the fact that they are losing patience after the obstinate piece.
"You know I'd do anything for you, sweetheart."
"What a charmer," says the reporter, blushing.
But Sole's motivation is more selfish than making Piper blush. Every time they told her something in this taste, she reddened, stammered, and eventually shut up. They must concentrate if they don't want to twist the rotor situate under the duct or damage the nets, which would necessitate some redoing, and all of the required gear is in Sanctuary. During this break, they renew their focus to their given task.
Piper, on the other hand, is in a completely different mindset. She coughs briefly to regain their interest. They grunt to indicate that they are paying attention and modify their position to change the pressure point.
"You know, Sole, I've been wanting to talk to you about something a little tricky for a while."
"Not really your way of going in circles," Sole grumbles, thrusting their tool.
"No, I confess, but it's something that, let's say, is difficult to discuss."
"I didn't think there was anything too tough for you to discuss," they groan before throwing all of their weight on the tool to give it one last push.
"It's actually a very personal matter. So, if it's not too problematic..."
"But keep going!" Sole attempts to remain calm as they begin to feel the piece shift.
"I just wanted to let you know that all this time we've been rummaging together, I know it was not easy, I was not easy, and many don't really like me."
They eventually get their hands into the conduit to find the obstruction.
"But I'm quite pleased with you. More than just content. You never seem to get tired of my little crazy... I must admit... I do feel that—
"A MINE!" yells Sole, vigorously shoving Piper away as the entire purifier erupts out of its cement block, taking Sole's arm and a significant chunk of what should have been connected to Sole's arm with him. 
Piper, out of breath and on her back, worries of the fire and blood that fly in all directions and then fall all around her. She has no idea if she is injured; she is absolutely frightened.
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ultramaga · 4 months
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Hammering out a deal with The Enclave. So far, so good, although the tensions are rising. They don't recognise any authority beyond their own, which, let's face it, is very like the BoS, and they are almost as fanatically anti-ghoul as Maxson's faction. Unlike Elder Maxson, however, they don't even pretend to care about the people they want to rule over. Still, so far I have sweet talked them into co-operation.
Danse looks very skeptical though, and Valentine thinks I'm walking on thin ice. He wants absolutes, and has no idea how foul the waters I've had to slosh through, to save, not just him, but synths and ghouls alike. It's a hard thing to smile at men and women who I might have to kill later. See that soldier in the distance? That's Deacon. You can barely recognise him.
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hrefna-the-raven · 4 months
Heart of Steel
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Song for this chapter:
(Not the same 50s style song but the emotions fit the chapter perfectly)
Summary: The data you recovered from the Institute reveals that Paladin Danse isn't what everyone thought he was. How will this affect your position within the Brotherhood and your relationship with Maxson?
Warnings: heartache, emotions, swearing and a tiny King Arthur reference
Notes: Blind Betrayal...we're finally here and it's gonna be a hard chapter, I apologise in advance^^
Chapter 11 - Blind Betrayal
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He read the lines of the messages over and over again. It couldn't be true, it had to be a mistake, an error in the system, deceit propagated by the Institute. It had to be anything but the truth. He cross-checked the data from the holotape, comparing it with their own records, and it consistently aligned, even down to the photo of him and he hadn't even aged a day. Of course Kells had already forwarded the message to everyone, dragging Maxson into the situation by claiming it was on his orders, leaving him no opportunity to address it privately before involving everyone else. A frustrated groan escaped him as he rose from his seat, hurling it against the wall, cursing continuously as he paced back and forth his private quarters. The lancer captain was merely fulfilling his duty and yet... How was he supposed to handle this? How could he back up the order to kill not only one of his most trusted paladins but also his friend? He looked up as a beeping sound emanated from his terminal, indicating a new message had arrived. You had just arrived at the airport and were sent to the command deck to receive the instructions for your new assignment.
"Fucking hell Kells", Maxson muttered to himself.
Given your opinion on synths and the fact that Danse had been acting as your mentor, he intended to keep you away from the current disaster but the lancer captain apparently had other plans. Arthur poured himself a glass of vodka and downed it to calm his nerves, taking a deep breath before proceeding to the observation room where you were already waiting for him. The smile you gave him shattered his heart and he could feel his stomach turn, nausea spreading through his body. Kells was situated directly below this room, and with the knight positioned at the entrance, he wouldn't even have an opportunity to explain the situation to you.
Your inner alarm went off as soon as you spotted the grim faces of everyone at the airport. The Knight stationed at the gate promptly instructed you to make your way to the observation room on the Elder's orders. The moment you stepped in, you noticed that something was wrong.
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He maintained his usual stern face but the sadness in his eyes was worrying. Before you could even begin to comprehend the situation, he pulled you into a hug and whispered softly in your ear.
"I'm sorry", he took a few steps back, avoiding your gaze before turning towards the window.
"Proctor Quinlan completed the decryption of the data you retrieved from the Institute", Arthur took a deep breath, concentrating on not revealing the trembling of his voice as he continued, "Danse is a synth. He represents everything we hate... a monstrosity of technology."
"That's impossible!", you almost shouted.
Your mind froze at his words, their meaning as well as the tone he delivered them felt like a slap into the face. The weight of it all dragged you down into a pit of anguish and despair. The fact that your lost son was the enemy's leader hadn't fully sunk in yet and here you stood paralysed as the man you loved more than anything in this world revealed to you that Danse had been a creation of the same organisation that destroyed your family.
"I'm afraid not. The evidence is quite damning. To make matters worse, he's gone AWOL. And here you arrive at the same time he disappears without a trace. Is there anything you wish to tell me, Knight?"
The hatred dripping from his voice scared you and you instinctively took a step back at his accusation. Your whole world fell apart, betrayed and played by your own son, only to endure the accusation of treason by the man you had hoped to spend the rest of your days with. Anger surged deep within you, you were done with life throwing shit at you and you were done taking it. All that sadness and uncertainty transformed into an ugly beast and you you no longer cared if it roamed freely.
"After everything I've done for the Brotherhood, for you, you have some nerve accusing me of lying! You should be ashamed!", you spat back at him.
Maxson finally turned around, his lips quivering as he prodded a finger into your chest. He teetered on the edge of losing control, fully aware that his anger and desperation should have been directed at someone else, but he felt powerless. All these emotions felt foreign to him, like a distant haze on the horizon, a realm beyond his grasp.
"How dare you speak to me in that tone of voice!", his voice cracked, the pain evident within it, "I'm ordering you to hunt down Danse and execute him. This is not up for judgment or debate! Scribe Haylen has some information on Danse's location that she will only disclose to you. Find her and execute my order! You're dismissed!"
Before your mind could even consider the consequences, your hands shot up to his chest and you shoved him backwards with full force until his back collided with the window. You span around and stormed out of the room, heading straight down the airport to see Scribe Haylen.
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Maxson remained rooted, back against the window, his heart pounding so violently as though it might burst from his chest at any given moment. His hands held up, he observed the trembling as his breaths grew heavier and the room began to spin around him. He should have been angry at you, punish, no, exile you from the Brotherhood for your insubordination but he couldn't. At the very back of his mind, hidden within the darkness, echoed a familiar voice, whispering a truth he didn't dare to voice out loud. He wanted you to refuse his order, for there was something within him that recognised your righteousness. No matter the hierarchy or the orders issued, you would always choose to do what was right. And yet, at the very same time he tried to silence that voice with the Brotherhood's codex, the one thing that kept him going all those years and dictated every aspect of his existence.
Haylen wiped away the tears streaming down your cheeks, comforting you. She whispered words of approval, grateful that her faith in you had not been misplaced and that you were willing to extend a chance to Danse. You both found comfort in knowing that not everyone within the Brotherhood would agree with Maxson's order to kill Danse, although you hoped to find him first. She wanted to accompany you, but you convinced her to stay behind out of fear that it might risk her position within the Brotherhood. This was your mission and you'd do everything to save Danse and prove Maxson wrong.
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Torn between duty and the undeniable pull towards you, a unsettling restlessness within him had urged Arthur to follow you to Listening Post Bravo. Observing from a distance, he witnessed your adeptness in dismantling the defensive measures set up by Danse before vanishing into the structure. His fingers tapped nervously on his leg as he sat there waiting. Despite the clear lines of what could and should happen here, his mind remained blank, refusing to grant him any coherent thought. In hushed whispers, he found himself reciting passages from the Brotherhood's codex, almost like a desperate prayer to whatever god would listen. It was the Elder who had followed you, but it was the uncertainty of the boy who sat there, unsure of what steps to take next. A faint recognition woven into the fabric of his heart, reminding him that this moment was an inevitable consequence of the connection he formed with you. His breath hitched as he caught sight of the blinking elevator light and moments later, you emerged alongside Danse. His body moved of its own, marching towards you and Danse and the words that left his mouth felt as as though they were spoken by someone else entirely, someone stronger, more resolute, taking over the vulnerability he saw in that boy from the Citadel.
"Knight! Why has this... this thing not been destroyed?", Maxson spat, his voice carrying a poison that seemed unfamiliar, not only to you but also to himself.
"Arthur", Danse interjected, "it's not her fault. It's mine."
"I'll deal with you in a moment."
"That thing?!", you interrupted Maxson before he could continue, "do you even hear what you're saying? He's still alive because you're wrong about him, you're wrong about the synths and your orders are ridiculous!"
Your voice grew louder as the anger and disappointment rose within you. The man standing before you was unrecognizable; he was not the one who shared his heart and soul in Goodneighbor, nor was he the one who went out of his way to illuminate the control tower with an array of candlelights.
"I see you've made your decision, Knight. How very disappointing. You'd be willing to sacrifice your career...us.... for the sake of a machine."
Arthur cried out internally, trapped within his own mind and body, helpless and weak. All those words left his lips but he wished for them to remain unspoken. The years spent entangled in the Brotherhood's beliefs, confined within the Citadel, were tormenting him. Why wasn't he able to break free from it? With a trembling hand, he reached for his laser pistol, aiming it at Danse, his finger hovering over the trigger but unable to pull it as if being held by an invisible force. You stepped in front of Danse, moving towards Maxson until the barrel of the gun pressed against your chest.
"You really wish to kill them all? And him? Why? Just because a few among them have the potential to do something bad? What kind of conclusion does that logic draw about humanity? Do you even understand what happened the last time people were too caught up in their own beliefs of who the enemy is? Do you know how the Great War started? Why the bombs were dropped? It was exactly because of idiotic ideologies like this! Take it from someone who was there, who fought the mindless battles of others, risking their own life every day over someone else's hatred. You can do whatever you deem right, what you want even but ask yourself this: do you really wanna be like those whom you blame for all this chaos? And by consequence I have to ask myself: was I really that blind and foolish when I saw something more in you, someone greater than this dividing bullshit?! If you want Danse dead, you'll have to shoot me first, Elder!", you spoke, your voice finally steady and composed.
A thousand thoughts raced like through Arthur's mind as his piercing blue eyes were fixed on yours. The way you spat his title cut through him like a knife. It bore witness to the pain, the affection and the glimmer of hope, a sharp reminder that there was more to him than the his title. But why did he feel so powerless? In this moment it felt as if the evil of this world did beget him. The Institute, the synth, would ruin the Commonwealth and the Brotherhood, they had to die for it. Cursed by the hour in which they were created and Danse was one of them. So why did it feel wrong? Why was he trapped in the limbo of uncertainty, held back by the heart while his rationality urged him to act? Arthur yearned to confess that he couldn't care less about what Danse truly was, that they had fought side by side for years, bound by friendship and that he would never consider him a traitor but a true brother. Despite all of this, the Elder found himself holding a gun, not only aimed at his friend, but also at the woman who meant everything to him - the love of his life who spoke reason and acted on it where he couldn't. He growled, the agony within his soul evident, and took the pistol away, taking a few steps back as you called out his name. He shook his head, unable to bring himself to look at either Danse or you.
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"Danse. As far as I'm concerned, you're dead", Maxson's voice cracked, the bleeding heart sipping through as he continued, "you were pursued and slain by this Brotherhood Knight and your remains were incinerated. From this day forward, you are forbidden to set foot on the Prydwen, or speak to anyone from the Brotherhood of Steel. Should you choose to ignore me, know that you'll be fired upon immediately."
Danse let out a relieved sigh and nodded while a faint smile tugged the corners of his mouth. Your lips quivered, the weight of the unknown finally lifting and you took a deep breath you didn't realise you were holding in. The words that left the Elder's mouth had a harsh and angry tone yet his eyes revealed a deep sense of shame and sorrow, a testament that your Arthur took this decision, against all of what he believed in, against all that had falsely guided him through all those years.
"I'm returning to the Prydwen, Knight. Take some time, say your goodbyes, and then I expect to see you there."
Arthur turned abruptly, beginning to walk away, but your delicate fingers intertwined with his, compelling him to halt. He couldn't bring himself to look back, afraid of exposing the tears that now streamed freely down his face, afraid to discover the disdain you might hold for his actions.
"Arthur stay", you pleaded in a fragile tone.
He stood frozen, his lips quivering as he let out soft sobs, shutting his eyes tightly.
"Would....would you even want me to?", he whispered almost inaudibly.
The sweet but unexpected sound of your chuckle startled him.
"And here I thought you knew me better", you spoke softly, tightening your grip on his hand as you gently turned him around.
The ice blue of his eyes was hidden behind a wall of tears and you traced a thumb over his quivering lips before you gently cupped his cheek.
"I'm proud of the decision you took today and you're always welcome to stay with me, Arthur."
The emphasis you placed on his name proved to be the breaking point, causing the dam of emotions he had suppressed for so long to burst forth. He pulled you into a hug, holding onto you with such force that it bordered on pain, tears streaming down his face as he pressed his cheek against your neck.
"I'm sorry", he managed to utter.
In response, you offered a comforting hum while your hands tenderly caressed his back and you pressed a tender kiss upon his temple.
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You remained like this, frozen in the moment, for some time, the gentle breeze brushing against your skin and mingling with the cold touch of your tears. Time slipped away unnoticed until you caught sight of the setting sun. Danse emerged from the building, a duffel bag hanging over his shoulder.
"You should make your way to Greentop Nursery, it's not too far from here", you suggested.
"I don't know, I don't want to endanger the people living there", Danse sighed.
"You won't", Arthur assured him, "nobody will know you're there, I promise. Loose the armour, let your hair grow longer and you'll look as boring and unsuspecting as everyone else."
Danse couldn't help but chuckle at the Maxson's words. It would be difficult to live without the Brotherhood; they were like his second family. He'd miss the evenings he spent with you, with Arthur and the missions, fighting to make the world a better place. But he was still looking forward to his new life, you offered him a new purpose, aiding the Minutemen in protecting settlers. And maybe, he told himself, once the Institute was destroyed, you and Arthur would come to visit him. With a friendly tap on Arthur's shoulder and a final salute, Danse pulled you into a warm hug and bid his farewells.
You and Arthur made your way into the building, heading down as you decided that neither of you was ready to head back to the Prydwen after all that happened today. The air was still and a sense of calm settled around you like a protective shield. You sat beside each other on a dirty mattress in between old machinery and dusty desks, your fingers entwined, finding solace in each other's presence. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away and all that mattered was the love and understanding between you. The weight of Maxson's near-betrayal and the darkness that had threatened to consume him were momentarily forgotten and you finally dared to reveal what horrible truth had awaited you at the Institute. The very organisation you had set out to dismantle, presuming to hold Shaun captive, was led by none other than your own flesh and blood, the child you sought to rescue. The knowledge was like a knife twisting in your gut, yet you felt featherless as Arthur listened intently, his piercing blue eyes filled with a mix of concern and resolve while you unburdened your soul. He planted a tender kiss on your forehead, lingering for a moment before taking hold of your hands and pressing them against his chest.
"I promise you, love, I'll do everything in my power to destroy the Institute, for all the pain they brought upon you."
This was the very first time you heard him utter the promise of the Institute's destruction not for their technology or creation of their synths but solely for the pain they inflicted on you. It was a solemn vow emanating from the depths of his soul, fortified by the unwavering affection that resided within his heart. He was graced by the epiphany that had eluded him until now, dispelling the fog that had concealed the true path destiny had in store for him. A hopeful smile spread across his lips as he enveloped you in his arms and gently lowered you onto the mattress, holding you with tenderness and care.
"As soon as Liberty Prime is ready and we begin our final assault, I'll be fighting by your sight, protecting you and whatever happens, I won't leave your side", he whispered in your ear.
Exhausted, your eyelids became heavier and slowly, with the weight lifted from your heart and Arthur's soothing presence, you crossed the edge of dreams.
"There's something I've been wanting to ask you, my dearest, but it'll be for another day. Sleep well", he whispered into your ear, closing his eyes, eagerly awaiting the comforting embrace of slumber.
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Chapter 12 - A flame in your heart
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Feel free to reblog if you enjoyed the story :)
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mileschoosesdeath · 4 months
Thinking about Ruthlessness again and I made a mental list of who would spout the philosophy "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves"
Here goes (yell at me in my inbox if you disagree or have different takes)
Luke Castellan- what can I say? dude obviously was disillusioned from the "righteous greek hero"trope, the gods were sticking him in
Perfect Cell: man embodies the whole lesson during gohans fight against him, of course HE thinks this way-bro got mad when gohan wouldn't go that far
Brotherhood of Steel (Maxson and elder from NV ) Its their motto! and in their ideals, they don't care who they hurt or kill, as long as they get their way
Kristoph Gavin, Manfred Von Karma, Blaise Debeste- These three live and breathe this philosophy in their ethics, motivations and cognitions! also Franziska and Bratworth before they change
Loki (Avengers 2012) even if the dude wasn't brainwashed,I think he would like this idea because he was basically preaching to tony and steve during the whole movie
Namor (Wakanda forever) man literally wanted to raze wakanda because he thought shuri was too kindhearted for the "land people"
Killmonger- need I say more? man watched his dad get killed in front of him and the idea that he was spared at the mercy of the US foster care system made him angry
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
What The Companions Say About... Deathclaws!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: How could the perfect killing machine rise from the chaos of an irradiated world? ⌨: It takes an astonishing amount of firepower to kill a Deathclaw. ⌨: Fair warning… my self-preservation subroutine is on high alert. ⌨: Aggressive, territorial and carnivorous… the very definition of a predatory species. ⌨: Ma'am, we shouldn't remain here much longer. I fear for your safety.
☘ Cait
☘: Holy shite! Deathclaw! ☘: I'm gonna rip those claws off with me bare hands!
☘: Watch it. These beasts mean business. ☘: I've seen deathclaws chew through raiders like paper. Not a pretty sight. ☘: I'd love to mount a deathclaw head on my wall. If I had a wall. ☘: You want to take some deathclaws down? I'm game. ☘: I've tangled with these things before. Earned a few scars, but walked away with a fortune in claws.
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: {calling out a cautionary warning} Deathclaw! ⚙: {trying not to sound nervous} Hoy boy. A deathclaw.
⚙: {Worried} Perhaps we best hoof it, mum? Lest we run into more Deathclaws. ⚙: {covering fear with intellectual musings} Mirelurks and Radscorpions sure… But what fathered the Deathclaw? Iguanas? ⚙: {extremely nervous / Nervous} Mum, I'm not sure we're safe here. ⚙: {(extremely nervous) a half hearted attempt at half a joke / Nervous} Do be careful, mum. Deathclaws aren't known for their docile nature. ⚙: {"deathclaws scare me" / Nervous} I don't mind saying it, mum, Deathclaws give me a bad case of collywobbles.
⚕ Curie
⚕: I find no records of these Deathclaws. They are new to this world, yes? ⚕: In this biosphere, I believe humans are not the apex predator. The Deathclaw, I believe he sits at the top. ⚕: I would prefer we avoid Deathclaws. If I am destroyed, there is no more science that can be done. ⚕: Are Deathclaws always violent? Perhaps play some music for them? Or poetry? ⚕: We should maintain vital statistics of the people. For causes of death, I think Deathclaw related injuries must be high on that list.
♞ Danse
♞: Deathclaw! Condition red! ♞: Fire! Don't let it get close!
♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} Don't underestimate the deathclaw. I've seen one tear open Power Armour like it was a tin can. ♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} Aim for the deathclaw's legs to slow them down. It might give you a chance to survive. ♞: Did you know Elder Maxson took a deathclaw out with nothing but a combat knife? And he has the scar to prove it. ♞: We shouldn't stick around here too long. No telling how many deathclaws call this their home. ♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} My advice for hunting a deathclaw? Return to base and forget about it. You'll live longer.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: Ahh. Deathclaw. 🕶: Don't let it get close. Pop a Stealth Boy if you got one.
🕶: Brr… Deathclaws. 🕶: I do not like 'Claws. Those fast, car flipping, ahh… They just get to me. 🕶: If we're hunting Deathclaws, care to tag in Glory? Please? 🕶: Another Deathclaw down, and another of my 9 lives burned. Yay. 🕶: Deathclaws, love them or leave them, they'll still tear your face off.
☠ Gage
☠: Oh shit… Deathclaw… ☠: Deathclaw! Time for the big guns!
☠: Okay… We may have a problem here… ☠: I'm all for a good fight, but Deathclaws?…
☣ Hancock
☣: {Concerned} Shit. Here comes trouble. ☣: {Stern} If you were saving any explosives, now'd be the time.
☣: {Question} So, what do you think it'd take to train these things to just eat Super Mutants? ☣: {Neutral} No matter how many of these I take down, they still give me the chills. ☣: {Neutral} Always found goin' after a Deathclaw's legs made 'em easier to take out… or at least outrun. ☣: {Amused} You ever had Deathclaw steak? Nothing tastier than a meal that tries to eat you first. ☣: {Neutral} Deathclaw broke into Goodneighbor once. Thought I'd wandered into a butcher shop.
☸ Longfellow
(All of these have the {Deathclaws are huge, terrifying monsters. You have a healthy respect for them but aren't afraid.} note) ☸: Hunted deathclaws a time or two. One thing's for sure, it's never boring. ☸: Best way to take down a Deathclaw is to aim for the head. From a long way away, of course. ☸: Everythin' you need to know 'bout a Deathclaw is right there in its name. ☸: Not all Deathclaws are the same. They're all nasty, but some of 'em are real devils. ☸: Deathclaws are twice as nasty when they're guardin' a nest. You see one doin' that, it's best to leave it be.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: Kill it like you mean it! ⨁: Gonna rip those claws off you with my bare hands!
⨁: Nothing turns your shorts brown faster than a deathclaw charging at you. ⨁: We need to get he hell out of here as soon as possible. ⨁: If deathclaws are mutated Jackson's Chameleons, how the heck did they get so big? ⨁: We're doing a bit of big game hunting now, huh? ⨁: Seen bullets glance right of a deathclaw's hide before. Better load up with the heavy stuff.
♥ Nick
♥: {Neutral} That's one ticked-off dino. ♥: {Stern} Shouldn't you be extinct?
♥: {Neutral} Ten feet of muscle and rage. Deathclaws make everything else look like children's toys. ♥: {Implying that those guys are now extremely dead. / Stern} I knew a couple of guys who thought they could make caps looting a Deathclaw nest. Emphasis on "knew." ♥: {Neutral} These things are mutated lizards, right? Just our luck they didn't stay vegetarians. ♥: {Neutral} As long as these things are out here, folks'll never be safe outside the settlements… or in them for that matter… ♥: {Neutral} Bunch of bad-tempered museum exhibits.
✉ Piper
✉: {Nervous} No, no, no. Here it comes! ✉: {With a "you're nuts" tone / Neutral} We picking "fight" over "flight?" Okay…
✉: {Neutral} Don't usually get to see Deathclaws this close. Wouldn't mind this being the last time, either. ✉: {Irritated} Not to go all "writer," but seriously? Deathclaws? What, was "Pointy Lizard" taken? ✉: {Realises Roger is dead at the end. / Neutral} Knew a trader who dealt solely in Deathclaw goods. Clothes, weapons, jewellery. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Roger in a whi… oh. ✉: {Neutral} Makes you wonder how people ever made it past day one with these things running amok out here. ✉: {Neutral} It'd probably take the Brotherhood, Institute, and divine intervention to clear these things from the Commonwealth.
☀ Preston
☀: Deathclaw! Unload with everything you got! ☀: Aim for the legs! We've got to slow that thing down! ☀: Blast that thing! Now!
☀: Holy hell. I can't believe we got out of there alive. ☀: I'm just glad we're both still standing. ☀: I don't mind admitting, I'm still a little shaky. ☀: I'd be okay if that was the last deathclaw I ever saw.
☢ Strong
☢: Deathclaws. Worthy foes. ☢: Need many brothers to hunt Deathclaws. ☢: Deathclaws fast. Deathclaws strong. Deathclaws hard. ☢: Only great warriors can kill Deathclaws. ☢: Must keep moving to kill Deathclaw. Circle and circle and circle.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Urgency} You'll want to stay clear of those claws, ma'am. ☾: {Urgent concern} Deathclaw… shit. This is a class-A threat. ☾: {Urgent concern} Hope you're ready for a fight, because a Deathclaw always is. ☾: Best way to fight a Deathclaw is to flank it. Sometimes they get confused. ☾: {Concern} Deathclaw armour's thick… gotta have something strong to punch through it.
My Notes:
So Cait is a hobbyist Deathclaw hunter... As an Aussie I'm proud -Jump on it's back! Tie up her snout! I will 100% mount a Deathclaw head in her room in Sanctuary. Even our toughest companions (Danse, X6, and Strong) don't look forward to going head-to-head with a Deathclaw, but she's ready to rumble.
I think it would be hilarious to see someone trying to play a lulluby for a Deathclaw. Cute if it works, funny if not. I'll get the popcorn ready.
Danse can you not suck Maxson's dick for one second.
Cait and Mac have the same battle cry about ripping the claws off.
Mac knowing they were mutated from Jackson's Chameleon -that'd likely be from lingering Enclave influence/information in the Capital.
Before Concord, Preston had never seen a Deathclaw up close (he admits so after the fight). Suffice to say he's fond of keeping things that way.
Everyone but Longfellow seems to agree that the best way to take on a Deathclaw, other than y'know, not doing that, is to flank it's side and go for the legs with the heaviest hits you've got. Longfellow's aiming up those headshots from afar. Probably works best if you've got enough people and weaponry to do both.
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rabbithaver · 9 months
Tell me about Danse and Cait? I've never played their parts of 4 and I probably never will.
i do not blame you. Fallout 4 can be frustrating because it's very. hm. it feels like a lot of wasted potential. i love it, but it could have (and should have) been... more, y'know? this is especially true for both Danse and Cait; i tend to prefer the fanon for these two over the canon because canon just feels like a lot of missed opportunities lmao
you find Cait as a chem-addicted cage fighter in the Combat Zone, a pre-war theater that's been retrofitted into an arena and is (at the time) occupied by raiders. after going whole hog and killing all the raiders, the owner of the venue basically gives you Cait's contract, stating that until he finds a new audience, she's not going to be able to make him any caps. it's also implied that he's getting concerned about her health, as she's been using chems to keep fighting when she really shouldn't be. she hates it but cooperates, and as you travel together and treat her like a person, she's initially suspicious about your intentions. eventually she trusts you enough to tell you why she's so distrustful of people, and uh... yeah her backstory is rough. her parents were shitty and abusive, and ended up selling her into slavery -- you can imagine the kinds of horrible things that she endured. eventually she was able to buy her own freedom using caps she stole from the people who abused her, and once free, she went home and gunned down her parents. but the damage was done, and she turned to chems in an effort to cope with her past.
her personal quest is... hm. i don't care for it. it's not... it's not well done. basically to summarize, Cait wants to be freed from her addictions, but she doesn't know how and addictol won't work anymore, and going cold turkey would kill her. conveniently, Vault 95 happens to have a magic solution. it's all very contrived and bullshit, and it's very much so a case of the writer wanting to resolve a complex issue with a simple solution. if it were me at the writer's desk, i would've thrown out the Vault bullshit entirely and made it a much more drawn out thing where you have to actually sit with her as she goes through withdrawal at first, but gradually improves and recovers. Cait deserved better than the quick-and-lazy resolution she got.
Danse's story is pretty heavily tied up in the Brotherhood of Steel questline. he's the one who recruits you and guides you up until it's revealed that he has been a synth the whole time. not even he was aware of this up until you retrieve some data from the Institute. when he learns what he is, he flees the Brotherhood, and Elder Maxson sends you to find him and kill him. i prefer not to do this because i like Danse a lot, and i think the concept behind his story is really interesting. i just wish Fallout 4 had done more with it. if they'd taken it just a little bit further, Danse could have had some truly compelling character growth, maybe even going so far as to find pride in his new identity as a synth and possibly even joining the Railroad. but... they didn't, and it sucks because it feels like he only got half a story.
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