#I am a 25 year old woman. i will mask. and not get a diagnosis which. i desperately. need.
jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Doctor Istvan Günther intern at large
warnings: This is mostly just fluff and a dash of angst.
One shot
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Bill sits in the administration office waiting area with his business manager, Jake Glassgo.  The secretary attempts to hold her cellphone to take a picture to send to her friends. Jake notices.
He leans in hiding Bill’s face with his hand, “You want me to take her phone?”
Bill sighs, “I’ll try to ask nicely, first.”
He walks over to the woman’s desk with a kind smile on his face. “I don’t want to be a dick, but I’d appreciate you not taking random picture of me here. I am trying not to get any press or fanfare right now. I can give you one good selfie for you to post in a week when I am done, alright?”
She nods excitedly.
“What’s your name?” He reached for her phone and she gave it up willingly while getting lost in his emerald gaze.
“Pam Pitson,” She smiled. At least she thought she smiled.
“Nice to meet you Pam.” Bill deleted photos she had already taken. He glanced through her social media to see if she posted anything yet. She hadn’t. He held the camera in front of them tilting it to get a good angle for them both to look their best. “Smile, Pam.” She did and he snapped the photo and handed her back her phone. “Remember don’t post that for a week or it will breach the contract I’m about to sign and you will be fired.”
She was blushing so enamored of him she would agree with anything. She manages to get out a, “k”
The intercom fuzzes with static before the manager asked, “Ms. Pitson, I am ready to see Mr. Skarsgard and Mr. Glassgo now.”
Pam answered, “I’ll send them right back Mr. Garrett.”
Bill and his manager sat in the office with Mr. Garrett. Mr. Garrett handed them a stack of papers to sign. Mr. Glassgo took out a stack of paper from his briefcase for the hospital administrator to sign.
“All the staff throughout the hospital were informed you will be here for the week.” Mr. Garrett said as he signed the paperwork given to him. “They will not be bothering you for autographs or photos. If someone does please inform me. They know the consequences.”
Bill nods as he finishes signing papers, “they will treat me like the rest?”
“For the most part,” Mr. Garrett informed him. “our interns are questioned about possible diagnosis and medical conditions. You will not be put on the spot in any way. You will be going through a quick overview of how to do a basic assessment and asked to do that during rounds. A Doctor will reassess the patient when you are through which is a normal procedure. Others in the group may also assess the patient. The other thing we can’t control is patients recognizing you.”
“Understandable,” Bill thinks for a moment. “what about those getting ready for surgery. Doctors visiting right before surgery would wear a mask and in recovery wear masks?”
“Yes, also patients in reverse isolation in which the Doctors have to wear masks and gowns because the patient could be in danger from outside germs.” Mr. Garett said. “You can go into those rooms if you do exactly what the team leader tells you.”
“Of course,” Bill agreed, “I would never want to put anyone in danger. Learning what to do in those situations would be helpful.”
They all shook hands and Bill parted ways with his manager to start right away. Mr. Garett took Bill to the Doctors’ locker room to get a white coat and Stethoscope. Then he took him to a new class of interns that was due to start in minutes. Most of them were seated.
“This is Doctor Istvan Günther,” He used Bill’s middle names for slight anonymity. “He is joining you all in this learning process. I expect the best from you all. "Doctor Günther, take a seat. Good luck. Feel free to come to me with any questions.”
Bill sat in the back. Doctor Marker, the head of surgery was also the head of the internship program. Today’s lecture was on viral pathogen control inside the hospital. Bill took notes on the lecture and also on how the students around him were acting.
After the lecture, Doctor Marker separated the class into small groups to work in different departments with the head Doctors in those departments. “Doctor’s Standard, Henshire, Staplton, and Günther follow me. This week we will be assessing patients before and after their surgeries. You will be viewing a tonsillectomy, heart catheterization and coronary artery bypass this week.” Doctor Marker walked quickly.
Doctors Standard and Staplton whispered and giggled glancing at the new tall intern joining them. All of them had been doing rounds in different departments for weeks. They had all gotten a form letter Bill would be joining them at some point.
“Doctor’s I would appreciate, professionalism, ” Bill told the gigglers.
“I’d appreciate working with all professionals,” Doctor Henshire murmured.
“Sorry Doctor Günther,” I’m Breanna or Doctor Standard if you will. The rude mumbler is Doctor Henshire. He is just a little cranky baby to everyone so don’t take anything he says personally.“
"I’m Doctor Jason Staplton,” He smiles. “It is a pleasure to have you work with us. I think what you are doing to get more realism into your work is great.”
“Yeah,” Doctor Standard looked up to him with big blue doe eyes. “Any questions you have, we have no problem trying to answer. Anything, at all.”
Bill smiled nervously, “Thank, I appreciate that.”
They get to the door of the first patient. Masks and gloves are outside the door. Doctor Marker put his mask and gloves on and the others follow suit.
“This patient, female 25 years old presented with pain on the right side of the throat, difficulty swallowing, A hoarse voice, fever, swollen lymph nodes, yellow coating on the tonsils, and a severe recurring sore throat over the last year. Who would like to tell me why she is here?”
Doctor Staplton jumped on the question first. “She needs her tonsils taken out.”
Doctor Mark nodded, “Correct Doctor Staplton. We will go in and each access here one last time before her surgery. Then you will watch me in the observation room. She was just medicated for surgery minutes ago. How should we proceed when we walk in her room? ”
“We should inform her on the dangers of the surgery before checking her vitals,” Doctor Henshire said smugly.
“No Doctor Henshire,” Doctor Marker glared at him. “The patient is told of the dangers and all possible outcomes in the initial consultation. We need to make sure she is relaxed and in good spirits before going to surgery. Talk kindly to her. Ask her if she has any questions. Answer her calmly.”
Everyone walked into the room.
The patient was smiling. Her eyes were glossy from the medication. “Hey there Doctor sexy eyes.” She giggles looking at Bill. “Those eyes belong to Bill Skarsgard. What a Hunk.” She giggles again.
Bill chuckles nervously.
Doctor Marker picked up her chart on the end of the bed. “How are you feeling Miss Johnston?”
“Dandy as candy,” She smiled. Her eyes were a little droopy.
“We are going to listen to your heart and check your lymph nodes before you go down to surgery Miss Johnston.” Doctor Marker flipped through her chart. “Looks like blood pressure and blood work are good. These interns are Doctor Standard, Doctor Henshire, Doctor Staplton, and Doctor Günther.”
They all listened to her heartbeat and felt under her neck. Bill went last and did as he saw everyone else do. She was smiling ear to ear as he heard her heartbeat so steadily. He glands were so swollen even he could feel how abnormal they felt.
As they were taking her vitals the transporter came in with the gurney. They all walked to the operating room.
Miss Johnston looks up at Bill. His hand on the rail walking along side. She reached for his hand. “Will, you be there when I wake?”
“Bill takes her hand,” His eyes light up with a smile. “Yeah, I promise I’ll be there.”
He was not sure if that was an appropriate response from a Doctor. He made a mental note to ask later.
“Thank, Bill,” she murmured before they wheeled her into the operating room.
Bill followed the other interns up some stairs, “Was it alright for me to hold the patients hand and reassure her like I did?” He threw the question out for any of the others to answer.
“No,” Doctor Henshire chastised instantly.
Doctor Standard glared at Doctor Henshire, “To elaborate on Doctor Henshire’s comment, it is not something most Doctors do. Sometimes a family member will walk with the patient holding their hand before they get to the operating room. It is fine to comfort a patient before surgery and I think you helped her be in good spirits which is important for a Doctor to do, in my opinion.”
“ I think holding a patient’s hand is fine if it makes them trust you better, Doctor Staplton chimed in, "You just have to watch you don’t get to emotional invested in the patients. If you do that, this place will rip you to pieces emotionally.”
“Yeah,” Bill nodded, “My brother offered me that advise also. He is a Doctor in Sweden. I tagged along with him last week but I really wanted to see things inside of a hospital in the States for the character I will be playing next.”
They sit in an enclosed glass room over looking the operating room. Doctor Marker explains everything he is doing step by step. He wants his students to be ready to join him in the operating room and eventually perform the procedure by themselves. Bill’s eyes are big and interested as he watches and takes notes. He also takes notes on how the others are reacting to watching.
Bill is standing at Miss Johnston’s bedside when her eyes flutter open, “Don’t try to speak Miss Johnston. If you can keep the secret you know who I am I will bring you something special when you feel better tomorrow.” He winks.
She smiles and nod yes that she will keep it a secret he is there. Then she nods back off to sleep. She is unsure if he was really who she thought he was with the preop shot and the haze she was still in when she woke in recovery.
The interns followed Doctor Marker for ten hours checking in on patients. Also learning about the paper work that must be done. “It is an important part of the job,” he told them. Other than stopping in the cafeteria  for 15 minutes to grab a coffee and a snack on the run they had no real break.  But finally the exhausting day came to an end.
“Hey Doctor Günther, we are going for a drink at Cleats,” Doctor Staplton looked to Bill as they hung up their white coats in the locker room. “You want join us?”
“Thanks man, um Doctor Staplton,” Bill said politely. “I have some more work to do tonight. Then getting some rest.” Bill wanted to make sense of his notes while they were fresher in his mind so he could make character suggests in the script to show the director next Monday.
“We will see you tomorrow at 4am then,” Doctor Staplton walked out with Bill.
“Sure thing,” Bill said excitedly. Most of them seemed to be cool with him being there. “I’m looking forward to learning more.”
The next morning as he got to the last light before pulling into the Doctor’s parking lot in his rented black kia telluride with tinted windows he saw the vultures. Media trucks, reporters and camera people covered the entrance to the hospital. Bill shook his head as he pulled into the parking lot.
When he parked he took his phone out to call his manager, “I had one good day before they all found out. Any patient or visitor could have informed them. Can you be here within a half an hour. Bring some signed posters of my characters. I have a fan I want to visit before leaving today. And bring Mr. Mike.”
His manager and bodyguard, Mr. Mike,  got there within twenty-five minute. They all went to the administration office to have another chat with Mr. Garrett.
“I’m sorry about all that craziness out there, ” Mr. Garrett apologized.
“I don’t think it was your people Mr. Garrett,” Bill shook his head. “Everyone was pretty cool yesterday. I’m sorry they are in the way out there. Why don’t you go out to give a statement that I was here yesterday researching a new role. I’m going to visit a patient I met yesterday before I leave through the back. I’m really sorry about the media barrage.”
“I’m sure they will leave once I tell them you are not here,” He shakes Bill’s hand.
Pam comes in to take notes for an amendment to the original paperwork that both parties do not blame employees for the media presence. Bill agrees that instead of a week, one day was enough to get the information he was looking for in the experience. She typed it all up and both parties signed. The amendment was attached to the original contract that Bill’s manager and Mr. Garrett had handy.
“Pam you may share that picture tonight after work as long as say I was only here one day,” Bill smiles kindly.
Pam got excited, “Of course Mr. Skarsgard.”
Bill’s manager and bodyguard follow him to the lockers. Bill gets the coat and stethoscope in his assigned locker. He grabs a mask from the secretary at the closest desk. They get on the elevator to head to the eighth floor where Miss Johnston was taken after her recover time.
Bill walked in her room. His manage walks in with him holding a bag of posters and things signed. Mr. Mike, stands at the door.
“How is my first ever patient today?” His sparkling green eyes smile at her.
She drops her spoon in her oatmeal mid-bite, “Doctor um Günther.” She turns beat red. “I was sure I hallucinated I saw you. I, are you…”
He took his mask off, “You weren’t that out of it Miss Johnston.”
She was so surprised, “call me Jen, um Bill?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, you can call me Bill. You didn’t tell anyone you thought you saw me, did you Jen.”
“No, I really thought I dreamed it. "She laughed.
"Good,” he smiled as he sat on the edge of her bed. “Who’s your favorite character I’ve played?”
“Oh I love a lot of them for different reason and some of them really just need more love to help them…”
He sat just listening to her paddle on for a moment.
“But Mickey is the best,” She giggled. “Such a lovable little small time criminal. He deserved better. I cried to hard at the end of that movie. But I have also already pre-cried for…”
“Okay, No spoilers.” He fake pouts like Mickey. “I don’t know if I know how my projects based on books ended yet. Sorry I made you cry so much.”
“It is like you are killing me with these tv shows and movies and I love it,” She giggled more.
“Well, I have a few things for you before I go.” Bill grinned. Mr. Glassgo hand me the Mickey things.“
His manager hand him a two rolled up posters and a funko pop of Mickey from Villains.
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Jen unrolls a poster and stares at it. The stares at Bill and stares back at Bill.
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"Pretty silly, right?” Bill chuckles. “Its a one of a kind poster. The back is signed. The other one is just the original poster from the movie Villains.”
She unrolled it, “Thanks, Bill. I really appreciate you stopping by and all these things. But especially just holding my hand before I went into surgery.”
“You are welcome Jen,” He gets up. “I have to go. You know what Mr. Glassgo?”
“What Bill?” his manager answers.
“Just give her the whole bag of stuff you brought.” Bill grabbed the bag and tossed it to her before leaving.
Jen squealed as she reached for it. Posters and funko pops for everything he has ever been in and a few posters for movies not yet out.
He got out of the hospital without being seen. The hospital administrator made a statement so most of the media were gone by the time he drove back to the hotel. The ones that stayed tried to continue to interview hospital personnel, but most people had no contact with him. Those that did knew not to comment to the media.
By 8pm Pam sends the picture of her and Bill to all her social media with the hashtag #whatahunk
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Everything Coming to Netflix Canada and Crave in August 2019
Here’s a monthly breakdown of all the movies and TV series we can’t wait to stream.
Everything Coming to Netflix
GLOW Season 3 We last saw the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling weighing an offer to take their show on the road—to Las Vegas. This season, we see the gang going for it, heading from LA to Sin City, where the stakes are higher, the risks are bigger, and the power struggles are more complicated than ever. Bonus: Geena Davis as a casino owner! Available August 9.
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Mindhunter Season 2 The ten chilling episodes of Season 1 revolved around the early development of the FBI’s Behavioural Science Unit in 1977, when criminal psychology and serial killers were barely understood. Season 2 fast forwards a few years, taking the show’s leads to Atlanta, Georgia to investigate a disturbing series of real-life murders. Available August 16.
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Otherhood Felicity Huffman, Angela Bassett and Patricia Arquette play three suburban moms who decide to pay their fully-grown—and very distant—sons in New York an impromptu visit on Mother’s Day. Available August 2.
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And here’s the complete list of everything coming to Netflix this month:
Available August 1 Bad Teacher Battle: Los Angeles Catch and Release Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Jungle Kidnap Logan Lucky The Chef’s Line: Season 1 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Mummy The Smurfs Training Day
Available August 2 Ask the StoryBots: Season 3 — NETFLIX FAMILY Basketball or Nothing — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Dear White People: Volume 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Derry Girls: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Otherhood — NETFLIX FILM Overlord She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Season 3 — NETFLIX FAMILY
Available August 4 Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj: Volume 4 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 5 Enter the Anime — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The LEGO Ninjago Movie No Good Nick: Part 2 — NETFLIX FAMILY
Available August 7 About Time Apollo 13 Marvel Studios Avengers: Age of Ultron Being John Malkovich Blue Crush Friday Night Lights In Good Company Ray Take Me Home Tonight The Wizard
Available August 8 Dollar — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Naked Director — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Wu Assassins — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 9 Cable Girls: Season 4 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Family — NETFLIX ORIGINAL GLOW: Season 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The InBESTigators — NETFLIX FAMILY Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling — NETFLIX FAMILY Sintonia — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Spirit Riding Free: Pony Tales — NETFLIX FAMILY Tiny House Nation: Volume 1
Available August 10 Bon Cop Bad Cop 2
Available August 12 Dunkirk
Available August 13 Tiffany Haddish Presents: They Ready — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 15 Bridget Jones’s Diary Cannon Busters — NETFLIX ANIME My Sister’s Keeper Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Available August 16 45 rpm — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Apache: La vida de Carlos Tevez — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Better Than Us — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Diagnosis — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Frontera verde — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Instant Family Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus — NETFLIX FAMILY The Little Switzerland– NETFLIX FILM MINDHUNTER: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL QB1: Beyond the Lights: Season 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Sextuplets — NETFLIX FILM Super Monsters Back to School — NETFLIX FAMILY Victim Number 8 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 20 Here Comes the Boom Simon Amstell: Set Free — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Sinner: Julian
Available August 21 American Factory — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Hyperdrive — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 22 How to Get Away with Murder: Season 5 Love Alarm — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 23 El Pepe: Una vida suprema — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Girl with All the Gifts HERO MASK: Part II — NETFLIX ANIME
Available August 26 Blade Runner 2049
Available August 27 Million Pound Menu: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 7 — NETFLIX FAMILY
Available August 29 Falling Inn Love — NETFLIX FILM Kardec — NETFLIX FILM
Available August 28 Droppin’ Cash: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 30 The A List — NETFLIX ORIGINAL CAROLE & TUESDAY — NETFLIX ANIME The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Glass Castle La Grande Classe — NETFLIX FILM Mighty Little Bheem: Season 2 — NETFLIX FAMILY Join Bheem for another season of playful antics and superpowered feats as he cheerfully dodges danger and makes friends in unlikely places. Styling Hollywood — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Un bandido honrado — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Vis a Vis: Season 3 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available August 31 Flatliners
Availability TBD Sacred Games: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Everything Coming to Crave
A Black Lady Sketch Show This new HBO show stars Robin Thede and boasts a power-packed cast of guest actors including Issa Rae, Angela Bassett, Lena Waithe, Laverne Cox, Patti LaBelle and Kelly Rowland. The half-hour narrative series of hilarious sketches is “set in a limitless magical reality” and according to The Hollywood Reporter, is the first sketch series with a cast and writers’ room entirely made up of black women. Available August 2.
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Succession Season 2 This Emmy-nominated HBO series by veteran British writer Jesse Armstrong (whose past credits include Peep Show and The Thick Of It) follows a cutthroat family of billionaires, whose media empire in New York City is the object of everyone’s machinations. Available August 11.
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On Becoming a God in Central Florida Starring Kirsten Dunst and Alexander Skarsgard, and executive produced by George Clooney, this 10-episode dark comedy on Showtime tells the story of a pyramid scheme that drives a family to financial ruin. Dunst plays a water park employee who gets embroiled in a cultish, multibillion-dollar pyramid scheme in pursuit of the elusive American Dream. Available August 25.
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And here’s the complete list of everything coming to Crave this month:
Available August 1 New Homeland (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 2 Boy Erased (Crave + Movies + HBO) Mortal Engines (Crave + Movies + HBO) The House With The Clock In Its Walls (Crave + Movies + HBO) So I Married An Axe Murderer (STARZ Programming) The Whistleblower (STARZ Programming) Die Hard (STARZ Programming) Die Hard 2 (STARZ Programming) Die Hard: With A Vengeance (STARZ Programming) Die Hard 4 (Live Free or Die Hard) (STARZ Programming) Good Day To Die Hard (STARZ Programming) The Company Men (STARZ Programming) Sex Tape (STARZ Programming) Nanny McPhee (STARZ Programming) My Girl (STARZ Programming) Ape Escapes (Crave)
Available August 8 Love Jacked (Crave + Movies + HBO) PUNK — Season 1 (Crave)
Available August 9 David Bowie: Finding Fame (Crave) Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Crave + Movies + HBO) Blast From The Past (August 9) Foxcatcher (STARZ Programming) Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner (STARZ Programming) You’ve Got Mail (STARZ Programming) Definitely Maybe (STARZ Programming) Deliver Us From Evil (STARZ Programming) Vicky Cristina Barcelona (STARZ Programming) Paddington’s Birthday Bonanza (Crave)
Available August 10 Aquaman (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 12 Our Boys (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 15 The Wrong Patient (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 16 Miss Bala (Crave + Movies + HBO) Take Me Home Tonight (STARZ Programming) Life As We Know It (STARZ Programming) Bridesmaids (STARZ Programming) The Wedding Planner (STARZ Programming) The Town (STARZ Programming) Sniper: Legacy (STARZ Programming) Body Heat (STARZ Programming) Single White Female (STARZ Programming)
Available August 17 Creed II (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 22 Thicker Than Water (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available August 23 I am Patrick Swayze (Crave + Movies + HBO) 22 Jump Street (STARZ Programming) Role Models (STARZ Programming) The Perfect Storm (STARZ Programming) Snatch (STARZ Programming) Woman in Gold (STARZ Programming) Om Nom Stories (Crave)
Available August 24 The Mule (Crave + Movies + HBO) Hitsville: The Making of Motown (Crave)
Available August 25 The Affair — Season 5 (Crave) On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Crave) Power — Season 6 (STARZ Programming)
Available August 30 Backdraft 2 (Crave + Movies + HBO) How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Crave + Movies + HBO) Escape Room (Crave + Movies + HBO) Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (Crave + Movies + HBO) 40-Year-Old Virgin (STARZ Programming) Unforgiven (STARZ Programming) Killer Joe (STARZ Programming) The Big Lebowski (STARZ Programming) The Family Man (STARZ Programming) The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 (Crave)
The post Everything Coming to Netflix Canada and Crave in August 2019 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Everything Coming to Netflix Canada and Crave in August 2019 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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marishmallowthings · 5 years
It looks like death outside in alaska, the sky is all gray from the smoke ( that I’m scared will sufficate us all). And then there is the sun, that shines bright red through the gray. The gray with no mountains or scenery, just haze. It’s very depressing, and makes me feel like I am in some sort of hell. I am afraid with all these natural disasters going on, how much time we have left. What about my future, is it all bullsh*t? It’s scary. 
Now, with fibro, I’ve been feeling my muscles cramping up, and it hurts. I don’t know if it’s fibro or something worse. It’s out of my control. Pins and needles feelings in my fingers and feet. Random stomach or chest pains, that might just be nerve pain, which means nothing. Sore back, been sleeping like sh*t. I need to see my therapist but I feel too busy. 
I also feel like crap. I get put down for sitting around and smoking weed. Here I am, some dumbass 25 year old single woman living with her mother in a crap town. Can’t even get my bachelor’s degree because I am possibly too stupid now. Some things tend to slip my mind now and it’s scary. Sometimes, my anti-seizure meds aren’t enough for the pain. I won’t dare touch an opioid. Somehow, it feels like marijuana resets things inside me, calms my nerves down, or it masks the pain somehow. It’s incredible, but not everyone sees it that way. I don’t want to feel  bad about enjoying pain relief, For god’s sake, I don’t know where I’d be without marijuana. It helped my pain through my long path to a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Pain and sleep are the number one problems I notice, and weed helps with both. Fibromyalgia makes me want to feel numb all the time, I feel so overly sensitized that I’d rather feel nothing at all. Is that bliss? My wants now are so much different than they used to be. It sounds like first world problems, but it still sucks. A lot of things suck, and it’s hard to cheer up. 
I have my family that I do love, an amazing man that loves me, and my favorite fur babies that all support me. I am  thankful for that. Marijuana does help, all though my mom still thinks i am some kind of drug fiend. That hurts, or maybe I am just paranoid. I assume because of how she says it. But I assume a lot, and its not always beneficial. I’m just so full of anxiety, about how our world is being hurt and broken. I am no where near powerful enough to help as much as i could. 
0 notes
latexprofit8-blog · 5 years
I can’t live without… 3/18
This post is sponsored.
The first item on this week’s favorite list is a brand that is part of the K-beauty phenomenon. K-beauty (short for “Korean beauty”) is probably the most hyped and most revolutionary trend in the beauty industry. And for good reason, in my opinion: isn’t the porcelain skin of Korean women the beauty ideal of pretty much every woman? The K-beauty phenomenon revolves around precisely these attribute, no pores, no wrinkles and an even tone, rounded off with a natural glow.   Based on this (beauty) ideal, Korean label Dr. Jart+ established itself in the industry in 2004, promoting a vision of skin-care through specialist diagnosis, innovation and highly functional products.
Since its inception, the company has worked with a team of dermatologists, technicians, artists and designers to create progressive technologies and to combine them with effective substances, always with the aim to design products that are effective as well as visually pleasing. Dr. Jart+ offers a wide palette of products ranging from nurturing facial gels and special micro peelings to my absolute brand favorite: the famous “sheet masks” – an absolute staple of every Korean beauty ritual.   But Dr. Jart+ wouldn’t be Dr. Jart+ if all they offered were those sheet masks, which have become quite popular by now. Apart from those classics, the label also offers gel-like rubber sheet masks, each of which consists of an ampoule of highly concentrated serum and a rubber mask. Prior to putting on the mask yu apply the moisturizing serum, which helps to tighten saggy skin, and to revitalize lost elasticity.
Then you lay the sheet-mask on your face, which optimizes the efficiency of the serum and thoroughly moisturizes your skin. Little wrinkles are smoothed out, and the elasticity of the skin improves noticeably. What more could you want?
Clean skin? No problem with the PMD Clean!   Especially when wearing make-up, cleansing your face in the morning and evening is an absolute must! The new PMD clean helps with over 7,000 revolutions per minute – called SonicGlow™ – to remove oil, dirt and clogged pores from the skin and to make it shine. It also provides a slight lifting effect. The perfect setting for every skin type can be found from four different modes.
PMD Clean is made of ultra-hygenic silicone and is therefore antibacterial, hypoallergenic and fragrance resistant. That means never buying brush heads again!
Water is also no problem for the device if one carries out his cleaning ritual in the morning or in the evening under the shower. At the front as a cleansing brush, the back of the PMD Cleanse is suitable for anti-aging facial massages that give serums and creams a more intensive effect. In general, the brush can be used with all kinds of beauty products – be it foam, a cleansing cream or oil. The PMD Clean has no battery and runs on a 1AA battery. This means you don’t have to carry an annoying charger with you when you’re travelling.
Interested? If you would like to try the PMD Cleaner, you can get a 30% discount on the assortment with Masha30 on the website HERE.
The perfect Instagram Story: The Unfold App If it comes to Instagram stories, minds are divided. Some prefer real and genuine peeks behind the scenes and personal moments, other have a better time watching snippets of the perfect world we’ve gotten used to on Instagram. To achieve the latter, i.e. professionally realized, perfect results, I have an amazing recommendation for you guys.   Just recently I stumbled upon the Unfold App, and have quickly come to cherish it as the ideal toolkit for all storytellers and creatives among you. The app offers 25 templates and fonts, freely combinable to create the perfect story. The app supports photos as well as videos, all in high-res – a long cry from most free apps. This particular gem is downloadable without any conditions whatsoever. I can really recommend this one from the bottom of my heart!
Instagram inspiration: Marius Sperlich Talking about Instagram: I don’t want to keep my current favorite on the platform from you. Berlin based photographer and artist Marius Sperlich regularly presents excerpts from his work on Instagram, turning his feed into a lovingly curated piece of art, with a loving eye for detail and the fascination of sometimes provocative content. I’m totally blown away by the associations and interpretations Marius works with! Far from the clichés of erotic photography, he focuses on details of erogenous zones without ever been placative or invasive. His whole body of work feels authentic, and the level of artistry is uniformly high.
Netflix-Tipp: Ali Wong Hard Knock Wife Comedy Special Two years after giving birth to a daughter, stand-up comedian Ali Wong is back on Netflix! Just as we hoped, she’s back with a load of humorous and lively stories about what she experienced in those two years. Ali talks about the dark sides of being a new mother, the daily struggles it brings with it, and about her attempts to achieve a healthy work-life balance after her pregnancy.   I cried of laughter watching “Hard Knock Wife”! Ali Wong has such a unique and authentic way to recount her every-day adventures. This is definitely another must-see!
The “DJI Mavic Air” drone It’s small, portable, comes in classic black and is a perfect travel companion. What am I talking about, you ask? Yep, I’m banging on about my new drone, the “Mavic Air” by DJI. My ultimate tip for all the travel and photo freaks among you!   As you probably know, I love experimenting with different photo and video techniques, and I’m always looking for a new perspective, a new angle. When I’m on the road, wanting to capture the character and atmosphere of cities and landscapes, I find the birds-eye view particularly inspiring and impactful. With that in mind, I was sure I was going to hop on the drone bandwagon sooner or later.   A bit of research led me to the “DJI Mavic Air” drone, which convinced me on many levels the moment I tried it. The drone comes with various filters, and packs the choice of a wide range of photo and video options, inviting experimentation and creativity. Plus, it has a resolution of 32 megapixels and a reach of up to four kilometers. And on top of all that, the remote control is incredibly user friendly, genuinely easy to handle – just connect it to the smartphone and the captured image is displayed on your mobile phone.
Simple but ingenious.
Last Minute Summer Deal – SAKS OFF 5TH Hands up: Who doesn’t love bargains here and there? And who would like to have Sale all year round?   ME! Personally, I don’t care if a piece is from the current collection or from the collection before. If I like something, if the quality is right, I like to add it to my collection. If I get it then also still somewhat more favorably, I am all the more pleased!   At SAKS OFF 5TH I have always found something spontaneous – whether clothing or accessories. I don’t even have to browse long until I find something suitable. Whether I need cool sunglasses at short notice or a last-minute summer dress – I don’t have to dig around, I have a large selection of products from different designers in one store. The good thing about SAKS OFF 5TH: Great designers at a small price in a high-end department store without outlet character. The range also speaks for itself: large designer brands offer timeless classics such as trench coats, certain well-known bag models and cashmere sweaters. These work as a highlight to cheaper articles, which SAKS Off 5TH also offers. I like the idea that nothing is simply thrown away or destroyed (have you read the article about a designer brand that you can find HERE), but parts find a new home. Optionally also with me in the wardrobe.
Newcomer-Label: Polène Paris Founded by three siblings driven to carry on the traditional craft of their family, the young Parisian label Polène is deeply rooted in old, French artisan tradition. The three founders realize their vision of creating exceptional leather products in form of bags, which dazzle with eye-catching geometrical forms and lines, high-quality materials and an air of Parisian laissez-faire. In terms of colors, the label focuses mainly on neutral nuances like creme, beuge, black and red – the Parisian palette in a nutshell.   And there’s another huge plus I should mention. The label is completely independent, which is also reflected in its price point. Polène vowed to offer high quality at fair prices, and in order to achieve it the label cuts all middlemen like stores (apart from the Polène’s own store) and whole-sellers. You find their products online and on 14 Rue Daval, Paris.
Exhibition Tip: James Turrell’s Light-Art Presentation in Dorotheenstadt Cemetary, BerlinBerlin has a reputation for being a magnet for creative types, who find beauty in the ordinary and transform the ordinary into the exceptional. In a way, that may be one of the single most distinguishing characteristics of this city., While Berlin is obviously on par with many other European capitals when it comes to architecture and culture, it often seems like the cities biggest assets are the artists, musicians and creative minds who understood its essence and have used it in their work. This means that in Berlin you quite often stumble upon exhibitions and installations that maybe wouldn’t receive as much popular attention anywhere else as they do here.   This week’s exhibition tip is the truly incredible light-art presentation by James Turrell, which has been on show on Dorotheenstadt cemetery since 2015 as a permanent installation. The American artist, world famous for his work with light, transforms the chapel into a surreally colorful, light-flooded space. The installation is highly representative of this amazing artist’s work.   The only way to attend is to join one of the hour-long chapel tours, which always start at the moment of sunset. But I guarantee it’s worth your while, this installation is an absolute must-see!
Favorite Fragrance: Narciso Rodriguez – for her “OMG you smell so good!��� I’ve heard this sentence quite a lot since I started wearing the scent by Narciso Rodriguez, and I notice that men seem to be particularly susceptible to this fragrance. It’s a real classic, just recently the brand celebrated the fragrance’s 15th anniversary. The scent’s popularity is unbroken, it is a mysterious and timelessly elegant – yet modern – as on the first day. Narciso aimed to capture the sensuality every women, and to create a scent that carries that sensuality. Looks like he succeeded. Personally, I love the powdery note, which makes the fragrance sensual but not sweet, a lingering, fragrant aura.
Head note: peach, rose Heart note: musk Base note: amber, patchouli
This post is also available in German Russian
Source: https://www.masha-sedgwick.com/i-cant-live-without-3-18/
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Doctor Istvan Günther intern at large
Day June 3rd prompt: "What a hunk" word count: 2,833 Fandom: Bill Skarsgard character: Self-insertion
warnings: This is mostly just fluff and a dash of angst.
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Bill sits in the administration office waiting area with his business manager, Jake Glassgo.  The secretary attempts to hold her cellphone to take a picture to send to her friends. Jake notices.
He leans in hiding Bill’s face with his hand, “You want me to take her phone?”
Bill sighs, “I’ll try to ask nicely, first.”
He walks over to the woman’s desk with a kind smile on his face. “I don’t want to be a dick, but I’d appreciate you not taking random picture of me here. I am trying not to get any press or fanfare right now. I can give you one good selfie for you to post in a week when I am done, alright?”
She nods excitedly.
“What’s your name?” He reached for her phone and she gave it up willingly while getting lost in his emerald gaze.
“Pam Pitson,” She smiled. At least she thought she smiled.
“Nice to meet you Pam.” Bill deleted photos she had already taken. He glanced through her social media to see if she posted anything yet. She hadn’t. He held the camera in front of them tilting it to get a good angle for them both to look their best. “Smile, Pam.” She did and he snapped the photo and handed her back her phone. “Remember don’t post that for a week or it will breach the contract I’m about to sign and you will be fired.”
She was blushing so enamored of him she would agree with anything. She manages to get out a, “k”
The intercom fuzzes with static before the manager asked, “Ms. Pitson, I am ready to see Mr. Skarsgard and Mr. Glassgo now.”
Pam answered, “I’ll send them right back Mr. Garrett.”
Bill and his manager sat in the office with Mr. Garrett. Mr. Garrett handed them a stack of papers to sign. Mr. Glassgo took out a stack of paper from his briefcase for the hospital administrator to sign.
“All the staff throughout the hospital were informed you will be here for the week.” Mr. Garrett said as he signed the paperwork given to him. “They will not be bothering you for autographs or photos. If someone does please inform me. They know the consequences.”
Bill nods as he finishes signing papers, “they will treat me like the rest?”
“For the most part,” Mr. Garrett informed him. “our interns are questioned about possible diagnosis and medical conditions. You will not be put on the spot in any way. You will be going through a quick overview of how to do a basic assessment and asked to do that during rounds. A Doctor will reassess the patient when you are through which is a normal procedure. Others in the group may also assess the patient. The other thing we can’t control is patients recognizing you.”
“Understandable,” Bill thinks for a moment. “what about those getting ready for surgery. Doctors visiting right before surgery would wear a mask and in recovery wear masks?”
“Yes, also patients in reverse isolation in which the Doctors have to wear masks and gowns because the patient could be in danger from outside germs.” Mr. Garett said. “You can go into those rooms if you do exactly what the team leader tells you.”
“Of course,” Bill agreed, “I would never want to put anyone in danger. Learning what to do in those situations would be helpful.”
They all shook hands and Bill parted ways with his manager to start right away. Mr. Garett took Bill to the Doctors' locker room to get a white coat and Stethoscope. Then he took him to a new class of interns that was due to start in minutes. Most of them were seated.
"This is Doctor Istvan Günther," He used Bill's middle names for slight anonymity. "He is joining you all in this learning process. I expect the best from you all. "Doctor Günther, take a seat. Good luck. Feel free to come to me with any questions."
Bill sat in the back. Doctor Marker, the head of surgery was also the head of the internship program. Today's lecture was on viral pathogen control inside the hospital. Bill took notes on the lecture and also on how the students around him were acting.
After the lecture, Doctor Marker separated the class into small groups to work in different departments with the head Doctors in those departments. "Doctor's Standard, Henshire, Staplton, and Günther follow me. This week we will be assessing patients before and after their surgeries. You will be viewing a tonsillectomy, heart catheterization and coronary artery bypass this week." Doctor Marker walked quickly.
Doctors Standard and Staplton whispered and giggled glancing at the new tall intern joining them. All of them had been doing rounds in different departments for weeks. They had all gotten a form letter Bill would be joining them at some point.
"Doctor's I would appreciate, professionalism, " Bill told the gigglers.
"I'd appreciate working with all professionals," Doctor Henshire murmured.
"Sorry Doctor Günther," I'm Breanna or Doctor Standard if you will. The rude mumbler is Doctor Henshire. He is just a little cranky baby to everyone so don't take anything he says personally."
"I'm Doctor Jason Staplton," He smiles. "It is a pleasure to have you work with us. I think what you are doing to get more realism into your work is great."
"Yeah," Doctor Standard looked up to him with big blue doe eyes. "Any questions you have, we have no problem trying to answer. Anything, at all."
Bill smiled nervously, "Thank, I appreciate that."
They get to the door of the first patient. Masks and gloves are outside the door. Doctor Marker put his mask and gloves on and the others follow suit.
"This patient, female 25 years old presented with pain on the right side of the throat, difficulty swallowing, A hoarse voice, fever, swollen lymph nodes, yellow coating on the tonsils, and a severe recurring sore throat over the last year. Who would like to tell me why she is here?"
Doctor Staplton jumped on the question first. "She needs her tonsils taken out."
Doctor Mark nodded, "Correct Doctor Staplton. We will go in and each access here one last time before her surgery. Then you will watch me in the observation room. She was just medicated for surgery minutes ago. How should we proceed when we walk in her room? "
"We should inform her on the dangers of the surgery before checking her vitals," Doctor Henshire said smugly.
"No Doctor Henshire," Doctor Marker glared at him. "The patient is told of the dangers and all possible outcomes in the initial consultation. We need to make sure she is relaxed and in good spirits before going to surgery. Talk kindly to her. Ask her if she has any questions. Answer her calmly."
Everyone walked into the room.
The patient was smiling. Her eyes were glossy from the medication. "Hey there Doctor sexy eyes." She giggles looking at Bill. "Those eyes belong to Bill Skarsgard. What a Hunk." She giggles again.
Bill chuckles nervously.
Doctor Marker picked up her chart on the end of the bed. "How are you feeling Miss Johnston?"
"Dandy as candy," She smiled. Her eyes were a little droopy.
"We are going to listen to your heart and check your lymph nodes before you go down to surgery Miss Johnston." Doctor Marker flipped through her chart. "Looks like blood pressure and blood work are good. These interns are Doctor Standard, Doctor Henshire, Doctor Staplton, and Doctor Günther."
They all listened to her heartbeat and felt under her neck. Bill went last and did as he saw everyone else do. She was smiling ear to ear as he heard her heartbeat so steadily. He glands were so swollen even he could feel how abnormal they felt.
As they were taking her vitals the transporter came in with the gurney. They all walked to the operating room.
Miss Johnston looks up at Bill. His hand on the rail walking along side. She reached for his hand. "Will, you be there when I wake?"
"Bill takes her hand," His eyes light up with a smile. "Yeah, I promise I'll be there."
He was not sure if that was an appropriate response from a Doctor. He made a mental note to ask later.
"Thank, Bill," she murmured before they wheeled her into the operating room.
Bill followed the other interns up some stairs, "Was it alright for me to hold the patients hand and reassure her like I did?" He threw the question out for any of the others to answer.
"No," Doctor Henshire chastised instantly.
Doctor Standard glared at Doctor Henshire, "To elaborate on Doctor Henshire’s comment, it is not something most Doctors do. Sometimes a family member will walk with the patient holding their hand before they get to the operating room. It is fine to comfort a patient before surgery and I think you helped her be in good spirits which is important for a Doctor to do, in my opinion."
" I think holding a patient's hand is fine if it makes them trust you better, Doctor Staplton chimed in, "You just have to watch you don't get to emotional invested in the patients. If you do that, this place will rip you to pieces emotionally."
"Yeah," Bill nodded, "My brother offered me that advise also. He is a Doctor in Sweden. I tagged along with him last week but I really wanted to see things inside of a hospital in the States for the character I will be playing next."
They sit in an enclosed glass room over looking the operating room. Doctor Marker explains everything he is doing step by step. He wants his students to be ready to join him in the operating room and eventually perform the procedure by themselves. Bill's eyes are big and interested as he watches and takes notes. He also takes notes on how the others are reacting to watching.
Bill is standing at Miss Johnston's bedside when her eyes flutter open, "Don't try to speak Miss Johnston. If you can keep the secret you know who I am I will bring you something special when you feel better tomorrow." He winks.
She smiles and nod yes that she will keep it a secret he is there. Then she nods back off to sleep. She is unsure if he was really who she thought he was with the preop shot and the haze she was still in when she woke in recovery.
The interns followed Doctor Marker for ten hours checking in on patients. Also learning about the paper work that must be done. "It is an important part of the job," he told them. Other than stopping in the cafeteria  for 15 minutes to grab a coffee and a snack on the run they had no real break.  But finally the exhausting day came to an end.
"Hey Doctor Günther, we are going for a drink at Cleats," Doctor Staplton looked to Bill as they hung up their white coats in the locker room. "You want join us?"
"Thanks man, um Doctor Staplton," Bill said politely. "I have some more work to do tonight. Then getting some rest." Bill wanted to make sense of his notes while they were fresher in his mind so he could make character suggests in the script to show the director next Monday.
"We will see you tomorrow at 4am then," Doctor Staplton walked out with Bill.
"Sure thing," Bill said excitedly. Most of them seemed to be cool with him being there. "I'm looking forward to learning more."
The next morning as he got to the last light before pulling into the Doctor's parking lot in his rented black kia telluride with tinted windows he saw the vultures. Media trucks, reporters and camera people covered the entrance to the hospital. Bill shook his head as he pulled into the parking lot.
When he parked he took his phone out to call his manager, "I had one good day before they all found out. Any patient or visitor could have informed them. Can you be here within a half an hour. Bring some signed posters of my characters. I have a fan I want to visit before leaving today. And bring Mr. Mike."
His manager and bodyguard, Mr. Mike,  got there within twenty-five minute. They all went to the administration office to have another chat with Mr. Garrett.
"I'm sorry about all that craziness out there, " Mr. Garrett apologized.
"I don't think it was your people Mr. Garrett," Bill shook his head. "Everyone was pretty cool yesterday. I'm sorry they are in the way out there. Why don't you go out to give a statement that I was here yesterday researching a new role. I'm going to visit a patient I met yesterday before I leave through the back. I'm really sorry about the media barrage."
"I'm sure they will leave once I tell them you are not here," He shakes Bill's hand.
Pam comes in to take notes for an amendment to the original paperwork that both parties do not blame employees for the media presence. Bill agrees that instead of a week, one day was enough to get the information he was looking for in the experience. She typed it all up and both parties signed. The amendment was attached to the original contract that Bill's manager and Mr. Garrett had handy.
"Pam you may share that picture tonight after work as long as say I was only here one day," Bill smiles kindly.
Pam got excited, "Of course Mr. Skarsgard."
Bill's manager and bodyguard follow him to the lockers. Bill gets the coat and stethoscope in his assigned locker. He grabs a mask from the secretary at the closest desk. They get on the elevator to head to the eighth floor where Miss Johnston was taken after her recover time.
Bill walked in her room. His manage walks in with him holding a bag of posters and things signed. Mr. Mike, stands at the door.
"How is my first ever patient today?" His sparkling green eyes smile at her.
She drops her spoon in her oatmeal mid-bite, "Doctor um Günther." She turns beat red. "I was sure I hallucinated I saw you. I, are you..."
He took his mask off, "You weren't that out of it Miss Johnston."
She was so surprised, "call me Jen, um Bill?"
He chuckled, "Yeah, you can call me Bill. You didn't tell anyone you thought you saw me, did you Jen."
"No, I really thought I dreamed it. "She laughed.
"Good," he smiled as he sat on the edge of her bed. "Who's your favorite character I've played?"
"Oh I love a lot of them for different reason and some of them really just need more love to help them..."
He sat just listening to her paddle on for a moment.
"But Mickey is the best," She giggled. "Such a lovable little small time criminal. He deserved better. I cried to hard at the end of that movie. But I have also already pre-cried for..."
"Okay, No spoilers." He fake pouts like Mickey. "I don't know if I know how my projects based on books ended yet. Sorry I made you cry so much."
"It is like you are killing me with these tv shows and movies and I love it," She giggled more.
"Well, I have a few things for you before I go." Bill grinned. Mr. Glassgo hand me the Mickey things."
His manager hand him a two rolled up posters and a funko pop of Mickey from Villains.
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Jen unrolls a poster and stares at it. Then stares at Bill and stares back at the poster.
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"Pretty silly, right?" Bill chuckles. "Its a one of a kind poster. The back is signed. The other one is just the original poster from the movie Villains."
She unrolled it, "Thanks, Bill. I really appreciate you stopping by and all these things. But especially just holding my hand before I went into surgery."
"You are welcome Jen," He gets up. "I have to go. You know what Mr. Glassgo?"
"What Bill?" his manager answers.
"Just give her the whole bag of stuff you brought." Bill grabbed the bag and tossed it to her before leaving.
Jen squealed as she reached for it. Posters and funko pops for everything he has ever been in and a few posters for movies not yet out.
He got out of the hospital without being seen. The hospital administrator made a statement so most of the media were gone by the time he drove back to the hotel. The ones that stayed tried to continue to interview hospital personnel, but most people had no contact with him. Those that did knew not to comment to the media.
By 8pm Pam sends the picture of her and Bill to all her social media with the hashtag #whatahunk
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