#I am SO proud of her yall you don't understand
viscountessevie · 2 years
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jealousmartini · 1 month
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💌 She's an overachiever. "Pressure"? What pressure? ⋆₊˚⊹🔖
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My second year of college is coming in hot guys. And I'm talking the 3rd of September, in TWO WEEKS TIME HOT.
But you already know your girl has BEEN locked in with her subliminals for the next term, cus I've had a whole thing going on since my first term to my second yk. so come a little closer so I can show yall what my game is on
p.s.a!! I am an animation and games art student, so most to all of my work is research and art based. And when I say most of my work is research based, I mean there is an ungodly amount of writing that is expected from the students and it's not even just the amount it's WHAT you write about that gets you the grade and how well your art conveys your ideas.
Also "Ex." = Example
╰┈➤ " My average college day experience as an art student/loass babe " click here!
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"What? Like it's hard?" At the top of her class, always ontop of her work, never slacking off, always locking in.
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|| Perfect focus, super attentive, always pays attention and makes notes. I am never afraid to ask for help or advice and I always receive the answers I need to understand the work; no room for confusion here.
|| Very strong, clear memory, perfect photographic memory.
|| Studies so much, it's my hobby, never underestimates myself or downplays my work, has always prioritised my work and has always understood the importance of doing work at home. Studying has never been a struggle for me because I don't struggle with discipline. I actually find so much fun and enjoyment doing homework. I always feel so productive and proud of myself whilst managing my time and looking at the amount I have done afterwards. Especially with the amount of validation and points I earn from teachers. It is always so satisfying seeing my high grades after a complete project. It's like a treat.
|| Creative genius, always brainstorms with words or loose sketches; not a single idea goes to waste. Research enthusiast, I could never shy away from making a thorough, detailed, and well planned out analysis, moodboard or mindmap. And multiple of them at that. I always know EXACTLY what to write and never wastes precious time and space yapping.
|| The life of an art student is exciting, fulfilling, flourishing, inspiring and strict. In the healthy way of course. My parents and teachers are always understanding of my burnouts and art block which are very rare thank god; and it's a good thing I have my closest friends to comfort me through my work. They are always so supportive, encouraging and honest with me as I am with them. We always travel together to the college (when I don't feel like being alone) and we always travel back home together. I mean we are our own personal friend circle so of course we buy snacks for each other and meet up for lunch; it's not even like we need to worry about price since we have more than enough on us. College is 100 times better when my best friends are with me, everything feels so comfortable with them
|| Perfect, cunty, and ideal artstyles. Always chooses the ones most appropriate for a certain design, and never forgets how to convey a certain look. I know, understand and draw human, animal, vehicle, clothing anatomy and terminology, enviromental composition, colour theory and terminology, the 12 principles of animation, the 7 fundamentals of art (Line, pattern, colour, texture, tone, shape and form), and the fundamentals of character design like the back of my hand
|| I know how to layout a design page appropriately, I always know how to theme and colour co-ordinate. Written placement and art placement are always perfect to the T and nothing looks off. All together, I show off my own unique style of work and impress my teachers of classmates
Ex. Subliminals in my art student playlist
"Over achiever", "Desired art skills", "Desired (college) life"
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"Ugh she is always doing the most with her work😒-" And she always looks good doing it. She's got the looks and the discipline; she's got it all
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|| Gorgeous, curly, and ideal (3B to 3C) hair. My hair never gets greasy, dry, breakage, damage, frizz, dandruff, or split ends. My curls are always moisturised, soft, bouncy, and defined. I never experience a bad hair day, and my hair is super easy to manage. Detangling my hair is a breeze, and styling my hair is even easier; every style looks exactly the way I want it and never loses the volume or shape throughout the day.
|| Ideal, fit, slim thick pear. Short shoulders, small ribcage, medium-sized chest, 20 inch waist, wide hips and slight dip, long legs, fat ass but not too fat, chubby but fit thighs, slimmer defined calves and small feet. The perfect pear. And every outfit looks exactly the way I want; I never look awkward but I always look put together and stylish.
|| Craziest face card. Ms. Face economy infact. I have a round heart shaped face with dark brown bambi eyes and long fluttery lashes, a medium straight nose bridge, plump pink "keyhole" lips, and the clearest, softest brown skin ever... Yet I still put make up on- yes I do because it's fun and I like it, so it's always awesome knowing I can do my make up flawlessly and nail my looks perfectly
Ex. Subliminals in my ideal appearance playlist
"3C hair type", "Pear body", "Desired face", "brown caramel skin"
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I'll probably add smore later :3 k bye
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
26 ASKS!! :DD THANK YALL!! 🎉🎂🎉
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@ardent-38 @lime-ether @piperjistic @elegysonnet @storylover2 @forestrests
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(Sorry I'm a bit late!)
:DD Thank you!! My favorite might be plain vanilla 😋💖
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I have definitely heard of it and seen it around. :0 And I got a good taste of it from SMG4s video on it XDD I've thought about watching it in the past. Though hearing about that widely accepted ship.. Ehhh,, I'm not so sure now.. <XD
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:DD THANK YOU!! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
XDD It really has. The poor guy is so conflicted. This really seems like a romantic moment. But surly she's just excited about her new form and doesn't understand the typical boundaries friends have.
Surly someone as beautiful and desirable as Blue.. wouldn't be interested in a old cookie like him.
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They're still on my blog, I never deleted them or anything. You just gotta go to my #undertale tag and scroll down a bit-
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
AWW!! Its might be a bit out of character for Blue, but its still a cute scene!! :DD
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@keakruiser (Sorry for replying a bit late!)
:DDD THANK YOU!! I had some giant cookies and cream cupcakes! 😋😋
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Huh, suprising!
....now what does Urchin taste like.. 🍴🍪
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Ooooo interesting!! :DD Though I wonder if this would change Barnaby and Howdy at all <XDD
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GASP!! Nooo not my boy! He would never do a crime. XD
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XD I think I have a couple of OCs that belong there--
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(Post in question)
Oh! Thank you for the info! :DD
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@candyglumboy (Post in question)
That could be an interpretation of it yeah :00 but to be totally honest, I haven't thought it all through yet..
The intention behind that comic is its showing that Eddie used to be a human. And now he's.. well. He's Eddie.
The comic was trying to show that there was someone he used to know when he was human. His sister? His mother? Someone.. He knew someone. And now that he's in the neighborhood.. she's gone. What happened to her? Who was she? Why do I miss her so much?.. Why.. am I crying? Why am I shaking?
"..What was I talking about.?"
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I think the 3 of them are no strangers to bloody scenes, but that wouldn't make seeing their Octokids so hurt any easier.. <:(( Now I'm not much of a writer, and idk if this is the kind of response you were expecting.. but none the less you have inspired me! :}}
I can see them offering their services if needed, but mostly just staying out of Peso's way and letting him do his thing. when everything winds down and they're able to see each other.. it would be tough. :((
Kwazii would be in high spirits as always despite the injuries. He would proudly tell Calico Jack about how he was bravely able to fend off multiple sharks! He expected a lot of enthusiasm from his Grandad.. "..Y-Ye did great Kwazii, ye protected yer crew well. I'm real proud of ya for that.." Instead he got a more.. somber response.
With the time Kwazii has spent with the Octonauts, he's gotten a lot better at reading people. Its not hard to tell when someone is shaken. His ears are pinned back, his tail is puffed up and flicking back and fourth.. its clear that Jack isn't taking this sight well.
Kwazii would probably sit up straighter. "Hey,, Grandad I'm.. I'm alright, ye don't need to worry." He'd gently grab Jacks arm, getting his attention. "I'll be alright, this isn't a big deal! Really, I'm ok! It looks a lot worse than it actually is."
Jack might take a deep breath and nod "..I know. I know you'll be alright, lad.." His ears were still pinned back. Kwazii frowns. "..I'm alright now Grandad. This is small, trust me.." Jack would pause.. but then nod. Seeing Kwazii so beaten is hard for Jack to stomach. But Kwazii is one tough cookie.. Just like him. He knows that things will be ok. Kwazii will be ok.. They're both ok..
When Marsh came in to see Tweak, he almost lost his composure. He knows Tweak is tough. And she's gotten hurt a lot growin up, this ain't nothin she cant handle. But gosh, this hurts. That's his little girl. It hurts so much to see her like this. She's collapsed in medbay, and has her leg all bound up in a cast.
"Pa! Heh, uh- sorry about all this. You an I were supposed to go out swimmin after that mission. I guess uh.. it'll have to wait.. heh.."
A deep breath, "Now don't chu worry bout none of that," He sat down beside her bed and pat her on the shoulder. "You just put all yer energy into gettin better. Ok? We can always go see the reef another time." His droopy ears and shaky voice wasn't helping his tough façade..
Tweaks pauses for a moment. But then offers her hand to Marsh. He takes it, confused at first.
"..I'm sorry I scared you pa.. I'll be ok.."
...Unable to reply, Marsh just nods. He sighs and wipes his tears away. Gripping Tweaks hand tighter. He sniffles, and just nods..
Natquik's meeting with Barnacles went a little smoother than the others. He is no stranger to the sight of blood. And knowing that Barnacles is tough as nails, he wasn't too worried about him.. but still. Seeing Barnacles in such a state.. it wasn't easy.
When Natquik came in, he placed a gentle paw on the bears shoulder. "Barnacles, how do you feel? Are your wounds bad..?" Barnacles' voice was gravelly and slow. He had a nasty headache after that facial injury.. "..Oh.. I'll be alright.. its nothing I.. cant recover from.."
Natquik pulls up a stool and sits beside him. "You gave me a big scare, you know. You must not do that to me! No more dangerous missions for you!" He said wagging his finger.
Barnacles chuckled. "That wasn't meant to.. be a dangerous mission. Things just.. got out of hand." Natquik nods. "Yes yes, I can see.." His tone seemed off at the end there..
"..Are you alright, Professor?" It takes Natquik a second to respond.. Seeming to think over his words. "Don't worry for me, Barnacles. I am better now that I have seen you. And you will heal fine, yes? So all is ok." His hesitation wasn't reassuring.. But he knows how Natquik is. So doesn't push it further. "Yes, despite the scene we caused.. most of these injuries are minor. We'll be.. alright." Natquik puts on a smile that cant truly be read. "That is all that matters, my friend."
ALSO WAAHAGA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm so glad to hear you like my stuff!! And you're interested even when you don't know thE CANON? BESTIE I AM HONORED!! 😭😭💖💖😭💖💖
And of course I would respond! :DD I LOVE receiving comments/interaction with my work. Its the #1 thing I hope my posts receive! Now I cant respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them all and respond to as many as I possibly can!! :D I'll take this moment to give a big thank you to all that leave me messages/comments/asks! They're my favorite thing!! 💖💖🥰💖
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Thank you! :D Also OOOO CREATRURES! :DDD
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I don't have a master post for those, no.. it would take a ton of effort for me to comb through my entire blog to compile it all so I haven't done it..
You can find all/most of that stuff under my #octonauts tag and my #deltarune tag. I hope this helps!
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I did have a blue blanket for a time.. though that blanket doesn't actually exist irl-
Also man, that would take me forever to make. Bibi and the other's quilts were really small and easy to work with. I cant imagine all the time it would take for me in this state to make a full human sized quilt-
Plus I would have to draw the quilt with me whenever I draw my sona. Which would suck because then it would take longer for me to draw myself <XDD
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XD Thank you!! :D I'm so glad you like them! :}}
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
Sally face >:3
the cameras thar Addison installed have eyes on them on Larry's side mr Addison sus frrr /hj
me after looking up a tutorial and still being lost
How do I activate the runes on floor three raghhh
thank God for light bulbs existing I'm so much less scared rn
guys I don't like this ://
Sodas gonna be okay right ://
also where's uhhh I think her name is maple she's gone that's sus
oh 304 is just fucking gone on Larry's side
the mirror in Todd's bathroom where the red eyes demon appeared in chapter two is shattered
why dids Todd's parents toilet have the void
Why doesn't it let me access the full rooms I can't go into the bedrooms
I dislike that all kf the suspicious ppls houses r not able to be accessed (charley, packerton)
Nvm I gor into packertons place
Theres nothing here tho ??
What the florp
I got it to work at the last second bruh i suck at the guitar bits
Mm circles
all the mirrors are shattered actually
did Mrs Gibson die 💀
I'm pretending to understand what's happening
I'm definitely missing stuff :/
Addison: a young boy stands at the threshold of oblivion
-Ph what the fyck this is creepy
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"SO how long have you been like this"
*slowly slides away*
what the fuck
Litterally nothing could've prepared me for this
This reminds me of fullmetal alchemist bro
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ADDISON IS THE POSSESSY DUDE I thought it was The red eyed demon is the red eyed demon possibly an extension?
Having trouble processing this I seriously thought Mr Addison was not actually gonna be sus.
I paused the game and forgot I was doing this lmao
t h e r e s m o r e
Bruh I'm gonna larry
I did IT
hey guys wtf
"I don't think I can do this. Please don't make me do this terrence" guys what if I just delete the game
Omori core (white room with knife)
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This isn't girlypop guys
"Goal: kill"
what if I'm crying
Why do I feel so fuckijg guilty it's a video game
The lack of music
Like complete silence except for footsteps
Makes this so much more painful
Killing soda is what opened the floodgates of tearss
"Youknow, I may not say this enough, but I'm proud of you, sal. You've come a long eay and I know it hasn't all been easy." Fuck. This hurts.
If Larry hadn't kms lsal would've had to kill him..
"I look at you now and I'm excited about the man you arebecoming. K think youve for a bright future ahead of yoj. I reallt do"
Haha funny joke I'm sobbing hea about to fucking kill you and then (prolly) get excuted. I hate this game.
Ih fuck not Todd
The music fading out
Wair no but I know her idea won't work bc like ik sal dies
Do NIT play memories and dreams rn
hey guys what the fuck
What the genuine fuck
Like okay I knew he died from before I started the game but
This still kinda hurts ngl
Why couldn't they just like
Be happy
Acheivment: suffer
Re you fuckin kidding me I mean I am suffering but God damn
Wait yea that's a good point wtf happened to Larry's body
Ash jm going to allow you go try to redeem herself but it's gonna be hard
Travis is the cult member on the inside yea?
-"Oh gizmo is still alive, thats good at least!" [He hadn't left your room since the execution. It's like he knows] guys what the fuck
Pookies j do not remember the shed code
travis is still alive at least..
great fucking job ash now Larry's gone bc of you too (actuslly I don't blame her for this one bc Larry wanted it yk)
girly just casually has a c4
Went into the temple
2nite wasn't great updates since I was just talkin eith the below user lmao
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ohyoufool · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by: @doggernaut and @montrealmadison my besties!!! I am so touched!!!!! and aren't we lucky that I just hit 10 posted fics?? And because I can't stop yapping, I put a little note about each of them.
austin (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Jack comes to Georgia like a summer thunderstorm."
(this one is alternately titled 'I went through a lot of breakups last year and got into country line dancing and it shows')
call of the champions (check, please!, lardo/camilla)
"It’s Lardo and her board."
(THE FUCKING FIC. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. and also I bought a sick salt late city 2002 olympics leather jacket because of it and it's basically my whole personality)
creation myth (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"It goes like this."
(this is me and @montrealmadison's magnum opus, and I learned how to bind books just to immortalize it)
sloshed with gold (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Jack’s phone starts ringing halfway through his Tuesday morning jog."
(if you like nhl!bitty and photographer!jack, she's your jam. not sure if I will ever like the way I wrote this one but eyyyyyy it exists)
rocket man (voltron, keith/lance)
"The fireflies were flickering above Keith’s dark hair to light the path. He stood on the porch as Lance looked out from the doorway. There was a moment of silence. “You will help me keep him here this time, won’t you?” he asked."
(I won't apologize for voltron. I am too far past the shame. i wrote a paper on voltron queerbaiting and it got me into college. I owe her everything.)
season of the witch (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Sometimes, Bitty gets carried away with baking."
(um fun fact there's apparently been a typo in the first line of this one for the last THREE YEARS ?????? its fixed now but dear god. I would delete this if it didn't have the second most hits of any check please fic i've written. I cant reread it it makes me want to die.)
don't waste another mile or minute (not kissing me) (voltron, keith/lance)
"Light. An unusual amount of light. Keith throws his elbow over his face as he peels his eyes open, wincing as the sun blasts through an open window."
(an OLD banger that I wrote at my first internship because it was so boring. some clever lines but my writing has improved tenfold since 2018)
and all I can taste is this moment (voltron, adam/shiro)
"There is absolutely nothing like flying, Takashi Shirogane, sixteen, almost-professional pilot, assumes. He assumes because he hasn’t been allowed to fly (yet), but if the simulator gives him any idea of what flight is like, Shiro is going to be hungry for it for the rest of his life."
(my magnum opus before creation myth, and the longest thing I've ever written (48k). yall ever yolo on a rarepair and write a biblically accurate cold war fic? no? just me? ok.)
last sunrise in the wasteland (voltron, keith/lance)
"The first time that Keith kisses Lance, the sky is the color of cotton candy. "
(this is my fic with the most hits which is great except there's a softcore porn scene in it I forgot about and subsequently subjected my grandpa to when he was reading it and making edits for me. so now it makes me want to die a little thinking about that. no he never brought it up.)
In my veins (carry on, baz/simon)
"On the worst day, Baz wakes up in Simon’s arms, the cursed tattoo glaring at him in the morning sunshine. Simon is still passed out, body curled into Baz, chestnut curls bouncing with each heady breath. The mark bitten onto his neck from the night before flashing like a highway sign on his neck."
(once someone bookmarked this with the tag 'out of character' and it has haunted me every single fucking day since I read that. WHY DID THEY BOOKMARK IT IF THEY DIDN'T LIKE IT. sorry it drives me crazy. I DONT UNDERSTAND.)
Tagging (no pressure, and anyone else can also jump in!): @justlookfrightened @bittysthesis @chaoskiro @zimbits-my-love @parseisflat @a-very-gay-disaster @dessertwaffles
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azurlily · 1 year
Day 3 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. This yandere is a platonic yandere. SO STILL DARK FUCKING THEMES. Sorry this one is shorter than usual.
You want to see your family and leave Fei...she can't have that.
Also I am thinking of doing COMMISSIONS. Every 100 words is 1$. I'll do the people I have set out and I'm willing to do some men. If yall are interested talk to me in my asks.
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Yandere!Fei Hargreeves ANGST
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"You cant leave. I'm here to keep you safe. Why...why the hell can't you understand that!?"
You two are good friends, she values you as someone she can talk to. She feels safe in your arms, she feels warm, she feels comfortable.
While she is a sparrow and has a hard time being around you without the paparazzi. She loves just seeing you, just being around you. Sadly, though, when the world was going to shit. You wanted to leave, you wanted to go see your family.
You wanted to leave Fei in her time of need. You wanted to leave Fei when she needed you most. You can't do that, why would you do that? What's wrong with you?
You'd leave your best friend- your only friend, in her time of need? You truly are a bad person...but that doesn't matter. She'll fix you, she'll keep you safe. You need her, she can give you anything you want.
Of course...she'll have to get rid of a few obstacles. The obstacles are your family. She's smart, really fucking smart. She controls crows, so she of course has the mind of one. She takes good, good care of your family.
After "dealing" with your family she takes you to see them. You don't know the horrible things she's done, you'll never know. She wont let you.
You see their dead and assume someone killed them. You cry into Feis arms, crying and begging her to take you away from this horrible sight. She smiles happily and does as you ask.
Fei takes you back, back to Alphonso, back to Sloane, back to Ben. Back to your real friends, your real family. She brings you back to the people she believes truly love you.
For weeks you didn't know it was her, she was great at hiding it. Emphasis on the was. She did, at some point, slip up. That was the day it all came crumbling down, it all went to hell.
"Calm down. No, no, you need to calm down, you're going to hurt yourself."
That's what Fei told you when you found out. She slipped up, she was talking to Jayme about it, she was bragging about bringing you back. Back where you belong. She's proud of herself.
You walked in. You heard it all, she was talking too loudly, something she didn't usually do.
You slapped her and her glasses fell off. Her face always gave you a small scare, from the beginning, the then, to now. It's always scared you, you never mentioned it though. That would be rude. Although now, now you could hurl all the ugly words you wanted to at her.
You called Fei all sorts of hateful things. She she only smiles when you finally ran out of breath, you were shaking out of rage.
"Ah. You don't mean that, I mean, you probably do, but I don't care. You can mean it all you want, it doesn't mean I'm mad. No, I'm happy you grew a backbone."
You cried and tried pushing her away as she hugged you. She held you close, she said she wasn't angry, but you knew she was lying. When you went into her room all the birds were cawing at you in anger. She continued to tell you she wasn't mad...until you were alone.
"I'm not sorry for this."
She hurt you. Something she's never done before, she never intended to do it either. She heard your screams as the birds nipped and bit at your skin. She watched in fury, until she found herself calming down.
The birds went into their cages and she smiles. She bandages you up while you glare at her.
"Hate me all you want. I'm keeping you safe, you're my only real family. I'm not afraid to do this again...if it means you'll stay by my side."
She knows she's a monster in your eyes. Although she Hope's one day you see why she does this. Part of it is because she is a monster, she does get some enjoyment of seeing you cry. Only because you run to her, because you have nowhere else to run.
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yawn-junn · 1 year
Skipper, listen to me, you are growing fine and humble enough to admit when you are wrong . That's one thing I can honestly say about you not everyone can do that
At this point ignore them you dont let anyone I mean ANYONE try to bully you in telling you how you should feel or run YOUR PAGE. it's yours for a reason okay? I'm proud of you regardless
And to however the hell this anon is I think your just as immature for going back and forth with someone you don't even know matter fact someone that's a minor actually when all she did was state her opinion. IF U DONT LIKE IT U MAY PASS IT, that's all.
It amazes me how some of yall on this app don't do nothing but read and it's like yall still can't read If your that bothered go somewhere else leave her alone please and thank you. Go enjoy your day stop harassing people u don't know
Ok I get it I don't have to respond but I just know they acting like they run the world after typing out that shit and I gotta burst they bubble but that was the last response I'm not hince the "XOXO Yawn 💋" imma delete whatever they say cuz I'm honestly tired and they can't even use words properly! I'm not arrogant or defensive I'm petty 💅
But no srsly imma ignore them now cuz like I gotta help my friend he was in a school shooting a bit ago I ain't got time for this I need to be Able to respond to him when I can. I just wish they weren't anonymous so I can block them I don't understand why they don't block me and I don't think I was being rude in the first message it's just how I am 😭
Also I legit thought you forgot that nickname i thought i was off free
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performing-personhood · 7 months
Yall already know I'm An Old™️ but join me now because I'm indulging in a little foray into my Oldness.
I don't think "hipster" has been a thing for a while, but I assume we all understand that hipster is defined as "someone who is a pretentious snob about something innocuous." It's the sneering superiority of a "I liked it before it was cool, you hadn't heard of it". Right? Ok so now that we've defined our terms, we can move on.
So, I allow myself the luxury of being a hipster about precisely two things, and two things only. Because I actually did like them before mainstream culture got a hold of them, and I never won't be a tiny bit giddy when I think of where we started vs what it is now.
Good Omens is the first one. I wouldn't be diagnosed with adhd until my mid-thirties, which I mention because it should carry some weight when I say that this novel remains the only book I ever read cover-to-cover eight times. If I had to shortlist five my favorite novels, Good Omens would easily make the cut. The show is the ultimate book-to-screen adaptation of all time, including Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings," and I've got a little tent and plenty of rations and I am ready to die for my cause on this hill. My beloved first edition and its crumbling dust jacket are prized possessions. I am so proud to have known her when.
But the second one, oh I'm proud of that one too.
When I was a teenager, I read a book by an author named Gregory Maguire. I couldn't put it down. It was captivating, painting a picture of an innocent life borne of a drug-using, neglected and neglectful mother. A life lived as best they could under unending prejudice and cruelty, which produced a person so misunderstood that even their attempt at social good was painted as evil, even when they were only trying to protect their paraplegic sister. Whose oldest friend put ambition and homewreckery before a friendship that stretched back into adolescence. A person who lost absolutely everything and then their life, only to live on in the infamy of a twisted and maligned legacy. The story of a girl born with horrible birth defects: deathly allergic to water, and skin the most peculiar shade of green.
I had never before read a story told from the villains point of view, especially not one that corrected me so firmly on my definition of "villain." It changed me.
Anyway, Wicked is finally getting its movie after easily a decade of murmur and rumor. I wish I could tell you all how giddy and handflappy and feet-kicky I got when the trailer aired unexpectedly. I don't even care if the movie is hot trash, I will be happy to see its evolution regardless. Because after all, I know the truth, I was there at the beginning..... I liked it before it was cool.
By the way, and I'm sorry to be This Guy, but if you've only seen the musical then you have missed half the story, because the original ending could not be fit into the format of a stage musical. They had to Disney-fy it in order for the story to work (a choice I do not begrudge them.) The original ending ripped out my soul through my teeth. I still think about it.
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deltaruminations · 1 year
🏠 Hometown Teen"z" > # dragon-blazers-discussion
25+ unread messages since 5:07 PM
--- 5:07 PM ---
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: yeah the original translation sucked. so much was lost in his boss monologue especially so glad they fixed it in the hd remaster
--- 5:12 PM ---
semiseraph: I feel bad for him. Sometimes. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: wait who semiseraph: He wanted someone to understand. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: …are we still talking about the lich? semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: dude semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: he manipulated the MC's sister then betrayed her and cursed her with the rot like he's an interesting villain but not exactly sympathetic the new translation didnt change that. semiseraph: Of course. I know that. Obviously it is wrong. The way he goes about it. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: isnt he also an ancient old man. the sister is way younger than him semiseraph is typing…
xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: it's just messed up and creepy dude. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: HEY NERDS!!!!!!! what r we talkin abuot semiseraph: Firstly. The "old man" assertion is fanon. Nothing in the text explicitly says that. They could have been peers. In many ways I find that potentiality more interesting. More subversive. Secondly. It is irrelevant to what I am saying. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: oh boy. here we go semiseraph: He was desperate to have someone else who could Get It. What it was like to be cursed that way. He could not find anyone like him. So he thought he had to make one. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6 is typing…
semiseraph: I am not saying it is Good. Only that it is kind of tragic ? She did not have to be cursed. She already Saw him. But he did not recognize it. Hello Dess. :] 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL omg. is wd talking about the freaky ship he likes again xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: howdy and yeah. unfortunately semiseraph: Wow. Okay. Again. I do not know anything about "relationshipping." I do not do That. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: oh geez. dess don't encourage him. semiseraph: My only interest is in lore and meta analysis. And the relationship between the two characters happens to be interesting. Narratively. Perhaps thematically. That is all. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: you ship it HARD dingywingy youere like the hardest lichster shipper in the game semiseraph is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: whisch isnt difficult because aslo ur the only one in the game xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: can we talk about something else. please semiseraph is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: ur sure typing a lot there bud about to drop some hot lichster fic on us????? semiseraph: Please do not call me that. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: "bud"?????????? semiseraph: The other thing. Um. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: DINGYWINGY???????? :3c semiseraph: Yes. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: but its cuuuuuute :3333c semiseraph: :[ xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: dr. dingywingy pee aytch dee top researcher at the intsitute of dagon blazers brainrot head of the bad taste depratment *dragon semiseraph: Sigh. Am I at least tenured ? xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: of course youre tenored u r like the leading authority on bad opinoins theyd be stupid to let u be head hunted by hte deep state cat petterz think tanks semiseraph: The Cat Petterz cabal has no need for me. Your sister has that market cornered. xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: LOL u r so right dr. dingdong shes easily the formost expert on gay baby games xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: hey. gotta go. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: & im so proud of her for it semiseraph: Oh. Okay. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: AWWW what!!!!!! but i just got online xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: sorry. kris needs help with their project. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: the website thing?????? but nolele said they finished all the leet ccodez & haxorz or whatevs at the librarby today xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx is typing…
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: azzy? xX_PrIsMaTiC_AnGlE_Xx: something came up. ok? see yall at school. semiseraph: Bye Asriel. See you tomorrow. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: :( bye luv u…. txt me later?
--- 5:25 PM ---
6BL00DY6STRINGS6: oh. hes fully like offline
--- 5:30 PM ---
semiseraph: He said he is busy. 6BL00DY6STRINGS6: yeah i guess.
6BL00DY6STRINGS6 is typing…
--- 5:43 PM ---
semiseraph: @6BL00DY6STRINGS6 Did you receive my DM ?
6BL00DY6STRINGS6 reacted: 👍
--- 6:06 PM ---
petes_of_pants: Just finished my latest DB waifu tier list video! This one is for DB3 If anyone wanted to see
--- 6:20 PM ---
petes_of_pants: Anyone?
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blissfullybloomed · 1 year
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Good Morning, and welcome to Sunday!
Sunday seems to be the day where I yoga and write the most frequently the past few weeks. The past few weeks have just been …intense. 
I am infamously known for taking on WAY more than I can handle at once. I think this is due to me having to always juggle several things as a child(emotionally, physically…)  It's something I have learned that continues to be repeated and cycled through. Typically when burn out happens I have mental breakdowns, call off work, isolate, and unfortunately shut out everyone. Well , as one goes on a journey…they learn lessons. So the lesson I have learned with this, is being self aware when I'm overloaded. This can be work, personal, relationship, or family overload. This time it was just a “newness” overload.  New house, new state, new job(s), new relationship, new friends, new family experiences…etc. Just all the new things. 
A few months ago, I was extremely excited(the manic), and I was sooooo ready to get out of Wisconsin, that I didn't actually enjoy my last two weeks I was there- I sat there just counting the minutes before I graduated massage school, and the days before I left for Ohio. 
Well…here we are …in Ohio. Fully. 
I have always been one that adjusts to any certain situation pretty easily at first, then the routine/responsibility kicks in and I just keep moving through it as if nothing new has happened. I don't think I take enough time to really just understand what is going on around me. 
We(I) live in a very fast paced world, where information gets to you from across the world in nanoseconds. So, accepting all the new things in my life, has been a very “paced” acceptance. Now, don't get confused by my demeanor…im very happy with the new. I have waited long enough for the new….it's just a little overwhelming sometimes. 
Example: The new career I'm in-Massage Therapist in a chiropractic office, a Massage Therapist for a corporate spa(tbh, I never thought I would work here…but the benefits outweighed anything), the new house I live in(with my sister and her wife-three dogs, and three cats….along with my two cats- its all new, ) my new relationship- (he is a whole ass adult) I still dig it…it's just new. Even a month in, I'm still adjusting. 
Now, let's talk about an area of “limbo” that I DO NOT do well in at all……the gray area. The in-between: waiting for money to take the MBLEX exam, and waiting to get my license for Massage…the gray area sucks. I loathe it. This stems from me being inherently impatient( Im working on it- slowly.) It also stems from fear. Fear that I'm going to mess up so badly that all this new disappears. It’s also shitty when I have to watch all my friends get all their things first because they actually planned the financial part of the license…etc. I however; did not.  Moving ain't cheap yo.
Anywho, the new is overwhelming. 
So how do we fix it? We establish boundaries to our peace. So clearly working 6 days a week, in two different cities…40 miles apart….isn't the goal. So I regrouped…thought it out, and I am going to stick with a normal 5 day work week. I need that decompression time. That's MY time. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I WAS self aware. I felt myself “turtling”, I took stock, reassessed, and made a change. I need my me time, I need my family and boyfriend time. 
Oh and speaking of the boyfriend. Yall, this one…this one has me by the heart strings. He is there when I don't even know I need him to be there. He supports and motivates me to just breathe once in a while. He tells me it's okay when I'm overloaded with all the new.
If I could just live in our bubble I'd be a happy camper. Our bubble is where I am completely safe. What an incredible feeling. It's really nice to be taken care of by a man emotionally. I will tell you this- he is the first one…I've actually allowed to take care of me. Not the other way around. I also don't fight it anymore. Hyper-independence is a trauma response. I wasn't a fan of a man doing anything for me…period…I thought they would think I was weak, and unable to manage on my own. But now, shoooooot!  He wants to buy me dinner- go for it. He wants to give me an extra long hug in a parking lot, go for it. He wants to take me to lighthouses- go for it.
Take care of me baby. I'm okay with it now, and I'm so here for all of it.  Thank you for just being you. Everyday. 
If he is a moose, I'm totally a moose. 
The new is great. It's overwhelming. I couldn't do it without my family and my boyfriend - for real. I need them all. Ha! Yeah, I need them. I need people in my life now. Maybe I needed people the entire time….I just wasn't ready. I'm ready now.
If you are someone who has helped me through the new…thank you!
Word of advice: Take stock of your own boundaries and include your time. Time is something you don't get back and it tends to slip by very quickly.
"The magic of new beginnings, is single-handedly, the most powerful magic of them all"- Victoria Bloom
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gegeetime · 2 years
rules: list your top 10 biases and answer the following questions
tagged by: my lovely @heeseongism 🤩🤍
1. wonyoung
2. heeseung
3. jay
4. jake
5. seulgi
6. jennie
7. jaehyun
8. xiaojun
9. karina
10. rei
(this is a temporary order because idols keep bias-wrecking me everytime 😩😩😩)
Q1: between 1 and 4 who would your rather kiss?
A: yall mean how am i supposed to choose fuck 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but,,,, jake bc i wonder how great he is with that plump looking lips 🚶‍♂️
Q2: between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
A: jaehyun bc im hee's gf so there's no way he becomes my bff🤚🏻
Q3: between 5 and 10 who has a better voice?
A: both are very talented. i tell you. but seulgi has that unique voice that i like sm and i fall in love with her more when 28 reasons out srsly she created her own genre with that album. queen behavior 💅
Q4: between 1 and 8 who is the funniest
A: xiaojun,,, he has that sense you know
Q5: between 6 and 9 who would you date?
A: i hate this game 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ BOTH ‼️‼️‼️‼️ they're my gfs wym i've to choose💁🏻‍♀️
Q6: between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with?
A: rei !! she's literally a hidden gem OMG did yall know that she wrote the rap parts in after like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Q7: between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer?
A: both, really. i'd been watching xiaojun's growth in dancing since 2020 you wouldn't understand how proud i am 😭😭😭 #xiaojunsmomdetected. as for jake, i think he's really talented like ?????? ok i cant choose bye
Q8: between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
A: jay. i mean GURL let's just be honest we all want jay as our husbands and he's the freaking standard 🗣🗣🗣‼️
Q9: between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
A: wony bc my girl been working so hard for these past few years and it'd be such an honor for me to take care of her oml pls she REALLY needs to rest i worry abt her 😭😭😭😭 #⭐️shipsucks
Q10: between 2 and 3 who has a better smile
A: this game is torturing me istg- bitch both 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok.listen i have a reason for this. you know when jay smiles and he goes :] HWISKSOHSKA ado‼️ra‼️ble‼️
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and for heeseung.... man's just perfect in any kind of aspects. period.
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Q11: between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
A: xiaojun bc idk i just don't wanna feel poor next to jennie pls 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤚🏻 i'm afraid if we'd ever be in an argument she'd slap me with her gucci bag 😞
i love this game bc it makes my ass feel bad 😍😍😍
tagging: @sugarcherriess @heeswifeyy @hee-pster @thots4hee @iiousim @jayked @maggstar and anyone who wants to hop in 🌷 (im sorry if you've get tag b4 😭🤚🏻)
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Two were addicts? One is a pothead? I am so confused, I must have missed a few chapters. Wait - is one of the two Aryia? So proud of that man being clean for this long and I hope he continues. I feel like the current cringe level could be worse. the second hand embarrassment I had while they were with jake, corey and aaron never touched elton times. The elton era was the WORST. That man is a walking hazard. Pretty sure they're not dialed up to 10 all the time now. Not to mention, sam being loud could be him trying to show he isnt always the serious business guy all the time. As far as stas and constantly posting colby shit, remember shes trying to really push herself as an influencer and things with snc get noticed. I'm not saying shes using anyone, I'm saying it's a leg up in getting noticed and if they dont care, we shouldn't. It's just not that serious
aryia and corey admitted to the fans that they were addicts. and i just wanted to state that i wasn't throwing that around as a gotcha thing or as an insult to them. i'm proud of them for their recovery and sobriety. i've had family members who were addicts so i know how difficult it can be and how it's basically a life long process. i was just stating it bc to say that their newer friends are "tainting" snc, or that they've somehow gotten worse, is such a weird thing that some fans feel (not saying the previous anon said that, just in general) when snc clearly have no problem partying with anyone and everyone without it being an issue.
and pothead i used a little liberally. i meant jake. i know he smokes pot and has done it a couple times on stream. but yeah, he's the "pothead" lol
and the other one that's done "substances" is mike.
and omg elton, i didn't even think of him tbh. he doesn't seem like the partying type, more so the type to just destroy your house as a "prank" type lmao
idk about stas really using snc and kat either. personally, while she definitely knows posting things with them in it gets her more attention, she's also posting her friends…. which is normal, last time i checked haha
and like you said, and like i've said about a million times before, i don't really think any of this is an issue in the first place. idk what it is with the asks today, but some of yall are really upset and i just don't understand why.
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fairybinie · 3 years
ONCE AGAIN SORRY THIS IS LATE ☹️☹️ i've been on the grind recently are you proud of me 😩 YOU DO DESERVE STOP 🤬🤬🤬 if by questionable you mean questionably good 🤨🤨 i will accept no val's writing slander even if it's from val themself 😡😡😡 AND HOPEFULLY SOB IN A GOOD WAY :(
YES I THINK YOURE SO CUTE ☹️☹️☹️ like the littlest of things i like how you say "thankie" LIKE ITS SO PRECIOUS ☹️😡 and how you're so sweet to everyone and and the nicknames you give your friends :( like i'm sure they think you're cute in those ways too ☹️☹️ ATTENTION WHORE BYE WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY??? can you be my attention whore 😗😗 or is it too early to flirt 😔😔😔
AND I SAW CONGRATS BB YOU DESERVE IT SO MUCH!! AND I READ THE FIC IT WAS SO GOOD I CRIED A LITTLE ☹️☹️ i think it's so cute that you dedicated it to ky :(
OMG SPEAKING OF BESTIE CICI yes we are now a trio don't question it 🤨🤨 I SAW THAT YOU GUYS WATCHED SOOBIN'S LIVE TOGETHER THATS SO CUTE 😔😔😔 another instance where i wish a had a friendship like yours 😗😗😗😗 side note i think you and mika are so cute the way yall talk about each other :(( and my day has been LONG i hate cleaning 😐 BUT TELL ME ABOUT URS AGAIN 😏
AND MY EMOJI i was heavily debating if i should make it the same as cici's ... but i shall give you a different one how about: ☹️ bc when i think of val i get ☹️☹️☹️ BYE THIS WAS SO LONG IM SORRY
YOURE HERE AGAIN :((( THIS MESSAGE IS SO LONG HELP IM SORRY TO MY FOLLOWERS LOOK AWAY me and anon are talking ,, don't apologize i understand, don't feel like you need to send in stuff all the time! AND IM SO PROUD GET ON THAT GRIND ;) STOP i'll take the compliment ig </3 and yes sob in a good way :((
STOP IDK HOW THANKIE EVEN BECAME MY THING but it is a val staple. i literally almost sent my counselor "thankie" i DELETED THAT SHIT SO FAST. i hate to break it to u bestie but i am only a whore for two people and that is my bf soobin and the literal loml mika and THANKIE SO MUCH i'm glad you liked it :( and yeah i love ky so much she really deserves to feel happy :((
oh i am not questioning it whatsoever cici You Seein This . AND YEAH WE DID THIS IS THE SECOND VLIVE WEVE SEEN TOGETHER ILY HER :( AND HELP THANKIE I LOVE MIKA A LOT SHE MAKES MY HEART FLUTTER <//3 ugh cleaning can suck :/ but proud of you ;) UGH MINE HAS BEEN SO WEIRD fic issues, simping for my gf, talking with the beffie, possibly uniting with the moon, it's been emotional :')
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hi !! can I please get a 🍰?
i just came across of you writing and it is so cute !! (´-﹏-`;) every post made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside ~ please feel free to totally ignore this if this isn't the proper way to ask or if you already closed your request (also I'm sorry if you already closed your request I didn't noticed) . Also sorry if this has any grammatical errors or if the descriptions don't make sense, english isn't my first language.
so, uhm, to begin my name is elliot (she/her) I'm 5'4, I'm from argentina (south america) i speak spanish & english (among other languages) idk how much I'm supposed to put on here so I'm just going to describe myself as redacted as possible. (Don't know if this is necessary but I'm jewish ¿) ^_________^
I have short brown wavy hair, just a couple of centimeters below my ears, i have bangs, I'm very pale ¿ not chubby but also not skinny average if i may say so. My fashion style changes from time to time but i usually wear clothing in the range of black to white, also sometimes I like trying whatever aesthetic is going around at the time.
Personality wise I'm pretty calm at first, i'm not very good with getting to know new people so I try to be as quite as possible but once I get comfortable i tend to be very loud, i like making my friends laugh since i think that's the most sincere way of knowing they talk to me because they like me. I would say I'm like the mom friend/therapist friend since i really like helping and listening people talk. I love having deep conversations with friends/loved ones, they give me this sense of connection nothing else can give me. I am very blunt and it usually comes off as rude but i try to sugar-coat my words as much as possible.
And while I very much love everyone who is friends with me I have a very hard time showing it and/or showing my empathy for them (one of the reasons as to why I'm not good with meeting new people) but i try to become a better version of me day to day.
What i look in a person is someone who can understand me and my boundaries, since I'm germophobic PDA isn't really something that i enjoy doing but with time i can get myself around to it. Someone whom I can trust enough to be emotionally open with and vice versa. Talkative or not doesn't matter to me. My love language is acts of service. ^_________^
I hope you have a really amazing day ! ! remember to drink water and eat something yummy (*^3^)/~♡ don't be too harsh on yourself and keep in mind that many people love you, ba-bye ! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
🍰 for @vvanteffect
Romantic Matchup
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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How yall met
You guys met during the All-Japan Youth Training Camp
(You were a partial manager from Nekoma during that time)
Shockingly enough he actually approached you
Granted his cousin was forcing him to socialize but that's not important
He had noticed how you tended to stay away from other people or how when you did talk to someone it was usually a very short conversation
Basically you seemed like the least contaminated person he could talk to so he just went for it
Right away he noticed how blunt you were
Like he would ask you a question adn the longest answer you would give him was about a sentence
“Hey how are you”
“Uh so what school are you from”
You get what i'm saying
But honestly he didn't really care he just kept talking to you
And the longer he talked to you the longer your responses would get
You guys spent the rest of camp together
And when it was time to go home you exchanged numbers so you could stay in contact
Your schools weren't too far from each other so you guys would see each other in person when you were both free
And well he ended up falling for you
What they love about you
Of course he loves that your also a partial germaphobe
It makes it easier for him to be around you knowing that you try your best to stay clean
He loves how simple you are
From the clothes you wear
To how you talk to other people
He tends to over analize if people are to complicated
But with you everything is just short and sweet
He loves how good of a listener you are
Like if he's had a bad day he can just call you and rant about it
And not only do you listen
But you also help him solve his problems
This next one isn't really something he loves more like something he's proud of
He's very proud that he's gained enough of your trust for you to talk to him
Like full blown conversations
Your guys convos have come a long way from the very first conversation you had
He's just happy that you trust him enough to talk to him
What you love about them
You love that he respects your boundaries
Let's be honest here
Mans isn't really into PDA either
Like come on
LOOK who were talking about here
But that's not the only boundary he respects
He respects All of your boundaries
Like all you have to do is tell him you don't like something and he'll stop
You love how he can handle your bluntness and not get offended
Honestly when you look back on how you met him
Your shocked that he even kept talking to you
That whole training camp people would keep on trying to talk to you
But then leave after a short while because you were being blunt and they took it the wrong way
But not Sakusa
He kept on talking to you even when you were acting pretty cold
And your very appreciative about that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so even though you live semi close together
It's not like your neighbors
So his favorite thing to do with you is to just facetime you and talk about each others days
And when you guys are able to get together
He prefers that you both just stay inside for the most part
So you do just that
Usually your in person hangouts include playing board games, reading,or watching movies together
And if you guys decide to go out
He makes you wear a mask the whole time
And you guys will usually just take a walk at a park or on the beach
Somewhere where theres not a lot of people yk
Random Hc
He has bought you two matching masks
His homescreen on his phone is a picture of you that he took while facetime you
Once you guys were in public and he accidently gave you a kiss while both of your masks were on
And now thats just became a norm for you two
You guys have these matching pajamas
Friendship Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
You are Nekomas manager
And since kuroo was the captain you worked very closely with him
Which eventually made a friendship bloom
Why you became friends
He kind of saw you as a compitition if that makes sense??
Like when he first met you it's almost like you didn't want to talk to him
Which couldn't be true because he's awesome!
Sure you are kuroo
Anyways kenma had made some backhand comment on how some people just dont wanna talk to him
And kuroo was like 🧐
So he made it his goal to befriend you
It started with him having basic conversation with you everyday
Then it turned into him talking to you during the school day
Which then turned into him inviting you to hand out after school
Eventually you guys just became besties
What yall love about each other
He loves how straightforward you are
Like if you don't like something youll say it
If someones ticking you off you'll tell them
Even though your bluntness is something you get insecure about sometimes
He thinks it's one of your best traits
He also loves that you are bilingual
It makes for a good time when your ranting about something because your languages will start to blend
And if your really mad you'll just switch to spanish and just start ranting
And even though he can't understand a word your saying
He just smile and nods till your done
You love how deep your conversations can get
Like he'll play along with whatever deep topic you talk about
“What's the meaning of life”
“I would say its to give life a meaning”
Yeah y'all talked about that for HOURS
You also like how helpful he is
If your ever having a hard time managing the team he'll always offer a helping hand
And if your ever struggling with schoolwork he's always there to help you
Random Hc
He was very shocked when you and Sakusa started dating
He threatened to kick his ass if he ever broke up with you
Hes tried to learn spanish but gave up after a week
But he did learn how to say all the cuss words in spanish
After he befriended you he rubbed it in kenmas face
Kenma was just like 😐 ok
But kuroo took satisfaction in his victory
You really had kuroo thinking for a whole day when you asked him
Did the color orange come before the fruit? Or is it vice versa?
Still hasn't come up with an answer to that question
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lovenona · 4 years
first of all
been busy with some stuff and exams
(I am not even sure you saw my last asks but don't stress yourself about them especially if they made you uncomfortable or something if that is the case just... buen them the ask just out the window... anyway)
don't you dare insult one of my favorite authors on hell site (nah for real tho i will say it again and again love your writing ❤️)
and at last thirdly (do.. do you say thirdly is that a word) anyway TO THE BRAIN ROT
and as always its about artist sukuna
surprise surprise who would've guessed that from moi 😂
but BUT i have a huge feeling that our arrogant attention needing boi... never try to get into digital painting like... HE FULL ON AVOIDS IT if he can chose traditional HE WILL CHOSE TRADITIONAL
BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE an assignment comes up that has to be digitally no thing like scan a traditional and send it IT HAS TO BE DIGITALLY MADE
BUT THIS MAN NEVER SAT DOWN NOT EVEN ONCE TO LEARN HOW IT WORKS and now all thes words are being thrown into his way like Photoshop, clip studio paint pro or ex clipping mask layers vector layers.. and hes just...to much but OF COURSE he would never admit that probably would know that you need a programm in order to paint on the computer so he just frustratingly admits that he needs help but doesn't REALLY ASK couse of course PRIDE AGAIN so he just kind of ordors y/n to install it on his laptop while he makes themm some drinks when shes over to go over his history assignments
and it ends up with him successfully "sneakily" getting her to explain the program and medium to him while she "obviously" doesn't have a clue that he was frustrated and needed help (of course our prideful ass of sukuna would then proceed to create masterpieces once hes gotten the hang of the program)
just him being "lol why not yall are part of this generation you know how to do it" WALKED OUT WITHOUT EXPLAINING SHIT AS TO HOW TO DO IT 😂
probably a reason why hes even more frustrated and really wants to do that assignment JUST TO PEOVE TO GOJO SOMETHING as if this was a personal challenge from gojo to him😂
anyway again been rambling tooooooo much in this ask again hope you still enjoyed my brain rot 😂 if i do get annoying just let me know
and as always
-your rambler
omg thank u sm 😭 it’s my firm belief that sukuna is so shit when it comes to using technology – mans has NO idea how to use digital programs n gojo probably knew that which is why he assigned it <3 head empty only sukuna staring at his laptop like a grandpa n being so shocked when u install the tablet for him and get his programs up n running despite the fact u have no idea how to use them either <3 sukuna mumbling to himself that “he totally knew how to do that” and being so bitter when he sits down to play with everything <3 although he’s secretly super grateful that you’re sitting next to him patiently reading instructions from the manual on how to do everything <3 sukuna spending all afternoon trying out the different brushes n settings and refusing to let u go home because he wants to show u the cool artwork (literally just different lines) he did <3 making u google things he doesn’t understand and then saying “oh i knew that just wanted to make sure!” <3 being so mf proud when he finally makes something worthwhile and claims that digital art “isn’t that bad” (babe u threw a tantrum. it’s okay, we know)
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jay-durian · 3 years
hello there! i saw you were doing enha ship requests so here i am :))
i’m an 04 liner, scorpio, intp, bisexual, & my pronouns are she/her. i’m also an introvert & enjoy being alone, but once i find the right person i can be quite clingy. if i were to describe myself in five words i would say i’m independent, passionate, stubborn, well-read, & creative. my hobbies include writing, reading, playing videos games, baking, making playlists, stanning kpop groups, & tarot. oh, and my favorite color is sage green!
as for my appearance, i’m 5’4 with a mix between a curvy & athletic build. i have honey brown hair with amber eyes. i also have a resting bitch face, so that tends to make me intimidating before you actually get to know me - i’m actually pretty soft, but i don’t let anyone push me around nor do i deal with other people’s bs.
a few fun facts about me are that i won mvp in my school’s orchestra, i’m copy editor for my school’s newspaper, i plan on being a writer when i’m older, and i absolutely LOVE learning new languages.
thank you and i hope you have a wonderful day <3
Ty for sending this in! Ive never written any ships requests for a bisexual person so I'm sorry if I've mentioned something you don't like!
I ship you with Jay!
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First and foremost, jay would be very proud of you if you came out to him as bi. I also feel like he wouldn't be bothered about your sexuality (but he would get scared that you'd leave him for someone because now he has double the competition)
When you feel like being alone jay would give you space cause this man is very understanding! And I think he would find it really cute when you get clingy
I totally see jay wanting to read the stuff you write, make playlists with you, and bake together!
Since jay is into fashion I think he would love picking outfits for you with sage green in it
He would love your curvy + athletic figure and he thinks you look really good that way
Since jay looks a bit intimidating too you both would look like such a gangster couple (I'm literally squeeling at how good yall would look good together lol)
He would love how you stand up for yourself and not bare with people who don't treat you properly
Jay would also want to learn new languages with you and he would support you so much if you ever do become a writer
Overall y'all would be a powerful couple that everyone wished they could be like y'all
Hope u have a lovely day too 🥰
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