#I am Sorry for the lack of artem messages but it kind got out of hand while I was writing it
auradia · 2 years
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am I the only one that’s sad that we didn’t get any nxx group chat messages for the new year(s)?
like I want to see them all passive-aggressively wishing each other a happy new year dammit please I need it
therefore since hyv did not bless us with new nxx groupchat shenanigans I will make my own. (under the cut)
luke and marius, stalking the gc at 11:59 PM: come on, just turn to 12 already….. come onnnnn…
the clock ticks to 12:00. and then….
NXX Groupchat:
12:00 AM
Luke: Happy new year, Rosa!
Marius: happy ne-
Luke: Alright, alright… happy new year, marius :)
Marius: hmph. i’m still gonna get you back for that.
Vyn: Why must you be so petty? I was trying to watch the fireworks and the notifications disturbed me.
Marius: well doc just have your phone on silent
Marius: it’s not that hard
Vyn: If you did not disturb me I would not have to put my phone on silent.
Vyn: Also, do not call me “doc”.
Marius: all right doc whatever you say
Luke: Wait a second
Luke: Vyn I think this is the first time I’ve seen you up after 9
Vyn: It was New Year’s Eve, and I would not want to miss such an occasion.
Vyn: Ah, before I forget: Happy New Year, Luke.
Marius: seriously??? no happy new year for me? unfair.
Vyn: Perhaps I would consider it if you did not attempt to get on my nerves daily.
Luke: Should I feel bad or should I laugh?
Vyn: You should laugh.
Marius: WOW DOC
Marius: ok but why ARE you still awake
Marius: i don’t recall you ever saying you were excited for the new year
Vyn: Oh, yes. I forgot to say, me and Rosa are celebrating together.
Luke: Wait, what???
Marius: WHAT
Artem: You’re with Rosa?
Rosa: Yeah, Vyn invited me to watch the fireworks with him! They’re really pretty :D
Luke: Why didn’t you tell me you were free? We could have spent the night together with peanut!
Marius: why didn’t you tell me missy? i’m hurt :(
Artem: I was not aware you were with Vyn.
Rosa: Sorry, guys. I thought you all said you were busy. :(
Luke: I can always make time for you!
Marius: missy, i could’ve made a space in my schedule for you…
Artem: Rosa, if you ever want to spend time with me, I can request a break so we can spend time together.
Rosa: Guys… thanks, but you really don’t need to waste that much time and effort on me…
Artem: No time spent with you is a waste, Rosa. I don’t want to hear you saying that again.
Vyn: Artem is correct. You deserve it.
Marius: wow that’s like the first time i’ve seen them agree with each other
Luke: @Rosa since we missed the new year’s, do you want to come over in a few days so we can have some fun in the snow?
Vyn: …
Artem: …
Marius: …
Marius: dang, should’ve asked earlier
Rosa: Uh… well-
Rosa: I would love to!
Luke: Yay!! I’ll text you tomorrow about it then
Rosa: By the way, thanks for the wishing me a happy New Year. Happy New Year to everyone here, too!
Rosa: I should probably go to sleep now, since the fireworks are over. Goodnight, everyone!
Marius: sweet dreams missy
Luke: Goodnighttt
Artem: Goodnight, Rosa.
Vyn: Ah, Rosa. I will prepare everything for you. Please wait, I am coming.
Marius: wow doc’s really texting instead of just talking they’re literally in the same place
Artem: That does seem quite inefficient.
Artem: Speaking of inefficiency, don’t you have work to do? I recall that Rosa mentioned that you said you were busy during the New Year’s celebrations.
Marius: wow. rude. i’m still doing work just taking a quick break
Marius: besides don’t you have work to do too
Artem: …
Artem: I suppose I do, yes. I am also simply taking a break.
Marius: copycat
Luke: Guys… just do your work
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