#I also still have the comic that I need to update but h...
meltedhorror · 1 year
thinking when I'm (hopefully) less depressed in the future maybe I should do a challenge to myself to make short one week time limit storyboards and animatics for a month
Would be a good way to build up my portfolio at least, since it's pretty barebones right now
Could be completely original projects or based on other audio I've found, could be minute long or just a few seconds
And if I finish earlier than the week deadline I can just reset the deadline earlier for the next project, so I can have more projects than there are weeks in a month
idk just would be a fun little project I think
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jakessbtch · 2 years
☆ fluff headcanons | c.g
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masterlist | requests
TW ✿  °   : hinting to deaths, Fluff
pairing   ✿  °   : Carl Grimes x Reader [s/h]
summary of fic ✿  °   : Some fluff head cannons of Carl !!
requested by   ✿  ° : @liu1307​
word count   ✿  °   : 558 words
a/n ✿  °   : ug nit updating the summary, though there will eventually be a new one!
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✿  ° Carl has matching pajamas. his personal favorite are a blue pair with a cowboy hat sown onto the side. He has a whole drawer filled with them, one for all occasions. he and judith have a matching pair, him and you, he secretly has one for him and his dad too. he just loves them so much.
✿  ° Carl writes and draws his own comics, making you the main love interest and him the hero. he doesn't have much, just a few. yet he would burn himself, the comics and his home if anyone found out. secretly Rick has found one, but he never told carl. Carl reads them frequently, especially when hes alone.
✿  ° Carl is a big black cat bf he needs someone whom is bubbly and enjoyable, someone to stick up for him, and he’ll do the same. He loves being the closed off one, and he probably feels as if he wouldn’t do well with someone who couldn't show feelings well enough. Don't get me wrong he loves quiet people, but he also LOVES louder and carefree people.
✿  ° Carl names all the stuffed and real animals he comes past when on runs or in alexandria. his favorite is a tabby cat he couldn't forget, he named him Waddles cause he had an injured foot. He always told himself, when the world got better he would have a tabby called Waddles. if it ever got better.
✿  ° Carl Despises the pet name Baby. he hates being referred to as a baby because of memories in school. Carl likely got picked on because his mother was always so worried about him, preventing him from going out with friends and such. [i know this is an angst headcanon, but you're not getting fluff from me without angst].
✿  ° Carl had a dog when he was younger, before the apocalypse. He was such a sucker for animals, and after so much tiring yet purposeful pleading he got a small maltase shiatzu. he adored him, he loved going outside to run in circles and play with the dog. The dog kept him up at night after the apocalypse, but he still giggles at the thoughts.
✿  °  Carl wanted kids. He wanted 2 little boys. He found judith too fussy, and not knowing how baby boys were behind closed doors, he wanted one with you. he wanted to call one Noah and the other Flynn, you told him Noah was a basic name but he didn’t care. he always used the excuse, “It’s the apocalypse, no one is going to care about a name”
✿  °  Carls favorite subject to read about is either Mathematics or Biology. He finds it fascinating how different parts of the body works and how you could find percentages just by an equation. Carl always made fun of Rick for his lack of Mathematics knowledge. “You're wrong Dad, Look, it would be 13.6 percent because-”  
✿  ° Carl has thousands of love letters in his room. he hides the everywhere, one behind a picture frame, one in old converses, on hidden between the desk and the wall. he wanted ou to find them, he could only say so much to you. he found it far more better writing them all down instead. He was in love with you.
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genericpuff · 2 years
Ladies and gentlemen... we got 'em.
Every now and then, Rachel will post a sketch to her IG story or her page, oftentimes accompanied with a caption that states how hard at work she is.
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Now, some of my pals and I in the UnpopularLO Discord have been taking note of the time stamps of when these get posted, so we could keep an eye out for when they inevitably show up in an episode. Normally I wouldn't be hyperanalyzing a creator's posting habits like this, but there's been a unanimous suspicion among the LO community that Rachel's buffer for LO is only a couple weeks ahead at any given time. So, we waited. We kept our eyes peeled for these panels to show. And hoo boy, are the results of this little experiment pretty damning.
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The sketch on the left was posted to Rachel's IG about 4 weeks ago. It showed up in Episode 219, posted last week on October 29th.
The sketch on the right was posted to Rachel's IG story on October 27th. It showed up in this week's episode, November 5th, just a little over a week later.
I'm not gonna pretend like we know all the facts from this evidence alone, but again, people have been suspicious over this for a while now so seeing these finished drawings show up in the new episodes anywhere from a week to a month later tells us a lot. To lay out some of the brunt of it:
Whatever buffer Rachel has is small and shrinking fast. There was a 2 week break at the start of the season to "rebuild LO's buffer", and from cross-referencing the HxP make-out sketch and when the episode went up, we know that the buffer at one point was around 4 weeks. Most Originals creators are encouraged to have a buffer of 9-15 episodes, not episodes in progress, but actual finished episodes that are ready for posting, so that the series can still update with new episodes even if the creator needs to take a break for a week or two or if an emergency arises in their life. With the proof of last week's sketches showing up in last night's episode, I think it's highly probable we'll be seeing another 2 week break by the time December rolls around, but it will likely be presented under the guise of a "holiday break".
Rachel does the roughs at the last minute and nothing more. It's basically been confirmed at this point that Rachel's only contribution to the comic is the roughs and script. From former interviews and Patreon chit chat posts that allude to this, to the fact that the only progress pics from Rachel that we ever see are roughs, to the credits in every episode that feature upwards of five separate assistants working on each episode but somehow the comic still manages to have incredibly inconsistent plot threads and art that looks like it's been rushed, Rachel is basically just doing the roughs for her comic, writing/drawing one panel at a time, and passing them along to her assistants to finish at the last minute. This would account for the art being so inconsistent (Rachel's roughs likely aren't very polished and don't feature any sort of referencing or direction for the team), every episode now being made up of mostly copy+pasted panels, as well as it feeling so rushed, because the assistants literally don't have time to draw different shots or put the episode through any rounds of clean-up before submitting it.
Considering there are ALSO sketches of HxP fluff that haven't made it into an episode yet*, Rachel may as well be working on fluff content before she works on anything else. Just because that H x P panel was drawn 4 weeks prior to it being uploaded doesn't mean that's the buffer. She could have just as well drawn it first because it's what she felt like drawing and either shoehorned it in somewhere or just saved the 'boring' stuff for last. So either her buffer was only a month ahead of time at one point and has since shrunk back down to 1-2 weeks, or she's working on new episodes a week at a time and saves the 'boring' stuff for last hence why each episode ends up with so many repeated copy+paste panels and drawn out dialogue. Both scenarios are terrible and indicative of a creator who is both clueless and doesn't give a shit.
Rachel spends an absurd amount of time on social media. Between her Instagram and Twitter (both of which are often chock full of re-shared fan content that has the Lore Olympus hashtag on it) her new Tiktok account, her VERY strictly moderated FastPass FB groups (that she is an administrator for so she can lock any thread that has a hint of criticism in it**) and her Discord, Rachel seems to spend the majority of her time stalking her favorite hashtags and retweeting them (I've literally had some of my own fanart pieces retweeted within SECONDS of me posting them). But she'll still put out Tiktok videos talking about how behind she is and how hard she's working - literally working on episodes the week they're due as we've proven - videos that she's clearly spending time away from her comic to make and that she's sticking around in afterwards to check the stats and respond to comments from her fans. It's great that she's sharing fanart from her readers, but not so great if she's doing it so much that it's eating into her time to develop the very comic they're creating fanart for.
Hot take, but I can't help but feel that Rachel can only afford to not give a shit about her workflow and how she manages her team because she's in the top 1% of creators. Believe me, I've seen the stress building up in the WT Originals community from creators who are being vastly underpaid and overworked. None of them can afford to be so lazy with their work, because a single week without an episode for them means not paying the rent that month. They don't get mid-season hiatuses, they don't get 2 week 'buffer build' breaks, it's a constant grind of 12-18 hour days because if their series doesn't perform well, not only will they not get renewed for another season, but they likely won't even receive any FastPass revenue due to not hitting the 'threshold' they need to hit to receive it. This is not a problem for Rachel who is someone with millions of subscribers and thousands of regular readers checking in each week but also someone who we speculate got in on the FP program before they introduced the Minimum Revenue Threshold around 2020. Hence, she likely does not need to hit that threshold in the first place to receive her earnings. Every other Originals creator who is subject to the MRT system has to work their ass off and hope that Webtoons will give them enough promotion to draw in traffic to hit that threshold and not get cancelled - but those beneficial front-facing slots are often given to Lore Olympus every time it updates, often for an entire weekend at a time, while its creator fucks around on Twitter, gets mad at 'haters', talks about how busy and 'behind' she is, while she visibly miffs around with non-comic-production-related-things like making memes or rigging Vtuber models.
Let's just say, there's a reason why whenever there are Webtoon controversies concerning the state of their working conditions, you never see Rachel say a word. She is simply not affected by WT's current state of affairs so does not feel the need to speak up against it. I'm willing to bet the only time we'll ever see Rachel talk 'bad' about Webtoons, it will be after she's inevitably driven her own image and comic into the ground.
Concerning *: Here are some sketches that haven't made it into any episodes yet. It's hard to tell if they will, I can assume the one on Twitter will show up but the other two could very well just be Rachel faffing about for fun. Either way, these exist and are still publically viewable, so if they DO show up in any future episodes, we can cross-reference them later.
Left: Oct 28th Middle: Nov 4th Right: Oct 29th
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The following Hades panel will very likely show up in the upcoming November 12th FastPass episode. If it does, that not only tells us Rachel truly is only working on these episodes 1-2 weeks ahead at a time, but also that she's working on them out of order as this FINISHED drawing showed up BEFORE the UNFINISHED Persephone sketch from above showed up in her IG story - with its respective finished drawing showing up literally a week later.
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Concerning **: Rachel is literally an administrator in the official LO FastPass group on Facebook, which wouldn't be an issue if she weren't so anal about any perceived slight against her work. She will literally lock any thread that doesn't make her look good.
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And her own interactions with these fans posts may as well be borderline psychotic. She'll either immediately refute any amount of fan theories on the spot (destroying any semblance of discussion or fun theorizing to be had) or just... comment really messed up shit that says a lot about her and how she writes her precious cinnamon roll protagonist.
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Fun fact, she got banned from a FB group that memes on LO because she tried to harass the administrators of the group to ban all criticism. The admins banned her instead. It's not really relevant to this post but I wanted to say it anyways because it's fucking hilarious.
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***EDIT TO ADD: She didn't just get banned, she was so butthurt over it that she apparently bitched about it in her Patreon, which her cult accepted as permission to go after members of this same FB group. All just for not kissing the ground RS walked on. Literally psychotic cult behavior.
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Let's Play creator mongie has done similar things, so this seems to just be a general attitude among the top-earning creators on WT (yikes), but that's another topic.
Concerning the actual topic at hand, the last thing I'll mention is, save for the credits at the end of each episode, Rachel barely ever gives her assistants credit when she goes on rants about how "busy" she is or how "successful" she's become. You'll never see her thank her assistants or give them credit for how easy they're making her life that she can get away with doing the roughs at the last minute and spend the rest of her time talking about her dog, showing off her new gel nails, or talking about how much of a workaholic she is. But she sure as shit will throw her assistants under the bus whenever she has to come up with an excuse for the sloppy inconsistent art.
TL ; DR: Rachel is not 'busy'. She's just incredibly bad at managing her deadlines and team of assistants and would literally rather whine about how behind she is to make it sound like she's pressed for time. Which, she absolutely is. But it's not because of Webtoons or because LO is a hard comic to put together, it's literally her own undoing. You know what they say - it takes way more work to pretend to look busy than it does to actually do your job.
Rant over.
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coconox · 6 months
late night ramble but ig heres my 2 cents of this poll (not directly attaching this to the poll cause im a coward LOL)
ofc, i won't put my thoughts on luci/belphe/asmo. ik we get tidbits of them through their nobles or pb's prev games but i wanna judge them based on how they actually show up in-game. i also know there's prob gonna be some luci lore later when gamigin update is out (atm its like abt 4 or so days till that update's release) but i'll just omit my thoughts on luci for now
ok now for the rest of the kings:
i should also put a disclaimer that i don't read any of the unholy board stories unless if it's mammon's, so for the other kings that aren't mammon my opinions are purely based off of main story or event appearances or how they act in comics
satan - honestly pretty ok w him. i'm kinda biased when it comes to mc being recoginized as their own person rather than purely just the descendant of solomon so i like him based on that. idk i don't have any strong opinions abt him i just see him as a very fluffy cat :3
mammon - absolutely love him. 0 flaws. wins the idgaf war. my absolute fav squeak toy. lol ok but fr tho i don't really have any complaints abt him. will spoil tf out of mc and wants to ensure their safety. also sees mc as mc and was even kinda disgusted(? idk a better word for this💀💀) by the fact that a part of solomons soul can be sensed in them, almost as if he doesnt want it to be in the way of mc. also wasnt afraid to call out the fact that sitri kept calling mc solomon. and ofc the love at first sight thing is great too but also the bodyworship (or ig faceworship bc he only just kissed mc's entire face??) before the confession like UGH... absolutely weak for that man (devil?). idk i dont rlly see that many mammon fans rlly anywhere and it saddens me hes such a good char outside of just having huge tibbies. srsly tho pb pls we get it he has huge tits you dont need to constantly bring it up the char sprite is literally right in front of us-
cant wait for the next chapter w the big lore dump abt mammon and hope we finally get a pt 2 of his h scene (hopium)
no srsly he's the only king w 1 h scene, satan and levi got 2,, WHERE IS MAMMON'S PT 2
as a side comment also i love the silly banter btwn mammon and satan like they are truly besties from the cross on their foreheads to matching skill names to the amnt of times they throw hands and still hang out and care for each other
beel - hes ok ig? i think lore-wise hes gonna be one of the more interesting ones considering how "mysterious" he is i.e. constantly wandering, almost being an absent king. like what led to the constant wandering? what did andrealphus mean when he said beel is the key to ending the war? how does his cloning work? i kinda feel bad for bael and the other nobels needing to manage everything while beels away but i don't rlly hate him for it? at least not now considering we don't rlly know the definite reason and i want to assume the best and say he has a valid reason for being absent so he could protect his region. hate is a strong word ig its more of a slight dislike towards beel, but its like this 🤏 small of a dislike im still overall neutral abt him
levi - falling into the majority from the poll i have to agree that levi is my least fav king also lol. i get where he's coming from and why he acts the way he does, i just dont like how he's written? or ig moreso how he's written in the perspective of mc. tho tbh that's more of an mc issue than a levi issue, but i got pretty tired of the story constantly reminding us how pretty levi is (similar to how we always get reminded of how big mammon is/how huge mammons tits are). idk its like a gut feeling to not like/trust him. i also just don't really vibe w him in general even before we were actually introduced to him in main story. hes a good attacker gameplay-wise tho lol
so yeah, those are my thoughts for now. ofc they could change in the future when we get more info abt all of them but we'll see
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atrutsama · 1 year
I didn’t have one those for the longest time so I am making one now!!
✨Master post✨
You can find me on
You might find here:
Undertale related things, such as: au’s fan art, short stories and comics about au’s.👌
Original Undertale au content called Trouble-tale, it’s still a WIP but there is a couple of comics here and there.🫥 (discontinued 🚫)
FNAF things, maybe there isn’t much but it’s there… or will be there. 😅
Anime things, most likely attack on titans, and HunterXHunter … I watched a lot other than those two but I love drawing Levi and Erwin, also my husband Hisoka. 😳
Welcome home stuff, I love Wally darling design so much 🤭
About me ~💜
I go by she/ her
You can call me ATS or A-TruT-Sama whatever suits you more 😊
I’m a sans fangirl I ship myself with Nightmare sans, I also love the ship Frans a lot in all au’s 😁
I’m a big fan of metal music and rock music but I also love pop … I kinda love it all 💜 my favourite song is break my mind by DAgames on YouTube 😩
My favourite food is Asian food I love ramen so so so much 🤤
I was born 14/6/2002, feel free to calculate my age when you see this post😁
I’m married and currently pregnant with a baby girl 🥹 soon I will be a mommy 🤭 45 days and the pregnant part will be crossed out 👀
Update: I became a mother on the 12 of November 2023 🌸♥️ We are going to call her Miss H ^^
I hate blood and I’m an introvert person probably have ADHD and depression too but I was never diagnosed, it’s mostly stress that get me to work and over think things. 👁️👄👁️
What is acceptable in this blog?
Reposting my art with credit to me.
Request are cool with me, as long as they aren’t NSFW.
Fan art of your original character is fine as well, just send me a picture of your character and I will draw them, just make sure to give me a clear description so I can have a mental image.
Fan art for me! Of my persona or sans or any of my au’s or OC’s or any other au that I build up a story about.
Questions about me and my au and character are fine as long as the ones about me aren’t too personal, like where I live, my real name etc …
Shipping your characters with mine are cool too as long as it’s not NSFW.
What is unacceptable in this blog?
Reposting my art with out any credit to me.
Being racist for any reason to anyone, for where they are from, Color, sex/gender, religion etc… it’s not cool and completely unacceptable 😠
Talking about politics in general, I don’t care about the real world, I love my little safe place here with people who are like me.
NSFW fan art of my persona or OC’s . I understand that some people get attracted to those things and I might make a side blog for those or a petrion, but please don’t draw things might make me feel uncomfortable, especially when I self insert to my persona.
Bullying anyone for any reason, you can feel free to disagree but not in a violent way and no need for bad words.
Leaving rude/mean/discouraging notes or comments, they destroy all of my motivation, if you hate what I post just block me or the tag you hate and leave respectfully.
This might get updated every now and then, but this is clear enough for now🤗
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bloomingapricots · 11 months
dream anon here, finally sending asks to the right @ (that's still so embarrassing ahh) I didn't really intend it to be a request lol, I just wanted to share a funny thing :D
the nyanjiu I mentioned was shen jiu being an actual cat (I think dream me was thinking about @/sanadamusio on Twitter's nyanjiu (here's one of the tweets: https://twitter.com/sanadamusio/status/1720319766345433167?t=h-BqdYeps3pTa8uOwIWYHQ&s=19)
as for binghe, I'm not quite sure, I think either would be quite funny, but maybe bingge living through the original pidw and then transported to this alternate universe that has sqq!reader (who has also lived through their own au version of pidw but gets transported back to before shit hits the fan)? imagine seeing your shizun as a cat and then this stranger is now your "shizun" lmao-
At least it was still the right person. And I follow that artist, it's a super cute comic. Poor Shang Qinghua, witnessing his martial sibling and LBH being dramatic with a cat. btw I was slapped with inspirations so have this 2,000 worddump
Alone in the Bamboo Grove
Updated here first at AO3
From Anon:
"peak lord reader, either a time traveller (lived through all of the events of pidw) or a transmigrator, nyan jiu as their pet (apparently normal for peak lords to just have pets), and transmigrator luo binghe"
You awaken in an alleyway after saving your friend Shen Jiu. You are back in the past but things are different. Your Shidi is just an innocent cat now. And you are not the only one who went back.
The reader is called Dúzhě (读者) which means “reader”
Duzhe will have the surname Mò (墨) in the beginning and later have the surname Shen
Duzhe is referred to as neutrally as possible
Warning; Violence and death in the beginning, mention of torture,
One foot in front of the other. A trail of blood follows you as your back and sides throb and bleed from your stab wounds and slashes. You continued to endure, you need to see Shen Jiu at least once. From what you heard, you probably will accompany Shen Jiu to the afterlife as you doubt you will survive your wounds and your old friend has been tortured ruthlessly. You reach a door that you know in your heart that Shen Jiu is behind it. You slowly open that door and see a limbless body hanging. You slowly approach your limbless.
“Shen-” You were about to call for Shen Jiu until you felt pain in your right leg and you fell.
“Ah, an interloper has entered the palace,” A chilling voice stated behind you, the Demon Emperor Luo Binghe no doubt. Luo Binghe stepped around you to stand in front of you. “This disciple greets Hallmaster Mo,“
“Luo… Binghe,” You mumbled.
“Hallmaster Mo, won’t you greet this disciple back?” Luo Binghe slammed his foot on your back and you coughed out blood. Your vision began to blur which made shaky unfurl your left hand. Two talismans made by a demon named Zhuzhi-lang will teleport you and Shen Jiu out of the palace and he will also cause a distraction for Luo Binghe as a favor for helping him free the previous demon emperor Tianlang-jun. As Luo Binghe was about to speak you shaky launched a talisman to Shen Jiu and quickly teleported the two of you out the Luo Binghe’s palace.
“Master Mo!” Zhuzhi-lang called as he watched you and Shen Jiu land on the bed.
“...I think it’s time to part ways Zhuzhi-lang, thank you.” You curled around Shen Jiu. Zhuzhi-lang looked at you for a moment then turned to look away.
“Goodbye, Master Mo. I will make sure to burn your and Master Shen's bodies as well as hide your and Master Shen’s ashes from Emperor Luo Binghe,” Zhuzhi-lang said and before he left the room, he poured poison into your and Shen Jiu’s mouth. It will make you drowsy and pass away once you close your eyes. You shakily lay a hand on Shen Jiu's cheek and brush his hair away from his face.
“Shixiong apologized for being late, Jiu-er. Shixiong… Shixiong…….” You did not get to finish your thoughts as you drifted off.
Luo Binghe was never able to find you and Shen Jiu or your ashes as Zhuzhi-lang and Tianlang-jun hid them under the blue shining soul-sucking tree[1]. The tree eats any souls but pure demon souls, not even Luo Binghe can get close to the tree because of being a half-demon as the tree would start sucking on his human half.
You open your eyes and stare at your lap. You look around, you are in an alley and a child again.
“Meow,” A cat with white fur and familiar green eyes stared at you as they placed a paw on your leg. You quietly sobbed as you hugged the cat.
“Hahaha, I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing,” You hysterically cried in the alley for a while.
You heard a crash and shouts. You slowly got up with Nyan Jiu and walked toward the probably trouble. From where you stood, you witnessed a young Yue Qi being thrown and his friend being taken. Ah, the moment when Shen Jiu was taken to the Qiu family, you thought. You petted Nyan Jiu in your arms. But Shen Jiu no longer exists here. You slowly walked up to Yue Qi.
“Gege,” You mumbled.
“A-Zhe,” Yue Qi looked at you with watery eyes. You held out Nyan Jiu to him and he took Shen Jiu in his arms and cried into Nyan Jiu’s fur.
“We should go,” You look to where Cang Qiong Mountain is. “If you want to grow stronger, you must learn how to,” You heard Yue Qi sniff then get up. He hands you back Nyan Jiu and holds your left hand.
“Let’s go,” Yue Qi stated. A different beginning compared to the past, a missing person who will never be here in the present, and an unknown future is ahead of you.
“You, what is this one’s name,” Qing Jing Peak Lord asked. You paused in your digging and looked up, the Peak Lord was standing and staring in front of you. You looked down at where Nyan Jiu resting.
“This one is… Shen Duzhe,” You answered.
“From now on, Shen Duzhe is a disciple of Qing Jing Peak,”
“A-Zhe, I became the head disciple of Qiong Ding Peak,” Yue Qi announced over tea time. You smiled and cheered. You had thought Yue Qi would rush like in your previous life to save Qiu Jianluo’s victim but since the kid was not Shen Jiu, and you were pretty sure the kid was the brat that picked fights with Shen Jiu often, Yue Qi is progressing steadily and smoothly.
And since becoming a Qing Jing disciple, you can help but think that you have taken Shen Jiu’s place which was irrational as you were also a Qing Jing disciple in your previous life.
“Meow,” Nyan Jiu jumped on the table.
“Ah!” Yue Qi yelped in surprise. Nyan Jiu’s head softly bumped against your hand leading to you petting Nyan Jiu. Yue Qi smiled as he watched you pet Nyan Jiu “I’m glad Shigu allowed you to keep him,”
“Hm,” You nodded “Shizun even acknowledged Nyan Jiu as a disciple,”
“A-Zhe” Yue Qi laughed.
As you watched Yue Qi gets his courtesy name announced and received his hair crown. You cannot help but feel a little melancholy, remembering your previous life during this time. Shen Jiu felt validated but also unhappy.
“The new Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak, Shen Qingqiu,” You elegantly walked up the stage and stood in front of your Shizun. You bowed to her then bowed to the other peak lords. You kneeled facing the crowd and stilted yourself as you Shizun undone your ponytail, combed your hair in a half-do, and attached a hair crown. You ended up dissociated through the whole ceremony and after the party.
“Meow,” Nyan Jiu rubbed his head against your leg after you slipped out from the party to stargaze. Nyan Jiu joined you on the rock you had chosen as your set. He curled in your lap as you silently cried your sorrows away.
“Shizun…” You voiced muffled by the table you were laying your head on. Your Shizun ascending was still upsetting a second time around. You felt Nyan Jiu curled around your head as you cried on your Shizun’s desk.
“Shen Jiu, a world without you is lonely,” You close your eyes as Nyan Jiu purrs making you drift off to sleep.
Yue Qi would later find you and carry you to your new bed in the bamboo house.
It is time to meet Luo Binghe. You stared subtly at the fluffy head of the future demon emperor.
“Shizun!” Ning Yingying called and waved as she walked up to you. “Yingying wants a Shidi or Shimei!” She stated. You hummed and turned to look at your junior brother next to you.
“Liu-shidi, which disciple is promising?” You asked. Even though you are Shen Qingqiu now, you are not Shen Jiu nor as jaded as he was. So your relationship with your martial arts siblings was heaps better compared to Shen Jiu’s. 
“That child with over there has a lot of potential, Shixiong,” Liu Qingge pointed to Luo Binghe. Of course, you thought. Look at Ning Yingying, tilt your head as a silent gesture to go to Luo Binghe. She smiled and nodded.
“Thank you, Sizhun!” She happily walked towards Luo Binghe and you followed her.
“Hello! I’m your Shijie, Ning Yingying. Qing Jing Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu has chosen you as their disciple,” Ning Yingying introduced herself and you to Luo Binghe. You immediately noticed that the slightly widened eye look was not one of innocent surprise but of unexpected change. You can see his dark eyes staring at you as he observes how different you are from Shen Jiu. You snapped your fan open to cover the bottom of your face.
“What is this one name?” You asked.
“This one is named Luo Binghe,” He replied after a moment. You closed your eyes and turned away from him.
“Ning Yingying, see to his accommodations and supplies,” You commended.
“Yes, Shizun,” Ning Yingying despite your multiple one-on-one etiquette lessons dragged Luo Binghe away.
Demon Emperor Luo Binghe opened his eyes to dirt and a shovel in his hands. He observed his small hands as he subconsciously started digging. He successfully went back in time. He can-
“Hello! I’m your Shijie, Ning Yingying. Qing Jing Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu has chosen you as their disciple,” The youthful voice of a young Ning Yingying greeted Luo Binghe. He looked at the young Ning Yingying but paused at the person next to her. Shen Qingqiu? he thought. However, the person next to Ning Yingying was what he remembered as a hallmaster who treated him neutrally. Luo Binghe does not know if he should be thankful or angry about that. Not his scummy Shen Qingqiu snapped open their fan, how familiar, and asked for his name.
“This one is named Luo Binghe,” Luo Binghe replied.
“Ning Yingying, see to his accommodations and supplies,” Shen Qingqiu commended after turning away from him. A slight fury rolled in his stomach but Ning Yingying dragged him away from Shen Qingqiu and his thoughts.
This timeline is so much different from Luo Binghe’s previous life.  Qing Jing Peak was a lot more friendly to Luo Binghe, he had his room with only one roommate, he was not bullied, and while Ming Fan was not head disciple, he was the one to run the male dormitory, he did not bully Luo Binghe. Ming Fan was far too busy for Luo Binghe to see him for most of the day.
The person who is called Shen Qingqiu was different from his Shen Qingqiu. The Shen Qingqiu here while cold was not as ruthless as his Shen Qingqiu. They did not pour tea on him like his scummy Sizhun. Their go-to harsh punishment was free labor for the village at the bottom of the mountain. Luo Binghe also noticed how kind this Shen Qingqiu was. He saw Shen Qingqiu in the kitchen one night cooking a large serving of egg soup, mumbling to themself about how his disciple needed to grow up strong and well.
Luo Binghe has mixed feelings. His scum of a Shizun is no longer here to pay for all the pain he inflicted on Luo Binghe but he now has a nice Shizun like that other Luo Binghe had. The Shen Qingqiu here may not be dotting but they cared. When Shen Qingqiu stumbled upon Luo Binghe out at night contemplating, they just signed and scolded him.
There was Shen Qingqiu’s cat who had his scum of  Shizun’s green eyes. Luo Binghe heard Shen Qingqiu call it Nyan Jiu and that cat hissed at him whenever saw him. He cannot do anything as the last person who maliciously messed with Shen Qingqiu’s cat, the merchant had misfortune after misfortune cast upon him.
As the Immortal Alliance Conference neared, you decided to confront Luo Binghe. You heard a knock on your door and you could feel the Qi was Luo Binghe’s.
“Come in,” You said. Luo Binghe slid open your door and closed it behind him after entering the room. A talisman slid out from your sleeve, flew past Luo Binghe without his knowledge, and attached itself to your front door.
“This Disciple Luo greets his Sizhun,” Luo Binghe bowed. You nodded in acknowledgment. He began preparing tea for your discussion.
“This master has entered Luo Binghe in the Immortal Alliance Conference, this master expects that their disciple won’t disappoint this master,” You started right after Luo Binghe poured you tea.
“Yes, Shizun,” Luo Binghe replied. You started at Luo Binghe for a moment, taking in the Luo Binghe who is your disciple as your next words would no doubt change him.
“So, how long has Junshang been here?” You asked.
“Shizun?” Luo Binghe question.
“Please, I was the second choice as Qing Jing's head disciple in the previous timeline, and now was Qing Jing’s head disciple, then became Qing Jing’s Peak Lord. You're not fooling me, Luo Binghe,” After your last words you moved as Luo Binghe launched at you. With a hand gesture, immortal binding cables sprung out from under your desk and tied up Luo Binghe.
“I should have expected that Shen Qingqiu would always be a scum,” Luo Binghe said. You silently stared at Luo Binghe as he struggled.
“And one who cannot love themself cannot love others,” You stated.
“...What?” Luo Binghe questioned as it was out of nowhere.
“The Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe who continued the cycle of abuse, out of blinding hatred of the world and self,” You sat on Luo Binghe, pulled out a vial, you forced him to drink it. It caused Luo Binghe to go to sleep and witness Shen Jiu’s past. Once more, you have helped Zhuzhi-lang and Tianlang-jun and in return will help you in your quest. Now you wait for Luo Binghe to wake up.
You carried Luo Binghe to your side room and laid him on the bed. Yo tucked him in and gently brushed his hair away from his face. Depending on how he reacted, information will be given to you via snake from another dream demon, you will either act as if you found Luo Binghe passed out from stress or you will try once more to wash away his heart demons.
“Can you let go Luo Binghe? Or will still walk of heart?” You mumbled to yourself.
“Meow,” Nyan Jiu jumped on the bed and went on your lap. You gently pet him as always.
“If you could talk you would call me a fool, Shidi,”
[1] Imagine a willow tree with black bark and blue glowing leaves.
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nmzuka · 1 year
So like, what is Arms about anyway?
I know it's a game, and I think I always assumed it was like Smash Bros or something, but it sounds like there's a storyline? Lore? Plot??
Also please talk about the two characters you always draw. I wanna know about them individually+as a couple (even if it's not a canon thing, I still wanna hear about why you ship em, what their dynamics are, what makes the relationship interesting etc)
Oh boy this is gonna be a long reply lol but appreciate the ask! Im gonna put this under a read more cause it got really long even tho I feel like there is a lot more I could say ^^;;
So yeah ARMS is a fighting game but I would kinda compare it more to Punch Out! then Smash? your pov is behind the character and you’re more or less boxing but the gimmick is that the characters have extendable arms so it’s not like as close quarters as boxing haha You’d think with how invested I seem to be in it that there would be some deep and engaging plot but there isn’t really? There is a “story mode” where you just play thru the Grand Prix to win the ARMS League Championship You do get snippets of character lore from this in the form of dialogue from the announcer Biff (who like… might be a god or something from one of the Fighters cultures??) but it’s all just kinda random fun facts  As for like game universe lore it’s all very vague The ARMS gene has been around for a looong time (where it came from we don’t know) but it causes people’s arms to become spring like This usually manifests in teen years (tho it can happen at any time), usually the person wakes up with their arms changed, and it’s typically something the person was around a lot that their ARMS takes on the material of (sometimes it affects people’s hair as well) ARMS can be hard to control and will randomly uncoil at times and that’s why people wear the masks as control of the ARMS are connected to the eyes (people with ARMS also have spiral irises)  There’s very few like concrete things… there was suppose to be a comic that would expand on the lore and explain things (like the fact that Spring Man is technically the 3rd “Spring Man” as its a title passed on) but sadly they quietly canceled the comic after making us wait like for years with no update about it :////
I could go into more details about things but that’s like the broad strokes of the world at least
I do think the vagueness of it and the bare bones of the Fighters tho is kinda why it still has some very dedicated fans? Everyone is more or less able to take it and make it their own by filling in the blanks of the characters and the lore so we’ve all just kind of made it our own (why I’ve thought many times to just take the characters and make them ocs because at this point they really feel like it haha)
As for the two I’m always drawings…Ribbon Girl is a famous pop idol singer and Kid Cobra is a streamer/video maker and snakeboarder (an in universe sport like skateboarding) he’s also one of the rare people born with ARMS and he keeps his identity secret They are only canon in my heart as I just think they are perfect together haha they fill my love of the “bad boy/good girl” troupe (shipping them at all started out as a joke but damn if it didn’t progress quickly) This will start going more into my own hcs for the characters but I think how well they fit together. They’re very opposite but also similar and bring out better parts of each other Ribbon is very much a people pleaser and has been fairly sheltered, unable to do much of her own things because of breaking into the idol role at a young age (and also a bit because of her mother directly…) KC is very much the opposite haha he does what he wants But they’re both living under a public persona and part of the dynamic I enjoy is them breaking thru each other’s persona in a way I don’t see them able to with anyone else KC helping Ribbon learn to do things for herself, that she doesn’t need to be what others want her to be and should be living her life how she wants Ribbon helping KC open up, to know he doesn’t have to hide who he is from others They’d help each other become better versions of themselves and I just love that for them hhhh Their relationship would be a tender and hesitant one (their personas again get in the way) Ribbon as an idol isn’t supposed to date and KC worries his reputation (as a streetsmart skater punk) will be bad for her reputation. Ribbon worries about the attention she’ll bring to KC (he obviously wants a certain amount of attention but also tries to be very secret) Just a lot of uncertainty from both of them about trying to date but damn the feelings are there and can’t be ignored! They’ll figure that shit out as they go and if it all falls apart in the end well at least the highs were good while it lasted (not that it does they’re gonna be together forever!)
I also enjoy thinking of the dynamic of them being playful and silly together hhgghg KC loves to joke around and shit which does make Ribbon laugh a lot but also makes her be like “omg why are you like this??” Aaaa this reply is truly a ramble and so long even tho I feel like I’ve hardly gotten into any details. I’m not great at explaining things with words that’s why I try to draw Ribbon and KC as much as possible to show people what I see in their relationship I think they are perfect and really just can’t picture them with anyone else hhhh
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duskforged · 8 months
State of the Author: January 2024
Normally, I wouldn't do a thing like this. However, because I have not actually updated y'all on my WIPs in a while, I thought I might as well!
We'll start with the thing most of you followed me for: long-form fiction. And I call it that since all of these will be over 15k words (hopefully). There are three novels I'm currently focusing on.
Lodestar is currently stuck in a worldbuilding spiral, since it's a near-future humanity in space. While I do love sci-fi, science and math are not especially my forte. I hope to start drafting by the end of the summer, around September.
Vespertine has started on the first draft, though I'm also outlining still - something of a combined process. I am excited to share more of it with you, though it may be tough since most of it still lives in my head. Such is the woe of the artist.
Unto Summer Kings is in the first draft and currently hovering around 15k words! So far it's the longest I've gotten on a novel, and if I stay on track I could start my second draft by May, and begin beta reading by August.
I hesitate a little to touch on this one, just because. However, for the pure self indulgence I will. I have three major fanfics currently posted on my AO3, all of them multichaptered.
The Hanged Man is a Naruto SI!OC as Hatake Sakumo, immediately before his death. I currently have 8 chapters out and the main beats of the fic are fully outlined as of this month, which marks a major turning point in the fic's planning.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming is another self insert, this time into the events of Baldur's Gate 3. Vespere, the main character, whose name is subject to change, has been plucked from August 2023 and has not played the game since early access March 2023. Therefore they know less than you might expect.
Finally I have my Supernatural series, For Want of a Broken Nail (Broken Nail Verse). And I know what you're going to say, it's super meta to have a self insert in that fandom, you're writing SPN fanfic in 2024 what is wrong with you, etc etc. But the concept seized me full on by the balls and I already have the first 5 seasons outlined. Sorry, not sorry? No one is obligated to read it anyhow.
I also have a billion ideas on the backburner, ranging from fandoms like Game of Thrones and the MCU (for some reason) to Avatar: the Last Airbender and Star Wars. I'll post 'em when I post 'em!
Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing is a comic of humanity's first lycanthrope, taking place in ancient Mesopotamia, in what is modern day Iran. The main character, Lahar, is gender neutral/ambiguous. So far, I'm stuck in outlining and drafting but hopefully soonTM.
Witchboy (title wip) is a story I'm working on with my partner @fallenorpheus based on various YA novels we read growing up. So far we aren't super set on the story, but it's definitely about a boy who is (accidentally) a witch, his best friend, his adoring father, and his estranged mother.
Dame-Errant (title wip) is a story that, instead of in comic form, is a story that is illustration snapshots, accompanied by short story prose. It is about a butch knight, Dame Johana Talon, who is tasked by Queen Atossa to find her missing son, Prince Khosrow. Typical 'prince(ss) in the tower shenanigans' but then, politics. And boy does Jo hate politics.
I have other webcomic ideas (mtf vs bbeg accidentally breaking a prophecy, team of bipoc/minority characters getting thrown into a fantasy world for an adventure, etc) so feel free to ask.
I hesitate to touch on this, really, since it's not something that just anyone needs to know, but I've been struggling to find a good name for myself. Hesperos is a good name, but doesn't necessarily feel like 'me' these days. I do enjoy the h/e sounds... I've considered Ezra, but that's just the name of an OC and I'd rather not get quite that meta.
Ah well, sure it'll sort itself out eventually.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I know that's quite a lot for this one post to cover, but you stuck til the very end. Not sure when I'll start posting again in earnest but I hope sooner rather than later!
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idontbeatgames · 1 year
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I've been wanting to discuss this in a video for a long time now but starting 2024, I think DC Studios should consider bringing back the DC Fandome and it should become a yearly tradition going forward.
By all accounts, DC Fandome was a resounding success in the past. It lived up to the exact expectations it set: being a hype event for DC fans where DC got to announce projects, both big and small, while also giving us updates on things currently in the works. And while I understand that right now Warner Bros isn't in the best financial position in the world, I do think this is something that needs to be done. 
There's always going to be New York Comic Con and there's always going to be Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con, though Hall H is typically associated with Marvel and their grand reveals. However, DC unintentionally made a statement with DC Fandome and that was "we can announce a ton of things, give a ton of stills, behind the scenes footage and full-on trailers without having to hide it away from our fans at home" and that resonated so damn much with DC fanbase, post-DC Fandome. 
I think having a yearly event where James Gunn along with other directors working on DCU projects and actors involved with the DCU come on screen to talk to us, the fans, about what's going on with their projects, giving us new stills of people in their costumes, new pieces of concept art and teaser/regular trailers could go along way to reestablishing what DC Entertainment is all about on the big screen. For a very long time now, we've gotten that with Marvel and its cinematic universe. We've gotten to see actors come on stage and talk to fans after Kevin Fiege himself announces some projects, and it's always worked and done enough to keep people invested into the MCU all these years later. If DC Studios continued pushing the DC Fandome as a yearly event while also continuing to make it creative enough so it continue to stands out and keeps things refresh in the long run, that'd be such a win for the DC Cinematic Universe and its hopefully growing fanbase as the years go by, assuming Superman: Legacy sets a high bar.
The biggest thing that would come from this, though, is it can help rebrand the image of and morale surrounding the DC Cinematic Universe. Right now, people simply aren't happy with the state of DC projects. They're not happy with the lack of communication from DC Studios, since you know, they're kind of just sending out 4 projects to die this year with very little fan fare. Though, they did bank on The Flash and that went incredibly poorly for them. However, the point I'm trying to say is that DC Studios allowing the DC Fandome to become this new form of communication for DC Studios to speak to the fans as we start our journey into this new era of DC films rather than everyone having to rely on James Gunn continuously responding to questions on Twitter, Mastodon, or whatever social media platform he's using these days is the best way to go about rebranding the image surrounding DC. DC Fandome becoming the home to all of the biggest and smallest announcements while DC Studios also acknowledges they hear the fans, know what the fans want and are here to deliver on the things people thought they'd never do while surrounding it with smaller fun tier stuff like mobile games, new comic stories getting published or pieces of merchandise like cool figures getting announced would continue to build upon the new image of the DCU. It's an absolute win for everyone involved, at least, in my opinion.
If you've gotten this far and read this post, feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree. I'm curious to see how folks feel about wanting DC Studios to bring back DC Fandome.
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
1, 11, and 16?
1. Character that everyone gets wrong
-Going to go with Matt Murdock and the Moon Knight system again for this question
11. Number of fandom-related words you've filtered
- About 106 words; I have a lot of shit filtered out
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc).
-We're doing a speed round for this one, get ready. I don't understand why so many like the idea of:
Matt being catholic when before the m/cu influence he wasn't; Foggy being the goody good lawyer who is the pure sweetheart of the duo despite him having conflicting feelings about the law system and being an asshole in canon; Dmc Dante and Vergil having the last name Sparda (the name of their father) when they canonically do not have last names except for Dante with his alias Tony Redgrave; The idea of Team Red as a concept (horrible case of everything needs to be found family/every single hero needs to besties) when Matt fucking hates Wade and cannot stand Peter sometimes; Those fake moon knight panels and people trying to pass them off as real (bc yeah, marvel comics would def publish shit with uncensored cursewords like fuck); a majority of any fanon thing the Daniel apparition fandom enjoys (big reasons why I left); dc fans still unironically enjoying h*l j*rdan to this day; dmc fans still keeping up the "Dante doesn't know what sex is" joke and not doing the ace hc like a regular person (and also to extension never letting go of the same fucking unfunny jokes); the existence of batfam fanon as a whole– there's too much to cover. Might update later bc there's a lot I'm missing.
(Ask game here)
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I think I need to do one of these but uhh, hey I’m Thorn, you can also call me Thorny! I’m a bit of a fandom elder in warriors I guess? Not in the sense that I’m old, but that I’ve been within the fandom since I was a wee whelp though comparatively I’d say I’m slightly older than the average fan.
I’m a young adult (saying this for clarities sake, I do not want anyone to be uncomfortable near me), and I try to be as clean as possible on my account, but I’d say rating wise, everything here is pg13 and if it notes of anything outside of that, it’ll be tagged of course to avoid those uncomfortable with said topics stumbling onto them! If I mistag something or forget a tag, please let me know, I’ll try to correct the error immediately! That being said, content on this blog will dip into darker topics, but mainly topics I’ve already seen in media targeted for all ages or younger ages. I will also cuss a fuck ton, nothing explicit of course, but I have a vocabulary that would likely make a sailor blush, so know that I’m trying to be inclusive and safe for younger fans whilst still keeping my own edge.
Some other bits about me, I’m afro-brazilian (live in the states), trans male and gay as all fuck! Hawkfrost (of course) is my favorite warriors character, my favorite arc is TPB, my favorite clan is WindClan and I write on the side of art. My favorite color is pink! Some other media I enjoy is RotTMNT, Gorillaz (2D kinnie-), The Portal Series, Watership down, Horror media, fnaf (guilty pleasure it’s brain numbing), The Hades games, Zelda games, anything based in studying animal, plant and human life, comics, monster hunter, Pokémon, anything mythology, yakuza like a dragon annnnnd honestly the list is far too long to fully count, I like a lot of weird stuff.
I don’t have any currently active blogs outside of this, b u t if you’re interested, you can check out my old au blog, @fireclawisexhausted for an old au idea that I might continue some day but likely not soon.
Some unique tags on this blog and what they mean are;
#thorn’s carvings = art/general art
#thorn’s wc designs = my designs for canon characters
#Embers of Revolution rewrite = rewrite tag
#kitty studies = random non au related character studies about warriors characters
#thorn loses his fucking mind = me being mad at Warrior cats
#EoRR char profiles/notes = information on a character in the rewrite, pages will be updated as the story is written
#EoRR Clan Lore = lore for the rewrite regarding the clans, optional read but recommended to do so AFTER reading in a few chapters, though I know people love lore so it’ll likely have no affect if you read it ahead of time
#EoRR Other Lore = lore outside of the clans
#EoRR updates = updates involving new chapters being uploaded, breaks, polls and feedback, warnings, etc
#EoRR artworks = art related to the au in events, though also applies to alternate designs for a character in the au
#other EoRR info = things that aren’t really lore but connect to EoRR
For some added context, EoRR is my currently planned rewrite of the series (mainly TNP and everything after, but I’ll be revising some of the first series too), focusing on better character development and implementation of better narrative focus, character consistency, improved and revised arcs, better representation of characters that closely parallel irl groups of people based on writing, added lore and cultural dynamics and improved relationships. I’ll be making an AO3 account for “books” in the rewrite and post updates on here whilst also ofc posting other stuff about it onto the blog!
Dni; basic things that I expect to be common sense, ofc no nsfw or explicit content blogs (not personal just uncomfortable with that based on the content I’m posting on here), anyone who claims and consistently surrounds themselves with proship and anti stuff because I do not want to be involved in those conversations.
Not really dni but something to be careful with around me, please avoid talk of homestuck I have some admittedly strange issues regarding it and how it’s connected to some bad experiences I’ve had. Ofc I won’t be mad at anyone who does, even if it’s not inherently a mistake, but it just makes me really uncomfortable.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Part one of the blooper reel
Sorry for the bad quality filming, I don't have the ability to screenrecord.
RC: How do you run in these things? KB: Shut up & pull RC/NF: You say pull your shoes say pole SK (KB): What? NF (RC): Ahn? Ahn?? :D
NF: *sneezes like a kitten & flails his hands a bit* uwu NF mouthing/whispering: We'll cut that out *makes snipping motions with his hands*
SK: *dancing with an evil smile*
RC: Mother, get down! MR/SS: *looks around a bit before dropping down behind the desk* D: *Cut to them both laughing af*
KR: Found something you'd want to see SD (KR): *laugh/scoff* You have a line! *points one finger while walking backwards to where he is when he starts the scene*
[In the morgue] KB: Let's go update captain Montgomery. RC, spotting his daughter in the other room: Can you give me a minute? KB/SK: No-- SK (KB): wait-- SK (KB): Captain Montgomery is dead *someone says "ouh" & NF bursts out laughing, even the dead guy cracks a smile* ((I sort of wish that they keep small mistakes in, it would make it more real. Maybe if someone slurs or stutters their line a bit but not horribly idk I'm not a director or editor))
*Sophia Turner passes Castle a card or smth* *NF/RC drops it & needs to bend down to pick it up* JB (ST) loud-whispers: Loser
NF (RC): *come here gesture* NF mouths: come here Camera: *turns to him a bit* NF: *over here* NF mouths: come right here Cam: *zooms in* NF mouths: come on NF: *nods while still saying "come here" with his fingers* Cam: *continues to focus on him* NF: *makes the "ok" symbol with his hands & gives a little kiss*
Turner/Oliver/Connor/Tucker/Tanner (I can't hear his name): You guys are De-TEC-tives huh? *leans up on his toes during the "tec" of detective* JE: *Looks at Beckett in expressionless confusion* Uniformed Officer: Hahah I'm still in a squad car *a single "hm" laugh* JE: *looks back to uni* UO: I uh, almost made detective once but had a little *puts hand by his mouth* pRobLEm WiTh thE wEEd *ha* so anyway. Guys sent me down. I'm Oliver, I'm new. ((DANG I WISH THEY HAD KEPT THIS IN I LOVE HIM SO MUCH)) ((also this was before weed was even legal in california, before it was legal in canada))
KB, breaking down the phone sex door: NYPD!!! *part of the door frame falls on her*
SD: ... Did one of you fart?
KB/SK: He had a slight hitch in his walk. I think he had a physical therap-- JE/JH: *cocks head a bit* KB/SK: I think he had a phylic-- NF/RC: *recoils minutely* SK/KB: physical disability NF/RC: someone does
KR: Nao but we got unis canvassing... *bug flies around* KR con't: every eyewitness & street level... *bug flies closer* KR, a bit strained: security guard *bug flies wildly & then NF/RC comes behind him waving away the fly* KR con't: Just after... SD, unable to contain his smile: Let's do that again *runs backwards in a cute dancey canter* SD, to NF: You saved me
KB: But it-.. did get everywhere-- TJ (LP) I think: *fails at holding back a laugh* SK (KB): How does that damn line go? *laughs*
LP: If there's even some, it's probably-- TJ (LP), suddenly: What is it!? *makes wide eyes off to the side* Bitch... XP
PJJ/VG: some of my detectives keep me informed as to thei a whu cho'pa habakta
NF/RC: Odette paid for Barbara's f- sur ger y a.nd im ur mamnga ma mh
TJ (Betsy Sinclair/LP): Yes; & I don't appreciate you lugs mopping him with the floor the other night. ((Dang she's hot)) NF: Ooh/ew Director, OS & therefore echoey & muted: Say that line again TJ/BS/LP: I don't approve-- NF, overlapping: Mopping the floor with him TJ: *surprised pikachu* TJ: ??? What did I say? ((I feel her, I feel her))
NF/RC: He also admitted to making a low net vengeance em ne nem me 'h hm
RC: You change the letters around, you get ___ KB: Stan Lee. *writes Stan' then pauses & writes Lee* Comic book genius. StanA Katic (KB), leaning against the whiteboard: I found myself writing "Stana Lee" XD
Director: Can you do a little double take on that? SK: That- it's- it's a sexual thing? Director: Well,, Yeah. SK: Oh Everyone: XD
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.27
War...Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXIV]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
Fun fact, I showed this to my grandma the other, and kid you not, she ended up finding way more figures than what's seen here, from a dog to a bird, passing by a bunch of faces. It was awesome, truly a unique experience for sure
1.-Dadaist Lezor
Remember lizard kid from the comic ver? Yeah this is him in adulthood, shit's really hit the fan on his behalf
So, for context: He's a member of the dada movement, which, for the uninformed, was an "anti-art" movement from around the 1900 (i think?) whose objective was to protest against the academy's concept of what art could and could not be -basically mockery towards the concept of 'good' esthetics back then art-wise. I heard my art history teacher talk about it, and even though it came off as somewhat uneasy, with the time I caught some interest on the concept behind it, and well...here it is
My purpose on the making of his design was to do something senseless, patternless and basically totally against anything that could be considered 'fashionable', hence why he got so much stuff onto him and most of which doesn't match up with each other.
Heck, even his hair is a mess
Just look at it
it makes no mfing sense
Had a lot of fun doing him and am proud of the result tho, wish my scanner wasn't so trash so you could see the design better than what's displayed here
Not an easy boy to sprite out though, specially with that tail covered with a shit ton of stuff-
2.- Dadaist Brick
Oh shoot, satyr kid got onto the stuff too
Wanted to try again, couldn't do it as blowed as the first one though
I still think it looks sick
3.-Lezor icon
He mad
4.-Brick icon
Also mad
5.-Small Lezor
why you yelling-
6.-Calm Steinkion
Woo, look at that, it's the science shroom guy from SD III
Callbacks ftw
7.-The bird duo
oh no
i forgot their names help-
8.-Feral Snakeye
9.-BF but something's not alright
Smells like something's rotting
...won't make assumptions wooo-
10.-Cute Puppil
I know he's an abomination in a way
But he's a cute abomination still, isn't he?
Tried to do Q-zin and Brit's proposal rings, but didn't get through with it :(
Graffiti test
14.-Eye earring
Momzst jewelry be like
15.- ZomBoyFlower
Concept crossover woo
He looks nasty though-
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uniformbravo · 3 years
absolute worst thing abt webtoon/tapas is the inability to click on a creator's name & see their other work like???? what the fuck????
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ninjago-bingo · 3 years
final month recap
wow, everyone.  we’re here.  we’ve made it.  we’re reached the end of our bingo time, and i’m absolutely floored by the sheer creative output that i’ve seen over these last four months.  everyone, take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back!!!  no matter if you made 1 piece or 10, there’s now a work of art out there in the world that wasn’t there before.  and truly, that’s super heccing rad no matter how you look at it.
so let’s celebrate!  for this recap, we have a total of 20 new pieces, bringing the total amount of ninbingo pieces up to 50.  in the span of four months, this little event has created 50 individual works (five of them in the last day!)  holy cow ya’ll.
i’m putting out this recap now, but don’t worry, it’s not the end yet!  any submissions made to the end of the 30th still count and this post will be updated accordingly :D
all the things i’ve never done by @sa-you-na-ra. tumblr || prompts: competition and teasing
It’s always a funny thing when the ninja realize new things about each other. Even though living with each other meant they had to see each other all day, there were still small habits or actions that amused the others.
(mod comments: all these little interactions made me smile so much :D looking forward to the rest!)
error 404: answer not found by @m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: memories
Akita and Zane talk after the battle in ‘Awakenings’. The conversation… doesn’t go as either of them expect.
(mod comments: the nuances in this fic are fantastic!  also Akita is always a win :D)
Five times kai was a good brother by @/master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: nightmare and brother
I'm writing kai centric stuff again.
(mod comments: kai IS the big bro of the team!!! i support him all the way!!)
How Garmadon became a chauffeur by @master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompt: driving
"um...Kai? Don't you think we should go Slower?" Garmadon asked nervously trying not to panick as they raced down the road at what had to be over the speed limit.
(mod comments: who let Kai drive?  no but honestly this is canon alskdfj)
little things by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: hugs and crying.
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things." -Kurt Vonnegut
Lloyd’s tired of being left behind. How is he meant to be the green ninja when he always has to work harder, train better, and wait longer to go on missions with his team? He wants nothing more than to be their equal.
At least, that’s what he thought he wanted.
(mod comments: a post-ep-18 resolution scene?  SIGN ME UP!)
Neither Snow Nor Rain by @fangirltakesall. tumblr || ffn.net || prompt: post-fight
After their return from the Never Realm and all its troubles, Zane is quiet and Nya is incredibly worried. A call to action to a peculiar sort of battle might be enough to change both of those things.
(mod comments: the concept of these two on their own mission together is just so good! excited to see how their dynamic plays out!!)
Never Put Off Until Tomorrow by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: video games and chores
…what can be done today, yada, yada, yada, we all know the saying. So do the ninja- when Master Wu is drilling it into their heads every minute of every day, it’s kind of hard to forget.
Naturally, it only takes them a week (and the biggest new video game in Ninjago) to do so.
(mod comments: this is so in character that it’s frustrating lol.  also Pixal ftw!!)
oh take me back to the start by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: comfort and 3 am
The past should be left in the past. Or, at least, that’s what Jay keeps telling himself. Nadakhan is gone. It’s not logical to still be afraid. But he is, and now everything that he left behind suddenly feels like it’s never going to be the same again.
Cole isn’t so convinced.
(mod comments: Cole is truly the man we all deserve in our lives.)
On Our Own by @redefine-your-identity. tumblr || prompt: home
It’s been a few weeks since Kai and Nya’s parents disappeared without a trace. Needless to say, they’re struggling.
(mod comments: OU C H no poor babies 😭 the relationship dynamic here is great!)
orange and gold by @/m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: cooking
...I just need more Cole and Vania content, they seem like they'd be great friends.
Basically it's just 'Cole goes to visit her there, they almost burn down the kitchen, and make way too many puns', lol.
(mod comments: I also always need more Vania content!! the puns in this were breadful!)
permafrost by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: loss of control and promise
It’s not like this is the first time this has happened. It’s not like none of his teammates have ever suffered this kind of guilt and pain. It’s not like Zane himself hasn’t walked through hell before and come out the other side (mostly) in once piece.
Except, this time, it is. It shouldn’t be different, but it is.
(mod comments: super sweet moment between two ninja who deserve more interaction like seriously!!)
Precautionary Tale by @/fangirltakesall. tumblr || ffn.net || prompt: protective
Fighting is different now, and Zane doesn't know why. Yes, he is titanium now, but why should that change anything? It seems to be changing everything, although is all really as it seems?
(mod comments: a great start to a zane-centric fic!  interested to see where it goes next :D)
Star-Ninja! by @rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: siblings and competition 
What happens when the loveable gremlin the ninja adopted off of the streets introduces them to Starfarer comics?
Chaos ensues, of course.
stuck with you (through bright and blue) by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompt: protective
Kai only wants two things: to protect Lloyd, and to give him the best birthday ever. Unfortunately, Lloyd seems hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible. Kai’s always prided himself on achieving the impossible, but dealing with human emotions is much more complicated than beating up Garmadon’s generals or shooting enemies with fire, as he quickly learns. Movie!verse
(mod comments: happy birthday lloyd!! look at him getting the love he deserves uwu)
Take a walk in the rain. by @/master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompt: rain
Cole had always loved the rain, the way it smelled, the way it felt on his skin, and especially the mud! Whenever it rained his Mother would put on his rain coat and boots And they'd both go out and splash around in the puddles and make mud cakes and do all sorts of things.
(mod comments: this fic made me smile a lot :D loved the way it was arranged!) 
the hues of an empty sky by @/m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: crying
Missing memories, or having two of them for one moment - not quite the same, but if there’s one thing Jay’s leant over the last few weeks, it’s that literally nothing makes sense anymore.
Or, some Skybound aftermath, Zane actually expressing emotions about his memory switch being turned off for all those years, and what was supposed to be a ‘they tell everyone about the erased timeline’ fic, but it turned into a 'two characters who barely interact on screen talk at like one am in the morning, and don’t actually tell the other what exactly they’re alluding to the whole time’ fic that I wrote at like one am-
(mod comments: Skybound resolution? SIGN ME THE HECK UP YES)
The Make-Cole-Realize-How-Much-We-Love-Him Competition by @21st-century-ninja. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: bets and competition
Jay and Kai share a horrified look.  “He really doesn’t get it,” Jay says.
Kai shakes his head.  “We need to show him somehow.”
“Show me what?” Cole asks, exasperated again.  
“How much we love you!” Kai exclaims.  “Somehow, it’s not getting through your thick skull that we want to sit next to you because you’re you, so I’m gonna have to just prove it to you.”
(mod comments: a silly little movie fic!)
twitter was a mistake by @/21st-century-ninja. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: teasing and birthday
Kai 🔥 @flaminhotninja ☑
so who was gonna tell me that Jay used to be a game show host huh
🌺✨ the Gift of Jay ✨🌺 @zaptrap ☑
Replying to @flaminhotninja
(mod comments: twitter was a mistake)
two halves of a broken whole by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: scars and post-fight
The Sons of Garmadon have been defeated. Garmadon is in prison. The city has been saved.
In the aftermath of the battle, Nya is more than ready to take a much-needed break. But the life of a ninja is messy. Recovery is never that simple. Although the wounds may have healed, the scars still remain.
Zane’s scars seem to match up, though. And maybe together, they can begin to heal.
(mod comments: aggressive care is my jam, and this is it!)
wait by @rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: home and memories
Lloyd’s not so great at being patient. It’s not his fault though- maybe he would be better at it if waiting didn’t always end up being so disappointing- if people actually kept their promises. But this time’s going to be different, he knows it. His father will come back for him. And Lloyd’s going to wait.
As long as it takes.
(mod comments: baby.  baby boy.  baby.  protecc him plz.)
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parvuls · 4 years
@missellewoods wrote this post, and i wanted to respond to it, but i also didn’t want to add a thesis-length response to their post. the post was about the complexity of the parse iii scene, and i highly encourage looking at it before reading this, because it’s a direct response. 
i wasn’t sure i was gonna do it, but i’m fascinated with jack’s pov, so.
(transcripts from parse i-iii, plus visual cues from lva@pvd i)
[jack turns around, obviously unhappy/startled] "kent." "hey, zimms. didja miss me?" [smirks]
so parse shows up at the haus for the second time, after jack’s seen him last in either freshman or sophomore year. jack is not happy to see him. this is probably the part the remains the most ambiguous to us as an audience, because it leads up to parse iii: shitty’s story about parse’s first appearance is supposed to make us think that jack is jealous, and that he’s holding a grudge because parse is living his dream while he’s at samwell. however, this story isn’t included to give us more information about jack’s psych -- it is, after all, what we expect from jack after his year 1 arc -- it’s there so the impact of parse iii is more significant. it’s the first time we’re given reason to doubt jack’s heterosexuality and are given an actual glimpse to jack’s past since ‘the hockey prince’.
so is shitty’s story true? obviously ngozi is playing with the narrative here: smh all claim parse is a modest, super nice bro, but then we hear how he talks to jack in parse iii. meaning, ngozi is telling us: believe no one. you can’t actually know what he’s like, or what jack and he are like.
so our scene begins with jack, 1) either upset because his former friend shows up and triggers his intense jealousy, or 2) is upset because his former flame shows up and triggers unresolved feelings. honestly, in my opinion, jack himself isn’t sure which one it is. which is a great set up for the unfolding of the next scene.
[jack and parse are talking about jack’s nhl plans]
"...you have no clue?" "i mean... it could be montreal, it could be l.a. okay? i don't know." "...what about las vegas?" "i... i don't know, okay?" "..." [parse probably moves closer/tries to kiss him] "pars---" "..." "..." [whispered] "--kenny... i can't do this." "...jack. come on."
their conversation starts out relatively neutrally. we’re given enough clues from this update and the future of omgcp to deduce that parse isn’t over what he and jack had. this is also the very reason they don’t work and why this conversation takes a sharp turn downwards from here: parse equates his feelings and whatever sexual/romantic connection they had to the chemistry they had on the ice. to him, jack leaving him and going to play for some obscure college is just as upsetting as their ‘thing’ ending. parse spends most of this scene trying to convince jack to come play with him in lv -- the only reason we even know it’s in some way romantic is because of his reaction to the Cup Kiss in year 3. otherwise, he makes it sound like he misses jack as a liney and best friend, maybe as a sexual partner.
but the catch is, jack was in a really bad place when they were playing together, and he doesn’t want that back. does parse know how bad things were? does parse know about jack’s anxiety? how well does parse know jack, really? this is all kept intentionally hidden from us. you could say that they were best friends, so it’s reasonable that parse knew all of this (thus painting his character in a much worse light), or you could say shitty is jack’s best friend and he still didn’t know major things about him. ngozi doesn’t want us to be able to tell how aware or not aware parse is.
so in the beginning of this scene, we’re on the edge of an inevitable cliff. parse wants jack back, as a friend/flame and as a teammate, and jack’s obviously torn. he doesn’t push parse away immediately, but he also doesn’t consent. my opinion is that jack is torn between his old dream (all his 18-year-old self wanted was to play in the nhl with parse, and win win win), and knowing this isn’t what he wants. but does not wanting that necessarily means he doesn’t want parse himself? jack’s obviously not sure, because he lets parse corner him/kiss him before he decides it isn’t right. 
if anyone here has ever met an old flame, especially someone who was bad for you but you cared for for a long time, you’ll know how easy it is to fall into patterns. for a moment the idea of having that all again is so enticing. but then the illusion shatters, and...
"no, i-- ...uh." [and then much louder] "kenny--" "--zimms, just fucking stop thinking for once and listen to me. i'll tell the gms you're on board and they can free up cap space. then you can be done with this shitty team. you and me --" "get out."
here is the most important part of this scene in my opinion. kent doesn’t know jack anymore. anyone on the face of the planet could tell you that jack is a hardass, that he’s tough on his teammates, that his dream is the nhl. but jack loves his team. he didn’t necessarily always know how to be their friend, but he certainly doesn’t think of them as a ‘shitty team’ he’s stuck with.
and parse makes the mistake of shattering the illusion he’s built (with the clever use of the wording ‘shitty’, which probably reminds jack of the friends he has now). jack wakes up from the dream he had when he was 18 and comes back to reality: he’s samwell men’s hockey team’s captain, he cares for his team, and his new dream is to win the ncaa championship and go to the nhl. he doesn’t want this thing parse is offering him, because the person he’s offering it to isn’t him anymore.
and here is the first twist of this scene that op is referring to: jack starts to get angry.
"--jack." "you can't-- you can't come to my fucking school unannounced --" "--because you shut me out--" "--and corner me in my room--" "--i'm trying to help--" "--and expect me to do whatever you want--" "FUCK -- JACK!!! what do yo want me to say? that i miss you?” [twists his fingers in jack’s shirt, crowding into jack’s space. jack turns away, frowning angrily] “i miss you, okay? ...i miss you."
does parse really miss jack, or is it a ploy? honestly, i think the facial expressions we’re privy to in year 3 hint that he really means that. he misses jack. he doesn’t necessarily miss the current jack (it’s likely that he’s stuck on the fantasy of what they had when they were younger), but he means what he says. he wants jack back.
but jack is angry, because parse is complicating things for him. they were talking about playing together, and then parse insulted his choices, and now parse is talking about being together, and jack -- who took A YEAR PLUS to figure out his feelings for bitty -- probably has a hard time handling all of these things at once. for parse there’s nothing complicated here: the jack he knows wouldn’t want to play for a college team (therefore, =shitty team), and playing with jack=being with jack. 
for jack none of these things work like that anymore. they’ve grown too far apart.
"...you always say that." "...huh. well, shit. okay. ...you know what, zimmermann? you think you're too fucked up to care about? that you're not good enough? everyone already knows what you are but it's people like me who still care."
and... okay. so things go south now, and quickly. if you’re a parse stan... honestly, i hope you’re a parse stan who’s aware parse needs a shit ton of therapy. 
jack insults parse, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by being casual about parse’s declarations of feelings. to be fair, jack thinks parse was playing dirty. but parse doesn’t see it like that, so he’s offended, and apparently when he’s offended he gets angry and lashes out.
now. the unfortunate thing about knowing someone at their most vulnerable time is that you also know exactly how to kick them down to their lowest. we all hurt our loved ones the most, because we know them the best. but parse doesn’t just hurt jack here: he goes for the jugular. he kicks jack and then makes sure he stays down. and this is actually the most we see parse say in the whole comic, so... we can’t judge parse as a whole person, but. i’m sorry. he’s definitely not a good friend to jack.
(how bad of a friend? depends on how aware he was of jack’s anxiety and thoughts and feelings. if he was aware, this is a highly emotionally abusive thing to do. if he wasn’t aware, he was just being a shitty friend. either way, parse needs therapy, because he’s holding on to a lot of anger and is expressing it in a really awful way. but we can’t analyze him any further as a character because parse is not the focus of this story and we don’t know anything more about him.)
[faintly] "--shut up--" "--you're scared everyone else is going to find out you're worthless, right? oh, don't worry, just give it a few seasons, jack. trust me." [probably begins shaking] "...g-get out of my room." "fine. shut me out again." "and stay-... stay away from my team." "why? afraid i'll tell them something?" [voice growing stronger] "leave, parse." [door opening; jack and parse are surprised to find bitty outside the door. jack is visibly shaking, holding the attack at bay]
op asked how jack’s anger turns into a full blown panic attack. the answer is parse goes for his weak points faster than jack can prepare himself, just when jack was open for an attack. he calls jack ‘worthless’, which is jack’s second worst fear, and then (probably) tries for the sexuality angle. it’s unclear whether he’s threatening to out jack or to tell the team about his substance problems, but more likely the former, because the latter was all over the news.
parse is clearly upset here. is he just angry for being rejected? is he humiliated? is he heartbroken? we don’t know. the only hint we have is ‘shut me out again’, which implies he’s at least still upset about jack cutting him off after the draft. what we do know is that jack, with the last shreds of his will power, tries to defend his team. tries to cling on to the idea that he knows there are people who believe in him (this is very hard under the cloud of anxiety).
either way, jack’s panic isn’t even about parse or what parse used to be -- it’s just that parse knows where to press.
[parse clears throat, putting his indifferent mask back on] "hey. well. call me if you reconsider or whatever. but good luck with the falconers." [lands the final blow] "...i'm sure that'll make your dad proud." [jack's panic attack takes over. he retreats to his room, slams the door, and slides down to curl into himself on the floor for an undetermined amount of time]
and then parse, in front of jack’s teammate, lands the worst punch he has in his arsenal. jack’s worst fear. disappointing his dad.
jack spent all of year 2 talking to nhl teams and being watched by scouts and negotiating contracts, and consulting with his dad and his teammates to make a decision. he’s not sure about the falconers until much later, but he obviously leans towards them. which is a whole essay in and of itself: jack leans towards the falconers, a smaller, younger team with no cups, but with a lot of potential and good people and something to prove. this is a metaphor for jack’s growth as a character. he could go for a more established team to look good in front of the world, or pick a winning-streak team like the aces to feed into his anxiety. parse is taunting him with his own growth, making him doubt himself: you think you can change? you think you can really be someone new after playing in some college team? if you’re not who you were when you were 18 and first-pick at the draft (before you ruined everything for yourself and ended up here), you’re no one. and your dad will never be proud of you.
[end scene.]
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