#I also play Angelina Nucci!
Hi! omg, i am so not good at this intro stuff so ill just list a few things here and you can hmu if you wanna plot or talk more yeah?
this is Antonia - Toni only to people within her group. 
her mother is half African American/half Latina her father was a high figure within Los Santos Perdidos. her mother did not agree with all of the choices he made so she left him however Antonia stayed with her father. learning the ins and outs of the family. quickly learning skills a young child should never know.
the stay did not last very long and at the age of 16 Antonia found out that her mother had passed (whether or not this death was mafia related is unknown - maybe we can plot something?) and because of this was sent to live with her mother’s family at their request. 
at 29 Toni learns her father was murdered and decided to move back to Las Vegas where she ultimately takes his place as Lugarteniente.
Toni is described as being very loyal to her boss and fellow mafia members, she is very skilled with weapons of almost any variety, she’s mostly laid back, sophisticated (you will mostly always catch her in a dress, high heels and expensive jewelry) HOWEVER she is not afraid to get her hands dirty and is more than willing to take out/or show a lesson to anyone who does not show her the respect she demands. 
Annnnd despite #3 in the code of conduct for los santos perdidos Toni is a lesbian. however out of fear of being harmed she keeps this a closely guarded secret, choosing her family and the power that comes with being in the mafia over any real love and happiness she could have. she sleeps around with women, usually paying them off abundantly to keep quiet. but idk i am so willing to plot out a partner for her, or not, maybe just secret fwb with agreements?
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