#I am happy bc strangers from hell is one of my favorite dramas BUT that they left out the cannibalism part NOOO
thasorns-moved · 2 years
Turkey made a adaption of Strangers from Hell??!! HELL YES count me in!!
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snarkandsarcasmftw · 4 years
twenty questions
I was tagged by the lovely @adampage @cowboyshit @hungmanhorsecarriage @hotyeehawman on my writing blog snarkwriteswrasslin and @wardl0w - my bb. So, now that my laptop is FINALLY fixed, I’m just gonna do this real quick. My tags will be at the bottom but it’s no pressure to do this, okay?
what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Ashley. A few people on here call me Snark and I don’t mind it, honestly. So, Ashley or Snark, whatever works for you.
when is your birthday?
November 2. I’m a whole year older now. And not the least bit wiser.
where do you live?
North Dakota
three things you are doing right now?
Listening to Spotify, answering this and setting up my computer / whining about it via text to J.
four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
Sons of Anarchy, wrestling, The Walking Dead, Supernatural and Stranger Things. There’s way more than four, jsyk.
how has the pandemic been treating you?
I mean... It could’ve been worse, but it could be so much fucking better too. My dad got Covid not too long ago, yeah, that scared the fuck out of me. I’m always worried that family or friends will get it. It’s made my anxiety grow in leaps and bounds, but beyond that, we’ve (my husband and I) been lucky in that it hasn’t been a huge strain on us financially *knocks on wood profusely bc luck.*
a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Under The Graveyard- Ozzy Osbourne
recommend a movie.
Uhhh... Shit... Lemme think. Oh!! Sweet Home Alabama. It’s not my usual type movie, but it is one of my guilty pleasure ones. Twister though... That’s my alltime fave guilty pleasure movie, so either of those.
how old are you?
36. I’m an old lady.
school, university, occupation, other?
previously worked as a server, a few other similar jobs. Currently am not working but when this Rona shit eases up more, I’m gonna start looking for office type work again...
do you prefer heat or cold?
Neither. I want it kind of in the middle. Otherwise, I get to be a whiny little bitch about it. I can’t stand being too hot or too cold.
name one fact others may not know about you.
I was born with a condition called congenital hypothyroidism. Honestly, it’s not a big deal other than the chance that I may well not be able to ever have children bc it’s known to cause fertility issues...
are you shy?
Sober, yes. Drunk? Nooooo fuckin way bud. Online? Hell to the nah. I’ll pretty much talk to anyone online or when I’m drunk (unless you’re being obnoxious or a shithead or you’re a goddamn porn bot on here / you send me dick pics bc ew gross) but when I’m sober and IRL, not online? I do not speak a whole lot. And it’s not so much being shy as it is just preferring not to talk much IRL? Like.. I can just chill with someone in the room and be perfectly content.
preferred pronouns?
biggest pet peeves?
uhhh, fuck.. silverware scraping teeth when people eat, even though I used to do that myself... Smacking when someone chews... People who pretend to like someone and then either ghost them or go behind their back and tell a whole other story. Just be real with me and don’t smack your damn food and we’re good. (JK on the smacking. I can at least kinda tolerate that. But be real with me. If you don’t like me or whatever, be up front. No need to ghost or be a backstabbing person.)
what is your favorite “dere” type?
Urmm? Idk? Is this like an animal or something?
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
about an 8. I’m pretty damn happy with my life, tbh? But there are definitely things I wanna work on and improve. ( weight, health and finding work eventually)
what’s your main blog?
This one
list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
@snarkwriteswrasslin is my wrestling fic blog. @snarkwritesmultifandom is my multifandom fic blog. @ashleysinspirationhoard is a side blog where I store writing memes / prompts and pictures and stuff for inspiration purposes when I write and roleplay and my rp blog is just saved but hasn’t been set up bc I keep talking myself out of getting back to rp on here... 
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Sometimes, I zone out. Sometimes I just don’t come online. A lot of socialization has recently started to exhaust me and when I come on and see a ton of fighting and drama on the dash, I’m liable to yeet myself away. I take constant breaks from social media, but... If you’re my friend, I will definitely try my best to talk to you when I’m online. I try not to annoy people, but I feel like I constantly do, so if I ever just stop talking and you see me posting on the dash, I’m probably just giving you space because I feel like I’ve been annoying or something. Anxiety is a bitch. For the most part I can keep a conversation going, but sometimes I’m just drained. Or I get busy. Please never take it personal if I’m on here but I’m not talking to you or anything. Sometimes I just come on to reblog sexy men and drool for hours.
But I promise you guys, I love you all. And I am a friendly person. I am always open to talk, no matter who or about what. If you want to get to know me, please don’t stop yourself because I promise you, I’m a harmless idiot. With major anxiety.
Tagging: Again, no pressure if any of you don’t wanna do this.
@the-ville-idiot @schizoauthoress @rampagewriting @champemoskellyboi @champbucks @chasingeverybreakingwave @andie01 and anyone else who wants to do this.
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arcade-emporia · 4 years
bubie :)
hi sunny :))
I get to talk about Bubby!!! Hell yeah
Why I like him: dude’s cool and fun and goofy!! I didn’t think I’d like him when I first started watching HLVRAI bc I hadn’t really looked too deep into his character but over time he just grew on me ,, I think it was mostly the way he delivers his lines it’s so fucking funny and I found myself rewinding constantly to catch jokes I missed
Why I don’t: sometimes he can detract from the vibe of certain scenes sometimes but honestly that’s half the fun of his character tbh,, he sees Gordon having a dramatic beat and just waltzes right up to him and complains about wasting time and wanting to go home. Iconic.
Favorite scene: THE BETRAYAL!!! It’s super tense but the “i didn’t tell them to do that” is so genuine that I laugh every time. He’s just like,,, “oh. alright. kinda fucked up, but what can ya do.”
Favorite season: he has so many good moments in act 1
Favorite line: “yeah, ya fucked up, Gordon, what the hell?” (THE DELIVERY KILLS ME)
Favorite outfit: the man has One (1) outfit in canon but whenever someone draws him wearing either weird ass mismatched clothes or his Old Man Sweater it makes me smile :)
OTP: I don’t engage much w shipping but i love cheering on other people’s ships!!! absolute kings out here writing a happy ending for this grumpy old man and I am Here For It
BrOTP: Him and literally any science team member is EXCELLENT but Coomer’s the obvious pick (also boomer is. the best possible name for them it’s so funny and so fitting)
Head canon: I’m really proud of that one bit I wrote about his room in the RV AU and some of the ideas from that have wormed their way into my canon interpretation too shgshdhd,,,, anyway I feel like under everything Bubby’s greatest aspiration is to be a regular human being. He grew up in a lab surrounded by faces and prying eyes and voices that spoke about him as if he couldn’t hear. He has a lot of weird abilities due to the Tube(tm) but he hides them because he resents what they represent. They’re a monument to everything different about him, living proof that he’s not like normal people way deep down. That’s why he doesn’t use his pyrokinesis openly (I like to think he only does it when there are other explanations), and why he gravitates towards Coomer so quickly. Coomer is odd and eccentric and very clearly inhuman in some respect and yet no one in the group ever thought to second-guess his humanity. Coomer isn’t ashamed of himself, and as they grow closer he helps him overcome the shame associated with his stranger traits and maybe learn to feel proud of them at times. Bubby always wanted to be normal, but it wasn’t until he met the Science Team that he realized that “normal” was a thing you established for yourself, something that changed and grew as you did. He’s already normal to them. They’re all normal to him. And that can be enough.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t like when people give him a flat “I’m going to be a bitter asshole and not listen to reason to create drama” plots in fic :( like sure he is very good at causing problems but there can be so much more to it ,,, give his antics TEETH make em representative of a deeper character
A wish: I hope they focus more on his character and backstory in future installments!! I wonder what he’ll act like now that the science team knows he’s from a tube and also met the prototypes
PLEASE don’t happen: pls don’t make him betray the team again let him have his stupid crime family
5 words to describe them: Fire-slinging, sharp-tonged scientist!
Nickname: bubs:) also in my brain his name has a happy face after it always and it’s 100% because of Sunny
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ofhoneyblood · 4 years
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pronouns: HE , HIM , HIS
species: HUMAN
soundscapes: HERE
aesthetic: HERE
yo yo you yo , it’s lydia ( yes , that’s my real name ) here with my noble beast bryce winslow ! i have had bryce as a muse longer than any other and it’s been literal years since i’ve written him so i’m extremely excited. this is the first time he will be milo though and i’m super hype to get things going ! i have headcanon after headcanon for him , so hit me up if you want to do something bc i am ready to do some shit !! again , i’m lydia ( or nary , nettle , snottie , etc. ) and i love a good name change , twenty five years old , pansexual demigirl ( she / her & / or they / them ) residing in the central timezone.
this is THIRTY-EIGHT year old BRYCE WINSLOW , the OWNER OF & BOUNCER AT RED HOT PUSSY LIQUORS BURLESQUE AND BOOZE who uses HE / HIM pronouns. he grew up in DUBLIN , IRELAND but came to pleasance in JULY 2006 ON HAPPENSTANCE AND TO RUN AWAY FROM HIS PAST and now enjoys spending his time at FOR KEEPS AND RED HOT PUSSY LIQUORS. BRYCE is written by LYDIA.
element: air ruling planet: uranus — planet of originality body part: ankles good day: communicative , original , open-minded , fair , logical , inviting , tolerant , funny bad day: guarded , detached , self-destructive , out-of-touch , irrational , desperate , lonely favorite things: dancing , teaching , team sports , anything with a cause or mission , independent films , working out , baths , animals , preserving plant life / flowers , reading least favorite things: injustice , drama queens , feeling isolated , owing money or favors , having to choose just one thing , personal questions , gossip , cigarette smoke secret wish: to experience total freedom how to spot him: a cute smile lighting up a tired face , quirky movements , tired eyes , long legs , big hands , flannel , old beat up truck where you’ll find him: backpacking or hiking , protesting , coaching a team , revolutionizing the industry he works in , the gym , red hot pussy liquors , alone at home , working on a project , taking a walk by northwood lake keywords: friendliness , eccentricity , teamwork , humanitarianism , technology , groups , avant-garde
first thing to know about bryce winslow is that he’s a free-spirit that prizes individuality and plays well on a team. he has been known to do things his own way , moving on a path different from everyone else’s. some call him eccentric , others appreciate his cutting-edge originality and authentic style.
one of the many ways that the irishman is a paradox ? he’s highly individualistic , but also an amazing team player. he might look like the fresh-faced guy next door on the outside , but inside he marches to his own beat. naturally popular , as he’s vibrantly social and loves to be among people , telling jokes and introducing thought-provoking conversation topics.
people truly do make his world go round , and he can become friends with the most random strangers. can be a bit of an alien — a little “ out there ” in his approach to different things. not that he cares about offending anyone ! loves a good casual connection , bryce can disengage as quickly as he connects. in fact , platonic pals sometimes get better treatment than romantic partners. 
while he can be a bit unsentimental on a one-on-one level , he can be moved to tears by the plight of animals , the environment or other social justice issues. yes , this big irishman is a bohemian at heart in some ways , but he also gets the job done. as a tenacious aquarius , he can be quite hardworking when he devotes himself to a goal. 
a competitive ( and lesser-known ) type a streak can emerge when he really wants something. nothing turns him on like progress , especially in the name of his grander ideals ! playing hard to get REALLY works on him lol
philanthropic and objective , bryce is in a lot of ways innovative and avant-garde. from experimental electronic music to community-oriented living , there’s nothing that this man hasn’t or won’t explore. as someone who loves being a part of a good group or team , bringing people together is also one of his specialties. 
intense bryce energy is cutting-edge , “ out there ” and even a little strange at times. a total nerd for all things futuristic , science fiction and wacky inventions. no topic is too cutting-edge with this irishman: extraterrestrials , stem cells , cloning , robots taking over the earth…yup , bryce will go there. 
while he likes to influence rebellion and detaching from reality ( c’mon bryce , back to earth ! ) , he likes to help others see possibilities they wouldn’t otherwise. the essence of his true energy is: community-oriented , original , open-minded , fair , logical , humanitarian , connecting , and inviting. 
the negative expression of bryce’s energy can be: guarded , detached , destructive , out-of-touch , irrational , and desperate.  reluctant to express emotions — the irishman prefers rational reasoning and cool-headed logic to the messy tapestry of the human feelings. 
one of his favorite authors is ayn rand , founder of the objectivist movement , and that’s pretty much all you need to know. objectivism has been a major influence on the libertarian movement , which has a real bryce flavor. it’s an organized system that also preserves individual freedom and limits government intervention. it’s very “ fringe ” and mainstream all at once , a fascinating paradox and something that really intrigues him.
playful gusts and a social butterfly whirlwind combines into a gale force of humanitarianism for all. bryce is a visionary , dreaming up quirky utopias and alternative realities that can shake up the status quo.  emotional detachment , unpredictable energy and rebellion are major factors in the irishman’s personality. not going to lie , he can be “ type a “ and totally quirky all at the same time ??
a stabilizer — the one who sets up a solid goal or foundation then starts building. bryce can take the enthusiastic idea that someone else sparks and craft it into something real. he picks up the ball when another passes it , running the distance to the goal. 
the trustworthy type who likes “ to-do ” lists and fancy titles. if a friend says , “ let’s go on vacation ! ” he’s already calling the travel agency , booking the tickets and hotel , and sending everyone a list of what to pack.
true believer in friendship and teamwork , so bryce tends to be more focused on a group than an individual. freedom is important to him , which is why he likes to keep things light on an interpersonal level. that way , he won’t feel bad about running off to the opposite corner of the world at a moment’s notice. 
at times , this nomadic strategy backfires , leaving him lonely and disconnected. in truth , the irishman is uncomfortable with too much intimacy. this free spirit belongs to the world and feels off-balance giving his considerable energy to just one person. 
while bryce’s friends get first-class treatment , family and lovers see a different side of him: moody , brooding , anxious and neurotic. he may pick one ( and only one ) person to open up to , getting attached to the point of obsession. 
learning to accept and express his emotions would help him avoid the massive freak outs and anger flashes that come from pretending everything’s cool when it isn’t. bryce appreciates a quirky or eccentric twist , enjoying colorful characters and people with counter cultural personalities.
bryce atlas winslow was born into a very straight lace , play by the rules , catholic family.  his father , matteo winslow , was an italian military man and his mother , deirdre winslow , was a cold irish homemaker. matteo was every bit the ‘ man of the family ’  and bryce grew up only answering to his father. deirdre would only every answer a question with ‘ ask yer da ’ or  ‘ dija’ ask yer da ? ’
she was a mostly spineless , god fearing woman that was afraid of her own shadow and that’s what made her such a good puppet for matteo. bryce’s father was a stern , angry man that only grew angrier when drunk , no one dared put even a single toe out of line with him around. 
( TW: implied child abuse ) with bryce being the first born and only son he was expected to be perfect , from a very young age he felt the pressures of that. it was like walking on eggshells , always afraid of making a mistake or displeasing his father. he did not have the fun , happy-go-lucky innocence a child should expect of their early years ; instead for bryce winslow there was not much more than discipline , hard work , and punishment.
for the most part , bryce succeeded at being the perfect son his father expected him to be — a robot more than an actual living boy. nothing more than a machine , a machine being bred for war. 
it wasn’t until the beginning of his secondary school , when puberty and hormones began blossoming , that things became precarious. voice cracks , uneven patches of hair…. oh , and a sudden sexual desire for the same sex. 
( TW: suicide ment. ) now , the winslows were catholic - extremely devout catholics - and bryce grew very self-loathing and afraid in this confusing time. he contemplated suicide , all because ‘ homosexuality was wrong ‘ and ‘ you go straight to hell ‘ if you engage in anything associated with it. it didn’t matter how good of a son you were , because ‘ man shall not lie with man. ‘  he kept it hidden for years , he also managed not to act on it until well into the last year of secondary school. 
despite bryce’s fears and shame , when he was sixteen he fell in love for the first time. first loves can be explosive , dangerous even and this one was nothing short of just that. the boy kept his forbidden love a secret from everyone , his family and father above all others.
all good things must come to an end though or so they say , for the boys it came far sooner than later. matteo , bryce’s father , happened upon a note from the boy bryce was seeing , cian , and in said note was all sorts of information including a meeting spot. as you can imagine , matteo flew from the house in a drunken rage in search of his “ sinner “ of a son only to catch him red-handed. 
( TW: assault , child abuse ) bryce managed to save cian from his father’s wrath , taking the brunt of the attack. cian watched as bryce was beaten , begging and screaming for the man to stop , that he was killing him. the drunken bigot was turning on the younger boy when bryce told him to leave and never come back , so that is what he did. 
( TW: implied abuse ) to this day , he has never laid eyes on his young lover and that was probably for the best. after his father had tired himself out and satisfied his rage , he left his son there in the dirt and the beaten boy didn’t bother moving. 
( TW: suicidal thoughts , conversion therapy ment. ) will to live depleted , too tired to go on , pain too much to endure — he just slept there until the next morning. he was awoken with a kick of dirt in the face , his father telling him that he was being sent to a ‘’ special ’’ facility where they would get rid of his ‘’ ailment. ’’ 
( TW: conversion therapy / facility ) time melded in the facility , but he estimated nearly a year of his life was wasted away in there. resistant and defiant for most of his time there , it wasn’t until his father visited him , the one and only time . that things changed. 
( TW: suicide ment. , homophobia ) his father brought news that his mother had killed herself but this was a vicious lie , a last ditch effort to get bryce to change his ways and boy , did it work ! hardly a month later , the young man was discharged from the facility only to find his mother was indeed very much alive.
matteo up and moved his entire family to england after bryce got out of the facility. his father gave him nonsense about wanting to get away from the bad memories , starting over new , and ‘ lead not into temptation ‘ by sending him back to school with ‘ sinners ’ and ‘ sodomites. ‘ 
so , bryce finished out the remainder of his schooling in england and went straight into the forces as per his father’s wishes. sadly for him , he would never become what he so longed to be. he had just finished boot camp and life had just started to seem somewhat normal - if you can call anything the winslow’s had normal - when he lost it all.
( TW: eye injury ) the young man was honorably discharged after an accident that left him legally blind in one eye , when he returned home after his short stent in the defense forces there was no longer a place in the family for him. his father quite literally disowned him all for something he had no control over , a mere accident , but there was nothing more disappointing to matteo than a son that was ‘ kicked out ‘ of the forces.
( TW: gang ment. , human trafficking ) fast forward a year , bryce had found himself in a gang. this part of his background is the most unresolved seeing as it’s not part of his original backstory. long story short , he was involved with the gang until he was twenty three but it all became too much for him after his boss tried to involve him in human trafficking. 
( TW: gang ment. , suicide , death ) when you join a gang you don’t usually do it thinking someday you might one day retire or quit said gang , but then as you get older you realize you’re not as tough as you thought. bryce was twenty-three when his mother finally really did ‘ commit suicide ‘ , the first time his father spoke to him since he returned home from the forces was only to blame him for her death. 
( TW: death ment. , implied murder ) honestly , it was just the straw that broke the camels back. bryce wasn’t allowed at the funeral or anywhere near it , he’s almost certain his mother’s death wasn’t by her own hand or an accident but he’ll never truly know. after he was certain she was in the ground , bryce fled to america in the hopes of outrunning the gang and getting lost in the melting pot. 
once in the land of opportunity , he got his hands on the cheapest ride he could find first and just started driving. it was well after his twenty-fourth birthday , right smack in the middle of a hot ass summer in ‘06 ,  that he found himself in pleasance of all places. he never had any intention at all to grow roots there , it simply happened.  
other than that , the man busies himself with drying and preserving flowers , taking baths , working out , and playing with his dog.  he parades around like this big , tough hard ass when in reality he’s quite the domestic goofball type.
has a dog ,  it’s a beagle named shiloh literally 
a big hobby of his is preserving flowers in his spare time , he keeps a small book of pressed flowers and plant life on him a lot of the time in the chance he comes across something he wants to preserve
can play guitar and doesn’t have a bad singing voice either
legally blind in one eye , but doesn’t wear his glasses often
has a younger sister that he does keep in contact with , but not very well ( WC ? )
a guilty pleasure of his is taking baths ; he enjoys adding bath salts , flowers , and other so-called ‘ feminine ‘ products like bath bombs , etc. to them and honestly takes one nearly every day
he was born and raised mostly in dublin , ireland and has a thick accent that only gets thicker when intoxicated or angry. he does use a lot of uncommon terminology to american’s ( yes , i own the feckin’ book of everything irish. . . it’s that serious ) but i’ll lyk in the tags what it means unless i forget
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waterlilyvioletfog · 5 years
Top 3 Supernatural Episodes Per Season
Warning: Spoilers below the cut. I am SUPER biased. Take everything I say with a HEALTHY grain of salt. 
Season 1: omg they look like INFANTS
1. “Home” 1x09. This episode is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AND it’s super important to the mytharch AND we get Winchester family drama. One of those early instances of “Wow we need to give Jensen Ackles an emmy like yesterday”. Mary turns up and foreshadows like??? so much??
2. “Scarecrow” 1x11. Super creepy, major “The Lottery” vibes, fuck I just. I love it. 
3. “Hell House” 1x17. Close call between this one and “Something Wicked” but in the end, Harry and Ed and all the hilarity that ensues just. *chef’s kiss* 
Honorable Mentions: “Something Wicked”
Season 2:  ugh so many good episodes season 2 is SO good
1. “The Usual Suspects” 2x07. SAM GETS TO BE SO SNARKY IN THIS EPISODE AND I LOOOOVE IT. Also Diana is a bamf. 
2. “Croatoan” 1x09. UGH YASSSSSSS. Close call between this and “In My Time Of Dying”, though
3. “What is And What Should Never Be” 2x20. Look man, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m cheap as all get out. Dean angst? Gimme gimme. Also it has WYNONNA EARP IN IT.  
Honorable Mentions: “In My Time of Dying”, “Nightshifter” 
Season 3:  half of these episodes suck, the other half are perfect heeeelllppp
1. “Bad Day At Black Rock” 3x03. This episode it just hilarious from start to finish. Also, Bela vs. Dean. 
2. “Mystery Spot” 3x11. A double whammy of HILARIOUS and OH FUCK THIS IS DEPRESSING. 
3. “Jus In Bello” 3x12. It was real hard to decide between this and Ghostfacers but ultimately, Nancy Fitzgerald (aka Ella Lopez) and Victor Henrikson are the actual best and deserve all the love ever.  
Honorable Mentions: “Ghostfacers”, “The Kids Are Alright” 
Season 4: Somehow there is only one episode that is not stunningly amazing?? 
1: “On the Head of A Pin” 4x16. Cas becomes a main character and it is AMAZING and oh my god give Jensen ALL the emmys oh and ALSO we finally learn exactly what Sam and Ruby’s “extracurricular activities” entail. Feels like a movie. We get the reveal that the angels are working to break the seals. Anna is also amazing. Why is this episode so beautiful. I’m fucking crying and so is Dean. I could gush for hours. 
2. “It’s a Terrible Life” 4x17. This episode is just a fucking delight. (Am I giving it such a high score on the basis of The Kink’s “Well Respected Man” alone? Maybe. Honestly I SHOULD be putting Rapture here but oh well. I’m biased.) 
3. “Monster Movie” 4x05. It was hard to decide between this “In the Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “The Rapture” and “Lucifer Rising” (which all deserve all the praise ever) but ugh ugh ugh this episode is ALSO perfect AND I love it a bajillion. It’s in black and white and the guest actress is SO pretty and also I think I’ve already gone into detail about how the MoTW is a Lucifer Parallel. Also Dean says he’s been rehymenated so TRANS!DEAN RIGHTS! 
Honorable Mentions: “In The Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “Lucifer Rising” “The Rapture” 
Season 5: You want to be sad? You also want to watch really good TV? SEASON FIVE IS WHERE IT’S AT! 
1. “Two Minutes To Midnight” 5x21. I know, I know. I should be putting “Swan Song” here but look,, I am easily bought with the promise of Julian Richings as Death. 
2. “Free To Be You And Me” 5x03. Funny Destiel buddy cop film, Sam gets to be filtered through the eyes of an audience-stand-in in universe, also contains Castiel’s ICONIC line “but today you’re MY little bitch”. 
3. “Dark Side of The Moon” 5x16. Narrowly beats out “My Bloody Valentine”, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”, and “The Song Remains The Same”. I am trash for any pieces of Sam and Dean’s childhoods and also this episode gives me SO MUCH material for beating up John with a baseball bat. 
Honorable Mentions: “Swan Song” “My Bloody Valentine” “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” “The Song Remains The Same” “The End” 
Season 6: We Don’t Talk About Season Six. 
1. “The Man Who Would Be King” 6x20. Cas. Destiel. Ow. 
2. “Mommy Dearest” 6x19. Eve! Sam Smith! idk, I just really like it.
3. “Appointment In Samarra” 6x11. As I said, I am easily bought with Julian Richings. Tessa the Reaper!!! Sam stop trying to murder your father. 
Honorable Mentions: “You Can’t Handle The Truth” “My Heart Will Go On” “Weekend At Bobby’s”
Season 7:  Terrible reputation given the fact that it has SO many great episodes. Sera Gamble? You’re mean. 
1. “Slash Fiction” 7x06. Why is this episode so hilarious???? Robbie Thompson starting out with a BANG!
2. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” 7x14. In the total goop of “thick. black. ooze.” of this season, 7x14 is a light in the darkness. Every inkling of joy, of spark, of color, of childishness, all of it, poured out into this one episode, wherein Sam totally loses his cool and I love it. Sam looks so pretty at the end. Dean is simultaneously an actual child and an actual Dad and I love it. 
3. “Out With The Old” 7x16. I love me some levis, man, don’t know what to tell you. It’s just so fun!!
Honorable Mentions: All of Robbie’s episodes, “Hello, Cruel World” “Repo Man” “Reading Is Fundamental” “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters” 
(The ONLY reason I’m not including TBAI is bc @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs is slowly converting me to hating Megstiel enough to not watch Destiel episodes) 
Season 8: That one season where we admitted that Crowley’s a DICK. 
1. “Hunteri Heroici” 8x08. CAAAAS!!! Also the only episode where anyone watching actually gives a shit about the Sam x Amelia flashbacks. 
2. “LARP And The Real Girl” 8x11. Super fun! CHARLIE RETURNS. Dean is a FUCKING NERD. Sam gets flirted with :) Real close tie between this one and Pac-Man Fever
3. “The Great Escapist” 8x20. Edlund really gave it his all for this last episode. Cas kicks SO much ass. Sam needs to be protected at ALL costs. Kevin ALSO kicks SO much ass. The actor who plays Sweet Pea on Riverdale is here??? Wow.  
Honorable Mentions: “Pac-Man Fever” “As Time Goes By” “Everyone Hates Hitler” “Trial And Error” 
(See note on The Born-Again Identity for why Goodbye Stranger is not on this list. Again, blame @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs )
Season 9: Sam is mad at Dean for not letting him go
1. “First Born” 9x11. No, I will not elaborate. Tim Omundson speaks for himself. There is nothing wrong with this entire episode and if you try to tell me there is I can and will gut you like a fish. 
2. “Heaven Can’t Wait” 9x06. DESTIELLLLLLLLLLLL. 
3. “Do You Believe In Miracles?” 9x23. Wow it’s the first Season Finale to make it to my top 3!! Metatron gets what’s coming, DEAN BECOMES A FUCKING DEMON. 
Honorable Mentions: “Bad Boys” “Mother’s Little Helper” “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” “Meta Fiction”
Season 10:  Dean is mad at Sam for not letting him go
1. “The Executioner’s Song” 10x14. See my comments on “First Born”. 
3. “The Werther Project” 10x18. SAMWITCH RISE!!!!!!!!!!! 
Honorable Mentions: “Hibbing 911″ “The Prisoner” “The Things We Left Behind” 
Season 11: Ahh, yes. You. Lucifer. Get fucked. 
1. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” 11x20. *slow clap* Robbie Thompson, you have served your country well. 
2. “Red Meat” 11x17. This is gonna sound strange, but this episode is sorta my comfort food?? I’ve watched it literally so many times. I love it. So much. 
3. “The Chitters” 11x19. Nancy Won wrote three episodes for SPN, all in season 11, they are all stellar. Chitters is GAY. She also wrote “Don’t You Forget About Me” and “Thin Lizzie” I’m putting them here so as not to crowd up the Honorable Mentions.
Honorable Mentions: “The Vessel” “Devil In the Details” “We Happy Few” “Baby” “Form And Void” “Into the Mystic” honestly just watch every non-bucklemming episode they are pretty much all amazing. 
1. “The Future” 12x19. DESTIEL. I would die for Kelly. Fetus!Jack. GOODBYE DAGON!! THE MIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. “Stuck In the Middle (With You)” 12x12. Destiel love confession!!!!!! Drowley!! Mary will fight everyone willingly!! SAM GETS THE ORANGE JACKET
Honorable Mentions: Every. Single. Non-BL. Episode. Watch. Them. Now. 
Season 13: JAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! 
2. “Beat the Devil” 13x21. DICK JOKES GALORE. Also, we must protect Sam at all costs. Gabena is perfect. Samwitch is also perfect. Sabriel is also good. Lucifer can go fuck himself. 
3. “Breakdown” 13x11. It physically pains me not to put “Funeralia” here but alas, I must not show Steve Yockey too much favoritism. Anyways. DONNA!!! DOUG!! CREEPY!!! SAM’S HEART IS WORTH SO MUCH MONEY!! GIVE SAMMY A HUG!!
Honorable Mentions: “The Scorpion And The Frog” “Funeralia” “The Thing” “The Bad Place” “The Big Empty” “Lost And Found” 
Season 14: 
 1. “Moriah” 14x20. Proof that Supernatural will go down in history as ALMIGHTY. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN.
2. “Peace of Mind” 14x15. I still haven’t recovered. Jared must have had literally all the fun in the world. 
3. “Mint Condition” 14x04. Yay!! Very fun!!! (I wanted to put Optimism here, but again, I can’t show Yockey so much favoritism. It’s not my fault! he’s too good!!) 
Honorable Mentions: “Optimism” “Ouroboros” “Unhuman Nature” “Byzantium” “Damaged Goods”
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i think you're such a cool person can you do as many as you'd like of the get to know you asks? i couldn't choose! i'm just desperate to know you lol
Hi anon! There are a lot of asks and I’m not that cool but I’m sad and bored again so I’ll do as many as I can.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? I don’t think I’ve ever really held hands for real with anyone but I’m pretty sure the last time was about a week ago with one of my best friends bc we were in a place with lots of people and we didn’t want to get lost 2. Are you outgoing or shy? I’m the shyest person I know (actually no, I know a girl who is even shyer than me but I’m pretty close)3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Not to sound cheesy or anything but I really want to see this guy I had something weird going on with not because of any special reason I just want to know where things are going4. Are you easy to get along with? I’d like to say I am but actually it’s really really hard to keep in touch with me and I’m not good at making conversation at all6. What kind of people are you attracted to? First of all, I’m not usually attracted to people at all, I don’t know why and when I am I always ask myself “girl why this one exactly?” and honestly, I don’t know. There are just some persons I feel comfortable with in a specific way and  then attraction grows from there idk I’m really not used to being attracted to anyone9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Extremely10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? A friend of mine when I was really drunk at his house waiting for my parents to pick me up. I don’t really remember what we talked about but it felt very nice.11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? it says “no da miedo hihihi” which translates to “it’s not scary hihihi”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? right now I can’t stop listening to Fiji Water by Owl City (i’m so excited he’s releasing new music!), Your Mother’s Eyes, Rythm and Blues and Take a Walk by The head and the heart and It’s only life by The Shins.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? I like it because it feels so so relaxing but at the same time it makes me anxious because I think that the more people touch it the dirtier and more damaged it gets and as a person who spends a considerable amount of time on my hair, that is not so nice15. What good thing happened this summer? I went to a festival in the town next to mine and I got to see all my friends after a long time and I had such a good time my heart hurts every time I think about it16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yess (idk if it’s bc I really like him or I just want to kiss someone)18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No! Actually I saw him a few months ago after… 6 years and we looked at each other like “are you who I think you are?”. I never really talked to him, he treated me like shit and he’s responsible for many of my insecurities so I believe it’s better this way hah21. What are you bad habits? I don’t sleep, I don’t pay as much attention as I should to my loved ones, I forget to eat and shower and I scratch my face like there’s no tomorrow my friend23. Do you have trust issues? Hell yeah I do. Literally everyone I knew left me when I was like 15 or so which is, you know, a crucial stage of your emotional development and stuff so since then I’ve never got close to anyone because what better strategy than not to be invested enough in a relationship so if it ends you don’t feel so bad about it!25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My ears for sure. They stick out so that’s why I never wear my hair up in public. I thought about getting surgery but I want to stay true to myself and stuff.28. Who are you most comfortable around? I’m not 100% comfortable with anyone but I guess my best friend is a strong candidate.30. Do you ever want to get married? I never think about that because my brain always tells me “first find someone who is actually willing to marry you and then we’ll think about it”31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? It’s long enough for 6 ponytails if you put your mind into it34. Do you play sports? What sports? Sports are bad and I hate them36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? I liked this guy for like 6 years and I literally never spoke a word to him but I think the way I looked at him made it pretty obvious (I guess that’s why he avoided me all the time)37. What do you say during awkward silences? I’m the Queen of awkward silences and I’ve learnt that it’s ok to not say anything. Or I’ll just sigh a lot.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Don’t make me think about shops rn bc I spent the whole afternoon trying to find something to wear to the 5 million Christmas dinners I have and everything was either too expensive, too ugly or just looked terrible on me so yeah I’m pretty mad40. What do you want to do after high school? I wanted to study something arts-related like filmmaking, music or dance, you know, the only things I actually used to enjoy but instead of that I decided to study economics because I hate myself41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? I think this depends on the circumstances but in my opinion and taking into account my own experience I’ll always give a second chance, maybe not immediately but eventually, I will.42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? It means I’m being me haha43. Do you smile at strangers? I try to but it’s scary45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? I have no reason to get out of bed in the morning besides the fact that if I stop doing the things I should do I’ll never be able to catch up and everyone will go on with their lives while I stay the same and become mediocre and that’s just inconceivable to me. So basically I don’t live for myself but for the expectations people have of me.48. Have you ever been drunk? Yes and I wish I was rn honestly49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Yes and since I don’t want to tell anyone I won’t say what it is52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? I wish I wasn’t worried about literally everything because it’s so tiring and it keeps me from thinking about more important stuff64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? About a month ago I was at this party and everyone was telling me one of my friends I had been talking to for a while wanted to hook up with me and I kinda wanted to too but I’m too shy and anxious to make any moves so I got drunk, and  after avoiding him like 6546 times (bc I was really worried I would look stupid not bc I didn’t want to) I finally kissed him in front of an entire crowd of strangers and all my friends found out about it right afterwards so it was like a public event and I felt really exposed so yeah it wan’t ideal~ but also not the worst (I cringed so much while writing this, it was so awkward my god)69. Are you watching tv right now? Not right now but I’m about to watch the new episode of Crazy ex-girlfriend 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, one for my head and other by my side to keep me some company (I’m so lonely oh my god)73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? A shar-pei puppy dog I have since I was born (it’s so so cute I love it his name is wrinkles)75. Favourite animal? Cats are not only my favourite animals but one of my favourite things on earth78. Favourite ice cream flavour? since ice cream is my favourite food I can’t really choose one flavour (anything but banana flavour tho)81. Favourite tv show? GoT and Mr Robot I can’t choose but there are so many82. Favourite movie? Billy Elliot86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Bruce the shark, he deserves more recognition94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? I own lots of sweaters because you can never own enough sweaters (until you run out of space in your closet which is what’s happening to me)95. Last movie you watched? Tulip Fever. Not one of my favourites but last night I felt like watching some historic drama and romance shit (love it every once in a while). Alicia Vikander and Dane Dehaan tho98. Do you tan a lot? I used to but since I rarely leave my room during the summer I’ve become The Pale Friend™ 99. Have any pets? Two cats and I used to have fish but they weren’t my thing and I decided that no more fish would die because of me (I really tried but they just didn’t survive idk why)100. How are you feeling? I’m feeling really anxious right now and I can’t sleep. Partly it’s because I’ve got a lot of papers to write and a presentation on Monday and none of them are going especially well tbh, but there’s something else that is making me feel extremely uneasy and bad about myself and idk what it is but I’d like it to stop thank you very much102. Do you regret anything from your past? I regret not being able to enjoy these last 3 or 4 years of my life because they could’ve been some of the best years of my life but I was so full of sadness and hatred I just couldn’t pay attention to anything else108. What should you be doing? sleeping since 1 am but it’s 4 am and here we are115. Do you play the Wii? Who would I be without Just dance and Animal Crossing 116. Are you listening to music right now? yes, Rainbow Veins by Owl City (how unexpected)117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I had that for dinner and it was beautiful118. Do you like Chinese food? The other day I cried tears of happiness because my mom ordered Chinese food for lunch119. Favourite book? Memorias the Idhún120. Are you afraid of the dark? Not so much now but not so long ago I would get what now I can consider almost panic attacks because the dark made me feel so anxious. I’d stay paralysed in my bed, feeling my arms numb and I can swear I heard stuff in my head and I got the feeling that I was literally dying.126. Are you currently bored? A little (these are a lot of questions but I want to finish them now)129. What your zodiac sign? Taurus131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? This is happening right now and I don’t like him that way so I just try to keep everything the same but also I try to keep the distances so he doesn’t misinterpret things (this makes me feel so bad for him sometimes but I’m trying to make him see that not liking him romantically doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy being with him). Let’s hope it works.133. Favourite lyrics right now? “I’ve been down the very road you’re walking now / It doesn’t have to be so dark and lonesome / It takes a while but we can figure this thing out / And turn it back around”  from It’s only life by The Shins.137. How tall are you? 164cm which I think is 5,3 feet138. Curly or Straight hair? My hair is curly af and it’s very inconvenient for… life you know140. Summer or Winter? Summer because of the holidays winter because of the feeling141. Night or Day? Night145. Tea or Coffee? Tea but coffee has been saving my life these past weeks146. Was today a good day? Today was a wasted and disappointing day.150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Con Elodin nunca se sabe —dije—. Si no está loco, es el mejor actor que he conocido jamás” from The Wise Man’s Fear. It translates to something like “’Who can say with Elodin?’ I said. ‘If he isn’t crazy, he’s the best actor I’ve ever met.’”
Congrats if you’ve managed to read all this without unfollowing me  🍃🍃🍃⛄️⛄️⛄️
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xbaepsae · 7 years
92 statements tag
Tagged by my lovely @xtaexhyungx <3
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. 
THE LAST: 1. drink: water, i think lol 2. phone call: my workplace lmao (i really hate talking on the phone) 3. text message: “happy j4 to you too” (it was america day yesterday rip) 4. song you listened to: come back home // bts 5. time you cried: idk i cry all the time because i’m emotional lol
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hell no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: uh... i mean, not really but a guy did fuck me over and it was because of another girl 9. lost someone special: of course 10. been depressed: not medically diagnosed, but yes i have felt extremely depressed about twice in my life 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i ain’t about that wasted life
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. blue, black, and gray  IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yess @ all my gorgeous mutuals on tumblr 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: all the fucking time bro 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes, haters will be haters 19. met someone who changed you: i feel like everyone we meet changes us in some way, even if we don’t recognize the change 20. found out who your friends are: irl, i have like two people i hang out with and talk to regularly... so yes lol 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: lol no; i consider fb pretty private so only family and close friends
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i’m still friends with somepeople from middle school/high school, but since you have that option to “unfollow,” i unfollowed A LOT of people. i only keep up with my family and a handful of people i actually liked from high school 23. do you have any pets: no (i reallllyyyy want a cute little puppy tho) 24. do you want to change your name: i used to not like my name that much when i was growing up. gabrielle is three whole syllables and seemed very extra to me; but as i have gotten older, i actually like my name a lot now (even though most people i know call me gabby lol) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: my birthday’s are never too special tbh; i usually just do a dinner with my fam and then another with friends 26. what time did you wake up: i got up around 10 today, but laid in bed until almost noon lolololoool (god why am i like this?) 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: attempting to finish part three of heartbeat and watching youtube videos 28. name something you can’t wait for: cooler weather tbh (i’m tired of this heat, and i wanna wear sweaters and boots again) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night before i went to bed 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i was more extroverted and “friendly;” i think i’m a pretty nice person, but i wish i could express that freely and not be an awkward bean or have people believe that i’m a bitch because of my rbf lol 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing; sounds can be distracting and i like silence 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i actually have a friend named tom lol 33. something that is getting on your nerves: how rude everyone in bts is being lately; control yourselves pleaseeeeee 34. most visited website: probably youtube (i waste sooo much time watching the randomest videos) 38. hair color: dark brown/black, but it looks really light in the sun 39. long or short hair: it depends really; i’ve had both long and short hair and i loved them both! 40. do you have a crush on someone: honestly, it’s really hard for me to genuinely crush on someone 41. what do you like about yourself: hmm... maybe the fact that i’m not an open book; i’m a mystery that needs to be unraveled 42. piercings: only my basic single ear piercings (tho i really want to get more in the future - blame bts bc they have some amazingggg ear piercings) 43. blood type: i really have no idea, but i want to know so badly! my mom’s an O, but idk what my dad is so i can’t predict via punnet squares 44. nickname: well, gabby is a nickname lol but my friends call me gabbs and my fam calls my apple (idk why) 45. relationship status: single (and not looking) 46. zodiac: libra 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite tv show: i have loved scandal and htgawm (and any show on hgtv or tlc) for yearrsss; but some new faves would be riverdale and dear white people 49. tattoos: i want one in the future! but idk what i would get 50. right or left handed: right handed 51. surgery: i’ve had all my wisdom teeth removed lol 52. piercing: like do i like piercings? um yes. i’ve always wanted to make out with someone who had a lip ring LMAO 53. sport: i’m not sporty at all lol, but i really like reading sport!au’s and watching sport themed movies/shows. i think i just like all the drama behind it haha 55. vacation: yes; anywhere and everywhere 56. pair of trainers: like a pair of nike’s? or a personal trainer?? i mean, i would love to have a personal trainer because i need to hit the gym more
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: i love food 58. drinking: if i go to a restaurant, i usually order water or a coke; but i loveee iced coffee so much 59. i’m about to: finish writing lol 61. waiting for: creativity to surge through my veins 62. want: meet bts and just hug them and tell them that they’re loved and special and appreciated asdfghjjjjjjkl; 63. get married: one day 64. career: i want to be a travel writer, so i can do my two most favorite things: write and see the world
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: eyes are the windows to the soul 67. shorter or taller: i want to be shorter than my significant other (and so i can wear heels, duh) 68. older or younger: older bc my brother is two years younger than me and dating someone younger than me would be like his friends and ew 70. nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS BOI  71. sensitive or loud: hmm... depends 72. hook up or relationship: i am a hopeless romantic (and i think i’d suck at the whole casual sex thing because i become too emotionally invested) 73. troublemaker or hesitant: both of these are on two completely different spectrums, but i think a balance is better
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: i’ve had vodka before and it’s disgusting lol 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: omg yesss so many times! 77. turned someone down: yes and it can honestly get so awkward 78. sex on the first date: i feel like sex is a really intimate thing that i only want to share with someone who really cares about me 79. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so 80. had your heart broken: um, i’ve been hurt before but having my heart broken romantically? no 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: kind of and it ended h o r r i b l y (10/10 would not recommend)
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: most of the time 85. miracles: i mean, i passed some classes that i believed i was going to fail... so yes lol 86. love at first sight: no, personally i don’t. like i mentioned earlier, i can’t develop crushes on people easily... so fall in love with them at first sight? no. i believe love takes time 87. santa claus: no, and it’s a shame we force children into believing he exists 88. kiss on the first date: it doesn’t hurt ;) 89. angels: yes
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: p <3 91. eye color: basic brown 92. favorite movie: freedom writers, dead poet’s society, dead man walking (as you can see i love torturing myself with sad dramas)
Tagging: @boymeetsfiction, @blumiin, @namjoonsbby, @jiminieee95, @dearseok, @boymeetsfiction, @taecup, & @velvethoseok. 
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ephemeralharmony · 8 years
1-150 answer all the damn questions, bitch
Honestly? Thank you
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? Dennis (from drama club)
2. Are you outgoing or shy? generally outgoing, unless spicy boys are involved
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? MY BROTHER TOMORROW
4. Are you easy to get along with? I sure hope so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably, I mean he cried when I was in the hospital which might sound a little extreme, but is still a good indicator
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? just boys idk
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? lol probably not, but I’ll keep you posted
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Sofia Klug bc she dumb thicc
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? NOPE LOL
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Ryan and Riley after rehearsal
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “no"
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? “Waving Through a Window” from Dear Evan Hansen, “Can’t Stay Here” by Matt Doyle, “Happy” by Marina, “Right Here” by Alex Wyse, and “No One Else” from the Great Comet
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? depends on who, in all honesty
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I don’t NOT believe
15. What good thing happened this summer? that’s a very good question
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Y E S
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? of course
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope
19. Do you like bubble baths? I love them
20. Do you like your neighbors? they don’t talk to me
21. What are you bad habits? liking shitty boys and sneepsnopping too often
22. Where would you like to travel? literally anywhere
23. Do you have trust issues? kind of
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? sleep
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? probably my chest? I still have some stomach muscles and the difference in definition is weird to me
26. What do you do when you wake up? 6:10, generally
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? maybe a little darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around? probably you and Emily
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? no lol but one of them told Colin that he would still talk to me
30. Do you ever want to get married? yes 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? nope
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? RYAN STEELE AND MATT DOYLE
33. Spell your name with your chin. RDNXE (yikes)
34. Do you play sports? What sports? lol
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I already live without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yeah
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing, I like to test them
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? A boy who likes me back 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? forever 21 and five below
40. What do you want to do after high school? go to school in Chicago 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did and how they react
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m either pissed off or tired
43. Do you smile at strangers? yes!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Ocean, space scares me a little
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? crushing expectations
46. What are you paranoid about? people liking me
47. Have you ever been high? no
48. Have you ever been drunk? no
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? I wish
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Royal blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else? not in such terms
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? the fact that my legs literally won’t go straight??
53. Favourite makeup brand? idc
54. Favourite store? see #39
55. Favourite blog? @yourmutualfriends
56. Favourite colour? pale blue
57. Favourite food? just pizza
58. Last thing you ate? cheese sticks from Arby’s
59. First thing you ate this morning? a peanut butter biscuit 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? first place for jazz band bois
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope
62. Been arrested? For what? nope
63. Ever been in love? still am, unfortunately
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? well my first ever was for less than a second in the back of a band room, my first with a guy was the second time I ever met him in the back of a skeezy you movie theater lol
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? no, about the same
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your bestfriends? Bee, Emily, Emily
71. Craving something? What? dick tbh
72. What colour are your towels? I use my family’s pink or white ones
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 30?
75. Favourite animal? Yellow labs (:
76. What colour is your underwear? blue and black plaid
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? birthday cake
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? gray
80. What colour pants? green
81. Favourite tv show? glee 
82. Favourite movie? the perfect wedding
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? original 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Gretchen. a truly deep character tbh
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Nemo’s mom. true hero
87. First person you talked to today? my dad
88. Last person you talked to today? Alex
89. Name a person you hate? nick pizzino
90. Name a person you love? go into my tags search and look at #3
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? not actively
92. In a fight with someone? don’t think so 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 4 that I actually like to wear
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? probably 30
95. Last movie you watched? Bye bye man
96. Favourite actress? Octavia spencer
97. Favourite actor? idk I have a bias for cute boys
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no
100. How are you feeling? anticipatory (does that make sense as an answer?)
101. Do you type fast? yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yeah
103. Can you spell well? yeah
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? kind of 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yeah 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? too many /: I’m taking my karma tho trust me
107. Have you ever been on a horse? no
108. What should you be doing? sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? not really
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah :/
111. Do you have trust issues? see #23
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Riley
113. What was your childhood nickname? jimmy neutron /:
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yeah 
115. Do you play the Wii? I wish
116. Are you listening to music right now? no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? no
119. Favourite book? DONT LET ME GO JH TRUMBLE
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Y E S
121. Are you mean? I can be a bitch
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? for a while
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? not 100%
125. Do you believe in true love? I believe in true loves
126. Are you currently bored? not actively
127. What makes you happy? music
128. Would you change your name? maybe to Jake, that’s kind of sexy
129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius
130. Do you like subway? hell yeah bois
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? apologize
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? see #10
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “someday I’ll reach the place where I won’t have to run. there, I won’t be afraid to say that I am done.”
134. Can you count to one million? I don’t have the patience
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I’m straight 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5'4"
138. Curly or Straight hair? mine is just wavy but I like curly
139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette
140. Summer or Winter? summer
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? October
143. Are you a vegetarian? nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? YES
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Happiness can always be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line “Do not take no for an answer.”
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