#I also hate witchtok
The names of the Gods
I vaguely promised an essay on my thoughts on the names of the Gods about a week ago or so, and thus I shall deliver :)
A few months ago when I was scrolling on TikTok (as one does), I came across a video by @olympianbutch talking about invocations in traditional Hellenic Polytheist prayers. The whole video was good, so I'll link the video (for the invocation): [here], and you can watch it all for yourselves. (And you should watch the two videos before it, they were equally good and educational). In it, he explained why we start prayers by saying the Gods' names: "This is because the ancient Greeks believed that when you said a God's name, They went: [insert action of dramatically turning around here]." Now, this was definitely funny, but once the full implications of that statement sunk in, it permanently changed how I viewed my own praying (in a good way, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this thing based off of the video).
Now, the idea that your speech can call a God to you is something incredibly amazing, incredibly beautiful, and incredibly powerful. It means that the very second you state Their name, They can see your whole situation, and respond accordingly. I think this is something good to keep in mind, especially as the influence of 2020 witchtok/pagantok fades out (I was deep in this back then, so I'm speaking from that perspective [at some point in the future I'm doing a ramble on this as well, and how it impacted my early worship + relationships with the Gods {no hate if you were there too, I think it lowkey sucked for all of us}]). I used to feel really nervous that I didn't have a Real Connection with the Gods because I wasn't constantly hearing Their voices in my head, or having some kind of miraculous encounter with Them on a daily basis, and I used to base a lot of the idea of a "successful prayer life" around those encounters. However, since hearing of the concept of the Gods seeing you when their names are called, I've found my worries about that trickling away. When I pray, whichever God I'm praying to is there, and I can simply revel in the knowledge that I am standing (or sitting, or kneeling) in the presence of the God(s). The Gods are ever-present to begin with, but by calling upon Them in prayer, I am able to be face-to-face with Them in a more meaningful way, even if it's not something immediately sensible.
Beyond my prayer life, I've also found myself a lot more thoughtful about when I say the Gods' names. For deities that I worship frequently like Hermes or Dionysos, I'll be a bit more lax. I'll call upon Them for little things, like seeing a little crystal phallus in a metaphysical shop, or praying for safe travels. For deities that I once worshiped closely, like Artemis, I'll call upon Her in praise of the beauty of nature, especially if it's getting Real Beautiful or Real Cool. And even for deities that I rarely worship except on feasts, like Zeus, I'll call upon Him in praise of good things that fall under His domain, as a "I know it was You doing this!" kind of thing.
Anyways, this ended up a bit more rambly than I initially intended it to be, but I hope that somewhere within this ADHD-addled writing there was something of substance that's useful to you in your practice :) The Gods are always there, something something, always good, something something, I love Them.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
would jesse watch shitty horror movies w/ me?? 🥺 also does he get scared? 👉👈 will he be able to protect me from non-existent demons when i scream at the jumpscares???? 😭😭😭
Jesse would watch them with you! He doesn't mind them on occasion, and he does have a dark side to him most of the time. But he pretends he doesn't like them for appearance’s sake. I mean he doesn't want his best friend to think he isn't the cute sanrio boy.
Jesse would protect you from the non-existent demons, however he does research occult stuff for fun. Can't be a cute boy without being on witchtok you know? Does cleansing but isn't super well versed. Jesse will hold you tightly though when you scream
He gets this twisted mixture of feelings when you scream. But when it's not something Jesse is doing, he hates it. The moment you scream he turns off the TV within a second. He'll just bury his face into your chest and listen to your heartbeat.
You just ask him why he stopped the movie. You were enjoying it, that was clear to him. Right? Well you were enjoying it more than him. But he's not going to admit that. Not yet.
"I don't like when you scream. Makes me...irritated.. Let's watch Hello Kitty instead!"
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you, you can delete this ask if it will overwhelming somehow.
How do I become a good follower? Whenever I see posts about paganism and/or polytheism on the internet, it's people talking about receiving signs, how their Deities talked to them, how they feel them, and I don't get any of that and it makes me feel really bad.
Maybe there are some kind of exercises or something else to experience what all other people do? Do you have any advice?
Thank you, if you will answer this ask.
Hey, Nonny, thank you for your patience!
Most of the time, people on the Internet are exaggerating or wording things in a very casual way (when in reality, it looked a lot different or took a lot more work to figure out). Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself - as a follower or even as a person - is try not to compare yourself to others. Practices vary wildly from each other, and what works for one person may not actually work for you anyway. Maybe your happiness will be found through other means.
Nonny, you're not doing anything wrong by not receiving/interpreting signs or whatnot. You're not a bad follower for not catching onto such things. I'm certain your deities wouldn't dislike you over something like that. It's also likely that they do send you signs, but you aren't used to interpreting them yet. Or maybe they're waiting for you to ask for signs! You're more than welcome to simply ask directly. I promise they're not as scary as some people make them out to be.
As for things you can do to practice, I'm honestly not sure. I'll try to provide some suggestions anyway, though. You could try deity meditations where you focus on the thought of a deity for awhile, maybe listening to peaceful music that reminds you of them. You could try identifying the "energy" of offerings you've given them, as those are likely to have the deity's energy on them. You could light a candle in honor of that deity and ask for them to increase the strength of their energy/presence while closing your eyes and attempting to focus on it. I'd recommend looking at my pinned post in the Deities & Entities section. I have a lot of more useful information there, most likely.
But I'll be honest and say that sometimes people are just headblind - meaning you can't really feel anything spiritually at all. There's nothing wrong with it if you are. I'm not saying that's an issue for you, by the way, but I think it's important to acknowledge the possibility.
I do also want to say that "talking with deities" is a very common thing I see on sites like TikTok, though, and I strongly advise you to 1. not listen to a damn thing you see on TikTok and 2. be extremely skeptical of the experiences people are willing to share online. Oftentimes, and I hate to say it, people tend to post such things for the attention they get. Either that, or when they say they "talked" to a deity, they really mean that they sat down and did divination or had a meditation. I say these things to make it clear that many of the things you'll see online are not 100% true to the way it actually happened. Sometimes people just make shit up, too; I see that happening constantly, especially on PaganTok and WitchTok. I cannot stress enough that you don't go there for genuine information. In fact, I highly recommend trying to read books on such topics rather than Google them or read about them online; that's where you'll find the best information!
But yeah, this is what I have to say: deities love us for who we are, not for someone we wish we were. They love us for the person we actually are, and in my experience, they enjoy it when we are ourselves in our worship. They tend to support authenticity. Instead of trying to be someone else, focus on who you already are, and the many strengths and talents that you may not even be aware of yet. Maybe you're amazing at different types of divination! Maybe you're fantastic at dream interpretation! May you're a wiz at bird identification (something I see a lot for deity signs)! Focus on learning more about yourself and less about others. You are talented, worthy, and powerful in your own way. And it's a beautiful thing to be you, to be who you are.
I hope this helped, Nonny! Please take care, and I wish you the best on your newfound journey. Have a good day/night. 🧡
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Man, witchtok and witchbook sure do love the narrative that Christianity stole everything from them, huh?
So I see that you asked a mutual of mine the same question, while also asking what can be done about this problem. Since said mutual suggested that you come to me for advice here, that's what I'll post.
First of all, understand that this is nothing new. this has always been a popular narrative among neopagans, because it gives people a narrative in which they can frame and talk about their grievances with society. "The Catholic Church stole Christmas" isn't factually true, but it's easier to learn and spread than advanced socioeconomics. People believing this stuff is not a personal failing. It's a consequence of systemic failure. We live in an information crisis, with conservatives effectively sabotaging education at every turn and algorithmic feeds designed to serve up whatever will get the most clicks, not what's most accurate.
The problem, therefore, must be addressed systemically. This means participating in politics, voting on whatever elections you can vote on, spreading relative political news, whatever. Do whatever you can do keep the GOP out of power or from gaining more power. Get involved in political activism circles if you aren't already.
You can also put out your own information to counter the misinformation, and boost or promote good info. Work with the limitations of social media - short, memeable content is always more likely to spread.
When you catch yourself wanting to complain about something you hate, try to find a way to transform it into praise for something you love. Like instead of complaining about people who post misinformation about the goddess Aphrodite, find some cool facts about Aphrodite to post instead.
When you're creating educational content of any kind, follow this very simple guideline: don't shit on the dinner table. That is, don't mix big ranting gripes in with content meant to educate the masses. If you got a big gripe to get out of your system, put that gripe in its own space.
When you do have to address incorrect beliefs specifically, try to avoid shaming believers, because not only does it not work, it's just unnecessary cruelty. Nobody misinforms themselves on purpose. Nobody wants to be a bad person. What we have are a lot of people suffering from systemic fuckery and just want to not feel sad, scared, and helpless, because feeling that way hurts.
(This post is an example of how I took something frustrating and put a positive spin on it. I wrote it when I was feeling pissy about the kinds of problems you mention in your message.)
Prepare to deal with the same misinformation a lot. Like not just intellectually and emotionally, but physically - create FAQs, masterposts, whatever. It can get really frustrating trying to deal with that stuff a million times, but the reality is that there are billions of people in the world and they're making new ones every day.
Keep a list of resources on hand that you can share with people you're talking to, depending on what they're searching for. The fewer steps/resources that are needed to access said resource, the better. Keep a list of podcasts, scholars with YouTube channels, blogs with good information, whatever, that you can just suggest to people looking for info.
And finally, take care of yourself. If you find yourself wanting to rip people's throats out or something, it's time to take a break and focus on yourself.
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spirituallyunhinged · 4 months
SO in this post i wanted to kinda track myself up until now to better see my progress throughout my practice but, as my own shit memory works against me constantly, im sure i’ll remember more as i go or like randomly in the near future
also its kinda my intro for this blog atm so thats cool (this took several hours n ik im missing key stuff but like its totally fine)
Rough timeline of my practice
got really into tarot
i watched so many videos on youtube with a friend of mine during like the end of 2020 to like beginning 2021 i think it was closer to 2021 tbh (this was also so many crisis times for other things too but once i went to college n ended up on calls with my friend we kinda got into it together)
bought my own tarot deck and started doin readings for my friends n myself
side note: after reading for myself like twice n had no idea about veiling i gave my friend a few — the second time i did this i ended up gettin kinda possessed by their guide it was crazy n id love to be able to do it safely but it left me mad sick n i havent figured out how to do it without the sick afterwards but yea i ended up veilin hardcore for readings for a whileee after
stopped considering myself as a being apart of organized religion
while i was raised in the christianity kinda ive had multiple points durin my life where ive fallen off or gotten back on BUT after actually fading away from it i just decided i didnt wanna deal with the labels thing — tbf i wasnt really thinking i was anyways but i just kept puttin it off so i didnt have to deal with it :)
started gettin into like witchtok n witchcraft
i was super fascinated by witchcraft n i still am
went home for the summer and decided to pack it all away so my fam wouldnt notice
ended up still on the passive learning about witchcraft n tarot but like it was very little cuz i was goin through it
went back to college n my roommate was into tarot too
this was legit the best n i did so many readings for strangers when my roomie didnt wanna
started listenin to guided meditations on youtube n tryin to meditate myself
i struggle with it so bad tho hence the guided vids but yea no i hated it alot n dropped the everyday one like a week into it (now i do more like flow state meditation n i hate it alot less i want to do the silence one but i actually despise it)
i made a protective spray for our room
i was dumb about it tho n had to use a water bottle i stabbed holes in cuz i had only a tiny ass spray bottle (this one ended up goin with me everywhere
figured out out room was kinda haunted n while bein kinda scared i was more pissy about it
we left to the cafeteria n talked about it before goin back n i ended up talkin to our ghost n then we were vibin with em but ooo before we were cool they kept fuckin kickin my bed corner as i was about to sleep for legit two weeks before i brought it up n found out my roomie saw them knock shit off the desks n we both had been hearin the corners humming fuckin randomly until we looked over there like oh it was a time
i got into makin moon water n charging everythin i could get my grubby mits on
i kept stealin rocks from the campus n my friend gave me some theyd gotten for me when theyd gone out n about into nature it was great
ended up constantly veiling and worryin about protection on myself
this was due to being overwhelmed by the energy of large crowds i got like constant headaches n it was bad :D
oh subplot of the protection i ended up using the like shield technique before i was veiling and it was effective but like i didnt think it was enough n THEN i started veiling like all the time 🫠
got really into cleansing
this is something im still really into but at the time i did it like once a week n now i do it every time im in the shower since i saw a hack about using the waters properties as well as the cleansing stuff so yea that was it for me so yea while i still cleanse when i feel like i need to usually i cleanse myself everytime i shower
got into candles and candle magic more
bought some protection based books
i def read them but like ehh i use some of the things from em but i only got two n one seemed kinda intimidating since it was very hecate based which was so cool but like idk they were that guys personal stuff n i didnt wanna intrude (?) it was weird ik but eh its fine
sun cleansing! + a lil bit of sun water makin
kept drinkin the moon water until the aries one set me off for like two days of physical shaking
i didnt stop drinkin it but like i think about it more now instead of being like welp i made it im finna drink it all rn for fun 🤩
struggled with astrology— birth charts specifically
i still dont really understand birth charts n they confuse me :) so i had costar on my phone instead for a while
durin a readin for my roomie from another friend i ended up gettin kinda possessed again
this wasnt my fault i wasnt veilin cuz i thought i was safe… i was very wrong which lead to me veilin anytime someone was gettin a reading from my roomie
got a concerning amount of obsessed about soulmates
big yikes past me was still goin through it BUT in their defense past me kept gettin weird ass intuition based things about what i think was a potential soulmate kinda situation n then that person kinda kept sendin shit into my energy n latched on a lil bit but all good now 🫡
dreams dreams dreamsss
had so many vivid dreams that seemed to hold a shit ton of messages n everythin from “the divine” which then transferred to from my spirit team lmao
incense since my roomie loved it — smoke cleansed n protected the room with salt alot
started hearin things during my roomies readings of ppl
like i started pickin up on the shit their readings were sayin without doin anything which like this was primarily through songs but also really jarring yellin sometimes
went home for the winter break n accidentally brought our ghostie with me cuz i was worried theyd be alone n my roomie was takin the plant so
at home i was able to better sense the house ghost that was in the spare room i was sleepin in at the time
went back to school n the veiling had to be bumped up to like all the time
aura colors!! like had to focus on ppl but ooo was so cool
was wearing protective charms n charged jewelry all the time
used so much music in my divination (shuffle that shiiitt)
woke up late at night n saw some like bad energy tryin to fuckin seep through the celling at me
was havin issues with a girl who wanted to like take over my place to be with my roomie n im pre sure that was from her but eh
said girl asked me to help her protect her room n i did cuz u wanted to be nice
did some candle magic for her n read her tarot like all the time too
had to take a theology course n an ethics one
the theology one was really into the old religions n mushrooms n like all sorts of stuff like that n the teacher was a Buddhist so it was so good
had a dream for my roommate n it was so vivid n weird cuz i did shit i would never ever want to do
when i woke up i realizedthat we had talked about her doin that thing like a month ago n i realized what the message was actually about but holy shit weird
learned about spiritual guides some more n tried to meet them
kinda worked kinda didnt but like i was using a guided meditation off youtube so after tryin again had some success (mainly through dreams)
went home for summer again n put it kinda on pause
it was during this time that i had a dream for another friend of mine who was all up in my energy at the time n it was actually fuckin terrifying
i have no idea what the dream was about but i had it woke up scared to some tall ass ppl over my bed like sternly tellin me to tell the other person n i asked them if i told them theyd leave n let me go back to bed without the terror — they said yes n was like “TELL THEM” kinda loudly n it was actually scary but yea i frantically typed that up n sent it to the person n once i did their ppl immediately left n i was immediately okay again
went back to school with a new roomie n more into protecting my room every few months
was learning n vibing with my spirit guides oh n more dreamss
saw a figure of a lady over my roomie late at night was pre freaky at the time
when i brought it up to her she was like oh 😀
stopped protecting so hard
instead of every time i cleansed i put up shields i kinda just put em up when i really needed em — stopped veilin all the time but like i kept up with the protective jewelry n rocks
in retrospect i think ive been doin it subconsciously n when im not my guides take care of it more now which is super nice im ngl
i learned about alters/shrines n that kinda worship
used that knowledge to make an alter for my spirit guides that was in my closet
made incense offerings n various food stuff
i remember giving them a huge ass chocolate easter bunny for help with something one time
did a protection spell in a teacup that sat on their alter too for a while
used a pendulum like all the time
read some tarot at a party for like five ppl
also sometime around here felt called to give a smoke offering for help with something n gave it to some greek pantheon figures
i really shouldve seen the hellenic polytheism coming like dammit it was so obvious
was like giving physical offerings i think pre often before learning that you could give energetic ones without a physical offering too
i was charging the physical offerings like every time before learning about how some ppl just give energy when they cant give physical stuff
a relative got really sick n i kept giving energetic offerings n incense for like almost a month
said family member decided to not go through any more treatment n once i found out i tried giving more but after visiting with my whole family i went back to my dorm n i got this feeling n heard “2 weeks” with like finality n it was like such a heavy feeling that came with it n i tried to put it off but like i knew that was all the time she had left with us
i ended up going home n spending as much time as i could there but yea it was like two weeks later when she passed n i was really not okay about it n i was angry that i hadnt given enough to get her to stay but ik there wasnt much we could do n i think my offerings mightve helped but couldnt have put that kinda thing off much but yea oof that was rough
took a week or so where i shoved my practice away after askin about her n makin sure she was okay
after that week or two i started doin more energetic offerings
saw a relatives dog right after he had been put down like before i knew he was gone n saw him run around the kitchen then walk over to my family member id lost earlier that year
dont remember anything else rn other than cleansing all the time n energy offerings like every night to my spirit guides
reworked my alter
did some protective candle magic for my friend
basically on my own so been learning n havin some experiences here n there but having trouble with specifics rn
learned more about spirit guides
learned more about other forms of divination
mainly bone throws, dice, cartomancy, n some others i can’t remember
energetic offerings every night for my guides n talkin to em them
got wayyy better at hearing my guides
became really aware of the spirits id been seeing all of the sudden when talkin to my ma
once i realized id been seein them or like their energy n i focused i could see some features like what they tend to do n hair colors specifically
got really into learning about hellenism n devotional work
granted u had learned about it before as well but i came back into learning about it with a fervor
had some spirits turn up right before i went to bed
asked them to come back in the morning so that i could read tarot on it
started doing some worship type stuff for the greek pantheon through energetic offerings n while doing certain tasks
randomly tasted iced coffee for a few hours which i never have so i asked if someone wanted an offering n got a yes so did that which was cool
set up new alter/shrine spaces
started giving energetic offerings to my new shrines as well
last week of may i gave specific offerings because i was panicking about some medical issues n couldnt sleep it was a whole thing so i reached out to Hypnos for help sleeping and Asclepius and his daughters for help with the medical thing
this was a great idea from panic filled me tbh n ive been sleeping wayyy better n feelin better
ive been givin offerings since to them along with a few physical offerings
since then ive been tryin to learn n worship in my own kinda way
also ended up on new meds (im chronically ill lmao) n then because im allergic to em i ended up overnight in the hospital haha so i ended up turning to some if the gods for help
i gave a bunch of energy offerings since i was ya know not at home n then once i was free to do ish again i poured some offerings down the sink in the hospital
ive been attempting to add to my shrine rn but since i crocheted the cloth my spirit guides’ shrine has so i wanted to do that but i made like two version n hated em so far so im still workin on it
thats it for the moment but ill try to update it as i remember or like as ish happens!
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hiswitchcraft · 2 years
oo now thats an interesting tag, how does tiktok use manifesting differently? i usually scroll past most witchtok videos that come on my feed so i've never really seen anything abt manifesting on there.
They call what we would call basic spell work or spell work methods manifesting. An example would be this trend that was huge a while ago. People were making "manifest them" videos where they'd instruct you to write down the name of someone you wanted to like you, do a variety of other stuff to it, and put it under your pillow. It's basically a shoddy love spell. I think the reason they do this is it's very appealing to only do "good" with your magic. To only do "white" magic (I hate this term for so many reasons btw but I'm putting it because they would). To be morally superior. To be special. So instead of calling it spell work, or love spells, because that would be that dark satanic stuff, they call it manifestation for the woo woo new age appeal. Also tiktok has a lot of kids on it so a basic love spell sounds good, especially when you make it sound so easy and safe with the language I described above. This is also how we end up with so many ideas that we over here (or witches in other spaces) know are bad (like starseeds) but on witchtok they eat it up.
Witchtok is absolutely fascinating lol.
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Also I get why you're mad, because misinformation just brings even more ignorance especially with the way she talks about things.
Like I saw a girl on witchtok talk about how "shifting isn't real" and of course there's a bunch of people in the comments talking about how they failed at it so it's not real or they were obsessing over it to an unhealthy point and of course she was liking all the comments because she needed fuel to match what she said.
It's the same thing Sammy does, there's hardly ever a comment that criticizes her, I feel she deletes them because she likes MOST or all of her comments. They post these videos knowing very well the negative people or people who are gonna feed into their misinformation is gonna latch onto it and go off of what they say. It feeds into their narcissism(which Sammy has a lot of but it's not as apparent, there's a difference between confidence and arrogance).
it really just bothers me that people try so hard to villainize the tumblr community! sure there can be some very toxic anons, and a small handful of bloggers have turned out to be not so good of people, but a majority of the blogs on here are run by such smart and kind people!! i hate when people shit tumblr when they mean anons. the tumblr community has such good information and such good people. i hated that sammy was trying to villainize us.
what u said about the comments makes so much sense lowkey cuz i never see one negative comment ever. not even a comment disagreeing with her. she works overtime fr
also i feel like her self concept rlly can’t be THAT good if she is constantly trying to cancel and get rid of other law of assumption coaches cuz she feels threatened by them. but that’s a whole different conversation!
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porouspalms · 2 years
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What you do within the privacy of your own spiritual practice is entirely your business...
And I believe this observation also extends to those who choose to share their work with others (whether it be online or IRL) with the understanding that what's being shared is some form of Personal Gnosis.
However, if/when you choose to make your practice public (more specifically from the perspective of a teacher or authority on a subject), you no longer have the ability to dodge critique or correction. In fact, I'd argue engaging in those conversations, as uncomfortable as they may be, is a social/communal obligation. You not only owe it to those who benefit from the information you share, but also to the established stewards of that knowledge.
It's no secret that modern social media discourse culture is rife with over-zealous and under-informed people with a serious critical thinking allergy... it's annoying, I get it. But legitimate critiques and good faith challenges from those who care about the quality of what's being shared, especially if there's a socio-cultural element (i.e., sharing misinformation on a closed or under/misrepresented practice), can't just be written off as an example of the *WitchTok toxicity* many of us have come to hate for good reason.
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saturnswitch · 4 months
TikTok (witchtok) has the wildest takes omg…”You shouldn’t practice witchcraft in the first place if you can’t visualise.”
And that’s on being straight up WRONG.
Not all witches/people who practice witchcraft can visualise because there’s also a certain kind of inability to visualise called “aphantasia” or some people just truly struggle with visualising, and that’s OKAY. There are so many other ways to practice, not everything is visualisation?? I hate when people discourage others from practicing. You can be a witch/witchcraft practitioner and not be able to visualise. You’re super fucking valid.
Also please read books (even though I wish more books talked about people who struggle to visualise etc…) and don’t get discouraged/get informations just from tiktok creators on witchtok…not everyone has your best interests in mind.
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ofcloudsandstars · 3 years
Daily witchcraft ain't that exciting lol
To give some people an idea of what I've been up to from time to time.
Yesterday my work schedule got shifted around so I had a sudden day off. I was having a Mental Health Moment™ so I decided to do some shadow work and got some helpful clarity for now. I also read a bit of 'How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can' by Amy B Scher which had some helpful advice in there. I also washed my hair and long showers always become a bit of a magical cleansing routine like its all about focusing on clearing energy and starting anew. I only use scentless soaps and have a charcoal soap block a witch friend in NYC gifted me to clear energy that I use on my skin.
Other than doing a bunch of errands that was it lol.
The day before I cleaned the SHIT out of my room it feels so good in here. I then finished the task with smoke cleansing.
Today I just woke up and did some dream oracling cause I had a weird ass segment of my dream that was concerning and stress-inducing. It was about a friend. I am still debating telling my friend about it but it didn't feel like a premonition just an unfortunate observation that I don't think will help him right now.
Today also has two intense astro aspects. We have mercury conjunct chiron and Mars square neptune. (be careful with your health and over exertion guys!) So if your mental health or even physical ailments have been flaring up the planets are being rude today lol. It's probably why I have been trying to work with it and do some shadow work cause I have been suppressing a lot of emotional pain that I am now trying to address like a haphazard sock drawer begging to be organized cause its nearly the end of my first saturn return transit and I am trying to get my head straight.
Tomorrow I have another full shift at work so maybe not much will happen. I may start working on May's Astrological forecast if it turns out to be a slow day.
I guess I am just rambling to give people an idea of what its like doing daily witchy things. It's not that exciting lol. I feel like the most exciting daily witchy things are like when synchronicities happen but they are hard to capture and hard to prove they are just like the most wonderful coincidences that make life feel special.
Sometimes when I am running late I try to channel mercury and do spells to get myself there right on time or sometimes everyone else just somehow ends up late so my 5 minutes means nothing lol. Sometimes things just work out to my favor in unforseen ways that make me feel kind of guilty cause I sometimes feel like I don't deserve it. I dunno I mean its just stuff like you have to be there for it. Cause even if it's just coincidence its more about the delivery and timing and the fact that I really wanted something in that moment and the universe was like: aight.
I think this topic bothers me a lot because capitalism really convoluted a lot of people's perception of witchcraft. It's not a job (unless you want it to be) I feel like its closer to the 'spiritual practice' category though its not really one either its more of a practice (that can help amplify your spiritual practice lol). It's more like a sense of awareness of your energy, the energy around you and using that energy to your needs. Sometimes this can develop into more complex magical craft making or ritual doing but on a daily basis this is like visualizing outcomes you want, divining and shifting your energy to shield yourself or put out glamours to get ahead lol.
I feel like the capitalism part bothers me because it does two things. Either makes witchcraft seem inaccessible unless you have a shit ton of money and time (and witchcraft to me is like anticapitalistic)- plus selling tools that are usually unethical cause they are mass produced now when it should be about making your own from local nature in your backyard. As well as making it so that you feel you have to be 'productive' in order to call yourself a witch
and the other thing is that it takes the practice, reduces it to a brand and then distorts the meaning. So people just getting into it are like lost in the sauce. I mean they did this with every counter culture but the original meaning just gets lost as it gets boiled down into an aesthetic. I feel like with witchcraft it was particularly malicious cause witchcraft is such a $free.99 finding your own empowerment/connection to yourself and nature that capitalism sought to turn it into something profitable and reduce it into some new age fantasy brand.
Anyway don't fall for capitalism's suffocating chokehold of feeling like if you want to be something, ANYTHING, that you have to perform it everyday and take pictures for proof to post online. This isn't just about witchcraft I am realizing this is destroying like all of our hobbies and anything we do for fun or that defines ourselves.
An example: I have trouble creating visual art because of social media now, when art should just be about you finding joy in expressing yourself. Now I do feel like you gotta post it online for validation even if you're not as experienced as you like to be. You feel the need to compare your journey to others and what you make to others. It's exhausting. Don't let capitalism do this to you. Especially your spiritual practice or your witchcraft practice. They are really personal practices. It's about your personal journey.
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traegorn · 2 years
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The Bullshit-Free Witchcraft Podcast: 51. Consumerism and Witchcraft
Consumerism has been a driving force in the witchcraft movement since the beginning, but in the age of social media it’s only gotten more visible. Is this a good thing? I mean… no. No it’s not. But we probably wouldn’t be talking about it if it was, would we. Also, it’s entirely possible that WitchTok hates poor people.
(And, of course, don’t forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord!)
Music: “So I Said It,” “The Man With One Eye,” “Untitled Nonsense” (Trae Dorn) / Random Loops (Apple Music Library)
Listen to the episode / Subscribe on iTunes
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mitchiegonewild · 2 years
bitchie mitchies aot cinematic universe pt. 2
since you guys seemed to like the other ones, i have PLENTY more in my notes app:
connies a gumball (awog) kinnie 
historia binged all of stranger things in 3 days and she hates the show
ymir listens to lil peep 😟
eren INSISTED on going as rainbow dash for halloween for ages 5-9
armin can TWERK OMG
mikasa makes her own soaps and their names are always something like “deaththroat orgasm” or “beta male sweat and tears”
armin has a shrimp allergy and everyone found out when they went to the beach and he ate shrimp scampi and almost fucking died in a pineapple willy’s 
on the same trip, levi and erwin fucked in a margaritaville bathroom while wasted on said margaritas
hitch gaslit everyone into thinking she went to their school only for annie to tell them “oh she doesn’t she just likes to mess with peoples heads”
armins their discord mod
jean posts marco to ALL of those couple-y tiktok audios 
gabi got in trouble for being a habitual grass eater in pre k
falco provided more grass when she was in time out. he is not an innocent man
zeke and levi brutally fist fought outside of a chili’s while eren, mikasa, armin, historia, and erwin stood to the side and watched
bertholdt had a “soft uwu boy” era in quarantine
reiner videos annie eating and then puts sad music over it
connie is unaware pirating movies and music is illegal and has been doing both since he was seven
one of those mall interviewers came up to sasha and mikasa and sasha bit his mic
armins name in erens phone is “malewife🥰💗”. jurys still out on whether or not its ironic
bertholdt was on witchtok for a month and they’re not even wiccan
ymir kills wasps with her bare hands 
hangë has access to levi’s twitter account but levi’s never on twitter so he doesn’t know. hangë posts truly the most heinous shit on there
moblit gets hangë a box of organ-shaped chocolates every year for valentine’s day
onyankopon had a hamilton phase
& bertholdt had a be more chill phase 🗿
erwin proposed to levi three times before levi accepted to “make sure he wanted to be married”
armin did a magic routine for the eighth grade talent show and killed that shit. they won 1st place
connie & ymir have neck yourself battles. ymir is currently winning
ymir also has the humor of a 12 boy addicted to fidget spinner 
annie is a manager at mcdonald’s and loudly proclaims her hatred for it
erwin carries a glock everywhere he goes. bro is strapped up fr
the first time bertholdt had a panic attack in front of reiner, reiner freaked out and gave his beats to them and played dubstep to try and get him to concentrate on something else
jean only says “balls” like cartman does (bawlz)
bertholdt does not know what MILF stands for
hitch has a monster can wall
sasha does this thing where if anyone yawns she shoves her fingers in their mouth and yells “CHICKEN FINGER”
erwin has a tiktok account to monitor what his kids post & he comments on them
levi calls mikasa brat number 1, historia brat number 2, and armin brat number 3
levi calls eren, sasha, & ymir his “forth, fifth, & sixth brat”
reiner has memorized all of the wenomechainasama spellings
bertholdt is a clairo enthusiast 
annie CANNOT STAND the smell of pork
zeke has a podcast
pieck is his editor and trolls the shit out of him with it
mikasa knows how to vogue & death drop
reiner does that thing where he plays tiktok audios and pretends he’s in an edit
mikasa is the biggest fucking internet troll but is supremely undercover about it
the only person who knows is jean because he’s her favorite victim but nobody believes him when he tells them
another one of sasha’s tiktoks blew up & it was a “baby got back” dance that she did with armin and connie and all of the comments were like “THE TWINK CARRIED THIS” or “GO CAILLOU GO”
zeke accidentally married a stripper in vegas one time. she was super chill about the divorce and they keep in touch
pieck collects shiny things
niccolo beat connie with a remote control because every time mario said “it’s-a me, mario!” connie would whisper “it’s-a me, niccolo!”
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rosexmary · 2 years
“Rule of three is going to get you!” But is it really?
Hello! So in this post i’m going to talk about rule of three.
So what is rule of three first?
: the rule of three is a religious tenet held by some wiccans, neo pagans, and occultists. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
Oo scary! No.😀
A lot of people from witchtok says that this rule is the reason why you shouldn’t cast a curse/hex/jinx or just any harmful spell in general.
Well i might get a lot of hate for saying this but this rule is not even real.😵
Well this rule of three also called the law of threefold return is actually completely misconstrued. The original meaning of this rule is actually telling witches to send good/bad threefold when we receive good/bad.
“How did the rule got changed?”
An early incarnation of the rule of three appeared in gerald gardner’s novel, high magic’s aid, in the form of “mark well, when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold.” It later appeared as a poem published in a magazine back in 1975. Later this evolved into the notion among new witches that there is a spiritual law in effect that everything you do comes back to you three times.
So this rule is not real BUT i’m not encouraging you to cast a harmful spell to anyone without a reason. Harmful spells are for those who really did you wrong not for innocent people.
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when-november-ends · 3 years
Every time i open tiktok im THIS CLOSE to deleting the app because of some BULLSHIT these witchtok people say.
- I'm here to tell you that you can, in fact, call your deities nicknames. If they are okay with it. That's why you ask.
- You can also tell them about your day, even if nothing significant happened. They will not be annoyed.
- This is a personal belief but i know that I'm not the only one who thinks like this. Time doesn't exist for deities and ghosts and spirits and whatnot the same way it does for humans. They do have time for you, always. However they may choose not to engage in any conversation every time you try to contact them. That does not mean they hate you.
- Godspousing is valid and if i see one more person shitting on it i will lose my fucking mind.
Do. Your fucking. Research.
People have always done it, it's nothing new, it's not "quirky" and there is nothing bad about it. However, it's not something you should do/ask for as soon as you meet a new deity. Godspousing only works with consent of both parties and only if you can legally consent. No god worth worshipping would try to manipulate you into doing this. And if they do, it's most certainly not a god you're talking to.
- And if I see one more person telling people that they can't work with the fae because no one can and they're evil, but then post a video like 2 days later saying that they have been working with the fae for.. let's see, "a very long time", "many years" or, if they wanna start beef, "longer than you've been alive, sweetie", i will COME FOR YOU AND I MEAN IT!
Please, if you are a beginner witch or a beginner pagan. Tiktok is not the platform to be on in order to learn. There are many good ones out there that know what they're talking about, but unless you already know stuff there's no way to tell which ones are which.
I will post a list of people (with links) that know what they're doing in a few days.
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chaoticcloudcommand · 2 years
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No hate to this creator bc I don't want to start witchtok drama... but they genuinely believe that they are married to Hades. This is why we don't learn spirituality and religion from tiktok. We have to take everything we hear with a grain of salt. We need to be accountable for our own knowledge bc you cannot blindly trust other people's accounts.
The Gods, and I cannot stress this enough. Do. Not. Marry. Humans. This person is *not* married to Hades. I'm not just being hateful. I'm not being "unaccepting". This does not happen. This is not safe. That is not Hades. Or it is Hades and this person is grossly misinterpreting his wishes which is also very dangerous.
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Look at that video if you can/want to🙃 but just looking at the thumbnail or the chapters it's separated into you can see what it's gonna be about. This girl on witchtok thinks shifting isn't real and some of her fans think it's just "hypnosis,"(it's not which is obvious). She thinks it's a cult and she even points out multiple comments about people asking about shifting(she points out a comment that talks about how it's been in many religions which it has but in different ways) and then says "doesn't this sound like a cult to you?" And oh let me not even get started on the hypocrisy but I'll get started anyway, she and people on her own witchtok gets comments EXACTLY like that about witch related stuff but of course she won't think about how that is similar because she's focused on proving that it's a cult or that it's not real🙃😂
What REALLY makes me laugh though is this exactly is how Christians treat people in witchtok/people who do witchcraft like if what they're doing is wrong, cult like and demonic and she's doing exactly the same thing but won't even realize it because she's too focused on being right.
I majored in pyschology and minored in physics btw, quantum physics explains reality shifting very easily because in quantum physics, they say "reality is what you choose it to be,"(very similar to law of assumption) and law of assumption itself has been backed up by physics many times. It's believed you can shift through different realities because there's a possibility multiple worlds/realities are real. There's multiple articles also many different books(look up quantum physics pdf and look into it if anyone wants to) explaining this.
She goes on in the video to describe what a cult is like and even though those things are true(the description she got from another TikTok instead of an actual psychologist), it's MORE than just something you see on freaking TikTok🙃 what's even funnier is she goes on in her comments about how "doesn't want anyone recruiting people in her comments into reality shifting," 😂😂😂
I hate the comparison to a cult because I had to do A LOT of research for cults and the mindset of a person who was/is in a cult before and it's not as simple as "they all have a common interest, tend to stay away from people and only focus on this one thing," (the TikTok was a decent description but you're really gonna use a TikTok to prove your point 🙃) because if this was what a cult is like then anyone who likes video games are in cults with each other 😂😒.
I've been very close to an actual cult before not for research but because there used to be one close by(I live in a very close knit country so even if you weren't in the cult, you knew what went on), cults can be described using pyschology but it's not supposed to be seen a general thing, it's extremely complicated because every case is different, every one is going to be majorly different. It's why I hate those "pyschology says this" and gives an example like "oh if you're closed off and you're anxious, you probably have ADHD" pyschology isn't black and white or pertaining to just a few things meaning it doesn't just stop at one or two factors, it's extremely complex and so are the stuff she says in her videos she claims she "knows."
I've never seen someone who is constantly being scrutinized by religious groups for their own practices and ways of life, call out another group of people for "being a cult or cult like," even though they're just providing her information on what reality shifting is after she decided to be misinformed about it(she didn't even bother looking more in depth to it)😂😂😂 what bullshit honestly 😒😂
Sorry for the long rant though Rem.
omg that’s so crazy. a cult??? bc people share similar interests?? 😭 like i don’t know that much about cults, but like i know some things. like who does she think the cult leader is? and dont cults usually not….publicly share information about the cult? 😭
i feel like “cult” is just one of those words ppl heard once and RAN with it, calling everything a cult.
it’s weird that you said it was witchtok saying all of this. you’d think that people who believe in witches and magic and supernatural stuff would believe other communities that believe something that isn’t “logical” 😭 like what??
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