#I also tried on a lot of dresses when I worked in bridal
rosicheeks · 2 years
All in favor of seeing Rosie wear a ballgown on just a regular basis, say I! 🙋🏾‍♂️
Hmmmmm if this gets 15+ likes I’ll post me in a ballgown 🥰
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enthyya · 21 days
Signalling to you that theyre horny
Ent has already lost their mind because of school work
Character:Arlecchino, Yelan, Ningguang
(Suggestive undercut)
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You were washing the dishes when suddenly a pair of arms hugged you and a head burried onto your shoulder.
"la mia bellissima ragazza 'my beautiful girl'" You heard the voice and instantly melted into her arms. "Yes love? " You smiled at her meeting her x eyes.
Her eyes scanned from your face to your stomach lifting your shirt caressing it, making your breath hitch slightly. "'rle~" You called out her name blushing. She suddenly stopped and placed her palm to your stomach.
"La tua pancia è così sottile che mi chiedo come sarebbe se ci mettessi un bambino.(Your belly is so thin I wonder what it would be like if I put a baby in there.)" She said, you knew that she was signalling to you that she is not joking about putting a baby inside you, causing you blush and stop washing the dishes.
"It's already late no one can hear us la mia bellissima ragazza" She said quietly unbuttoning your blouse, you took a deep breath preparing yourself for a long night
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You and yelan worked in the same department, it was late and you were already feeling very tired and this was your fourth caramel latte.
'Knock knock'
Your head perked up and you steadied yourself getting ready to see who's up this late.
"Come in" You said commandingly, as the door opened it was your boss/lover 'yelan'. "Ah yelan, what brings you here? " You smiled looking at the hot spy.
"Just wanted to see how my sugar is doing" She said, her voice sounded raspy which was tad familiar but you pay no mind to it. When she walked up to you "so watcha doing? " Her eyes lingered from your laptop to your eyes.
"Oh just work, nothing important"you said smiling. Her aura seemed a bit... Off, she crouched down to your lower stomach. Spreading your legs, your eyes widen at her boldness.
"Y-yelan!? What are you doing!? " You blushed when she started untying the ribbon on your skirt. "你不怕痒吧?'you're not ticklish are you?' " She said already throwing your skirt on the couch.
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As the wife of the Tianquan of course you have work even if you are the wife and not considered loyal by many, you were throwing yourself into a pile of works, groaning while whinning because of the work. It was late at night anyways so you felt really dizzy.
You decided to rest a bit, comforting yourself with both of your gloved hands for warmth because work ain't done and you can't go to bed yet.
With you sleeping, Ningguang walked in seeing you asleep while also being gorgeous turned her on. She just chuckled to herself and walked over to you carefully carrying you in the most romantic style "the bridal style".
While carrying you she tries hard not to make a lot of movements, she failed.
She placed you to the fancy bed, slowly untying your dress causing you to wake up. "Shhh it's alright let me take care of you sugar. " She said kissing your stomach near your core. Placing both hands on your thigh making you flinch a bit.
"我想知道如果我张开你的双腿并将它们放在我的肩膀上方会发生什么? (I wonder what would happen if I spread your legs while placing them above my shoulders?) "
You instantly knew what she wasn't gonna spare your ability to walk the minute she opened your legs wide.
©Enthyya Do not copy
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Hello! It's my first time requesting, I don't know if you will write it or not, but I thought I'll put the idea in, basically when I had this sudden burst of idea for a story where in this story Bucky is sort of a the type of guy who likes to bring girls and ykyk, and unfortunately the reader has a crush on Bucky and they r neighbour so reader would tend to listen to the noises and it would break the reader's heart. One day, she decided to go for a walk when Bucky was *cough* w some random girl, and unfortunately, the reader was attacked from behind, and Steve or Sam found her and brought her to the Medbay, and when Bucky found out his heart broke and he confessed, bc he also has a crush on the reader but don't know how to do handle it so he just go with other girls to push his feelings aside, obv doesn't work. Ending fluff!! Love your work always🫶
You’re The One That I Want » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Neighbor!Female Reader
Summary: Bucky doesn’t want the other girls he has brought home, all he wants is Y/N.
Warnings: Fluff, language, mentions of blood, crying, kissing, cuddling, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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You covered your ears with your hands and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to drown out the sound of the moans coming from Bucky’s apartment next door. You couldn’t help but feel jealous and heartbroken. You’ve had a crush on Bucky since the day you moved in next door to him, but it’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t feel the same way about you. He brings a different girl home almost every night. You put on a jacket and grabbed your phone and keys. You decided to take a walk to get your mind off of Bucky having a girl over. The night air felt refreshing. You hadn’t realized how long you were walking when you felt someone grab you from behind and pulled you into a nearby alley. The person covered your mouth to muffle your screams. The next thing you knew, you felt something sharp pierce your left side. Soon your body felt limp and you fell to the ground, everything went dark after that. Steve was walking down the street when something caught his eye in the alley. He cautiously entered the alley and seen a person lying on the ground unconscious. Something about this person seemed familiar to him, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. He crouched down and carefully rolled the person over. His eyes widened when he seen your face.
“Y/N, it’s Steve. Can you hear me?” Steve says.
That’s when he felt something wet. He looked down and seen a pool of blood underneath you. He checked for a pulse. Your pulse was weak, but it was there. Steve picked you up bridal style and took you to the med bay at the Avengers Compound. While the doctors were checking you out, he tried to call and text Bucky, but he didn’t answer.
“Come on, Buck. Answer your damn phone.” Steve says to himself.
Steve was sent to voicemail for what it seems like the hundredth time. He sighed and put his phone in pocket and ran his fingers through his hair. Steve knows you’re Bucky’s next door neighbor. He also knows that Bucky would like to know if something bad happened to you.
The next morning, Bucky woke up next to a girl who’s name he didn’t remember. He grabbed his phone and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he seen a lot of miss calls and texts from Steve. He got out of bed to get dressed at the same time the girl woke up. He politely told her that he had to go to work and she left. He then made his way to the Avengers Compound.
“Why did you call and text me so many times last night? Where’s the emergency?” Bucky asks, walking towards Steve.
“It’s Y/N.” Steve says.
“My neighbor Y/N? What’s wrong with her?” He asks.
“I found her with a stab wound and passed out from blood loss in an alley last night.” Steve tells him.
Bucky felt his heart drop and his eyes widened. A bunch of bad scenarios were going through his mind.
“Where is she? Is she awake?” Bucky asks with worry in his voice.
“She’s in the med bay and still hasn’t woke up yet.” Steve says.
Bucky immediately ran to the med bay. His eyes teared up when he seen you in the bed with an IV in your arm and a breathing tube in your nose that’s giving you oxygen. He approached the bed and sat down next to you. Him seeing you in the bed like that almost killed him. He carefully picked up your hand, giving it a kiss and held it. Bucky couldn’t help but feel guilt. If he answered his phone last night, he would’ve been here sooner.
“I’m s-so sorry this happened to you, doll.” His voice cracking. “This shouldn’t have happened to you.” He says with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Bucky sniffles and let out a shaky breath. He thought hooking up with girls who aren’t you would push his feelings away about you, but it didn’t work. You’re on his mind 24/7.
“I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but umm…” Bucky paused for a few seconds. “I just want to tell you that I’m in love with you. I thought that seeing girls who aren’t you would push the feelings I have for you away. You’re always on my mind. You’re the one that I want.” He confesses. “If you don’t feel the same way as me, I totally understand.” He says.
He waited a moment, hoping you would wake up after he said that, but you didn’t. Bucky sighed and laid his head on the bed.
“What you said was really sweet.” Natasha says, breaking the silence.
Bucky lifted his head to see Natasha in the doorway. Wanda was standing next to her. They walked in the room and stood next on the opposite side of the bed.
“Thanks, but I doubt that she feels the same way about me.” He says.
“She’ll get through this, Bucky.” Wanda says.
“I hope so.” He says, looking at you.
Something came to Bucky’s mind. He remembered you told him you like red roses. Maybe that’ll help you change your mind about him if you feel differently towards him.
“Can you two do something for me?” Bucky asks, looking at them.
“Of course. Anything.” Natasha says.
“I want to get her roses, but I don’t want to leave her. Can you two get them for me? She likes the red ones.” He says, giving them some money.
“That’s so sweet of you. Of course we’ll do that for you.” Wanda says, taking the money from him.
After they left, Bucky looked at you with sadness in his eyes. He lifted one of his hands and moved your hair from your face, admiring your beautiful features. He gently caressed your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin. Bucky couldn’t stop his eyes from tearing up. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He wanted nothing more than for you to wake you up.
“Don’t leave me. Please wake up, doll.” Bucky says, letting his tears free fall.
Bucky laid his head against the bed. You could hear his voice. You also felt his hand holding yours. Your eyes fluttered open, squinting them to adjust to the light. It took you a moment to gather your surroundings. You looked to your right to see Bucky sitting next to the bed.
“B-Bucky?” You say weakly.
Bucky’s head shot up when he heard your voice. A smile grew on his face. Relief washed over him, knowing that you’re alive.
“Oh thank god!” Bucky says, hugging you tightly.
You whimpered in pain when his arm accidentally bumped your wound.
“Shit, sorry.” He apologizes, letting go of you.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, wondering why your left side is in pain. You lifted your shirt just enough to see bandages on your left side.
“Wh-What happened and where am I?” You asked, looking at him.
“Steve said you were attacked from behind. You’re in the med bay in the Avengers Compound.” Bucky explains.
“Did you find me?” You asked.
“No. Steve found you.” You could hear the sadness in Bucky’s voice. “What’s the last thing you remember?” He asks.
“Uhh…” That’s when it came to you. “You and the girl you brought home last night were- umm enjoying yourselves…” You tried not to sound awkward. “And I didn’t want to hear it so I went on a walk and someone grabbed me from behind. I’m assuming that’s how I got this.” You explained, lifting your shirt to show him the bandages.
Bucky felt even more guilty. He felt like this is his fault. A couple tears rolled down his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, doll.” Bucky apologizes. “I should’ve been there for you.” He says.
You lifted your hand weakly and caressed his cheek, your thumb rubbing across his stubble.
“This isn’t your fault, Bucky.” You say softly.
You looked in his teary blue eyes. Bucky leaned in, kissing you passionately. Steve, Natasha, and Wanda walked in at the same time you two were kissing. Bucky slowly pulled away from you, glancing over to the doorway to see the three of them standing there.
“You have company, doll.” Bucky says.
You looked at the door, smiling when you seen Steve, Natasha, and Wanda. Wanda had a vase of red roses in her hands.
“Bucky told me and Nat to get these for you.” Wanda says, placing the roses on the table next to the bed.
“We’ll leave you two alone. We’re happy that you’re awake.” Natasha says, walking out of the room with Wanda following her.
“Steve…” You stopped him in his tracks. “Thank you for saving me.” You say.
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N. I’m just glad I found you and got you help.” Steve says with a smile before leaving the room.
You turned your head to admired the roses for a moment before turning to face Bucky.
“I don’t know if you heard what I said earlier or not, but I mean every word. If you don’t feel the same way about me, I completely understand. We can go back to being neighbors and-” You silenced Bucky with a kiss.
“I’ve been in love with you since the day I moved in next door to you.” You confessed.
Bucky smiles widely and kissed you sweetly and passionately.
“When you’re fully recovered, do you want to go on a date with me?” Bucky asks.
“I’d love that.” You say in almost a whisper.
You scooted over in the bed, whimpering in pain when you moved the wrong way.
“Doll, what are you doing?” Bucky asks.
“Lay down next to me.” You say, patting the bed next to you.
Bucky happily laid down next to you, wrapped his arms around you protectively and being careful not to touch your wound.
“You’re staying with me till you’re fully recovered and then I’m going to help you move your stuff to my apartment.” Bucky says.
“We’re not even dating yet and you want me to move in with you.” You say, looking up at him.
“You’re my girl now and that means I want you to live with me.” He says.
You smiled and kissed his stubbly cheek. You laid your head on his chest, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Bucky kissed the top of your head, smiling to himself when the two of you finally got each other to yourselves.
-Bucky’s Doll
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guys im so sorry I can't believe i havent posted in so long its very unsexy of me so this is sweet comfort fluff about embarrassment as i am very embarrassed right now of my own actions (taking over two months to post again)
i was considering posting this without the old men and then decided that if im doing the strawhats im doing everyone ESPECIALLY sans and moby dick
Laughs. But if you look sad he starts feeling bad and tries to make you laugh instead. But also he'll forget that it made you sad and bring it up again later. He tries his best to accommodate for your feelings but he's a naturally casual guy so he doesn't see what's embarrassing. There's a few miscommunications about this at the start of your relationship until he explains that no matter what you do he adores you🥲
He didn't even notice it to be honest, or he thinks it's really cute. And if you bring it up to ask him about it he's just like what are you talking about, nobody was even looking. That's a lie, he was looking because he he's lowkey obsessed with you, but he doesn't want to make you feel worse so he just lies. He even pretends that him always saving you from falling is coincidental, you at least know that ones a lie but sweet nonetheless.
Tries to reassure you but draws attention to it by accident, and then he does something more embarrassing to cover it up. To be honest though it really works, people just talk about him instead. But he also makes you feel less embarrassed just by how much he dotes on you, if you fall then he's swooping you up bridal style to go to chopper, if you spill something on your dress he'll cover you up with his jacket, he'll clean anything you break with not a single complaint, he just adores every fibre of your being, even the wayward clumsy ones.
Always thinks it's cute. And he really relates to the anxious feelings so he's just treats it like a normal situation, if anyone else saw it then he makes sure to tell them to not speak of it. He will also replace your clothes if you accidentally damage them :) like you wake up and your favourite skirt that you accidentally spilled ink all over and had to bin is now on your bed, brand new and sparkling. He also makes little inventions to help you out, both silly and serious, like a portable air bag that inflates with a button, a little robot that is essentially a roomba, little things like that.
Threatens everyone who saw it to never speak of it and then distracts you as much as possible until you stop thinking about it. Will cuddle you if you get really upset about it but she doesn't really understand why you would be embarrassed because she thinks everything you do is perfect. She does eventually learn when there's going to be a possible chance for an accident, she's predicting your clumsiness like the weather🫡 she stops what she can and tries to teach you how to avoid these situations :)
Prevents said embarrassing moment. Listen she's just so efficient and she spots problems before they happen so she's just secretly fixing stuff because she never wants you to feel bad. It's not until like months into your relationship and you're apart for some reason that theres like a series of unfortunate events that reminds you how clumsy you can be and realise what she's been doing. Lots of appreciation kisses after that for sure.
Honestly you never really feel embarrassed around him, he's just so easy going and he manages to make everything seem normal. If you trip or walk into something he just checks to see if you're okay, if you spill something on yourself or rip something he uses his shirt to cover you while you go and get changed. He really could not gaf as long as you still fancy him tbh. But if someone makes you feel bad then it's like that scene from the cat in the hat(he will make it look like an accident) :
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Concerned if you're hurt or if you get upset, but otherwise completely doesn't care. He just nonchalantly fixes the vase you broke, or helps you up from the floor and just pretends that he didn't watch you accidentally eat a fly. He really is just so in love with you and he still carries the manners of his youth so he refuses to contribute to your embarrassment in any way. But he loves an excuse to keep his hands on you, guiding you by the shoulders, holding your arm, carrying you around, he can't get enough of it.
Lovely beautiful man, he is always embarrassing himself but he's old enough to not care anymore and neither should you, if you fall over guaranteed it's because you're laughing at him just having slipped on deck. With Jinbei you become the type of couple where you bring each other down literally and up metaphorically, there can hardly be any embarrassment to you're sharing happiness all the time.
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
marvel women headcanons
heyy first writing post! also before u bring up wands and nat they have a bunch of fics already but i'll accept request for them🩵
carol danvers:
always gives you her jacket when ur cold
loves having her arm on your shoulder
randomly picking you up bridal style
obviously dom
she brags about how great you are and how beautiful you look all the time
very protective
will death glare anyone that looks at you wrong
goes absolutely crazy if you wear a dress to tony's parties
asks you to dress her if you have good style
loves to gives you neck kisses and hold you from behind the waist
she always gives you love-bites
when you get dangerous missions she tries to take them but fury never lets her
loves cuddling you when she's off of work
big spoon
stares at you all the time
sometimes it's lovingly sometimes it's possessively
other than fury you're the only one on the team she really trusts
always wants to be with you
missions were you guys are separated, that take longer than 3 days are torture for both of you
she loves making you super flustered
matching outfits at tony's parties
asks you to dress her if you have good style
loves to gives you neck kisses and hold you from behind the waist
she always gives you love-bites
when you get dangerous missions she tries to take them but fury never lets her
loves cuddling you when she's off of work
big spoon
stares at you all the time
sometimes it's lovingly sometimes it's possessively
other than fury you're the only one on the team she really trusts
always wants to be with you
missions were you guys are separated, that take longer than 3 days are torture for both of you
she loves making you super flustered
you two give eachother the corniest nicknames
you get really hot at night since carol is basically a heater plus the blankets plus goose who always is next to you, between you or even sometimes on top of you
always as her hand on you thigh while she drives
carol loves coming home to you and is glad to have you
darcy lewis:
she's the type of girl to randomly bite and poke you
having to constantly wipe her lipstick off of you
always bringing her coffee the second she asks for it
she's deff a needy switch
darcy has a big sweet tooth so you guys constantly bake/buy cookies and brownies
she trusts you with her life but she gets super jealous super easily
but she's the most beautiful girl in your eyes
she steals ALL ur clothes
sometimes u find her in ur hoodie, sweatpants, and socks
she looks super cute in it
you guys obsess over cats and send eachother cat memes
you two make a very attractive couple
everyone loves you two
playfully stealing her glasses
but jumping anyone else who does
making sure everyone calls her Dr
loves to sit in ur lap while u work or in general
always cuddling
super fluffy relationship
so many kisses omg
cheek kisses nose kisses forehead kisses
all the kisses
best dates every bc she's super creative
very needy nd demanding, will randomly say "cuddle me" or "kiss me"
clingy in a good way
jaming out to taylor swift (don't deny it she's a swiftie)
slow dancing to lover in the refrigerator light
always ur plus 1 to tonys events
nd ending up drunk then making out in front of everyone
darcys the best gf ever
sharon carter:
•sharon's super protective nd possessive (lil obsessive too)
you always have hickies
very passionate make out sessions
she's a rough and dominant top but can ease up
sugar daddy vibes
will literally kill any man or woman that tries to touch you
has started a bar fight cuz some guy couldn't get his eyes off u
puts her hands under ur shirt to pull you in for a kiss
very touchy
ur her weakness
turn her on by literally doing nothing
she craves ur body close to her
ur way less protective but hate when girls check her out
she finds it hot when u get mad
a lot of pda
after a stressful day she loves to just lay on ur chest while u stroke her head
matching outfits to her clubs/events
if ur on the avengers u keep her identity as the power broker a secret
you two are the biggest feminists
having a very private relationship (from avengers)
her body guards know to keep you safe
massaging her shoulders when she's at her desk pulling her head back to give her a kiss while doing it
being the only one who can calm her down when she's stressed and mad
trying not to lash out on each other when work has u frustrated
still being able to act like partners in crime/best friends
she makes you feel safe and she really trusts you
ur the only person she likes
like other than maybe gamora
ur the only one on the team who's seen her smile
u always tell her it's super adorable but she always tells you to shut up
touch deprived baby
after u break her walls and it's not super awkward she loves to cuddle and loves ur touch
a big cuddle bug
she loves to be between ur thighs and laying her head on ur boobies/neck
if u have boobs shes obsessed with them
she also likes a good butt
but she's really just happy to find someone who actually loves her
she's still surprised that u actually love her
she ADORES when u gently rub her head, but won't admit it
holds u by the waist all the time
likes to pull u against her chest and place her chin on ur head
nebula gives the best hugs since she's a giant
u wrap ur arms around her neck and hers around ur waist
she's veryyy protective over you
she hates when quill looks at you too long
she blames herself if you ever get hurt
constant reassurance, u don't mind
loves making out
anytime anywhere
u on her lap, standing, against a wall
she loves to hold you in her lap in general
nebula desires ur praise
doing the marvel forehead touch when you confess ur love for each other
she loves touching you because u are very soft, warm, and squishy to her
for being one of the deadliest assassins in the galaxy she's really soft with you
always so gentle as if you're glass she could break
nebula is really glad to call you her partner/gf
she doesn't like when people look at you to long or touch you at all
you're hers and only hers
maria hill:
•she has a big soft spot for you
very protective of you
like doesn't want anyone too close to you
only her
she doesn't like when other people touch you
she seems tough in front of people but when it's just you and her she's the most affectionate person ever
you admire her a lot during work and people often snap at you to get ur focus
she stares at your ass a lot
sometimes she throws you over her shoulder and slaps your ass
during meetings or in general she teases you by putting her hand on ur thigh and slowly rubbing up and down
if you wear skirts she slowly starts riding her hand up ur skirt
she loves to tease you
holding hands while walking around
maria loves being the small spoon but you can't tell anyone that
wraps her arm around ur waist often
you fix the collar of her uniform
making sure to pay extra attention to you while ur on a dangerous mission
always makes sure u feel comfortable at social events
you guys do a lot of pda in front of the team just to annoy them
slow dancing at home in pajamas way too late at night
maria just always wants you to be safe
kate bishop
she's a nervous reck around you
very whipped for you
yelena makes fun of how she gets around you
kissing in the rain
going to her archery competitions
cuddling with her and lucky
dancing in the snow
having movie nights with lots of pizza
always needing some form of physical contact
head kisses and forehead kisses are ur guys' thing
making out when you guys get bored
clint is very protective of ur relationship
taking lucky out on walks with her
swinging ur joined hands when you walk
comforting her when her mom got arrested
clint's kids love you two together
clint also approves of you being with kate
he knows you'll treat her right
tending to her wounds
tickle and kisses attacks
she loves hugging you and swaying
on your guys' night time walks you have the deepest conversations
you guys have talked about ur future together
if u play an instrument/sing or are involved in a sport she comes to all ur shows/games
she loves telling you all about her and clints" missions
she tell them over and over again but u don't care, she looks so happy
one of ur love languages is taking cute pictures
u both just need eachother and u both know
hey guys hope i did them justice nd hope you enjoyed! i'll be doing stuff like this with alll the ladies on the page or focused on one of them but thank you for reading🩵
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linos-luna · 2 years
Yandere!Bang Chan: s/o gets hurt
Yandere!Bang Chan x gn! Reader
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(gender neutral)
Warnings: yandere behavior , cursing , light blood , daddy
Chan is very protective and usually that prevented you from doing a lot. To him, you were his baby and you didn’t know any better; he treated you almost like a child.
It was one of those rare days that he took you out. It was getting close to Christmas and you wanted to go see lights, ice skate, or anything really. You knew he wasn’t going to let you visit your family or friends so for days you begged him to take you out and he finally gave in. He decided to take you ice skating.
As you were driving to the ice rink Chan had a little talk with you.
“So baby… you know the rules yeah?”
“No talking to other boys. No looking at other boys. And never leave daddy’s side.” You recited this as you have many times before.
“Good.” Your boyfriend said with a satisfied look. To him, this was for your own good.
After making it to the ice rink Chan was getting the skates while you waited on a bench. You were looking down, playing with your thumbs when you heard another male voice next to you. There was a guy putting on his skates and talking to his friend who was standing up. You looked for a moment and eavesdropped on their conversation, something to do with a girl at work they both liked. Next thing you know, you feel yourself getting yanked up by the arm, and Chan pulling you close.
“Are you already not listening?” He said with a raised brow. “Do we need to go home?”
You shake your head and mutter a small ‘sorry’
He nodded his head and sat you down to help with your skates. Well… more like just completely put them on for you. Chan loved doing everything for you. He wanted you to be completely dependent on him; sometimes you didn’t mind but sometimes it was too much, like when he wants to dress you or when he would feed you. He never gave you a choice and you’d be punished for resisting him.
Eventually you made your way to the ice and Chan helped you get on. You hadn’t been ice skating in so long that you were slipping but Chan always caught you. For the most part you were enjoying yourself. At some point your boyfriend noticed a guy staring at you for a little too long, he was laughing at how you could barely hold yourself up and Chan went over to tell them off, leaving you alone.
You were listening to your boyfriend tell this man off; he was throwing out threats, causing the man to back down. Meanwhile, you were getting tired of standing there awkwardly and wanted to go to the rail on the side to rest. Slowly you tried maneuvering yourself, holding your arms out for balance. As you were getting closer you suddenly slipped, hitting your lip on the rail and shrieked at a sharp pain in your foot.
Your boyfriend heard your scream and hurried over to you, almost slipping himself in the process. You were sitting there covering your bleeding lip and sobbing.
“Y/n!!” He knelt down to your level and took your hand to look at your lip. “Baby, what happened??”
“I-I fell- hit my lip… I-I” you continued sobbing, wiping your tears. “M-my foot-“
Chan looked down at your limp foot before gently pushing you to the end of the rink, once on the ground he tried helping you up but you winced at the feeling.
“Baby why were you trying to move on your own?!. You always get hurt without me!” Chan said, moving you to a bench. But he was also feeling really guilty. “I should’ve never left you alone!”
Tears continued rolling down your cheeks as you tasted the blood from your lip. Your boyfriend carefully removed your skates and examined your foot. Even with your sock over it he could tell how swollen your ankle was and that it may even be broken. He went to return the skates and picked you up bridal style.
“Baby… we got to go to the hospital.” He said with a frown as he carried you to the car, placing you in the passenger seat.
“I’m sorry daddy…” you said, wiping your tears away.
Chan got in the car and started driving. “No it’s my fault. See what happens when you leave daddy’s side? I’ll never leave you alone ever again.”
At the hospital Chan had you examined by a doctor. It’s been a while since you’ve been at a hospital and if the doctor was a little more thorough he would’ve seen more concerning things. Like how your turtleneck sweater covered your neck with obvious signs of choking or your thighs that were covered in bruising from harsh slaps. This doesn’t even count the bruising on your wrists and arms from constantly being yanked around.
It turned out that you had broken your ankle and you eventually got it casted. You were devastated. You barely could go anywhere freely, now you could barely move around in your own home. You’re at your boyfriend’s mercy. Chan, on the other hand, was a little excited. Now you would have to depend on him and that’s all he ever wanted.
When you got home Chan took you to the bedroom and sat you comfortably, elevating your foot like the nurse told you to.
“I’ll make you some soup, yeah?”
“Thank you daddy….” You said quietly, looking down at your hands.
“Hey, I’m gonna make it all better okay.” He then left the room to get your soup. You reached and grabbed your phone to quickly text your mom about what happened. You figured she may want to visit and help out. But before you pressed send Chan came back in and quickly grabbed your phone.
“What are you doing?!” He said frantically as he was looking through your message.
“I-I wanted to tell my mom… maybe she can help you—”
“No!” He cut you off and threw your phone on the floor then kicked it under the bed, no doubt damaging it. He then took you by the wrists and squeezed. “I’m taking care of you! Your my baby and only I can take care of you!”
“Daddy you’re hurting me…” you winced, tears starting to form again.
“Baby… Im gonna make it all better. Now let me get your soup” he gave you a kiss on the forehead and walked out.
You were still a little shooken up and didn’t know what to do at this point. Chan came in holding a tray with the cup of soup and glass of water along with a napkin that had a small pill.
“Daddy? What’s this?” You asked confused, looking at the pill.
“The nurse gave it to me. It’s to help with your pain.” He said in a matter of fact way. Of course, that was a lie. He’s had these drugs for a while and now he had an excuse to use them, making you seem sick, to make you even more dependent.
“I don’t remember that…?”
“It was on the way out.” Chan quickly replied, lifting the spoon up to your mouth. “Open up baby, I already blew on it.”
You still thought it was odd but didn’t question it and now you were faced with a spoon in your face.
“I can feed myself, it’s okay.” You say, trying to grab at the spoon.
“No, I’m feeding you.” He said sternly. “Now eat or else you’re not eating at all.”
You sighed and reluctantly ate the small cup of soup that he spoon fed to you. After you finished he gave you the pill and water. You didn’t really have a choice as he forced you to take it.
Chan went back to the kitchen to clean up as you sat there waiting. You started feeling a bit sleepy and you thought it was because of your long day but before you could think of any other reason, your boyfriend came back in.
“Since it’s getting kind of late, maybe we can relax and watch a movie.” He said with a smile.
At this point your sleepiness has turned to dizziness and blurred vision. You rocked lightly, trying to get your eyes to focus on your boyfriend.
“Daddy…” you said in a low mumble. Your brain was barely able to make a coherent sentence. “Daddy I don’t feel… I feel…”
“Are you feeling sleepy?” Chan said with the tilt of his head. If your vision wasn’t so fuzzy you could’ve seen his devious smile.
“I think I…” you said trying to lift yourself up more, feeling your muscles give out.
Your boyfriend sat next to you and held your cheek. “I think my baby is sleepy.”
You could barely focus on him. “Daddy…” your voice trailed off as Chan laid you down.
“Goodnight baby.. cant wait to take good care of you…”
To the person who requested it, I hope you liked it. Sorry it’s kinda long. I just wanted to be thorough.
Thanks for the idea and keep the requests coming. I’ll get to them all eventually ☺️
Merry Christmas 🎄❤️
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crushedsweets · 3 months
do u have any more bonnie lore that u can share with us? i’m obsessed with her design and her story<3
Ok I’m assuming you mean ghost Bonnie… hmm… but let me see if I can collect random thoughts. Also thank you anon youre a sweetheart <3
General summary: “The Ghost Bride” is a version of my crp OC bonnie made for a 2014-fanon slender mansion AU with my friends! She lives in the mansion w all my friends OCs. The mansion is in a.. pocket dimension sorta? I think?
This is really funny but I watched inside out 2. Anxiety/maya hawke is probably her voice claim. HAHAHAH
She sorta gives the energy of Megan in “but I’m a cheerleader”. She’s largely in denial about being a lesbian and is pretty clueless/ignorant on it, having grown up in the 70-80s before she died
Her fiancé was a very traditional American guy. Huge family of hunters, which always made Bonnie uneasy going to his house and seeing deer heads displayed on the walls. When he hunted her down for running off the aisle, she was mostly thinking about all those deer. And how she was next, obvi
Her story (after death) mainly goes in 2-3 arcs:
1. She spends several decades(although time is distorted) in the slender forest just roaming around, sobbing, begging her fiancé not to shoot, hiding behind trees and rocks and heaving nonstop. It’s impossible to talk to her and she’s MOSTLY not even visible to other residents, considering she’s a ghost - but occasionally she spooks people
2. Eventually she starts to settle into the mansion. Slendy sorta messes with her head - he tries to make her forget what happened to her, and make her forget that she’s even dead, but it actually just leaves her really confused and having a constantly warped sense of reality and what stage of life she’s in. Sometimes she thinks she’s back in highschool fawning over a crush, sometimes she thinks she’s days away from her dream wedding, sometimes she thinks she’s been married for years. In general she’s just kinda like… stupid …. Super ditzy, just lays around in bed all day in nightgowns and reading teen magazines and chewing bubblegum. Doesn’t throw tantrums but she will have random moments where she loses her shit and starts tearing her room apart freaking out over a wedding. Gets called bridezilla by a certain somebody… 😒😒
3. She ends up killing her fiancé, and that’s sorta what snaps her back into reality. She understands, remembers, and accepts what happened to her. She spends time with her friends and begins the whole “ghost recovery acceptance processing your own death” thing. She’s mostly okay with it, considering she’s exactly where she wants to be - a freaky mansion with her friends, ran by some guy she views as a father figure
She tends to the mansions garden the most I believe. Usually drags her friends out and makes them do a lot of the harder work (mowing the lawn, dealing with pests, cleaning gutters) while she does the rest. Eventually gets told off for gender roles or something funny . LMAOOO
She cannot cook. Swears she’s gonna be the best damn house wife in the world. Cannot cook. Can not cook. Hear me when I say this. She can not cook. OK IM EXAGGERATING but she does suck at cooking…
Loves wearing bunny slippers and making her friends match other animal slippers with her.
Always has to be in some sort of bridal wear - whether it’s a wedding dress, a bridal party dress, a slip dress, night gown, robe. Something white and frilly and preferably silky
I dunnooo… lmk if y’all have any specific questions cuz I haven’t really been working on her lately
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sandwichfordinner · 2 years
Hi its strawberry anon once again >:3, Eli (my bbg real), Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a S/o who wears cute outfits but hella strong? Like strong enough to probably lift a car if they want. (Also take care of yourself and eat well!)
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Eli, Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a strong s/o who has a cute clothing style too ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 🔔 (female reader)
Strawberry anon hello again! Also thank you for the kindness I appreciate it! I don’t think the last ones turned out great I am not sure because I was out of ideas, so sorry
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Now we all know Eli, a calm, intelligent and clever man who promised to himself to not date at the moment ESPECIALLY when he is trapped in this nightmare-
Oh nvm…. uh.. remember how is said like 5 seconds ago he kept his promise? Yeahhh.. well… about that!
He has now a pretty girlfriend that has the best style of clothing! Amazing, spectacular, brilliant, ate the whole table-
The two of you being silly and happy , when you suddenly turn the tables which shocked Eli and Brooke till this day.
No way… Tries to use words instead of touching you but if you have anger issues he will be on panic mode and scared. But he shouldn’t worry, because later on he will get used to it and will be taking lots of notes.
You are so lucky that Ganji has fallen for you.. He didn’t search for your look,,, but… the way you are so strong amazes him.. You’re perfect..
Also likes your clothing style, while he is a poor little guy.
Do you know how he fell even harder for you???
When he couldn’t run because his legs gave up in Moonlit River Park and you carried him in bridal style. AND YOU WERE HUGGING HIM CLOSELY which left him looking away trying not to make eye contact with you..
If you’re beating the absolute shit of someone he will quickly try to pull you away cursing under his breath. He barely got you out of this situation😭
He is still so thankful that you’re his girlfriend, so you sometimes lift him in bridal style to tease him which ALWAYS works to make him blush
An irritating painter falling in love with a peasant????? Please love is the last thing he actually cares about! Love is nonsense.
But when he saw you how surprisingly strong you are he was confused. Confused about all of this situation, first you dress so much differently from the others and you are even stronger than some hunters?? How is this even possible? If you’re extroverted enough to annoy him he will fall in love with you somehow.
And there it is. A boyfriend that is 0% strong and 1000% girlfriend that is stronger but cheerful. I can just imagine you giving him a kiss on the cheek, which makes him blushy and Joseph disturbs you two but you just somehow twist the sword with your hand. And this leaves the photographer and painter flabbergasted.
So confused . How do you even do it???
You know that Norton loves jewels, but you have never been in the mines because of the incident he experienced. Don’t remind him of it please..
,,*sigh* I wished I could’ve had money or diamonds.. something shiny and good…-‘’
You literally crashed your hand into a big rock, and searched until you felt something smooth. You smiled and got your hand out of the big rock, and to his surprise you were holding a bunch of small kimberlite which one costs like 50$ (and you know back when things weren’t expensive as now, and 50$ WAS A LOT I think). Please his reaction was priceless. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS KIMBERLITE IN THIS BIG ROCK AND HOW DID YOU EVEN SMASH YOUR HAND INSIDE OF THAT ROCK??? HAVENT YOU BROKE IT??
if you two are in the mines, Norton is having bad flashbacks while you crash your hands in the rocks to find anything: iron, gold, coal. Anything that would make him happy.
,,Hey Nort look I found a.. diamond!!!-‘’
,,That’s great honey’’ Literally doesn’t pay attention so you better quickly get him out of here..
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trekkietales · 3 months
Pon Farr
Vorik x reader
Fandom: Star Trek
Requested: no
Captain’s log:
so i started watching voyager again and i can’t get Vorik out of my head. And no one posts for him. So yes this is just to fulfill my need of a random side vulcan.
You were a new crew member and even though you can do a lot you were told to report to engineering. You have been there a week and everyone was so welcoming. Except a certain vulcan.
“I just don’t understand. Why doesn’t he like me? I am super nice and helpful. Even tuvok likes me so its not a vulcan thing.” My best friend Tom Paris just shrugs.
“I can’t help you. I don’t know him well. All i can say is-“ Tom was cut off by the vulcan himself.
“Excuse me (y/n), i need help with something” There was something about his eyes but I couldn’t place the look. I nodded and told him to lead the way.
Once we get there i notice it was stuff that Vorik is proficient at and it was simple and he shouldn’t need help with at all.
“Vorik, I don’t mean to pry but why did you ask for my help? You do this everyday and never need help.”
“I wanted to be alone with you. I needed to propose something to you.” I nodded, though I was confused. “Do you happen to know what Pon Farr is?” I gave a slight nod, and he understood that I wasn’t an expert but knew he could continue his speech. “I wish to ask you to bond with me.”
“You have barely talked to me. Are you sure we would bond well?” I was worried he would make the wrong choice.
"Yes, I have observed you with the others, and you will make a fine mate. Meet me at my quarters at 5 for dinner, please,” and with that, he turned and walked away, leaving me confused.
I dug through all my clothes and decided on a red dress, red heels, and a nude makeup look, letting my hair out of its tight bun.
I knocked on his door at 4:49 and waited patiently until he opened the door. When he did, his normal neutral look turned dark. I had wondered if I had picked the wrong outfit, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.
“You look divine. I almost want to rip that dress off.” The combination of his deep voice and dark eyes went straight to my core.
“I was hoping you would,” I said, looking in his eyes.
“How much do you know about Pon Farr?”
“Just that you need to mate or you could die.”
“Mating doesn’t mean just sex; it also means to bond mentally. If you are not okay with that, I would recommend you leave now.”
“I am ready for anything.”
“I will also state this could take hours or even days before I will be able to stop.”
“Days!” Your yell caught him off guard and he gave a sad look. You knew instantly that he thought you were leaving him.
“Yes, days.” He looked down.
“I am sorry I yelled. I just wasn’t expecting you to say days. But i am here for you however long it may take.” I smiled at him brightly.
“Thank you. Now if you are ready, I would like to start.” I nodded. I felt like my voice would give out if i tried to talk.
Vorik put his hand against my face and i melted into him. He then put his hand up against my temple down to my jaw. I had no idea what he was doing until i felt it. Or rather him. I felt the way he yearned for me. I felt how needy he was for me.
“I am assuming by the way you are looking at me it worked.” I was about to answer when he held his hand up.
“Answer in your mind.” I felt our bond grow stronger by the second as we communicated.
Vorik kissed me and the need between us built until he pick me up bridal style and threw me on his bed.
The quiet Vulcan i knew was gone. He was now almost moaning words into my ear.
“Tell me what you want.”
“That’s my good girl.”
“Use your words.”
And a slew of Vulcan that i had no clue what it meant. Though i could definitely tell it was dirty. I had finally found my voice.
“You, I want you.”
“What about me?” He wanted me to say it.
“I want you to fuck me!” I couldn’t take his teasing anymore.
“Such dirty words for such an innocent looking woman.” His teasing continued as he pulled up my dress. His hand slowly going up my leg to the spot i needed him most.
“Please stop teasing me Vorik.” I tried to sound annoyed but my voice came out in a needy whisper.
“If i go the speed i want to go, i will break you.” I know it was supposed to be a warning but i couldn’t help but be turned on.
“Do it. Break me Vorik.” As i looked into his eyes I saw his control break.
Vorik flipped me over and put me on my hands and knees. He ripped my underwear off in one tug. It was a good thing I was already wet for him because he plunged himself into me.
"oh god!" His moves faltered a tiny bit to make sure I was okay. When he saw me, his speed became relentless.
Three hours went by before he even slowed down. When he was done, he pulled out of me and helped me lay down. "I am sorry. Did I go too hard?" Seeing him care so much was so cute.
“No, I am absolutely okay. I thought there would be more, to be honest." I tried joking with him, then I saw his smug smile.
"We are not done yet. This is what you guys would call a cool-down. Get some sleep, and I will wake you when I need you again."
"Please don't leave me while I sleep."
"I will be right here by your side the entire time."
I slept better than I have in my entire life. I was awoken by hands roaming my body. I opened my eyes and saw Vorik leaning over me. He noticed I was awake when his eyes met mine.
"I am sorry. I was starting to need you, but I didn't want to wake you yet."
"Don't you dare apologize. I said I was here to help." He smiled at me.
"This time is going to be about you." I was confused until he positioned his head between my legs.
"Vorik, I appreciate you wanting to do this, but don't you need me to take care of you?"
"The more we have sex, the more control I will have. And while I have complete control, I want to thank my fiancee." He could tell I was confused about him calling me his fiancee.
"When we bonded, that was me asking you to marry me. If you want it reversed, we can go back to my planet and ask the council to sever our bond."
"Absolutely not! I just didn't know that was what you meant by bonding. I am honored and excited to be your partner."
His eyes grew wide, and I could tell that he had never heard anything like that from anyone. Without saying another word, he dove into me. His lips wrapped around my clitoral area, and I could see stars. Before I knew it, I had come three times.
"I can see by your face that you are tired again. Would you like a nap?"
"No, I want to take care of you." He raised his eyebrow. I turned us over and slowly undid his pants. His member was hard and begged to be freed.
"Please don't tease me." I expected his voice to be commanding, but it was needy. If I were more mean, I would have gone slower, but seeing him beg made me want to help him more.
I pulled out his member and licked a stripe up to the tip. His eyes rolled back into his head. I took him into my mouth fully and continued to please him until he pulled away. I looked up, thinking I had done something wrong.
"It would be a waste to come anywhere but inside your womb." He mounted me again, and we went another four rounds before he was able to stop. We laid down and talked about what being engaged to a Vulcan meant.
When I started my new job, I never thought I would find my soulmate. But I am glad I did.
Captain’s log:
okay so i might’ve gotten carried away. But i had fun writing this. Hope you all enjoy it. And like i always say my requests are open!
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pink-and-pearls · 2 years
Hey, i'm new to Tumblr so i don't know how things work. But, do you do requests of OC's and characters from Anime? I have a suggestion,but you don't have to do it if you don't want to.
My OC Kabae x Hisoka being bf and gf, no smut please.
A/N: Helloo, I love your request 🥰 Hisoka is such a well-developed character! Also, sorry for the delay : ) I'm not really familiar with working with OC's, I hope you don't mind it, but I mostly work with Y/n. Therefore, this post is going to headcanons about Hisoka and mentioning indirectly y/n.
Disclaimer : English isn't my first language, please be indulgent with me.
Hisoka Morrow as a boyfriend (Headcanons)
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Hisoka is difficult to understand since he never show who he truly is or what he truly feel, but with time you might see more about him. Though, you're probably the only one to see that since he doesn't show his true facade to anybody. In fact, you're the only one that managed to make the magician feel like human again.
Although this could be contradictory, Hisoka isn't the kind to have short term relationships. To be clear, yes might have played around here and there, but once he finds a true partners they're in for a long while. He can't just let anyone get close to him and expect them to leave easily. If you manage to be his, you're most likely to stay his.
Hisoka LOVES to spoil you, whatever you want he'll get it. This man is so ready to swipe his card he doesn't care at all. Makeup, clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, nails, he's paying. You're his darling and he wants to show you how much he adores you. He also loves to match outfits and pieces of jewelry with you.
He likes to take you to fancy dinners on top of towers and stuff. He would you gift you a dress for the date and would leave a note like: "Wear this tonight my sweet angel ⭐-.-💧 xoxo ♡"
He calls you all the time and texts you a lot, because he wants to make sure you're doing well, that you have ate and to reminds you how much he loves you.
He is very protective and possessive, he doesn't like people staring at you or talking to you a lot. He wants you all by himself and desire your all of your attention.
God forbid anyone bothers you, this man has absolutely no patience for rude and mean people, especially if they're rude to you. Card will be flying and heads will be missing, he'll try not to hurt them for you, but won't hesitate to stand up for you (and maybe make them regret the day they were born.)
Hisoka loves to cuddle you, he likes the feeling of having you in his arms and whispering sweet things to you. Which often leads you to sleep on his chest and he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he tries not to move too much in he sleeps to keep you comfy. He plants soft kisses in your cheeks and caresses you delicatly.
When you're in a sad mood he tries to cheer you up by showing you magic tricks or cooking your favorite meal. He doesn't show it, but it really riles him up to see you upset. You're his sweet girlfriend and your smile is something he values deeply. He'd do anything to hear you laugh again.
Hisoka is extremely romantic, he talks to you sweetly swaying with your feelings with his words "My sweet little girl, you know how much I love you right? Hm?" He runs you a bath with flowers and candles decorated meticulously around. He ties your shoes, gives you piggyback rides when you're tired or picks you up bridal style. He kisses you passionately shaking your very soul and call you by all sort of endearing nicknames.
He won't say it but when you listen to him and take intrest in what he's talking about he falls in love with you all over again. He rarely gets to actually have conversations with people since they fear him, but when you just sit there laughing and smiling at whatever he's saying, he feels lucky to have someone like you. Someone who's just like rays of sun illuminating everything around providing a comforting warmth. Not so long ago he would find this pathetic, but he didn't know how much he craved this connection until he met you. He cherishes every moment with you.
Above all Hisoka is a very passionate boyfriend and he knows how to make you feel loved. Under his mischievous demeanor, he deeply cares about you and wants to make you happy. He's happy to have found you and appreciates all of the small gestures you do for him. Nobody has ever taken time to show this man a bit of compassion, but there you were making him feel things he never felt.
Being Hisoka's girlfriend means that every day is an adventure...
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sunny6677 · 7 days
Lavenderprincess stuff. Or at least stuff I imagine would happen had they been canon rather than Sweetprincess./lh
@goldenlavendered @catsockpuppet
1. Lila smiles a lot when it comes to Tom, and usually can't seem to have a single frown on her face when she talks to her. Even during Hollow Sorrows, she smiles upon seeing her.
2. Tom's eccentric nature usually makes Lila laugh rather than be annoyed, but hearing Lila always just chuckle at her antics makes Tom's stomach feel all fuzzy sometimes.
3. Lila is always the big spoon anytime they cuddle fr fr.
4. I'm assuming Sweetprincess is kinda canon here?? Except in a way where they both did like eachother, but it just didn't work out, so Tom moved on from it to Lila after a little more help with her and Kevin's issues.
5. Lila always wants to find some way to thank Tom for looking after Skid, so she sometimes invites her over for dinner or just to visit with them for a bit.
6. Lila is also incredibly protective of Tom just like she is with the ones she loves, and would probably angrily confront Lora if she ever met her. She'd also probably go fucking crazy if someone actually made Tom cry.
7. Tom likes to play with Lila's hair a lot, and just finds her hair pretty in general.
8. Lila calls Tom 'hun' or 'princess' if she's feeling a little more affectionate, while Tom just calls Lila 'her life-long princess' or 'beautiful madame'.
9. Lila likes to peck Tom on the cheek a lot, and usually gives her hugs anytime she's not feeling that great.
10. Lila never once dismissed Tom's emotions—but she was largely unaware of them due to how happy go lucky Tom seems all the time. But upon learning, she started to be even more there for her and just comforted her a lot in general.
11. I imagine Lila has carried Tom bridal style at least once, or protected her from a threat at some point.
12. Tom and Lila have defintely cosplayed as a Disney couple with eachother at some point, or have just dressed up as disney princesses together or as different fantasy stereotypes.
13. Tom usually infodumps to Lila about different Disney movies, and Lila always listens with a bright smile on her face. Tom also always tries to help Lila with her work whenever she's feeling pretty stressed out.
14. Lila thinks Tom is quite literally the prettiest woman she's ever seen and really likes seeing her in pretty outfits.
15. Lila was initially in denial about liking Tom because of her husband being dead, but after a while, she decided to accept it and do something about it (with Jaunes help).
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simstaplay · 1 year
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arileartist · 2 years
A long day...
(Rin version)
You come back home, tired and upset because of everything that happened at your University. You want to just cry it out so badly. Not only did your teachers insult you a lot, but you also had the most atrocious amount of work to be done today. It drained you out, and on top of that, you injured your foot badly, and it was bleeding. You slouch down into your sofa, breaking into tears. You hold up your phone, and one name is all that you can see;
You are way too exhausted. There's no way you're going out with him, but no sooner than you had replied, the doorbell rang. You weakly walk up to the door and open it. "Yo!" Rin says, greeting you, but his smile immediately fades after seeing your condition...
R:y/n?? What's wrong with you?? You look like you've just woken up from a depression sleep!
-no... It's just...
(your foot twitches, and causes you to lose your balance. You fall into Rin's arms)
R: h-hah???
R: let's get you to bed first holy shit your foot is bleeding!!
He picks you up bridal style and carries you into your room, locking your front door behind him. As he lays you down, he strokes you cheeks and gently kisses your forehead. "Who did this to you..." He asks. You shake your head, telling him how your day went. He listens to you with every ounce of interest... Making you feel glad that you could vent out your frustration. After finishing, you wipe away a tear, saying ,"Rin... I'm so sorry... After coming from your trip..I couldn't even welcome you properly... But if you can just stay here with me...I would really appreciate it.." you say. He smiles at you, wiping your face with his thumb. "Idiot... This is better than what I had planned. I would love to take care of you. Chances like these are rare for me, so watch me be your best nanny!"he boasts. You giggle at his response. "Do you mean caretaker? Nanny is for babies and children lol" you say. Embarrassed, he tries to cover it up. "Y-Yeah that's what I meant!" He says. He then takes out his phone and types away furiously at it. He then takes out a first aid box from his bag, which you look at, surprised. "Do you always have that??" You ask. He smiles at you proudly. "Can never be too careful y'know" he says. You hesitate when he removes the disinfectant. You quickly retract your leg, but he holds it firmly. "It'll be okay. Trust me" he says softly. It stings when he dabs the cotton carefully, but you manage to keep a stoic expression. "R-Rin... It..mm!" You groan. He blows on your wound softly, cleaning it up. "There. It's better now"he says, then pulling out more cotton and dressing it. You are so entranced by his demeanor. The way he so carefully and gently treats you, really makes you feel warm and loved. You shift his falling hair aside, whispering in his ear;"I love you so much.... Thank you". He giggles, looking at you. He then gets up, wound dressed completely. He sits besides you on the bed and opens his arms, smiling. You almost jump into them, nuzzling your face into his neck and hugging him. "Teehehe! Y/n! That tickles you know?" He says, giggling and stroking your hair. You smile, and move towards his face. He understands the gesture and gently meets his lips to yours, causing your worries to all melt away. He runs his fingers down your hair, caressing your cheeks. As you two separate, there's nothing left to say. You two are lost in each other's eyes, and your only wish now, is for them to be the only ones for you. You snuggle into his arms, as his cherry blossom scent lingers around the air. You find yourself falling asleep before long....
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mylutteoheart · 1 year
Playing Cupid (chapter 10)
New chapter out now! There are only 2-3 left before the end of this fic. The edited version will be out tomorrow on ao3. Also keep your eyes open for a little simbar in this chapter. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | find my other fics here
"So nothing happened?" Luna insisted as she and Nina were walking to the bridal shop for the last dress fitting before the wedding.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing," Nina answered as she looked down at her feet to hide her blush.
Suddenly, out of excitement, Luna took Nina's arm and pulled it to make her stop. She asked excitedly: "What? What happened? Tell me!"
"You remember the day we went scouting for locations?", Nina said carefully.
"Right, the location you found was even better than the one we initially had," she said, already imagining her and Matteo standing there on front of all their friends.
"When we started talking about you two loving the location, I started imagining the romance that comes with marriage on that venue and there was this moment, where it was just the two of us and we were this close to kissing," Nina gestured with her thumb and pointer finger close to one another to indicate the distance there was between them.
Luna jumped up and down at the news and said: "That's great! That must mean he feels the same way about you."
"I don't want to get too excited. It was just the spur of the moment. It meant nothing," she tried to deny, not wanting to get her hopes up.
"Don't say that, you have to keep hoping," she rested her hand on her best friend's arm in support.
"Let's just get going," Nina said, not wanting to think about it.
Luna understood and together, they started walking again to go to the bridal shop.
"I'm talling you, she likes you," Matteo said to Gastón, also on their way to the bridal shop.
Every bridesmaid and groomsman had to come to the fitting today. The suits were also tailored in the bridal shop.
"I just think she got swept up in the heat of the moment. There was a romantic side to it all," Gastón said airily, not wanting to show how much that moment meant to him.
"And I always thought me and Luna were bad at communication," Matteo shook his head in disbelief.
"What are you on about?" he took a look at Matteo to see him roll his eyes.
"We all see they way you look at each other and it's still the same look you had when you were both so in love in senior year at Blake," Matteo explained, "It hasn't changed in six years."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Gastón frowned, trying to picture what his best friend is saying.
"Of course you haven't. You know, this all reminds me of the time I was so dumb to see how Luna truly felt about me when that guy Michel appeared," he said with a fond smile, he did frown when he said the name Michel. He would never like that guy.
"Oh, I remember you complaining a lot about that guy. I would have loved to be there to witness your idiocy and to talk some sense into you," Gastón chuckled at the many phone calls with Matteo during that time. He really was hopeless when it came to Luna.
"Well, now it's my job to do that," Matteo became serious and continued, "What you need is one clear conversation with Nina and everything will be cleared up."
"You make it sound so simple," he sighed, not believing a word.
"That's because it is," he just answered, "And I'll make sure I'll prove you right. I'll just have to convince Luna, Ámbar and Simón to leave you two alone in a way where you can't do anything but talk."
Matteo held his chin in thought, already trying to come up with dozens of ways to make this happen.
Gastón's eyes widened and said: "You're going to do this now?"
"The sooner the better, weddings are all about happiness and romance so I'd love to see you and Nina being happy and together at our wedding," he said.
"You really want us to be together?" Gastón said in surprise.
"Of course, I want you to be happy and you've never been as happy as you were with Nina. I know that wouldn't have changed a bit," Matteo said as if it was the world's most known fact.
"Thank you for being such a good friend," Gastón smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Now, let's get this fitting over with."
"I see you've already started on the champagne," Matteo said with a smile as he entered the bridal shop with his best friend.
"You were just taking too long," Ámbar said with a smirk.
"Is Luna here yet?" Simón asked as he appeared and stood next to his fiancée.
"She was coming with Nina, she's probably running a little late," Matteo answered, "While we wait for the other girls to appear, we can already try the suits for me and the groomsmen."
"Oh, Simón in a suit, I can't wait to see that," Ámbar said as she sat down on the sofa in front of the fitting rooms with her glass in her hands.
"I'm sure you would look radiating in your bridesmaid's dress as well," he flirted and pecked her on the cheek. Getting into the fitting room.
The other guys followed but not before he sent a text to Luna that they needed to talk as soon as she came in.
"Hey, sorry we're late. We ran into some issues on the way," Luna apologized as soon as she came in the shop.
"It's fine, we already got started," Matteo greeted her as he walked out of the fitting room and taking Luna in his arms as he gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Don't you look handsome," Luna said as she looked him up and down.
"I always look handsome," he answered her with a fond smile.
"Let's look at the other before your ego grows too big," Ámbar interrupted their sweet moment.
"Here we are," Simón said as he appeared in front of the four people in the room.
"I'm definitely not disappointed to have come here," Ámbar said as she looked at the guy she loves so much.
"I'm sure I can't compare with you by my side at the wedding," Simón said while he gave her a big smile.
"Alright guys, let the girls put on their dresses and wait with the flirting when you have a room on your own," Matteo said as he put a hand on Simón's shoulder, showing them he's just teasing.
"Let's go Nina, the bride will put on her dress after Matteo left," Ámbar said and took Nina by the arm to lead her to the fitting room.
"Hold on, Ámbar, I'd like to ask you something first," Matteo stopped her before she was gone, Nina already disappeared.
"What's going on?" she frowned, having no clue why she was pulled apart.
"Yeah, your text sounded urgent," Luna interrupted.
"It's time we do some more matchmaking with the two lovebirds that aren't together but really want to be," Matteo said with an excited smile.
Simón turned to Gastón to confirm who they were talking about, Gastón just rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation.
"Is that why you two have been so secretive lately? Because you were playing matchmakers?" Ámbar raised an eyebrow.
"Sadly, yes," Gastón sighed.
"Come on, you agreed," Matteo said with a frown.
"I did and I think I'm starting to regret it," he answered.
"You don't," Matteo said without blinking.
Gastón answered: "You're right."
"Okay, what's the plan?" Luna interrupted, wanting to get back on track.
"We need to get them to talk alone without interruptions," Mattteo started to explain.
"Easy, just lock them in the fitting room, it locks from the outside," Ámbar simply said.
The four others look at her with a frown.
"What? I might not pull that stuff anymore but that doesn't mean I don't notice things," she said in a flat tone.
"You're brilliant, bonita," Simón said and gave her a kiss on her crown.
"Okay, now we just got to figure out how we get Gastón in that fitting room," Luna said, thinking out loud.
"That's easy. He just walks in," Matteo said.
They all start to think for a moment and couldn't find a better alternative. They ended up nodding and agreeing with his plan. It was the best they could do.
"Alright, let's get this crazy plan started," Gastón sighed and gave in. Getting ready to finally have the conversation he and Nina had to have.
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rsogirlgetsmarried · 1 year
Trunk Show!
We got a date. The next New York Trunk Show was going to be in October of 2022. If you want to track the Mooshki march to take over the US (or just find out when you can expect their next trunk show), go here. There's also a form for contact that you can fill out. I guarantee that you'll hear back.
I sent inquiries beginning in April, attended the try-on and fitting in October, and I received my dress almost exactly a year to the day from my first inquiry. I just realized that. Six months isn't long for ordering a work of art from the UK.
We made reservations at the Westhouse Hotel because that was where Mooshki's Vikki and Anne were setting up shop and we figured it would be nice to be able to meet them for a drink afterward. We met them the morning of our appointment and they were absolutely lovely, and funny. A lot of bridal consultants treat the experience like it's deadly serious and this was the opposite of that.
I had Lady Farva with me and Little Red, my two Best Bitches and bridesmaids, my Girl Child (24) who is serving as my Maid of Honor, and my 30-year best friend Snaps who is going to be our officiant. I must include some pictures because it was magnificent. (I can thank Lady Farva for making us the shirts)
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I tried on a bunch of the dresses with my "Ladies in Waiting" in attendance and my mom on FaceTime. The gowns were of wonderful quality and they felt really good on. Vikki kept reassuring me that if there was anything that I didn't like about any of the dresses that it could most likely be changed, which was wonderful.
Here are some of the ones I tried on.
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Different necklines. Some with sleeves, some without. I loved them all to one extent or another, but then I tried on Alice.
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My first concern of course was to ask if I could get it in tea length, and the resounding answer was, "YES!" The detail on the illusion neckline was so lovely, and the little cap sleeves were so flattering...and you can't see it, but there's a full longline bra built in there. With the boning and the bra, no need for anything else on the top half, and I'm fairly busty. I was thrilled.
Here's the other great thing: The gown on its own was going to be about $2700US. With a petticoat added in and the exorbitant cost of shipping to the US, it topped out at a little over three grand. It was a touch over what I'd planned to spend, but in every single way, it was totally worth it, even before I got it out of the box.
I received the dress this week and tried it on and get this: It needs no alterations. No, seriously. What other bridal gown have you ever heard of that can say that? Alterations with someone who knows what they're doing can easily run $400-600, so I am saved that money. That puts it squarely back into budget for me.
Coincidentally, House of Mooshki featured a tea-length Alice on their Instagram page this week:
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So there's that. I have the dress, it's magnificent and I'm thrilled. If you can possibly do the Trunk Show technique and have Vikki herself measure you for what ends up being a bespoke wedding dress (!), absolutely do it.
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snailsrneat · 2 years
Hello, thank you for the match-up event (i love your work 🥺🥺) It’s my first time requesting, so whoop, here we go-
I’m a 5’4 East Asian with straight black hair and dark brown eyes. I guess my most notable physical quality is either my eyes or lips (they’re unnaturally colored for some reason.) I dress in mature/expensive clothing that makes me look older than I am. That or anything I can find in the house. (Basically, business + Victorian fashion or hobo style.)
Uhh, I’m an introvert. I’m either a type 9, 6, or 2 personality. My way of thinking is very romantic, even if I do keep my thoughts on the down low. I adjust very quickly to situations, specifically, you say one word and I psycho-analyze you with surprising accuracy. I get burnt out easily, but I’ll die before I ask for help. I fluctuate between cocky idiot, weirdly kind human, and composed internal narcissist.
Basic Interests: I adore music and the arts in general. Also, philosophy! Yum. 
Specific interests: I’m grade 6 pianist and do advanced jazz. I really love old/ancient traditions, cultures, languages. 
Favorite food: Roasted duck or Caribbean salad. 
Phrases you like to say:
“I don’t like this game anymore.”
“Well, it’s been nice talking with you guys, but I’m going to go cry now.”
Zodiac: Taurus
Phew, this was long XD
You have been matched up with...
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Kalim Al-Asim
Your personalities compliment each other's very well.
Y'all are both alike and completely opposite at the same time.
One thing I think is cute is that you guys would secretly plan dates for each other, then when you both surprise each other at the same time.
You guys stare at each other for a second, before bursting out laughing like maniacs.
Jamil doesn't know how to feel though.
One minute your stopping Kalim from doing something stupid, the next you're helping him.
Jamil did approve of you guys at first, nowadays though he's a little bit iffy on it.
You'd probably be in Ignihyde so how you guys met is a bit of mystery to most.
In actuality though y'all just met in class and he wouldn't leave you alone.
The man falls in love quickly, so all it took was one look and he fell in love.
He'd follow you around like a puppy, constantly complimenting on your eyes and occasionally buying you stuff he thinks you'd like.
When he found out you play piano that's when he lost his mind.
You were in his mind constantly and he couldn't stop, so he finally decided to confess.
He couldn't contain his excitement when he heard you say yes.
He picked you up bridal style and began to kiss you all over your face.
He knows when your stressed and forces you to cuddle with him.
He will literally lay in chest and not allow you to leave until he deems you "Unburnt-out"
He listens to you whilst you play your favorite songs. It's his favorite thing.
He doesn't understand much about philosophy but buys you the best philosophy books and listens to philosophy lectures with you.
He tries to make Jamil your favorite food everyday (Jamil refuses to do it most of the time)
Kalim does learn how to make it though.
In general I'd say y'all are the wholesome chaotic couple.
Small A/N here, uhm, recently I've had a minor influx of people asking for match-ups. Especially after I post these ones and I just want to clarify, no I am not doing match-ups. Also, in case any one has read my other match-ups you'll realize that I changed the style of them. I have my reasons for this, namely that creating a short story takes up a lot of time and to be completely honest I've been putting them off the match-ups for a long time because of that. So I am changing the style of them. Don't worry though, I won't change the older ones. Anyway, that's it, byyyyye!
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