#I also drew 4 different patterns which was a first
jollytrolley · 1 year
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@caller-id-cant-stop-me's Nyamco!
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thecrowsart · 5 months
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people: omg we finally get to see hyper! me: omg we finally get to see more angles of kusuriuri's clothes! observations and (A LOT OF) ranting under the cut:
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The inside sleeve design has been revealed! It's pretty similar to the outside design but instead of that four-petal design, it's a gold circle. Also, it looks like the large eye is shared by both sides, but based on how the sleeve looks in other images, it must be really really big..... I guess they can get away with it lol. Like, if you laid out the sleeve fabric, I think it would look like this:
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THE BACK OF HIS OBI. What the hell kinda knot is this actually... like, does anyone here know about obimusubi because I'm not very good at knots but if it comes down to it I will learn how this works. I already thought this based on the promo art but it seems like his obi fabric is double-sided, with purple on one side and the check pattern on the other, with a red trim. That lighter salmon color in the knot seems to be a different fabric, maybe an obiage? It's not tucked into the front so I'm not sure if that's the right term, but in any case it's some kind of extra fabric. If the purple and check are really one piece of fabric, then the knot is like... a hitch? It's some kind of one-loop bow, and it's quite bulky so he might have an obimakura in there. Whatever it is, it's considerably more elaborate than OG Kusuriuri's obi, which was that red brocade just tied into a large crooked bow. Who is helping movie Kusuriuri get dressed in the morning? (I'm sure he can do it himself and I commend him for the dedication to the aesthetic lol).
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His mirror is now kept looped around this thick cord that kind of comes out of nowhere and disappears into his obi. First of all, how is the mirror staying up like that since the string is only looped once. Second, the thick white cord looks the same as the one that comes out of the left side of his obi and loops around his back, but I'm not sure how they would connect. Logically, they probably are the same cord and it goes through his obimusubi somehow. 4.)
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This one was actually noticeable in the very first trailer as you can tell, since the second screenshot is from that trailer, but I somehow never noticed it until now. Kusuriuri has neck markings now! In a different frame I caught a glimpse of the part that goes into his collar, it looks like a circle, though it's not visible in either of these screenshots. But from the first screenshot and some other frames I saw, it looks somewhat off-center. I wasn't sure if it was just a weird frame at first, but it looks consistent the few other times (time?) that part of his neck is visible. It looks like the strip of red that leads down to the circle curves off to the left rather than going straight down the center. I didn't realize this before but his neck is actually concealed in most of the promo images.
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A better look at the back of his socks, plus two things that were visible this whole time but I didn't notice: first, his black leggings have this folded layer you can probably see on top. I'm not sure how to describe it and I don't know exactly how it works. It seems weird to me that he would have three sock layers (outer black, inner black, white), so I think the two black layers are probably still part of the same sock. I'm just not sure exactly what's up with it. Secondly, his geta have metal corners on the teeth! I don't think I've seen that on real geta, so maybe it's just a random detail, but if it's a thing on some real geta, I wonder if it's to keep the wood from wearing away there. Also another think I'm just noticing, there's a reinforcing wedge of wood under the front part of his geta that overhand the front tooth. You can see it a little in the second image.
Overall, that's all the new design stuff I noticed. Since I just drew him twice and spent like all day thinking about this, I've realized his design is way more elaborate than the original one. He has a bunch of little doodads, like the ties around his ankle or that decorative tie that comes out of his ohashori:
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which still bothers me because I've never seen the back of it. Where are those strings going. And how is it secured in the first place? is it tied or pinned underneath his ohashori, like on the tie under the obi (not sure if there's a name for it)? What is it? Why does he have this here?
These details as well as things like the corners and wedge on his geta, the red trim on the obi and the check pattern, and his elaborate eye make up are all design elements that could never really have worked for a tv show. It's impressive to me even that OG Kusuriuri had that hand drawn brocade texture and the designs on his kimono that he did. It's the type of thing animators usually avoid, lol.
I like the movie design visually, but my god is it a pain in the ass to draw. Due to the aforementioned details of course and the wider variety of colors. Oh yeah, my last (for real) observation is that this Kusuriuri looks a lot less human than our OG friend. His skin is entirely whitish-grey, and he has that white/purple and red hair, and now he has markings on his neck instead of just on his face. (Unrelated but I feel like they made his lip tattoo less prominent and it makes me sad because it's one of my favorite things about Kusuriuri's design). But Hyper, from that very small glimpse we caught of him, looks more mundane than the original. I think it's the combination of his black hair and his markings being red instead of gold. I wonder what the rest of him will look like.... It was interesting to me that his face is drawn differently from Kusuriuri. In the TV anime, they have the same face shape and features, but their hair and coloring is different. And OG Hyper had a slightly different version of Kusuriuri's clothes. We can't see this new Hyper's clothes, but his face is more square looking. He looks like a different person... interesting lore implications.
Okay, I really must stop there.
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existentialcrisis-9-5 · 5 months
DCA Subnautica AU
Version #2 of the designs, including the bioluminescence! + fun tidbits on each of the goobers and a visual on Y/N!
(Edit: it’s out now! Check my bio for the link)
Eclipse is up first!
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Theirs was the first design I drew out in any detail (as shown in the crude MS Paint drawing), so it's the one that needed the most work. Even after making the more detailed version with the lights, I still ended up changing things as I got a better grasp on what direction I wanted to head in. Fun lore tidbit! Eclipse is a freak of nature and should not look like that! They're properly split down the middle between day and night. Also I messed it up in the drawing because I was tired when I made it, but they're also covered in scars and bite marks.
Sun !!
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I did Sun next, and here I had a better idea for what I was going for. There were still a few problems with this design though, which got changed. This is also where I started drawing the pattern on the tail, which I felt looked weird in this picture. Fun tidbit! Sun has an inability to express his feelings in the appropriate fish mermaid way, leading to much confusion.
Moon !!
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Moon was done last. Once again, I learned from this drawing and changed Moon's design to match, however Moon is the one that remains the most unchanged! I knew what I was going for by the time I got to him each time, so I guess that helped. Something I did alter, however, were some of the lights. I found that they either blended together too much or weren't as visible as I would have liked. Fun tidbit! This is pose actually based on a scene in one of the chapters. It was actually one of the earliest written scenes.
Y/N, my beloved <3
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I did 2 versions of Y/N, one with longer hair and one with shorter. It was important for me, when writing the story, that I kept the person I'm imagining as vague as possible, with the only physical descriptions being "physically fit" and having a few scars (for plot reasons), so this is only for me and whatever drawings I do. As a result of trying to keep it vague, I ended up going with the shorter hair (though in the final reference I made it a bit longer than shown here). Fun tidbit! The green is because whenever I'm sketching, I have 4 colours I sketch in to differentiate parts of the picture (usually background vs foreground or different people), and green was the one I used here (red, blue and purple were taken, I'm sure you can understand why). It ended up sticking, since I didn't want to go with the orange that's on Ryley's suit in order to avoid possible confusion.
That's it for now! At some point, I'll post the full references for each of them, but until then, the next thing I post will probably be chapter 1!
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theavianlady · 2 months
...tw? Tw.
TW: Gore, Blood, Injury, uh...Pain and Sadness-
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Ha ha! Tis I! I was the anon!
(Cue dramatic exclamations of disbelief)
Ahem. Tis the anniversary of Spider's Web with Strings Attached, and I wanted to make something! Go and read the fic if you haven't already; it's incredible.
Lots of ramblings and other versions under the cut (if anyone wants to see any other parts with or without different lighting and stuff that I didn't include, just let me know; I'm happy to share).
This is the first (almost) completely original thing I've drawn digitally! Poses are really hard for me, so I'm super proud of this. No tracing, only references!
...so. Many. References.
Except for the bricks, which I'm not counting, because bricks are scary. And the chains. I used a brush. Chains are scary too.
I started July 28th, and then spent almost 40 hours across various canvases planning, experimenting, and actually working on this. Not including research. It took me absolutely forever, but I regret nothing.
Except for the fact that I spent over 6 hours just shading bricks. I didn't even draw them! I took a pattern for the grooves from google and filled it with black, (rotated and edited for some variance in their cells), and then did the red lighting and some shadows you can't even really see. For 6 hours.
I tried to draw their spider brooches many times, but I could not get them to look right (especially from a side angle), so I gave up. Let's all just pretend they're there until I come back later. Eventually. Maybe. Oh, and Leo's chains. At the time of posting, I really just want to get this up and posted, so they're not shaded, but again, I might do it later.
I wanted to have this set when they're both in their separate cells, right after Viper was, uh...in the cell with Leo. So, Donnie is all stitched up and healing, while Leo is...not doing great (not certain about the timeline, because I'm paranoid about everything, so it's probably fine). But, I wanted to convey what happened to Donnie, so I drew that weird glowing spine thing to indicate some kind of mystic healing something. I don't even know.
It didn't turn out as well as I wanted it too, but I'm probably biased. Because there was so much gore on Leo's side, Donnie's looked boring. I couldn't figure out how to do the lighting. The values could be better. It could do with more time spent on the shadows. Etc, etc. I'm a perfectionist.
Uh, in order of posting, behold!
1. Big version.
2. Big version without lighting (except on the bricks) or Japanese characters.
3. Close up of magic spine representation thing because I'm proud of it.
4. Close up of gore-covered-Leo because I'm also proud of that. I have never drawn such...messy gore before.
Fun fact, the group of layers all of that was on is called "Bad Stuff".
5. Close up of Donnie's shell stitches without the spine thing, because I worked hard on those. It was also pretty tricky, because I couldn't find any references for large stitched wounds. Only open ones. If anyone knows any good places for references like that, t'would be greatly appreciated.
Also, they don't usually stitch puncture wounds, because it could trap infection, but I feel like with something so large and deep as dragon teeth it would be necessary? So I tried to include those.
But also, would they just stitch the skin in such deep wounds? Is there still a gaping hole under the skin? Do they also stitch muscles with the dissolvable sutures or something? I'm like, going to go to med-school just so I can draw more accurate wounds and stitches and stuff.
6. Close up of Leo without the gore because he's pretty and I'm really proud of the plastron. And the right forearm armour piece. I couldn't get the other ones to look as nice, much to my dismay.
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The Japanese characters write out to Omae wa hitoribocchi da, which translates to You are alone. I think. Google Translate says it's You are all alone, but translation services that I trust slightly more, like Reverso.net and ChatGPT (the most reliable of sources, I know) just say You are alone.
Omae is the equivalent of anata, for those familiar with Anata wa hitori janai. They both mean you, but omae is more...condescending, from what I can tell. Informal and rough, often used to express disdain or superiority.
Wa indicates that anata or omae are the subject of the sentence.
Hitori is present in both, meaning alone, though from what I can see, hitoribocchi is more...desolate and painful. It's a more emotional term for being alone.
Janai kind of means is not, or are not, while da is just like...closing the sentence. A firm, declarative ending particle.
I tried to paste the actual Japanese characters from different translation services (I am not fighting with using a keyboard from another language), but Tumblr wouldn't let me. Boo. So, you can all suffer with my English-Japanese. Also, don't trust anything I say. I'm learning Japanese on Duolingo, but I've only just started and it gets way more complicated. So, pretty much anything I just said could be wrong. I just did a lot of research.
If anyone does speak Japanese, and knows a better way to convey this, please tell me. I crave knowledge and accuracy.
I should get like, a personal human translator. No AI or program can truly understand a language like its people. Especially comparing Japanese and English. From what I've learned, there are a lot of words that could be translated many ways, depending on exact feel. It's complicated, and I'm scared to get farther into Duolingo's course.
I also just discovered yesterday that today is also the anniversary of the Rise Movie, so yay! Happy Anniversary to the movie that literally changed my life. And Curly, you're awesome. It's authors like you keeping this fandom alive, so thank you!
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"Floral Affections" - Part 4
GN!Reader x Plant Monster
CW: slight suggestive themes.
It's here!! :DD Sorry that it's been ages since the last part. I'm just happy I finally finished part 4. Enjoy, fellas!
Part 1 | Previous Part | Masterpost
It was almost time. Oh boy.
You stood before the grand doors of Lord Sorrel’s home, the ornate wood looking particularly intimidating on this fine morning. But despite your nerves being strung high, you were still very excited.
With a final lookover, you admired the floral patterns adorning your outfit one last time before knocking upon the doors. As you waited, you hoped your appearance was presentable enough; you didn’t possess anything as lavish as your lord did after all.
You reassured yourself he wouldn’t judge.
Eventually, the door opened, and Lord Sorrel’s bright face greeted you with a smile. Somehow, he looked even prettier than usual... and seemed to feel the same way about you.
Both of you got distracted appreciating one another’s looks before you took the charge and exclaimed, “Lord Sorrel! Good morning!”
A flustered blush heated your face as he broke out of his own trance. “G-Good morning, my dear! You’re right on time—I just finished setting everything up!”
Very eagerly, the Lord stepped aside and welcomed you inside. You followed his gleeful self through the house, admiring the architecture. This was your second time inside the mansion, the first being the day of your employment. Back then, you had been here for business, but now?
Now you were here... on a date?
You flustered more at the thought. It seemed crazy! And yet, it was happening right before your eyes.
Your smile grew as Sorrel led you outside, sunlight warming your skin. He took you down a familiar path, right into the heart of the garden, where a beautiful gazebo stood proudly. The sight was mesmerizing. Butterflies and bees fluttered about the place, and the flowers waved gently in the breeze.
Set in the gazebo’s shade, your breakfast patiently waited. A pair of plates covered by metal lids sat on the table with a glass vase between them, filled with a combination of plants that had your body lit aflame with unmatched heat.
The small bouquet consisted of red and pink morning glories, which spoke of passion and love, respectively. And although their presence already warmed your heart, they weren’t quite what had gotten such a reaction out of you. No, it was the coriander surrounding them.
Coriander, which was a symbol of... lust.
The message couldn’t be more clear, and you were suddenly—but curiously—questioning how this little date would end.
Once this revelation finished processing in your brain, you turned to Lord Sorrel, who appeared equally flustered. He was also, however, quite literally shaking with excitement.
The petals around his head moved in a wave as he briskly approached the table and politely pulled out a seat for you. The gesture had you swooning a little more as you thanked him and sat down. He pushed the chair in for you before damn-near dashing to reveal your breakfast to you.
As he lifted the metal covers, a variety of sweet scents drew into the air. Your mouth watered at the delicious sight of nearly a dozen rolled pancakes, all with different fillings, and a side of juicy fruits. A glass of wine was also set beside you before your gracious host finally took his own seat.
You looked at him with starry eyes. “Lord Sorrel, this looks amazing. Thank you again for inviting me.”
His smile turned shy. “It’s a pleasure to have you here, my dear. And please, just Sorrel is fine.”
“I may call you by name?” you questioned in surprise and were answered with a delighted nod. You gave a grin in return. “Alright then. Thank you for this lovely breakfast, Sorrel.”
Hearing you utter his name so sweetly seemed to put the plantman on cloud nine. He looked especially thrilled by it, and you had to hold back a giggle from how cute he looked.
In an effort to distract yourself from his charming face, you chose to dig into your food, gleefully stabbing a piece of pancake onto your fork. The moment it touched your tongue, a quiet moan slipped from your lips. You couldn’t help yourself; it was delicious.
The flavors danced upon your tastebuds, each bite better than the last. Sorrel was quick to join, though he kept stealing glances of your pleased expression. You were just too stunning to him like this, absorbed in the simple yet effective pleasures of food.
And to top it all off, it was his food! He couldn’t be happier... or so he thought.
The breakfast continued in relative silence, going by quickly but calmly as the two of you enjoyed one another’s presence. Once you finished eating, however, your eyes wandered back to the daring little plant decorating the table.
As you slowly sipped the last of your wine, you gathered your courage and bit the bullet. “These are... very lovely flowers,” you began, immediately catching his attention. “Any reason why you picked these ones exactly?”
Sorrel’s petals stood on end, stiff as rose thorns, until they suddenly bent inward, completely hiding his face from view. You jumped at the sudden movement, going from shock to confusion to amusement.
“Sorrel?” you asked with the tiniest hint of a laugh.
The plantman groaned in defeat, bowing his head and putting it in his hands as if they could hide him any further. “Forgive me, my dear, but I... fear I cannot say it out loud. It is too much for my heart to bear.”
If you had any doubts about falling for him, they were completely gone within an instant of hearing his words. Gods, the more you got to know him, the more he seemed like a lovable goofball rather than a scary nobleman.
His goofiness had your heart racing all the same.
“Then perhaps...” you started, “if you struggle with your reasons for these… daring admissions…” His breath hitched as you talked, and a few of his petals shifted ever so slightly, letting him peek out and look at you. “...you could speak of what you wish to do?”
“To do...” he mimicked, trailing off unsurely.
“To me,” you finished daringly, pushing him back into hiding once more.
His petals shook vigorously before he quietly began, “I… wish to hold you close…”
“What else?” you urged, lowering your voice as if speaking of filthy secrets.
He slowly began to unwind from his shell, though with great effort. “I want to… kiss you… touch you… I–”
Once his petals pulled back at last, he looked into your eyes with a gaze so hungry it threw you off course completely. “I want to make you mine.”
Just seconds ago, you had the upper hand but suddenly found yourself shy. Your face only grew hotter as Sorrel took hold of your hand and gently pulled, urging you to come to him.
Your now-wobbly legs carried you around the small table where you settled in his lap. He tilted your chin up to look at him, the soft caress drawing excited shivers down your spine.
“Darling, may I?” he asked, leaning closer, his lips but a breath away from yours.
You swallowed your nerves in favor of tasting excitement and gave a faint nod. “Yes…, please.”
Once the small gap between you two was sealed, control began to wither in both of you. Soft, shy moans were exchanged between kisses. Nervous but interested hands wandered as things slowly heated up.
Your fingers glided through the mane of fuzzy leaves on his neck as Sorrel explored the locks of your hair. The feeling was fantastic. It urged you to properly straddle Sorrel’s lap, your thighs encompassing his waist.
His hand tightened its grip on your hair as you pressed against him, grinding your sex against his. Sparks of pleasure shot through you two, dragging out more wanting moans.
The moment did, however, end up being partially disturbed.
Your Lord got a little too excited. The brilliant petals of his face surrounded yours in a sudden move, pulling you closer. The unexpected grab had you jumping back with a gasp for air. And you only now realized just how breathless you’d become.
Sorrel looked equally surprised with himself and rushed to explain, but you shut his stuttered yapping with a firm kiss. After taking a moment to recompose, you finally took notice of the golden dust fluttering in the air and covering your entire face. It had a lovely, sweet scent.
You trailed a few fingers down your own cheek curiously to examine it better. “What is this stuff?”
When you turned back to Sorrel, he looked ready to vanish into the earth. His petals twitched, stuck between wanting to hide him and to curl around you once more. “I-I’m sorry, love. I should’ve mentioned this sooner. This is… my pollen.”
“O-Oh!” Your face flushed, both from the new pet name and info.
“I-It’s not quite what you think though!” Sorrel stumbled out the words, absentmindedly pawing at your waist. “This is… how my kind marks their partners. It is how I leave my scent on you.”
You eyed the golden powder on your hand with a new perspective before looking back to Sorrel. You cracked a smile. “Well, kind of a shame I can’t do the same, huh?”
“Ohhh, love…” Sorrel groaned in a way you had yet to hear, the sound coming deep from his chest. “But you can… Your scent, albeit fainter than what I’m used to, still makes my mind go blank; it makes me think only of you.”
He leaned closer, speaking in a hushed whisper. “Even if you cannot sense it yourself, know that it turns my desire for you into a starving wolf, eternally hungry for more. ”
To say those words got you excited would be an understatement. And while you could feel that excitement pooling between your legs, Sorrel could smell it in the air.
This new knowledge was going to ruin you in the best way possible.
The desire Sorrel felt for you was heavy and overwhelming, prompting another groan out of his lips. His head fell to rest on your shoulder; husky words whispered in your ear, raising goosebumps across your skin. “Darling, please. May I have you?”
Even if you weren’t drowning in a cocktail of excitement and horniness at the moment, you don’t think you would’ve declined him.
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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drmobiusvanch · 4 months
so yi sang isn't my blorbo but this is driving me crazy SO
Deep dive into this picture!!!!
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Okay, first off. We can see that this is an edit of the picture of the League from Chapter 4.
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The word 'edit' is chosen specifically. At first, it looks like the picture was just defaced, but Ring Yi Sang is an abstract painter and there's a lot of changes outside of what you might think. A lot of silhouettes are distorted wildly, especially including the two mysteries in the back left, and strangely Aseah.
Of the three faceless characters, I have no idea which one might be Rim. I'm GUESSING he's probably not the femme-y tall one, but who knows.
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Also, Dongbaek has these swatches of white on her face, which no one else does.
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They look vaguely similar to the 'feathers' on Yi Sang's painting of his wings.
But since we're talking about faces, let's inventory it, shall we?
Of the three unknowns, two are frowning while the one in the foreground next to Dongbaek is smiling. The frowning faces are heavily distorted as well. The face of the one on the right looks to be 'melting', heavily lopsided compared to the other faces, while the one on the left has their eyes de-emphasized, drawn smaller and darker than the others unless one of them is missing?
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Very abstract, so it's hard to tell, but if you consider Dongbaek and front guy basic faces, you can see that these two are distorted in a way Dongbaek isn't.
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Yi Sang's face here is very interesting. First off, he appears to have given himself a hat, but more importantly his face is drawn dramatically differently from every other face in the picture. Even the relatively un-distorted ones are childish smiley faces, while Yi Sang has a 'normal' face in silhouette. He's effectively saying that he is important, human, but the rest of the League are just shadows of the past.
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As you can see, just about everyone in the back row has their heads distorted somehow. I have no idea what this means.
Gubo and Dongrang's faces, meanwhile, are really strange, even compared to the face of the person next to Dongbaek. They're both drawn with smiles, but the smiles are distorted even more than the lopsided frown in the background. Gubo's smile reaches entirely across his face, while Dongrang's is almost a 'V', with the corners of his mouth drawn up to be level with his eyes.
Young-ji is completely free of any graffiti, as well as any distortion.
(Aseah will be explained later.)
But what do the faces MEAN? Simply going off the ones we know, Gubo, Dongbaek, and Dongrang-even more when we consider the vague information we have on the fate of the others and compare that with the faceless ones, we have a pattern.
Yi Sang is smiling, fitting with his joining the Ring later.
Dongrang and Gubo, both of whom sold out to Wings, are smiling. Dongbaek, who was injured and had a breakdown after the fall of the League, is frowning.
For the faceless ones, Rim is one of them, another sold out to work with T Corp, and I can't remember who/what the third one was. Two frowning faces, one smiling. From the rest of this, it seems reasonable to extrapolate that the T Corp defector is the smiling man in front, and since Rim isn't notably tall, it seems very likely Rim is the shorter man in the back with his face 'melting', or in the regular picture, this guy:
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But then there's Aseah. Aseah is one of the most interesting parts of this picture. We can't see his mouth, but it's not a choice on Yi Sang's part to obscure Aseah's face-it's a choice on nai_ga's. His face is blocked by the handle of Yi Sang's weapon. Why?
Aseah first appears in Leviathan as a captive of the Ring. When we see him in Limbus, he's an associate of N Corp and in charge of the Ring. Regardless of which, the fact that Yi Sang is a member of the Ring as well as a friend of Aseah's would make him an authority on Aseah's emotional state, as well as what happened to him. We don't know much about Aseah, who is something of a cipher. Whether he drew him with a frown or a smile could have meant a lot about what the circumstances around him are.
Also, interestingly, his face seems to be less distorted, like Yi Sang's. If his face was as distorted as Dongrang or Gubo's, it would be immediately apparent where his mouth was-even a more simply drawn mouth would probably reach up or down into the cheeks outside of the paintbrush handle.
Finally, as a side note, comparing the expressions with the original picture:
In the original picture, far-left, tall one, and Possibly Rim are all smiling. Yi Sang and Dongbaek have small smiles-Yi Sang appears much happier in his drawing than in the original picture, as Ring Yi Sang probably considers himself to be now. Aseah seems expressionless. Gubo is frowning slightly. Dongrang looks visibly uncomfortable, which is particularly interesting considering how he's drawn in Yi Sang's version. Considering our Yi Sang might have harbored a grudge against Dongrang, this one might too.
Regardless-it's very interesting that someone so focused on denying the past and putting it behind him would not simply deface the picture, but put effort into that defacement by giving them different expressions.
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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asherashedwings · 1 year
I completely forgot to post these guys
May include rambling cuz my love for spiders kinda slipped its way into these designs lol
DJ Music Man
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VERY vaguely based on a Goliath Bird Eater, since they’re the biggest spider. I thought it’d fit this big guy.
Fun fact: if you google “Goliath Bird Eater face” one of the first results is actually the face of a wolf spider.
…I’ve spent a lot of time looking at spider faces. I can recognize a lot of them based on head shape and eye placement now.
Mini Music Men ! (and their ruined forms)
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They’re all based on different spiders, which will be explained under the cut, as well as close ups cuz I don’t want this post to be super annoying to scroll past
Hip Hop (Jumping Spider)
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Hip Hop is the only one with a name so far, and he’s based on a jumping spider! I had a good idea of what spiders I knew I wanted to include when starting these designs, and you best believe jumping spiders were on that list. They’re just very recognizable, and their eye placements are just very unique. That’s something I tried to accomplish with these designs too; chose spiders with unique eye placements from one another. Since it gives more variety to each music man.
He was actually the first one I designed and was part of the original 4 I designed way back in July of last year, the other three being Wolf Spider, Trapdoor, and Daddy Long Legs.
Also, making him the rabbit ruined music man was completely coincidental, I wasn’t even thinking about how perfect that was until after I had already finished all the designs. I’m just glad I happened to choose that cuz man it lines up so well. Cuz. Cuz jumping spider. And rabbits are known to jump-
Wolf Spider
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I don’t have a too awful lot to say on this guy. Sweet old man. When I saw the eye placements for wolf spiders, I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to incorporate it in a way that was appealing. And then it hit me: put the lower four on a mustache. And then he just became an old man after that.
Trapdoor Spider
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This guy’s based on a trapdoor spider— SPECIFICALLY a cork lid trapdoor spider. This is mainly cuz normal trapdoors don’t really stand out too much appearance wise. They look like a stereotypical venomous spider I think. But then! I remembered the cork lid trapdoor spider, and that one definitely stands out. The main thing that makes it stand out so much is that, compared to the average spider, it’s missing like, half its abdomen, the back end of which has a very interesting pattern.
I don’t know if it’s communicated well from this angle, but he’s missing half his abdomen, but in a way where it’s clear he was built that way, given the placement of his wind. I also included designs on his wind to kind of represent the designs real cork lids have on their abdomens.
Daddy Long Legs
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Yes, I know daddy long legs aren't actually a spider, but it felt wrong not to include one, so I did it anyways.
This fella actually has a tiny bit of lore. Basically, he's an early prototype model of the mini music men, hence why he appears out of date compared to the others. And run down too; his age means more time for wear and tear to have occurred, hence his missing abdomen (which was really just a design choice I made in order to reference how daddy long legs don't have as many body segments as actual spiders).
Brown Recluse
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Now we're onto the spiders that weren't in the original batch. Brown Recluse, as well as the other two after this, were actually concepts I made not too long after the first time I drew the original 4, however they never went far beyond just concepts. Until recently.
There's not much I can say about their design. It's not shown here but they actually play the violin, since one of the recognizable features of a brown recluse is the violin shape present on their back. So I guess that's that their limb shapes come from; they vaguely resemble the shape of violin bows. Kind of. Idk don't look too deep into it.
Black Widow
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This one I kinda just threw stuff at a wall until something stuck. I still really like how she turned out tho. I tried making her wind pointier to kind of resemble the hourglass shape on their abdomen that black widows are so infamous for. I don't know if that's clear or not though.
Black Widow and Brown Recluse is where I sorta broke my main rule when picking spiders, which was, as stated earlier, to pick ones with unique eye placements. Black widows and brown recluses have very similar, if not identical eye placements. But I decided to overlook it cuz I wanted to include both of them.
Yellow Orb Weaver
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When I was initially designing this one, I don't think I had a specific orb weaver in mind. Because back then, I had no idea how diverse orb weavers actually are. So after some consideration, and looking at the design I had already made, I decided that he's based on a yellow orb weaver. Mainly just cuz I wanted more variety in the hues I was using for these guys' colors.
I don't have much else to say on this dude. I just made him super lanky cuz the shapes were interesting.
Bonus doodles for those willing to read my spider ramblings. Love yall <3 /p
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electromignion · 11 months
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Bridgewater “inktober” 4: Cards 🃏
Here’s our favourite trio aka Jeremy, Vipin and Olivia playing a game of Uno together 🫶 It was very different from my very first idea for the prompt but when I was unable to do it (real skill issues for my first idea) I thought why not them playing some games?? And I thought Uno was the best thing because it’s fun, and also I let you imagine who the person Olivia gives a +4 is, it could be yourself or Anne or someone else who knows!
But it goes well with Jeremy, Vip and Liv doing game nights in my headcanons or Jeremy’s game evenings at uni which he does for his students (and he wouldn’t see any reason to not invite Liv).
And also new hc unlocked while drawing; I’m now convinced that it was Anne who did the little bracelets for everybody 🥹💜
This took me way too long to do omg about 10hours overall in 3 days, I did Vipin’s shirt pattern myself and that took me 30min on its own and same for the Uno cards 😭
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And for Olivia I got inspired by the design I drew for her a while back!! And I thought it would be really cool to put it in colours!
And for Vipin it’s a copy of a shirt I had found a while back as I was looking for some Jeremy outfit stuff and when I saw it I just thought I HAVE TO DO VIPIN IN IT. And here you go my full brainrot as always jdjdjdjd
And just so you know, I will be very late on the other days for my prompts because I was on uni holidays for a week, and I have to go back to reality in two days and I will have less time for all this 💔 (and my creativity usually goes away but I will try my best to keep on going as I can! Because I want to draw them and I love them A LOT, I know it’s surprising/j)
And once again thanks to @rockinglibra for the prompt list 🫶💜
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mancoub · 5 months
Origami Math
There is an old technique I learned from an art teacher who was teaching proportionality on a canvas. He drew a rough square, then made a couple diagonals. Then he divided the square into half with a vertical line and drew all possible diagonals in them. It's a rough proof, especially when you consider that the lines are drawn by hand, but it still works for people trying to find thirds.
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Years later, I found the same process outlined in more than one of my origami books from my childhood. I guess I was too busy looking at the diagrams to read the text.
The idea of finding divisions of a unit square is a compelling and useful pursuit. Some people guess, which can have surprising accuracy. Some people use a ruler, which also works. What I'd like to do is write a proof and create a process from that proof that can find any division, just by using origami.
The Math
For starters, the math is slope intercept form to find two functions and set them equal to each other.
If you extrapolate the above diagram, you can convert this to a function f(x) = mx +b, where f1(x) = (1/2)x and f2(x) = -x +1
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f1(x) has a y-intercept of 0 and a slope of +(1/2)
f2(x) has a y-intercept of +1 and a slope of -1
f1(x) = (1/2)x
f2(x) = -x +1
Set the two formulas equal to each other and then solve for x.
x/2 = -x+1
(mul 2 on both sides), x = -2x + 2
(add 2x on both sides), 3x = 2
(div 3 on both sides), x = 2/3
Folding the left edge of the paper to the 2/3 mark will create a 1/3 crease in the unit square. You can also fold through the mark and when you plug this back in to solve for y, you find that it works both ways forming a 3x3 grid in the paper.
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You can use 1/4 divisions of the unit square as a guideline to fold a diagonal with a slope of +(1/4), like this
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Creating functions for the diagonals like we did before, you get:
f1(x) = (1/4)x
f2(x) = -x +1
Set them equal to solve for x.
x/4 = -x+1
(mul 4 on both sides), x = -4x + 4
(add 4x on both sides), 5x = 4
(div 5 on both sides), x = 4/5
Folding the left edge of the paper to the 4/5 mark will create a 2/5 crease in the unit square. Because there are eight creases to make a 5x5 grid, using the intersection as a guideline only, you will get 1/5 and 2/5 in both directions and then you will need to divide your 2/5 sections in half.
What may not be evident is that since quartering the paper is folding edge to edge to make even divisions for a power of 2, that there is another division of quarters that will also intersect the diagonal, but this time it intersects giving a different fractional part of the unit square. f(x) = (3/4)x. Set this equal to our unit diagonal and you get this:
3x/4 = -x+1
(mul 4 on both sides), 3x = -4x + 4
(add 4x on both sides), 7x = 4
(div 7 on both sides), x = 4/7
Since f(x) = (2/4)x reduces down to x/2, you don't need to repeat this one because we've already proved that it will divide the unit square into thirds.
If you study the sequence of formulas that we solved, you may see that a pattern emerges.
Our first set of formulas started with slope 1/2 and solved for 2/3
The second set of formulas used slope 1/4 and solved for 4/5
The last set of formulas had slope 3/4 and solved for 4/7
In each case, the new division of the unit square that we found, borrows the denominator from the guideline folds and places this in the numerator. Then it adds the numerator to the denominator to find the new denominator.
One can also state that all divisions less than 2 to the power of n has at least one guideline that can be calculated. So for 2^3, which is 8, you can find 1/7, 1/5, 1/3 and you don't have to find 1/6 because you can make that by starting with 1/3 and dividing by 2. You don't need to find 1/4 because it is a power of 2 and you don't have to solve for 1/1 because that is the unit square.
diagonals of long rectangles will intersect the unit diagonal
1/8 finds 8/9
2/8 (1/4) finds 4/5
3/8 finds 8/11
4/8 (1/2) finds 2/3
5/8 finds 8/13
6/8 (3/4) finds 4/7
7/8 finds 8/15
Going through this motley list of fractions, every denominator less than 2^4 can be seen except for 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
We've already addresses most of these but let's explain
1/14 can be found by dividing 4/7
1/12 can be found by dividing 1/6
1/10 can be found by dividing 4/5
1/8 can be found by dividing 1/4
1/6 can be found by dividing 2/3
1/4 can be found by dividing 1/2
1/1 is the unit square.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
What 'early breakups' are you even talking about? Steve and Nancy's? Lucas and Max's? Nancy and Steve broke up in an 'ambigious' way and it happened what? After the Party mess and when Nancy was drunk... so that did not exactly even happen that early into the season. Lucas and Max were broken up off-screen so they could get together.
They want Milvn to break up permanently in an unambiguous way, without any possibility of them romantically getting together while at the same time asserting their importance to each other on a personal sense with the show's narrative.
How's an early and quick breakup where El just goes 'i am done bye' does that, with the knowledge we have that El drew strength from Mike based on love, not hatred. The words 'Mike's hands were pulling her from her drowning' and other variations are not about El drawing strength from anger...
Sorry if you felt like I was calling you delusional. Pointing out that the almost entire fandom is willing to ignore canon narrative is not calling someone delusional it is just a fact. It's not even an interpretation.
We cannot expect to really expect anything going into S5 when the fandom almost consistently ignores canon and prefers to go by fanon instead. All the analyses then become heaaaaavy handed but very misguided expectations from an analyzing standpoint.
Yes all of those couples followed a somewhat similar pattern of breaking up early on. But specifically the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan love triangle is what I’m referring to.
In s1 they separated early on and the rest of the season Jonathan and Nancy were a focus, which allowed us to root for them the whole season, besides the beginning and end. In s2, they had their fight at the beginning revolve around Nancy not being able to say I love you, which allowed us to root for them for the rest of the season and followed by them getting together.
Mike literally refers to him and El’s fight in s4 as 'a fight that you can’t come back from', a fight that paralleled his sister’s fight with her first boyfriend, who she also ended up being broken up with after that incident, not years later, because we all know that that wasn't a fight you could just push under the rug and save for another time, it had to be addressed.
The thing is, the time jump for s5 is likely to occur early in the season, because the cast's age difference is something they don’t want to be too distracting. The earlier the time jump, the more they film stuff post time jump, accommodating to that age gap between s4-5.
So having Mike and El’s break up be midseason, means that’s Mike and El would presumably be ignoring all of the deep and very hard to ignore problems in their relationship, for those initial epiosdes, and then for another 1-2 years depending on how long the time jump is, which I just don't see happening. I don't see them putting on a show of a romantic relationship for much longer, and that's based on how S4 ends. For them to go from not talking and staying within at least like 3 feet of each other in those last moments, tells me that they're not going to be gravitating towards each other the way romantic love interests do, the way Mike and Will are doing at the end of the season in direct contrast.
I think holding off on it until mid-s5, is arguably even more ambiguous than what I would imagine is going to happen if it’s addressed sooner rather than later. Because that would mean them just awkwardly dancing around it and acting like it's not going to happen, even though we know it's inevitable.
Because Mike and El’s problems were highlighted in s3-4 in a big way. We saw how especially in s4 neither of them were being honest in their relationship. The romantic love there was lacking because neither of them were in it for genuine reasons, in terms of genuinely being in love and wanting to be together in a romantic way.
El craved normalcy bc she has always had so many things in her life making her feel different. Mike and his relationship with El is all he knows. And s4 made a point to build up just how impossible it is for them to keep this going and act like everything is okay when it’s not. Like did you see early s4, the fake sort of show they put on to act like everything was fine? Why would s5 be repeat of that? Why wouldn't they evolve that to show that their conflict is no longer something they can ignore, and instead convey that it was indeed a fight they can't come back from.
And I personally do not think that the break up is just going to be an 'I’m done, so bye!' scenario 🤣. Even if it was midseason, it wouldn’t be like that either.
It's a lot more likely that how El felt about their fight in early s4, and how she felt about his monologue, is going to at least be addressed and acknowledged in early s5, because the audience deserves that closure of knowing how El truly feels, with her being able to say it. Meaning that if they stayed together in early s5, we’d also need El in early s5 saying she loves Mike too and to actually resolve that conflict with her actually being able to even respond to it.
And with them breaking up and byler being endgame inevitable, I just highly doubt they’re going to play this game all over again, only to rip it away haphazardly.
She started the show barely being able to say a couple of words. And now despite the fact that she can talk and speak for herself, she hasn't been granted that affordance in the narrative. Instead her brother confessed her love for her, using all things that applied to him. If they wanted to give us El's genuine feelings about Mike, they wouldn't be identical to her brothers and given from him. That's just soooo sad and not fair for anyone in this situation and that's why it needs to be addressed.
We know she was upset with Mike calling her a superhero in their fight, we know that she looked at him with this frustration that he was still not getting it. That was like the climax of their fight in her room, with her looking at him with fed up determination, because saying something like that was the last thing she wanted to hear. And if anything, her experience at Nina, where Brenner told her she needed to fly and revealed that he used her to find Henry from the very beginning, how would Mike saying she could fly and she's his superhero, be something that provides her comfort, when if anything it's just a similar thing being expected of her, without her having any say in it?
The whole You're regressing Eleven is literally hinting at this idea that El is holding onto something in her life that is keeping her in the past, in a situation that makes her development sort of go backwards, and that is in large part highlighting her holding onto this idea that her and Mike are peak romance, despite the fact the that he isn't loving her the way she deserves. By staying with Mike despite knowing both of them are unhappy and forcing it at this point, is a huge regression to all of this build up leading to an inevitable separation, then being followed by them finally accepting themselves in each others lives without the obligation to be together because they met in the woods a few years ago and have felt this pressure to stay together ever since.
In their fight, she didn't want Mike to point to her powers as a way to deflect her genuine feelings about their relationship and her insecurities with him not being able to love her the way she wants, as a person and not as someone who can keep saving the day for him. And so how would him again saying she is a superhero, HIS superhero, suddenly be what she wants to hear in the end after everything she went through?
The problem with that moment in the script is that it's the only thing that is supporting the assumption she was happy with Mike's monologue. Everything else in the story goes against that. All of s4 makes it very clear that that was not what El wanted from Mike.
This is a big part of the reason byler makes sense, because they follow an I didn't say it/You didn't have to approach to love (show don't tell). Mike never should have had to say I love you for El to believe it. If it was something genuine between them, completely natural like breathing, El wouldn't have asked of it from him. But he made a point to struggle with merely writing it, avoiding it at all costs, making El feel even more insecure that there was something wrong with her causing Mike not to love her anymore. And the monologue didn't fix that.
You don't have to apologize but you also don't have to get upset and say everyone in the fandom is wrong, but you're right. If you truly believe that, continue to and leave other people alone. If people are on their posts saying how they feel and it upsets you, block them.
My problem is that everything leading up to byler, that makes it make sense, is at it's core what lead to Mike and El having conflict in the first place. And not addressing that and leading on Mike and El fans, for shock value isn't exactly good for the narrative. And it's never been good for the narrative which is why they like to address it early on so that we can move on to focusing on the pairing that they want us to root for.
Arguably, a break up before the time jump allows for byler to get together well after Mike and El separated instead of mere days/weeks. I would think with how much people are going to have a hard time with considering byler as it is, the time jump happening after Mike and El's break up would allow them to accept that Mike and El are for sure done and have been done for a while, and Will isn't some rebound because Mike is feeling insecure and he'll just be with him the second him and El end things.
How I imagine a mid-season 5 break up is that it would be even more ambiguous than an early one, because it would require El and Mike to ignore their problems for five episodes when there really is no reason to do that with how obvious it was that their fight was a fight that you couldn't come back from. And addressing that is what will allow us to watch El actually experience closure on screen and then be able to focus on Max and working with everyone to beat Vecna. If the whole audience is watching at the edge of their seat being led on the whole season that Mike and El have a chance of getting back together, they're not going to be able to focus on El's arc as an individual character, bc they're going to be waiting for Mike and El to make up and be together.
But then when it doesn't happen, and they've been led astray unnecessarily even more than the previous 2 times, we'll only have a mere 4 episodes to build up them being a platonic pairing with it being blatantly obvious that the audience needs to accept it AND that we need to accept Mike and Will being romantic.
Whereas with an early s5 break up, by episode 3-4 we will know that they are not together and can focus on the new conflicts that have arose from the final season, because dragging on stuff that has already been heavily built up in s4 as being a problem, just to give us the most obvious anti-climactic outcome halfway through in the middle of all the new storylines they are focused on, would fall flat.
Mid-season is likely going to be made up of Mike and Will having a substantial amount of time alone. That's something that those early break-ups allows, so that we can have that development for them that is necessary in order for them to be endgame. Arguably as Mike and Will are going through that, El isn't going to be around to break up with him.
If anything I could see an early s5 breakup, with the audience being aware of it, but not Will. This would mean that Mike and Will's interactions could still be interpreted as romantic comfortably, but we would see for the first time Mike pining and Will still assuming that Mike could never feel the same, until maybe mid-season he finds out that they are indeed not together.
I can't subscribe to the monologue when all of the conflict leading up to it makes it abundantly clear that isn't what El wanted to hear. And we would see in mid-season 5 that El is just going to end up saying all of the stuff we already knew. She's not stupid. She knows that something is off with Mike, that was the whole point from the beginning. That inner struggle he is having is even more heightened and made obvious by the fact that Will was what encouraged Mike to say I love you in the first place. She heard all of that. And then she proceeded to ignore them at the cabin.
How s4 ended is not at all giving the impression El is going to start s5 by gravitating towards Mike and looking to him for comfort, it was actually the direct opposite.
If I were to subscribe to the monologue being a convincing love confession to El, at that point I'd rather Mike and El just stay together instead of holding off even more on facing the truth about the conflict of their relationship that didn't just get fixed by the words I love you. I'd rather byler didn't end up together if Mike is just stringing El along to inevitably choose Will over her anyways at the last minute.
I do think that I love you is what El thought she wanted to hear from Mike, but not like that. And it would be a disservice to her character to have the focus be on her hoping he might choose her for any longer, only for him not to.
If a bunch of people are interpreting the show this way, then there's a good chance that they could be right. We were right about byler being endgame and all of our reasoning is supported by the conflict that has been building up for seasons, and that love confession that paralleled to El beating Henry in 79', doesn't look like one rooted in love, whereas that first face off was. Mike's monologue was bathed in red, El's memory of her birth bathed her in light.
Will on the other hand is bathed in light from Mike's perspective, most prominently at the end of s4. That wasn't in the script, does that mean it's not important? Almost all of bylers moments aren't in the script, does that mean everything about them means nothing?
Feel free to subscribe to whatever you want to. If you end up being right you can say I told you so and live with that satisfaction! Personally, if I'm right, I won't feel the need to come and say I told you so, bc it's not about some sort of vindication for me. I don't even plan on doing that to redditors bc they're going to be dealing with that enough as it is. I'd rather them just insist we're crazy right now and let it all unfold and let the show speak for itself. If I have to subscribe with everything they think bc of the scripts, then I'd be pretty bored rn because all of the evidence for byler would essentially mean nothing and they're just being put together for no reason. All of that lead up meant something, otherwise their endgame wouldn't be satisfying, least of all if El is once again being framed as waiting for Mike to choose, only to not choose her this time. She deserves so much better than that. They all deserve better than that.
Will on one hand assuming for a little longer that Mike doesn't feel the same merely drags out the mutual pining leading to that endgame. El assuming for a little longer that Mike does feel the same is just making her plot regressive for no reason when she could be finally getting that independance arc, truly separated from being linked to Mike in a way that prevents her from truly progressing and knowing her worth and living up to that authentically.
We'll have to wait and see. But I don't see the use in coming in other peoples inboxes and directing your dissatisfaction with their interpretation of things as contradicting yours and so they need to just drop it and subscribe to what you think or else...
Everyone on here can interpret things how they want since there is still a season left and everything is still up in the air. If you want to blow off steam and say your piece on your profile, then do that and if other people resonate with it then that's great! You don't have to force other people to involve themselves with your narrative. If people are doing that to you, you have every right to block them because you also shouldn't have to have people in your inbox saying that your interpretation of things is wrong.
I'll continue to analyze and break things down as I choose. That's not stopping anytime soon. And IDK why you would want others to. It would be pretty dead on here if we all just stopped and believed everything we've been told superficially despite everything we've been shown contradicting that. If everything we're being told is all there is to it, you could argue byler isn't even happening. But most of us can agree that isn't the case.
I hope you can continue to analyze how you view things and embrace your interpretation instead of tearing others' down. We still have two years left, let's not make this more unnecessarily unbearable than it needs to be.
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Tbh i do think animals like dolphins and elephants and chimps and in some ways bonobos /do/ come close to human sapience! Now tbf this is based of my still-not-a-professional-but-a-devouted-hobbiest research so take it with a grain of salt!
But all 4 of those mentioned animals have some of the biggest examples and signs of emotional intelligence and social intelligence besides humans in the animal kingdom! And 2 to 3(chimps and dolphins are known for this and some studies have shown elephants) show /amazing/ skills in logic and reasoning tests like object permanence and pattern recognition, on top of all this all 4 animals pass the self awareness test(recognizing themselves in a mirror)
The most interesting part in my.opinion is the number of neurons and brain matter "folds" in dolphins brain, which is theorized to be our best way of telling an animals intelligent through the physical brain alone, surpass humans which is something incredibly special in natural science! (Not to be confused for brain size which can't say as much about average species intelligence, but even then dolphins have one of the largest brain to body mass of any animal)
I think, what it comes down to is if these species are as intelligent as us they still have a different set of morals than us. And if they do have the same morals as us an Animal knowing something is wrong, and /choosing/ to do it anyway is arguably and amazing example of intelligence and a level of self awareness comparable to ours
And as said by another person, even if a species /can/ do bad, that means they also have the capacity just like us to do amazingly /good/ things.
The more we learn about dolphins and chimps the more some scientists believe it's like looking into a mirror inteligance and social evolution wise, and that threatens some people both because it implies we are animals just as easily swayed by instinct and survival than any other, and it hits people that every act they see as "evil" being done by a dolphin or chimp, has been done by humans 100x more and 100x worse
Either way, dolphins aren't humans and shouldn't be judged like them and /even if/ you were to judge them like they were, you'd have to take a longer harder look and human society as well [idk if any of this makes sense but I saw an opportunity to talk about mt favorite topics in animal behavior sndjs]
Thank you for your viewpoint and insight. As an animal enthusiast I must agree that the level of intelligence and self-awareness that other animals show is very intriguing and exciting indeed! It’s what drew me to dolphins as a kid in the first place, learning about their intelligence, tool use, social behaviour, etc.. It’s interesting to see that animals that aren’t closely related to us can be so similar to us in many ways, after all! It shows you that humans can’t be separated from other animals just like that, because we’re still animals too — something I should’ve brought up more in my original post, I think. (Though animals are still not people. I don’t think I should have to say it but just in case.)
Anyway, I hope we may discover more about their perception of the world in the future! If we find out for sure that dolphins and chimps and elephants and whatnot know they’re causing harm with their harmful actions yet do them anyway… well, that’d be a bummer. But it would also show us that each good action they do is from the goodness in their hearts and I think that would be very rad indeed. We wouldn’t be the only ones anymore.
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no-where-new-hero · 11 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Day 16 (Part 3, Ch. 4)
...in which Polly considers the human back.
One thing that I’ve really noticed throughout this read along, probably because I actually have to pace myself from chapter to chapter, is the incredibly deliberate way that DWJ breaks up her chapters and brings Polly through mini-arcs in them. She's also very careful to identify Polly’s age at each stage, and she lets us know at the beginning of this chapter that Polly is 13: newly a teenager and thus more susceptible to the dangerously liminal experiences of becoming a young adult.
(This is an aside in what I know will already be a super long post, but when I did research on the Tam Lin ballad and its fellow fairy-lover archetype narratives, I saw this pattern where the humans who drew fairy attention had liminal characteristics: they didn’t fit firmly into one identity or another or one societal expectation or another. I personally think that’s clear in Tom vis a vis gender—see my earlier arguments on his ambiguous masculinity—and that’s clear for Polly vis a vis age. At this point in the novel, she’s leaving the clear and safe realm of childhood and moving into the sexual and social confusions of young adulthood, which is partly how Laurel gets her. But that comes later.)
Right now, we see Granny being heroic in her defense of Polly, which goes a little ways to protect Polly from the cruelty of the world. Granny, however, treats Seb very favorably, for no real reason that I can anticipate except for the fact that narratively, we see Polly’s own ambivalence to him through contrast. Polly obviously feels flattered that Seb likes her, but she’d prefer not to have him around and considers him the blot on her summer. Between Granny’s kindness to Seb and of course the opal pendant, I’m starting to feel like Granny—perhaps particularly Granny’s kindness—is starting to function as Polly’s weakness. It’s something Hunsdon House can get around to reach Polly, perhaps in the confidence that it has gotten around Granny once before, to steal her husband.
Meanwhile, school life continues, with Leslie, Nina, and Fiona lingering around the edges of Polly’s social circle, though it isn’t until Tan Thare contacts Polly again that she shakes back into herself and reconnects with her creativity. Polly’s writing a sprawling epic novel utterly without an eye to outlining and thoroughly self-indulgent is intensely relatable, especially when DWJ describes that afterwards she was proud of her accomplishment and sick of the sight of the manuscript and lost without being able to work on it. It’s a way for her not only to work out her own sense of identity and heroism but also to address her underneath-feelings of sexuality, all wrapped up in “showing off” her great narrative prowess—until Tom slams her with “Sentimental Drivel.” This part is so deeply deeply personal to me, but it’s also great how we see this spurring Polly’s anger into seizing control of her relationship with Seb: she’s single-mindedly angry, no longer liminal, and can tell him off by asserting that he doesn’t know who she is. Her anger is misdirected because she means it for Tom, but its also perfectly pointed: she has defeated, for the moment, the agent of Hunsdon House.
Sam Rensky’s letter never fails to make me cackle, but obviously Tom is trying to do things with it beyond just giving Polly literary advice: in the first place, he’s trying to remind Polly that heroism is ordinary. It doesn’t have to look beautiful and glamorous and romantic to be effective and magical. If so, then they’d have already lost against Laurel, who’s already outstandingly beautiful and glamorous and will never fall below a superlative standard. In the second place, I see him trying to push away Polly's feelings for him. I’ve never really given too much thought to the progression of what Tom thinks about Polly aside from “chum who might save my life” but of course there’s a difference between a romance stuck into a fantasy novel for the sake of it as a narrative hinge (Arwen and Aragorn in LOTR, for instance) and a romantasy where the love story is baked into the plot. Polly edging into romantasy territory is cringe but it’s also demanding something of him that he might not want to give her or that he knows is dangerous to give her.
Tom’s return at the end of the chapter reinforces this: he has again depicted himself as an animal (kangaroo this time) which recalls the ostriches and tortoises of the beginning of the book. Polly, recognizing this, feels indignant that he only wants to see her as a child, which echoes her feelings about Seb only wanting to see her as a meek and mild love interest. In both cases, she wants to be taken seriously as a full-rounded person dealing with a whole lot of complicated emotions, but both Tom and Seb would prefer to see her in the light they want to for the sake of their own emotional security.
(Of course Ivy didn’t get on with her girl lodgers. I hate her.)
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I notice how you draw Harry and James is pretty different from how they look in game. I was curious how you decided their looks. It's interesting to hear about that sort of thing if you don't mind answering. Thanks
hi anon!! :3 thanks for the ask!! i will do my best to explain myself LOL but no promises it'll make any sense >:3c!
so let's go on a fun lil' art journey, anon. grab a granola bar and some gatorade, and c'mon!!!
well first and foremost: i am a NOTORIOUS "i do what i want"-er. going off the beaten path to the beat of my own drum is my favorite thing to do!
.. that said!! as i've mentioned before, actor Josh Charles was my first PB/"cast" for Harry Mason.
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and my very first piece of silent hill fanart (march 10, 2018) really reflects that, LOL
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incredibly, and almost a full year later to the date, i drew and posted this on march 4, 2019. now THIS is actually the closest canon-Harry i've ever drawn. (this was also around the start of the SH RP i was doing with a friend, which then spawned GOOMT lol.)
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april 25, 2019. first color piece for any SH art and my first "real" time drawing james. this is also the last time you'll see him with his bangs on the "correct" side LOL.
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april 30, 2019. the SH RP is still going on, and this is where i'm starting to get a better handle on what i want them to look like. Harry also gets a maroon sweater. he's also notably thinner here, and still has a lot of Josh Charles vibes.
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sept 22, 2019. james sunderland thinnest browns edition. the bangs will be drawn on the right from now on.
(the only reason why they're on the right is because i forgot which way his hair actually parted. oops.)
the RP has ended. the first chapter of GOOMT is written a tumblr post and subsequently posted to tumblr october 3, 2019. i write/pst chapters 1 - 4 in the following days, then draw them again:
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james's jacket is still short (but at least he has eyebrows!!); harry is still thin(ner). he's also got more of a canon-harry super low cut sweatervest.
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ch 5, 6 is written/posted to tumblr. i draw and post this on october 27, 2019. please clap for my art journey LMAO
you'll also notice hte presence of A Knife. this is actually Angela's knife. shhh. ;)
still figuring out what they look like in goomt here tbh.
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stuff from the following week. more figuring out! DRASTICALLY different Harry, too! still very Josh Charles-y, but starting to take on his own look as well. (note his greys!!)
i like DILFs. i like dad bods. he was intended to be a little soft around the middle.
it's not until January 2020 that i draw these idiots again:
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very different nose for james lmao.
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this is actually my first full body for both in awhile.
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(i'm redoing this :3)
also more "accurate" debut of Harry's jacket!! this jacket was ALWAYS intended to look/be bigger on him. i can't really explain why because i don't know, other than it felt right.
at this point i've figured out how i want Harry to look. his design elements are very simple, because i'm EXTREMELY self-indulgent and i really. REALLY like:
widow's peaks
big thick eyebrows
noses. big beak noses
old men
grey hair
(you can actually find this sort of pattern across my various OCs that you'll never find evidence of on my blog anymore haha except for Zach good luck tho. >:3c)
January then gets very busy in the art department for these guys.
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Harry finally gets more of a pudge and starts to "look" like himself. James also starts to "look" like himself.
a note on james's bangs: i uhhhhhhh. Stylistically, i have a thing for drawing Big Hair and Tall Bangs. this is seen in my version of Jonathan Crane. but also my hair used to do the exact same bangs so are you really surprised.
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(bonus pieces of abandoned James GOOMT character sheet from 2001. i might have the files somewhere if you guys want to see What Almost Was LMAO)
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more from January 2020. rubs chin.
it isn't until the end of Janurary/beginning of February that Harry finally Gets Fatter.
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i'd been very unused to drawing fat people until Harry, and had been struggling up until here with actually drawing a more accurate representation of his body type to the one i saw in my head!
the reason why i made him fat is because it made sense to me that he was. people change, and being a single father changed him a lot. (and also i recognize that the only reason why the Dead Harry model was lean in sh3 was because it was a recycled Dead James model and they were Legit not going to actually put too much thought into it otherwise lmfao)
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march 2020. still getting used to drawing Harry's body type!! also: even tho James's jacket is Longer in my head, i'm still trying to draw it the game-canon length.
idk why.
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August 2020, James long jacket hours!!! and Harry really getting his look.
and FINALLY, one of my FAVORITES i've ever done of these two!!:
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james's jacket is short here (only bc i was a Dumbass and forgot to make it longer i think?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who's to say), but this is also the color debut for the backpack!!
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(bonus Sept 16 2020 YOUNG HARRY CONCEPT from when he pierced his ears in the 90s thinking Jodi was going to find him soooo handsome. he sure is he cute huh)
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attempted to re-do their character sheets back in 2021. this did not go as planned, and i was having a very hard year doing ANY personal art, so. gestures.
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(sorry i had to put them up here like this it's just a screenshot of the two files in preview bc i'm Totally Incompetent when it comes to computers lmfao)
this is where we are now!! now as these are just sketches for their Newest character sheets, Harry is a liiittle different in the actual file and is is literally just a screenshot of what i've already posted like mentioned above lmao.
what it comes down to is this:
i actually just forgor what he looked like and didn't ref my art to what he looked like in-game. simple as that! LOL
in the initial RP, James was played by my friend, while i grabbed the reins to Harry, so i naturally preserved some of the base features of what my friend decided for James (lean, Super Sad And Wet, pale af). i slapped on the caterpillar brows (this is also a thing i'm historically known for in character design), did some tweaks, and also let James evolve himself as i became a better artist.
longer coat because Aesthetics that's why LOL. i don't like the short jacket he wears in game-canon and i needed GOOMT james to put his hands in his pockets like how i drew him above. Reasons.
he's also so pale because [REDACTED] and much thinner than his in-game model because he did Not take care of himself very well in those three years during Mary's illness. (it's also in his genetics: Frank is lean, too (however much taller than James, rip dude 😔))
switch from blue to maroon: i like maroon/burgundy. (i realize later that the color he wears is more on the side of burgundy but y'all i hate the color spectrum and it can definitely also be called maroon so it's maroon LOL) i also just thought it looked better on him. the only other reason i can think of as to why i changed it was because.. people change. this is a new era in his life. i kept it a (more modest, sh1 harry you whore <3) v-neck sweater as a nod to his game-canon but just.. changed it to maroon. probably just a designator.
he's fat because of reasons detailed above (fatherhood, life on the road, settling down, etc). and also because he's hot and he deserves that. self-indulgent.
hair, nose, elf ears: self-indulgent.
for Harry especially there are a lot of aspects about him that "almost were" but got cut out of his development for one reason or another an really he's better off that way. i really really don't like to force development or force a "look".
the main reason i guess above all else is that Harry looks so different than his game canon is because he's not that Harry anymore. and in sh3, you never see the guy's face: him dead. i can't even recall if i'd seen the dead Harry model in full before trying to hammer out what GOOMT Harry looked like. young GOOMT Harry would look a lot closer to what his game model looks like, tho. i can tell you that much :3 (one day i'll draw a Younger Harry but don't expect it anytime soon unless the inspiration REALLY strikes lmfao)
a lot of their changes are just not that deep, honestly. my vision for them comes from forgetting which way the bangs go (looks James), developign them in my head over time, The Vibes™️, and The Indulgences™️. i'm a creature of habit for sure in the character design department LOL but my world my puddle we play in it.
i should go to bed now!! but if you have any questions about something else or anything about their designs in particular PLS let me know!! i realy REALLY love this question and wanted to answer it RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY (even tho it's been two hours since and I NEED TO GO TO BEEED DGLDFDFGDGFSKGDFDKGSDFGKH O O O P S ) SO i hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane (and my art tag archive LOL) and you have a good safe healthy and cool day :3c!!
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tj-crochets · 1 year
hi there tj! i love the things you make and ive been thinking about making a little-ish plushie in a shape of a lizard/gecko...about 12 inches long? i was wondering if you have a pattern for a simple (and not wriggle-shaped) one? and if not, do you have a pattern rec for a plushie making beginner? thanks so much!
ask part two: just remembered after i hit sent: im looking for a sewing pattern and ive seen you mention making a polypellet lizard? i'd be interested in that! sorry for the double asks! you're great! Hi! Thank you so much! I...am not sure if I have a simple lizard/gecko pattern, but I do have some options for you. I've made patterns for a gecko and a crocodile/lizard, but they might count as wriggle-shaped? I mean the gecko probably does, the crocodile might not. The rest got long, so it's behind a read more
As for pattern recs, the only lizard/gecko patterns I know aren't very simple, but they are by CholyKnight so I think a particularly determined beginner could probably make one? Honestly I wouldn't recommend that pattern as a very first plushie pattern, though. She does have a slightly simpler lizard pattern option, but a non-wriggle-shaped basic lizard plushie pattern is extremely easy to make at a small scale, so if you have any interest in pattern making or drawing at all I'd recommend making your own pattern. To make your own basic lizard pattern*, you're going to need three things: a pen or pencil, something to help you measure 1/4 inch, and paper. First, draw your lizard, not including the arms or legs. When you're satisfied with your lizard outline, add a 1/4 seam allowance** and cut it out. Then, design your lizard legs. For your first pattern, I'd recommend something like the leg patterns on my juggling toads, which are basically little roundish legs, and the pattern essentially looks like a large U with a straight line across the top. You can make the legs more complex if you want to, but I think the simple legs will work and they are easier for a new plushie maker. You can also make the front and back legs different patterns, or you can use the same pattern for both. Once you're satisfied with your lizard leg pattern(s), add the seam allowance and cut them out. The downside of making your own lizard pattern is that you won't have any instructions to follow, but I can help with that! Take your pattern to your fabric, and either pin it in place and cut around it, or trace around it, remove it, and cut using the traced lines as a guide. You're going to need two of the body pattern piece, with one mirrored. That means you'll cut one out with the side of the pattern you drew on face up, and one with it face down. You'll also need two pieces for each leg, with one of them being the mirror of the other. Once you have all the fabric pieces cut out, sew the legs first. Sew around the outside edges (the U shape), leaving the flat line across the top unsewn. Once you've done that, flip the leg right side out (through that opening you left unsewn) so the seam is hidden on the inside. Lightly stuff the legs with polyfil, fabric scraps, polypellets, or something like that as you go. Once you have all the legs sewn, put the fabric that will be the top of the lizard right side up in front of you and line up the legs around it until you are happy with the placement, then baste them in place**. Once you have the legs basted in place, take the fabric that will be for the bottom half of the lizard body and put it right side down over the lizard-top-half-and-legs you just made. Pin or clip that lizard sandwich together, making especially sure to pin the layers where the legs are basted so they don't move around. Sew around the outside edge of the lizard, leaving an opening for turning at least an inch and a half long but ideally closer to two inches long. That opening should not be on the lizard's head, and will probably end up either on the side of the belly between the front and back legs on one side or on the tail. Flip the lizard right side out. If you are using safety eyes, add them now. Stuff the lizard with polyfil/polypellets/scraps, then hand sew closed the opening for turning. If you did not use safety eyes, applique on the eyes now. Enjoy your adorable new lizard, and tag me when you post it if you're willing! I'd love to see it! *for use with stretch fabric, this probably won't work with non-stretch fabric **let me know if you want me to go over this step in more detail
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