#I almost selected a part of this scene for that one Sun6 I did
batshieroglyphics · 3 years
Fic: Haat’Mand’alor be Yaim’ol ~ Star Wars ~ Obi-Wan/Jaster ~ Mature ~ Chap 4/10
Title: Haat'Mand'alor be Yaim'ol Fandom: Star Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jaster Mereel Warnings: Time travel, canon-typical violence, fix-it (apparently), not everyone dies/some live, the Kaminoans are the worst, Jaster is the Mand'alor we deserve, character death, the clones deserve better, Jaster has 3 million grandkids, mental manipulation, Mandalorian culture, Mandalorian morality, an excessive amount of murder (of Kaminoans), Jedi culture respected, Jango needs a hug, Rex needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, EVERYONE GETS A HUG (except the Kaminoans), asexual Jango, nonbinary clones, trans clones, polyamory mention, disabled characters, happy ending (eventually) Summary: Jaster Mereel doesn't die on Korda VI, but is instead thrust forward thirty years to Kamino.
He found Obi-Wan standing in the doorway of what seemed to be the only bedroom, and was grateful for his buy'ce, certain he was blushing at the realisation that there was only one bed, and the ideas that birthed.
"I do believe," Obi-Wan said in Basic, "that Tervho has been reading too many Mandalorian romance novels."
Jaster blinked, baffled.
Obi-Wan glanced over at him, pale eyes gleaming with amusement. "From what I recall, one of the most popular formulas involved a fight to the death, one or multiple of the potential partners being wounded and requiring the help of the others, and then there only being one tent or sleep roll, so they're required to sleep together, and sex results."
Jaster tugged off his buy'ce so Obi-Wan could see his raised eyebrow. "Somehow, you don't strike me as the sort to read romance novels."
Obi-Wan shrugged, mouth quirking. "I had limited access to materials in Mando'a, while on Mandalore. I had plenty of beings willing to practice the spoken form with me, but I also wanted to learn the written form. I expect we were allowed access to romance novels as some sort of joke, but they served their purpose, while also informing on some parts of the culture that I wouldn't likely have learnt about, otherwise."
Jaster had to blink a couple of times and clear his throat. "I am not certain what use you would get out of the parts of Mando culture that can be found in such books."
"You might be surprised," Obi-Wan replied as they stepped forward, heading towards what looked like a cupboard door set in the wall. "Perhaps I should let you borrow some jedi romance novels."
Jaster stared. "Jedi have romance novels?" he demanded, and couldn't do anything about the disbelief clear in his voice.
"Of course we do." Obi-Wan snorted as they shrugged out of their robe and hung it on a hook just inside the cupboard door. "I really don't understand where this idea of the Order requiring chastity of our members came from."
Something in Jaster's chest thrummed. "It's the robes," he heard himself say.
You can read the chapter on Archive of Our Own! It's also up on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal, although I cannot make any promises about those site remaining updated once I'm back at work.
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