#I almost put Winnie the Pooh but unfortunately
sainte-melasse · 2 years
I’ll try to put images of them in a reblog if you don’t know some of them
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retrodisneydaily · 1 year
as someone trying into get into older disney, which 5 (or more) movies would you recommend? thank you!
Hi! Thanks for the question! I'll give you some suggestions here, but I suppose it depends on if you're trying to get into the animated films or the live-action films! I'm also not sure what you've seen, so I apologize if I list something you're already familiar with. I'm going to make this list based off the assumption you're approaching this with a fully clean slate!
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -- this one might be obvious and as it's a princess movie you've likely already seen it, but I do think of it as essential viewing! you can see so much of what the Disney movies would become while watching this, and can also see the inspiration from the Silly Symphony shorts in how the film is put together! And as the very first feature length animation, it's an important part of film history! Especially if you haven't seen this in a long time, I'd recommend it.
Fantasia -- not my favourite film, but another one that I do think is essential! It's truly a masterpiece in animation, and shows off Walt's imagination in a brilliant way. He was always shooting for the stars, even if things didn't always pay off or work the way he imagined (Fantasia was supposed to be always changing and growing, adding in new segments while removing the old). This film also helped to revolutionize theater sound systems, so again another important part of film history!
The Reluctant Dragon -- I discovered this one back when Disney+ first came out and I think it's a really interesting one! The title short itself leaves a bit to be desired in my opinion, but the first half of the movie is a quasi-documentary of a tour around the Walt Disney studio and teaches a lot about how the films were made! It specifically provides some previews of Dumbo and Bambi if I'm recalling correctly. Really really interesting viewing if you're into behind-the-scenes things like that!
Peter Pan -- this one is my favourite of the classic Disney era, so I have to recommend it! Not much to say here other than it's a fun film, with wonderful animation and some catchy songs! (Content advisory for elements of racism)
Mary Poppins -- another of my personal favourites, and for good reason! Julie Andrews is incredible, the songs are fun, and there's some really great work melding live-action with animation! This one was also nominated for Best Picture, and Julie Andrews won the Oscar for Best Actress! A very important film in the Disney catalogue, and one that always fills me with a warm, fuzzy feeling!
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh -- Winnie the Pooh is such a staple of pop culture nowadays, so it's fun to go back and look at his beginnings with Disney! This is another one that is good to give you warm, fuzzy feelings inside!
The Black Cauldron -- this is far from the best film that the Walt Disney studios has ever created, but I do think it's interesting and worth a watch! This is the film that almost completely bankrupt the studio and the animation department before The Little Mermaid ushered in the Disney Renaissance. I also think this film has a lot of potential (not always lived up to, unfortunately) and is a bit of a hidden gem! It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but again I think it provides for an interesting viewing experience
Thank you so much for the question, and I hope I provided good answers for you! Followers can feel free to chime in with their own thoughts as well, but honestly I feel like you can't go wrong with any of the Disney films! Especially the ones released in the Golden Age (1937-1942) and the Silver Age (1950-1967)
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Bucky and Loki get turned into babies and you have to babysit them includes:
Note: this could apply to if you’re friends with them or in a relationship so enjoy!
When you heard a baby crying at 9am in the compound you thought it was the tv, then that idea got thrown away when Thor busted your room door
"Tony will fix it, come!" You were dragged out of the comfort of your warm bed, hair messy and pajamas still on to the main gathering area
You blinked away some sleep when you realized what you were looking at
Two babies placed on the sofa, both having dark hair and colorful eyes
The one with blue eyes was the one crying
"What is going and who’s babies are these!?"
Steve was the one to explain the situation to you.
"They’ll stay like that for a week"
"You have to be kidding me" you stared down at the two 8 month olds and wondered what what went wrong in your life to end babysitting literal babies
You picked up crying and he just looked at you with those big innocent scared baby blues and uh why are you so weak!?
It was an adventure to say the least
You were put off any missions until they were back to normal
"You’re so heavy oh my god!"
Loki was bigger than Bucky and almost seemed old enough to walk but in reality he was pretty young in Asgardian years
You guessed it was normal since he was a frost giant after all
Bucky was the cry baby of the two, if you weren’t in the room he would start crying like he was dying and god was it tiring carrying him everywhere
Loki liked to explore more than he liked to play staying still
It was a game of luck with him, if you’re lucky enough he’ll get distracted by cartoons or toys if not he’s roaming somewhere in the place
Those big green eyes looked so innocent yet the mischief was still there
it became a common sight for you running after a crawling Loki while carrying Bucky on your side
Bucky didn’t have an arm unfortunately, so you had to hold the bottle for him
He tried to crawl but eventually fall and start crying so you ended up carrying him everywhere
Loki liked pulling on your hair for some damn reason and you were starting to believe you’ll be bald by the end of the week
You did get back at though
Peter had sent you a link to some baby avengers merch and you almost flipped when you saw the onesies
Loki got Thor and Bucky was Steve
Took a hundred plus pictures of them and you may or may not have asked Thor to give frigga copies of Loki’s
Bucky sucks on his thump
You had to go to the pharmacy early on too, because you found out loki had eczema on his cheeks
"Loki stay still, it’s just a cream"
The only time Loki would cry is when you’ll actually ignore him
By the last night you held them both in your arms and watched Winnie the pooh
The next morning, everything was back to normal and you felt like your free of responsibility self again
"We weren’t that annoying" Bucky would say
Let’s just say after showing them the videos and pictures of everything they were like during the week, both of them knew better than to play with you again
"I swear Bucky do that again or I’ll show Sam you getting your diaper changed!"
"I was a baby god damn it!"
"You too loki I still have the tiny hammer you played with"
"My mother already saw those what more do you want from me!!?"
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lilacandladybugs · 3 years
Winnie the Pooh Rendition: In Which Technoblade Leads an Expedition and Phil Helps
Techno the Pig lived just outside of the remains of Pogtopia inside a Secret underground Bunker surrounded by all his pets and valuables. As many people know, Secret places are very important for every kind of pig, as pigs are creatures who are very Clever and Strong and Powerful and Have Things which people would like to steal. Pigs are also generally known as the most generous of animals, which makes them easy to steal from, as it is very difficult for pigs to say no to their allies.
It just so happened that when Technoblade had all of his allies over to his bunker in order to give them many gifts of great value, none of them asked twice. They did not say, “Are you sure, Technoblade?” or, “Thank you, Technoblade,” or even a considerate, “May I help myself, Technoblade?”
Of course this did not bother him, being the kind and generous pig he was, but as he looked through his chests the next morning he found them concerningly sparse. “Look at this,” he said to himself, “they even took the bookcases from my enchanting room.” This seemed unnecessary. 
It was high time for him to move.
Just as he was thinking this, Phil dropped down into his base. “Hello, Technoblade!”
“Hullo,” Technoblade said, still thinking very hard about his lack of books, “I think I need to move houses Phil.” 
“Really?” asked Phil, coming over to look at his bookshelf-less enchanting room with him.
“I actually already built a place earlier, but I still need to move my mobs over there. Hubert and the skeleton. Do you want to help?” Most people could not be trusted around such precious mobs, but it was also generally known that people called Phil were helpful and trustworthy people to Pigs like Techno. 
“Sure, Techno.” Phil said happily, “Do you have any plans about how to move them?” They both walked back into the main chest chamber where Hubert and the Skeleton looked at them mournfully. The area was rather cramped and there wasn’t a good way to place a boat to get them up the elevator. Technoblade leaned over the stone wall to Hubert. 
“Don’t worry Hubert,” he whispered, “we’re going to get you out of there.” He would never pick favorites, but if he had to choose, Hubert was his favorite. 
“I don’t have a plan,” Techno confessed, “I think we’ll probably need a boat though.”
Philza examined the situation for a minute before declaring, “I mean we could just push them up the water elevator manually, we don’t need to put them in a boat.” 
“Ah,” said Technoblade, pretending that he Understood Things about Minecraft like Phil did, “Yeah, that could work.”
Phil broke down the wall around Hubert with his pickaxe and started pushing him toward the water elevator. Hubert meandered out of his old spot and looked around at both Technoblade and Philza before walking over to the water elevator and zooming up to the surface.
“Okay,” Phil said, casually, “now we should make sure he doesn’t drown.” Phil went up the elevator after him.
This alarmed Technoblade. “Wait,” Techno grabbed some soul sand and a boat. 
“Hurry up!” called Phil from the surface, “He’s drowning.” 
“No!” Techno zoomed up the water elevator, dug out the sand under Hubert, and placed the soul sand. Hubert bobbed to the surface and looked at Techno gratefully. Well, his expression was probably grateful, but it was a little bit difficult to tell from underneath his pumpkin hat.
“Here Phil, you ride with Hubert, and I’ll ride with the skeleton.” Techno retrieved the skeleton with much less trouble than they had retrieved Hubert, and they both placed their boats and headed off Up North.
Technoblade went first so he could keep watch for Dangerous things such as Mobs and also baby zombies. Even though Phil was impressive for a human, having lived a very long life, it was said that he would be killed easily by a baby zombie. Technoblades on the other hand, had no known weaknesses and were impervious to many harmful attacks. “I don’t understand Phil,” Technoblade said, as his skeleton shot him in the back repeatedly, “why a baby zombie could be more dangerous to you than normal zombies.”
Phil chuckled, “I don’t either.”
“Babies are almost always weaker than adults. Have you ever fought a baby, Phil?”
“I have and it was trivially easy to defeat, Phil.”
Philza scowled, thinking of his last attempt to kill a baby zombie, “Well baby zombies are quite a bit faster than regular zombies, and they have smaller hitboxes, and—”
Technoblade on the other hand was preoccupied with his plan to keep both his mobs and Philza alive until they got to his base, “Don’t worry Phil, I’ll protect you.”
Just as he was saying this, the wintery biome appeared in newly loaded chunks. It looked very cold with the snow carelessly dancing down from the sky, and the houses in the nearby village looked very cozy. If it hadn’t been night, it would have been perfect conditions to go for a nice stroll along with his friend Phil and two mobs. Unfortunately they would have to be very careful, Techno explained to Phil, as if Phil was not a hardcore minecraft player, and they must look out carefully for mobs, as the area was a Dangerous Area at night. Who knew how many baby zombies might approach them from the shadows.
“I have full netherite armor Techno I can take care of myself—”
“PHIL, LOOK OUT!” Techno jumped out of his boat onto shore and killed the newly spawned baby zombie in two hits with his sword.
“Techno oh my God,” but Phil was laughing and couldn’t hardly bring himself to look annoyed.
“Look, let’s just get to my base as quickly as possible. We wouldn't want anything to happen to Hubert.”
So they made their way through the tundra to Techno’s base, fighting off mobs, chatting among themselves, and Phil let Techno be the one to pull the skeleton along even though he was entirely capable of doing it by himself. They came around a corner up to Techno’s base, and just managed to get the mobs safely in the basement without suffocating them. 
“So why were you trying to move out of your base, Techno?” Phil asked.
“Well after the L’Manburg war I lost everything. They came and ransacked my base, I couldn’t do anything about it. I think Tubbo took several stacks of emeralds.” Techno looked around his safe house, now secret and tucked away somewhere safe with everything that he cared about. Nobody would be able to steal things that he loved now. “They even took my books.” 
“Oh,” said Phil.
“Wait,” Techno turned to Phil, “You took them didn’t you.” He felt his heart drop a little bit, he had just complained about all of those things going missing for hours. But Phil, Phil was Special and Different. It would be okay, Techno thought, If Phil had taken the books.
“Well,” Phil said, “I did say before I took them, “Are you sure Technoblade?””
“That is true,” Technoblade admitted, “You did.”
“And I also made sure to ask you, “May I help myself to anything, or is there anything at all that you still need?””
“Yes,” Technoblade said, “You did do that.”
“And I did my best to say thank you. And I really needed those books.” Phil said, sounding very quiet this time.
“You know what,” Techno said, trying to take back two hours of being everything that a Good and Generous pig of his caliber was not supposed to be, “For you, the world Phil.”
“Oh,” said Phil. “Thank you Techno.”
“Would you like to come inside our base and have some potatoes?” Techno asked, opening the door to the upstairs.
“Yes, I think I would.”
So they went inside and had dinner together, and dried themselves off by the fire, and had hot chocolate together. And while I can’t be certain, I believe they talked there for quite some time, feeling happy, and remembering what it is like to be safe and comfortable around someone else again.
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junicai · 4 years
Aria + Periods + 127 = Chaos
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taeil has a younger sister, so he didn’t need her to explain anything to her
honestly, he’s one of the members she’ll go to first if she needs anything
the least likely to make a big deal out of it
just kinda
and does what is needed of him
sometimes pain meds don’t do anything for aria’s cramps they get so bad
and on those days, she’ll slid into his bed and either
A: snuggle with him and let him cuddle her
or B: just curl up underneath his sheets until he gets back from wherever he was and then do option A
he really hates her periods
like, more than she does
because she’s always a little deflated in the upcoming days, and for the first two of the actual periods
and he hates seeing her in pain or be sad
even if the thing she’s sad at is the advertisement of the cute dog
definitely chuckles at her when she comes to him with slightly teary eyes and whines that she misses her dog now
but opens his arms willingly anyway, letting his maknae plonk herself in his lap and rest her head on his chest
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there is no better man to try and make aria feel better
that’s actually a lie
aria will point blank avoid him on her periods
he read once
in an article that physical exercise helps with cramps and the other pms-ing symptoms
and now every single time she opens her mouth to complain about her uterus trying to eject itself from her body
johnny’s right there with an invitation to the gym
he’s literally packed and changed, they can go right now
truth be told aria took him up on the offer once
never again
she couldn’t walk afterwards
he had to carry her out
asides from that though
he’s pretty okay with everything?
like obviously, he doesn’t really get it all too much, but if she wants someone to massage her back, then he’ll offer without too many questions
but when she’s crying about something?
oh ho ho ho
bear hugs
just a big ol’ swaddling hug that makes aria feel warm n safe n content
they heal everything
it’s aria’s life philosophy
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totally understanding
she needs pads? he’s either already bought them, or will go out to buy them for her
doesn’t have a tracker for her, but somehow knows when she’s cramping the week before its due
once came up with the innovative idea of using their handwarmers as a makeshift hot water bottle when they were on a schedule and aria was suffering :(
aria gets really bad lower back cramps, and its super common to just see him gently pushing her onto the couch
so he can try and massage some of the tension
keeps pads in his travelling bags
completely unprompted - it just started being something he’d pack
like heat packs and pain patches and bandages;
period supplies just eventually got added to the list
was a little uncomfy with the whole thing at the start
but his older sister yelled at him
told him to stop “being a baby” and “she’s your responsibility, act like it.”
aria felt really bad for burdening him with it all
lowkey wished she was a boy for inconveniencing everyone with it
and taeyong had to sit her down and tell her no baby
it was natural and it didn’t bother anybody
that she didn’t have to hide it
that she could come to them if she was in pain because of it
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oh this man
when he found out that aria was getting lightheaded on her periods
when he found out that she passed out once on her period
did so much research on why that might have happened and how to help
literally stayed up all night and came to aria the next morning like
“are you eating enough iron?”
the answer was no, btw
made it his mission to make sure aria did after that
always has a little bag of nuts or something else in a side pocket of his bag if he knows aria’s on her period
gets concerned asf when she misses her periods
because he knows it’s because of unnecessary diets or her putting in extra time in the practice room
aria loves going to his room when she’s feeling miserable
he’s always down to watch a movie or just lay down with her
he’ll plait her hair or just lay together and press a lil kiss to her forehead when she whines about the cramps
hates hates hates when she cries
he knows it’s because of hormones, he has two sisters
but that doesn’t make it easier
will do absolutely anything to get her to stop crying
once went out at 3am to get her ice-cream
which actually made her cry harder
bc she felt bad that she couldn’t eat it because she’s lactose-intolerant
he just felt worse
that was not a good night
now the freezer in the dorms has a little tub of non-dairy ice-cream with aria’s name on it
curtesy of yuta
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when aria first moved into the 127 dorms
he bought a little pink box with a lid that he then proceeded to fill with tampons and pads; the whole shebang
which he then put in the locker beneath the sink
and told anyone that if they made a big deal out if it, he’d kill them :)
incredibly perceptive
knows when aria’s on her period before aria knows
“hey do u need a pad?” “ why do i need a pad?”
*an hour later*
“oppa do u have any pads”
he’s less of a come here and i’ll comfort you type
and more of a, i’m going to help you from the sidelines without ever actually acknowledging it’s existence
like perceiving it makes it worse
honestly aria’s pretty thankful he’s like this
she loves that the other members take care of her like they do, don’t get her wrong
but its like, for five days - she can do no wrong, she’s accommodated, and sometimes walked on eggshells around
it’s nice to have someone who’s going to treat her like normal
to balance it out
does that stop her pulling the “i’m in pain” card when she’s about to get scolded?
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jaehyun doesn’t have any siblings, so he was really learning from scratch with aria
that was actually a good thing
because it meant that whatever aria told him; he did
if she needed a heating pack - he’d go find one for her
if she needed to just lie down for a bit - he’d take her into her room and close the curtains to let her take a nap
now, she didn’t take advantage of this
but she just thought it was really sweet of him
and tells him as much
and every time, he’ll just pat her head
maybe a lil kiss on the forehead
and pull the blanket up to her chin before leaving and flicking off the lights
that’s kind of the extent of what he’ll do
mainly because the other members have a lot of it covered already
but it’s pretty common for him to give her a piggyback ride somewhere
if her back is cramping a lot and she doesn’t/can’t walk
no complaints
he just kneels down and aria asks him is he sure
like she’s heavy or something
and he’ll just carry her to wherever they’re going
there’s a lot of fantaken pictures from these moments
people speculate that she’s injured or sick
it happens so regularly that nctzens are genuinely convinced that aria just doesn’t possess an immune system
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jungwoo was surprisingly well prepared when aria first bent over from a sudden onset of cramps
man was ready and knew what to do
he had hyuck going out of the room for water
and had a hand placed on her lower back rubbing gently
never really makes a big deal out of it all
although has told her to play it up once or twice because he wanted to go to bed and practice was running late
she did, and they did end practice almost immediately after
honestly, aria’s pretty convinced that all of jungwoo’s information on how to deal with girls on their periods came from a wikihow article
but that did mean that he had taken the time to look up a wikihow article
so she guesses she can forgive him
and honestly, the fact that he takes it upon himself to do a little of her chores?
she’s not complaining
after the first three times she felt bad enough to tell him to stop though
he didn’t
and now it’s just normal
is very conversational about it all
has no problem with asking her what she needs, instead of hovering around and guessing
which makes it easier on aria as well
the first few times, she felt quite burdensome
and jungwoo levelled her with a look when she told him this
“the only way you’d be burdensome, is if you didn’t talk to the rest of us and suffered silently - in pain.”
that was the end of that really
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unfortunately for mark
aria got her first period when she was with him
poor boy thought she was going to die
“ohmygod you’re bleeding - you’re BLEEDING-”
aria had to calm him down before going to the bathroom
he is pretty oblivious as to what exactly goes on
aria complained once that she missed her last two periods because of the stupid diet she was on
mark literally thought she was going to die
very concerned
she had to sit him down and tell him that no, she wasn’t going to die  
he’s gotten better over the years
as a topic, he’s still pretty uncomfortable with discussing it
but its less of a “i’m a man and this isn’t a manly topic” and more of a “i don’t know anything about this subject and i don’t want to offend somebody, help”
he did by her her first hot water bottle cover though
up until then, she had been using hot water bottles wrapped in towels to prevent her skin from burning
but mark showed up one morning
with a yellow fuzzy thing hidden behind her back
it was a winnie the pooh cover :(
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cuddle buddies
that’s his main role
aria on her period? donghyuck’s pulling out the fluffy blankets and making a pile of her plushies on his bed
time to pull out netflix and cuddle
aria could cry every single time she walks into his room and he’s just opening the covers for her to slip underneath
he does it every time
and somehow she’s still not expecting it
it’s been five years bestie
has accidentally made her cry on more than once occasion though
he doesn’t mean to!
sometimes he’ll say something in passing
and aria will get upset but won’t show it
because she knows she’s not actually upset - it’s just hormones
so she doesn’t tell him she’s upset
and just leaves to go to her own room
does that stop doyoung telling hyuck off for being insensitive?
not at all
but he’s normally really good! especially after the first few times
living together has generally made him more preceptive
also just growing up in general
if her cramps are really bad she’ll wake up during the night
and if she had slept in hyuck’s bed the night before
then he usually takes it upon himself to go get her pain meds and a hot water bottle
he’ll rub her back and help her fall back asleep
and then he’ll make sure to write down in his phone that she took x brand of pain meds, so in the morning she’ll have to take y instead
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footballfanfictions · 3 years
The thrill of the chase - Chapter Five
Pairings: Mason Mount/OC, Ben Chilwell/OC
Warnings: Smut (18+)
 I had watched Katie and Ben leave hand in hand, absolutely seething. I had this awful sickening feeling in my stomach that I couldn’t quite understand. All i knew for sure was that I didn’t trust Ben. I had known him before he arrived at Chelsea and we had played together for England./ He had always seem like quite a sound lad, but there was just something about him that I didn’t like.
Christina had whined at me all night about dancing with her and when I refused had gone off in a huff to dance with a group of other guys on the dancefloor, grinding against them provocatively, as if that would ever make me mad. I had been going off her for a long time now, only clinging on to the relationship because I was scared of being on my own. 
My mind kept going back to Katie kissing Ben on the dancefloor. How he had held onto her, how she had run her hand through his hair. If I was honest with myself I knew why I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it because I wished that it were my hands on her. 
I had quietly admired her from afar for the entire previous season since returning from my loan at Derby County. In that entire time she had barely even said a word to me and that only made the longing feeling worse if anything. I’ve always enjoyed the thrill of the chase. 
I felt bad for silently celebrating the end of her long term relationship, which I found out about from one of the physios one day when casually asking why Katie looked so sad that day. She had always been quite a serious person fully invested in her job, but that day changed her and she had gone cold.
Now I was seeing her fire returning, and she was burning for Ben.
I thought all of these thoughts while Christina was on top of me, half heartedly grinding against me. She hated going on top, hated having sex with me in general really these days. I usually did all the work, taking all of my frustration out on her. But tonight she was drunk enough to do all the work, while I lay back against the pillows.
The only reason I was able to get hard and stay hard was because I was thinking about Katie. 
Christina started to move her hips a little faster against me then and I momentarily snapped out of my day dream, grabbing her hips firmly. Then I put the situation out of my head and concentrated on the fantasy of Katie on top of me.
A few moments later I felt her tighten around me and started to thrust up to meet her hips,cursing quietly under my breath “f-fuck.. Katie…”
It took a second for me to realise what I had said, my eyes snapping open to meet Christina’s but she was already rolling off of me and getting out of the bed to shower like she did after every time we had sex, wanting to wash the memory of me off of her. She was entirely oblivious.
I woke up momentarily confused, the curtains still wide open from the day before allowed the sun to come streaming in and blinded me for a second.
My mouth felt uncomfortably dry and my head was slightly pounding. 
Rolling over I knocked into the side of Ben’s sleeping body and the memory of the previous night came back to me. 
I had slept with Ben, and we had barely even had a date. I scolded myself silently, wondering how I could be stupid enough to let a footballer sleep with me on the first night. I was probably one in a hundred girls that he had slept with early on and then never talked to again. 
He stirred and slung his arm across my stomach, pulling me in close against his chest, he nuzzled his head against my neck. I tried really hard not to smile at the fact that he was laying here cuddling me rather than getting up and running away straight away. 
“Stop fretting.” he mumbled quietly. His voice all low, sleepy and raspy sounding even more attractive than usual. “I’m not going anywhere…” he continued, now in a whisper, his lips moving to kiss my collarbone while his hand swept my hair out of the way. 
I breathed out a deep sigh of relief and relaxed into his arms. 
“Didn’t scare you away then?” I joked.
Disregarding the sex, this was the most intimate I had been with anyone since Rory. I tried not to show Ben how insecure I felt about being completely bare before him. 
“No way” he smirked. 
We were both silent for a minute, Ben was still holding me against him, his fingertips now trailing down my back. I was struggling to figure out what I should say to him now. Should I offer him some breakfast? Ask him to hang out with me today? It had been so long since I had brought someone home with me outside of a relationship that I had no idea what the post sex etiquette was. 
“What time is it?” Ben asked, lifting his head to look at the display on my alarm clock sat on the bedside table. 
I looked at it too, having to squint to read the display clearly due to the sunshine. “8.30”
He jolted slightly against me and then sat up. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry but there is somewhere that I need to be.” he pressed a quick kiss to my cheek but then offered no further explanation as he silently dressed.
I waited until his back was turned while he was putting his shoes and socks back on before I slipped out of the bed covers myself and threw a pair of shorts and a t shirt on to look half way to presentable to see him out. 
Once we were both dressed he grabbed my hand and pulled me against him to give me a brief kiss. 
“See you later then.” I said casually.
He smiled at me and squeezed my hand, letting me lead him to the front door. 
“I’ll text you.” he said.
Monday morning had rolled around and admittedly I had been disappointed not to hear from Ben, but presumed that he was probably just busy. 
As usual I was busy following the weekend. Chelsea had played yesterday lunchtime and I had a folder full of matchday pictures to go through and edit to occupy my time. 
By lunchtime I had barely made a dent in my work and decided that I would just eat lunch sat at my desk to try to get through a little bit more of it but Bri had other ideas, coming bounding into my office like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh with a massive grin on her face. She was so happy that it lifted my sour mood almost instantly.
“Katie! So sorry that I didn’t text you back on Friday. I knew you were out with the boys and didn’t want to disturb you, and well… me and Billy went on our date and ended up spending the whole weekend together!” she was still bouncing as she sat down on the spare office chair which nearly rolled away from the desk from the force.
“Woah slow down, all weekend?” I asked her, puzzled as I looked down at the team sheet on the desk in front of me. “Wasn’t he in the squad yesterday?”
“Oh yeah but he got me a ticket and I sat just behind the bench so that we could talk to each other. He didn’t get to play unfortunately but it was still nice to be there to support him.” she said, beaming before continuing “then he took me to the megastore and bought me a shirt with his name on the back for me to wear next time. Isn’t that just the cutest thing?”
“The cutest…” I said quietly, trying my absolute best not to sound bitter or jealous seeing as Ben had run off suddenly on Saturday morning and couldn’t even be bothered to send me a text, compared to Billy who couldn’t get enough of being with Bri. I tried to tell myself that Billy had been into her for years so was of course going to be putting in a lot of effort, where Ben and I had only just met. It would have been nice to have felt a bit more wanted though. 
“Sooo… Billy told me that Ben was asking you out. Did you go?” she looked at me intently while asking the question and I knew then that she could tell that there was something wrong.
I told her everything, including what I knew about Ben’s ex and Jorginho and going to the nightclub with the boys, kissing Ben, Mason and his horrible girlfriend being weird, and then about sleeping with Ben and what had happened after.
“Oh…” she mumbled. “I thought that he was really into you. Billy said he’#s always talking about you and looking over at your office window when they’re training.”
I shook my head, trying not to feel pessimistic about the situation. It had only been two days and he could have genuinely been busy. 
“I’m sure he will text or call, or even pop in here to see you.” she leant over the desk then and gave me a hug in the best way that she could with a desk in the way. 
“Bri, you really like Billy now right? Not just to make you-know-who jealous?” I asked.
She laughed “Why would I want to make Voldermort jealous?”
I rolled my eyes at her and grinned “You know exactly who I meant.”
“He’s already forgotten.” she shrugged.
“Listen, I don’t think I can face going down for lunch could you bring me back a sandwich or something? I don’t really fancy being stared at. He has probably already told all of them how easy I was.”
Reluctantly she agrede to go without me but not without scolding me for thinking the way that I had, telling me that Ben wasn’t like that. 
“So, what happened with you and that girl?” Kai was asking Ben the question as we sat in a circle doing some stretches. We were right outside of Katie’s window and I had been trying really hard not to think about her with some success before Kai had brought her up. 
Ben stayed quiet for a minute as the group pushed him for an answer. Tammy finally bluntly asking if Ben had slept with her.
I looked for any sign of embarrassment on his face but there was none as he smirked “It was even her idea, she took me back to her place and then she was all over me.”
I grit my teeth together, biting me tongue so as not to say anything I might later regret or that might make playing with him awkward. I didn’t like the way that he was talking about her. He shouldn’t be showing off for the rest of the lads like that, not if he really liked her. He could have just said that he had a good night and wouldn’t kiss and tell.
My only solace was that he wasn’t going into intimate detail. He wouldn’t ruin my fantasies about her that way. 
“How did you leave things? You leaving the door open to hit that again?” Tammy was asking.
I looked up at her window then and could see her there, stood at the coffee machine. She looked tired and stressed, more so than she usually did on a Monday morning and my dislike of Ben grew that little bit stronger. 
“The door is ajar. Just letting her cool off a bit before I go back to her. Don’t need her getting all clingy on me.”
I was only half listening to Ben, finding that not looking at him made it easier to pretend that I was fine and egging him on like all of the others. 
Our coach Frank blew his whistle then and told us all to head inside for lunch and I hung back behind the rest of them as they all walked towards the doors to inside the complex.
I was last in line for food as a consequence of hanging back behind the others and realised that Katie’s friend was just ahead of me with Billy but no Katie.
“I need to take this back to Kate but I don’t want to miss out on time with you.” I heard her cooing to Billy who had the biggest grin on his face. It was nice to see him finally happy but a bit too sweet for me.
Interrupting them I offered to take the sandwich to Katie, saying that the table I was going to sit on was full anyway and I was planning on just grabbing one myself and heading for some physio. 
Katie’s friend was slightly hesitant at first but her desire to be with Billy overruled that in the end and she handed the sandwich over to me.
I stood at her office door nervously for a minute before I even knocked.
She opened the door expecting her friend and was surprised to see me there.
“I uh- brought your sandwich…” I mumbled, passing it to her.
“Are you ok Mase? It’s not like you to be so quiet.” 
I full on blushed at her calling me Mase and felt like a right idiot for doing so. It was a nickname that people called me affectionately and she had never been affectionate towards me. 
“It’s just…” I started to speak but had no idea what excuse I was going to give. I couldn’t exactly tell her that I was jealous of Ben.
“Is it your girlfriend? She was um, nice?” she giggled, and I couldn’t think if I had ever heard her laugh before. It was infectious.
“If I’m honest I haven’t been invested in that relationship for a long time but I can’t bring myself to end it. I’ve always been in relationships. I’m not...I’m not sure I know how to be on my own you know?” 
She gestured for me to sit down on one of the chairs and she perched on the end of her desk, taking a bite of her sandwich while she thought about what I said.
“I can understand that. I was in a long term relationship that ended last year and I thought we were going to be together forever so when it ended I had no idea how to be on my own again. I’m still not sure that I have it figured out now if I’m honest.” she shrugged. She was trying to seem casual about it but I saw straight through her. She was still hurting from that break up. 
“You’re not on your own anymore though, you have Ben.” I said quietly. Although I didn’t really want to think about them together I wanted to see how she reacted to me asking about it. If her face lit up with happiness at just the mention of his name, I would know that any chance of me changing her mind about him and about me was absolutely dead. 
She looked down at her feet and didn’t say anything.
“He’s not the best at communicating. Don’t give up on him yet.” Thinking back to what she had said to me not long ago about how privileged and big headed I had become, I decided in a split second that maybe I wouldn’t be good for her even if we could somehow date. Would I continue to get too big for my boots and end up pushing her away? By that time I would have burnt a lot of bridges and ruined a lot of professional and personal relationships and it didn’t feel worth the risk.
“You’ve changed your tune.” she said, obviously referring to me telling her that he wasn’t good for her.
I shrugged, standing up to leave. “He’s growing on me I guess.”
“Thanks for chatting Mase. Maybe you’re growing on me.” she smiled. 
I had turned to the door, so she couldn’t tell how hard I was smiling at what she had said. 
“See you later Katie.” I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible as my stomach did somersaults.
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melancholymaz · 4 years
Enceinte (3)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader 
Summary: Now at 16 weeks in your pregnancy, The avengers have been taking the Uncle and Aunty role with pride, With your nursery being built and painted. But it’s game night and what better way to do that than have the avengers have a sleepover? 
Warnings: Sad!Nat turns into Soft!Nat and couldn’t help but end it in domestic!Avengers. Swearing and Bucky and Steve cheating at Uno. Also talks of parents disowning their child.
Y/S/P = Your sexual preference 
A/N: Here’s part 3! I am so deeply sorry it’s taken this long! Enjoy!
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Deciding to live in the compound while pregnant has been both a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately with your parents having disowned you when you came out as Y/S/P, you didn’t have very many people to tell, besides a few friends and cousins, To which they were ecstatic. 
The positives are that Nat doesn’t miss a thing as her and the team have decided to only go on missions unless necessary. So now they can be there for milestones or help if you ever need it. Even Carol has decided to stay until her niece or nephew is born. You and Natasha have both been reading pregnancy and baby books and even Tony had the two of you sleep in a spare room temporarily as him and the team combine your room with the vacant one next door for the baby’s nursery which is now ready to decorate. In about 3 weeks you’ll be having your gender reveal, as you and Nat had agreed you were far too excited to wait to see if your baby was a boy or a girl. Despite it being your first pregnancy, Your 16 week baby bump was very much noticeable, and now  you didn’t look like you ate too much the night before, like you did when your bump was first starting to grow.
You’ve been keeping as active as you could, doing mild workouts during the day to keep as fit as you can. You’ve noticed your skin has become a bit more clearer, as the ‘pregnancy glow’ makes it’s mark.  Sometimes you’ll have random blood noses, which is normal as Dr Cho had to convince Nat a hundred times, but it didn’t make them any less annoying. Warm baths and back massages had become your best friend as your bump starts to grow, If your back pain is bad now you dread the pain that is to come. You’ll even become dizzy at random points during the day, and it’s handy having the avengers around to easily catch you if you start to sway. 
You’ve started wearing maternity clothes, to which Nat loves. Your choice in bras have become different thanks to your ever growing breasts, and she loves finding new ways to take them off as fast as she can. The only thing she loves to pout about is the fact you’ve started sleeping on your left side, as now it’s rare she gets to see your face as you both lay in bed together. That doesn’t stop her from rubbing and talking to the baby every night though. 
Finishing up in the gym for the day, you wipe your forehead to rid the sweat and take a swig from your drink bottle, taking a breather before you say goodbye to Steve and Bucky who are both training together. Making your way to Your’s and Nat’s bedroom, you pass Wanda and Carol in the hallway, who asks you how you were feeling and if you needed anything, much to your gratitude.
As you enter your room you immediately notice somethings wrong. You hear a sniffle before a soft cry, and you notice it’s coming from the nursery. A frown settles on your face as you walk in and you can’t help the feeling of your heartbreaking a little. There Nat sit’s in the middle of the empty room crying, staring up at the half finished Winnie the pooh themed wall mural Steve has started, making sure to leave a spot blank to paint the baby’s name when you and Nat have decided on one. 
“Babe? What’s the matter?” You ask, slowly coming up behind her, placing your hands on her shoulders, softly peering at her face. Her puffy eyes look up at you and she gives you a small sad smile. “I thought I was the one that was supposed to be emotional.” 
“I’m sorry, I just came in here to see the mural but then I couldn’t help but think how surreal all of this is. I mean I never would have thought 2 years ago that you’d be my girlfriend much less pregnant with our first child. I mean all my life I thought I’d never have kids much less a partner. I used to have nothing, and now I’ve got this job... and this, family that couldn’t love us any more.” 
“It does seem a bit crazy doesn’t it.” You say softly, lightly massaging her shoulders as she lets a few more tears fall. You know the best thing right now is to just comfort her and let her have her moment. 
“I am so incredibly lucky to have the team, and you, and especially our baby. Everything I’ve ever wanted right here and I don’t know how or why I deserve it.” 
“To be quite honest with you my love I think we’re the lucky ones. To have someone so loving and forgiving like you is definitely rare. Beans going to have the most protective and playful mama, and I think I can speak for the team when I say there’s no one that could ever replace you. You deserve all of this, The team, the family and most importantly me and our baby.” You tell her honestly, placing her hand on your bump. 
“You think so?” She asks with so much uncertainness. 
“I know so.” You smile, to which she returns. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Nat replies, the soft smile on her face as she looks up at you. 
“Yeah, multiple times.” You smile. “Now come on, we’re gonna go have a shower and go see the team, It’s game night.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” 
“This game is bullshit!” Sam screams, slamming his uno cards on the table before standing up and kicking his chair. “He’s cheating!! There is no way he can win game 5 times in a row!! He just picked up 4 cards!” 
“Stop being a sore loser.” A smug Bucky says, taking joy in his friends rage. 
“Stand up and clean out your pockets.” You demand, also annoyed at your friend. Bucky does as you say with a smug smile on his face, pulling his pockets from his shorts and jumper, proving he didn’t cheat. When he sit’s down however, you catch something in the corner of your eye and you shake your head with scoff when Steve subtly high fives Bucky under the table. Nat must have seen it to, because she too shakes her head and speaks up. 
“Steven, my lovely captain.” Natasha says albeit too sweetly. 
“Yes Nat?” He replies, probably too quickly to come off as nonchalant.
“Would you like to stand up and empty your pockets too?” I finish instead, smiling at the blonde who looks at Bucky then stands and does the same, which ends in him pulling out roughly 10 cards from his sweatpants pocket. 
“Are those Bucky’s Cards?” Wanda asks, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. 
“...no?” Steve replies. “They’re mine?” 
“Steve is that or is it not Bucky’s cards?” Carol asks this time, her face stern, which you know is making Steve slightly panic. You see Bucky staring at Steve, almost daring him to lag on him. 
“Okay fine. Buck and I made a deal that I would help him win because he always loses and he’s sick of Sam and Y/N always winning.” Steve confesses ashamedly, Bucky’s eyes widening in betrayal. 
“I KNEW IT!!” Sam yells. Nat just stares dumbfounded, meanwhile Tony, Rhodey and Bruce just watch things unfold shaking their head in disappointment, Wanda and Carol stand up and start packing up the Uno cards as they both know no one will want to play after this. You, however, stare at Bucky with betrayal and hurt. 
“You always say you want me to win! This is discrimination against pregnant women.” You joke, to which Nat laughs behind you. 
“I think he wanted you to win so the baby will be named after him.” Rhodey inputs. 
“Definitely won’t be now.” You say to which Bucky frowns. “Sorry pal lost your chance.” 
“Yeah because we all know the baby’s gonna be named after me.” Tony interrupts Bucky, pouring himself a drink at the bar. 
“Jokes on all of you, we’re not naming the baby after any of you.” Nat replies, smiling matter-of-factly after nearly everyone looks at her offended.  “You all suck.” 
“Besides me.” Carol says, sticking her hand up. 
“No definitely you.” Is Rhodey’s reply, causing Carol to throw the uno cards at him. Everyone begins to move into the common room, deciding to chill before someone picks a movie. 
“Speaking of the baby, what’s the update?” Steve walks in, handing Wanda the chip bowl, who thanks him quietly. 
“Well, Bean should be starting to hear sounds now hopefully, muscles are getting stronger and should be having coordinated arm and leg movement.” You explain, the team listening attentively. 
“And Bean is now the size of an apple!” Natasha quickly adds. 
“Seriously can’t wait to be an uncle.” Tony says, scratching his greying goatee. “How are you wanting to do the gender reveal?” 
“Well so far it’s just gonna be all of us, Pete, Clint and his family, Fury, Sharon and Maria. Thor too if he’s back in time from Asgard. We’ll get Dr. Cho to put the respective colour in a big balloon and we’ll have like mini games and just have a fun time with all of us.” Nat explains. The team nods, and you can see Tony’s gears in his head rolling, probably just promoted himself the event planner. 
“There is to be no one invited without our permission.” You direct to Tony, who just nods. 
Just an hour later you and the team have all set up mattresses and blankets all over the common room, deciding to have a sleepover all together. Bruce and Rhodey as an exception as they believe they’re “too old” to have sleepovers. You and Nat set up on the end of all the mattresses, in case need to go toilet during the night. You’re surprised everyone agreed to do it, considering they’re the earths mightiest heroes. 
As the end credits of the fourth movie rolls around, you look around to see everyone but you and Nat have fallen asleep. You move back down and start to wiggle around to find a comfortable spot, but end up failing miserably. 
“You okay babe?” Nat asks, lightly rubbing your back after you groan for the third time. 
“Just can’t seem to get comfortable.” You mumble back, trying to fall asleep. 
“Would you like me to go get your new pregnancy pillow?” She asks laying her head on your shoulder, to which you nod softly. Nat gives you a kiss on the cheek before she stands and steps over you to go get your pillow from your shared room. When she comes back a few minutes later, she helps you position yourself and when you finally find a comfortable spot, you can’t help but sigh in relief. 
“Thank you my love.” You mumble, already drifting off. 
“Go to sleep Malysh, I’ll try to not keep you awake while I say goodnight to Bean.” Nat whispers, already moving down to talk to your bump. You hum in goodnight before you drift off into a deep slumber. 
Malysh = Baby
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springday-aus · 4 years
Figure Skater!AU with Jimin
moodboard link
Group: BTS 
Member: Park Jimin 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 2.1k 
I think Jimin would make a fantastic ice skater
like Olympic gold kind of ice skater
have you seen this man’s form when he’s dancing? now just imagine that with skates
even tho homeboy is a lil clumsy
(*cue the compilation of him falling off chairs on his own*)
but yeah, he’s an ice skater and he’s beautiful—thank you for coming to my ted talk
just kidding
kind of
so Jimin started young
his dad signed him up for dance classes originally
and Jimin loved it
but then Jimin went ice skating
he struggled at first, but after a couple of tries, he got the hang of it and he fell in love with it gradually
and it was history from there
it was like a slow burn love rather than instant and that’s what makes him so committed
Jimin still does dance every once in a while, but he really committed himself to ice skating and got really good
he entered an amateur ice skating contest and actually won (to the much of his shock)
and then homeboy kept winning and winning and next thing you know
he’s in the top ten ranking for ice skating in Korea and that meant Olympics and well
while he hasn’t won like gold or anything
he’s been super close to it and that proves how good he is tho
these competitions are basically him dancing on ice
it’s such a wild card because he has so much range
one time he did classical music and incorporated elements of ballet
another time he did a Big Bang song and everyone was not prepared
he’s absolutely eating these performances up and still managing to feed it to ice skating fanatics
speaking of which, he’s pretty well known in the ice skating world
especially since he basically captures everyone with his performances
and his face
but also his butt
it’s everything
everyone loves jimin
does Jimin know it?
there are times he uses it (like getting Yoongi to buy him snacks)  
and other times, he’s 1000000% oblivious to it
you know how people throw winnie the pooh bears at Yuzuru Hanyu?
anything that looks remotely cute is thrown at Jimin
so you can just…. imagine
he’s gotten so many of those gigantic stuffed dogs since people say he resembles a puppy
but he started getting thrown otter plushies
which he didn’t think was a thinguntil a bunch of people started throwing for him and now he gets an obscure amount of otter plushies when his performances are done
because lbr, Jimin is super affectionate, loves his family and is super cute
otter = Jimin
speaking of performances tho, the bts boys always try to make his competitions
they’re super supportive as always
Seokjin always brings snacks and Namjoon always brings flowers
Hoseok cheers the loudest (obviously) and waves a lot of flags like some goddamned color guard
and Taehyung and Jungkook bring signs that are supposed to be supportive… but then like
it’ll say shit like “Korea’s Thighs! PARK JIMIN”
Yoongi: “guys, it’s supposed to be Korea’s pride……”
Jungkook: “well, it’s already made” :)
Taehyung: :)
they’re like the most attractive group of people in one spot, so even if you only came there for Jimin, you’ll get like six more attractive pieces of eye candy to look at
(which is probably why Jimin’s crowds are noticeably bigger)
there was this one time tho that this one dude was competing, saw Seokjin and almost tripped
I mean who wouldn’t
but Jimin had to deal with Seokjin’s ego for the next week and it was a pain in the ass
speaking of pain in the ass, Jimin spends a ton of time to practice at the ice rink
he’s basically a perfectionist when it comes to his performances and he ends up spending all day there
there’s usually his manager, his trainer, and one of his friends
they all come in rounds to make sure he isn’t going insane
this is actually how you meet him 
you happened to be there one day to ice skate with some of your friends
only, here’s the catch
you cannot ice skate for shit and you are very aware of it
it took a couple of bribes of free food and hot cocoa that led you out of the house and into the skates
realistically speaking you could’ve stood on the side, but they were like come onnnnn
and, like an idiot, you let them peer pressure you into getting into the rink
and now you’re grasping on the rail for dear life and your friends are all making fun of you and recording it on their phone bc ✨memories✨ or some other crap
well, not all of them
two of them are skating next to you to help hold you up and convince you to let go of the rail
and this is where things kind of go awry
basically, let’s just say that your friends got a little distracted by some of Jimin’s friends (i.e. Jungkook and Taehyung) who were visiting him
they were on the rails, watching and supporting Jimin  
looking handsome and shit
ofc your friends dropped you—they were distracted
lbr, you would have been distracted too but you couldn’t be
because when they let go of you….
you fell flat on your face
like flat flat on the ice and a part of your soul died
you kind of got stuck and struggled getting up, especially since you kept falling back down on the skates
and then another pair of skates appeared and a hand reached out to you—aligning with your vision
Jimin: “do you need some help?”
You: “yes please”
he manages to get you up and you manage to stabilize yourself as he holds you up with both hands
while you’re trying to balance yourself, he chuckles to himself at the sight
you’re basically clinging onto him at this point but he doesn’t really mind
you’re cute
You: “I’m so sorry, this was not my idea”
Jimin: “first time skating?”
You: “um, actually, no”
You: “this is like my third time”
You: “I’m just a klutz and my friends are assholes”
Jimin: “oh?”
You: “not like that, but also like that”
he spends a bit more time skating with you to help you out for a bit
next thing you know, you’re spending another hour with him
learning more about one another
as you held onto his hands and skated around with him
it’s a fun
he’s basically done practicing and, even afterwards, you two got some hot cocoa from the stand
(along with his number)
it was a super cute lowkey first date
as you two texted and got to know each other a bit more, he invited you to another rink where he practices
when you walked in, no one else was present—it was just him, on the ice, in the middle of a routine
you quietly get closer, admiring the gratefulness that is displayed until you’re at the rails
when he’s finished, you applaud
indirectly scaring him, causing him to break his form and practically fall onto the ice
You: “oh my god!”
you run over to him, checking if he’s okay
You: “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry”
Jimin: “it’s okay, I didn’t know you got here”
You: “yo, that was really good tho—you should do this as a job or something”
Jimin: “..... this is my job tho?”
Jimin: “I’m an Olympic ice skater”
You: w h a t
you two spend a bit more time in the rink, especially since he’s preparing for the Olympics once more
so you’re like friends, but like there’s something more (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
speaking of friends, you’ve met some of his
wild times
especially since Taehyung tried to show up Jimin on the skates and then falls on his face
Namjoon was self-monologuing as per usual
Seokjin was admiring his reflection on the ice, but still making as many dad jokes as possible
meanwhile Hoseok was trying to maintain balance but Yoongi was trying to trip him
Jimin: “I’m so sorry”
You: “why? this is hilarious”
they all know what’s going on tho, especially since all of them have met you at least once
*cut to Jungkook making fun of Jimin at some point*
things don’t really change until he has his first performance and you’re in the crowd (sitting with the boys obviously)
(for which you got a lot of stares for)
you cheered for him really loud before and after his performance
and you came with a cute sign
and it’s bigger than Taehyung and Jungkook’s embarrassing one
it wasn’t until the scores were released and Jimin’s adrenaline rush came through
with all the congratulatory remarks and celebratory mood, he was in the locker rooms to get ready for the party his family was setting up at home
his coach let you him since he knew no one else was present
you lightly knock on the doorway to let him know of your presence
*unfortunately* he’s already clothed by the time you’re there
You: “congratulations, I knew you would get first place”
You: “I got you flowers, but I didn’t know if you were allergic, so I got plastic ones”
Jimin gives you a charming smile, with his eyes turning into crescents
Jimin: “thanks, you can set them down if you would like”
you seat yourself on a nearby bench as he brushes through his hair and puts on his shoes and whatnot
Jimin: “are you coming to the party?”
You: “I don’t know if I’m invited”
Jimin: “well, I’m inviting you—if you would like to go”
You: “like………. together?”
Jimin: “yeah, you can be my date?”
you both show up to the party with your hands held together
your dates are mainly at the ice rink for the rest of the season
whether you’re skating with him or just watching him practice and reminding him to take breaks, both mental and physical
you’ve improved your ice skating abilities btw
considering your boyfriend is a professional ice skater
you always make time to go to his performances and you absolutely refuse to miss a single one even if you’ve seen it a thousand times when he practices
there’s just so much gracefulness and agility and Jimin’s so beautiful to watch
and he’s so glad to have found someone who supports his dream as much as he chases after it
also you asked him to dance to Twice once as a joke and he actually did it for a performance so
now you have many requests and ideas
Jungkook: “tell him to do One of a Kind by GD”
You: “why don’t you tell him?”
Jungkook: “because he doesn’t listen to me”
Yoongi: “I think he would know if it was your idea even if (Y/N) is the one who told him to do it”
Jimin: “I’m not doing GD”
Jungkook: “wow okay”
after the season is done, your dates have more range
he’s a big softie and it’s 1000% applied to relationships
so that means lots of romantic walks, coffee dates, picnics
of course lots of restaurant dates when he’s off his diet
in which you always pinch his cheeks bc he looks so cute with puffy cheeks
but there’s some dates where you two just stay in and watch some movies but you get a bit distracted with his plump lips and nice torso………. however you want to take that information
since he’s so used to the cold at the ice skating rink, it also means he loves to just pile blankets onto the two of you
but also he needs cuddles and it gets super heated real quick
and I mean like heated heated because of his body heat and the giant blankets
altho, it could also be heated
you two built a blanket fort once and it was knocked down real quick - in what ways? I’ll leave that to your imagination
oh and since you’re openly so supportive for him
he tries to reciprocate it
even if it’s the most mundane things
he wanted to make a sign for you once
Jimin: “do you have bigger banner paper?”
You: “why?”
Jimin: ………… “now that I’ve said it outloud, I think I’ll just save it for my phone or something”
You: “yeah, let’s never say that again”
you repeated it back to him once and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this flushed since that one fan tried to propose to him
he’s a shy baby
kind of
because he needs a lot of attention and a lot of praise
but if you do it in front of other people, he will combust
anyways we’re all simps for Jimin and it’s great we’re having fun
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stachmousworld · 4 years
Doggo! Woof!
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Pairing: Daddy!Bucky Barnes x Mom!Black!fem character 
Summary: Bucky is turned into a cat. His daughter threw a tantrum. His wife is enjoying herself. 
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4
She has been cooking dinner when the doorbell rang. Her daughter’s, Winnie, babbles dimmed. She lowered the heat under her cassoulet and went to the door. Winnie who was supposed to play across the room, was already crawling to the door. She smiled at her baby and picked her up. She kissed the crown of her head and looked through the peephole.
Steve. Alone.
She sighed. There was only one reason for Bucky’s absence: he fucked up. Again.
She opened the door and greeted Steve, who smiled sheepish.
“Steve what –.”
“Doggo!” Winnie screamed, jostling in her arms. She almost got hit by her tiny fist.
“Baby…mommy is talk-.”
“Doggo! Woof Woof!” Winnie kept screaming, pointing at…a cat. She raised an eyebrow quizzically and eyed Steve’s face. “It’s a cat, Winnie, not a dog.”
Winnie kept “woofing” aggressively and making grabby hands toward the black cat. A black cat in Steve’s arms. A black cat in Steve’s arms and no Bucky around. A black cat with a white left leg. She closed her eyes and counted to three.
“It’s Bucky.”
Steve nodded and opened his mouth certainly to explain himself. She raised her hands to stop him.
“Don’t tell me. Magic?”
“Yeah. He tried to protect me.” He glanced at the cat who was sleeping in his arms. “Again.” He added, sheepish.
Winnie was getting agitated in her arms. Her little chubby arms were probably getting tired from all the flailing. She started whining and sniffing which attracted both her godfather’s and mother’s attention. The cat opened his eyes slowly and stared around confused. His eyes finally settled on his wife who looked beyond fed up. Bucky meowed something akin to an apology.
“Put him on the floor, Steve. I’ll take it from here,” she said, with a gentle smile, if not a little mischievous.
Steve sent her a concerned look but obeyed. Bucky mewled and tried to stay in his arms. It took some fumbling and a few bites and scratches before Bucky let go, not without a hiss. He turned around, tail high and strutted inside the apartment.
Steve straightened his shirt and tried to regain composure. His cheeks were still flushed; and he was avoiding looking at her in her eyes. She opened her mouth when Winnie bit her, hard enough for her to understand that she wanted to be down with the “doggo”.
As soon as the infant was on the floor, she started crawling toward cat-Bucky who was momentary still. He was looking at himself under the cat form and inspecting all of his body parts unaware of his daughter making her way toward him. Once she was close enough, she yanked him in her chubby arms and hugged him tight. Obviously too tight for any small animal.
Winnie may not have the serum flowing in her veins, but she had the grip of a supersoldier.
Bucky screeched and tried, in vain, to free himself. He was getting agitated by the minute. And Winnie didn’t seem to care much about the commotion. Her arms weren’t moving.
Bucky’s wife observed the scene with glee. When would Bucky understand that he should be more careful. It was the second time he came back morphed into something else and she didn’t like it at all. It was two times too many.
She turned around to talk to Steve only to find the door closed and no Steve.
“Coward,” she whispered, a small smile tugging her lips.
She only got the time to see one of Bucky’s paws claws out and ready to strike that she grabbed a small plastic ball and threw it at his head. A little to violently, maybe. Bucky’s head dropped to the floor and his body went lax for a second.
Her heart stuttered and she waited with bated breath.
“Winnie pooh is daddy alright?” she asked with a slight tremor in her voice.
A stream of thoughts invaded her brain. Had she killed him? Wasn’t he still a supersoldier, or supercat? Was that so easy to kill a cat? Would she go to jail?
“Daddy doggo!?” Winnie exclaimed eyes wide, hands full of the luxurious fur. She relaxed her embrace and slapped – gently for a baby – Bucky’s face. The cat mewled and patted – claws in – the hand away.
Bucky’s wife exhaled, relieved. The cat, now free, jumped away, letting a small hiss. She shook her head and tried not regretting the moment when she thought he’d be dead.
A small sniff made them stop. Bucky slowly turned around and watched Winnie. The little girl sniffed, eyes teary and snots running down mouth. Her little chubby fists were in balls and her entire frame shook under her repressed sobs.
Bucky send a look to his wife asking for guidance. She shrugged, pretending not to know why Winnie was so upset. If her instinct was right, everything would be okay in a few minutes.
“I wanna Daddy!” She screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes. Her breathing grew shallower and her face redder. Bucky, who jumped at her scream, mewled desperately.
He quickly ran to his daughter and headbutted her chin. She kept wailing for her dad, arms still by her side. Bucky licked her tears and nuzzled against her. Winnie who was still in her feelings gently wrapped her arms around him. Bucky’s tensed body relaxed as her cries came to a halt.
Bucky’s wife, who was still standing a few feet away from them, eyed her daughter, suspicious. And she was right, on Winnie’s blotched face a small content smile stretched her lips.
Spoiled child, she thought, amused. She was used to it by now, but Bucky, poor Bucky didn’t stand a chance. Last time Winnie threw a tantrum and he was gone, she had let Winnie scream and cry. The only thing that helped was telling their daughter that she couldn’t hear what she was saying so she had to stop screaming. Winnie, who was a smart cookie, hadn’t believed that her mom couldn’t hear her better when she screamed and so she had tested her.
Unfortunately for the little girl, her mom was smarter. She had sat next to her daughter for 30 minutes of wails, snots and hiccups.
Once Winnie had been hungry and exhausted, she’d become grumpy and sick. Without her mom saying anything, she’d grumble some apology and rolled on her back dramatically like her dad would do.
Poor Bucky.
Winnie was now rocking him to sleep but she seemed to be the one falling asleep. Her body slowly slumped onto the floor and she let go of Bucky who laid by her side and slept.
She shook her head, smiling softly.
Mother masterrliiiisssstt ✨✨✨🐱‍🏍
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trashforgubler · 4 years
Hey, Ma
Word Count: .8k
Summary: You come home from work and walk in on Spencer and your daugher (Bella) renacting Shakespeare's “Much Ado About Nothing” in your living room
Extra Info: Shoutout to the English test I had today on this play for inspiring this fic. The song doesn’t have to do with the fic other than I just really like it and the title fits well, but it’s “Hey, Ma” by Bon Iver
Requests: Open
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After a long day at work, you wanted nothing more than to come home to a quiet household.
Unfortunately, you married Dr. Reid.
From first glance, you would think that he would be a mature, responsible man. His many doctorates and the fact that he wears a bow tie to Red Robin led you to such conclusions, but it didn’t take long for you too see who he really was. He was the kind of friend that held passionate arguments about whether Die Hard counted as a Christmas movie (he won, it does). He was the kind of husband who told you to close your eyes because he had a “sexy surprise” for you, only to greet you wearing a Winnie the Pooh onesie that was definitely not sexy. And the kind of father who puts on a princess crown and has tea with his daughter every Saturday morning. The shenanigans he pulled were endless, especially when you left him and Bella alone, and tonight was no exception.
You walked into your house and were immediately hit with the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. A peculiar dinner choice, but definitely not the strangest you’d ever walked in on them eating. The time Spencer went out and bought food dye just so he could make green eggs and ham would have to be the strangest thing that has been made in you kitchen. But what was more peculiar than the smell of breakfast at almost ten o’ clock at night, was what you heard. Very strong, very obnoxious, British accents coming from your living room.
“I wonder that you still be talking Benedict, nobody marks you!” your daughter said loudly, in a very sassy voice she could have only learned from her father.
And yet an even louder, sassier voice replied:
“What, My dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?”
What was your living room this morning, had now been turned into a stage. The sofa was lined with Bella’s stuffed animals, and Spencer had turned off all the lights in the house except two lamps, which he had pointed on himself and his daughter so that they were the only thing that stood out against the shadows.
You watched them silently from the darkness. They were so wrapped up in their performance, they hadn’t even heard you open the door. You held back a laugh as Bella so wonderfully delivered the iconic, “I would rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me,” line. The exhaustion that filled your every bone minutes before was completely gone. Looking back on it, it was probably a mistake to tell Spencer that Bella needed to do a certain amount of reading per night, because you guess this is where his mind went to.  It wasn’t until the end of the act that he finally looked up and saw you. “Bella, look who it is!”
“Momma!” Small arms wrapped around your waist as she crashed into you with so much force you had to take a step back to keep your balance.
“Hey cupcake!” No matter how hard your day was, a hug from her was always the cure. Of course, a little attention from Spencer defiantly didn’t hurt, which you were remined of as you felt a soft kiss on your cheek. Bella was more than excited to tell you all about what her and Spencer had done tonight. After picking her up from school, they went to the park and played soccer (she won), and then they came home, they made pancakes together, before Spencer decided that a school night was the perfect time to reenact one of theatre’s best comedies. After the initial excitement, you and Spencer simultaneously realized that it was an hour and a half past Bella’s bedtime, to which she was promptly sent upstairs to begin getting ready; only after Spencer promised to tuck her in.
Now that you were alone, you had a couple questions.
“Shakespeare? Spence she’s six.” You began helping him collect all the animals as you raised your eyebrows at him. “You know most dads reenact something like Goldilocks or Beauty and the Beast, right?”
“Well clearly I’m not most dads,” he said, gesturing to his kimono and mismatched fuzzy socks.
You had to crack a smile at that one. “Does she even understand what’s going on?”
“She’s my daughter of course she understands what’s going on,” he joked.
“Oh, don’t tell me she’s gonna turn out like you.”
“Y/N I will do absolutely everything in my power to assure that is exactly what happens.”
“Spence don’t you dare!” You laughed, launching a stuffed animal at him and hitting him square in the face.
“I will make it my personal mission to make sure she memorizes the periodic table and can tell you the stages of photosynthesis before she reaches the second grade!” He threw the stuffed animal back at you, his entire face glowing with happiness.
“At this rate, she’ll probably right her crush a sonnet for Valentine’s day!”
“After all the Shakespeare we’ve been doing together I should hope so!” The stuffed animal dodge ball continued for another ten minutes until you heard a shout. “Daddy! I’m ready!”
“Your princess is calling, Signor.” Spencer gave one final throw, nailing you in the stomach before heading upstairs with smile.
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kyndaris · 4 years
A Vikingr Saga for the Ages
Ever since the first game in the franchise, I was enraptured by the idea of stalking my prey on the rooftops of Renaissance Italy and then leaping down - slaying them with a flourish. I didn’t know it yet but the marriage between history and stealthy parkour had me hooked from the very first trailer for Assassin’s Creed. When the series pivoted towards mythology and set further in history than ever before, I eagerly followed. From Ptolemaic Egypt to Ancient Greece. It should come as no surprise that I devoured, then, that I devoured as much of the world that I could in the latest entry: Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. And after clocking in just under 150 hours, there is much for me to unpack in Ubisoft’s latest entry into the Assassin’s Creed franchise. That, and a fierce desire to finally start watching Vikings. 
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When I initially booted up Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla (AC:V), I will admit that I was a little disappointed with the control scheme. Once again, Ubisoft had made it a confusing mess with trigger buttons instead of face buttons used to attack. Since I had just come from Spider-Man: Miles Morales, it took a good long while for me to adjust. Several hours later, after fumbling through my first battle with a lost drengr (I actually dumbed down the difficulty a litte), I finally managed to find my footing and was on my way to England to scrape out a place for the Raven Clan.
As for stealth...well, the less said about it the better. I never found it effective. It was much easier to smash my way through, axe in hand (or greatsword) and lay waste to their paltry resistance with a mixture of heavy attacks and parrying. I also, hardly used the bow (one of my favourite weapons to being stealthy in Origins and Odyssey). 
The story in AC: V is a little messy. Most of it is done through a separate arcs for each territory Eivor ventures through: from East Anglia to Snotinghamscire, with little to link it all together except the main character. Were it not for the very loose story threat surrounding Sigurd and the conquering of Mercia to establish a firm foothold in this new land of England, many of the storylines could be regarded as standalone adventures in Eivor’s epic saga of conquest.
That doesn’t, of course, mean it’s bad. Merely disjointed. Particularly when I went from Jorvik and its Yule Tide celebrations to Glowecestrescire that was right in the midst of Samhain right after each other. Did I go back in time? Or did almost an entire year fly past Eivor with none the wiser?
Still, even though they were mostly standalone storylines, I still very much liked all the characters I met along the way. My favourites were the earnest Hunwald, noble Ceolbert (his death was almost as bad as all the horse deaths I’ve encountered in video games) and fun-loving Twydwr (particularly when he and Eivor were drunk, and messing with the local chickens) On the Norse side, I very much enjoyed the banter between Eivor and her childhood friend Vili. But the one that I admisted most was Soma. She was the jarlskona of Grantebridgescire - the first place I explored after landing in England. And one, I hoped I could romance to some degree. Alas, my hopes were dashed on that end.
What I did find a little intriguing were how Sigurd and Eivor were sages for the Isus: Odin and Tyr. And in their little Raven Clan, revealed much later, was also Freyr. It seemed strange that so many of the reincarnated Isu were all incredibly close at hand.
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In this title, Ubisoft was able to focus again a little more on their complex lore that was seeded throughout the first few games. And while some questions were answered, it still left plenty of mysteries of where the games go from here - particularly from a modern-day standpoint. Though I am reluctant to see the franchise go, it does feel like Ubisoft is finally coming to a close on the grand story that they are trying to tell. What the end result turns out to be is still to be determined, but more emphasis needs to be focused on the central conflict.
For a game that still has Assassin’s Creed in the title, Eivor’s connection with the order and their enemies seemed very tangential. While I killed many Order of the Ancient members, there was no sense of personal investiture, like, say with Ezio’s quest. The only ones that I felt motivated to put an end to were Fulke and Kjotve the Cruel. Unfortunately, all the build-up in the first scenes with Eivor were quickly resolves within the first two to three hours of the game, and Fulke’s arc was all but over in the half-way point.
I suppose the main reason for my discontent with the narrative of AC: V is the fact that there is no Big Bad for Eivor and her Raven Clan. Yes, Aelfred of Wessex is a ‘villain’ that hinders our protagonist, but he never felt like an oppressive threat. 
Basim’s reveal, somewhat late in the game, was also a little underwhelming. Yes, he did look an awful lot like Loki, but how did he manage to get to Norway? He hadn’t accompanied Sigurd and Eivor. Did he travel with a third party? How did he know that Sigurd and Eivor would be in the ruins of an Isu temple? So many questions, so little time.
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Then there was the whole ‘Heir of Memories’ and the fact that Layla seemed so worn. After finishing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, my last impression of her was receiving the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus from Kassandra and being hopeful for the future. Fast forward to AC: V and Layla is tired. The world is on the edge of destruction once again and she’s now paired up with married couple: Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings (the two last appearing undercover in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag). 
On a side note, why are their adventures all done in the comics or some other media? AND WHY DO I NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY OF THIS?
And because I didn’t play the expansions for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, I knew too little regarding the modern-day struggles with Layla. In fact, I basically resorted to the Assassin’s Creed wiki to bring me up to date. Honestly, DLC should never be story-related. Or, if it is, should be more tangential rather than major. It’s a terrible practice that quite a few publishers do, and which leaves players such as myself playing catch-up.
The only one that landed with any oomph (at least for me) were the Asgard and Jotunheim arcs. These were connected and told the story of Havi as he struggled to find a way to avert his fate. The final battle also proved challenging and climactic. A far cry from the ‘endings’ that the main story provided. In all honesty, I probably should have left that to last while completing everything else first. But the temptation was too great and I was vastly overlevelled.
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I also enjoyed the play on the Norse myths. The only downside with the Builder was that there was no horse to help him. And so, there was no sexy mare Loki to tempt away the Builder’s horse - giving birth to Sleipnir. The other stuff, though, was clever. And I liked the references made to other myths, such as fighting against ‘old age’ and Thrym’s disastrous marriage to ‘Thor dressed as Freyr.’
What was also a little odd, at least for me, was that there was no definitive part where the credits rolled. Much like in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Assassin’s Creedy: Origins. Personally, I hate it. Credits give closure and tell gamers that the narrative that they were pursuing has come to an end. It lets me reflect on everything that I experienced and is an indication that I can finally set the controller down.
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla also came with its fair share of bugs and glitches. Many, after reading up on them, made me frightened to continue. One, in particular, took me a while to figure out an alternative to: entering Lunden. I didn’t help that the more I read, the more I worried about encountering a game-breaking bug. Thankfully, most were simply treasure hoards not loading, late texture pop-ins that were a little frightening, and the drunk Eivor every time I loaded up the game. 
Despite its many faults, I still very much enjoyed my time roaming around England, Vinland and Norway as I worked to build up Eivor’s reputation and to ensure her name would be sung for ages to come. Like a true Vikingr, I played copious amounts of orlog, drank mead and tore up the battlefield to create a home for my people.
Even better, at Gunnar’s wedding, I managed to finally woo Randvi (who I abstained from bedding down with earlier on in the game)! That, perhaps, elevated the game for me and I can be happy knowing that all my hard work paid off.
(As an additional aside, I also love how many of the side quests or ‘mysteries’ in AC: Valhalla made references to popular culture. From Winnie the Pooh to Alice in Wonderland. AND ROBIN HOOD! THE NPC CALLED LITTLE JOHN HAD ME GUFFAWING!)
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some-lists · 4 years
10 Shows That Should Be Added to Disney Plus
Disney Plus is a goldmine for all things Disney. They’ve got almost every animated film, all the Star Wars films, Marvel, Disney Junior cartoons, old 50’s shows, and more. I was excited to check out all the old Disney Channel Original Series from days past to sadly discover they only go back to 2000.
There are some really great 80’s and 90’s shows that are missing from Disney Plus. That’s two decades of material sadly not included in the streaming service. Here are 10 that should be added.
10. The Torkelsons
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The Torkelsons was a family sitcom about an Oklahoman woman, whose husband has just left her and her five children. The show depicts her trying to survive financially while raising her kids. Her oldest daughter Dorothy Jane talks to the “man in the moon” like a diary. The second season saw the family move to the West Coast where they moved in with an upper middle class family. It featured a pre-famous Brittany Murphy, Jared Leto, and Ben Affleck.
9. The Famous Jett Jackson
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The Famous Jett Jackson came out in the late 90’s, just before Even Stevens. It was about a famous teen movie star who moves back into his small hometown to be a regular kid. It was one of the Disney Channel’s first original series and it was a big hit. It had its own original TV movie and Beyoncé even made a guest appearance. Tragically, its star Lee Thompson Young committed suicide in 2013. I wonder if that’s the reason it wasn’t included in the streaming service.
8. Welcome to Pooh Corner
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This was one the Disney Channel’s first preschool programs in the 80’s. It featured a narrator telling various adventures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends. All the characters were played by real people in costumes. I’ll admit, the costumes are a little creepy by today’s standards. But the theme song and soothing voice of the narrator are worth it.
7. Ready or Not
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This wasn’t an original Disney series, but was picked up from Canada and aired on the Disney Channel throughout the 90’s. It was about two best friends and their life from sixth to ninth grades. It dealt with so many issues still relevant today in real, thoughtful ways. It’s still one of the best children’s shows to air throughout the channel’s history.
6. Adventures in Wonderland
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This was a live action show about Alice and her daily adventures when she steps through her looking glass/mirror. There were cheery songs, dances, cheesy jokes, and life lessons. Every character was played by an actor in makeup and costume, including the White Rabbit, Mad Hare, and Catepillar. The Catepillar was especially creepy, but it was a fun show.
5. In a Heartbeat
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This show has unfortunately been forgotten by too many. It’s such a shame because it was really great. Inspired by real teens, it was about a group of teenage EMTs as they balance high school and saving lives after school. It was like ER for kids. It was Disney’s first and last attempt at a drama series that aired in 2000. Unfortunately it only lasted one season, and Disney shifted to sticking to teen comedies.
4. Ocean Girl
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Ocean Girl was acquired by the Disney Channel from Australia and aired for several years in the 90’s. It’s about a girl who lives on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. She can swim at great depths holding her breath for long periods of time without any apparatus. It’s a little cheesy, but it was so good. It had elements of fantasy, sci-fi, suspense, romance, and comedy. It also taught about the importance of protecting and preserving the ocean. It would be great if Disney could somehow get the rights to this show and stream it again.
3. Kids Incorporated
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Kids Incorporated aired on the Disney Channel from 1986 to 1994. It was about a group of kid performers who would sing and dance onstage at a club after school. All the kids did their own singing and were crazy talented. Several of them went on to become big stars, like Fergie, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Mario Lopez (pre-A.C. Slater).
2. The All-New Mickey Mouse Club (MMC)
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The show that started the careers of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling, JC Chasez, and Keri Russell. Ever wonder why Justin Timberlake was so good in all his SNL appearances? This is why. MMC was a variety show that ran from 1989 to 1994. All the kids acted in comedy sketches and sang and danced to popular songs in front of a live audience. They also recorded their own music videos and had a spin-off show for teens. It featured regular celebrity guests including TLC, Boyz II Men, New Kids On the Block, Jodie Sweetin, Tia and Tamera Mowry, and so many more. This show is a pot of gold and Disney’s just sitting on it. They already put up the 50’s version. Now Disney needs to do some digging and put the 90’s version back up pronto!
1. Flash Forward
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I cannot believe Flash Forward isn’t on Disney Plus! It was the Disney Channel’s first original series. It was about two best friends and next door neighbors (Ben Foster and Jewel Staite) as they go through junior high. Ryan Gosling also appeared in a couple episodes. It’s a fun, hilarious, and very sweet show. I am seriously waiting for Disney Plus to stream this. If they’re going to add Even Stevens and The Proud Family, they need to add this one too. It’s too good to miss!
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mustangshelby04 · 5 years
Boston Boy - Chapter 16
A/N All right guys, there’s only one more chapter after this! But don’t worry your beautiful heads off, I’ll be doing some one shots to continue the story. Let me know what you want to see. I would love to get your ideas for the future of this beautiful couple!
Kate sat in the nursery with Gally curled up next to her and Dodger sitting with his head on her leg.  She looked around the room and admired hers and Chris’ handiwork.  They had gone with a Winnie the Pooh theme, using the original drawings of the characters since the colors were softer.  Chris had bought a beautiful and very plush, white and gray glider with a gliding foot rest for the nursery and it was Kate’s favorite place in the penthouse now.  She would spend hours rocking in the chair and dreaming up what her child’s life would be.
The glider was the only piece of furniture in the room beyond a bookshelf that was already starting to collect books.  The travel system from Ellen was sitting in one corner of the room with a large box full of the rest of the amazing gifts from her.  The rest of the furniture hadn’t been bought yet.  She and Chris were ordered not to buy anything beyond the glider.
Kate was now four weeks away from her due date and was beyond ready for it to be over with.  The world tour she’d joined Chris for had taken a lot out of her.  While she had had a ton of fun, her body just hadn’t been up to the task of that much fun and growing a small human at the same time. She had taken another week off and then gone back to work.  Unfortunately, the doctor was worried about her blood pressure and her showing some early warning signs of preeclampsia, so he had asked her to stop working as much as she had been.
Danielle had been amazing about everything.  She had two kids of her own and understood what Kate needed better than Kate herself did.  She had promised that Kate’s job was secure when she was ready to come back full time. Until then, she would only work part time if she felt up to it.
Chris walked into the nursery and chuckled. “You know, you can’t hide forever.”
“Who says I can’t try?” Kate retorted.
He just held his hands out to help her stand up. “Everyone is downstairs waiting.”
She took his hands and let him lift her to her feet. “I hate baby showers. And bridal showers for future reference.”
“Noted.  Not like I can do anything about it.  You’ve met my mother.  And my sisters and my brother.  You’re welcome to fight that.”
“Chicken shit.”  
“But hey, the cake is really pretty.”
“You weren’t supposed to go downstairs.”
“I needed something to drink.  They kicked me out pretty quickly.”
Lisa, Carly, Shanna, Scott, and Helena had all decided that they were going to decorate and Kate and Chris weren’t allowed to see any of it.  They didn’t even know who was on the guestlist. The whole thing had been kept hush-hush from the parents-to-be.
“I can’t wait to get our place to ourselves again.”
“It is feeling a bit crowded this week.  Careful!” Since the doctor had mentioned the preeclampsia (and Chris had done research on it), he had been hyperactively protective of her.  He freaked out if she tried to walk up and down stairs by herself.  She just rolled her eyes at him.
“Happy baby shower!” Everyone yelled and Chris and Kate came down the stairs.
There were so many people there!  Helena, Bill and Jan, and Lisa, Carly, Shanna, and Scott were obviously there; Chris’ dad, Bob and his wife; Kate’s aunt Charlotte had come up from Virginia and her uncle Ron and aunt Debbie had come in from Chicago; Scarlett Johansson had come; Downey and his wife were there; Chris’ best friend, Tara, had made it down; April was there; Danielle had come with her husband, Charles; Amy had driven up for the occasion; Sebastian Stan had shown up; and Megan was there, too.  The place was decorated with pink and blue streamers and balloons that said, “It’s a Boy” and “It’s A Girl” on them.  There were a few that said, “Boy or Girl?”  There was a massive pile of presents in the living room.  The cake and food had been set up in a beautiful display on the kitchen island and a drink station with a blue punch and a pink punch was set up on the kitchen counter.  There were little woodland creature decorations everywhere, too.
Carly and Scott walked over to Kate and Chris.  Carly draped a “Mommy-To-Be” sash over Kate while Scott pinned a “Daddy-To-Be” button to Chris’ shirt.  Lisa and Helena were both wearing pins that said “Grandma-To-Be.”  Someone had made a diaper cake and set it next to the actual cake, which was two tiers of cutesy woodland creatures running amok.  There was a photobooth area with different props for the pictures that Danielle had kindly set up and offered to run.
“Happy baby shower!” Carly squealed, kissing Kate’s cheek.
“That is a fuckton of presents.” Kate said.
“We’ll get to those.  Right now, we want pictures!”
Chris and Kate were stood at the photobooth and the guests that wanted pictures were allowed to pick the props.  It took a good half hour before they were allowed to get food.  Chris fixed her a plate so she could go sit down.  The love seat had been decorated with blue and pink streamers and someone had created the backs of thrones out of cardboard. One said Daddy and was painted blue and the other said Mommy and was painted pink.  There were even fake pink and blue jewels glued to both of them to make them even more throne-like.
Carly made Chris and Kate sit in their respective seats while people ate and Shanna hosted the three games they had planned.  April won the game where the guests had to use string to guess how big around Kate’s stomach was.  She received a gift bag filled with home spa items.  The second game was where the guests had to guess what candy bar was melted in the different diapers.  Tara had won that game and was given a gift bag filled with candles, an engraved picture frame, and various candies.  The third and final game was called “My Water Broke” where everyone had been given an ice cube with a plastic baby in it.  The first person who’s baby was free of the ice had to yell that their water broke. Sebastian had been overenthusiastic when yelling it, startling everyone in the room.  He had walked away with a $50 VISA gift card.
While everyone started throwing their plates away, Helena had Chris and Kate cut the cake.  She stayed to serve the pieces to everyone while the parents-to-be took their love seat thrones again.  Carly, Shanna, and Scott had begun moving presents closer to the love seat to be passed over to Chris and Kate.  While they waited for everyone to get their slices of cake and eat them, Scarlett came over and sat down next to Kate on Chris’ side of the loveseat.  Chris had gotten up and was across the room talking with his father and Bill.  Probably getting some dad advice.
“You’re not having any fun, are you?” Scarlett said conspiratorially to Kate.
“Not in the slightest.” Kate said. “I hate showers.  And I feel like a bloated whale.”
“I hate these things, too.  Just give me the presents and don’t make a fuss.”
“And for the record, you don’t look like a bloated whale.” She held her hand out to Kate. “Your fiancé sucks at introductions.  I’m Scarlett.” “Kate.”
“I’m sorry we’re just now meeting.  I wanted to come along on the Civil War tour, but I had some prior engagements.”
“It’s ok.”
“Chris has talked almost non-stop about you and the baby.  I’m so happy for you guys.”
“I’ve actually been kind of nervous to meet you.”
“Yeah?  Why’s that?”
“Chris talks so highly of you.  You’re one of his closest friends.”
“Oh, I’m not that scary.”
“I didn’t think you would be, and hey, I survived meeting Tara.”
“She’s a cool chick.”
“If I’m being honest, I’ve been kind of nervous to meet you, too.”
Kate laughed. “Me?  Oh god, why?”
“Well, I’ve met a few of Chris’ girlfriends.  None of them, in my opinion, have measured up to what I think my friend deserves.  I can be a little protective of him.  I was a little nervous that you wouldn’t measure up, too.”
“That scares me.” “Don’t worry.  From what I can tell, you exceed expectations.  Chris looks genuinely happier than I’ve ever seen him. Downey, Mackie, Lizzie, and Hemmy all sing your praises.”
“They’re sweet.”
“So how are you feeling?”
“Um…. Done.  I’m feeling done.  If Jelly Bean wants to vacate the premises, I won’t stop him or her.”
“I remember those days.  They pretty much sucked.”
“Yes.  Yes, they do.”
“You’re in the home stretch now.”
“Any contractions yet?”
“Lots of Braxton Hicks.  They’ve been happening a lot on and off today.”
“It’s all the excitement.”
“That’s what I figured.”
“Oh god, have you started nesting yet?”
“Yes!  It’s insane! It’s been driving me batty not to have the furniture we need to finish the nursery.  We were told to hold off on the big stuff.”
“I would love to see it.”
“Yeah?” Kate started the struggle to get up and Scarlett helped her to her feet. The two women headed around into the kitchen and started up the stairs.
“Whoa, hey.” Chris came rushing over. “Where are you going?”
“To show Scarlett the nursery.”
“I’ll come with.”
“Chris, baby, I can walk up the stairs without help.”
“Go back to the party, Evans.” Scarlett joked. “You’re being a helicopter mom right now.”
Chris looked at them with wide, puppy dog eyes. “I’m immune to those things now.” Kate said. “Put them away before you strain your eyes.  I’ll be fine.”
Scarlett laughed and followed Kate upstairs, turning briefly to mouth to Chris, “I really like her.”
Ten minutes later, the two walked back downstairs arm in arm and laughing. It made Chris happy to see that they had hit it off and seemed as thick as thieves already.  Lisa walked over and apologized to Scarlett before taking Kate away. She and Chris spent the next hour and a half opening all of the presents that their guests had brought and ones that had been sent from friends that couldn’t make it to the shower.  Carly was writing down what they got and who sent it so Chris and Kate could send out thank you cards later.
When the shower finally wound down and people began leaving, they were given cute little gift bags with travel-sized hand sanitizers from Bath and Body Works, mini-jar candles from Yankee Candle, some butter mints in a little baby bottle, and little engraved frames holding a picture from Chris’ and Kate’s maternity shoot that Danielle had insisted on doing.  The only ones left at the end of the night were Amy, Lisa, and Scott.  Helena and Bill had declined the offer to stay at the penthouse and had gotten a hotel nearby.  Lisa and Amy were staying at the penthouse in the two guest rooms while Scott was taking the couch from Kate’s garage apartment that Chris had put in the downstairs guest room that they had turned into an office for him and Kate.  Carly and Shanna had driven back to Sudbury so Carly could get back to her kids and Shanna could get to work in the morning.
“We’ll start working on putting this all together tomorrow.” Lisa said.
“I can’t believe we got all of this stuff!” Chris said. “Everyone is so sweet for doing this.” Kate let out a heavy breath and rubbed her stomach. “What’s wrong?” Chris was on instant high alert.
“Braxton-Hicks.” Kate said. “They’ve been happening on and off all day.”
“Are you sure?  Should we call the doctor?”
“I have an appointment tomorrow.  I’ll be fine.”
“Do you need anything?” Lisa asked.
“Actually, I’ve got a headache and I’m feeling kind of tired.  I want to go upstairs and lay down.”
Chris stood up and helped her to her feet. “I’ll be back down in a little bit.”
“Go on up and stay with her.” Lisa said. “We’ll clean up down here.”
“Thanks, ma.”
Kate sighed as Chris helped her change into her usual oversized T-shirt she slept in, take her contacts out, and lay down on their bed. “Thanks.”
“Are you ok?”
“Could you grab some Tylenol for me?”
“Of course.” Chris rushed into the bathroom and came out with Tylenol and a glass of water.  He set to work massaging her feet, but stopped when he noticed how swollen they were. “Babe, are you sure you’re ok?”
“I’m a little dizzy, but I think that’s cause of the headache and all the fun today.”
“Kat, your feet and legs are really swollen.  That’s a sign of preeclampsia.  So are headaches and dizziness.”
“The doctor did say I was at risk.  We’re going tomorrow, so we can ask then.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to call now?”
“Chris, it’s late.”
“It’s nine at night.”
“Well, that’s late enough.” Kate curled up on her side. “I’m going to sleep.”
“I’m going to brush my teeth and take my contacts out, then I’ll join you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” He leaned over and kissed her.
Chris woke up to the sounds of his name being called between gagging coming from the bathroom.  The clock said it was around three in the morning.  He quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.  Kate was clinging to the toilet, shaking and crying. “Hey….” He moved to her side and let out a curse when he saw the blood in the toilet. “Kate!”
“Chris, I don’t feel good.” Kate sobbed.
“We’re going to the hospital.” He jumped up and ran out of the room. “MA!” Chris burst through the guest bedroom door, startling his mother awake. “Ma, it’s Kate!  Help!”
Lisa was up like a shot.  She followed Chris into the bedroom and then pushed past him when she heard Kate. “Oh no! Sweetheart…. Chris, get her some clothes.”
“What’s going on?” Amy asked from the doorway to the bedroom.
“I’m taking Kate to the hospital.” Chris said, grabbing a pair of yoga pants out of one of Kate’s drawers while dialing the number to a car service on his cell phone. “Can you go wake up Scott?”
“Yeah!” Amy turned and ran downstairs.
Lisa was running a washrag over Kate’s face, whispering comforting words to her. “Come on, Katie.  Let’s get your clothes on.” Chris came over and gave his mother the yoga pants as he dialed the emergency number to Kate’s doctor.
Scott ran in, throwing a shirt on. “What’s going on?”
“Scott, come help me.” Scott rushed over and helped his mother get Kate into her pants and shoes. “Amy, honey, do you have Helena’s phone number?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Amy said. “I’ll call her.  Where are you going?  I mean, what hospital?”
“New York Presbyterian.” Chris said. “It’s not far.”
“Ok. I’ll call her.”
“Here,” Chris grabbed the pen and notepad out of Kate’s nightstand drawer. He quickly wrote down a number for the car service and another number underneath it. “Call this number and give them this account number.  Send a car for her family, they’re at the Millennium Hilton, and then get one for yourself.  I’ve already got one on the way.” He turned and swept Kate up into his arms.  Scott and Lisa helped steady them as they walked down the stairs.
Kate looked around the private birthing suite and sighed.  She had been poked with needles and had an IV in her arm, ready to administer drugs if needed.  They had brought in an ultrasound and had hooked her up to a fetal monitor after taking her for a CT scan.  Chris sat on the bed next to her, holding her hand.  He was the only one allowed in with her right now.
“I just want to go home.” Kate said, laying her head down on Chris’ shoulder.
He kissed the top of her head. “I know, baby.”
Doctor Beauchamp walked into the room and looked at the waiting couple. “Well, the blood in your vomit is from a small tear in the lining of your esophagus. Sometimes this happens with the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.  It’s manageable if we can control the nausea and get you to eat soft foods for seven to ten days.  What concerns me is the protein in your urine, Kate, and how high your blood pressure is.  We talked about you being preeclamptic and you’re showing enough of the signs right now.”
“So, what’s the plan, Doc?” Chris asked.
“I want you, Kate, to try and make it to 39 weeks.  Right now, you’re still within reason to give birth naturally like you want, so what I’m going to do is keep you here for the next two weeks so we can monitor you, but you’re on strict bedrest.”
“You’re not going to induce?” Kate asked.
“I could and I might even be able to do it more naturally than giving you Pitocin since you’re dilated to one, but I don’t want to and I know you want to avoid the Pitocin at all costs.”
“I want Jelly Bean to bake for a little longer, so two weeks here on bedrest. You’re only allowed out of that bed to go to the bathroom and to take very quick showers.  Chris, you may want to go home and pack some of Kate’s stuff. Comfortable, loose fitting clothes, please.”
“You got it.” Chris said. “Anything.”
“Ok. I’m going to go discuss with the nurses everything they need to know and I’ll be back later with a list of some super fun bedrest rules.” Doctor Beauchamp walked out and Kate burst into tears.
“Hey,” Chris pulled Kate to him tightly. “Shh, it’s ok.  It’s only two weeks and then we’ll meet our little Jelly Bean.”
“But there’s so much to get done before then!”
“Ma isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and neither is Scott.  I’m pretty sure your mom isn’t leaving now.  I can call in whoever else we need to get the stuff put together before the baby arrives.”
“But I won’t get to help.”
“I can bring some stuff here for you to work on.”
“I just want to go home.”
“You will.  And when you do, you’ll be holding Jelly Bean.” Chris kissed her sweetly. “I’m going to go let everyone know what’s going on and see if we can have anyone back here besides us.”
Over the next week, Kate didn’t show much change.  Which wasn’t a bad thing.  She had started to dilate some more, so the doctor was happy that she might even give birth without any help.  Bill and Jan had gone home, but Helena had decided to stay to be there with her daughter.  She and Lisa were staying at the penthouse with Scott.  They Facetimed with Chris and Kate so the couple could help finish decorating the nursery with the furniture they had gotten.  
On her twelfth day there, July 8th, Dr. Beauchamp had decided they didn’t need to wait any longer.  She decided to try the more natural induction of labor by going in and stripping the membranes.  It was extremely painful, and Chris had no idea how that much of the doctor’s arm fit up inside his fiancée, but it was effective.  Kate’s contractions had set in and she went into active labor.  Chris was by her side for every single minute with Lisa and Helena taking turns on Kate’s free side.  Kate labored for fourteen hours before it was finally time to push. Dr. Beauchamp allowed Kate to move around and try to find more comfortable positions to deliver the baby in, but nothing was working.
“Kate, the baby is stuck and going into distress.” Dr. Beauchamp announced. “We need to get this baby out now.  I’m going to have to do a c-section.”
“No.” Kate growled, trying to push again.
“Kate, you need to stop pushing.  This baby isn’t going to come out naturally and you’re only going to hurt yourself and the baby if you keep trying.”
Kate let out a scream as another contraction bore down on her. “I need to push!”
“Kate, your blood pressure is through the roof.  You need to calm down.”
Chris tried soothing Kate, but nothing helped.  Doctor Beauchamp called for the anesthesiologist to meet them in the OR with a spinal tap while she administered an anti-anxiety medicine. Kate was so scared and so worked up that the medicine didn’t have much of an effect.  Chris was made to stay in the room while they got Kate prepped for surgery.  He paced the floor, waiting for them to come get him.  They had told him it wouldn’t take more than ten minutes.  It had now been thirty minutes.  He was about to start kicking doors in when a nurse came to get him.
Kate was strapped down to the OR table with a sheet pinned up as a screen. She was still panicking and gripped his hand tightly.  He whispered comforting words and tried to keep her focus on him.  She kept complaining about how bad her upper back was hurting and she couldn’t get comfortable.  The doctor and nurses begged her to stop writhing, but she was in too much pain. They gave her a booster on her spinal tap and that seemed to do the trick some.  The doctor took advantage to quickly perform the c-section.  Chris stood up to peer over the curtain to see the baby come slithering out of the open wound.  The baby’s cry echoed in the room and Kate closed her eyes in relief.
“It’s a girl!” Doctor Beauchamp announced.
Chris turned to Kate and started to say something, but the words died on his lips as the sound of the alarm on the heart monitor went off.  The nurses came up and told him to leave, but he refused.  He began yelling at them to help Kate and security was brought in to physically remove him from the room.  They took him back to the birthing suite where his mother and Helena were waiting.  They jumped up and he started to sob.
“I don’t know what’s happening!” Chris cried. “They won’t tell me anything. She was in pain and they gave her more drugs and just after the baby was born, her heart rate dropped.”
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miafic · 5 years
Accidentally hit send too soon but I was wondering if you had any book recommendations I’ve been trying to read some more :)
the best book i’ve read lately (by far) was wonder by rj palacio
some recommendations from my recent reading - the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, five feet apart, notes from the blender (which has the best male main character ive read in years and maybe ever), scars by cheryl rainfield (if you can handle it), and anything written by ellen hopkins. the most recent one of hers i read was called rumble, and it was pretty good. identical is my favorite of hers. the goldfinch was also fairly good but it is no joke. it’s almost 800 pages and it’s slow and a little dry.
some older recommendations - the princess diaries books are hilarious and have been my faves since i was 12. meg cabot (who wrote them) did this other series i really liked when i was that same age called the mediator which i thought was cool but haven’t read since then. it’s about a girl named suze who’s - you guessed it - a mediator and she moves into this house and there’s a ghost of “a hot guy named jesse.” im p sure his name is hector de silva and he’s a cowboy type and he calls her “querida” and those are the books that taught me the word “albeit” but also the h slur so. do with that what you will. 
continuing! winnie the pooh books are a delight. so witty and sweet. twilight is actually fun to read, and i will stand by that. same with the hunger games and harry potter. i love love love looking for alaska. and, as always, i will plug my favorite books ever, a series of unfortunate events. if you need to feel occupied for a while with books, there are 13 of them!! and they are all great!! rereading them as you get older just makes them even better!!!!!!!
ive honestly read some very bad books lately, and right now i’ve just started a new book called putting makeup on dead people which sounds interesting but is shaping up to be bad as well, although i cant tell for sure yet. (the main character is a high school girl named donna even though it was published in 2011, and i just can’t get past that. idk. i think im outgrowing ya which SUCKS but... you know. im 24 lol it’s probably time.)
next on my list are social intercourse (which started off so sexually graphic that i put it down two weeks ago and haven’t picked it up again), food, girls, and other things that i can’t have, and we know it was you.
but yeah, wonder was a book i finished in a few hours. could not put it down. i had to stop in the middle to eat dinner, and it was like i was tearing myself away. i definitely recommend it if you haven’t read it.
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the-desolated-quill · 5 years
Okay, Enough With The Live Action/CGI Hybrids - Quill’s Scribbles
So the trailer for the upcoming Sonic The Hedgehog movie came out...
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Do I really need to say it? Everyone and their mums have already said it. Hell, you’re probably saying it right now.
Sigh. Okay. Fuck it. I’ll say it.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?!?!
The trailer itself is shockingly bad. It looks bland and generic with almost nothing in common with the games. The jokes are forced and painfully unfunny (why are the people in the airport more concerned that the ‘child’ in the bag isn’t James Marsden’s rather than that there’s a fucking child in the bag in the first place?!), Jim Carrey is being his usual obnoxious self and is plain and simply a terrible choice for Doctor Eggman (isn’t the whole point of Doctor Eggman that he’s supposed to, you know, look like an egg?), and the soundtrack is utterly cringeworthy (Gangsta’s Paradise? Really?!?!). But that all pales in comparison to by far and away the biggest problem with the trailer. And I think you can all guess what that is. 
Yes I’m of course referring to the noticeable absence of Team Chaotix. An artistic decision so despicable, it’s practically a hate crime. For shame! Everyone knows that Charmy Bee is the best character in the franchise and yet they don’t have the guts to put him in the movie! Fucking philistines!
Oh yeah, and Sonic the Hedgehog looks like a monstrous abomination concocted from the fever dreams of Doctor Frankenstein and Walt Disney.
It’s hard to know where to start when talking about just how grotesque and disgusting this CGI Sonic is. He looks like what your computer would produce if it caught pneumonia. What I especially don’t understand is why they veered away so heavily from the original, iconic design. I mean...
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I don’t know about you, but I’d honestly have no problem if the movie just kept this look from the games. Hell, I think even giving him realistic fur would be pushing it. This is perfectly fine. I could totally see this design working in a movie. Instead we get the secret love child of Gollum and Papa Smurf.
He just looks so weird with human proportions. The leg muscles, the two eyes, the human looking teeth. Apparently the filmmakers wanted this Sonic to look as realistic as possible. Because when I pay to see a movie about an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog that can run at supersonic speeds, that’s my first thought. ‘Is it realistic?’
... Jesus Christ.
But of course the main problem with this live action Sonic movie is that it exists in the first place. When it was first announced, I assumed in my naivety that it would be an animated movie. Because that would make sense, right? There have been movie and TV adaptations before and they were all animated. Imagine a big budget computer animated Sonic movie. That would be really cool. But it was not to be. In Hollywood’s infinite wisdom, they decided to go the live action route because... Actually why did they choose to go the live action route? Well that’s what I hope to address in this very Scribble.
Live action adaptations and remakes are nothing new of course. Disney had tried it a few times in the past with movies like 101 Dalmations, there have been other live action versions of animated or illustrated characters such as the Grinch and the Cat In The Hat, Garfield, the Smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunks, and there was of course the infamous Super Mario Bros movie, which answered the question of what it would be like if the Mushroom Kingdom took place in the same universe as Judge Dredd. But this is the first time live action/CGI hybrids have been huge money spinners. Disney struck gold back in 2010 when Tim Burton’s version of Alice In Wonderland made a billion dollars at the box office and now the company is mining through their back catalogue of Disney classics and giving all their movies the live action treatment. Initially I was okay with this because in the case of Alice In Wonderland and Maleficent they were at least trying to reinterpret the original films and put a new spin on them, but now they just seem to be copying the movies verbatim. Making live action remakes just for the sake of making live action remakes.
Now other studios are trying their hand at, the most notable being Pokemon: Detective Pikachu. Here’s a picture of the original Pikachu:
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Cute, right?
Now here’s a picture of the live action Pikachu:
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Can you see the problem here?
(also why the hell is Ryan Reynolds the voice of Pikachu? I honestly can’t think of anyone more inappropriate for the role. It’s like casting Samuel L. Jackson as a Powerpuff Girl)
The fact of the matter is some things just don’t work in live action. Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokemon work in their respective universes because they’re animated creatures in an animated world, and their anatomy and design fit that world. In the real world, it just doesn’t work. Pikachu looks strange and kind of creepy in the real world. The same is true of the other Pokemon. Jigglypuff looks utterly adorable in the games and animated show with its spherical body and cartoon eyes and you just want to take one to bed with you and cuddle them like a teddy bear, but in the real world it looks fucking scary!
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I wouldn’t want to cuddle that thing! It looks like it would go for my throat given the opportunity!
The same is true of Sonic. Paramount’s attempts to make him look more ‘realistic’ just makes him look incredibly alien and out of place.
Another example I like to bring up is the film Christopher Robin. Now we all know Winnie the Pooh. Silly ol’ bear. Charming, cuddly and endearing, right? Just look at him.
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How can you not fall in love with him?
Now here’s the live action version:
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When I first saw the trailer, I was utterly creeped out. He looks like something out of a horror movie. Add to that that they got the original voice actor from the Disney cartoons to reprise the role, and Winnie the Pooh pretty much became the source of all my nightmares for the next couple of weeks. That lovable voice should not be coming out of that... thing.
It’s a pattern that repeats itself over and over again. Look:
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Charming and lovable.
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Weird and unsettling.
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Creative and fun.
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Photoshop disaster.
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Sweet and likeable.
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Fetch my crucifix and holy water.
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Emotional and expressive.
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So ‘realistic’ to the point where he looks like he has the emotional range of a teaspoon.
Now I recognise this largely comes down to subjective opinion. If you like these CGI redesigns, that’s great. More power to you. But I know for a fact I’m not the only one getting increasingly weirded out by these computer generated demons from Hell.
So why does Hollywood keep making these films. Well obviously in the case of Disney it’s because they’ve ran out of original ideas and want to make a quick buck by exploiting their audience’s nostalgia. (the same can be said of the Star Wars sequel trilogy). But what about other studios? Yes they’re financially motivated too, but there’s got to be more to it than that.
I think it’s largely down to the stigma of animated movies. Animation has become synonymous with children. When you hear the term ‘animated movie’, you automatically associate it with ‘kid’s film’. And ‘kid’s film’ is often used in a negative context. Like it’s somehow lesser than quote/unquote ‘proper’ movies. Live action suggests a certain pedigree. A sense of prestige. But that’s obviously bollocks. The quality of a film isn’t dictated by whether it’s live action or animated. It’s determined by the writing, directing and acting. There have been live action films made for kids and animated films made for adults. And I’m not talking about Sausage Party. I’m talking about Finding Nemo.
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Now I know what you’re thinking. Finding Nemo? Isn’t that a kid’s film? No. It’s a family film. And that right there is the problem. You heard me say Finding Nemo, an animated film about talking fish, and you automatically associated it with a kids film. But the thing is Finding Nemo deals with some very dark and adult themes and its moral message of not being overprotective and allowing children to take risks is intended for the parents, not the kids. Obviously kids can still watch and enjoy Finding Nemo, but it’s the parents who are clearly the target here. The same is true of Toy Story 3. Children can still watch and enjoy it, but the film is clearly intended for people who watched the original Toy Story when they were a kid and are now grown up. When you stop and think about it, it’s really sad that family movies are associated with kids movies. Not that there’s anything wrong with kids movies obviously. But why do people assume that family movies are meant for kids? Why can’t they be adult stories that are also accessible to children? Books have done it. The Artemis Fowl series is kid friendly, but its tone, themes and style suggest the author has an older and more sophisticated target audience in mind. A Series Of Unfortunate Events is popular with kids, but it’s adults that get the full experience because of the way Lemony Snicket uses postmodern and meta-textual elements in the books, which would sail clean over the head of a kid reading it. The idea that a live action remake is somehow more ‘grown-up’ than an animated movie is just absurd. The original Lion King was very grown up, thank you very much. There are lots of bright colours and fun songs for the kids, but it also doesn’t sugarcoat the darker themes such as death, betrayal, corruption and abuse of power. Mufaser’s death isn’t going to be made any more impactful in live action. The animated version was more than heartbreaking.
Shifting the conversation back to Sonic, this is also intrinsically linked with another problem with Hollywood at the moment. Movie adaptations of video games. And again, it’s a similar problem. People, especially critics, view video games as being lesser than movies. Roger Ebert famously said that video games will never be considered art. But that’s nonsense. There have been loads of video games that could be and have been considered art. BioShock, for instance, which scrutinises and criticises both objectivism and capitalism. There’s the Mass Effect trilogy, which is often described as this generation’s Star Wars. The Last Of Us is widely considered to be a masterpiece by gamers and literacy scholars alike. Hell, the fact that Hollywood wants to make movie adaptations of video games at all suggests that games do in fact have some inherent artistic value after all. And it’s not as if I’m wholly against making movies based on video games. There are some games that could translate really well to films, Sonic being one of them. (I personally loved the Ratchet & Clank movie, for example. It’s just a shame nobody else fucking watched it due to the almost non-existent marketing). However there’s an inherent problem with translating video games to movies as opposed to, say, translating books to movies. In book to movies adaptations, studios are adding something. Visuals, sound, performance, etc. In video game to movie adaptations, they have to take things away. The most obvious is interactivity. Unlike movies where nothing is required of the audience other than to just dumbly stare at the screen, video games require the audience to actively control the story. Move the character, kill baddies, solve problems and stay alive. You are an active participant in the narrative. As a result, the emotional connection you feel with both the plot and the characters is often stronger than that in a movie because you have direct influence over what happens. 
Also video games have the luxury of being able to tell their stories over the course of eight to thirty to even a hundred hours of gameplay. There’s no way you could condense something like The Last Of Us down to a two and a half hour movie. There would just be too much lost. Important character moments and plot points that would have to be chucked in the bin. Yes things get lost in book to movie adaptations, but nowhere near at the scale of a game to movie adaptation. A possible workaround would be to make game to TV adaptations instead, but then we’re back to the interactivity problem again. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that movies are better than books or that video games are better than movies. I’m just saying they’re each individually suited to tell their own kinds of stories in their own unique ways, therefore translating from one medium to the other is often difficult. The Last Of Us would never make a good movie, and that’s okay. The game is still amazing and the story is still amazing. Its artistic merit isn’t lessened because it can’t be translated to films, in the same way the merits of a bike aren’t lessened because it can’t fly. It’s just not designed to do that.
I guess the point I’m making is there’s no one way to tell a good story. There are an infinite number of ways it can be done. So lets stop Hollywood’s obsession with pigeonholing everything into one format and actually explore the possibilities, shall we?
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hellogoodbye741 · 5 years
All the book reviews I should have been doing in real time, but imma piece of garbage(tm)
Please ignore this second (or possibly more if i don’t have enough space) long ass post
Reading Lolita in Tehran:
I really enjoyed this book. I’m not a huge fan of a lot of nonfiction writing because of how monotonous they can be, but this wasn’t like that. She really told a story about her (the author) and a bunch of young woman in Tehran reading Lolita and other banned books, and it really resonated with me.
Hidden Figures:
I had been told several times that this book was not going to be what I expected and that I should read the children’s version of it instead because that was more like the movie. Should have listened. I enjoyed the book, but it focused way more on the scientific side of things instead of the more story-line aspect of history. Not saying that it wasn’t great and a fascinating read into such pivotal people in America’s timeline, it just wasn’t my thing.
I had been putting off reading this series by Kathy Reichs because it wasn’t the Tempe Brennan character, and therefore I did not care. BOY WAS THAT A WRONG OPINION. This book (and the subsequent ones I have since read) are amazing! They were written with teens in mind, but you can enjoy them at any level. They are chocked full of sci-fi fun that keeps you begging for more and more. I say this about very few novels, but I would totally read again.
I absolutely adore Christopher Moore books. I have read several of his, and have never found any at fault. This one, however, wasn’t up to par. It was okay, but not like his other works. I couldn’t get into as much, and it wasn’t as funny. The story is written very much like a noir-style movie, so I could find no fault in that, but the twist at the middle/end was very unexpected and left me confused. I think I would have to give it a read and more pay attention to more finite details to make sense of it.
Number One Chinese Restaurant:
I was expecting to really enjoy this book, but honestly, it kinda sucked. I didn’t really like any of the characters, and never felt any sympathy for any of them even when they were going through struggles. The writing was a little choppy, and the constant POV change was jarring. It was a little bit of a struggle to get through, not gonna lie.
The House That Lou Built:
I know this book is meant for younger audiences, but I absolutely adored it. Like I have nothing else to say, it was adorable and I will protect it with my life.
Crazy Rich Asians:
I enjoyed this book. I’m not a huge fan of multiple POVs, but the way they did it in this book wasn’t bad at all. I really want to see the movie and see how it compares.
Da Vinci Code:
Tis a classic I have read several times over. Dan Brown got it going on.
Post Mordem:
I love the Kathy Reichs books and have read several of them (unfortunately not in order).  This is the first book in the series, and I really liked seeing how it all got started. Kathy Reichs tries to make sure to make the science aspect of the book both for the idiots and the people who know their shit, which is great. Gotta represent my North Carolina ladiesss
77 Shadow Street:
This book was all kinds of fucked up. Every time I thought I got the plot and what was going on, they fucked me over again. I said “what the fuck” at least once every chapter.
Raisin in the Sun:
Don’t know how it took me so long to read this play. Absolutely adored the characters and the storyline, and the resolution at the end was bittersweet. Would love to see it performed and get the true experience and emotion.
House on Mango Street:
I have read this book a handful of times too, and I enjoy it every single time. The book is short and sweet, and the poetry graceful and moving. Will probably read again and again in the future.
Whipping Boy:
I first read this in the 4th grade and it has resonated with me ever since. It takes like an hour to read, but it is filled with so much in the meantime. All about dat bourgeoise bullshitttttt and how it can be rectified.
In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson:
Haven’t read this since elementary school, and had forgotten how sweet this story is. The trials the young girl goes through and how she triumphs, in the end, leaves me with the biggest smile on my face.
Red Scarf Girl:
Also been a while since last reading this book. It’s a beautiful and tragic story about the rise of communism and the struggles that everyone in their country faced. I think it was based on a true story but honestly can’t remember. Would definitely read again.
Journey of Little Charles:
This was an endearing ‘growing up’ historical novel. I enjoyed it.
Ivy Aberdeen’s Letters to the World:
This was absolutely GREAT. Such a beautiful way to explore and introduce the LGBTQIA+ community to younger audiences.
Children of Blood and Bone:
I really enjoyed this book, and want to read the rest of the series too. It was a very immersive story that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole story.
I’m just going to do these three as one since they’re all part of the same series. I really enjoy the Virals series, and each time you think there’s nowhere else to go, Reichs and her son introduce something you would have never expected.
Sing, unburied, sing:
Thought I was gonna like this one more than I did. It just kinda lagged for me and was hard to get into.
Lucky Broken Girl:
I thought this was a beautiful and heartbreaking book (and true story) about a girl who is confined to her bed practically paralyzed. It was nice to watch her get through her struggles and come out on top in the end.
Finding Langston:
This was a very cute story about a poc country boy going to the city and discovering himself through a love of books, and though it is meant for younger audiences, I enjoyed it immensely.
The Dollar Kids:
Another cute story meant for kids about finding one's self and working through trauma in a way that children can understand.
Winnie’s Great War:
It’s the absolutely true story of the English army adopting a bear in the 40s told through the POV of the bear. I do not need to say more.
Ballet Shoes:
I’m a sucker for three young girls following their dreams and one of them being ballet. Yaas queen.
Song for a Whale:
An absolutely stunning tale of following your dreams and fighting through all adversities to get there. Also, the main character is deaf, and being HOH myself, loved having the representation (even if the story if for younger children).
It’s Not a Perfect World, but I’ll take It:
Told from the perspective and real-life story of a girl living with autism, and some things that can help others learn how to accept that they are just like anyone else, and some things on how to make life a bit easier. Loved seeing life through that perspective, even if it was only for a little while.
Rapunzel’s Revenge:
Loved this comic’s twist on the classic tale of Rapunzel. Rapunzel takes her life into her own hands and kicks ass
Ghost Doll and Jasper:
This was a perfect mix between cute and creepy. A combination most would find weird, but I loved it!
Color Purple:
I’ve been hearing about this book for as long as I could remember, but never at any point had anyone ever talked about the plot?? It wasn’t what I expected at all, but it really made me feel something,
We Will Not Be Silent:
The Woman Who Smashed Codes:
A fascinating read, but on par with Hidden Figures where there was a lot that I just didn’t understand.
The Lowlands:
It took me almost 3/4 of the way into the book to actually get into the plot and understand what was going on. Maybe another read-through might help, but eh.
I love history, but the sheer length of this book and the unending quality about it was #strugglebus
Born a Crime:
Nobody should be born illegal, nobody should be illegal period. Trevor Noah, I’m sorry a rude ass country did that to you.
Stalking Jack the Ripper:
Yooooooo, read this shit!
Winnie the Pooh:
You already know who it is
It has been so long since I have read this series. I had forgotten how long the books were, but #worthit
Titus Andronicus:
Did not understand it while I was reading it. Saw it performed the next day and was like “ohhhhhhh, i get it now”
How to Train Your Dragon:
Nothing like the movie, at all. Still cute tho.
Howl’s Moving Castle:
Was just like the movie, except even more. There was a whole other plot point that just added to the concept of Howl that made it even better.
Other Words from Home:
Beautiful story of a young girl moving halfway across the world and dealing with the hardships that come with it.
Hunting Prince Dracula:
Do you like UST between two dork scientist badasses??? READ DAT SHIT
This was both incredibly sweet, and absolutely sad, while also throwing in some kill the capitalist bourgeoise and I loved it.
Errant Prince:
Four words-
Diary of Anne Frank:
You get so enamored with the girl she was, that you forget that she never got to the be the girl she could have been.
The Help:
Black Leopard, Red Wolf:
Not a big fan of the random and multiple rape scenes, and the plot was hard to follow.
Hunger Makes me a Modern Girl:
It was a good, short read.
In Another time:
I got straight and happy couple baited and I was denied but in a beautiful way so #allowed.
A Place For Us:
Another one where the plot was a little hard to follow, but I actually enjoyed it nonetheless.
Sun is Also a Star:
Thought I was gonna be denied my happy ending, turned it around on the last page. Hell yuss.
Prodigal Summer:
Thought I was gonna enjoy it more since I too am from rural Appalachia. Nah
Alright, okay, a little fucked up, okay, okay, WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED, the end.
I cried at work reading this????
Fire and Fury:
Not my thing, nice to see what’s up tho
Song of Achilles:
Genesis Begins Again:
No matter what anyone says, you’re beautiful
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