#I am carrying this in my mouth dropping it gently at your feet then scurrying back into my hibernation cave
Sealing the Void (Dhawan!Master x Autistic!Reader) (Rewrite)
Summary: When you visit an alien planet, the Master wonders why you became so attached to a member of a species that is their equivalent of a cat. When you begrudgingly tell him the reason, he does something you would have never expected from him.
A/N: Hi – as I’ve said, I’m not quite coming back from my hiatus yet, but I’ve been wanting to rewrite this fic for a while now. Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral. The fic can also be read as either romantic or platonic!
Content warnings: Description of animal death and feelings of grief, many other implied deaths (the Master and the reader character destroy a planet together for fun). Some angst with a fluffy ending (except for the alien planet, they’re screwed)
Tag list: @agent-barnes40​
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You had been acting somewhat strangely lately, the Master had noticed. While he didn’t typically care for humans’ emotions and struggles, it was clear that something had been bothering you, despite your insistence otherwise. Were it not for the fact that it didn’t seem to affect your ability to carry out his plans with him, he likely would have tried to pry it out more than he already has.
The current trip to carry out global destruction on a poor, unfortunate alien planet was relatively normal for you both, at first. You had managed to sweet-talk your way into the good graces of one of the most powerful people in that world – a queen, to be exact – creating the perfect start to set your plans into motion. Thanks to her making the mistake of trusting you, you and the Master were able to find all kinds of powerful weaponry and technology which, if you were sneaky enough, could easily be used to your advantage.
The Master was proud of how far your negotiating skills had come since you had joined him – all thanks to his guidance, of course – and he felt confident that he and his trusted companion would successfully raze this planet to the ground, destroying the vast majority of its population, as well as the foreseeable futures of anyone who had the misfortune of surviving…
…and then something terrible happened.
Something that the Master had no reason to predict. Something that threatened to take you out of the equation. Something which, if either of you weren’t careful enough, could easily jeopardise this entire scheme.
The queen had a cat. An alien cat, with antennae between its ears, huge dark eyes, and purple, striped fur. And it just so happened to become attached to you.
From the moment you first laid eyes on it, you couldn’t stop yourself from fawning over it at any given opportunity. Even before the “cat” noticed you in turn, the Master could practically feel your excitement radiating from you – he just knew that, even when you said nothing, your thoughts were screaming your immediate affection towards it. It took every molecule in his body for him to avoid rolling his eyes at how pathetic he found it, especially when the queen also noticed the “cat” and, more than happy with the opportunity to show it off, gave her permission for you to indulge its desire for attention.
Sometimes the Master had to wonder if you knew just how lucky you were to be his favourite human, because if he had to deal with anyone else talking to this thing in that disgusting baby voice, he most likely would have compressed them on the spot.
Thankfully, after days of seldom seeing you without the small, furry animal, the time finally came for you both to conduct his plans – and should fortune be on his side, you would forget all about the cat once it was over.
He often took the lead at this point in your adventures, since the idea of having to carefully command the right people, and make use of your newfound tools in exactly the right way, was often overwhelming for you. You instead preferred to aid him in his efforts from the side – and thankfully, when it was time, that damn cat that had been attached to you for nearly the entire trip was nowhere to be found. And the Master was more than happy to say as such while you helped him to prepare.
“Seriously,” he said, finally taking the chance to roll his eyes that he had been repressing for so long, “how much fuss do you think the stupid animal could possibly need? I’m shocked that incompetent excuse for a ruler even let it be with you for so long – I was half convinced you were going to steal it!”
Your face was carefully neutral as the Master nagged at you, having expected this lecture from the moment you met the little alien, considering his dislike of animals. The cool glow of the screen in front of you illuminated your face as you searched for any discrepancies in the doomsday weapons he was about to hijack. “He was soft.”
“If you need something soft to stim with, love, I could have just skinned it for you.” The Master remarked, flicking his hand nonchalantly. He thought that he saw you wince slightly out of the corner of his eye, but brushed it off as a trick of the light. “Would be much safer, anyway – it was probably “cuddling” you to see if you’d be a decent snack.”
You scoffed at the Master’s teasing, shaking your head slightly while you dragged your finger and thumb apart on the screen, zooming into the map to get a better look at any possible details that could disrupt your plans. The Master approached you and looked at the screen, quickly making sure to spot anything you might miss, before he continued the conversation you would have much preferred to leave behind.
“Besides, don’t you already have a cat? I can drop you off to see it any time you want, all you have to do is-”
“Everything looks to be in order.” You cut him off.
The Master grinned mischievously, his excitement at the news overwhelming any annoyance he felt at being interrupted so curtly, as well as the brief confusion at the crack in your tone. He spun as he approached the controls he needed to enforce the final step, a childish air about him when he started the preparations.
His hands flitted between the buttons for several seconds, before slowing, his finger hovering unsteadily over the one that would activate the weapons. The Master looked over to you with a spark of determination in his dark eyes, which was only reserved for such special occasions as this, as he held up the index and middle fingers on his free hand – the signal you both agreed on for you to get ready to run, and that you would need your ear defenders.
“Everything on this planet should be reduced to dust in about an hour.” His voice was shaky, somewhat husky, with anticipation, as you dug your small box out of your pocket, sticking the ear plugs into your ears. “You ready?”
From the moment you nodded to him, he didn’t hesitate to hit the button, and you both rushed out of the room. All you had to do now was get back to the TARDIS safely, and watch the consequences of your hard work unfold.
The Master threw the TARDIS doors open, ushering you in before slamming them behind him. You had sprinted straight to the console to steady yourself as you caught your breath, and the Master followed, darting around it and flipping the necessary switches to stir the ship into action. You briefly patted your ears, making sure your defenders were still in place, before grasping tightly onto the side of the console as the familiar rumbling and whining noise indicated that it was about to leave the planet.
Given the circumstances you both were faced with on the way back, the timing couldn’t have been better – after the queen found out who had caused her people’s incoming demise, she had sent some of her soldiers to try to either arrest or execute the two of you. You found it to be quite the inconvenience, as it drained a lot of the time you had left to escape, but at least the Master seemed to have fun with demonstrating how the TCE works to them.
Soon enough, the TARDIS’s vibrations settled, as the ship came to a stop. The Master’s excitement was palpable – you didn’t miss the shiver in his breath as he approached the doors and proudly swung them open again, showing the TARDIS to be floating in space at a safe distance from the planet, while still having a perfect view of the explosions.
That wonderfully wicked smile was still on his face as he turned to you, dramatically bowing while gesturing to the floor at the doors. “After you.”
His display caused you to return his smile, as you took the defenders out of your ears and walked up to the doors, moving to sit down with your legs dangling over the edge of the ship.
You said nothing as the Master settled next to you, still feeling breathless, your heart only just starting to calm down. The view of the stars, planets and galaxies as the TARDIS floated through space never truly got old for you. It was the perfect way to unwind from both the high-energy adventures, and any overstimulation that may result from them.
Despite how rude and animated the Master could be, you were grateful that he had the courtesy to know when it was best for you to just sit and stargaze for a while, until you were ready to spring back into action. His constant planning and searching for discrepancies in his next big schemes came to his own benefit in these situations, you noticed, as he would use them to occupy his erratic mind in the meantime.
But for now, you both sat in silence, and the thoughts that silence allowed you to process weren’t as kind to you as they normally were. Typically, as horrified as most other humans would be if they knew, you didn’t feel much remorse for the actions you took during your journeys with the Time Lord. Travelling with him was the most fun you’ve ever had in your life, and you wouldn’t trade it – destruction and all – for the world.
But this time, you started to remember the one good thing you had found on the planet in the distance, a feeling of guilt and even sorrow starting to invade your mind at what was about to be inflicted onto him…
“You interrupted me earlier.” The Master, ironically, interrupted those thoughts. You took a brief glance at his face, just enough to get an idea of what he was feeling. Neither his expression nor his tone of voice seemed to convey any anger, or even mild displeasure at you. He seemed completely neutral, as though he had merely asked about the weather.
Regardless, you knew that the way he expressed himself didn’t always match what he was really thinking, and you couldn’t help the feeling of self-consciousness that his statement raised, leaning your shoulder against the doorframe to create a small amount of distance between you. “Yeah. I’m sorry – I shouldn’t have done that.”
There was a moment where you got no reply, and a sinking feeling in your stomach made you start to dread exactly where the conversation may go. While things such as interrupting him when he spoke usually made him briefly annoyed at most, you started to think back to whether you had broken any of the other rules he had set when you first started travelling with him, for fear that you had done something to warrant him sending you home for the last time.
After the lingering emptiness you had dealt with for the past months, you didn’t feel like you could handle any more.
“You interrupted me when I brought up your cat, specifically. And you’ve been acting weird ever since that alien…” He waved his hand in a rotating motion a couple of times as he tried to think of the right term, only to give up. “…thing got attached to you. Weirder than you normally are around animals.” The Master once again spoke a little more casually than you expected, although it didn’t make you less on edge.
When you didn’t respond, he continued. “Did something happen to it?”
You swallowed, a small pang of the grief that you expected to have subsided by now hitting you like a train, as though each moment where you took the time to process what happened was sped up, now that you were put on the spot to talk about it aloud. The grief you have kept hidden from the Master since it started – restricting your sorrow, guilt, and tears to the time you spent at your home between your travels, trying to ignore how vacant it now felt – for fear of being viewed as just another weak human by him.
The grief you kept locked deep in your heart around him, so you wouldn’t have to risk losing him, too.
The Master didn’t do anything to comfort you when he saw your body language change at the question, since it wasn’t in his nature, but you could feel him waiting for you to be ready to answer. The silence of the void surrounding the TARDIS weighed heavily on that between you, until you took your fidget necklace out from under your shirt – where you always kept it on trips to avoid it getting caught on something, or making a noise while running away from the problems you and the Master caused – and it jingled quietly as your fingers fiddled with it half-heartedly.
“I won’t bore you with every detail, but… my cat got sick a while ago. She was being treated for it, and for a while, she genuinely seemed to be getting better. Not perfect, but she seemed like she was on the mend...”
You shuffled backwards into the TARDIS, making enough room in front of you to tuck your knees up to your chest. As silly as it was, it felt like you were protecting yourself from your vulnerability – protecting your heart from the judgement you just knew was coming soon.
“…but then, around two months ago, I woke up to find…” you tried to figure out how to word it, not wanting to go into the fairly morbid detail that had disturbed you the most at the time, “…her in a state that showed that she absolutely was not doing better. I managed to get an emergency appointment for her, only to be told that medicine was never really going to help her, and the problem would keep coming back after being treated.”
Your voice cracked as you spoke, the painful memories flooding back into your mind with more and more detail. “She would need surgeries for the rest of her life, which her insurance wouldn’t have covered. I didn’t have the heart – nor the money – to put her through that, so I… decided to let her go.”
It was only then that you forced yourself to face the Master, expecting to see his disappointment, anger – any indication that confiding in him was a mistake. He continued to look in your general direction for a moment, before silently turning his gaze back towards the planet that was about to die. Given that some of your sorrow had inadvertently slipped through several times after what happened, and he had noticed enough to point it out, you wondered if he was putting the pieces together, recognising that this was all connected.
The silence, along with finally talking about the events you had bottled up, made you immediately feel like you had to justify yourself. Anything to avoid bringing your fear of him leaving you behind to life.
“I’m sorry I got distracted by the cat – or whatever it was – back there. I decided not to get a new pet yet, because I knew I couldn’t just replace her and everything would be better, but… I’ve been around pets my whole life, and it’s felt so weird to not have one to look after and make a fuss of whenever I want anymore. It feels like something that’s become a natural instinct isn’t being fulfilled…”
You had to stop, you knew, as you felt your eyes start to well up. You rubbed at the inner corners of them with your thumb and index finger, trying to look like you were simply exhausted. “…I know it’s stupid for me to still feel like this after a few months, and I-I promise I’ll get over it soon-”
“Stand back.” The Master, ever the hypocrite, interrupted you as he rose to his feet. The determination in his voice notably lacked the eager anticipation it held back when he was about to destroy the world the TARDIS now overlooked – instead, it was more reminiscent of dark clouds curtaining the sky, in the build-up to a devastating storm.
It was almost on par with how he sounded while antagonising the Doctor.
Understandably, you didn’t argue, stumbling somewhat clumsily to your feet and stepping further into the TARDIS, before the Master forcefully closed the doors. Without a word, he went back to the console, and you quickly put your defenders back into your ears while he triggered the same controls that set it into motion again.
You just barely managed to grab onto one of the rails next to you before the ship started its journey, desperate to avoid being thrown around like a ragdoll as the Master, presumably, steered the TARDIS back to your home, ready to leave you behind for good after the moment of weakness you showed him.
You knew you shouldn’t have opened up.
As the ship settled once more, the Master stormed up to the doors, coolly narrowing his eyes at you as you turned, resigning yourself to the fact that he was about to make you leave, before he spoke. “Out of the way. You’re not going anywhere.”
His words, while still carrying the same stern tone, surprised you as they cut through your expectations. You looked at the doors, then back at him, unsure of what was about to happen. “What are you…?”
The Master sighed before gently pushing past you, tugging on one of the doorhandles and marching out of the TARDIS, leaving you to stare in bewilderment as he shut the door behind him, almost as quickly as he had opened it.
From the brief glimpse you got, you recognised the room he had entered as being part of the building you had just escaped – specifically, a lot closer to where the queen spent most of her time. Looking down at your watch, you noted that, assuming the Master hadn’t also travelled through time to get there, he only had around five minutes to get you both away from the planet again before its destruction.
You stood awkwardly in the middle of the TARDIS, keeping your hands occupied with your stim necklace, trying to focus your mind enough to avoid getting overwhelmed by your uncertainty. You knew how unpredictable the Master could be, but the lack of communication in this case was concerning. You couldn’t think of any reason why he would go back, especially with the sheer tenacity he displayed in doing so. The heavy silence from the ship he made you wait in didn’t help, either, as there was no indication that even she knew what he was doing.
He wouldn’t typically risk his life like this for anyone other than himself, so surely it couldn’t have anything to do with what you had told him… could it?
Before you could start to entertain the idea, one of the doors opened yet again, lacking the Master’s usual flourish as he opened it with just one hand. You were briefly worried that he had gotten hurt, until he fully entered the room, completely unharmed, aside from a few patches of ash on his skin and clothes.
And in his other arm, he was carrying the alien cat which had, soon to be formerly, belonged to the queen you had ruthlessly betrayed.
There were few times where the Master had a close enough call with death to make you this relieved to see him, but the fact that he really did do this for you made your heart feel like it was soaring, to the point that, were it not for your sensory issues, you would be tempted to tackle him in a hug.
The Master was quick to approach you to place the cat in your eager hands, before heading back to the controls to get the TARDIS away from the rapidly incoming destruction. He spoke quickly yet decisively as he steered the ship. “Your pet. Not mine. If it isn’t litter trained, I’m bringing it back to kick it out. Never ask me for anything ever again.”
“Deal!” You squealed joyfully, holding the cat like a baby as it settled in your arms to purr against your shoulder. You tugged the part of your shirt it was kneading at away from you when the TARDIS made you stumble, so the alien cat’s claws didn’t cut into you as you held it protectively.
You had no reason to believe that its claws were venomous – the Master likely would have stopped you from indulging its need for attention a lot sooner if they were – but you still didn’t want risk them breaking any skin in case, to his surprise, he turned out to be wrong.
When everything stilled, the Master turned away from the console, facing the massive grin on your face as you almost cradled the cat, already stroking its silky fur to calm yourself from the events of the day. He rolled his eyes at you, albeit without the same displeasure it held before – if anything, the act carried a degree of fondness.
“You happier now?” He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets and avoiding your gaze as you walked towards him. “I know it’s not going to replace your old cat, but at least it can help you through whatever pain you have left. Maybe. Who knows-”
The Master froze when you pressed your forehead against his shoulder – your alternative to a hug, that involved less physical contact. Your nose was pressed against the plum cloth of his coat as you thanked him, the vibration of the cat’s purring creating a rather pleasant feeling against your heart, while the Master awkwardly patted your arm.
“Yeah… it’s nothing…” He murmured, seemingly at a loss for words at your show of affection as he caressed your arm absentmindedly. His hand stopped suddenly, and you wondered if something was wrong, until… “…as long as it doesn’t start clawing at my clothes.”
“Oh, crap-” You withdrew yourself quickly, inspecting his clothes for a moment to make sure the cat hadn’t done exactly that. The cat’s ebony eyes had been closed, only to blearily open them and make a little “mrph” noise at the loss of the Master’s warmth.
“Don’t worry,” the Master smirked at your concern, winking at you to reassure you, “it’s safe for now.”
“Good… I mean, he likely won’t do it if I get some toys to keep him occupied,” you observed, continuing to pet the cat, “and, oh – as you said, I’ll need to get some litter stuff for him and make sure he’s trained, too. And some food of course, although I’ve no idea what this species eats… do you know?”
“Not a clue.” The Master shrugged nonchalantly, before turning back to the controls, pulling a screen towards him. “But we can go to a library to find some books on them. Shouldn’t take too long – the TARDIS can make a playroom or something to keep it occupied, until we get back.”
You perked up as the Master set the TARDIS up to do exactly that, while the creature slowed down its kneading on your shirt and closed its large eyes once more, starting to fall asleep in your arms. “You’ll really help me?”
“As I said, I don’t know much about this species – for all I know, my joke about it preparing to eat you might be true. I’d rather not have it come for me next.”
You scrunched up your nose and nudged him playfully, before hearing the TARDIS finish creating the new room. As you started to head towards it, careful not to go fast enough to wake the cat again, you stopped for a moment, turning back to the Master.
“Seriously, though. Thank you.” The Master turned away from the console to look you, raising an eyebrow as you spoke. “For both saving the cat, and listening to me. I think… talking about it helped me to process some of the thoughts I’ve still been having, about what happened. I feel a little better.”
The Master was silent in return, but the corners of his lips tugged upwards into a small smile – one of the rare, genuine ones that you’ve never seen him offer anyone else.
Offering a bright smile in return, you turned to leave before things got too much more vulnerable than you knew he would like, continuing to pet the alien cat’s violet fur as you started to look for the room the TARDIS made for it.
With your back turned to him, you missed how the Master’s warm smile grew, while he heard you whispering to the cat about what name you might choose for it.
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shutit-haha · 1 year
"Katsuki," you swayed, "I think I might have been roofied."
"What!?" He gives himself whiplash from how fast he turns, neck cracking and muscles giving a slight pull. The two of you are in some damn frat house because someone invited you and you REALLY wanted to go. Knowing full well that you would stay here for an hour tops, half-hour if everything was already in full swing. This was certainly knew though, I mean 45 minutes in and you've been ROOFIED!
"I said," you leaned against him. Closing your eyes and attempting to take deep breaths even though those very same breaths seemed to make it feel worse. "Sorry Kat," you grabbed at him tightly with your hand. "My stomach's getting all swirly."
He goes into full fucking panic mode. His large hands wraps around your arm a little too tightly dragging you into the crowd with him. He's moving like a fucking linebacker just shoving whoever's in his way. The blonde takes a sharp left turn around a corner yanking you into a hallway with him. The lights here are shut off making it damn near pitch black. His shoulder slams into strangers making out and dry humping and the two of you cringe at the moans that come from the many bedrooms. The floor underneath your feet is sticky, and with the way you feel right now it's a fight just to rip yourself off the wood. Your muscles feel heavy, eyes barely open. The world keeps swirling and spinning, bright colors popping out at you even in the darkness. There's this terrible throbbing between your legs, making your thighs tremble slightly.
"Kat," you whine. He kicks open the bathroom door throwing out the couple currently occupying the space.
"Yea," he gently guides you over to the toilet bowl. "Wait actually don't fucking touch anything in here, it's all disgusting. Bastards don't know how to fuckin act." He's tugging you out into the hallway again, the couple from just a few seconds ago scurrying back in.
"Katsuki," your legs are struggling to keep up. You feel weak in the knees, stumbling over yourself as a result. Your hearing comes and goes, a war between absolute silence and migraine inducing noise. "Bakugo I can't," air escapes you in huffed breaths. "I can't keep up, please," you beg him.
The blonde -still rushing for a reason you don't understand anymore- scoops you up in his arms. "I'm gonna get that shit out of your system, and kill that asshole. Fuckin scum, piece of shit doesn't deserve to walk the earth." He grumbles clutching on to you even tighter. Your brain is so fuzzy you giggle at his silly words. "What," he looks down at you for a quick second.
"Hot, Kat. Tired," you yawn. Moving with large strides Bakugo carries the two of you out of the fraternity. You shiver the moment the cool air hits your sweating skin. "Cold," you whine curling into him and wrapping tightly around his neck. The poor man chokes with the grip you've got him in. How the hell is he expected to breath in a condition like this?! Not only that but you're pressed flush against him with the way you've twisted yourself around.
"HAH, didn't you jus' fuckin say you where hot?!"
"I'm hot on the inside Katsuki," you screech and wail. You say it like it's common knowledge and it kills him a little. "Wait," your hands fly outward. "I got throw up." The man damn near drops you, only half careful of how he's handling you. Your feet hit the ground and you bend at the ankles and then knees. Just as you're situated it all hurls itself back up. It's ok though, because he's here to hold back your hair for you.
"Gotta get your dumbass home," he mumbles under his breath. You whine bringing your hand up to your mouth to wipe away the mess, only for Bakugo to grab at your wrist. "Don't you fuckin' dare, that shit's gross."
"How am I supposed to clean myself," you look up at him with big blown pupils. Your lashes leave long shadows on your face from the streetlight, lips puffy from whatever drug was forced into your system. There's water lining the bottom of your eyes, a result from emptying your guts, and you're still so hot.
"Just hold on a minute, dammit." His head whips around in search of something, though to no one's surprise there's not much to clean with on the front lawn. His eyes fix onto the door, resignation settling in. "Don't you fucking move from here," he points down at you aggressively. "Do you understand?"
You nod absentmindedly, hand coming up to your mouth once again.
"Don't do that shit! Just sit still dammit, I'll be right back." He hates having to run back into that fucking mess of a party. It reeks worse than it did before, the odor much more noticeable after breathing in some fresh fucking air. He fears that if he makes the wrong step he'll roll his ankle from the sticky floor, and then theirs all the bodies. These jiggling, sweaty bodies, in sync and yet still so far off beat. He's quick, bulldozing through all those extras to get to where he's going. You've been fucking drugged by one of these damn creeps and part of Bakugo worries that they'll find you while you're all alone out there.
"Katsuki," big gooey smile, when he emerges back outside. A shiver racks through him, the cold catching him off guard. He immediately steels himself right afterward determined not to let it happen again. "Katsuki," you sing, "kat-suki, suki, kat. kat, suki," you giggle and then smile. You're clearly out of your damn mind, body rocking back and forth while your hands grip onto your ankles tightly. You look like a fucking kindergartener, at the thought of that he snorts.
"Here," he throws the whole paper towel roll at you.
"Thank yoou," more singing, and an even bigger grin.
He only spares you a couple seconds to clean yourself before he's yanking you up onto your feet. The rough skin of his hand wraps around your elbow, and you stumble right into his side. The roll is hugged close to your buddy like some sort of stuffed animal, thighs pressed together tightly. "Can you carry me again?" Your eyes fall shut sleepily, cheek resting against his hard shoulder.
"Please," your hip presses against his now. "Please, I'll kiss you if you'll do it for me."
"Don't say that shit," his cheeks dust pink like a school boy.
You giggle, "I'll kiss you even if you don't pick me up." Paper towel roll still pressed against your chest, you lean into him lips grazing under his jaw. "I wanna kiss you," you hum breathing in his scent.
"Don't say that shit!"
"But I wanna kiss someone," you whine.
"Anyone," you kiss the flesh at his jaw and neck.
"That shit's getting to you."
You nod absentmindedly again, placing another kiss on his warm skin. "Mhm, I think so."
"I'm taking you home," he bends at the knees slightly begrudgingly picking you up.
"Mmmm," you hum, "I like the sound of that."
He squeezes your thighs harshly receiving a slight hiss from you. "Gotta fucking behave if I'm gonna be doing this shit for you. Not gonna fucking baby you for you to be a brat."
Your arms wrap around his neck bringing yourself as close to him as possible. That damn paper towel roll still smooshed between the two of you. "Does that mean you're gonna punish me?" It was said so innocently, still made his cock twitch.
"Don't say that shit," he growls at you, jostling your body as a way of adjusting himself.
"I'm sorry," you kiss his neck, "I'm sorry."
"Don't do that shit either."
"But," you grind against his abs, "I need to feel something."
"Not me! Take care of yourself later," the thought of you touching yourself quickly popped into his head. Once again he was jostling you to adjust his pants.
"You feel so good," another innocent comment as you grind yourself against him.
"What's I say about behaving," he snaps at you.
"But you said to take care of myself."
"Are you gonna punish me now?"
Thank god the car was coming into view. "Oi! I'll fucking drop you!" He hakes his head, "the hells your obsession with that shit."
You shrug, "like how your hands feel on my ass." Another kiss to his neck, and then your hips jolt on their own grinding against his hard abs. This time you just can't stop yourself, the pit of your stomach feels like it's on fire and the way your muscles are contracting- you just have to. You need too.
"Hey," some part of his subconscious had clearly been paying attention to you. The part about his hands, and the punishment, because his hand came up and then down in one sudden slap. You could hear it whoosh in the air, and then that crackle when it met your rear. You stilled, moaning and arching your back. He nearly fucking dropped you, the one hand holding you completely unprepared for that hell of an arch.
"Fuck," you panted. Your lips kissed a trail up his neck and then nipped the skin behind his ear. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry d-" You bit your lip, suppressing what so desperately wanted to be said.
He fucking dropped you.
Your legs where shaky, knees buckling soon as your feet hit the floor. You expected to fall onto your knees just like you did on the lawn, but he slammed you up against the car. Your back roughly hit the metal, one hand keeping your hip trapped against it, the other hand keeping hold of your wrist. "You're driving me fucking crazy you know that," he spat in your face. His breath fanned against your skin, eyes burning. "I have no clue what that fucker gave you but-"
You kissed him, hips wiggly in his hand in search of friction. He bit your bottom lip, teeth sinking into plush, your back arched. "Fuck me, please. Please just fuck me, swear I'll stop after that. It'll make it stop just fuck me please just-"
He leaned back in, mouths smashing together, teeth clinking just before he forces his tongue in catching a taste of your mouth. Aphrodisiac, "bastard gave you a fucking rape drug."
You shake your head, hips wiggling with more vigor. "No want it," you breath heavily, "want it."
He shoves you aside, opening the passenger door for you, "just the drug."
"No," you're crying now. Hand venturing down to your waist band to give yourself some kind of relief. "Want you," you bite your lip when your hand grazes your clit. "I-" pant, "want you." All your weight is held up by the car, eyes shut to better see the fantasies. "Fuck," you groan.
He doesn't know what to do, he's kind of just watching you. It feels gross, feels wrong but, fuck he likes it. Mouth agape while you fuck yourself to him. It's not real. He's gonna wale up. It's just a wet dream, a movie.
"Wanted you since-" gulp, "that compression shirt, at the- at the gym." You whimper at that, "sweat, nipples were hard." Your eyes open all half lidded and hazy, pupils having consumed whatever color was once there. Your sclera isn't even visible anymore. "You're such a whore," as if your fucking pussy wasn't literally squelching right now.
That was it for him, you weren't gonna fucking insult him like that. As if you were some fucking saint. Yeah, right. He slams the passenger door shut, the back door flying open followed by him quickly shoving you into the car. Your back bounces on the leather seats, one hand quickly rushing to yank down your pants and underwear. The burly man climbs in right after you moving with quick hast, he shuts the door behind him with another loud slam.
"Keep that fucking mouth shut," hand squeezing a the sides of your throat. He's fucked once or twice, never like this. In the back of his car, cock aching, in such a hurry. With the way you were acting it seems like it's only take a couple strokes before you tapped out, you had already been edging yourself in a way. (I mean with you grinding and whatever else and him stopping you every other five seconds.)
He unbuttons his jeans, briefly thinking about turning on the air-conditioning only to decide against it. Fuck it, let the windows fog up. (That'd be new too.) Katsuki doesn't even unzip his pants he just tugs at the sides and forces the zipper to go down itself. You brely catch a glimpse of his boxers before those too are tugged down his muscled thighs. Damn gym rat.
He rudely slaps away the hand you have between your legs, only to smack his dick against your clit. "Condom," you mutter.
"Didn't I say to shut up," it's a nasty snarl, yet still you have the balls to smile at him.
"Please," you spread your legs for him.
"Didn't bring one," fuck please don't tell him this is what's gonna cock block him. He'll fucking destroy this car with the amount of anger that wants to blow. Yet you ever so seductively reach into your bra and pull one out.
"Here." You take it between your teeth tearing at the packaging while he pumps himself. You pass it over to him, the wrapper gracefully falling somewhere underneath the seat, condom rolled on in a blink. No prep, just his dick getting shoved into you.
It's a stretch, a painful, hissing stretch. Your tugging at his shirt pulling it off of him while you adjust, his hands sliding up and under to unhook your bra. "Move," it's a command, an order. And despite his big fucking ego, he listens to you. One large hand placed next to your head, the either forcing your shirt up as it ghost over your body. Your scratching at his back, and rubbing his scalp. It's an odd combo of pain and pleasure for the both of you as a result. "More," you're shouting now, "more," you gasp.
"Take your shirt off," his voice is gravelly and out of breath. The hand once fondling with your breast is now gripping under your thigh. It's pushing your legs up and up and up, till they're resting right on top of his strong shoulders. Your pussy clenches around him upon feeling the muscle moving under your legs. His mouth comes down to suck your right nipple, eyes staring dead into yours.
Fuck you're cuming, quick with his name on your tongue. "Not fuckin' done," he groans, grinding into you with another thrust. "Don't even think about movin' didn't-" He hisses, "fuck, didn't get to cum yet." Another grind and then he's bringing a calloused finger to your clit.
"Yeah baby," it's low and husky, drawing more slick from you.
"Was lying about the condom." He gives you a harsh thrust at that, clearly fucking pissed. "Don't give a shit about it," he nearly pulls all the way out to slam back in. "Just wanted to-"
"Get to the fuckin' point," other hand squeezing at your throat.
"Want you to come in me," you're fucking yelling. "Please," begging.
"Fuck baby, that's enough to make me come on the spot."
You whine at that, "no."
"No, please. Inside please."
He pulls out, smirking when he sees how your walls clench around the empty space. "Missing me," he teases rolling off the condom carelessly dropping it onto the floor. In a snap he's back in, three strokes and then he's gone.
The liquid is fucking hot, it's scorching. You wanna taste, wish you would have gotten the chance to. The thought of that has your walls fluttering and coming a second time. Your eyes are all dazed and glossy, hair sticking to your neck and forehead. Carefully Katsuki pulls your shaking legs off his shoulders, while your hand reaches up to push his hair out of your face. "Fuck you're a brat," your lip tint smeared all over his lips.
It makes you smile all soft and gooey. "I'm tired now."
He snorts, pulling your underwear back onto you. "'Course you are," he tugs on his boxers and jeans. "Don't let any of that shit spill out you understand me?" He's pointing at you, face back to that scowl. You nod, pulling your pants back on. The both of you tug on your shirts, he moves to the front while you remain laying in the back. You find a sweater of his and tug it on while he starts the car, rolling down the windows to air the thing out.
"We're doing that shit at least one more time," he says pulling the car out of park.
"You're place or mine," you smile at him through the rearview mirror.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Pairing: Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy x Reader
Requested by: @sokkas-socks ‘HI BBY!!! Is there any chance you could do a spicy Lucius x Snape x Reader smut? One where you’re in a relationship with Lucius and he shares you with Snape. Maybe the first time he does this would be cool, where he like calls you into the room and you’re shocked to see Snape there and then... smut ensues. But if that’s too long any snape x lucius x reader smut would be great!’
Notes: okay, you all need to go and follow the requester’s fic page @pinkandblueblurbs bc the smut on there is -*chefs kiss*
ALSO I got a little carried away with this one :)
Warnings: threesome (MMF), oral sex, Dom/sub dynamic, sir kink, degradation
You pulled your long blank dressing gown tight around yourself, shivering as you scurried along the hallways of Malfoy Manner. Lucius had sent a patronus to you from his study, requesting you put on a set of lingerie and nothing more and make your way there.
“Lucius, I swear to god, you better intend on warming me up, it’s bloody freezing out there,” you grumbled pushing into the study. You froze, shutting the door behind you, locking eyes with Severus Snape, who was lounging on one of the armchairs, a glass of whiskey in hand. “What are you doing here?” You demanded, drawing your robe tightly across yourself. Only Lucius was to see your pretty lingerie.
Lucius tsked. “Now, now, kitten,” he chastised gently. “That’s no way to greet our guest,” you shuffled on your feet, murmuring a ‘sorry,’. Lucius smirked, gesturing you over to sit on his lap. “Severus has come to play, my love,” he whispered in your ear, making you shiver as your eyes widened. You looked up at lucius, chewing your lip. A week prior you had discussed inviting severus to join in with your intimate escapades... you hardly expected lucius to act upon it, and you couldn’t help but feel shy, nuzzling your face into Lucius’s neck. “Shh, kitten, don’t be shy,” Lucius said, coaxing your head up. “I distinctly remember you considering what it would be like to be shared... I’m not a man who shares... but severus is an exception,”
Severus smirked, setting his glass down. “Charming,” he said lowly and you failed to suppress your shudder of desire. “Are you in agreement with this, YN?” He asked, and when you gave an honest nod, he smirked.
Lucius tapped your thigh. “Up you get then,” when you made to walk to the door, he grabbed your wrist. “Where D’you think you’re going?” He asked, arching a brow. You gulped.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he smirked. “We haven’t admired the view properly yet... did you do ask I asked?” You nodded quickly. “Good girl. Drop you robe. I’m sure severus would love to see your pretty lingerie,” Biting your lip, already breathing shallowly, you untied the robe, allowing it the flutter to the floor. You knew better than to try and cover yourself, displaying your thin Lacy white lingerie to them both. “Give is a twirl, princess,” Lucius smirked, watching as severus leant forward slightly as you slowly rotated. “Good,”
Severus hummed contentedly. “Positively angelic,” he said, dark eyes roving along your body. “So very innocent in that pretty white lace... are you as innocent as you look, YN?” He asked sternly and you gulped, looking at Lucius who just smirked.
“I... no, sir,” you breathed. Severus’s breath hitched.
“And why’s that? Are you not Lucius’s little princess? Hmm?”
Your cheeks flooded with heat and you fidgeted on the spot. “I am!” You said quickly, resisting the urge to pout. “It’s just... I can be... I’m... sometimes... I...”
“Youre my little slut, aren’t you, darling?” Lucius said gently and you nodded.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
“Lucius’s little slut? How so?”
You gulped, barely able to meet his eyes. “I... I love taking his cock,” you mumbled. “And I love being filled up with his come... I beg for it, all the time, in my mouth, in my... in my... cunt, and...” you looked at your feet, biting your lip hard. “And sometimes in my arse...”
Severus looked over at lucius and smirked. “My, you dark horse, Malfoy,” he said. “Here’s me thinking you fucked for heirs and were too prim and proper for anything wilder than taking her from behind,”
Lucius let out a laugh and you squirmed before them, pressing your thighs together. “Aww... what’s wrong, pet?” He said, an air of condescension thick in his voice. “Has telling severus what a little whore you are got you all wet?” You nodded, looking down to the floor in shame. “Come here, sit on my lap, your back to me,” you did as you were told, leaning back into his chest, worrying your lip between your teeth as you wriggled. “Still,” he ordered, and you felt his stiffening cock press up against your bum. “I bet your lovely white knickers are all ruined, aren’t they? Absolutely sodden,” you nodded quickly. Severus stood up and knelt before you and Lucius, staring you dead in the eye. “Spread your legs,” Lucius hissed in your ear and you squealed, opening your legs quickly.
“As we suspected, Lucius,” severus said from between your thighs. “Absolutely drenched... I can see the outline of her cunt through the fabric, she’s that wet,”
You whined out softly, hiding your face in Lucius’s neck. Lucius gestured to Severus, and you felt deft fingers yanking the material down your thighs, tossing the damp scrap of lace aside. Lucius grabbed your cheeks between his thumb and fingers and made you look at him. “Severus is going to lick your pretty pussy, darling,” he said and you nodded eagerly. “And it would be very rude of you if you looked away, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes sir,”
“Good girl. Watch.”
You moaned softly, which soon turned much louder as Severus’s tongue darted out, licking between your folds and drinking in your wetness with obscene slurping noises, reminding you what a messy little slut you were. As he wrapped his lips around your clit, his dark eyes smouldered, burning against yours as he sucked, flicking his tongue against your sensitive nub. He held your knees apart, arching his brows at you as you cried out, bucking your hips against his face despite Lucius’s arm around you.
As Severus slid a long finger into you, you let out a shuddering moan, clenching tightly around his finger as he stroked your inner walls gently. When a second was added, his tongue still stroking your clit, your head tipped back and you arched your chest, trying to ride his face and his fingers as best you could. Lucius tutted, tangling his fingers in your hair and pushing your head down. “Watch,” he growled, biting your collarbone as his other hand fondled your tit, tugging the cup of your bra down.
You nodded, staring hard at severus as he scrubbed the flat of his tongue against your clit. “Please,” you whined out, grasping onto Severus’s hair, grinding your hips up to him desperately. “Please, please let me come... I’m so close!” You whispered, biting your lip hard. Lucius nodded at severus over your shoulder, and severus grunted, his fingers massaging against your spot as you cried out, spasming hard around his digits, your clit throbbing against his tongue as he rode out your orgasm.
Smirking, he pulled away, licking his lips before cleaning off his sodden fingers with his tongue. “Divine,” he said simply and you giggled, panting as you flopped against Lucius’s chest, your still twitching hips grinding against his straining trousers.
“Youre hard,” you whispered, nipping his ear gently.
“I know darling... but I have an idea... we’ll go upstairs... we’ll lay you out... severus will fill you up... and I think your mouth shall suffice for me...” you looked over at severus, eyeing the prominent bulge in his trousers and nodded, licking your lips. Lucius smiled and draped your robe over your shoulders as you made your way to the bedroom.
Severus shut the door behind you, watching as Lucius helped you crawl into the centre of the bed, laying on your back, propped up slightly. Lucius hummed, stalking over to severus. “Out of the shadows, old friend,” he purred, pulling Severus in for a sensual kiss. As they kissed, they took turns pushing and pulling their garments off and your eyes widened as you watched their heavy cocks as they were revealed. You whined softly, but knew better than to touch yourself.
Lucius chuckled as he pulled away, the two of them surveying you. “Are you feeling a little neglected, dear?” Lucius asked softly and you nodded.
“We can quickly put an end to that, can’t we?” Severus drawled, stalking over to you. “Get rid of that bra, YN...” you nodded and quickly fumbled with it, tossing it aside. “My, are you eager...” you bit your lip and nodded, already spreading your legs and bucking your hips up.
Lucius smirked, sitting next to you, his hips level with your face. “Are you going to let severus fuck you YN?”
“Yes please...” you whined, looking desperately between them. Severus smirked, pumping his cock a few times before lining himself up with you. Slowly, he pushed in, hissing at your tightness and letting out a choked groan as he bottomed out. He was a little thicker than you were used to, and your eyebrows knitted together as you whimpered at the stretch.
“Does severus feel good inside you, pet?” Lucius asked, stroking your hair.
“Mmm... so good,” you moaned, rocking your hips up eagerly. Severus groaned lowly, settling into a strong slow pace, lips pressed in a firm line as he tried (and failed) to suppress his noises. The hand in your hair suddenly tightened and you gasped, following Lucius’s guidance, allowing him to push his cock down your throat, groaning as your moans vibrated along his shaft.
“Fuck...” Severus hissed through his teeth, eyes widening as he watched the sight before him. “YN, darling... do you think you can manage if I fuck you harder?” Severus grunted and you cast a pleading look over to him, nodding as best as you could with a mouthful of cock. Severus let out a growl as his hips worked faster and you moaned out around lucius, his cock bumping the back of your throat, making you gag slightly. Lucius grunted, bucking his hips up slowly, a heavy contrast from the ruthless pounding you were receiving from his best friend.
Moaning wantonly, you reached to fondle Lucius’s balls, feeling yourself near the edge, whining needily. “She’s close, Severus...” Lucius groaned. “Rub her clit and let her come, there’s a good girl... do you want severus to fill you with his come too?” You nodded eagerly, hollowing your cheeks as tears streamed down your cheeks. As the first spurts of Lucius’s release trickled down your throat, Severus pressed his thumb against your clit. You pulled away as you jolted in pleasure, Lucius’s cock slapping your face as a few spurts of his come soiled your cheek and dripped down to your chest.
Severus growled, coming with a shout as he felt the tightening of your cunt. The combined sensation of him filling you with his seed, still thrusting into you with reckless abandon as he played with your clit, as well as Lucius’s gentle pinches against your nipples was too much for your body to handle and you came with a broken cry, your whole body trembling with the weight of your orgasm. What must have only been a few moments later (although to you, everything was moving in slow motion) you were cleaned up and tucked in between them, your back against Severus’s chest and your head nuzzled into Lucius’s. “Severus should come more often,” you mumbled into Lucius’s chest.
Lucius stared hard at his friend before looking down at you. “I second that, My Darling,”
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @Dracosbbygorl @wonderwoman292 @lilymurphy03 @fredweasleyisntdead @fredswh0re @rogertaylorismycar @meaganjm @fanficwriter5 @shadesofbarryallen @kiwi-sloan @bbeauttyybbx @inglourious-imagines @bonniesgoldengirl @trumpsgorillagrip @blisshemmings @little-bit-of-randomness @vsarzx @eunoia-kth @liliputbahn @thestunningspell @kiwi-sloan @beiahadid @courtnytrash04 @ccosmic-illusion @purpleskymalfoy @marshxx @hogwartslut @thatslovelymoony @winchestergirl333 @sterwild
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thetaoofzoe · 4 years
Fic: A Wild Woman 1/1
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Title: A Wild Woman
Summary: By Victorian Standards, you are considered the dreaded Wild Woman! Your aunt and uncle threaten to disown you and turn you out into the streets unless you agree to a little re-education on how to be a proper lady.
Rating: Mature, fluff, Soft Dom Sherlock!Henry, sex, unconventional
Pairing: Sherlock x YOU
Note: This was inspired by  "A wild woman brought up a wild child. We'll make her acceptable for society." from the EH trailer.
Want to read more? Click for my Masterlist
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Your Aunt and Uncle had had enough of you. They were fed up with your lack of female decorum and your absolute insistence to star gaze, associate with male aeronauts and start fires from chemistry experiments gone awry. But you couldn't help yourself. After the scandal of the woman who attempted to join the Chemistry Society a few years back, you had been forever changed. Women could do anything and you were intent on grabbing that elusive gold ring. If that meant attending boisterous underground resistance meetings, or not wearing your corset, then so be it.
Unfortunately, your family did not see it that way. To them, you were a wild woman who had no place in decent Victorian society.
One gloomy autumn evening, when your uncle returned from the gentleman's club, he sat both you and your aunt down at the dining room table for a talk.
Your uncle then gave you a choice.
Well, it was a choice between scylla and charybdis, but a choice nonetheless.
You were either to be turned out into the street to fend for yourself, with no money and no prospects and definitely no husband, or you were to travel to London to be kept, re-educated and made acceptable to be returned to society by a pair of reputable brothers who promised to produce reputable ladies.
What could you do, but agree to the latter, as the former was a nightmare you never wanted to experience.
So you made the long involuntary train-trek cross country to London.
The man who met you at the train station was tall, and slim with a well-manicured moustache that curled up at the ends in the most fashionable way. When he reached for your single suitcase and turned to walk away, you followed without protest.
Baker Street was a short narrow avenue that seemed unnecessarily busy for so early in the morning, and when the Hansom slowed, your companion opened the door and hopped out. He offered his gloved hand, which you took and followed him to the ground.
The cab rode off and gently taking you by the arm, the man guided you across the road. He walked up the steps to a dark painted door with the numbers 221b etched on a half-moon of glass above it.  He led you inside and up the stairs to a room at the end of a long corridor.
It was a well-appointed room. Against the wall was a large bed with a patchwork cover flanked by two low dark wood tables upon which sat twin lamps with beaded green lampshades. To the left, a tall window brought in the hazy morning light and illuminating the small writing desk beneath it.  There was also a large wardrobe stood in one corner opposite a bookshelf which was crammed with books.
'Your room, for the duration of your stay. I expect that it will be maintained without clutter.'
He then looked at you and slowly perused your form. You felt scandalised! No man had ever dared make his inspection of your body so plain before. Scandalised, yes, but a slow simmer of heat in your belly belied your inner outrage.
He humphed, and his  eyes moved to meet yours again.
'Sloppy,' he said. 'That you expect to be taken seriously, dressed like this is insulting.'
You opened your mouth and he lifted his brows, waiting for you to speak.
'I expect, sir, for you to watch your tongue when addressing me.'
He laughed quietly.
'My brother will be home shortly,' he said ignoring your protest. 'I believe you will be spending the evening in his company. Granted, he is less strict than I am, so don't get used to his...'
The man pinwheeled his hand in the air as if searching for the most appropriate word, but the opening and then the closing of the front door distracted him.
'Ah,' he murmured. 'He's come home early. Please wash thoroughly and change your clothes. I expect that you have something better than this?'
You narrowed your eyes.
'I will give you one hour and then come downstairs and into the study for inspection. The study is to the right at the bottom of the stairs. Have you... questions?'
'Do you intend to stand here and watch me wash and dress?'
He smiled and wordlessly turned to leave you to your task.
'We'll break you of that attitude,' he promised and closed the door behind him.
You wavered on your feet and collapsed on the fainting couch at the foot of the bed. You were breathless, excited, astounded that you were aroused by the man's quiet dominance.
'This is ridiculous girl!' you chided yourself aloud. 'This whole thing is ridiculous.'
But at least you were in London. You had promised your aunt and uncle that you would be 're-educated' and that you were going to come home the niece they always wanted so that you could be married off to the local farmer's son. What they didn't know, was that you were going to use the little stipend they'd provided and run away into the arms of the big city.
In the meantime, this was what you needed to do to get to where you needed to go.
You got up, stripped out of your travel clothes and inspected the pitcher and basin on the wash stand in the corner. There was water in the pitcher and a clean cloth hanging on the railing. There was also a lump of lanolin soap sitting on the side of the basin and you went about washing the dirt from your travels off of your skin. You didn't bother with a corset, or your stockings. You merely shrugged into your chemise, dress and shoes and went down to the study.
You stood at the closed door, humming with excitement and terror. What if this brother was a hunchback, with a mutilated face and was only gentle because his looks terrified everyone. What if he was old and decrepit and smelled of liniment! You wrinkled your nose at the thought and opened the door.
The study was beautiful, quiet and a fire burned in the small hearth. The walls were covered with dark tapestries and old maps. Books and newspapers were stacked everywhere, but it did not appear to be done in a chaotic manner. There was an order to this room and your heart clenched when your eyes fell on the man who was rising from the high wing-backed chair.
If Gods walked the earth, on a regular basis, you would not have been surprised by his appearance. He too was tall, like his brother, broad across the chest with a narrow waist and sturdy thighs.  He was in his shirtsleeves with a high starched white collar and dark brown tweed waistcoat and matching dress trousers.
And the curls. Oh the soft mass of chocolatey brown curls were stylish and clipped short and nicely complimented his handsome chiselled face.
'Turn around, please,' he said, his voice all honey and milk and you obeyed immediately.
'Face me again.'
You did so and he approached, hands clasped behind his back. He shook his head.
'You know this is unacceptable, don't you.'
It wasn't a question.
This wasn't how it was supposed to go, you thought. You had practised on the long train ride to London. You knew exactly how you were going to respond and exactly what you were going to say. But your mind had gone blank and only silence came out of your sweet quivering mouth.
You lowered your gaze.
His dark shoes were buttoned neatly and had been shined carefully. He was obviously a man who cared about his appearance.
'I expect things from you, when you're under my roof. This shabbiness and unruly nature will not be permitted and if you continue to pursue these avenues, you will be...'
He trailed off, and began to walk in a slow circle around you, prowling, like a sleek beast and you couldn't help feeling helpless.
Like you were prey.
He stopped after one revolution and stood at your back. He was so close that the heat and scent of him engulfed you. You closed your eyes, and sweat broke out across your upper lip and brow.
He 'humphed', sounding just like his brother and stuck a finger against your side. You didn't dare squirm away from his examination and you held yourself taut.
'No corset,' he said, finding you soft and unrestrained beneath your clothes. 'And I wager, no stockings or combinations.'
You were silent and it seemed that the very silence was a living creature, pricking your skin.
'Answer me.'
'No, none of that.'
He took in a long breath and let it out slowly.
'Upstairs, now. Gather your undergarments and bring them here.'
You turned so fast that you nearly banged into him. But you managed to scurry round him, and dart up the stairs as fast as your legs beneath your full skirts would carry you. You blindly grabbed everything that you had and nearly tumbled back down the stairs in your haste to please this man, this stranger, who within moments of meeting him made you want to drop to your knees and worship his masculinity.
He was still standing in the same place where you left him, back straight, head up, elegant hands clasped behind his back.
Out of breath, you stood before him, arms full of undergarments and he smiled. That smile took your breath away. He directed you to dump your clothes on the nearby desk.
'Now,' he began, scholarly. 'The makings of a society appropriate lady, begins at her skin. Do you understand?'
You swallowed hard and nodded.
'Good. Now, remove your clothing. We have to start from the skin.'
There was heat in his voice, filled with a demand that brooked no argument, and with trembling hands, you unbuttoned your waistcoat, unpinned your skirt and shrugged out of your rough collared shirt until you stood there bare beneath your chemise.
You worked your hands together in front of you feeling damp between your legs and ready to show him everything that was private about you.You unlaced the chemise at the collar and let it fall.
He looked at you for a long time, appreciating you, drinking you in and he was very obviously pleased with you.
He pointed to the combinations lying in a heap on the desk.
Your combinations were in two pieces so you stepped into the split bottoms and pulled on the top.
'Now corset.'
You went back to the table. You had two corsets, and you looked to him for his opinion.
'Blue,' he said. 'It laces in the back.'
Normally, as you dressed yourself, your corsets (when you wore them) laced in the front. But this one, he chose purposefully. He wanted to have control over dressing you.
The blue one was already partially laced so all you had to do was pull it over your head and hold it in place. You turned your back to him and waited. He began to slowly tighten your laces, starting from the top and working his way down, one after the other after the other he pulled the narrow fabric through the eyelets closing the boned corset around you, trussing you like a tart and stealing your breath.
The corset was tight, but not overly so, just enough to make you realise that you liked it. He tied the remainder of the cord round your waist and tucked in the excess.
'Will you take it off me when it's time?' you breathed, lightheaded with arousal.
And he hummed a soft response.
Then followed your simple cream and blue coloured dress, which you stepped into with his help. It buttoned up the back and he took his time doing so.
After what seemed an eternity, he stepped away from you and mourning the loss of his heat, you watched him walk to the chair, turn and sit down.
'Come here, and bring your stockings and ribbon.'
Like a puppy, you followed and stood at his knee.
He took the stockings and thin blue ribbons and laid them across his lap.
'Right foot,' he murmured and patted the spot on his thigh where he wanted you to put it. 'Balance yourself on the chair if needed.'
You put a hand on the top of the wing back and sighed softly when he rolled up the first stocking and slid it on your foot and up your leg. You bit your lip, but you couldn't look away from the deft fingers that trailed fire along your skin. He tied the ribbon just below your knee and folded the top of the stocking over it.
You switched legs and he repeated the process, only this time after he had tied the ribbon and folded the stocking down, he held your calf with both hands and looked up at you.
'Now you are finished. Is there anything that I did that you did not understand?'
You shook your head, not trusting your voice to come out as anything but a squeak. He nodded to acknowledge your answer, paused, and then slid one hand up your calf, to your thigh and over the material of your combinations to where they split to reveal your tender sex. He lightly brushed his fingertips over your naked mound and you made a noise that was quite unbecoming of a society lady. Clapping a hand over your mouth, you did the only thing you ever wanted to do the moment you laid eyes on him; you widened your legs.
'I prefer an unruly woman,' he said, sliding one finger into your slick wet cunt. 'I think they have spirit.'
Whining, you grabbed onto the other side of the chair and leaned on it for support. He stroked your clit slowly, carefully, pushing back the swollen little hood and pinched it between his fingers. You squeezed your eyes shut and stars burst against the darkness. You were going to scream if he continued.
'Please,' you whispered, jerking your hips forward, encouraging his further exploration. 'Please... just please!'
He slid his fingers out of you and with his eyes still on your, he put those same fingers into his mouth.
A cry of frustration escaped you. You hiked your skirts and climbed onto his lap, giving him just enough room to unbutton the opening of his trousers and draw out his leaking cock. You took him in hand and he grabbed your hips and pressed back into the chair as you positioned yourself enough to sink slowly down onto him.
You leaned back into his hands, tipping your chin up and moaning loudly, voluptuously, clenching tightly around him, circling your hips to feel all of him filling you completely. He groaned quietly, much more subdued, but no less aroused and he looked up just as you looked down at him. You grabbed his exquisite face between your hands and kissed him, lapping eagerly into his delectable mouth, letting your body rise and fall as your cunt greedily devoured him.
You pushed your fingers into his soft curls, and held his head up, kissing and biting at his plush lips, riding him slowly at first, and then faster as the crescendo of desire and lust and pleasure crested then exploded inside you. Every part of you clamped down hard on him and you rocked and back and forth, milking the shuddering orgasm out of him.
It took a moment before the two of you finally relaxed from your shared high. Still holding his face, you kissed his cheeks and his forehead and his lips over and over until his softening cock slipped out of you. You sat back on his thighs and imagined his cum leaking out of you and onto your combinations.  You giggled at the dirty thought.
'I'm Sherlock,' he said after a long silence, looking up to meet your gaze.
'I'm... smitten,' you answered.
Maybe a little re-education wasn't such a bad thing.
I hope you enjoyed it. Please like, share comment reblog all that good stuff. :)
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solomonish · 3 years
things my heart used to know (solomon x reader)
You find yourself stuck in an unusual contraption with Solomon, where the only way out is to take a trip through his memories that he was not prepared to take.
Based on Once Upon a December
Ao3 link: here!
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With a spectacular grunt, you rammed your shoulder against a suspicious spot in the wall, hoping that just maybe you could bring the whole wall down or convince someone to help you out or something. Chances of that were low: you and Solomon had been alone when the mysterious magical device activated, trapping you both inside. Trying to shove the more hopeless thoughts of never escaping away, you continued to push at the wall, as if one spot would give and open up to let the two of you out.
Solomon was behind you, leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked the picture of calm, a small smile playing with the corners of his mouth as he listened to your struggle. When you looked at him with the intention of giving him a glare, you saw the dim light in the box had turned from white to gold. With a cocked eyebrow, you pushed away from the wall as you felt it morph from stone to something smoother. “What’s…”
“It’s deciding which form to take,” Solomon answered as if that told you anything. Met with silence, he chuckled and pushed himself off of the wall to make his way over to you. “We’re in a memory box.”
“A memory box?” Inadvertently, you stepped closer to him, only stopping when your arm brushed gently across his. The sensation of the walls changing beneath your hands put the horrible thought of your hands getting stuck in a partially-morphed wall, and you wanted to stick next to him in case that really did happen.
Clearly amused, Solomon looked down at you, the teasing smirk on his face making him look much more condescending than he normally did. “Yes. They require a strong magical energy to work, and typically only work once. They’re especially popular with those of us who...have a lot of memories to sift through, but they can be used by anyone. I’m surprised this one lasted so long without being used...” 
As he talked, he walked forward, noting how you stuck close to his side and looked around nervously. The darkness was slowly dissipating and the focused light began to expand into a broader golden glow. The box transformed into a long hallway, the end opening into a room you couldn’t quite see into. Curiously, the walls around you started to shine, taking on their own gilded form. Intricate shapes were carved into the gold, reaching tall like palm trees. In front of each carving stood a gold pedestal, each with some artifact on it that looked to you like they belonged in a museum. 
Finally pulling apart from his side, you ran your fingers over one of the trees. The walls seemed stable, thankfully. “You seem to know a lot about these memory boxes. Have you used one before? Oooh, or did you create them?”
He picked up a small statuette, his gaze darkening for a moment as he stared at it absently. “I...am familiar with how they work.”
He placed the statuette down with a solid clink, drawing your attention from the wall and stopping you from commenting about how utterly unhelpful his response was. Had you said something wrong? His footsteps were faster than before as he made his way down the hall, barely glancing at the walls as if he had seen them before. Well, actually, he probably had. As far as you were aware, you didn’t have an intricate temple in your memories, so this must be coming from him.
Scurrying after him, you followed him through the shadowed doorway and stepped into a room that was just as ornate but not at all connected to the hallway you were just in. While the hall looked like some temple from the first century, the ballroom-like space before you seemed much more recent, if not still at least a hundred years old. You were standing on a high landing, having emerged from an archway several feet taller than you. You weren’t an architect or archaeologist, but you could guess the style of the architecture was different. Maybe...more European? Of some sort? Cringing, you tried to push the image of your humanities professor scowling at you out of your head and slowed your own steps, choosing instead to look at the high ceilings around you.
“I’ve never seen a place like this before…” You murmured in awe. Though the room was dark and clearly abandoned, you still felt a still kind of magic around you, different from what you normally felt around Solomon. He was a few feet to your left, looking at a separate old artifact and standing before a table littered with them. If you squinted, you could see what looked like wings stretched across a long serving dish, the paint chipped and faded. You couldn’t tell if it was an angel or a bird - the pinched expression on Solomon’s face didn’t give you any clues, either. A chill settled in the room, but only you shuddered, suddenly realizing that you were an intruder in these unfamiliar rooms. The thought had you awkwardly kicking at the worn rugs beneath you, the threads dirty and torn yet somehow still looking expensive.
Without a word, Solomon dug around in the bag he was carrying with him, hastily looking for something. You watched him drop it unceremoniously on the ground, bringing up a cloud of dirt around it. In his hand was the notebook he used to teach you different runes, a faint glow coming from the page following the stroke of his pen. The sound of the page being ripped from the binding seemed to fill the room, followed by his steady footsteps as he made his way to the grand staircase. You watched him go, only turning your head so as not to draw his attention.
After he passed, you cautiously sauntered over to the table Solomon was standing at, stooping to pick up the bag he left behind. Slinging the long strap across your chest, you picked up a bear figurine gilded in chipping gold, turning it so that it caught the light. All of the figures before you seemed to be masterful pieces of craftsmanship, regal things to be envied yet somehow seeming personal.  You were almost afraid to touch them for fear of offending the unknown owner.
Your hand fell to your side, bumping a cool metal box on the way and nearly knocking it off the table. Thankfully, you caught it and brought it to your face. Opening up the small lid to reveal another bear, this one standing up as if dancing one half of the tango, you gently turned it around to find the crank. It was old and a bit rusty, but still you turned it gently once, twice, three times until you could feel the springs coiled so tightly they might break. For a moment, you held your breath, then - 
Nothing. No sound came out of the box.
"Hmph. That's a shame," You murmured, tapping the side gently with your finger. Unsurprisingly, that didn't work and you set the box down on the table again. Turning over your shoulder, you called out, "So, what is this pl- ack!"
Just as you turned, a small display of glitter resembling fireworks shot out from Solomon's hand, the shimmering ash eating away at the paper that hovered in midair. Your shout of surprise didn't stir him, his back rigid and still facing you.. The quiet fizzle that caught you off guard became a visible stream of magic curling around him and you before spreading to the far corners of the room. 
You watched as the shadows were pushed into the walls before entirely disappearing, the magic gilding the ballroom and mending the disrepair it had fallen into. Tapestries unfurled to hang on the wall as the vibrancy of the old portraits returned. Overhead, empty arches found themselves holding large, crystalline chandeliers that bathed the room in a welcoming glow. Behind you, the music box started playing, the tune sounding like a full orchestra even if you knew it should only be a dissonant metallic tin. The extravagance caught your breath, nearly distracting you from the way the paintings began to shift and colors bled together.
With another wave of his hand, Solomon drew figures from the painting, hundreds spilling out as if a day had been broken. A few emerged from the floor, entering the ballroom the same way one would step out of a lake and onto the shore. Some of the figures wire masks, hiding their identity with the facade of thespian comedy. Others came as they were, wearing the same face in a variety of expressions. Despite the period clothing and many different hairstyles, the face was eerily familiar.
You watched ghoulish duplicates of Solomon traipse around the floor or mingle, talking to invisible counterparts animatedly. The figures that were not identical were faceless, aside from the occasional partner that seemed to exist in greater detail than any version of Solomon. The figures never stepped a foot on the staircase that was now covered in a rich red carpet - somehow, they were completely unaware of your presence yet seemed to know and respect that you and your Solomon lived in reality. They were citizens of the mindscape, figments of the past, and the barrier between what is and what was should not have been breached.
So caught up in your shock were you that you failed to notice Solomon head down the stairs, as if in a trance, and breach that barrier.
Once you saw him slipping between the ghostly figures, expertly sidestepping them as if he had studied their waltz for years, you called out to him. But he did not answer, too focused on the people milling around him. Maybe your voice was drowned out by the faux chorus around you. With a huff, you gripped the strap across your chest and followed him, walking down the stairs so quickly you almost tripped.
The moment you reached the foot of the stairs, you felt as though you had stepped into a bubble. With a close eye on the figures around you, you picked your way through the crowd with significantly less grace than Solomon. You never lost sight of him in his dark clothes, the dancers only distorting his image as if you were looking through water or a warped mirror as they passed in front of your line of sight. One pair accidentally passed through you, sending a harsh arctic chill down your spine. You watched that Solomon, his hair slightly neater and sporting a ridiculous frilly neck accessory you might have made fun of under different circumstances, pay no mind to you and instead look down at his companion. His expression was mischievous, scheming, but the woman he was dancing with had a face of static, barring you from reading her reaction.
Clutching tighter to the bag strap, you hastened your pace and tried to maneuver through the spirits, occasionally brushing your elbow or hip through the people around you. Each time it sent a different shiver through you, some icy while others were warm and tingled your skin. Surrounded by phantom Solomons only made you more eager to find your place next to the real one again, but the static shock you got from passing through the hurdles made you all the more careful in your steps. Who knew finding your way through a crowd you could walk right through would be harder than finding your way through a collection of solid bodies?
Near the center of the room, you found yourself in an open area with Solomon, your Solomon, standing in the middle. It seemed the translucent versions of himself knew to steer clear of him. You watched, standing just on the edge of where the crowd seemed to circle around him, watching as he took in his surroundings. Then, slowly, Solomon turned to you as if realizing for the first time that you were there.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing could come out. All your words tangled together, the confusion only growing when Solomon reached a hand out to you, palm up. The gaze he held you in was unfocused, his expression the closest to unkind you had ever seen. Even if there were no right decisions, rejecting his offer to dance seemed like the absolute wrong one. With the same timid air as a schoolgirl at her first dance, you placed your hand in his. For a moment, you felt vulnerable as you untucked your arms from your chest, only to feel at ease once Solomon pulled you in. His hand fell to your waist with a practiced ease. If he had been focused, maybe you would've felt butterflies swarming in your stomach, or maybe you would've laughed nervously. His far away gaze kept the joy down, and instead you pressed your lips in a tight line, watching him closely and allowing him to take the lead.
He fell into step with his doppelgangers, directing you through a path of the specters with the firm hand on your waist. Your time at Diavolo's party helped a little, but back then you hadn't been so worried about your partner. (Well, aside from the time Lucifer asked to dance with you only to threaten you - but then you were more worried about what your partner would do to you and not his emotional wellbeing.) It was all you could do to avoid stumbling over your own feet, barely missing his ties with your heavy steps. 
"Solomon…" You breathed out, noticing how his gaze stuck to the spirits for a moment too long before turning to you. Your questions died in your throat - Are you okay? What's happening? What memory is this? How do we get out of here? - but he could read your expression clear as day, even with his mind preoccupied. 
"These are all memories of me," He explained, leading you into a turn and  arely avoiding one of his copies. "I didn't have a specific memory in mind when we activated the box, so...perhaps it just started to play all of them in one."
"So you've been here before?" You asked, astonished.
"It's...familiar. I've been to lots of places. It's hard to tell."
A pair of dancers blew through you, sending a spark down both of your spines. You turned your head to see a version of Solomon look both ways, checking for onlookers that were nowhere to be found, before tenderly reaching towards the face of the man beside him. Before they could meet, Solomon turned you so his body was between you and the romantic scene, but you were able to catch a glimpse of the man's face. It was completely smooth, like an unchisled head to a statue. 
Solomon didn't make eye contact with you, a faint blush painting his cheeks. You squeezed his hand in the only reassurance you could give. "I don't mean to pry."
There was no answer, and you couldn't blame him. Even if you hadn't meant to peer into his memories, you were witnessing versions of himself he didn't tell you about, versions of himself he might not even remember. You didn't know if he was dancing with you to angle you away from the things he didn't want to see or just to keep you close, but the fact that you were even around to be swept up in the sea of Solomons was too personal for him to dwell on.
With an almost imperceptible tilt of his head, Solomon's attention was grabbed by someone on the other end of the room. His grip on your hand tightened and he tucked you slightly closer to himself, spinning you in order to turn your course. You couldn't keep up with his faster footwork, nearly tumbling to the ground and only saved by his firm grasp. Solomon wasn't paying attention to you, though; his focus was on whoever he was pursuing, his turns tight as he guided you into a small circle around the room. 
The fast turns were making you dizzy, unexpectedly jostling you every time his target moved from his sight. Feebly, you used the hand resting on his shoulder to push him gently away, asking him to stop. The more he spun, the harder you pushed, occasionally asking him to slow down. He wasn't hurting you, but you were hoping that if you could get his attention he might stop. The figures around you were whirling, spinning, disorienting you - was that how dizzy and overwhelmed he felt every day, or just now? 
Without warning, the figures around you stretched an arm out as their partners spun away from them, their fingers barely brushing past each other as they disappeared into thin air. As the remain figures turned to fade into their own memories, Solomon did the same to you. You tried to keep your hands connected, hoping maybe if you kept your fingertips on his he could you bring you back to him bring his thoughts with you. That didn't happen, and you felt your fingertips drag across his palm as you stumbled backwards.
Brushing your hair out of your face, you huffed and looked around. It was just you and Solomon in the room again, the Golden facade having faded back into the dim, abandoned ballroom from before. Solomon was staring at a blank space a few feet from the wall, his face scrunched as if watching the world rip something from him. Perhaps he was; perhaps he was watching one of the few faces he could remember beside his own, maybe one of the ones he loved, fade away from his grasp again.
This wasn't about you - clearly, none of the memories were for you to see - but you felt a creeping loneliness settling around you. Solomon was not only lost in his own world, but in hundreds of his own worlds, where details blurred and recognizable friendly faces were a luxury. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you noticed that the music box was now playing music, the kind you'd expect from such a dainty trinket. Now, the sound seemed hollow and eerie, far from how charming you thought it would be before.
Hesitantly, you took one step towards him as the song dwindled to a stop, but the click of your shoe echoed far too aggressively in the room. The walls were slowly returning to the non-descript box you were in before, but Solomon wasn't moving from his spot. The memories would always be swirling around in his head, you supposed. He had to take his time to bridge the gap between you - even if to you, it seemed insurmountable and ever-growing.
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
a turned spirit ❧ bakugou katsuki / ground zero
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navigation | music
➣ genre: angst
➣ warnings: villian!baku, unrequited love
➣ request: bakugou Is fighting the reader and the reader Kiss him to distract him to escape ( Sidenote have you ever watch Jennifers body
➣ a/n: hi, anon! unfortunately, i’ve never watched jennifer’s body but i have seen a few scenes before. if your request is correlated to the movie, i’m so sorry if the fic doesn’t turn out the way you want :((( also! since bakubro’s birthday is today (in the us), i decided to write a fic for him and so i saw this request! i tried to post it yesterday, but i got occupied with homework :/// if the center of the fic sounds like word spew, it probably is because it spaced out in the middle of writing it lmao. i promise i will work on the other requests waiting in my inbox, i just need time. thank you and enjoy!!!
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Sirens were going off throughout the city; dark clouds of smoke wafted in the air. Some citizens were being calmly evacuated to a safer location, whereas others were watching the pro heroes fight the villain. 
A loud boom echoed through the streets of the city, attracting everyone’s attention. A flash of orange flames lit up the sky, followed by a hoarse shout. 
You would’ve recognized that voice anywhere, be it in your sleep or in a loud, crowded room. 
Oh how you wished you had Deku with you as of now.
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“Happy birthday, Bakugou!” You and your classmates jumped out of their hiding spots, surprising the hot-headed peer.
He gave the group of you an unimpressed stare, hands shoved in the pockets of his low-waisted pants. The blonde gave the decorated room a once over before grunting a quiet thanks of appreciation.
“No need to be such a tsundere, Baku-bro,” Kaminari chirped, nudging Bakugou with his shoulder.
“Fuck off, Pikachu,” the black-clothing-clad boy grumbled.
“Cheer up, Bakugou! It’s your birthday, and everyone here set this up for you!” Kirishima placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
Everyone else in the class had began to roam the snack table or dance with each other to Jirou’s live music. You, on the other hand, held a neatly wrapped gift in your arms, collecting the courage to approach and give Bakugou the gift yourself.
Watching as the blonde sat himself onto the plush cushions of the common room’s couch, your feet carried you over to him, forcing you into one reality.
“What do you want?” His gruff voice spoke, staring at your frozen figure.
Lips trembling, you decided your actions would speak louder than your words, at the moment. Your arm stuck out, handing the gift to Bakugou. He looked at you, then the gift, gently grabbing the box away from you.
“Thanks,” he mumbled.
Internally panicking, you simply nod and hum, eyes focused on your feet. You scurry away as soon as you could, attempting to hide the obvious blush on your cheeks.
Unbeknownst to you, Bakugou was watching your frantic figure gather some water to cool yourself down. 
Cute, he thought, looking down at the custom-made, Ground Zero wrapping paper you used for his gift.
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The sound of explosions neared you and the other pro heroes. Some heroes were too injured to fight or were helping the police escort the citizens away faster. Coincidentally, you were the only one who could fight. Luckily, unlike the other heroes, you already had experience fighting the inevitable explosion man.
“Go! Take them as far from here as possible. I’ll try to hold him back,” you shouted at the escapees and your fellow heroes.
You ran forward, closing in on the sound of explosions. You caught a glimpse of the smoke and orange flames and moved to get in closer range of them.
Once you could see the muscular man shooting through the sky, you activated your quirk, attracting his attention to you.
“Well if it isn’t my least favorite UA girl,” his voice echoed down the street.
“Bakugou,” you spoke in a low tone.
“How’s it going, L/N? I see you’re one of the top pro heroes now,” he smirks, little sparks lighting from his palms.
“You could’ve been one too,” you responded, ignoring his question.
“Yeah, I could’ve, but why tie myself down to boring rules?” 
The two of you were walking in circles, neither one willing to turn their backs.
“What about your dream of being stronger and better than All Might?” You brought up his childhood dream, hoping to draw out more time.
“Can’t you see? I am better than All Might. My power is unlimited,” he cackled.
You gulped, frowning at the man ahead of you. His appearance didn’t change much in comparison to when he was a high schooler. Now, he was the shell of someone you had fallen for once.
Scoffing, he spoke, “As much as I’d like to let you stall more time, I’ve got some people to show my power to.”
Seeing as he was ready to boost himself away, you ran towards him, grabbing his arm and trying to pin him to the floor. You wrapped your legs around his waist, legs coming down from behind him, knocking his knees down. Since he was on his knees, you swung yourself around him and pushed him onto his chest, cheek squashed against the floor. You pulled both his arms back, trying to pry his grenade gauntlet off of him.
With you straddling his back, you could feel him chuckle from underneath you, “You really think you can take those off? They were designed so that only I could take them off on my own accord.”
You ignored him, straining to pull of the big and heavy items. It was like taking them off would release him from some imaginary spell you thought up in your mind, like it would liberate your chained heart and he would come back.
Bakugou could feel your efforts beginning to weaken and took the opportunity to his advantage. With a slight roll of his shoulder, he managed to use the gauntlet’s weight to escape your grasp.
With you stuck in a heartbroken haze, you were too late to realize the villain overpowering you until you were the one under him. You stared into his scintillating ruby eyes, searching for even a fraction of the classmate you had mourned over losing. Tears pricked your own E/C eyes, spilling down your flushed cheeks.
For a moment, the blonde’s aggressive façade had faltered, his eyes quivering at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks. It was only when he heard the sound of a building collapsing on its weak infrastructure did he warn you once more.
“I suggest you get out of here before I have to hurt you,” he growled lowly, dismissing the bitter taste the words had left in his mouth.
Your mind was telling your body to move, to get up and fight, but your heart was telling you to stay, forcing you to gaze at his complexion much too long.
“No,” you whimpered, unconsciously. Your head shook, hand grabbing onto one of the man’s large wrist that was pinning you down. “Come back. I can- We can help you.” 
You were at your wits end, fighting against a once potential number one pro hero and an unrequited love. 
He harshly ripped himself out of your grasp, spitting out, “I don’t need your help.”
That was enough for you to accept the reality of the situation. Bakugou Katsuki was long gone; Ground Zero was no longer a hero. You must protect this beloved city and its people.
Glancing at the big city hall clock, you realize you’d stalled just about the perfect amount of time for the citizens to escape, meaning all you needed to do was hold Ground Zero back a little longer to ensure he wouldn’t locate the safe house.
Running full speed at the man ahead of you, you dropped to your side, sliding between his legs and flipping up to kick him to the floor. You could hear him elicit a dark chuckle before turning over and firing his blast at you. Fortunately, you were able to hop off of him and put some distance between the two of you.
You knew both close combat and long-range combat wouldn’t work on him. He was fully equipped when it came to his quirk. You, on the other hand, preferred to depend on your combat skills, and unlike Deku, your quirk didn’t increase the amount of force or strength in your attacks.
While you were busy thinking up a plan of escape, you felt your phone vibrate in its compartment in your bodysuit. Bakugou must’ve noticed your relaxed disposition because he began to charge at you, attacking you on all sides, leaving you trapped dodging his explosions.
“I guess some measly pro hero could be a good reward to bring back in replace of their lives,” he shouted, hands bombarding your space.
Your state of mind was panicked. You didn’t know how you were going to beat him, let alone escape. Only one idea popped in your head at that moment, and oh, how you despised it. Your thoughts screamed: “It’s not going to work!” “That only works in cliches!” “Oh my god, are you stupid?” Nevertheless, you had no other plans, no other ideas.
Finding a convenient opening, you leaned in smashing your lips against his, causing him to immediately freeze in his spot. The pink, cracked lips pressed against yours felt like it was out of a fantasy. No, his lips weren’t perfect and soft like a prince in shining armor’s, but his were with meaning: a tragic story made of his life that led to that exact moment.
Pulling away, you spared him one last glance before running out of his sight. He didn’t chase after you. He couldn’t because he knew if he did, he wouldn’t want to leave your side ever again, but he didn’t want the tied down life of a “savior” or a “hero.” Besides, there’s no way he would be accepted as a hero and let roam freely after all the chaos and havoc he’d caused.
Once a villain, always a villain... at least that was what society believed.
The two of you had different destinies with the lines of dark and light. Alas, there was no in between for you to share and no way to turn back the tables called time.
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corpseblouse · 4 years
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banana milk
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warnings!!: none, fluff, sfw!, enemies to lovers (if you squint really really hard)
pairing: kageyama and y/n
description: you and kageyama weren’t particularly close, but you often notice his lingering stares and reluctant touches towards you. after an awkward moment at a vending machine, you finally decide to confront Kageyama about his recent behaviors.
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the school bell rang through you and your classmate’s ears, indicating a desperately needed break. you feel the class become livelier, finally being able to escape the boredom of their school studies. you pack your bag, hoping to get to the vending machine before the line gets unbearably long.
you sling your backpack onto your shoulder, and scurry past people still packing their bags. you walk through the halls, silently humming a tune stuck in your head from the radio playing on your way to school. your humming stops once you round the corner towards the vending machine, that’s when you see the line. it’s not necessarily unbearable, but your impatience is what dampers your mood.
as you near the back of the line, you spot kageyama. you and him weren’t necessarily friends, but you did often notice his hesitance around you. in the halls, he’ll avoid any form of eye contact and greeting you direct his way. in class, he refuses to partner up even when you both are assigned to each other. at this point, you’re convinced he hates you.
you stand behind him in line, foot lightly tapping against the ground. you see kageyama visibly tense and straighten his back, noticing your presence behind him. you cock one of your eyebrows, already annoyed with his behavior.
the line moves pretty quickly, quicker than you had expected. you grin and straighten your posture as kageyama steps up in front of the vending machine and presses a couple buttons. his drink falls out of it’s place and lands into the pick up box, he grabs the drink and quickly moves out of the way to let you through.
you let out a low sigh, finally able to get the banana milk you’ve been craving all morning. you scan through the options, trying to look for your beloved banana milk. unfortunately, you come to realize that the banana milk has sold out. a pout forms on your lips as you slowly walk away from the vending machine, disappointed.
you stop sulking for a second and look up from the ground, you notice kageyama leaning against the wall poking a straw through what looks like... banana milk?!
before you know it, your feet are carrying you towards where the black haired boy was standing. although there was a significant height difference between the two of you, you still stood tall and confident; willing to do anything to persuade him out of that banana milk.
“excuse me, do you want that banana milk by any chance?” you ask, pointing your finger at the carton of milk in his hands.
you faintly see a blush creeping up on kageyama’s cheeks, spreading to his neck and ears. his stare is cold, but you still held the same amount of confidence you walked in with.
“um... i bought it, didn’t i?” he asks, confused and slightly flustered.
“yes... but they’re all sold out at the vending machine and i really really wanted one.” you press, poking your lip out slightly; trying to at least win him over with your cuteness.
“that doesn’t really sound like my problem,” he deadpans, looking away from you and finally sticking the straw through the drink.
“are you really going to watch me drink this?” he questions, feeling fidgety under your intense gaze.
you huff, feeling defeated once you realize you won’t get through to him. your pout deepens and you walk away from him, deciding to find some other drink to fulfill your banana milk craving.
today was pretty tough for you, ever since the ‘banana milk incident’ everything was beginning to go downhill. you didn’t study for an upcoming math test, you fell asleep during your chemistry class, and worst of all you didn’t get your banana milk!
you were frustrated and already over everything, you just want to get to your bed and snuggle your pillow— pretending it’s a reciprocating human. you walk absentmindedly through the halls, just trying to gather your thoughts and get to the front gates of the school. but, you realize that the halls were pretty empty.
everyone probably went home already, you thought.
you start nearing the front entrance of the school, and spot kageyama retrieving a large sports bag from his locker. your eyes widen slightly as your legs start picking up the pace, you were finally going to call him out on his treatment towards you.
“hey, tobio!” You call out, tightening both hands on the straps of your backpack.
you notice the same pink tint spreading across kageyama’s cheeks, you head slightly cocks to the side confused on why he may be feeling flustered. You stop right in front of him, but he still keeps his gaze at the inside of his locker.
“hello...” you drag out, once again calling out to him.
“yes, y/n.” he says, eyes never leaving his locker, but his grip on the handle becoming slightly tighter.
“why are you like this around me?” you blurt out, not even caring to sugar coat your words.
“like what?” he says, grip slightly softening but his eyes still glued to the locker.
“like this you rarely look at me, you always have this put-off nature around me, did I do something wrong?” you question, with a frown deepening on your face.
kageyama sighs, closing his locker. he shifts his feet, finally facing you and meeting your eyes.
“it’s not you... it’s me-“
“now is not the time for cheesy movie lines!” you whine out, being too impatient to hear his explanation.
kageyama moves closer to you, a newfound confidence showing through his fluid movements. be slowly brings his hand up to your face, gently holding your chin with his fore and thumb finger. you feel your cheeks suddenly get hot, a pink stain adoring the apples of your cheeks. his fingers feel rough, must be from the late night volleyball practices.
“kageyama...” you trail off, feeling the words getting stuck in your throat all of a sudden.
“as I was saying,” he teases, slightly tilting your chin up to meet your gaze once more.
“i never intended to act this way towards you... it’s just...” he all of a sudden loses his confidence and drops his hand from your chin.
you pout slightly, wanting to feel his warm touch again. you feel oh so tempted to grab his hand and place it back onto your face, nuzzling into his warmth.
“just what?” you press, desperately wanting an answer.
kageyama sighs, once again, finally giving in to you.
“i.. i’ve had a crush on you for a while now.” he mutters out.
your eyebrows furrow, barely being able to decipher his deep mutters.
“come again?” you question.
“i like you.” he says, louder this time.
your eyes widen hearing the words come out of his mouth. although it wasn’t something surprising after the affection touches being made just seconds before, it was still rather surprising and a lot for you to take in.
“r-really?” you question, stepping closer towards him. you never really found a particular interest in kageyama, but you weren’t particularly opposed to things escalating between the two of you.
“yeah...” he trails off.
“if you don’t like me back, then that’s totally okay! i just didn’t want you to think that I hated you or anything, i don’t think i could ever hate you actually. i’m just horrible at expressing any type of feeling sometimes and gah, am i rambling?” he nervously runs his hand down his face after his tangent, feeling embarrassed hearing your sweet giggles ring through his ears.
“i like you too,” you say, a faint smile on your face. althought this was a scenario you were not prepared for, you still found yourself developing a crush on kageyama as the time passed.
the both of you decided to hang out by the vending machines, a ‘mini-date’ as you called it. you both scan the options, and your gaze falls on banana milk.
you gasp, pointing to the filled slot, “they re-stocked the banana milk!” you say excitedly, bending over to reach inside of your bag for your leftover money from lunch.
as you’re rummaging through your bag, you hear the noise of an item falling into the pickup box. still bent over, you crane your neck to see kageyama holding a carton of banana milk out for you to take.
you stand upright, beaming brightly at the offer. “reparations for the banana milk earlier.” he says shyly, a small smile curling up on his face.
“i could kiss you right now, tobio.” you tease, taking the banana milk from him.
“then why don’t you?”
© all works belong to corpseblouse 2021, do not repost or modify.
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Title: Quarantine: A Love Story {15}***
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Chris Evans x Reader Series
Warning: Cursing, NSFW, LOTS OF WORDS, SMUUUUT, Angst
Words: 6.8k
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Note: Okay, so this ask/request came in and I was all prepped to write it as a one shot, but I had so many separate ideas that sprang to mind for it and from it. As of right now, I am going to play this one by ear. Hell, I might just keep writing it as long as we’re all in our quarantine/self-isolation. So, it might be one part every week, or I might change it. I honestly have no idea, so let’s start with calling it a mini-series and see where it goes. Thank you anon for the request, hope it’s cool I tweak, twist and stretch this out.
Note: Recommended listening “Barefoot In The Park” By: James Blake feat. Rosalia. You’re welcome!
I hope you guys enjoy this. If you enjoyed this LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. Thank you for reading as always!!! ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters:  Q1 |  Q2 |  Q3 |  Q4 |  Q5 |  Q6 |  Q7 |  Q8 |  Q9 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14 | 
-Quarantine: Day 55-
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Groaning, you rolled on the surface you were laying on until you were on your back. With eyes closed, you could see the blinding sunlight beaming on you. Peeping your eyes open just a smidge, you quickly regretted it. Instantly you rolled back onto your stomach and groaned in the pillow. Your head was throbbing, but that wasn’t the only thing of yours that was. For a few moments, you kept your eyes closed and just relished the feel of the soft covers and plush mattress underneath you. You couldn’t have moved if you hadn’t smelled coffee and food cooking. Your brain was confused; you shouldn’t have been able to smell food all the way in the guesthouse.
 You eased up onto your elbows with squinted eyes and took in the blurry bed you were laying on. It didn’t look like the one you’d been sleeping in for the last several weeks. Looking to the right then left, you saw an abundance of wood. This definitely wasn’t the guesthouse. You rolled over and let the full brutalness of the sun bathe you. As you shielded your eyes, they were able to focus and slowly take in your surroundings. Outside the window, you could see nothing but the greenery of treetops, and to the left was a desk. That was when you paused.
 “Oh god. Tell me you didn’t, tell me you did not.”
 You looked around some more until the mess of scattered clothes on the flood caught your eye. You began to panic just a little. When you saw four opened condom wrappers across the floor, that was when you panic set in. Dropping back to the bed, you slapped your hands to your face and groaned.
 “Holy shit, I did. Oh, fuck!”
 As you brought your legs up to your chest to hover in the air, you felt the stretch and dull ache in your nether regions. You gasped and dropped your limbs back to the bed.
 “Oh—my—god.” You laid there in shock for several moments. You’d never felt morning after ache before. The only other time you did was your first few times ever having sex. You were long past a virgin now.
 You focused and tired to think about what the hell happened last night. You’d drank a lot, but it wasn’t more than usual, it was actually less. The grogginess in your brain fought back. It was as if it didn’t want you to remember. You laid there for at least five minutes, wracking your brain, forcing it to relinquish the information you needed. No matter how much you tried to push through, you couldn’t remember. Rolling to your feet, you scurried to your clothes and hurriedly dressed doing your best to ignore the condom wrappers. Before you walked out, the room curiosity got the better of you, making you look at one of the wrappers. Your eyes widened, seeing golden foil and the “XL” printed across it. Chris Evans wore an extra-large condom. You definitely wanted a minute to take that in, but the smells wafting around you told you to make your getaway.
 As you slinked down the short hall, you peeped around the corner, but the kitchen area was empty. Thinking he may have just gone back to the house, you stepped out and walked to the door. At that moment, every memory from the night before decided to come back, making you run smack dab into the glass door to fall back onto your ass.
 A scuffle of footsteps, but you were too wrapped up in the frenzy of memories that were racing through your mind that you didn’t register much else. You remembered the conversation, remembered his confession, remembered the hottest make-out session you’d ever had on the table. Then you remembered him carrying you like you weighed nothing and him teasing you mercilessly in the bed you’d just left. Once you thought about the bed, everything became a lot more sultry. You remembered his moans, god his moans were sexy, and the whimpers were even sexier. Your body felt like it also remembered just what he’d done to you, how he’d tasted you, bit you, controlled your body only to fuck you into unconsciousness. He’d actually fucked you to sleep.
 “Holy shit!” Your eyes flew open to see Chris above you peering down with worry etched on his face.
 “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
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Your pride was definitely hurt. You’d just run into a fucking door. Groaning, you slowly sat up. Chris put his arm behind your back to brace you.
 “I’m fine.”
 “Did you just run into the door?”
 Snorting, your laughter echoed in the small space as you rubber your sore forehead. “I totally did.”
 “Yeah. Maybe you shouldn’t have been trying to sneak out in your morning-after walk of shame,” Chris teased. Again, you snorted and laughed loudly.
 “Shut up! I am not doing any walk of shame.”
 “Oh, but you are sneaking out,” Chris accused.
 He’d caught you there. When you looked at him, he didn’t look angry. The problem was you couldn’t really read his expression. Sighing, you dropped your forehead to his bare shoulder.
 “I am sneaking out,” you admitted.
 “Yeah, the question is why?”
 “At first I couldn’t remember what the hell happened, and then I saw the condoms and knew something happened, and I just remembered. I freaked out.” You lifted your head and looked to him.
 “Why? Is this something you—no longer want?”
 “Things are always different in the morning. It was just—an adjustment. This was new.”
 Chris studied you for a few moments before he nodded and looked down. He looked as if he were thinking about what he should say. You could see the question on his face before his mouth opened.
 “Do you regret last night?”
 He didn’t look up to meet your eyes immediately; his head lingered downward like he didn’t want to look in your eyes for fear of what he might see. You took the time to think about his question. Did you regret last night? It was a good question. It was a question you would have thought about in the bed, but it hadn’t occurred to you to think about it. You felt your walls trying their best to come back up and quickly rebuild themselves. You could feel them closing in around your heart. They were rebuilding so quickly you knew it would be seconds before they were entirely up. If that happened, you knew you’d walk out of the door and back to the guesthouse to bury any memory of this slip-up. You would never think about this again, and you’d make every excuse to avoid him again.
 The things you felt last night scared the shit out of you. The things you saw in his eyes scared you. The way he touched you, commanded your body with ease, and held you all night shook you to your core and terrified you. Everything over the last few weeks contradicted and discredited everything you thought you knew as facts about him. He didn’t hate you; he liked you. He didn’t think you were annoying; he’d had a crush the entire time. He regretted his actions on the fourth of July. He’d wanted you this entire time.
 You must have remained quiet for too long because he lifted his head and gazed into your eyes, and the softness of the blue in them had your belly flipping. These reactions to him were new, and you hadn’t had enough time to wrap your head around them. Your lips felt like moving to speak words you couldn’t possibly mean, so you pressed them shut. You rose onto your knees and slid closer to him before you threw your leg over his and sat on his lap.
 “Does this feel like I regret anything?” You pressed your lips to his and kissed him.
 Chris didn’t move. He stayed there, letting you move your lips across his. The kiss started slow but quickly picked up speed. As you teased and sucked his lips, Chris still didn’t move. Only when your tongue delved into his mouth to wrap around his tongue did he kiss you back. Chris moaned on your mouth as he took control of the kiss and wrapped his arms around your back.
 The two of you sat there on the floor making out, and every second that passed only made both of you more desperate for the other. You teased the skin of his back with your nails gently raking them up and down his skin. Chris pulled you closer so you sat atop his already hardened length. You groaned on him and sank your fingers in his hair holding his head in the process. Instead of risking more conversation, you reached for the hook of your top and undid it before you pulled it off, so your breasts pressed against his chest. You felt his deep guttural moan reverberate against you.
 Chris slowly rose to his feet and took a few steps. You weren’t sure where he was going until you felt the kitchen counter underneath you. With the way he was pressed against your core, you could tell just how badly he wanted you.
 “Aren’t you hungry?”
 “Starving,” you muttered before you crashed your lips back to his.
 “Then let me feed you,” Chris groaned out as he pressed his length into you even more. You bit his bottom lip and pulled away before you pushed him back just enough for you to slide down to the floor before him. Once on your knees, you pulled his sweats that were carelessly balancing at his hips down to reveal just the meal you intended on.
 Wasting not one second, you sank your mouth onto his length and decided to take what you wanted. You didn’t bother going slow; there was no need. As you bobbed your head up and down his cock Chris didn’t stay quiet. He moaned and groaned all the while trying to keep himself in check. When you felt him sink his hands into your hair, you knew he wanted more control than you were allowing him. Chris held your head and began pumping your mouth. Every connection the tip of his cock nudged your tonsil, threatening your gag, but when he retreated, you were able to suppress it. When he sank his full length into your mouth, you decided not to back down and instead clamped around him and shook your head, giving him the full feel of you.
 “Fuck! You look so fucking gorgeous with my dick in your mouth, Y/N.”
 Some girls wanted chocolates. Some wanted flowers. Some wanted to be bought diamonds and rubies or even told they’re beautiful twenty times a day. You were plenty happy to hear those words from him.
You were that turned on. Moaning, you opened your throat, but Chris must have sensed what you intended to do because he pulled your head back with a loud groan and brought you to his face before he crashed his lips to yours and stuck his tongue down your throat.
 The next thing you knew, he’d walked away from you and gone back to the stove. You stood there, stunned and confused.
 “What’re you doing?”
 He had his sweats pulled back into place and looked innocent, the only dead giveaway was the obvious erection that was sticking right out straining against his sweatpants.
 “You said you were starving. Breakfast,” Chris responded, opening the oven and bending inside to retrieve a baking tray.
 “Uh—I had my breakfast in front of me,” you announced. Chris tried to hide his smirk, but you caught it.
 “I snuck into the house and was able to get some cinnamon buns and some fruit,” Chris explained as he rifled through the fridge to come out with a fruit salad bowl. He then began placing the buns onto a dish as you stood there still floored.
 Once he’d finished, he walked past you toward the table on the back deck.
 “Come on, let’s eat.”
 “Eat what exactly?”
 “Let’s start with cinnamon buns and fruit and see where we end up,” Chris teased.
 The man wanted to tease and torture you; you thought as you walked to the back bare chest and all. When you said down, you noticed him staring at your breasts so you poked them out even more.
 “Something wrong with me being shirtless?”
 Chris smiled, licked his lips, and shook his head. “By all means. With breasts like those you should be shirtless twenty-four-seven,” he said before he bit into one of the cinnamon buns. The icing residue latched onto his mustache and beard and corner of his mouth. You’d never wanted to lick someone more.
 You cupped your breasts and smiled when you saw his slip. “Thanks, I’ve always thought so too.” You slowly rolled your nipples between your fingers while staring into his eyes. When you dropped your hands, you took a bun for yourself and moaned while obnoxiously rolling your eyes into the back of your head upon first bite.
 “You did that for me first,” Chris said. You scoffed and finished chewing.
 “Are you sure you were first?”
 It was a low blow, but you didn’t care. All’s fair in torture and teasing. Right? Chris looked slightly annoyed, and that annoyance brought you immeasurable joy. The two of you ate the food, all the while staring at each other, just giving each other sensual looks that spoke volumes. Every now and then, you purposely let droplets of fruit juice fall on your breasts. Each time you did, Chris fell for it and gawked at them with a palpable hunger in his eyes. You wondered how long he could last. You knew you were the worst person to go up against. You knew the power of a woman over a man. You knew your power over this man.
 By the time the last bun was finished and the fruits all but gone you sat there licking and sucking your fingers clean from the icing with Chris as your audience. Once they were clean, you stood with the faux intention of bringing the dishes to the sink. Before you even made it to grab a dish, Chris had his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you to his body. His erection pressed urgently into you. You doubted it had gone down this entire time. You couldn’t help but smile, but you shouldn’t have. Chris spun you around and pushed you forward so you were bending across the table. He then yanked your skirt down, revealing your bare ass to him. You felt his teeth sink into the flesh of your backside, making you groan and throw your head back.
 Chris pushed your chest down onto the table before you felt his face bury between your folds.
 “Fuck!” It was an unexpected feeling, one that was coarse thanks to his beard but so damn soft because of his mouth.
 “Mmmm, you taste like mine!”
 You weren’t into the whole being possessed thing; it always made you feel like property and confined. You preferred to be the one possessing. This, though, felt different, but only a little. You felt Chris's hands grip your ass before he squeezed and slurped your sex. It felt so good that your knees buckled. Before you could relax into the pleasure, Chris stood again and walked away. After a few seconds of nothing but breeze, you looked back, but he wasn’t there.
 No answer.
 Still no answer. You pressed your forehead to the table and groaned loudly. Who knew the man was this much of a tease. Standing on semi shaky legs, you walked inside, but again there was no Chris. Suppressing your frustration, you walked down the short hall and passed the little nook that he had set up as a library area, but still, he wasn’t there. When you went up the steps to his bedroom, it was empty. Knowing that there were only so many places he could be, you backtracked and saw the door to the bathroom open.
 As you approached, you heard the rush of running water, and when you got to the door, you saw Chris filling the tub. As you leaned on the door, you just marveled at how gorgeous he was and how in the hell he expected two people to fit in that tub. When he looked at you, his smile was coy.
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“Found me.”
 “Because there were so many places to look,” you joked.
 You watched him move around the small space adding different things to the water as the tub filled. With everything, he poured the scent in the room changed. First, you smelled sandalwood, then cedarwood. After a few moments, you began to smell other things like eucalyptus, mint, and a faint vanilla and musk aroma. It all was so very masculine, but it also gave an air of feminine undertones. Chris looked at you, beginning from your toes along your naked body until he got to your face.
 “Enjoying the view?”
 “How the hell could I not? You’re gorgeous, Y/N. You know that,” Chris said, still staying on his side of the room.
 “I would love to say the same, but it seems as if I’m the only one naked.”
 Chris snorted and nodded.
 “That’s fair. Do you want to do the honors?”
 Biting your bottom lip, you looked him over and slowly shook your head. “Nope, I think you got it.”
 Chris smiled then slowly pulled the waist of his sweatpants down. He did it in a way to tease you even more, first only revealing the bundle of neatly trimmed hair. You watched his sweats get nudged on his erection, making you suck your bottom lip in your mouth. Chris looked to you with just his eyes, and it like a ton of bricks the effect it had on you. He must have known it too because the smirk that spread across his face said it.
 Finally, he was bare before you, and the only thought you had was how had you not tried to imagine this before. How had you not recognized these feelings you were having right now before? Chris turned off the water and held out his hand for you. Slowly you approached him and placed your hand in his.
 “How exactly are two of us supposed to fit in there? I have serious doubts you could fit.” Chris smiled and kissed your cheek then trailed kisses to your ear. Once he got to your ear, he nibbled your lobe for a few moments before he pulled back.
 “Let me lead by example,” Chris said before he climbed into the tub and sank into it, demonstrating that he, in fact, fit in the tub. You were shocked.
 With a smile, you took Chris’s outstretched hand and climbed into the tub and sat across from him. Chris’s feet were on either side of you while yours were in the middle of the tub. Moaning, you relished the feeling of the hot water on your skin and the blending aromas swirling in the air. The silence in the room wasn’t uncomfortable; it felt natural, which surprised you given the limited amount of time you’d spent around him.
 With your eyes closed, you leaned back and rested your head on the cushion that was there. When you felt his hand wrap around your foot, you opened your eyes and watched as he held it and massaged it. In no time at all, your relaxation increased. His hands were so large that they engulfed your foot and expertly moved along it. His hands felt incredible. You had no idea how he’d learned this, but you had suspicions.
 “What’re you thinking?”                                
 You took a deep breath and sank even lower in the water.
 “You don’t want to know.”
 “On the contrary, I want to know everything you think,” Chris corrected.
 “I was wondering how you got so good at this.”
 Chris snorted before he dropped a kiss to your foot.
 “Do you really want to know?”
 “If the words out your mouth are you practiced on Emily, Jessica, Jenny, Anna, Cynthia, and countless others, I'm going to kick you in that beautiful face of yours.”
 Chris laughed loudly as he leaned back to slap his hand across his chest. Some things never change, you thought.
 “In that case, I’ll just shut up,” Chris teased.
 Using your other foot still in the water, you shoved it out, making gentle connection with his dick in the water.
 “Hey, hey, hey, watch the merchandise. Just remember you’re the one who gets pleasure from it,” Chris cautioned.
 “Ha, but it hasn’t been just me has it?” Narrowing your eyes at him, you pursed your lips. You were never a jealous person, but right now, you felt hella jealous.
 “What I was going to say was I’m making it up as I go. I’m just good with my hands.” Chris’s hands moved up your leg to your calves. Once they got to your knees, Chris slinked over to you and hovered over you. “Let’s get one thing clear right now, sweetheart,” he began before he kissed your lips and sucking your bottom lip. “No one matters before you. You’re all I see, all I’ve ever seen.” He kissed you again and pulled you to him as he slid back to his side. You were now nestled between his legs pressed against his body. The kiss intensified while Chris’s hand trailed down your back to your ass. The way he gripped it had you wanting even more than you had outside at the table.
 “You’re all I want to see, Y/N,” Chris finished while nuzzling his nose against yours.
 You quickly adjusted your body so you straddled him with his member pressed against your ass. As you reached for one of the sponges behind Chris, your breast nudged his face. Taking full advantage of it, Chris wrapped his lips around your nipple and proceeded to please you. Focusing on the task, you took up the shower gel that laid on the side of the tub and lathered the sponge. The feel of his mouth on you was a continuous temptation to just rush full force toward your own pleasure, but you took your time.
 When you pulled back your breast came free with a loud “pop”.
 “How do you always smell like coconuts? It drives me fucking crazy.”
 He was asking your black woman secrets, and you didn’t want to give him any hints. Instead, you rubbed the sponge across his shoulder and down his chest.
 “Not gonna tell me?” Chris kissed your neck and made a path to your shoulder as his hands gripped your hips.
 “No need.”
 Chris grabbed the sponge and began wiping across your body. His eyes moved along with the sponge, and with every stroke, he looked even more and more mesmerized. When he swirled the sponge around your breasts while cupping them, you almost leaped out your skin. Chris swiped his thumbs across your nipples before he pinched them, which sent your hips bucking against him.
 Chris groaned and bit his bottom lip. The sight only turned you on more. For the next several minutes, the two of you bathed each other taking your time with moving the sponge along your bodies. You paid attention to every sharp intake of breath or heavy sigh as you moved along him and noted what worked in tempting him further. As you did this, Chris did the same, but when he realized that your reactions were more facial then verbal, you found him watching your face more times than not.
 After what felt like an eternity, Chris held you tightly as he rose onto his knees. That was when he kissed you. It was a slow kiss, a deliberately slow one meant only to tease you. The water from above shocked you making you flinch.
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“Oh my god, Chris, my hair!” Your shriek was loud, and your glare penetrative as you tried to slink away from the falling water.
 “It’s just water,” Chris declared. To you, it was like a capital offense.
 “On my hair. Do you know how much goes into getting my hair like this?”
 He kissed your collar, gently nipping your skin between his teeth.
 “I’ll help you, I promise.”
 “Help me? Have you ever done a woman’s hair before, let alone a black woman’s?”
 “No, but I’m willing to learn.”
 Those words, for some reason, meant everything in this moment. It was sweet. You bit your bottom lip and went back to your natural position and allowed the water from the rainfall showerhead to pour down onto you. As it did, the soap on both your bodies washed away. Chris crashed his lips to yours and took control. You got lost in the kiss and the way his hard, wet body felt pressed against yours until the kiss got even more desperate.
 Chris stood and stepped out of the tub then walked out of the bathroom. The coolness in the air nipped at your skin, but the heat from his body worked to take it away. When he softly placed you on the bed, you moaned and rolled onto him to once again straddle him. Chris’s hands went everywhere. They caressed your back, palmed your ass, squeezed your hips, then came around to cup your breasts, but no matter where they went, they never stayed too long. It was as if he wanted everything all at once.
 When he pulled away from your lips, you stared at him, reading the hidden desires in them. You didn’t know how you could read him so easily now when not even seventy two hours ago, he perplexed you beyond comprehension. You bit his bottom lip and pulled back, teasing it before you licked his top one only to lick from his chin up across both lips. Chris groaned, and the pulsating between your bodies increased.
 That was when you slipped from his lap and stood before him in front of the panoramic window in the room. The sunlight shone through, and your body created a shadow. Chris slowly licked his lips as he raked his eyes over every inch of your body. The attention he gave you made you feel like a precious rare jewel, and you were quickly becoming addicted to the feeling. Slowly you twirled around, giving him a good view of the ass he loved to grip. His deep impassioned groan was the only sound you needed to hear to know he liked what he saw. The beads of water that dripped from your hair onto your skin slowly slid along your body, and when you turned to him, you could have sworn he was watching each of them.
 Your eyes dropped to his swollen need and licked your lips. When you did Chris’s hand wrapped around it and stroked three times before he gripped it. If that wasn’t an invitation, you didn’t know what was, you thought. Like a lioness on the prowl, you sauntered to him rolling your hips with each step until you got close enough, then you dropped to your knees and fully emulated that lioness stalking her prey. Chris sucked in a breath as he watched you crawled to him.
 Once you were between his legs, you rubbed your lips and nose along his length, then your cheek, all the while never taking your eyes off of his. Chris’s jaw was dropped as if he couldn’t believe you were before him doing the things you were. With your hands behind your back, you dropped your mouth down his length until you felt his head nudge your throat. Your moan vibrated on his cock, making him growl out from deep within his chest. Fuck, it was the hottest thing you’d ever heard, next to his moans.
 While you loved to tease him, you also loved to please him. Ending your torture, you showed him without hesitation just how skilled your mouth was. It didn’t take long for Chris’s hands to bury themselves in your hair until he was holding it back and watching you in awe as every curse word in the book tumbled from his lips in between moans, groans, and whimpers. When he pulled your head back by your hair, he pulled you to him and kissed you with a heat and passion you hadn’t expected but savored.
 Chris pulled you onto his lap and nestled his cock between your sopping folds. Unable to help yourself, you swiped your sex across his soaking him in the process. Every buck of your hips had Chris leaning back even more. You saw him reaching back but didn’t know what he was reaching for. Then it dawned on you he was probably trying to get to the bedside table.
 “I’ll get it,” you offered before you crawled up his body to reach inside the table. The movement unwittingly placed his head between your thighs. Chris took full advantage by gripping your hips and pulling you down onto his open mouth just as you’d reached the gold packet.
 Your shriek was loud, and from the beginning, it was clear his intention was not to tease. He lapped at you as if he’d been starving all the days of his life, and you were the only sustenance left in the world. After a few seconds, your body began to shake. That was when Chris sucked your clit into his mouth to slurp at you. The sensation was so intense you gripped the sheets and let your body convulse as your orgasm charged through you, bringing with it the goosebumps across your skin.
 “Oh fuck Chris, yes, yes, yes!”
 With every “yes,” his slurps got louder and louder. With the end of one orgasm, another quickly took over. When you felt Chris dip his tongue into your channel, your body moved on its own and rode his face. Chris’s moans picked up, and soon you were racing for your finish line. Chris’s moans got loud, and when you looked down and made eye contact, your release came. The feeling was intense, and you wanted more, but you also wanted to feel him.
 In a rush, you pulled from him and moved down his body to quickly rip open the condom and roll it onto his pulsating cock. In less than a minute, you were on your knees again, straddling him. Chris sat up and kissed you. Using your tongue, you licked across his lips, tasting yourself and moaning as you did.
 “I never took you for a squirter,” Chris whispered against your lips. You smiled as you slid onto him, taking every single inch slowly, so he felt every sensation individually. The look on his face said he was close and barely hanging on. It was what you liked.
 Wasting no time, you rocked against him and rolled your body as you held onto him. The water that dripped onto your skin was gone now as the combined heat from your bodies took all of it but replaced it with the slickness of your sweat. Your bodies rubbed together, causing such a delicious friction, a friction that only inched you closer and closer to the edge.
 Chris bit your neck before he dropped back onto the bed to watch you move against him. Raising onto your knees, you bounced on him, losing yourself in the pleasure and not caring how your body jiggled. All that mattered right now was your combined release.
 “Jesus, Y/N.” Chris balled the sheets into his outstretched hands and watched you with his mouth open. He looked at you as if you were a sorceress who somehow had claimed control of him against his will. The look made you feel powerful, and that was when you decided to show out and raise onto your toes to bounce on him more forcefully.
 “Aaah,” Chris shouted. He only allowed you four dips before he was sitting up and standing with you in his arms.
 His lips claimed yours, and the two of you fought in a battle of the tongues. Chris was the one to break the kiss before he tossed you onto the bed. You were only without him for seconds before he was kneeling onto the bed and forcefully flipping you over onto your stomach. When he dropped a heavy-handed slap to your ass, you moaned and instantly poked it out. You felt him swipe his length along your slit once before he was slamming into you, connecting you in one rough thrust.
 Chris groaned deeply and grabbed your hands to hold them behind your back. As he did this, he rotated his hips, caressing every wall with his need. He was impossibly deep and though your body wanted more your survival instincts had you trying to pull away.
 “Mm-nmh. Don’t run from this dick, Y/N. Take it,” Chris tantalizingly ordered before he pulled out only to slam back into you.
 “Fuuuuck!” His grip on your wrists only tightened, keeping you right where you were so you had no choice but to take it.
 Chris’s strokes from the beginning were deliberate, and with every passing second, they sped. In no time at all, you were whimpering, and shrieking out, not caring who heard. Chris’s moans were like music to your ears and only made you wetter and wetter. You knew there was no way you could take much more of this. You could already feel your skin tingling and your sex quivering around him. Chris’s strokes got sloppier and sloppier, and that was when he let your wrists go. You plopped onto the bed only to have him push one of your legs to the side before he was sinking back inside your greedy sex.
 Chris hovered over you and gave you slow deep strokes that had you shouting his name back to back.
 “Yes. Y/N. God, I love how you feel around me. You feel so fucking good,” he groaned against your ear before he pressed down onto you and jackhammered into you, dragging your orgasm from you. As you clenched around him, Chris shouted out and came right along with you.
 After almost two minutes, Chris was still spasming inside of you, and you were still milking him for every drop.
 “Fuuuuck! I’m still coming,” Chris grunted out, dropping his forehead to your shoulder. Chris bit your skin and groaned. When rolled off of you onto his back, he groaned again.
 You rested onto your elbows and watched him fascinated. With his face scrunched, he looked as if he were in such a complex merge of pleasure and pain. You dropped a kiss to his chest and trailed it to his nipple then nibbled it. He sucked in a breath and groaned again. You looked to his member and marveled, seeing it twitch and bob in the air. After a few moments, his breathing evened out, and he turned to you with such vulnerability in his eyes you couldn’t help but snuggle closer to him.
 Chris wrapped an arm around you, allowing you to settle comfortably atop his chest. The silence filled the room with the two of you enjoying it, and the afterglow of your coupling. After almost five minutes of silence and you tracing patters across his chest and abs, you spoke first.
 “When you imagined this—did you imagine it being like this?”
 Chris didn’t speak right away. He stayed quiet so long you didn’t think he would answer. You didn’t dare look at him. You didn’t want to meet his eyes, unsure what you’d find there and just what it would do to you. You heard your ring tone, it sounded far away, but you knew it was yours. After the beginning chime, what you heard next quickly broke the mood.
 “Call from Sexy as fuck dig dick Charles.”
 Chris audibly growled before groaning and rolling away from you, leaving you a little surprised. The personalized ringtone kept repeating, and the more it did, you could feel the chill that filled the room. Chris sat up at the edge of the bed with his back hunched and turned to you. Finally, the silence returned, but he didn’t speak. You slid closer to him and touched his back. He flinched and slightly arched his back away. Thinking it was just a shock reflex, you pressed your lips to his back. That was when he moved completely and stood.
 “You should get back before Scott realizes you’re not in the guesthouse,” Chris spoke, looking everywhere but at you. He made a move to roll the condom off, then tied it and dropped it into the garbage beside the bedside table. He was still hard.
 “You want me to leave?”
 Chris sighed out and planted his hands on his waist before dropping his head back.
 “It’s the best move,” he quietly answered.
 You wondered if this was about the call. Once it rang out, you felt the shift in the atmosphere.
 “Chris, is this about the call?”
 His sigh was heavier, more forceful. He moved to one of the doors in the room and came out of it with another pair of sweats, then he pushed his legs through them.
 “It’s just best for you to go, Y/N. You probably shouldn’t even be here.” He sounded defeated.
 You tried hard not to allow the feeling of rejection take over, but the longer he stayed over there not looking at you with clenched jaws, the more impossible it was.
 “Chris ignore the call,” you began.
 “Ignore the fact that mere weeks ago, you were fucking someone else and probably doing every single fucking thing to him that you were just doing to me? Saying the same shit—uuugg!” Chris turned his back to you as he rubbed his forehead.
 This was insane, you thought.
 “Are you jealous?”
 “Chris--,” you began before he cut you off.
 “—Just go, Y/N.”
 Anger fired up within you, and you bolted from the bed naked and all. “Am I making a big deal about you definitely having fucked someone else weeks ago? Chris, you’ve been fucking everyone else but me for years!” with your rising temper, your voice rose as well.
 “Great here we go again. You want to throw every woman I’ve had sex with in my face. Fine! Yes, I fucked a lot of women. You’ve fucked a lot of guys!”
 Those words were like a slap across the face. You couldn’t believe he’d just said that to you. You felt the tears before they welled your eyes, and you refused to stay there and shed them. Nodding, you walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom to grab your skirt before you angrily pulled it on. As you did, you felt the first droplets of tears. You could have punched a hole in the door. You hated crying, and you hadn’t let any man make you cry in years.
 As you walked out to the door, you grabbed your top and pulled that on as well. In seconds you found your clutch and walked through the door.
 “Y/N,” Chris began with a hand on your wrist.
 Yanking away from him, you kept your face forward. “Fuck you, Chris!”
 With that, you stormed across the yard and to where the bike was leaned and rode away. Your tears made it difficult to see where you were going, but you refused to stop. Instead, you peddled harder and gripped the handlebar with the strength and fire of hell itself.
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When you got back to the house, you were thankful the pool area was empty. You shoved the bike onto the ground and stormed to the guesthouse door then slammed it behind you. Quickly you stripped your clothes off and rushed into the shower. The only thing you wanted to do was wash him off of you.
 How dare he you thought as you roughly scrubbed your skin trying to rub off every kiss, every lick every touch, and when you realized you couldn’t, no matter how hard you scrubbed, you stood still and shook with the force of your anger. Your anger was your weakness. You went from zero to one hundred in seconds, and once there, that blazing inferno was worst than an F6 on the tornado scale. Everyone knew when you were seething; it was best to leave you be.
 After a few minutes, you still weren’t able to get control of your anger, and that was when the tears streamed. They were a mixture of angry tears and hurt ones. You couldn’t believe it. You’d lowered your guard. You hadn’t even realized you did. You lowered it and allowed someone to hurt you. He’d been able to hurt you. That was what terrified you.
Lee’s Note:  😬
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The Stowaway’s Heart - Chapter 6
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Description:  Virgil is rescued by selkies after being abandoned at sea and brought back to their pod to recover. Virgil’s poor, gay heart may just explode from how attractive they all are.
Word Count: 6214
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, Play fighting, Sexual innuendo, copious amounts of romance/flirting, kissing, mentions of past abandonment/abuse, Brief anger/lashing out, Scars (Let me know if I need to add anything!)
    “You’re sure?”
    “Love, I feel the need to point out that this is the twelfth time you’ve inquired on this subject.” Virgil could hear the subtle teasing in Logan's tone as he continued to reassure him. “Given the consistency of my responses, most people would conclude it is highly improbable that my answer has changed.”
     Virgil turned his head,  smiling sheepishly, as he glanced over his shoulder at Logan, keeping his hands on the bars where he’d been staring out into the dark tunnels. Almost immediately after turning his head, he felt his anxiety melt away as he took in the sight of his soulmates curled up on the bed together. Remus curled around Logan’s back. His arm wrapped tightly around Logan’s waist and his face was buried up against the back of Logan's head, features obscured by Logan’s disheveled hair. Virgil couldn't resist a shy smile as Logan smirked up at him from where he was tucked underneath Remus' arm.
    He blushed, tucking his hands timidly behind his back as he slowly turned toward Logan. “Just once more, Lo.”
    Logan rolled his eyes with a dramatic sigh. His eyes sparkled as he recited the same lecture he'd given Virgil a dozen times at this point. “I am certain you are ready to meet Janus, Virgil. The last few days has provided satisfactory proof that you are more than capable of handling Remus’ and my pelts.”
    Virgil nodded, dropping his gaze as he attempted to control his nervous breathing. What-if's and worst-case scenarios played through his head as he leaned back against the bars.
     “Dearest, our pelts should cause the most intense emotional impact for you to hold because of our soul connections. Roman and Patton’s pelts would be similar to one of ours but with significantly less overstimulation.”
    Virgil leaned against the bars, shifting his feet as he felt a pit form in his stomach  “But this guy's pelt is different, right? What if I can't—”
    “Janus’ pelt does not have the same effect as the rest of us but I assure you there is no risk of you being overwhelmed by his pelt.” Logan  exhaled slowly, patiently looking up at him as Remus snored into his hair. “I promise you will be okay, Virgil.”
    “Sorry, Lo.” A smile tugged at Virgil’s lips as he tucked his chin to his chest, hoping to hide the redness in his cheeks. “I know you've told me this a thousand times already, but I hate waiting. I just want to get this over with.”
    “Some nervousness is to be expected, love.” Logan whispered, his tone soft and comforting. “You are submitting yourself to the judgment of an unknown party. That in itself is an intimidating prospect but the process is not as intrusive as you are imagining.”
    Virgil looked up at him, biting his lip. “How do you know?”
       “Janus has done readings for all of our podmates at some point or another throughout our lives. Honestly, the experience can be pleasantly enlightening ” Logan paused, his eyes hovering closed for a moment as he shifted closer to Remus. “and certainly nothing worth distressing yourself over.
    “Are you sure—” Virgil nearly bit his tongue as Logan shot open and he raised an eyebrow at Virgil. Something in Logan’s gaze sent chills up his spine and he knew he was in trouble. “I'm sorry, Lo. I didn’t mean it—”
    He could handled Logan being irritated at his continual need for reassurance, but to Virgil’s dismay, his mouth curled into a mischievous smile sending nervousness coursing through his body as Remus shifted behind him.
    “Leave me alone, Lolo.” Remus slurred his words sleepily, his voice muffled gently by Logan’s hair. “I'm sleepin'.”
    “Re,” Logan whispered, just loud enough for Virgil to hear. He kept his eyes fixed on Virgil. A smile spread wide across his face as he gently nudged Remus awake. “Virgil’s feeling nervous about meeting Jan.”
     Virgil sucked in a breath as Remus'  green eyes peeked over Logan's shoulder with a dangerous glimmer. Chaos sparkled in Remus’ eyes as he released an exaggerated sigh, lifting his head up to cradle in the nook of Logan’s shoulder. Remus smiled at up a Virgil with an innocent flutter of his eyelashes. “Jan is going to shred you into tiny strips and feed you to the fishes as his uses your bones to pick his teeth—"
    “Re,” Logan warned with a gentle teasing in his voice, smiling as Virgil’s mouth dropped in terror. “I did not wake you so that you would terrorize him.”
     “Liar,” Remus nipped lightly at Logan’s neck, holding his waist so he couldn’t escape from Remus grip. He snarled playfully into Logan’s ear and Logan let out a breathless whine. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”
    Virgil relaxed for a moment as he watched Logan giggle as he squirmed in Remus' arms. He took a breath, letting his gaze fall from his soulmates as worry crept back into his mind. Subtle worries replayed in his mind until he noticed the room had fallen silent. When he turned his head up, his muscles tensed. Logan paused mid-whisper into Remus' ear and turned back to Virgil.  A devious smile curled on Remus' lips as he whispered into Logan’s ear loud enough for Virgil to hear. “Good idea, Lolo.”
    Already on edge, Virgil stumbled back, nearly slipping backward as Remus nimbly hopped up off the bed and scurried toward him. He gave an undignified squeak as Remus swept him off his feet and carried him bridal style over to the bed. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Logan push himself up, leaning back against the wall with a hungry look in his eyes as they approached him. Virgil reached up to wrap his arms around Remus' neck but before he could latch on, a shriek escaped him as Remus gave him a swing and he flew less than gracefully through the air, landing between Logan’s legs. Logan's arms wrapped around his shoulders with a iron and Remus collapsed below them curling himself around Virgil’s legs and resting his head on Virgil’s stomach.
    “What are you doing?” Virgil whined, burning red as his voice cracked. His breath caught in his throat as his skin tingled happily. He barely contained his smile, feigning a disgruntled whimper as his soulmates’ warmth surrounded him.
    “Distracting you, love." Logan whispered, breathing softly into Virgil’s ear. Virgil cooed as Logan's lips brushed his neck and his breath became shallow. “You have nothing to worry about, my dear.”
    “Nah,” Remus purred, closing his eyes and curling comfortably onto Virgil’s lap. Virgil closed his eyes, sighing breathlessly as Remus' subtle movements brushed against his skin. “Janus is a catty bastard but he doesn’t got it in him to actually hurt anyone.
    “What if I say something wrong?’ Virgil muttered helplessly, closing his eyes as the feelings consumed him.
    “There are no wrong answers. This is not a test.” Logan reassured him. “Janus' reading will simply tell him about who you are and show you details about what lies in your future. It will not change the fact that you are staying here with us.”
    “What's the point then?” Virgil breathed slowly, looking up at Logan. “Why do I have to do this before I leave?”
    “Jannie just likes to know everyone’s dirty, little secrets, but don't worry.” Remus chuckled and looked up at Virgil  with a wink. “He's not a kiss-and-tell kind of guy.”
    “Secrets—” Virgil asked breathlessly before another wave of shock settled over him, tensing in Logan’s arms as he frantically leaned forward to look at Remus. “Wait—what do you mean kiss,  Re?!”
    “Relax, love.” Logan chuckled quietly. His grip tightened around Virgil and he rested his chin on Virgil’s shoulder. “No one is kissing you but me.”
    “—and me.” Remus waved his free arm up at them lazily so that Virgil had to lean away to avoid Remus smacking him repeatedly in the face. Virgil groaned but he couldn’t resist smiling as Remus curled himself tighter around his legs.
    “Do you feel better, love?” Logan whispered, holding him closer aa he ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair.
    “Yeah, Lo.” Virgil breathed loudly, tapping his fingers happily on his legs as his skin tingled at his soulmates’ touch. “I feel better.”
    “Good,” Remus whispered, closing his eyes. “No more worrying.”
    Virgil hummed, leaning into Logan's shoulder. “When is he coming, Lo?”
     “Soon enough,” Logan whispered. “but I cannot say for certain. I can't mentally nudge him or Roman like I can Remus.”
    “Why not?” Virgil muttered tiredly, closing his eyes.
    Logan chuckled. “Because Janus isn't my soulmate, Virgil.”
    Virgil blinked, turning up to Logan. “Does that mean you can do that to me, Lo?”
    Logan nodded slowly on his shoulder.
    “Huh,” Virgil breathed, deep in thought. “Why haven't you?”
    “It was never necessary—”
    “—and it feels real funny the first time.” Remus muttered. “Like you got worms in your brain.”
    Virgil felt Logan smile against his neck as he giggled. “That is also a significant concern when you are unaware of what to expect.”
    Virgil smiled, stretching his muscles as his soulmates settled in closer.
    “Listen, Virgil.” Logan paused and Virgil could feel him breathe next to his ear. “There are some things about Janus we should discuss before you actually meet him.”
    Virgil looked up and Logan smiled sadly down at him. He stared up at Logan for a long moment before Remus sigh pulled him from his thoughts. Virgil looked down as Remus sat up and turned to face them. Virgil found himself staring at Remus' serious expression. He leaned forward, pulling himself out from where he sat between Logan’s legs. Moving to sit between his soulmates, he looked between their weary expressions.
    “What kind of things?” Virgil started nervously.
    “Jan's a bit different than the rest of us.” Remus smiled weakly. “He's a precious bugger and we love the shit out of him, but he had bit of a rough patch of luck before he ended up stuck with us.”
    “You see,” Logan paused until Virgil turned back to him. “though we are all selkies, there are subtle differences between us based on our kindred seal species." Logan gestured to Remus. “For instance, brown fur seals are vocal, social creatures that tend be brazen in face of danger. Therefore, Remus and Roman take on an exaggerated form of those traits. It's a feeling you’ve likely noticed as you held his pelt.”
    Virgil nodded, looking cautiously at Remus as he processed Logan’s words.
    Logan smiled. “Spotted seals, like myself and Patton tend to be inquisitive, quick-learning and attentive to each other. Therefore, Patton and I act in a similar fashion and my pelt resonates with mental clarity and compassion.”
    “Okay.” Virgil looked between them, contemplating their words. “That all makes sense so far, but how’s Janus different?”
    “Janus' kindred are harp seals, which for the most part are similar to a spotted seal like Patton and I, except perhaps less inquisitive and more compassionate.” Logan paused. “Janus is unique for more than just being the only of his species in our pod though.”
    “How?” Virgil pressed.
    “Selkies are like magical creatures, right?” Remus gestured dramatically. “Well, some of us are born packing a little extra juice. Gives us extra abilities and Janus was unfortunate enough to landed with two of the damn things.”
    “Unfortunate?” Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Isn't extra power a good thing?”
    “We think so and that's why Janus lives with us,” Logan smiled at him. “Despite their docile nature, selkies are not great at handling those who are different, especially when it's one of their own.”
    “You’re talking like you aren’t one, Lo.” Virgil stared at him, taken aback by the sudden edge in Logan’s tone.
    “Sometimes, I am less than proud of my heritage, love.” Logan muttered and the bitterness in his voice unsettled him. He opened his mouth to speak but Remus cut him off before he got the chance.
    “Listen, most pods have dozens of members, but Jannie's is the last of our little patchwork family for you to meet.” Remus hummed, looking up at Virgil. “The four of us were forced out of our pods by shit far out of our control. Shitty situations all around and Jan just happened to get it worse than, uh…” Remus paused, glancing up at Logan. “well, worse than most of the rest of us anyway.”
    Virgil quickly glanced at Logan beside him, noticing his demeanor had changed. Suddenly, Virgil could see tension in his shoulders and his usually bright expression had dulled. He hesitated, slowly tearing his eyes from Logan as he looked back to Remus. “Why were you guys—”
    “The reason why is irrelevant.” Logan cut him off dryly. His face curled into a snarl as he dropped his head to his chest, running his finger through his hair.
    Virgil flinched at Logan’s tone, immediately regretting his question. “I'm sorry. You’re right—I shouldn’t have—”
    “Hey now. Don't get all flustered on us now.” Remus purred with a reassuring wink. “It's cute and all, but it’s not necessary. That’s a natural question to ask,” Remus put a hand gently on Logan’s leg. “but Lolo’s right. That's a story for another day.”
    Virgil watched as Logan lifted his head and smiled at Remus with tired smile. He slowly slid his hand over, curling his fingers around Remus'. The subtle adoration in Logan’s eyes as he looked to Remus warmed Virgil's heart, but nearly as quickly as it had come, it faded away. Virgil frowned as Logan looked away, distant as he lost himself in his thoughts again.
    He turned an uneasy glance at Remus and he could tell Remus had noticed the same regression in Logan’s mood. Remus cast a sympathetic smile at Virgil noticing his concern before his mustache curled into devious smile. Virgil blinked briefly in confusion. His mouth hung agape as Remus winked at him, tightening his grip on Logan’s hand. Logan glanced up briefly in confusion before used Logan’s tight grip to leverage his weight to lunge himself across Virgil’s lap towards Logan. Virgil ducked and Logan let out an undignified squeak of shock as Remus tipped him back onto the bed. Virgil smiled, crossing his arms over his knees as he watched Logan blush. Logan relaxed as Remus perched on top of him, straddling his chest and pinning his arms to his sides.
    “Let me go, Re—” Logan muttered breathlessly as he squirmed under Remus' weight. His face reddened and a smile spread across his face as Remus pecked kisses into his neck. “Your mustache tickles—”
    “No. Kisses now.” Remus muttered petulantly and Logan whined pitifully as Remus' deep growl tickled his neck. He nuzzled into Logan’s hair, gently kissing Logan under his ear. “Where are you, Lolo?”
     “Here with you, Re.” Logan whispered and Virgil’s heart fluttered as Logan relaxed into his bed with a blissful smile.
    Remus leaned down and kissed Logan’s forehead hovering just above Logan’s face. “Love you, Lolo.”
    “Love you too, Re.” Logan whispered breathlessly. His face was flushed red and his hair disheveled as finally Remus pulled him upright.
    Remus slid off him, plopping himself ungracefully between Logan and Virgil. He beamed down at Logan as the satisfied selkie curled under his arm and wrapped his arm Remus’ waist.
    Virgil leaned into the wall. His heart filled with warmth as he watched his soulmates cuddle together. He chewed his lip and butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he watched Logan starry-eyed look as he stared up at Remus. Remus gently kissed the top of Logan’s head and Virgil was jolted from his thoughts as Remus turned his head ip to him. Virgil felt his heart stutter as he realized he’d been staring. His cheeks burned as he looked away. “I'm sorry—I didn’t mean to—”
    “Shut up and come over here.” Remus chuckled and extended a hand to Virgil, gesturing for him to join them.
    “Are you s-sure?” Virgil stuttered as he hesitated, biting his lip. “I-I can just watch.”
     “Kinky,” Remus giggled as the red in Virgil’s cheeks deepened and he pulled his hood over his head, realizing what he'd said. “but, no. Come here.”
    Virgil tilted his head up, peeking his eyes up nervously under the hood. Remus held opened his arm up to him again and Virgil timidly shifted closer until Remus' arm wrapped around him. Shivering at his touch, Virgil slowly relaxed into Remus’ chest.
    “Lolo needs a little help getting out of his head sometimes,” Remus sighed. “but I don’t want you to get the idea in your head that we're ignoring you—”
    Virgil looked up as Remus paused.
    “I know I'm exactly up to snuff for most people's taste. Roman and Lolo have had to put up with me since we were kids and I even think a few years with me has worn Jannie down to where he tolerates me—" Remus crooked grin beamed down at Virgil.
    “Re, Janus loves you.” Logan pecked a kiss on Remus' cheek. “As do Roman and I.”
    Virgil sensed a moment of hesitation in Remus' expression before he smiled down at Logan. “Right, Lolo. I know, but I've got a reputation to uphold."
    Remus winked down at him and Virgil melted at the soft, adoring look in his eyes as he looked down at Logan. Virgil’s skin tingled as Remus turned his sparkling green eyes back down to him.
    Virgil bit his lip. He felt butterflies in his stomach and he stared up at him in awe, suddenly glad his hood partially obscured his face.
    “Anyway, I get that my energy’s a turn-off for most people—"
    “What?” Virgil looked up in surprise. The shadows from his hood cast dark circles under his eyes.
    “I mean, I know I’m a hottie and all, but I get it if I'm not what you were expecting after someone as wonderful as Lolo—”
    Virgil watched, entranced by the apprehensive look on Remus’ face. His cheeks were dusted red and the corner of his mustache twitched into a frown. This was beyond what Virgil could fathom.
    He's anxious about…me?
    About me…not liking him?
    “Re, stop—" Logan’s arm tightened around Remus.
    “Lolo, it's okay. Virgil—”
    The end of Remus sentence was cut off as Virgil leaned over him and reached around the back of his head. Remus tensed for a moment as Virgil slowly leaned closer and pressed his lips gently on Remus'. Virgil grasped a handful of the man's shirt in his hand as Remus’ arm tightened around his waist. He felt his hood slip to his shoulder as the kiss lingered and they tasted each other’s breath. A quiet moment passed before Virgil slowly opened his eyes, freezing as he noticed the knowing smirk on Remus' face.
    Remus cooed with a teasing grin as he leaned closer. “You kiss like a French boy—”
    Virgil groaned, peeling away from Remus. He moved to pull his hood back over his head as his embarrassment flooded his face. “Shut up—"
    Remus chuckled with an teasing grin, gently reaching up to stop him from covering his face. “If that's what you wanted, you should have kept your tongue in my mou—”
    “Logan—" Virgil moaned, burying his head into Remus’ shoulder. “Help me—"
    “Oh, love.” Virgil’s breath caught his throat at the chill in Logan's voice as he slipped out of Remus' grip and allowed Remus to focus his energy on Virgil. I think it would be unwise for me to allow you to become dependent on me to save you.”
    “What?” Virgil muttered breathlessly as Remus nuzzled his neck. He bit his lip stifling a giggle as Remus’ face tickled his neck, not wanting to give Remus the satisfaction of tormenting him.
    “The best way for you to learn the error of your ways is to force you to deal with your own mistakes.” Logan smiled coyly at him as he squirmed in Remus’ grip. “I do believe the proper phrase is, ‘You got yourself into this mess. You can get yourself out.”
    Virgil pouted, allowing Remus to wrap around his shoulders and pull him back to Logan until Remus gently tipped him back so he lay on Remus' lap looking up at his soulmates. Still pouting, he glared up at Logan. “Traitor.”
    Logan chuckled as he reached down to run his fingers through Virgil’s hair. “Fortunately, dear one, luck seems to be on your side this time. Roman and Janus will be here any moment and we need to get back to the matter at hand before they arrive.”
    Remus grumbled. “Way to kill the mood, Lolo. I could do without listening to Jan’s tragic origin story again.”
    “So could I, Re,” Logan muttered with a frown as he wrapped an arm around Remus’ waist. “but Virgil needs to know what to expect when Janus arrives.”
    “I don't handle people hurting my friends well.” Virgil could feel Remus' voice rumble in his chest above him. There was an edge in Remus' voice that sent a shiver down his spine and he couldn't help tensing at the anger in Remus' eyes. “If I ever find those bastards, I'll personally coat them in fish bait and string them up in the water and let the fish peel their skin away layer by layer until—”
    “Re,” Logan whispered patiently, running his fingers through Remus' hair. “as much as I support your inclination to violence regarding Janus' supposed family, we are running out of time.”
    “Fine.” Remus muttered his reply, slumping into Logan's shoulder with a grunt.
   “Good,” Logan looked down at Virgil. “Love, when a selkie transitions out of childhood, their pelt undergoes both physical and magical changes as they prepare for adulthood. From what I understand, it is relatable to the process of puberty in humans, though from my understanding, the process seems significantly less distressing for selkies. Does that make sense?”
     Virgil looked to Remus' disgruntled expression before nodding and allowing Logan to continue. “For brown fur seals like Roman and Remus, it's merely a texture change, but for me, my pelt changed from a bright white color to the spotted pelt you see now. Likewise, when Patton gets older, his white coat will likely do the same.”
    Virgil nodded uncertainly when Logan looked at him for affirmation.
    “When Janus was younger, his pelt should have changed the same way,” Logan paused and Virgil could see a sad look in his eyes. “but it didn't.”
    Virgil blinked, confused. “So what?”
    “When a selkie’s pelt doesn’t change, they’re marked as an oracle, Virgil. He sees and knows things that we are unable to perceive.” Logan paused. “To be honest, he is quite a powerful ally.”
    “Wow—He can see stuff things that aren’t there? How's that work—” Virgil tapped his hand excitedly until the sad smile on Logan’s face gave him pause. He looked to Remus’ serious expression before looking back to Logan “Wait—why's that a bad thing?”
    “Selkies don't like it when one of their own suddenly doesn’t mix,” Remus whispered bitterly.
    “They isolated him, Virgil.” Logan muttered. “They told him he needed space to develop his skills, but they were simply afraid of him.”
    “Which is fuck—”
    “—Stupid.” Remus spat, giving Logan a dirty look. “Janus is as harmless as a newborn pup.”
     Logan sighed, looking down at Virgil. “He sees things that no one else does. They found his unpredictable movements to be unsettling—”
    “Wait—” Virgil interrupted Logan’s explanation. “Remus said there were two things that were weird about this guy. What's the other thing?”
    “Right.” Logan paused, looking almost surprised he'd forgotten. “Well, much like the effect of my pelt has a slightly different effect than Remus’, Janus’ pelt is also unique. Unlike ours though it is not based on his kindred species, but rather a recessive trait that only appears only once every few generations even in a pod at normal capacity.”
    “Which is what?” Virgil watched Logan grow nervous, nearly covering his mouth with his hand as he tensed.
    “I am realizing I probably should have led with this topic, but you’ll recall I said I wasn’t worried about you being tempted by holding Janus’ pelt.” Logan ran his finger through his hair as Virgil nodded cautiously. “The reason for that assumption is that his pelt does not allow you to control him, but rather will have the effect of making you more…complacent.”
    “What?” Virgil’s mouth dropped.
    “The power of his pelt lowers the effect of your natural inhibitions and makes you more prone to suggestion—”
     “You’re planning on leaving me alone with him and just letting him brainwash me?” Virgil sputtered, pulling away from Remus and Logan and hopping off the bed. He stumbled off the bed spinning on them as he slowly backed into the bars. For the first time since he'd first woken up in this cell, he felt trapped.
    “No, love.” Logan pleaded, standing up. “The actual practice is more akin to hypnosis than—"
    “That's not better—” Virgil waved him away, leaning against the bars. “Do I even get a choice?”
    “Virgil, his methods are not about control. He simply opens up your psyche to being read—”
    “Sure. You’re calling it a reading like you don't mean he’s just going to force me to spill all of my secrets and then do whatever else he wants to me—”
    “It's not like that.” Virgil tore his gaze from Logan and settled bitterly on Remus, but the kindness in Remus' eyes gave Virgil pause. “Listen, Jan will know some of your dirty, little secrets just by looking at you, and we can't do anything about that, but he can't loosen your lips. Not to mention, Janus likes to get freaky but control's not really his kink.”
    Logan sighed, rolling his eyes at Remus before looking over at Virgil. “His pelt lowers your inhibitions, but your survival instincts will take over if he pries deeper than you are truly comfortable with and you can always stop. No one here will force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
   Virgil looked to Logan. “He can’t force me to do anything?”
    “No, love. If you were already considering saying or doing something, his pelt may influence you to act,” Logan smiled patiently. “but you won't say or do anything you would be adamant about not saying or doing otherwise.”
     “And I can stop?”
    “Anytime,” Logan nodded with a subtle smile. “and for any reason at all.”
     Virgil swallowed nervously. “What if he doesn't let me?”
    “He will,” Remus jumped up off the bed toward him, stopping just a few feet away from him. He extended a hand to Virgil. “but if he gives you any trouble or pressures you, you focus on needing help. We got that weird mental thing, right? If you need help, Lolo and I will be there right when you need us.”
     “Okay.” Virgil stared at him for a moment before relaxing. “Okay. I'm sorry.”
     Logan crossed his arms as his brow furrowed. “Why are you apologizing?”
    Biting his lip, Virgil was quiet. He stared down at the ground. “Because I freaked out—"
    “Your reaction was justified given what you expected to happen,” Logan paused watching as Virgil took Remus' hand and allowed him to bring him back. He looked down at Virgil with a serious expression as they approached. “I am glad we were able to rectify your understanding of the situation before you met with Janus, and perhaps, you will now understand better why Janus' pod was uncomfortable with his presence.”
    Virgil bit his lip guiltily. “I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to judge him.”
    “Do not apologize, love.” Logan’s expression softened and he smiled patiently as Virgil hung his head, rubbing his shoulder nervously. Logan put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder reassuringly. “Even Janus recognizes his power is intimidating. What matters most is that you try not to allow it to color your perception of him. He can be intimidating but he is a good person, Virgil.”
    Virgil nodded absently. He felt Logan’s hand drop off his shoulder as Remus pulled him into the bed and he inhaled deeply as Logan dropped down next to him. His soulmates’ wrapped their arms around his chest and his anxiety began to settle in his stomach as their gentle touches grounded him.
     “What did they do to him?”
     “Isn't it obvious?”
     A chill ran up Virgil’s spine as a deep, sinister voice resonated through the room. He shrank in between his soulmates, who both suddenly looked guilty.
     “They put with me until they could barely stomach to look at me,” Virgil heard a hiss as the unknown figure inhaled sharply. “and then they slashed my face open so I'd be shark bait if I tried to follow them or hunt for myself and then they left me for dead.”
    “Logan—” The figure interrupted him abruptly. “—if this door isn't open in the next—”
     “Of course, Jan! One second—” Logan scrambled off the bed toward the door and for the first time, Virgil caught a glimpse of the mysterious man as he curled into Remus’ arms. He barely managed to stifle a surprised gasp as he peeked over the edge of his cloak.
    The fluffy, white fur draped nearly to the slender figure’s knees. He was dressed in simple black pants and a black, silk shirt. But despite the man's elegant dress, Virgil eyes were drawn to the scars on the right side of the man's face.
    The deep cut started right at his hairline and snaked across his eye to curl under his jaw. Virgil sucked in a breath. Even in the dim light, the scar shimmered like it had been inlaid with veins of gold. Virgil’s gaze drifted up the golden scar until he locked eyes with the stranger snarling down at them. He shivered as the stranger's amber eyes locked onto him and he curled nervously into Remus' chest.
    Fortunately, his attention didn’t linger on Virgil for long. He quickly turned away as Logan pushed open the door. Logan immediately stepped out of his way, hanging his head as Janus turned to slink past him into the room. Virgil couldn’t help but stare up at the man as he came to loom over him. He was breathtaking, despite the way his gaze sent shivers through Virgil’s body whenever he managed to catch his eye.
    “Leave the door open."
    Virgil watched Logan hesitate in the door way. “But Roman—”
    “This guy's either leaving here after I'm done with him,” Virgil pulled his hood over his head as the man stared down at Remus with a wicked grin as Remus puffed up over Virgil defensively. “or he's going to escape right into your brother’s arms and Roman’s going to snap his pretty, little neck before he gets halfway down the corridor.”
     “No one is laying a finger on him—” Remus started to hiss, curling his arm around Virgil.
      “Scram,” The stranger ordered menacingly, glancing over his shoulder at Logan. “Both of you.”
     “Jan—” Remus prodded.
     “I don’t believe I stuttered, Remus.” The stranger growled and stared Remus down until he slunk off the bed toward Logan. “Go help your brother keep track of Patton. Between the three of you, maybe you can manage not to lose him.”
    Virgil sucked in a breath, suddenly exposed and feeling at the mercy of the man looming over him. Logan seemed to notice his discomfort, and stepped forward.
    “I said go.”
    Remus stepped forward taking Logan's hand to guide him to the door. “It's all good, Virgie. Jan's bark is worse than his bite—”
     A deep, guttural growl emanated from Janus' throat as he snapped. “Leave. Now—”
    Virgil flinched as the man snapped and watched nervously as his soulmates shrieked and fled the room. His breath caught in his throat and he shrank back, tears welling in his eyes as the man’s gaze turned back on him.
    “Please—” Virgil whimpered, burying his head in his knees. “Don’t hurt me—"
     “Hey, now.” Virgil flinched as a hand brushed against his cheek. He felt the bed shift as the man sat on the bed next to him. “There’s no need for any of that nonsense.”
     The gentle touch returned and Virgil relented, allowing the stranger to tilt his head up to look at him. Virgil blinked up at him in disbelief.
     The beautiful stranger smiled softly down at him. All malice was gone from his eyes and Virgil couldn't help but stare as the stranger’s scar sparkled in the flickering light. He shivered nervously as Janus fingertips brushed his jaw.  The strange man's hand drifted up his jaw, pulling his hood down off his head.
     “That's better. Isn't it, Virgil?”
     Virgil shuddered as Janus spoke his name and he watched anxiously as the stranger’s hand dropped away from his face. His eyes darted across the stranger’s friendly face, trying to explain the sudden change in his behavior.
     Janus let out a subtle,  dramatic sigh and turned his sparkling, white smile to Virgil. “You have nothing to fear from me. I'm not upset with you. Just the dimwits who shared certain details of my life without my consent.”
     “Th-they d-did it to—” Virgil pressed his back against the wall as he shuddered.
      “They want to prepare you for seeing me,” Janus supplied bitterly. “I understood what they were doing, but regardless of their intentions, that doesn’t mean they had the right to share that information.”
     “I’m s-sorry. I-I didn’t know—"
     “Hush now. I know this isn’t your fault.” Virgil looked up to Janus' soft smile. He watched nervously as the man slowly slid onto the bed next to him. Virgil flinched, anxiously tugging at his sleeve as he avoided the man’s gaze. “I apologize for scaring you. I intended to do nothing more than scare our mutual friends into being more considerate of their actions in the future.”
    “A-and me?” Virgil stuttered nervously.
    “Nothing will happen to you, Virgil.” The stranger smiled as he lay a hand on Virgil’s back, guiding him off the bed. “We will finish your reading and get you out of this sad, little hole for good.”
    “B-but Roman—” Virgil allowed himself to be stood up and he absently  followed Janus across the room.
    “—won't actually snap your neck.” Janus’ hand drifted over Virgil’s neck as he gently guided him to sit at the desk at the end of the bed. “Roman has a delicate constitution. He cannot stomach killing, even if he'd like you to believe otherwise.”
     “I—” Virgil felt a strange calm settle over him as the stranger smiled warmly at him. He dropped his head numbly, staring down at the desk in front of him.
     “You’re leaving here safely tonight.” Janus lowered himself on the bed next to Virgil, staring at him with an earnest look in his eyes. “I give you my word.”
    “Thank you.” He felt himself relax staring at the shimmering man in front of him.
    “You’re very welcome, Virgil.” Janus sighed and a tiny smile twitched at the corner of his lips as he watched Virgil closely. “I'm sorry that I scared you.”
    Virgil shrugged. “You didn't know how I was feeling.”
    Janus blinked. Virgil looked up as his amber eyes sparkled in the dim light. He noticed that Janus seemed to be watching something over his head. After a moment, Janus seemed to notice him watching and he smiled. “I should have known. I would have if I'd been paying better attention.”
    “You really see things that aren’t there, don't you?” Virgil looked at him tiredly.
    “Yes, I do,” Janus watched him warily. “Does that scare you?”
     “No.” Virgil sighed. “Why would I be?”
     “Many people find it unsettling to be in the midst of forces they cannot see or touch.” Janus whispered and Virgil sensed a touch of pain behind his words.
     “I, uh—” Virgil crossed his arms, tilting his head up to Janus. “I think it's nice. It's cool to know there's more out there.”
     “I do too," Janus smiled. “and it's actually quite beautiful.”
     Virgil smiled, fiddling with his hands nervously. “I'd like to hear more about it sometime.”
    “Certainly. I would be happy to share with you,” Janus smiled patiently. “but we should probably start, if you’re ready.”
    Virgil eyed him cautiously but nodded slowly.
     “Before we do your reading though, I believe we should address what's on your mind.” Janus prodded gently, gauging Virgil’s reaction. “Don’t you?”
    Virgil’s eyes darted up at Janus as he continued to hang his head nervously. He sighed, dropping his shoulders as he nodded complacently.
     “Very well.”
     Virgil cautiously looked up as Janus took his hand. His eyes shifted guiltily as Janus stared at him with concern in his eyes. Virgil dropped his gaze to the ground, biting his lip as he felt it tremble.
     “Who's trying to kill you, Virgil?”
General Taglist:
@somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck
The Stowaway’s Heart
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intothemaddyverse · 4 years
A Fallen Angel
Chapter 1 of Reunited Series 
Word Count: 1,750
Rating: Mature (slightly suggestive material but not explicit)
I hope you enjoy it! 
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After meeting as children and falling in love as young adults, Din sees his soulmate again following years of separation. Their story begins the moment Din hears a melody in the distance that brings back the fondest memories of his past. He's reserved as all can be, but falls weak at the knees when he holds his angel in a tight embrace, swaying to their favorite song. He follows the sound to find her sitting in an empty cantina, where she waits hoping that his feelings for her have not faded. Din had been waiting for this moment, every day longing for his other half to return. Reunited, they decide to take a weekend for themselves, away from the noise of a war torn galaxy. With his family now complete, he is finally able to propose with a ring he’d kept safe since the day he lost her. Things take a dramatic turn as the Empire, or what’s left of it that is, finds Din’s beloved and attempts to kidnap her. The Razor Crest is blown to pieces but the kidnap was unsuccessful, therefore leaving Din’s love shaken but alive. We now pick up with Din, his lover, and Grogu traveling across a harsh desert landscape in search of a new beginning.
It’s cold. Really cold. You find it hard to believe that a landscape with such scorching intensity can also be as unforgiving as Hoth. Stars, what time is it? You’re woken up from a deep slumber by a small glimmer of light. You squint as a subtle change in position on Din’s part shines the light directly in your face.
“DIN!” You exclaim as a small shimmy of his shoulders intensifies the brightness. “If you’re going to be a living disco ball at least shine the light away from me.” Din lets out a muffled laugh as you move to nudge yourself into a more comfortable position. He wiggles himself out of your grasp, but before you can object he quickly adjusts himself to hold you the way he wants to. One hand brushes up against your thigh, to your hip and then slithers around to the back of your waist. The other tenderly brushes your hair behind your ear, giving you the kind of goosebumps only he can cause. You allow your eyes to flutter shut and think, “yeah…he was right. This positioning is much better.” 
As Din’s right hand begins a slow ascent up the contours of your back underneath your shirt, you quickly grab his arm to stop him. He lets out a small sigh in disappointment but then realizes why, turning to see Grogu standing directly behind him. “Hey kid, you sleep alright?” Din asks, grunting while lifting himself up off of you slowly. Once he leans back against the speeder bike, Grogu climbs up onto Din’s lap and stumbles down his legs, landing abruptly on your stomach. “MAKER” you yelp, letting out a breathless exhale while catching him before he lands on your face. “Your dad is rubbing off on you Grogu, you need to-”  
…“Daddy” Din interjects, pausing for a moment to let his interruption send a shiver down your spine. You know exactly what he’s doing, and so does he. Why does he do this?? Sometimes you’re convinced that torturing you in front of the child is his favorite past time. Your face turns beet red. You swallow and say with a shaky voice, “sorry Grogu, your Daddy is rubbing off on you.” You stand up to place Grogu in his pod, and then feel Din grabbing your arm to pull you towards him. 
“I think it’s finally time for our dance” he whispers in your ear. Ugh, he makes you swoon. He lifts up his helmet slightly to kiss you on the forehead. You lay your head on his chest while he places one hand around your waist, the other intertwining his fingers with yours. You’d think that beskar would be the last thing you want pressed against your face, but stars is it comfortable. Maybe because it’s him. Okay, most definitely because it’s him. You’ve been without armor to rest on for far too long. “How did that song go again?” Din asks as he rubs your back. You slowly begin to lift your head, perplexed as you look beyond Din at the rising sun and pastel sky. “You don’t remember?? You were the one who first asked me to dance with you to that song! How could you not…” Before you can take another breath, Din grabs your chin and places his lips on yours. You were so enveloped in his embrace that you didn’t notice he took his helmet off. “Din! Someone could see you!” Shit, that was loud. Much louder than you should have said that but there’s no turning back now. “Don’t worry angel, it’s far too early. There’s no one here.”
Something about his voice is so comforting, even through the modulator. You and Din continue to sway, the sun beginning to warm your face as it continues to rise. He holds you just a tiny bit closer…a little bit tighter too. If only we could stay in this exact spot, in this moment forever. You start to hum the melody without realizing his question was a set up. “Hm hm hmmm…” Din turns his face away from you, trying to hide his smile. “Of course I know how it went, I just wanted to hear you sing.”
You can tell that Grogu is getting antsy when he starts crying out from his pod. Din lifts him out and places him on the ground. As soon as his tiny feet reach the sand he races off at a speed that seems insanely abnormal for a baby. What has he been feeding this kid? Din lets out a frustrated sigh, prompting you to wrap your arms around his waist in an attempt to relax him. “I’ll go grab him, go ahead and clean your weapons.”
The more you spend time in this vast wasteland, the more you feel disoriented trying to remind yourself of which direction you’re heading. You swore you saw Grogu veer off to the left and scurry down one of the sand dunes, but seconds later you convince yourself you saw a small green alien shuffle past you to the right. Stars, when was the last time you had a sip of water? Your movements become slower, dragging your feet through the sand while struggling to keep your legs from buckling underneath you. Suddenly, Grogu appears behind you, latching on to one of your legs before you collapse.
It’s been an hour since you left to retrieve Grogu, there are no more weapons to clean and Din is becoming progressively more worried. “She should be back by now right? How long has it been? The kid couldn’t have wandered that far…” He continues to pace back and forth, desperately trying to ignore the anxiety taking over his body. Before he can begin another monologue of reasoning behind the length of your absence, he lifts his head up to see Grogu waddling towards him. “Ehh?” He coos, blinking at Din before gesturing to imply you are just beyond his current position. Din sprints to Grogu, scooping him up and then quickly scanning his surroundings. “SHIT!” He freezes. His heart sinks to his stomach, because there at the bottom of the hill, lying lifeless in the sand…is you.
Din stumbles down to you, dropping to his knees. “Fuck, what do I do??” He mutters to himself, blood rushing to his head as his panicked state heightens. The only thing he can think to do in that moment is pick you up and carry you over his shoulder back to the campsite. He places Grogu in his pod and closes the lid. Seeing you limp on the ground like this makes Din’s stomach churn. “Come on angel, wake up. What do you need? Shit, you can’t hear me why am I asking?!” After examining your trembling body and dry lips, Din grabs the last supply of water nearby. He gently places his hand under your head for support, lifting you up slightly to ensure he doesn’t accidentally make the situation worse. Carefully, he pours small amounts of water into your mouth. “Maybe I can use my cape to cool her face...yeah I’ve seen people do that.  I think we have enough water...” At this point, Din is struggling to breathe. He nearly spills the last of the water on your face while struggling to control his shaking hands.  “Please…pl-please…my love, wake up!” Din throws the empty canteen on the ground and cradles you, his beskar nearly digging into your upper body.
“Remove her shirt, use the armor to cool her skin,” Din hears from behind him. With only seconds to respond, panic shoots through his entire being. He scrambles to reach his blaster, rapidly turning to face whoever has the audacity to imply you should have your shirt off. “What did you just say to me?” Din asks hastily, in full protective mode. He’s now holding his blaster inches from the unknown figure standing in front of him. The man, taking a calculated step towards Din, repeats himself. “I said remove her shirt. Trust me, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen her like this.”
Din stumbles backwards, tripping over your legs as he desperately tries to comprehend the most horrid sentence he’s ever heard. Did he just say he’s seen her like this before?? Din shakes his head, desperately trying to rid the image of another man seeing you in such a fragile state from his mind. His blood is boiling. The sweltering heat simmering in the atmosphere pales in comparison to the rage burning within him. He plants himself firmly in the sand, using every bit of restraint he has to prevent any unnecessary violence. Cemented in place, he drops his blaster. Fists are clenched, heart is pounding, mind is racing wildly. Suddenly, you take a hideously deep breath, causing Din to practically melt down to the ground and grab your face, relieved that he didn’t lose you again. You slowly lift your upper body, arms shaking, and…you see it. Your head is pounding, your face dripping with sweat. There’s NO way. This is the desert right? It has to be a mirage. Just beyond Din’s helmet glistening in the sunlight, you see him.
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dbzebra · 4 years
A Son Family Christmas
A/N: Ok so this was originally a secret santa present from years ago, that I recently rediscovered and made some new additions and cleaned up some things. As usual this takes place in the End of Z era, this time 9 years after Majin Buu. And lots of cute family+ship fluff. might need to go to the dentist afterwards lmao
Words: 3721 (i got carried away lol)
Pairings: little bits of Gochi, HanVi, MarTen and K18. 
Mostly a Pan focused fic though! 
enjoy :)
Christmas Eve; Age 783. 
A blizzard howled and whistled from outside, covering the grassy mountain in a sparkling sheet of white snow. 
Mt. Paozu was pitch-dark, except for the lights that came from a small cottage deep in the woods. 
This was the home of Earth’s greatest hero.
The Son family decided to throw a Christmas party for themselves at their little mountain cottage. Goku invited Krillin and his family as well. The former monk was already pretty much family to Goku anyway, only more so when Goku and Krillin’s kids started dating each other the previous year. 
It was the day everyone was looking forward to, but nobody was more excited than Son Pan. 
Pan was three years old now, and could finally understand the concept of the holiday, as well as the magic and excitement behind waking up the next morning to find presents underneath the Christmas tree.
The toddler stared around at her grandparents’ fully decorated house in wide-eyed wonder. Garland wrapped around the railings and banisters; little models of Santa and reindeer on the countertops, a wreath on their front door, and so much more. Chi-Chi always loved going all out, it was her favorite holiday. 
But what really had young Pan’s attention was the big, beautiful Christmas tree sitting in the foyer, filling the house with the strong but familiar scent of the forest.  It dwarfed little Pan by several feet, but she wasn’t scared.  She loved it.  Lush green branches were adorned with ornaments of all shapes and colors. Rainbow lights twinkled in mesmerizing fashion. High above her head, at the very top of the tree, sat a big, shining golden star -- a decoration she got to add herself.
Every year, the Son family had a tradition to go out on Mt. Paozu and cut down the perfect tree. Goku knew the best spots. He always did -- even as far back as before Gohan was born. But nowadays they had to find two trees. One for Goku and Chi-Chi’s house, and the other for Gohan and Videl’s next door. 
Pan sighed. She just wanted it to be bedtime so it could be tomorrow! She wanted presents! Every minute felt like an hour to her. The little girl tiptoed around, looking for any hidden presents but found no luck. She frowned. How was she even sure Santa would really come?! She had to keep her mind off that tree and the eventual presents somehow or she’d go crazy! 
The three-year-old trotted into the kitchen to see what everyone else was up to. 
The adults were all hard at work preparing the feast. Chi-Chi, Videl, 18, and Gohan busied back and forth to create the feast. Krillin and Goku did what they could, but usually ended up making things worse so they were ordered to stay put at the dining room table. If Goku was out in the wilderness, he could cook meat or fish just fine. But using a stove and all those utensils just wasn’t his thing. 
Goku spotted his granddaughter looking around and called her over. “Pssst… Panny…”
The toddler tilted her head curiously to the side and went over to him, smiling as wide as could be. “Hi, Grandpa!” 
Goku flashed one of his signature grins in response. He then put a finger to his mouth, still smiling, signaling the little one to be quiet. Pan covered her mouth to stop from giggling. Secrets were fun!
Pan blinked as Goku momentarily glanced to his wife to see if she was watching. Luckily, she was too preoccupied. When the coast was clear, he reached into his pockets. 
“I got somethin’ for ya.”
Pan’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “What?”
 “Don’t tell Grandma, okay? It’s a secret…” Goku grinned mischievously as he pulled out a small bag of cookies. He had stolen a few when Chi-Chi wasn’t looking; the wait for the food combined with how good everything smelled was too much for him. Krillin just shook his head with a smile.
She happily took them from her grandpa and stuffed them all in her mouth in one bite. With her full cheeks puffed out, she grinned back at her grandpa and Goku returned it.
The toddler hugged Goku and smiled before trotting over the counter where Chi-Chi was cutting food and occasionally stirring something in a pot. Pan tugged on her dress lightly, peering up at her. “Grandma?”
“Yes sweetie?” Chi-Chi cooed, stopping what she was doing to face her darling granddaughter.
“Can I helps you?”
Gohan ruffled his daughter’s hair as he helped make a dish. “Pan, don’t bother Grandma when she’s cooking; we’re all working really hard on this meal for everyone. Why don’t you see what Marron and Uncle Goten are doing?” He felt bad, and spoke calmly to not upset his young daughter, but he knew more than anyone that Goten was better equipped to preoccupy her right now.
Pan pouted. “Fine.”
“Oh hush, Gohan. Everything’s on schedule,” Chi-ChI replied, making her granddaughter smile again. “And of course you can help, Panny. You can help stir for me!”
Pan floated up and gently stirred the hotpot, happily singing ‘la la la’ like she had heard her grandmother do in the past. “How long does this take? All the food is in this big bucket?” As it turned out, this wasn’t nearly as fun as she thought. 
“Should be all done in about thirty minutes.” Chi-Chi said, gently patting her head.
Pan’s mouth went into a small ‘o’ shape, trying to count how long that was on her fingers. It took her a bit to get to thirty “That takes too long. This is boring!” Pan replied.
Goku and Krillin tried not to laugh as she floated back down to the wooden floor. Their wives shot them a quick look and they both turned away, innocently whistling like they didn’t make a sound. Two peas in a pod, those two. 18 and Chi-Chi just giggled to themselves. 
Pan shrugged her shoulders, scurrying back to the living room to see if she could find her uncle. Goten always had the best video games to play! 
“Uncle Goten!! Where are ya!!?” Pan called out to him. 
No answer. Pan frowned. “Is he hidin’ from me?” She noticed the television was still on, and his phone sat on the couch. But no Uncle Goten. But then, she caught something out of the corner of her eye from the other side of the Christmas tree. 
Pan tiptoed around the tree, when she finally saw them right in the middle of a soft, tender kiss. Above their heads was a small mistletoe, hanging over the archway. In that moment nothing else mattered to them except each other.
“Great shot, man.” 
The sound of a camera shuttering followed by the voice of Krillin broke the two teens out of their tender embrace. Goten’s jaw dropped, and then he just facepalmed with both hands. Marron followed his line of sight to see his father standing there, camera in hand. She should’ve expected this...
“Dad!! W-What are you doing?!” Marron practically shrieked. The blonde’s whole face went red from ear to ear, shoulders shaking. Steam was practically coming off her face. It was embarrassing enough her parents were so lovey-dovey on a regular basis, but now she got caught in the middle of her most awaited special moment with her Goten of the holiday season! 
“What does it look like? I’m capturing a special Christmas moment of my daughter!”
Krillin  got another picture at their flustered reactions. “But that one was just for fun.”
“Your mother will get a kick out of this!” Goku added, sporting a wide grin similar to his oldest friend. 
“Grandpa! What’s that leaf over Uncle Goten’s head? Why were him and Aunt Marron playing kissy-face?” Pan asked eagerly. It looked like something she’d find on the ground before the snow came. She didn’t get why it was so special.
“It’s called a mistletoe, Pan. When two people get caught under it, they have to do that.”
“Misty Toe? That’s a dumb name!!” Pan broke into giggles again. “Uncle Goten is under a big toe!” 
Eighteen came out to the living room, ignoring the two former Turtle School fighters who were still carrying on about their kids. Marron and Goten didn’t find it so funny! 
“Marron, could you help me in here for a moment?”
“Sure!” Marron said, finally shaking off her flustered state and went to the kitchen. Any way to be away from this scenario. 
Shrugging, Goten turned on the PlayStation to kill some time. The familiar start up sound soothed his ears and he sat down to play. He let Pan play on his phone in the meantime.
“Hey Uncle Goten…?” Pan climbed up on the other side of the couch after getting bored rather quickly. 
“What’s up, squirt?”
“Is Santa Claus really comin’ tonight?”
“Definitely.” He grinned at her childlike innocence; it reminded Goten of himself at that age. “You gotta be asleep, though. He won’t come if you’re awake!”
“How does he know?”
Goten patted his niece’s head. “It’s ‘cause he’s magic, Panny.”
“Magic? Is that like how Grandma always knows when Grandpa does something bad?”
“Somethin’ like that.” Goten chuckled. For a three year old, Pan was much more aware of things than she let on. 
Coming back to the living room, Marron plopped down next to Goten, leaning against his arm. Now that she was over the embarrassment of getting caught by her father and Goku, the blonde wanted to make up for lost time. She watched him play for a bit, and then turned to him with a sly smirk. “Bet I can beat you.”
“Yeah you probably can, cause you’re a big cheater.” Goten replied with a cheeky grin, not keeping his eyes off the screen. 
“Hey! I am not a cheater!” Marron huffed, her bright blue eyes narrowing at him. “It’s not my fault you just get so easily distracted!”
“That’s why it’s cheating! You always play dirty by kissing me right when I’m about to win!!” 
“You call it cheating, I call it strategy.” 
Goten normally would never say no to a kiss from his beautiful girlfriend, but she’d always steal the win while he was still reeling from the kiss! It wasn’t fair! One time, Goten tried the same trick on her, but it didn’t quite work the way he intended. It backfired entirely, actually. As she just kissed him back and they both ended up completely  forgetting about the video game soon after that.  
Marron’s frown turned into a sly grin. If that’s how he wanted to play, fine. She knew exactly what buttons to push. “Fine. I just won’t kiss you ever again. How does that sound?”
“N-No, w-wait! I, uh...” Goten gulped. His mouth became dry, the words getting caught in his throat. He really did this time. Was this his worst fear coming true?!
The blonde giggled at his adorable panic-stricken face, satisfied with herself. “That’s what I thought, dummy. But still, lucky for you, I don’t think I could ever give this up~” Marron kissed his cheek again, leaving her boyfriend reeling as she went to the bathroom to freshen up before dinner. 
Goten put his head in his hands and let out an audible sigh of relief. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand girls…”
From across the couch, Pan started giggling. “Uncle Goten did something bad!” She didn’t really get what the big deal about kissy kissy was to begin with, but seeing her uncle all flustered like that had the toddler tickled pink.                                                  
The next twenty minutes rolled by quicker than ever, and finally, it was time to eat. 
The adults all came out carrying multiple trays and large bowls. The plates and silverware had already been set as the ever-growing Son family all took their seats around the table.
“Wait, Dad’s not here yet.” Chi-Chi said, looking worried. “Do you think he got stuck in the blizzard?”
“He’ll be here. I can sense his energy. Besides, he’s the Great Ox King! No way some storm is gonna stop him.” Goku confirmed, easing his wife’s worries. He winked at her and Chi-Chi smiled. 
And like clockwork, a few minutes later the door swung open. The cold wind blew snow onto the floor of the house, when in came a giant, jolly looking man with a grayish beard. He wore a large red coat and carrying lots of presents. “Merry Christmas, everyone!”
Pan gasped, practically standing up in her chair. A large jolly man with a big belly. Red coat. A beard. And carrying presents. That could only mean one thing… 
But she thought she had to be asleep! 
Chi-Chi hurried to the door to greet the man.  “Dad! You made it!”
“Hi, pumpkin!” Ox King hugged his daughter.  “Am I late? Sorry I missed the cooking, it’s like a blizzard out there! Can’t see a thing.”
Goku grinned. “You’re just on time. ” He went up to his father-in-law who brought the Saiyan into a big bear hug, followed by doing the same with his two grandchildren. 
Pan tilted her head to the side, more than a little confused. “...That’s not Santa?”
“No, honey. It’s your Great Grandpa Ox! You remember him, right?” Videl told her. Pan thought about it for a second, and the name was familiar! Her expression lightened when she remembered. Pan flew over to him and gave him a big hug.
As the adults got Ox King set up, Pan the conversation no mind as she stared at the pile of presents on the floor in awe. She gently tried to shake each box to try to guess what was inside but didn’t have much luck. 
“Mama, Papa, can I open them now??” She asked, barely containing her joy.
Gohan and Videl exchanged a look and sighed. “You can open Grandma and Grandpa’s present after dinner. The rest will have to wait ‘till tomorrow morning.”
“Okay!” Pan replied. That was good enough for her!
                                                                   And so with everyone in attendance, the feast could finally begin. 
In typical Saiyan fashion, the Son boys filled their plates far above regular capacity. Little Pan tried to mimic her grandpa and uncle and put as much food on her plate as her little hands could grab.
Krillin did his impression of Yajirobe for the others, especially Pan who never heard it before. 18 spoke her new job as a school teacher, and Videl’s new case as Satan City’s top detective, with her right hand man Great Saiyaman.
Meanwhile, In record time, Goku finished his plate and went back for more. Goten wasn’t far behind him. 
“More please!” 
“Me too!”
Father and son respectively said.
“I wants more too!” Pan said, and then remembered the thing to say that her parents taught her. “Um, peas!!”
Chi-Chi smiled. “Of course, angel.” And then turned her gaze to her younger son. “Oh, and Goten, you really should behave yourself in front of your future wife. It’s not polite to eat like that!” 
Gohan cracked a grin. “Yeah, Goten. Listen to Mom.”
“Not helping!”
Videl lightly slapped Gohan’s arm. “Oh stop. You’re one to talk, aren’t you? I distinctly remember a time when you were the one getting flustered whenever someone brought up our relationship.”
“Well that’s-”
“No excuses. You were a nervous wreck on our first date, remember? You wore your pants inside out!” Videl playfully poked his shoulder. She turned to Goten and winked. 
At least somebody was on his side….
Chi-Chi suddenly gasped. “Oh, I forgot the wine! Excuse me for a second.” She got up and went into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a large bottle. She poured a glass for each of the adults, minus Goku and Gohan. Goku didn’t like the taste, but Gohan wanted to try it.  
“Mom, can I have some?” Gohan asked.
“Absolutely not, mister! You know what happened last time. You dressed up as Saiyaman and put a performance on for everyone!  And you have Pan now, you need to be a better influence!” Chi-Chi scolded him, but the smile never left her face.
Gohan hung his head as Goku patted him on the back while Goten snickered.  “I’m sorry. I got carried away last time because everyone was having so much fun.”
“I for one loved it.” Videl gushed. “It reminded me of when we were still teenagers~”
“R-Really?!” Gohan said, blushing. 
“Oh fine, here.” Chi-Chi caved and handed her older son a glass. After a story like that, she couldn’t say no. 
When Goten went to reach for the bottle afterward, Chi-Chi gave a stern look to her younger son that practically screamed ‘don’t even think about it!’ 
Goten frowned, dejected. Every time he tried that, and every time he failed. And now it was Gohan’s turn to snicker.
Chi-Chi couldn’t help but laugh. Even though they were grown, her sons still had that little brotherly competition. 
“Boys will be boys...” Videl said and Chi-Chi nodded in affirmation. Especially her boys. 
Krillin took the bottle next. He put too much in his glass and then downed it. 
“Okay, lisssten up! I haaaave to make an announcement!!” Krillin declared and then burped.
Eighteen sighed. “Here we go…”
Everyone stopped to listen to him, with various degrees of amusement written all over their faces. Goku most of all. He  put down his food to give his best friend his full attention. Oh, he had been waiting for this. 
“Oh no, not again....” Marron said with a fearful expression, preparing for the worst. She was already embarrassed by him once. But twice? She’d rather bury her head in the snow outside. 
“What’s the matter?”
“When my dad drinks, he gets a little too happy and starts blurting out embarrassing things.” 
Krillin cleared his throat and began to speak. “I...I looove my wife!!”
“Huh?!” Eighteen was caught off guard by his confession as if it were the first time hearing it. 
“She’s sooo pretty… And so n-nice… And so cool!” Krillin hiccuped, putting his empty glass on the table. He hiccuped again, his goofy smile only getting larger. “She acts real tough, but… she’s a.. She’s a biiiiig softie! Like a---”
Eighteen covered her husband’s mouth before he could finish, her face turning the same crimson as her daughters did earlier as everyone laughed. “Krillin, s-stop it you idiot! W-We’re in public!”
“S-Stooop what? The party’s just getting started.”
Eighteen handed him a glass of water to get him to sober up before he blurted out something else. It didn’t take much to get Krillin loosened up, but he sobered up quickly as well. 
That big dork, blurting out something so embarrassing like that. She had a reputation to uphold! How was she supposed to freak Trunks and Goten out if they knew her ‘stone cold’ persona was just a big act?! In her own mind though, Eighteen swooned. But she wasn’t about to let anyone know! In public at least. 
Dinner wrapped up soon after. Not a single morsel was left over. 
“Time for presents!!” Pan said and then plopped down on the carpet in front of the tree, 
At the sight of her daughter, Videl’s couldn’t help but feel giddy. She was the same way at Pan’s age, and Pan’s joy was absolutely infectious. 
“This is a special present from me and Grandma.” Goku handed his granddaughter a large box. He wrapped his other arm around Chi-Chi and she rested her head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of her head. Nothing was better than being altogether as a family, watching her granddaughter open a present on Christmas Eve 
Pan ripped off the wrapping to find a plain white box inside. She curiously stared at it, and even shook it to try to hear what was inside. It didn’t sound like a toy, for one. Hearing nothing, she slowly took off the lid. 
Instantly Pan gasped. 
It was a small, red colored martial arts gi with matching belt and wristbands, and small blue fighting boots. 
Pan’s first gi. 
“This is the bestest present ever!” Pan’s entire face lit up like a star. “Can I go try it on?” 
Pan flew upstairs with her new gi, returning a few minutes later wearing it, still beaming. “Look at me, Papa! I look like Grandpa!”
Pan couldn’t be happier which made Gohan and Videl happy. 
“Oh, Pan, look, there’s something else in here.” Gohan pointed to the red object poking up of extra wrapping paper.
Pan then came face to face with a small red pole inside a sheathe, tied with a fresh rope. “What is this?” She stared at the mysterious item, confused. She liked it; it felt familiar. “Is it a baseball  bat?”
“No, sweetie, this is the Power Pole.” 
“Power Pole?”
“It used to be my grandpa’s. He gave it to me when I was little. And I took it all over the world looking for the Dragon Balls. I almost lost it a few times, but it always found it’s way back to me. One way or another. It was only natural to pass it onto you.”
Pan put the Power Pole around her shoulder. With a puff of her cheeks, Pan flexed her muscles. For the first time, Pan felt like a true fighter. 
“You look just like me!” Goku knelt down and held out his open hands. “Give it a shot.” 
Pan looked to her father, who nodded. Smiling, the toddler punched Goku’s open palm. 
“Yup, she's my granddaughter alright.” Goku grinned. “She’s got some serious power behind that punch.”
“Next present!” Pan exclaimed.
“Nope. Sorry, Pan. The rest have to wait till tomorrow, remember?” Gohan said.
“Aww, okay. But I bet those wont top this!” She waved the Power Pole around. It was best they didn't tell her it could grow just yet. 
Throughout the night, the sound of laughter could be heard coming from a small house deep in the woods. It could still be heard echoing in the valley, late into the night. Inside, the room was aglow with the love that is shared between family and friends. 
Pan’s first Christmas Eve was truly a night to remember for them all. And one she would never forget.
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otomefoxystar · 4 years
A Time for Happiness
Fandom:  Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing:  Eisuke X MC 
Warning: NSFW
Genre: SMUT 
Word Count: 2,133
Written by: @otomefoxystar
Red rose petals adorned the floor of the chapel when canon in D started playing. She walked down the aisle arm in arm with her father. Her dress dragged behind her, and she smiled nervously. Her father lifted her veil and smiled softly at her, kissed her cheek, and gave her hand to Eisuke who was in awe of how beautiful she looked. He took her hand and stood facing her holding her feminine hands. Once they said their I do’s and sealed it with a tearful kiss, they walked cheerfully down the aisle to outside the cute chapel. They looked at each other and laughed. A white limousine waited outside. They held hands the whole way and chatted. He kept her talking because he knew she’d be nervous, they had never spent a night together in all the years they’ve been together she had kept him at an arm’s length. Hell, he was nervous it had been so long since he’d been with anybody, but his right hand. He had respected her wishes and didn’t touch her.   Of course, he had to carry her to the hotel room he wanted to make this magical for her. He placed her on her feet once they were in the magnificent hotel room. She kissed him on the lips and laughed. He started undoing her hair and it rippled down her shoulders. “ Let me help you get out of this dress” her eyes widened “ I can do it myself” he chuckled “ no you can’t, just turn around” He started unbuttoning the buttons on the back of her dress one by one. Her heart started pounding so hard she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. “ Eisuke,” she said in a shaky voice “ Are you scared?” He stopped unbuttoning her dress “ Listen to me _ _ _. It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of you if it hurts too bad just tell me and I’ll stop.” “ O-okay” 
He continued unbuttoning slowly revealing the white lacy corset she was wearing paired with matching cheeky panties. The dress fell to the floor and she stepped out still wearing her satin heels. She laid the dress delicately on a nearby chair and turned around. Eisuke had never seen her like this, she had taken his breath away.   “ This is what beautiful looks like.” He took her hand and led her to the bed, and gently sat her down. He knelt down and unhooked her shoes and slid them off. He kissed her ankle. “ Tonight is your night baby, let me pleasure you.” He scooted her up so that her head was laid on the pillows. “ I’m nervous” he tangled his fingers through her hair. “ So am I, we will take it slow.” “ Why are you nervous? You’ve had sex before.” He smiled at her as he climbed on top of her. “ It’s been years since I’ve been touched or touched anyone. I’ve waited for you. This is special for both of us. You’re about to experience a different world, you’ll love it I promise. I know all we’ve done is kissed, just let go and trust me.” He leaned down and pressed his lips on hers and, soon he opened his mouth and she opened hers instinctively along with his. He slid his warm tongue into her mouth. Their tongues danced and wrestled. He took her hand and put it on his shoulder, then put his hand on the side of her face as he searched her mouth. He finally released her and they were both gasping and swollen from the passionate kiss. He could already feel himself getting worked up. He sat up on his knees and took off all the pieces of his tux and dropped them to the ground. Until he came to his shirt which he unbuttoned slowly, he slid it off his arms and she took in the sight of his muscular body. She had seen him in a swimsuit before, but this was different. She wanted to touch him, she put her hands on his chest and felt down to his navel and back up. “ I love you Eisuke” he smiled “ You know I love you” she was shocked, he only ever told her he loved her on rare occasions. Maybe because it was a special night he wanted her to know his feelings? Whether that was it or not it made her happy and she smiled. He leaned back down and kissed her forehead, her nose her lips. Then, he kissed along her jaw. He licked down the shell of her ear and nippled on her earlobe. “Ahh�� she let out a small moan and he smiled. He kissed down her neck to her collarbone and her head lulled back. He made a trail of tiny kissed down to her cleavage and her nervousness was at a high, but when he gently bit and sucked at her breast leaving a sizable red mark. She started to forget about her nerves. “ Rollover on your side, I’m going to take your corset off.” He helped her roll over and untied her corset. Pulling it off her body. She turned over but crossed her arms over her breasts. “ Don’t hide from me, don’t worry you’re beautiful. Soon you’ll forget about your modesty.” He took her hands and held them above her head with one hand. “ Are you going to be good? I need my hands for this.” She nodded her head “ good girl” he patted her head He put his large hands on her breasts and she gasped, he kneaded and massaged. Then he took his fingers and rolled her nipples between his fingers. “Ahhh!” He leaned down and put the tip of his tongue on the hard bud of her nipple. He circled his wet tongue around her nipple. He opened his mouth and drew it in his mouth suckling. He went over to the other nipple and repeated the action. She started breathing hard through her nose, and as he released it, he realized her legs were parted. It was the perfect opportunity for dry humping. He went back to her lips and rubbed his pelvis against hers. She held onto his shoulders, as he rubbed against her. She moaned and gasped, and once he was satisfied with how he had gotten her worked up he kissed down her abdomen to the waistline of her panties. She put her hands over them, and he looked up at her. “ I’ll be gentle” He removed her hands and slid her panties off of her delicate body leaving her laid bare in front of him. “ I’m going to touch you” she nodded and squeezed her eyes shut. He touched her clit, and started rubbing it in circles. She didn’t expect it to feel so good. She arched her back off the bed, and she curled her toes. “ I’m going to put my finger inside of you now.” He slowly entered a finger, she didn’t wince or whimper so he took that as a sign that she wasn’t in pain. He wanted to give her every experience so he removed his finger and settled himself between her legs. He put his face against her licking her clit up and down. As he licked at her he entered a finger inside of her hooking it upwards, he sucked on her clit and that was it. “ I - I feel hot” “ That means you’re going to have an orgasm.” He leaned back down and kept going with his ministrations, and the coil inside of her snapped and he orgasm came rushing forth taking over her. She grasped at his hair as she rode out her high. He licked up all her fluids and looked up at her catching her breath. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and he stood up and undid his belt and took off his pants and slowly took off his underwear allowing his cock to be released from its constraints. “ I’m going to make love to you now.” He hovered over her and lined his cock up with her entrance, and ever so slightly pushed. This time she did wince. He felt bad for causing her discomfort, but he knew she was strong and could get past the pain. He pushed in slowly as gently as he could inch by inch. Until he hit a barrier. “ It hurts!” “Do you need me to stop?” She shook her head “ I want to be one with you, keep going” He pushed with a little more force, to push past the barrier. Finally, he was all the way in and he didn’t move to give her time to adjust to having him inside of her. “ Are you okay?” “Yes, you can move now” After a moment or two he began gently thrusting, but soon what had been pain turned into pleasure. She felt up his muscular back, and he began gasping and moaning. She clawed at his back, which elicited a guttural grunt from Eisuke. Sweat formed on their skin and all that could be heard where her moans and his gasps, along with squelching sounds from their lovemaking. He pushed her legs further apart, and she was singing. He had to be gentle, he knew this. He intertwined his fingers with hers, and she looked at him. “ C- Can you go faster?” He shifted his position, looking for her special spot, and started quickening his face. “ Oh..Oh my god...Eisuke!” He kissed her sloppily “ Found it.” She looked at him confused “ You’re G- spot, but let’s make this even better shall we?” He reached between their bodies and rubbed at her clit, putting pressure on it. She was at her height with pleasure, and her legs trembled and she started moaning louder. She felt her orgasm building up in her belly, and became desperate for it to come. She squeezed his hand hard. “ Don’t deny it let it come, baby. You’ll feel spectacular I promise.” She knew he was probably right especially if this was like the first one. As his hips snapped into her and his fingers played with her she began heating up again. From the tip of her toes to her head. “ Yes, yes. Oh my... I feel... so .... strange.” Then it snapped and her vision went white. She stopped moving, and her walls tightened around his cock pulling him in further as if she wasn’t already tight enough. “ Ahhh! Eisuke!” He kept thrusting into her to help her ride out her high, and fluid leaked out in between them and he smirked, knowing she just had a powerful orgasm. Once she had come down from her high and once again was coherent, Eisuke kissed her forehead. “ Did you come just now? Because it sure felt like you did.” “ Yes, but Eisuke it’s your turn.” “ Don’t worry about me I’m almost there.” She worried that she wasn’t pleasing him, but he gave her three more powerful thrusts and he moaned sharply and found his release. He caught his breath, and slowly began to pull out. He went to take his condom off when he realized there was blood on it. She saw what was unfolding and sure enough, blood was getting on the sheets. She scurried over to the bathroom to clean herself up. Eisuke put a bathrobe on and knocked on the door. “ Get cleaned up, I’m going to have them bring up new sheets.” “ Eisuke?” She opened the door a crack He turned around, and her eyes filled with tears. He wiped them away. “ Don’t be embarrassed, most women go through it. A little blood isn’t going to scare me away” “ I need to get some pads” she looked down “ I’ll get them there’s a convenience store in the hotel.” “ But” “ I’m your husband now, I’m going to have to do this kind of thing now.” She took a hot shower, and in the meantime Eisuke had the sheets changed and bought pads. He put them on the toilet in the bathroom. She came out in a bathrobe and got her clothes and changed into a satin nightgown. “ Thank you for buying those for me.” He nodded his head and changed into his pajamas and got into bed. “ Was it okay, I mean was I okay.” He looked into her iris’s “ You were more than okay, you made me come did you not? My question is was it everything you thought it would be?” “ It was more than I ever thought it could be. I didn’t know you could feel like that.”   He chuckled lightly and she laid her head in the crook of his arm and played with the buttons on his shirt. They laid there quietly and let the world run on without them as they basked in each other’s embrace.
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durmstrange · 4 years
Like You - Percy Weasley
Welcome to another Percy blurb :,) This one is cute and hurty all the same and I love it a lot. 
Warnings: bullying, blood
Word count:  1,611
You were very rarely the focus of the biting words from other students. You were quiet, brilliant, and unlawfully kind. When trouble found you, it had the tendancy to be quite severe.
And this was no exception.
On your way to meet your dear friend Percy for a little study session, you found yourself cornered by a couple of Slytherin girls who wanted nothing more than to show you how smart you really were, and how little they liked it when you unintentionally corrected them in classes. It was a habit of yours to do this, but even when you did, your voice was quiet and far from malicious. You were sweet, but they saw it as a threat.
Coincidentally, as you were cornered, you attempted to use your brains to con them from hurting you, which only resulted in it being far worse than it needed to be. Needless to say, you scurried back to the Common Room as a sniveling, sobbing, and bloody mess. Your nose and busted lip dipped blood, and you used the sleeve of your dark grey sweater to catch it. Weakly, and rather broken, you moved passed the staring eyes of others, even you close friends, Fred and George, and up into your dormitory without so much as a glance to anyone.
Once on your bed, sobs erupted from your chest as you yanked the thick sweater from your body, leaving you only in your loose, black cotton camisole. You pressed the sweater to your face, crying into it. You had little idea what condition your books you were carrying were now in, seeing as how you left them there when your feet carried you off as quickly as they could.
You were too much into your crying to hear the soft knock on your door, and it wasn’t until the bed dipped down slightly did you realize someone had entered. You glanced up from the sweater pressed to your face, covering your bloody nose and busted lip, and covered your face once more upon sight of Percy.
He was two years older than you, but the two of you got along like no other. You were virtually inseparable, and given your brains and love for schooling, Percy and yourself spent a lot of time talking about classes and truthfully, life in general. He was your everything, to say the least.
“What happened?” Percy murmured to you as he took the sweater from your hands, revealing the large cut in your lip and your slightly crooked nose. He sucked a sharp breath in and let the sweater rest in his lap as you shook with continuing sobs. “Hold still, sweet girl,” Percy instructed to you as he took his wand from his cloak and pointed it to your face. With a spell you were unable to hear, your nose snapped back into its natural position and you cried out in pain. Percy pressed the sweater to your nose once more and pulled you to him, holding your face in his hands. “Shh, shh, I’m sorry. Your nose is fixed, though. What happened? Who did this to you?” He questioned, protectiveness practically seething from his voice.
It took all you had to steady your voice and to slow your sobs as the blood stopped trickling down your face. “That Greengrass girl and her pig faced friend of hers. They were upset with me for correcting them in class, but I didn’t even mean to. I don’t see the point in violent behavior. Do I deserve this, Percy?” You cried and pressed the palms of your hands to your eyes.
Percy’s heart dropped as he heard your pained cries. Without much hesitation, Percy pulled you into his lap so that he was holding you tightly in his arms. “Don’t even say that, (Y/N). You deserve absolutely nothing but kindness and I simply cannot fathom why someone would hurt you. You’re so brilliant and kind, always willing to help others, and so very beautiful. It is simply unreasonable for someone to act so crudely to such a wonderful human,” Percy murmured quietly to you and stroked your hair comfortingly. He always knew how to calm you, and you appreciated this from him.
You sniffled and grasped his cloak in your hand, burying your face in his neck. “Why can’t everyone be like you, Percy? You’re so wonderful and kind and so gentle and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”  Your voice could only be described as unhappy as you held him tightly.  You loved the feeling of Percy’s arms around you.  He was stronger than you were, and he was not very afraid to show it when he hugged you or when he picked you off your feet when the two of you were playing.  
Percy was silent for quite sometime as he took in what you said.  “You make it sound as if I am some saint, (Y/N),” he said in a breathy voice and rested his head on yours.  
“You might as well be, Perce,” you told him and glanced up at Percy with wide, sad eyes.  “If everyone was like you, then maybe everyone would be nice to me.  Why aren’t they nice to me, Percy?” you whispered out and his heart ached for you.  
He was at a lost for words for a long time, and it was not until you shifted slightly in his arms did he notice how truly vulnerable and small you looked.  With only the black camisole on you, he could see your collar bones so clearly from the skin that was stretched so tightly over them, and how small your arms were.  There was no doubt in his mind at all that you would be entirely unable to defend yourself in a physical fight. He knew even in a duel you wouldn’t do well, as you hated violence and fighting. His heart ached further as he held you tighter, burying his own face into the soft skin of your neck. “Because they are unlike you, and they are unable to accept that,” he explained and you hummed against him, pressing your cheek to his head. “Don’t let it bother you, sweet girl.  They are so little compared to you,” he reassured and you smiled faintly, as best as you could with your hurt lip.  
With a hum, Percy lifted his head so that he was able to look at you.  Despite your swollen lip and nose and the dried blood on your face, he still thought you were simply breathtaking.  Carefully, he took the sweater from the bed and brushed it along your face, removing the last of the blood from your face.  You rested your forehead against his, allowing your eyes to flutter shut as you took a deep breath to steady your failing voice.  “No one has the effect that you do on me, Percy.  No one is able to calm me down like you are.  I don’t know what I would ever do without you in my life.”  Your voice was weak and sad as your eyes remained closed, and he smiled gently as closed his eyes as well.
Percy’s smile began to fade as he sat back from you, but letting you remain in his lap.  “I hate that anyone would be so cruel to you.  I feel so guilty for what happened.  I wish I had been there to help you.”  He told you with a small frown on his lips.  
You shook your head.  “Its not your job, Percy.  It is not your fault or responsibility to ensure I don’t get myself into some sort of trouble,” you insisted him, forcibly, trying to convince him to think otherwise.  You knew it was no use to argue with him.  
“It could be,” Percy suggested with a blush rising to his features.  You didn’t quite understand what he was getting at, and this was evident on your face as you tilted your head to the side.  He sighed uneasily as you watched him carefully, “It could be my responsibility to watch you, and care for you, and protect you.  If you’d allow it, that is,” he explained quietly, and you had a feeling he had never felt so small.  
With a confused look, your lips parted.  What did he mean by this?  You had a feeling, but you were so sure that it was not accurate.  “What are you getting at, Perce?” you questioned him gently, and he swallowed hard.  
He huffed softly, and shifted, obviously uncomfortable.  “I mean that I’d like for you to be my girlfriend, if you’d like.”  Percy’s voice was steady and unafraid in that moment, but his face was as red as his hair.  
Your mouth fell open in surprise, because you were so sure that he saw you as another little sister or even a best friend, and this news was something you have always wanted to hear.  You struggled to gather words as you nodded helplessly.  “Yes, I’d like that quite a lot,” you managed to say quietly and shakily as your eyes shined bright at this revelation.  
Percy smiled as well, both relieved and excited to hear this from you.  He threw his arms around you, and fell back on the bed with you next to him.  “How wonderful.  You do not have to worry about being hurt anymore.  I will always be there to protect you, for until you cast me away.”  He announced to you proudly with a smile as he nuzzled his head into your neck.  
You giggled and held him tightly.  “That is going to be quite some time, Perce.” 
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jonah-aesthetic · 4 years
Patronus  Jonah Marais/ WIP
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Jonah Marias X Harlow Darling 
Plot: Having mutual friends doesn't mean they're friends. Although after helping his sister out of an unfortunate situation. Jonah offers her a deal she couldn't give up. 
A/N: Since the only thing on my Tik Tok fyp is Draco Malfoy. I thought of continuing this fic. although the Why Don't We boys are on hiatus at the moment so I dont know if I should. 
The corridors of this ancient school gave me a sense of safety and home. At least I think this is what home felt like. My black robe flowed around me in almost angel like wings, as I carried out my Prefect duties. Night patrol Just past curfew to see if anyone dared to disobey the time. 
Both of my parents came from wealthy pure blood families. Because of it my family has been well known throughout the wizarding world. The name Darling had been carried out for centuries. It didn't exactly mean I despise the name, just that I wasn't proud to have it. For decades it has been an excuse to gain disgusting power. 
The name Darling meant I had to chose every decision I make carefully. I usually keep my image clean for my family, but for some damn reason it’s hard for my younger brother to do so. Hunter needed a leash quick or we might just end up on the daily prophet soon. 
With the way my father had presented our family you would’ve thought we belonged to a Slytherin family. Pure bloods who were overly formal and sleek, who happen to have high jobs and connections with in the ministry of magic. I didn't enjoy portraying myself as one of them but at the end of the day I am one of them. It ran through my blood with each heart beat.  
Night patrol was a fairly easy job, make sure no students we out after curfew and reported anything out of the ordinary to professor Mcgnagall. On a good day it took an hour to cover the school grounds with my best friend Jack who just happened to be the 2nd prefect. Now it took 30 minutes since we decided to split up, cutting patrol in half for us. After the Griffindor prefects complained we were goofing around and not caring enough about prefect duties. 
I didn’t see the big deal, there wasn’t much to patrol. Unless you wanted to yell at some mice who most definitely belonged a couple Hufflepuffs. Gabbie was a high tailed pure blood who should’ve been in Slytherin anyways. Well it’s that or she’s jealous of how close me and Jack are, after all she does fancy him to a great extend. 
Although I think it’d be easier to ask Jack and Daniel, the first prefect from Griffindor to switch places. Slytherin and Hufflepuff swap quidditch players often for practice when one has class or detention I don’t see the harm in it. 
Hearing younger voices grabbed my attention, with quick feet I walked towards the commotion. Coming up to the corner I block myself from view trying to get a better sense on the situation, peeking around I could see 4 younger students cornered a timid girl with wands held out towards her. They smiled with confidence as they watched her tremble.  
“..It’s funny how you think you're one of us mudblood.” 
“You know it’s unheard of for Slytherin to have non-magical parents right?” 
What surprised me most was the ones holding the wands were ravenclaws. I remembered them from the ceremony and I’ve seen them around here and there. This behaviour was an automatic detention, students were forbade to threaten each other with magic. 
Pulling my dark mahogany wand from my boot I uncovered myself. shouting “Expelliarmus!” an almost effortless defence wand cast. Several sparks ignited from the end of my wand, knocking theirs out of hand and clanging to the other side of the hall. startled, squeaky gasps fell from their lips right before the attention was on me. I watched as the potential alpha’s eyes flicked from villain to victim in 0.2 seconds.
The thing with self-absorbed pure bloods was you had to hold higher authority or they’d eat you for breakfast. I know because I was one. I held that high-tailed blood in my expression before. I only had acquaintances then, most students feared me. After awhile I began to dread the feeling.  
“We know the rules, we’re defending ourselves.” One of the Ravenclaw boys spoke up, his eyes holding so much promise I almost believed the kid. The timid Slytherin looked at her shoes not daring to look at me. Telling me that the boys got away with this often. 
I laughed at them humorously, “Detention all of you, I don’t believe your pity act. I witnessed what you did and frankly I’m not gonna let it slide.” I said with smooth tongue as I shrugged my shouldered at them. 
Their faces dropped as they looked at me in shock. “B-but we didn’t-”  
“Drop the act, remember your blood Isn’t gonna take you that far. 50 points from Ravenclaw for each of you. Don’t bother arguing and head back to the common room.” 
The shock was noticeable through their body language. One opened their mouth and then closed it again not daring to say anything. One soon scurried to their wand and took off into the direction of the Ravenclaw's common room. The rest followed in a matter of seconds. I smiled to myself, mission accomplished.
The Slytherin girl finally looked at me, Her eyes full of fear. “I get detention as well?” her voice was so soft and timid I almost didn’t catch it. With a warm smile I shook my head gently. “Oh god no, Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Her expression was soft as a small smile reached her lips, as she breathed in a few sniffles. She had been previously crying, causing her green eyes to dull. 
“What’s your name?” I asked her with a brighter smile. 
“Svea Marais” Her tiny voice more audible then before. 
“I’m Harlow Darling” I responded. 
Her eyes lightened up, matching the colour on her headband. “Like the Darling Royal Family?” She asked with fully curiosity. I kept smiling at her even though I was reminded of something I wasn’t fond of sharing.  
“Yeah” I replied knowing she was getting more comfortable with me. Letting her focus on me rather then the Ravenclaw’s words. 
“You seem different then them.” 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I ask her playfully, knowing the answer
"Definitely  good." She responded with tiny giggle that made me adore her.
I continued to smile at her as a comfortable silence came over us. We looked at each in an almost admiration. I felt the need to be someone she would look up to, like I couldn't let her down. As if she were a younger sibling. 
“Come on Svea, I’ll walk you to Slytherin dungeon.” I spoke softly after awhile,
“Okay” She had said following behind me. Slowing my steps slightly so she would catch up and walk beside me rather then behind me. The corridors of this massive castle were long and dark, lit only my torches on the sides of the walls. Our detestation wasn’t too far from where we had been. 
“Wanted to thank you Harley, for not choosing their side. It happens often you know, being a mudblood and all.” Looking at Svea I caught a sad smile graze her lips. My heart wrenched at the sight. 
“Svea It’s not right nor was it okay what they said to you. You’re a witch just as much as I am, your blood doesn’t make you anything less.” 
We were coming up to the dungeon quickly, as she stopped a few feet away. “Thank you, I appreciate what you said.” Her green eyes sparkled as her frame became less timid. “Don’t be a stranger, come to me if you need anything.” I started stepping away, putting distance between us. 
“I will.” and with that I turned away, heading back to Ravenclaw tower. Which had been across the castle, but at this moment it didn’t bother me. 
Walking into the common run I come to discover my best friend since we were five, Jack. He sat on the royal blue couch his head rested on the back of it. His attention on the charmed ceiling. Which represented a set of constellations somewhere in the world. The stars would instantly connected after he named them off silently. His Corgi Companion Lucifer was fast asleep in his lap, light snores emitting off him. I couldn't but awe at the small pooch. 
“Hey dork” I spoke playfully. He whispered a startled ‘Vanish’, and the charmed ceiling began to scramble for a fresh collection of constellation. He looked at me in relief, “What took you so damn long?” It was more of a whine more then a question. As if he was bored for the last hour rather them 20 minutes.  
I sat down on the left of him as the right was already taken. I sighed, “Well lets see, I gave detention to a few Ravenclaw boys. As well as took their wands out of the kindness of my heart.” 
“Finally putting your foot down huh?” He teased raising his eyebrows at me. 
“Hey I Can bite back, for your information” 
“I know, I remember that time last year. All I’m saying is you don’t like to, because you're the Ravenclaw princess.” I rolled my eyes at him cause I wouldn’t exactly use that word, but he was right nonetheless. 
“What was so ‘horrible’ that made you go all Royal blood?” 
“They were threating a Slytherin Muggle-born, wands held to her throat. Poor girl was trembling, I would never stand for anything like that.” I said my breath a little shaky as I was raddle about it. 
“Hey It’s okay.” Jack says reassuring me, his eyes go soft as he reaches for my hand and squeezes a pulse. He’s done that ever since I could remember every time he senses my nerves going haywire. which wasn’t too often. It never failed to put me at ease. 
“You did every thing you could.” 
“I know, I just feel like I could do more, I mean they called her a mudblood for god sakes.” He pulses again, his hand in mine was comforting and warm. More platonic than romantic. 
A beige blob in the distance take my attention from gentle brown eyes. It was Denrick my Siamese cat, my companion, and my support. a tiny meow rumbles through this body after I make eye contact with his piercing blue eyes.  
  “What was her name?” Jack’s voice become more tender towards me. 
“Svea Marais.” 
Jack is quiet for a little bit after that, like I had done something wrong. The feeling of Denrick’s soft paws in my lap made me jump a little. He wasn’t fazed by it was her curled up and began to purr. I petted him subconsciously, It’s almost therapeutic.
“Did I say something wrong?” I asked cautiously,  Jack looked away suddenly entertained by a bookshelf. 
“No, Um She’s Jonah’s younger sister.” 
Of course she is, how the hell did I not put it together? They had the exact same eyes, the bright green intensity. 
“He’s gunna come and look for you.” 
I swallow Thickly, “I Know” 
All I could remember was the red bird that caught fire. Flying over head screeching before soaring through the sky graciously. spreading it’s wings full and bursting into flame. 
It was a dream, because I was sudden heaving in bed as Christina, one of my first friends at Hogwarts. Looks at me with full concern and worry. “Phoenix” My voice raspy. 
“I don’t understand.” 
Catching my breathing, I choked a little. “I saw a phoenix in my dream, I think it was a sign or a symbol. Do you know anyone with a Phoenix Patronus?”  
Patronus guardians take the shape of an animal the castor shares the most resemblance with. In a sense it’s kind like a spirit animal. If the castor had the skills to become an animagus their form and patronus guardian would share the same animal. Which is by far the best part of being a witch. 
“At the moment, I have no idea. Although I do know we definitely should prepare for breakfast.” She holds out a hand for me to take, “What time is it?” 
“Guess you were right.” I said placing my hand in hers as she pulls my tired ass out of bed. 
 Christina walks ahead of me into the great hall as I fall behind fixing the blue and bronze tie. The loud chatter from inside made me miss my bed. Although the delicious scent of pancakes made my stomach growl.
“Darling what the hell is taking so long!” It wasn’t a question, but a demand. 
“Calm down I’m fixing my tie, it was lose.” 
Christina looks at me un amused and rolls her eyes at me dramatically. I shrug at her before grabbing her arm and began to kidnap her to the Ravenclaw table where I saw a certain curly headed boy. “Sucks you can’t sit with your boyfriend today.” I say taking a seat in front of Jack. 
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musingsofsaturn · 4 years
Opening Up [Kristanna ‘Waitress’ AU] - Chapter Two
[Masterlist for this fic]
Fandom: Frozen/Frozen II
Ship: Anna/Kristoff
Side Pairings: Anna/Hans, Elsa/Honeymaren, Bulda/Cliff
Chapters: 10/10 [COMPLETE]
Rating: M
This Chapter’s Rating: T for references to abortion and domestic abuse
This Chapter’s Word Count: 2,400+
Summary:  Waitress and baker Anna Westergaard's life changed forever when she  discovered some startling news. Dr Kristoff Bjorgman didn't anticipate  liking his new patients quite as much as he did. For better or worse,  the residents of the small town of Småby Bend were about to be changed  forever.
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[Picture taken from Jenna’s Pie Palace. This chapter’s recipe is Mermaid Marshmallow Pie!]
The following morning, Anna arrived at The Snøffnug Café early. Only Cliff was there at that time, and he grumbled a low greeting to her as she marched into the kitchen. For all his faults, Anna appreciated that Cliff was never one to pry. It meant she wouldn’t have to talk about whatever was on her mind as long as she was in his company. Anna didn’t want to talk. She wanted to bake.
Lemon meringue pie was one of the first pie recipes Anna mastered. She had learnt to bake it under her mother’s watchful eye, and her recipe had been a favourite of the café’s patrons for years. She carefully prepared the filling, before whipping some meringue mixture furiously. The rhythm of it allowed her to retreat into her thoughts, and she asked herself a very simple question: ‘What am I going to do?’
She could abort. It was early days in her pregnancy, and it wouldn’t even be invasive to end it. A couple of pills, and that was that. Gone. She’d never have to tell Hans, and she could go back to normality.
It wasn’t as if she even wanted this baby. They hadn’t been trying, and Anna had never really considered motherhood to be one of her goals. Money was tight as well. Could they even afford this baby? Was it fair to keep it?
And a baby would complicate things – more than they already were. Anna tried to picture Hans as a father, and couldn’t do it. She couldn’t see him cuddling their baby, and helping their child with homework, or teaching fantastic life lessons. It just wasn’t an image she could summon.
Yes, an abortion was the logical solution to her problem. The only solution to her problem.
Her meringue mixture had come together perfectly, and she set it down to taste the pie filling. She pulled a face. It was sour. Far, far, too sour. She sprinkled in some extra sugar and stirred it in. As she stirred, she could have sworn she felt that same sensation of life from within her. It was ludicrous, of course she couldn’t be feeling anything when she was only a month in. The foetus had no limbs to kick her with, not even a heart to beat, and yet she could feel the little life growing inside her.
She finished up the pie quickly, having prepared herself a couple of crusts the day before, and had the pie sliced and put out to serve just before opening time. Elsa and Bulda arrived right on time, and Cliff barked at the waitresses to get some coffee brewing before their early morning customers arrived.
The day’s work was a relief. It kept Anna busy as she darted between tables, taking orders and delivering cups of coffees, plates of sandwiches, and dishes of pie for hours on end. As she worked, she thought. And as she thought, she made a decision about what to do.
Fine, Hans wasn’t going to be a great father, but Anna could be an amazing mother. She would bake and work to provide for them both, bring the baby to the café so she could keep an eye out, and she would cherish and love her child with all her heart. So what if she hadn’t wanted a baby? She’d got one nonetheless.
When her lunch break rolled around, Anna phoned the only doctors’ office in Småby Bend. “Hello,” she said softly to the receptionist when they picked up the phone. “I need to make an appointment, please. I’ve discovered that I’m expecting a baby.”
She gave her name and heard the receptionist typing, then they said, “Okay, your usual doctor is fully booked until next month, but we’ve got a new doctor who’s just transferred who can see you tomorrow. Would you mind seeing a male doctor, or would you rather wait?”
Anna thought for a moment. “No, I don’t mind seeing a man.”
“Alright then, Dr. Bjorgman will see you at three pm tomorrow.”
 Anna tugged her coat tighter around herself, as if she was trying to hide a bump that wasn’t even showing. She had her uniform on underneath it, her bag over her shoulder, and was carrying a cake tin in one hand. ‘Relax,’ she told herself, ‘it’s just a check-up’. She steeled herself, and walked into the reception.
There was only one other patient in the waiting room, an old lady who had been in the café a few times in the past. Anna offered her a warm smile as she sat down opposite her after being checked in. Beside her was a stack of leaflets on the table, and she idly picked one up and started flipping through. She quickly realised that it was about pregnancy, and she shoved it back onto the pile hastily. A blush covered her cheeks as she realised that the lady had seen what she’d been leafing through.
Anna didn’t know why she was so desperate to keep the information a secret. In a few months, there’d be no hiding it, after all. Yet something inside herself wanted to keep it hidden. Maybe she was pretending that it wouldn’t be real if no one else knew.
“Mrs. Westergaard?” Anna was snapped from her reverie by a pleasant voice calling her name.
“Yeah, that’s me. Hi.” She fumbled with her belongings slightly, jumping to her feet clumsily so as not to keep the doctor waiting.
“Right this way, Mrs. Westergaard.” Dr. Bjorgman held open the door for her, and she scurried through, stepping aside so he could lead her to an examination room. Once in the room, he gestured for Anna to take a seat, and sat down opposite her at the computer. She set down her bag and the cake tin at her feet. “So then, Mrs. Westergaard, congratulations on your pregnancy!”
“Oh, just ‘Anna’ is fine,” she hastily interjected. “But thank you.”
“Alright, Anna.” The way he said her name made her cheeks feel warm. “So in this first appointment, I’m just going to ask you a few questions about your lifestyle, health, that sort of thing. And then we’ll take your blood pressure, a couple of blood samples and I’ll need your height and weight. Oh, and I’m afraid you’ll have to pee in the dreaded cup before you leave.” He flashed her a friendly smile, which she returned warmly. She liked this doctor; he had kind eyes, and something about the way he spoke to her made her feel safe.
Most of the questions were very simple. Had she ever been pregnant before? – No. Was she a drinker or a smoker? – Never smoked, rarely drank, but she was a total lightweight when she did. Were there any health issues in herself or her family? – None that she knew of. Where did she live, and was it in good condition? – Literally up the road, and she took pride in using her weekends off for a bit of DIY to maintain the place.
“This feels like a weird job interview,” Anna blurted out after a couple more questions.
Dr. Bjorgman chuckled, and she smiled at the sound. “If it makes you feel more comfortable, I’d hire you! Now, I’m presuming that the father is Mr. Westergaard?”
Anna’s smile dropped at the mention of her husband. “Yes, that’s right.”
“Any health conditions?” Anna hesititated, and realised that the doctor had noticed when he pressed her gently for an answer. “Physical or mental?”
“H- he, um, drinks a lot… I think he might be an alcoholic.”
The doctor nodded, typing something up on the computer. He’d made a note of all of her answers, but this time he was writing for much longer. “Is he receiving any treatment for that? Talk therapy, Alcoholics Anonymous, that sort of thing?”
“Alright.” More typing ensued. When he’d finished, he started rummaging through a drawer in the desk, before pulling out a leaflet. “This is some information on alcohol addiction. Just pass it on to your husband if you can. There is no shame in having an addiction; lots of wonderful people can suffer from it. But there are options to get help for it if you know where to ask.” Anna took the leaflet without a word. She knew that he could sense her discomfort, and she was grateful when he smoothly moved on. “I just need to check your blood pressure, so if you could just roll up your sleeve for me.”
Anna stood to slip off her coat and begin uncuffing the sleeve of her dress. When she had it rolled up over her shoulder, she sat back down, turning to offer the doctor her arm. As he slid the blood pressure cuff onto her, he hesitated.
“You’ve got quite a bruise there, Anna.”
“What?” She looked down to see a purple blotch just below her shoulder. It was where Hans had grabbed her the night before when he escorted her from the café. “Oh, look at that. Must have bumped it on a shelf or something. Clumsy me.”
He continued to slide the blood pressure cuff up her arm, before setting it to fill with air. When it was done, he jotted down the result and removed it carefully.
“Anna,” he said seriously. “My job is to work towards the best interests of my patients. And, with that in mind, for the sake of you and your baby, I have to ask you this: did your husband cause the bruise on your arm?”
“I think he just held on a bit too tight,” Anna confessed, her eyes brimming with tears. “I know it wasn’t deliberate.” The tears spilled over and rolled down her cheeks.
Dr Bjorgman handed her a tissue, and stroked a soothing hand over her arm. As she dabbed at her eyes, he went on, “And does he often take hold of you?”
Anna thought of all the times her husband had laid his hands on her. He’d grab at her arms or her waist to pull her out of places he wasn’t happy with her being in. He’d pin her against a wall, or the sofa, or their bed, and mark her with his mouth, whispering the sick truth: “You’re mine.” Sometimes, when he was angry drunk, if she dared to speak back to him, he’d slap her across the face, leaving a stinging sensation for hours afterwards. Occasionally he threw stuff at her – a plate here, beer bottle there – and she wasn’t always quick enough to dodge. Once, one awful night a couple of years before, he’d grabbed her by the neck and pressed his thumbs into her throat. When she’d looked into his eyes, dark from rage and alcohol, she was convinced that he would kill her.
In a dark, hideous place in her mind, she realised what would happen if this conversation continued. Hans would find out that she’d said something, and he would take her somewhere quiet, grasp her by the neck once more, and choke the life out of her. She was sure of it.
“No,” she lied. “No, he doesn’t. He just got a little bit angry the other night, that’s all.”
“Alright.” He scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to her. “That’s my personal number. This is a safe space, and I promise that I am someone you can trust. If you ever feel unsafe, I don’t care what time it is, you can give me a call.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” She meant it.
“I’m afraid I have to take a couple of blood samples from you, if that’s alright?” Anna nodded her consent, and he quickly prepared a couple of syringes for it. In an effort to distract her as he sanitised her skin, he asked. “So, tell me a little bit about yourself, Anna. Where do you work?”
“Oh, I work at The Snøffnug Café, near the market square? We serve the best cup of coffee this side of the north mountain!” She was grateful to be off the previous topic. “You should come by sometime! Y’know, er, for a cup of coffee.”
Dr Bjorgman swiftly removed one vial of blood from her, and readied to take another. “And do you have any hobbies?”
“No- oh! Baking, I guess? I bake pies. My mother taught me.”
“Got any special recipes?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “When I was really little, I went through a mermaid phase-”
“-Don’t we all,” he quipped, making her giggle.
“And I made my mother come up with a recipe that we called ‘Mermaid Marshmallow Pie’. It’s got like a cheesecake-style crust, whipped marshmallow, and coconut cream.”
He let out a joking groan, and Anna tried to suppress the (highly inappropriate) thoughts that sprang to mind at the sound of it. “Sounds amazing. But if these bloods come back with high sugars, I’ll know why.”
She saw that he’d filled three vials of her blood, and was now pressing a cotton pad to where he’d drawn it from. “Wow, I barely even felt that,” she remarked as he carefully applied a plaster over the wound.
“What can I say? I’ve got magic hands.” He seemed to mull over his words for a second, before letting out an awkward cough. Anna noticed that his cheeks were flushed, and it made her blush too. (Was she sympathy blushing now?)
As the appointment wrapped up, Anna put her coat back on, and picked up her bag. “Oh!” she cried, scooping up the cake tin and placing it on the desk. “I made this for you. Um, the receptionist on the phone said that you’d just transferred, so, um, it’s a… ‘Welcome to Småby Bend’ pie.”
The expression on his face was unreadable, but Anna thought it may have been mostly surprise. “That’s very generous of you. No one’s- I mean- Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Dr Bjorgman.”
“Kristoff. I’m- just call me Kristoff. Dr Bjorgman makes me feel old.” He seemed nervous, as he scratched the back of his neck, before shooting her a reassuring smile. “Thank you, again. And congratulations, again, on the pregnancy.”
“Thank you for seeing me. And you can just drop the cake tin off at the café when you’re done with it. It was nice meeting you, Kristoff.”
As she left the room, Kristoff opened the lid of the cake tin. The sweet scent of coconut cream escaped it, and he took in the cheesecake-style crust and neat rows of marshmallows on the top, and smiled to himself when he realised that she’d baked him that special recipe she’d talked about earlier.
It was Mermaid Marshmallow Pie.
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