#I am hella sleepy lol goodnight
ghastlybin · 2 years
Hello, can i make a request? 🥺🥺 what do you think about some zombie / post apocalypse AU with Handong? Idk, maybe reader and her met in some horde killing, they team up and ... Love blossoms 🤣 i leave it to you ☺️
Yoooooo first series, this first part is more of an introduction. I've edited this like four times so if there's any mistakes, disregard. PFFT. Anyways, thank you for requesting! I'm excited for this and as always, check the warnings!!!! Ily and I love Handong :,)
▾Zombie Apocalypse! AU ▾ Series ▾ Angst ▾ Fluff ▾ Reader x Handong are endgame ▾ Some zombies are mutated but that'll show up later ▾ Survival ▾ gun usage▾ Hurt/comfort? ▾ some profanity ▾ FT. The rest of Dreamcatcher ▾ Also featuring a number of other idols that won’t show up until… Later chapters. ▾ I’ve waited my whole life to write a zombie AU. I fcking love post-apocalyptic stuff, as you will soon find out. ▾ Let’s MF goooooooo ▾ I will add more tags as we go lol▾
Synopsis▾ For weeks after the outbreak of violent outbursts from people infected with a mysterious virus, you were alone and slowly running out of food and places to go. After running from a horde of infected, you meet Handong, the person who saved your life.
-> Part 02
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You were numb to it by now, seeing infected roam the streets. Some ran, most walked, and others started showing signs of mutation.
It’s not like you didn’t care though. It bothered you knowing that the infected you’ve had to run from for months now, were once people living day-to-day just as you were.
The same infection that wiped half— If not most of the population. The ones that survived, are in a constant state of survival mode. The infected weren’t the only ones you needed to outlast.
There was also famine, disease, other humans— The hostiles, and the loneliness you faced being one of the few left alive.
You moved around the city, trying to always stay one step ahead of the infected. You made your way towards a small grocery store that was mostly looted during the first week of the outbreak.
A bell rang out through the store as soon as you opened the door, hoping you were completely alone in the store. And to your luck, you were. Though the quiet made you feel uneasy about your surroundings.
The store proved futile as a source of food, but there were pretty sufficient hiding spots in the event you would need a place to hide. You were low on food, though, and you weren’t entirely sure on how long the rest of your supply would last.
A loud gunshot startled you, dropping the mangled can you barely picked up. Then you heard shouting from outside, distant, but nearby.
“This way! There are too many!” The voice of a woman shrilled through the streets outside. You ran out of the store, the same bell ringing as you were curious to see another human.
You immediately regretted letting curiosity get the best of you when the lifeless eyes of the infected— A horde, had seen you, hearing the chiming of the bell on the door.
“Shit.” You mumbled.
And you ran. You always have been. It’s either you run, or you let the infected rip you apart.
You always thought being lonely was better than being dead, and from the looks of it, you would be lonely again and the women you heard would be another infected in the city soon.
Every non-hostile person has ended up turning or dying in some way.
You weren’t an exception either.
You ran through the streets, turning into an alleyway the first chance you got, trying to throw off the infected.
Most walked, but the ones that ran? They were faster than you anticipated.
You made the mistake of looking back to get a sense of how close they were. You could hear their hungry growls and shrieks, but seeing how close they got to you caused a panic to take over your body and you tripped, falling on the hard concrete, skidding as the friction burned into your shins, knees, and hands as you tried to catch yourself.
When an infected jumped on you, hungrily gnashing its teeth, you thought you were done. That it would soon be over, and you wouldn’t have to live in survival mode anymore, wondering where your next meal would come from or if you would ever meet another person out there that didn’t want to kill or rob you.
You felt yourself give up, thinking that was the only thing to do.
In that moment, a loud gunshot had your ears ringing and the infected was harshly kicked off of you. Attempting to regain your bearings, a hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you up.
“Can you run?”
Another gunshot rang out as this mysterious woman fended off the horde of infected long enough for you to reassess your priorities.
“Yes.” You answered, the stinging from the fall lingering. It wasn’t enough to render you immobile, but you weren't going to deny that it hurt.
“Run!” She stopped shooting and pulled you along, breaking into a sprint. This time, you didn’t look back.
You and the woman ran until you circled back to the grocery store, only this time, you avoided the main door and redirected the woman around the back of the store, entering through the back.
You shut the door after she ran in, collapsing against the door from the exhaustion after running. The woman joined you, sitting across from you and against the wall beside an empty shelf.
“Thank you, for saving me.” You panted, speaking lowly as to avoid attracting attention. She lightly shrugged.
“I would like to think you would’ve done the same if it were the other way around.”
“You have a lot of faith in strangers.” You commented. She cracked a smile, taking a deep breath as her breathing began to calm.
“I’m Handong.”
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced, hearing the infected outside. Luckily none of them saw you two enter the small grocery store.
“There. Now we aren’t strangers anymore.” Handong reached into her backpack, pulling out a smaller bag. She pulled out a water bottle before opening the smaller bag.
“Show me your wounds.” Handong spoke, nodding for you to pull up your pant leg— Which you did, a bit hesitant.
“They aren’t that bad. Could’ve been worse.” You dismissed as Handong moved closer, washing the blood and dirt off of your scraped knees and shins.
“Maybe. But infection is one hell of a way to go out. Better safe than sorry.” Handong glanced up from your scrapes to meet your eyes. You noticed how close she was, the woman that saved your life, and how beautiful she was.
You felt for a moment that it was the wrong time to think about something like that, especially when there were hundreds of hungry infected outside that almost killed the two of you moments before.
But it was justified. You hadn’t seen another human— That didn’t leave you for dead or try to kill you— Since the early days of the outbreak. Handong lacked enough bandages, but she seemed to know how to even out the placement to where it looked like it was enough.
She took your hands gently, pouring the cool liquid against your palms, cleaning the scrape on your palms as best as she could with what she had.
“You fell pretty hard.” Handong used the rest of the bandage wrap to wrap your palms.
“Yeah.” You stared at her, unsure what else to say. You were still mesmerized by her beauty and how much kindness she showed you.
“I can clean your wounds better back at our hideout, but for now, this will help until the horde leaves this area.” Handong moved back to her previous spot, her back against the wall again.
“Are you a doctor?” You asked. Handong smiled, shaking her head.
“Hardly. I’m just the stand-in until we find an actual doctor.”
You hung onto her every word, finding her fascinating. Her voice, her looks, and her personality— From what you’ve been exposed to thus far.
“Do you have a place to stay? A group?” Handong asked, steering the conversation to you.
“No and no. You are the first non-hostile person I’ve met in months.”
Handong checked the magazine of her gun as you said that, almost triggering your fight or flight.
“You’re not alone there.” Handong holstered her gun after seeing how many bullets she had. “I can recall the number of times we kept ourselves awake because of hostiles in the area. If I could count on my hands how many times that was, that’s a bad sign because then I would be one of the mutated infected and I’d suggest you back away from me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, and even though she was serious, she ended up smiling at you for thinking she was funny.
And for a moment, you had forgotten the state of the world. You forgot the lonely days that turned into weeks, which turned into months. Having an actual conversation with an actual person rather than making comments to yourself just to fill the noise, felt a whole world better.
You hoped with every ounce left in you that you wouldn’t part ways.
The loneliness would’ve killed you before any infected would’ve. And maybe it was because of that fact that Handong saved you in more ways than one.
“I think the horde is gone.”
Standing up from the dirty tile, you peeked outside, seeing the horde was, for sure, gone, and left a trail of blood in their wake.
“Thank you, again.” You felt the dread of your moment with her coming to an end. She seemed to notice you stepping in the opposite direction of her and grabbed your wrist, careful as to not graze her hand against your scrapes.
“Come with me.”
You would have cried— If you could. You wouldn’t be alone anymore.
“To your group?” You hoped she wouldn’t change her mind.
But the smile on her face eased your worries, “yes. Where else?”
You shrugged and she grabbed your hand, adding to the relief and security she made you feel. As long as you stuck with Handong and you played your cards right, you wouldn’t be alone again.
With Handong, you felt you didn’t have to tip-toe or walk on eggshells around her. You followed her through short cuts she took all the way back to where her group was waiting— She hoped, at least.
It didn’t matter to you either that the city around you was painted in the blood of the dead or the wreckage of those who initially panicked when the outbreak happened, it was horrible, but you were able to ignore it this time because Handong was holding your hand.
Maybe it was too early to already have feelings for her.
Maybe you didn’t have feelings for her and was just glad someone saw enough value in you to save your life the way she did.
Handong looked back at you, an expression on her face that translated to ‘still alive?’. Whether she was actually thinking that or not, it felt nice, and you were certain that you were developing feelings for her.
She briefly let go of your hand, looking ahead at an old hotel that had barricades of dead cars and makeshift wooden fences surrounding the building.
“Don’t move.” Handong whispered. Handong proceeded to pick up a rock, throwing it at one of the cars. The rock caused a much louder sound than expected.
“Handong?” Another woman walked into view, holding a crowbar.
“Oh good, you all made it.” Handong sighed a breath of relief, motioning for you to follow her as the other woman opened the gate.
“We were worried about you.” The woman hugged Handong as she eyed you on your way into the safe zone.
“Who is this?” They pulled apart and Handong nodded towards you, giving you the go-ahead to introduce yourself.
“I’m Y/N. Handong saved my life.” You slowly smiled widely, trying to ease the tension. The other woman glanced at Handong, then back at you.
“I’m Yoobin.” She eased up on you, still showing caution at your arrival. You didn’t blame her either. You knew you weren’t bad, but they didn’t.
Just as you didn’t know whether they were actually good people or not. That’s how the world was. You didn’t know who to trust and who not to trust.
Who would save a person's life just to kill them?
“Handong’s back? I heard her signal but I—” Another woman appeared; She was holding a baseball bat that was latched to a makeshift holster on her back.
“Ah, Gahyeon, meet Y/N. The person Handong saved.” Yoobin glanced at you. And for a split second, you swore she smiled.
“Nice to meet you… Please don’t turn into a bad person. We are… Jumpy.” Gahyeon shook your hand. You couldn’t tell if she was threatening you or not, but you were more appeased that she showed willingness to trust you.
The three women walked inside and Handong motioned for you to follow them.
You were met with four more women, each holding a weapon of their own and varying differently from each other.
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced once more, feeling your nerves wracking as they each stared at you in varying degrees of caution.
“I’m Minji.” One of them spoke up. She was holding a hammer, gripping the handle as if ready for you to try something.
“I’m Bora.” The woman beside her spoke. Bora was holding a hatchet, also gripping it like her life depended on it. In her mind, it did.
You reminded yourself, you would be the same way. The hostiles ruined trust for those surviving.
“I’m Siyeon.” The woman holding a switchblade introduced herself next. It wasn’t open or ready to use, but you weren’t going to underestimate her speed— Or try her, for that matter.
“And I’m Yoohyeon, assuming you’ve already met Handong, Gahyeon, and Yoobin.” She was the only not holding a weapon. Nor did you see one attached to her.
It was about a week into you moving in that you found out her weapon was using and setting up traps for infected and hostiles alike.
Minji seemed to lead the place. She proved to be a great leader, in fact, and gave you a chance to prove yourself that you weren’t going to try anything that would get yourself or anyone else killed or hurt. She warmed up to you after you brought back food on a supply run and actually came back.
You deemed Bora as the ‘builder’, learning about how she’s the one that built the barricades around the hotel. It made more sense to you, seeing her weapon being a hatchet. She was impressed when you offered to help reinforce the fences, which greatly improved the defenses.
Siyeon is quick on her feet and quick to using her switchblade when needed. It isn’t clear exactly what her position was in the group, but that didn’t matter. You were just glad you were on her ‘shit-list’. Despite her clearly being a good fighter, she was actually very kind to you, and you offered to help her clear out the upper levels of the hotel.
You dubbed Yoohyeon as the strategic one in the group and she even taught you have to create a trap, which was tested on a roaming infected. She did laugh at your reaction when your trap worked, pinning the infected to a nearby tree.
Yoobin typically went on the food and supply runs. She was the first person you accompanied, learning the ropes from someone who did this routinely. She had a crowbar mainly to break into locked doors that she would run into around the city, and rarely ever used it to take down an infected.
Gahyeon usually kept watch for anything suspicious around the outside of the hotel. She knew how to keep hidden as to not alert any potential thieves or murderers. She uses her advantages to warn the group.
And Handong, the stand-in medic, is still the woman you’ve developed feelings for starting from the day you met her. Since then, you’ve gotten closer to her specifically.
Whether it was just in your mind or not, you had a feeling that she felt the same for you.
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joyxsoul · 5 years
han jisung as ur boyfriend
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-lmao there’s so many of these, but here’s another !! (highschool au rlly lol)
-okay, so u two met at school in ur senior year. he was a class clown type, always making jokes, being loud with his friends annoying every one of his teachers along the way.
-bUt, you made him soft !! like the instant he saw you, a little smile was on his face, making his friends (especially his best friend Felix) tease lil jisung, wondering who, or what could have made him this flustered
-i mean, he stopped talking for a full two hours after he saw you, your power
-anyways !!
-you had a couple of classes together, being history and english, and jisung just loved to watch you whenever there was free time between lectures
-it sounds hella creepy (it kinda was), but the way you scrunched your nose when you were concentrated, or your smirk when you finally figured something out or finished a project made his heart jump in his chest
-you were making THE han jisung shut up
-(like i said, your power :3)
-eventually, he grew the courage to talk to you (which included a pep talk from all of his closest friends, making him stand in front of the mirror and scream, “YOU ARE THE SHIT !!”)
-his tactic was to start with a pick-up line, a very classy, “on a scale of one to america, how free are you tonight ?” 
-hyunjin cringed listening to that one, seungmin was sure jisung had blew it and was gonna beat his ass after
-you were a bit surprised; you two weren’t in the same friend group and you hadn’t been seated together at any point
-but you DEFINITELY knew who he was bc who in this school didn’t know his group (a weird combination of crackheads, intellects, and stoners)
-i’ll let you decide who the stoners are in skz ;)
-being as easygoing as you were, you just laughed, responding with “are you from tennessee ? because you’re the only ten i see”
-jisung thought he was going to piss his pants he was so nervous 
-glad that he hadn’t completely ruined his image in front of you, he pulled out the empty chair beside you and struck up a conversation, most likely something related to the substitute asleep at the teacher’s desk
- you guys began to talk more often, working together on various projects, “studying” in the library (all it was was him pointing out random people in a textbook and saying, ‘that’s you’), and sitting together at lunch
-one night, he was facetiming you about homework for your history class. it was probably around 10 pm, and he spent most of the call complaining about how the pizza place messed up his order and gave him pepperoni instead of cheese 
-he had this gray hoodie on; he looked so tired and you constantly fussed over how he should get some more sleep, but he looked so cute in-
-wait did you just call him cute
-you couldn’t lie, jisung was attractive; his almond shaped eyes, his heart shaped mouth, his fluffy long hair, how his nickname was ‘quokka’ due to his face and his personality, how he texted you every morning and night, the way he said your name-
- “y/n ? is something wrong ? stop staring at my face.”
-oh shit you have a crush on han jisung
- “i told you to stop staring !! what, you have a crush on me or something ?” you shook yourself out of it, staring at him through the screen with wide eyes
-he was playing with the strings of his hoodie, his hair being messy with all the times he ran his hand through it. it was a habit you always rolled your eyes at; he’d obviously spend time in the mornings to make it look nice, only for him to ruin in ten minutes into talking about the cold war
-your other friends (wendy and lucas in particular) always teased you about your relationship with jisung
-”lucas please shut up.”
-but when you did look, jisung was staring at you, his smoothie straw hanging out of his mouth
-you couldn’t help but laugh at how dumb he looked
-and wow, you almost thought you saw his cheeks turn pink when you giggled 
“i know i wasn’t the only one who saw that.” lucas was looking like he was going to cry, wendy just looked fed up
-you didn’t know when your crush on him started. in those seconds of silence where you and jisung were just ogling at each other through the phone camera, you reflected on where it could’ve all gone wrong
-was it the time he held your hand when he was walking you home when an older man got too close for your liking ? or was it the time you were hanging out at his house and he fell asleep on your lap, only to smile in his sleep when you began running your fingers through his hair ? or was it the time when you two went out for boba tea when the waitress said you were a cute couple, only for him to smile and say, “thank you.”
“..y/n ?”
-”jisung, i have a crush on you.”
-pure silence
-oh my god, you messed everything up. the screen had gone black, you didn’t hear anything. building up your courage, you actually saw that he had hung up the phone, the numbers taunting you. 
-call ended  2:29
-you didn’t know what to do. your body felt numb, all sounds muted. you could only focus on a car passing by, a bird flying against the wind, the soft raindrops against the window.
-what are you supposed to do ? you had just lost the one person who you cared about the most. you two had known each other for a little over two months, but you'd already grown extremely close. you told him everything, he trusted you.
-and you fucked up a perfect, amazing friendship.
-the rain was getting heavier now, but you didn’t mind. it was always comforting to listen to, especially when you felt upset. your parents weren’t home until sunday, and as it was a saturday night, you had plenty of time to cry it out.
-”Y/N !!”
-god, you were going crazy, you swore you just heard jisung’s voice
-dumbfounded, you looked out your bedroom window to find jisung, still wearing his gray hoodie, a little drenched, with pebbles in his hand
-oh wow he rlly went full rom com with this one
-rushing downstairs, you pulled open the front door, only to be attacked by a hug from jisung, giggling to himself in glee
- “i got here as fast as i could, i need you.” with that, he pressed his lips against yours, still wet from the rain. he smiled into it, letting out a chuckle when you kissed him back. you pulled away quickly though, the blush on your cheeks turning into a full on tomato. jisung pouted, you poking his face as he flushed pink
- “in case you couldn't tell, i like you too. thought it was obvious.” he elbowed you, leading you up to your room while muttering “this isn’t real, this isn’t real”
-”you sleepy ?” you asked, making room for him on the bed. he just nodded, saying the homework could wait
-it was a little past midnight, and all you wanted to do was sleep. you climbed in, turning off all the lights, feeling jisung’s arms snake around your waist. he put his head into your neck, humming a song that wasn't familiar. just feeling his breath on your neck was making you drift off
- “goodnight sunshine, i’ll see you in the morning.” he placed a lazy kiss on your cheek, and drifted off.
-when it came to you two actually dating, no one was surprised (except mark, but he was oblivious at the best of times). the rest of skz couldn’t care less about what you looked like; they all knew how happy you made jisung and really, that’s all that matters
-jisung was always clingy, but dating him made it worse. he was always nearby, wanting to hold your hand, wanting to play with your fingers; basically any excuse to touch you. if you don’t like pda, he would definitely respect that, it made all those moments you shared with him that much more special
-he always had a nickname for you, but ever since you had first met, ‘sunshine’ had stuck. you never knew why, but jisung just thought you glowed, even at 3 pm on a school day or 7 am on a weekend because wow he loves you
-more than anything, he loved when you played with his hair, whether you were just touching it, or running your hands through it
-he might have liked it a bit too much, but uh you were not ready to venture down that path
-jisung would also spray his cologne on all of the hoodies he gave you because he knows how much you love it
-it’s not funny
-you keep telling him to take them back, but he doesn’t want them ?? “cooties bro. can’t.”
-you aren’t complaining, they’re comfy >:((
-jisung teases the ShiT oUt OF yOU
-like one day you came into class with your friend acting cute in an attempt to steal some of her hot cheetos
-only to have HEADASS just stare at you blankly, exclaiming “you look mentally unstable” while he laughed at you
-this along with doing middle school boy shit
-i’m talking taking your notebook and hiding it in another spot of the classroom, scaring you in the hallway, making you pull worksheets out of his hands while he passed them out
-think of ANYTHING that gives off middle school boy energy, he’s done it
-as annoying as he is
-he loves you. a lot. like, his main goal in your relationship is to make sure you’re happy with him, that you aren’t going to leave him because he isn’t putting the effort in
-you keep assuring him you love him, that you’d never do that to him. but no matter how many times he nods, or smiles
-there’s uncertainty in his eyes. because of that, he always assures you how beautiful you are, stays up all night if he has to when you pull an all nighter to study, gives you all the hoodies he can provide
-not only because he feels like he has to, but he’d do anything to see you happy; no matter how tired he feels 
-it breaks his heart to see you upset
-one day, you had gotten a test back while hanging out at jisung’s house, trying to help him study. you opened your score and your heart dropped. a 59%. that’s the worst you’d ever done. you had stayed up multiple nights to study, putting off your own personal needs in order to success
-it wasn’t enough. and that hurt
-jisung saw you start to cry and he  f r e a k e d
-oh god, his precious sunshine was crying and he didn’t know what to do
-he fumbled for a bit, saying, “it’s going to be okay !! it’s just one grade !!” only for you to cry harder and him to freak out even more
-eventually, he just hugged you from behind, laying you down on the couch. you were shaking so bad and it was making jisung tear up; he really hated seeing you like this 
-he knew talking wouldn't help, so he let you cry, wiping away your tears and rubbing small circles into your back. 
-”you’re okay sunshine, just hold onto me.” you always thought you didn’t deserve someone like him. someone so loving, so supportive. 
-but you love him. you’ve never loved someone like him; how dumb he sounded but always gave the best advice, always teasing you at any time during the day but shows up in front of your door with flowers just because
-and so when he sings “i smile” while caressing your cheek, you know there’s no place you’d rather be. in his arms, the vibration of his voice lulling you to sleep and just how warm he was
-and when you got to see him perform with the rest of his rapping group, your eyes just couldn’t leave him. his charisma, his confidence, how he’d always wink at you when he spotted you in the crowd. he was truly ethereal there, almost angelic in whatever he wore, because look at him
-almost nothing was better than seeing him backstage after a show to see him; him smirking when he’d pull you into his arms still sweaty when he’d whisper “missed you babydoll”
-no matter how much he’d nag you for staying up too late and not putting enough time into yourself, and no matter how much you’d nag him for not eating enough, you wouldn’t trade each other for the moon and all of her stars
-if soulmates existed, you were lucky enough to find yours in a shitty high school at 9:40 a.m. with a cheesy pick-up line
-but you wouldn’t have it any other way
AGHHHHH i really hope everyone liked this ?? ugh, it feels so rushed, but it’s really late here, so i hope i did sungie justice :((
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strawberry-mingyu · 5 years
Thank Johnny...
Synopsis: When Johnny said Jaehyun would be there you didn’t know what to expect (but of course you had to go ;) ), but you definitely didn’t expect to meet him like this. (Flirty-ish, Fluff-ish,Life-ish I guess 😂 Got inspired by Jaehyun dancing to Please Me in this video ⬇️ )
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“Johnny... you know I don’t really...-“ You trailed before Johnny Suh, your friend of almost a year now at university, cut you off.
“You can invite all your foreign exchange friends! It can be a cultural club experience for you all!” Johnny joked. You could literally hear the smirk on his face.
“Ha. Ha. You are a comedian...” You laughed fake at first, but then it became genuine thinking about how stupid Johnny was.
“Also, my friend, Jaehyun’s gonna be there! Maybe he can go back to your place for ramen, and I can finally have the apartment to myself for a night ;)”Johnny said teasingly.
“Ugh! Johnny, when I see you later, please get prepared for these fists!” You said rolling your eyes with a blush creeping up to your face.
You never got to the chance meet Johnny’s friend, Jaehyun, due to him being in a different department. You also never meet him because(, and you would NEVER tell Johnny this,) you were honestly a bit shy to meet him. Johnny had showed you his Insta, and ooooh that man was fine. Therefore, up until this point you slyly dodged the opportunities. However, tonight you had a spurt of courage. You don’t got nothing better to do. You should reward yourself for dealing with Johnny’s childishness. Why not with some eye candy ;). Fuck it!
Guess you going to the club tonight.
“Oof you missed him, [Y/N]! God he’s so handsome. Is he one of Johnny’s friends? Johnny’s so handsome...he’s got to be Johnny’s friend!” Your friends threw words at you all at once.
“All y’all are confusing me. Missed who?” You asked curiously with a laugh at how they were acting. You did want some eye candy.
“There was this guy. Had on a dangerously blue shirt, the sexiest smile like...shit...girl...I don’t bout that one mhm,” Your friend Yasmin said wiggling her eyebrows.
“And that shiny brown hair and those dimples!” Your other friend, Anna, gushed.
“He had aura around him! I swear!” Amy, your other other friend, added.
“Wait...nice smile...dimples...brown hair...aura...Jaehyun?” You thought reminiscing the pictures Johnny had shown you.
“Nahhh. That could be anybody,” You counter-thought.
You still didn’t see the guy they were talking about.... until you did. After whipping around to find him there he stood in front of you. The shiny brown hair, the dimples, that aura was all right in front of you, and it was, in fact, Jaehyun. The only thing different from their description was the alcohol stains on his ‘dangerously blue’ shirt.
“Oh god! I am so sorry! I was looking for...someone, and I wasn’t paying attention.” You said embarrassed.
“Oh no. It’s alright. I should have been paying attention, too.” He said with the most charming and honestly kinda cute voice as he held his now almost empty cup.
“Give me a second,” You said hurriedly making your way to the bar in desperate search of something to clean up the very literal mess you had made.
“Here. Gosh, I am really sorry, Jaehyun.” You sighed after you handed him the much needed napkins with a disappointed face.
“Do you know me?” He asked with a confused lift of his eyebrow as he dried his blue button-up (which looked very good on him by the way...like even with the stains).
“Oh, not really, but my friend Johnny came with you. He talks about you sometimes, and showed me some pictures of y’all. I just recognized you.,” You said with a coy smile. “So you do know who he is!” Your friends said surprised followed by them whispering how lucky you were. “Huh?” He said confused. “Uhh...-“You started before a hyper Johnny gave you somewhat of an escape.
“Hey, I see you guys- Dude what happened to you?” Johnny exclaimed loudly to Jaehyun as he felt his tarnished shirt after putting his arm around the man’s shoulder. Damn. Your friends really all HAVE to embarrass you.
“Nothing much... we kinda bumped into each other,” Jaehyun laughed awkwardly. You were quite literally burning up from embarrassment as your cheeks gained a pink hue.
“Oof! [Y/N] I didn’t think my little buddy ever got drunk, but you’re just out here bumping into people. Your cheeks are even pink!” Johnny pointed out; his amusement increased by the supposed “apple juice” (as he will later claim it was) in his veins.
“You’re [Y/N]! Johnny’s friend from the language department!” He said with the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. You swear this guy was legit emitting a glow around him. Shit...maybe you were drunk.
“Yeah...I am. Sorry you had to meet me like this. Also, I didn’t drink Johnny... I am just embarrassed,” You said giggling embarrassedly into tiny whispers.
“It’s okay! You can stop apologizing, silly. I am glad to meet you! Johnny also talks about you. A lot.” Jaehyun says with a playful smirk.
Your friend, Yasmin, pokes you and gives you that face. You know that face yo friends make like “OooOo. Girl, you getting you a man today. Ding Dong...You full package is delivered. ;)” You embarrassedly gave her a small swat.
“Ah that’s really something. Hopefully, he’s only said good things,” You replied trying to lighten the mood.
“Of course, he always talks about your cute accent, how you make him laugh with your clumsiness..., and also about how pretty you are... I guess all of those have been confirmed,” He said cooly. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, and the fact that Please Me was blasting through the speakers of the club as he danced a little ¡DID NOT! help! Before you could respond Johnny felt the need to pipe back up.
“I never called your accent cute by the way. I called it funny,” He said snickering while lazily leaning onto Jaehyun’s shoulder looking like a giant child.
“I am trying my best, Johnny, and also...he’s kinda drunk did you drive him here?” You questioned Jaehyun; less embarrassed and now more amused at Johnny’s behavior.
“Kinda drunk? He’s going to sleep like a baby tonight..., and then be hella sick in the morning. But we just walked here, so I will just carry him back.” He said rushing the end of his sentence as he caught the tall Elephant (Haechan lol) of a man as he almost fell over.
“Are you sure? I drove here... I mean I could drive y’all back to y’all’s apartment... Only if y’all...Well I guess just you since you’re the only mentally present one... are okay with it.” You said concerned.
“If it’s not a huge hassle, because honestly right now I don’t know if he can make it.” Jaehyun said laughing nervously.
“I can make it!” Johnny suddenly challenged tripping over to you just to lay his head on top of yours.
“Yeah...I will take you guys.” You said as you tried to lift the big idiot off of you while Jaehyun chuckled and helped you.
(That’s Jaehyun @ Johnny ⬇️)
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You told your friends what you were doing (cuz safety first children! keep ya squad in the know), and waved goodbye to them. They kept giving you the “OooOo...;)” look but you just playfully rolled your eyes. However, you couldn’t help the light blush that remained on your cheeks
You and Jaehyun helped Johnny out to your car, and laid him like a content baby across your backseat. As you took your seat, and Jaehyun sat shotgun, you felt oddly nervous. You know just having this handsome guy you just met today in your passenger seat. No biggie.
“You okay?” Jaehyun asked as he realized you had been paused for a moment.
“Yeah!” You said a bit too quickly starting the car, and beating yourself up (like in your head... not actually like... you get it) for acting like such a teenage girl.
The car ride was rather pleasant... well except for Johnny’s occasional drunken interjections. Jaehyun asked you about being a foreign exchange student, and you told him how you accidentally met Johnny by accidentally tripping over his foot on the first day of class. Overall, a good wholesome time. The trip couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes, but it felt like forever. In a good way.
“Well we’re here, Johnny... and he’s completely asleep,” You said giggling. Jaehyun looked over at you and then Johnny and just laughed. And darn was his laugh the most attractive thing you’ve ever heard.
“I hope you can get him in there easy, and hopefully he’s not too messed up in the morning,” You said laughing at the poor man.
“He’ll be fine! It’s my duty to his good friend to take care of him,” he said looking up from his phone to wink. at you. Woah. Woah. Woah. This guy just...winked...like...at you.
Your brain: *computer voice* Shutting off. Goodbye. 👋😄
“Haha...yeah. Tell me when he’s all good. I am gonna have to tease him, and hopefully he’ll forget what I did to you and won’t tease me,” You giggled flustered.
“I can’t tell you... unless I have your phone number, or if you stop by tomorrow,” Jaehyun said nonchalantly looking at his phone.
You chocked on thin air because wowww you didn’t expect that.
“You okay?” He asks laughing with that beautiful playful smile.
“Yeah! Just ya know the seasons! Darn allergies. (Yeahh handsome guy allergies ;) ) I will give you my number, and I can tell you when I am coming over tomorrow,” You said trying to regain your confidence.
“Sounds good. I guess I am glad you ruined my favorite shirt...” He smirked.
“It was your favorite!?” You exclaimed with puppy eyes.
“No! I am just kidding, [Y/N]!” He said laughing.
“Hey, You had me worried! Take your friend inside before he covers my backseats in drool!” You laughed in a playfully defensive tone.
“Yes ma’am! See you tomorrow, [Y/N]! Nice to finally meet you!” He said saluting to you, and opening the car door.
“Nice meet you too, Jaehyun! You’re just as ridiculous as Johnny said,” You said smirking.
“Did he really say that?” He asked with a seriously surprised look on his face.
“No! I am just kidding, Jaehyun!” You said mocking him.
“Goodnight!” He said laughing and shaking his head.
He got out the car, retrieved y’all’s sleepy friend from the backseat, and shut the doors. He looked back and gave you a playful expression as he helped Johnny back to their apartment.
“Bye...Y/N!” You heard Johnny slur out through your window you had let down.
“Bye, Johnny,” You giggled quietly to yourself as you cranked up your car.
Tonight was a great night!
You might have to thank Johnny...
after he gets through throwing up tomorrow.
Oof 😂 Sorry for discrepancies! I just had Jaehyun feels to let out! I never thought I would write a fan fiction again, but here I am. 😂✍🏽👩🏽‍💻
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, it’s hella late but we’ll have to see how long this post ends up being lol because a lot happened today but it might not be that much to describe. I woke up at 10:30 am to my alarm and met Jess for brunch at the usual place, taking with me only the essentials (phone, wallet, phone external battery, usb cord, wall plug, and my little container of mints I need for when my throat dries out which I also keep my keys in) and had them all shoved in my pockets because the concert was like hella strict about letting bags in and you could only bring is clear ones which is weird but okay. brunch was good, from there we walked to the red line and took it down to the loop to visit the BTS pop up store. so this is a pop up store that’s been here for a week prior to and during the concerts selling exclusive merch and some Chicago themed stuff but sadly they were sold out of that by the time we got there. We arrived and saw there was a line to go in, so we walked down the block to the corner, saw the line wrapped around the corner, walked down that block only to see the line wrapped around ANOTHER corner and walked down that block, only to find the end of the line just past yet another corner, to the point where the line was almost a square around the city block. So yeah, it was kind of extreme. We ended up waiting in line for like two hours or so, which could’ve been worse so I wasn’t all that miffed about it. We had prepared for it to be cold because Jess said it was freezing last night so I had my hoodie, my winter coat, and at that point I was holding my raincoat since the forecast said it was gonna rain tonight. I gave Jess my coat at one point because I wasn’t that cold and she was freezing. We finally made it into the store, I found it a bit underwhelming tbh, they had a few cool little places you can take pictures and look at the merch, and they give you a “menu” of items and you check off which ones and they give you a beeper (like at a restaurant) which buzzes when your order is ready and then you pay for it and head out. We were probably in there for about 25 minutes. I ended up getting a sticker pack just because everything was expensive (t-shirts were like, $59) and at least I’ll use them, and Jess got a button pack after deciding against the shirt she was looking at and planning to buy one at the concert. Once we finished there we walked back around the block to where there was a noodles and company, we were trying to conserve the amount of liquid we were taking in because apparently the bathroom line at the concert was like, 45 minutes long last night so we wanted to avoid that if we could. I had some mac and cheese and we chilled there for a bit before walking back over to state street. we were about to get on a bus that would’ve taken us straight down the where the field is, but when we went to get on Jess’ public transit pass was empty and you can’t reload it on the bus obviously so we had to get off, thankfully there was a train station right there that we just ran down to and loaded more money onto it, then helped this guy out who only needed a single ride but only had a $5 which the machine wouldn’t take, so Jess just swiped her card for him (it’s like $2 for one ride) and he was very thankful. We walked back up to the street only to find out the next bus we were going to take wasn’t coming for another 17 minutes, so we said fuck that and went back down to the red line station we’d just come out of and took that down a couple stops and then walked the rest of the way there, it wasn’t bad, probably a little less than a mile. So this concert was at soldier field, which is the football stadium here in Chi, and is of course massive. For perspective’s sake, the venue we saw NCT at this past week seats 4,400, (I looked these up I didn’t just have them off the top of my head), the hockey stadium we saw Blackpink and Panic! At the Disco at seats 18,500, and soldier field seats 61,500 (minus the seats that are behind the stage, but still, it’s massive). so it was a lot bigger than our previous concerts. We walked around the stadium till we got to the right gate to enter for people with floor tickets, getting in wasn’t bad thankfully. Once we were in we stopped at a merch booth and Jess got the shirt she wanted and I got one of their lightsticks which is like a must have basically, it’s really cool, you sync it with an app according to your seat number and during the concert they control it via bluetooth so everyone’s lightsticks are either synched together or alternating to make like a cool pattern, and it looks really awesome during the concert. After that we made our way to our seats, it had started raining at this point but it was still fairly light, it would pick up before the concert started unfortunately. I ended up making a bathroom run to the row of port-a-potties they had there, because I can suck it up and deal with that rather than waiting god knows how long for the bathroom line. The stadium had opened a whole 2 1/2 hours before the concert actually started, so we ended up sitting in our seats and waiting for a while. SInce we had bought better tickets, we were in the “A” section that’s closest to the stage, but towards the back of it and on the outer edge, where their stage set up was your basic stage in front and then a platform leading out past the audience and a slightly bigger platform at the end that was basically a “B” stage, and they went back and forth between both during the concert. The row behind us was mostly empty, so some people ended up going to that row since they could get closer, so we got to move in some to get a better view which was cool. The concert was pretty great, I have to give them a lot of credit because the majority of the time they were out there singing and dancing they were getting rained on (the main stage had somewhat of a cover but the B stage did not) but they didn’t miss a beat and performed with the same energy and enthusiasm you would expect at a concert like this, so they get major credit from me for that. I’d been listening to the set list so I had at least some familiarity to all the songs, some better than others but I had a good idea what was generally going on. But yeah, it was really cool and fun and Jess is trying to convince me to end up in New York next weekend for their Sunday show (this is after flying to Orlando for MegaCon on Friday night and spending Saturday there, then we’d hypothetically fly to NY Sunday morning, go to the concert, and fly back to Chicago early Monday morning) which I will admit would be very fun but like, the level of energy and monetary investment that would take to pull off is just not here right now, especially because we’re literally doing a NY trip the weekend after next, lol. So that’s probably not going to happen. I liked it a lot though, all of the boys seemed very genuine (except J-Hope, I had his smarmy little face) and performed very well. I was glad nobody slipped and fell on the wet platform because that could’ve been very bad. They had a ton of background dancers, and apparently they had held Chicago auditions for them a while back so all of them were actually from Chicago that got hired and trained for the job, which is really awesome (and probably more financially prudent for the company than to pay to fly another 30 people around the country). And yeah, that’s pretty much it for the concert. After the encore was finished (because there always has to be an encore of course) we met up with Jess’ roommate who was a few rows ahead of us and started our trek back to the red line station, which wasn’t too bad. Apparently last night Jess had waited in line for the bus back to the station and it took like almost an hour to actually get on, so walking seemed like a much better option. We got to the station and started our journey home, Jess and her roommate bailed about halfway through at the station that lets you switch over to the brown line which is closer to their apartment, so I rode the red line the rest of the way back and then walked from there back to my place. It was a trek I hadn’t made in a while but made many many times before, I don’t think I’d ever done it this late before though since it was almost midnight. I didn’t have my earbuds with me so I wasn’t listening to music, and I couldn’t help notice how eerily quiet it was, but that was probably due to my lack of usual music on that walk. At one point I passed a street where you could hear a man yelling very loudly which was fairly disturbing, and then there was a fairly loud noise of some sort, but not enough of a confirmation that it was actually something abusive, so I just shuddered and kept walking, praying that whatever was going on, nobody would end up getting hurt. I’m super sensitive to those kind of situations due to all the time I spent working at the domestic violence legal clinic, and I know that arguments that start with yelling and throwing things over time will often escalate to physical abuse and other mistreatment (not that yelling and throwing things isn’t emotional abuse in itself, but unfortunately emotional abuse isn’t exactly illegal). so that was a fun thing to hear on my way home that late, but I made it back to my apartment and had to grab a bunch of packages that had accumulated for me, then got to my bedroom and dumped everything, then jumped in the shower and started getting ready for bed, and now I’m here! So yeah, good day. It is almost 2:30 am, so definitely past my bedtime and I am getting very sleepy, so I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight loves. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck.
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